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Culling and The Code of Kindred Honour

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Culling And The Code of Kindred Honour

Since the 1980s, the Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) have openly advocated
culling under the guise of 'satanic sacrice', and have always stated that every
new initiate of an established O9A nexion is required - as a blooding-in/hazing to undertake a culling.
The foundation of O9A culling - as various O9A texts have made clear {1} - is
that the opfer or opfers (i) have a rotten physis - judged by O9A standards having done a deed or deeds which make them suitable (which deed or deeds
has/have revealed their character, and thus brought them to the attention of an
O9A nexion or a lone O9A operative) and (ii) having been noticed, are given a
sporting chance, tests which conrm that character. They are thus never chosen
at random, and in the majority of instances have some connection with the
locality of a particular nexion/operative or with the community within which a
nexion has established itself.
In eect, the culling is an act of natural justice - an evolutionary retribution undertaken by those who, because they live by the code of kindred honour and
thus manifest arte, have both the right and the duty to be (to use a cliche)
judge, jury, and executioner. For the basis of that code is the aristocratic
(ancient, and basically pagan) belief that justice resides in, lives in, individuals
possessed of arte and not in some impersonal 'court of law' nor in some oicial
appointed by some institution {2}. Thus, in the occult philosophy, and the
praxises, of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) culling and the code of
kindred honour are inextricably linked. For it is that code which manifests the
O9A ethos, as living by that code reveals (presences) arte and can produce
individuals of O9A character. One practical and necessary test of such arte, of
such character, is the culling that every new initiate is required to undertake.
An example will illustrate the principles that the O9A have described for
selecting an opfer, and reveal not only how O9A culling has often been hitherto
misunderstood (by both occultists and academics), but also that it is something
which will probably resonate with many modern self-described satanists.
The story begins with a 15-year old girl, bullied at her local school. One
day, having been plied with alcohol at the house of a schoolmate, she is gang
raped and an indecent photograph of her is taken. The rapists subsequently
circulate the image via social media. The girl and her parents report the rape to
the local police naming the culprits, and after a cursory rather bumbling
investigation no action is taken because the authorities decide there is
'insuicient evidence'. The rapists and their friends then, for over a year, bully
and harass the girl, who commits suicide. The girl's father knows who the
rapists are, as do many of the local community. But nothing is done, no one is
publicly named or shamed, with the culprits carrying on as if nothing has

happened and rather proud of themselves for 'getting away with it'. Things only
change when a certain hacktivist group (kudos to them) subsequently take an
interest in the case, discover the identity of the rapists, and state they will
publicly name them if the police continue to do nothing. Given the media
interest this causes, one of the culprits nally confesses and, along with one
other person, is arrested. But neither suspect is charged with rape, only with
making and distributing an indecent image. At the subsequent trial, one
defendant is given a conditional discharge, the other a year's probation. Neither
spend any time in jail, with the nal twist being that a 'court of law' orders that
the anonymity of the rapists must be respected, with anyone breaking the
'media ban' liable to prosecution. Despite the names of the accused being an
'open secret' in the local area, no one does anything retributive. Not the father
of the girl, not her family. Not the community; not the police. No one has
bullied, beaten, or harassed those responsible. The 'law' - and its
representatives and institutions - have usurped honourable retribution and the
evolution of our species which those individuals of arte bring-into-being just by
being who and what they are. {3}
The accused in this case meet all the criteria for being selected, as opfers, by an
established O9A nexion in the area, or by a local lone-operative. For the rotten
physis of the accused has been amply proved over many many months. In
addition, had the father of the girl or any member of her family been O9A, then
their duty - according to the O9A code of kindred honour - was clear,
inescapable, for as it states in that code:
"Our obligation as individuals who live by the Code of KindredHonour is to seek revenge, if necessary unto death, against anyone
who acts dishonourably toward us, or who acts dishonourably toward
those to whom we have sworn a personal oath of loyalty."
Finally, according to the O9A, even if the occasional mistake is made, and the
wrong (a possibly 'innocent') person is culled, it does not - in Aeonic,
evolutionary, terms - matter because the principle of honourable and personal
retribution, the examples so aorded by those of rotten physis being removed,
are more important than the lives of one or even a few people.
R. Parker
2015 ev

{1} For example, see (i) Guidelines for the Testing of Opfers (1988 ev), (ii)
Concerning Culling As Art (122 Year of Fayen), and (iii) Victims - A Sinister
Expos (1990 eh)
The O9A has recently re-published several of their most infamous texts in a pdf

compilation entitled The Culling Texts - Order of Nine Angles: The Theory And
Practice of Sacricial Human Culling (2015).
{2} qv. Concerning Culling As Art.
{3} As the O9A write in their Concerning Culling As Art tract:
"An abstract tyrannical lifeless law has replaced both the natural
justice of noble individuals and the natural right those individuals had
to deal with, and if necessary remove, those of rotten character. Thus,
instead of justice, and balance, being the right, the prerogative, of and
residing in and being manifest by individuals of noble character of
good breeding it has come to regarded as the 'right' of some
abstract, impersonal, Court of Law (where shysters engage in wordy
arguments) and manifest in some law which some mundane or some
group of mundanes, or some shysters, manufacture according to some
vulgar idea or some vulgar aspiration."

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