Complete Fire Protection Systems From A Single Source: Safe For Certain
Complete Fire Protection Systems From A Single Source: Safe For Certain
Complete Fire Protection Systems From A Single Source: Safe For Certain
Minimax Chronicle 4
Minimax Overview 4
Permanent inerting 16
Special solutions 19
Fire extinguishers 23
Complete fire protection management 30
Branch offices/Consulting engineers in Germany 32
Fire protection center in Germany 33
Worldwide 34
A Single Source
Global presence
Minimax with its headquarter in Bad Oldesloe,
employs about 3,200 men and women world-
wide. Minimax is present at 40 locations in
Germany and has branch offices and agencies in
Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, North America, the
Near East and Middle East.
Types of systems
It is used in areas where accidental leakage of
water – e.g. resulting from mechanical damage
Wet pipe system to a sprinkler – must be avoided at all costs, as
The wet pipe system is the most common type in areas with expensive electronic equipment.
of sprinkler system. In this type of system, the
sprinkler pipe network is completely filled with Systems with foam additives
pressurized water. Sprinkler systems in special risk areas, such
as large quantities of synthetic materials,
Dry pipe system require that foam compounds be added to
The dry pipe system is designed especially the extinguishing water. The addition of foam
for areas subject to the danger of frost. is possible with both wet and dry systems.
The sprinkler pipe network is not filled with
Areas of application
water in the critical areas, but rather with
Warehouses, industrial firms, production halls,
compressed air, past the dry alarm valve.
storage rooms, high-bay warehouses, hotels,
Pre-Action dry pipe system fair pavilions, shopping centers, home improve-
ment stores, supermarkets, office buildings, etc.
The pilot operated dry system is a combination
of a fire detection system and a sprinkler system.
Areas of application
Computer rooms, test stands, cash rooms, etc.
Sprinkler components
Direct connections
Areas of application
Offices and administration buildings, hotels,
hospitals and nursing homes, restaurants, un-
derground car parks and parking houses, etc.
Minifog ObjectProtect
If objects are to be protected whereby rapid
spreading of the fire can be expected, Minifog
ObjectProtect is available. Electronic alarms are
mostly provided for quick and reliable detec-
tion of the fire.
Areas of application
Gas and steam turbines, large/industrial fryers,
hydraulic machinery, cable ducts, paint spray
facilities, engine test rigs, machine tools, etc.
Minifog PressProtect
When manufacturing wood-fibreboard using
continuous presses or stage presses, production
conditions entail increased fire hazards. By
using Minifog PressProtect Minimax offers a
concept based on modern low-pressure water
mist system technology, this type of protection
having already been installed for more than
100 presses worldwide.
Water spray systems function the same as ferries, mineral oil and gas tanks, filling stations
sprinkler systems; however, they are equipped for flammable liquids, etc.
with open extinguishing nozzles and distribute
large amounts of water over the entire pro-
tected area in case of fire. They are used for
protecting buildings and for cooling especially
heat-sensitive, highly flammable objects wher-
ever fires can be expected to spread extremely
fast. If there is a danger of fire, the FSX spray
station, which is activated electrically, pneu-
matically or hydraulically, controls the extin-
guishing system and signals the necessary
Areas of application
Refuse bins, waste incineration systems,
chip silos, conveyor systems, airplane hangars,
theater stages, power plants, transformers,
cable ducts, turbines, automobile decks of
Thanks to its rapid and even distribution of ex- Install, connect – and it’s ready to extinguish
tinguishing agent the Minimax fire extinguishing
The MX 1230 compact fire extinguishing system
system MX 1230 with the extinguishing agent
is the compact version for smaller and medium-
Novec™ 1230 from 3M™ provides a solution
size rooms.
which offers many advantages for the protec-
tion of electrical and electronic risks. The special advantage of the MX 1230 compact
fire extinguishing system: the control centre,
It is space-saving, is environmentally-friendly and
supply of extinguishing agent and if desired ex-
guarantees a high level of safety for persons.
tinguishing nozzle, alarm horn and flashing light
The unique feature of
all combined in a single unit in one cabinet. This
the Novec™ 1230 extin-
means that the system can be set up in your pro-
guishing agent: it can be
tected room in a way which saves space and with
stored at room tempera-
a minimum assembly and installation effort.
ture as compactly as
water yet extinguishes The Minimax MX 1230 compact fire extinguish-
as a gas with a homo- ing system with the Novec™ 1230 extinguishing
genous distribution agent from 3M™ protects data processing and
throughout the whole electronic control systems round the clock –
extinguishing area and reliably and automatically. The compact fire
does not leave any resi- extinguishing system automatically identifies a
due. Every MX 1230 fire extinguishing system fire risk at an early stage, automatically inter-
is individually designed. Each system’s nozzle rupts the power supply and extinguishes the
bores and container filling volumes are the fire, rapidly and without leaving any residue.
results of an object-specific design calculation
and hallmark a system which is optimised down
to the smallest detail.
Areas of application
Electrical and electronic
risks, e.g. computer
areas, telecommunica-
tions installations, com-
puter and server rooms,
control rooms and con-
trol centres, medical and
laboratory installations
and similar applications.
Argotec system
Equipped with the inert gas argon (Ar) or nitro-
gen (N2) as an extinguishing agent, Argotec fire
extinguishing systems are recommended – due
to their non-residual and human-compatible
non-toxicity – for areas with high-quality electric
or electronic components where human presence
Minimax novelty: new Argotec Liquid Argon (LAR) technology
is required.
At the same time, any ventilators and air con- With carbon dioxide (CO2), Argotec fire extin-
ditioning systems can be switched off and the guishing systems are used for the protection of
ventilation flaps and doors can be closed in rooms and free-standing, non-enclosed objects
order to prevent the penetration of oxygen and (e.g. machines). The pressurized liquid carbon
the escape of extinguishing gas. dioxide in the discharge area forms a thick
extinguishing cloud, which can be directed
The inert gases used for extinguishing are taken
precisely by means of corresponding nozzles.
from the ambient air.
The extinguishing effect is based on suffocation, Areas of application
which is caused by displacement of the oxygen Paint and lacquer production and processing,
in the air below the threshold value required hazardous substances warehouses, painting
for combustion. and powder-coating booths, hydraulic systems,
filters, printing presses, foamed material, com-
Argotec fire extinguishing systems are ideal
puter facilities, archives, cable floors, switching
for areas with flammable liquids and other
and control systems, turbines, transformers,
substances with similar burning properties, in
metal processing, machine tools, textile ma-
addition to areas with high-quality systems and
chines, warehouses for art objects, etc.
facilities or objects of value, which could be
damaged by the use of other extinguishing
Permanent inerting
Areas of application
Cold storage depots, hazardous substance and
high-bay warehouses with automatic loading,
vaults, server and computer rooms, telecom-
munication systems, distributing centers, show-
cases, ship’s storage rooms, silos, mixing plants,
Permatec system
Areas of application
Chemical plants, tank farms, compressor and
pump stations, transfer stations for oil and gas,
gas burner stations in boiler systems, oil tanks
in basements, rolling mills, test stands, hydrau-
lic systems, airplane hangars, LNG, LPG and
chemical tankers, lab rooms and facilities,
special waste plants, etc.
Types of systems
Minimax develops individual protective concepts ple, filters and bunkers are protected from
for every risk. smoldering fires or dust explosions by registered
Exemplary fire protection concepts: sources of ignition.
Areas of application
Small extinguishing systems Wood and chipboard processing, textile pro-
for protectng kitchens cessing, clothing industry, fodder/food/luxury
food industry, chemical and plastics processing
In high-tech kitchens, industry, etc.
where deep fat fryers,
special baking appliances,
tilting-type frying pans,
broilers and grills are in Fire protection for painting plants
use, spontaneous fires
must be expected. The Modern painting processes use high voltage
use of an automatic kit- painting pistols with an operating voltage of up
chen object protection to 80,000 volts.
system is recommended This results in new types of fire risks, which can
here. Such a system be dealt with only by means of more efficient
guarantees that the fire extinguishing systems. Therefore, special extin-
will be extinguished immediately, keeping sub- guishing systems were developed to use flame
sequent damages to a minimum and with detectors that detect and extinguish sudden
almost no effect on the kitchen operations. flames from high voltage arcing.
Areas of application The extinguishing agent – argon, nitrogen or
Large-scale kitchens and industrial kitchens etc. CO2 – is directed immediately at the source of
the fire directly through the paint/air ducts of
Areas of application
Electrostatic powder and wet painting systems,
including drying and recovery systems, etc.
Fire detectors
Bypass detectors
Exhaust air and air conditioning ducts with
increased air speeds can be monitored with
bypass detectors. Air samples from the ducts
to be controlled are continuously sent via a
bypass pipe to the smoke detector in the
bypass chamber.
Special detectors
Gas detection technology
Multi-function detectors
In this field Minimax has a competent partner –
In halls and rooms with high ceilings in which
MSA Auer GmbH – the professional when it
materials are stored that in case of a smolde-
comes to safety and gas detection technology.
ring fire have a low thermal development, the
By bundling competences, Minimax offers fire
smoke would reach the smoke detectors very
protection and gas warning technology from
slowly, since they are very high up. Another
one source.
difficult area for detecting fires is in hard-to-
access cable ducts or in switch cabinets and
computer cabinets. For such cases, multi-func-
tion detectors are available, which react to
different fire magnitudes due to combined
Fire seeks out hidden shortcuts. gases. Special protective coatings pro-
Cables, pipes, supply shafts and ducts, coverings tect the cable strands to prevent fires
and joints are ideal areas for fire to spread from both internal influences, such as a
quickly. Every duct – even through fire-proof short circuit, and the external impact
walls, ceilings and floors – can easily become a from a fire. These coatings are applied
safety breach. Structural fire protection is there- after installation of the cables.
fore an essential part of fire prevention. It helps
to prevent and limit fires and to secure escape Fire protection coating
and rescue paths in the event of a fire. Minimax Wood and steel are widely used and
provides for the compliance with structural fire highly versatile construction materials. Panel seal
prevention regulations. All Minimax systems For the protection of these materials
are tested and approved in accordance with we provide coatings that do not restrict
DIN 4102 and conform to the state of the art. the design possibilities of wood and
Preventive fire protection must be designed steel constructions.
to keep damages to a minimum in the event of KBS Steelcoat is an intumescent coating,
a fire. As with all technical facilities, the oper- which gives steel constructions added
ability of structural fire protection installations stability also in fires and is available in
of all types must be ensured and they must be two types for indoor and outdoor use.
maintained in proper working order. In the event
KBS Woodcoat is a fire protection coat-
of modifications or retrofitting of pipe or cable Pipe sleeves KBS Pipe seals
ing that is applied by brush, roller or
lines, the structural fire protection separating
sprayer and can be used either in clear
elements must be serviced accordingly.
(transparent) or pigmented (white)
Cable fire stops form.
If cable ducts are not fire proof and flue gas Pipe fire stops
proof, fires can spread quickly. The fire-retard-
Pipes that lead through walls and cei-
ing sealing of cable ducts limits a fire to the
lings enable the fast and uncontrollable
immediate area of origin, so that it cannot
spreading of fires. The fire-retardant
spread to adjoining areas. These seals can be
sealing of pipes provides a fire proof
retrofitted. KBS Coating
and flue gas proof barrier. The pipe
Cable coatings sleeves with a fire protection mass are retro-
fitted on both sides of the pipe where it leads
Electric cableways present an especially high through the wall or ceiling.
risk in the event of a fire. Burning cable in-
sulations enable fast spreading of fires along Fire protection cladding
the cables and also release toxic and corrosive
Special fire protection panels can be used for
the fast and economical fireproofing of electric
installations, ventilation ducts and steel con-
structions. They not only prevent a fire from
spreading, but also ensure the operability of
critical equipment.
Fire extinguishers
Fire extinguishers
Fire extinguishers
Fire extinguishers
System components
“Wet/dry“ extinguishing water feed
The “wet/dry“ extinguishing water system Minimax extinguishing water systems consist of
(DIN 1988-6) has a direct connection to the town co-ordinated components: fire extinguishing
mains. The maximat filling and draining station hose connecting equipment (wall hydrants), feed
prevents water stagnating in the pipes. It is the and discharge equipment, maximat filling and
interface for a plentiful water supply within draining stations, Town water connection DIMX,
seconds and ensures that the drinking water is Backflow preventer type BAMX-NA, feed tanks,
kept clean. pipe ventilators and exhausters, Minimax foam or
water hydrants, Minimax mobile foam systems,
“Wet“ extinguishing water feed above-ground and underfloor hydrants, and
The "wet" extinguishing water system also has accessories such as the control panel from the
a direct connection with the drinking water Minimax FMZ 5000 series.
supply network.
The pipes are permanently laid and always Service
filled with drinking water. The water fire mains
"wet" can only be laid as drinking water mains Technical advice for planners, architects,
(special case) if the consumption of drinking authorities, sanitary installers and operators
water is greater than the underlying consump-
Assistance in preparing tender
tion of extinguishing water (DIN 1988-6).
Otherwise the water fire main "wet" must
be designed as a non drinking-water main in Pipework calculations for
accordance with DIN 1988-1. extinguishing water systems
Thanks to the use of the BAMX-NA double back- Acceptance testing
flow preventer or the DIMX isolating station any Investigation of the quality of extinguishing
stagnant water which may occur in the water water (microbiological/chemical)
fire main is safely kept apart from the drinking
Recurrent testing of the extinguishing
water supply system (wet/wet). The separated
water pipework and ist components
supply line then becomes a water fire main.
Maintenance service
Use: When retrofitting old existing systems
and with the agreement of the water supply
Foam equipment
Foam/water trailers
Foam/water monitors
The compact foam/water trailers are particularly
The compact suitable for effectively fighting dangerous
foam/water rapidly spreading fires, and for the preventive
monitor for cooling of large objects subject to explosion
alternative use hazard from a safe distance. The fire brigade
with foam or trailer has a very manoeuvrable single-axle
water has re- chassis.
volving joints for
Mobile foam unit
horizontal and
vertical move- The mobile foam unit for connection to the
ment. The pro- extinguishing water supply for the generation
jector pipe can be fixed in any desired position of low expansion and medium expansion foam
with clamp screws. are used wherever fires with embers and liquid
fires must be expected, and where extinguish-
ant residues on the burning surface itself must
Foam making branch pipes
be restricted. The unit is constructed in such a
way that it can be effectively used even by a
The nozzles of the foam making branch pipe single fireman in a restricted space.
from Minimax ensure constant foam quality. In
the enhancement piece that follows, the foam Foam/water hydrant
generation is optimised, and the ideal structure
Combined foam/water hydrants are used for
developed in the foam.
extinguishing with both foam and water. This
Foam making branch pipes M, ME und SE ensures high flexibility when fighting fires.
Inline Inductor
The type Z foaming inline inductors generate
mixtures of water and foaming agent. It is pos-
sible to mix protein, fluoroprotein, mulit-zone
and water film forming foaming agents.
Every Minimax inline inductor are exactly
prepared for delivery.
Product range
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