2 Performance Task (Week 3, LAS 3) : Contemporary Philippine Arts From The Regions

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2nd Performance Task (Week 3, LAS 3)

To be a National Artists is considered to be the highest national recognition given to Filipino

individuals who have made significant contributions to the development of Philippine arts.

Direction: Choose one Filipino National Artist who has inspired you through various
contemporary art forms. Create your own art composition utilizing materials and resources
you already have at home, integrating the artist's style. You can do it manually or digitally
using various applications.

Extraordinary Above average Average Below average 2 Poor 1

5 4 3
Understanding The artwork is The artwork is The art work is The artwork The artwork
planned planned planned shows little shows no
Demonstration carefully; carefully; adequately; evidence of understandi
that instructions understanding of understanding of understanding understanding ng of the
and concepts are all concepts and most concepts of some the concepts and concepts and
understood. instructions is and instructions concepts and instructions. instructions.
clearly shown. is shown. instructions
Craftsmanship/ The artwork The artwork The artwork The artwork The artwork
Skill shows shows good shows average shows below shows poor
outstanding craftmanship, craftmanship average craftmanshi
Neatness, craftsmanship, with some and attention to craftmanship and p and no
precision, care. with clear attention to detail. little attention to attention to
attention to detail. detail. detail.
Creativity/ The artwork The artwork The artwork The artwork The artwork
Originality demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates lacks
original personal some personal an average little personal evidence of
Inventiveness, expression and expression and amount of expression and personal
expression of outstanding logical personal problem-solving expression.
ideas and problem-solving problemsolving expression. skills.
imagination. skills. skills.
Effort The student put The student put The student put The student put The student
forth forth the effort forth the effort forth the effort put forth no
What it takes to extraordinary required to required to required to finish effort or the
finish the project effort to complete the finish the the project; used project was
as well as complete the project well; project; used class time not
possible, time project well as used class time class time adequately. completed;
dedicated to the possible; used well. adequately. class time
project inside class time was not used
and/or out of extremely well. well.
Source: https://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?code=Q3X9A4&sp=true#rubric_ToolBox

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