Case Presentation On Head Injury
Case Presentation On Head Injury
Case Presentation On Head Injury
Present Complain :
Mr. Daya Ram have injury on head. He have knee dislocation Rt.
He have fracture in tibia have (Rt.). Some lesions at left leg. He was
having surgical emphysema.
Family History :
S. No. Member Relation Age/ Sex Health
1 Bheru Singh Father 60/M Healthy
2 Leela Bai Mother 56/F Healthy
3 Suraj Singh Brother 35/M Healthy
4 Tej Singh Brother 27/M Healthy
5 Reena Wife 28/F Healthy
6 Rajpal Son 20/M Healthy
7 Raanu Daughter 17/F Healthy
8 Rekha Daughter 13/F Healthy
Habitual Pattern:
Patient hashabit of following:
Alcohol - Occasionally
Smoking - Cigarette regularly
Tobacco - Rajshree Pan Masala regularly.
Sleep / Rest :
Mr. Dayaram is usually sleep in night from 11.00 pm to 6 to 7 am
about 7.00 hours per day.
He don’t' take any rest in the afternoon.
Elimination pattern :
Usually he go for micturition six-seven times in a day and used to
go for defecation once early in the morning every day.
Height : 5'7"
Weight : 57 Kg.
Vital Signs : 18 Jan. 10.00 am
Temp : 98.4oF
Pulse : 78 / min.
Resp. : 20 / min.
B.P. : 130/70 mm of Hg.
Head :
When I examined head I found the injury on the left temporal
region. Swelling is also present on the site.
Symmetry : Symmetrical
Hair Colour : `Black
Appearance : Very fine hair
Face :
Eyes : Normal shape
Brown colour
Sclera is clear
Conjunction is raddish
The effect of the body organ depend upon the type of injuries.
Head injury is a broad classification that include injury to the scalp, skull
or brain. This is the most common cause of death from trauma.
Brain injury is defined as an injury of scalp, skull or brain, which may
result in major physical or psychological dysfunction and can after patient
life completely.
(1) Closed Brain Injury : CBI occurs when the head oulerates and
them rapidly deteration or colloids with another object and brain tissue is
damaged. But there is no opening through the skull and meninges.
(2) Open Brain Injury : OBI occurs when an object parentrate the
skull, enters the brain tissue in its path (penetrating injury), or when blunt
trauma to the bead is so severe that it opens the scalp, skull and dura to
expose the brain.
(1) Concussion : A cerebral concussion is a temporary loss of
neurologic function with no apparent spectral damage, after any head
injury. A concussion generally involves a period of unconsciousness
bisting from a few second to a few minutes.
The patient is unconscious for more than a few minutes. Clinical sign and
symptoms depend on the size of the confusion and the amount of
associated cerebral oedema.
The patient may lie motion use with a paint, pulse, shallow respiration
and cool. Pale sign, the B.P. and temperative are subnormal. This
situation may compared with the shock.
After a head injury, blood may collect in the epidural (extradural) space
between the skull and the dura.
This can result from a skull fracture that cause a rapture or laceration of
the middle meningeal artery (the artery which reins between the dura and
skull to the temporal bone).
The most common cause of its is trauma but it may also occur from
coagulopathies or rupture of an aneurysm.
These hemorrhage within the brain may also result from systemic
hypertension, leukemia or haemophils.
(5) Brain Death : When a patient has substained a severe head injury
incompatible within life.
Brain death indicate invisible loss of all brain function. The patient has no
neurologic activity against any stimuli.
(1) Cerebrum -
It is the largest part of the Brain and it occupies the arteries & middle
cranial lossa.
- Deep within the cerebral hemisphere there are group of cell bodies,
called nuclei, these are :
(2) Thalamus
(3) Hypothalamus
(4) Language
Function of Thalamus :
Function of Hypothalamus :
The mid brain is the are of the brain situation around the cerebral
aqueduct between the cerebrum above and the pens below.
(3) Pones -
The pones is situated in front of the cerebellum, below the mid brain and
above the medulla oblengeta.
It extended from the pones above and is consitinues with the spinal card
The better aspect is composed of white matter which passage between the
brain and spinal cord and the gray matter which lies untrally.
(4) Reception and integration of all systemic inspect from spinal cord,
around & activation of cerebral cortex.
(5) Cerebellum -
The cerebellum is situated behind the pones and below the posterior
portion of cerebrum, occupying the posterior cranial losses.
Gray matter forms the surface of the cerebellum and the white matter lies
Function of Cerebellum :
(4) Faults
In my patient :
(1) RTA
In my Patient -
GCS = 3
(1) Facial trauma & skull fracture -
Occurs in 20% of major TBI eg - lines fracture
Basilar skull fracture
Depressed fracture
Facial fracture
(1) Disturbance in consciousness confusion to coma.
(2) Headache, vertigo
(In Patient)
(1) CT Scan
(1) Haemogram :
Investigation Result Normal value/ unit
Blood volume 92 70 - 140 mg/dl
Area 29 15-40 mg/dl
Serum creatinine 0.98 0.5-1.5 mg/dl
Bleeding time 1.45 2-7 min.
Clotting time 4.45 2-9 min.
Haemeglobin 14.1 M. 13-17 gm%
F. 115.-13.5 gm%
R.B.C. 5.68 M 4.5-6.5 Mill/cmm
F 3.8-5.8 mill/cmm
Packed cell volume 43.7 M 41-51 %
F 36-45 %
W.B.C. 8500 4000-11000 /cmm
Neutrophils 80 40-70 %
Lymphocytes 15 20-45 %
Menocyte 03 2-10 %
Eosinophils 02 1-6 %
Platelet count 2.46 1.5 - 4.5 lacs/cmm
The goal of management are to prevent further TBI and to observe for
symptoms of progressive nuerologic deficit.
(In my patient)
Drug are :
(1) Drug : Ceffrion-T
Doze : 1.125 gm
Route : I/V
Frq. : BD
Action : Bactericidal
Side Effect : Diarrhoea
Indication : Meningitis & Typhoid
Contraindication : Hypersensitivity
Nsg. Responsibility: Should not vie to neonatal or renal /
hepatic patient.
(In General)
(1) Craniotomy :
It was performed by a surgery to remove the behemic tissue or
blood deformity, of sever skull fracture.
(2) Cranioplasty :
Repair of a cranial defect resulting from trauma mal formation or
previous surgical procedure artificial material used to repair
damage as last bone.
(In my patient)
In my patient Dayaram is no any surgical procedure done.
1. Assessment of neurological signs.
10. Assess the other complication like spinal cord injury or any other
bone injury.
S. Assessment Nsg. Diagnosis Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
No. Out Comes Planning Implementation
1 Subject data Ineffective To maintain - Encourage deep -Deep breathing - Attains
Patients attended told airway a patient
breathing and provided to prevent any effective airway
that the patient is taking clearance & airway to
coughing exercise. pulmonary clearance.
rapid breathing. impaired gasmaintain - To maintain the complication. - Achieves
Objective Data exchange airway breathing according - The patient is normal breath
I assess the condition of related toclearance to doctor in the monitored with the sound.
the patient by tachypner increased ICP related to
ventilation. ventilator.
& increased pulse rate. and brainhead injury. Establish effective - Proper suctioning is
injury. suctioning. provided.
2 Subjective Data : Ineffective To maintain - According to - The level of - Improvement
The patients attended cerebral tissue the proper & GCS, the assess the consciousness in is seen in
told that Dayaram is perfusion right adequate LOC. absented regularly. cognitive
unconscious since increase ICP. intracranial - To maintain the - Vital signs are function.
accidents. pressure. vital signs properly. monitored - ICP is
Objective Data : - Motor response to Temp. 98.2oF properly
I assess that the patient any stimuli is Pulse - 78/m maintain.
have a history of assessed. Resp. - 20/m
unconsciousness after B.P. - 130/70
the injury. To assess the
intracranial status.
- Motor function are
assessed by observing
S. Assessment Nsg. Diagnosis Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
No. Out Comes Planning Implementation
3 Subjective Data Imbalanced The - To promote adequate - Adequate nutrition is - Attains
Rt. Attended told that nutrition less than maintance nutrition. provided. adequate
they are suspected body's of - To provide parental - Protein supplement are nutritional
about patient requirement R/T adequate nutrition. given as I/V. status.
nutrition. increased nutritional - To provide oral - Oral care is provided. - Change of
Objective Data : metabolic demand & status. hygiene. oral infection
I assessed that the fluid restriction & are presented.
patient is not well inadequate intake.
with ryles feeding.
4 Subjective Data : Deficit fluid To - To monitor serum - Serum decrolyte level - Achieve
Patient attender told volume related to maintain dectrolyte level. is properly maintained. satisfactory
me that Dayaram is decreased level of proper - To maintain proper - Blood glucose level is fluid and
having dried lips as consciousness & fluid and blood glucose level. maintained. electrolyte
well as dehydration. hormonal electrolyte - To evaluate the - Endocrine function are balance.
Objective Data : dysfunction. balance. endocrine function. evaluate by body - The study of
I observed that the - To maintain proper physiology response. urine, blood,
patient is suffering balance between extra - The study of body body fluid are
from fluid volume cellular & intracellular fluid is done. done to
deficit by I/V fluid. - The level of serum evaluate the
infusion. - To prevent sodium & controlled. physiology of
hyponatramer. - Urine analysis and the body.
- The study of urine & blood study is regularly
blood. performed.
S. Assessment Nsg. Diagnosis Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
No. Out Comes Planning Implementation
5 Subjective Data Risk for injury Prevention - To provide proper - Comfort provided by - Injuries are
Patient attender told Right seizures, to comfort reduce analgesics or by avoided.
that the Dayaram can disorientation secondary restlessness. catheterization. - The patient
fall down from the psastillness on injury - To ensure that the - Proper ventilation is may oriented to
bed brain damage. oxygenation is monitored. time place and
Objective Data : adequate. - Proper hand are persons.
I assessed that the - To use padded ride wrapped to protect the
patient is sails or patient's hand patient from self injury.
unconscious so it are wrapped in mitt.
may possible.
6 Subjective Data : Disturbed thought Promoting - Assess patients - Cognitive attention are - Improvement
Patient attendant told processor (Deficit cognitive cognitive alteration. assessed. is cognitive
that they have been in intetual function - Provide - Neuropsychological functioning is
about the Dayaram function, neuropsychological therapy are provided. seen.
that it he loss his communication therapy. - Proper rehabilitation is - Improved
memory or can go in memory. - Provide cognitive maintained. memory.
Comma or any life Information rehabilitation - Visual a factory
threaten problem. processing) Right activities. gustatory.
Objective Data : Brain injury. - Provide meaningful Acoustic and active
I asses that due to sensory stimulation. stimulation are given for
brain injury the improving the cognitive
patient is in second functioning.
stage at coma.
S. Assessment Nsg. Diagnosis Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
No. Out Comes Planning Implementation
7. Subjective Data Risk for impaired Maintance - To assess the patient - Positioning is provided - No pardon or
Patient relatives told skin integrity of skin in turning and in every two hrs. breakness in
that the patient can related to bed rest integrity. positioning. - Assessed skin integrity skin integrity.
have paralysis or hemisphoris - Assess all body. in every 8 hrs. The chance for
other complication humiplegia, - Assess for skin. - Sponge bath and back bed sores is
right to skin. immobility or rest - Asses skin for massage provided. prevented.
Objective Data : less ness. pressure ulcer. - Avoided the chance for - Proper
I asses that due to decubiti. hygiene is
prolonged devotion maintaince.
at bed lead to bed
sores etc.
8 Subjective Data : Deficit knowledge Effective - To teach about the - The knowledge about - They get
Patient attenders told about brain injury family head injury. head injury is provided. information
that they have no recovery and coping - To promote effective - How to manage stress about their
knowledge about his rehabilitation and coping. situation. patients injury.
injury. procedure. increasing - To provide family - Family counseling is - They will
Objective Data : knowledge counseling. provided. prepare to face
I assess that the about the - To provided - Psychological support what can be
person are villagers rehabili- psychological and is provided. happen to
and illetrald so they tation emotional support. Dayaram.
don't have process. - They can
information about the manage stress
head injury. condition.
I teach and provide information about the injury and conditions of
the client.
To told them to ensure their safety from the, infection, That can
arist in the hospital like cross injection & nosocombial infection.
(3) Ross and Wilson " Anatomy of Phsyiology" tenth Edition 2006,
Anne Waugh of Allison Gant, New Delhi Page No.142-148.