IECEx TOTAL Standards Angola
IECEx TOTAL Standards Angola
IECEx TOTAL Standards Angola
Patrick Leroux
Who is TOTAL?
A global oil and gas company
S k market
k capitalization
i li i = € 100 billion
Turnover 2011= € 184 billion – US$ 257 billion
Adjusted net income 2011= US $ 16 billion
Capital expenditures 2011 =US $ 22 billion
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Oil & gas exploration,
l ti d
l t and
d production,LNG
d ti LNG
Production in 30 countries
Proved reserves :10.7 billion of barrels of oil equivalent per day (12 years )
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R fi i
k ti d trading
t di &shipping
& hi i
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IECEx Dubai 20‐21/03/2012 P.Leroux 5
Other Activities
I t t in
i coall mines,power
i generation
ti ,etc
Bang Bo (Thaïland)
Taweelah (UAE)
Solar , biomass
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A few projects in non conventional fields
Deep offshore
• Long history of deep offshore projects since 2001
• Girassol FPSO in Angola (WD 1400 m)
• Akpo (Nigeria - 2009) first all electric FPSO
•Pazflor (Angola 2011) FPSO with first subsea separation
and subsea multiphase pumping
• Clov (Angola) with VSD for all main process equipment
Heavy oil
Oil sand mining and processing in Canada (Alberta)
Joslyn North Mine
Shale gas
Barnett Shale with Chesapeake In USA (Texas)
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A few projects in non conventional fields
Artic area
On-going development of LNG plants in Artic
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Future major projects
Total is also a partner with MUBADALA in the Dolphin company ( marketing of gas
produced in Qatar )
and with ADWEA in TAWEELAH A1 (power & desalination plant )
Total is also operator of Abu Al Bukhoosh (ABK ) oil & gas field (offshore )
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Shams :concentrated Solar Power Plant in Abu Dhabi-rated capacity of 100 MW
Total in the Middle East
Qatar: presence since 1936 with interests in
Al Khalij field (offshore )
North Field
Qatargas 1(LNG plant)
Dolphin project (Ras Lafan plant)
Qatargas 2 (train 5)
Laffan Refinery
il basin
b i –East
E Sh b
Shabwa (
Marib basin –Jannah (interests )
Yemen LNG –Balhaf liquefaction plant
Deir Ez Zor IECEx Dubai 20‐21/03/2012 P.Leroux 11
Total in the Middle East
Block 6-53
Q lh LNG
Production under buyback agreements
First discovery Baba Gurgur oil field north of Kirkurk (1927)
Halfaya field
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Safety, a core strategic Issue for the O&G industry
Safety has been for years a key issue within the Oil & Gas Industry, and particularly in
Upstream operations
OGP edit each year the “OGP Safety Performance Indicators”, which gives the
performance of the Upstream Industry
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UPSTREAM statistics OGP extract
Safety performance indicators 2010 data report 455 ( publication May+June 2011)
Since 1985 collect data ………OGP safety database
53 members (Exploration & Production)
42 reported data in 2010
covering 102 countries
Explosion/burns =15 %
o The European Union (E.U) gathering 27 countries where the ATEX directives
ust be applied
app ed ((law).
a )
o A few other European countries outside the EU (Norway, Switzerland,…) have also
decided to use at least the “Product” ATEX directive
o Outside these 2 major zones , other systems exist (Russia ,China ,…)but many
countries in the world do not have strict regulations/rules
g or simply
p y have adopted
either European rules or North American ones.
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Explosive Atmospheres , ATEX in EUROPE
EUROPE : ATEX directives (Law in Europe ,applicable to 27 countries) are mandatory :
• ATEX 94/9/EC (“Product” directive) -2003 • ATEX 1999/92/EC (“User” directive) 2006
Implementation of these directives have used a lot of time and efforts from Industry !
Difficulties encountered with application of ATEX directives :
o New approach
pp conceptp :
Requirements are no longer based on mandatory application of standards
(CENELEC *ones very close of IEC standards for Ex matters ) but on Essential & Health
Safety Requirements ) .
A standard
Any t d d can be
b applied
li d ,provided
id d it can be
b demonstrated
d t t d that
th t EHSR’s
EHSR’ have
h been
b mett
………Risk of interpretation !!
o Self certification by the manufacturer is authorized for equipment in zone 2 ( no third
p y involvement )
o Too many Ex Notified Bodies (test houses) have been appointed by Governmental
Organizations without control of their effective competence
*CENELEC standards = European electrical standards IECEx Dubai 20‐21/03/2012 P.Leroux 16
Explosive atmospheres : Which rules at Total ?
TOTAL when
h acting
ti as an OPERATOR in
i the
th U
t IIndustry
d t does
d apply
l :
o Local regulations, & national or international standards as well as the Corporate rules
a d spec
cat o s
o The same level of requirements worldwide.
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Explosive Atmospheres , Total rules in EUROPE
Th 2 ATEX DIRECTIVES h have bbeen applied
li d but
b t with
ith a few
f additional
dditi l requirements
i t
defined by Total in its Corporate specification ( GS ELE 079 )
qu p e t for
o zone
o e 2 (catego
y 3 ,as pe
per ATEX ) :
“Self certification” (by internal control of production) by the manufacturer
is not accepted by TOTAL
A type examination certificate (equivalent to CoC of IECEx) shall be delivered
to the client (as it is claimed for an equipment for zone 1,
1 category 2-
2 although
not requested by ATEX )
Ex Notified Bodies : they are all equivalent in theory, as per ATEX , but there are
substantial differences between Ex NBs.
All Ex NB are not entitled to deliver all type examination certificates against all
schemes defined in the ATEX directives
The ExNB proposed by the manufacturer with its products is taken into consideration
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during equipment evaluation stage
Explosive Atmospheres ,Total rules outside EUROPE
Since a vast majorities of countries had no strict rules ,Total decided as from 2003
(when ATEX directives became in force) to apply also the ATEX directives in these
countries ( outside the European Union & North America )
Until recently nothing did exist in the world but only regional systems (eg ATEX) or
local systems.
This is why Total decided until recently to apply the ATEX directives worldwide
(except for countries with an « American content ») because ATEX, although not part
of the local regulations, was accepted by many countries (e.g. : most of countries in
Africa, Indonesia , Gulf ,etc ..)
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Explosive Atmospheres ,Total rules outside EUROPE
ATEX directives have led most manufacturers to review completely their range of Ex
products, recertify them, create a new range of products, all being certified to ATEX.
This has created a climate of confidence with ATEX products and explain the reasons
of Total choice to adopt the ATEX directives worlwide .
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What should be done to have a safe installation
in explosive atmosphere ?
i t mustt be
b manufactured
f t d in
i conformity
f it with
ith a recognized
i d standard
t d db by a
reputable manufacturer .
Equipment must be certified by a recognized third party
qu p e t must
ust be installed
sta ed aand
d maintained
a ta ed by cocompetent
pete t pe
so s
Equipment must be repaired in « qualified » workshops
The ATEX directive does not have any provision to maintain the certification of
repaired equipment to evaluate the repair shop ability to enforce the requirements of
IEC/EN 60079-17 & -19 while IECEx has developed the “Service facilities scheme “
In O&G Industry,
y the Company
p yp personnel skills are normally
y evaluated using
g internal
procedures but personal competence of contractors (installation ,operation ,
maintenance ) cannot be easily assessed and this is a weak point .
No sound provisions have been included in the ATEX directive while IECEx has
developed the “Personnel competence scheme”
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5 years ago , the IECEx system was still not very well known at Total !
When the IECEx system became more visible (around 2008 ) a question came to the
mind of many engineers :
o What are the differences between the IECEx system and the ATEX system ?
The answer was not immediate at TOTAL .
o But next question was :
Wh t would
What ld be
b the
th benefits
b fit for
f TOTAL (if any)) to t adopt
d t the th IECEx
IECE system
t (outside
( t id
Europe) in replacement of ATEX directives ?
and the answer took a little time IECEx Dubai 20‐21/03/2012 P.Leroux to appreciate these differences!
A detailed
d t il d comparison
i b t
between IECE and
IECEx d ATEX was carried
i d outt which
hi h highlighted
hi hli ht d
again criticisms made against the ATEX directives !
e 2 major
ajo o ones
es ca
can be su
a ed as follows
o o s:
Self certification made by the manufacturer itself is authorized for product installed in
zone 2 .No certification by a Third Party is required
Too many Notified Bodies (Ex NB) have been appointed for which competence
equivalence may be questionable !
• Only IEC standards will be applied , which is a form of guarantee since these
standards have been prepared by the largest community of worlwide experts .
• It’s easier for people going fromIECEx Dubai 20‐21/03/2012 P.Leroux
site to site to have to know only one set of standards.
P d ti Q Quality
Quality audit at manufacturer’s works is based on the most restrictive system for all
e type of
o equipment
equ p e t (equipment
(equ p e t for
o zone
o e 0, 1,2
, ) whilee with
t ATEX tthee aud
auditt depe
on equipment category with even no audit at all for equipment for zone 2 which are the
most numerous !
Other features
IECEx has developed a series of schemes which have no equivalent with ATEX
Past experience has shown that many accidents have often a high human content
(human error
error, human deficiency
deficiency, lack of competence,
competence etc …)) compared to equipment
The Ex world has considerably changed during these last 10 years and many people
mayy have not been sufficientlyy trained and are not aware of new requirements
although having worked in the O&G industry for many years
The Personnel competence scheme is considered as an asset for Operator hiring
many people for operation & maintenance on various sites through the world
More confidence shall be placed in people having their CoPC
Conclusion : IECEx brings more confidence than ATEX
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Benefits expected from IECEx
All ttype off products
d t ( ffor zone 0
1 2) are certifed
tif d by
b a third
thi d party,
t no self
lf certification
tifi ti
by the manufacturer is authorized giving confidence to the USER
Qua ty aud
auditt at manufacturer
a u actu e works
o s based oon tthe
e most
ost restrictive
est ct e syste
system ( the
t e one
o e
used only for zone 0 for ATEX)and applicable to all EPL
Certification based on only IEC standards ( wellknown all over the world )
The overall number of Ex CB’s and ExTL’s remain today limited and well controlled
Certified repair workshop will provide repaired equipment with a valid certificate
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Benefits expected from IECEx
and not only a single product certification system as found in the other certification
This will improve the level of safety and confidence in the overall chain of the
installation of the life cycle
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Acting as a global oil company, Total needs a « global Ex certification
system »
Until recently nothing did exist at world level and due to ATEX major
impact in 2003 decision was made by Total to also apply ATEX outside
Europe (except in American influence areas )
Yet today situation has dramatically changed with the IECEx effective
arrival and this why Total decided to modify its rules end of 2008 :
Europe : ATEX shall be applied since it
s the European law
Rest of the world (except North America )
ATEX still accepted
IECEx recognised
g and accepted
p with no restrictions as from
end 2008
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E l i in i a next future
Endorsement by the UNECE has stressed the interest for IECEx worlwide use
One may decide to accept only IECEx (out of Europe and American influence areas)
since practically most of manufacturers will have products which are both ATEX and
IECEx certified (by derogation other certificates for specific products may be
But this is not quite satisfactory for a global oil company to have 2 systems !
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d a manufacturer
f (installed
(i ll d outside
id Europe
E ) having
h i a CoC
C C issued
i d by
b an
Ex CB (installed outside Europe) can obtain from an Ex NB (therefore
installed in Europe) an EC type examination certificate (after a limited
number of verifications) but this is not yet an automatic procedure !
The IECEx is a prescriptive system (eg use IEC standards or ISO where
IEC does not exist)while the ATEX just defines the Health and Safety targets
to be achieved (eg any standard can be used) which makes both systems rather
The goal for having only one system in the world is still a long way
ahead, but efforts should be placed to reach this target and a company like
TOTAL will support these initiatives .
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IECEx and Total
Any question ?
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