Boli Me Glava - My Head Aches Me Boli Me Ruka, Šaka, Noga, Stomak, Srce, Zub, Duša (My: Arm, Hand, Leg, Stomache, Heart, Tooth, Soul Ahces Me)

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Kod lekara - At the doctor

Boleti - to ache 
 pain - bol
 Boli me glava - My head aches me 
 Boli me ruka, šaka, noga, stomak, srce, zub, duša (My: arm, hand,  leg, stomache, heart,
tooth, soul … ahces me)
 ach (headache, backache, stomachache) - headache - glavobolja, zubobolja
 illness, sickness - bolest 
 sore (sore throat, soar feet) - upala grla
 ill /sick “I feel sick” - Osećam se bolesno
 to heal /to cure - lečiti (lečiti nekoga - to heal somebody, lečiti se - to heal ourselves)
 a cure “There is a cure for your illness.” - lek
 to treat “This illness is usually treated with medicine and a strict diet.” - tretirati
 medicine /treatment - lek /lijek / moram popiti ljekove 
 to diagnose - postaviti dijagnozu (to set the diagnosis)
 a diagnosis - dijagnoza
 injury - povreda (ozlijeda - bosnia)
 to be injured /to injure - biti povređen (ozlijeđen)
 wound - rana
 cut - seći
 bruise - modrica
 scratch - ogrebotina
 to scrach - grebati
 band-aid  - hanzaplast (
 infection - infekcija
 inflammation - iritacija kože
 symptom - simptom
 temperature - temperatura (imam teperaturu)
 fever - groznica (even worse step 40+ temperature) 
 cold “I caught a cold.” - prehlada (prehladio/la sam se)
 flu - grip  “Please don’t visit this week, the whole family has the flu.”
 vomit /to vomit  - povraćanje / povraćati
 antibiotics - antibiotici
 pain killer - (same as english)
 blood pressure - krvi pritisak
 pulse - puls
 x-ray - rendgen
 patient - pacijent/bolesnik
 doctor - lekar/doktor
 nurse - bolničarka
 surgery - hirurgija
 operation /to operate - operacija/operisati 
 pharmacy - apoteka
 pharmacist - apotekarka 
 prescription - recept
 to prescribe - propisati 
 to feel weak /dizzy - “Vrti mi se u glavu” - vrtoglavica 
 stomach cramps - grčevi u stomaku 
 swollen ankle - otečeni članak 
 to sprain - iščašenje
 to break - polomiti 
 cast - gips (
 burn (to be burned) - opeklina (a burn) / nemoj se opeći (don’t burn youself)
 heart attack/stroke - srcani napad
 asthma - astma 
 diabetes - dijabetes
 malnutrition - malnutricija 
 cancer - kancer 
 depression - depresija 
 addiction - predanost
 to be addicted - ovisan (adjective)
 alcholism - alkoholizam … alkoholičar
 to examine (a patient) - pregled (noun)/ pregledati
 hospital - bolnica
 waiting room - čekaonica
 receptionist - službenica, službenik
 arthritis - artritis
 nervous breakdown - nervni slom
 pill - pilula 
 ointment /cream - balzam
 eye drops - kapi za oči
 pediatrician - pedijatar 
 blood test - test krvi 
 to be bleeding - krvarenje 
 test results - rezultati testa
 “get better soon!” - sve najbolje / nek te zdravlje prati / oporavi se
 appetite /to lose the appetite - apetit / izgubila sam apetit 
 ambulence - hitna pomoć
 emergency - hitno
 needle - igla
 paramedic - paramedicina / bolničar 
 healthy - zdrav

Kod zubara - At the dentist 

 dentist - zubar
 orthodontist - ortodontist
 braces/dentures - proteza
 cavity - šupljina
 tooth decay  - raspadanje zuba 
 teeth /tooth - zubi/zub
 gums - desnii
 jaw - čeljust
 oral /oral medicine - oralni lek
 root canal - korijenski kanal
 appointment - postavljene (meeting - sastanak)
 to chew - žvakati
 to floss - 
 floss - konac za zube 
 mouthwash - tečnost za ispiranje usta
 smile - usmijeh
 lips - usne
 toothpaste - pasta za zube
 toothpick - čačkalica
 to whiten the teeth - 
 to clean the teeth - očistite zube
 to rinse (“Rinse your mouth, please.”) - isprati
 to spit - pljujati 

U teratani - At The Gym

 warm up - zagrijati se
 cool down - smiriti se
 to work out - trenirati
 to get in shape - (u formi - in shape… da dobjeti u formi)
 to stay in shape -  da ostani u formi  
 push ups - slekovi
 sit ups - trbušnjaci
 pull ups - penjanje rukama?
 squats - čučanj 
 to squat - čučati
 cardio (cardiovascular) - kardio / kardiovaskularni trening
 to run - trči
 inhale - inhalirati
 exhale - izdisati
 to breathe - udisati
 abs /abdominal muscles - abdominalni mišići
 bicep
 triceps
 quadriceps
 joint - zglob
 dehydration - dehidratacija 
 aerobics exercises - aerobika/ aerobne vježbe
 to strengthen - jačati
 fitness - fitnes
 exercise machine - aparat/mašina za vježbanje 
 personal trainer - trener
 gym membership - članstvo u teretani 
 treadmill - dirinčenje/ pokretna traka za trčanje
 elliptical machine- eliptična mašina
 stationary bike - stacionarni bicikl
 rowing machine - ergometar
 weights - teg/ tegovi
 lifting weights - dizanje tegova / dižem se tegovi / dizala sam se tegovi 
 punching bag - Vreća za udaranje
 exercise ball - vježba loptu
 yoga - joga
 karate - karate
 dancing/to dance - plesati 
 to sign up - upisati se
 discount - popust
 membership card - članska karta
 weekly /monthly membership - nedeljno/mesečno članstvo
 to join a gym/ to join a class - Ušli smo u teretanu (we went IN)
 operating hours - radni sati
 calories - kalorija 
 metabolism - metabolizam
 digestive system - probavni sustav
 energy - energija
 nutrients - hranljive materije
 proteins - protein 
 carbohydrates - ugljeni hidrati 
 fats - mast/masti
 fiber - vlakno
 vitamins - vitamini
 organic - organski
 vegan - vegan
 vegetarian  - vegetarijanska 
 appetite - apetit
 to gain/put on the weight - ugojiti se
 to lose weight - smršati
 become weaker - oslabiti
 what your figure - Čuvam liniju 
 to count the calories - brojanje kalorija
 fit - ima liniju /razvijen
 thin - mršav /mršava
 fat - debeo/debela
 chubby - bucmast
 overweight /underweight (to be more polite) - pretežak / 
 obese - gojazan

Kod frizera - At the hairdresser 

to cut hair- seći (general), šišati

to trim hair- skraćivati krajeve
to grow out hair - stavljati veštačku kosu
thick hair - gusta kosa
thin hair - retka kosa
bald - ćelav(a)
to go bald/lose the hair - oćelaviti/gubiti kosu 
to curl hair - uvijati kosu
to straighten hair- ispravljati kosu
to braid the hair - plesti kosu (plesti kikice -  the finished braids) 
to blowdry hair- fenirati kosu 
fenirati se - to dry your hair with the blowdry
sušiti kosu - to dry the hair in the natural way
fen za kosu - hair dryer 
to wash hair - prati /pranje
to dye hair- farbati kosu 
to brush hair- četkati kosu
to comb hair- češljati kosu (even better: češljati se) 
hairspray - sprej za kosu (better to say: lak za kosu)
shampoo (hair)- šampon za kosu
conditioner (hair)- balzam za kosu
hair products - proizvodi za kosu
centimeter (of hair)- centimentar kose 
inch - inč
metar - meter

ponytail - konjski rep

hairstyle - frizura

kratka kosa - short hair

pranje kose i sušenje - hair wash and dry
srednja kosa - medium length hair
duga kosa - long hair
ekstra duga kosa - extra long hair

Pranje i feniranje - wash and blowdry

ekstra kratak kosa - extra short hair
srednja kosa - medium length hair
srednja duga kosa - medium length hair
-duga kosa - long hair
ekstra druga kosa - extra long hair

lokne - locks/wavy 
peglom figarom
lokne peglom figarom druga kosa
šišanje - cutting
brijanje - shaving (for male hair)
brijati se - to shave
-oblikovanje brade - Forming the beard
usluge farbanja - hairdying services 
preljiev za kosu - The colour for your hair
pramenovi na foliji - highlights with foils
površinski pramenovi - surface highlights
mini val - minival 
nijansiranje kose - ombre/ balayage (balejaž - for pronounciation)
svečane frizure - elegant hairstyles
pletenice/kikice - braids
botoks tretman - botox treatment?
regeneracija - Recovering
protiv peruti - against the dandruff
farbanje vašom fabrom - dying with your hair colour 
samo izrastak do 1cm - only the damaged hair until 1cm  (split ends)
samo izrastak preko ... - only the damaged hair above ….
hair extensions - nadogradnija kose

p.pronoun + verb “to have - imati” + the colour of the hair + hair
Ja imam braon/smeđu kosu - I have a brown hair
Ti imaš crnu kosu - you have a black hair
Ona ima plavu kosu - She has a blonde hair 
Mi imamo crvenu kosu  - We have a red hair
seda kosa - white hair 
To je skoro seda kosa - It is almost white hair

P.pronoun + verb “to be”  + the colour of the hair, putting it as a noun (for femals only, male = imati)
Ja sam brineta - I am a girl with the brown hair
Ti si crnka - You are a girl with a black hair  
Ona je plavuša - She is a blonde girl 
Mi smo riđokose - We are girls with a red hair

Kod kozmetičara - At the beautician

šmikanje - making up (putting your make up)
šminkati se - to put your make up
svečano šminkanje - putting the elegant make up

trepavice - eyelashes
konture lica - face contours 
ampule - ampoules
skidanje boje - Removing the colour
nadogradnja trepavice- eyelash extensions
masaže -  massages
relaks masaže - relax massages
anti celulit masaže - anti celluite massage
mali/veliki tretman lica - small/big face treatment 
mala/velika nega lica - small/big face care
depilacija - depilation (depilirati se - to depilate (british) /waxing/hair removal)
čupanje obrva - eyebrow tweeze 
manikir - manicure
lakirati nokte - to paint the nails
Kod pedikira - At the pedicure

-provide the above
-learn thiis vocabulary (hair salon/beautician (takes care of face)) for role playing
-write about these topics with good padaže

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