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Order of Nine Angles: Three Interviews With Anton Long

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Three Interviews With Anton Long

We present here three interviews with the mysterious Anton Long whose identity, despite
rumours and allegations to the contrary, remains a mystery, with Professor Monette
writing that it was possible that "Anton Long" might be a pseudonym used by several
different people. 1 In the matter of identity no one in over forty years has provided
anything probative.

The interviews - dated 2011, 2015 and 2021, with the 2011 and 2015 ones previously
published and as of October 2021 still available on-line - should enable readers to form
their own opinion in respect of whether Anton Long was and is one individual or several

The 2021 interview was conducted in person by Rachael Stirling in September in Oxford,
England, and was recorded and then transcribed by her.

The interview is particularly relevant given the virulent post-2018 and ongoing campaign
of lies and disinformation propagated by anti-fascists with the aim of not only discrediting
the O9A but also having the British government outlaw the O9A and suppress its
literature. We have added some references in the form of footnotes to elucidate certain
matters and to supply a reference where Anton Long quotes from some text (courtesy of a
DVD of O9A texts) or from some other item. As with his 2015 interview Anton Long read
the transcript, with the only changes made in this instance being of punctuation, of using
his idiosyncratic spelling - as in reflexion - and hyphenating certain terms such as agent-

The 2015 interview was also conducted in person by Rachael Stirling, in New York city in
Cafe Colette in Brooklyn, and recorded and then transcribed by her.

In the 2015 and 2011 interviews dots enclosed in square brackets [...] indicate when some
text has been omitted for publication here: in the case of the 2015 interview because it
concerned AL's background and personal life and was intended only for personally known
and trusted colleagues, and in the case of the 2011 interview because (i) the interviewer
was personally unknown to the interviewee with the interview impersonally conducted
using the medium of "electronic mail" with, for security reasons, the use of an
intermediary, and (ii) certain matters - to do with the appraisal (the testing) of certain
individuals and of certain tactics and outer forms - were still ongoing. 2 Which certain
matters are mentioned in the 2021 interview.

TWS Nexion
October 2021 ev

1. Connell Monette, Mysticism in the 21st Century. Sirius Academic Press, 2013, p.92
2. In the matter of testing and the O9A, qv. the 2021 text Tests, Logos, And The O9A Aural
Code. https://archive.org/details/tests-o9a-code

2021 ev

An Aristocratic Ethos

Rachael Stirling. In the six or so years since you last gave an interview there have been
significant developments in respect of the Order of Nine Angles. I'm thinking here of two
things. First, the post-2017 anti-O9A FBI psyop during which they paid their agent
provocateur over $78,570 US dollars between 2018 and 2020. Second, the post-2018 and
ongoing campaign of lies and propaganda directed at the O9A by antifascists with the aim
of discrediting the O9A and having the British government ban the O9A and make its
literature illegal. {1}

Your view of these matters?

Anton Long. Personally I find it rather amusing that the Order of Nine Angles has in the
space of around four years gone from being publicly regarded as a joke, a faux Satanist
group, to being described and I quote as "the most dangerous far right terror movement
operating in the world today." {2}

Amusing, but not surprising. It is amusing not only because some government officials and
some group as well as some anti-fascists apparently really believe or believed that the
Order of Nine Angles was or is an actual organization with members and has some sort of
hierarchy or at least a leader which or who has some sort of authority to confer
membership, but also amusing because they have no appreciation, not even an intimation,
of our Aeonic perspective.

It is not surprising because we - and I mean our folk, our kindred, followers of our
philosophy - seem to have angered a particular sub-set of the set of elements well-
described by the denotatum "Magian ethos" and, because of and through the instigation of
that particular sub-set, angered some other sub-sets, all of whose values inform their
activities and the change they desire to make in people and in societies. One of these so
instigated sub-sets consists of anti-fascists.

RS. By a particular sub-set you mean "they who must not be named" lest we fall foul of
some causal abstractions they and their savants {3} have manufactured which pejorative
abstractions are now enshrined, presenced, by means of some criminal law or laws?

AL. Certainement.

RS. You mentioned the O9A Aeonic perspective. Can you elaborate?

AL. In the context of all the adverse publicity of the past few years and of the
machinations of that particular Magian ethos sub-set and the activities, actions, and
propaganda of those instigated or inspired by them, including governments and their
cohorts, I mean the continuing concealed transmission of our philosophy and of the Seven
Fold Way - or what both may evolve to become - over decades and centuries. That is, a
transmission, a learning, from individual to individual; from one generation to the next.
From one person in one rural locality to a so suitable neighbour. From a book or
manuscript kept hidden but revealed, when the causal time is right, to someone with our
perceiveration, our physis, an intuitive appreciation of our sinister-numinous aesthetic. A
learning by an individual or by perhaps two who for themselves chance upon or discover
or who have sought a books or books or manuscript or manuscripts of ours and who thus
become inspired to follow our philosophy and perhaps a praxis of ours. Etcetera.

In practice, this is the continuation of our aural traditions, from esoteric philosophy, to our
Culture and Arts of pathei-mathos, to our traditions of sorcery, to our ways of living such
as the Rounwytha, to our mythos, to the subversive transmission of a history of the
century just passed which relates a version of a particular war quite different from now
official government versions which include a mandatory belief in a particular modern

RS. In Aeonic terms, "they who must not be named" and cohorts and savants will fail.

AL. Yes.

RS. Why did they launch that well-funded FBI psyop? Surely we were no threat to them?

AL. My own fallible opinion in respect of "some of them" based as this opinion is on
around fifty years of experience is that as so often in the past it was a passion bordering
on anger and prejudice that was the main motivation; and one nurtured by a mythology of
being special, chosen, and of having suffered in the past. A prejudicial passion such as
gave birth to the raison d'être expressed by the slogan "never forgive, never forget" which
motivates and has motivated so many of their savants such as anti-fascists and which
keeps a particular modern myth in existence.

On reflexion, our longevity and our slowly growing influence in Europe and America
seemed to be perceived as a threat so it was decided to change the public perception of
our philosophy and of our core Occult praxis by using the propaganda tactics of what has
been termed "the gutter press". Hence the propaganda manufactured by an agent-
provocateur regarding our philosophy condoning misogyny, rape and paedophilia;
dishonourable proclivities and accusations, with such propaganda guaranteed to be used
against us by anti-fascists, by their political savants, and also be uncritically used by
certain types of journalists and by others to defame our philosophy in the minds of the
general public.

It was assumed, correctly as it transpired, that few if any people would seek the truth by
researching the primary sources, the manuscripts and texts, which expound our
philosophy and which reveal the exact opposite of what such propaganda declaims: which
is that we regard such things as misogyny, rape and paedophilia as detestable,
dishonourable; as deeds of uncultured brutes and in the case of rape and paedophilia as
making the perpetrators candidates for culling.

RS. Which brings us to the matter of O9A pretenders - and the pretendu crowd in general
- since the FBI agent provocateur claimed to be O9A and was even cited as being the
leader of an American nexion or chapter. Since no one contradicted his claim he was
generally regarded as O9A since there is no procedure in our kindred, no leader or
authority, to declare who is or who isn't O9A. Isn't that a fundamental weakness which the
Feds and anti-fascists have taken advantage of?

AL. This goes to the core of our philosophy, the Occult philosophy which the appellation
Order of Nine Angles exoterically describes but esoterically somewhat intentionally

Since the Order of Nine Angles esoterically apprehended is an Occult philosophy, it is not
an organization or a group or even a traditional hierarchical Order and thus does not have
conventional members, only individuals influenced by or interested in that philosophy or
seeking to apply that philosophy or aspects of it to their own lives.

Decades ago I wrote that

"being a member of the ONA simply means that the individual follows, or tries to
follow, the path to Adeptship as outlined in various works including Naos." {4}

That is, someone seeking, via esoteric and exoteric pathei-mathos, Lapis Philosophicus;
more conventionally understood as Wisdom. The emphasis is on an individual following a
path or way such as our Seven Fold Way, and thus on learning from personal experience.

Forming a nexion and thus involving a few others may be a useful time-limited experience
undertaken in the early stages. But is not mandatory, Nothing in our philosophy is
mandatory. It is only suggested because of having been found to be useful in the past.

Furthermore, it needs to be understood that declaring to friends, or to work colleagues, or

to a wider public or to whomsoever, that you are ONA or following or supporting a
particular philosophy known as the Order of Nine Angles, is a personal choice and one
that usually has certain consequences even if the declaration is publicly made by means of
some modern medium using a pseudonym.

Insofar as we who are already following that philosophy in a practical way are concerned,
a consequence is that such a declaration is meaningless unless one or two or both criteria
are met.

The first criterion is that the person is known to us personally, person to person in real
life, not by means of some impersonal medium be it a letter or "electronic mail" or some
"weblog" or something published in some book or on a website or on what is now termed
"social media". In practical terms, as I and others wrote years ago, we do not trust the
person unless and until we meet with them in person over a period of causal time,
although some of us may feign such trust by some impersonal medium if it is believed the
person might be useful to us or to our cause.

The second criterion is that we expect them, if they have gone public and declared they
are, for example, following the Seven Fold Way, or if they pontificate in public about our
philosophy as if they, as "members of the ONA" are knowledgeable about it, then they are
expected, if asked, to provide proof. In the case of the praxis that is the Seven Fold Way
proof would recordings of them and/or their nexion performing Esoteric Chant. Or
photographic images of their Star Game. Or an image of them when undertaking an
Insight Rôle. Or publicly available documents regarding their sinister or exeatic or
antinomian deeds. And so on.

In the case of writings about our philosophy we would expect them to be able to answer
certain esoteric questions and have knowledge - gained by means of Occult skills or
discovered by means of esoteric empathy and intuition - of certain of our esoteric

In essence, with one rare exception, we who are already following our philosophy in a
practical way keep silent in public about those claiming to be, or those claimed by sundry
others to be, of our kind or part of our kindred. The judgment of those claiming or claimed
to be is for others, if others deign to do so. The one rare exception is if one or more of our
kind perceive some individual or group has done or written something which is a
contradiction par excellence of our philosophy and our ethos.

Since our ethos is succinctly expressed by three terms -  πάθει-μάθος, καλὸς-κἀγαθός, and
kindred-honour - it should be obvious that the American agent-provocateur had acted and
written and propagandized in contradiction to that ethos, especially as καλὸς-κἀγαθός
enshrines noble personal behaviour and thus personal honour {5} which thus precludes
advocating and committing the aforementioned dishonourable deeds. That our ethos
enshrines noble, cultured, personal behaviour should have been obvious to those
incipiently of our kind given not only the clues scattered over decades among my writings
and those of some others, but also by texts such as my The Gentleman's – and Noble
Ladies – Brief Guide to The Dark Arts, my Concerning Culling as Art and my The De-
Evolutionary Nature of Might is Right. {6}
In The Gentleman's – and Noble Ladies – Brief Guide to The Dark Arts published in 119
Year of Fayen [2008] I wrote:   

"Outwardly, in terms of persona and character, the true Dark Arts are concerned
with style; with understated elegance; with natural charisma; with personal
charm; and with manners. That is, with a certain personal character and a
certain ethos. The character is that of the natural gentleman, of the natural
noble lady; the ethos is that of good taste, of refinement, of a civilized attitude."

Which summarizes our aristocratic approach although that is not how our way has been
perceived - for whatever reason or reasons - by Levey-type satanists, by Setians, by other
Occultists, by academics, by journalists and by anti-fascists, who have all mistakenly
grouped us with the uncouth, ignoble, "might is right" brigades.

RS. We - I mean our nexion - have recently collected some quotations and explanations
relevant to that, to our, approach as a counter to the lies and propaganda of that anti-O9A
FBI psyop. This quotation dates from 2011,

"The ONA is now a nine-fold being, with there being three aspects to its three-
fold being (that is, three "angles" to each of the three aspects). In the exoteric
sense, these three "angles" of the three aspects (or three causal presencings) of
its three-fold living nature - of its sinister character - can be re-presented by: (i)
the ONA itself [what it is causally perceived to be and what it now causally
inspires]; by (ii) by the ethos of personal honour (the Law of the New Aeon) and
that of cultural and individual excellence and evolutionary elitism of which one
outer form has recently been termed [...] as 'Reichsfolk culture' and which in
general is the exoteric Way of honour and individual excellence which lies
behind Reichsfolk and kindred organizations; and by (iii) the emerging Sinister
Numinous Way, where the faculty of empathy and the ethic of personal honour
are combined with a sinister understanding in an entirely new Way guaranteed
to befuddle and confuse the mundanes even more." {7} [Our emphasis.]

Regarding which we wrote: (i) "the O9A aural code is not just, as many have assumed, the
O9A code of kindred honour" and (ii) "personal and kindred honour are the esoteric and
exoteric aspects of The Law of the New Aeon and together form the core of the Logos (the
core logoi) of the O9A."

Is that a fair summary of what you intimated and expressed about personal honour,
kindred honour, and the law of the new aeon?

AL. Yes. The subtle difference between personal and kindred honour has been overlooked
by outsiders for more than a decade. Personal honour was, as I expressed many times in
writings prior to 2012, the law, the code, of the warrior an exemplar of which would be
Vindex with the clans of Vindex abiding by that law, manifest as it previously was - despite
mendacious propaganda to the contrary - in Waffen-SS such as Per Sorensen and Leon
Degrelle and in soldiers such as Otto Ernst Remer. As the code of Vindex and the clans of
Vindex, it should have been obvious that it presenced in an exoteric, a practical, way the
law or logos of the New Aeon that our philosophy seeks to nurture and express, and thus
is an integral part of our philosophy.

The code of personal honour - of which the National-Socialist Code of Reichsfolk is a

modern written form {9} - is a guide to noble personal behaviour, τὸ ἀγαθὸν, and is
intended for and applicable to those who have our character, our ethos, but who do not
use or consider matters in terms of Aeonic classifications such as mundane and non-
mundane. For such persons the distinction is between the honourable and the

Hence why the code of personal honour has phrases such as "a man or woman of honour
treats others courteously, regardless of their culture, religion, status, and race," and "a
man or woman of honour does not lie, once having sworn on oath," and "a man or woman
of honour can only surrender to or admit to defeat by someone who is as dignified and as
honourable as they themselves are - that is, they can only entrust themselves under such
circumstances to another man or woman of honour who swears to treat their defeated
enemy with dignity and honour." That is, the code is inclusive.

In contrast to the code of personal honour, the code of kindred honour is more exclusive,
containing phrases such as "never trust any oath or any pledge of loyalty given, or any
promise made, by any mundane, and to be wary and suspicious of them at all times," and
"keep our word to our own kind, once we have given our word on our kindred honour." As
well as "to never willingly submit to any mundane; to die fighting rather than surrender to

Is there a contradiction between the two codes? My considered opinion is that there is no
contradiction because they are not only intended for two different types of person but
because they presence complimentary aspects of the logos of our New Aeon and thus
allow a person to make a conscious, individual, choice and choose between two different
types of kindred: the warrior one, archetype of a new pagan and aristocratic warrior
society, and a more clannish, more exclusive "gang-type" community, and which
community may well have among it a few individuals who are following a path to
Adeptship and beyond such as our Seven Fold Way.

There is thus an intentional Aeonic dialectic at work here, as is necessary given our
currently Magian-dominated plebeian societies and what is required to counter them and
bring-into-being what will be new types of societies but ones which draw inspiration from
Western Greco-Roman pagan culture and the Faustian, Promethean, Thorian, resurgence
that became presenced as European Fascism and National-Socialism.

RS. To ground us in more practical matters, you mentioned that there are consequences if
someone publicly declares they are O9A and in public starts pontificating - your word -
about our philosophy. Can you elaborate?

AL. The lies, propaganda, and disinformation of that recent American agent-provocateur
we have mentioned were effectively and necessarily and publicly challenged over several
years by you and your nexion and by a few other O9A folk.

I seem to recall someone who some years ago was, in respect of our kindred, exposed as a
charlatan. Someone who, anonymously, spent years pontificating about our philosophy and
who was once described as the leader of a "flagship ONA nexion". When finally
challenged, he could not answer basic questions about our philosophy and esoteric
traditions, and his interrogation and answers became something of a cause célèbre for our

RS. The incident is documented in the 144-page, 2015, compilation titled Satanism
Plebeianized And O9A Pretenders {10} and concerned what was called The Temple of
Them nexion. That some people came to his defence - also documented - did not surprise
us at all.

Not long before that cause célèbre you were asked in a 2011 interview "what do you
honestly think of all of these new millennial Nexions" and your answer seemed to us to be
somewhat tactical. Why?

AL. Since they were publicly claiming to be our kindred - our nexions - and pontificated in
public about our philosophy while hiding their real-world personal identity, it was to give
them an opportunity to either stop publicly and anonymously pontificating on behalf of our
kindred or to prove themselves by revealing their real-world identity accompanied by
documentation regarding their sinister deeds or their progress along the Seven Fold Way.
Had they not claimed to represent us, and instead merely stated they were presenting
their own individual and fallible interpretation of our philosophy, as you do and have done
and as an American person did to her credit, there would have been no problem.

In addition, such pretenders sometimes helped to promote our philosophy and on occasion
annoy the pretendu satanists who followed the pretendu satanism of Levey and Aquino.

Did you not write, below an image of an O9A Insight Rôle:

"We are most pleased by the way mundane Occultists – and especially by the
way self-described 'satanists' – react when we criticize them and their
endeavours. We smile when they in reaction repeat Magian mantras about the
Order of Nine Angles and make assumptions about 'us'.

We are also most pleased when some 'ONA folk' distance themselves – internally,
or publicly – from our polemics.

To engender confusion, to provoke a reaction, to sow doubts, to cause dissent, to

have mundanes repeat Magian mantras, to cause and to reveal differences
among our own 'sinister kindred', are all part of the O9A's Labyrinthos

Those who understand this, understand the O9A. For denotatum is and has been
and remains (at least for us) a useful part of 'the sinister dialectic'.

And yet one image is all that is necessary to expose pretentious self-described
modern satanists." {11}


Editorial Footnotes

{1} (i) https://nypost.com/2021/08/26/fbi-funded-neo-nazi-book-publisher-court-docs-

reveal/   (ii) https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/fbi-paid-over-100000-to-neo-

As part of the FBI psyop the agent provocateur was associated in the public eye with the
O9A and mistakenly rumoured to lead an American O9A "chapter" or cell. He was the
source of disinformation and lies, believed by anti-fascist crusaders in Britain and around
the world, about the O9A: disinformation and lies such as the O9A was misogynistic and
condoned deeds such as rape and paedophilia. The agent provocateur, and the books he
and his wife published with finance from the FBI, apparently convinced some members
and supporters of groups such as AtomWaffen that such dishonourable deeds, and
misogyny, were acceptable.

See also the Appendix below: A Tale Of Modern True Believers.

{2} https://www.thejc.com/news/uk/home-secretary-urged-to-ban-nazi-satanist-group-that-

{3} Savant is O9A-speak - terminology - for someone who is supine and who also appeases
or who soothes their master or masters, often by agreeing with them or doing their
bidding. The usage is from the Icelandic sefa. Another Icelandic term used by the O9A is
kunnleik, from Old Norse, which implies not knowledge per se, but acting on, -leik, or
using, a detailed knowing of a particular thing, or using, acting on, a knowing of a
particular person through a personal acquaintance with them.

{4} Letter to Kimberly dated 25th September 1992 eh, https://archive.org/details


{5} In respect of τὸ ἀγαθὸν as the honourable and implying nobility of character, qv.
Myatt's translation of and commentary on Tractate VI of the Corpus Hermeticum, in
Corpus Hermeticum: Eight Tractates, 2017, ISBN 978-1976452369

{6} All three texts are included in https://web.archive.org/web/20210515183754/https:


{7} Questions For Anton Long, 2011. The interview is included below.

{8} Tests, Logos, And The O9A Aural Code, TWS Nexion, Oxonia, 2021. https://archive.org

{9} The Reichsfolk Code is given in https://cosmicreich.wordpress.com/an-introduction-to-


{10} https://archive.org/details/o9a-pretenders

{11} https://web.archive.org/web/20180131132820/https://wyrdsister.wordpress.com/

2015 ev

An Interview With Anton Long

Rachael Stirling. How and why did you create the Order of Nine Angles?

Anton Long. I conceived the notion of a new, an elite, a subversive, and above all cultured,
organization in the late 1960's after reading Savitri Devi's Lightning and The Sun [...] For
reading the Lightning and The Sun gave me a millennial perspective, just as the rise and
fall of the NSDAP and of the Third Reich, and the difficulty of translating NS theory into
practice through gaining popular support in modern Britain, made me aware that an
alternative to political movements might be needed [...]
[It was a discussion also in the late 1960's with a scholar] at King's College, Cambridge
that veered me toward a more esoteric approach [...] One part of our conversation
concerned Asimov's Foundation Trilogy, which I had read but was not impressed by, but
which the scholar was most enthusiastic about. So, extrapolating from Asimov's idea of
psychohistory, we talked for a while about whether it might be possible to develope such a
thing as a mathematical model to describe human group (or even individual) behaviour,
and thus possibly predict certain events such as the rise and fall of societies and

In the weeks following that discussion I considered this idea, and conceived of something
I pretentiously termed Logical Analytical Positivism which would employ, at least to begin
with, symbolic logic [...] and thus extend the work of Russell and Whitehead from the
realm of pure mathematics into the realm of human group behaviour [...]

RS. What about National-Socialism? It is for the Order of Nine Angles just one useful
causal form among many, a form to used vis-a-vis aeonic sorcery?

AL. As for National-Socialism, what I in the past meant by National-Socialism is quite

different from what the majority of people now assume or understand and have for
decades assumed or understood by that term.

Perhaps in two hundred or more years time - if we human beings then still have societies
of culture and reason - there will be many more who understand the 'aeonic magick' of the
O9A and especially what National- Socialism meant, and might have implied, in millennial
terms. One clue, in respect of NS: the Reichsfolk organization [...] with its code of
personal honour and its respect for diverse cultures [...]

Perhaps I should add that [I am now] less and less interested in the minutiae of various
causal machinations and manifestations, and more and more concerned [...] with our
human survival as a consciously-aware species who have (at least for now and in the
immediate future) the capacity, the vision, the technology, to betake ourselves out into the
vastness of the Cosmos and thus fulfil the wyrdful and numinous potential that I and some
others intuit we mortals have. A wyrdful potential that would see us exploring other star
systems and colonizing not only nearby planets such as Mars but also those planets we
can discover by such a practical exploration of the Cosmos.

For I incline toward the view that whether we do this is inextricably bound to how we
understand our current predicament on Earth and thus whether we can free ourselves
from the constraints that so bind us now: abstractions, politics, religions, a lack of self-
knowing, a lack of self-honesty, dishonour, and such personal egoistic desires as so often
still subsume us. Which constraints the experiential Seven Fold Way (the 'physis sorcery')
of the O9A was designed to break, containing as that esoteric Way does a necessary,
human, enantiodromia - a melding of the masculous with the muliebral - and presencing
as it does, as those who reach the stage of Internal Adept discover, the essence of culture.

Which should answer certain questions regarding the O9A. But, of course, I expect only a
few will now, in these dire yet potentially wyrdful times, understand - or intuit - what I
mean [...]

In the early 1970's I saught to embed within the O9A [certain traditional cultural
qualities] but whether such qualities - such as reason, εὐταξία, kindred honour, and the
acausal knowing of empathy {2} - will be increasingly appreciated, or even survive, is
another issue; and which issue and which survival of such qualities the clandestine O9A
was designed to address.

RS. Clandestine?
AL. Indeed. In terms of those who were and who are and who will be personally recruited.


RS. Isn't the O9A anti-Semitic, with its emphasis on the Magian and on holocaust denial?

AL. The perception of the O9A depends on the physis - and knowledge, esoteric and
otherwise, and the self-honesty - of the person perceiving it. Those who, for example,
sufficiently understand the advanced Star Game to effectively use it to re-present the
current and the next Aeon, and who have personal experience of the numinosity of
esoteric chant, perceive the O9A in a rather acausal - an Aeonic - way which betakes them
far beyond such causal abstractions such as the term 'anti-Semitic' now, as for so many,
denotes and denoted.

If one goes far beyond 'geo-politics' - via an intuitive leap or via an empathic
understanding - to what for convenience we may term 'galactic living' then there might be
some realization of what the exeatic esoteric pathei-mathos of the O9A is and was
concerned with and may well yet be all about in future times. As I mentioned in some
MSS, there is now via the O9A an 'ancestral pathei-mathos'; a burgeoning esoteric culture
of which clandestine O9A nexions are a part. A culture which transcends those divisions,
those abstractions, which still so stupidly divide us as a species on one planet orbiting one
star in one galaxy among the billions of galaxies in the cosmos. For there really is no
enigma about the O9A, only individual (esoteric, exoteric) pathei-mathos, and thus that
experiential learning that evolves us as individuals because we can come to apprehend,
via enantiodromia, that-which is obscured via abstractions and denotata. {4}

What one has to apprehend, in respect of the terms (such as anti-Semitic) that you use, is
the apparent dichotomy - the dialectic - that has hitherto and in some but not all ways
enabled, inspired, our evolution as a conscious but still emotive species. But - as I and
someone else have mentioned in some previous essays - that emotive archetypal process
is no longer necessary given that we have passed a threshold in our evolution, for we
mortals (or at least some of us, now) can rationally understand that process and can
consciously change ourselves sans abstractions, sans archetypes, and sans denotatum,
and thus no longer need such an external dialectical process. If the process continues,
externally, on the level of societies, then it will assuredly be de-evolutionary. {5}

But unfortunately we en masse still are, and have been for so many centuries, weighed
down by ourselves: by emotive reactions, by denotatum, by abstractions, and latterly by
that presumption of knowing (that hubris) which externally projects such things as a
'dialectic' (and its apparent necessary) on what is past, present, and possible, even though
we now have - after centuries of mortal pathei-mathos howsoever presenced - an
apprehension, or the possibility of such a apprehension, beyond all those artificial
divisions. For, as I once wrote, it is not correct to gave names to some things. Which is
why empathy - its cultivation, its species of wordless apprehension - and the acausal
knowing that such a faculty, and internal techniques such as The Star Game and Esoteric
Chant, develope, were and are the raison d'être of the praxis that is the Seven Fold Way,
despite what so many seem to have assumed about that Way; a Way which - given the
axiom of the authority of individual judgement - should naturally evolve.

Yet again I sense that only a few individuals - now and in the next few decades - will know
and understand what I am talking about here. Just as what has been denoted in our own
times by the term 'holocaust denial' will, hundreds of years from now - again, assuming
such personal qualities as I previously mentioned will still be appreciated, or have
survived - be understood by the sagacious as something germane to times past; as just
one more supposed heresy among the so many 'heresies' that have so unreasonably
condemned so many century after century.

RS. Would I be correct in assuming - as some others have - that the mythos of Vindex is
central to the O9A?

AL. It is important exoterically and externally. Esoterically, and internally, not so much.
For what really is the crux of the O9A is the Logos of Kindred- Honour, presenced as that
logos (λόγος) is and can be both exoterically and esoterically; with that mythos being one
aspect of each of those (exoteric, esoteric) presencings.

RS. Since you mentioned you now have a personal somewhat mystic weltanschauung does
that mean you - in terms of your Seven Fold Way and as some have suggested - have via
that anados reached the penultimate stage of GrandMaster?

AL. I make no such claims, regarding them as unnecessary given that such an anados -
whatever denotata may be used or has been used in an attempt to describe it - is personal,
unique; a presencing of wyrd; a personal revealing of physis and thus of our being and of
Being, and which revealing moves us toward knowing what Time is, and is not, beyond our
current understanding of it, via physics, as an ideated linear progression divided into
measurable 'moments'. This knowing is of Time as the acausal unfolding, the change, of
Being presenced as physis and which physis differs (or may differ) from being to being.
Which knowing is and was the wordless wisdom of the Rounwytha [...]

RS. Since you are British by birth have any observations about the British Empire?

AL. [...] The British Empire brought and established certain cultural standards to, and for,
many non-European peoples around the world, to thus and for example end the corruption
and the barbarism that had hitherto existed in such lands as the British came to rule.
Thus, in places like India and parts of Africa the British established a law and an order
which greatly benefited the natives, although of course it is 'politically-incorrect' to voice
such truths these days when so much history has been re-interpreted according to some
'politically correct' dogma based as that dogma is on some Magian abstraction which
makes 'the White man' the villain and which propagandistically lauds the so-called
'achievements' of those native peoples who, before Western colonialism, were in so many
ways uncouth and uncultured and whose rulers were often corrupt.

One has only to contrast the rampant corruption that exists now in foreign lands formally
ruled by the British with the order that existed under British rule to understand the truth
regarding the British Empire. So many British people over so many decades devoted their
lives to bringing - and often gave their lives to maintain - culture and order to so many
colonial countries that I personally remember the debt we owe them and hope that
someday the culture and order they brought, fought for, and sometimes died for, will one
day be re-established, in such foreign lands, by another Empire. Before that, of course, we
have to re-establish culture and order within our own European lands, which is why for so
many decades [the O9A has] championed National- Socialism and organizations such as
Reichsfolk and [why for example] Myatt saught to find allies among such radical Muslims
as desired to destabilize the governments of the West based as such governments were -
and sadly still are - on certain Magian ('politically-correct') abstractions.

RS. Which really does answer several questions I previously asked, doesn't it?

AL. Yes. I would just like to add that individuals such as myself have been much mis-
understood, as is only to be expected given that so few of our human species, it seems,
have reached the stage of individuation let alone gone beyond that to wisdom. As I wrote
in a recent letter to a certain O9A colleague, the motivations of so many National-
Socialists - individuals such as Adolf Hitler, Leon Degrelle, Rudolf Hess, Otto Ernst Remer,
Colin Jordan, John Tyndall, and so many others - was idealistic, noble, motivated by the
best of intentions; although that is not how National-Socialists are usually portrayed.

I gave an example of the essence of National-Socialism in that letter: the beautiful Alison
Balsom playing JS Bach in the Sophienkirche in Berlin. {6} There is such numinosity in
such a performance; something cultured, and so expressive of the ethos of the civilization
of the West, an ethos which of course has been distorted by the Magian and their savants.

Thus such National-Socialists as felt, understood, the essence of that exoteric political
way desired to preserve such beauty, such numinosity, and of course preserve the unique
culture of the West amid the uncultured barbarism which flourished and which still
flourishes all around them, in their own lands and among other less cultured, non-
European, peoples.

But since we - we this old breed who understand and feel what the unique culture of the
West means and might yet imply - are now a minority and have no power and no
possibility of obtaining power in the near future, I designed and created the O9A to
produce others of our 'against time' kind and keep alive at least something of our
knowing, our wisdom, and the essence of human culture, genesis as culture is and has
been of what has been termed civilization. {6}

RS. Indeed. But moving on, would it be correct to say, as some have assumed, that the
O9A represents your 'dark' side?

AL. My answer is: enantiodromia. That unity beyond - that unification of - apparent
opposites which presences human physis sans abstractions and sans denotata and which
thus reveals, via an acausal-knowing, Being as Being sans the abstraction of a causal

As someone was once reported to have said:

    Αἰὼν παῖς ἐστι παίζων πεσσεύων παιδὸς ἡ βασιληίη

    For the acausal, we are a game, pieces moved on some board: since, in this world of
ours, we are but children.

Aeon(s), logos, physis, enantiodromia; the Star Game. The clues to unravel such an
apparent enigma are all there [...]

RS. Finally, do you have any further comments?

AL. Only two. First, that perhaps that while human life for some sometimes passes in an
unapprehended transformation it can be melded, made wyrdful and rationally
apprehended, via a conscious pathei-mathos, whether esoteric or exoteric. Second, that
despite my exeatic life, despite my peregrinations, and despite my learning, there are
many things that I still do not know or understand, having at least understood that to
pretend to know and understand - despite one's mortal limitations - is one of the
distinguishing marks of such charlatans as have for so long infested what has come to be
termed 'the occult'.


§ Notes, by R. Parker

{1} In a December 2010 essay - titled Introduction to The Philosophy of The Numen -
Myatt wrote that "culture may be defined as the arts of personal manners, of personal
dignity, of civility, and of a received and living (and thus numinous) tradition (often aurally
transmitted), and which tradition is therefore both respected and regarded as a source of
practical wisdom and practical knowledge, and which practical wisdom and practical
knowledge is often (or mostly) derived from the accumulated personal experience,
accomplishments, and observations, of the elders and ancestors of that tradition."

{2} The qualities which AL enumerates here - reason, evtaéia (self-control), kindred
honour, and the acausal knowing of empathy - are the essence of the occult anados that is
the O9A's Seven Fold Way, and therefore express not only the exoteric ethos of the O9A
itself but also the personal character of the O9A Adept.

{3} At this point in the interview AL launched into a very lengthy, and somewhat
scholarly, philological and anthropological digression about the term 'Semitic', arguing
that it was inappropriate to apply it to perhaps the majority of modern Jews. AL agreed to
the suggestion that this lengthy digression should be omitted from the published

{4} In order to avoid confusion for those unfamiliar with Myatt's philosophy of pathei-
mathos - which assuredly has influenced AL's thinking and thus O9A philosophy - I have 
here used the plural denotata instead of the singular denotatum used by AL, with Myatt
writing that he uses the term denotatum as an Anglicized term for both singular and
plural instances which thus voids the need to use the inflections appropriate when writing
in Latin.

{5} Among the earlier essays AL is referring to is Myatt's Mythos of Vindex -

https://archive.org/details/david-myatt-the-mythos-of-vindex - and the O9A text ONA:
Aeonic Notes IX, dated 114yf. In both texts the concept of honour predominates.

In Mythos of Vindex - apropos NS Germany - Myatt wrote:

"One error [by Hitler and his German National-Socialists] was in adhering to
and striving to apply the un-ethical, and un-numinous, principle of eternal
struggle, or what is now commonly, vulgarly, and rather incorrectly called the
survival of the fittest. This was an error because we have now, as I have
mentioned many times in various writings, reached the stage of not only being
able to consciously, rationally, understand the processes of change and evolution
as they apply to us, as human beings, but also of using our understanding and
our abilities of will and empathy to change ourselves for the better in an ethical
way. That is, we have passed a threshold in our human evolution, and so can
make conscious, informed and ethical choices - for we are not just thinking,
talking, animals in thrall to our emotions, desires, and external forces, but moral
beings possessed of the ability to consciously evolve ourselves by striving to
adhere to certain ethical guidelines. Or, expressed in a simplistic and cliched
way, we can and indeed should learn from our own history and from our

In practical terms, this error led to invasion and occupation of other lands, as it
led to the desire to seek lebensraum in lands already inhabited and settled by

In Aeonic Notes IX, Anton Long wrote:

"The Imperium which Vindex will create will be different from previous Empires
because it will be a conscious creation: the result of a reasoned, honourable,
civilized, approach: that is, it will be based upon honour, and will be the result of
the esoteric understanding we have achieved over hundreds, indeed thousands,
of years.

This means it will not impose itself by force of arms upon others. Rather, it
means it will be composed of thinking warriors who uphold honour and who
prefer combat to dishonourable modern war. In particular, it means a federation
of countries, or nations, who co-operate together in the pursuit of a numinous
goal: not an Empire in the old sense of domination and conquest and occupation.
The old type of Empire belongs in the past: it is unsuitable for an honourable,
rational, people. Furthermore, the old type of Empire is founded upon a basic

The basic mistake is to believe that war can solve problems or be of benefit.
Thus to have war as a political policy is stupid. This mistake about war arises
from two things: (1) a lack of perspective, and thus a viewing of events in
current rather than historical terms; (2) failing to act in accord with the ethics of

Every old type of Empire has a time of glory; as it has to maintain itself by
occupation, war, and repression. Every such Empire declines, and is then
destroyed. Sometimes an Empire may last a few decades; sometimes a century
or more. Rarely, a few centuries. After the destruction of the Empire, there
follows a period of chaos, of barbarism, of regression, with only a few positive
attributes of the Empire remaining: some stories of glory, perhaps; or some
literature; some monuments, or some technological or scientific achievement.
But a great deal is lost.

What applies to an Empire applies to the results of terrestrial wars - such as the
occupation of a foreign country after victory in a war or after an invasion. Such
occupation may well last for a while: a few years; a decade; several decades. But
it will inevitably end, through either a successful uprising (often after several
failed attempts) or through the withdrawal of the occupiers, for military,
economic, or political reasons, and while some elements of the occupying forces
may remain (in terms of their culture, ideas, and so on), a great deal is lost. In
the meantime, thousands upon thousands of people have been injured, killed,
repressed or dishonourably confined in prisons. Furthermore, it is the
honourable right and duty of those under occupation to resist, using lethal force
- and to try and take away this right and duty, by making it "illegal", as all
occupying forces do, is dishonourable in itself, the act of the bully, the tyrant. It
is also the right of individuals to possess weapons, and one of the many
dishonourable things an army of occupation does is make possession of weapons

This old imperial process is incredibly wasteful, and stupid, because the
positive, evolutionary, civilized, changes which Empires sometimes bring can be
achieved in not only less wasteful ways but also in ways which can ensure much
greater, and longer lasting, evolutionary change.

In brief, imperial conquest and colonialism are short-term solutions: in Aeonic

terms - in the timescale of civilizations and Aeons - they are failures, detrimental
to the long-term evolution that is required.

In terms of acquiring new living-space - often used as an argument in favour of

Empires and conquest and colonialism - the honourable, futuristic solution is the
colonization of Outer Space.

 In terms of war, the new Imperium - or Stellar Federation or Cosmic Federation
or Cosmic Reich or whatever we want to call it - would use force only as a last
means of self-defence of its own territory or homeland, or when there needs to
be an honourable combat between it and its enemies.

In addition, it needs to be understood that modern warfare is for the most part
dishonourable, employing as it does cowardly methods - such as aerial bombing
- which an honourable warrior would refuse to use, condone, or accept. The
warriors of the new Imperium, the troops of Vindex, will seek honourable
combat, a fair fight, rather than impersonal war. Honourable combat means
personal fighting between groups of warriors, or armies. It means an end to the
dishonour which has blighted armies for hundreds of years. It means a return to
civilized treatment of captured or surrendering soldiers - allowing them to
retain their honour, and go free. It means a conscious decision - based upon
honour - to do only that which is honourable, and which befits an honourable

{6} AL is referring here to the documentary The Trumpet's Splendour which premiered in
2009 (and was produced by AVE with ZDF in cooperation with Arte and Unitel Classica).

{7} AL is here - by the term 'against time' - referencing the book The Lightning and the
Sun by Savitri Devi [...]

2011 ev

Questions For Anton Long

352: We're more interested in how you think: how you are in your head. What you have
become since the past 30 years. If you see the world differently. What important things
you have learned on your personal journey in life.

AL: Since I first became involved in "the Occult" – over forty years ago now – my
fundamental aims, my perception of the causal, have remained basically the same,
although the decades of my esoteric and sinister quest have enabled me to give causal
forms, to assign names and terms or invent new ones, to what in the beginning was mostly
personal intuition and empathy. In addition, I have learnt a lot about myself, about human
beings, about esoteric matters, and our world, from having made quite a few mistakes,
with these mistakes – or perhaps more correctly, these learning opportunities – mostly if
not always arising because my innate curiosity, arrogance and impetuosity lead me to
directly experience, experiment with, and try things and situations, rather than just study
or read about them in a boring, detached, impersonal, academic way.

Thus, as a poet once wrote:

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

Hence, I do not – in most ways – view the world, or human beings, differently now from
when I began. Rather, I just have given conscious form – achieved a conscious, and a
mature esoteric, understanding – of what was hitherto mostly instinctive, or based on my
own intuition (esoteric and otherwise), on my own empathy with and concerning people,
Nature and the Cosmos. Basically, this is always how it should be, for our evolution, as
human beings: a growth based on the synthesis of empathy (esoteric and otherwise), and
intuition, with a genuine conscious apprehension, and then a move upward to that new
type of being, that new type of apprehension, that allows us to fully know, experience,
understand and appreciate the acausal, sans the limited, restricting, causal forms which
we humans have manufactured over millennia in a rather vain attempt to "understand".

What I have learnt are three important things. First, how magickal, esoteric, changes
actually occur, or are presenced, or are or can be brought-into-being, in the causal.
Second, how many causal changes, wrought through sinister acts, take a lot longer to
cause noticeable effects among humans (and human constructs – such as "society") than I
originally presumed. Third, that the system of the Magian is even more tyrannical, more
de-evolutionary, than I considered it to be, and that the Magian themselves, and those
allied to them or influenced by them, are even more despicable, more sub-human, than I
presumed them to be.

Essentially, the essence of my life, the foundation of my own individual being, has been
and still is my esoteric quest: my journeyings among and exploration and experience of,
the sinister way; my dark desire to find and go beyond my own limits and to not accept
nor be content with the answers, the limits, set and manufactured by others, of and in
whatever causal time and place.

My fundamental aims have always been to change myself, others, and our world – to
presence, to revel-in, to become, to experience, the very quintessence of life itself. For I
have always intuitively felt since a very early age that we human beings have immense
potential; that we are and can be far more than we realize; that we need to experience
and be inspired; that we need to dream great dreams; that we need to see restrictions for
the impersonal tyranny they are; and that we living, human, beings are somehow and in
some way a connexion to other life, to the very living beings that are Nature and the
Cosmos beyond. That is, I have always felt that we, as individuals, can participate in and
somehow create our own evolution; that we have the potential to consciously bring about
changes within ourselves, within others, within the world, and within the Cosmos itself –
to participate in the mystery and the joy of creation, exploration and evolution.

Initially, I assumed in youthful naivety that conventional "Black Magick" – the Left Hand
Path and conventional Satanism – were or could and should be, a means to bring such
evolution and such change, and such experiencing and transcendence of causal
restrictions and limits. Then, I understood very early on that I would have to create my
own Way – that the essence of magick, of the LHP, of Satanism, had been lost over the
decades and centuries. However, I was fortunate to be found by a lady who had kept alive,
in a wordless mostly empathic, unstructured and always directly personal way, some
aspects of this almost lost esoteric and sinister essence: more a mythos and a few esoteric
techniques than a working, spreading, Way, and it was these almost forgotten aspects that
I combined with sinister things of my own devising in order to bring-into-being the ONA.

352: Has this difference in worldview changed your understandings of the ONA?

AL: For a while, I was the Order of Nine Angles, although I expect few, outside of our
sinister kindred, will understand what I mean here. Most – and certainly all the mundanes
– will assume I mean I was the only person "involved with" some-thing called the ONA, but
this is a fallacious assumption, since even from the early days there were always around a
dozen or so people "involved".

What I mean is that the ONA lived in me, or more correctly, was presenced through me;
through what I said, did, wrote and by what I inspired, directly – from person to person –
or esoterically, through my personae as a shapeshifting player of many and varied rôles.

Now, things have changed because the ONA has become detached from me, and is now
presenced as a type of acausal, living, entity in our causal world. Again, I expect few,
outside of our sinister kindred, to understand – intuitively or consciously – what is meant

Initially, the acausal (sinister) energies which are and which always have been the ONA –
even before they and we were described by the term The Order of Nine Angles - were
constrained and limited; more like just kept rather weakly presenced, in the causal, in a
very limited causal area (mostly rural South Shropshire, in England). Then, a specific
causal form was constructed to temporarily contain and store and presence the more
powerful acausal energies which were unleashed through various esoteric workings –
through various bringings-into-being which a certain individual undertook. Later, and as
planned, some of these energies were released and spread around the world as some were
stored or presenced in newly created causal forms in order to affect changes in the
causal, esoterically and otherwise. Later still – around three decades after the initial
esoteric workings – there was sufficient energy presenced (living as the ONA) for the
burgeoning sinister entity itself to "leave its causal home" and to "shed its temporary
causal forms".

352: What you think about how the ONA has become today, and where it is headed in the
very near future? What do you honestly think of all of these new millennial Nexions [...]

AL: What the ONA is becoming is a natural and necessary evolution of what I presenced
decades ago, and what I, and a few others, have nurtured since then. Thus, the ONA is
now a three-fold being, although of course each of these individual aspects represent just
one aspect of the triad itself – or rather, are perceived as being somehow different and
distinct, when they are just different "angles"  of a certain causal presencing.

One of these three aspects is manifest, now, in WSA352 – in the emerging and often urban
sinister tribes that are beginning to live the essence of the sinister ethos itself, without the
restrictions of older causal forms. That is, the esoteric work – the magick – of such sinister
tribes is their own unique being; their own way of living; the deeds, the work, that they
do, inspired by the still emerging culture of their own tribe, their own "group". Hence,
traditional magick is mostly irrelevant for them; for their own individual and shared tribal
life is itself a new type of magick, a genuine and powerful presencing of sinister, acausal,

The second of these aspects is manifest, now, in traditional nexions [...]  and in those
reclusive individuals who work either alone, or with a magickal and sinister partner. In
these nexions, traditional Internal and Aeonic sinister magick – as manifest in the various
esoteric MSS of the ONA – is often still undertaken as a means of presencing acausal
energies. Sometimes, these more traditional nexions are the esoteric (hidden) foundation
of an exoteric causal form, as, for example, Falcifer is to Vindex.

The third of these aspects is still esoteric and thus currently rather unknown, but is
manifest in a new way of living by an emerging new type of human being: the sinister
empath who sometimes esoterically works, and who sometimes lives, alone, but who more
often than not lives in a symbiotic relationship with either other empathic humans, or with
some acausal-entity that has emerged into, or been manufactured in, our own causal
Space and our own causal Time. By their very nature, these still changing, still evolving,
human beings, these symbiotic sinister empaths – and thus their work – are intentionally
hidden, for the mundanes, and especially the Magian and their allies, would consider them
extremely dangerous, given their still developing and still emerging abilities.

However, to be precise, the ONA is now a nine-fold being, with there being three aspects
to its three-fold being (that is, three "angles" to each of the three aspects). In the exoteric
sense, these three "angles" of the three aspects (or three causal presencings) of its three-
fold living nature – of its sinister character – can be re-presented by (1) the ONA itself
[what it is causally perceived to be and what it now causally inspires]; by (2) by the ethos
of personal honour (the Law of the New Aeon) and that of cultural and individual
excellence and evolutionary elitism [of which one outer form has recently been termed [...]
as "Reichsfolk culture" and which in general is the exoteric Way of honour and individual
excellence which lies behind Reichsfolk and kindred organizations]; and by (3) the
emerging Sinister Numinous Way, where the faculty of empathy and the ethic of personal
honour are combined with a sinister understanding in an entirely new Way guaranteed to
befuddle and confuse the mundanes even more.

What should be understood – and what is now becoming understood – is that all three of
these aspects are of the ONA. That is, the sinister tribes [...] and the traditional nexions
[...] as well as the symbiotic empaths, are all part of the living, the acausal, matrix that is
the now living evolving changing ONA, presenced in the causal. They are all causing
causal changes, each in their own and necessary ways. They are all an evolving; a coming-
into-being of the sinister, of our human kind. They are all part of the extended and now
world-wide sinister ONA family. They all share the same fundamental sinister ethos; all
presence aspects of acausal energy; and all are bringing-into-being, or will or can bring-
into-being, the causal changes needed for us to evolve and leave this planet which still is
our childhood home. They are all inspiring others, in their own unique ways, and they are
all to be admired and aided, just as each aspect of this triad – and the triad of the triad – is
but one aspect, one living function, of the living sinister being which is now the ONA.

Thus, perhaps more than a few individuals will understand and appreciate one reason why
the Order of Nine Angles was and is called what it is: for it is, in essence, a living ordered
(acausal) being – a causal order or biological "hierarchy"; an organic order(ing) – which
has nine distinct aspects, or "angles" or "perspectives" or "causal lives/functions", to it
when such a being is manifest (presenced, and perceived) through our causal Space and
in our causal Time, and according to our rather limited causal perspective and causal way
of thinking.


A Tale Of Modern True Believers

In three years not one of the many believers in the FBI sponsored, agent provocateur {1}
and Media spread, post-2018 anti-O9A narrative has provided any evidence that O9A
philosophy - as expounded by Anton Long in texts between 1976 and 2012 - endorses or
incites such things as paedophilia, rape, or misogyny as that anti-O9A narrative claims. In
addition no one has provided any evidence that the O9A is a group with members, or that
there is or was a "leader" or an official representative or an official website or weblog, or
even a book which provides an "authoritative" - Anton Long sanctioned - interpretation of
O9A philosophy.

What such believers have done - usually, as in medieval times, for theological or
ideological reasons or based on prejudice and intolerance - in repose to our requests for
evidence, is repeat hearsay, or give their personal opinion, or be personally abusive, or
commit logical fallacies such as "argumentum ad populum" and "argumentum ad
verecundiam" and "ab absurdo" and which named fallacies many believers in that anti-
O9A narrative no doubt have to use the Internet in order to discover what is meant and

Thus when we O9A-folk who have studied O9A philosophy for years ask believers in the
FBI sponsored anti-O9A narrative for evidence and for examples of their claims, or when
we explain O9A philosophy to them, the usual illogical responses are one or more of the
following: (i) that we are "lying", or indulging in PR, or are being "slippery", or talking BS,
{2}  or are "defending paedophiles", and/or (ii) they refer to some literature written and
published by the well-paid FBI agent provocateur and his wife, and/or (iii) they refer to
those few individuals who for whatever reason were influenced by or incited by that
literature and/or by the agent provocateur and his wife, and who as a consequence
committed crimes, and/or (iv) they falsely claim that those so influenced or incited were
O9A members, and/or (v) that the agent provocateur himself was an O9A member or
leader of an O9A cell/chapter/nexion when the reality is that there are no O9A members
or leaders because the O9A is an esoteric philosophy and not a group or organization with
a hierarchy and with members. {3}

In simple terms, latter-day O9A opponents and critics fanatically or delusionally believe in
the FBI sponsored, agent provocateur and Media spread, post-2018 anti-O9A narrative,
and which narrative is manna to anti-fascists everywhere.

Few if any of these believers question the State-sponsored anti-O9A narrative and thus
undertake their own research into texts authored by Anton Long. Few if any of these
believers ask why anti-fascists so readily accepted and so eagerly propagated that
narrative and thus called on governments to ban the O9A; or why the State-controlled FBI
spent well-over 100,000 US dollars over two years employing an agent provocateur to
fabricate and spread such an anti-O9A narrative.

Regarding that narrative, and of claims, accusations, that the O9A  endorses or incites
such things as paedophilia, rape, or misogyny, we have asked the following relevant and
important question many times:

"Does [Anton Long] promote them in his Satanic Letters, published in 1992? {4}
In Naos, issued in 1989? {5} In the four novels of the Deofel Quartet published
between 1976 and 1992? {6} In the Black Book Of Satan, first published in
1983? {7} In his classic texts Concerning Culling as Art (2011) and The De-
Evolutionary Nature of Might is Right (2011) and in his Last Writings, published
in 2012? {8}{9}

No, he does not. Does he promote such denotata in the texts with his name on
them in the seventh (1460 page) edition of The Definitive Guide To The Order of
Nine Angles: Theory and Praxises published in 2015? {10} No.

Does he promote such [things] in the texts with his name on them in the three
volumes of the controversial compilation titled Hostia published in three
volumes in 1992? {11} No. In fact, there are only a few articles in the three
volumes which have his name or the initials AL attached to indicate authorship: 
for example, in volume two, the text titled Concerning The Temple of Set. Even
if we accept that the name Stephen Brown was a pseudonym of Anton Long (as
we and many other Nexions do) then the facsimiles of letters signed by Stephen
Brown in Hostia do not promote such denotata. Furthermore, whoever collated
the texts of Hostia and wrote the Introduction in volume I [...] only states that
the work(s) "contain esoteric manuscripts circulated among members of the

In their prejudicial rush to criticize or demean or demonize or spread

propaganda about the O9A it is not surprising that such a scholarly {12} and
important detail regarding primary O9A sources has been ignored or remains
undiscovered by opponents of the O9A.

Which detail we O9A-folk know about via aural tradition or have discovered for
ourselves but which opponents and critics of the O9A do not know about and
never have known about. Which is that not all O9A texts issued between 1990
and 2012 were written by Anton Long, whoever he or she or they are or were.
For the hasty assumption of O9A opponents and critics is and was that all the
texts in works such as Hostia were written by Anton Long, and that therefore, in
their mistaken view, such texts which do not have Anton Long's name attached
to them - such as the text titled Conquer, Destroy, Create in volume II of Hostia -
represent his, that is O9A, philosophy.

Our knowledge as O9A folk of such details is why we as a Nexion, and others,
have stated for years that the O9A is an esoteric, or Occult, philosophy outlined
in the writings of Anton Long distributed and/or published between the 1970s
and 2012."

Yet we have received no answers from believers in the anti-O9A narrative giving
quotations from or references to texts authored by Anton Long. Perhaps because few if
any of these believers question the State-sponsored anti-O9A narrative and thus in their
surety of and comfort in their belief refuse to undertake, or just cannot be bothered to
undertake, their own research into texts authored by Anton Long.

Few if any of these believers ask why anti-fascists so readily accepted and so eagerly
propagated that narrative and thus called on governments to ban the O9A; or why the
State-controlled FBI spent well-over 100,000 US dollars over two years employing an
agent provocateur to fabricate and spread such an anti-O9A narrative.

Few if any of these believers know or care about what scholarship - what discovering the
truth through long-term unbiased research - means, and none of them seem interested in
pursuing the truth in respect of O9A philosophy content as they are to repeat ad nauseam
what the State wants them to believe about O9A philosophy and about the person they,
the Media, and fanatical anti-fascists claim is "Anton Long". 

Two other important questions, asked of those who believe the post-2018 anti-O9A
narrative, are also never answered. First, can or should a philosophy esoteric or otherwise
be (i) held responsible for crimes committed in its name by those who have been incited
for whatever reason by others, and/or (ii) for the misinterpretations by them or by others
of that philosophy? Second, are Christianity and the Gospels to blame for those priests,
monks, pastors, or ministers who out of weakness or perversion or for whatever reason
sexually abuse children?


We are not surprised by any of this, for two basic reasons. First, modern Western - and
other - societies have technologies that allow the rapid spread of vapid personal opinion,
of propaganda, of fake news, of intolerance, of what States and governments and policy
institutes and the Media want and often need people to believe about a person or persons,
or about an event or a point of view or a philosophy they do not like or which they fear.

Second, modern Western societies are now largely plebeian in ethos and which ethos does
not value καλὸς κἀγαθός - τὸ καλὸν, τὸ ἀγαθὸν - nor traditional scholarship nor an
unbiased search for aletheia (ἀλήθεια) in regard to anything that some States and
governments and policy institutes and some of the Media describe as "heresy" or  as
"unacceptable" or which they declaim cannot and should not be disputed (such as the
Shoah) with some Western States imprisoning those who dispute what is claimed to be

From where we observe and study such modern Western societies it seems as if O9A
philosophy is now one more modern heresy which believers in the post-2018 anti-O9A
narrative demand be outlawed with its literature suppressed.

TWS Nexion
September 2021 ev

Further Reading:

° The Esoteric Hermeticism Of The Order Of Nine Angles


 ° Discovering Nexion Zero


{1} The agent provocateur was paid almost $100,000 by the FBI between 2018 and 2020.
See: (i) https://nypost.com/2021/08/26/fbi-funded-neo-nazi-book-publisher-court-docs-
reveal/   (ii) https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/fbi-paid-over-100000-to-neo-

{2} See for example Guardians Of The Anti-O9A Narrative at https://archive.org/details


{3} Amazon's algorithms, conspiracy theories and extremist literature, April 2021.
https://www.isdglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Amazon-1.pdf [Accessed
September 2021]

{4} The Satanic Letters of Stephen Brown, Thormynd Press, 1992. Available from (i)
https://archive.org/details/satanicletters-2 and (ii) https://archive.org

{5} A facsimile of the 1989 typewritten edition is available at https://archive.org/details


{6} The novels are available at: https://web.archive.org/web/20201024085551/https:


{7} The Black Book of Satan is included (pp. 699ff) in the seventh edition of The Definitive
Guide To The Order of Nine Angles: Theory and Praxises available at

{8} Classic O9A texts such as (i) Culling As Art, (ii) The De-Evolutionary Nature of Might
is Right, and (iii) The Gentleman's - and Noble Ladies - Brief Guide to The Dark Arts, are
included in the compilation The Development of Arête available at https://web.archive.org
/web/20210215070358/https: //omega9alpha.files.wordpress.com/2019/08/09a-

{9} The Last Writings are included in Discovering Nexion Zero: The Occult Phantom
Menace, available at https://archive.org/details/discovering-nexion-zero

{10} The Definitive Guide is available at https://www.scribd.com/document/217306180


{11} Hostia is available (as of September 2021) at (i) https://www.scribd.com/document

/355545843/ONA-Hostia-Volume-I-pdf (ii) https://www.scribd.com/document/355546822
/ONA-Hostia-Volume-II-pdf and (iii) https://www.scribd.com/document/353248392/ONA-

{12} In regard to scholarly, as someone O9A once wrote:

"the term scholar is not limited to the now commonly accepted narrow modern
usage implying academia alone. As used here and in O9A texts, the term means
what it has been understood to mean for centuries, from before the time of
Shakespeare; that is, it refers to a learned or erudite person, and especially one
who is learned in the classical - Greek and Latin - languages and their literature.

Such a scholarly learning in respect of esotericism places hermeticism, modern

western occultism, and the O9A into the correct, classical, perspective and
enables a person to read important source material - such as the works of Plato,
Plotinus, and Iamblichus, the Hermetica, gnostic texts, and the early alchemical
MSS - in their original language. Furthermore, given the Arabic and possible
ancient Indic/Persian influences on O9A esotericism, a knowledge of Arabic and
Farsi - and the relevant ancient esoteric traditions - is most advantageous.

Without such a scholarly background and a scholarly study of O9A texts - and/or
without an initiated insight into O9A esotericism - the opinions of others
regarding the O9A are most certainly dilettantish, or plebeian, or pretentious; of
no value, except perhaps to other dilettanti, plebeians, the occult illiterati, or
pretentious pseudo-intellectuals.

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