TN-1-04-C-Airport Engineering

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– Computation of Runway Length
• Performance requirements of aircrafts for runway 
Airport Engineering
Airport Engineering length. 
• Environs on the airport. 

He who knows and knows  Fall Semester
he knows: he is wise ‐ 20 Sept 10 to 12 Jan 11
follow him.  Lecture – 8
Chinese Proverb Transportation Engineering‐1(NIT‐SCEE‐ CE – 408 1 Transportation Engineering‐1(NIT‐SCEE‐

Computation of Runway Length

Basic Conditions assumed:

• No wind is blown on runway
• Aircraft is loaded with full loading capacity
• Airport is at sea level
• No wind is blowing on the way to destination
• Runway is levelled i.e. Zero positive gradient
• Standard temperature of 15 0C at the airport
• Standard temperature exists along the way

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Computation of Runway Length

Factors effecting runway length:

¾ Performance Requirements of Aircrafts i.e. power &

Propulsion system, Type of aircraft , etc

¾ Environs at the Airport

¾ Safety Requirement i.e. Takeoff condition ,Landing condition

& emergency condition.

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Heliports Environs at the airport

¾ Because of the unique operational characteristics of helicopters, heliport
physical characteristics are significantly different from the physical • Temperature. Higher the temperature, the longer the runway
characteristics of aerodromes. For instance, there is no requirement for a required because of lower air densities resulting in lower out-put of
runway at a heliport. In addition, the heliport FATO size is 1.5 times larger thrust. Relationship is non linear.
than the longest helicopter for which the heliport is certified. A safety area
surrounds the FATO, which is to be kept free of obstacles other than visual
aids • Surface Wind. Greater the headwind,, shorter will be the runway.
No wind is considered for airport planning purposes.

• Runway Gradient. An uphill gradient requires more runway length

than a level or downhill gradient, the specific amount depending on
the elevation airport and the temperature. Relationship is nearly
linear. For turbine powered aircrafts it amounts to 7 to 10 % for
each 1 % of uniform gradient (max 1.5 %).

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Temperature effect Environs at the airport

• Reduces air density if aircraft is located within stratosphere  • Altitude. All other things being equal, the higher the altitude of the
(up to 11km height above sea level) and temperature  airport, the longer the runway required. This increase is not linear
decreases but varies with weight and temperature. For planning purposes an
increase from sea level of 7 percent per 1000 ft (300m) of altitude
• Reduce density reduce drag force while landing or require 
will suffice for most airport sites except those that experience very
longer distance for producing necessary lift for aircraft to fly
longer distance for producing necessary lift for aircraft to fly. h temperatures or are llocatedd at high
hot hi h altitudes.
l i d ThenTh the
h rate off
• Increase basic runway length, 1 % for every I C rise in airport  increase can be as much as 10 percent.
reference temperature above the standard temperature at  • Condition of Runway Surface. Slush, wet snow or standing water
that elevation.  makes braking extremely poor and causes a significant retarding
force, especially on takeoff to the extent that takeoff may not takes
place. Jet operations are limited to no more than 0.5 in of slush or
water. Between 0.25 and 0.5 in, the takeoff weight must be reduced.
Adequate drainage required.
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Items establishing takeoff and landing weights

• Obtain OEW.
• Ascertain payload.
General Federal Aviation Regulation
• Determine fuel reserve. Criteria to Develop Runway Length
• Compute landing weight; not > MSLW
• Trip fuel requirements for climb, cruise, and descent are computed. Requirements at Airports
• Compute T/O weight; not > MSTOW
• Determine temperature, surface wind, runway gradient, and altitude
at the origination airport.
• By using the takeoff weight of the aircraft with the origination
airport temperature, surface wind, runway gradient, and elevation,
the approved flight manual for the specific aircraft is utilized to
determine the runway length requirements.

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General Procedure for Runway Length

FAR Certification Procedures
FAR 25 (for turbojet and turbofan powered aircraft) consider three
Runways components: cases in the estimation of runway length performance:
• Full strength pavement (FS)
• Clearways (CL)
• Stopways (SW) • Normal takeoff (all engines working fine)
• Engine-out takeoff condition
¾ Full strength pavement should support the full weight of the aircraft - Continued takeoff
- Aborted takeoff
¾ Clearway is a prepared area are beyond FS clear of obstacles (max • Landing
slope is 1.5%) allowing the aircraft to climb safely to clear an
imaginary 11 m (35’ obstacle)
All these cases consider stochastic variations in piloting technique
¾ Stopway is a paved surface that allows and aircraft overrun to take (usually very large for landings and smaller for takeoffs)
place without harming the vehicle structurally (cannot be used for

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Nomenclature Landing Distance Case

• FL = field length (total amount of runway needed) • The landing distance should be 67% longer than the demonstrated
• FS = full strength pavement distance distance to stop an aircraft Large landing roll variations exist among
• CL = clearway distance pilots assuming that the pilot makes an approach at the proper speed
and crosses the threshold at a height of 50 ft.
• SW = stop way distance
• LOD = lift off distance
• TOR = takeoff run
• TOD = takeoff distance
• LD = landing distance
• SD = stopping distance
• D35 = distance to clear an 11 m (35 ft.) obstacle

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Normal Landing Condition Normal Takeoff Case

Touchdown point • The Takeoff Distance (TOD) should be 115% longer than the
15 m demonstrated Distance to Clearance 11m (35 ft.) obstacle (D35)

Runway (Full  strength)
60 % of Landing distance

Landing distance

• 15m
•60 % of landing distance
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Engine-Out Takeoff Case Engine-Out Takeoff Case

Dictated by two scenarios:

Lift off point
Engine Failure
¾ Continued takeoff case 11m
Accelerate to Vt
• Actual distance to clear an imaginary 11 m (35 ft) obstacle D35
(with an engine-out) Stop way
Stop way

Decelerate Stop Distance
¾ Aborted or rejected takeoff case
Lift of Distance Clearway > half this
• Distance to accelerate and stop (DAS)
Accelerate Stop Distance

Take off Distance

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To compute required field length expressions

Engine-Out Takeoff Case
• FL = max (TODn, TODeo, DAS, LD)
• FS = max (TORn, TOReo, LD)
• SW = DAS - max (TORn, TOReo, LD)
• CL = min {(FL
CLn CLeo}
• SW min =0
• CL min =0
• CL max = 300m (1000 ft)

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Displaced Threshold
Declared Distances (ICAO speci)

(a) Take-off Run Available (TORA): The length of runway declared available
and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off.

(b) Takeoff Distance Available (TODA): The length of the takeoff run
available plus the length of the clearway, where provided. (Maximum
clearway length allowed is 1 000 ft.
ft and the clearway length allowed must
lie within the aerodrome or airport boundary).

(c) Accelerate Stop Distance Available (ASDA): The length of the takeoff run
available plus the length of the stopway, where provided.

(d) Landing Distance Available (LDA): The length of runway which is

declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing.

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Relationship of failure speed (Vf )with

Correction to basic runway length
runway length, clearway and stopway
• For piston engine aircraft, full strength pavement provided for entire take
off and accelerate stop distance (distance required to stop from the point Elevation correction rate
where Vf was reached was equal to the distance from the same point to
reach specified height of 11 m above the runway.) results in shortest • Lc =7% per 300m rise above MSL (Le=Lc= 0.07 E +1)
runway or balanced runway length.
• For Turbine engine aircraft, not always results in shortest runway as
Temperature correction rate
– CASE I: V=Vf , SW =CL =FL –FS , FS could be shortened a distance • Lc =1% for every 1 degree rise in ART above Std Atm Tem at 
equal to clearway but a stopway would have to be constructed. (balanced
field length) that elevation (Lt in MKS =Lc =0.01{T‐(15‐1.981 E)} + 1)

– CASE II: V<Vf , SW = 0, CL =FL –FS (Take off Distance or Distance to

D35) , Runway has been shortened but only clearway required. Gradient Correction rate
• Lc = 20% for every 1% of effective gradient (Lg =Lc =0.10 G 
– CASE III: V>Vf , SW= FL-FS , Runway length is minimum but DAS is
greatly increased + 1 where G = RL max‐RL min/L)
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• Case –a Normal Landing 1‐Cont’d
Problem‐1 SD = 0.6 LD   LD = SD/0.6
• Determine the runway length requirements according to
specifications of FAR parts 25 and 121 for turbine‐powered Landing distance =LD = 8333 ft
aircraft with following performance characteristics
• Case – b Normal Take off
All distances in feet
• Takeoff distance (TOD) = 1.15 D35   9200 ft
Normal landing, Stop distance  5000 • Clearway (CL) =(TOD –
y( ) ( 1.15 LOD)/2 =575 ft not > 1000ft
Normal takeoff,
Lift‐off distance 7000
• TOR = TOD – CL =8625 ft =FS
Distance to 35‐ft height 8000
Engine failure takeoff
Lift‐off distance 8200
• Case – c Engine Failure case
Distance to 35‐ft height 9100 • Take off Case
Engine-failure, aborted takeoff
Accelerate - Stop distance 9500
• Aborted Case

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1‐Cont’d 1‐Cont’d
Actual runway components will be
• TOD = D35 =9100 ft
• CL = (TOD‐LOD)/2 =450 ft < 1000 ft • FL = max(9200,9100,9500,8333) = 9500ft
• FS =TOR = TOD – CL =8650 ft
• FS = max(8625,8650,8333) = 8650 ft
• Stop way (SW)= DAS – FS = 850 ft
• SW = 9500 – max(8625,8650,8333) = 850 ft
As SW > CL so CL will not be provided. 
• Complete Runway length • CL =min {(9500‐9500),575,450) = 0


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Length can be obtained from: -

a. Approximate runway lengths are 12000’ for large airplanes
b. Flight manual (corrected for wind and gradient as well)
c. Publications by aircraft manufacturers containing runway length
Runway Length Estimation diagrams for runway planning and design.
According to FAA AC 150/5325-4 d Performance curves by FAA are utilized
d. utilized. Two types of procedures :
one is based upon aircraft performance curves and other on aircraft
performance charts. Data required includes:-
(1) Critical aircraft?
(2) Longest non-stop route distance?
(3) T/O and Landing weights?
(4) Airport elevation?
(5) Mean daily maximum temperatures for the hottest month?
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31 (6) Max elevation difference of runway centreline. 32


Runway Length Procedures (AC 150/5325-4)

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• Publication of an aircraft manufacturer indicated the basic
length of a runway for as particular aircraft as 4000 ft.
Determine the length of runway if the altitude of the airport
site is 2500 ft, effective gradient is 0.5% and mean of
maximum dailyy temperatures
p for the hottest month is 360 C
averaged over 10 years.
a. Altitude correction
b. Temperature correction
c. Gradient correction

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• A turbine‐powered aircraft has these runway performance
characteristics. For a normal takeoff, the lift‐off distance is
6000 and the aircraft reaches a height of 35 ft above the end
of the runway at a distance of 8000 ft from the runway
threshold. For an engine failure takeoff, the lift‐off distance is
8250 ft, and the aircraft reaches a height of 35 ft above the
endd off the
h runway at a distance
di off 10500 ft
f from
f the
h runway
threshold. For an aborted take off, the accelerate‐stop
distance is 9200 ft. For landing, stop distance is 5100 ft.
Determine the minimum FAR runway length requirements for
this aircraft, indicating the length of full strength pavement,
the length of the stop way, and length of clearway if the
runway is to be used by this aircrafts in both directions.

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Problem‐4 Problem‐5
• An aircraft has these runway performance characteristics. For • An airport has 7000 ft runway length with 25ft difference
a normal takeoff, LOD is 8000 ft and D35 8700 ft. For an between highest and lowest points on the runway. Airport is
engine failure takeoff, LOD is 10,000 ft and D35 11,000 ft. For located at an altitude of 5000 ft and has reference
an aborted takeoff ASD 10,500 ft. For landing, SD is 5100 ft. temperature 250. A new aircraft having basic runway length
Determine the minimum runwayy requirements.
q q
requirement 5000 ft is beingg introduced into service.
Determine that the available runway length is sufficient or

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Problem‐6 Problem‐7
• Determine the shortest runway length requirements according to
specifications of FAR parts 25 and 121 for turbine‐powered aircraft
• Publication of an aircraft manufacturer indicated the basic
with following performance characteristics
length of a runway for as particular aircraft as 7017 ft.
Determine the length of runway if the altitude of the airport All distances in meters
site is 500 ft, effective gradient is 0.25%, mean of average
dailyy temperatures
p for the hottest month is 310 C and mean of Normal landing, Stop distance  1500
maximum daily temperatures for the same month is 400 C; Normal takeoff, speed = 495 knots
Lift‐off distance 2100
both temperatures averaged over 15 years
Distance to 11‐m height 2400
Engine failure takeoff, speed = 550 knots
Lift‐off distance 2460
Distance to 11 m height 2730
Engine-failure, aborted takeoff
Accelerate - Stop distance 2850

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• Case –a Normal Landing 1‐Cont’d 1‐Cont’d

SD = 0.6 LD   LD = SD/0.6
• TOD = D35 =2730 m
Landing distance =LD = 2500 m • CL = (TOD‐LOD)/2 =135 m< 300 m
• Case – b Normal Take off • FS =TOR = TOD – CL =2595 m
• Takeoff distance (TOD) = 1.15 D35   2760 m • Complete Runway length
• Clearway (CL) =(TOD –
y( ) ( 1.15 LOD)/2 =172.5 m not > 300 m
)/ Actual runway components will be
y p
• TOR = TOD – CL =2587.5 m=FS ¾FL = max(2760,2730,2850,2500)
¾FS = max(2587.5,2595,2500)
• Case – c Engine Failure case ¾SW = 2850 – max(2587.5,2595,2500)
¾CL =min {(2850‐2850),172.5,135)
• Take off Case
• Aborted Case CASE II: V<Vf , SW = 0, CL =FL –FS (Take off Distance or Distance to
D35) , Runway has been shortened but only clearway required.

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