FutureScopeofSolarEnergyinIndia Speeds2015 Paper4
FutureScopeofSolarEnergyinIndia Speeds2015 Paper4
FutureScopeofSolarEnergyinIndia Speeds2015 Paper4
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Generation of solar energy has tremendous scope in India. The geographical location
of the country stands to its benefit for generating solar energy. The reason being
India is a tropical country and it receives solar radiation almost throughout the
year, which amounts to 3,000 hours of sunshine. This is equal to more than 5,000
trillion kWh. Almost, all parts of India receive 4-7 kWh of solar radiation per sq
metres. This is equivalent to 2,300–3,200 sunshine hours per year. States like Andhra
Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab,
Rajasthan, and West Bengal have great potential for tapping solar energy due to
their location. Since majority of the population live in rural areas, there is much
scope for solar energy being promoted in these areas. Use of solar energy can reduce
the use of firewood and dung cakes by rural household. Many large projects have
been proposed in India, some of them are: i).Thar Desert of India has best solar
power projects, estimated to generate 700 to 2,100 GW, ii). The Jawaharlal Nehru
National Solar Mission (JNNSM) launched by the Centre is targeting 20,000 MW of
solar energy power by 2022, iii).Gujarat’s pioneering solar power policy aims at
1,000 MW of solar energy generation, and Rs. 130 billion solar power plan was
unveiled in July 2009, which projected to produce 20 GW of solar power by 2020.
Apart from above, about 66 MW is installed for various applications in the rural
area, amounting to be used in solar lanterns, street lighting systems and solar water
pumps, etc.
Thus, India has massive plan for Solar Energy generation that may not only fulfill
the deficit of power generation but also contribute largely in Green Energy
Production to help to reduce the Climatic Changes globally.
Keywords: Solar energy, Solar Mission, Solar radiation, Solar power projects, Green
Energy Production.
The per capita electricity consumption The Minister for Power, Coal and
reached 1010 kWh some time back, said a Renewable energy Piyush Goyal has
senior government official, requesting maintained that the states have not been
anonymity. But, experts are far from buying power. “Some state governments
enthused from the increasing consumption haven’t cooperated as much as they
figure. “Per capita electricity consumption should... we urge them to increase it.
crossing 1,000 units a year is certainly a Otherwise they would receive an
milestone, but without much significance. appropriate response from the electorate in
One-fourth of the households in the country the coming days,” Goyal said at a press
still have no access to electricity, with some conference on 25 May 2015. Electricity
states in East and North East having less generation was the silver lining in the May
than even 30% households with (electricity) index of industrial production data.
access. Most significant milestone that the Electricity output, which contracted 0.5%
nation must achieve is 100% households in April, recovered to grow 6% in May,
having 24x7 quality supply of electricity, said
2015. Of our installed capacity, only around
Debasish Mishra, senior director, consulting,
145,000MW is operational.
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt. Ltd.
India needs as much as $200 billion to
India’s per capita power consumption is
meet its target of installing 100,000MW of
among the lowest in the world. Around 280
solar power capacity and around
million people in the country do not have
60,000MW of wind power capacity by
access to electricity. In comparison, China
2022. The Government of India had made
has a per capita consumption of 4,000kWh,
energy security and launched a scheme
with developed nations averaging around
aimed at ensuring about eight hours of quality
15,000kWh per capita. Interestingly, while
the peak shortage in the country was at power supply to agricultural consumers and
2.3% in May, many believe that the demand 24-hour electricity to households in April-
still looks artificially suppressed as state May 2014.
electricity boards (SEBs) are not buying 2. INDIA’S SOLAR POWER
power. SEBs have been unwilling to procure POTENTIAL
electricity because of their weak financials
India’s plan to become of the largest solar
due to low tariffs, slow progress in reducing
power markets in the world has received a
losses, higher power purchase costs and
massive boost as the latest estimated of its
crippling debt. India has an installed power
solar power potential.
generation capacity of 272,503MW
(Annexure-I and II).
Proceedings of International Seminar on Sources of Planet Energy, Environmental & Disaster Science: Challenges and Strategies (SPEEDS-2015)
to bring, have no choice but to opt for their installed and next falls in Maharashtra where
own generation. They generate power from about 133 MW Solar Power generations is
a diverse range of small local generators in progress. We have to now focus in other
using both fossil fuels (diesel, gas) and state also.
locally available renewable energy
technologies (solar PV, wind, small hydro, Table-1: Statewise Solar Power Generation
biomass, etc.) with or without its own S.No State Photo voltaic Solar Thermal
Capacity (MW) Capacity (MW)
storage (batteries). This is known as off- 1. Rajasthan 43 400
2. Gujarat 722 45
grid electricity. Remote power systems are 3. Maharashtra 133 -
4. Karnataka 10 -
installed for the following reasons: 5. Andhra Pradesh 20.5 -
6. Uttarakhand 4 -
Desire to use renewable - 7. Punjab 5 -
8. Haryana 7.8 -
environmentally safe, pollution free. 9. Uttar Pradesh 11 -
10. Jharkhand 16 -
Combining various generating options 11. Chhattisgarh 4 -
available- hybrid power generation. 12. Madhya Pradesh 7.25 -
13. Odisha 11 -
Desire for independence from the 14. Tamil Nadu 12 -
TOTAL 1006.55 445
unreliable, fault prone and interrupted
grid connection.
Available storage and back-up options.
No overhead wires- no transmission India has tremendous scope of
loss. generating solar energy. The geographical
Varied applications and products: location of the country stands to its benefit
Lighting, Communication Systems, for generating solar energy. The reason being
Cooking, Heating, Pumping, Small scale India is a tropical country and it receives
industry utilization etc. solar radiation almost throughout the year,
Captive power generation is done mainly which amounts to 3,000 hours of sunshine.
considering the replacement of diesel This is equal to more than 5,000 trillion
with solar. kWh. Almost all parts of India receive 4-7
3.3 Current Projects (includes both- kWh of solar radiation per sq metres. This
installed and under installation is equivalent to 2,300–3,200 sunshine hours
projects) per year. States like Andhra Pradesh, Bihar,
Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh,
The statewise Solar Power Generation
Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan,
(installed and in process) capacity is shown
in the Table-I. This shows that the leading and West Bengal have great potential for
efforts have been made in Gujarat where tapping solar energy due to their location.
about 720 MW solar generations has been Since, majority of the population live in rural
Proceedings of International Seminar on Sources of Planet Energy, Environmental & Disaster Science: Challenges and Strategies (SPEEDS-2015)
areas, there is much scope for solar energy Agricultural states like Punjab and
being promoted in these areas. Use of solar Haryana expectedly rank low in terms of
energy can reduce the use of firewood and estimated solar power potential. Punjab
dung cakes by rural household. would find it difficult to make available land
According to the estimates, Rajasthan for large solar power projects and has thus
and Jammu & Kashmir have the highest solar decided to concentrate efforts to set
power potential. Rajasthan, with its healthy up solar power projects over rooftops and
resource of solar radiation and availability canals.
of vast tracts of wasteland in the form of the India’s current solar power installed
Thar Desert, has a potential of about 142 capacity is around 3 GW, or less than 0.5%
GW. Jammu & Kashmir receives the highest of the estimated potential. Naturally there
amount of solar radiation in India, and has a exists a massive opportunity to tap this
significantly large area of wasteland in potential. As a result, the Indian government
Ladakh. The state has an estimated potential has increased its solar power capacity
of 111 GW. However, this estimate may also addition target five-fold. Instead of the initial
include the land currently under Pakistan’s target to installed 22 GW solar power
control. capacity by 2022, the government now
Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra both plans to add 100 GW capacities. This
have more than 60 GW of solar power includes 20 GW of ultra mega solar power
potential. These are among the largest of projects, with installed capacity of 500 MW
the Indian states and thus have large or more, across 12 states as against the India
wasteland resources. Both these states have total Solar Capacity is 750 GWh
ambitious solar power policies and plans to (Annexure-III).
implement large-scale solar power projects. 5. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES
Gujarat, the leading Indian state in terms
of installed solar power capacity, has an 5.1 Advantages of Solar Energy in India
estimated potential of 36 GW. The state has Some of the advantages of solar
large tracts of land covered with marshes energy which makes it all the more
but these lands also support a wide variety suitable for India are as follows:
of wildlife. Gujarat already has an installed This is an inexhaustible source of energy
capacity of close to 900 MW of solar and the best replacement to other non-
power and has already started developing renewable energies in India.
utility-scale solar power projects over water
Future Scope of Solar Energy in India Singh Raj Bharat et. al.
Solar energy is environment friendly. And, also during day time, the weather
When in use, it does not release CO2 may be cloudy or rainy, with little or no
and other gases which pollute the air. sun radiation. Hence, this makes solar
Hence, it is very suitable for India, India energy panels less reliable as a solution.
being one of the most polluted countries Only those areas that receive good
of the world. amount of sunlight are suitable for
Solar energy can be used for variety of producing solar energy.
purposes like as heating, drying, cooking Solar panels also require inverters and
or electricity, which is suitable for the storage batteries to convert direct
rural areas in India. It can also be used electricity to alternating electricity so as
in cars, planes, large power boats, to generate electricity. While installing a
satellites, calculators and many more solar panel is quite cheap, installing other
such items, just apt for the urban equipments becomes expensive.
population. The land space required to install a solar
Solar power is inexhaustible. In an plant with solar panel is quite large and
energy deficient country like India, where that land space remains occupied for
power generation is costly, solar energy many years altogether and cannot be
is the best alternate means of power used for other purposes.
generation. Energy production is quite low
You don’t need a power or gas grid to compared to other forms of energy.
get solar energy. A solar energy system Solar panels require considerable
can be installed anywhere. Solar panels maintenance as they are fragile and can
can be easily placed in houses. Hence, it be easily damaged. So extra expenses
is quite inexpensive compared to other are incurred as additional insurance
sources of energy. costs.
Proceedings of International Seminar on Sources of Planet Energy, Environmental & Disaster Science: Challenges and Strategies (SPEEDS-2015)
is most suitable location to cater our need [9] Physical Progress (Achievements),
of Uttar-Pradesh. Apart from above, we Ministry of New and Renewable Energy,
Govt. of India. 31 January 2014.
also have to focus on Roof Top Solar Energy
Retrieved 21 February 2014.
Generation that may cut down our need to
[10] Government looking at 100,000 MW solar
more than 50% need of every house hold.
power by 2022
Future Scope of Solar Energy in India Singh Raj Bharat et. al.
Proceedings of International Seminar on Sources of Planet Energy, Environmental & Disaster Science: Challenges and Strategies (SPEEDS-2015)
**Renewable Energy Sources (RES) include SHP, BG, BP, U&I and Wind Energy
SHP= Small Hydro Project, BG= Biomass Gasifier, BP= Biomass Power, U & I=U
State wise Estimated Solar Power Potential