MMW - Correlation Analysis
MMW - Correlation Analysis
MMW - Correlation Analysis
Construct a scatter plot for the data obtained in a study on the number of
absences and the final grades of seven randomly selected students from a
statistics class and identify the type of relationship.
F 70
N 60
L 50
G 40
A 30
E 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Number of absences
Based on the scatter plot of the data it suggests a strong negative relationship
between a student’s final grade and the number of absences a student has.
That is, the more absences a student has , the lower is his or her grade.
2. The number of calories and the number of milligrams of cholesterol for a random
sample of fast-food chicken sandwiches from seven restaurants are shown here.
Is there a relationship between the variables?
Calories x 390 53 720 300 430 500 440
Cholesterol y 43 45 80 50 55 52 60
250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
X Y XY X2 Y2
390 43 16, 770 152, 100 1, 849
535 45 24, 075 286, 225 2, 025
720 80 57, 600 518, 400 6, 400
300 50 15, 000 90, 000 2, 500
430 55 23, 650 184, 900 3, 025
500 52 26, 000 250, 000 2, 704
440 60 26, 400 193, 600 3, 600
∑x = 3, 315 ∑y = 385 ∑xy = 189, 495 ∑x2 = 1, 675, 2
∑y = 22, 103
n ∑ xy−( ∑ x ) (∑ y )
1,326 , 465−1,276,275
= √( 11,726,575−10,989,225 ) (154,721−148,225)
= √( 737,350 ) ( 6496)
= √ 4,789,825,600
= 69,208.56594
= 0.72519925
= 0.73
4. Search for a scholarly article that uses correlation analysis. Critique the
methodology used in the article.
To analyze the data, the researcher used descriptive statistics (means, standard
deviations, and percentages) as well as Pearson's correlation using PASW statistics 18.
Results from descriptive studies are analyzed using descriptive statistics, according to
Coughlan, Cronin, and Ryan (2007).In addition, according to Polit and Beck(2012),
correlation between two variables is described primarily through correlation procedures
and correlation coefficient. As a result, the methods of analysis are relevant for both the
level of inquiry and the research design. In this study, the level of measurement for all
variables is a quantitative ratio. As claimed by Polit and Beck (2012), Pearson's
correlation coefficient is used when the variable under study is measured at the interval
or ratio level. The link between the data analysis and findings has been made clear
unambiguously by the researcher. Furthermore, the researcher has used Pearson
correlation(r) and p value to show the degree of relationship and statistical analysis for
each variable, and has described them all very clearly to show the logical relationship.
In some cases, researchers have gone beyond the data to interpret the results, such as
when measuring emotional intelligence and analyzing the differences in stressor types
between graduate and undergraduate students. The statistical result is presented very
well in the text, but the numerical presentation could have been improved by showing all
of the results and statistics together. The provided correlation coefficient and p value
results provide sufficient evidence of the results' correctness. The researcher did not
provide any graphical displays, but according to Polit and Beck(2012), correlation
relationships can be displayed using scatter plots.