Factoring Graphic Organizer Rubric

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Operation with Polynomials Graphic Organizer Rubric

5 4 3 2
Step by Step Process All critical Critical Steps are too Critical
steps/directions steps/directions vague, and steps/directions are
for each are present but reader is unable missing.
operation helps could be more to add, subtract,
the reader to specific and the and multiply
adequately add, reader is capable polynomials.
subtract, and of adding,
multiply subtracting , and
polynomials. multiplying
polynomials .
5 4 3 2
Organization The flow chart is The flow chart is Some aspects are The flow chart is not
organized somewhat missing and is organized and
correctly and is organized, and the difficult to difficult to navigate.
easy to navigate. reader can navigate through
navigate through it.
5 4 3 2
Followed Directions All required All components are Some Didn’t follow
components are present but components are directions properly
present and demonstrates little missing and and demonstrates
demonstrates a understanding of demonstrates no understanding of
clear the assignment little the assignment.
understanding understanding of
of the the assignment.
Total Points: /15

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