Complete Fire Protection Systems From A Single Source: Safe For Certain

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Complete Fire Protection Systems Safe for certain.

from a Single Source


Minimax Chronicle 4

Minimax Overview 4

Water extinguishing systems 6

Sprinkler extinguishing systems 6
Sprinkler components 8
Minifog Water mist sprinkler systems 9
Water spray systems 11

Gas extinguishing systems 12

MX 1230 Compact extinguishing systems 12
Inert gas fire extinguishing systems 13
Chemical fire extinguishing systems 15

Permanent inerting 16

Powder extinguishing systems 17

Foam extinguishing systems 18

Special solutions 19

Fire detection systems 20

Fire detection and extinguishing control panels 20
Fire detectors 20

Structural fire protection 22

Fire extinguishers 23

Fire extinguishing units and accessories 26

Extinguishing water technology 27

Special extinguishing equipment 28

Special fire extinguishing systems 29

Complete fire protection management 30

Branch offices/Consulting engineers in Germany 32
Fire protection center in Germany 33
Worldwide 34


Over 100 years experience

Fire is one of the most underestimated of all

Minimax Chronicle risks. A fire can break out anywhere – the im-
1902 The company is founded in Berlin by portant thing is how fast it can be detected and
Wilhelm Graaff and develops the le- extinguished. Although fires in Germany alone
gendary Minimax conical extinguisher. cause millions of euros in damage every year
Employees create the trademark: and the number of fire victims is increasing, this
minimum effort, threat is ignored by many people.
maximum efficiency = Minimax
There are many good reasons for fire protec-
1905 Minimax acquires the production center in Neuruppin.
tion: for more than 100 years, Minimax has pro-
1909 Minimax is the number 1 worldwide - with foreign
vided technology to prevent, detect and fight
companies in Europe and the USA. Minimax conquers
the world with its products – more than 300,000 de- fires in order to protect people, property and
vices have allready been exported to 28 countries. the environment at a minimum expense and
1926 The first Minimax foam generators are introduced on with maximum effectiveness.
the market.
The total service provider
1945 Minimax is built up again in West Germany after the
destruction of the administration buildings in Berlin Decades of experience and intensive develop-
and after expropriation of the factory in Neuruppin. ment have earned Minimax a reputation as the
1953 In Bad Urach near Stuttgart the most up-to-date problem-solver of the fire protection industry.
German factory for fire extinguishers, fire extinguish- Minimax develops individual protective con-
ing devices and extinguishing systems for fire fighting cepts for every risk. From fire extinguishers to
vehicles is established. complex automatic extinguishing systems – the
1958 Minimax extends the factory in Bad Urach. product portfolio covers all areas of fire preven-
1959 The first universal ABC fire extinguishing powder tion, fire detection and firefighting – a Europe’s
obtains its official approval. only complete provider of all these services.
1966 The SFH (Selbsttätige Feuerlöschanlagen GmbH) relo-
Minimax has two separate production locations:
cates its factory to Bad Oldesloe in Northern Germany.
in Bad Oldesloe, in Schleswig-Holstein, where
1967 The fire protection research centre is inaugurated
products and components for stationary fire
with its own “fire house“ in Bad Oldesloe.
protection systems are manufactured; and in
1969 Minimax is taken over by Preussag AG and merged
Bad Urach, in Baden-Württemberg, which
with SFH.
manufactures products and components for
1991 The Minimax GmbH with its head office in
mobile systems.
Bad Oldesloe and a branch office in Bad Urach is
founded. Minimax GmbH is the leading company of
Competence that convinces
all fire protection activities of the Preussag AG.
1998 Minimax extends the fire protection research center Minimax quality is among the best worldwide.
in Bad Oldesloe. Analysis, consulting and planning, technology
2001 Preussag concentrates on their basic business: and implementation, service and training, and
tourism. Minimax gains a new shareholder with malfunction signal management – Minimax is
Barclays Private Equity Deutschland. absolutely reliable in every field.
2002 Minimax celebrates its hundredth anniversary! The VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH awarded
2003 Investcorp acquires Minimax. Minimax GmbH Minimax GmbH & Co. KG the highest quality
and Minimax Holding GmbH merge into the assurance certificate in accordance with
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG.
DIN EN ISO 9001 for all relevant processes,
2005 The Minimax GmbH & Co. KG bundle their activities products and services within the enterprise.
in the range of the mobile fire protection in a dis-
crete association –
the Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG.
2006 Industri Kapital acquires Minimax from Investcorp.


A Single Source

The future counts Economically valuable

“Always a step ahead” is the motto at Minimax. The broad object-specific diversity makes
In keeping with this spirit, the employees con- Minimax fire protection a winning factor also in
tinuously receive training and the technology terms of economy. Since Minimax has the right
is continuously being optimized. Impulses pro- solution for every problem, there is also an op-
vided by daily practice, customers and our own timum solution for your specific requirements.
research center are taken seriously. This reduces your required planning and your
The best components are useless if they are not
properly integrated in an overall concept that
meets the individual requirements of the pro-
perty to be protected. Minimax complete solu-
tions relieve you of all responsibilities connected
with fire protection, so that you can concentrate
fully on your core competences.
Often required by law, fire protection is always
a smart decision. The installation and mainte-
nance of fire protection facilities protects you
from the unforeseeable consequences of a fire
and is remunerated by insurance companies
with high premium rebates. So the investment
always pays off.

Global presence
Minimax with its headquarter in Bad Oldesloe,
employs about 3,200 men and women world-
wide. Minimax is present at 40 locations in
Germany and has branch offices and agencies in
Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, North America, the
Near East and Middle East.

Consultation and planning

Minimax specialists inspect the local conditions,
Minimax Fire Protection Center: emergency situations
identify special fire protection requirements
and create a customized safety concept.
With its fire protection research center, Minimax
We support you through the completion of
is at the top of the European fire protection
all tasks – and beyond!
industry. Fires and extinguishing processes
are tested in practice in the “fire house” in
Bad Oldesloe. Emergency situations are simu-
lated under the severest of conditions – also as
a prerequisite for the development of new pro-
cesses for protecting innovative technologies
and materials.
Through close cooperation with all major
testing and standardization committees on both
the national and international level, Minimax
frequently contributes to the creation of new
guidelines worldwide.


Sprinkler extinguishing systems

Sprinkler system are automatic fire extinguish-

ing system. They detect, report and extinguish
a fire that is starting, before it grows into a
large and uncontrollable blaze.

The functional principle of Minimax sprinklers

is very straightforward and safe. They are
mounted corresponding to the applicable
regulations into a network of pipes which
covers the areas to be protected in height of
the ceiling. Normally each sprinkler is sealed
and will only open when it reaches a certain
temperature. An important component of
the sealing is a glass bulb which is filled with
a liquid which will expand when heat from
a fire occurs. This robust glass bulb will only
burst when the surrounding temperature
increases approximately 30 °C above the nor-
mal maximum room temperature due to the
effects of a developing fire. In this way the
pressurized extinguishing water which is free
to flow out of the piping network onto the A sprinkler in use
sprinkler’s spray deflector to be distributed
evenly on the fire.
When the fire has been put out, the opened
At the same time the flow of water created in sprinklers are exchanged for new ones, and the
the pipes triggers the connected alarm systems. system is once again ready for operation.

Types of systems
It is used in areas where accidental leakage of
water – e.g. resulting from mechanical damage
Wet pipe system to a sprinkler – must be avoided at all costs, as
The wet pipe system is the most common type in areas with expensive electronic equipment.
of sprinkler system. In this type of system, the
sprinkler pipe network is completely filled with Systems with foam additives
pressurized water. Sprinkler systems in special risk areas, such
as large quantities of synthetic materials,
Dry pipe system require that foam compounds be added to
The dry pipe system is designed especially the extinguishing water. The addition of foam
for areas subject to the danger of frost. is possible with both wet and dry systems.
The sprinkler pipe network is not filled with
Areas of application
water in the critical areas, but rather with
Warehouses, industrial firms, production halls,
compressed air, past the dry alarm valve.
storage rooms, high-bay warehouses, hotels,
Pre-Action dry pipe system fair pavilions, shopping centers, home improve-
ment stores, supermarkets, office buildings, etc.
The pilot operated dry system is a combination
of a fire detection system and a sprinkler system.


Sprinkler extinguishing systems


Sprinklers are available at a range of release

temperatures and response sensitivities. The
area protected by a sprinkler ranges from 9 to
21 m2. The sprinkler type - which can be recog-
nised by the deflector - is selected according
to where it is to be fitted. Consistenty high
quality is guaranteed during manufacture on a
dedicated, computer controlled production line.

Special versions Sprinkler 21 – the new generation

Varying risks and unique features of construc-

Minimax Stainless steel sprinklers
tion call for specially adapted solutions. For this
and nozzles
reason, a wide range of sprinklers are available,
differing in their release temperature, their res- These VdS approved Minimax sprinklers and
ponse sensitivity, the discharge of water and nozzles are made entirely of stainless steel
the spray pattern, and even in the material and and are especially suitable for areas with high
finish. For example: temperatures and an aggressive atmosphere.

Minimax Extended Areas of application

Coverage Wall Sprinkler film, photo, paint and food industries, laundry
detergent and plastics industries, paper and
The Minimax extended cover- wood-processing industries, galvanizing plants,
age wall sprinkler, approved refuse bins, etc.
by VdS, was specially devel-
oped for the protection of Preaction sprinklers
areas where the construction
The VdS approved Minimax
of the building prevents the
preaction sprinklers further
sprinkler pipework from being placed under the
reduce the already low
ceiling or hidden by a suspended ceiling.
possibility of spurious re-
These sprinklers are suitable for all areas of lease – for example as a
fire risk class OH 1 according to VdS CEA 4001 result of accidental damage
sprinkler directive. to a sprinkler. Because both
sprinklers of this model must
Areas of application
open before extinguishing
hotels, hospitals, office buildings, etc.
water is released. This makes the system ideal
for small areas with individual sensitive devices
requiring protection.

Areas of application
Computer rooms, test stands, cash rooms, etc.


Sprinkler components

Special accessories Backflow preventer

Minimax TX tapping sleeves were developed The Minimax BAMX or BAMX-NA (with wet
and introduced for making modifications and alarm valve) composite separator is likewise
supplements to the pipe network of existing suitable for direct connection of the above
sprinkler systems. A sprinkler sleeve in various systems to the drinking water network. In
nominal sizes is available for retrofitting of contrast to the town water connection, this
sprinklers. separator is fully independent of any type of
external power.
Exhauster valve
Since the effectiveness of a dry system can be
seriously jeopardized by the delayed release
of water, the installation of a exhauster valve
is highly recommended. In addition to the im-
proved design, the SEVMX exhauster valve is
also considerably smaller in size.

Direct connections

The direct connection of a sprinkler system to

the drinking water network lowers investment
costs, minimizes installation costs and saves
space. The separating station and the system Environmental protection
separator eliminate the need for not only water and corrosion protection
supply tanks, but also for a pump system with
additional power requirements via a network or The Minimax powder-coating process, which
diesel generator. eliminates the need for final on-site treatment,
considerably reduces the time required for
Town water connection
installation. All RAL colors (also metallic) are
By means of spherical available; UV-proof on request.
separation, the
Minimax DiMX town
water conntection
makes it possible to
connect sprinkler
systems, spray and fog
extinguishing systems,
as well as hydrant
systems directly to the
drinking water network
as an “inexhaustible
Powder coating of pipes
water source“.


Minifog Water mist sprinkler systems

Minifog Minifog Application

Minifog is suitable for various applications, Minifog EconAqua

whether for protection of rooms or of objects. Minifog EconAqua water mist sprinkler systems
Minifog extinguishing technology features use innovative low-pressure water mist tech-
extremely efficient exploitation of the physical nologyto offer a particulary efficient building
properties of water. The extinguishing water is protection for risks as defined in accordance
applied through special nozzles or sprinklers as with VdS CEA 4001.
a water mist system so that the total surface Minifog EconAqua uses up to 85 percent less
area of the extinguishing water is multiplied water in comparison with a conventional sprink-
many times by fine droplet formation. The wa- ler system!
ter entrains the heat from the fire particularly
efficiently and so the base of the fire and its
surroundings are immediately cooled effective-
ly. Also evaporation of the extinguishing water
in the fire captures a great deal of additional

Areas of application
Offices and administration buildings, hotels,
hospitals and nursing homes, restaurants, un-
derground car parks and parking houses, etc.

latent heat and at the same time the steam

produced impedes the supply of oxygen to the
base of the fire: The reduction of the oxygen
concentration in the immediate vicinity of the
flame zone results in an additional smothering
effect. The arrangement of the nozzles and the
optimal droplet formation mean that the base
of the fire is still reached even if there are in-
hibiting factors such as thermal currents or air


Minifog Water mist sprinkler systems

Minifog ObjectProtect
If objects are to be protected whereby rapid
spreading of the fire can be expected, Minifog
ObjectProtect is available. Electronic alarms are
mostly provided for quick and reliable detec-
tion of the fire.

Areas of application
Gas and steam turbines, large/industrial fryers,
hydraulic machinery, cable ducts, paint spray
facilities, engine test rigs, machine tools, etc.

Minifog Solutions Minifog marine

Ships and other offshore facilities, such as
Special customer requirements also need special drilling platforms, require an uncommonly
solutions. Minimax has therefore developed a high degree of protection due to the conditions
series of Minifog protection concepts that are they are exposed to at sea. Minifog marine
especially suited to various specific applications.

Minifog PressProtect
When manufacturing wood-fibreboard using
continuous presses or stage presses, production
conditions entail increased fire hazards. By
using Minifog PressProtect Minimax offers a
concept based on modern low-pressure water
mist system technology, this type of protection
having already been installed for more than
100 presses worldwide.


Minifog Water mist sprinkler systems

Water spray systems

provides this in the form of protection concepts

which have been developed and approved in
accordance with the safety directives of natio-
nal and international classification societies as
well as the IMO and SOLAS codes.

Minifog Special Solutions

Besides the solutions mentioned for special cus-
tomer requirements, Minimax can offer further
protection concepts “Minifog Special Solutions“
– developed on the basis of Minifog water mist
system technology and tailored to the specific
field of application.
Examples of such are Minifog installations for
automatic parking systems, wind energy sys-
tems and railway vehicles.

Water spray systems

Water spray systems function the same as ferries, mineral oil and gas tanks, filling stations
sprinkler systems; however, they are equipped for flammable liquids, etc.
with open extinguishing nozzles and distribute
large amounts of water over the entire pro-
tected area in case of fire. They are used for
protecting buildings and for cooling especially
heat-sensitive, highly flammable objects wher-
ever fires can be expected to spread extremely
fast. If there is a danger of fire, the FSX spray
station, which is activated electrically, pneu-
matically or hydraulically, controls the extin-
guishing system and signals the necessary

Areas of application
Refuse bins, waste incineration systems,
chip silos, conveyor systems, airplane hangars,
theater stages, power plants, transformers,
cable ducts, turbines, automobile decks of


MX 1230 fire extinguishing systems

MX 1230 fire extinguishing system MX 1230 compact fire extinguishing system

Thanks to its rapid and even distribution of ex- Install, connect – and it’s ready to extinguish
tinguishing agent the Minimax fire extinguishing
The MX 1230 compact fire extinguishing system
system MX 1230 with the extinguishing agent
is the compact version for smaller and medium-
Novec™ 1230 from 3M™ provides a solution
size rooms.
which offers many advantages for the protec-
tion of electrical and electronic risks. The special advantage of the MX 1230 compact
fire extinguishing system: the control centre,
It is space-saving, is environmentally-friendly and
supply of extinguishing agent and if desired ex-
guarantees a high level of safety for persons.
tinguishing nozzle, alarm horn and flashing light
The unique feature of
all combined in a single unit in one cabinet. This
the Novec™ 1230 extin-
means that the system can be set up in your pro-
guishing agent: it can be
tected room in a way which saves space and with
stored at room tempera-
a minimum assembly and installation effort.
ture as compactly as
water yet extinguishes The Minimax MX 1230 compact fire extinguish-
as a gas with a homo- ing system with the Novec™ 1230 extinguishing
genous distribution agent from 3M™ protects data processing and
throughout the whole electronic control systems round the clock –
extinguishing area and reliably and automatically. The compact fire
does not leave any resi- extinguishing system automatically identifies a
due. Every MX 1230 fire extinguishing system fire risk at an early stage, automatically inter-
is individually designed. Each system’s nozzle rupts the power supply and extinguishes the
bores and container filling volumes are the fire, rapidly and without leaving any residue.
results of an object-specific design calculation
and hallmark a system which is optimised down
to the smallest detail.

Areas of application
Electrical and electronic
risks, e.g. computer
areas, telecommunica-
tions installations, com-
puter and server rooms,
control rooms and con-
trol centres, medical and
laboratory installations
and similar applications.

Novec extinguishing agent Novec™ 1230 is neither corrosive nor electric-

ally conductive and causes no damage to sen-
The Novec™ 1230 extinguishing agent from sitive components or leaves residues on them.
3M™ is environmentally-friendly and guaran- It is colourless and almost odourless and is a
tees the safety of persons. Compared with the liquid at room temperatures. The molecules
chemical extinguishing agents used up till now are composed of carbon, fluorine and oxygen.
Novec™ 1230 has the lowest global warming The extinguishing effect is based on binding
potential, the shortest atmospheric lifetime and the heat energy in the flames, interrupting the
has absolutely no effect on the ozone layer. combustion reaction.


Inert gas fire extinguishing systems

Argotec system

Argotec fire extinguishing systems are gas

extinguishhing systems that use natural inert
gases. These systems are used especially when
incipient fires need to be extinguished quickly
and without subsequent damage from extin-
guishing agents or residue.
With Argotec fire extinguishing systems, the
extinguishing process is initiated automatically
by fire detection and control systems, but can
also be activated manually. After expiration of
the pre-warning time, the extinguishing process

CO2 extinguishing nozzle in operation

Equipped with the inert gas argon (Ar) or nitro-
gen (N2) as an extinguishing agent, Argotec fire
extinguishing systems are recommended – due
to their non-residual and human-compatible
non-toxicity – for areas with high-quality electric
or electronic components where human presence
Minimax novelty: new Argotec Liquid Argon (LAR) technology
is required.
At the same time, any ventilators and air con- With carbon dioxide (CO2), Argotec fire extin-
ditioning systems can be switched off and the guishing systems are used for the protection of
ventilation flaps and doors can be closed in rooms and free-standing, non-enclosed objects
order to prevent the penetration of oxygen and (e.g. machines). The pressurized liquid carbon
the escape of extinguishing gas. dioxide in the discharge area forms a thick
extinguishing cloud, which can be directed
The inert gases used for extinguishing are taken
precisely by means of corresponding nozzles.
from the ambient air.
The extinguishing effect is based on suffocation, Areas of application
which is caused by displacement of the oxygen Paint and lacquer production and processing,
in the air below the threshold value required hazardous substances warehouses, painting
for combustion. and powder-coating booths, hydraulic systems,
filters, printing presses, foamed material, com-
Argotec fire extinguishing systems are ideal
puter facilities, archives, cable floors, switching
for areas with flammable liquids and other
and control systems, turbines, transformers,
substances with similar burning properties, in
metal processing, machine tools, textile ma-
addition to areas with high-quality systems and
chines, warehouses for art objects, etc.
facilities or objects of value, which could be
damaged by the use of other extinguishing


Inert gas fire extinguishing systems

Engineering and design throughout the entire extinguishing area on

The systems are classified based on the type the ceiling, in high building areas in several
extinguishant storage, i.e. liquid (Ar, CO2) or levels, if necessary.
gaseous (Ar, N2) storage in high-pressure steel For facility protection systems, the nozzles are
bottles or low-pressure containers. aimed directly at individual objects or high-risk
Extinguishant storage in
high-pressure steel cylinders Personal protection systems
Extinguishant is stored in high-pressure steel Employer’s liability insurance associations and
cylinders in the vicinity of the protected area. In the VdS require special measures for risks in-
special frames with individual hanging devices, volving danger to persons. The extinguishing
the bottles are combined into an individually gas does not flow into the extinguishing area
dimensioned until an acoustic alarm has sounded and an
extinguishant appropriate pre-warning time, which can be
unit. This ena- individually configured, has elapsed.
bles surprisingly
large extin-
guishant sup-
plies in a very Compact extinguishing systems
small area, easy for the protection of equipment
adaptation to
changing extin- In Minimax compact extinguishing systems, all
guishing sec- operating components are protected in a cabi-
tions and fast net from dust, moisture and mechanical damage
replacement of as a compact functional unit, consisting of extin-
the extinguish- guishant supply, activation and distribution de-
ing tanks after vices and the fire detection and control panel.
Extinguishant storage a fire. The Minimax compact extin-
guishing system can be placed
Extinguishant storage in the immediate vicinity of
in low-pressure vessels the object to be protected
For storing large quantities (CO2 – 3,000 kg or and can quickly be connected
more, Argon – 5,000 kg or more) it is recom- with the cable and pipe net-
mended – for reasons of economy – to use work via standard connec-
chilled extinguishant (CO2 approx. –20 °C, Ar tions. If requirements change,
approx. –143 °C) in low-pressure vessels with the unit can easily be moved
combined re-condensers. to another location. The high
degree of pre-fabrication and
Nozzles and pipe network the simple and fast installa-
The size of the pipe tion make the Minimax com-
network and the pact extinguishing system an
arrangement of the interesting alternative to
extinguishing noz- conventional systems, also
zles depends on the in terms of economy.
type of fire risk. For
room protection
systems, the extin-
guishing nozzles are Extinguishing nozzle for
distributed evenly local application


Chemical fire extinguishing systems

The fire detection and control panel integrated

in the compact extinguishing system is fully pro-
grammable. This enables time-saving, on-site
configuration for specific projects.
If required, several decentrally located com-
pact extinguishing systems can be networked
with a master system, so that the operability
of all systems can be monitored from a central

Chemical fire extinguishing systems

The MX-200 chemical fire extinguishing system

is effective and environmentally friendly. The
MX-200 system with FM-200 build on powerful
extinguishing concepts for protecting valuable
and critical materials. They combine high extin-
guishing effectiveness with short discharge
times, no-residue extinguishing, personal safety
and low storage volume.
As soon as fire detectors detect a fire, an alarm
is signaled via the central fire detection and
The extinguishant
extinguishing control panel. Afterwards, the
extinguishing agent tank is opened electrically FM-200 has an ODP value of 0, which means
and the extinguishing agent, which is still liquid that it does not break down stratospheric
at this point, flows through the extinguishing ozone.
nozzles, where it vaporizes and spreads through The extinguishing effect of FM-200 is based on
the room in gaseous form. If necessary, further heat absorption in the flame and is therefore
tanks are opened pneumatically by the master based on physical cooling and, to a small degree,
tank. chemical intervention in the flame reaction.

Engineering and design Areas of application

Computer rooms, telecommunications facilities,
The MX-200 fire extinguishing system consist of
archives, control rooms, switch rooms, libraries,
the extinguishant supply in steel bottles that
museums, art galleries, medical facilities, ships,
are connected with a pipe network, on which
special nozzles are mounted that do not allow
the extinguishant to vaporize until it reaches
the nozzles.
Due to the low pressure of 25 or 42 bar the
extinguishant supply of the chemical fire
extinguishing systems must be located in
the immediate vicinity of the object under


Permanent inerting

The nitrogen for reducing the oxygen is pro-

Permatec system
duced economically by a nitrogen generator
directly in the Permatec fire prevention sys-
Active fire prevention tem. The monitoring and control unit of the
with the Permatec system Permatec fire prevention system constantly con-
The principle of permanent inerting is to per- trols the oxygen content of the air.
manently lower the oxygen concentration of
Engineering and design
the air so that fire cannot break out in the first
place. The Permatec system consists of a nitrogen
generator and a monitoring and control unit.
The Permatec fire prevention system offers
In the nitrogen generator air is sucked in, com-
optimum fire protection when the areas to be
pressed and separated via a diaphragm into the
protected are not frequented by people and
components of oxygen, argon and nitrogen.
have a relatively high density for reasons of
While the nitrogen is used for inerting the
energy, climate or safety technology.
protected room, the other components are
In such areas the best possible fire protection is released into the atmosphere.
the Permatec system: active fire prevention
Due to the controlled supply of nitrogen, the
Permatec fire prevention system keeps the
oxygen content of the air in the protected air
at a reduced level. The nitrogen displaces the
calculated proportion of oxygen, resulting in a
fire-proof atmosphere.

Areas of application
Cold storage depots, hazardous substance and
high-bay warehouses with automatic loading,
vaults, server and computer rooms, telecom-
munication systems, distributing centers, show-
cases, ship’s storage rooms, silos, mixing plants,

Permatec system


Powder extinguishing systems

Powder extinguishing systems are permanently Extiguishants

installed fire extinguishing systems for protect- Extinguishing powders are highly efficient and
ing rooms and objects. The extinguishing pow- fast-acting extinguishing agents. The sudden
ders are used for fires involving solid, liquid and three-dimension extinguishing effect of the
gaseous materials and for metal fires, i.e. for powder clouds is due to the smothering effect
fire classes A, B, C and D. and the anti-catalytic effect, a chemical inter-
vention in the combustion process.
Extinguishing powders consist essentially of
non-toxic inorganic salts, which are mixed with
impregnation and pouring agents.

Areas of application
Chemical plants, tank farms, compressor and
pump stations, transfer stations for oil and gas,
gas burner stations in boiler systems, oil tanks
in basements, rolling mills, test stands, hydrau-
lic systems, airplane hangars, LNG, LPG and
chemical tankers, lab rooms and facilities,
special waste plants, etc.

Control panel and storage vessel of a powder extinguishing system

Types of systems

Large-scale powder extinguishing systems

If several rooms and objects are to be pro-
tected by powder extinguishing systems, one
central powder supply in pressure-proof steel
tanks is recommended for all areas to be pro-
tected. Up to 4,000 kg of powder can be
stored in one such tank.

Small-scale powder extinguishing systems

Small-scale extinguishing systems are recom-
mended for objects requiring limited protec-
tion. Such powder extinguishing systems have
been standardized in design and size for a
number of similar objects, which minimizes
the cost. Preferred areas of application are
exhauster hoods, exhaust air ducts, lab experi-
ment facilities, etc.

A powder extinguishing system in action


Foam extinguishing systems

Foam extinguishing systems, like sprinkler sys-

tems, are permanently installed fire extinguish-
ing systems. They are used for fires involving
solid and liquid materials of fire classes A and B
and to a limited degree for fires involving
gaseous materials of fire class C. To create the
foam, a constant percentage quantity of foam
compound is added to the water by means of
admixing devices. The resulting water/foam Foam/water sprinkler Foam/water nozzle

mixture is then foamed with air in downstream Foam/water monitors

foam generators.
Foam/water monitors are used primarily for
Extinguishant fighting fires from a safe distance and for
Extinguishing foam is a highly effective preventive cooling of objects. The MX 2000
extinguishing agent consisting of water, fire foam/water monitor, depending on the model,
extinguishing foam (concentrate) and air. The can be directed at its target either manually or
amount of air defines the type of foam and its electrically, or hydraulically by means of remote
properties. Extinguishing foam takes advantage control. It can optionally be equipped with a
of different extinguishing effects and modifies water spout for use only with water or with a
their properties: foam/water spout and multi-purpose nozzles
cooling, smothering, separating, covering, for alternating use with foam and water.
damming and displacing. Singly or together Water pollution control with
they ensure fast extinguishing. foam extinguishing systems
Foam extinguishing agents are substances that
are harmful to water and can pollute streams
Components and lakes if used incorrectly. Handling such sub-
stances requires special professional competence.
Low expansion foam nozzles Minimax is an acknowledged expert in this field
Foam/water nozzles and sprinklers were devel- in accordance with §19I of the water resources
oped especially for room and object protection law (WHG).
systems for fighting fires involving solid or
Areas of application
liquid or liquefying materials of fire classes A
Production and repair operations, tank farms,
and B. They can be used not only in foam extin-
refineries, airport facilities, laboratories, chemical
guishing systems, but also in sprinkler, spray and
industry, large parking houses, waste incineration
semi-stationary extinguishing systems, in which
plants, helicopter landing decks, etc.
foam concentrations are added.

Low expansion foam pipe/

foam pot or manifold
Low expansion foam pipes are used for pro-
tecting storage tanks with flammable liquids
and for foaming of collecting tanks. The foam
manifolds provide for gentle application of the
foam. With fixed roof tanks, the foam pot with
a rupture disk guarantees the exclusion of gas
between the tank and the open extinguishing

Transfer station protected with Refinery protected with a foam

foam/water nozzle extinguishing system


Special fire protection systems

Minimax develops individual protective concepts ple, filters and bunkers are protected from
for every risk. smoldering fires or dust explosions by registered
Exemplary fire protection concepts: sources of ignition.

Areas of application
Small extinguishing systems Wood and chipboard processing, textile pro-
for protectng kitchens cessing, clothing industry, fodder/food/luxury
food industry, chemical and plastics processing
In high-tech kitchens, industry, etc.
where deep fat fryers,
special baking appliances,
tilting-type frying pans,
broilers and grills are in Fire protection for painting plants
use, spontaneous fires
must be expected. The Modern painting processes use high voltage
use of an automatic kit- painting pistols with an operating voltage of up
chen object protection to 80,000 volts.
system is recommended This results in new types of fire risks, which can
here. Such a system be dealt with only by means of more efficient
guarantees that the fire extinguishing systems. Therefore, special extin-
will be extinguished immediately, keeping sub- guishing systems were developed to use flame
sequent damages to a minimum and with detectors that detect and extinguish sudden
almost no effect on the kitchen operations. flames from high voltage arcing.
Areas of application The extinguishing agent – argon, nitrogen or
Large-scale kitchens and industrial kitchens etc. CO2 – is directed immediately at the source of
the fire directly through the paint/air ducts of

Spark extinguishing systems

Spark extinguishing systems detect and extin-

guish fires or ember pockets directly in pneu-
matic suction and conveyance facilities for dust,
chips or other flammable fragments. For exam-

Painting plant booth with fire protection

the spray pistols. Customized detection and

extinguishing systems are available for all areas
of modern surface engineering.

Areas of application
Electrostatic powder and wet painting systems,
including drying and recovery systems, etc.

Spark extinguishing system in the wood industry


Fire detection systems

Fire detection systems are essential components

of a responsible safety management concept.
Each object and each area of use holds special
risks and requirements. Minimax provides for
the optimum detection of fires and the perfect
interplay with all other components of the
safety concept.
Minimax fire detection systems detect fire
dangers and incipient fires around the clock.
They warn persons who may be in danger,
alarm the fire department and provide relevant
information to the responsible parties.

The FMZ 5000 offers many flexibility

infrared detectors with intelligent alarm analysis
Minimax fire detection systems consist of functions – the measuring sensitivity increases
with the intensity of the fire. For the moni-
fire detectors
toring and control of extinguishing systems,
fire detection control panel special SUX modules can detect incorrect oper-
Alarm signals ating conditions of system elements. But this
does not exhaust the range of Minimax system
control units
components. Other solutions are also available.

Fire detection control panels Fire detectors and special detectors

Minimax fire detec- Standard fire detectors

tion technology
Minimax offers various models of automatic
encompasses both
fire detectors for the detection of different
conventional micro-
magnitudes of fire and with different response
characteristics. In certain cases, combined mon-
central control panels
itoring is the most effective protection.
with linear technology
and also central con- Optical smoke detectors
trol panels with ring
bus technology for These detectors react to the diffused light
networked systems. caused by smoke aerosols and react especially
From the compact well to visible smoke. They are the ideal solution
small control panel to the extensive large-scale if primarily cold smoke is to be expected when
central control panel, all expansion stages are a fire breaks out, as in smoldering fires.
available. Minimax also provides diverse stan-
Maximum/Rate-of-Rise/Heat Detectors
dard and special sensors.
These heat detectors react to a maximum
In addition to the use of conventional push-
temperature or a defined temperature or a
button alarms for manual alarm signals, induc-
defined increase in temperature within a certain
tive automatic detectors are available as stan-
time period. They are installed where smoke
dard, smoke and heat detectors. If required,
detectors cannot be used due to outward
highly sensitive self-suction smoke detectors can
circumstances, such as in hotel kitchens and
be used, in addition to linear smoke and heat
detectors. We also offer a wide range of special


Fire detectors

measuring chamber systems and are equipped

with active suction devices. Such active detec-
tors suck in air samples via a number of suction
points and send these samples via pipes to the
multi-function measuring chamber for analysis,
which enables early detection of a fire.

Bypass detectors
Exhaust air and air conditioning ducts with
increased air speeds can be monitored with
bypass detectors. Air samples from the ducts
to be controlled are continuously sent via a
bypass pipe to the smoke detector in the
bypass chamber.

HELIOS suction smoke detector

The multisensor HELIOS suction smoke detector
Different detectors for different fire risks enables the extremely early detection of volatile
fire aerosols at a central location, for example
Ionization smoke detectors
in the air ducts of the air conditioning system.
These detectors detect miniscule smoke particles, The measuring chamber system consists of a
both visible and invisible. They are used when special optical configuration, which analyzes
smoldering or open flames are to be expected the continuous air samples for miniscule smoke
relatively soon after a fire breaks out. particles by means of high-power laser light.

Spark and flame detectors Alarm Signals

These detectors react to the optical radiation Choosing the right alarm can be decisive for
and select only narrow bands of the analyzable a successful rescue and for timely firefighting.
light spectrum for detection. They are installed Acoustic alarms emit an unmistakable sound
when open flames are expected to spread very (DIN tone) and visual blinking or flashing
quickly. signals, or a warning panel.

Special detectors
Gas detection technology
Multi-function detectors
In this field Minimax has a competent partner –
In halls and rooms with high ceilings in which
MSA Auer GmbH – the professional when it
materials are stored that in case of a smolde-
comes to safety and gas detection technology.
ring fire have a low thermal development, the
By bundling competences, Minimax offers fire
smoke would reach the smoke detectors very
protection and gas warning technology from
slowly, since they are very high up. Another
one source.
difficult area for detecting fires is in hard-to-
access cable ducts or in switch cabinets and
computer cabinets. For such cases, multi-func-
tion detectors are available, which react to
different fire magnitudes due to combined


Structural fire protection

Fire seeks out hidden shortcuts. gases. Special protective coatings pro-
Cables, pipes, supply shafts and ducts, coverings tect the cable strands to prevent fires
and joints are ideal areas for fire to spread from both internal influences, such as a
quickly. Every duct – even through fire-proof short circuit, and the external impact
walls, ceilings and floors – can easily become a from a fire. These coatings are applied
safety breach. Structural fire protection is there- after installation of the cables.
fore an essential part of fire prevention. It helps
to prevent and limit fires and to secure escape Fire protection coating
and rescue paths in the event of a fire. Minimax Wood and steel are widely used and
provides for the compliance with structural fire highly versatile construction materials. Panel seal
prevention regulations. All Minimax systems For the protection of these materials
are tested and approved in accordance with we provide coatings that do not restrict
DIN 4102 and conform to the state of the art. the design possibilities of wood and
Preventive fire protection must be designed steel constructions.
to keep damages to a minimum in the event of KBS Steelcoat is an intumescent coating,
a fire. As with all technical facilities, the oper- which gives steel constructions added
ability of structural fire protection installations stability also in fires and is available in
of all types must be ensured and they must be two types for indoor and outdoor use.
maintained in proper working order. In the event
KBS Woodcoat is a fire protection coat-
of modifications or retrofitting of pipe or cable Pipe sleeves KBS Pipe seals
ing that is applied by brush, roller or
lines, the structural fire protection separating
sprayer and can be used either in clear
elements must be serviced accordingly.
(transparent) or pigmented (white)
Cable fire stops form.

If cable ducts are not fire proof and flue gas Pipe fire stops
proof, fires can spread quickly. The fire-retard-
Pipes that lead through walls and cei-
ing sealing of cable ducts limits a fire to the
lings enable the fast and uncontrollable
immediate area of origin, so that it cannot
spreading of fires. The fire-retardant
spread to adjoining areas. These seals can be
sealing of pipes provides a fire proof
retrofitted. KBS Coating
and flue gas proof barrier. The pipe
Cable coatings sleeves with a fire protection mass are retro-
fitted on both sides of the pipe where it leads
Electric cableways present an especially high through the wall or ceiling.
risk in the event of a fire. Burning cable in-
sulations enable fast spreading of fires along Fire protection cladding
the cables and also release toxic and corrosive
Special fire protection panels can be used for
the fast and economical fireproofing of electric
installations, ventilation ducts and steel con-
structions. They not only prevent a fire from
spreading, but also ensure the operability of
critical equipment.

Fire protection joints

Joints are weak points in walls and ceilings.
Special permanently elastic fire protection
joints provide reliable protection against joints
burning through and ensure that walls and
ceilings remain fireproof in the event of a fire.
Cushion fire stop Combination fire stop


Fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing units and

wall hydrants are intended for the very first Carrying handle
Pressure lever
offensive against the fire. They must be installed Securing ring
where they will be needed in the event of a Screw Spindle
fire – in addition to being highly visible and cap
Sealing screw
easily accessible. It is also extremely important of CO2 cartridge

that this equipment be used strategically for CO2 cartridge

putting out the fire. The training of employees (propellant agent)
Tandem pipe
in the use of fire extinguishers, fire extinguish-
ing units and wall hydrants at the workplace is
not only necessary but also makes sense. agent container
Extin- (cylinder)
Everything under control
with the One Hand Control

When there is a fire, Spray

every second counts.
Every movement must
be perfectly coordi-
nated in order to
effectively fight the
fire in the beginning Not all fires are the same
stages. In order to
prevent operating
errors, the Workplace Fires are classified in five fire classes based on the
Regulation (ASR 137 1 type of flammable material. Minimax provides
and 2, number 6.1) the right fire extinguishing equipment with the
recommends that all fire extinguishers within a right extinguishant for every type of fire:
plant be equipped with the same control devices. Fire class A Fires involving solid
Therefore, it is a good idea to consider using materials: wood, paper, straw, coal,
only fire extinguishers with the same controls, textiles, etc.
even if they are designed for different types of
fires. That is why Minimax fire extinguishers are B Fire class B Fires involving liquid or
equipped with the standardized one-hand con- liquefying materials: gasoline, oils,
trol. The compact unit consists of a carrying grease, paint, resins, wax, tar, ether,
handle, an operating lever and a safety catch. alcohols, plastics, etc.

C Fire class C Fires involving gases:

methane, propane, hydrogen,
acetylene, natural gas, etc.

D Fire class D Fires involving metals:

aluminum, magnesium, lithium,
sodium, potassium, etc. and
Pull out securing Press down trigger corresponding alloys.
ring/safety device lever and release
it. Aim the nozzle Fire class A Fires involving cooking
at the base of fire F
and press down
oils or fat.
the trigger lever


Fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers

Minimax legendary Minimax cornet bag –

it means now over 100 years experience.
The fire extinguishers are approved in accor-
dance with the European standard DIN EN 3
and are CE inspected.
Minifog mobile water mist fire extinguisher
Some extinguisher models were also tested by
Minimax according to other standards, such as Compared with conventional jet of extinguish-
the British Standard (BSI) and the German ing water the fine mist of extinguishing agent
ship safety authority (See-Berufsgenossenschaft means that the surface area of water is multi-
Directive 96/98/EG); in addition, our extinguishers plied many times. The fire is put out as a result
are TÜV certified and bear the GS mark of of the intensive cooling effect. In addition the
“tested safety“. water mist vaporises in the heat of the fire.
Special extinguishers for special applications This reduces the concentration of oxygen in the
can be produced on request without approval vicinity of the flame; the additional smothering
according to DIN EN 3. effect results in a particularly efficient form of
extinguishing. The small quantities of minerals
Water fire extinguishers added to the extinguishing water form an ef-
The extinguishing effect of fective barrier preventing embers from leading
water on ember-forming to a re-ignition of the fire.
materials of fire class A is Extinguishant volume: 3, 6 or 9 l
based on its heat-binding
ability. The cooling effect Powder fire extinguishers
disrupts the conditions for The effect of the extinguish-
the thermal reaction and ing powder (MULTI-TROXIN)
prevents further processes on ember-forming, liquid or
in the flammable materials, liquefying and gaseous
so that the supply of flam- materials of fire classes A, B
mable gases and vapors is and C is based on the anti-
Water fire extinguisher stopped. catalytic effect. The inter-
Extinguishant volume: 2, 6 or 9 l vention of the powder par-
ticles in the reaction process
Minifog mobile water mist fire extinguisher of the combustion causes a
In contrast to conventional water- or powder chain termination reaction.
extinguishers the fine spray nozzle on the The formation of melt coat-
Powder fire extinguisher
Minifog mobile has a much lower throughput ing on ember-forming ma-
of extinguishing agent. For example a 6 litre terials also causes the extinguishing powder to
water mist extinguisher can reach the extra- exert a barrier effect. This prevents the diffusion
ordinarily long operating time of more than of oxygen from the air into the source of the fire
two minutes. In comparison: conventional 6 and keeps the immediate area of the fire from
litre water extinguishers last a maximum of one heating up, thus preventing backflashes. Special
minute, powder extinguishers only around half extinguishing powders are available for metal
a minute. Despite the fine mist the Minimax fires of fire class D (META-TROXIN), and BC pow-
water mist extinguisher extinguishes from a ders in a foam-compatible (COMBI-TROXIN) and
safe distance, effectively and precisely. non-foam-compatible (NOVO-TROXIN) version
for fire classes B and C.
Extinguishant volume: 2, 6, 9 or 12 kg


Fire extinguishers

Foam fire extinguishers Minimaxol is an adhesive, covering, stable

The foam water mixture AFFF extinguishes very foam, which is not seeping away, being espe-
effectively and nearly residue-free because of its cially suitable for burning liquids and surface
strong net effect. In many cases AFFF is a good fires. With its good covering characteristics it
alternative to powder extinguishers because it is recommended for areas containing different
does not produce an extinguishant cloud im- substances.The Minimaxol fire extinguisher is
peding the visibility. even available as frost-proof version up to
–30 °C.
In fire classification A the combination of cooling
and barrier effect is extinguishing: the water Extinguishant volume: 6 or 9 l
lowers the temperature below the inflammation
CO2 fire extinguishers
point and during evaporation a coat of salt crys-
tals builds up and prevents The extinguishing gas carb-
the fire from flaring up on dioxide (CO2) functions –
again. In case of fire classi- in connection with extin-
fication B a very thin sliding guishing spray heads – with
film is formed on the bur- liquid or melting materials
ning liquid, which immedi- of fire class B through the
ately spreads over the whole smothering effect. CO2
surface and prevents the extinguishes with no residue
oxygen supply. The fire is at all, and is non electrically
suffocated and reinflamma- conductive.
tions are reliably prevented. Extinguishant
Our AFFF foam is a thin, volume: 2 or 5 kg
Foam fire extinguishers
creeping and fast flowing
CO2 fire extinguisher
foam. These characteristics make the foam es-
pecially suitable for difficultly accessible areas
where a lot of material is stored.
Minimax fire extinguishers – Fire extin-
Extinguishant volume: 6 or 9 l guishers with patented CO2 overcharge
Minimaxol Fire extinguishers
In the Minimax fire extinguishers with a
With its very effective additives the foam water patented carbon dioxide overcharge, the
mixture of the Minimaxol fire extinguisher aims propellant is distributed in the form of fine
at success – because unlike powder extinguish- droplets through a perforated pipe into the
ers it does not produce an extinguishant cloud extinguishing liquid, where it is thoroughly
impeding the visibility. With its high rating mixed. A similarly high operating pressure can
Minimaxol is an effective and nearly residue- be achieved at nearly any operating tempera-
free alternative to the powder extinguisher in ture – including very low temperatures. There
fire classification A and B. In fire classification A is no separation.
the combination of cooling and barrier effect is
This produces an even and optimum flow
used: the water lowers the temperature below
of extinguishant with a constant and very
the inflammation point and during evaporation
effective extinguishing effect.
a coat of salt crystals builds up and prevents the
fire from flaring up again. In fire classification B
a sliding film and a foam layer stop the oxygen
supply and prevent reinflammations and the
occurrence of toxic vapours.


Fire extinguishing units and accessories

guished. The low water requirement of max.

Fire extinguishing units and accessories
25 liters per minute protects the environment
and prevents water damage.
Fire extinguishing units, due to their size and
weight, are mounted on a chassis with two With the HDL 250, it is also possible to add
large disk wheels with solid rubber tires. foam agents.

Fire extinguishing units This unit is available in many different config-

with a capacity of 50 kg urations, also for use in extinguishing vehicles.
can be adapted to a
wide variety of require- Escape and rescue concepts
ments by using diffe-
rent extinguishing Under certain prerequisites supervising author-
powders ities, industrial injuries insurers and property
Foam/water extinguish- insurers request the provision of permanently
ing units with their updated emergency documents within the scope
stainless steel tanks of the individual organisation of personal and
are limited to a capac- object safety.
Foam fire extinguishing unit ity of 50 liters of extin- In case of fire everything must go quickly. Only
guishant. The extin- people who are prepared for emergency can
guishants Minimaxol and AFFF are available for react professionally and thus, avoid a larger
these units. damage. In such a situation good tactics require
The fire extinguishing units that the task forces of fire brigade and technical
with the extinguishant CO2 services can rely on exact schedules and organ-
are designed for 10, 20, 30 isation plans. They inform about the structural,
and 60 kg. spatial, technical, staff and organisational pre-
Additional fire extinguish- requisites without a delay. Minimax provides
ing units, such as trailers complete escape and rescue concepts.
with CO2 bottles (C 120,
C 240), powder fire extin- Fire protection equipment/
guishing units with a fire protection accessories
250 kg extinguishant ca-
pacity, or foam/water can- In the sector of fire protection equipment and
nons are also available. CO2 fire extinguishing unit fire protection accessories, Minimax offers an
optimum line of.
High-pressure extinguishing
Our products include:
fire hoses
The ultra-fine atomization technology of the
Minimax high-pressure fire extinguishing unit fittings and mounting parts
HDL 250 enables extremely short extinguishing extinguishing units, wall hydrant cabinets
times with immediate extinguishing success, escape and rescue route planning
since the ultra-fine atomization under high
fire department and fire protection signs
pressure multiplies the water surface. This makes
optimum use of the heat-binding capability and rescue route signs
cooling effect. In addition, water vapor prevents equipment for technical assistance
the supply of oxygen to the fire source, thus oil-binding agents
reducing the oxygen concentration, which re- personal gear
sults in suffocation of the fire. Even fires with
medical kits
strong glowing embers can be easily extin-


Extinguishing water systems

Drinking water, used as the extinguishant in

nearly all cases, plays a central role in extinguish-
ing water systems. The fact that drinking water
is prepared for human consumption places tight
and specific requirements on the planning and
implementation of equipment that is directly
connected to the town mains. Minimax extin-
guishing water systems guarantees the highest
possible safety.
Filling and draining station Wall hydrant

System components
“Wet/dry“ extinguishing water feed
The “wet/dry“ extinguishing water system Minimax extinguishing water systems consist of
(DIN 1988-6) has a direct connection to the town co-ordinated components: fire extinguishing
mains. The maximat filling and draining station hose connecting equipment (wall hydrants), feed
prevents water stagnating in the pipes. It is the and discharge equipment, maximat filling and
interface for a plentiful water supply within draining stations, Town water connection DIMX,
seconds and ensures that the drinking water is Backflow preventer type BAMX-NA, feed tanks,
kept clean. pipe ventilators and exhausters, Minimax foam or
water hydrants, Minimax mobile foam systems,
“Wet“ extinguishing water feed above-ground and underfloor hydrants, and
The "wet" extinguishing water system also has accessories such as the control panel from the
a direct connection with the drinking water Minimax FMZ 5000 series.
supply network.
The pipes are permanently laid and always Service
filled with drinking water. The water fire mains
"wet" can only be laid as drinking water mains Technical advice for planners, architects,
(special case) if the consumption of drinking authorities, sanitary installers and operators
water is greater than the underlying consump-
Assistance in preparing tender
tion of extinguishing water (DIN 1988-6).
Otherwise the water fire main "wet" must
be designed as a non drinking-water main in Pipework calculations for
accordance with DIN 1988-1. extinguishing water systems
Thanks to the use of the BAMX-NA double back- Acceptance testing
flow preventer or the DIMX isolating station any Investigation of the quality of extinguishing
stagnant water which may occur in the water water (microbiological/chemical)
fire main is safely kept apart from the drinking
Recurrent testing of the extinguishing
water supply system (wet/wet). The separated
water pipework and ist components
supply line then becomes a water fire main.
Maintenance service
Use: When retrofitting old existing systems
and with the agreement of the water supply

“Dry“ extinguishing water feed

The “dry“ extinguishing water system
(DIN 14 462-1) is used exclusively by the
fire brigade.


Foam equipment

Foam/water trailers
Foam/water monitors
The compact foam/water trailers are particularly
The compact suitable for effectively fighting dangerous
foam/water rapidly spreading fires, and for the preventive
monitor for cooling of large objects subject to explosion
alternative use hazard from a safe distance. The fire brigade
with foam or trailer has a very manoeuvrable single-axle
water has re- chassis.
volving joints for
Mobile foam unit
horizontal and
vertical move- The mobile foam unit for connection to the
ment. The pro- extinguishing water supply for the generation
jector pipe can be fixed in any desired position of low expansion and medium expansion foam
with clamp screws. are used wherever fires with embers and liquid
fires must be expected, and where extinguish-
ant residues on the burning surface itself must
Foam making branch pipes
be restricted. The unit is constructed in such a
way that it can be effectively used even by a
The nozzles of the foam making branch pipe single fireman in a restricted space.
from Minimax ensure constant foam quality. In
the enhancement piece that follows, the foam Foam/water hydrant
generation is optimised, and the ideal structure
Combined foam/water hydrants are used for
developed in the foam.
extinguishing with both foam and water. This
Foam making branch pipes M, ME und SE ensures high flexibility when fighting fires.

The type M and ME foam making branch pipes

for the generation of medium expansion foam
make use of multi-zone foaming agents. The
type SE foam making branch pipes for the pro-
duction of low expansion foam are designed for
protein, fluoroprotein, multi-zone and water
film forming foaming agents.

Inline Inductor
The type Z foaming inline inductors generate
mixtures of water and foaming agent. It is pos-
sible to mix protein, fluoroprotein, mulit-zone
and water film forming foaming agents.
Every Minimax inline inductor are exactly
prepared for delivery.

Fighting fire with low expansion foam


Systems for fire and emergency vehicles

Product range

Powder extinguishing systems, 75-10,000 kg

CO2 extinguishing systems, 90-840 kg

Water/foam extinguishing systems,

250-1,200 litres

Combination extinguishing systems

(twin agent)

Extinguishing pistols, 2.5 or 5.0 kg/sec.

Snow pipes 0.6-1.75 kg/sec.

Reels, mechanical or electrical

Monitors, 15, 25 or 40 kg/sec.

Extinguishing systems are available

in forms suitable for all types of vehicles

Special fire extinguishing system for commercial or fire brigade vehicles

Minimax extinguishing systems
are CE inspected.
Minimax develops, manufactures, markets and
services fire extinguishing systems and fittings
for fire brigade and emergency vehicles. A basic
modular scheme allows customers' requirements
Conventional charging with nitrogen
to be implemented in such a way that even
(charging time approx. 8 sec.)
when space is restricted, a compact sytem can
be created appropriate for the vehicle's weight High pressure
distribution. Emphasis is placed on the easy and
safe handling of the units while ensuring per- One or more containers, depending on
manent functional safety. Depending on the mounting location and weight distribution
nature and possible hazard presented by fire, Complete system on frame
Minimax systems can be supplied for the appli-
cation of powder, CO2, premixed foam, foam
additive and water. In order to maximise the
posibility of variable extinguishing tactics, the
range also includes combination extinguishing Mechanical
equipment for the simultaneous use of multiple Pneumatic
extinguishing agents. Anything from 60 kg of Electro-pneumatic
CO2 up to 10,000 kg of powder can be supplied.


All drawings and technical data available

Maintance contract possible


Complete fire protection management

Structural preventive measures

Minimax provides for the implementation of

preventive measures for structural fire preven-
tion. As with all technical facilities, the opera-
bility of structural fire protection installations
of all types must be ensured and they must be
maintained in proper working order. In the
event of modifications or retrofitting of pipe
or cable lines, the structural fire protection sep-
arating elements must be serviced accordingly.


So that protective systems still function properly

after many years of stand-by service and comply
With its comprehensive planning and services, with the state of the art, Minimax service in-
Minimax creates all the prerequisites for keep- cludes much more than just maintenance.
ing damages to a minimum in the event of a
fire. We also offer specific measures and programs
for increasing safety and operational readiness,
After visiting the building, grounds or construc-
and for increasing convenience or lowering the
tion site, Minimax specialists create customized
operating costs of a fire protection system.
fire protection concepts. They also provide for
the maintenance of systems and preventive mea- We have customized solutions especially for
sures. preventing aging and wear due to years of use.
Furthermore, Minimax offers training programs In the event of encrustation and accumulation
that deal with the issues of fire prevention. of sediment in water-filled pipe networks due
to varying water qualities, we recommend for
example the retrofitting of an extinguishing
water treatment
system by our service
Preventive inspections are necessary in order
personnel. The pre-
to ensure that fire protection facilities function
servation of supply
properly, which is also important for your in-
tanks and pressurized
surance coverage.
water tanks in water
Our service provides for the timely inspection, extinguishing sys-
in accordance with regulations, of water extin- tems is also covered
guishing systems, gas extinguishing systems, by the services we
kitchen protection systems, fire detection offer.
systems and fire extinguishers of all types, in
Seasonal services,
addition to extinguishing water technology
such as preparing
and smoke and heat extraction systems.
systems for winter
The fire protection systems entrusted to us are frost, is an impor-
inspected, maintained and if necessary, repaired tant part of our ser-
with extra care by specially trained employees. vice portfolio.
Extinguishing water
is frequently also
used as drinking


Complete fire protection management

water. Minimax offers the service of taking

samples in order to conduct microbiological
and chemical analyses. The results are available
within 24 hours. For employee training and the presentation of
information to customers, Minimax maintains
well-attended training centers in Bad Oldesloe
Safety 24-hours a day with and Bad Urach.
Minimax fault reporting management
Training subjects include legal foundations,
basic rules for fire prevention, behavior in a
Statutory regulations generally require constant fire, use of fire extinguishers, how fire extin-
monitoring of fire protection systems. In the guishing and alarm systems work, and the
event of a fault, quick action is necessary. The structure of emergency plans.
VdS approved fault reporting systems fulfill
The focus of the training center in Bad Urach
these requirements, since all alarm, fault and
is on courses for fire protection officers and
monitoring signals are sent to central location.
assistants, various specialized courses and
When a fault message is received, the employees
seminars in fire protection and instruction
at the control panel can determine the type of
leading to the qualification as an expert.
fault, the location of the affected system, the
identity of the operator and the required action Of course, Minimax also instructs customer
to be taken. The employees also inform the res- personnel, on their premises, in the use of fire
ponsible authorities as defined in the individual extinguishing systems and equipment.
plan of measures. In addition, employees of our customers are
A competent team coordinates and controls all trained in the implementation of operator
incoming messages around the clock so that the obligations, such as those involved with water
fault can be eliminated quickly. Additional lines extinguishing systems or gas extinguishing
from the fault reporting control panel to the fire systems. This includes in particular the obliga-
department and police department enable fast tory inspections that must be conducted by the
emergency assistance. Furthermore, messages sprinkler attendant. Minimax can, of course,
can be received from heating, ventilation, air perform the responsibilities of the sprinkler
conditioning, elevator, building monitoring and attendant, if required.
intrusion alarm systems – an added advantage
for Minimax customers and rescue forces, in
addition to fast elimination of the fault.


Branch offices/Consulting engineers in Germany

Head office: Minimax Windhorst Minimax GmbH & Co. KG

Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Branch office of Consulting engineers Saarbrücken
Industriestrasse 10/12 Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Industriestrasse 27
D-23840 Bad Oldesloe Steindamm 52/54 D-66129 Saarbrücken
Phone: +49 4531 803-0 D-28719 Bremen Phone: +49 6805 9424-0
Fax: +49 4531 803-248 Phone: +49 421 63890-0 Fax: +49 6805 9424-10
Fax: +49 421 63890-90
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Consulting engineers Apolda Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Branch office Stuttgart
Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 10 Consulting engineers Schützenbühlstrasse 12
D-07629 Hermsdorf Marine & Special Systems D-70435 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 36601 9374-0 Am Becketal 14 Phone: +49 711 98271-0
Fax: +49 36601 9374-222 D-28755 Bremen Fax: +49 711 98271-200
Phone: +49 421 6691-203
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Fax: +49 421 6691-228 Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Branch office Berlin Branch office Stuttgart
Gottlieb-Dunkel-Strasse 20/21 Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Location Freiburg
D-12099 Berlin Consulting engineers Bremen Hausener Weg 6
Phone: +49 30 700008-0 Desmastrasse 3-5 D-79111 Freiburg
Fax: +49 30 700008-44 D-28832 Achim Phone: +49 761 45564-0
Phone: +49 4202 9154-0 Fax: +49 761 45564-49
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Fax: +49 4202 9154-30
Consulting engineers Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Marine & Special Systems Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Branch office Bayern
Fischerweg 408 Branch office Hannover Location München
D-18096 Rostock Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 23 Marsstrasse 5
Phone: +49 381 811237-0 D-30966 Hemmingen D-85609 Aschheim
Fax: +49 381 811237-1 Phone: +49 511 4206-1 Phone: +49 89 998898-0
Fax: +49 511 4206-440 Fax: +49 89 998898-295
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Consulting engineers Rostock Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Beerboomscher Weg 1 Consulting engineers Kassel Branch office Bayern
D-18292 Krakow / See Crumbacher Strasse 129 Location Nürnberg
Phone: +49 384 57518-0 D-34253 Lohfelden Brunecker Strasse 100
Fax: +49 384 57518-18 Phone: +49 561 95174-0 D-90461 Nürnberg
Fax: +49 561 95174-40 Phone: +49 911 45002-0
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Fax: +49 911 45002-30
Region International Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Industriestrasse 10/12 Branch office Rhein-Ruhr Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
D-23840 Bad Oldesloe Location Essen Consulting engineers Würzburg
Phone: +49 4531 803-0 Germaniastrasse 28 Winterhäuser Strasse 29
Fax: +49 4531 803-299 D-45356 Essen D-97084 Würzburg
Phone: +49 201 6164-0 Phone: +49 931 61589-0
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Fax: +49 201 6164-211 Fax: +49 931 61589-10
Industriestrasse 10/12 Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
D-23840 Bad Oldesloe Consulting engineers Köln
Phone: +49 4531 803-0 Heinrich-Pesch-Strasse 5
Fax: +49 4531 803-137 D-50739 Köln
Phone: +49 221 54698-0
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Fax: +49 221 54698-70
Branch office Marine & Special Systems
Industriestrasse 10/12 Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
D-23840 Bad Oldesloe Branch office Hagen
Phone: +49 4531 803-0 Gerberstrasse 22
Fax: +49 4531 803-140 D-58095 Hagen
Phone: +49 2331 2006-0
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Fax: +49 2331 29522
Branch office Nord
An der Autobahn 12 Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
D-23858 Reinfeld Branch office Frankfurt
Phone: +49 4533 2066-0 Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 1
Fax: +49 4533 2066-99 D-63303 Dreieich
Phone: +49 6103 5880-0
Fax: +49 6103 5880-180


Fire protection center in Germany

Head office: Fire protection center Münster General agency Oberpfalz

Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG Horst Brinck GmbH Günzstrasse 4
Minimaxstrasse 1 General agency Münster D-93059 Regensburg
D-72574 Bad Urach An der Kleinmannbrücke 17 Phone: +49 941 56719-2
Phone: +49 7125 154-0 D-48157 Münster Fax: +49 941 56719-4
Fax: +49 7125 154-100 Phone: +49 251 14161-0
Fax: +49 251 325220 General agency Niederbayern
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG Bahnhofstrasse 61a
Minimax Location Dresden Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG D-94469 Deggendorf
Serkowitzer Strasse 29a Minimax Fire protection center Köln Phone: +49 991 8440
D-01445 Radebeul Heinrich-Pesch-Strasse 5 Fax: +49 991 8449
Phone: +49 351 8386660 D-50739 Köln
Fax: +49 351 8386688 Phone: +49 221 54698-11 Metzler Feuerschutz GmbH
Fax: +49 221 54698-90 General agency Würzburg
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG Winterhäuser Strasse 87
Minimax Fire protection center Berlin Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG D-97084 Würzburg-Heidingsfeld
Gottlieb-Dunkel-Strasse 20/21 Minimax Fire protection center Frankfurt Phone: +49 931 61901-0
D-12099 Berlin Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 1 Fax: +49 931 61901-40
Phone: +49 30 700008-15 D-63303 Dreieich
Fax: +49 30 700008-70 Phone: +49 6103 5880-280 Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG
Fax: +49 6103 5880-285 Minimax Fire protection center Erfurt
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG Mühlgarten 10
Minimax Location Rostock Gebr. Molter GmbH D-99094 Erfurt-Möbisburg
Am Vögenteich 15 General agency Saarbrücken Phone: +49 361 6437004
D-18057 Rostock Am Neuhauser Weg 51 Fax: +49 361 7968223
Phone: +49 381 2037437 D-66125 Saarbrücken-Dudweiler
Fax: +49 381 2034857 Phone: +49 68 979001-0
Fax: +49 68 979001-50
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG
Minimax Fire protection center Hamburg Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG
Osterade 23 Minimax Fire protection center Stuttgart
D-21031 Hamburg Schützenbühlstrasse 12
Phone: +49 40 251966-0 D-70435 Stuttgart
Fax: +49 40 251966-19 Phone: +49 711 98271-129
Fax: +49 711 98271-130
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG
Minimax Fire protection center Hannover Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG
Hackethalstrasse 61 Minimax Location München
D-30851 Hannover-Langenhagen Marsstrasse 5
Phone: +49 511 97839999 D-85609 Aschheim
Fax: +49 511 97839992 Phone: +49 89 998898250
Fax: +49 89 998898270
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG
Minimax Location Bielefeld Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG
Eckendorfer Strasse 101 Minimax Location Augsburg
D-33609 Bielefeld August-Wessels-Strasse 33a
Phone: +49 521 7515-81+82 D-86156 Augsburg
Fax: +49 521 7515-83 Phone: +49 821 741744
Fax: +49 821 741745
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG
Minimax Fire protection center Dortmund Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG
Lindenhorster Strasse 101 Minimax Fire protection center Nürnberg
D-44147 Dortmund Brunecker Strasse 100-102
Phone: +49 231 985153-0 D-90461 Nürnberg
Fax: +49 231 855533 Phone: +49 911 45002-0
Fax: +49 911 45002-40



Australia Luxemburg Singapore

Minimax Fire Fighting Systems Pvt. Ltd. F.I.S. Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
37 Cromer Road, Cromer Heights Fire Protection Installation Services S.à r.l. Singapore Branch
2099 New South Wales, Australia 9. avenue Guillaume # 03-59/60 German Centre
L-1651 Luxembourg, Luxemburg 25 International Business Park
Phone: +352 76 91 75 609916 Singapore, Singapore
Minimax do Brasil Ltda.
Fax: +352 76 91 88 Phone: +65 65628630
Rua dos Cardeais, 191
E-Mail: Fax: +65 65628639
Jd. Itália
CEP 13280-000 Vinhedo-SP, Brazil F.I.S.
Phone: +55 19-3886 6670 Fire Protection Installation Services S.à r.l. Spain
Fax: +55 19-3826 1679 3, zone industrielle Bombicht Incipresa S.A.
E-Mail: L-6947 Niederanven, Luxemburg C/Goya, 135-2° Izqu. Phone: +352 76 91 75 E-28009 Madrid, Spain
Fax: +352 76 91 88 Phone: +34 913093636
E-Mail: Fax: +34 913093488
Minimax (Beijing)
Fire Fighting System Co. Ltd. The Netherlands Pefipresa S.A.
No. 18, 5th Zone ABP Mx Brandbeveiliging B.V. San Cesáreo 22 y 24
No. 188 West Road, South 4th Ring Road Televisieweg 62 E-28021 Madrid, Spain
Fengtai District NL-1322 AM Almere, Netherlands Phone: +34 91 7 10 90 00
100070 Beijing, China Phone: +31 36 54 61 600 Fax: +34 91 7 98 57 56
Phone: +86 10 6370 - 1195 Fax: +31 36 54 61 610 E-Mail:
Fax: +86 10 6370 - 1011 E-Mail:
Austria Thailand
Minimax-Österreichische Fire Protection Installation Services
France Feuerschutz-Ges. m.b.H. (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Minimax France SAS Stationärer Brandschutz 54 BB. Building, 13th Floor
30, rue du Bois Chaland Deutschstraße 3 1312 Sukhumvit 21 (Asoke) Rd.
91090 Lisses, France A-1230 Wien, Austria Klong Toey Nua, Wattana
Phone: +33 1 69113560 Phone: +43 1-6 15 61 05-0 10110 Bangkok, Thailand
Fax: +33 1 60860855 Fax: +43 1-6 15 61 05-16 Phone: +66 22 60 - 6 34 12
E-Mail: Fax: +66 22 60 - 63 43
Great Britain
Minimax UK Ltd. Minimax Mobil Services GmbH & Co. KG
1025 Beverly Gardens Zweigniederlassung Austria Czech Republic
Maidenhead Mobiler Brandschutz Minimax-Österreichische
Berkshire, SL6 6SW, United Kingdom Carlbergergasse 66B Feuerschutz-Ges. m.b.H.
A-1230 Wien, Austria Zweigniederlassung Tschechien
Phone: +43 1-8 65 81 61-0 Bohumil Kafka
MX Systems International Pvt. Ltd.
Fax: +43 1-8 65 81 61-59 Branická 43
701-A, Dipti Classic, Seventh Floor
E-Mail: CZ 147 00 Praha 4. Czech Republic
32/34, Suren Road
Phone: +420 244 461130
Andheri (East), Mumbai-400093, India Poland
Fax: +420 244 461135
Phone: +91 22-2682 2550 Minimax Polska Sp. z.o.o.
Fax: +91 22-2682 2530 ul. Ogrodowa 27/29
E-Mail: PL-05-092 Lomianki, Kielpin, Poland
Phone: +48 227514080/81 Hungary
Fax: +48 227514082 Minimax Hungária Kft.
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
E-Mail: Budafoki út 209
Indonesia Representative Office H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
30/F, Menara KADIN
Phone: +36 1 4810321
JI.H.R. Rasuna Said Block X-5 Portugal
Fax: +36 1 4810322
Kav. 2-3, Jakarta 12950, Indonesia Pefipresa-Proteccão Contra Incêndios Lda.
Phone: +62 21 45 85-64 78 (Pefiport)
Fax: +62 21 45 85-64 57 Galiza - S. João do Estoril
Rua das Avencas, Alto dos Gaios United Arab Emirates
P-2765 Estoril, Portugal Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Phone: +351 21-4 64 74 10 Representative Office United Arab
Branch Office Iran
Fax: +351 21-4 64 74 20 Emirates
No. 3, 9th Floor, Mellat Tower
E-Mail: Abu Dhabi Trade Center
Vali-e-Asr Ave. Teheran, Iran
West Tower - 5th Floor
Phone: +98 21 220 25 992-3 Romania
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Fax: +98 21 220 25 288 Minimax Sisteme Antiincendiu SRL
Phone: +971 2 6456657
Calea Bucurestilor Nr. 91 B, 4. Stock
Kuwait Fax: +971 2 6456658
Otopeni, Kreis Ilfov, Romania
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG E-Mail:
Phone: +40 725194400
Representative Office Kuwait
Fax: +40 725194429 USA
Flamex Inc.
P.O. Box 864 Russia
4365 Federal Drive
13009 Kuwait, Kuwait OOO Minimax Russia
Greensboro N.C. 27410, USA
Phone: +965 4 34 37 21 1. Kasatschij Pereulok 5/2
Fax: +965 4 31 54 41 Building 1
E-Mail: 119017 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 4952344251

E-mail: Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
AL03e_03/08.06/ 3/ 08.06/HA Minimaxstrasse 1 Industriestrasse 10/12

72574 Bad Urach 23840 Bad Oldesloe
Germany Germany
Printed in Germany

Phone: +49 7125 154-0 Phone: +49 4531 803-0

Fax: +49 7125 154-100 Fax: +49 4531 803-248

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