Touch Probe
Touch Probe
Touch Probe
Flexibility, reliability, and ease of use are major
reasons why hundreds of companies have chosen
Time Equipment for their guard tour system needs
Password security
Easy to use
Sample Reports
The Button Location By Client and Site shows the layout of the buttons. At the 123 Main Street Site there are 14 buttons.
The Guard on duty is expected to patrol the facility once every 30 minutes.
The Activity By Client and Site report shows all the scans that were performed and shows you the Guard who performed the
scans and the Wand (iBR9000) they used.
The Duration report shows you the time that is taken between checkpoints and provides a graphical representation of this.
The guard on duty is expected to scan the facility completely every 30 minutes. The Exception and Activity report calculates
the number of scans that should have been performed, shows the exceptions, and calculates the exception totals.
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