1.how Does Occupying An Uncontested Market Space Help The Entrepreneur To Break Out of Red Oceans?

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1.How does occupying an uncontested market space help the entrepreneur to break out of red oceans?

To break out of red oceans entrepreneurs needs to reconstruct market boundaries to break from
the competition and create blue oceans. They need to successfully identify, out of the haystack of
possibilities that exist, commercially compelling blue ocean opportunities. By following a different
strategic logic that is called value innovation. Value innovation is the cornerstone to blue ocean strategy
instead of focusing on beating the competition, entrepreneurs must focus on making the competition
irrelevant by creating a leap in value for buyers and their company, thereby opening up new and
uncontested market space. Value innovation is a way of thinking about and executing a strategy that
results in the creation of a blue ocean and a break from the competition.

2.How will the Four (4) Actions Framework help an entrepreneur in pursuing a venture?

The Four (4) Actions Framework helps an entrepreneur in pursuing a venture by having focus
simultaneously on eliminating and reducing, as well as raising and creating while unlocking a new blue
ocean. The framework helps them aligns their strategies to serve as guidance for entrepreneurs to
transform their ideas into successful enterprises. It is essential to clearly understand how other
competitors contribute in the market to determine the main competing factors. It helps entrepreneurs
think in more innovative ways about the products they are creating relative to the industry. It also
helps maximize user value and eliminate unnecessary product features by eliminating and reducing
user pain and raising and creating user gain.

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