Fuel System: Emissions

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Emission Control 967 1998
Information cc PART # 37–XXXXX XX
This engine conforms to 1998 Model Year This engine is certified to operate on regular 87
U.S. EPA regulations for marine SI engines. octane unleaded fuel (R+M)/2
Refer to Owners Manual for required maintenance. Idle Speed (in gear): XXX RPM
Exhaust Emission Control Systems:
Engine Lubricants: TC-Wll or Fuel/Oil Timing:
TC-W3 2 Cycle Outboard Oil Ratio: Not
ECM Spark Plug: NGK BP8H-N-10 Gap: 0.040 in.
Family: xxxxxxx.xxxx Controlled
FEL: 32.20 GM/KW-HR

Table of Contents
Exhaust Emissions Standards . . . . . . . . . . . 3D-1
What Are Emissions? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D-1
Hydrocarbons – HC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D-1
Carbon Monoxide – CO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D-1
Oxides of Nitrogen - NOx . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D-1
Controlling Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D-1
Stoichiometric (14.7:1) Air/Fuel Ratio . . . 3D-1
Outboard Hydrocarbon
Emissions Reductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D-2
Stratified Vs Homogenized Charge . . . . . . . 3D-3
Homogenized Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D-3
Stratified Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D-3
Emissions Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D-4
Manufacturer’s Responsibility . . . . . . . . . 3D-4
Dealer Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D-4
Owner Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D-4
EPA Emission Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D-4
Certification Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3D-5
EPA Information Decal Location . . . . . . . 3D-6

FUEL SYSTEM - 3D-0 90-852572R02 NOVEMBER 2002

Exhaust Emissions CO2 is a harmless gas. Carbon often combines with
insufficient oxygen (one carbon atom with one oxy-
Standards gen atom). This forms carbon monoxide, CO. Carbon
monoxide is the product of incomplete combustion
Through the Environmental Protection Agency
and is a dangerous, potentially lethal gas.
(EPA), the federal government has established ex-
haust emissions standards for all new marine en-
gines sold in the U.S..
Oxides of Nitrogen - NOx
NOx is a slightly different byproduct of combustion.
What Are Emissions? Nitrogen is one of the elements that makes up the air
going into the engine. Under extremely high temper-
Emissions are what comes out of the exhaust system
atures, it combines with oxygen to form oxides of ni-
in the exhaust gas when the engine is running. They
trogen (NOx). This happens in the engine’s combus-
are formed as a result of the process of combustion
tion chambers when temperatures are too high. NOx
or incomplete combustion. To understand exhaust
itself is not harmful, but when exposed to sunlight it
gas emissions, remember that both air and fuel are
combines with unburned hydrocarbons to create the
made of several elements. Air contains oxygen and
visible air pollutant known as smog. Smog is a seri-
nitrogen among other elements; gasoline contains
ous problem in California as well as many other
mainly hydrogen and carbon. These four elements
heavily populated areas of the United States.
combine chemically during combustion. If combus-
tion were complete, the mixture of air and gasoline
would result in these emissions: water, carbon diox-
ide and nitrogen, which are not harmful to the envi- Controlling Emissions
ronment. However combustion is not usually com- There are two principle methods of reducing emis-
plete. Also, potentially harmful gases can be formed sions from a two-stroke-cycle marine engine. The
during and after combustion. first method is to control the air/fuel ratio that goes
All marine engines must reduce the emission of cer- into the combustion chamber. The second is to con-
tain pollutants, or potentially harmful gases, in the ex- trol the time when this air/fuel mixture enters the com-
haust to conform with levels legislated by the EPA. bustion chamber. Timing is important, to prevent any
Emissions standards become more stringent each unburned mixture from escaping out of the exhaust
year. Standards are set primarily with regard to three port.
emissions: hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide
(CO) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx).
Stoichiometric (14.7:1) Air/Fuel Ratio
In the search to control pollutants and reduce ex-
Hydrocarbons – HC haust emissions, engineers have discovered that
Gasoline is a hydrocarbon fuel. The two elements of they can be reduced effectively if a gasoline engine
hydrogen and carbon are burned during combustion operates at an air/fuel ratio of 14.7:1. The technical
in combination with oxygen. But they are not totally term for this ideal ratio is stoichiometric. An air/fuel
consumed. Some pass through the combustion ratio of 14.7:1 provides the best control of all three
chamber and exit the exhaust system as unburned elements in the exhaust under almost all conditions.
gases known as hydrocarbons. The HC and CO content of the exhaust gas is in-
fluenced significantly by the air/fuel ratio. At an air/
fuel ratio leaner than 14.7:1, HC and CO levels are
Carbon Monoxide – CO low, but with a ratio richer than 14.7:1, they rise rapid-
ly. It would seem that controlling HC and CO by them-
Carbon is one of the elements that make up the fuel selves might not be such a difficult task; the air/fuel
burned in the engine along with oxygen during the ratio only needs to be kept leaner than 14.7:1. How-
combustion process. If the carbon in the gasoline ever, there is also NOx to consider.
could combine with enough oxygen (one carbon
atom with two oxygen atoms), it would come out of
the engine in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2).

90-852572R02 NOVEMBER 2002 FUEL SYSTEM - 3D-1

As the air/fuel ratio becomes leaner, combustion
temperatures increase. Higher combustion tempera-
tures raise the NOx content of the exhaust. But, enri-
chening the air/fuel ratio to decrease combustion
temperatures to reduce NOx also increases HC and
CO, as well as lowering fuel economy. So the solution
to controlling NOx - as well as HC and CO - is to keep
the air/fuel ratio as close to 14.7:1 as possible.

Outboard Hydrocarbon Emissions Reductions








96 97 98 99 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

FUEL SYSTEM - 3D-2 90-852572R02 NOVEMBER 2002

Stratified vs Homogenized Charge
DFI engines use a stratified charge inside the combustion chamber to aid in reducing emissions. All other models
use a homogenized charge. The difference between the two is:
Homogenized Charge Stratified Charge
A homogenized charge has the fuel/air particles A stratified charged engine pulls only air through the
mixed evenly throughout the cylinder. This mixing oc- transfer system. The fuel required for combustion is
curs inside the carburetor venturi, reed blocks and forced into the cylinder through an injector placed in
crankcase. Additional mixing occurs as the fuel is the top of the cylinder (head). The injector sprays a
forced through the transfer system into the cylinder. fuel/air mixture in the form of a bubble into the cylin-
der. Surrounding this bubble is air supplied by the
The homogenized charge is easy to ignite when the
transfer system. As the bubble is ignited and burns,
air/fuel ratio is approximately 14.7:1.
the surrounding air provides almost complete com-
bustion before the exhaust port opens.
A stratified charge is hard to ignite, the fuel/air bubble
is not evenly mixed at 14.7:1 and not easily ignited.

90-852572R02 NOVEMBER 2002 FUEL SYSTEM - 3D-3

Emissions Information EPA Emission Regulations
All new 1998 and later outboards manufactured by
Mercury Marine are certified to the United States En-
Manufacturer’s Responsibility vironmental Protection Agency as conforming to the
Beginning with 1998 model year engines, manufac- requirements of the regulations for the control of air
turers of all marine propulsion engines must deter- pollution from new outboard motors. This certifica-
mine the exhaust emission levels for each engine tion is contingent on certain adjustments being set to
horsepower family and certify these engines with the factory standards. For this reason, the factory proce-
United States Environmental Protection Agency dure for servicing the product must be strictly fol-
(EPA). A certification decal/emissions control in- lowed and, whenever practicable, returned to the
formation label, showing emission levels and engine original intent of the design.
specifications directly related to emissions, must be The responsibilities listed above are general and in
placed on each engine at the time of manufacture. no way a complete listing of the rules and regulations
pertaining to the EPA laws on exhaust emissions for
marine products. For more detailed information on
this subject, you may contact the following locations:
Dealer Responsibility
When performing service on all 1998 and later out- Office of Mobile Sources
boards that carry a certification decal, attention must Engine Programs and Compliance Division
be given to any adjustments that are made that effect Engine Compliance Programs Group (6403J)
emission levels. 401 M St. NW
Adjustments must be kept within published factory Washington, DC 20460
Replacement or repair of any emission related com- VIA EXPRESS or COURIER MAIL:
ponent must be executed in a manner that maintains Office of Mobile Sources
emission levels within the prescribed certification Engine Programs and Compliance Division
standards. Engine Compliance Programs Group (6403J)
Dealers are not to modify the engine in any manner 501 3rd St. NW
that would alter the horsepower or allow emission Washington, DC 20001
levels to exceed their predetermined factory specifi- EPA INTERNET WEB SITE:
cations. http:/www.epa.gov/omswww
Exceptions include manufacturers prescribed
changes, such as that for altitude adjustments.

Owner Responsibility
The owner/operator is required to have engine main-
tenance performed to maintain emission levels within
prescribed certification standards.
The owner/operator is not to modify the engine in any
manner that would alter the horsepower or allow
emissions levels to exceed their predetermined fac-
tory specifications.
Single engine exceptions may be allowed with per-
mission from the EPA for racing and testing.

FUEL SYSTEM - 3D-4 90-852572R02 NOVEMBER 2002

Certification Label
The certification label must be placed on each
engine at the time of manufacture and must be
replaced in the same location if damaged or re-
moved. Shown below is a typical certification
label and is not representative of any one mod-

Emission Control 967 1998 b

Information cc
This engine conforms to 1998 Model Year This engine is certified to operate on regular 87
U.S. EPA regulations for marine SI engines. octane unleaded fuel (R+M)/2 c
Refer to Owners Manual for required maintenance. Idle Speed (in gear): XXX RPM
Exhaust Emission Control Systems:
Fuel/Oil Timing:
Engine Lubricants: TC-Wll or
n TC-W3 2 Cycle Outboard Oil Ratio: Not
Adjustable e
ECM Spark Plug: NGK BP8H-N-10 Gap: 0.040 in.
m Family: WM9XM.323220 Controlled
FEL: 32.20 GM/KW-HR
l f
2-Stroke g

k j

a -
Spark Ignition (SI) m - Family Example:
b -
Model Year of Engine and Production Decal Part Number W M9X M 03.0 2 2 0
c -
Type and Octane of fuel (Recommended Fuel)
d -
Timing Specifications When Adjustable
e -
Spark Plug Gap
f -
Recommended Spark Plug For Best Engine Performance Model Year Regulation Application Unspecified
g -
Engine Horsepower Rating W=1998 M=Marine 1=PWC
h -
Engine Displacement X=1999 2=OB
i -
Valve Clearance (Four Stoke Engines Only) Manufacturer Displacement Technology type
j -
Recommended Oil/Fuel Ratio For Best Engine Perfor- Mercury Marine Liter 1=Existing
mance and Minimal Emissions Cubic Inch 2=New
k - Month of Production (Boxing Month Will Be Punched)
l - FEL: Represents (Mercury Marine) Statement of the Maxi- n - Engine Lubricants Recommended by the Manufacturer
mum Emissions Output For the Engine Family

90-852572R02 NOVEMBER 2002 FUEL SYSTEM - 3D-5

EPA Information Decal Location
Model Service Part No. Location on Engine
2003 Merc/Mar 965cc, 2-Stroke
37-804665A03 Top Cowl Inlet Duct
(40-60 H.P.)
2002 Merc/Mar 965cc, 2-Stroke
37-804665A02 Top Cowl Inlet Duct
(40-60 H.P.)
2001 Merc/Mar 965cc, 2-Stroke
37-804665A01 Top Cowl Inlet Duct
(40-60 H.P.)
2000 Merc/Mar 965cc, 2-Stroke
37-804665A00 Top Cowl Inlet Duct
(40-60 H.P.)
1999 Merc/Mar 965cc, 2-Stroke
37-856985A7 Top Cowl Inlet Duct
(40-60 H.P.)
1998 Merc/Mar 965cc, 2-Stroke
37-855577 8 Top Cowl Inlet Duct
(40-60 H.P.)

FUEL SYSTEM - 3D-6 90-852572R02 NOVEMBER 2002

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