Problems America Afced During The 1970S
Problems America Afced During The 1970S
Problems America Afced During The 1970S
The rapidly growing affluence of the majority consequently made the “part of America”
which dwelt in slums live under poverty level, all the more troublesome and visible. “The other
part”, typically, seemed to be a Negro living in a big-city ghetto, even though “he” may have
(2019) currently, it is agreed that both sides were subjects of unfulfilled expectations aroused
during the 1960s. Despite the fact that economy record of 1970s was impressive it was badly
demolished by inflation.
Women seemed tireless through their campaign and as a result they encountered success for both
economic and political equally via organizations as the NOW (National Organization of
Women). (Mieczkowski, Y. (2015) in the congress which was held in 1972, ERA (Equal Rights
Amendment) was approved. Meanwhile, the constitution amendment failed to win ratification
by required three quarters of the states and as a result in 1973 the Supreme Court enforced laws
which denied women from accessing abortion in the first three months.
3. Demographic changes
According to the census carried out in 1980, it was realized that the distribution and composition
of American society was unimaginably diminishing. The population growth rate during the
1970s was one of the lowest ever recorded in American history. (Ikenberry, G. J. (2016) the
population was aging and as a result retirement age was raised from 60 to 70 in the year 1977.
1965 Immigration Act had ceased national-origins system that had been acting from 1920s hence
In the 1970, the American ride had hindered. In extent the dominating liberal consensus had
started to smash. (Carroll, P. N. (2017) White reaction against taxes and civil rights exposed
mounting anger among previously loyal members of the abundant Democratic Party coalition.
In 1949 China had become communist and at that time communists controlled North Vietnam.
(Westheider, J. E. (2018) as a result USA entered the Vietnam War so as to prevent the spread of
communism but at the same time economic interests, foreign policy, geopolitical strategies and
national fears also played a major role. USA was afraid communism would spread to South
Who bears most of the responsibility for the difficulty faced in the Vietnam War: Truman,
President Eisenhower was the one who contributed majorly to the Vietnam War since he sent
700 military personnel and economic and military aid to the government of South Vietnam. By
doing so, Eisenhower catapulted the continuation of the Vietnam War for the purpose of doing
Richard founded the Environmental Protection Agency in 1969 while responding to the
Through the foreign policy Nixon funded $200 million to fight against cancer.
Nixon ordered the joint work between Special Task Forces and FBI so as to effectively
In my opinion, Nixon failure to cover up the Watergate Break in would have brought him
unimaginable shame. (Byrd, D., & Murty, K. S. (2015) Leaching of the evidence to the public
would have brought him troubles since he would have made him loose his leadership yet he had
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is a suggested amendment to the USA Constitution
designed to offer equal rights for all citizens regardless of gender. (Gibb, G. & Lambirth, T. T.
(2017) the main purpose of the ERA is to terminate legal difference between women and men in
matters concerning property, divorce and employment. Most people were against the amendment
by claiming that it was vaguely worded hence it bring unintended effects of the amendment.
Milner, H. (2019). Resisting the protectionist temptation: Industry and the making of trade policy
in France and the United States during the 1970s. International Organization, 639-665.
Mieczkowski, Y. (2015). Gerald Ford and the Challenges of the 1970s. University Press of
Ikenberry, G. J. (2016). The irony of state strength: comparative responses to the oil shocks in
Carroll, P. N. (2017). It seemed like nothing happened: America in the 1970s. Rutgers University
Westheider, J. E. (2018). Fighting on two fronts: African Americans and the Vietnam war. NYU
Byrd, D., & Murty, K. S. (2015). Foreign Policy Accomplishments in Obama Era. Race, Gender
Gibb, G. D., & Lambirth, T. T. (2017). Who are the equal rights amendment defenders and