Internship Tongji

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Internship regulation for International students of Tongji University

1. International students can do internships outside school according to the regulation and
educational plan. A paid internship is not permitted (except subsidy for transportation and
2. International students who apply to do internship should meet below requests.
1) Must be registered full-time students studying at Tongji University.
2) Must attain a residence permit (study type) issued by Shanghai exit and entry
administration bureau including remark of internship information.
3) More than two internships at the same time for one international student are not
4) The internship should meet requirements of the teaching plan and be relevant to the
major of international students.
5) No record of breaking Chinese Law or rules of Tongji University.
3. Application procedure:

4. Charging standard of Shanghai exit and entry administration bureau:

1) If international students apply for residence permit (study style) and remark of internship
information at the same time, Shanghai exit and entry administration bureau will only
charge for the residence permit.
2) For those international students who have already got residence permit (study style),
Shanghai exit and entry administration bureau will charge for 200 RMB for the remark
application of internship information.
5. If any relevant information changes occur, international students should follow below
instructions and update the information:
1) During the internship, if there is any change of university, internship company, etc.,
international student should stop the current internship and apply for updated remark of
internship information again.
2) During the internship, if there is any change of passport, residence permit, etc.,
international students do not have to stop the current internship. But they should go to the
international student office to update the information and apply for residence permit and
remark of internship information again.
6. An internship with any of the below situations is regarded as illegal employment:
1) The internship is not recorded at Shanghai exit and entry administration bureau.
2) The internship is not remarked on residence permit.
3) The internship exceeds the range of period, address, company and other recorded
information on the “internship permit”.
4) A paid internship (except subsidy for transportation and meals).
7. Punishment:
International students of illegal employment will be punished by Shanghai exit and entry
administration bureau according to the law.

This regulation has been effective since April 15th, 2015. And the superseded regulation has
been invalid since April 15th, 2015.
ѝ᮷ဃ਽ ᣔ➗ဃ਽
Chinese Name Passport Name
䲒㌫ уъ
School/College Registered in Subjects
ᙗ࡛ ഭ㉽ ᆖਧ
Gender Nationality Student no.
᡻ᵪਧ ᆖҐᵏ䲀 from (d) (m) (y)
Cell Phone no. Study Period to (d) (m) (y)
ᆖ⭏㊫࡛ Undergraduate ƶ Postgraduate ƶ ᇎҐᵏ䲀 from (d) (m) (y)
Student Type Doctorate ƶ Exchange ƶ Internship Period to (d) (m) (y)
Company (in Chinese)
Company Address (in Chinese)
ᇎҐ޵ᇩ᧿䘠 Internship Description

ᵜӪㆮ਽ Signature
ᰕᵏ Date
ሬᐸ᜿㿱˄ӵ䲀⹄ウ⭏˅ Supervisor’s Comments(Postgraduate Students Only)

ሬᐸㆮ਽ Signature
ᰕᵏ Date
ᆖ䲒᜿㿱 ˄ᆖ䲒䴰⺞䇔ᇎҐ޵ᇩㅖਸ˖1.ᮉᆖ䇑ࡂ˗2. ᡰᆖуъ˅School/College’s Comments

䍏䍓Ӫㆮ਽ Signature
অսⴆㄐ Seal
ᰕᵏ Date
ᮉ࣑༴᜿㿱˄ӵ䲀ᵜ、⭏˅ Teaching Affairs Office’s Comments (Undergraduate Students Only)

䍏䍓Ӫㆮ਽ Signature
অսⴆㄐ Seal
ᰕᵏ Date
⮉ᆖ⭏࣎‫ޜ‬ᇔ᜿㿱 International Students Office’s Comments

䍏䍓Ӫㆮ਽ Signature
অսⴆㄐ Seal
ᰕᵏ Date

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