CAP #1 SHS Earth Science - Energy Resources
CAP #1 SHS Earth Science - Energy Resources
CAP #1 SHS Earth Science - Energy Resources
Energy is a MUST. When you are sitting or working, your body is using energy to
breathe, circulate blood, digest food, and perform many other functions. When producing light or
heat, energy is required. Plants and animals also need energy to function. In short, each
organism needs energy to perform its daily activities in many forms.
You may ask why? Well, it is because energy is the ability to do work. Billions of people
all over the world use energy-from powering phones to cooking food to lighting houses and
power vehicles. Life becomes convenient for humankind because of the presence of electricity
derived from various energy resources.
Since there is a huge need for energy, managing Earth’s resources is everyone’s
responsibility. The need to implement programs for a more sustainable use should be one of our
primary concerns. So, what are you waiting for! Come and help solve problems related to
energy in this Contract Activity Package (CAP) especially designed for you.
You must work on the given objective. You may work alone or by pair. You may
communicate with your teacher frequently if you have some questions. You may use “The World
Book Online” as one of your resources as well as the different modules used in the previous
lessons. You may also use your other books if you wish or any available materials at home.
By the time you have finished this CAP, you will be able to:
• cite ways to address the different environmental concerns related to the use of fossil
fuels, geothermal energy, and hydroelectric energy.
You have a week to complete this Contract Activity Package.
Name: ____________________________________________
Grade and Section: __________________________________
Competency/ies completed: _____________________________
Date Started: _______________________________________
Date Finished: ______________________________________
Name of classmates/family members who worked with you as partners: (For pair/group activity only)
____________________________ ____________________________
____________________________ ____________________________
____________________________ ____________________________
cite ways to address the different environmental concerns related to the use of fossil
fuels, geothermal energy, and hydroelectric energy.
There are four (4) Activity Alternatives with corresponding Reporting Alternatives.
You must do at least one (1) alternative.
1. Share POST-er!
Prepare a manifesto/pledge showing Take a photo of your poster and send the
your commitment to help save the photograph to your teacher thru email or
planet by conserving energy. Using upload it in your Aralinks account.
the materials available at home,
create a poster showing your own
ways in the conservation of energy.
2. Power-Your-Point!
Using power point, cite and explain Send the power point presentation to your
ways in addressing the teacher thru email.
environmental concerns related to
the use of fossil fuels, geothermal
energy, and hydroelectric energy.
3. Sci-Awit!
With a partner, create a song parody Take a photo of the lyrics, attach the
showing your own ways in photograph together with the audio file of
conserving energy. Record your your song, send it to tour teacher thru
song. email.
4. 1-2-3 ACTION!
Make a short video showing the Send the recorded video to your teacher
specific ways on addressing the thru email.
environmental impacts related to
energy resources.
Criteria Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Score
The product’s
The product’s The product’s The product’s
presentation displays a
presentation displays a presentation displays a presentation
very creative, well
creative and unique somewhat creative and displays were
Creativity organized, and unique
output. Colors and unique output. Colors very ordinary,
output. Colors and
patterns enhance and patterns distract creativity was not
patterns enhance
understanding. understanding. observed.
Most of the
All the information 3-4 information included information
1-2 information included in
included in the product in the product is not included in the
Relevance are relevant to the
the product is not relevant
relevant to the product is not
to the competency.
competency. competency. relevant to the
Several of the graphics
One or two of the graphics
used on the product The graphics are made No graphics
used on the product
Graphics reflect an exceptional by the student but are made by the
reflect student creativity in
Originality degree of student based on the designs or student are
their creation and/or
creativity in their ideas of others. included.
creation and/or display.
Details on the
Details on the product Details on the product did Details on the product product did not
Concept and capture all the important not capture 1-2 important did not capture 3-4 capture most of
Content information about the information about the important information the important
lesson. lesson. about the lesson. information about
the lesson.
Most components are
Most components are
Poster is done neatly not neat or legible, Poster is not neat
Presentation and legibly.
done neatly and legibly,
which detracts from the or legible.
but content is still clear.
content of the poster.
The product is
The product is The product is submitted 1 The product is
submitted 5 days
Punctuality submitted early or on to 2 days after the submitted 3 to 4 days
after the
time. deadline. after the deadline.
Criteria Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Score
Layout is visually
appealing and
Layout is pleasant
supports overall
background is Layout appears Layout is cluttered and
message. Appropriate
appropriate. Includes cluttered or busy confusing. No
Appearance/ use of background and
some titles, bulleted Background is headings. Background
Lay out theme. Includes
lists, and graphics. Too distracting. Large gaps is very distracting.
placeholders, such as
much text; distracts of white space. Large gap of white
title, bulleted list, and
from white space. space. Slide is too full.
graphics. Appropriate
use of white space.
Criteria Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Score
Opinion is well
organized. Student
supports opinion with Opinion is supported
Opinion is present but There is no personal
facts beyond the through facts from
Personal is not supported by opinion and no
classroom discussions classroom discussions
Response facts yet no web/ web/reading resources.
(as a result of research or web/reading
reading resources. .
beyond class) and resources
provides references to
these sources.
Resource Alternatives: