Learning Styles and Inventories Teacher Resource: 1. Perceptual Modality Descriptions
Learning Styles and Inventories Teacher Resource: 1. Perceptual Modality Descriptions
Learning Styles and Inventories Teacher Resource: 1. Perceptual Modality Descriptions
A learning style is a student's consistent way of responding to and using stimuli in the context of
learning. Keefe (1979) defines learning styles as the "composite of characteristic cognitive, affective,
and physiological factors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how a learner perceives, interacts
with, and responds to the learning environment.” Stewart and Felicetti (1992) define learning styles as
those "educational conditions under which a student is most likely to learn.” Thus, learning styles are
not really concerned with "what" learners learn, but rather "how" they prefer to learn.
Learning styles come from three schools of thought: Perceptual Modality, Information Processing, and
Personality Patterns (Conner, Marcia & Hodgins, Wayne, 2000).
1. Perceptual Modality examines the primary way our bodies take in information through our
senses, such as auditory, visual, smell, kinesthetic, and tactile. Those perceptions deeply affect
our ability to learn. Whether you tend to rely more or less on one sense than another has a
tremendous influence on how you interpret new experiences and succeed in whatever you work
with each day. VAK is one of these styles and does not really worry about the why of learning
2. Information Processing distinguishes between the way we think, solve problems, and
remember. This may be thought of as the way our brain processes information. The first part of
Kolb's Learning Style Inventory in which he describes the process of learning is perhaps the best
3. Personality Models are the way we interact with our surroundings. Each of us has a preferred,
consistent, distinct way of perceiving, organizing, and retaining information. This is due to the
way we were brought up (environment or nurture) and the genes (DNA or nature) within us.
This may be thought of as the ego within us, or what makes us what we are. The Four
Temperaments, Myers Briggs MBTI, Keirsey, DISC, and Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences
are examples.
kinesthetic) or the VAKT (visual auditory, kinesthetic, tactile). This site contains a learning style
inventory as well as a good deal of explanatory information and help sheets that provide study
strategies to complement the style. One of the most popular models nowadays due to its
simplicity, however, its main weakness is that the research does not support it - probably
because it is more of a preference than a style.
2. Information Processing
Honey & Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ) can be purchased at http://www.peterhoney.
com/ for a fee.
There are two versions of the LSQ, an 80-item and 40-item assessment that finds the learners
preferred ways of learning
A self-administered survey for ages 9-adult that provides a very reliable indication of learning
style and cognitive preference. It uses the four Jungian dimensions (i. e, introversion/
extroversion, intuition/sensation, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving) that are also used by
the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Murphy Meisgeir Type Indicator, and the Keirsey-Bates
Temperament Sorter. This site provides the 48-item general version. To obtain both the 52-
item revised student or 52-item adult versions, please select the order link
http://www.alstatela.edu/faculty/jshindl/plsi/order.htm and follow the directions.
Having your students do one of these might provide information for them on effective learning
strategies as well as provide you with information on effective teaching strategies. You might also find it
helpful to do one or more of these yourself as it might give you information about your preferred
learning style (and therefore preferred teaching style).
The literature basically indicates that there is wide acceptance of the concept of learning styles,
however, there is disagreement on how to best measure learning styles (Coffield, et. al. , 2004). Most
researchers agree that we do have various learning styles and preferences, however, the research tends
to agree that it is relative unimportant as it is far more important to match the presentation with the
nature of the subject, such as providing correct learning methods, strategies, and context; than
matching individual preferences (Coffield, 2004). For example, in a large meta-study, Marzano (1998)
found that graphic and tactile representations of the subject matter had noticeable effects on learning
outcomes, regardless of any attempt to match them with learners' modalities. Perhaps David Merrill
(2000) has the best philosophy for using learning styles -- instructional strategies should first be
determined on the basis of the type of content to be taught or the goals of the instruction and
secondarily, learner styles and preferences are then used to adjust or fine-tune these fundamental
learning strategies.
Coffield, F. , Moseley, D. , Hall, E. , & Ecclestone, K. (2004). Learning styles and pedagogy in post-16
learning: A systematic and critical review. www. LSRC. ac.uk: Learning and Skills Research Centre.
Retrieved March 9, 2010: http://www.lsda. org.uk/files/PDF/1543.pdf.
Conner, Marcia & Hodgins, Wayne (September 14, 2000). Learning Styles. Retrieved March 9, 2010:
Keefe, J. W. (1979) Learning style: An overview. In NASSP's Student learning styles: Diagnosing and
proscribing programs (pp. 1-17). Reston, VA. National Association of Secondary School Principals.
Kolb, David A. 1984. Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development.
Prentice-Hall, Inc. , Englewood Cliffs, N. J
Merrill, D. (2000). Instructional Strategies and Learning Styles: Which takes Precedence? In Robert
Reiser and Jack Dempsey (Eds. ) Trends and Issues in Instructional Technology. Prentice Hall.
Stewart, K. L. , & Felicetti, L. A. (1992). Learning styles of marketing majors. Educational Research
Quarterly, 15(2), 15-23.