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Fundamentals of Control Systems Fundamentals of Control Systems

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Lecture Notes

Fundamentals of Control Systems

Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Thai Hoang

Department of Automatic Control
Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Email: hthoang@hcmut.edu.vn
Homepage: www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/
www4 hcmut edu vn/ hthoang/

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoang - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 1

Chapter 8


6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 2

 Stability conditions for discrete systems
 Extension of Routh-Hurwitz criteria
 Jury
J criterion
it i
 Root locus
 Steady
St d statet t error
 Performance of discrete systems

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 3

Stability conditions for discrete systems

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 4

Stability conditions for discrete systems
 A system is defined to be BIBO stable if every bounded
input to the system results in a bounded output.

I s
Im I z

Re s Stable Re z
Res  0 | z | 1 1
z  eTs

The region of stability for a The region of stability for a

contin o s system
continuous s stem is the di
t system
t i th
is the
left-half s-plane interior of the unit circle
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 5
Characteristic equation of discrete systems
 Discrete systems described by block diagram:
R(s) Y(s)
+ GC(z) ZOH G(s)
 T


 Characteristic equation: 1  GC ( z )GH ( z )  0

 Discrete systems described by the state equation

 x( k  1)  Ad x( k )  Bd r ( k )

 y ( k )  Cd x( k )
 Characteristic equation: det( zI  Ad )  0
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 6
Methods for analysis the stability of discrete systems

 Algebraic stability criteria

 The extension of the Routh-Hurwitz criteria
 Jury’s
J ’ stability
t bilit criterion
it i
 The root locus method

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 7

The extension of the Routh-
Routh-Hurwitz criteria

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 8

The extension of the Routh
Routh--Hurwitz criteria
 Characteristic
C a acte st c equat
o oof d
sc ete syste
a0 z n  a1 z n 1    an  0
Im z Im w

R i off Region of
stability Re z stability
Re w
1 1 w
1 w

 The extension of the Routh-Hurwitz criteria: transform

zw,, and then apply
pp y the Routh – Hurwitz criteria to the
characteristic equation of the variable w.
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 9
The extension of the Routh
Routh--Hurwitz criteria – Example

 Analyze the stability of the following system:

R(s) + Y(s)
 ZOH G(s)
T  0.5

3e  s 1
Given t G( s) 
th H ( s) 
s3 s 1
 Solution:
Sol tion
The characteristic equation of the system:
1  GH ( z )  0
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 10
The extension of the Routh-
Routh-Hurwitz criteria – Example (cont’)

 G ( s ) H ( s )  3 e
 GH ( z )  (1  z 1 )Z   G ( s) 
 s  ( s  3)
1  3e
3 e  1
 (1  z )Z   H (s) 
 s ( s  3)( s  1)  ( s  1)
1  2 z ( Az  B)
 3(1  z ) z
( z  1)( z  e 30.5 )( z  e 10.5 )
(1  e 30.5 )  3(1  e 0.5 )
A  0.0673
3(1  3)  1  z ( Az  B)
Z  
 s3(s0.5 a)( s  b)  ( z  1)( z  e aT )( z  e bT )
3e 30.5 (1  e 0.5 )  e 0.5 (1  e ) aT
B b(1  e  0).0346
a(1  e bT )
3(1  3) A
ab(b  a)

0 .202 z  0. 104
aeaT (1  e bT )  be bT (1  e aT )
GH ( z )  2
z ( z  0.223)( zB  0.607) ab(b  a)
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 11
The extension of the Routh-
Routh-Hurwitz criteria – Example (cont’)

 The characteristic equation:

1  GH ( z )  0
0.202 z  0.104
 1 2 0
z ( z  0.223)( z  0.607)
 z  0.83z  0.135z  0.202 z  0.104  0
4 3 2

1 w
 Perform the transformation: z 
1 w
1 w  1 w  1 w  1 w 
4 3 2

   0.83   0.135   0.202   0.104  0

1 w  1 w  1 w   1 z w
0.202  0.104
GH ( z )  2
z ( z  0.223)( z  0.607)
 1.867 w  5.648w  6.354 w  1.52 w  0.611  0
4 3 2

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 12

The extension of the Routh-
Routh-Hurwitz criteria – Example (cont’)

 The Routh table

 Conclusion: The system is stable because all the

terms in the first column of the Routh table are
1.867 w  5.648w  6.354 w  1.52 w  0.611  0
4 3 2

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 13

Jury stability criterion

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 14

Jury stability criterion
 Analyze the stability of the discrete system which has
the characteristic equation:
a0 z n  a1 z n 1    an 1 z  an  0
 Jury table: consist of (2n+1) rows.
 The first row consists of the coefficients of the
characteristic polynomial in the increasing index order.
 The even row (any) consists of the coefficients of the
previous row in the reverse order.
 The odd row i = 2k+1 (k1) consists (nk+1) terms,
the term at the row i column j defined by:
1 ci 2,1 ci 2,n  j k 3
cij 
ci 2,1 ci 1,1 ci 1,n  j k 3
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 15
Jury stability criterion (cont’)

 Jury criterion statement: The necessary and

sufficient condition for the discrete system to be
t bl isi that
th t allll the
th first
fi t tterms off th
the odd
dd rows off th
Jury table are positive.

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 16

Jury stability criterion – Example
 Analyze the stability of the system which has the characteristic
5 z  2 z  3z  1  0
3 2

 Solution: Juryy table

Row 1
Row 2
Row 3

Row 4
Row 5

Row 6
Row 7

 Since all the first terms of the odd rows are positive, the system is stable.

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 17

The root locus of discrete systems

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 18

The root locus (RL) method
 RL is a set of all the roots of the characteristic equation of
a system when a real parameter changing from 0  +.

 Consider a discrete system which has the characteristic

N ((zz )
1 K 0
D( z )

N ( z)
Denote: G0 ( z )  K
D( z )
Assume that G0(z) has n poles and m zeros.
 The rules for construction of the RL of continuous system
can be applied to discrete systems, except for the step 8.
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 19
Rules for construction of the RL of discrete systems

 Rule 1: The number of branches of a RL = the order of the

characteristic equation = number of poles of G0(z) = n.

 Rule 2:
 For K = 0: the RL begin at the poles of G0(z).
A K goes to
 As t + : m branches
b h off th
the RL endd att m zeros
of G0(z), the nm remaining branches goes to 
approaching the asymptote defined by the rule 5 and
rule 6.
 Rule 3: The RL is symmetric with respect to the real axis.

 Rule 4: A point on the real axis belongs to the RL if the

t t l number
total b off poles
l and d zeros off G0(z)
( ) to
t its
it right
i ht is
i odd.

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 20

Rules for construction of the RL of discrete system (cont’)

 Rule 5: The angles between the asymptotes and the real

axis are given by: ( 2l  1)
 (l  0,1,2,)
 Rule 6: The intersection between the asymptotes and
the real axis is a point A defined by:
n m

 poles   zeros  i i
p  z (pi and zi are
l and d zeros
OA   i 1 i 1
nm nm of G0(z) )

 Rule 7: : Breakaway / break-in points (or

break points for short), if any, are located in 0
the real axis and are satisfied the equation: d
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 21
Rules for construction of the RL of discrete system (cont’)

 Rule 8: The intersections of the RL with the unit circle can

be determined by using the extension of the Routh-Hurwitz
criteria or by substituting z=a+jb (a2+b2 =1) into the
characteristic equation.

 Rule 9: The departure angle of the RL from a pole pj (of

multiplicity 1) is given by:
m n
 j  1800   arg(( p j  zi )   arg(( p j  pi )
i 1 i 1,i  j

The geometric
Th t i form
f off the
th above
b formula
f l is
j = 1800 + (angle from zi (i=1..m) to pj )
 (angle
( l pi (i=1..m,
(i 1 i≠j) to
t pj )

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 22

The root locus of discrete systems – Example
 Consider a discrete system described by a block diagram:
R(s) Y(s)
+ ZOH G(s)
( )
 T  0.1

G( s) 
s( s  5)
 Sketch the RL of the system when K=0+. Determine
the critical gain Kcr

 Solution:The characteristic equation of the system:

1  G( z)  0
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 23
The root locus of discrete systems – Example (cont’)

1  G(s)  5K
5 K
 G ( z )  (1  z )Z   G ( s) 
 s  s ( s  5)
1  5K 
 (1  z )Z  2 
 s ( s  5) 
0 . 5
1  z[(0.5  1  e ) z  (1  e 0.5  0.5e 0.5 )] 
 K (1  z )  0 .5
 5( z  1) ( z  e )

0.021z  0.018
 G( z)  K
( z  1)( z  0.607)
0.021z  0.018
 Th characteristic
The h t i ti equation
ti : 1 K  0 (*)
( z  1)( z  0.607)
   aT  aT
Poles: p1  1 p2 Z 0.607a   z (aT  1  e ) z  (1  e  aTe )
 aT

 aT
  2

Zeros: z1  0.857  
s ( s a ) a ( z 1) ( z e )

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 24
The root locus of discrete systems – Example (cont’)
 The asymptotes:
(2l  1) (2l  1)
    
nm 2 1
OA 
 poles   zeros [1  0.607]  ( 0.857)
  OA  2.464
nm 2 1
 The breakaway/break-in points:
( z  1)( z  0.607) z 2  1.607 z  0.607
((*))  K  
0.021z  0.018 0.021z  0.018
dK 0.021z 2  0.036 z  0.042
 
dz (0.021z  0.018) 2

dK  z1  2.506
Then 0  
dz  z2  0.792
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The root locus of discrete systems – Example (cont’)

 The intersection of the root locus with the unit circle:

(*)  ( z  1)( z  0.607)  K (0.021z  0.018)  0

 z  (0.021K  1.607) z  (0.018 K  0.607)  0


Method 1: Apply the extension of Routh – Hurwitz criteria:

w  1 , (**) becomes:
Perform the transformation z
w 1
 w 1  w 1

   (0.021K  1.607)   (0.018K  0.607)  0

 w 1  w 1

 0.039 Kw2  (0.786  0.036 K ) w  (3.214  0.003K )  0

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 26

The root locus of discrete systems – Example (cont’)

According to the corollary of the Hurwitz criterion,

criterion the stability
conditions are:

K  0 K  0
 
0.786  0.036 K  0   K  21.83  K cr  21.83
3.214  0.003K  0  K  1071
 

Substitute Kcr = 21.83 into ((**),

), we have:

z 2  1.1485 z  1  0  z  0.5742  j 0.8187

Then the intersection of the RL with the unit circle are:

z  0.5742  j 0.8187

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 27

The root locus of discrete systems – Example (cont’)

Method 2: Substitute z = a + jb into (**) :

( a  jb)2  (0.021K  1.607)( a  jb)  (0.018K  0.607)  0

 a 2  j 2ab  b 2  (0.021K  1.607)a  j (0.021K  1.607)b 

(0.018K  0.607)  0

a 2  b2  (0.021K  1.607)a  (0.018K  0.607)  0

 
 j 2ab  j (0.021K  1.607)b  0

z 2  (0.021K  1.607) z  (0.018 K  0.607)  0

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 28

The root locus of discrete systems – Example (cont’)
 Combine with a2 + b2 =1,
=1 we have the set of equations:

a 2  b2  (0.021K  1.607)a  (0.018K  0.607)  0

 j 2ab  j (0.021K  1.607)b  0
a 2  b 2  1

 Solve the above set of equation, we obtain 4 intersection:

z 1 when
h K 0
z  1 when K  1071
z  0.5742  j 0.8187 when K  21.83
 K cr  21.83

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 29

The root locus of discrete systems – Example (cont’)
Im z

0 5742+j0 8187

506 0.792
Re z
3 2 1 0.857 0 0.607 +1


6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 30

Frequency response of discrete systems

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 31

Frequency response of discrete systems
 Exact
E act frequency
freq enc response: substitute
s bstit te z  e into the
transfer function G(z)  G ( e jT )
 Ex: Transfer function: G ( z ) 
z ( z  0.6)
 Frequency response: G ( e )  jT jT

e ( e  0.6)
 Draw the exact Bode diagram of discrete systems:
 Difficult
 Cannot apply the addition property of the Bode plot

fs 
 Note: Sampling theorem: f   
2 T
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 32
Frequency response of discrete systems – Example
 Consider the discrete system:
R(s) Y(s)
+ ZOH G(s)

T  0.1
G( s) 
s( s  3)
 Plot the frequency response of the open-loop system
 Solution:The transfer function of the open-loop system:
1  G( s)  0.0544 z  0.0493
G ( z )  (1  z )Z    G( z)  2
 s  z  1.741z  0.741
jT 0 .0544 e  0.0493
 Frequency response: G ( e ) 
( e jT ) 2  1.741e jT  0.741
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 33
Frequency response of discrete systems – Example (cont’)

Exact Bode diagram (Matlab)

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 34

The bilinear transformation
1  Tw / 2 2  z  1
 Bilinear transformation: z   w  z  1
1  Tw / 2 T
j jw

 w

Z-plane W-plane

 Frequency response of discrete system after bilinear

G ( z ) z e j  G ( w) w j

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 35

Relationship between frequency in w-
w-plane and continuous frequency

 I the
In th imaginary
i i axis
i off the
th w-plane:
l w  jw
 In the unit circle of the z-plane:
2  z  1 2 e  1
 2  T 
 z  1 jT   jT   j tan 
T z e
T  e  1 T  2 
2  z  1
 Due to the bilinear transformation: w 
T  z  1
 j  j 2 tan  T 
T  2 
 T  T
 At low frequency: T / 2  0  tan   , then:
 2  2
jw  j
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 36
Procedure for drawing approximate Bode diagram

 Step 1: Perform the bilinear transformation:

1  Tw / 2
1  Tw / 2
 p 2: Substitute w  jw , then apply
Step pp y the procedure
p for
drawing the Bode diagram presented in chapter 4.

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 37

Stability analysis of discrete systems using frequency response

 When determine
Wh d i the
h gaini crossover frequency,
f phase
crossover frequency, remember the relationship:
2  T 
jw  j tan  
T  2 

 Gain margin and phase margin are determined in a similar

way as continuous
i systems.

 The stability of discrete systems can be analyzed by using

Bode diagrams as continuous systems.

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 38

Performance of discrete systems

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 41

Time response of discrete systems
 Time response of a discrete system can be calculated by
using one of the two methods below:
 Method 1: if the discrete system described by a transfer
function, first we calculate Y(z), and then apply the
inverse z-transform to find y(k).
y( )
 Method 2: if the discrete system described by state
q first we find the solution x(k)( ) to the state
equations, then calculate y(k).

 Dominant
D i t poles l off a discrete
di t system
t are the
th poles
l lying
l i
closest to the unit circle.

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 42

Transient performances
Method 1: Analyzing the transient performance based on
the time response y(k) of discrete systems.
ymax  yss
 Percentage of overshoot: POT  100%
ymax and yss are the maximum and steady-state
steady state values of y(k)

 Settling time: ts  ksT

where ks satisfying the condition:
 . yss
y ( k )  yss  , k  k s
     
 1   yss  y ( k )  1   yss , k  k s
 100   100 
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 43
Transient performances
Method 2:2 Analyzing the transient performances based
on the dominant poles.
  ln r
 
 The dominant poles: z1, 2  re
* j
 
 (ln r ) 2
  2

  1 (ln r ) 2   2
 n T

  

 Percentage of overshoot: POT  exp    100%
   2 
 1 
 Settling time: ts  (according to 5% criterion)
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 44
Steady state error

R(s) E(z) Y(s)

+ GC(z) ZOH G(s)
 T


R ((zz )
 E
Error expression:
i E ( z) 
1  GC ( z )GH ( z )

 Steady state error: ess  lim e( k )  lim(1  z 1 ) E ( z )

k  z 1

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 45

Performances of discrete system – Example 1

R( )
R(s) Y( )
+ ZOH G(s)

T  0.1 10
G(s) 
( s  2)( s  3)
1. Calculate the closed-loopp transfer function of the system.
2. Calculate the time response of the system to step input.
3. Evaluate the performance of the system: POT, settling
time, steady-state error.

 Solution:
G( z)
1. The closed-loopp TF of the system:
y G cl ( z ) 
1  G( z)
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 46
Performance of discrete system – Example 1 (cont’)

 G( s) 
1 G ( s) 
 G ( z )  (1  z )Z   ( s  2)( s  3)
 s 
1  10 
 (1  z )Z  
 s( s  2)( s  3) 
1 z ( Az  B )
 10(1  z )
( z  1)( z  e 20.1 )( z  e 30.1 )
 1  z ( Az  B)
Z  
0.042 z  0.036       aT
 bT
 G( z)  s ( s a )( s b ) ( z 1)( z e )( z e )
( z  0.819)( z  0.741
b(1) e aT )  a(1  e bT )
ab(b  a)
aeaT (1  e bT )  be bT (1  e aT )
ab(b  a)
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 47
Performance of discrete system – Example 1 (cont’)
0.042 z  0.036
G( z) G( z) 
 Gcl ( z )  ( z  0.819)( z  0.741)
1  G( z)

0.042 z  0.036
( z  0.819)( z  0.741)

0.042 z  0.036
( z  0.819)( z  0.741)

0.042 z  0.036
 Gcl ( z )  2
z  1.518 z  0.643

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 48

Performance of discrete system – Example 1 (cont’)

2. The
Th time
ti response off the
th system
t tot step
t input.
i t
Y ( z )  Gk ( z ) R( z ) 0.042 z  0.036
Gk ( z ) 
0.042 z  0.036 z 2  1.518 z  0.643
 2 R( z )
z  1.518 z  0.643

0.042 z 1  0.036 z 2
 1 2
R( z )
1  1.518 z  0.643z
 (1  1.518 z 1  0.643 z 2 )Y ( z )  (0.042 z 1  0.036 z 2 ) R ( z )

 y (k )  1.518 y (k  1)  0.643 y (k  2)  0.042r (k  1)  0.036r (k  2)

 y (k )  1.518 y (k  1)  0.643 y (k  2)  0.042r (k  1)  0.036r (k  2)

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 49

Performance of discrete system – Example 1 (cont’)

U it step
Unit t r ( k )  1, 
t input:
i kk  0
Initial condition: y ( 1)  y ( 2)  0
Substitute the initial condition to the recursive equation
off y(k),
(k) we have:
y ( k )  0; 0.0420; 0.1418; 0.2662; 0.3909; 0.5003;...
0.5860; 0.6459; 0.6817;0.6975; 0.6985; 0.6898;...
0.6760; 0.6606; 0.6461; 0.6341; 0.6251; 0.6191;...

c(k )  1.518c(k  1)  0.643c(k  2)  0.042r (k  1)  0.036r (k  2)

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 50

Performance of discrete system – Example 1 (cont’)
Step Response







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (sec)

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 51

Performance of discrete system – Example 1 (cont’)
3 Transient performances:
3. 0.042 z  0.036
Gk ( z )  2
The steady state response: z  1.518 z  0.643
li (1  z 1 )Y ( z )
yss  lim 1
R( z ) 
z 1
1  z 1
 lim(1  z 1 )Gk ( z ) R( z )
z 1
 0.042 z  0.036  1 
 lim(1  z ) 2  1 
z 1  z  1.518 z  0.643  1  z 
 y ss  0.624

The maximum value: ymax  0.6985

 Percentage of overshoot:
ymax  yss 0.6985  0.624
POT  100%  100%  11.94%
yss 0.624
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 52
Performance of discrete system – Example 1 (cont’)
 Settling time (5% criterion): cxl  0.624
First, we need to find ks satisfying:   5%  0.05
1    yss  y (k )  1    yss , k  ks
 0.593  y (k )  0.655, k  ks
From the time response calculated before  ks  14
ts  ksT  14  0.1
 ts  1.4 sec

 kt) t error:
St d c(state
Steady 0; 0.0420; 0.1418; 0.2662; 0.3909; 0.5003;...
Since the system0.5860is;unity
; 0.6817;feedback,
0.6975; 0.6985we ;have:
ess  rss 0.6760
yss ; 10.
6606 ; 0.6461;
0.624 0.6341e; 0.6251
0. ; 0.6191;...

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 53

Performance of discrete system – Example 1 (cont’)
 Note: It is possible to calculate POT and ts based on the dominant poles
The poles of the closed-loop system are the roots of the equation:
z 2  1.518 z  0.643  0
 z1*, 2  0.7590  j 0.2587  0.80190.3285
 ln r  ln 0.8019
   0.5579
 (ln r )  
2 2
(ln 0.8019)  0.3285
2 2

1 1
n  (ln r )   
2 2
(ln 0.8019) 2  0.3285 2  0.3958
T 0 .1
 

POT  exp 
 .100%  exp  0.5579  3.14 .100%  12.11%
   2 
 1   2
  1  0. 5579 
3 3
t qñ    1.36 sec
 n 0.5579  0.3958
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 54
Performance of discrete system – Example 2

r(t) e(t) e(kT) eR(t) y(t)

+ ZOH G (s )


2( s  5)
with T = 0.1 G( s) 
( s  2)( s  3)
1. Formulate
1 F l t the
th state
t t equations
ti d
ibi the
th system
2. Calculate the response of the system to unit step input
(assuming the initial conditions are zeros) using the state
equation formulated above.
3 Calculate POT,
3. POT settling time,
time steady state error

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 55

Performance of discrete system – Example 2 (cont’)

 Solution:
S l ti
1. Formulate the state equation:
Y ( s) 2( s  5) 2 s  10
G( s)    2
E R ( s ) ( s  2)( s  3) s  5s  6
 The state equation of the continuous plant:
 x1 (t )   0 1   x1 (t )  0
 x (t )    6  5  x (t )  1eR (t )
 2     2  

 x1 (t ) 
y (t )  10 2
  x2 (t )
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 56
Performance of discrete system – Example 2 (cont’)
 The transient matrix:
1 1
 1 0  0 1   s  1  
 ( s )  sI  A   s      
     
  0 1    6  5    6 s  5 
 s5 1 
1  s  5 1  ( s  2)( s  3) ( s  2)( s  3) 
    
s ( s  5)  6   6 s    6 s 
 ( s  2)( s  3) ( s  2)( s  3) 
 1  3 2  1  1 1 
 L    L   
1  s  2 s  3  s  2 s  3 
(t )  L [( s)]   
 L 1  6  6  L 1  2  3 
  s  2 s  3   s  2 s  3 
 (3e 2t  2e 3t ) (e 2t  e 3t ) 
  (t )    2t  3t  2t  3t 
(6e  6e ) (2e  3e )
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 57
Performance of discrete system – Example 2 (cont’)
 The state equation of the  x[(k  1)T ]  Ad x(kT )  Bd eR (kT )

discrete open-loop system:  y (kT )  Cd x(kT )

 (3e 2T  2e 3T ) (e 2T  e 3T )   0.9746 0.0779

Ad   (T )    2T 3T  2T 3T 
  0.4675 0.5850
 (  6 e  6 e ) (  2 e  3e )  T  0. 1  

T 
T  2 3
 (3e  2e ) (e 2  e 3 )  0 
Bd   ( ) Bd    2 3  2 3   
d 
0 0(6e  6e ) (2e  3e ) 1 
 2  3 0.1
T  (e  2  e 3 )   ( e 
e 
   d    )  
 2  3   2 3  
0  ( 2e  3e ) 
   (e  e ) 
 2  3  0 .0779 

Cd  C  10 2

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 58

Performance of discrete system – Example 2 (cont’)
 The state equation of the discrete closed-loop system:
 x[(k  1)T ]   Ad  Bd Cd x(kT )  Bd r (kT )

 y (kT )  Cd x(kT )
 0.9746 0.0779 0.0042  0.9326 0.0695
Ad  Bd Cd       10 2   
 0.4675 0.5850 0.0779  1.2465 0.4292

 x1 (k  1)   0.9326 0.0695  x1 (k )  0.0042 

 x (k  1)   1.2465 0.4292   x (k )  0.0779  r (kT )
 2    2   

 x1 (k ) 
y (k )  10 2. 
 2 
x ( k )

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 59

Performance of discrete system – Example 2 (cont’)
2 Time response of the system:
From the closed-loop state equations, we have:
 x1 (k  1)  0.9326 x1 (k )  0.0695 x2 (k )  0.0042r ( k )

 x2 (k  1)  1.2465 x1 (k )  0.4292 x2 (k )  0.0779r (t )
With initial condition x1(1)=x2(1)=0, unit step input, we can
calculate the solution to the state equation:
x1 (k )  10 3  0; 4.2; 13.5; 24.2; 34.2; 42.6; 49.1; 54.0; 57.4; 59.7;...
61.2; 62.0; 62.5; 62.7; 62.8; 62.8; 62.7; 62.7; 62.6; 62.6 ...
x2 (k )  10 3  0; 77.9; 106.1; 106.6; 93.5; 75.4; 57.2; 41.2; 28.3; 18.5; ...
11 4; 6.5;
11.4; 6 5; 3.4;
3 4; 1.4;
1 4; 0.3;
0 3; -0.3;
0 3; -0.5;
0 5; -0.5;
0 5; -0.5; 0 4 ...
0 5; -0.4
The closed-loop system response: y (k )  10 x1 (k )  2 x2 (k )
y (k )  0; 0.198;; 0.348;; 0.455;; 0.529;; 0.577;; 0.606;; 0.622;; 0.631;; 0.634;...
0.635; 0.634; 0.632; 0.630; 0.629; 0.627; 0.627; 0.626; 0.625; 0.625...
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 60
Performance of discrete system – Example 2 (cont’)
Step Response
espo se







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (sec)

6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 61

Performance of discrete system – Example 2 (cont’)
3 Performances of the system:
 Percentage of overshoot:

ymax  0.635
63 ymax  yss
 POT  100%  1.6%
yss  0.625
 The settling time:
1  0.05 y  y ( k )  1  0.05 y , k  ks
According to the response of the system:
0.594  y (k )  0.656, k  6
 ks  6  ts  ksT  0.6 sec
c(k )  0; 0.198; 0.348; 0.455; 0.529; 0.577; 0.606; 0.622; 0.631; 0.634;...
 S d state error: ess  rss  yss  1  0.625  0.375
0.635; 0.634; 0.632; 0.630; 0.629; 0.627; 0.627; 0.626; 0.625; 0.625...
6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 62

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