ALL Digital Phase-Locked Loop (ADPLL) : A Survey: Kusum Lata and Manoj Kumar

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International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, Vol. 2, No.

6, December 2013

ALL Digital Phase-Locked Loop (ADPLL): A Survey

Kusum Lata and Manoj Kumar

(ADPLL) having a fault detection of the input reference

Abstract—ADPLL is contributing great role in advancement signal was modeled in Verilog hardware descriptive
in control system and digital communication since 1980. Design language (HDL) [7].
of ADPLL with integrated circuit (IC) techniques has made
ADPLL very important component. ADPLL is still continuing
to give better results. Now a days ADPLL has great
contribution in digital communication systems. This paper gives II. ADPLL DESIGN
basic details of an ADPLL. It provides brief summary of the
basic ADPLL principle applicable to control systems and digital A. Block Diagram
communication. It also reports components of ADPLL and It contains digital blocks. It uses negative feedback control
comparison among them. loop. It takes digital signal only. The signal could be single or
combination of parallel digital signals. It consists three
Index Terms—DCO, ADPLL, loop filter, phase detector.
blocks: 1.Phase Detector (PD) 2.Loop Filter (LF) and
3.Digitaly Controlled Oscillator (DCO). Fig. 1 gives basic
structure of an ADPLL.
The aim of the ADPLL is to interlace the phase input v1
The PLL is a self-correcting control system in which one and output v2’ and also the frequency. To reduce the
signal chases another signal.PLL has four types 1.linear PLL difference among two signals PD is used. For removing noise phase locked loop 3.all digital phase locked loop LF is used. PLL (SPLL).ADPLL takes input as only digital Finally, the digitally-controlled oscillator (DCO) gets the
signals. Due to digital signal as input signal so many signals from LF and makes closer to the input signal. To
advantage of the ADPLL exists. In this paper different realize an ADPLL, existing elements must be digital circuits.
applications of ADPLL is discussed [1]-[7]. There are some advantages: No off-chip components and
Insensitive to technology.
B. Phase Detector
It is also called phase comparator. It compares between
input and DCO output signal. Output depends upon the phase
error. Output signal contains low frequency and higher
frequency component. Some of the existing phase detectors
are explained below.
Fig. 1. General block diagram of ADPLL 1) EXOR gate phase detector
Beginning of all digital phase-locked loops (ADPLL) It uses an EXOR logic gate. It compares the reference
started in 1980 [8]. In the 21'st century, researchers has and DCO signal.
developed a new digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) to
obtain good phase and frequency error that was not
implemented with 74hc297 IC [1], [8]. In 2005's, a frequency
modulated receiving system based on ADPLL was proposed
[2] .In 2006's double edge triggered D flip-flop as phase
detector was proposed [3] This design reduced 33% of power Fig. 2. XOR gate phase detector
dissipation. In 2008's digital fm demodulator was proposed
Disadvantages of this are it has phase limitation [-90, +90]
[4] It was designed by VHDL. In 2009's frequency
degrees and it does not sense edges signal edges. Fig. 3
modulated modem was implemented on field programmable
shows the “locked” state [8], [11], [13].
array (FPGA) [5] In 2010’s a field programmable array based
linear ADPLL was proposed. This ADDPLL used FPGA for
implementation [6] .Recently an all-digital phase-locked loop

Manuscript received December 13, 2012; revised February 23, 2013. This
work is towards the Master’s thesis of the student Mr. Manoj Kumar at
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad (IIIT- Allahabad).
This work is completed in the Division of Electronics and Communication Fig. 3. Waveforms of XOR gate phase detector
Engineering, IIIT- Allahabad.
The authors are with the Indian Institute of Information Technology, 2) Edge triggered JK flip-flop phase detector
Allahabad, India (e-mail:,
It contains a JK FF. A phase limitation of this is -180

DOI: 10.7763/IJFCC.2013.V2.225 551

International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, Vol. 2, No. 6, December 2013

degrees to +180 degrees. Waveform is shown below [8]-[13]. CLK is in, trigger always accepts input signal. Trigger can be
3) Flip-flop counter phase detector changed in both edges of CLK [3].
The phase detector contains a counter and a FF, is shown
in Fig. 6. Flip-flop Counter phase detector compares
reference and the DCO output signal. In this case FF input S
takes input signal and R takes DCO output signal. Output of
FF is high when there is error among S and R inputs. Q
enables the counter. FF input S resets counter. Output of
counter depends upon the phase error. Clock frequency of
counter is very high it is M times multiple of input signal is
large positive integer [8], [11].Waveform of this is shown
below. Fig. 7. Phase frequency detector (PFD) is very important for an ADPLL

Fig. 4. JK flip-flop phase detector

Fig. 8. The Strucure of DETDFF

C. Loop Filter
Fig. 5. Waveforms of JK flip-flop phase detector
It is nothing but an integrator. Examples of loop filters are
discussed below.
1) UP/down counter loop filter
It is simplest loop filter. It is always operate in conjunction
with EXOR or JK FF phase detector. For getting clock and
direction signal a pulse forming circuit is used. Counter is
incremented on each UP pulses and it is decremented on each
down signals .So counter adds both pulses .So its work like
an integrator [8], [11].

(b) (a)
Fig. 6. Flip-flop counters phase detector (a) and corresponding
waveforms (b).
4) Phase frequency detector
Phase Frequency Detector (PFD) is very important for an
ADPLL .It checks both the signal are in phase .It also checks
frequency. A different type of D FF is used .D input is always
high. Nor gate takes input as D FF outputs. It resets the FF.
For increasing DCO clock signal up signal should high and
for decreasing DCO clock signal down signal should high
[9].(Fig. 7)
5) Double edge triggered D flip-flops (DETDFF)
DETDFF is based on data selectors is shown Fig.8. For
this two FF are used. These two flip-flops are controlled by (b)
same CLK. When CLK has logic high, data selectors MUX Fig. 9. Up/down counter loop filter. (a) Block diagram
output port is put through with flip-latch 2.And when CLK (b) Corresponding waveforms.
has logic low, data selectors MUX output port will is put 2) K counter loop filter
through with flip-latch1. Hence, whatever states the signals K counter loop filter is very important loop filter .It always

International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, Vol. 2, No. 6, December 2013

works with JK or EXOR phase detector. It has two Carry is assigned to DECR input and Borrow is assigned to
counters .Both are independent .One is called Up and other is INCR input. ID counter with ÷ N counter for again dividing
Down counter .But both counts in upward direction. Counter the OUT. Clock of increment-decrement counter is 2N times
has modulus k. multiple of center frequency. Fig. 12 gives overall structure
So counter contents has range from 0 to k-1.Couter clock [8], [11], [13].
frequency is M times multiple of center frequency. M has
typical values of 8, 16, 32….Down counter is enabled when
DN/UP has logic high and up counter is enabled when this
logic low value. When contents exceed k-1 both counters
resets. “Carry” is MSB of the Up counter .The “borrow”
signal is MSB of the Down counter. When Up-counter stored
data ≥ k/2 “carry” is high .When down counter stored data≥
k/2 “borrow” is high. Frequency of DCO is controlled by
positive edges of the signal [8], [11], [13].
Fig. 12. Increment-decrement counters

If no Carries and Borrows are present then ID counter

divides OUT by 2 on the positive edges of ID clock. The
logical function for ID counter is given by

(a) ID out = (NOT (1D clock) AND (NOT (togg1e-FF))

If carry is present then half cycle is added and if borrow is

present then half cycle is removed from OUT. Here out is
output of increment-decrement counter. The adjusted
waveform is shown below.

Fig. 13. Waveforms of increment-decrement counter


Fig. 10. K Counter Loop Filter. (a)Block Diagram.
(b) Corresponding waveforms. Tabular from is used for comparing the basic building
block of ADPLL. Different implementations of the each
D. Digitally Controlled Oscillators
block of ADPLL is given in the last.
Digitally Controlled oscillators are nothing but a
modified oscillator .Depending upon output of the loop filter A. Phase detector
they change their frequency. Some of DCO are explained Advantage and disadvantage of various phase detectors
below. are given in Table I. Depending upon advantage and
1) Divide by N counter DCO disadvantage of various phase detectors we are selecting our
A simple ÷N counter works as DCO. High frequency loop filters.
signal operates at very high frequency. Divide by N counter
produces N bit parallel output [8], [11]. Drawback of it is we B. Loop Filter
can’t design jitter. Advantage and disavantage of various loop filters are
discussed in the Table II. Depending upon advantage and
disadvantage of loop filters we are selecting our digitaly
control oscliators(DCO).
C. Digital Controled Oscliator
Advantage and disadvantage of various digitaly controled
Fig. 11. ÷N Counter DCO oscliators are discussed in Table III. Depending upon the
2) Increment-decrement counter proper choice of digitaly controled oscliators(DCO) we can
Increment-Decrement Counter consists of two blocks. avoid ripple problem which is most critcal parametrs while
designing the ADPLL .

International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, Vol. 2, No. 6, December 2013


Serial Phase Detector
Types Advantage Disadvantage

1 EXOR It produces error pulse on both the edges. Pull in It is not sensitive to edges.So data might be lost.Phase
process slow[8]. error lies between -90 to +90 degrees. Smaller phase
tracking range[8].

2 JK Flip-Flop It is sensitive to edges.So no chance of data losses[8]. Phase error lies between -180 to +180 degrees.Larger
phase tracking range[8].
3 Flip-Flop Counter N bit output are possible[11]. Circuit is not simple.It requires three frequency
4 Phase Frequency Larger phase tracking range.Phase error lies between
Detector -360 to 360 degrees. It locks under any condition[8]. Circuit has not simple structure [11].
5 DETDFF Power disspiation is less and it provides high speed at Circuit has not simple structure [3].
which it achives a phase-locked state[3] .

Serial Loop Filter
Types Advantage Disadvantage
1. Up/Down Counter It is easily adapted to operate in conjunction with an It is not perfectly works as a integrator[8].
XOR or JK-Flip flop phase detectors and others [11].
2. K Counter It perfectly works as a integrator[8]. It is not operate with others detectors except XOR or
JK-Flip flop[8].

Serial Digital Controlled Oscillator
No. Types(DCO) Advanatage Disadvantage
1 Divide By N counter It has simple structure [11]. It does not offer jitter design criterion [11].
2 Increment-Decrement Good control over Hold range and lock in range [8]. It is not suitable for software implementations[8].

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financial and infrastructure support for making this work

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Solid-State Circuits Conference, Digest of Technical Papers, Texas (IIIT-A), INDIA. Prior to IIIT Allahabad, she has
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pp. 1063-1073, 1999. Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad (IIIT-A), INDIA.


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