Standard Mhrs List 31-08-09

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BOPL Project Cost Centres List

21885 Miscellaneous Civil works

22120 Erection of Steel Structure
22140 Erection of Pipe Supports
22210 Stationary Equipment
22210 Stationary Equipment
22220 Rotary Equipment
22220 Rotary Equipment
22250 Stacks, Flares, Ducts, Chute, Bins, Hoppers
22410 Hot Insulation
22430 Insulation Jacketing / Cladding
22440 Fire Proofing
22510 Surface Preparation
22520 Painting
22820 Commissioning
23130 Erection of CS Piping Dia 2" and Above.
23230 Erection of AS Piping Dia 2" and Above.
23330 Erection of SS Piping Dia 2" and above.
23510 Hydrotesting, Cleaning & Flushing of Piping
23530 Radiographic Testing of Piping
25110 Electrical Panels All Kinds
25130 Batteries & Chargers
25150 Testing of Electrical Switchgears
25210 Power Transformers
25220 Generators
25230 Motors (Commissioning Only)
25240 Testing of Transformers/Generators (Assisstance Only)
25310 Metallic and Non-Metallic Conduits (Excluding Supports)
25320 Cable Trays and Ladders
25410 Light Fixtures All Type (Without support)
25430 Earthing and Cathodic Protection Accessories
25510 Cable Laying
25520 Cable Termination
25610 Instrument Panels and Cabinets (Excluding base frames)
25620 Local and Field Instruments (Installation Only Without Support)
25630 Local and Field Instruments (Calibaration Only)
25730 Fabrication and Erection of Supports Incl. Sand Blasting & 2-Coats Priming
25810 Various Tests
D E S C R I P T I ON UOM Manhour/Uom

A- 1 Engineering

D- 14 Detail Engineering

G- 140 Detail Engineering

CCTR- 14000 Detail Engineering

Sub CCTR- 140000000 Tesing nos 23.0000

Sub CCTR- 140000001 Detail Drawings Eqv A-3 Size nos 10.0000

A- 2 Construction

D- 21 Civil

G- 211 Earth Work

CCTR- 21110 Clearing / Grubbing / Stripping / Top Soil Removal

Sub CCTR- 211100002 Grading / grubs / shrubs / stumps / hedges / bush (upto 15 cm depth) without compaction & haulage m2 0.0200

Sub CCTR- 211100004 Stripping / Top soil removal upto 30 cm depth without compaction and haulage m2 0.0300

Sub CCTR- 211100006 Stripping / Top soil removal from 30 to 50 cm depth without compaction and haulage m2 0.0300

CCTR- 21120 General Open Section Excavation by Machine (without dewatering /shoring)

Sub CCTR- 211200001 Open section Excavation in Medium soil (upto 2m depth) & haul upto stockpile area. (Within 1 km) m3 0.0200 50

Sub CCTR- 211200002 Open section Excavation in Medium soil (2 to 4 m depth) & haul upto stock pile (Within 1 km) m3 0.0200

Sub CCTR- 211200003 Open section Excavation in Hard soil (upto 2 m depth) & haul upto stockpile area. (Within 1 km) m3 0.0300

Sub CCTR- 211200004 Open section Excavation in Hard soil (2 to 4 m depth) & haul upto stockpile area (Within 1 km) m3 0.0300

Sub CCTR- 211200005 Open section Excavation (Restricted space) in rock with blasting & haul upto stockpile area (Within 1 m3 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 211200006 Open section Excavation (Free space) in rock with blasting & haul upto stockpile area (Within 1 km) m3 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 211200011 Dredging & haul upto stockpile area (Within 1 km) m3 0.5000

CCTR- 21122 Structural / Fixed Section Excavation by Machine (Without Dewatering / Shoring/Dressing)

Sub CCTR- 211220001 Fixed section Excavation by machine in Medium soil (upto 2 m depth) & haul upto stockpile m3 0.8000

Sub CCTR- 211220002 Fixed section Excavation by machine in Medium soil (2 to 4 m depth) & haul upto stockpile m3 0.8000

Sub CCTR- 211220003 Fixed section Excavation by machine in Medium soil (below 4m depth) & haul upto stockpile m3 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 211220007 Fixed section Excavation in Hard soil (upto 2 m depth) & haul upto stockpile m3 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 211220008 Fixed section Excavation by machine in Hard (2 to 4 m depth) & haul upto stockpile m3 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 211220009 Fixed section excavation by machine in Hard soil (below 4 m) & haul upto stock area m3 2.0000

CCTR- 21124 Structural / Fixed Section Excavation by Hand (Without Dewatering / Shoring)

Sub CCTR- 211240001 Fixed section Excavation by hand in Medium soil (upto 2 m) & haul upto stockpile m3 4.0000 1000
125 12.5
Sub CCTR- 211240002 Fixed section Excavation by hand in Medium soil (from 2 to 4 m) & haul upto stockpile m3 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 211240003 Fixed section Excavation by hand in Medium soil (below 4 m) & haul upto stockpile m3 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 211240007 Fixed section Excavation by hand in Hard soil (upto 2 m) & haul upto stockpile m3 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 211240008 Fixed section Excavation by hand in Hard soil (from 2 to 4 m) & haul upto stockpile m3 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 211240009 Fixed section Excavation by hand in Hard soil (below 4 m) & haul upto stockpile m3 15.0000

CCTR- 21130 Back Filling General / Open section with compaction

Sub CCTR- 211300001 General / Open section backfilling with excavated material (Hauled from stockpile) m3 0.1500 6.66666666667

Sub CCTR- 211300002 General / Open section backfilling with borrow (sand, clay) material m3 0.1500

Sub CCTR- 211300003 General / Open section backfilling with borrow (granular) material m3 0.1500

CCTR- 21131 Back Filling Structural / Fixed Section with Compaction

Sub CCTR- 211310010 Structural Fixed section back filling and compaction with Excavated material (Hauled from stock pile) m3 2.8000
Sub CCTR- 211310020 Structural Fixed section back filling and compaction with Barrow material (Sand, clay) m3 2.8000

Sub CCTR- 211310030 Structural Fixed section back filling and compaction with Barrow material (Granular) m3 2.8000

CCTR- 21132 Formation of Embankment (with compaction )

Sub CCTR- 211320010 Formation of compacted Embankment with Excavated material (Hauled form Stockpile) m3 0.1500

Sub CCTR- 211320020 Formation of compacted Embankment with Barrow material (sand,clay) m3 0.1500

Sub CCTR- 211320030 Formation of compacted Embankment with Barrow material (Gravel, moorum)) m3 0.2000

CCTR- 21135 Fill without compaction

Sub CCTR- 211350001 General fill by machine without compaction m3 0.0300

Sub CCTR- 211350002 General fill by hand without compaction m3 1.2000

Sub CCTR- 211350003 General fill by machine / hand without compaction m3 0.4000

CCTR- 21140 Disposal

Sub CCTR- 211400001 Disposal of surplus soil / debris upto 5 Km m3 0.0100

Sub CCTR- 211400002 Disposal of surplus soil / debris 5 to 10 Km m3 0.0100

Sub CCTR- 211400030 Disposal of Surplus soil / debris 10 to 20 Km m3 0.0100

Sub CCTR- 211400040 Disposal of surplus soil / debris 20 to 30 Km m3 0.0100

Sub CCTR- 211400050 Disposal of surplus soil / debris 30 to 40 Km m3 0.0100

Sub CCTR- 211400060 Disposal of surplus soil / debris more than 40 Km m3 0.0100

CCTR- 21145 Compaction

Sub CCTR- 211450001 Compaction of earth in Fixed section (150 mm depth) m3 0.2500

Sub CCTR- 211450002 Compaction of earth in Open section (150 mm depth) m3 0.1000

Sub CCTR- 211450003 Vibroflotation / Deep Vibration m 1.2000

CCTR- 21155 Shoring (Erection & Stripping)

Sub CCTR- 211550001 Erection of Shoring for excavation Depth 2 ~ 4 meters m2 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 211550002 Erection of shoring for excavation Above 4 meters depth m2 4.0000

CCTR- 21160 Termite Proofing / Treatment

Sub CCTR- 211600001 Termite Treatment m2 0.0200 50

CCTR- 21170 Dewatering

Sub CCTR- 211700010 Extra over for excavation with dewatering (for soil below existing water level) m3 2.5000

CCTR- 21180 Boring / Drilling

Sub CCTR- 211800010 Boring for pump installation Dia 4" to 6" depth up to 15 m m 0.2000

Sub CCTR- 211800020 Boring for Piles dia 300 mm to 600 mm depth up to 12 m m 0.2500

Sub CCTR- 211800030 Boring for Piles dia 600 mm to 1000 mm depth up to 12 m m 0.3000

Sub CCTR- 211800040 Boring for Piles dia 1000 mm to 1500 mm depth up to 12 m m 0.3500

Sub CCTR- 211800050 Extra over for Boring of pile dia 300 mm to 600 mm depth greater than 12 m m 0.3000

Sub CCTR- 211800060 Extra over for Boring of pile dia 600 mm to 1000 mm depth greater than 12 m m 0.3500

Sub CCTR- 211800070 Extra over for Boring of pile dia 1500 mm to 1500 mm depth greater than 12 m m 0.4000

G- 212 Concrete

CCTR- 21210 Cement Concrete Production and Supply at Location

Sub CCTR- 212100001 Conc. Production by Batch Plant, G-20 (1:3:6) , OP m3 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100002 Conc. Production by Batch Plant, G-30 (1:2:4) , OP m3 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100003 Conc. Production by Batch Plant, G-40 (1:1:2) , OP m3 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100004 Conc. Production by Batch Plant, G-20 (1:3:6) , SR m3 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100005 Conc. Production by Batch Plant, G-30 (1:2:4) , SR m3 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100006 Conc. Production by Batch Plant, G-40 (1:1:2) , SR m3 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 212100007 Conc. Production by Mixer Machine, G-25 (1:2.5:5) , OP m3 5.0000 515

Sub CCTR- 212100008 Conc. Production by Mixer Machine, G-30 (1:2:4) , OP m3 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100009 Conc. Production by Mixer Machine, G-40 (1:1:2) , OP m3 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100010 Conc. Production by Mixer Machine, G-25 (1:2.5:5) ,SR m3 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100011 Conc. Production by Mixer Machine, G-30 (1:2:4) , SR m3 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100012 Conc. Production by Mixer Machine, G-40 (1:1:2) , SR m3 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100025 Conc. Production by Batch Plant, G-15 (1:4:8) , OP m3 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100026 Conc. Production by Batch Plant, G-15 (1:4:8) , SR m3 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100027 Conc. Production by Mixer Machine, G-15 (1:4:8) , OP m3 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100028 Conc. Production by Mixer Machine, G-15 (1:4:8) , SR m3 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100033 Conc. Production by Batch Plant, G-35 (1:1.5:3) , OP m3 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100034 Conc. Production by Batch Plant, G-35 (1:1.5:3) , SR m3 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100035 Conc. Production by Mixer Machine, G-35 (1:1.5:3) , OP m3 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100036 Conc. Production by Mixer Machine, G-35 (1:1.5:3) , SR m3 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100500 Extra-over for Red-oxide (5 Kg/m3) added Concrete m3 0.0100

Sub CCTR- 212100510 Extra-over for Micro Silica in Concrete m3 0.0100

Sub CCTR- 212100520 Conc. Production by Batch Plant, G-10 (1:6:12), OP m3 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100530 Conc. Production by Batch Plant, G-25 (1:2.5:5), OP m3 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100540 Conc. Production by Mixer Machine, G-10 (1:6:12), OP m3 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100550 Conc. Production by Mixer Machine, G-20 (1:3:6), OP m3 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100560 Conc. Production by Batch Plant, G-10 (1:6:12), SR m3 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100570 Conc. Production by Batch Plant, G-25 (1:2.5:5), SR m3 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 212100580 Conc. Production by Mixer Machine, G-10 (1:6:12), SR m3 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100590 Conc. Production by Mixer Machine, G-20 (1:3:6), SR m3 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 212100600 Haulage only of concrete 1 to 5 km away from batching location m3 0.0100

CCTR- 21215 Supply of Ready Mix Concrete

Sub CCTR- 212150005 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Concrete C-10 (OP) m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150010 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Concrete C-10 (SR) m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150015 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Concrete C-15 (OP) m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150020 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Concrete C-15 (SR) m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150025 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Concrete C-20 (OP) m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150030 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Concrete C-20 (SR) m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150035 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Concrete C-25 (OP) m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150040 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Concrete C-25 (SR) m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150045 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Concrete C-30 (OP) m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150050 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Concrete C-30 (SR) m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150055 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Concrete C-35 (OP) m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150060 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Concrete C-35 (SR) m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150065 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Concrete C-40 (OP) m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150070 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Concrete C-40 (SR) m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150100 Extra Over for Microsilica m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150105 Extra Over for Red Colouring Concrete m3 0.0020
Sub CCTR- 212150110 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Fireproof Concrete (with aditive) rating 1 Hour m3 0.0500
Sub CCTR- 212150115 Supply & Haul Ready Mix Fireproof Concrete (with aditive) rating 2 Hour m3 0.0500

CCTR- 21220 Concrete Placing in Sub-Structure

Sub CCTR- 212200001 Concrete Placing in Substructure by Concrete Pump / Crane m3 6.0000
Sub CCTR- 212200002 Concrete Placing in substructure by wheel barrows m3 10.0000
Sub CCTR- 212200003 Concrete Placing in substructure by chute m3 8.0000

CCTR- 21230 Concrete Placing in Super Structure

Sub CCTR- 212300001 Concrete placing in superstructure by Concrete Pump m3 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 212300002 Concrete placing in superstructure by crane m3 12.0000
Sub CCTR- 212300003 Concrete Placing in superstructure by Winch / Hoist / Wheel barrow m3 16.0000

CCTR- 21235 Fire Proofing

Sub CCTR- 212350001 Placing of fire proof concrete (50 mm thk) by mortar pan m2 0.1000
Sub CCTR- 212350003 Supply & Placing Ready Mix fireproof concrete (1 hour rating) with guniting (complete job with reinfor m2 0.1000
Sub CCTR- 212350004 Placing of fire proof concrete by spray application (Guniting without forms) on structure (50 mm thk) m2 0.1000
Sub CCTR- 212350005 Placing of fire proof concrete on Equipments (50 mm thk) by mortar pan m2 3.5000
Sub CCTR- 212350008 Placing of fire proof concrete on structure (50 mm thk), by Crane m2 3.6000
Sub CCTR- 212350010 Placing of fire proof concrete on Equipments (50 mm thk), by Crane m2 2.8500
Sub CCTR- 212350110 Supply and placing of Ready mix fireproof concrete (2 hour rating) with guniting (complete job with re m2 0.0800

CCTR- 21250 Concrete Placing for Pre-Cast Elements

Sub CCTR- 212500030 Concrete Placing for Precast panels / louvers / covers / windo sill (Excl. Formwork) m3 15.0000

CCTR- 21255 Erection of Pre-cast Elements

Sub CCTR- 212550001 Erection of Pre-cast pannels / louvers / covers / window sill m3 25.0000
Sub CCTR- 212550002 Erection of Pre-cast Girders m3 25.0000

CCTR- 21260 Concrete Placing with Slipforms (including slipforms)

Sub CCTR- 212600010 Concrete placing for silos with slipforming (incl running slipforms) m3 20.0000
Sub CCTR- 212600020 Concrete placing for chimneys with slipforming (incl running slipforms) m3 40.0000

CCTR- 21270 Grouting

Sub CCTR- 212700001 Place Ready mix non shrink Epoxy Grout (incl. Formwork) m3 350.0000
Sub CCTR- 212700002 Place Ready mix non shrink Cementious Grout (incl. Formwork) m3 300.0000
Sub CCTR- 212700003 Place Non Ready mix Non-shrink (with aditive) Cement sand (PCC) Grout (incl. Formwork) m3 300.0000
Sub CCTR- 212700040 Place PCC Grout without aditive (incl. Formwork) m3 100.0000

CCTR- 21280 Concrete Placing for Piles

Sub CCTR- 212800010 Concrete placing for pile by chute / pump m3 8.0000
Sub CCTR- 212800020 Concrete placing for pile by Sub contractor m3 0.2500

G- 213 Form Work / Shuttering

CCTR- 21310 Form Work Sub-Structure

Sub CCTR- 213100001 Erection & stripping of metal formwork for Substructure m2 6.5000
Sub CCTR- 213100002 Erection & stripping of Plywood formwork for Substructure m2 5.0000

CCTR- 21320 Form Work Super-Structure

Sub CCTR- 213200001 Erection & stripping of Metal formwork for Super-structure m2 10.0000
Sub CCTR- 213200002 Erection & stripping of Plywood formwork for Super- structure m2 8.0000
Sub CCTR- 213200003 Extra over for fair face formed surface (metal plate) for Super-structure m2 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 213200004 Extra over for fair face formed surface (Ply wood) for Super-structure m2 2.0000
CCTR- 21330 Form Work Repair and Maintenance

Sub CCTR- 213300010 Form Work Repair and Maintenance m2 1.6000

CCTR- 21340 Form Work for Pre-Cast Elements

Sub CCTR- 213400010 Formwork for Pre-cast Elements m2 6.0000

G- 214 Rebar

CCTR- 21410 Steel Rebar

Sub CCTR- 214100025 Cut, bend, shift, hoist & fix (BS -4449) Deformed Steel Gr-250 ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100026 Cut, bend, shift, hoist & fix (BS -4449) Ribbed Tor Steel Gr-250 ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100027 Cut, bend, shift, hoist & fix (BS -4449) Plain Steel Gr-250 ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100028 Cut, bend, shift, hoist & fix (BS -4449) Epoxy Coated Deformed Steel Gr-250 ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100032 Cut, bend, shift, hoist & fix (BS -4449) Deformed Steel Gr-460 ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100033 Cut, bend, shift, hoist & fix (BS -4449) Ribbed Tor Steel Gr-460 ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100034 Cut, bend, shift, hoist & fix (BS -4449) Epoxy Coated Deformed Steel Gr-460 ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100037 Cut, bend, shift, hoist & fix (ASTM A-615/ AASHTO M-31) Deformed Steel Gr-40 ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100038 Cut, bend, shift, hoist & fix (ASTM A-82/ AASHTO M-32) Ribbed Tor Steel Gr-40 ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100039 Cut, bend, shift, hoist & fix (ASTM A-615/ AASHTO M-31) Plain Steel Gr-40 ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100040 Cut, bend, shift, hoist & fix (ASTM A-615/ AASHTO M-31) Epoxy Coated Deformed Steel Gr-40 ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100044 Cut, bend, shift, hoist & fix (ASTM A-615/ AASHTO M-31) Deformed Steel Gr-60 ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100045 Cut, bend, shift, hoist & fix (ASTM A-82/ AASHTO M-32) Ribbed Tor Steel Gr-60 ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100046 Cut, bend, shift, hoist & fix (ASTM A-615/ AASHTO M-31) Epoxy Coated Deformed Steel Gr-60 ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100049 Fix Only Pre-Fabricated & Bended non epoxy coated ton 50.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100050 Fix Only Pre-Fabricated & Bended Rebar epoxy coated ton 50.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100052 Cut, bend (by machine) and Bind (at Yard) for Piling ton 40.0000
Sub CCTR- 214100053 Posttensioning of steel ton 3.5000
Sub CCTR- 214100540 Cut, bend, hoist & fix by sub contractor non coated rebar ton 2.7000
Sub CCTR- 214100550 Cut, bend, hoist & fix by sub contractor epoxy coated rebar ton 2.7000

CCTR- 21420 Welded Wire Fabric

Sub CCTR- 214200004 Laying / Fixing of M.S welded wire fabric ton 40.0000
Sub CCTR- 214200005 Laying / Fixing of Galvanized welded wire fabric ton 40.0000
Sub CCTR- 214200006 Laying / Fixing of Epoxy Coated welded wire fabric ton 40.0000

G- 215 Masonry Brick, Block and Plastering

CCTR- 21510 Masonry (Brick) Work

Sub CCTR- 215100001 Brick masonry (Excluding wall ties) in sub - structure m3 20.0000
Sub CCTR- 215100002 Brick masonry upto 5 m (Excluding wall ties) in super structure m3 23.5000
Sub CCTR- 215100004 Brick masonry from 5 m to 10 m (Excluding wall ties) in super structure m3 24.2500
Sub CCTR- 215100006 Brick masonry above 10 m (Excluding wall ties) in super structure m3 25.0000
Sub CCTR- 215100007 Brick masonry above 10 m (with wall ties) in super structure m3 26.0000
Sub CCTR- 215100070 Brick Masonry facing tile for wall m2 7.0000
Sub CCTR- 215100080 Glass Block Work m2 0.2400
Sub CCTR- 215100090 Installation of wall ties / dowels / anchorage / reinforcement incl. cut, bend & fix ton 90.0000

CCTR- 21520 Masonry (Block) Work

Sub CCTR- 215200001 Block masonry (Excluding wall ties) in sub structure m3 14.0000
Sub CCTR- 215200003 Block masonry (Excluding wall ties) upto 5 m in super structure m3 20.0000
Sub CCTR- 215200004 Block masonry (Excluding wall ties) 5 m to 10 m in super structure m3 20.0000
Sub CCTR- 215200006 Block masonry (Excluding wall ties) above 10 m in super structure m3 20.0000
Sub CCTR- 215200070 Preparation of Masonry Hollow Blocks m3 8.0000
Sub CCTR- 215200080 Preparation of Masonry Solid Blocks m3 8.0000
Sub CCTR- 215200090 Filling cavity of Hollow Blocks m3 16.0000

CCTR- 21525 Plaster / Pointing Work

Sub CCTR- 215250001 Plaster / Pointing for Height upto 5.0 metres (Excluding metal Lath) in walls m2 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 215250002 For Height upto 5.0 metres (with metal Lath) in walls m2 2.2500
Sub CCTR- 215250003 Plaster / Pointing for Height between 5.0 m to 10 m (Excluding metal lath) in walls m2 2.2500
Sub CCTR- 215250005 Plaster / Pointing for Height above 10 m (Excluding metal Lath) in walls m2 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 215250007 Plaster / Pointing for Ceiling at any height m2 2.2500
Sub CCTR- 215250080 Installation of metal lath / beeds on masonary m 1.0000

CCTR- 21540 Stone Pitching / Rip Rap / Gabion

Sub CCTR- 215400010 Stone Pitching / Rip Rap / Gabion 6" deep (Grouted) m3 20.0000
Sub CCTR- 215400020 Stone Pitching / Rip Rap / Gabion 6" deep (Non grouted) m3 15.0000

G- 216 Flooring & Tiling

CCTR- 21610 Flooring

Sub CCTR- 216100001 Place concrete P.C.C / R.C.C for floor 2"thk (Excluding Joint Sealant) m3 6.0000
Sub CCTR- 216100002 Place concrete P.C.C / R.C.C for floor 4" to 6" thk (Excluding Joint Sealant) m3 5.0000
Sub CCTR- 216100007 Application of Hardening / Anti dust / Anti skid / Epoxy treatment (2 coats) incl surface preparation m2 0.6000
Sub CCTR- 216100008 Place cement topping / levelling mortar / screeding (30mm / 50mm) m3 6.0000
Sub CCTR- 216100009 Prepare & Place Terrazo (cast - in - place) with Grinding & Polishing m2 5.0000
Sub CCTR- 216100010 Lay Brick-on-edge paving with sand grouting m2 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 216100012 Lay Brick Ballast 3" thk m2 0.4200
Sub CCTR- 216100013 Installation of Raised / Floating floor with pivot m2 0.1800
CCTR- 21620 Tiling / Skirting

Sub CCTR- 216200001 Installation of PVC / VCT tiles for flooring m2 1.2500
Sub CCTR- 216200002 Installation of AR/Anti acid tiles for flooring m2 4.5000
Sub CCTR- 216200003 Installation of Marble / Granite tiles for flooring with polishing. m2 6.5000
Sub CCTR- 216200004 Installation of Ceramic for flooring m2 4.5000
Sub CCTR- 216200006 Installation of Terrazo tiles (pre-cast) for flooring with polishing m2 3.0000
Sub CCTR- 216200008 Installation of Tuff/Inter locking tiles m2 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 216200010 Installation of PVC tiles / strip for dado / skirting m2 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 216200011 Installation of Terrazo tiles for dado / skirting m2 3.5000
Sub CCTR- 216200012 Installation of Ceramic tiles for dado / skirting m2 5.0000
Sub CCTR- 216200013 Installation of Marble tiles for dado / skirting m2 7.0000
Sub CCTR- 216200014 Installation of Vinyl tiles for dado / skirting m2 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 216200150 Installation of AR / Anti Acid tiles for dado / skirting m2 5.0000

G- 217 Roads

CCTR- 21710 Granular Base / Sub Base for Road

Sub CCTR- 217100010 Fill and compaction for Base / Sub-Base of Road m3 0.2000
Sub CCTR- 217100020 Fill and compaction for Sub Base of Road m3 0.2000
Sub CCTR- 217100030 Fill and compaction for Water Bound Maccadom of Road m3 0.2000

CCTR- 21740 Production of Asphalt Concrete and Supply at Location

Sub CCTR- 217400001 Production of Binder course by Asphalt Batch plant m3 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 217400002 Haulage of Asphalt mix up to 2 Km away / Km m3 0.0250
Sub CCTR- 217400003 Haulage of Asphalt mix above 2 Km to 5 Km away / Km m3 0.2500
Sub CCTR- 217400004 Haulage of Asphalt mix above 5 Km to 10 Km away / Km m3 0.2500
Sub CCTR- 217400005 Haulage of Asphalt mix above 10 Km to 30 Km away / Km m3 0.2500
Sub CCTR- 217400006 Production of Wear course by Asphalt Batch plant m3 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 217400011 Production of Binder Course by mixer / Burner m3 4.2500
Sub CCTR- 217400012 Production of Wear Course by mixer / Burner m3 4.2500
Sub CCTR- 217400013 Supply, Lay & compact Ready Mix A.B.C from subcontractor at Location m3 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 217400014 Production of Asphalt Mastic by Batch Plant and supply at location m3 0.3000
Sub CCTR- 217400015 Production of Asphalt mastic by Mixer / Burner m3 4.2500
Sub CCTR- 217400016 Supply, Lay & compact Ready Mix A.W.C from subcontractor at Location m3 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 217400030 Supply & Application of Tack Coat By Sub-Contractor m2 0.0300
Sub CCTR- 217400040 Supply & Application of Asphalt Prime coat by Sub-contractor m2 0.0300

CCTR- 21745 Placing and compaction of Asphaltic Concrete / mastic

Sub CCTR- 217450001 Placing Binder course by paver incl. compaction, in unconfined area m3 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 217450002 Placing Binder Course by paver incl. compaction, in confined area m3 3.0000
Sub CCTR- 217450003 Placing Wear course by paver incl. compaction, in unconfined area m3 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 217450004 Placing Wear Course by paver incl. compaction, in confined area m3 3.0000
Sub CCTR- 217450007 Placing Asphalt mix by Cart / Wheel barrow incl. compaction m3 9.0000
Sub CCTR- 217450008 Placing T.S.T. incl. Primer, tack coat and compaction m2 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 217450010 Placing D.S.T incl. primer, Tack coat and compaction m2 0.4000

CCTR- 21746 Placing & compaction of DST / TST

Sub CCTR- 217460008 Placing of T.S.T. incl. Primer, tack coat and compaction m2 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 217460010 Placing D.S.T. incl . Primer , Tack coat and compaction m2 0.4000

CCTR- 21748 Asphalt Tack / Prime Coat

Sub CCTR- 217480006 Primer Coat Application m2 0.0200

Sub CCTR- 217480009 Tack Coat Application m2 0.0200
Sub CCTR- 217480030 Supply & Application of Tack Coat By Sub-Contractor m2 0.0300
Sub CCTR- 217480040 Supply & Application of Asphalt Prime Coat By Sub-Contractor m2 0.0300

CCTR- 21750 Road Curb / Marking

Sub CCTR- 217500001 Supply of ready made kurb stone m3 1.2500

Sub CCTR- 217500002 Installation of kurb stone with lean haunch, grout m 0.9000
Sub CCTR- 217500005 Markings on main/internal straight road. (lines) m2 0.1000
Sub CCTR- 217500006 Markings on main/internal curved road (lines) m2 0.1000
Sub CCTR- 217500007 Markings on main/internal straight road. (Arrow / letters) m2 0.1000
Sub CCTR- 217500008 Markings on main/internal curved road. (Arrow / letters) m2 0.1000
Sub CCTR- 217500090 install cat eyes / reflectors on road nos 0.1200
Sub CCTR- 217500100 Install mile / km stone excl. other civil works nos 5.0000
Sub CCTR- 217500110 Install traffic sign board with pole, excl. other civil works nos 4.0000
Sub CCTR- 217500120 Installation of W-Beam Guard Rail with posts m 2.0000

CCTR- 21751 Road Guard Rail

Sub CCTR- 217510120 Installation of W-Beam Guard Rail with posts m 2.0000

CCTR- 21752 Road Signs/reflectors

Sub CCTR- 217520090 install cat eyes / reflectors on road nos 0.1200
Sub CCTR- 217520100 Install mile / km stone excl. other civil works nos 5.0000
Sub CCTR- 217520110 Install traffic sign board with pole, excl. other civil works nos 4.0000

CCTR- 21753 Road Curb Supply

Sub CCTR- 217530001 Supply of ready made kurb stone m3 1.2500

CCTR- 21754 Road Curb Installation

Sub CCTR- 217540002 Installation of Kurb stone with lean haunch, grout m2 0.9000

G- 218 Other Civil Works

CCTR- 21805 Roofing/ Cladding/ Siding/ Decking/ Partition wall/ False ceiling
Sub CCTR- 218050010 Roofing with metal sandwich pannel incl. flashing / ridge and sealant. m2 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218050020 Roofing with G.I / Asbestos sheet incl. ridge & accessories m2 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 218050030 Wall cladding / siding with metal sandwich pannel incl. fixing prefab. flashing and sealant m2 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218050040 Roof decking with galvanized corrugated steel sheets m2 0.9000
Sub CCTR- 218050050 Wall cladding / siding with aluminium corrugated sheet m2 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218050060 Wall cladding / siding with galvanized corrugated sheet m2 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218050070 Install partition wall with metal studs. m2 1.2500
Sub CCTR- 218050080 Erection of shear / connector bolts nos 0.1000
Sub CCTR- 218050090 Installation of false ceiling with aluminium supports & mineral fiber tiles m2 0.1000
Sub CCTR- 218050100 Installation of false ceiling with Dumpa brand (perforated metal) tiles m2 0.1000
Sub CCTR- 218050110 Installation of false ceiling with aluminium supports & gypsum board tiles m2 0.1000
Sub CCTR- 218050120 Installation of false ceiling with aluminium supports & polystyrene board tiles m2 0.1000
Sub CCTR- 218050130 Installation of false ceiling with aluminium supports & acoustic board tiles m2 0.1000

CCTR- 21810 Doors, Windows, Cabinets, Hand Rail

Sub CCTR- 218100001 Installation of wooden door frame m 0.5000

Sub CCTR- 218100002 Installation of wooden / Ply wood door panels excluding iron mongries m2 1.1000
Sub CCTR- 218100004 Installation of fly/insect proof door (metal / wood) m2 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218100005 Installation of metal hollow frame incl. PCC grouting between wall & frame m 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218100006 Installation of metal door (single skin) excluding iron mongry m2 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218100007 Installation of metal door (double skin) excluding iron mongry m2 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218100008 Install metal folding (scissors type ) Door / gate. m2 4.5000
Sub CCTR- 218100009 Install fire resistant door excluding iron mongries m2 4.5000
Sub CCTR- 218100010 Installation of Blast proof door excluding iron mongries m2 5.0000
Sub CCTR- 218100012 Installation of metal gate/access door (3000x5000) excluding iron mongries m2 3.6000
Sub CCTR- 218100014 Installation of rolling shutter incl. frame and accessories m2 8.0000
Sub CCTR- 218100015 Installation of Al. door (swing/sliding) incl. frame. m2 1.2000
Sub CCTR- 218100017 Installation of steel window / ventilator excluding iron mongries m2 4.0000
Sub CCTR- 218100021 Installation of steel grill for doors / windows / ventilators m2 1.2500
Sub CCTR- 218100026 Install wooden window / ventilator excluding iron mongries m2 4.0000
Sub CCTR- 218100027 Install Aluminium window / ventilators m2 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218100030 Install window blinds (vertical / horizontal) m2 0.2500
Sub CCTR- 218100031 Fixing clear / float / tinted/ wire/sheet/plain/patterned/reflective glass m2 1.6000
Sub CCTR- 218100032 Fixing plastic / polycarbonate sheet m2 1.6000
Sub CCTR- 218100330 Wall Cabinet m2 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218100340 Base Cabinet m2 1.0000

CCTR- 21815 Non Structural steel (Chequired plate/C.I. Cover/Grating/Hand Rail, Guard Rail etc.)

Sub CCTR- 218150001 Fabrication of chequered plate (52 Kg/M2) ton 80.0000
Sub CCTR- 218150003 Erection of Chequired plate (52 Kg/ m2) ton 55.0000
Sub CCTR- 218150004 Erection of C.I. cover / grating with frame incl. grouting ton 50.0000
Sub CCTR- 218150050 Installation of wooden hand rails (banister) with bluster m 5.0000
Sub CCTR- 218150060 Installation of Aluminium hand rails (banister) baluster m 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218150070 fabrication and erection of M.S. / G.I Hand rail (banister) with bluster m 3.5000
Sub CCTR- 218150080 Erection of Guard rail with chain m 0.7000
Sub CCTR- 218150090 Erection of M.S rails for transformer / crane with expansion bolt & anchor (65 kg/m) m 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 218150100 Fabrication of stop barrier size (150 mm x 8M) nos 15.0000
Sub CCTR- 218150110 Erection of stop barrier (150 mm x 8M) nos 7.5000

CCTR- 21820 Plumbing and Sanitation

Sub CCTR- 218200001 Fixing of wash basin (without faucet) nos 5.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200002 Fixing of waste pipe / wash basin pedestal nos 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218200003 Fixing of bath room mirror (18" X 24") nos 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218200004 Fixing of soap dish / dispenser / tooth brush holder nos 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200005 Fixing of towel rail nos 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200006 Fixing of toilet paper holder / dispenser nos 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200007 Fixing of W.C. (European type) with flush cistern / tank nos 6.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200008 Fixing of W.C. (Indian type) without flush tank nos 6.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200009 Fixing of Urinal nos 6.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200010 Fixing of Faucets nos 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218200011 Fixing of Shower / Telephone or Muslim Shower nos 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218200012 Fixing of water heater (Geyser) nos 8.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200013 Fixing of Fiberglass tank (500 G ~ 2000 G) nos 8.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200014 Fixing of bathroom shelf nos 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218200015 Fixing of bathroom Tub, complete with supports nos 10.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200016 Fixing of hand dryer nos 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200017 Fixing of accessory tray nos 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200018 Fixing of waste receptacle nos 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200019 Fixing of Kitchen Sink nos 8.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200020 Fixing of Emergency Eye wash / Shower nos 8.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200021 Fixing of Water filters ( Cartridge style, dirt & dust type) nos 3.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200022 Cast Iron gate valves dia 1" nos 0.2000
Sub CCTR- 218200023 Cast Iron gate valves dia 1-1/2" nos 0.2500
Sub CCTR- 218200024 Cast Iron gate valves dia 2" nos 0.2500
Sub CCTR- 218200025 Check valves dia 1" nos 0.2000
Sub CCTR- 218200026 Check valves dia 2" nos 0.2000
Sub CCTR- 218200027 Floor trap, gully 3" to 6" P, S or Q type nos 1.2500
Sub CCTR- 218200028 Mixer tap for wash basins nos 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218200029 Shower complete set nos 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218200030 Gas Cock (brass) 3/ 4 " dia nos 0.2500
Sub CCTR- 218200031 Floor drain 3" to 6" dia nos 1.0000

CCTR- 21825 Hard ware / Iron Mongries / Protection

Sub CCTR- 218250002 Fixing of Antipanic / escape device nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 218250004 Fixing of Door closer / Spring nos 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218250006 Fixing of door /Windows handels nos 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 218250009 Fixing of Straggle (One piece overlaping) m 0.3300
Sub CCTR- 218250011 fixing of Door mortise lockset / rim lock nos 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218250022 Misc. Doors / windows hard ware and accessories nos 1.0000

CCTR- 21830 Piping (Under Ground or Above Ground)

Sub CCTR- 218300001 Laying, Jointing & hydrotest of RCC pipes dia 150mm excl. excavation, backfilling & Haunching m 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300002 Laying, Jointing & hydrotesting of RCC pipes dia 200mm excl. excavation, backfilling and haunching m 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300003 Laying, Jointing & hydrotesting of RCC pipes dia 250mm excl. excavation, backfilling and haunching m 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300004 Laying, jointing & hydrotesting of RCC pipes dia 300mm excel. excavation, backfilling and haunching m 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300005 Laying. jointing & hydrotesting of RCC pipes dia 400mm excl.excavation, backfilling & haunching m 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300006 Laying, jointing & hydrotesting of RCC pipes dia 450mm excl. excavation, backfilling & haunching m 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300007 Laying, jointing & hydrotesting of RCC pipes dia 500mm excl. excavation, backfilling & haunching m 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300008 Laying, jointing & hydrotesting of RCC pipe dia 600mm excl. excavation. backfilling & haunching m 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300009 Laying, jointing & hydrotesting of RCC pipes dia 750mm excl. excavation, backfilling & haunching m 3.0000
Sub CCTR- 218300010 Laying, jointing & hydrotesting of RCC pipes dia 900mm excl. excavation, backfilling & haunching m 3.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300011 Laying, jointing, & hydrotesting of RCC pipes dia 1000mm excl. excavation, backfilling & haunching m 4.0000
Sub CCTR- 218300012 Laying, jointing & hydrotesting of RCC pipes dia 1200mm excl. excavation, backfilling & haunching m 4.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300013 Laying & Jointing of PVC dia 19 mm pipes excl. excavation, casing or concrete m 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300014 Laying & Jointing of PVC dia 25 mm pipes excl. excavation, casing or concrete m 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300015 Laying & Jointing of PVC dia 37 mm pipes excl. excavation, casing or concrete m 0.1800
Sub CCTR- 218300016 Laying & Jointing of PVC dia 50 mm pipes excl. excavation, casing or concrete m 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300017 Laying & Jointing of PVC dia 75 mm pipes excl. excavation, casing or concrete m 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218300018 Laying & Jointing of PVC dia 100 mm pipes excl. excavation, casing or concrete m 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218300019 Laying & Jointing of PVC dia 150 mm pipes excl. excavation, casing or concrete m 0.6000
Sub CCTR- 218300020 Laying & Jointing of PVC dia 200 mm pipes excl. excavation, casing or concrete m 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218300021 Laying & Jointing of PVC dia 250 mm pipes excl. excavation, casing or concrete m 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218300022 Laying & Jointing of PVC dia 300 mm pipes excl. excavation, casing or concrete m 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218300047 Laying of G.I pipes dia 12mm excl. excavation, backfilling m 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300048 Laying of G.I pipes dia 19mm excl. excavation, backfilling m 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300049 Laying of G.I pipes dia 25mm excl. excavation, backfilling m 0.5500
Sub CCTR- 218300050 Laying of G.I pipes dia 38mm excl. excavation, backfilling m 0.7500
Sub CCTR- 218300051 Laying of G.I pipes dia 50mm excl. excavation, backfilling m 0.8500
Sub CCTR- 218300052 Laying of G.I pipes dia 75mm excl. excavation, backfilling m 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218300053 Laying of G.I pipes dia 100mm excl. excavation, backfilling m 1.2500
Sub CCTR- 218300054 Laying of G.I pipes dia 150mm excl. excavation, backfilling m 1.7500
Sub CCTR- 218300091 Laying of cast iron pipe dia 100mm excl. excavation, backfilling m 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300092 Laying of cast iron pipe dia 150mm excl. excavation, backfilling m 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300093 Laying of cast iron pipe dia 200mm excl. excavation, backfilling m 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 218300094 Laying of cast iron pipe dia 250mm excl. excavation, backfilling m 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218300095 Laying of cast iron pipe dia 300mm excl. excavation, backfilling m 3.0000

CCTR- 21840 Water Proofing / Roof Treatment

Sub CCTR- 218400001 Bitumen coating (Single coat) m2 0.3000 3.33333333333

Sub CCTR- 218400002 Laying craft paper single layer m2 0.7000
Sub CCTR- 218400004 Laying polyethylene sheet one layer m2 0.0500 20
Sub CCTR- 218400005 Water proofing (product item) single coat m2 0.4000
Sub CCTR- 218400007 Lay Geotextile fabric / polypropylene (single layer) m2 0.1300 0.6333 1.578947368
Sub CCTR- 218400010 Water proofing of foundation with Synthaprufe (Under ground) m2 0.6000
Sub CCTR- 218400011 Water proofing of foundation with epoxy (Above ground) m2 0.6000
Sub CCTR- 218400012 Water proofing of foundation with Asphalt Bitumen Emulsion m2 1.2000
Sub CCTR- 218400080 Fabricate and install metal (copper / G.I) water stopper m 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218400090 Installation of EPDM / LDPE (self adhesive / non adhesive) single layer m2 3.0000
Sub CCTR- 218400100 Bitumen coating with polyethylene sheet sand and tuff tile (grouted) m2 3.0000
Sub CCTR- 218400110 Foam concrete incl. batching with mixer machine & haul / transport, place and finish m3 10.0000
Sub CCTR- 218400120 Lay sand cushion m3 1.4000
Sub CCTR- 218400130 Lay Thermopore sheet m2 0.1300
Sub CCTR- 218400140 Cold applied bitumen emulsion single coat m2 0.7500
Sub CCTR- 218400150 Install water stopper (PVC) m 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218400160 Application of rubber lining in pits m2 0.2500
Sub CCTR- 218400170 Installation of bituminized felt single layer m2 0.4000
Sub CCTR- 218400200 Place screed on Roof (20 to 60 mm thk) m3 10.0000
Sub CCTR- 218400210 Spread pea gravel at top of roof m3 4.0000
Sub CCTR- 218400220 Installation of brick tiles on roof m2 2.5000 0.4
Sub CCTR- 218400230 Installation of Concrete Precast tiles on roof m2 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 218400240 Grouting of roof tiles (concrete / clay) m2 0.6000
Sub CCTR- 218400250 Install cant strip on roof (treated timber / foamglass) 4"x4" or 1-1/2"x5" m 0.2500
Sub CCTR- 218400260 Fixing of A.C / C.I / PVC Roof drain Pipe (4" to 6" dia) m 0.4500
Sub CCTR- 218400270 Fixing of Cowels nos 0.0600
Sub CCTR- 218400280 Fixing of rain water down spout (4" to 6") nos 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 218400290 Fixing of Precast splash block nos 0.6000
Sub CCTR- 218400300 Fixing of Roof scupper (6" to 8" dia) nos 0.6000
Sub CCTR- 218400310 Fabrication & erection of roof gutter with MS/G.I sheet (6" to 8") incl. supports & painting m 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 218400320 Fabrication & erection G.I / SS coping on parapet (8" or 10") m 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 218400330 Erection of prefabricated G.I / SS coping on parapet (8" or 10" wide) m 0.3000
Sub CCTR- 218400340 Install precast concrete coping 10" wide m 0.5500
Sub CCTR- 218400350 Installation of prefabricated metal flashing / Ridge m 0.2000
Sub CCTR- 218400360 Fabrication & erection of metal (MS/SS/G.I) flashing m 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 218400370 Supply and fixing of catch basin nos 3.0000

CCTR- 21850 Surface Preparation and Painting on Concrete / Masonry

Sub CCTR- 218500001 Primer & 2~3 coats upto 5.0 meter (Distemper) m2 1.2500
Sub CCTR- 218500002 Primer & 2~3 coats above 5.0 meter (Distemper) m2 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218500003 Primer & 2~3 coats upto 5.0 meter ( White wash) m2 0.3000
Sub CCTR- 218500004 Primer & 2~3 coats above 5.0 meter (White wash) m2 0.4000
Sub CCTR- 218500005 Primer & 2~3 coats upto 5.0 meter (Emulsion) m2 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218500006 Primer & 2~3 coats above 5.0 meter (Emulsion) m2 2.7500
Sub CCTR- 218500007 Primer & 2~3 coats upto 5.0 meter (Alkyd Enamel) m2 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218500008 Primer & 2~3 coats above 5.0 meter (Alkyd Enamel) m2 2.7500
Sub CCTR- 218500009 Primer & 2~3 coats upto 5.0 meter (weather shield) m2 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218500010 Primer & 2~3 coats above 5.0 meter (weather shield) m2 1.7500
Sub CCTR- 218500011 Sand blast on concrete surface m2 1.8000
Sub CCTR- 218500012 Primer & finish coat of chemical resistant paint m2 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218500013 Primer & finish coat of epoxy / coaltar epoxy paint m2 3.0000
Sub CCTR- 218500014 Primer & finish coat of acid resistant paint m2 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218500015 Primer & paint (fluorescent) on chimney / silo m2 10.0000
Sub CCTR- 218500016 Primer & 2~3 coats at any height for ceiling m2 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218500170 Installation of wall paper up to 5 m height m2 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 218500180 Acid resistant coating with woven / tissue Glass cloth single layer m2 0.8000

CCTR- 21852 Surface Preparation & Painting on metal / steel & wood

Sub CCTR- 218520001 Surface preparation, Primer & two coats Enamel Paint upto 10 m height m2 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218520002 Surface preparation, primer & two coats Enamel Paint 10 m to 20 m height m2 3.5000
Sub CCTR- 218520003 Primer & two coats (upto10.0 meter) m2 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218520005 Only touch up to 20 meter height m2 0.8000
Sub CCTR- 218520006 Wood polish on Wooden Doors / Windows / Cabinets / Railing m2 0.0700
Sub CCTR- 218520007 Fire Proof paint on Doors m2 4.0000
Sub CCTR- 218520008 Painting and lettering on Sign Board m2 0.0300

CCTR- 21860 Fencing

Sub CCTR- 218600001 Installation of Fence post G.I Pipe 1-1/2" dia, for fence 2.5m high, without provision for barbed wire, excl m 1.6000
Sub CCTR- 218600002 Installation of Fence post G.I Pipe 1-1/2" dia, for fence 2.5m high, with provision for barbed wire, excl. a m 1.6000
Sub CCTR- 218600003 Installation of Fence post M.S/G.I Angle iron 60x60 mm, for fence 2.5 m high without provision for barbed m 1.6000
Sub CCTR- 218600004 Installation of Fence post M.S/G.I Angle iron 60x60 mm, for fence 2.5 m high above ground with provision m 1.6000
Sub CCTR- 218600005 Installation of Fence post R.C.C. precast for fence 2.5 m high, without provision of barbed wire, excl. al m 1.6000
Sub CCTR- 218600006 Installation of Fence post R.C.C. precast for fence 2.5 m high, with provision of barbed wire, excl. all ci m 1.6000
Sub CCTR- 218600007 Installation of Fence with (M.S post & intermediate profiles) for fence 2.5 m high, excl. all civil works m 4.7000
Sub CCTR- 218600008 Installation of puller wire (single line) and accessories for fence m 0.3000
Sub CCTR- 218600009 Installation of G.I chain link fence height 2.5 m m 1.4000
Sub CCTR- 218600010 Installation of PVC coated chain link fence height 2.5 m m 1.4000
Sub CCTR- 218600011 Installation of vermin mesh single layer height up to 1.00 m m 0.8000
Sub CCTR- 218600012 Installation of Barbed wire single line m 0.2500
Sub CCTR- 218600014 Erection of fence personal gate (single leaf) 1.2 m wide with G.I pipe posts and chain link fence, excl. al nos 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218600015 Erection of Fence vehicular gate 4 m wide with G.I pipe posts and chain link fence, excl. all other civil m 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218600016 Erection of Fence vehicular gate 8 m wide with G.I posts and chain link fence, excl. all other civil work m 4.0000

CCTR- 21868 Expansion Joint Sealant

Sub CCTR- 218680010 Install Foam Rod / Thixafoam / Beaker rod / Jumbolan in expansion joints m 0.2000
Sub CCTR- 218680020 Application of primer for joint sealant on joint sides m2 0.3000
Sub CCTR- 218680030 Application of joint sealant m3 400.0000
Sub CCTR- 218680040 Fill Bituminous Mastic in Expansion joints m3 500.0000
Sub CCTR- 218680050 Sealing joints by installation G.I flushing sheet m2 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 218680060 Sealing joint by installation Aluminium flushing sheet m2 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 218680070 Cutting grove in RCC / PCC 5 mm wide, 50 mm deep by machine for Expansion joints m 1.1000
Sub CCTR- 218680080 Installation of Bitumious imprignated Fiber Board m2 0.5000

CCTR- 21870 Embedded Items ( Anchor Bolts and Profiles)

Sub CCTR- 218700001 Fabrication of MS profile / plates for embediments ton 175.0000
Sub CCTR- 218700002 Erection of MS profile / plates for embediments ton 125.0000
Sub CCTR- 218700003 Fabrication of pipe sleeves (dia 150 mm x Length 450mm) nos 1.2500
Sub CCTR- 218700004 Erection of pipe sleeves (dia 150 mm x Length 450 mm) nos 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218700005 Erection of plates / halfen ton 275.0000
Sub CCTR- 218700006 Fab. & erection of MS / SS rod (rungs) for ladders (1000mm) nos 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218700007 Erection of Anchor Bolts ton 300.0000
Sub CCTR- 218700008 Supply of Non-galvanized Anchor bolts ton 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218700009 Supply of Galvanized Anchor Bolts ton 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218700011 Fabricate & Install wooden pockets nos 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 218700012 Installation & removal of pockets (Boxout) nos 1.1500
Sub CCTR- 218700013 Fabricate & Install Steel Pockets with wire gauze nos 1.2000
Sub CCTR- 218700014 Installation of Expansion bolts nos 0.2000
Sub CCTR- 218700015 Erection of MS profile / plates kg 0.1500
Sub CCTR- 218700150 Installation of Bolts with chemical capsules nos 0.5000

CCTR- 21875 Steel Piles Supply, Driving and Testing

Sub CCTR- 218750010 Driving Steel Pile small Size without Load Test & Mob/ Demob by Sub Contractor m 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 218750020 Driving Steel Pile large size without Load Test & Mob/Demob by Sub Contractor m 0.6000
Sub CCTR- 218750030 Pile Driving Equipment - Mob/Demob to/from Site m 0.0200
Sub CCTR- 218750040 Movement of Piling Equipment - Between Piles nos 3.0000
Sub CCTR- 218750050 Steel Pile Load Test nos 120.0000

CCTR- 21880 Demolition

Sub CCTR- 218800001 Demolition of Reinforced Structures/ Walls (With Equipment) m3 6.0000
Sub CCTR- 218800002 Demolition of Pile Head (With Chisel) m3 30.0000
Sub CCTR- 218800003 Demolition of Plain Concrete Structures m3 8.0000
Sub CCTR- 218800004 Demolition of Block/ Brick/ Stone Masonry m3 5.0000
Sub CCTR- 218800005 Demolition of Road/ Bituminous Paving (10 Cm Thick) m2 0.2800
Sub CCTR- 218800006 Demolition of Fence Including Foundation (2 m to 3 m High) m 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 218800007 Demolition of RCC Floor/ Slab on Grade (Upto 150 mm Thick) m2 0.4500
Sub CCTR- 218800008 Removal of False Ceilling m2 0.2000
Sub CCTR- 218800009 Demolition of R.C.C Pipes (Including relevant works) m 0.7000
Sub CCTR- 218800010 Demolition of Door/ Window m2 0.5500
Sub CCTR- 218800011 Demolition of Sanitary Fixtures / Fittings nos 0.8000
Sub CCTR- 218800012 Demolition of Roofing (Built up) m2 0.3500
Sub CCTR- 218800013 Demolition of R.C.C / Masonry Buildings (Complete) m3 0.2000
Sub CCTR- 218800014 Removal of Trees (Not Exceeding 800 mm girth) by Tools nos 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 218800015 Removal of Trees (Between 800 mm to 1500 mm girth) by Tools nos 6.0000
Sub CCTR- 218800016 Demolition of Plaster m2 0.2500
Sub CCTR- 218800019 Demolition of Hand Rails (upto 1.25m high) m 0.3000
Sub CCTR- 218800020 Removal of Raised Floor m2 0.0000

CCTR- 21885 Miscellaneous Civil works

Sub CCTR- 218850001 Landscaping (scarifying, Dressing, soiling, seeding, watering, maintaining until established) m2 0.6500
Sub CCTR- 218850002 Spreading & levelling of Gravel / chippings. (100mm thick layer) m2 0.1000
Sub CCTR- 218850005 Fixing of wall / roof exhaust fan nos 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218850016 Laying glass wool / polystyrene in masonry ( insulation ) m2 0.1200
Sub CCTR- 218850017 Fabrication of G.I ducting ( 7kg / m2) including supports, joints, fitting m2 4.7000
Sub CCTR- 218850018 Erection of prefabricated G.I ducting ( 7kg / m2) including supports, joints, fitting & leak test. ( without m2 3.8500
Sub CCTR- 218850019 Hydro Testing (pit / ponds/ reservoir / sumps / basin) m3 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218850038 Installation of Galvanized expanded steel mesh. m2 0.1500
Sub CCTR- 218850040 Concrete Repairing with Product m2 2.5000
Sub CCTR- 218850041 Restoration Work (Wooden Barrier Wall) m 3.5000
Sub CCTR- 218850046 Mortar Finishing works m2 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 218850470 Load testing for piles nos 80.0000
Sub CCTR- 218850480 mobilization cost for subcontractor Lot 0.0000
Sub CCTR- 218850490 Material Supply nos 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 218850500 Installation nos 5.0000
Sub CCTR- 218850510 Subcontracted work --- 0.1000

21886 Landscaping
Sub CCTR- 218860001 Landscaping (Scarifying, Dressing, Soiling, Seeding, Watering, Maintaining until established) m2 0.6500
Sub CCTR- 218860002 Spreading & levelling of Gravel / chippings. (100mm thick layer) m2 0.1000

CCTR- 21887 Ducting and Expanded steel mesh

Sub CCTR- 218870017 Fabrication of G.I ducting ( 7kg / m2 ) including supports, joints, fitting m2 4.7000
Sub CCTR- 218870018 Erection of prefabricated G.I ducting ( 7kg / m2 ) including supports, joints , fitting & Leak test. ( witho m2 3.8500
Sub CCTR- 218870038 Installation of Galvanized expanded steel mesh. m2 0.1500

CCTR- 21888 Concrete Repairs

Sub CCTR- 218880040 Concrete Repairing with product m2 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 218880046 Mortar Finishing Works m2 1.5000

CCTR- 21889 Hydro Testing

Sub CCTR- 218890019 Hydro Testing ( pit / ponds / reservoir / sumps / basin ) m3 2.5000

CCTR- 21890 Complete Civil Works (Lump Sum)

Sub CCTR- 218900010 Construction of Complete Building (one Story) with all Finishes m2 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 218900020 Construction of Yard area (incl. Foundations, trenches, Pits,Gravel,Fence) Complete m2 0.0000
Sub CCTR- 218900030 Client Facilities Lot 0.0000

G- 219 Extra Work, Day Work, Idling and Supply

CCTR- 21910 Extra Work Civil

Sub CCTR- 219100000 Extra Work Civil - 0.0000

D- 22 Mechanical

G- 221 Steel Structure

CCTR- 22110 Fabrication of Steel Structure

Sub CCTR- 221101010 Fabrication of Steel Profiles (Plate Built-up) Extra Heavy ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 221101045 Fabrication of Steel Structure, Bolted, Extra Heavy (201 kg/m & above) ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 221101050 Fabrication of Steel Structure, Bolted, Heavy (121 to 200 kg/m) ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 221101060 Fabrication of Steel Structure, Bolted, Medium (61 to 120 kg/m) ton 110.0000
Sub CCTR- 221101065 Fabrication of Steel Structure, Bolted, Light ( up to 30 kg/m) ton 140.0000

Sub CCTR- 221101070 Fabrication of Steel Structure, Bolted, Extra Light (up to 30 kg/m) ton 200.0000

Sub CCTR- 221101090 Fabrication of Steel Structure, Building (31 to 60 kg/m) ton 125.0000

Sub CCTR- 221101100 Fabrication of Steel Structure, Pipe Racks ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 221101110 Fabrication of Platforms (up to 30 kg/m) ton 180.0000

Sub CCTR- 221101120 Fabrication of Railings (up to 30 kg/m) ton 250.0000

Sub CCTR- 221101130 Fabrication of Stairs/Ladders (up to 15kg/m) ton 250.0000

Sub CCTR- 221101160 Hot Dip Galvanizing (35 m2/ton) ton 0.0000

CCTR- 22111 Fabrication of Built up Steel Profiles

Sub CCTR- 221110000 Fabrication of Built up Steel Profiles ton 150.0000

CCTR- 22120 Erection of Steel Structure

Sub CCTR- 221201045 Erection of Steel Structure, Bolted, Extra Heavy (201 kg/m & above) ton 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201050 Erection of Steel Structure, Bolted, Heavy (121 to 200 kg/m) ton 40.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201060 Erection of Steel Structure, Bolted, Medium (61 to 120 kg/m) ton 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201065 Erection of Steel Structure, Bolted, Light (31 to 60 kg/m) ton 70.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201070 Erection of Steel Structure, Bolted, Extra Light (up to 30 kg/m) ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201090 Erection of Steel Structure, Building (31 to 60 kg/m) ton 40.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201100 Erection of Steel Structure, Pipe Racks ton 45.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201110 Erection of Platforms / Stairs (up to 30 kg/m) ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201120 Erection of Railings (30 kg/m) ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201130 Erection of Ladders, Safety Cage (15 kg/m) ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201140 Erection of Gratings (47 kg/m2) ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201150 Erection of Cladding, Roofing, Decking (9 kg/m2) m2 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201170 Grouting of Steel Structure (Plain Cement Sand Grout) m3 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201180 Grouting of Steel Structure (Non Shrink Grout) m3 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201190 Dismantling of Steel Structure ton 25.0000

Sub CCTR- 221201200 Cutting Opening in Grating ( Cut Length) m 3.0000

CCTR- 22121 Erection of Pre Heater Steel Structure

Sub CCTR- 221210000 Erection of Pre Heater Steel Structure ton 70.0000

CCTR- 22130 Fabrication of Pipe Supports

Sub CCTR- 221301010 Fabrication of Pipe Supports C.S Up to 5 Kg ton 240.0000

Sub CCTR- 221301020 Fabrication of Pipe Supports C.S >6 Kg Up to 10 Kg ton 200.0000

Sub CCTR- 221301030 Fabrication of Pipe Supports C.S > 10 Kg Up to 15 Kg ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 221301040 Fabrication of Pipe Supports C.S >15 Kg Up to 20 Kg ton 110.0000

Sub CCTR- 221301050 Fabrication of Pipe Supports C.S > 20 Kg ton 70.0000

Sub CCTR- 221301060 Fabrication of Pipe Supports S.S Up to 5 Kg ton 300.0000

Sub CCTR- 221301070 Fabrication of Pipe Supports S.S > 6 Kg Up to 10 Kg ton 250.0000

Sub CCTR- 221301080 Fabrication of Pipe Supports S.S > 10 Kg Up to 15 Kg ton 190.0000

Sub CCTR- 221301090 Fabrication of Pipe Supports S.S > 15 kg Up to 20 Kg ton 140.0000

Sub CCTR- 221301100 Fabrication of Pipe Supports S.S > 20 Kg ton 90.0000

CCTR- 22140 Erection of Pipe Supports

Sub CCTR- 221401010 Erection of Pipe Supports C.S Up to 5 Kg ton 300.0000

Sub CCTR- 221401020 Erection of Pipe Supports C.S > 6 Kg Up to 10 kg ton 250.0000

Sub CCTR- 221401030 Erection of Pipe Supports C.S > 10 kg Up to 15 Kg ton 200.0000
Sub CCTR- 221401040 Erection of Pipe Supports C.S > 15 kg Up to 20 Kg ton 170.0000

Sub CCTR- 221401050 Erection of Pipe Supports C.S > 20 Kg ton 110.0000

Sub CCTR- 221401060 Erection of Pipe Supports S.S Up to 5 Kg ton 370.0000

Sub CCTR- 221401070 Erection of Pipe Supports S.S > 6 Kg Up to 10 Kg ton 300.0000

Sub CCTR- 221401080 Erection of Pipe Supports S.S > 10 Kg Up to 15 Kg ton 230.0000

Sub CCTR- 221401090 Erection of Pipe Supports S.S > 15 Kg Up to 20 Kg ton 170.0000

Sub CCTR- 221401100 Erection of Pipe Supports S.S > 20 Kg ton 110.0000

Sub CCTR- 221401110 Grouting of Pipe Supports (Plain Cement Sand Grout) m3 250.0000

Sub CCTR- 221401120 Grouting of Pipe Supports (Non Shrink Grout) m3 250.0000

Sub CCTR- 221401130 Dismantling of Pipe Supports ton 80.0000

G- 222 Equipment

CCTR- 22210 Stationary Equipment

Sub CCTR- 222100001 Installation of Equipment Stationary (<1 ton) ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101005 Installation of Equipment Stationery (up to 5 ton) ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101010 Installation of Equipment Stationery (>6 up to 20 ton) ton 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101020 Installation of Equipment Stationary (>21 up to 50 ton) ton 35.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101030 Installation of Equipment Stationary (>51 up to 100 ton) ton 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101035 Installation of Equipment Stationery (more than 100 ton) ton 12.5000

Sub CCTR- 222101070 Installation of Equipment Internals ton 70.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101100 Filling of Pal Rings ton 25.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101110 Filling of Catalysts ton 25.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101120 Erection of Internal Trays m2 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101130 Erection of Demister Pads ton 70.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101150 Erection of small verticle equipment ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101200 Erection of Silos ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101210 Erection of Skid Mounted Units ton 40.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101220 Grouting of Stationary Equipment (Plain Cement Sand Grout) m3 300.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101230 Grouting of Stationary Equipment (Non Shrink Grout) m3 300.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101240 Dismantling of Equipment Stationary Small ton 15.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101250 Dismantling of Equipment Stationary Medium ton 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 222101260 Dismantling of Equipment Stationary Heavy ton 8.0000

CCTR- 22220 Rotary Equipment

Sub CCTR- 222201010 Installation of Rotry Equip. Assemb. (up to 1 ton) ton 120.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201020 Installation of Rotry Equip. Assemb. (1.1 to 5 ton) ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201030 Installation of Rotry equip. Assemb. (5.1 to 10 ton) ton 75.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201040 Installation of Rotry Equip. Assemb. (above 10 ton) ton 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201050 Installation of Rotry Equip. Knock Down (up to 10 ton) ton 120.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201060 Installation of Rotry Equip. Knock Down (11 to 50 ton) ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201070 Installation of Rotry Equip. Knock Down ( above 50 ton) ton 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201120 Installation of Gas Turbine Small Size (up to 15 ton) ton 70.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201130 Installation of Gas Turbine Medium Size (16 to 50 ton) ton 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201140 Installation of Gas Turbine Large Size (above 50 ton) ton 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201150 Installation of Gas Turbine Exhaust System ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201160 Installation of Gas Turbine Accessories ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201170 Installation of Steam Turbine Small Size ( up to 15 ton) ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201180 Installation of Steam Turbine Medium Size (16 to 50 ton) ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201190 Installation of Steam Turbine Large Size (above 50 ton) ton 40.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201200 Installation of Steam Turbine Accessories ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201210 Installation of Power Generators Small Size ( up to 15 ton) ton 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201220 Installation of Power Generators Medium Size (16 to 50 ton) ton 35.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201230 Installation of Power Generators Large Size (above 50 ton) ton 25.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201235 Installation of Power Generators Accessories ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201260 Grouting of Rotary Equipment (Non Shrink Grout) m3 250.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201270 Grouting of Rotary Equipment (Epoxy Grout) m3 250.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201280 Dismantling of Rotary Equipment Small ton 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 222201290 Dismantling of Rotary Equipment Large ton 20.0000

CCTR- 22221 Misc. Items/Equipment

Sub CCTR- 222210001 Expansion Joints in Ducts Fabric Type joints 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 222210002 Expansion Joint in Ducts Mechanical Flanged Prefabricated joints 80.0000

CCTR- 22225 Fire Fighting and Misc. Items/Equipment

Sub CCTR- 222251010 Installation of Fire Extingusher 2 kg nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 222251020 Installation of Fire Extingusher 6 kg nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 222251030 Installation of Fire Extingusher 12 kg nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 222251040 Installation of Fire Extingusher 25 kg nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 222251050 Installation of Double Piller Fire Hydrant nos 15.0000

Sub CCTR- 222251080 Installation of Hose Box nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 222251090 Installation of Safety Shower nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 222251100 Installation of Eye Washer nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 222251110 Installation of Information/Risk Warning Signs nos 10.0000

CCTR- 22230 Furnace, Heaters, Boilers

Sub CCTR- 222301010 Erection of Boilers/HRSG (Modular Type) ton 40.0000

Sub CCTR- 222301020 Erection of Boiler Structure and Casing ton 65.0000

Sub CCTR- 222301030 Erection of Boilers Heating Surface Module ton 22.0000

Sub CCTR- 222301040 Erection of Boilers Drum Tubes and Mounting with welding ton 120.0000

Sub CCTR- 222301050 Erection of Boilers Buckstay ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 222301070 Erection of Boilers Accessories ton 125.0000

Sub CCTR- 222301080 Erection of Furnaces (Modular Type) ton 22.0000

Sub CCTR- 222301090 Erection of Furnaces Structure and Casing ton 55.0000

Sub CCTR- 222301100 Erection of Furnaces Coils and Tubes ton 75.0000

Sub CCTR- 222301110 Erection of Furnaces Accessories (Burner and Blowers) ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 222301120 Refractory (Brick Lining) m3 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 222301130 Refractory (Castable) m3 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 222301140 Refractory (Gunitting) m3 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 222301150 Dismantling of Boiler/ Furnaces ton 30.0000


CCTR- 22240 Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning

Sub CCTR- 222401010 Installation of Ventilation / Heating System ton 120.0000

Sub CCTR- 222401030 Installation of A/C Units (Windows Type) ton 20.0000
Sub CCTR- 222401040 Installation of A/C Units (Split Type) ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 222401050 Fabrication of Ducts for HVAC ton 300.0000

Sub CCTR- 222401060 Erection of Ducts for HVAC ton 120.0000

Sub CCTR- 222401070 Dismantling of HVAC ton 40.0000

CCTR- 22250 Stacks, Flares, Ducts, Chute, Bins, Hoppers

Sub CCTR- 222501010 Fabrication of Stack / Flare ton 120.0000

Sub CCTR- 222501020 Erection of Stack / Flare ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 222501030 Fabrication of Chutes, Bins, Hoppers, Cyclones & Troughs ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 222501040 Erection of Chutes, Bins, Hoppers, Cyclones & Troughs ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 222501050 Fabrication of Ducts ton 120.0000

Sub CCTR- 222501060 Erection of Ducts ton 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 222501070 Dismantling of Stack/ Flare/ Ducts ton 30.0000

CCTR- 22260 Heat Exchangers / Condensers

Sub CCTR- 222601010 Erection of Surface Condensers (Partially - Assemble) Medium Size ton 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 222601020 Erection of Surface Condenser (Partially -Assemble) Large Size ton 40.0000

Sub CCTR- 222601030 Erection of Surface Condensers (Knock Down) Medium Size ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 222601040 Erection of Surface Condensers (Knock-Down) Large Size ton 65.0000

CCTR- 22270 Cooling Towers

Sub CCTR- 222701040 Erection of Cooling Tower Drift Eliminators & Supports ton 250.0000

Sub CCTR- 222701050 Installation & Gluing of Fill / Pack ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 222701070 Erection of Cooling Tower Distribution System ton 180.0000

Sub CCTR- 222701080 Dismantling of Colling Tower ton 25.0000

CCTR- 22280 Classified Equipment

Sub CCTR- 222801010 Fabrication of Crane Beams/Gantry ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 222801020 Erection of Crane Beams/Gantry ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 222801030 Erection of Overhead Cranes ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 222801040 Erection of Weighing Equipment (Weigh Bridge) ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 222801050 Fabrication and Erection of Fire Fighting Network Ave. Dia 8" ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 222801060 Fabrication and Erection of Steam Tracing Lines ton 500.0000

Sub CCTR- 222801070 Fabrication and Erection of Jacketed Piping ton 400.0000

Sub CCTR- 222801160 Installation of Laboratory Equipment ton 160.0000

CCTR- 22290 Cement Plant

Sub CCTR- 222901010 Erection of Chutes, Bins, Hoppers, Cyclones & Troughs ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901020 Erection of Conveyors (Belt Conveyors) ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901030 Erectation of Elevators (Bucket Type) ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901040 Erection of Lifts ton 75.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901050 Erection of Crushers ton 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901060 Erection of Reclaimers and Scrappers ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901070 Erection of Stackers ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901080 Erection of Sampling Station ton 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901090 Erection of Grinding Mills ton 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901100 Erection of Raw Mills ton 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901110 Erection of Rotary Kiln ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901120 Erection of Pre-Heaters (Without Refractory) ton 130.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901130 Erection of Clinker Cooler (Without Supporting Structure) ton 140.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901140 Erection of Fin Fan Cooler ton 140.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901150 Erection of Electrostatic Precipitator (Without Insulation) ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901160 Erection of Air Separators ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901170 Erection of De-dusting Equipment / Filters ton 140.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901180 Erection of Silos ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 222901220 Commissioning mhr 1.0000

CCTR- 22291 Erection of Equipment Kiln

Sub CCTR- 222910000 Erection of Equipment Kiln ton 100.0000

CCTR- 22292 Erection of Equipment Pre Heater

Sub CCTR- 222920000 Erection Of Equipment Pre Heater ton 130.0000

G- 223 Tanks

CCTR- 22310 Fabrication of Tanks (CS)

Sub CCTR- 223101010 Fabrication of Floating Roof Tank (Capacity upto 800 m3) ton 123.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101020 Fabrication of Floating Roof Tank (Capacity upto 1000 m3) ton 101.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101030 Fabrication of Floating Roof Tank (Capacity upto 2000 m3) ton 74.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101040 Fabrication of Floating Roof Tank (Capacity upto 3000 m3) ton 62.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101050 Fabrication of Floating Roof Tank (Capacity upto 5000 m3) ton 52.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101060 Fabrication of Floating Roof Tank (Capacity upto 7000 m3) ton 46.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101070 Fabrication of Floating Roof Tank (Capacity upto 10000 m3) ton 36.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101080 Fabrication of Floating Roof Tank (Capacity upto 20000 m3) ton 31.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101090 Fabrication of Floating Roof Tank (Capacity upto 30000 m3) ton 28.0000
Sub CCTR- 223101100 Fabrication of Floating Roof Tank (Capacity upto 50000 m3) ton 25.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101110 Fabrication of Floating Roof Tank (Capacity upto 80000 m3) ton 24.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101120 Fabrication of Floating Roof Tank (Capacity upto 100000 m3) ton 23.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101130 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity upto 40 m3) ton 153.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101140 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 50 m3) ton 128.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101150 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 100 m3) ton 117.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101160 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 200 m3) ton 109.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101170 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 300 m3) ton 101.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101180 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 500 m3) ton 79.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101190 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 800 m3) ton 74.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101200 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 1000 m3) ton 63.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101210 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 2000 m3) ton 54.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101220 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 2000 m3) ton 47.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101230 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 5000 m3) ton 40.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101240 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 7000 m3) ton 36.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101250 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 10000 m3) ton 31.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101260 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 20000 m3) ton 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101270 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 30000 m3) ton 26.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101280 Fabrication of Conical Roof Tank (Capacity 50000 m3) ton 24.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101290 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity upto 50 m3) ton 128.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101300 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity 100 m3) ton 117.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101310 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity 200 m3) ton 109.0000
Sub CCTR- 223101320 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity 300 m3) ton 101.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101330 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity 500 m3) ton 79.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101340 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity 800 m3) ton 74.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101350 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity 1000 m3) ton 71.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101360 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity 2000 m3) ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101370 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity 3000 m3) ton 55.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101380 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity 5000 m3) ton 46.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101390 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity 7000 m3) ton 41.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101400 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity 10000 m3) ton 38.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101410 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity 20000 m3) ton 35.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101420 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity 30000 m3) ton 31.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101430 Fabrication of Dom Roof Tanks (Capacity 50000 m3) ton 31.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101440 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity upto 40 m3) ton 219.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101450 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity 50 m3) ton 219.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101460 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity 100 m3) ton 204.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101470 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity 200 m3) ton 173.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101480 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity 300 m3) ton 160.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101490 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity 500 m3) ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101500 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity 800 m3) ton 144.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101510 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity 1000 m3) ton 109.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101520 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity upto 100 m3) ton 274.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101530 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 200 m3) ton 246.0000
Sub CCTR- 223101540 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 300 m3) ton 235.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101550 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 500 m3) ton 219.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101560 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 800 m3) ton 196.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101570 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 1000 m3) ton 186.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101580 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 2000 m3) ton 156.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101590 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 3000 m3) ton 133.0000

Sub CCTR- 223101600 Fabrication of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 5000 m3) ton 117.0000

CCTR- 22320 Erection of Tanks (CS)

Sub CCTR- 223201010 Erection of Floating Roof Tanks (Capacity upto 800 m3) ton 300.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201020 Erection of Floating Roof Tanks (Capacity 1000 m3) ton 245.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201030 Erection of Floating Roof Tanks (Capacity 2000 m3) ton 180.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201040 Erection of Floating Roof Tanks (Capacity 3000 m3) ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201050 Erection of Floating Roof Tanks (Capacity 5000 m3) ton 125.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201060 Erection of Floating Roof Tanks (Capacity 7000 m3) ton 113.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201070 Erection of Floating Roof Tanks (Capacity 10000 m3) ton 81.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201080 Erection of Floating Roof Tanks (Capacity 20000 m3) ton 75.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201090 Erection of Floating Roof Tanks (Capacity 30000 m3) ton 68.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201100 Erection of Floating Roof Tanks (Capacity 50000 m3) ton 63.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201110 Erection of Floating Roof Tanks (Capacity 80000 m3) ton 58.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201120 Erection of Floating Roof Tanks (Capacity 100000 m3) ton 55.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201130 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity upto 40 m3) ton 300.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201140 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 50 m3) ton 250.0000
Sub CCTR- 223201150 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 100 m3) ton 230.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201160 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 200 m3) ton 215.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201170 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 300 m3) ton 200.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201180 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 500 m3) ton 158.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201190 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 800 m3) ton 145.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201200 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 1000 m3) ton 125.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201210 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 2000 m3) ton 108.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201220 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 3000 m3) ton 93.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201230 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 5000 m3) ton 76.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201240 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 7000 m3) ton 70.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201250 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 10000 m3) ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201260 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 20000 m3) ton 58.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201270 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 30000 m3) ton 53.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201280 Erection of Conical Roof Tanks (Capacity 50000 m3) ton 48.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201290 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity upto 50 m3) ton 250.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201300 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity 100 m3) ton 230.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201310 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity 200 m3) ton 215.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201320 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity 300 m3) ton 200.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201330 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity 500 m3) ton 158.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201340 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity 800 m3) ton 145.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201350 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity 1000 m3) ton 140.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201360 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity 2000 m3) ton 118.0000
Sub CCTR- 223201370 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity 3000 m3) ton 108.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201380 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity 5000 m3) ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201390 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity 7000 m3) ton 83.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201400 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity 10000 m3) ton 75.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201410 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity 20000 m3) ton 68.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201420 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity 30000 m3) ton 63.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201430 Erection of Dome Roof Tanks (Capacity 50000 m3) ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201440 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity upto 40 m3) ton 350.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201450 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity 50 m3) ton 350.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201460 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity 100 m3) ton 325.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201470 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity 200 m3) ton 275.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201480 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity 300 m3) ton 255.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201490 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity 500 m3) ton 240.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201500 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity 800 m3) ton 230.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201510 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Propane (Capacity 1000 m3) ton 175.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201520 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity upto 100 m3) ton 350.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201530 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 200 m3) ton 315.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201540 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 300 m3) ton 300.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201550 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 500 m3) ton 280.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201560 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 800 m3) ton 250.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201570 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 1000 m3) ton 238.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201580 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 2000 m3) ton 200.0000
Sub CCTR- 223201590 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 3000 m3) ton 170.0000

Sub CCTR- 223201600 Erection of Sphere Tanks-Butane (Capacity 5000 m3) ton 150.0000

G- 224 Insulation

CCTR- 22410 Hot Insulation

Sub CCTR- 224100001 Hot Insulation of Piping, Single Layer m2 3.6000

Sub CCTR- 224100002 Hot Insulation of Piping, Double Layer m2 5.6000

Sub CCTR- 224100003 Hot Insulation of Valves, Single Layer m2 4.2000

Sub CCTR- 224101040 Hot Insulation of Valve, Double Layer m2 6.7000

Sub CCTR- 224101050 Hot Insulation of Equipment, Single Layer m2 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 22410144A Hot Insulation of Equipment, Double Layer m2 4.8000

CCTR- 22420 Cold Insulation

Sub CCTR- 224201010 Cold Insulation of Pipe, Single Layer m2 7.0000

Sub CCTR- 224201020 Cold Insulation of Pipe, Double layer m2 11.2000

Sub CCTR- 224201030 Cold Insulation of Valves, Single Layer m2 8.4000

Sub CCTR- 224201040 Cold Insulation of Valves, Double Layer m2 13.4000

Sub CCTR- 224201050 Cold Insulation of Equipment, Single Layer m2 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 224201060 Cold Insulation of Equipment, Double Layer m2 9.6000

CCTR- 22430 Insulation Jacketing / Cladding

Sub CCTR- 224301010 Insulation Jacketing / Cladding Work Of Piping m2 3.6000

Sub CCTR- 224301020 Insulation Jacketing / Cladding Work of Pipe Fittings and Valves m2 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 224301030 Insulation Jacketing / Cladding Work of Equipment m2 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 224301040 Dismantling of Insulation/ Cladding m2 2.0000

CCTR- 22440 Fire Proofing

Sub CCTR- 224400010 Placing of fire proofing on equipment (50 mm thk) by crane m2 2.8500

Sub CCTR- 224400020 Placing of fire proofing on structure (50 mm thk) by crane m2 3.6000

G- 225 Surface Preparation/Painting/Coating/Lining

CCTR- 22510 Surface Preparation

Sub CCTR- 225101020 Surface Preparation : Power Tool Cleaning at Ground m2 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 225101040 Surface Preparation : Near White Metal Sa 2.5 at Ground m2 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 225101050 Surface Preparation : White Metal Sa 3.0 at Ground m2 0.8000

Sub CCTR- 225101070 Surface Preparation : Power Tool Cleaning at Field m2 0.8000

Sub CCTR- 225101090 Surface Preparation : Near White Metal Sa 2.5 at Field m2 0.7000

Sub CCTR- 225101100 Surface Preparation : White Metal Sa 3.0 at Field m2 1.0000

CCTR- 22520 Painting

Sub CCTR- 225201110 Painting : Single Coat with Brush/Roller at Ground m2 0.2500

Sub CCTR- 225201120 Painting : Single Coat with Spray Gun at Ground m2 0.1500

Sub CCTR- 225201150 Painting : Single Coat with Brush/Roller at Field m2 0.4000

Sub CCTR- 225201160 Painting : Single Coat with Spray Gun at Field m2 0.2000

Sub CCTR- 225201170 Application of Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating m2 0.4500

CCTR- 22530 Coat/Wrap/Rubber Lining/Cement Lining (Excluding Surface Preparation

Sub CCTR- 225301010 Coat/Wrap Polyken Tape Inner and Outer Wrap (Excluding Surface Preparation) m2 2.4000

Sub CCTR- 225301020 Bitumen Coat/Wrap (Excluding Surface Preparation) m2 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 225301030 Heat Shrink Coating (Excluding Surface Preparation) m2 1.8000

Sub CCTR- 225301040 Rubber Lining (Excluding Surface Preparation) m2 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 225301050 Cement Lining (Excluding Surface Preparation) m2 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 225301060 Application of Phenolic internal Pipe Coating m2 0.4500

G- 226 Cross Country Pipeline

CCTR- 22605 Pipeline Dia 04"

Sub CCTR- 226051240 Dewatering m 0.0750

CCTR- 22690 Pipeline Dia 24"

Sub CCTR- 226900010 Stringing Pipe ton 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 226900050 Lowering in m 0.1875

Sub CCTR- 226900070 Anchor Flanges nos 20.0000

G- 227 Conveyors & Elevators

CCTR- 22710 Conveyors Erection

Sub CCTR- 227101010 Erection of Conveyors (Belt Conveyors) ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 227101020 Erection of Conveyors (Chain Conveyors) ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 227101030 Erection of Conveyors (Screw Conveyors) ton 75.0000

Sub CCTR- 227101050 Erection of Conveyors (Air Slide Conveyors) ton 75.0000

Sub CCTR- 227101060 Erection of Conveyors (Apron Feeder) ton 75.0000

Sub CCTR- 227101070 Dismantling of Conveyors ton 25.0000

CCTR- 22720 Elevator Erection

Sub CCTR- 227201010 Erection of Elevators (Belt Elevators) ton 75.0000

Sub CCTR- 227201020 Erection of Elevators (Bucket Elevators) ton 75.0000

Sub CCTR- 227201030 Erection of Lifts ton 75.0000

Sub CCTR- 227201040 Dismantling of Elevators ton 25.0000

G- 228 Precommissioning & Commissioning

CCTR- 22810 Precommissioning

Sub CCTR- 228100001 Precommissioning mhr 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 228100002 Chemical Cleanining Lot 0.0000

CCTR- 22820 Commissioning

Sub CCTR- 228200001 Commissioning mhr 100.0000

G- 229 Test & Calibration

CCTR- 22900 Inspection/Testing/Flushing & Calibration

Sub CCTR- 229001010 Pressure Testing of Piping (Hydro Testing) lbs 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 229001020 Pressure Testing of Equipment (Hydro Testing) nos 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 229001030 Pressure Testing of Equipment (Pneumatic Testing) nos 40.0000

Sub CCTR- 229001050 Calibration of Tanks nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 229001060 Pigging and Flushing Pipeline ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 229001070 Pigging and Flushing Pipeline lbs 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 229001080 Purging and Blanking lbs 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 229001090 Chemical Cleaning and Flushing m3 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 229001100 Flushing and Drying - 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 229001110 Post Weld Heat Treatment (Stress Reliving) of Piping nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 229001120 Post Weld Heat Treatment (Stress Reliving) of Tanks m2 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 229001130 Holiday Detection m2 0.2500

Sub CCTR- 229001140 Magnetic Particle Test nos 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 229001150 Hardness Test m 0.0000

CCTR- 22910 Hydrotesting of Tanks

Sub CCTR- 229100001 Hydrotesting of Tanks More than 2500 cubic meter m3 0.2500

CCTR- 22940 Non Destructive Testing of Tanks

Sub CCTR- 229400010 NON DESTRUCTIVE TEST OF TANKS nos 0.8000

CCTR- 22950 Non Destructive Testing of Equipment

Sub CCTR- 229500001 Non Destructive Testing of Equipment m2 0.0000

CCTR- 22960 Dye Penetrant Test of Tanks

Sub CCTR- 229600001 Dye Penetrant Test of Tanks m2 0.0000

D- 23 Piping

G- 231 Piping Carbon Steel

CCTR- 23110 Fabrication and Erection of CS Piping Dia Less Than 2"

Sub CCTR- 231100000 Fabrication and Erection of Piping Around Equipment ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 231100001 Erection of CS Piping Dia less than 2" (To be Deleted) ton 600.0000

Sub CCTR- 231100002 Equipment for Special Criteria CS Piping Dia less than 2" ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 231100003 Dismantling of Piping Dia less Than 2" ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 231100110 Fabrication and Erection of CS piping Dia Less Than 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) Around Equipment ton 1,100.0000

Sub CCTR- 231100210 Fabrication and Erection of CS piping Dia Less Than 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) At Rack ton 800.0000

Sub CCTR- 231100310 Fabrication and Erection of CS piping Dia Less Than 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) At Sleeper ton 700.0000

Sub CCTR- 231100410 Fabrication and Erection of CS piping Dia Less Than 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) Under Ground ton 850.0000

Sub CCTR- 231109999 Special Criteria for Erection of CS Fitting and Valves nos 0.0000

CCTR- 23120 Fabrication of CS Piping Dia 2" and Above.

Sub CCTR- 231200000 Fabrication and Erection of Piping At Rack ton 0.0000
Sub CCTR- 231200001 Fabrication of C.S. Piping Dia 2" and above. ton 110.0000

Sub CCTR- 231200002 Equipmen for Special Criteria Fabrication of CS Piping Dia 2" and above ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 231200010 Fabrication of CS piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) ton 140.0000

Sub CCTR- 231200020 Fabrication of CS piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) ton 110.0000

Sub CCTR- 231200030 Fabrication of CS piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 231200040 Fabrication of CS piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) ton 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 231200050 Fabrication of CS piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) ton 40.0000

Sub CCTR- 231200060 Fabrication of CS piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) ton 36.0000

Sub CCTR- 231200065 Fabrication of CS piping Sch. 40 (Std.) inch dia 1.6000

Sub CCTR- 231200070 Fabrication of CS piping Sch. 80 inch dia 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 231200075 Fabrication of CS piping Sch. 120 inch dia 2.6000

Sub CCTR- 231200080 Fabrication of CS piping Sch. 160 inch dia 3.4000

Sub CCTR- 231200085 Fabrication of CS piping Sch. XXS inch dia 4.4000

Sub CCTR- 231209999 Special Criteria for Erection of CS Fitting and Valves nos 0.0000

CCTR- 23130 Erection of CS Piping Dia 2" and Above.

Sub CCTR- 231300000 Fabrication and Erection of Piping At Sleeper ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300001 Erection of CS. Piping Dia 2" and above. ton 117.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300002 Equipment for Special Criteria Erection of CS Piping Dia 2" and above. ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300003 Tie-inns inch dia 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300004 Dismantling of Piping Dia 2" and above ton 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300110 Erection of CS Piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) Around Equipment ton 280.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300120 Erection of CS Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) Around Equipment ton 220.0000
Sub CCTR- 231300130 Erection of CS Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) Around Equipment ton 160.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300140 Erection of CS Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) Around Equipment ton 110.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300150 Erection of CS Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) Around Equipment ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300160 Erection of CS Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) Around Equipment ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300165 Erection of CS Piping Sch.40 Around Equipment inch dia 7.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300170 Erection of CS Piping Sch.80 Around Equipment inch dia 8.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300175 Erection of CS Piping Sch.120 Around Equipment inch dia 9.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300180 Erection of CS Piping Sch. 160 Around Equipment inch dia 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300185 Erection of CS Piping Sch. XXS Around Equipment inch dia 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300210 Erection of CS Piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) At Rack ton 180.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300220 Erection of CS Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) At Rack ton 140.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300230 Erection of CS Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) At Rack ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300240 Erection of CS Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) At Rack ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300250 Erection of CS Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) At Rack ton 70.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300260 Erection of CS Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) At Rack ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300265 Erection of CS Piping Sch. 40 At Rack inch dia 5.6000

Sub CCTR- 231300270 Erection of CS Piping Sch. 80 At Rack inch dia 6.4000

Sub CCTR- 231300275 Erection of CS Piping Sch. 120 At Rack inch dia 7.2000

Sub CCTR- 231300280 Erection of CS Piping Sch. 160 At Rack inch dia 8.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300285 Erection of CS Piping Sch. XXS At Rack inch dia 9.6000

Sub CCTR- 231300310 Erection of CS Piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) At Sleeper ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300320 Erection of CS Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) At Sleeper ton 120.0000
Sub CCTR- 231300330 Erection of CS Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) At Sleeper ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300340 Erection of CS Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) At Sleeper ton 70.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300350 Erection of CS Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) At Sleeper ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300360 Erection of CS Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) At Sleeper ton 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300365 Erection of CS Piping Sch. 40 At Sleeper inch dia 5.1000

Sub CCTR- 231300370 Erection of CS Piping Sch. 80 At Sleeper inch dia 5.8000

Sub CCTR- 231300375 Erection of CS Piping Sch. 120 At Sleeper inch dia 6.5000

Sub CCTR- 231300380 Erection of CS Piping Sch. 160 At Sleeper inch dia 7.2000

Sub CCTR- 231300385 Erection of CS Piping Sch. XXS At Sleeper inch dia 8.6000

Sub CCTR- 231300410 Erection of CS Piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) Under Ground ton 225.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300420 Erection of CS Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) Under Ground ton 175.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300430 Erection of CS Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) Under Ground ton 125.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300440 Erection of CS Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) Under Ground ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300450 Erection of CS Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) Under Ground ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 231300460 Erection of CS Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) Under Ground ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 231309999 Special Criteria for Erection of CS Fitting and Valves nos 0.0000

CCTR- 23140 Fabrication and Erection of Piping

Sub CCTR- 231400000 Fabrication and Erection of Piping Under Ground ton 0.0000

G- 232 Piping Alloy Steel

CCTR- 23210 Fabrication and Erection of AS Piping Dia Less than 2"

Sub CCTR- 232100000 Fabrication of Piping Dia 2" and Above. ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 232100001 Erection of AS Piping Dia less than 2" ton 1,000.0000
Sub CCTR- 232100002 Equipment for Special Criteria, AS Piping Dia less than 2" ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 232100110 Fabrication and Erection of AS Piping Dia less Then 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) Around Equipment ton 1,800.0000

Sub CCTR- 232100210 Fabrication and Erection of AS Piping Dia less Then 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) At Rack ton 1,300.0000

Sub CCTR- 232100310 Fabrication and Erection of AS Piping Dia less Then 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) At Sleeper ton 1,100.0000

Sub CCTR- 232100410 Fabrication and Erection of AS Piping Dia less Then 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) Under Ground ton 1,400.0000

Sub CCTR- 232109999 Special Criteria for Erection of AS Fittings and Valves nos 0.0000

CCTR- 23220 Fabrication of AS Piping Dia 2" and above.

Sub CCTR- 232200000 Special Criteria for A.S. Piping Fabrication Greater than 2" Dia ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 232200001 Fabrication of A.S. Pipe greater than 2" Dia Pipe ton 180.0000

Sub CCTR- 232200002 Equipment for Special Criteria, Fab. AS piping greater than 2" Dia ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 232200010 Fabrication of AS Piping Dia 2 "- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) ton 220.0000

Sub CCTR- 232200020 Fabrication of AS Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) ton 180.0000

Sub CCTR- 232200030 Fabrication of AS Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) ton 130.0000

Sub CCTR- 232200040 Fabrication of AS Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 232200050 Fabrication of AS Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) ton 70.0000

Sub CCTR- 232200060 Fabrication of AS Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) ton 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 232200065 Fabrication of AS piping Sch. 40 (Std.) inch dia 3.2000

Sub CCTR- 232200070 Fabrication of AS piping Sch. 80 inch dia 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 232200075 Fabrication of AS piping Sch. 120 inch dia 5.2000

Sub CCTR- 232200080 Fabrication of AS piping Sch. 160 inch dia 6.8000

Sub CCTR- 232200085 Fabrication of AS piping Sch. XXS inch dia 8.8000

Sub CCTR- 232209999 Special Criteria for Erection of AS Fitting and Valves nos 0.0000
CCTR- 23230 Erection of AS Piping Dia 2" and Above.

Sub CCTR- 232300000 Special Criteria for Erection of A.S. Pipe greater than 2" Dia ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300001 Erection of A.S. Pipe greater than 2" Dia ton 151.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300002 Equipment for Special Critera, Erect. AS piping greater than 2" Dia ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300110 Erection of AS Piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) Around Equipment ton 450.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300120 Erection of AS Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) Around Equipment ton 350.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300130 Erection of AS Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) Around Equipment ton 260.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300140 Erection of AS Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) Around Equipment ton 180.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300150 Erection of AS Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) Around Equipment ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300160 Erection of AS Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) Around Equipment ton 130.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300165 Erection of AS Piping Sch. 40 Around Equipment inch dia 8.8000

Sub CCTR- 232300170 Erection of AS Piping Sch. 80 Around Equipment inch dia 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300175 Erection of AS Piping Sch. 120 Around Equipment inch dia 11.5000

Sub CCTR- 232300180 Erection of AS Piping Sch. 160 Around Equipment inch dia 13.1000

Sub CCTR- 232300185 Erection of AS Piping Sch. XXS Around Equipment inch dia 15.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300210 Erection of AS Piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) At Rack ton 290.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300220 Erection of AS Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) At Rack ton 225.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300230 Erection of AS Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) At Rack ton 160.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300240 Erection of AS Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) At Rack ton 130.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300250 Erection of AS Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) At RackT ton 110.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300260 Erection of AS Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) At Rack ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300265 Erection of AS Piping Sch. 40 At Rack inch dia 7.0000
Sub CCTR- 232300270 Erection of AS Piping Sch. 80 At Rack inch dia 8.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300275 Erection of AS Piping Sch. 120 At Rack inch dia 9.2000

Sub CCTR- 232300280 Erection of AS Piping Sch. 160 At Rack inch dia 10.5000

Sub CCTR- 232300285 Erection of AS Piping Sch. XXS At Rack inch dia 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300310 Erection of AS Piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) At Sleeper ton 240.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300320 Erection of AS Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) At Sleeper ton 190.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300330 Erection of AS Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) At Sleeper ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300340 Erection of AS Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) At Sleeper ton 110.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300350 Erection of AS Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) At Sleeper ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300360 Erection of AS Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) At Sleeper ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300365 Erection of AS Piping Sch. 40 At Sleeper inch dia 6.3000

Sub CCTR- 232300370 Erection of AS Piping Sch. 80 At Sleeper inch dia 7.2000

Sub CCTR- 232300375 Erection of AS Piping Sch. 120 At Sleeper inch dia 8.3000

Sub CCTR- 232300380 Erection of AS Piping Sch. 160 At Sleeper inch dia 9.4000

Sub CCTR- 232300385 Erection of AS Piping Sch. XXS At Sleeper inch dia 10.8000

Sub CCTR- 232300410 Erection of AS Piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) Under Ground ton 360.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300420 Erection of AS Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) Under Ground ton 280.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300430 Erection of AS Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) Under Ground ton 200.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300440 Erection of AS Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) Under Ground ton 160.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300450 Erection of AS Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) Under Ground ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 232300460 Erection of AS Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) Under Ground ton 130.0000

Sub CCTR- 232309999 Special Criteria for Erection of AS Fitting and Valves nos 0.0000
G- 233 Piping Stainless Steel

CCTR- 23310 Fabrication and Erection of SS Piping Dia less than 2"

Sub CCTR- 233100000 Erection of Piping Dia 2" and Above Around Equipment ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 233100001 Erection of SS Piping Dia less than 2" ton 900.0000

Sub CCTR- 233100002 Equipment for Special Criteria, SS Piping Dia less than 2" ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 233100110 Fabrication and Erection of SS Piping Dia less than 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) Around Equipment ton 1,450.0000

Sub CCTR- 233100210 Fabrication and Erection of SS Piping Dia less than 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) At Rack ton 1,050.0000

Sub CCTR- 233100310 Fabrication and Erection of SS Piping Dia less than 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) At Sleeper ton 900.0000

Sub CCTR- 233100410 Fabrication and Erection of SS Piping Dia less than 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) Under Ground ton 1,100.0000

Sub CCTR- 233109999 Erection of Fittings and Valves nos 0.0000

CCTR- 23320 Fabrication of SS Piping Dia 2" and above.

Sub CCTR- 233200000 Erection of Piping Dia 2" and Above At Rack ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 233200001 Fabrication of SS Piping Dia 2" and above. ton 180.0000

Sub CCTR- 233200002 Equipment for Special Criteria, Fab. SS Piping Dia 2" and above. ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 233200010 Fabrication of SS Piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) ton 180.0000

Sub CCTR- 233200020 Fabrication of SS Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) ton 140.0000

Sub CCTR- 233200030 Fabrication of SS Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 233200040 Fabrication of SS Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) ton 70.0000

Sub CCTR- 233200050 Fabrication of SS Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) ton 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 233200060 Fabrication of SS Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) ton 46.0000

Sub CCTR- 233200065 Fabrication of SS piping Sch. 5S inch dia 2.1000

Sub CCTR- 233200070 Fabrication of SS piping Sch. 10S inch dia 2.7000
Sub CCTR- 233200080 Fabrication of SS piping Sch. 40S inch dia 3.5000

Sub CCTR- 233200085 Fabrication of SS piping Sch. 80S inch dia 4.6000

Sub CCTR- 233209999 Special Criteria for Erection of SS Fitting and Valves nos 0.0000

CCTR- 23330 Erection of SS Piping Dia 2" and above.

Sub CCTR- 233300000 Erection of Piping Dia 2" and Above At Sleeper ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300001 Erection of SS Piping Dia 2" and above. ton 130.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300002 Equipment for Special Criteria, Erection of SS Piping Dia 2" and above. ton 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300110 Erection of SS Piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) Around Equipment ton 360.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300120 Erection of SS Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) Around Equipment ton 290.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300130 Erection of SS Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) Around Equipment ton 210.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300140 Erection of SS Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) Around Equipment ton 140.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300150 Erection of SS Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) Around Equipment ton 120.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300160 Erection of SS Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) Around Equipment ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300165 Erection of SS Piping Sch 5S Around Equipment inch dia 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300170 Erection of SS Piping Sch 10S Around Equipment inch dia 6.7000

Sub CCTR- 233300175 Erection of SS Piping Sch 40S Around Equipment inch dia 8.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300180 Erection of SS Piping Sch 80S Around Equipment inch dia 9.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300210 Erection of SS Piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) At Rack ton 240.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300220 Erection of SS Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) At Rack ton 180.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300230 Erection of SS Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) At Rack ton 130.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300240 Erection of SS Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) At Rack ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300250 Erection of SS Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) At Rack ton 90.0000
Sub CCTR- 233300260 Erection of SS Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) At Rack ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300265 Erection of SS Piping Sch 5S At Rack inch dia 4.8000

Sub CCTR- 233300270 Erection of SS Piping Sch 10S At Rack inch dia 5.4000

Sub CCTR- 233300275 Erection of SS Piping Sch 40S At Rack inch dia 6.4000

Sub CCTR- 233300280 Erection of SS Piping Sch 80S At Rack inch dia 7.2000

Sub CCTR- 233300310 Erection of SS Piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) At Sleeper ton 200.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300320 Erection of SS Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) At Sleeper ton 160.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300330 Erection of SS Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) At Sleeper ton 120.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300340 Erection of SS Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) At Sleeper ton 90.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300350 Erection of SS Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) At Sleeper ton 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300360 Erection of SS Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) At Sleeper ton 70.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300365 Erection of SS Piping Sch 5S At Sleeper inch dia 4.3000

Sub CCTR- 233300370 Erection of SS Piping Sch 10S At Sleeper inch dia 4.8000

Sub CCTR- 233300375 Erection of SS Piping Sch 40S At Sleeper inch dia 5.8000

Sub CCTR- 233300380 Erection of SS Piping Sch 80S At Sleeper inch dia 6.5000

Sub CCTR- 233300410 Erection of SS Piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) Under Ground ton 290.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300420 Erection of SS Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) Under Ground ton 230.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300430 Erection of SS Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) Under Ground ton 160.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300440 Erection of SS Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) Under Ground ton 130.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300450 Erection of SS Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) Under Ground ton 120.0000

Sub CCTR- 233300460 Erection of SS Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) Under Ground ton 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 233309999 Special Criteria for Erection of SS Fitting and Valves nos 0.0000
CCTR- 23340 Erection of Piping

Sub CCTR- 233400000 Erection of Piping Dia 2" and Above Underground ton 0.0000

G- 234 Piping Non Ferrous

CCTR- 23410 Fabrication and Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia Less than 2"

Sub CCTR- 234100001 Radiography (X-Ray) of Piping 10*24cm at Fabshop nos 0.4000

Sub CCTR- 234100002 Radiography (X-Ray) of Piping 10*24cm at Erection site nos 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 234100003 Radiography of Piping 10*48cm at Fabshop nos 0.4000

Sub CCTR- 234100004 Radiography of Piping 10*48cm at Erection site nos 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 234100110 Fabrication and Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia Less Than 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) Around Equip ton 3,180.0000

Sub CCTR- 234100210 Fabrication and Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia Less Than 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) At Rack ton 2,120.0000

Sub CCTR- 234100310 Fabrication and Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia Less Than 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) At Sleeper ton 1,860.0000

Sub CCTR- 234100410 Fabrication and Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia Less Than 2" (Avg. Dia 1-1/4" SWT) Under Ground ton 2,650.0000

CCTR- 23420 Fabrication of Non Ferrous piping Dia 2" and Above

Sub CCTR- 234200001 PWHT & Stress Relieving at Shop inch dia 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 234200002 PWHT & Stress Relieving At Site inch dia 1.2000

Sub CCTR- 234200010 Fabrication of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) ton 370.0000

Sub CCTR- 234200020 Fabrication of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) ton 290.0000

Sub CCTR- 234200030 Fabrication of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) ton 210.0000

Sub CCTR- 234200040 Fabrication of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) ton 130.0000

Sub CCTR- 234200050 Fabrication of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) ton 110.0000

Sub CCTR- 234200060 Fabrication of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) ton 100.0000

CCTR- 23430 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 2" and Above
Sub CCTR- 234300110 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) Around Equipment ton 700.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300120 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) Around Equipment ton 550.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300130 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) Around Equipment ton 400.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300140 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) Around Equipment ton 280.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300150 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) Around Equipment ton 230.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300160 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) Around Equipment ton 200.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300210 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) At Rack ton 450.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300220 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) At Rack ton 350.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300230 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) At Rack ton 250.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300240 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) At Rack ton 200.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300250 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) At Rack ton 180.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300260 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) At Rack ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300310 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) At Sleeper ton 380.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300320 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 8"- 12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) At Sleeper ton 300.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300330 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) At Sleeper ton 230.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300340 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) At Sleeper ton 180.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300350 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) At Sleeper ton 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300360 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) At Sleeper ton 130.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300410 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 2"- 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) Under Ground ton 560.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300420 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) Under Ground ton 440.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300430 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) Under Ground ton 310.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300440 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) Under Ground ton 250.0000
Sub CCTR- 234300450 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) Under Ground ton 230.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300460 Erection of Non Ferrous piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) Under Ground ton 200.0000

Sub CCTR- 234300470 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia < 2" (Avg. Dia 1 1/4" SWT) Around Equipment m 1.1200

Sub CCTR- 234300480 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 2" - 6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) Around Equipment m 2.2400

Sub CCTR- 234300490 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) Around Equipment m 3.5700

Sub CCTR- 234300500 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) Around Equipment m 5.4300

Sub CCTR- 234300510 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) Around Equipment m 6.6500

Sub CCTR- 234300520 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) Around Equipment m 7.8800

Sub CCTR- 234300530 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) Around Equipment m 9.8000

Sub CCTR- 234300540 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia < 2" (Avg. Dia 1 1/4" SWT) At Rack m 0.6200

Sub CCTR- 234300550 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 2"-6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) At Rack m 1.2300

Sub CCTR- 234300560 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) At Rack m 1.9600

Sub CCTR- 234300570 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) At Rack m 2.9800

Sub CCTR- 234300580 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) At Rack m 3.6600

Sub CCTR- 234300590 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) At Rack m 4.3300

Sub CCTR- 234300600 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) At Rack m 5.3900

Sub CCTR- 234300610 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia < 2" (Avg. Dia 1 1/4" SWT) At Sleeper m 0.5600

Sub CCTR- 234300620 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 2"-6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) At Sleeper m 1.1200

Sub CCTR- 234300630 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 8"-12" (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) At Sleeper m 1.7900

Sub CCTR- 234300640 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 14"-18" (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) At Sleeper m 2.7100

Sub CCTR- 234300650 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 20"-24" (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) At Sleeper m 3.3300

Sub CCTR- 234300660 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 26"-30" (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) At Sleeper m 3.4900
Sub CCTR- 234300670 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 32"-40" (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) At Sleeper m 4.9000

Sub CCTR- 234300680 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia <2" (Avg. Dia 1 1/4" SWT) Underground m 0.8000

Sub CCTR- 234300690 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 2"-6" (Avg. Dia 4" SWT) Underground m 1.6500

Sub CCTR- 234300700 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 8"-12 (Avg. Dia 10" SWT) Underground m 2.6300

Sub CCTR- 234300710 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 14"-18 (Avg. Dia 16" SWT) Underground m 3.6500

Sub CCTR- 234300720 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 20"-24 (Avg. Dia 22" SWT) Underground m 4.6300

Sub CCTR- 234300730 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 26"-30 (Avg. Dia 28" SWT) Underground m 5.3500

Sub CCTR- 234300740 Erection of Non Ferrous Piping Dia 32"-40 (Avg. Dia 36" SWT) Underground m 7.5400

CCTR- 23440 Positive Material Identification

Sub CCTR- 234400001 Positive Material Identification joints 1.0000

CCTR- 23450 Magnatic Particle Test

Sub CCTR- 234500001 Magnatic Particle Test m 0.0000

CCTR- 23460 Ferrite Tests

Sub CCTR- 234600001 Ferrite Tests joints 0.0000

CCTR- 23470 Ultrasonic Test

Sub CCTR- 234700001 Ultrasonic Test nos 0.0000

CCTR- 23480 Liquid Dye Penetrant Test

Sub CCTR- 234800010 Liquid Dye Penetrant Test inch dia 0.1000

G- 235 Testing of Piping

CCTR- 23510 Hydrotesting, Cleaning & Flushing of Piping

Sub CCTR- 235100010 Hydrotesting of Piping Dia Less Than 2" (1-1/4") m 0.5000

Sub CCTR- 235100020 Hydro-Testing of Piping Dia 2" and Above 2"-6" (4") m 0.6000
Sub CCTR- 235100030 Hydro-Testing of Piping Dia 2" and Above 8"-12" (10") m 0.7000

Sub CCTR- 235100040 Hydro-Testing of Piping Dia 2" and Above 14"-24" (20) m 0.8000

Sub CCTR- 235100050 Hydro-Testing of Piping Dia 2" and Above 26"-48" (36) m 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 235100060 Hydro-Testing of Piping Dia 2" and Above 50"-72" (60") m 1.4000

Sub CCTR- 235100070 Hydro-Testing of Piping Dia 2" and Above More than 72" (96") m 2.2000

Sub CCTR- 235100080 Cleaning and Flushing of Piping Dia Less Than 2" (1-1/4") m 0.3400

Sub CCTR- 235100090 Cleaning and Flushing of Piping Dia 2" and Above 2"-6" (4") m 0.4200

Sub CCTR- 235100100 Cleaning and Flushing of Piping Dia 2" and Above 8"-12" (10") m 0.5000

Sub CCTR- 235100110 Cleaning and Flushing of Piping Dia 2" and Above 14"-24" (20") m 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 235100120 Cleaning and Flushing of Piping Dia 2" and Above 26"-48" (36") m 0.7000

Sub CCTR- 235100130 Cleaning and Flushing of Piping Dia 2" and Above 50"-72" (60") m 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 235100140 Cleaning and Flushing of Piping Dia 2" and Above More than 72" (96") m 1.6000

CCTR- 23520 Field Testing of Valve

Sub CCTR- 235200010 Field Testing of Valves Dia Less Than 2" (1-1/4") nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 235200020 Field Testing of valves Dia 2" and Above 2"-6" (4") nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 235200030 Field Testing of valves Dia 2" and Above 8"-12" (10") nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 235200040 Field Testing of valves Dia 2" and Above 14"-24" (20") nos 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 235200050 Field Testing of valves Dia 2" and Above 26"-48" (36") nos 9.0000

Sub CCTR- 235200060 Field Testing of valves Dia 2" and Above 50"-72" (60") nos 14.0000

CCTR- 23530 Radiographic Testing of Piping

Sub CCTR- 235300010 Radiography of Piping 10x24 cm at Fabrication Shop nos 0.4000

Sub CCTR- 235300020 Radiography of Piping 10*48cm at Fabrication Shop nos 0.4000
Sub CCTR- 235300030 Radiography of Piping 10*24cm at Erection site nos 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 235300040 Radiography of Piping 10*48cm at Erection site nos 0.6000

CCTR- 23540 Post Weld Heat Treatment (Stress Reliving)

Sub CCTR- 235400010 Stress Relieving at Shop Piping Weld Joint Dia Less Than 2" (1-1/4") nos 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 235400020 Stress Relieving at Shop Piping Weld Joint Dia 2" and Above 2"-6" (4") nos 3.2000

Sub CCTR- 235400030 Stress Relieving at Shop Piping Weld Joint Dia 2" and Above 8"-12" (10") nos 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 235400040 Stress Relieving at Shop Piping Weld Joint Dia 2" and Above 14"-24" (20") nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 235400050 Stress Relieving at Shop Piping Weld Joint Dia 2" and Above 26"-48" (36") nos 16.2000

Sub CCTR- 235400060 Stress Relieving at Shop Piping Weld Joint Dia 2" and Above 50"-72" (60") nos 24.0000

Sub CCTR- 235400070 Stress Relieving at Shop Piping Weld Joint Dia 2" and Above More than 72" (96") nos 38.0000

Sub CCTR- 235400080 Stress Relieving at site Piping Weld joint Dia Less Than 2" (1-1/4") nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 235400090 Stress Relieving at Site Piping Weld Joint Dia 2" and Above 2"-6" (4") nos 6.4000

Sub CCTR- 235400100 Stress Relieving at Site Piping Weld Joint Dia 2" and Above 8"-12" (10") nos 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 235400110 Stress Relieving at Site Piping Weld Joint Dia 2" and Above 14"-24" (20") nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 235400120 Stress Relievingat Site Piping Weld Joint Dia 2" and Above 26"-48" (36") nos 32.4000

Sub CCTR- 235400130 Stress Relieving at Site Piping Weld Joint Dia 2" and Above 50"-72" (60") nos 48.0000

Sub CCTR- 235400140 Stress Relieving at Site Piping Weld Joint Dia 2" and Above More than 72" (96") nos 76.8000

CCTR- 23550 Other Tests for Piping

Sub CCTR- 235500010 Hardness Test nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 235500020 Positive Material Identification nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 235500030 Magnetic Partical Test m 5.4000

Sub CCTR- 235500040 Ferrite Test nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 235500050 Ultrasonic Test m 2.7000

Sub CCTR- 235500060 Liquid Dye Penetrant Test m 5.4000

G- 236 Hydrotesting of Piping

CCTR- 23610 Hydrotesting

Sub CCTR- 236100004 Hydrotesting of Piping Dia Less Than 2" (1-1/4") ton 110.0000

Sub CCTR- 236100005 Hydrotesting of Piping Dia 2" and Above 2"-6" (4") ton 38.0000

Sub CCTR- 236100006 Hydrotesting of Piping Dia 2" and Above 8"-12" (10") ton 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 236100007 Hydrotesting of Piping Dia 2" and Above 14"-18" (16") ton 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 236100008 Hydrotesting of Piping Dia 2" and Above 20"-24" (22") ton 8.0000

Sub CCTR- 236100010 Hydrotesting of Piping Dia 2" and Above 26"-30" (28") ton 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 236100011 Hydrotesting of Piping Dia 2" and Above 32"-40" (36") ton 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 236100012 Hydrotesting of Piping Dia 2" and Above Greater than 36" ton 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 236100013 Hydrotesting of Pipe Work set 38.0000

Sub CCTR- 236100014 Cleaning and Flushing of Pipe Work set 24.0000

G- 237 Handling

CCTR- 23710 Pipe Handling

Sub CCTR- 237100010 Pipe Handling dia 2" to 6" m 0.2400

Sub CCTR- 237100020 Pipe Handling dia 8" to 12" m 0.3600

Sub CCTR- 237100030 Pipe Handling dia 14" to 18" m 0.5100

Sub CCTR- 237100040 Pipe Handling dia 20" to 24" m 0.6600

Sub CCTR- 237100050 Pipe Handling dia 26" to 30" m 0.8500

Sub CCTR- 237100060 Pipe Handling dia 32" to 40" m 0.9800

CCTR- 23720 Fitting Handling

Sub CCTR- 237200010 Pipe Fittings Handling dia 2" to 6" nos 1.8800

Sub CCTR- 237200020 Pipe Fittings Handling dia 8" to 12" nos 2.6700

Sub CCTR- 237200030 Pipe Fittings Handling dia 14" to 18" nos 3.4500

Sub CCTR- 237200040 Pipe Fittings Handling dia 20" to 24" nos 4.4500

Sub CCTR- 237200050 Pipe Fittings Handling dia 26" to 30" nos 5.1300

Sub CCTR- 237200060 Pipe Fittings Handling dia 32" to 40" nos 6.2300

CCTR- 23730 Valve Handling

Sub CCTR- 237300010 Pipe Valves Handling < dia 2" nos 0.9000

Sub CCTR- 237300020 Pipe Valves Handling dia 2" to 6" nos 1.3000

Sub CCTR- 237300030 Pipe Valves Handling dia 8" to 12" nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 237300040 Pipe Valves Handling dia 14" to 18" nos 2.8000

Sub CCTR- 237300050 Pipe Valves Handling dia 20" to 24" nos 3.6000

Sub CCTR- 237300060 Pipe Valves Handling dia 26" to 30" nos 4.3000

Sub CCTR- 237300070 Pipe Valves Handling dia 32" to 40" nos 5.2000

G- 239 Extra / Idle Work & Supply to Client

CCTR- 23900 Misc. Work Erection

Sub CCTR- 239001010 Extra/Idle Work & Supply to Client - 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 239001020 Extra Work Mechanical - 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 239001030 Supply to Client - 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 239001040 Idle Work due to Company - 0.0000

Sub CCTR- 239001050 Idle Work due to Client - 0.0000

CCTR- 23910 Extra Work Mechanical

Sub CCTR- 239100000 Extra Work Mechanical - 0.0000

CCTR- 23940 Field testing of Valves

Sub CCTR- 239400061 Testing of Valve dia 6" # 150 nos 5.0000

D- 25 Electrical & Instrumentation

G- 251 In door-Electrical Switchgears, Grid Station Equipment etc.

CCTR- 25110 Electrical Panels All Kinds

Sub CCTR- 251100001 500 KV GIS switchgears nos 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 251100002 220/132 KV GIS switchgears nos 125.0000

Sub CCTR- 251100003 66 KV GIS switchgears nos 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 251100004 33/11 KV switchgears nos 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 251100005 6.6/3.3 KV switchgears nos 40.0000

Sub CCTR- 251100006 6.6/3.3 KV motor control centres nos 40.0000

Sub CCTR- 251100007 400 volt switchgears nos 35.0000

Sub CCTR- 251100008 Power factor improvemet plants nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 251100009 400V motor control centres nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 251100010 400/220V lighting distribution boards nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 251100011 400/220V lighting sub-distribution boards nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 251100012 400/220V small lighting DBs nos 15.0000

Sub CCTR- 251100013 Relay / annunciator / heater panel nos 20.0000

CCTR- 25120 Push Button Stations & Junction Boxes

Sub CCTR- 251200001 Push button on/off control switches nos 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 251200002 Junction boxes - small size nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 251200003 Junction boxes - medium size nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 251200004 Junction boxes - large size nos 4.0000

CCTR- 25130 Batteries & Chargers

Sub CCTR- 251300001 Battery chargers 230 Volts nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 251300002 Battery chargers 124 Volts nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 251300003 Battery chargers 48 Volts nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 251300004 Battery chargers 24 Volts nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 251300005 Inverters nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 251300006 Converters nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 251300007 Storage batteries for 220 Volts nos 500.0000

Sub CCTR- 251300008 Storage batteries for 124 Volts nos 450.0000

Sub CCTR- 251300009 Storage batteries for 48 Volts nos 400.0000

Sub CCTR- 251300010 Storage batteries for 24 Volts nos 350.0000

CCTR- 25140 Out-Door Grid Station Equipment

Sub CCTR- 251400001 400 KV 3-pole circuit breakers nos 120.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400002 220 KV 3-pole circuit breakers nos 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400003 132 KV 3-pole circuit breakers nos 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400004 400 KV 3-pole disconnecting switches nos 120.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400005 220 KV 3-pole disconnecting switches nos 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400006 132 KV 3-pole disconnecting switches nos 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400007 400 KV 3-pole disconnecting switches with earthing switch nos 120.0000
Sub CCTR- 251400008 220 KV 3-pole disconnecting switches with earthing switch nos 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400009 132 KV 3-pole disconnecting switches with earthing switch nos 80.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400010 400 KV 1-pole current transformer nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400011 220 KV 1-pole current transformer nos 25.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400012 132 KV 1-pole current transformer nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400013 400 KV 1-pole coupling capacitor voltage transformer nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400014 220 KV 1-pole coupling capacitor voltage transformer nos 25.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400015 132 KV 1-pole coupling capacitor voltage transformer nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400016 400 KV 1-pole surge arresters nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400017 220 KV 1-pole surge arresters nos 25.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400018 132 KV 1-pole surge arresters nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400019 400 KV 1-pole line traps nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400020 220 KV 1-pole line traps nos 25.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400021 132 KV 1-pole line traps nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400022 400 KV post insulators nos 15.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400023 220 KV post insulators nos 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400024 132 KV post insulators nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400025 400 KV insulator string nos 15.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400026 220 KV insulator string nos 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400027 132 KV insulator string nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400028 String insulator (20 KV per pcs) nos 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 251400029 Aluminium tabular bus bars m 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 251400030 ACSR conductor bus bars m 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 251400031 Misc. accessories set 500.0000

CCTR- 25150 Testing of Electrical Switchgears

Sub CCTR- 251500001 Testing of electrical switchgears all type set 500.0000

CCTR- 25160 Testing of Out-Door Grid Stations Equipment

Sub CCTR- 251600001 Testing of out-door and grid station equipment set 500.0000

G- 252 Power Transformers, Generators & Motors

CCTR- 25210 Power Transformers

Sub CCTR- 252100001 11/0.4 KV 25 - 50 KVA nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100002 11/0.4 KV 51 - 200 KVA nos 45.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100003 11/0.4 KV 201 - 630 KVA nos 75.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100004 11/0.4 KV 631 - 1500 KVA nos 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100005 11/0.4 KV 2000 - 4900 KVA nos 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100006 220/132/11 KV 5 - 20 MVA nos 250.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100007 220/132/11 KV 21 - 50 MVA nos 350.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100008 220/132/11 KV 51 - 100 MVA nos 450.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100009 220/132/11 KV 101 - 200 MVA nos 550.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100010 220/132/11 KV 201 - 350 MVA nos 600.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100011 220/132/11 KV 351 - 500 MVA nos 3,700.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100012 500/220/132 KV 21 - 50 MVA nos 350.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100013 500/220/132 KV 51 - 100 MVA nos 450.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100014 500/220/132 KV 101 - 200 MVA nos 550.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100015 500/220/132 KV 201 - 350 MVA nos 600.0000

Sub CCTR- 252100016 Dehydration of Transformer Oil Lot 50.0000

CCTR- 25220 Generators

Sub CCTR- 252200001 415 Volts diesel generators 25 - 100 KVA nos 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 252200002 415 Volts diesel generators 101 - 250 KVA nos 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 252200003 415 Volts diesel generators 251 - 500 KVA nos 200.0000

Sub CCTR- 252200004 415 Volts diesel generators 501 - 1000 KVA nos 300.0000

Sub CCTR- 252200005 415 Volts diesel generators 1001 - 2000 KVA nos 400.0000

Sub CCTR- 252200008 11/13.8 KV generators 2 - 5 MVA nos 300.0000

Sub CCTR- 252200009 11/13.8 KV generators 6 - 10 MVA nos 400.0000

Sub CCTR- 252200010 11/13.8 KV generators 11 - 20 MVA nos 500.0000

CCTR- 25230 Motors (Commissioning Only)

Sub CCTR- 252300001 400 Volts motors 1 - 4 KW nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 252300002 400 Volts motors 5 - 10 KW nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 252300003 400 Volts motors 11 - 20 KW nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 252300004 400 Volts motors 21 - 50 KW nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 252300005 400 Volts motors 51 - 100 KW nos 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 252300006 400 Volts motors 101 - 200 KW nos 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 252300007 400 Volts motors 201 - 350 KW nos 7.0000

Sub CCTR- 252300008 400 Volts motors 351 - 500 KW nos 8.0000

Sub CCTR- 252300009 11/6.6/3.3 KV motors 21 - 50 KW nos 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 252300010 11/6.6/3.3 KV motors 51 - 100 KW nos 7.0000

Sub CCTR- 252300011 11/6.6/3.3 KV motors 101 - 200 KW nos 8.0000

Sub CCTR- 252300012 11/6.6/3.3 KV motors 201 - 350 KW nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 252300013 11/6.6/3.3 KV motors 351 - 500 KW nos 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 252300014 11/6.6/3.3 KV motors 500 - 1000 KW nos 16.0000

Sub CCTR- 252300015 11/6.6/3.3 KV motors 1000 - 1500 KW nos 20.0000

CCTR- 25240 Testing of Transformers/Generators (Assisstance Only)

Sub CCTR- 252400001 Testing of power transformers/generators set 200.0000

G- 253 Metallic, Non-Metallic Conduits, Cable Trays & Racks

CCTR- 25310 Metallic and Non-Metallic Conduits (Excluding Supports)

Sub CCTR- 253100001 12 mm dia 1/2" GI conduit m 0.7000

Sub CCTR- 253100002 18 mm dia 3/4" GI conduit m 0.8000

Sub CCTR- 253100003 25 mm dia 1" GI conduit m 0.9000

Sub CCTR- 253100004 32 mm dia 1-1/4" GI conduit m 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 253100005 38 mm dia 1-1/2" GI conduit m 1.2000

Sub CCTR- 253100006 50 mm dia 2" GI conduit m 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 253100007 62 mm dia 2-1/2" GI conduit m 1.8000

Sub CCTR- 253100008 75 mm dia 3" GI conduit m 2.1000

Sub CCTR- 253100009 100 mm dia 4" GI conduit m 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 253100010 125 mm dia 5" GI conduit m 2.9000

Sub CCTR- 253100011 150 mm dia 6" GI conduit m 3.3000

Sub CCTR- 253100012 200 mm dia 8" GI conduit m 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 253100013 12 mm dia 1/2" PVC conduit m 0.1000

Sub CCTR- 253100014 18 mm dia 3/4" PVC conduit m 0.1000

Sub CCTR- 253100015 25 mm dia 1" PVC conduit m 0.1500

Sub CCTR- 253100016 32 mm dia 1-1/4" PVC conduit m 0.1500

Sub CCTR- 253100017 38 mm dia 1-1/2" PVC conduit m 0.2000

Sub CCTR- 253100018 50 mm dia 2" PVC conduit m 0.2000

Sub CCTR- 253100019 62 mm dia 2-1/2" PVC conduit m 0.2500

Sub CCTR- 253100020 75 mm dia 3" PVC conduit m 0.3000

Sub CCTR- 253100021 100 mm dia 4" PVC conduit m 0.4000

Sub CCTR- 253100022 125 mm dia 5" PVC conduit m 0.4000

Sub CCTR- 253100023 150 mm dia 6" PVC conduit m 0.4500

Sub CCTR- 253100024 200 mm dia 8" PVC conduit m 0.5000

Sub CCTR- 253100025 12 mm dia 1/2" flexible conduit m 0.5000

Sub CCTR- 253100026 18 mm dia 3/4" flexible conduit m 0.5000

Sub CCTR- 253100027 25 mm dia 1" flexible conduit m 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 253100028 32 mm dia 1-1/4" flexible conduit m 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 253100029 38 mm dia 1-1/2" flexible conduit m 0.7000

Sub CCTR- 253100030 50 mm dia 2" flexible conduit m 0.7000

Sub CCTR- 253100031 62 mm dia 2-1/2" flexible conduit m 0.9000

Sub CCTR- 253100032 75 mm dia 3" flexible conduit m 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 253100033 100 mm dia 4" flexible conduit m 1.1000

Sub CCTR- 253100034 125 mm dia 5" flexible conduit m 1.2000

Sub CCTR- 253100035 150 mm dia 6" flexible conduit m 1.3000

Sub CCTR- 253100036 200 mm dia 8" flexible conduit m 1.4000

Sub CCTR- 253100037 Miscellaneous Lot 50.0000

CCTR- 25320 Cable Trays and Ladders

Sub CCTR- 253200001 50 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 253200002 75 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 1.2500

Sub CCTR- 253200003 100 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 253200004 150 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 1.7500

Sub CCTR- 253200005 200 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 253200006 300 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 253200007 400 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 2.7500

Sub CCTR- 253200008 450 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 253200009 500 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 3.2500

Sub CCTR- 253200010 600 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 3.5000

Sub CCTR- 253200011 700 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 3.7500

Sub CCTR- 253200012 750 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 253200013 800 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 4.2500

Sub CCTR- 253200014 900 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 4.5000

Sub CCTR- 253200015 1000 mm width tray/ladder with prefabricated supports m 4.7500

Sub CCTR- 253200018 50 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 0.3000

Sub CCTR- 253200019 75 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 0.4000

Sub CCTR- 253200020 100 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 0.5000

Sub CCTR- 253200021 150 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 0.7000

Sub CCTR- 253200022 200 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 0.9000

Sub CCTR- 253200023 300 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 1.3000

Sub CCTR- 253200024 400 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 253200025 450 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 1.7000

Sub CCTR- 253200026 500 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 1.9000

Sub CCTR- 253200027 600 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 2.1000

Sub CCTR- 253200028 700 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 2.3000

Sub CCTR- 253200029 750 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 253200030 800 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 2.7000

Sub CCTR- 253200031 900 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 2.9000

Sub CCTR- 253200032 1000 mm width tray/ladder without supports m 3.1000

Sub CCTR- 253200035 50 mm width tray and ladder covers m 0.1000

Sub CCTR- 253200036 75 mm width tray and ladder covers m 0.1500

Sub CCTR- 253200037 100 mm width tray and ladder covers m 0.2000

Sub CCTR- 253200038 150 mm width tray and ladder covers m 0.2500

Sub CCTR- 253200039 200 mm width tray and ladder covers m 0.3000

Sub CCTR- 253200040 300 mm width tray and ladder covers m 0.3500

Sub CCTR- 253200041 400 mm width tray and ladder covers m 0.4000

Sub CCTR- 253200042 450 mm width tray and ladder covers m 0.4500

Sub CCTR- 253200043 500 mm width tray and ladder covers m 0.5000

Sub CCTR- 253200044 600 mm width tray and ladder covers m 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 253200045 700 mm width tray and ladder covers m 0.7000
Sub CCTR- 253200046 750 mm width tray and ladder covers m 0.7500

Sub CCTR- 253200047 800 mm width tray and ladder covers m 0.8000

Sub CCTR- 253200048 900 mm width tray and ladder covers m 0.9000

Sub CCTR- 253200049 1000 mm width tray and ladder covers m 1.0000

CCTR- 25330 Bus Tie Ducts (Without support)

Sub CCTR- 253300000 Testing By Asif m 45,555.0000

Sub CCTR- 253300001 11/13.8 KV bus tie ducts m 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 253300002 33/66 KV bus tie ducts m 15.0000

Sub CCTR- 253300003 132 KV bus tie ducts m 18.0000

Sub CCTR- 253300004 220 KV bus tie ducts m 21.0000

Sub CCTR- 253300005 400 KV bus tie ducts m 24.0000

CCTR- 25340 Testing of Bus Tie Ducts

Sub CCTR- 253400001 11/13.8 KV bus tie ducts set 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 253400002 33/66 KV bus tie ducts set 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 253400003 132 KV bus tie ducts set 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 253400004 220 KV bus tie ducts set 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 253400005 400 KV bus tie ducts set 40.0000

G- 254 Lighting, Small Power and Earthing Systems

CCTR- 25410 Light Fixtures All Type (Without support)

Sub CCTR- 254100001 Incandescant light fixtures on wall/ceiling all type nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100002 Flourescent light fixtures on wall/ceiling all type 1x40W nos 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 254100003 Flourescent light fixtures on wall/ceiling all type 2x40W nos 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 254100004 Mercury vap or sod lihgt on wall/ceiling upto 250W nos 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 254100005 Mercury vap or sod lihgt on wall/ceiling upto 400W nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100006 Street light fixtures flourescent all type 1x40W nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100007 Street light fixtures flourescent all type 2x40W nos 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 254100008 Street light fixtures mercury or sodium lights upto 125W nos 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 254100009 Street light fixtures mercury or sodium lights upto 250W nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100010 Flood/beam light incl. platforms all type upto 1000W nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100011 Fan ceiling / bracket all type/bulkhwad light/AC unit nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100012 Light switches / sockets 1-pole upto 15-A, all type nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100013 Light circuit breakers, 3-pole upto 100-A, all type nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100014 Light circuit breakers, 3-pole upto 600-A, all type nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100015 Welding sockets upto 100A nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100016 Light post erection 3-m nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100017 Street light pole erection 4-m nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100018 Street light pole erection 5-m nos 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100019 Street light pole erection 8-m nos 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100020 Street light pole erection 10-m nos 7.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100021 Street light pole erection 15-m nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100022 Street light pole erection 20-m nos 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 254100023 Aircraft warning light nos 20.0000

CCTR- 25420 Wiring of Light Points

Sub CCTR- 254200001 Wall/concealed 1-point, controlled by 1-switch nos 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 254200002 Wall/concealed 2-point, controlled by 1-switch nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 254200003 Wall/concealed 3-point, controlled by 1-switch nos 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 254200004 Wall/concealed 4-point, controlled by 1-switch nos 3.0000

CCTR- 25430 Earthing and Cathodic Protection Accessories

Sub CCTR- 254300001 Earth rod 16mm dia 3m long (to be inserted in ground) nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 254300002 Earth rod 16mm dia 3m long extension piece nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 254300003 Earth copper plate (2"x2"x2/8") and 16" deep nos 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 254300004 Earthing strip or dispatcher nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 254300005 Lightning spike/arrester nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 254300006 Earthing cadweld joints nos 1.5000

CCTR- 25440 Testing of Lighting & Earthing System

Sub CCTR- 254400001 Testing of lighting & earthing system set 50.0000

G- 255 Cable Laying and Termination

CCTR- 25510 Cable Laying

Sub CCTR- 255100001 70 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.2250

Sub CCTR- 255100002 95 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.2750

Sub CCTR- 255100003 120 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.3000

Sub CCTR- 255100004 150 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.3250

Sub CCTR- 255100005 185 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.3500

Sub CCTR- 255100006 240 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.3750

Sub CCTR- 255100007 300 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.4000

Sub CCTR- 255100008 400 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.5000
Sub CCTR- 255100009 500 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.5500

Sub CCTR- 255100010 630 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.6750

Sub CCTR- 255100011 35 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.3000

Sub CCTR- 255100012 50 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.4000

Sub CCTR- 255100013 70 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.4500

Sub CCTR- 255100014 95 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.5500

Sub CCTR- 255100015 120 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 255100016 150 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.6500

Sub CCTR- 255100017 185 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.7000

Sub CCTR- 255100018 240 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.7500

Sub CCTR- 255100019 300 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.8000

Sub CCTR- 255100020 400 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 255100021 500 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.1000

Sub CCTR- 255100022 630 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.3500

Sub CCTR- 255100023 1.5 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.0400

Sub CCTR- 255100024 2.5 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.0500

Sub CCTR- 255100025 4.0 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.0500

Sub CCTR- 255100026 6.0 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.0550

Sub CCTR- 255100027 10 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.0600

Sub CCTR- 255100028 16 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.0700

Sub CCTR- 255100029 25 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.0900

Sub CCTR- 255100030 35 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.1000

Sub CCTR- 255100031 50 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.1100

Sub CCTR- 255100032 70 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.1500

Sub CCTR- 255100033 95 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.1750

Sub CCTR- 255100034 120 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.2000

Sub CCTR- 255100035 150 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.2500

Sub CCTR- 255100036 185 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.3000

Sub CCTR- 255100037 240 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.3500

Sub CCTR- 255100038 300 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.4000

Sub CCTR- 255100039 400 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.4500

Sub CCTR- 255100040 500 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.5000

Sub CCTR- 255100041 630 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 255100042 1.5 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.0800

Sub CCTR- 255100043 2.5 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.1000

Sub CCTR- 255100044 4.0 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.1000

Sub CCTR- 255100045 6.0 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.1100

Sub CCTR- 255100046 10 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.1200

Sub CCTR- 255100047 16 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.1400

Sub CCTR- 255100048 25 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.1600

Sub CCTR- 255100049 35 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.2000

Sub CCTR- 255100050 50 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.2200

Sub CCTR- 255100051 70 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.3000

Sub CCTR- 255100052 95 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.3500

Sub CCTR- 255100053 120 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.4000

Sub CCTR- 255100054 150 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.5000

Sub CCTR- 255100055 185 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 255100056 240 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.7000

Sub CCTR- 255100057 300 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.8000

Sub CCTR- 255100058 400 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.9000

Sub CCTR- 255100059 500 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 255100060 630 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.2000

Sub CCTR- 255100061 1-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.0400

Sub CCTR- 255100062 2-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.0500

Sub CCTR- 255100063 3-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.0800

Sub CCTR- 255100064 4-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.0800

Sub CCTR- 255100065 5-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.0900

Sub CCTR- 255100066 7-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.1000

Sub CCTR- 255100067 12-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.1300

Sub CCTR- 255100068 16-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.1500

Sub CCTR- 255100069 19-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.1600

Sub CCTR- 255100070 24-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.1800

Sub CCTR- 255100071 30-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.2000

Sub CCTR- 255100072 32-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.2100

Sub CCTR- 255100073 40-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.2400

Sub CCTR- 255100074 48-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.2800
Sub CCTR- 255100075 1-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.0500

Sub CCTR- 255100076 2-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.0800

Sub CCTR- 255100077 3-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.1000

Sub CCTR- 255100078 4-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.1000

Sub CCTR- 255100079 5-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.1200

Sub CCTR- 255100080 6-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.1300

Sub CCTR- 255100081 8-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.1400

Sub CCTR- 255100082 10-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.1600

Sub CCTR- 255100083 12-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.1800

Sub CCTR- 255100084 16-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.2100

Sub CCTR- 255100085 20-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.2400

Sub CCTR- 255100086 24-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.2800

Sub CCTR- 255100087 25-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.3000

Sub CCTR- 255100088 30-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.3500

Sub CCTR- 255100089 40-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.4500

Sub CCTR- 255100090 50-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.5500

Sub CCTR- 255100091 60-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.6500

Sub CCTR- 255100092 80-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.8000

Sub CCTR- 255100093 100-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.9500

Sub CCTR- 255100094 6 core fibre optic cable m 0.1200

Sub CCTR- 255100095 12 core fibre optic cable m 0.1400

Sub CCTR- 255100096 24 core fibre optic cable m 0.2000

Sub CCTR- 255100097 48 core fibre optic cable m 0.2800

CCTR- 25520 Cable Termination

Sub CCTR- 255200001 70 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) nos 8.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200002 95 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) nos 8.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200003 120 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) nos 9.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200004 150 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) nos 9.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200005 185 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200006 240 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200007 300 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) nos 12.5000

Sub CCTR- 255200008 400 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) nos 12.5000

Sub CCTR- 255200009 500 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) nos 15.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200010 630 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) nos 15.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200011 35 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) nos 14.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200012 50 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) nos 14.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200013 70 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) nos 16.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200014 95 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) nos 16.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200015 120 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) nos 18.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200016 150 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) nos 18.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200017 185 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200018 240 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200019 300 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) nos 25.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200020 400 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) nos 25.0000
Sub CCTR- 255200021 500 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200022 630 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200023 1.5 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 0.7500

Sub CCTR- 255200024 2.5 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 0.7500

Sub CCTR- 255200025 4.0 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200026 6.0 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200027 10 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 1.2500

Sub CCTR- 255200028 16 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 255200029 25 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200030 35 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200031 50 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 255200032 70 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200033 95 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200034 120 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200035 150 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200036 185 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 7.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200037 240 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 7.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200038 300 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200039 400 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 12.5000

Sub CCTR- 255200040 500 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 17.5000

Sub CCTR- 255200041 630 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) nos 17.5000

Sub CCTR- 255200042 1.5 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 1.5000
Sub CCTR- 255200043 2.5 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 255200044 4.0 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200045 6.0 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200046 10 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 255200047 16 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200048 25 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200049 35 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200050 50 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200051 70 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200052 95 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 8.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200053 120 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200054 150 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200055 185 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 14.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200056 240 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 14.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200057 300 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200058 400 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 25.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200059 500 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 35.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200060 630 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) nos 35.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200061 1-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) nos 0.7500

Sub CCTR- 255200062 2-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200063 3-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) nos 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 255200064 4-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) nos 2.0000
Sub CCTR- 255200065 5-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) nos 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 255200066 7-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) nos 3.5000

Sub CCTR- 255200067 12-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) nos 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200068 16-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) nos 7.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200069 19-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) nos 8.5000

Sub CCTR- 255200070 24-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200071 30-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) nos 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200072 32-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) nos 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200073 40-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) nos 14.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200074 48-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) nos 16.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200075 1-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200076 2-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200077 3-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200078 4-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200079 5-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200080 6-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200081 8-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 8.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200082 10-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200083 12-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 12.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200084 16-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 14.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200085 20-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 16.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200086 24-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 18.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200087 25-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 18.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200088 30-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200089 40-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 23.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200090 50-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 26.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200091 60-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 28.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200092 80-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 35.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200093 100-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables nos 40.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200094 6 CORE FIBRE OPTIC CABLE nos 15.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200095 12 CORE FIBRE OPTIC CABLE nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200096 24 CORE FIBRE OPTIC CABLE nos 35.0000

Sub CCTR- 255200097 48 CORE FIBRE OPTIC CABLE nos 60.0000

CCTR- 25530 Cable Laying and Termination (Both ends based on ave. length of 100m)

Sub CCTR- 255300001 70 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.3850

Sub CCTR- 255300002 95 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.4350

Sub CCTR- 255300003 120 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.4800

Sub CCTR- 255300004 150 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.5050

Sub CCTR- 255300005 185 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.5500

Sub CCTR- 255300006 240 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.5750

Sub CCTR- 255300007 300 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.6500

Sub CCTR- 255300008 400 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.7500

Sub CCTR- 255300009 500 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.8500

Sub CCTR- 255300010 630 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.9750
Sub CCTR- 255300011 35 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.5800

Sub CCTR- 255300012 50 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.6800

Sub CCTR- 255300013 70 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.7700

Sub CCTR- 255300014 95 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.8700

Sub CCTR- 255300015 120 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.9600

Sub CCTR- 255300016 150 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.0100

Sub CCTR- 255300017 185 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.1000

Sub CCTR- 255300018 240 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.1500

Sub CCTR- 255300019 300 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.3000

Sub CCTR- 255300020 400 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 255300021 500 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.7000

Sub CCTR- 255300022 630 mm2 33/11/6.6/3.3 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.9500

Sub CCTR- 255300023 1.5 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.0550

Sub CCTR- 255300024 2.5 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.0650

Sub CCTR- 255300025 4.0 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.0700

Sub CCTR- 255300026 6.0 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.0750

Sub CCTR- 255300027 10 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.0850

Sub CCTR- 255300028 16 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.1000

Sub CCTR- 255300029 25 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.1440

Sub CCTR- 255300030 35 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.1400

Sub CCTR- 255300031 50 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.1600

Sub CCTR- 255300032 70 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.2100

Sub CCTR- 255300033 95 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.2550

Sub CCTR- 255300034 120 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.3000

Sub CCTR- 255300035 150 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.3500

Sub CCTR- 255300036 185 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.4400

Sub CCTR- 255300037 240 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.4900

Sub CCTR- 255300038 300 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 255300039 400 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.7000

Sub CCTR- 255300040 500 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.8500

Sub CCTR- 255300041 630 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (1-core) m 0.9500

Sub CCTR- 255300042 1.5 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.1100

Sub CCTR- 255300043 2.5 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.1300

Sub CCTR- 255300044 4.0 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.1400

Sub CCTR- 255300045 6.0 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.1500

Sub CCTR- 255300046 10 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.1700

Sub CCTR- 255300047 16 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.2000

Sub CCTR- 255300048 25 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.2400

Sub CCTR- 255300049 35 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.2800

Sub CCTR- 255300050 50 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.3200

Sub CCTR- 255300051 70 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.4200

Sub CCTR- 255300052 95 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.5100

Sub CCTR- 255300053 120 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 255300054 150 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.7000
Sub CCTR- 255300055 185 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.8800

Sub CCTR- 255300056 240 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 0.9800

Sub CCTR- 255300057 300 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.2000

Sub CCTR- 255300058 400 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.4000

Sub CCTR- 255300059 500 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.7000

Sub CCTR- 255300060 630 mm2 0.4/1 KV power cables (3-core) m 1.9000

Sub CCTR- 255300061 1-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.0550

Sub CCTR- 255300062 2-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.0700

Sub CCTR- 255300063 3-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.1100

Sub CCTR- 255300064 4-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.1200

Sub CCTR- 255300065 5-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.1400

Sub CCTR- 255300066 7-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.1700

Sub CCTR- 255300067 12-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.2300

Sub CCTR- 255300068 16-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.2900

Sub CCTR- 255300069 19-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.3300

Sub CCTR- 255300070 24-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.3800

Sub CCTR- 255300071 30-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.4400

Sub CCTR- 255300072 32-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.4500

Sub CCTR- 255300073 40-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.5200

Sub CCTR- 255300074 48-Core 0.4/1 KV multi-core cables (1.50 mm2) m 0.6000

Sub CCTR- 255300075 1-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.0700

Sub CCTR- 255300076 2-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.1200

Sub CCTR- 255300077 3-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.1600

Sub CCTR- 255300078 4-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.1800

Sub CCTR- 255300079 5-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.2200

Sub CCTR- 255300080 6-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.2300

Sub CCTR- 255300081 8-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.3000

Sub CCTR- 255300082 10-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.3600

Sub CCTR- 255300083 12-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.4200

Sub CCTR- 255300084 16-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.4900

Sub CCTR- 255300085 20-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.5600

Sub CCTR- 255300086 24-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.6400

Sub CCTR- 255300087 25-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.6600

Sub CCTR- 255300088 30-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.7500

Sub CCTR- 255300089 40-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 0.9100

Sub CCTR- 255300090 50-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 1.0700

Sub CCTR- 255300091 60-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 1.2100

Sub CCTR- 255300092 80-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 255300093 100-Pair 0.4/1 KV paired cables m 1.7500

Sub CCTR- 255300094 6 core fibre optic cable m 0.4200

Sub CCTR- 255300095 12 core fibre optic cable m 0.5400

Sub CCTR- 255300096 24 core fibre optic cable m 0.9000

Sub CCTR- 255300097 48 core fibre optic cable m 1.4800

CCTR- 25540 Miscellaneous

Sub CCTR- 255400001 MCT frames m2 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 255400002 Fireproofing barriers ton 10.0000

G- 256 Instrument Panels, Instrument and Instr. Tubing/Piping

CCTR- 25610 Instrument Panels and Cabinets (Excluding base frames)

Sub CCTR- 256100001 Panels and racks 800x600x2200mm nos 25.0000

Sub CCTR- 256100002 Panels and racks 1200x600x2200mm nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 256100003 Panels and racks 2000x600x2200mm nos 35.0000

Sub CCTR- 256100004 Console/DCS Panel nos 15.0000

Sub CCTR- 256100005 Monitors/Printer nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256100006 Control desk 600x500x1000mm nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 256100007 Control desk 1200x500x1000mm nos 30.0000

Sub CCTR- 256100008 Control desk 2000x500x1000mm nos 35.0000

Sub CCTR- 256100009 Fire alarm/control/annunciator panels nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 256100010 PABX exchange panels - MDF 100 Lines nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 256100011 Small junction boxes nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256100012 Medium junction boxes nos 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 256100013 Large junction boxes nos 7.0000

CCTR- 25620 Local and Field Instruments (Installation Only Without Support)

Sub CCTR- 256200001 Level switch nos 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200002 Level gauges (float type) nos 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200003 Level gauges (glass type) nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200004 Level transmitters nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200005 Level indicator and controller nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200006 Flow switch nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200007 Flow indicator nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200008 MAG flow meter nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200009 Turbine flowmeter nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200010 Mass flow meter nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200011 Vortex flowmeter nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200012 Flow transmitter nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200013 Flow indicator and controller nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200014 Pressure gauge nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200015 Pressure switch nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200016 Pressure transmitter nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200017 Pressure indicator and controller nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200018 Temp. switch nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200019 Temp. gauge nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200020 Thermowell nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200021 Temp. transmitter (thermo-couple type) nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200022 Temp. transmitter (RTD type) nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200023 Temp. indicator and controller nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200024 IP converters / transducers nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200025 Rota meters nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200026 Recorders - single point nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200027 Recorders - multi-point nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200028 Control valves 1/2" nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200029 Control valves 3/4" nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200030 Control valves 1" nos 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 256200031 Control valves 1-1/2" nos 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 256200032 Control valves 2" nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200033 Control valves 3" nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200034 Control valves 4" nos 3.5000

Sub CCTR- 256200035 Control valves 6" nos 3.5000

Sub CCTR- 256200036 Control valves 8" nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200037 Control valves 10" nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200038 Control valves 12" nos 5.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200039 Solenoid valves 1/4" nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200040 Solenoid valves 1/2" nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200041 Solenoid valves 3/4" nos 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 256200042 Solenoid valves 1" nos 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 256200043 Solenoid valves 1-1/2" nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200044 Solenoid valves 2" nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200045 Process Analyzers pipe mount type nos 20.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200046 Process Analyzers self standing type nos 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200047 Process Analyzers sided shelter type nos 200.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200048 Process analyzers walk-in house type nos 250.0000
Sub CCTR- 256200049 CCTV Camera nos 8.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200050 Vibration Monitors nos 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200051 Vibration Switches nos 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200052 Burner Control and Monitoring System nos 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200053 Weighing Scale and Measuring System nos 60.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200054 Motion Detectors nos 10.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200055 Speed Switches nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200056 Field sensors (smoke, gas, heat UV detector) nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200057 Fusible Plug nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200058 Break Glass Stations nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200059 Horns / Hooters nos 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200060 Sirons nos 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200061 Limit Switches nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200062 Loud Speakers nos 6.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200063 Alarms nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200064 Telephone sets nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200065 Telephone junction boxes nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200066 Orifice plate nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200067 Pittot Tube nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200068 Torque Tube nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200069 Venturi nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200070 Seperator / condensation pot nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200071 PSV - 1/2" nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200072 PSV - 1" nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200073 PSV - 2" nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200074 PSV - 4" nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200075 PSV - 6" nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200076 PSV - 8" nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200077 PSV - 10" nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200078 PSV - 12" nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256200079 On / Off Valve nos 3.0000

CCTR- 25630 Local and Field Instruments (Calibaration Only)

Sub CCTR- 256300001 Level switch nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300002 Level gauges (float type) nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300003 Level gauges (glass type) nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300004 Level transmitters nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300005 Level indicator and controller nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300006 Flow switch nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300007 Flow indicator nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300008 MAG flow meter nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300009 Turbine Flow Meter nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300010 Mass Flow Meter nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300011 Vortex flowmeter nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300012 Flow Transmitter nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300013 Flow Indicator and Controller nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300014 Pressure gauge nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300015 Pressure switches nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300016 Pressure transmitter nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300017 Pressure indicator and controller nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300018 Temp. switch nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300019 Temp. gauge nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300021 Temp. transmitter (thermo-couple type) nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300022 Temp. transmitter (RTD type) nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300023 Temp. indicator and controller nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300024 IP Converters / Transducers nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300025 Rota meters nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300026 Recorders-single point nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300027 Recorders - multi point nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300028 Control valves 1/2" nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300029 Control valves 3/4" nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300030 Control valves 1" nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300031 Control valves 1-1/2" nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300032 Control valves 2" nos 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 256300033 Control valves 3" nos 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 256300034 Control valves 4" nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300035 Control valves 6" nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300036 Control valves 8" nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300037 Control valves 10" nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300038 Control valves 12" nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300039 Solenoid valves 1/4" nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300040 Solenoid valves 1/2" nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300041 Solenoid valves 3/4" nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300042 Solenoid valves 1" nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300043 Solenoid valves 1-1/2" nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300044 Solenoid valves 2" nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300045 Process analyzers pipe mount type nos 25.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300046 Process analyzers self standing type nos 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300047 Process analyzers sided shelter type nos 100.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300048 Process analyzers walk-in house type nos 150.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300049 CCTV Camera nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300050 Vibration monitors nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300051 Vibration switches nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300052 Burner control and monitoring system nos 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300053 Weighing scale and measuring system nos 50.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300054 Motion detectors nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300055 Speed switches nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300056 Field sensors (smoke,gas,heat UV detector) nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300057 Fusible Plug nos 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300058 Break glass stations (Visual Inspection Only) nos 0.5000

Sub CCTR- 256300059 Horns / Hooters nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300060 Sirons nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300061 Limit switches nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300062 Loud speakers nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300063 Alarms nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300064 Telephone stes nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300066 Orifice plate nos 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300067 Pittot Tube nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300068 Torque tube nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300069 Venturi nos 4.0000

Sub CCTR- 256300071 PSV - 1/2" nos 4.1000

Sub CCTR- 256300072 PSV - 1" nos 4.1000

Sub CCTR- 256300073 PSV - 2" nos 5.2000

Sub CCTR- 256300074 PSV - 4" nos 8.2000

Sub CCTR- 256300075 PSV - 6" nos 10.2000

Sub CCTR- 256300076 PSV - 8" nos 10.3000

Sub CCTR- 256300077 PSV - 10" nos 11.3000

Sub CCTR- 256300078 PSV - 12" nos 11.4000

Sub CCTR- 256300079 On / Off Valve nos 1.0000

CCTR- 25640 Instrument Tubing / Piping - Compression Type (Without Support)

Sub CCTR- 256400001 SS Tubing 1/4" - 6 mm dia upto 0.065 " Thickness m 1.0000
Sub CCTR- 256400002 SS Tubing 3/8" - 10 mm dia upto 0.065 " Thickness m 1.2500

Sub CCTR- 256400003 SS Tubing 1/2" - 12 mm dia upto 0.065 " Thickness m 1.4000

Sub CCTR- 256400004 SS Tubing 1/2" - 12 mm dia Sch - 40 m 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 256400005 SS Tubing 1/2" - 12 mm dia Sch - 80 m 1.7500

Sub CCTR- 256400006 SS Tubing 1/2" - 12 mm dia Sch - 160 m 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256400007 SS Tubing 3/4" - 18 mm dia Sch - 40 m 1.6000

Sub CCTR- 256400008 SS Tubing 3/4" - 18 mm dia Sch - 80 m 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256400009 SS Tubing 3/4" - 18 mm dia Sch - 160 m 2.5000

Sub CCTR- 256400010 Copper Tubing 6 mm dia (bare copper) m 0.7500

Sub CCTR- 256400011 Copper Tubing 10 mm dia (bare copper) m 0.8500

Sub CCTR- 256400012 Copper Tubing 12 mm dia (bare copper) m 0.9500

Sub CCTR- 256400013 Copper Tubing 16 mm dia (bare copper) m 1.1000

Sub CCTR- 256400014 Copper Tubing 6 mm dia (PVC coated copper) m 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256400015 Copper Tubing 10 mm dia (PVC coated copper) m 1.2500

Sub CCTR- 256400016 Copper Tubing 12 mm dia (PVC coated copper) m 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 256400017 Copper Tubing 16 mm dia (PVC coated copper) m 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256400018 GI Piping for Instr. Air supply 1/2" - 12 mm dia SCH-40 m 1.0000

Sub CCTR- 256400019 GI Piping for Instr. Air supply 3/4" - 18 mm dia SCH-40 m 1.2500

Sub CCTR- 256400020 GI Piping for Instr. Air supply 1" - 25 mm dia SCH-40 m 1.5000

Sub CCTR- 256400021 GI Piping for Instr. Air supply 1-1/2" - 38 mm dia SCH-40 m 1.7500

Sub CCTR- 256400022 GI Piping for Instr. Air supply 2" - 50 mm dia SCH-40 m 2.0000

Sub CCTR- 256400023 Miscelleneous Lot 20.0000

G- 257 Supports and Steel Structures

CCTR- 25710 Fabrication of Supports Incl. Sand Blasting & 2-Coats Priming

Sub CCTR- 257100001 All Types kg 0.3000

CCTR- 25720 Erection of Supports

Sub CCTR- 257200001 All Types kg 0.1000

CCTR- 25730 Fabrication and Erection of Supports Incl. Sand Blasting & 2-Coats Priming

Sub CCTR- 257300001 All Types kg 0.4000

CCTR- 25740 Erection of Grid Station Steel Structures

Sub CCTR- 257400001 Light structure kg 0.2000

Sub CCTR- 257400002 Medium structure kg 0.1750

Sub CCTR- 257400003 Heavy structure kg 0.1500

G- 258 Miscellaneous Work

CCTR- 25810 Various Tests

Sub CCTR- 258100001 Megger tests for electrical panels set 1,000.0000

Sub CCTR- 258100002 Megger tests for Instrument panels set 1,000.0000

Sub CCTR- 258100003 Megger/continuity tests for cables set 1,000.0000

Sub CCTR- 258100004 High pot/continuity test for MV cables set 1,000.0000

Sub CCTR- 258100005 Tests for lighting system set 1,000.0000

Sub CCTR- 258100006 Earthing tests set 1,000.0000

Sub CCTR- 258100007 Instrument calibration tests set 1,000.0000

Sub CCTR- 258100008 Instrument loop tests set 1,000.0000

Sub CCTR- 258100009 Instrument Piping/Tubing hydro pressure tests set 1,000.0000
Sub CCTR- 258100010 High pot test for MV panels set 1,000.0000

CCTR- 25820 Instrument Loop Tests & Piping/Tubing Leakage/Flushing Test

Sub CCTR- 258200001 Loop tests and checking for control loops nos 3.0000

Sub CCTR- 258200002 Loop tests and checking for monitoring loop nos 3.0000

G- 259 Field Instruments

CCTR- 25910 Extra Work E&I

Sub CCTR- 259100000 Extra Work E& I - 0.0000

D- 29 Idling

G- 290 Idling

CCTR- 29020 Idling due to Client

Sub CCTR- 290200000 Idling dur to Client - 0.0000

CCTR- 29030 Idling due to DESCON

Sub CCTR- 290300000 Idling due to DESCON - 0.0000

A- 3 Procurement

D- 31 Bulk Material

G- 312 Pipes & Fittings

CCTR- 31210 Pipe Carbon Steel

Sub CCTR- 312100001 API 5L A m 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312100002 API 5L B m 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312100003 ASTM A 53 A m 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312100004 ASTM A 53 B m 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312100005 ASTM A 106 A m 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312100006 ASTM A 106 B m 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312100007 ASTM A 106 C m 0.0001

CCTR- 31211 Pipe Fittings Carbon Steel

Sub CCTR- 312110001 1/2" ELBOW 90 Deg, SW, 3000 #, A 105 nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312110002 3/4" ELBOW 90 Deg, SW, 3000#, A-105 nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312110003 1" ELBOW 90 Deg, SW, 3000#, A-105 nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312110004 1" ELBOW 90 Deg LR, BW, SCH 80, A-105 nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312110005 1-1/2" ELBOW, 90Deg, SW, 3000#, A-105 nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312110006 2" ELBOW, LR, BW, SCH 80, A-105 nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312110007 2" ELBOW, LR, BW, SCH 40, A-105 nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312110008 3" ELBOW, LR, BW, SCH 40, A-105 nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312110009 4" ELBOW LR, BW, SCH 40, A-105 nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312110010 6" ELBOW, LR, BW, SCH 40, A-105 nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 312110011 8" ELBOW, LR, BW, SCH 40, A-105 nos 0.0001

G- 313 Valves

CCTR- 31320 Ball Valves

Sub CCTR- 313200001 3/4" , 150 #, FLGD nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 313200002 1", 150 #, FLGD nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 313200003 1-1/2", 150 #, FLGD nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 313200004 2", 150 #, FLGD nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 313200005 2-1/2", 150#, FLGD nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 313200006 3", 150#, FLGD nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 313200007 4", 150#, FLGD nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 313200008 6", 150#, FLGD nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 313200009 8", 150#, FLGD nos 0.0001

CCTR- 31340 Globe Valves

Sub CCTR- 313400001 3/4", 150#, FLGD nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 313400002 1", 150#, FLGD nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 313400003 1-1/2", 150#, FLGD nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 313400004 2", 150#, FLGD nos 0.0001

Sub CCTR- 313400005 3", 150#, FLGD nos 0.0001

A-Activity , D-Discipline , G-Group , CCTR - Cost Center , Sub CCTR - Sub Cost Center
This document is Intellectual Property of Descon Engineering Limited. Any unauthorized use, including the modification and reproduction of the content is strictly prohibited. (c) Copyrights Ordinance 2002. All Rights Reserved.

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