Eexi MEPC76-15-Add2 Annex9
Eexi MEPC76-15-Add2 Annex9
Eexi MEPC76-15-Add2 Annex9
Annex 9, page 1
(adopted on 17 June 2021)
NOTING that it adopted, by resolution MEPC.328(76), the 2021 revised MARPOL Annex VI,
which is expected to enter into force on 1 November 2022 upon its deemed acceptance on 1
May 2022,
NOTING IN PARTICULAR that the 2021 revised MARPOL Annex VI contains amendments
concerning mandatory goal-based technical and operational measures to reduce carbon
intensity of international shipping,
NOTING FURTHER that ships may be equipped with a Shaft / Engine Power Limitation system
in order to comply with regulation 25 (Required EEXI),
HAVING CONSIDERED, at its seventy-sixth session, draft 2021 Guidelines on the shaft /
engine power limitation system to comply with the EEXI requirements and use of a power
1 ADOPTS the 2021 Guidelines on the shaft / engine power limitation system to comply
with the EEXI requirements and use of a power reserve, as set out in the annex to the present
4 AGREES to keep the Guidelines under review in light of experience gained with their
implementation and in light of the review of EEXI regulations to be completed by the
Organization by 1 January 2026 as identified in regulation 25.3 of MARPOL Annex VI;
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5 NOTES that the Guidelines may be consolidated with possible future guidelines on
the shaft / engine power limitation system under the EEDI framework as appropriate upon
consideration by the Committee, taking into account circumstances and technical limitation of
existing ships.
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Table of contents
0 General
1 Definitions
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0 General
The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide technical and operational conditions that the
SHaPoLi / EPL system should satisfy in complying with the EEXI requirements and in using a
power reserve for existing ships. However, noting that guidelines on the SHaPoLi / EPL system
under EEDI framework on new ships are currently considered at the Committee, these
guidelines under EEXI and EEDI may be consolidated into one set of guidelines as appropriate
upon consideration by the Committee, taking into account circumstances and technical
limitation of existing ships.
1 Definitions
1.1 Shaft power means the mechanical power transmitted by the propeller shaft to the
propeller hub. It is the product of the shaft torque and the shaft rotational speed. In case of
multiple propeller shafts, the shaft power means the sum of the power transmitted to all
propeller shafts.
1.2 Engine power means the mechanical power transmitted from the engine to the
propeller shaft. In case of multiple engines, the engine power means the sum of the power
transmitted from the engines to the propeller shafts.
1.3 Overridable Shaft Power Limitation (SHaPoLi) system means a verified and approved
system for the limitation of the maximum shaft power by technical means that can only be
overridden by the ship's master or the officer in charge of navigational watch (OICNW) for the
purpose of securing the safety of a ship or saving life at sea. (See figure 1 for an illustration of
engine load diagram.)
1.4 Overridable Engine Power Limitation (EPL) system means a verified and approved
system for the limitation of the maximum engine power by technical means that can only be
overridden by the ship's master or OICNW for the purpose of securing the safety of a ship or
saving life at sea. (See figure 1 for an illustration of engine load diagram.)
1.5 Power reserve means shaft / engine power above the limited power which cannot be
used in normal operation unless in the case when SHaPoLi / EPL is unlimited for the purpose
of securing the ship safety.
1.6 MARPOL means the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocols of 1978 and 1997 relating thereto, as amended.
1.7 For the purpose of these Guidelines, the definitions in MARPOL Annex VI, as
amended, apply.
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Available power
Available power
Maximum Maximum
engine speed engine speed
The SHaPoLi / EPL system should consist of the following main arrangements:
.1 SHaPoLi:
.2 EPL:
.2 for the electronically controlled engine, fuel index limiter which can
electronically lock the fuel index or direct limitation of the power in
the engine's control system so that the ship's crew cannot release
the EPL without permission from the shipʹs master or OICNW; and
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2.2.1 The SHaPoLi / EPL system should be non-permanent but should require the
deliberate action of the ship's master or OICNW to enable the use of unlimited shaft / engine
power (power reserve) of the ship. For systems that use a Password/PIN to control access to
the power reserve override, attention should be paid to ensure that the necessary
Password/PIN is always available when override is required.
2.2.2 For SHaPoLi / EPL system for the electronically controlled engine, the control unit
should inform the ship's master or OICNW clearly and conspicuously when the ship's shaft /
engine power exceeds the limited shaft / engine power as stated in the Onboard Management
Manual (OMM) for SHaPoLi / EPL or in any case of system malfunction.
2.2.3 For EPL for the mechanically controlled engine, the sealing device should either:
.1 visibly indicate removal of the sealing when the ship's engine power exceeds
the limited engine power as stated in the OMM for EPL or in any case of
system malfunction; or
2.2.4 The SHaPoLi / EPL system (or each subsystem) should be tamper-proof.
2.2.5 The SHaPoLi / EPL system for the electronically controlled engine should indicate the
following data during operation:
.1 for SHaPoLi, shaft rotational speed, shaft torque and shaft power (and total
shaft power in case of multiple shaft arrangements) to be recorded constantly
in unlimiting mode; or
.2 for EPL, a fuel index sealing system or power limitation system which can
indicate and record the use of unlimited mode.
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2.2.6 The procedure for SHaPoLi / EPL depends on the propulsion system and should be
described in the OMM for SHaPoLi / EPL in accordance with section 4 of these Guidelines.
3.1 The use of a power reserve is only allowed for the purpose of securing the safety of
a ship or saving life at sea, consistent with regulation 3.1 of MARPOL Annex VI (e.g. operating
in adverse weather and ice-infested waters, participation in search and rescue operations,
avoidance of pirates and engine maintenance). Use of a power reserve should not have
adverse impact on the propeller, shaft and related systems. It is important that the ship master
and OICNW are not restricted from exercising judgement to override the SHaPoLi / EPL when
required for safety purposes. The authority for this should be clearly set out in the OMM and/or
the Safety Management System manual, as appropriate.
3.2 Any use of a power reserve should be recorded in the record page of the OMM for
SHaPoLi / EPL, signed by the master and should be kept on board. The record should include:
.1 ship type;
.2 IMO number;
.4 ship's limited shaft / engine power and ship's maximum unlimited shaft /
engine power;
.5 position of the ship and timestamp when the power reserve was used;
.7 Beaufort number and wave height or ice condition in case of using the power
reserve under adverse weather condition;
.9 records from the SHaPoLi / EPL system for the electronically controlled
engine during the power reserve was used; and
.10 position of the ship and timestamp when the power limit was reactivated or
3.3 Where an EPL/ShaPoLi override is activated but the power reserve is not
subsequently used, this event should be recorded in the bridge and engine-room logbooks.
The engine-room logbook should record power used during the period when the override was
activated. The EPL/ShaPoLi should be reset as soon as possible, and details of the reset
should also be recorded in the bridge and engine-room logbooks.
3.4 In case of having used a power reserve, the ship should without delay notify its
Administration or RO responsible for issuing the relevant certificate and the competent
authority of the relevant port of destination with the information recorded in accordance with
paragraph 3.2. On an annual basis, the Administration should report uses of a power reserve
to IMO with the information recorded in accordance with paragraph 3.2.
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3.5 Once the risks have been mitigated, the ship should be operated below the certified
level of engine power under the SHaPoLi / EPL. The SHaPoLi / EPL system should be
reactivated or replaced by the crew immediately after the risks have been prevented and the
ship can be safely operated with the limited shaft / engine power. The reactivation or
replacement of the SHaPoLi / EPL system should be confirmed (e.g. validation of mechanical
sealing) with supporting evidence (e.g. engine power log, photo taken at the occasion of
resetting the mechanical sealing) by the Administration or the RO at the earliest opportunity.
3.6 Any defect of the SHaPoLi / EPL system should be reported to the Administration or
RO responsible for issuing the relevant certificate in accordance with regulation 5.6 of
3.7 The port State control officers should inspect whether the SHaPoLi / EPL system has
been properly installed and used in accordance with the IEE Certificate and the OMM as
described in section 4 of these Guidelines. If overriding of the SHaPoLi / EPL without proper
notification in accordance with paragraph 3.3 of these Guidelines has been detected, the
reactivation or replacement of the SHaPoLi / EPL should be immediately conducted in the
presence of the Administration or the RO at the port.
4.1 The SHaPoLi / EPL system should be accompanied by the OMM for SHaPoLi / EPL
that should be permanently on board the ship for inspection.
4.2 The OMM for SHaPoLi / EPL should be verified by the Administration or the RO after a
survey verifying the ship's attained EEXI, as required by regulation 5.4 of MARPOL Annex VI.
.1 SHaPoLi:
.7 the description how the shaft power can be limited and unlimited
and how this is displayed by the control unit as required by
paragraph 2.2.5 of these Guidelines;
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.8 the description of how the controller limits the power delivered to the
propeller shaft;
.10 procedures for notification of the use of power reserve and the
detections of malfunctions of the system in accordance with
paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 of these Guidelines;
.2 EPL:
5.1 The demonstration of compliance of the SHaPoLi / EPL system should be verified by
an appropriate survey in accordance with regulation 5.4 of MARPOL Annex VI for the
verification of the ship's EEXI according to regulation 23. The survey should include the
verification and validation of the system by addressing the following items:
.1 the verification of compliance of the system with the OMM for SHaPoLi / EPL;
.2 the verification of compliance of the system with the specifications set out in
section 2 of these Guidelines; and
.3 the verification of the OMM for SHaPoLi / EPL that the OMM for SHaPoLi /
EPL is in compliance with the specifications set out in section 4 of these
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5.2 In cases where the SHaPoLi / EPL system is applied and no changes are made to
NOX critical settings and/or components * outside what is allowed by the engine technical file
as defined in the 2008 NOX Technical Code (NTC 2008), engine re-certification is not needed.
5.3 In cases where the SHaPoLi / EPL system is applied and the NOX critical settings
and/or components are altered beyond what is allowed by the engine technical file as defined
in NTC 2008, the engine needs to be re-certified. In such a case, for an EEDI-certified ship
where the SHaPoLi / EPL system is applied at a power below that required by regulation 24.5
of MARPOL Annex VI (minimum power requirement), the certified engine power should be at
the power satisfying that requirement.
NOX critical parameters and components are listed in NOX Technical File under the section "Components,
setting and operating values of the engine which may influence its NOX emission".
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