ProblemSheet I 1

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Academic Year 2021–2022

Introduction to University Mathematics MATH40001/MATH40009

Part I – Problem Sheet 1: Logic and sets

KMB, 30/09/21

Part I of this module has four subsections; logic, sets, functions and relations. There are three
problem sheets; the first is on logic and sets. There are one to three “diamonds” on each question –
this is an approximate idea of question difficulty/length.
Lean: The mathematics covered in Part I of the module can be turned into a puzzle game called
Lean, where solving a level of the game corresponds to proving a theorem in mathematics. Read
about how to do IUM mathematics in this modern way at this link. Here you will find links to basic
problems in logic, sets and more, with instructions and videos on how to learn how to use Lean. I
(Kevin) run a Lean club called the Xena Project, which meets on Thursday evenings in the Maths
Learning Centre (room 411 Huxley). Feel free to show up at 8pm on Thursday 7th Oct after Mums
and Dads if you want to try some Lean.
Important: Lean is an optional part of the IUM module, and there will be on Lean in the tests or

1. F

(a) Prove that ∨ is symmetric. In other words, prove that if P and Q are propositions, then
P ∨ Q =⇒ Q ∨ P .
(b) Is =⇒ symmetric? In other words, is it true that for all propositions P and Q we have

(P =⇒ Q) =⇒ (Q =⇒ P )?

Give a proof or a counterexample.

(c) Is ⇐⇒ symmetric? In other words, is it true that for all propositions P and Q we have

(P ⇐⇒ Q) =⇒ (Q ⇐⇒ P )?

Give a proof or a counterexample.

2. F Suppose P , Q and R are propositions, and we know that if Q is true then P is true, and that
if Q is false then R is false. Can we deduce that R implies P ? Give a proof or a counterexample.

3. F Is it possible to find three true-false statements P , Q and R, such that

(P ∨ Q ∨ R) ∧ (¬P ∨ Q ∨ R) ∧ (¬P ∨ ¬Q ∨ R) ∧ (¬P ∨ ¬Q ∨ ¬R)

is true?
Background (not for exam): This sort of question is more important than it might seem. Say P1 ,
P2 , . . . , P10000 are 10000 true-false statements, and we have a million statements of the form
Qi ∨ Qj ∨ Qk , where each Qn is either Pn or ¬Pn , and 1 ≤ i, j, k ≤ 10000. Is it possible to design
an algorithm which quickly decides whether it is possible to make all the million statements true
at the same time? Check out this Wikipedia page on the Boolean satisfiability problem, if you
want to know more. Here is a version you can play online with 9 variables and 40 equations,
and this paper contains a recent application.

4. FFF An integer (or a “whole number”) is an element of the set {. . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}.
Say that for every integer n we have a true/false statement Pn . Say we know that Pn =⇒ Pn+8
for every integer n, and also that Pn =⇒ Pn−3 for every integer n. Prove that the Pn are either
all true, or all false.
5. FF How could you give a formal proof that if X and Y are sets, then X ∪ Y = Y ∪ X? I
know it’s obvious – but if someone asked you to prove it, and wanted you to say something,
what would you say? The technical term for this result is “commutativity of ∪”. Hint: use Q1(a).
6. FF Let A B and C be subsets of some large set Ω. Give proofs or counterexamples to the
following statements.
(a) Is ∪ distributive over ∩? In other words, is A ∪ (B ∩ C) = (A ∪ B) ∩ (A ∪ C) always true?
(b) Is ∩ distributive over ∪? In other words, is A ∩ (B ∪ C) = (A ∩ B) ∪ (A ∩ C) always true?
(c) Do brackets matter in statements about unions and intersections? For example, is (A ∪
B) ∩ C = A ∪ (B ∩ C) always true?
7. FFF Define A = { x ∈ R | x2 < 3 }, B = { x ∈ Z | x2 < 3 } and C = { x ∈ R | x3 < 3 }. For
each statement below, either prove it or disprove it!
(a) 2 ∈ A ∩ B.
(b) 2 ∈ A ∪ B.
(c) A ⊆ C.
(d) B ⊆ C.
(e) C ⊆ A ∪ B.
(f) (A ∩ B) ∪ C = (A ∪ B) ∩ C
8. FF Let P (x) and Q(x) be propositions which depend on a variable x in a set X, and
let R(x, y) be a proposition which depends on two variables x ∈ X and y ∈ Y . What are the
logical negations of the following statements? Try to move the ¬ as far into the formulae as you
(a) ∀x ∈ X, P (x) ∧ ¬Q(x)
(b) ∃x ∈ X, (¬P (x)) ∧ Q(x)
(c) ∀x ∈ X, ∃y ∈ Y, R(x, y).
Background (not for exam (yet)): These questions are surprisingly important. If f : R → R is
a function, then, as you will learn in analysis later this year (so don’t worry about it too much
now!), we say that f is continuous at x ∈ R if ∀ ∈ R>0 , ∃δ ∈ R>0 , ∀y ∈ R, |y − x| < δ =⇒
|f (y) − f (x)| < . Hence to prove that a function is not continuous, one has to figure out what
the logical negation of the above proposition is! Can you do it? For an added challenge, try
proving that the function f : R → R defined by f (x) = 0 for x < 0 and f (x) = 1 for x ≥ 0 is not
continuous at x = 0.
Some people find the next two questions quite confusing. Trying to solve the corresponding
levels in Lean can sometimes help.
9. FF Are the following statements true or false? Proofs or counterexamples are required!
(a) ∀x ∈ R, ∃y ∈ R, x + y = 2.
(b) ∃y ∈ R, ∀x ∈ R, x + y = 2.
10. FF Let ∅ be the empty set. Are the following propositions true or false?

(a) ∃x ∈ ∅, 2 + 2 = 5
(b) ∀x ∈ ∅, 2 + 2 = 5

Hint: think about logical negations.

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