Gacs 7205 001
Gacs 7205 001
Gacs 7205 001
Evaluation Criteria
Assignments (42%)
Number of Assignments: 3 (10%+10%+10%)
All assignments are to be completed individually. Late submitted work will
receive a 20% penalty daily.
Students will be asked to read some material for selected problems, to write 5-7
pages typed review of the provided topic, to develop computer programs for
simulating results, and to give a 20-minute presentation on the topic. All
presentations will be given in Room 3C13 on February 25, 2020 (12%).
Final Exam (48%)
The final exam will be replaced by a Final Project.
The purpose of the project is to make students familiar with at least one of
applications of image processing. The project includes choosing a particular problem
in image processing (theory or application), searching and reading related papers on
this topic, implementing the solution, and writing a 15-20 pages report.
The project will be evaluated by its originality and novelty (20/48), technical
soundness and completeness of the solution (20/48), and readability and organization
of the typed report (8/48).
Presentation of the Final Project (10%)
The project will be represented in a 30-minute presentation on April 20, 2020.
Final Letter Grade Assignment
Historically, numerical percentages have been converted to letter grades using the
following scale. However, instructors can deviate from these values based on pedagogical
nuances of a particular class, and final grades are subject to approval by the Department
Graduate Studies Committee.
A+ 90+ - 100% B 70 - 74% F below 50%
A 85 - 90% C+ 65 - 69%
A- 80 - 84% C 60 - 64%
B+ 75 - 79% D 50 - 59%
others who submit them to instructors as their own work) involves “aiding and abetting”
plagiarism. Students who do this can be charged with Academic Misconduct.
Avoiding Copyright Violation: Course materials are owned by the instructor who
developed them. Examples of such materials are course outlines, assignment descriptions,
lecture notes, test questions, and presentation slides. Students who upload these materials
to file-sharing sites, or in any other way share these materials with others outside the class
without prior permission of the instructor/presenter, are in violation of copyright law and
University policy. Students must also seek prior permission of the instructor /presenter
before photographing or recording slides, presentations, lectures, and notes on the board.
Topics planned to be covered (some of the listed topics may not be covered)
1. Introduction to Digital Image Processing
2. Digital Image Fundamentals
Elements of Visual Perception
Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Image Sensing and Acquisition
Image Sampling and Quantization
Some Basic Relationships between Pixels
An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing
3. Intensity Transformations and Spatial Filtering
Some Basic Intensity Transformations
Histogram Processing
Fundamentals of Spatial Filtering
Smoothing Spatial Filters
Sharpening Spatial Filters
Combining Spatial Enhancement Methods
4. Filtering in the Frequency Domain
Preliminary Concepts
Sampling and the Fourier Transform of Sampled Functions
The Discrete Fourier Transform of One Variable
Extension to Functions of Two Variables
Some Properties of the 2-D Discrete Fourier Transform
The Basic of Filtering in the Frequency Domain
Image Smoothing and Sharpening Using Frequency Domain Filters
Selective Filtering
5. Image Restoration and Reconstruction
A Model of the Image Degradation/Restoration Process
Noise Models
Restoration in the Presence of Noise Only – Spatial Filtering
Periodic Noise Reduction by Frequency Domain Filtering
Linear, Position-Invariant Degradations
Estimating the Degradation Function
Inverse Filtering
Minimum Mean Squares Filtering
Geometric Mean Filter
Image Reconstruction from Projections
Note that all topics listed may not be covered and can be offered in a different time order.