AOS Injury Classification Systems Poster UPPERCERVICAL
AOS Injury Classification Systems Poster UPPERCERVICAL
AOS Injury Classification Systems Poster UPPERCERVICAL
Classification System
I. Occipital Condyle and II. C1 Ring and C1-2 Joint III. C2 and C2-3 Joint
Craniocervical junction
Type A Isolated bony injury (condyle) Type A Isolated bony only (arch) Type A Bony injury only without ligamentous,
tension band, discal injury
Type B Non-displaced ligamentous injury Type B Ligamentous injury Type B Tension band / Ligamentous injury
(craniocervical) (transverse atlantal ligament) with or without bony injury
Type C Any injury with displacement Type C Atlantoaxial instability / Type C Any injury that leads to vertebral body
on spinal imaging Translation in any plane translation in any directional plane