Preposition: On, in & at (Kata Depan: On, in & At)

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Preposition: On, In & At

(Kata Depan: On, In & At)

On, In, At

I. On = Dipermukaan (melekat)

Name of day

Place that has surface

On + Name of street (incomplete address)

Inf. + ing



1. She was born on Friday night in July

2. I put the tape on the table before
3. Carol lives on Jl. Patimura
4. They are going on studying
5. She leans on you

II. In = Didalam
Di daerah / Di era

Month / Year / Century

City / Town

In + Place that has room

Inf. + ing



1. I was here in 1997

2. We will study in New Jersey
2. I keep the camera in that safety box
3. Bobby is interested in writing
4. I believe in you
III. At = Tepat di / Tepat ke
Tepatnya di

Name of Building / Name of Department

Name of Street and the number (Complete Address)

At + Clock

Session of Day

Inf. + ing



1. They always look at you. What’s up?

2. I teach at Tricom

3. I live at Jl. Sembada 17, Padang Bulan, Medan Baru

4. I go to work at 7.00 in the morning

5. They are clever at painting

Some, Any & Many, Much
I. Some + Plural Subject / Uncountable Subject ….. (+) & (+) sense (idea)

Some = Beberapa, Memang ada beberapa, Sedikit (Mungkin)

Some + Plural Object / Uncountable Object ….. (+)

Some = Sedikit, beberapa (Mungkin)

I a. Some of + Plural Subject …(+) & (+) Sense (idea)

Some = Sebagian, Sebagian kecil , Beberapa dari

II. Any + Plural Subject / Uncountable Subject …. (-) / (?)

Any = Bahkan ada, Bahkan ada beberapa (+) & (-) sense (idea)

Any = Pasti ada, Pasti ada beberapa (+) & A must

Any + Plural Object / Uncountable Object …… (+) / (?)

Any = Beberapa , Sedikit

Any of + Plural Subject ………………….. (-) / (?)

Any = Bahkan ada sebagian kecil, Bahkan ada sebagian

Any = Pasti ada sebagian kecil, Pasti ada sebagian

A. Notice:
(+) Sense means (ideas): No party gets lost either subject or object of the sentence (Tidak ada pihak
yang dirugikan baik itu subjeK atau objek)

(-) Sense means (ideas): There is party getting lost, it maybe subject or object of the sentence (Ada
pihak yang dirugikan, mungkin saja sabjek atau objek)

(+) (informal)

III. Many + Plural Noun …………. (-) / (?) (much better & formal)

(?) (much better & formal)


Many of + Plural Noun …….

Sebagian besar, Banyak daripada ………

(+) (informal)

IV. Much + Uncountable Noun ……… (-) (much better & formal)

(?) (much better & formal)


1. …… women can drive car here at this school

a. Some c. Many

b. Any d. Much

2. …... children take marijuana in the city nowadays

a. Some c. Many

b. Any d. Much

3. ….. people came here before, I am sure! Look at these stamped steps
a. Some c. Many

b. Any d. Much
4. I didn’t see ….. pupils coming here this morning
a. some of c. much

b. some d. any

5. They met ……… ladies swimming at the pool on last Friday afternoon
a. much c. some

b. many d. any

6. I never found ……. problems here before this

a. some c. some of

b. many d. much

7. James won’t give you …… money, he is so stingy as well as I know

a. some c. some of

b. much d. many

B. Any + Plural noun / Uncoubntable noun …………………………?

Any = Adakah …..? / Ada ………?


5. Any money with you?

6. Any drink at the store? / Any something to drink at the store?
7. Anybody home? (No signal, there is people or no people inside)
8. Somebody home? (There is signal people stay inside)

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