Siemens Fire Protection
Siemens Fire Protection
Siemens Fire Protection
Early intervention
An effective fire extinguishing system either
puts fires out at an early stage or prevents
them from starting at all. This is particularly
important for businesses in which high risk
factors are involved, such as:
Sinorix™ at a glance
Sinorix™ Cerexen
Extinguishing agents:
nitrogen, argon or carbon
Sinorix™ CDT
Extinguishing agents:
nitrogen or argon at a con-
stant discharge pressure.
high risk of fire (hot surfaces, engine test- … for successful fire extinguishing
ing, generators, transformers) The fast fire extinguishing systems from
highly flammable materials Siemens perfectly complement their early de- Sinorix™ 227
(cotton, flammable fluids) tection devices. In many cases, an automatic High and low pressure tech-
poorly accessible areas (cable wall ducts, fire extinguishing system is the intervention of nology combined with the
distributor rooms, underfloor cavities for choice, enabling you to extinguish a fire rapid- world’s most widely spread
cables) ly in the earliest phases. chemical extinguishing
Sinorix TM:
extinguishing with chemical agents
Sinorix™ 227: Advantages
extinguishing system with HFC227ea No risk of personal injury
Faster than extinguishing systems using
Operating principle natural gases, extinguishing agent release
in less than 10 seconds
The chemical extinguishing agent, HFC227ea,
Extinguishing agent storage takes up little
is stored in liquid form in the storage contain-
space as consumption is very low
ers and pressurized with nitrogen. The nitro-
Low extinguishing agent concentration
gen is used to transport the gas to the individ-
ual nozzles, where it evaporates rapidly,
Modular design option using multiple
creating a homogeneous atmosphere in the
extinguishing agent storage containers
room. A single HFC227ea molecule decompos-
in the protected area
es into 10 atoms when exposed to the heat of
Possible to use existing piping systems,
a flame. The extreme speed with which
e.g. when upgrading Halon 1301 systems
HFC227ea extinguishes a fire is the result of
No danger of ozone layer depletion
the sudden expansion in volume, reduction of
(ODP = 0)
the local oxygen concentration and the high
Best environmental compatibility of all the
level of heat absorption involved in this de-
composition process.
25 bar system Sinorix™ 1230:
The market standard 25 bar technology fire Extinguishing system with
extinguishing system is also within the Novec™ 1230
Sinorix™ portfolio. The main feature of this Fire Protection Fluid*
system is the ability to utilize large storage
Operating principle
The Sinorix™ 1230 combines the latest gen-
42 bar system eration of chemical extinguishing agents
with the high pressure extinguishing system
Siemens was the first manufacturer to develop
design (42 bars). The nitrogen is used to
a 42 bar high pressure fire extinguishing sys-
transport the gas to the individual nozzles,
tem that extinguishes fires even faster than
where it evaporates rapidly, creating a homo-
the standard 25 bar system.
geneous atmosphere in the room. A single
Novec molecule decomposes into 18 atoms
Storing the extinguishing agent in 42 bar cylin- when exposed to the heat of a flame. This
ders allows higher nozzle pressures and more results in a slightly reduced concentration of
complex system designs. This both increases the extinguishing gas needed in comparison
system efficiency and relaxes design con- to HFC227ea.
straints when laying out and installing the
system. For example, the extinguishing agent
storage containers can be installed at a sub-
stantial distance from the protected area. Advantages
No risk of personal injury
Efficient extinguishing performance due
Advantages to 42 bar technology and high nozzle
Less than 15 seconds between the start
Faster than extinguishing systems using
of the extinguishing process and the fire
natural gases, extinguishing agent release
actually being put out
in less than 10 seconds
More consistent and homogeneous
High environmental compatibility
atmosphere in the room
(GWP = 1/ALT (halflife) of 3 to 5 days),
Ability to construct complex systems
no effect on the ozone layer (ODP = O)
Extinguishing agent storage takes up little
space as consumption is very low
Applications Low extinguishing agent concentration
Slow-spreading electronic fires: needed
computer rooms Pressure-free transport of the
telecommunication systems extinguishing gas
electrical switching rooms Possible to use existing piping systems,
electrical distribution rooms e.g. when upgrading Halon 1301 systems
underfloor cavities for cables Modular design option using multiple
extinguishing agent storage containers
Less suitable for flammable fluids and gases. in the protected area
Slow-spreading electronic fires:
computer rooms
telecommunication systems
electrical switching rooms
electrical distribution rooms
underfloor cavities for cables