Civil Engineering Orientation Module
Civil Engineering Orientation Module
Civil Engineering Orientation Module
Course Description:
Course Objectives:
Course Content
I. History of Civil Engineering
II. Civil Engineering and Society and other profession
III. Current Fields and Careers of Civil Engineering
IV. Civil Engineering Sustainability and the Future
V. Relationship of Civil Engineering to Environmental Science
Class Policies
Prelim: 15%
Midterm: 20%
Finals: 20%
Quizzes: 10%
Research Work: 20%
Activity: 15%
Learning Outcome/Objective
Learning Content/Topic
Civil Engineering has been an aspect of life since the beginnings of human
existence. The earliest practices of Civil
Engineering may have commenced
between 4000 and 2000 BC in Ancient
Egypt and Mesopotamia (Ancient Iraq)
when humans started to abandon a
nomadic existence, thus causing a need
for the construction of shelter. During
this time, transportation became
increasingly important leading to the
development of the wheel and sailing.
Until modern times there was no clear distinction between civil engineering
and architecture, and the term engineer and architect were mainly geographical
variations referring to the same person, often used interchangeably. The
construction of Pyramids in Egypt (circa 2700-2500 BC) might be considered the
first instances of large structure constructions.
John Smeaton, the first man to call himself a civil engineer, began as an
instrument maker. His design of Eddystone Lighthouse (1756–59), with its
interlocking masonry, was based on a craftsman’s experience. Smeaton’s work
was backed by thorough research, and his services were much in demand. In
1771 he founded the Society of Civil Engineers (now known as the Smeatonian
Society). Its object was to bring together experienced engineers, entrepreneurs,
and lawyers to promote the building of large public works, such as canals (and
later railways), and to secure the parliamentary powers necessary to execute their
schemes. Their meetings were held during parliamentary sessions; the society
follows this custom to this day.
Miguel Lopez de Legaspi founded the City of Manila on June 24, 1571
With the arrival of the Franciscan Order to Manila in 1577, they began with
construction of wood and cane churches that succumbed to natural catastrophes.
In 1739 they constructed a stone church that was financed by the public charity
and became one of richest in Intramuros.
Designed and built by Jesuit priest Antonio Sedeno from 1586 to 1587, it is
one of the oldest stone fortifications in Intramuros. Began as a circular fort called
Nuestra Senora de Guia. Renovated in 1593 to join the walls of the city. Fort fell in
disrepair and, in 1644, construction began for a new baluarte which was
completed between 1653 and 1663. Resembling an ace of spades, it housed a
foundry during the 18th century.
The baluarte was breached by British forces with cannon fire in 1762.
Restored and strengthened after the British occupation but was damaged during
the 1863 earthquake. It was destroyed during the Battler of Manila in 1945.
Restoration began in 1979 and completed in 1992.
St. Augustine Church is the oldest stone church in the Philippines. It was
built in 1599: however, it was also destroyed and rebuilt many times. It is an
immense structure of thick walls of Corinthian and Ionic designs.
Father Esteban Martinez, the parish priest at that time, approached the
Spanish Architect Genero Palacios with a plan to build a fire and earthquake-
resistant church made entirely of steel. Ambeth Ocampo states that the present
San Sebastian church was ordered knockdown in steel parts from the Societe
Anonyme des Enterprises de Travaux Publiques in Brussels. Belgium.
Puente Grande was the first bridge to be erected across the grand Rio del
Pasig. Built in 1632, this wooden bridge connects Intramuros and Binondo
together, making it easier and relatively faster to travel from one end to the other.
It underwent several reconstructions and renovations as it was always heavily
(17th Century)
Cavite Friar Land Irrigation System is one of the oldest irrigation systems in
the Philippines. Sometimes in the 17th century, the Spanish period encomiendas
or Spanish Royal lands grants were implemented in Cavite. The priests were
granted by the Spanish King, portions of the agricultural land in Cavite. They
subdivided the lands in to four estates namely: Naic Estate. Santa Cruz de
Malabon (Tanza) Estate, San Francisco de Malabon (General Trias) Estate and
Imus Estate, all of which are now popularly called as Cavite Friar Lands.
The Pasig River Light House was the first lighthouse (masonry-built) erected
in the Philippines. It was first lighted on 1846 and deactivated on 1992. It was then
located on the north jetty at the mouth of Pasig River, (San Nicolas, Manila)
marking the entrance to the river for vessels around Manila Bay, looking to dock
on the ports along the banks of the river in Manila.
A light station has been established on the site since 1642. The first
lighthouse structure was erected by the ruling Spanish government and lit on
September 1. 1846. From its location at the mouth of the historic river, which
divides Manila into two sections, it was a welcoming beacon for over a century to
all mariners of inter-island vessels when bringing their vessels up into the river for
berthing along its busy wharves.
The lighthouse, which was known locally as Farola (Spanish for lighthouse")
was one of the most conspicuous landmarks in the harbor of Manila in the early
part of the 20th century. The building and later expansion of the Port of Manila,
south of the light station and subsequent land reclamations, has greatly altered the
location of the lighthouse obscuring it from the wide expanse of Manila Bay
Puente Colgante was the first suspension bridge, not only the Philippines but
in South East Asia as well, and probably the first toll bridge of its kind in the
Philippines, a precursor of the modem Sky Way, albeit for pedestrian use only.
The suspension bridge measured 110 metres (360 ft) long and 7 metres (23
ft) wide, and had two lanes that allowed passage of horses and carabao-drawn
carriages. It was also opened for pedestrians traveling on foot between Quiapo
and Intramuros and nearby areas.
In 1854 Ynchausti brought together the Ynchausti family holdings under the
above name. A Basque Spaniard born in Cadiz, de Ynchausti immigrated to the
Philippines in the second quarter of the nineteenth century and built a business
empire. In 1889 Ynchausti y Compaiiia was the largest company in the
The 20th-century writer Nick Joaquin described the bridge as it was in the
1670s: `Across the city's river now arched ... the amazing Puente Colgante,
suspended in the air, like a salute to the age of science and engineering. The
Industrial Age found its expression in the Philippines in the form of a bridge
unparalleled throughout Asia."
Historians dispute local traditions that say the bridge was designed by
Gustave Eiffel, who designed the Eiffel Tower in Paris. (This is also asserted
about the Puente de Ayala.) They note the original bridge has been documented
as designed by a Basque. (In addition. the 1930s work was performed a decade
after Eiffel died in 1923.)
The project for public supply of fresh water to the city dates from the early
18th century. Before this, the city had to be content with a fresh water supply
based on cisterns. In 1867, the town council decides to take on the challenge of a
project to supply fresh water to the whole of the city. In 1882 the first public water
fountain gushed forth its waters, and shortly after this, the technology of the times
was successful in providing Manila with a fresh water supply from sources up-
It was in 1868 when the Bureau of Public Works and Highways (Obras
Publicas) and Bureau of Communications and Transportation (Communicationes y
Meteologia) were organized under a civil engineer known as 'Director General'.
Manila didn't get running water until 1878, when the municipal waterworks
was established by Governor Domingo Moriones, with money from a fund that by
then had become legendary as the Carriedo Legacy.
On June 25. 1875. King ALFONSO XII of Spain promulgates the Royal
Decree directing the Office of the Inspector of Public Works of the Philippines to
submit a general plan of railroad in Luzon
The General Plan for Railways was drawn up in 1876 for the island of Luzon.
and included a network totalling 1.730 kilometers. A 192 Km stretch of track was
constructed between Manila and Dagupan. This operated a regular service as
from 1892. The most outstanding works carried out on the railway system were
the bridge over the great Pampanga River and the building of Tutuban Station. in
the Tondo district.
The concession for constructing five tramways in Manila and its suburbs was
approved. The plan included a main station at San Gabriel and the crossing of the
river via the "Puente de Espana"
On November 1. 1883. the study of the first railroad project between Manila
and Dagupan done by Antonio dela Camara was approved
Road work in the Philippine Islands during the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries. under the Spanish regime. consisted in the opening of routes of
communication throughout the Islands. in a very thorough manner. and leaving a
When Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States in 1898. the public
works and activities were placed under the U.S. Army engineers. 1899 The
Malolos Constitution was ratified during a general assembly of Congress. and the
first Council of Government of the First Philippine Republic was created.
The Philippine Commission passed Act Nos. 222 and 268 creating the
Department of Commerce and Police which gave birth to the Bureau of
Engineering and Construction of public works and the Bureau of Architecture and
Construction of public buildings.
The Philippine Bill of 1902 (July 1. 1902) or the Philippine Organic Act
authorized the Government of the Philippine Islands to provide for the needs of
commerce. This includes improving harbours. constructing maintaining bonded
warehouses. wharves. piers. light-houses. signal and life-saving stations. buoys.
and like instruments of commerce. as well as to adopt and enforce regulations.
(The US Congress authorizes the Philippine Government to grant franchise and
concession for the construction of public utilities and services)
But everything was confused and disorganized under our tolerant new
masters. Even in government. it took several years before the Philippine
commission could buckle down to work and create the first Philippine assembly.
The above-mentioned Academia merged with the Liceo and established the
Escuela de Ingeniera y Arquitectura, which offered a five-year course in
architecture and civil engineering.
The Escuela ceased to operate after its first year of inception. The Bureau of
Public Works was created and placed under Department of Commerce and Police
on October 26, 1905
On July 7. 1906, Philippine Commission Act No. 1510 was enacted giving
the concession of the railway to Speyer and Co. with Mr. Horace Higgins as
General Manager
Don Ramon Irureta-Goyena headed the UST-COE. During the early years of
U.S. occupation, most of the civil engineers in our country came from America.
The College was patterned after the University of Havana in Cuba and was fast
set up at the second floor of the old UST building in Intramuros.
The Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines. in a resolution
passed on June 3. 1910, appointed Mr. W.J. Colbert as acting Dean of the College
of Engineering. His appointment was set to effect on June 13. 1910 thereby
creating the College of Engineering. Dean Colbert was authorized to prepare the
curriculum and select the necessary teaching personnel for the new course.
Initially, a four-year course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science with an
additional degree of Civil Engineer upon completion of an extra year of study was
approved. The first instructor to be appointed was Mr. Jose P. Katigbak of the City
Engineer's Office of Manila, as instructor in graphics (drawing) on a part-time
In 1911. the AIAAF was dissolved when the civil engineers (and other
engineering profession) withdrew to form their own professional organization (The
The Irrigation Act of 1912: Under the American regime, the government
initiated policies to stimulate national economic growth through irrigation
development. The Irrigation Division under the Bureau of Public Works (BPW) was
established in 1908 (the friar lands were sold to govt. which in turn were sold to
the tenants in 1902). The Irrigation Act was passed in 1912. This regulated the
appropriation of public waters, investigation, construction, operation and
maintenance of irrigation systems. It also regulated the appropriation of public
waters, prescribed rules on water rights and provided for the securing of payments
for irrigation services from the beneficiaries.
The first NIS, the San Miguel River Irrigation System in Tarlac with a service
area of 6000 hectares was inaugurated in 1913. During World War I. all
appropriations for irrigation was withdrawn and the Irrigation Division was
downgraded to a section in the Design Division of the BPW. Through legislative
Act No. 2562, financial assistance was given to existing private irrigation systems
covering a minimum of 25 ha., through duly organized corporations or
associations of landowners.
The Reorganization Act 2666 as amended by Act No. 2803 dated November
18. 1916 gave birth to the Department of Commerce and Communications
(Department of Commerce and Police transformed to The Department of
Commerce and Communications), consisting of the Bureau of Commerce and
Industry. Bureau of Supply. Bureau of Public Works. Bureau of Posts. Bureau of
Labor and Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey.
To raise such needed funds, motor vehicles and drivers plying the highways
were required to register with fee in 1921. To keep pace with further development
in transportation and communications, the Department of Commerce and Police
When the first cabinet comprised of Filipinos was organized. Gov. Gen.
Francis. B. Harrison appointed Cebu governor Dionisio Jakosalem as Secretary of
Commerce and Communication. The construction of roads and public buildings
marked his administration as governor of Cebu. He is credited with having linked
the southern and northern parts of the province with roads.
1919 —1954
The Engineers and Architects Law (Act No. 2985) passed on February 23.
1921. The law created separate Board of Examiners for civil engineering and
architecture. They were schooled abroad as civil engineers and architects. Due to
the Engineers and Architects Law of 1921. Filipinos were allowed to practice as
Architects and Engineers because of their experience as Maestro de Obras in the
Spanish Period.
Public Act No. 2985 was enacted empowering the Secretary of Commerce
and Communication to appoint members of the boards of the architecture and
engineering professions. The Act, which contained very general provisions on the
regulation of engineering and architecture, was later amended by Acts No. 3159
and 3182.
A group of civil engineers from the government sector formed the Philippine
Society of Civil Engineers (PSCE) which was the first civil engineering
organization in the Philippines with Engr. Marcia! Kasilag as its first president.
Puente Colgante Bridge was replaced by a modern steel arch bridge during
early 1930's. It was renamed Quezon Bridge after Manuel L Quezon, the president
of the Philippines at that time.
Commonwealth Government
The objectives of both organizations were similar with each other in which
both of them wants to: "elevate the standards of the profession, encourage
research and engineering knowledge and technology, foster fellowship among
members, and promote interrelation with other technological and scientific
The PACE being the most active than the PSCE led to the transfer of many
PSCE members to PACE.
On January 31. 1938, the first Bicol train was put into operation
On May 8. 1938, the unified system of railroad from San Fernando. La Union
in the North to Legazpi in the South was formally inaugurated
Highway 54 was the former name of the Epifanio delos Santos Avenue
(EDSA). Stretching some 54 kilometers. Highway 54 serves as a lifeline for
hundreds of thousands of Filipinos passing or doing business in Metro Manila.
It formed a major part of the circumferential roads in Metro Manila. From the
south. it passes through five cities Pasay. Makati. Mandaluyong. Quezon City, and
Caloocan. Its southem endpoint is at the rotunda near the SM Mall of Asia in
Pasay City while its northern point is at Monumento in Caloocan City near the
Andres Bonifacio monument.
In 1941, outbreak of World War II, the Department of Public Works and
Communications (DPWC) and other government offices were practically abolished
due to dislocation of manpower, lack of funds, materials and equipment,
installation of enemy administration and the setting up of resistance movement.
On Philippine soil, to mitigate the sufferings of the people under the iron-clad
rule of the Japanese, the Philippine Executive Commission was established.
Under President Jose P. Laurel's administration. Quintin Paredes served as
Minister of Public Works and Communications.
Caliraya Dam is an embankment dam located in the town of Lumban
province of Laguna, in the Sierra Madre Mountain Range of the Philippines. The
reservoir created by the dam. Lake Caliraya, initially supplied one of the oldest
hydroelectric plants in the Philippines, and later became a popular recreational
area for numerous water sports and fishing. The dam construction was started in
1939 and a small hydroelectric plant was operated in 1942.
After the Second World War, the new independent Philippine government
continued the rehabilitation and construction of roads, bridges, buildings and other
infrastructures, through the reparations and war damages paid by the Japanese
government. Other financial grants and aids received from the US government
were used in the construction and rehabilitation of roads, bridges, buildings and
other infrastructures.
08 March 1945-1946
Justice Sotero Cabahug replaced Secretary Valdes as Secretary of Public
Works and Communications.
Third Republic
1946 -1948
1950 — 1956
The Ambuklao dam was the highest and biggest in the Far East. It is made
of earth and rockfull which measures 129 meters in height and 452 meters in
length. The elevation of its crest is 758 meters and the roadway that runs through
the top of the dam has an elevation of 756 meters. There are 8 Tainter radial
gates at the clam's spillway. Each spillway measures 12.5 meters by 12.5 meters
and is 127 meters in length. The gross storage capacity of the dam's reservoir is
327,170,000 cubic meters and it has a usable storage capacity of 258,000,000
cubic meters. The drainage area is 686 square kilometers and is 11 km long with a
maximum width of 1 km. Construction began on July 1950 and opened on
December 23, 1956.
Bureau of Public Highways (BPH) was created and placed under The
Department of Public Works, Transportation and Communications (DPWTC)
R.A. No. 1080 was enacted on June 15, 1954 — making bar and board
exam (passers) are equivalent to First-Grade Civil Service eligibility.
REPUBLIC ACT No. 1383 was approved on June 18. 1955 "AN ACT
The first road classification system in the country was established through
Republic Act No. 917, known as the Philippine Highway Act, enacted in 1953 and
Executive Order 113, series of 1955 which classified roads into national roads
(national primary and national secondary), 'national aid' roads (roads of sufficient
importance for eventual reclassification at a later stage) and
provincial/city/municipal/barangay roads.
1955 -1970
On June 16. 1956, the Civil Engineering law was further amended by
Republic Act No. 1582. On the same year, the Architecture law was further
amended by Republic Act No. 1581.
Philippines had created one of the top countries in the world that produces
architects and engineers since the 60's
Many architects and engineers have established their own firms and/or had
'broken the ceiling" within their firms
Due to their numbers. Filipino architects and engineers globally have formed
their own groups and made alliances with other Filipino associations
Many Filipino architects and engineers in the Philippines have found contract
work overseas
The North Luzon Expressway (NLE or NLEx), and which is formerly called
the North Diversion Road and Manila North Expressway (MNEX), and officially
known as Radial Road 8 is a 2 to 8-lane limited-access toll expressway that
connects Metro Manila to the provinces of the Central Luzon region in the
Philippines. It is one of the two branches of the Radial Road 8 (R-8) of Metro
Manila (Quirino Highway is the other). It was built in the 1960s.
The North Luzon Expressway (NLE or NLEx), and which is formerly called
the North Diversion Road and Manila North Expressway (MNEX), and officially
known as Radial Road 8 is a 2 to 8-lane limited-access toll expressway that
connects Metro Manila to the provinces of the Central Luzon region in the
Philippines. It is one of the two branches of the Radial Road 8 (R-8) of Metro
Manila (Quirino Highway is the other). It was built in the 1960s.
The automobile age. It was during the decade that road construction
becomes a matter of priority of the government under the slogan: This nation is on
The first thirteen years of the airport were marked by the building of
infrastructure dedicated to international flights. The international runway and
associated taxiway were built in 1953, and 1961 saw the completion of a control
tower and a terminal building for the exclusive use of international passengers at
the southwest intersection of the runways. This system came to be officially known
as the Manila International Airport (MIA).
REPUBLIC ACT No. 3597 was approved on June 22. 1963 (NAWASA Act)
Its forerunner was the Irrigation Division of the defunct Bureau of Public
Works. By virtue of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1 issued by President Ferdinand
Marcos, all irrigation activities were integrated under the NIA. The Agency's power
was likewise broadened and capitalization increased from P300 M to 2 B by the
issuance of PD 552 on September 11. 1072. Capitalization was further increased
to P10 B under PD 1702 on July 17. 1980.
NIA absorbed the functions of the Irrigation Division of the Bureau of Public
Works and the Irrigation Unit of the Bureau of Lands and Friar Lands Irrigation
System. This hybrid nature of MA enabled it to use funds from the government
treasury for constructing and rehabilitating irrigation systems, the underlying
premise being that irrigation benefited not only the farmers, but the broader
society as well.
On June 20. 1964. Republic Act No. 4156 is enacted. It changes the
corporate name of Manila Railroad Company (MRRCo) to Philippine National
Railways (PNR)
R.A No. 4566 was enacted on June 19. 1965 — regulating constructions or
The Contractor's License Law'
The 70's is commonly known as the Martial Law years. Declared in 1972.
the first few years of its implementation brought about good things to our country.
But its later years proved to be the most trying times of our country. Incidentally.
the construction industry in the Middle East was at its peak and civil engineers and
architects were in demand.
In the early 1970's, there were already 591 national and municipal ports plus
200 private ports scattered all over the country necessitating the need for long-
range planning and rationalization of port development.
On 19 June 1971. Republic Act 6234 was enacted. It dissolved the National
Waterworks and Sewerage System (NAWASA) and created in its place the
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS). MWSS was thus given
the mandate 'to ensure an uninterrupted and adequate supply and distribution of
potable water for domestic and other purposes at just and equitable rates? The
proper operation and maintenance of sewerage systems was likewise part of its
On August 20. 1971. Republic Act No. 6366 was passed amending the PNR
Presidential Decree No. 198, also known as The Provincial Water Utilities
Act of 1973.' was signed into law on May 25, 1973. That law created the Local
Water Utilities Administration or LWUA in the national level and provided for the
establishment of Water Districts in provincial cities and municipalities.
A feasibility study and airport master plan was drawn up in 1973 by Airways
Engineering Corporation. The detailed engineering design of the new MIA
Development Project (MIADP) was undertaken by Renardet-Saufiaransplan/F.F.
Cruz Consultants while the design of the International Passenger Terminal
building was prepared by Architect L.V. Locsin & Associates. A USS29.6 Million
loan was arranged with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to finance the project.
On February 1974, the first election of officers of PICE was held and Engr.
Cesar Caliwara became its first president. In order to truly unite the civil engineers
of the Philippines, provincial chapters were organized.
The former Bureau of Public Highways was expanded and restructured into
the Department of Public Highways (DPH) for a more effective administration of
The Philippine Ports Authority was created under Presidential Decree No.
505 which was subsequently amended by P.D. No. 857 in December 1975.
With the shift in the form of government, national agencies were renamed
from Departments to Ministries. In 1976. Department of Public Works.
Transportation and Communications (DPWTC) became Ministry of Public Works.
Transportation and Communications (MPWTC) & Department of Public Highways
(DPH) as Ministry of Public Highways (MPH).
In 1976, the National Water Resources Board (NWRB) was created through
the National Water Code of the Philippines Mater Code of the Philippines) to
coordinate policies concerning water resources.
The National Engineering Center (NEC) was established as per P.D. No.
1295. It is an agency supported by the National Government and by the UNDP.
The NEC will be an umbrella body under which the non-teaching activities of the
college will be administered. These units include: The National Hydraulics
Research Center (NHRC), the Training Center for Applied Geodesy and
Photogrammetry (TCAGP), the UP Industrial Research Center (UPIRC), and the
Transport Training Center (ITC), and the Building Research Services (BRS).
1978 -1982
It was a Rock-fill dam with a height of 114 meters and length of 4. 160
On July 23. 1979 under Executive Order No. 546. MPWTC was again
restructured into two (2) Ministries — the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) and the
Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC), integrating all bureaus
and offices concerned with public works functions and activities under the Ministry
of Public Works. The same went true with all offices involved in transportation and
communications which were placed under the supervision and administration of
the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Minister Jose P. Dans served
as head of the MOTC.
On July 23. 1979. by Executive Order No. 546. PNR becomes one of the
attached agencies of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, now
DOTC 1980's Major highways and expressways were constructed through the
financial assistance and loans from foreign banks
On July 12, 1980, the country's president. Ferdinand E. Marcos, created the
Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA) as a government agency. The Chairman was
the then First Lady and Governor of Metro Manila. Imelda Romualdez Marcos.
This LRTA confined its activities to determining policies, to the regulation and
fixing of fares, and to the planning of extensions to the system. The project was
called Metrorail and was operated by a sister company of the former tramway
company Meralco called Metro, Inc.
Initial assistance for building the LRT project came from the Belgian
government which granted a P300 million "soft" and interest-free loan with a
repayment time of 30 years. The project was expected to pay for itself within a
period of 20 years out of revenue alone. A Belgian consortium consisting of ACEC
(Ateliers de Constructions Electriques de Charleroi, BN), (Constructions
Ferroviaires, et Metalliques, fomierly Brugeoise et Nivelles). TEI (Tractionnel
Engineering International) and TC (Transurb Consult) provided an additional loan
of P700 million. The consortium provided the cars, signalling, power control,
telecommunications, training and technical assistance. The entire system was
expected to be financially "in the red- well into 1993. Against an expected gross
revenue of P365 million for the first operating year, government losses were
thought likely to reach P216 million. The system was designed as a public utility
rather than as a profit center.
Construction of the line started in October 1981, and was the responsibility
of CDCP (Construction and Development Corporation of the Philippines), with
assistance from the Swiss firm of Losinger and the American company Dravo, the
latter, through its Philippine subsidiary. The government appointed Electrowatt
Engineering Services of Zurich (Switzerland) to manage and supervise the project.
Electrowatt set up offices in Manila and became responsible for extension studies
of the system which eventually comprised 150 km of routes along all major
corridors in about 20 years' time.
Martial Law executed Letter of Instruction 1000 on March 20, 1980 — the
Malacanang edict of having just one organization for each profession to be
accredited by the Professional Regulations Commission.
MPW and MPH were merged to become The Ministry of Public Works and
Highways (MPWH)
Under Executive Order No. 710 dated July 27. 1981, the Ministries of Public
Works and Public Highways were merged for a more effective and sustained
implementation of infrastructure projects. Under the restructured set-up, the
agency was known as the Ministry of Public Works and Highways (MPWH) with 14
regional offices. 94 districts and 60 city engineering offices, five (5) bureaus and
six (6) service offices, in addition to corporations and councils attached to the
Ministry for administrative supervision.
Magat Dam is a large rock-fill dam on the island of Luzon in the Philippines.
The dam is located on Magat River, a major tributary of Cagayan River.
Construction of the dam started in 1975 and completed in 1982. Magat Dam is
one of the largest dams in the Philippines and has two primary purposes: as a
source of irrigation water and as a provider of hydroelectric power.
It was Southeast Asia's first large multipurpose dam. The dam is pad of the
Magat River Multipurpose Project (MRMP) which was financed by the World Bank
and whose purpose is to improve on the existing Magat River Irrigation System
(MARIS) and to triple the production of rice in the Cagayan River basin. The
project was jointly financed by the Philippine Govemment and the World Bank
which extended a USS150M loan to finance the foreign exchange requirement. In
addition, a USS9M loan from Bahrain was obtained for the purchase of other
equipment for the diversion tunnels, soils laboratory and model testing. The total
project cost is USS3.4B (yr. 1975).
The Magat Dam is located on the Magat River at the boundary between the
municipalities of Alfonso Lista in the province of Ifugao and Ramon in Isabela both
on the island of Luzon, approximately 350 kilometres (220 mi) north of Metro
Manila. The Magat River is the largest tributary of the Cagayan River, the longest
river in the country.
Ipo Dam is a gravity concrete water reservoir dam found in the Philippines.
The dam is located about 7.5 kilometres downstream of the Angat Dam in
Norzagaray. Bulacan province. It was a pad of the Angat-Ipo-La Mesa water
system. Its normal level is 110 m.
The Ipo Dam is a gravity concrete dam located about 7.5 kilometres
downstream of the Angat Dam near its confluence with the Ipo River in Bulacan. It
was completed in January 1984 with a maximum storage capacity of 7.5 million
cubic metres, an increase of about 2,500 million litres per day (MLD) from the old
Ipo Dam, which used to be located 200 metres upstream of the new dam.
The spill level of the dam is at an elevation of 101 metres and it has seven
radial floodgates. The watershed topography is characterised by mountainous
terrain similar to the Angat Reservoir Watershed with moderate forest cover. The
watershed has an area of about 70 square kilometers and receives an average
annual rainfall of 3,500 millimeters. Tributaries to the Angat River at this section
include the Ipo, Sapa Pako and Sapa Anginon Rivers. These tributaries drain into
the Angat River from the eastern section of the watershed.
Finally, by virtue of Executive Order No. 124, dated January 30, 1987, the
Ministry of Public Works and Highways (MPWH) is now known as the Department
of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) with five (5) bureaus, six (6) services, 16
regional offices, 24 project management offices. 16 regional equipment services
and 118 district engineering offices.
On August 17, 1987. Republic Act No. 6639 was enacted and the MIA was
renamed the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. The MIA Authority however,
retained its corporate name since the law did not amend the original or revised
charters of the MIAA.
On August 23. 1989, the Tutuban Station and part of the railroad yard was
leased out for shopping mall development. PNR Management Center transfers to
its Training Center site in Caloocan City and PNR Operations Center transfers to
its railway station in Paco, Manila.
The La Mesa Watershed and Eco-Park consists of the La Mesa Dam and an
ecological nature reserve site in Quezon City commissioned in 1929 in the
Philippines. It is part of the Angat-Ipo-La Mesa water system, which supplies most
of the water supply of Metro Manila. The La Mesa Dam is an earth dam whose
reservoir can hold up to 50.5 million cubic meters and occupying an area of 27
square kilometers. The water collected in the reservoir is treated on-site by the
Maynilad Water Services, and at the Balara Treatment Plant further south by the
Manila Water. Both water companies are private concessionaires awarded by the
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System, the government agency in
charge of water supply. It is a vital link to the water requirements of 12 million
residents of Metro Manila considering that 1.5 million liters of water pass through
this reservoir every day. It is also the last forest of its size in the metropolis.
And for the first time, a "Civil Engineering Week' for the period November 3
to 9. 1991 was declared by Maiacaiiang thru Proclamation No.799 issued on
September 20. 1991 by President Corazon C. Aquino. The C.E. week was
celebrated nationwide thru coordinated activities of all PICE chapters and the
PICE National Board culminating in the most successful and well-attended '91
PICE Annual Convention (1.400 plus registered participants).
The Board of Civil Engineering (at PRC) held its first fully computerized
(board) examinations on May 29. 1993 and released the results on November 9.
In 1997, the Legislature passed into law Republic Act 8041, also known as
'The Water Crisis Act.' The Act, which paved the way for the privatization of
MWSS, had as its primary objectives the following:
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers. Inc. (PICE) has been awarded by the
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) as the Most Outstanding Accredited
Professional Organization.
The San Roque Dam, operated under San Roque Multipurpose Project
(SRMP) is a 200 meters tall. 1.2 kilometer long embankment dam on the Agno
River. It spans the municipalities of San Manuel and San Nicolas. Pangasinan and
is nearly 200 km north of Metro Manila.
The dam impounds a reservoir with a surface area of about 12.8 square
kilometers extending North into the municipality of Itogon. Benguet. A gated
spillway protects the dam from overtopping. Each wet season, the run-off is stored
for later release via water turbines to generate power and irrigate crops. Agno
River is the third largest river in the Philippines with a total length of 221 kilometers
and a drainage basin at the Project site of 1.225 square kilometers. The river
originates in the Cordillera Mountains, initially flows from north to south, and
divides into several channels in the flat central plain of Luzon and meanders
westerly through the provinces of Pangasinan and Tarlac before emptying into the
Lingayen Gulf.
San Roque Power Corporation (SRPC) financed and constructed the SRMP
under a power purchase agreement (PPA) with the National Power Corporation
(NPC) on a Build-Operate-Transfer (80T) basis. SRPC substantially completed the
SRMP at midnight. February 14. 2003, at which time its peaking power, irrigation,
flood control and enhanced water quality benefits became available to the
The United Architects of the Philippines (UAP) and the Philippine Institute of
Civil Engineers (PICE) signed a joint resolution supporting the passage of
Architecture and Civil Engineering bills delineating their respective scope of
practice and to strengthen their collaborative efforts in common goals. The two
professional groups through their leaders stressed the need for the immediate
passage of their respective bills, which would benefit their hundreds of thousand
members nationwide.
Last March 17. 2004. RA 9266 or 'The Architecture Act of 2004' was passed
into law.
Republic Act No. 9275 was approved on March 22. 2004 'AN ACT
In 2004, the Architecture Act was passed and signed into law. But in 2005, a
petition for declaratory relief filed on May 3 2005 by the PICE and Engr. Leo Cleto
Gamolo to declare null and void Sections 302.3 and 302.4 of the Revised
Implementing Rules and Regulations ('Revised IRR") of Presidential Decree No.
1096 (the 'National Building Code). The said provisions require that architectural
documents submitted in applications for building permits must be prepared, signed
and sealed by architects. PICE claim that the said sections of the Revised IRR, by
effectively prohibiting Civil Engineers from also preparing, signing and sealing
architectural documents, are contrary to the National Building Code and the
Republic Act No. 544 (the 'Civil Engineering Law'), which purportedly gave Civil
Engineers the said right.
November 2007 CE Board Exam was invalidated (retake last January 2008
for Hydraulics and Geotechnical Engineering)
2008 up to present
After several court hearings at the Manila Regional Trial Court, the PICE's
motion was denied on January 29. 2008 and the RTC ruled in favor of the
architects. [National Capital Judicial Region. Regional Trial Court. Branch 22
Manila — Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers. Inc. and Leo Cleto Gamolo.
Petitioners versus The Honorable Hermogenes Ebdane Jr., in his capacity as
Secretary of Public Works and Highways as Respondent, and United Architects of
the Philippines as Intervenor-Respondent for Civil Case Number 05-112502 for:
Declaratory Relief. Injunction with prayer for Writ of Preliminary Prohibition and/or
Mandatory Injunction and Temporary Restraining Order.
For Research:
1. Prepare a list of Civil Engineering works/structures in Earliest times and give the
story behind it.
2. Prepare a list of Civil Engineering works/structures in Modern times and give the
behind it.
Module 2
There are two major types of engineering roles performed by civil engineers;
1) Consultant engineers who focus on design work and generally spend more
time in the office or working with clients.
Learning Outcome/Objective
Learning Content/Topic
A. What is an Engineer?
One way to define engineering is: “how to do new things in new ways” (Win
Phillips, 1997)
“Professional engineers should work for the welfare of the public. They are
responsible for observing societal needs, and often have the position and
resources to improve society. As professionals, engineers are expected to set
examples in the work field and to establish themselves as assets to society.” T.D.
Oates, 1993
Analyze long range plans, survey reports, maps, and other data to plan
and design projects
Consider construction costs, government regulations, potential
environmental hazards, and other factors during the planning and risk-
analysis stages of a project
Compile and submit permit applications to local, state, and federal
agencies, verifying that projects comply with various regulations
Oversee and analyze the results of soil testing to determine the
adequacy and strength of foundations
Analyze the results of tests on building materials, such as concrete,
wood, asphalt, or steel, for use in particular projects
Civil engineers also must present their findings to the public on topics such
as bid proposals, environmental impact statements, or property descriptions.
Many civil engineers hold supervisory or administrative positions ranging
from supervisor of a construction site to city engineer, public works director, and
city manager. As supervisors, they are tasked with ensuring that safe work
practices are followed at construction sites.
Other civil engineers work in design, construction, research, and teaching.
Civil engineers work with others on projects and may be assisted by civil
engineering technicians.
Civil engineers prepare permit documents for work on projects in
renewable energy. They verify that the projects will comply with federal, state,
and local requirements. These engineers conduct structural analyses for large-
scale photovoltaic, or solar energy, projects. They also evaluate the ability of
solar array support structures and buildings to tolerate stresses from wind,
seismic activity, and other sources. For large-scale wind projects, civil engineers
often prepare roadbeds to handle large trucks that haul in the turbines.
Civil engineers work on complex projects, and they can achieve job
satisfaction in seeing the project reach completion. They usually specialize in
one of several areas.
Construction engineers manage construction projects, ensuring that
they are scheduled and built in accordance with plans and specifications.
These engineers typically are responsible for the design and safety of
temporary structures used during construction. They may also oversee
budgetary, time-management, and communications aspects of a project.
Geotechnical engineers work to make sure that foundations for built
objects ranging from streets and buildings to runways and dams, are
solid. They focus on how structures built by civil engineers, such as
buildings and tunnels, interact with the earth (including soil and rock). In
addition, they design and plan for slopes, retaining walls, and tunnels.
Structural engineers design and assess major projects, such as
buildings, bridges, or dams, to ensure their strength and durability.
Transportation engineers plan, design, operate, and maintain everyday
systems, such as streets and highways, but they also plan larger projects,
such as airports, ship ports, mass transit systems, and harbors.
Water Resources engineers covers a broad spectrum, but is primarily
concerned with the study of selected topics in applied hydrology,
hydraulics, applied limnology, water resources systems analysis, water
resources, environmental impact assessment, hydraulic structures,
irrigation and drainage.
The work of civil engineers is closely related to the work of environmental
Feasibility studies
Site Investigations
Since the load-bearing qualities and stability of the ground are such
important factors in any large-scale construction, it is surprising that a
serious study of soil mechanics did not develop until the mid-1930s. Karl von
Terzaghi, the chief founder of the science, gives the date of its birth as 1936,
when the First International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering was held at Harvard University and an international society was
formed. Today there are specialist societies and journals in many countries,
and most universities that have a civil engineering faculty have courses in
soil mechanics.
B. What is a profession?
“History provides the big picture, why large-scale projects were built and
what their benefits are to society...You can wake people up to the importance of
infrastructure, the efforts of the 2 civil engineers who have improved the quality of
life through its design and construction, why it needs to be repaired, and where tax
dollars will be going. You can use history to educate...engineers ...about where
our present problems came from.” James M. Fels, 1990; in Morley 1994.
These elements were therefore chosen as emphasis areas for this course,
and should provide a foundation for you as both professional engineers and in
your future courses. What you learn here should help you identify areas where you
will need to be strong in order to succeed as an engineer, and therefore in
selecting courses which will allow you to build your skills in these areas.
4. Flexibility
• Writing
• Engineering
• business/financial
• personal interaction
• computer
2. Environmental Quality
6. Materials
7. Transportation
“You must learn how to learn. This is part of your preparation for being an
engineer; our profession will require that you keep up with new developments
while you work: Life-long learning”. Dave DiLaura, “Being Smart is Not Enough.”
Civil engineers held about 232,000 jobs in 2000 (US Department of Labor; Civil engineering jobs tended to fall into a
few main sectors. These job sectors and the approximate percentage of civil
engineers employed within each are listed and described below.
During a career, many people change jobs and job type. For example, many
Civil Engineers start in consulting and later move into government positions.
Others move from consulting into self-employment. In almost all cases, self-
employment comes after learning on-the-job under licensed professional
engineers (PE’s), gaining your own PE, and then significant world experience.
Every job and career path is different. The information below provides some
examples and advice about a typical job path. However, every person, every
employer, each job is different and there are no specific rules. Expect the
unexpected. Variety and diversity are the key trait of civil engineering to
remember. If you don’t like one civil engineering job, don’t despair. There is a fit
for your skills, aspirations, and talents out there waiting for you.
Getting off to a strong start is the key to a successful career. Learn the
way things are done, and figure out what you need to do to earn credibility
and respect. Your first impression on your employers will determine the
types of job assignments they give you.
Learn the culture - each company has its own unique personality and
The culture is a unique set of rules and norms, often unspoken and
informal, about how you should behave. Watch how others behave,
observe how people communicate and work together.
“The feeling of being part of an effective team is the best feeling in the
world. You WANT to go to work. You don’t mind staying late and working on
stuff if people have faith and trust in your abilities...”
Liz McMahon, during 2nd consulting job at V&K
2 - 5 yrs
Excellent written and oral communication skills: State Position, Aug 24, 1997 Post Ad
~5 years as engineer
Business development
- write proposals; talk with industry to develop a relationship meet
with clients
Project engineer
- coordinate the activities of other junior engineers
- decide who will do what?
- delegate check their work
- specialty workshops to develop new skills
- present work at technical conferences
project manager
- select a project engineer
- make sure project stays on budget and on time
- interact closely with client to ensure they get what they want
Salary numbers are somewhat hard to find and are highly variable. In
particular, getting current numbers is challenging. This is important because
salaries tend to increase over time due to inflation. Salaries vary by region
due to the local cost of living. Salaries clearly tend to increase as employees
have more years of work experience. Salaries are generally higher for
people who have earned higher degrees (BS vs. MS vs. PhD). Frequently
It’s important to realize that the average salary increases based on the
level of education you’ve received. Salaries also increase based on the
number of years you’ve worked as an engineer.
Aber P. Canlas, then the deputy Minister of Public Work and Highways
(MPWH) became the sixth president of PICE in 1984 and kept the
presidency until the end of 1986. It was during Canlas' administration that
PICE was involved in an International activity thru the holding of the 4th
conference of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations or
CAFEO-4, which was hosted by the Philippine Technological Council (PTC)
on September 25-27, 1985 at the Philippine Plaza Hotel. President Canlas,
then PICE representative in the PTC, was the chairman of the federation's
Governing Body and PICE became the lead organization that successfully
managed that prestigious international affair. The seventh President of PICE
is the amiable and ever-jolly Juanito "Janet" Nery Ferrer who was elected
when he was Undersecretary of DPWH. He eventually became the full-
pledged secretary of DPWH before his second term ended in 1988 He
herefore became the second Cabinet Secretary to serve the PICE
presidency after past president Jesus Hipolito. President "Janet', as he
popularly known, is well remembered for his vision in establishing a more
solid moral foundation for the next generations of Filipino Civil Engineers. He
was very concerned about the moral re-orientation and regeneration of our
people after the 20 year plunder of the past government regime. Also, he felt
that civil engineers had to bring back the pride and dignity of the civil
engineering profession. It was during Ferrer's administration that serious
efforts were exerted to acquire a permanent headquarters for the PICE and
acquire sophisticated office and equipment such as microcomputer to better
serve the needs of the general membership. Thru very successful fund-
raising activities, the initial amount of P550, 000.00 was placed in the bank
as a trust fund under the PICE Foundation, Inc the plan then was to acquire
an office space at the Strata 200 Bldg. of the Ortigas Complex. And as part
of the decentralization program of his administration, a very successful
midyear National Convention was held in Davao City in July 1988 ably
Another significant event for PICE in 1994 was the signing of a mutual
Agreement of Cooperation with ASCE, the American Society of Civil
Engineers. The agreement provides for an exchange of technical, scientific
and professional knowledge between the two organizations. The holding of
the 20th National Convention in November 1994 proved to be another
unmatched success. Some 3,500 delegates participated in the convention
surpassing previous attendance records. Perhaps the most outstanding
With the changing trends in the practice of civil engineering and the
new direction that the construction industry itself is taking, 1998 PICE
President Felipe F Cruz spearheaded the transformation of the old PICE
Foundation, Inc., first by expanding its objectives and setting a wider
participation of past presidents who will act as Trustees and of leading
members who will actively participate in the R & 0 work, then renaming it the
PICE Research and Development Foundation and causing the necessary
SEC registration. Attendance in the National Conventions in 1997 and 1998
increased from the previous years.
The PICE National Board started to workout MOAs with Colleges and
Universities to make this a textbook for the ethics subject in the CE course.
The Manual was prepared to guide civil engineers in the practice of their
profession. Regional conferences were conducted from July to October 2001
in Regions IV, VI, I/CAR and III. The topics selected were those that are
pertinent to the respective regions and offered opportunities for net-working
and fund-raising for the chapter. Meanwhile the Midyear National
Convention was hosted by PICE Cagayan de Oro - Misamis Oriental
Chapter with DPWH Sec. Simeon A Datumanong as the Guest Speaker
Free Seminars were conducted from January 2001, for professionals and
students conducted separately almost every weekend. The National Board
sponsored this program, with the assistance of the chapter where the
seminars are held. This program addresses two objectives - Continuing
Professional Development and Member's Welfare. Some of the main topics
presented in the free seminars were The State of Civil Engineering
Profession Today, Disaster Quick Response Action Program, and other
technical topics. PICE has concentrated on its community extension work
because civil engineering is a profession in the Service of the Society. The
Disaster Quick Response Program (DQRP) is an undertaking of the PICE
and ASEP with OCC)-NOCC-ONO for the rapid assessment of structures
during calamities. Trainings were financed by the OCD-NDCC and started in
August 2001 at Baguio City. PICE also entered to a Memorandum of
Agreement with the Philippine Building Officials (PASO) for this undertaking.
This program highlights the members' spirit of volunteerism and concern for
the community. PICE wants to involve all members who will become DORP
Other Achievements:
The use of the Manual of Practice for Civil Engineering was further
promoted to set the civil engineering professional standards and
Upgrading of the civil engineering education through advocacy
work; involvement in the review of the Civil Engineering
PICE submitted to Professional Regulation Commission PICE's
position on the WTO-GATS issues on Cross Border Supply,
Commercial Presence, Consumption Abroad, Mobility Movement
of Natural Persons
PICE was one of the signatories in the Code of Good Governance
for all professions which was initiated and formulated by the
Professional Regulation Commission. The purpose is to define the
ethical environment in which all Filipino professionals shall
discharge their professional duties.
PICE's involvement in the revision of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations for the National Building Code intensified
The preparations of a Civil Engineering Code was started during
the year.
On the proposed amendments to the PICE By-laws, the Electoral
College approved the following amendments to the PICE by-laws
at the Bacolod Convention Plaza Hotel on June 28, 2002 during
the National Mid-Year Convention and the Referendum consisting
of the Retirement of Members; Deletion of Section 7 — Retirement
of Members and replace it with President Emeritus or Member
Emeritus and Section 13, Article II was amended that approved
the amnesty for members and Proposed Fee Increases for the
Ratification of the Electoral College.
PBAC Representation - PICE has established partnership with
Non-Government Agencies as we participated in the various
activities of some agencies: Land Bank, Bureau of Treasury,
Bureau of Fisheries , Civil Service Commission, University of the
Philippines — Diliman, Philippine Ports Authority.
The Awards for Most Outstanding Chapter, Chapter Special
Awards: Outstanding Community Project and Outstanding
Newsletter were given. Also the Most Outstanding Civil
Engineering Student Awards (MOCES) 2002; Best Celebrated
Civil Engineering Week for 2002 and the Mutya ng PICE 2002
PICE has yet to install the Landmark Awards for The 1st National
Outstanding Civil Engineering Historic Landmark Award the
IFUGAO RICE TERRACES and the 2nd National Outstanding
Civil Engineering Historic landmark Award the MT. SAMAT
Code of Ethics
Civil engineers uphold and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of
the civil engineering profession by:
Fundamental Canons
Approved, June 17, 1950 (As amended by R.A. No. 1582, approved on June 16, 1956).
Section 1. Title of Act.” This Act shall be known as the “Civil Engineering Law.”
b) The term “civil engineer” as used in this act shall mean a person
duly registered with the Board for Civil Engineers in the manner as
hereinafter provided.
Article II
Section 3. Composition of Board.” Within thirty days after the approval of this Act
there shall be created a Board of Examiners for Civil Engineers,
hereinafter referred to as the Board, to be composed of a chairman and
two members who shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines,
upon recommendation of the Commissioner of PRC. The members of the
Board shall hold office for a term of three years after appointment or until
their successors shall have been appointed and shall have qualified. The
first members of the Board appointed under this Act shall hold office for
the following terms: One member for one year; one member for two
years; and one member for three years. Each member of the Board shall
qualify by taking the proper oath of office before entering upon the
performance of his duties. Any member of the Board may be removed by
the President of the Philippines, upon recommendation by the
Professional Regulation Commission for neglect of duty, incompetency,
malpractice, unprofessional, unethical, immoral, or dishonorable conduct,
after having been given opportunity to defend himself in a proper
administrative investigation: Provided, That during the process of
investigation, the President of the Philippines, upon the recommendation
of the PRC, shall have the power to suspend such member under
investigation and shall appoint a temporary member in his place.
Vacancies in the Board shall be filled for the un-expired term only.
Section 4. Powers and Duties of the Board.” The Board for Civil Engineers is
vested with authority, conformable with the provisions of this Act, to
administer oaths, issue, suspend and revoke certificates of registration for
the practice of civil engineering, issue certificates of recognition to civil
engineers already registered under this Act for advanced studies,
research, and/or highly specialized training in any branch of civil
engineering subject to the approval of the PRC, to investigate such
violations of this Act and the regulations, there under as may come to the
Section 6. Fees and Compensation of Board.” The Board for Civil Engineers shall
charge for each application for examination the sum of P100 (one
hundred) payable to the collecting and disbursing officer of the PRC upon
filing of said application, and for each certificate of registration, fifty pesos.
Each member of the Board shall receive a compensation of fifteen pesos
for each applicant examined. A civil engineer in the service of the
Government of the Republic of the Philippines appointed as member of
the Board shall receive the compensation as herein provided, in addition
to his salary in the Government. All authorized expenses of the Board,
including the compensation provided for herein, shall be paid by the
collecting and disbursing officer of the PRC out of such appropriation as
may be made for the purpose. (See RA 6511 & PD 223)
Article III
Section 8. Examination Requirement.” All applicants for registration for the practice
of civil engineering shall berequired to pass a technical examination as
hereinafter provided.
Section 12. Qualifications for Examination.” Any person applying for admission to
the civil engineering examination as herein provided shall, prior to the
date of the examination, establish to the satisfaction of the Board that he
has the following qualifications:
Section 13. Oath of Civil Engineers.” All successful candidates in the examination
shall be required to take a professional oath before the Board of Civil
Section 14. Seal and Use of Seal.” All registered civil engineers shall obtain a seal
of such design as the Board shall authorize and direct: Provided,
however, that the serial number of the certificate issued by the Board
shall be included in the design of the seal. Plans and specifications
prepared by, or under the direct supervision of a registered civil
engineer shall be stamped with said seal during the life of the
registrant’s certificate, and it shall be unlawful for anyone to stamp or
seal any documents with said seal after the certificate of registrant
named thereon has expired or has been revoked, unless said certificate
shall have been renewed or re-issued.
4. Nor shall anything in this Act prevent any person who prior to the
approval of this Act have been lawfully engaged in the practice of
“maestro de obras” to continue as such, provided they shall not
undertake the making of plans supervision for the following classes of
Section 16. Refusal to Issue Certificate.” The Board for Civil Engineers shall not
issue a certificate to any person convicted by a court of competent
jurisdiction of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude, or to any
person guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct, or to any person guilty
of immoral or dishonorable conduct, or to any person of unsound mind.
In the event of a refusal to issue a certificate to any person, the Board
shall give to the applicant a written statement setting forth its reason for
such action, which statement shall be incorporated in the records of the
Section 17. Suspension and Revocation of Certificates. “ The Board shall have the
power, after due notice and hearings to suspend or revoke the
certificate of registration for any cause mentioned in the preceding
Section 18. Re-issue and Replacement of Certificates. “ The Board may, after the
expiration of one year from the date of certificate of registration is
revoked and for reasons it may deem sufficient, entertain an application
for a new certificate of registration from the registrant concerned. Such
application shall be accomplished in the same form prescribed for
examination, but the Board may, in its discretion, exempt the applicant
from taking the requisite examination.
Section 19. Transitory Provisions.” As soon as this Act takes effect, any person
desiring to practice the profession of civil engineering shall be required
to obtain a certificate of registration in the manner and under the
conditions hereinafter provided. All civil engineers duly licensed under
the provisions of Act Numbered Twenty-nine hundred and eighty-five, as
amended, at the time this Act takes effect, shall be automatically
registered under the provisions hereof. Certificates of registration held
by such persons in good standing shall have the same force and effect
as though the same have been issued under the provisions of this Act.
All graduates in civil engineering from a school, institute, college, or
university recognized by the Government who have passed the civil
service examination for senior civil engineer and have been practicing or
employed in the Government as such during five years are exempted
from taking examination.
Article V
Section 26. Roster of civil engineers.” A roster showing the names and places of
business of all registered civil engineers shall be prepared by the
Commissioner of PRC periodically but at least once a year. Copies of
this roster shall be placed on file with the PRC and furnished to all
department heads, mayors of all chartered cities, to the Director of
Public Works, to such other Bureaus, government entities or agencies
Section 27. Repeal. “All laws, parts of laws, orders, ordinances, or regulations in
conflict with the provisions hereof; including parts of Act Numbered
Twenty-nine hundred and eighty-five, as amended, as pertains to the
practice of civil engineering, are hereby repealed, except the provisions
of Act Numbered Thirtyone hundred and fifty nine amending Act
Numbered Twenty-nine hundred and eighty-five, pertaining to the
practice of “maestro de obras.”
Section 28. Construction of Act.” If any part or section of this Act shall be declared
unconstitutional, such declarations shall not invalidate the other
provisions hereof.
Section 29. Effectivity. “This Act shall take effect upon its approval.”
2. What desired attributes of an Engineering graduate do you think you have and
3. What strategies you have for you to finish Civil Engineering course?
For Research:
There are a number of sub-disciplines within the broad field of civil engineering.
General civil engineers work closely with surveyors and specialized civil engineers to design
grading, drainage, pavement, water supply, sewer service, dams, electric and
communications supply. General civil engineering is also referred to as site engineering, a
branch of civil engineering that primarily focuses on converting a tract of land from one
usage to another. Site engineers spend time visiting project sites, meeting with stakeholders,
and preparing construction plans. Civil engineers apply the principles of geotechnical
engineering, structural engineering, environmental engineering, transportation engineering
and construction engineering to residential, commercial, industrial, and public works projects
of all sizes and levels of construction.
Learning Outcome/Objective
Learning Content/Topic
A. Structural Engineering
Structural engineering dates back to 2700 B.C.E. when the step pyramid for
Pharaoh Djoser was built by Imhotep, the first engineer in history known by name.
Pyramids were the most common major structures built by ancient civilizations
because the structural form of a pyramid is inherently stable and can be almost
infinitely scaled (as opposed to most other structural forms, which cannot be linearly
increased in size in proportion to increased loads).
The structural stability of the pyramid, whilst primarily gained from its shape,
relies also on the strength of the stone from which it is constructed, and its ability to
support the weight of the stone above it. The limestone blocks were often taken
from a quarry near the building site and have a compressive strength from 30 to 250
MPa (MPa = Pa × 106). Therefore, the structural strength of the pyramid stems from
the material properties of the stones from which it was built rather than the
pyramid's geometry.
Throughout ancient and medieval history most architectural design and
construction were carried out by artisans, such as stonemasons and carpenters,
rising to the role of master builder. No theory of structures existed, and
understanding of how structures stood up was extremely limited, and based almost
entirely on empirical evidence of 'what had worked before'. Knowledge was retained
by guilds and seldom supplanted by advances. Structures were repetitive, and
increases in scale were incremental.
No record exists of the first calculations of the strength of structural members
or the behavior of structural material, but the profession of a structural engineer only
really took shape with the Industrial Revolution and the re-invention of concrete
(see History of Concrete. The physical sciences underlying structural engineering
began to be understood in the Renaissance and have since developed into
computer-based applications pioneered in the 1970s.
Structural engineering depends upon a detailed knowledge of applied
mechanics, materials science, and applied mathematics to understand and
predict how structures support and resist self-weight and imposed loads. To
apply the knowledge successfully a structural engineer generally requires
detailed knowledge of relevant empirical and theoretical design codes, the
techniques of structural analysis, as well as some knowledge of the
[[corrosion],] resistance of the materials and structures, especially when those
structures are exposed to the external environment. Since the 1990s,
specialist software has become available to aid in the design of structures,
with the functionality to assist in the drawing, analyzing and designing of
structures with maximum precision; examples include AutoCAD,
StaadPro, ETABS, Prokon, Revit Structure, Inducta RCB, etc. Such software
Building Structures
Earthquake engineering
Façade engineering
Fire engineering
Roof engineering
Tower engineering
Wind engineering
Bridges Railways
Dams Retaining structures and walls
Earthworks Roads
Foundations Tunnels
Offshore structures Waterways
Pipelines Reservoirs
Power stations Water and wastewater infrastructu
Mechanical Structures
Nanoscale Structures
Structural Elements
Many of these elements can be
classified according to form (straight, plane /
curve) and dimensionality (one-dimensional / two-dimensional):
Columns are elements that carry only axial force (compression) or both axial
force and bending (which is technically called a beam-column but practically, just
a column). The design of a column must check the axial capacity of the element
and the buckling capacity.
Beams are elements that carry pure bending only. Bending causes one part of the
section of a beam (divided along its length) to go into compression and the other
part into tension. The compression part must be designed to resist buckling and
crushing, while the tension part must be able to adequately resist the tension.
B. Construction Engineering
C. Management Engineering
In the past, management engineers have designed systems for control. Today
they are designing systems that support change. With this shift, there is also a switch
from a project or department focus to a systems focus that inevitably involves multiple
departments and disciplines. Management engineering utilizes industrial engineering
knowledge and skills to provide internal consulting services for all departments in an
organization in order to develop, implement, and monitor more efficient, cost-effective
business processes and strategies.
Organizational structure.
Workload management.
Inter-departmental coordination.
D. Geotechnical Engineering
Humans have historically used soil as a material for flood control, irrigation
purposes, burial sites, building foundations, and as construction material for
buildings. First activities were linked to irrigation and flood control, as demonstrated
by traces of dykes, dams, and canals dating back to at least 2000 BCE that were
found in ancient Egypt, ancient Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent, as well as
around the early settlements of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa in the Indus valley. As
the cities expanded, structures were erected supported by formalized
foundations; Ancient Greeks notably constructed pad footings and strip-and-raft
foundations. Until the 18th century, however, no theoretical basis for soil design had
been developed and the discipline was more of an art than a science, relying on
past experience.
Several foundation-related engineering problems, such as the Leaning Tower
of Pisa, prompted scientists to begin taking a more scientific-based approach to
examining the subsurface. The earliest advances occurred in the development
of earth pressure theories for the construction of retaining walls. Henri Gautier, a
French Royal Engineer, recognized the "natural slope" of different soils in 1717, an
idea later known as the soil's angle of repose. A rudimentary soil classification
system was also developed based on a material's unit weight, which is no longer
considered a good indication of soil type.
The application of the principles of mechanics to soils was documented as
early as 1773 when Charles Coulomb (a physicist, engineer, and army Captain)
developed improved methods to determine the earth pressures against military
ramparts. Coulomb observed that, at failure, a distinct slip plane would form behind
a sliding retaining wall and he suggested that the maximum shear stress on the slip
plane, for design purposes, was the sum of the soil cohesion, c , and
friction σ tan (∅ ), where σ is the normal stress on the slip plane and ∅ is the friction
angle of the soil. By combining Coulomb's theory with Christian Otto Mohr's 2D
stress state, the theory became known as Mohr-Coulomb theory. Although it is now
recognized that precise determination of cohesion is impossible because c is not a
fundamental soil property, the Mohr-Coulomb theory is still used in practice today.
In the 19th century Henry Darcy developed what is now known as Darcy's
Law describing the flow of fluids in porous media. Joseph Boussinesq (a
mathematician and physicist) developed theories of stress distribution in elastic
solids that proved useful for estimating stresses at depth in the ground; William
Rankine, an engineer and physicist, developed an alternative to Coulomb's earth
pressure theory. Albert Atterberg developed the clay consistency indices that are
still used today for soil classification. Osborne Reynolds recognized in 1885 that
shearing causes volumetric dilation of dense and contraction of loose granular
Modern geotechnical engineering is said to have begun in 1925 with the
publication of Erdbaumechanik by Karl Terzaghi (a mechanical engineer and
geologist). Considered by many to be the father of modern soil mechanics and
geotechnical engineering, Terzaghi developed the principle of effective stress, and
demonstrated that the shear strength of soil is controlled by effective stress.
Terzaghi also developed the framework for theories of bearing capacity of
foundations, and the theory for prediction of the rate of settlement of clay layers due
to consolidation. In his 1948 book, Donald Taylor recognized that interlocking and
dilation of densely packed particles contributed to the peak strength of a soil. The
interrelationships between volume change behavior (dilation, contraction, and
consolidation) and shearing behavior were all connected via the theory
of plasticity using critical state soil mechanics by Roscoe, Schofield, and Wroth with
the publication of "On the Yielding of Soils" in 1958. Critical state soil mechanics is
Practicing Engineers
Soil Mechanics
Soil Properties
Cumulative weight of the solid particles, water and air of the unit
volume of soil. Note that the air phase is often assumed to be weightless.
Void ratio
The ratio of the volume of voids to the volume of solid particles in a soil
The rate of change of volume with effective stress. If the pores are
filled with water, then the water must be squeezed out of the pores to allow
volumetric compression of the soil; this process is called consolidation.
Shear strength
Atterberg Limits
Geotechnical Investigation
Building Foundations
Shallow Foundations
Slab foundations
A variant on spread footings is to have the entire structure bear on
a single slab of concrete underlying the entire area of the structure. Slabs
must be thick enough to provide sufficient rigidity to spread the bearing
loads somewhat uniformly and to minimize differential settlement across
the foundation. In some cases, flexure is allowed and the building is
constructed to tolerate small movements of the foundation instead. For
small structures, like single-family houses, the slab may be less than 300
mm thick; for larger structures, the foundation slab may be several meters
Slab foundations can be either slab-on-grade foundations or
embedded foundations, typically in buildings with basements. Slab-on-
grade foundations must be designed to allow for potential ground
movement due to changing soil conditions.
Deep Foundations
Lateral Structures
A retaining wall is a structure that holds back earth. Retaining walls stabilize
soil and rock from downslope movement or erosion and provide support for vertical
or near-vertical grade changes. Cofferdams and bulkheads, structures to hold back
water, are sometimes also considered retaining walls.
The primary geotechnical concern in design and installation of retaining walls
is that the weight of the retained material is creates lateral earth pressure behind
the wall, which can cause the wall to deform or fail. The lateral earth pressure
depends on the height of the wall, the density of the soil, the strength of the soil,
and the amount of allowable movement of the wall. This pressure is smallest at the
top and increases toward the bottom in a manner similar to hydraulic pressure, and
tends to push the wall away from the backfill. Groundwater behind the wall that is
not dissipated by a drainage system causes an additional horizontal hydraulic
pressure on the wall.
Gravity walls
Gravity walls depend on the size and weight of the wall mass to resist
pressures from behind. Gravity walls will often have a slight setback, or batter, to
improve wall stability. For short, landscaping walls, gravity walls made from dry-
stacked (mortarless) stone or segmental concrete units (masonry units) are
commonly used.
Earlier in the 20th century, taller retaining walls were often gravity walls
made from large masses of concrete or stone. Today, taller retaining walls are
increasingly built as composite gravity walls such as geosynthetic or steel-
reinforced backfill soil with precast facing; gabions (stacked steel wire baskets
filled with rocks), crib walls (cells built up log cabin style from precast concrete or
timber and filled with soil or free-draining gravel) or soil-nailed walls (soil
reinforced in place with steel and concrete rods).
Cantilever Walls
Prior to the introduction of modern reinforced-soil gravity walls,
cantilevered walls were the most common type of taller retaining wall.
Cantilevered walls are made from a relatively thin stem of steel-reinforced, cast-
in-place concrete or mortared masonry (often in the shape of an inverted T).
These walls cantilever loads (like a beam) to a large, structural footing;
converting horizontal pressures from behind the wall to vertical pressures on the
ground below. Sometimes cantilevered walls are buttressed on the front, or
include a counterfort on the back, to improve their stability against high loads.
Buttresses are short wing walls at right angles to the main trend of the wall.
These walls require rigid concrete footings below seasonal frost depth. This type
of wall uses much less material than a traditional gravity wall.
Cantilever walls resist lateral pressures by friction at the base of the wall
and/or passive earth pressure, the tendency of the soil to resist lateral
Basements are a form of cantilever walls, but the forces on the basement
walls are greater than on conventional walls because the basement wall is not
free to move.
Excavation Shoring
Shoring of temporary excavations frequently requires a wall design that
does not extend laterally beyond the wall, so shoring extends below the planned
base of the excavation. Common methods of shoring are the use of sheet
piles or soldier beams and lagging. Sheet piles are a form of driven piling using
thin interlocking sheets of steel to obtain a continuous barrier in the ground and
are driven prior to excavation. Soldier beams are constructed of wide flange steel
H sections spaced about 2–3 m apart, driven prior to excavation. As the
excavation proceeds, horizontal timber or steel sheeting (lagging) is inserted
behind the H pile flanges.
The use of underground space requires excavation, which may cause large
and dangerous displacement of soil mass around the excavation. Since the
space for slope excavation is limited in urban areas, cutting is done
vertically. Retaining walls are made to prevent unsafe soil displacements around
excavations. Diaphragm walls are a type of retaining walls that are very stiff and
generally watertight. The horizontal movements of diaphragm walls are usually
prevented by lateral supports. Diaphragm walls are expensive walls, but they
save time and space and are also safe, so are widely used in urban deep
In some cases, the lateral support which can be provided by the shoring
wall alone is insufficient to resist the planned lateral loads; in this case, additional
support is provided by walers or tie-backs. Walers are structural elements that
connect across the excavation so that the loads from the soil on either side of the
excavation are used to resist each other, or which transfer horizontal loads from
the shoring wall to the base of the excavation. Tie-backs are steel tendons drilled
into the face of the wall which extends beyond the soil which is applying pressure
to the wall, to provide additional lateral resistance to the wall.
Water Resource Engineers develop new equipment and systems for water
resource management facilities across the United States. The systems that Water
Resource Engineers create ensure that citizens are provided with a continuous
supply of clean, uncontaminated water for drinking, living, and recreational
purposes. Water Resource Engineers not only design these water management
systems, but often oversee the construction and maintenance of these systems as
well. An increasing population and continuous need for more water stimulates this
fast-growing industry. A Bachelor's degree and official certification are required to
pursue this career, though many Water Resource Engineers also go on to pursue
their Masters Degrees.
F. Transportation Engineering
Highway Engineering
Railroad Engineering
Railway engineers handle the design, construction, and operation of railroads and
mass transit systems that use a fixed guideway (such as light rail or monorails). Typical
tasks include determining horizontal and vertical alignment design, station location and
design, and construction cost estimating. Railroad engineers can also move into the
specialized field of train dispatching which focuses on train movement control.
Railway engineers also work to build a cleaner and safer transportation network
by reinvesting and revitalizing the rail system to meet future demands. In the United
States, railway engineers work with elected officials in Washington, D.C. on rail
transportation issues to make sure that the rail system meets the country's
transportation needs
Port and harbour engineers handle the design, construction, and peration
ports, harbors, canals, and other maritime facilities.
Airport Engineering
Airport engineers design and construct airports. Airport engineers must account
for the impacts and demands of aircraft in their design of airport facilities. These
engineers must use the analysis of predominant wind direction to determine runway
1. Site a project in each field of Civil engineering Profession and Discuss their
origin and functions.
Flexible Teaching Learning Modality (FLTM) Adapted.
Module 4
Engineers and Sustainable Development
Learning Outcome/Objective
To describe the roles engineers play in improving human living standards and
protecting and restoring the environment.
Learning Content/Topic
Since 1987, there have been many efforts to explain and amplify what is
meant by sustainable development.
Harvesting renewable resources such as water, fish and trees within the
limits allowed by nature will ensure a continuing supply of resources for
humans and natural ecosystems. Minimizing our use of non-renewable
resources, such as petroleum and scarce minerals, and replacing them
with environmentally friendly substitutes will also help extend the supply of
natural resources.
1. They design and build projects that meet basic human needs (potable
water, food, housing, sanitation, energy, transportation, communication,
resource development and industrial processing).
2. They solve environmental problems (create waste treatment facilities,
recycle resources, clean up and restore polluted sites and protect or
restore natural ecosystems).
Engineers are problem solvers. They use skills or information that include the
Engineers are involved in many functions in their work. These include the
Sustainable Engineering
In the past, many industries generated waste products that were toxic and
not easily degraded under natural conditions. In the last 100 years, this has led
to environmental pollution and new laws and regulations to help protect the
environment. Because of improved measuring and monitoring technologies,
pollution has been identified that was previously unknown. Many industries are
now making major changes in the ways they use raw materials to produce
products—by reducing their waste to a minimum, many are finding that
improved processing leads to increased profits.
By the year 2020, there may be 8 billion people in the world. Over 80
percent of this population will be in countries that we describe as “less
developed” or “developing.” About half the world’s population lives in cities
today; within 15 years, there may be more than 20 cities with populations of 10
million or more, and 500 cities will have more than a million inhabitants. In the
next 25 years most of the population is expected to live in “mega-cities” in
developing nations. The engineering profession will be under continuing
pressure to help provide the food and other resources to this growing
population, and the traditional roles of engineers will be stretched to satisfy the
future needs of mega-cities.
Environmental Restoration
We now use 80 times more energy than we did in 1850, with attendant
emissions of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen byproducts creating unacceptable levels
of pollution. Humans consume more fossil fuels per year than nature produces in
a million years. The long-term effects of increased energy use may produce
major changes in the earth’s climate.
The American Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has estimated that
energy use in America could be reduced by 50% without any reduction in the
country’s standard of living. One of the greatest engineering challenges for the
future will be to develop less environmentally damaging sources of energy while
simultaneously reducing total energy consumption.
In the future, the roles of engineers in energy production may include the
Engineers can also play a role in conserving and reducing the use of
energy in the following ways:
C. Engineering Progress
In the 10 years since the Rio Summit of 1992, progress has been slow but
encouraging. The accomplishments include the following:
Engineering Organizations
The WEPSD organization accomplished a great deal in its five years and
successfully laid the groundwork for the many programs in support of sustainable
development that are being pursued by WFEO, FIDIC and other international
organizations through their members and committees. In addition to activities at the
international level, engineering societies in many countries have also been
extremely active in considering the implications of sustainable development in
engineering practices.
Joint Programs
During the past 10 years, the engineering community has developed closer
relationships with the World Bank, the UN and other international agencies that
provide programs and funds to meet the needs of people by applying engineering
and technology.
WFEO and FIDIC have agreed to assist the UNEP-GEF Technology Transfer
Networks (SANet) program to help disseminate information about environmentally
responsible technology. The SANet program (http://www.sustainable is a
partnership of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Global
Environment Facility (GEF). SANet’s mission (TechTransPartner.doc) is to facilitate
widespread use of cleaner technology, successful case histories, expert knowledge,
planning tools and co-financing of projects.
Water Panel, April 27, 1998. Four expert panelists presented case
histories to demonstrate how privatization projects can be initiated and
In the past 10 years, dramatic advances have been made in computers and
computer software. Computers have become exponentially more powerful, smaller
and more economical, and the Internet has made rapid communications possible
throughout many parts of the world. Computer engineers played an integral role in
this progress.
Along with rapid changes taking place with computers and communication
networking, software development has evolved to allow enormous amounts of data
to be stored, and has provided powerful technical programs of great help to scientist
and engineers. Exchanging electronic information has also allowed existing
knowledge, information and technologies to be shared to fulfill public and private
needs. Through this exchange of information the engineering profession has been
able to provide an engineering dimension to sustainability issues.
The AVEL program has been incorporated into the Australian Virtual Columbo
Plan, which is being funded as part of Australia’s overseas aid program. Substantial
funds are also being provided by the World Bank. The Virtual Columbo Plan is
initially being directed towards primary and secondary school teachers and policy
makers. In coming years, material will be supplied to university lecturers, including
those giving engineering courses.
Industrial Process
Many industrialized nations have adopted laws and regulations in the last 30
years to regulate the generation of toxic wastes. Other laws attempted to regulate
the cleanup of old waste sites. At first, industries in the USA struggled to comply
with these strict regulations. Over time, many of the leading industries began to
realize that removing waste from the process stream could result in significant
savings and increased profits.
D. Future Goals
In the future, engineers can be of even greater help in achieving the goals of
sustainable development if they are able to finance and execute programs such as
the following:
Creating a comprehensive program to identify and provide the information
that engineers in developing countries need to meet energy requirements,
as well as food, health and other basic human needs.
Expanding global educational programs on sustainable development for
students and practicing engineers.
Encouraging more engineers to become environmental generalists.
Becoming actively engaged in the full range of decision-making
processes in addition to performing projects.
Share Information
As the project develops, the engineer should not shy away from public
hearings and should be willing to get involved in resolving controversy. Even during
construction and operations of completed projects, the engineer should be sensitive
to concerns and disputes and offer to provide object advice whenever it would be
For Research: