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SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

Prepared by Eric mitielo © supatech 2018 All Rights Reserved

SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

Introduction to Computers
Course Outline
 Definition of Computer
 Definition of Terminologies
 Characteristics of Computers
 Application areas
 Advantages and disadvantages of using Computers
 Computer Hardware
 System hardware
 Input and output devices
 Central Processing Unit
 Computer software
 Classification of computers
 Hardware error messages
 Peripheral devices, safety precautions and trouble shooting
 Introduction to computer networking, types and trouble shooting
 Anti-virus software, updating and management
 Computer back-ups
 Security issues

General Objective
The general objective of training Introduction to Computers Course is to equip the learner with the skills
and knowledge to identify, take precautions and communicate the major system safety precautions and
problems encountered precisely and take security measures incase of system failure. The course creates
a deeper understanding of parts, operations and use of various system components. E.g. Hardware &
other devices, software installations, virus management, network management & operations and security

Prepared by Eric mitielo © supatech 2018 All Rights Reserved

SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

Time allocated for the course is five lesson numbers.
Quiz is done on the fifth lesson

Specific Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to define a computer, list application areas, and
state the advantages and disadvantages of using computers.
Lesson Contents
 Defining a computer, data and information
 Areas where computers are applied
 Advantages and disadvantages of using computers

What is a Computer?
A Computer is an electronic device that works under the control of stored programs, automatically
accepting, storing and processing data to produce information which can be retrieved by the user.
A Computer is an electronic device that can solve problem or manipulate data by prescribed operation
(Process) on the input and supply results.
A Computer is an electronic device that accepts an input from the user, performs arithmetic and logical
operations on the data and stores information or produces results on an output device.
A Computer is an electronic machine that is used to process data into information

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SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

Data is a raw facts or raw materials used by a computer to come up with something complete
Processing- it is the act of manipulating or working out data to obtain a complete nature of data.
Information is the data that has been transformed into a meaningful result. It is also defined as data that
has undergone through processing or data that has been worked out to obtain a complete nature of data.
Program- is a set of instructions written in computer language and a computer uses it to perform a
particular task
Computing-it is the use of electronic device to manipulate data to provide information used for decision
making and other purposes. It involves input of data, processing of data into information, output of
storage data and storage of data
Retrieve- means to open or get access to a defined specification e.g. network or disks
Manipulate- working out

Characteristics of Computers
 It is automatic- it is less manual and works automatically following a given program
 Programmable- it follows a given program
 It is capable of performing logical and arithmetic operations i.e. working out the sum that is less
than or greater than. It is capable of computing numerals i.e. addition, subtractions, divisions and
 Data storage-it can store information permanently in a hard disk that is located within the
processor for future reference.
 It is more versatile and flexible- it can do more work compared to other electronic devices. It is
flexible because one can navigate through programs.
 It can be networked- it can be used in communication field that involves websites and linking
people through emails.

Application Areas Of Computers

International air lines have booking offices all over the world making it possible to book air flight. To
do this air line uses a central computer which is connected to wild wide communication system.
Also computers are used to control traffic lights in a busy town.

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SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

Manufacturing and production

Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) and Process Control
Systems are computer systems that have revolutionized the production industries
In places where machine performs the same process over and over again, computers controlled machines
are more accurate and much quicker than machines operated by human being. Computers enhance
weighing, branding, packing, branding, packing, keeping of accurate records, printing of catalogues,
price lists, invoices and all transaction records.

Education And Reference ( Learning institution)

Computers incorporate databases of information useful in organizing and disseminating educational
resources. Internet has massive reference materials on virtually every learning area.
Computers are used in education as supporting staff for teachers. They are also used to teach and
demonstrate while acquiring skills in the field of computer studies.

Science Research and Engineering

Computers are used as a research tool and perform complex computation.
It is also used as diagnostic and monitoring tool.
Getting access to computerized map using Global Positioning Satellite ( GPS)
Computers are used for modern mass production methods in the auto industry using computer driven

Digital communication using computers is popular and is being adopted world wide as opposed to
analog communication.
Computers have enhanced communication through email communication, electronic data interchange,
electronic fund transfer, internet etc
 Organization Management using Stock Control Programs
Stock control programs on a computer enables the management of a firm to keep accurate and up to
date stock records.
Proliferation of management information system have aided greatly the process of managerial planning,
controlling, directing and decision making.
 Banking
Computers have been incorporated in areas like: credit analysis, fund transfer, customer relations,
automated teller machines, home banking and online banking.
A central computer is used to store details of all banks’ customers in all its branch country wide.
Computers are used to calculate the amount, detect and reject fake money and other services
Computers have been incorporated in areas like: credit analysis, fund transfer, customer relation and
online banking

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SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

Health care and medicine

Computers are used in maintenance of patient records, medical insurance system, medical diagnosis and
patient monitoring.
Computers are used in hospitals to keep accurate records of patients and workers. It is also used in
radiotherapy process, blood screening, Life support machine and printing of patient cards .

In entertainment industry it has enables high quality storage of motion pictures and music files using
high speed and efficient digital storage devices like CDs, VCD and DVDs
Computer games and internet also is great source of entertainment.

Security and Defense

This is done through reading of finger prints to identify the person involved in a crime like murder case.
Also as an advertising media it can be used to announce suspects for arrest

Reservation systems
Guest booking, accommodation and bill accounting using computers in hotels has made the process to
be fast and efficient

Christianity has now spread allover the world about Christ second coming through sermons, gospel
music etc. this has been made easy by computer knowledge. Some programs can be easily accessed
through internet
Business Premises
Computer are used to computerize business premises such that account department can have
computerized account to store all the important information hence computer system keeps the details on
purchase ledger and sales. For instant supermarkets use stock control system to alert them on goods out
of stock.

Advantages of using computers

 Fast and efficient-They are fast in terms of processing speed as compared to other means of
processing. Computers perform tasks at a very high processing speed.
 Accuracy- Computers are not prone to errors. So long as the programs are correct, they will
always give correct output.
 Reliability- computer systems are built with fault tolerance features i.e. failure of one component
does not necessarily lead to the failure of the whole system.
 Consistency- Given the same data and same instructions they will exactly produce the same
answer whenever a particular process is repeated.
 Memory capability- Computers have ability to store and access large volumes of data.
 Processing capability- A computer has the ability to execute millions of instructions per second
Depending on processing power of computer; it can process large volume of instructions
(millions of instruction) in a second.

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SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

 Automatic- They perform large task just by clicking a button. They can be set so that there
performance becomes highly automated to switch from task to task without human intervention.
E.g. banks manage to run Automated Teller Machine (ATM) automatically.
 Record Security- Records kept in computers are more secure than manual records. The access of
records in computers can be controlled using password.
 Computers discourage duplication of information both in storage and in processing. Computer
programs can be customized to detect any duplication of data being made to them.
 They are flexible-Computers can perform a variety of jobs. This is referred to as versatility i.e.
you can use the computer to print while doing other tasks like type setting, listening to music etc.
 Improves flow of information- It is much easier to pass information from one place to another,
faster and cheaply by use of computers.
 Computers does not get tired- In busy working environment computers can run for long hours.

Disadvantages of computers
 Computers are relatively expensive in that purchasing cost is high.
 Data, information and programs can be lost easily due to power failure and disruption
 They depend on electricity thus limited to areas where electricity is available.
 They need knowledge and skills to operate and switch through programs
 They need experts to repair and maintain depending on operating system
 They take much space on disposal
 Surfing through internet can ruin your computer by a malicious programs called Virus. Also ruin
the eye sight when you surf for a long period of time.
 Computers causes unemployment for instance one computer does the work of hundred
accountants at a time hence taking places of labor.
 The use of internet and entertainment i.e. computer games and videos makes people antisocial.

Computers are classified under the following.
1. Classification by generation
2. Classification by physical size, capacity and processing power
3. Classification by purpose
4. Classification by functionality/ use

Classification by Generation

1st generation computers

Were developed in the year 1940s
Used electronic valves as there main storage.
Were large in size and used for both manufacturing and commercial purposes

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SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

2nd generation computers

Developed in the year 1950s
Used transistor technology as there main storage
Were small in size and used less power and were less expensive than 1st generation computers

3rd gene ration computers

Were developed in the year 1965
Used large scale integrated circuits which are mainly transistor components
They are more expensive than 2nd generation and able to do multiprogramming

4th gene ration computers

Developed in the year 1980s
Used large scale integrated circuits their main storage circuits’ combination of capacitors, resistors and
integrated wiring system.
Cheaper than the 3rd generation
Have large capacity and can be networked

5th Generation computers

Were expected in the year 1990s
Uses the new integrated circuits as their main storage
Will be able to recognize voice thus voice recognition as their input device
Advancement come with modern operating system and can easily be networked

Classification by physical size, capacity and processing power

Super computers
Mainframe computers

Super computers
They are fast, large, most expensive and powerful computers available.
Because of weight are paced in a special room.
The are capable of performing complex calculations .
They are mainly used in scientific research which requires complex and enormous calculations

Mainframe computers
They are less powerful and less expensive than super computers
They are big in size and are used for processing data and performing complex mathematical
They have large storage capacity and can support a variety of peripherals.
They handle all kinds of problems whether scientific or commercial

Prepared by Eric mitielo © supatech 2018 All Rights Reserved

SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

They are found in government agencies big organizations and companies like banks, hospitals and

Resembles mainframe but it is slightly smaller. It is small scale mainframe computer.
It supports fewer peripheral devices and is not as powerful and as fast as mainframe computer
It is developed for cheaper alternative to mainframe for smaller organizations
They are used in scientific laboratories, research institutions, and engineering plants
They are suitable for accounting, word processing, data management and specific industry application

Is the smallest, cheapest, and relatively lest powerful type of computer.
It is called microcomputer because it uses a microprocessor
They are also called personal computer (PC)
They are used in learning institution for training purposes, business enterprises, communication centers
Types of microcomputer in descending order
 Desktop computers
 Laptop computers
 Palmtop e.g. Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)

Classification by purpose
Computers can be classified according to the task they perform
I. General purpose
II. Special purpose

General purpose computers

They are design to perform a variety of tasks when loaded with appropriate programs.
Since they are flexible they are applied in a wide range of applications E.g. document processing,
performing calculations, accounting, data and information management.

Special purpose computers

They are designed to accomplish one particular task.
They perform only task they were meant to do
Set of instruction which drive a special purpose computer are limited in number during manufacturing
Robots, mobile phone for communication calculators for calculations
The advantage of using special purpose is that since they are dedicated to a single task they can perform
the task quickly and very efficient.

Prepared by Eric mitielo © supatech 2018 All Rights Reserved

SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

Classification according to functionality /use

They are classified according to the data they can process.
Data can be either discrete or continuous.

Discrete (digital) data is one that can be represented as distinct values that do not have transitional stages
over time e.g. either 1 or 0

Continuous (analog) data can be represented as progressively changing values over time.

Time (t) Time (t)

The computer can be classified either as:-

 Digital computers
 Analog computers
 Hybrid computers

Digital computers
They process digital data only
Data to be manipulated by digital must first be converted to digital form

Analog computers
They process data that is analog in nature
They solve problems by measuring the amount of change that occurs in quantities like speed,
temperature and pressure.
Analog machine is special purpose device that is dedicated to a single task
Analog computers are used in process control like monitoring and regulating furnace temperatures and
They are also used in other applications like in weather stations to process and record physical quantities
e.g. wind, cloud, speed temperatures etc

Hybrid computers
They are designed to process both analog and digital data

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SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

They are categorized into two main groups
 Hardware
 Software
Hardware is physical tangible computer equipments and devices which supports major functions like
input, processing, output, secondary storage and communication.

Software refers to intangible parts of computer which are programs that run computer hardware and
solve the user problems.

These are the physical components making up a computer.
A computer generally is made up of system unit and other devices connected to system unit called
peripheral devices

System unit is the part that houses the brain of the computer called central processing unit (CPU)
It also houses other devices called drivers which are used to store, record and read data.

Peripheral devices are connected to the system unit using special cables called data interface cable that
carry data to and from the device.

Classification of computer hardware

 Input devices
 Output devices
 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
 Storage devices

Inputs Devices
Input devices help a user to feed data into the system for processing.
They convert human readable data to machine readable form.

Types of input devices

Keyboard entry- data is entered into the system by typing using keyboard

Direct entry using data capture device which automatically capture data from the source.
Machine readable data like bar cord can be directly input into machine without using key board i.e. by
use of bar-cord reader

Scanners, digital cameras, Bar-code reader Optical Mark reader, optical character reader, magnetic ink

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SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

Using pointing device that controls the pointer (cursor) on the screen such as:
Mouse, trackball, joystick and light pen

Speech recognition or voice input: microphones are used to enter data inform of spoken words into the

Touch screen, digitizer and digital cameras

Touch screen utilizes technology of touch sensitive screen input,
Digitizer or graphic tablet where user writes on it using device like pen called stylus as you draw is
directly reflected on the screen.


CPU also called the processor is the most important component since is regarded as the brain of
All data processing and operation control takes place in the CPU. It is described as the heart of
It is divide into three ie it has three different functional units:
 Memory Unit (MU)
 Control Unit (CU)
 Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)

Memory Unit (MU)

Holds program instructions, data being processed and results of processing awaiting to be transfer to the
output device.
Main memory is also called primary storage that provides storage location for data and instructions
accessed by the control unit.
Main memory stores five kinds of data:
 Instructions waiting to be obeyed
 Instructions currently being processed
 Data waiting to be processed
 Data currently being processed
 Information waiting output

Computer memory can be classified into two

 Read Only Memory (ROM)
 Random Access Memory (RAM)

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SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

Read Only Memory (ROM)

Is used to store programmed instructions and data permanently or semi-permanently.
Data stored here is required to be stored in the system for a long period of time e.g. booting instructions
Types of read only memory

Mask read only memory: - once the content is written on it by the manufacturer cannot be erased or
Programmable read only memory (PROM): - it allows the user to alter it once after the content is written
on it.
Erasable programmable read only memory (EPROM): - it has a transparent quartz window through
which its content can be erased by exposing it to ultra violet (UV) light and the programmed for another
Electrical erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM): - this type of ROM can only be
erased and reprogrammed using electricity. E.g. the memory that stores BIOS

Helps a user to view the data processing results: E.g. the Monitor/ screen, digital cameras, printers,
graph plotters, audio response units, microfilm (microfiche)

1. What is a computer?
2. List five areas where computers have been applied.
3. List 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of using computers
4. Give the two major parts of a computer.
Lesson 2
Specific Objectives

Prepared by Eric mitielo © supatech 2018 All Rights Reserved

SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to describe the CPU, computer memories, Computer
software and hardware error messages
Lesson Content
 CPU and its parts
 ROM and RAM
 Computer software types
0 Hardware error messages

Central Processing Unit (CPU).
The purpose of the central processing unit is to do the processing of data to produce meaningful results.

Arithmetic and Logical Unit

Input device Control Unit Output device

Primary storage

Backing Storage

The above figure is an illustration of information processing areas in the CPU.

1. Control Unit (CU)
This is the part in the CPU that controls the processing of data and information in the whole system.
2. Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU)
This is where all calculations and logical operations are performed.
3. Memory Unit
Also referred to as immediate access storage.
RAM. (Random Access Memory).
The area that stores information while being processed is the RAM. All the information contained in
RAM is lost once the computer is switched off. Thus, the RAM is referred to as volatile memory.
ROM (Read Only Memory)
It is a special memory, which is used to keep special information needed by the computer permanently.

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SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

Its non-volatile meaning that it can’t lose information even if power is lost
Involves other machines connected to the computer for specific functions e.g. the printer, fax machine,
telephone cable etc.
This refers to the programs or sets of instructions that can be run on hardware to produce a meaningful
Types of software:
System Software
These are programs written especially to run, control the computer and manage all the general functions
that takes place on a computer e.g. MS DOS, Windows, Unix, Novell etc
Application Software
These are programs designed to help a user perform a specific task. It’s further divided in to two I.e.
Generalized and Customized Applications
a. Generalized Applications
These are packages made to produce some kind of work. Examples include Word Processors,
Spreadsheets, Databases, Desktop Publishing, Presentations, and Computer Aided Designs.
b. Customized Applications
These are computerized systems designed for companies, institutes, governmental departments e.t.c to
enable them perform their kind of work on computers. Examples of such systems include: -
Banking systems, payroll systems etc

Computer Classifications
While working with computers, you may be asked to classify them, we can classify computers based on:
manufacturer, size etc.)
Hardware error messages
These are different messages displayed on the screen to tell of a fault somewhere in the computer.
 Non-fatal error messages
 Fatal error messages
Non-fatal error messages are to advice the user of the state of the machine. These are the errors that
may be corrected there and then e.g. please wait, press any key etc.
Fatal errors are the serious ones produced as a result of various tests a computer does when it is first
switched on e.g. Error: Faulty system Ram, Error: Faulty VDU etc

Home works
1. Explain the three parts of CPU
2. Explain three types of software
3. Differentiate non-fatal error messages and fatal error messages giving
examples for each case
Lesson 3
Specific objective

Prepared by Eric mitielo © supatech 2018 All Rights Reserved

SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to, identify different peripheral devices and
troubleshoot problems associated with these devices when working with the computers.
Lesson Content: Peripheral hardware devices (Input: -Scanners, digital cameras; Output devices: -
Printers), Troubleshooting of computer system unit.

Peripheral hardware involves other machines connected to the computer for a specific function e.g. the
printers, telephone cables, scanners, fax machines etc.
Input devices help a user to feed data to the computer e.g. the Keyboard, which is used to enter data and
instructions to the computer, others include: Bar-code reader, Optical Mark Reader, Optical Character
Reader, Magnetic Ink Reader, Sensitive Screen Input, Mouse, Speech Recognition Devices, Scanner,
Light Pen, Joystick, Digital Cameras, Projector, VCR and Television Etc.
Helps a user to view the data processing results. E.g. the Monitor screen, Printers, graph plotters, audio
response units, microfilm (microfiche)

Printers are output devices that are used by systems to produce printed reports and documents. The
output is usually printed on papers and is technically referred to as hard copy output. We have many
types of printers e.g. laser, daisy wheel, dot matrix etc today’s printers are fast and can come integrated
with other devices

Advantages of printers:
 They operate at high speed
 They can print various styles, fonts and sizes.
 Some have ability to produce multi colored printing.
 They are expensive to buy.
 They are expensive to run.
Connecting a printer.
1 Connect both the data cable and power cable in their respective ports.
2 Turn the printer on.
 Ensure that the printer is properly connected to the computer
 Ensure that the printer is properly connected to electrical power and turned on.
Multimedia: - multimedia discs look like music CDs but instead of just playing music, they combine
text, pictures, sound, and video. You can play multimedia discs on a personal computer as long as your
computer meets certain specifications.
Why is multimedia such an exciting development? Multimedia is a breakthrough in the world of
computing. It allows information to be delivered in a totally new and highly effective way.

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SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

What were the beginnings of multimedia? The first multimedia systems were based on videodisc
technology. The videodisc has been largely superseded by a variety of compact disc technologies, of
which CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read Only Memory) is at present the most common.
At first, CD-ROM was used mainly for storing and delivering text. The format has been further
developed so that it is now capable of delivering multimedia information. e.g.

Can I play a multimedia CD-ROM on my PC? Yes you can, provided that you have appropriate CD-
ROM hardware and software installed.
My CD ROM can’t play why?
You need the following to play a multimedia CD-ROM:
Basic CD computer: 80386 SX; 4Mb of RAM; 4Mb of hard disc space; floppy drive; SVGA monitor;
MS-DOS Version 5 or above; Microsoft windows Version 3.1 or above with multimedia extensions.
In addition you need
 An MPC compatible CD-ROM drive, attached to the computer via an interface board;
 A 16-bit MPC compatible soundboard and headphones or speakers.
If the above are missing you may have difficulties in playing your media.
The main alternatives to CD-ROMS are
3 CD-I (Compact Disc Interactive – launched in 1987)
4 CDTV (Commodore Dynamic Total Vision – launched in 1991)
 Photo CD (launched in 1992)

Digital TVs: you can watch your favorite T.V channel and play radio programs if your machine has T.V
card installed with the required drivers.
Connections: connect your T.V aerial cable to the T.V card port on the back of your system unit. Load
the TV software and choose the channel to watch, the current T.V programs will be displayed on your
monitor screen.


Troubleshooting means detecting and identifying a problem and establishing a solution to the problem.
The following procedures are important in system unit.
No power to the system at all. The power light doesn’t illuminate, the power supply fan not rotating
and keyboard light is off.
Power black out
5 Faulty cable from the wall outlet to the power supply unit
6 A blown component in the power supply unit
7 Power cable is unplugged
8 Faulty wall socket outlet

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SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

9 Replace the faulty cable

10 Replace the faulty component after diagnosis
11 Plug on the power cable
12 Replace or repair the faulty wall socket outlet.
System is in operational, keyboard light is on, power indicator light is on and hard drive is spinning,
 Hanging of the computer system unit.
 Restart the computer using the RESET BUTTON or the three key combination of CTRL+

Home Work
1. List the advantages and disadvantages of Printers
2. List down some of the steps to be followed when troubleshooting: Computer Printer
3. List down at least three peripheral hardware devices that you know

Specific Objectives
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to describe the types of networks, network
topologies, how to choose a network and troubleshooting.
Lesson content: Introduction to networking, types of networks,

Computer Networks:
A computer network is the linking or interconnecting two or more computers in order to share resources.
Types of Networks
There are three main categories of computer networks
LAN (Local Area Networks)
WAN (Wide Area Networks)
LAN: it’s a network of computers within a small (Limited) geographical area. They have high data
transmission rates and low cost transmission and intra-office traffic.
WAN: it’s a network of computers within a very large (Unlimited) geographical area E.g. City - to
-City, Country-to-Country, Continent - to – Continent
Components/Devices to Connect to Network
The following are common hardware devices required to connect to computer network
File Server & Printer Server, Workstation (node), Network interface Card, Networking, Cables, Hub,
Router, Bridge, Switch, Gateways, Telephone Line, Modem, Transceivers, Repeaters, Concentrator

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SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

Topology, this refers to the way the end stations or nodes of the network are interconnected. I.e. it
depicts the shape of the network. The shapes of the network determine how it functions.
Properties to Examine when choosing a Topology
i. Impact of cable breaks in a network
ii. Impact of adding or removing a node
iii. The flow of messages and which nodes to see the message
iv. Ability to use nodes as repeaters
v. Maximum physical size of the network and Amount of cable used
Types of topologies
Topology is categorized into 2:
Physical Topology: describe the layout or the actual appearance of the cabling
Logical Topology: Describe how data flows through the physical topology.
Physical Topologies.
It connects devices either:
 Point – to – point connection
 Multi-point connection
Types of physical topology
1. Star Topology: Each station is connected by a point-to-point link to a common central switcher
2. Bus Topology: They are also open-ended with a cable providing a common bus on which
information broadcast. Also called Daisy Chain Topology.
3. Ring Topology: The network consists of a set of repeaters each of which participates in two links
and is formed by point –to-point links in a closed loop.
4. Mesh Topology: Topology where cables cross over one another.
5. Hybrid Topology: Combination of two topologies e.g. Star and bus, Bus and Ring topologies etc.
Managing Network
The network administrator performs this. The network administrator does the following: -
 Creates user accounts.
 Defines user rights.
 Ensures network components are efficiently working.
 Ensuring security over the network.
Problems commonly realized within a network.
 Sharing of files.
 Users fail to access certain workstations.
 The entire network may be down.
Possible causes
 The server properties may not be set properly
 A cable to a workstation may fail.
 The server may fail.

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SUPATECH COMPUTERS Training Manual IT Department Shaping your Future

 A network component may have problems.

Troubleshooting (Solution)
 Check all network components
 Check the settings of the server / workstation.
 Check all the cables and replace all the broken ones.
 Confirm the function of the server.

Homework Questions:
1. Explain the following terms as used in networking; Computer networks, network topologies,
LAN, WAN, Star, Ring and Bus.
2. State major problems you expect to encounter in a networked environment and the possible
List the factor s to consider when choosing a network topology.

Specific objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to define viruses, explain types of viruses,
precautions of preventing viruses, how viruses work, basic back up, and security issues
Lesson contents: viruses, types of viruses, precautions, how viruses work, basic back up, and security
What is a virus?
A virus is a program that copies itself without the knowledge of the computer user. A virus spreads itself
from one computer to another by adding itself to existing piece of executable code so that it is executed
when its host code is run.
Types of virus
File, overwriting, macro, malt, par tile, boot and partition, Sector, worms, companion and malicious
a) Write protect the diskettes by opening the write protect notch. If the notch is closed then files can be
written (changed or erased). Closed notch technically mean the disk is DD (double density) while
open mean HD (high density).
b) Restriction of disk movement.
c) Disable drives to prevent use of CDS and floppy drives which spread viruses
d) Use of ant virus software
How virus scanner works: - it looks for virus signature (which is a set of byte sequence
characteristic of a particular virus). If a virus scanner finds the signature in a file, then the file is
contaminated. To disinfect the program, as it was to infect it in the first place (Read the panels in the
diagram right to left instead of left to right) the first step is to repair the instructions that currently
jumps to the virus code, but is supposed to be the start of legitimate code section.

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Once the instruction has been repaired the file is rewritten out to the disk with its proper length since
the virus is “known” it is also known how many bytes were added at the bottom of the infected file
back to disk minus that many bytes erases the virus code.
Unfortunately the people who create virus are very smart and know the methods by which viruses
are detected. Polymorphic and encrypted viruses are now active. These viruses are of many shapes
and encrypt themselves by using mutation engine. They change their signature every time hence the
scanning program won’t know what to look for.
To solve the problem is to stimulate the environment of the computer software and then let the virus
run in the software without doing any damage within a given duration. When the duration expires
the anti virus can have a destructive effect on computer and the virus. Thus, today once you install
the ant virus you can readily update it from the Internet by downloading the update batch. However
some are instantly updated immediately you log in to the Internet.
Examples of Antivirus software include: Norton, Dr. Solomon, Mac fee, f-port etc
Basic Back Up and Security Issues
The read and write head of the Hard disk can sometimes be made unusable, due to disk crush and
thus causing loss of all data on the disk. This can be inconveniencing if a whole years’ worth client
information of a firm is involved. Having a back up copy of client’s files can help to avoid the
disaster of permanent loss of such files,
(a) Decide on how often to back up your data.
(b) The back up must be on removable media like diskettes, magnetic tapes, removable hard disks,
etc. (magnetic tapes are most common)
(c) When you make back ups ensure:
 Files are backed up individually or all at once
 Make several back ups into single tape
 Verify data back up.
Back ups should be dealt with highest degree of confidentiality i.e.
1. Restoration should be done under supervision of computer staff
2. Ensure no misuse of data
3. Restoration can be an option if:
a) There is unrecoverable system failure due to:
 -Data corruption
 -Erased files
-Non-identifiable cause of failure
b) Destruction of data and installation of new computer
c) Theft of the computer
4. Restoration procedure is done with filling of restoration form as confirmation.
5. Before restoration task, the computer personnel must determine and record back up restoration
control form with the following information:
a) Which catalogue file is to be used in the restore?
b)Which tape contains the directory and files have to be restored

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c) What is the roll back period of activities that needs to be done on the age of back up being used for
d)In which directory is the restoration going to be used.
e) Guidelines to determine what to restore after back up.

Cause of system Recommended Restoration Back up tape to be used

Fire/Theft All system file and data file Previous week back up
System file All system file and data file Previous week back up
Data file Data file only Latest daily back up

f) Back up catalogue contains information about the files that are backed up in back up set. E.g.,
name, date, size, number of files etc.
g) When you need to restore files you will load the back up catalogue and easily select files from the
back up set.
h) The back up program gives each catalogue file a unique name that helps to identify a back up set.
i) In selecting a catalogue you must specify the name of the catalogue file created when the back up
set was made. E.g. CC61107A.FUL.
j) Restore steps: - change the mode of the back up software to restore mode. Select restore button,
choose what to restore, where to restore from, how to restore, then start restore vice versa for back
Accessing system and files can be disastrous especially if the information is confidential. Thus
unauthorized persons access can be avoided by:
1. Physical security: - restricting access to the computer to authorized persons only. Using
padlocks, doors, and other enclosures.
2. Software security: - allowing or preventing users from using a particular software e.g.
payrolls. Using passwords can do this. Hence users must be aware of confidentiality of passwords
and should be changed regularly.
3. Log on: - only authorized persons have instructions on how to call up the software
4. Passwords: - passwords don’t appear on the screen. This is a security measure to prevent
others from seeing and using the password.
5. Logging off: - when a user finishes operating any of the functions of system he/she must
log off then follow correct shut down procedures of the operating system.

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Specifications when buying a computer:

Processor (Intel p4 1.7 GB), motherboard (Intel/ quantum) chipset (Intel) HDD (40GB Seagate/
quantum 7000-10000 rpm), full multimedia (56 x CD ROM, Sound Card, Speakers), Fax/Modem,
NIC, RAM (128mb), Keyboard and mouse, cache (256).

Homework Questions
i. What is the difference between back up and copying?
ii. What is a password?
iii. Give an example of anti virus software.
iv. Describe safety precautions you should observe when dealing with floppy disks.
v. How can users help to prevent loss or damage of data from natural disasters and technological
vi. What is a virus?
vii. Name three computer viruses.
viii. Jane is a computer student in Lugulu Girls’ –
13 High School. One day she was intending to use a computer to assist her to do the assignments
but her teacher was not around to assist her to put the computer on.
 Give Jane the procedures on how she can start the computer to enable her do the
 When she is through she is expected to cover the computer. Why?

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Microsoft Windows Training Manuals

Courses Outline
14 Definition of Windows.
15 Task performed by Windows.
16 Terminologies used in Windows
17 Parts of a Window
18 Getting started with Windows 95
19 Starting and Quitting a Program
20 Creating, Saving and Opening/retrieving a document
21 Finding Files folders on your Computer
22 Windows applications: Windows Explorer, Word Pad, Paint Brush and Calculator
23 Working with document i.e. Copying, Moving, and Deleting files.
24 Changing the system settings by using Control Panel Customizing your Screen display, settings,
date and time, driver settings adjusting, mouse and keyboard settings.
25 Changing conventional settings, e.g. Currency Number format, time zones.
26 Using system tools – Scandisk, Defragmenter, Disks space
27 Checking the computer for viruses
28 Multimedia- Having fun on your computer
29 Shutting down your computer systems.
The General Objectives Of Windows XP Training
The goal of Windows training is that, Windows being a graphical user interface, is very easy to work
with. It enables us to organize our files and folders, create attractive documents and graphics and also to
use the latest communication skills (Internet and E-Mail).Windows makes your computer to appear to be
alive, exciting, interesting and mesmerizing. Because of that, Windows has now added games and sound
production features. When it comes to report creation, Windows supports word processing thus making
reports clean, tidy and attractive.
For one to call himself/herself computer literate, WINDOWS training is a must.

The Course has 10 different lessons
Revision and Exam
Revision is normally done on the ninth lesson after all topics have been covered.
Exam is taken on the tenth lesson having completed the entire course contents. The exam consists of
theoretical and practical parts.
Lesson Contents
i. Defining an operating system
ii. Duties performed by Windows as an operating system.
Specific Objectives
By the end of the of this lesson, the learner should be able to define an operating system, give examples
and duties performed by Windows as an operating system.

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Operating Systems.
Def:- Operating Systems are programs that controls the function and tasks of hardware and other forms
of softwares. Programs are set of instructions that tells the computer what to do, or when or how to do.
They ensure that, a computer operates in an ordinary and organized manner. Examples of operating
system includes
 Ms Dos
 Novell
 Ms Windows
 Unix
 Linux
 Ubuntu
Windows is an operating system or set of instruction that controls the hardware and supports other types
of softwares. Windows uses graphical representation to work, that is why we call it graphical user
interface (GUI)
The families (Versions) of Windows operating system include
 Windows 3.1
 Windows 95
 Window 98
 Windows NT
 Windows 2000
 Windows Millennium
 Windows XP
 Windows 10
 Windows 8.1
 Windows 7
The most important tool in Windows is the mouse. The mouse can be described as hand held tool which
is used to control the movement of the pointer on the screen. Your smooth sailing with windows is
entirely dependent on how you can click and double click the mouse.
Tasks Performed by Windows
30 File organization
This includes copying files, deleting files, renaming files and creating files and folders
31 Folder organization
This includes copying folders, deleting folders, renaming folders and moving folders and files
32 Preparation of diskettes
Windows enables us to format our diskettes. By formatting, we prepare tracks and sectors so that the
diskette can be usable
33 Control of peripheral devices
Windows controls all the hardware attached to the computer. It’s of necessity that windows detects all
the hardware during the installation and during the use of such hardware
34 Multitasking

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Windows can perform many tasks simultaneously. Every task is represented as a window
35 Running other applications
This is a platform on which other applications run
Practical Activity
Terminologies Used In Windows
Desktop – The background screen display of Windows
Icon – A pictorial representation of an item in the computer
Pointing – Moving a mouse on a flat surface until the pointer reaches a desired place
Dragging – Holding down the left mouse button on an icon and moving to a different location on the
Clicking – pressing the left button of the mouse once to perform a task such as selecting an icon
Double clicking – Pressing the left mouse button twice in a quick succession to perform a task like
opening an icon.
Right clicking – Clicking the right mouse button to display a menu.
Window – a rectangular area on the screen where tasks are performed
Program – sets of instructions installed in a computer
Menu – contains lists of commands
Folder – A section of a disk where files are stored
File – Information stored in a disk.e.g. documents
Assignment Questions
1. Try to move the mouse around the computer screen
2. Point to recycle bin icon
3. Drag the My Computer Icon to another place
4. Double click My Computer Icon to open
Home Work
36 What is an operating system?
37 Name four tasks performed by O.S
38 What is a mouse?
39 Give four ways of using a mouse

Lesson Contents
i. Different icons on Windows desktop
ii. Working with the control menu box
Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to explain the different icons on the Windows
desktop, and also the buttons found on the control menu box
Contents Of The Desktop
My Computer – Displays the contents of your computer and also manages the files
Network Neighborhood – Displays the available resources in the network
Recycle bin – Temporal storage for deleted files

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Start button – Found on the task bar to start a program, open a document e.t.c
Brief case - Folder in which we keep our files and documents.
Internet Explorer - Internet Explorer is used to browse site and Web pages on the internet.
In windows XP you may not see all the above icons. To display all the desktop icons, click on start, my
computer, desktop. All the desktop icons will be displayed.
Practical Activity:
The Different Parts Of The Window
Some of the parts of the window includes the control menu box, insertion point, horizontal scroll bar,
maximize button, minimize button, vertical scroll buttons and the title bar.
NB Different program windows have different layout when it comes to the menu bar command,
because they perform different activities.
Parts: of Windows Screen and their functions
Title bar:- This is found at the top most part of the screen. It shows the Name of the current
program in use.
Menu bar:- Contains commands to work with in windows.
Tool bar:- It’s a short cut to commands at the menu bar.
Control menu bar :- This is found at the top left Conner of the window. Contains the
commands to work with windows. E.g. maximize, close, restore, move, size, which are explained below.
Maximize button :- This enlarges a window to occupy the whole screen.
Minimize :- This reduces a window to an icon size which can be seen on the task bar.
Close Command:- Close a window after use (X)
Restore:- Restores/returns a window to its previous size.
Move:- Transfers a window from one position/location to a another.
Size:- Reduces the size of a window i.e. increase or decrease the size of a window.
Task Bar:- This is the area at the bottom of a screen where we get start button, a clock and shows
the windows currently open.
Assignment Questions
1. Open the My Computer Icon and perform the following
 Minimize the Window
 Maximize the Window
 Restore the Window to its former Size
 Open the Recycle bin Icon and Size it to a smaller size and try moving it to different locations on the
Home Work
1. Give two functions of each of the following
 Recycle bin
 Task bar
 My computer
 Network neighborhood
 What is the need of resizing a window?

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Lesson Contents
40 Define the uses of task bar and its contents
41 Starting and quitting a program.
Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to use the different options on the start button and
also be able to work with the task bar.
The Start Button and The Task Bar
The start button and the task bar are located at the bottom of the screen when you start windows for the
first time. By default, They are all visible when the windows are running.

Starting with the start menu.

When you click the start button, you see a pull down menu that contains every thing you need to begin
using windows.
If you want to start a program, point to programs.
If you want help on doing something in windows, click help. Below are some of the menu items you get
when you click on start and what they do.


PROGRAM Displays a list of programs you can start with

DOCUMENT Displays a list of documents that you have opened

SETTINGS Displays a list of system components for which you
can change the settings.
FIND Enables you to find a folder, file, shared computer or
mail message.
HELP Start help, You can then use the help contents, Index,
or other tabs to find out how to do a task in a
RUN Starts a program or opens a program when you type
an Ms Dos command.
SHUT DOWN Shuts down or restarts the computer or logs off your

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The Task Bar

Every time you start a program or open a window, a button representing that window appears on the task
bar. To switch between windows, just click the button for the window you want. When you close a
window, its button disappears from the task bar.
Depending on what task you are working on, other indicators will appear in the notification area on the
task bar, such as a printer icon representing a printer on your potable computer. At one end of the task
bar is the clock. To view or change the settings, just double click the clock or any of the other indicators.
Starting And Quitting A program
You can use the start button to start any programs you want to use, such as your word processor
or a favorite game.
Functions of the task bar.
42 Loading programs
43 Switching between programs.
44 Displaying date and time
45 Setting the date and time.
To Start A Program
There are five main ways of loading a program in windows.
 Using the start button.- Point to start/ programs then the program of your choice.
 Using the run command .steps E.g. : Start \ Run \ Browse the command line C:\Program files \
Ms Office \ Office \ Ms excel.
 Explorer- Right Click on my Computer then select explorer\ C:\Program files\Ms
Office\Office\Ms excel.
 Double clicking my Computer\ C:\Program files\Ms Office\Office\Ms excel.
 Using the short cuts- start, settings, Task bar and Start menu programs, taskbar and start menu,
add, browse, follow the command line, C:\Program files\Ms Office\Office\Ms excel. Click Next,
select Desktop, Next, Next Ok the new program short cut will appear on the desktop.
To Quite A Program
Click the close button on the upper right corner of the of the window XP
Assignment Questions.
1. Using the start button open the following programs , Microsoft Word, WordPad
2. Change the position of the task bar to the top of the screen
3. Auto hide the task bar
Home Work
1. What are the steps of opening a program?
2. Explain how you would find a file created two months ago whose location you don’t
3. Explain how you would shut down the computer. Why is it necessary to follow the steps
when shutting down the computer?

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Lesson Contents
i. Why and how to format a diskette
ii.How to create folders, move, rename and delete folders
Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to format a disk, create folders, copy and move
Formatting A Diskette
Formatting a diskette means creating sectors and tracks where information will be stored.
To format a diskette
 Double click on my computer,
 Choose the drive (Floppy-A),
 Click on file,
 Choose format,
 Choose full, (or quick erase),
 Click on start to start.
In windows Explorer, right click on floppy-A and the choose on format from the menu that appears.
Creating Files and Folders
Windows explorer is a powerful tool that can help you to organize your files and create folders, delete
files, move files and changes their name (rename).
Practical Activity
For Windows Explorer click start, click program, click widows explorer.
First change the drive A
Click on files
Click on new then folder
Give a name of your choice
Your can also create a folder by
Double clicking on my computer icon, then choose a drive by double clicking drive letter e.g. floppy A,
or drive c:
Go to file
Click new folder
Change the name of new folders by typing the folder name
Click beside the folder to register it or press the enter key.
In windows XP
Click on start, my computer, to display the folders click on the folders icon on the tool bar, so that it
displays the folder hierarchy.
To copy a file or folder
Copying means duplicating
Click on file name, drag it to destination folder while holding down CTRL key and release.
You can also click on file
Click copy under edit menu

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Click the destination folder

Click paste under edit
To delete A File Or Folder:
Click on the file then press the delete key
Click file icon then go to the file menu
Click delete then answer “yes”
To Rename a File or Folder.
Click file or folder icon
Go to file option under menu bar click rename and wait a little.
Type the new Name
Click OK.
To Work With Group of Files or Folder.
Consecutive Files:
Click on the first file
Press the SHIFT key down
Click on the list of the files you want to select
Go to file, Select copy
Type destination
Click OK
To choose Randomly
Click on the first file or folder press on CRTL key then you click any desired file randomly as may wish
Go to file select copy, type destination Then, Click OK

Assignment Questions
1. Create three folders in your diskettes named Asia, Africa and Europe. Create sub folders in each
one of them named China, Kenya and Britain respectively,
2. Rename Britain to Spain and create sub folder inside it named Madrid.
Home Work
1. Why is it necessary to format a diskette?
2. Out line the steps of formatting a diskette
3. What is a folder?
4. Explain how you would create, rename, delete, copy a folder?
Lesson Contents
46 How to create a document using word pad
47 Saving word pad documents to folders
Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to use the WordPad application appropriately

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Some Windows Application
Word Pad Application.
It is an application that comes with the windows operating system and it supports word processing. It
can also support drawing. However the drawing must be brought from other applications.
To start Word Pad
Click on start,
Point to programs,
Point to accessories,
Click on Word Pad
Practical Activity
To Create New Document
From the file menu , click on New
From the Dialog box that appears, Select on word document
Click OK.
To Save A Document.
From the file menu, click on Save As
To save to a different drive or folder.
Open the “Save in” list, click the drive you want.
Then double click the folder, type in the file name.
To retrieve a document
From the file menu, select on open
Select the drive where the file is saved i.e. either A or C drive
Select on file name
Click on open.
To retrieve the most recent document, without going back to the program,
Click the start button, and then point to documents
Click the name of the document you want to open.
Online helps essential to learning and opening Windows.
There are two kinds of help, Help about a specific procedure and help that gives you about what you see
on the computer screen.
When you open help by using the start menu or the help menu in the computer or Windows explorer,
you see help for the windows in general. If you see help menu in a program, such as word pad, or paint,
the help you see is for the program. As you work, you always need to copy and move information.
From one document to another, or from one place to another within a document. At times you also
need to delete information.
Selecting Information in a diskette
Before you edit information, you usually must select(highlight) it. Place the mouse pointer where you
want to start selecting. Then press and hold down the mouse to the end hence release the mouse button.
To copy or move Information.
Select the information

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Click on edit menu then copy, click where you want to insert the information i.e. the place where you
want it to appear .
On the edit menu, click on paste, the new information appears in the document.
To move a Text
Select the information to be transferred
Click on edit menu, select cut
In the document. Click where you want to insert the information
On the Edit menu, Click on paste
The text will be transferred to a new location.
Assignment Questions
1. Type a short letter to one of your friends and make your letter as presentable as possible and save
it in one of your folders created before. Insert a picture of your choice
Home Work
1. What are some of the uses of the word pad?
2. Explain how you would create new document save it and retrieve it?
Lesson Contents
i. How to work with paint program
ii. Creating an image using paint program and saving it in folders
Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to use the Paint program appropriately
Ms Paint Application.
This is an application that comes with windows and it used to create graphics and drawings.
It has the necessary tools for drawing and colors for painting. It can support word processing
Practical Activity
To start paint,
Click start button
Point to programs
Point on accessories
Click on paint
Other Windows Accessories
The applications found in this group are used for doing different types of small tasks that are provided
by Windows. The main programs/applications are listed below with a brief description
Calculator – For performing mathematical operations
Clock – To show time
Assignment Questions
1. Using the Paint program draw the physical appearances of your disk and save it as floppy in one
of the folders created earlier.
Home Work
1. What are the uses of Ms-Paint program?
2. How do you display the color box and tool box when not visible when you load the program?

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3. Differentiate drawing from painting.

Lesson Contents
i. Checking errors in a drive and squeezing data
ii. Checking for disk space
Specific Objectives
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to check errors on the drive, squeeze data and check
for spaces used and remaining on the disk.
System Tools
Under the system tools, there are so many things that can be checked which shows how the system is
working e.g. Disk Defragmenter, Scandisk, Disk Compressor, DriveSpace (Disk space)
1. Scandisk
This application checks the storage device for physical damage. It checks the tracks and sectors and if
there is some information lying on a bad sector, then the bad sector is marked to avoid future recording
2. Disk Defragmenter
This tool helps you to squeeze information, so that it occupies the first tracks continuously without
leaving the gaps thereby creating more spaces on the disk .
3. Drive Space. (Disk Space)
This is a program that enables the user to check the space available on the storage device.
4. Disk clean up: used to delete unnecessary files from the disk.
Scanning for Viruses
A virus is a program that is developed to interfere with the working of a computer systems, by damaging
other programs or by causing irregular and some times annoying behavior.
To protect the Computers Systems from viruses, we use ant-virus programs, such as Norton, Dr.
Solomon, Mac-fee 2001 and AVG for Windows etc
To scan for Virus, start one of the ant-virus programs installed, choose the drive to be scanned, and then
click on scan. If a virus is being detected, you can choose to delete or to fix it, or delete the infected

Due to the success of graphical user interface there is a growing interest in the use of computers in
conjunction with other medias, such as videos and digital sounds. The computer performs
coordinating and controlling function. The name Multimedia’ is used to describe WINDOWS and the
media in our case.
Practical Activity
To go to Scandisk
Click on start
Point to programs
Point to accessories

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Point to System tools

Select Scandisk
Select the Drive letter A then OK
The computer will provide you with information.
To defragment a disk,
Click on Start
Point on Programs
Point to Accessories
Point to System tools
Click on Defragmenter
To go to drive space
Click on Start
Point to Programs
Point to Accessories
Point to System Tools
Click on Drive Space
Select the Drive, click OK
Disk Cleanup
This utility deletes unnecessary files from the computer to free unnecessary space in the disk.
Point to Programs
Point to Accessories
Point to System Tools
Click on Disk cleanup
Select the Drive/ files, click OK
To Start Multimedia
Click on start
Point to programs
Point to accessories
Click on multimedia, games, active movies etc.
Assignment Questions.
1. Perform the following on your disk
 Scandisk
 Disk Defragmenter
 DriveSpace
2. Check your disk for viruses
Home Work
1. Explain how to check for errors in folders or files in your diskette.
2. Explain the need for defragmanting a diskette?
3. What is multimedia? Give some of the components that makes up multimedia.
4. Explain how to check for virus in your computer.

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Lesson Contents
i. How to change the system settings of some items
ii. Applying of desktop background and screen saver
Specific objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to change some of the system setting like desktop
color, screen saver, date and time using the control panel
Control Panel.
Control panel is used for changing the system settings
To load the control panel program, the following steps are followed.
Click on the start button,
Select settings, click on control panel, program starts
Double click on my computer icon
Select on the control panel
Double click to begin
Some contents of control panel includes
Color/display----------- changes the windows screen colors
Desktop ---------------- changes the look of your Desktop
Mouse-------------------- changes the settings of your mouse
Keyboard----------------- specifies the keyboard repeat rate and delay
Date and Time------------changes the date and time of your computer
Regional settings –Changes on how numbers, dates, time, currencies are displayed
Practical Activity.
To illustrate how to work with the desktop settings:
Desktop settings
To change the screen saver-
While at the control panel, double-click on the desktop
You will see a dialog box that shows some of the things you can change screen saver, Wallpaper,
patterns etc.
To change the screen saver words ( A screen saver protects the screen from burning or over heating)
Click on the screen saver tab
Click on settings
Select the screen saver on the dialogue box that appears, then over type your own text, and click OK.
You can also change the color and the front of the screen saver text by just clicking on them.
Shutting down a computer
Its very necessary to shut down the computer in a systematic way to ensure that every work on the
computer is safely saved and no error can be on the disk.
To shut down a computer system
 Click shut down from the pull up menu from the start button

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 A message “What do you want the computer to do”

 Choose shut down the computer then click OK
 Wait until a message “its safe to turn off your computer” then switch the power off
Assignment Questions
1. How will you effect a screen saver with a massage “THIS IS MY COMPUTER”
2. Change the desktop pattern
1. What is a screensaver?
2. What are the uses of the screensaver?
3. Out line how you would change the background appearance of your screen.

Specific Objective
This is for revision of the course syllabus before exam
Practical Activity.
1. Create the following Folder tree system
48 Create a folder called WORLD
49 Inside world, create Africa, Asia, Europe
50 Inside folder Africa, Create East and West
51 In west, Create Ghana and Nigeria
52 Inside east, Create Kenya and Uganda
53 Inside Asia folder, Create Middle and far
54 Inside folder Middle, Create Iraq and Iran
55 Inside Far Create Pakistan and Kazakhstan
56 In Europe, Create Germany and England
57 In Germany, Create Munich and Stuttgart
58 In England, create Manchester and Liverpool
2. Using WordPad program design a letter applying for a job in any company of your
choice and save the letter in folder Kenya under the name Job. Save the same letter inside folder
IRAQ under the name APPLY
3. Using a Paint Brush Program, Draw a well labeled sketch of a computer and save it in Germany
folder as TECHNO

Specific Objective
This is the final assessment of the course.
Both Theoretical and practical test. will be done.

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Microsoft Word Training Manuals

 Introduction to word-processing
 Parts of the MS-WORD screen
 Creating a new document
 Editing an existing document
 Selecting
 Formatting a selection
 Formatting a document
 Moving around a document
 Searching and replacing text
 Working with blocks of text
 Special characters basic page layout
 Page digits
 Headers and footers
 News paper style columns
 Tables and working with tables.
 Mail merging
 Creating envelopes and labels
 Printing a document.
General Course Objective
Microsoft Word is a course mostly used for editing and formatting of documents. It’s basically used for
production techniques. So, by the end of the course the learner will be conversant on how to create
different documents, how to edit and format them using the different tools provided by the Ms-Word
The course takes 5 Lessons digits.
Revision and exam
Revision is normally done on the Fifth lesson digit after all content topics have been covered.
Exam is taken on the tenth lesson digit having completed the entire course contents. The exam consists
of theoretical and practical parts.


Lesson Contents
i. Defining word-processors, advantages of using Ms-Word.

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ii. Different parts of an Ms-Word screen.

Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to define word-processors, give the advantages of using
Ms-word program
Introduction to Word Processing.
Word-processing is the keying, editing and formatting a document using a Word-Processor.
A word processor is a category of Application software, which deals in preparation, editing and
formatting of documents like: -
 Letters
 Memos
 Newsletters
 Reports
 Notes
 Tables
Word processors will eliminate the stress associated with hours of retyping similar documents.
Word processors also have the necessary tools for improving on the appearance of the document
so that the final product is well presentable. Examples of Word processors in the market are: -
 Ms- Word
 Word Star
 Word Perfect
 Word Pro
 Display Write
 Ami Pro Etc…
Word processors fit well with secretaries, receptionists, clerks, office managers and any other job
that deals with documentation.

Microsoft Word.
Microsoft Word is Application Software used in preparing, editing and formatting of documents
Some of the advantages of MS WORD :-It,
 Saves time
 Saves work for future reference
 Can Spell and carry out grammar check work in the document one is working on.
 Enables editing and formatting on screen.
 Makes formatting easier
 Enables the use of graphics
 Helps Printing document.
Practical Activity:
Starting MS WORD
 Click start button

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Point to programs

 Locate and click Microsoft Word
Parts Of The Ms –Word Screen.
Title bar – shows the application in use including the active file
Menu bar – contains commands to work with
Standard tool bar – contains short cuts to commands found on menu bar
Drawing tool bar – contains necessary drawing tools
Status bar – shows windows status like how many pages, the current page or the margin size
Formatting tool bar – contains short cuts to text options
Scroll bars – for moving within a document
Ruler bars – for setting marking
Insertion point – blinking point on the screen
Creating a New Document
This involves the insertion of text and sometimes the insertions of objects like the word art
graphics, pictures, etc into an electronic page in the computer screen.
You can create a document in two ways: -

(i) By using the menu bar (i.e. file, new) or clicking the new icon from the standard toolbar.
When using the above method you will be creating a blank new document page and what
you’ll have to do is to start working on blank page.
(ii) The second method is by the use of a wizard or template that will give you a document,
which has been already set for you. Therefore all you’ll have to do is to fill in whatever
information you’ll be asked to fill and you’ll have a document.
A template is a document with pre-defined settings. A wizard helps you to create a document of
your own.
Assignments Questions
1. Open Microsoft Word Program and practically show the different parts of the Ms-Word
2. Using the control menu box, maximize, restore and minimize the screen
3. Using a wizard, design a professional letter.
Home Work
1.What is a Word processor? Give five examples
2.Which job types fit well with or most often use word processors?
3.What are the advantages of using Microsoft word?

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Lesson Content.
i. How to spell check a document,
ii. Inserting different objects,
iii. Working with synonyms.
Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to spell check a document, insert different objects
and do word replacing.
Editing An Existing Document: -
Opening A Document
For any document to be edited or formatted, it has to be open .To open a document
 Click open from file menu
 From the open dialog box specify the location of the file
 Identify the file
 Click open.
Editing mainly refers to making changes or rather correcting. The document to be edited must
have text. When editing there are several methods you might be using to organize your document.
This includes a missing word or paragraph, correcting the spelling errors in your document e.t.c.
The modern versions of MS~WORD have features for spell checking your document. Some even
go to the extent of checking your grammar and they give you suggestions on anything they find
Practical Activity:
Spell Checking
This is to identify the wrongly spelled words in a document by searching and replacing them with
the right word suggestions or ignore unchanged words. MS WORD provides the following steps
 Retrieve the document on the screen
 Click spelling and grammar from tools menu
 Select the right word from the suggestion dialogue box
 Click change, click ignore, click delete depending on the amendment done
 Continue until the spelling is complete
 Click OK, click close.

Thesaurus involves the finding and replacing words with their synonyms. I.e. words which mean
the same as the other. To achieve this
 Select the word
 From tools menu, select Language, then Thesaurus
 Choose a word that means the same as the selected word and click Replace

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Searching and Replacing Text

This refers to going through your document to search for a particular word and maybe replace it with
For one to do that it would be cumbersome to start reading a 60-page document in search for a single
word. In Ms-word this has been made much more simpler since all you need to do is: -
 Click on edit
 Click on find
 In the dialogue box that appears type the word
 Click on find next
 After finding the particular word, click on the replace Tab
 Thereafter type the word you want to replace it by.
Using MS~WORD you can also insert graphical objects in your document e.g. Pictures and Word
Art Graphics to achieve this just follow the step below: -
 Click on Insert in the Menu Bar
 Click on Object or Picture
 Choose either Clipart or Word Art
NB in office XP select insert clipart then select clip organizer. Choose the clip to insert, select copy
return to the main document, select the position to place it, and then paste. You can resize the
object to suit your needs.
Selecting involves the use of the mouse to group words or a group of words by highlighting
(normally achieved by pressing the left mouse button and dragging it from the beginning of your
choice to the end.)
There are several methods or rather several shortcuts for selecting e.g.: -
To select a word Double click anywhere inside the Word
To select a sentence Hold down the control key as you click once
anywhere inside the sentence
To select a line With the mouse pointer at the selection bar, point towards the line
and click once. To select multiple lines you drag as you press the
To select a paragraph With the pointer in the selection bar point towards the paragraph and
double click. To select multiple paragraph drag in the selection bar

To select an entire document hold down the control key and click anywhere in the selection
If you want to select additional words, sentences, lines or paragraphs after making an initial
selection hold down the shift key and click anywhere in the unit of text you want included in the
Assignment Question
Using the blank document method, create the following document and spell check it fully after
typing it.

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Chievo went to the top of the Italian league in their first season and promoted Bolton Wanderers won 2
–1 against Manchester United. The little teams refused to let the soccer superpowers have it their way.
Chievo Verona, who were a semi professional team 10 years ago, downed Parma to go on top of series
Home Works What is editing?
1. What is formatting
2. Differentiate between
Thesaurus, searching and replacing words
Word art and Clipart

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Lesson contents
i. Ways of moving around a document
ii. Ways of formatting a document.
Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to move freely around a document and change the text
Moving around a Document:
We should be able to move around a document freely. This would enable us to work comfortably with
our document. When moving around the document we can use the mouse or the arrow keys. As for the
mouse it would be the easiest as you would move freely from one point of a page to another by just
clicking the mouse. You do this by directing the mouse insertion point between the letters you want and
press the left mouse button. This clearly shows us that the MS~WORD unlike manual typewriters can
accommodate the insertion of text between words.
You can also use the keys on the keyboard to move the insertion point from one position to another. The
arrow keys, the page up and page down keys are the most appropriate for this.
Formatting a Document
Formatting in MS~WORD involves changing the appearance of your entry. MS~WORD has very
good formatting features which enable you to create standard reports and letter that look
presentable. Some of these features include:
Practical Activity
This can be put in different ways but bolding actually refers to emphasizing your text. You will
notice that bolded text look darker than the rest. To bold text: -
 Select the text
 Click on the bold icon on the toolbar or click on format in the menu bar
 Click OK
This entails making text look as though they are slanting. To achieve these follow the steps below:
 Select the text.
 Click on the italizing icon on the toolbar or click on format; then font thereafter choose the
italizing style.
 Click OK
This entails the drawing of lines below the text. To achieve these follow the steps below: -
 Select your text
 Click on the underlining icon on the toolbar or select format on the menu bar ; then select the
underling style
 Click OK
Changing the Font

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You can change the character shape or size. Some of the shapes commonly used in MS~ WORD
includes - Times new Roman, Arial, and Script e.t.c. To change the character shape or size of the
text or numerical you want follow the steps below: -
 Select the text
 Click on format in the menu bar
 Click on font
 Choose the font and size you want
 Click OK
Superscripts- this is when the text is higher than other text position on the line
Subscript- this is when the text is lower than other text position on the line
1. Select the text/word
2. Click the format menu and select font
3. In the font tab click the checkbox to select the either superscript or subscript.
4. Click OK
Changing CASES
In MS~WORD we have five case which you could apply in any text as needed. They include: -
 UPPERCASE - where all the letters are written in capitals.
59 Lower case - where all the letters are written in small letters.
60 Sentence case - where the beginning of a sentence begins in capital
letters followed by small letters.
 Title Case where all the words begin capital letters followed by
small letters.

61 tOGGLE cASE - where each word begins in small letters and end in
capital letters.

Drop Caps
This involves the first letter being extra large e.g. in most magazines as shown below
All the players were escorted to
The national stadium during the D- day
Which was…
This is achieved by: -
 Making sure the insertion point is at the beginning of the paragraph
 Then go to the format command in the menu bar
 Click the drop cap choice from the drop down list
 Select the style of drop cap you need.

Assignments Questions
1. Type the following document

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The college has been offering a variety of courses for students interested in having a
basic knowledge in computers. The hours are quite flexible and training needs are
met satisfactorily. The location is central enough and accessible from all areas of the
town. There are enough personnel to assist in any area that might seem difficult.
1. Replace the word satisfactory with any other word that means the same using the appropriate
2. Type the following sentence and answer the questions that follow.
Word processing is the keying, editing and formatting of documents using word processors
a. Bold the heading, make it italic and underline it.
b. Put any text effect to the heading
c. Change the color of the sentence to blue, font size 15, font characters Benguiat BK BT
d. Insert a bullet of your choice to the sentence
e. Align the title to the right hand side
f. Insert text borders to the title, a purple shading to the sentence and any page border of
your choice
Home Works
1. Explain five cases you can apply to a text supported by MS-WORD
2. What do we mean by
Bolding text?
Italizing text?
Underlining text?
3. Give two ways that can be used to change the font in a selection

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Lesson Contents
i. Setting tabs and indents
ii. Working with blocks of text.
Specific Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to use the tabs and indents, position data and
work with blocks of text.
Setting Tabs and indents:
Tabs are jumps of text (insertion point) either from the left or right side of the ruler. This can be
achieved (set) by pressing the TAB key. We normally use it when writing letters where the first
line has a certain space between the margin and the beginning of text as shown below: -

Dear Xxxxxx
Tab space
Hi! How are you doing? I hope all’s well…
I am as fine as a fiddle…
Just like tabs indents are jumps of text pointers to the left and right hand side of the ruler.
To set the indents you select the paragraphs you want to indent, then follow the steps below: -
 Go to format in the menu bar
 Select paragraph from the drop down menu
 Type or key in the indentation measurement
The difference between tabs and indents is that while TABS affect only one-line indents apply to a
selected paragraph or the whole document
This refers to the position where the text starts from that is whether on the left right or the center.
We have four types of alignments: -
 Left alignment Where the text starts from the left hence the left side is
uniform while the right side is rugged.
 Right alignment where the text starts from the right hence the right
side is uniform while the left side is rugged
 Center alignment where the text starts from the center and is rugged on
both sides.
62 Justified alignment - where the text is supposed to be uniform in both sides.

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Practical Activity.
Working With Blocks Of Text.
This will enable us to perform action on a group. We select a block by highlighting. I.e. clicking
dragging at the beginning of your choice all the way to the end. Therefore selected text is what is
referred to as a block.
Deleting a Block of Text.
Deleting text is just doing away with it. We do this by selecting the block you don’t need and pressing
the delete key.
Copying and Moving Text.
Copying involves duplicating while cutting involves transferring the text from one point to another. In
both this cases we can use either the toolbar or the menu command.
To copy a block of text follow the steps below: -
 Select the block of text to be copied
 Click on edit then copy
 Then place the insertion point where you want then duplicate to be.
 Go back to the edit menu
 Click on the paste command
To Move a Block of Text.
 Select the block of text to be moved
 Click on the edit command then click cut
 Place the insertion point where you want to move the block of text to
 Then go back to edit and click on paste.
Special Characters.
Special characters refer to characters, which would not be typed using the keyboard e.g. , , ¼,
½, ¾, ,  etc. These special characters are actually symbol or forms of symbols. To insert such
characters: -
63 Click where you want the special character point to appear
64 Then click on Insert command
65 Click on symbol from the menu that appears
66 Choose the special character Tab and get a character of your choose
Bullets and Digits
Bullets are symbols used to represent different points while digits are digits used to represent different
Therefore we notice that apart from giving our pages different digits we can also digit our different
To achieve this: -
 Click where you want to start your points
 Click on format in the formula bar
 Click on Bullets and digiting
 Choose either a bullet or digiting

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 Click Ok and start jotting down your points.

You will notice that the bullets or digits will appear automatically as you press enter key.
Likewise if you’re already put down your different points select them and follow the steps above. You
will notice that the points will have the different bullets or digits of your choice.
Borders and shading
You can apply special borders within text/ titles or the whole page to give it a special appearance.
67 Highlight the text you want to apply borders. It can be a paragraph.
68 In the border style select the style of choice. A preview is generated on the right
69 click O.K
70 Incase of page borders, no need of selections. Just click the page border tab and select a page
style as listed.
To apply shadings, highlight the text, click the shading tab in borders and shading and choose the fill
as provided in the colors provide. Click OK.
Assignment Questions
Set up the following and answer the questions that follow
The Internet consists of millions of computers inter-connected in a global network. The digit of
Internet users is difficult to measure for a variety of reasons, but those worldwide who can at least
exchange electronic mail messages is estimated to be 30 million and this appears to be doubling each
 Search the word digit and replace it with digits
 Select the title, make a copy of it after the last line
 Transfer the title to the end of the document
 Insert five special characters of your choice
Home Works
1. Differentiate between tabs and indents
2. Differentiate between bullets and digits
3. What are special characters?

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Lesson Contents
i. Designing newspaper column styles
ii. Creating a table of contents
Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to design newspaper column styles and come up with a
table of contents
News Paper Column Styles
This whereby text is forced to follow in a certain manner or order. This feature is mainly applied when
writing magazines, newspapers, and newsletter e.t.c. The page is mainly divided into a digit of columns
where text is forced to follow.
Column break
 Use: moves the text that follows the insertion point to the top of the next column.
 Steps
 Put the cursor on the text that you want to move to the next column within a column
 From insert menu, select breaks and choose column breaks.
 You will see the text that has moved to the next column.
Practical Activity: -
To apply these features follow the steps below: -
 Write the heading of your document and press enter key
 Click on format in the menu bar then columns
 Choose the digit of columns you require
 In the list box at the bottom click on “This point forward.” So as to avoid applying the column
feature to the whole document.
 Click Ok
Table Of Contents
This is the selection of titles within the document either main titles or sub titles within the document
First of all make sure you have a document with different titles on the screen.
 Create an empty page and type TABLE OF CONTENTS
 Go back to the document, select the first title, go to normal style button, select heading 1
 Select the second titles, go to normal style button, select heading 2
 Use the same procedure to select all the titles, and then to normal button, give heading digits.
 Position the cursor on the newly created page just below the heading TABLE OF CONTENTS
you typed
 From insert menu, select index and tables
 Then click on table of contents
 Specify the digit of levels
 Click OK.

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Assignment Questions
Create the following document the way it is.
Slow learner: What parents should know.

Child with a specific learning difficulty is just like any other child except in one or two defined areas.
Where the child has problem with written symbols so that there are problems with reading and spelling
in spite of being generally intelligent. It may be difficult for parents and teachers to realize that a child
has specific learning difficulties especially if development has appeared to be quite normal in the early

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Often, the child have appeared to understand have ideas, join in the story telling and other
activity as well as other children and better than some. Sometimes it may take years for adults to
realize that a child may intelligent and able in other ways, other people may un -aware of what a
problem at all.

Disability may make lessons difficult for the lessons, which become boring and the child
child to understand and follow. It becomes searches
Difficult to concentrate on class for other ways to pass the time and succeed.

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Microsoft Word Training Manuals 55

1. Spell check your document
2. Insert five special characters on your document
3. Apply drop caps to the first letters of each paragraph
4. Replace the word “problem ” with “difficulties”
5. Replace the word succeed with its synonym
6. Change the title to Tahoma style, font size 19 and italized
7. Add a page border of your choice
8. Add a grey shading to the second paragraph
9. Place a copy of the title to the end of your document
Home Works
71 Explain how you can set a document that is to have three articles. The first article is to
flow in three columns and line between. The second article is to flow in one column. The
third article is to flow in two columns with no line in between.
72 Explain the process of generating a table of content
Microsoft Word Training Manuals 56

Lesson Contents
i. Inserting tables
ii. Inserting new rows and columns
iii. Auto formatting a table
Specific objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to insert a table, format it and do simple
calculations on numerical data.
Creating, Inserting and auto - formatting Tables.
Tables provide useful features in MS~WORD for executing tabular data in columns and
rows. Tables could also be used for the creation of standardized forms.
Practical Activity:
To create tables in MS~WORD follow the steps below: -
 Make sure the insertion point is in a clear area
 Click on table on the menu bar
 Choose or specify the digit of columns or rows you need.
 Click OK
To insert additional rows and columns follow the steps below: -
 Select a column (to insert another column) then click on the table
 Click on insert column
 You will notice that a column would be inserted just before the one you selected
To insert a row follow the steps below: -
 Select a row
 Go to format in menu bar
 Click on insert row
 You will notice that a row would be inserted just above the one you selected
You could also change the appearance of your table. Selecting the auto format command in
the menu bar does this. To format your tables follow the steps below:
 Make sure the insertion point is within the table
 Click on the table command in the menu bar
 Select auto format command
 Thereafter choose the formatting of you choice
 Click OK
You could also do some simple calculations in a table that contains numerical data. To
achieve that, perform the following actions: -
Functions: sum, average
1. Put the cursor in the table cell where you will perform calculation
2. Click table and select formula from the drop down menu
3. A dialog box appears. In the formula box type the formula function preceded by (=)
sigh. E.g. =average (a1, b1, c1…)
Click OK for the results
We could also sort the data in the table. Sorting refers simply to re-arranging your data in a
certain order e.g. in ascending or descending order. To achieve that select the data to be
sorted, thereafter click on table then select sort and use the order you want i.e. ascending or
Microsoft Word Training Manuals 57

To delete a row or a column,

 Highlight on the row or the column in the table.
 Click on the table menu.
 Select delete row or column.
Assignment Questions
Create the following table
Risper K. 78 55 42 81 64 90 66 89
Doreen S. 65 65 55 90 41 74 84 66
Chelimo R. 70 88 68 75 66 72 57 77
Judith O. 74 95 88 69 59 48 67 98
Ngina K. 95 62 56 45 62 84 65 65
Grading, >75, Distinction; 61-74, Credit; 50-60. Pass; Below 50, Fail.

Home Works
73 Differentiate between columns and rows
74 How can you insert a table?
75 How can you make your table more presentable?
Microsoft Word Training Manuals 58

Lesson Contents
76 Designing a mail merged document
77 Creating envelops and labels.
Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to mail merge letters, envelopes and labels.
Mail Merging, letters, Envelopes and Labels.
Mail merging is the act of combining letters, which in most cases have similar contents. This
concept of mail merging is mostly used when typing various invitation letters or cards. When
writing such kind of letters it would be cumbersome to retype the same document several
times changing only the addresses. To avoid this we use the Mail Merging feature of Ms-
word, which would do it for us in a matter of a few minutes.
Practical Activity:
When Merging a Mail we need to follow three major steps that include: -
I). Creating the main or the master document. This is where the context of the letter is
II). Thereafter we create the Data source which is the document containing the different
Names of the people plus their details e.g. address, telephone, profession etc.
III). Lastly after specifying to the computer where you want to insert your
merge fields you command your computer to merge your document.
 All the steps above are achieved by repeatedly clicking on the tools in the menu bar
then Mail merge.
 In office XP to mail merge you click on tools, references and address list, letters and mail
merging, select mail merge, follow the 6 steps by selecting active document, letters,
create new address list, select remove field name till the box is empty, enter your defined
field names (name- add, address- add, tel- add) e.t.c till all are entered. Click ok edit the
address list, (under name type juma ali, address box 567 voi, tel 767676) view the list,
and then save.
 On the active document select the position to insert the merge fields, click on the insert
merge field icon on the toolbar, select the field to insert, insert then click on close. Follow
the same procedure for all fields. Click next mail merge, next to finish and edit individual
letters to view the mail merge.
Creating Envelopes and Labels.
Envelopes are the rectangular wrappings where we place our documents for delivery
purposes while labels are descriptions that could be written at the back of an envelope.
To create envelopes: -
 Click on tools
 Select envelope from the menu
 Type the delivery address, return address etc
 Click on the label TAB to create a label
 Lastly you could print then by just clicking at the print button.

Assignment Questions
Mails merge the following to five customers. Create your own
data source
Microsoft Word Training Manuals 59


P.O BOX 56322
You are herby informed that your request for the above good is with us. Kindly collect
them on <DATE> at our branch at<BRANCHNAME> at <TIME>.
Thank you

Yours faithfully


Home Works
1. What is Mail merging?
2. List the steps followed when mail merging a letter
3. What are envelopes and labels?
Microsoft Word Training Manuals 60

Lesson Contents
78 Inserting headers and footers
79 Inserting footnotes and endnotes
80 Basic page layout
Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to put headers and footers on a document,
insert footnotes and endnotes and know how to print.
Headers and Footers, Footnotes and Endnotes, Basic Page Layout.
This refers to a group of text written on top and at the bottom of a page respectively.
Something special about them however is the fact that once you create them at a particular
page they’ll appear automatically on the preceding pages.
The Headers / Footers could be heading, company letterheads, Names of people, Titles etc.
Practical Activity
To insert headers and footers: -
 Move your pointer to the view icon on the menu bar.
 Click on headers and footers…
 Type an appropriate header and change its appearance (format it)
 Use the scrollbar and the down arrow key to move to footer and type the footer and
format it
Footnotes and Endnotes.
A footnote is a blocks of text normally inserted at the bottom of a page describing a certain
word used in a particular page. Endnotes are blocks of text normally placed at the last page as
a closing remark. Inserted by using the insert menu, then click on footnotes, and then select
the footnote or endnote option.
Basic Page Layout
This involves setting up your page by defining the margins.
This is the free space normally left at the top, bottom, right and left of the paper.
Therefore a margin is the space left between the edge of the paper and the area of text.
There are two ways you can set your margin: -
(i) By clicking on file then page setup. You can allocate a certain measurement for
all the margins plus the gutter margin, which is the margin between two facing
(ii) The other method of changing your margin is the manual method whereby you
point at margin on the ruler, click and drag to the desired position.

You can change your Top, Left, Right, and Bottom and Gutter margin. The gutter margin is a
margin that normally found between two facing pages. You could also change the page
orientation. We normally have two orientations e.g.: -
 Landscape – The paper is in a widthwise form
 Portrait – The paper is in a lengthwise form.
Apart from that you could change the size of your page i.e. from A4 size all the way to a
customized size meaning that you choose your own measurement.
Page Digits.
This involves defining page by giving different digits e.g. numeric. To digit your pages
follow the steps below: -
81 Click on insert in the menu bar
82 Click on page digits
Microsoft Word Training Manuals 61

83 Specify the position and the alignment

84 You could format your digits by clicking on the format tab. Choose how you would
want to digit them e.g. using Arabic digits, Roman digits etc.

This is done to get a hard copy of whatever document you have typed and formatted. To
achieve that make sure you’ve property set your page. Then you would go to file and click on
print preview to see how your work would appear before printing. Then if you are satisfied
follow the steps below: -
 Click on file in the menu bar
 Select print…
 From the print dialogue box select: -
 The printer to be used
 The pages you’d print either all pages or the current page or just some selected
 Lastly specify the digit of copies
 If the printer is well connected click on Ok and wait to have your hard copy
Terminologies in Ms Word
 Editing – refers to making changes
 Formatting – refers to changing the appearance of characters
 Soft copy – document in computer memory
 Hard copy – printed text
 Superscript – characters raised above the normal line
 Subscript – characters lowered below the normal line
 Soft return – is whereby the cursor goes to the next line automatically
 Hard return – is whereby cursor is forced to the next line by use of enter key
Assignment Questions
Type the following text and answer the questions that follow.

To The Customer Service Department of Software Design:

Microsoft Word Training Manuals 62

General revision
Specific objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner will have revised all the course contents theoretically
and practically
1. You are a secretary at Senior Chief Koinange High School where the students went on
strike and destroyed properties. Since the principal had to attend the district exams
meeting and later B.O.G He instructed you to draft a letter given below and save it as

Senior Chief Koinange

P.O Box Private Bag,
Following last month strike where students went on rampage and damaged school
property, we would like to inform all the parents that the school will reopen on and all the
parents accompanied by their daughters and sons are suppose to be seated at the school hall
by for the meeting. The parents should carry with them damage fee and all the remaining
balance amounting to failure to which a student will not be accepted back. Also the parent
should advise their daughter and sons on how to handle such matters in future to avoid such
You're principal.

SC Koinange
During The B.O.G Meeting The Following 10 Students Were Suspected To Be The Inciters
Of The Strike, John, Anderson, Nelly, Cosmas, Maina, Kamau, Wanjau, Anne, Rose and Job.
The Principal Send You the Following Memo.


2. Type the below Story and the answer the questions that follow it.


Microsoft Word Training Manuals 63

I n the next
ten years,
and business
more. It will
become hard

to find a bank
with people
every type of
ticket from a
This could be
seen as the
making will be rather than siliconisation
increasingly ATM type of
automated. devices in it. relationships
Computers Furthermore, between sellers
will interface we will buy and buyers.
with the public just about
ystems will tell us when to go on leave and perhaps even
choose menus canteens. In general, this will lead to
increasing centralization of decision –making.
pay play a

or many people, siliconisation is
simply a synonym for
greater role in
whereby these
machines will
personalization, with attendant inventory, plan
reduction in service. As production and
organizations seem to believe that reschedule
siliconisation is also synonymous vehicles and so
with lower costs, it is hard to see this forth.
trend coming to an end. Inside
companies, computer systems will
Ms Excel Training Manual
Microsoft Excel Training Manual 2

Specific Objective
At the end of the lesson the learner will be tested whether can implement the objectives of the course

Exam both Theory and Practical.

Good Luck.
Microsoft Excel Training Manual 3
Microsoft Excel Training Manual 4
 Features of spreadsheets
 Advantages and disadvantages of spreadsheets
 Uses of spreadsheets
 Starting up Ms excel
 Parts of Ms excel screen
 Moving around the worksheet
 Creating / Setting up a worksheet and editing an entry
 Saving and closing a worksheet
 Entering formulas and functions
 Working with absolute and relative cell references
 Improving worksheet appearance
 Adjusting on column width and row height
 Inserting rows and columns, deleting rows and columns
 Formatting numbers, alignment, fonts, borders and pattern
 Changing worksheet structure: - copying, moving and deleting data.
 Searching and sorting data
 Creating charts and graphs, how to change chart types, working with chart options
 Inserting word art and clip art, headers and footers
 Protecting sheets and hiding columns, Splitting a window
 Printing
General Course Objective
The main objective of learning Microsoft Excel is to equip the learner with skills for presenting,
organizing and analyzing statistical data. That is electronic accounting.
The course takes 15 lessons numbers.

Revision and exam

Revision is normally done on the fifteen lesson number after all content topics have been covered.
Exam is taken on the tenth lesson number having completed the entire course contents. The exam
consists of theoretical and practical parts.
Microsoft Excel Training Manual 5
Specific objective
To equip the learner with knowledge on how to use electronic spreadsheets with ease and the
advantages disadvantages and features of spreadsheets
Introduction, advantages , disadvantages ,uses, loading a spreadsheet.
Introduction to Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets are electronic ledger books, which are powerful tools for organizing, analyzing and
presenting data. Thus spreadsheets are part of an electronic accounting. Electronic accounting can be
defined as the management of financial data on a computer. The program that enables you to perform
electronic accounting on your
Computer is called a spreadsheet program and the data it manages forms part of it.
They are also powerful and have in-built graphics, which make them easy when presenting
The typical spreadsheets in the market include: -
 Lotus 1-2-3
 Ms Excel
 Supercalc
 VisiCalc
 Quattro Pro.
Features Of Spreadsheets
85 Have rows and columns.
86 Have single unit of rows and column called a cell and is identified with cell address.
87 An entry is made into a cell.
88 Cell entry can be moved or copied into other cells.
89 It is menu driven.
90 Sorting is possible.
91 Allows various modes of formatting.
92 Graphs can be created and printed.

Advantages of spreadsheets.
a) Calculations such as arithmetical and logical operations for large amounts of numbers can be done
Very fast with the right formula.
b) Files can be saved for future reference.
c) Cell entries can be copied hence it is faster.
d) Large databases can be created.
e) Complex arithmetical functions are available to make calculations easier.
Disadvantages of spreadsheets.
93 Some databases are too long to view the whole worksheet at a time.
94 A wrong cell entry can give wrong information to the entire worksheet.
95 A wrong formula brings a wrong result, which can be accepted.
Uses Of Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets are used to prepare:
96 Budgets.
97 Chequebook registers.
98 Loans and mortgage payments calculation.
99 Calculating the value of an investment.
Microsoft Excel Training Manual 6
100 Stock price tracking.
101 Loss and Profit statements.
102 Income tax preparations.
103 Expenses reports, etc.
Terms used in Excel
Workbook - A group of worksheets or just a normal document
Worksheet - An electronic page or a single page in a workbook
Cell-Intersection of row and column or a single unit in a worksheet
Cell Address- Individual label used to identify each cell
Formula – A mathematical operation
Type of data that can be entered in spreadsheets
√ Text
√ Numbers
√ Symbols
√ Graphics
Starting up Ms Excel:
This depends on the installation and version of computer you are using. Major ways of starting
excel include:
104 Clicking start button, programs, and then Ms Excel.
105 Start button, run, and then type the command line.
106 Using explorer, right clicking my computer icon, drive c: program files, ms office then Ms
107 Double clicking ms excel short cut on the desktop.
Parts of Ms Excel screen
Microsoft Excel Training Manual

1. Title bar 5. Control menu box

2. Menu bar 6. Tool bars
3. Formula bar 7. Sheet tabs
4. Scroll bar 8. Statusbar
Microsoft Excel Training Manual

Figure 1 (Ms Excel window)

Control Cell Tool Bars

Address Menu Bar Title

Selected Columns
Formula Labels



Moving around a worksheet:

There are several ways of moving around a worksheet viz.:
· Using the arrow keys to move to the right, left, up, and down of the current cell.
· Using the mouse to click on the cell you want to work on.
· To move to the first cell of the current row, press “home” key.
· To move to the last non-blank cell of the current row press “end” keys and enter.
· To move to the last cell of a column in a window, press “Page Down” key.
· To move to the first cell of a column in a window press “Page Up” key.
 To start a new workbook, click on File then NEW.
 The new workbook will be displayed with no entries.
 You can switch from one workbook to another workbook by clicking WINDOW menu and then
another listed file name.
Microsoft Excel Training Manual

Creating /setting a worksheet:

 Click on the cell you want to insert data
 Type the cell content (in this case you can notice the content appearing on formula bar and on
the active cell then three buttons will appear i.e. enter, function and cancel (x,, fx)
 You can accept the entry into a cell by clicking on the enter box or pressing the enter key.
 If you make a mistake while typing use the backspace to edit the cell or delete or click on
cancel box or press escape key.
How To Save And Close A Workbook
Saving is a very important part of working with computers for future reference.
108 Click on FILE in the menu bar, then save it as you are saving for the first time.
109 A dialogue box appears thereafter you give your workbook a file name. Specify the drive
where you want to save, i.e. “a” or “c” then click ok. If a summary box appears, type any
information that may describe or help you remember what your workbook is all about. Click OK
and the summary dialogue box appear. Now click file and close.

Editing an entry
There are two ways of editing a cell entry or content after you have typed it;
 Select the cell you want to edit by clicking on it.
 On the formula bar click on the character you want to edit then use backspace or delete key to
 The other method is by double clicking on the cell you want to edit and then follow the above
steps to edit.

Assignment Questions

January February March April May June

SALARY 40000 35000 40000 37500 40000 45000
TRANSPORT 500 600 456 590 1098 650
GROCERIES 1200 200 1110 1388 1580 800
RENT 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
WATER BILL 80 78 90 92 100 120
GAS BILL 90 100 110 120 120 120
MISCELLANEOUS 89 59 83 54 24

1. Enter the data above in your worksheet.

2. Assume that you have just realized that you made an error when entering the rent as from January
to June. Please change the values to be 2000 instead of 1000

Microsoft Excel Training Manual

Specific objectives:
To equip the learner on how to manipulate figures and text in worksheet.
Content: Formula Operations
A formula is a mathematical operation, which we can use to perform calculations on the data you enter
into cell addresses.
Practical Activity
Entering a formula
Steps to enter a formula
 Click on the cell where you want to enter a formula making the cell active.
 Type an equal sign (=)
 Type the calculation you want to perform by using cell references instead of actual numbers stored
in cells where appropriate.
The following numerical operators are recognized by excel:
· * Multiplication
· + Addition
· - Subtraction
· / Division
The following logical operators are recognized by excel:
 > Greater than
 < Lesser than
 >= Greater than and equal to
 <= Lesser than and equal to
 <> Not equal to
E.g. =(b3 +c3+d3)
 Enter the formula by clicking on the enter box or press enter key
 Observe that the cell now contains the results of calculation.
 N/B as you type the formula it will be visible on the formula bar.
How to sum numbers
1. Click on the cell you want the sum to appear.
2. Type =sum (using upper or lower case)
3. If the sum cell are adjacent type the cell followed by a colon (:) or simply list cell references
separating them by a comma type closing (parenthesis) then press enter.
E.g. =sum (B2: H2)
N/B other calculations are done using the same procedure as above. For example,
For average, =average (b2: h2), for maximum, =max (b2: h2) for minimum,
=Min (b2: h2) and for multiplication, =product (b2: c2)
Formula operation
In most cases you need to repeat the same formula for a number of cells or fill a range of cells with a
similar formula. Excel makes it easier for you to copy formula to other cell.
In this case it does not make a duplicate of the formula bar it assumes that the copied formula will refer to
cells in their relative position.
110 Click on the cell to be copied so that it is highlighted.
Microsoft Excel Training Manual

111 From edit menu select copy.

112 Click on the cell where the copy is to appear or drag the pointer to highlight a range of cells.
113 From edit menu select paste.
114 To copy a range of cells.
115 Mark the range to be copied
116 From the edit menu select copy.
117 Click on the cell that will be on the top left hand corner where the range is copied
118 From edit menu select paste.
119 To move follow the same steps above.
Assignment Question
Sales Report For January to June
BEN 56 23 29 10 67 29
TRACY 46 21 3 54 45 24
RAY 19 90 39 87 98 35
IYER 34 55 66 32 25 55
SHIRO 33 98 75 86 63 65
PETER 12 77 36 65 98 98
SAMMY 55 66 98 54 44 23
JOHN 23 12 37 21 32 20

120 Calculate The total, maximum, minimum and average for each column and row
The above product report shows the number of units sold of a particular product A. calculate the prices of
the total number of units sold, if each unit costs Shs 800. Hence calculate the commissions due to the
salesmen if commission is calculated at 13% of the total sales.
Microsoft Excel Training Manual

Specific objectives:
At the end of the lesson to enable the student to make use of excel functions and absolute cell references
Contents: Functions i.e. Cell Reference
A Function is a complex ready-made formulae or expression that performs a series of operations on
specified range of values. E.g. count, average, maximum, minimum or counter. Etc.
Practical activity
To use a function the following steps are followed.
Select the cell where you want to insert the function
On the toolbar click on function icon (FX or ) select the operation you want the function to perform e.g.
Product, average etc.
Confirm the cell range to be calculated and then press the enter key to paste the function results.
N/B: When you’re using a function always confirm the cell ranges selected otherwise excel can perform
the calculation using a wrong cell range.
Working With Absolute Cells
From the above formulas when you copy a formula to another cell, any cell reference is automatically
updated so that they refer to the cell in the same relative positions. This is called relative cell references
e.g. =(c1+c2)
Most often, you may want the formula to refer to the same cell; regardless of where the formula is
copied. For example, when you have a similar value affecting a range of cell. To achieve this we
type the dollar ($) sign before both the column letter and the row number of the address e.g. A2 as
This is referred to as absolute cell referencing.
In this case, the formula does not change when copied to a new location e.g. =($B$10*D2)
 IN some cases both relative and absolute can be mixed and this is referred to as mixed cell references.
Assignment Question
1. The following is a simple payroll. Key in and complete where indicated by the
Name Hours Rate Basic Gross Tax NSSF Allowance Net Pay
Worked Per pay pay deducted Contribution
John 8 255
Peter 9 236
Charles 8 300
Joan 9 299
Anne 10 321
Cosmas 10 308
Patrick 11 200
Benson 12 360
Nancy 8 500
Titus 9 218
Tito 10 222
Raphael 8 254
Microsoft Excel Training Manual

TAX 20%
NSSF 3.82%

The following are the calculations to be carried out using the absolute or relative cell referencing.
- Basic Pay = Hours Worked * Rate Per Hour,
Allowances are allocated at 7.5% of the Basic pay
- Gross Pay = Basic Pay + Allowances
- Tax deduction = 20% of Gross Pay
- NSSF Contribution = 3.82% Of Basic Pay
- Get the net pay = Gross Pay – NSSF –Tax Deduction.

(a) Copy a Formula using either the Relative cell Referencing or by using the Absolute Cell
(b) Copy Data from one Worksheet to another.
2. When is it necessary to copy data from one cell/sheet to another?
3. What is the difference between Copying and Moving?
Microsoft Excel Training Manual

Specific objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to start up spreadsheets and move texts freely.
Contents: inserting rows and columns, entering data, deleting data
Inserting new rows or column means adding extra row or column so as to include some of the information
left out during data entry.
Practical activity
Inserting Rows and Columns
To insert a row or a column:
121 To insert a row, activate any cell in the row immediately below the place where you want it or
select several rows, click INSERT, then ROWS.
122 To insert one column, activate any cell to the right of where you want to insert the column, click
Deleting and Clearing Cells
To delete or clear cells: -
· First, activate the cell you want to delete or clear by selecting the range of cells you want to work
· Then from Edit menu, select Delete or Clear depending on what you want to work with.
How to copy data
· There are two methods of copying data:
· You first of all select the range of cells you want to copy. Go to EDIT in the menu bar. Select
COPY. The selected range is going to be copied to the computer memory. Take the cell highlight to the
position of the cell where you want to bring the duplicate. Go to EDIT menu and select PASTE.
· The second method of copying data is: -
· First, select the range of cells you want to copy go to the middle of a highlight and click the left
button once. I.e. you press once and you don’t release the mouse button. You then hold down the
CONTROL key and you drag the selection to the desired location.
Assignment Question

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Government 489000 312699 516700 211419 317000
Corporation 121612 200792 189000 92440 156100
Private 86492 100000 66790 59000 46478
Individuals 13076 1000 21716 500 7988

Total Sales
Fertilizers 316000 493612 406799 406799 219000
Salaries 42617 47612 47612 47612 49000
Rents And Rates 10618 10618 10618 10618 11788
Total Costs
Cash In Flow
Microsoft Excel Training Manual

Net Cash Inflow

 Total sales
 Cash in flow (total sales – Total costs)
 Tax (35.4% * cash inflow)
123 Carry out amendments on the spread sheet based on the following information:
In sheet two rename it to Exer8b.insert a row “Transportation and storage” after
“Salaries” with the following costs.
Feb. Mar Apr May June
29,266 48,555 60,716 71,212 30,600
124 Farm suppliers LTD has decided to abandon serving individuals as from Jan’93
125 Tax has gone down by 2.1% due to government policy aimed encouraging of
126 Fertilizers.
127 Incoming orders mean that the corporations are expected to offer sales of
128 $216000 in April and private companies $41720 in June.
129 Interchange all data for April with that of may as there was a mix-up error during recording
Microsoft Excel Training Manual

Specific objective:
To enable the student to adjust column width, format text, and number, format cells and align cell
Contents: formatting data/text in cells
Formatting is improving textures and visual appearance of data
Practical activity
Formatting Text
 Activate the cell you want to format
 Click and drag to select the range of cells to be affected.
 In the menu bar, click on FORMAT then CELL
 Choose the FONT tab if not already active.
 Choose the font, font size, font type, and color of the text in the cells. You can also underline the text.
 After you’re satisfied with your choice of options, click on <OK>
How to format cells border and pattern
 You can format cells to have borders and shade the inside using the border and pattern options. To
format them proceed as follows: -
 Select the range of cells to be formatted.
 Go to Format in the menu bar and click on CELLS.
130 Choose the border tab and select the kind of border you want and whether it should be covering
the outline or include the inside of the cell.
131 Select the pattern tab and choose the color from the options provided.
How to align cell contents
Alignment is the position of cell contents
132 To align text in cells, activate the beginning of the cell you want to align
133 Select the range of cells to be affected by the aligning
134 Click FORMAT and then Cells
135 Select the alignment tab. In the horizontal area, click on the option you want (left, right, center)
136 Click WRAP TEXT if you want to break text into separate text.
137 Click OK
How to format numbers
 To format numbers in a range of cells; activate the beginning of the cell you want to format.
 Select the range of cells you want to format.
 Click on the FORMAT command in the menu bar then CELLS.
 Click on the NUMBER tab and choose the CURRENCY you want and click OK.
 Align the currency by immediately clicking on the accounting option after choosing the currency.

Assignment Question
Enter the following data in a worksheet and save it as ‘exam’
Crater Automobiles Limited

Engine no. Model Cost Amount Discount Total VAT

per payable amount
Microsoft Excel Training Manual

unit ($)
B14 234 Isuzu 1200
MK89P6 Mazda 1420
BB1236 Toyota 2190
LKP/98/8 Renault 1847
123TR88 Fiat 2354
1356P34 Mercedes 6500
AU1267 Audi 4854
1. Assuming that there were 56 units for each make, calculate the amount payable for each unit
using the absolute formula.
2. The discount was given at 23% of the amount payable. Calculate the discount
and hence get the total amount payable.
3. From the total amount, the government deducts 16%as VAT. Calculate this
deduction and hence get the total VAT payable to the government.
4. Copy the data in a new sheet and rename the sheet as ‘vehicles’.
Insert a row between Mazda and Toyota and enter the following information
Engine no…………………..KKF2315D
Cost per unit ($)…3621
5. Format your work to look as presentable as possible. Insert $ symbols on your
worksheet and format your numbers to 3 decimal places.
 The title is in times new Roman, Bold and has Font size 20
 The products have a background fill color gray, and are aligned centre
 The months are white in color, Background black and are centered
 Each section is centered
Microsoft Excel Training Manual

Specific objective:
To learn how to set up a search, perform search operation and sort data. This will help you filter
information in a given spreadsheet.
Contents: Searching and sorting of data
Searching and Sorting
Searching is finding for particular records in a worksheet which meets a particular criteria while Sorting
data means rearranging data in either ascending or descending order
Practical Activity
How to set up a search
 Select the fieldnames (column headings) in your database. If any column occupies more than the row,
select only the bottom row.
 Click on Data in the menu bar and then AutoFilter
 Each field name will have a drop down arrow in it
 Click. A list appears showing the contents of each cell of the column plus some special entries, like
How to perform a search
 Display the AutoFilter drop down arrows as described
 Click on the arrow of the field you are testing. For example, if you want to
 Filter out records, based on a certain salary level, click on the arrow for the
 To filter the records, so that you have salaries greater than $5000 click on CUSTOM.
 Type the salary in the custom dialogue box and specify the sign e.g. Greater> or less than< etc. Click
 The database will be filtered. You will notice that excel; changes the color of the row numbers in a
filtered list to remind you that you are not viewing the complete database.
 To view the whole database, click on the salary arrow and select ALL.
 Switching to a landscape sideways orientation is often all it takes to fit a wide sheet onto one page.
You can also shrink by clicking fit. For gridlines click on the sheet table. Clear the gridlines check
box to omit gridlines or mark this checkbox to include them.
How to sort data
138 Highlight the data you want to sort
139 Then click data then select sort
140 Choose either ascending or descending order
141 Select a field for the data
Assignment Question


MERCY 10000 Computer 70 Single
MARY 12000 Computer 45 Married
ANNE 13000 Finance 32 Divorced
PAUL 23000 Finance 25 Single
NANCY 45000 Research 27 Married
THOMAS 50000 Computer 78 Divorced
Microsoft Excel Training Manual

LYNNE 64000 Finance 56 Single

HELLEN 41000 Research 45 Married
PAUL 34000 Computer 35 Divorced
ALEX 26000 Finance 36 Single
CAROL 54000 Research 38 Married
LILIAN 36000 Computer 47 Divorced
JANE 24000 Finance 58 Single
DORIS 16000 Research 63 Married
JAMES 15000 Finance 64 Divorced

1. Use the auto filter function to determine

 The number of people with a basic salary greater than 32, 000
 The number of people with a basic salary of less than 45,000
 The number of people who are either married or single.
 The number of people with a basic pay greater than or equal to 50,000
2. Use sorting function to determine
 The oldest employee
 The oldest employee in finance department

 The highest paid in the research department

3. Use subtotaling feature to determine
 The total basic salary for computer and Finance departments
 The average age of the finance and research departments
Microsoft Excel Training Manual

Specific objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to create charts, select chart types and work with
chart and chart axis.
Contents working with Charts
Charts are graphical representation of Data.
Working with charts
Types of standard charts available are:
Microsoft Excel Training Manual

 Column chart
 Line
 Pie
 Xy (scatter)
 Area
 Doughnut
 Radar
 Surface
 Bubble
 Stock
 Cylinder
 Cone
 Pyramid
Practical Activity
Creating charts and graphs
 From insert menu, select chart command.
 From the chart wizard select the type of standard chart and chart sub-type you want to use for
data presentation, click the next tab.
 Choose how you want data to be represented either series in rows or columns, click the next tab
 Label your chart, Y axis and X axis
 Show grid lines (major and minor) optional.
 Show legend and specify, placement.
 Specify type of data labels
 Show data table (optional), click the next tab.
 Specify where the cart should be placed, click finish tab
Formatting Chart
 Double click on any item that you want to format either text or graphic items on the chart, then from
format chart area dialogue box select the options that you want either fonts or patterns.
 Or select item to be formatted from the chart, then from format menu select the (Selected item)
option. In the format chart area dialogue box select the options that you want either fonts or
Deleting a chart
142 Select the chart, then press delete on the keyboard.
NB: the below diagram shows an example of a column chart.

figure 2
Minor Major Data Chart
gridlines Chart title series area


Wabonet computer campus 2

Value Category axis

axis label




20 BEN


NANCY 56 87 53 72 65 LEWIS
PHILLIP 63 76 66 63 46
BEN 45 54 45 45 85
ALEX 65 63 32 78 78
LEWIS 85 89 89 69 78
PETER 45 56 74 78 89


How to change chart types

143 Activate the sheet containing the chart you want to change
144 Click on the FORMAT option on the menu bar
145 Click on the selection you want e.g. three dimensions then click ok.

How to work with charts and axis titles

146 Activate the sheet containing the chart whose sheets you want to work with.
147 To add a chart or axis title where none now exists, click on INSERT in the menu bar and then
click on the title command.
148 In the titles dialogue box, mark the check box for the title you want to add: chart title, Value (y)
axis, and value (x) axis.
149 Click on the OK button.
150 Type the title and press<ENTER> or OK
151 Repeat the above steps to add additional titles as needed.
To change the chart or axis title click on it, then the selection squares surrounding the title appears,
indicating that it is now subject to editing. Type the new title and press <ENTER>
A chart title is just a descriptive text
 Legend is a box that identifies the colors and patterns used in a chart
 Gridlines are additional lines in a chart
 Data labels are additional information about a data marker
Assignment Question

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Crater Automobiles Limited

Engine no. Model Cost Amount Discount Total VAT

per unit payable amount
B14 234 Isuzu 1200
MK89P6 Mazda 1420
BB1236 Toyota 2190
LKP/98/8 Renault 1847
123TR88 Fiat 2354
1356P34 Mercedes 6500
AU1267 Audi 4854
1. Insert an embedded 3D column chart representing the Model, Amount payable and Discount. Put
appropriate titles and have your chart well formatted. Save your work as Chart.

Wabonet computer campus 4

Specific objectives:
To enable learners to create headers and footers insert objects and improve print out.
Content: Adding headers and Footers, word Art, clipart, Hiding Rows & Columns, Printing.
Adding headers and footers
A header is a similar text, which appears at the top margin of every page while footer is a similar text at
the bottom of every page.
Practical activity.
152 Select a sheet to insert a header and footer.
153 From the File menu choose Page setup.
154 Select the header and footer tab.
155 Type the text you want in the custom header button and the same for custom footer.
156 To format the text, highlight and then select the format button. You can also add page, date and
time etc from the following buttons: -
157 Font buttons, Page number button, total page, date and time, filename and sheet button.
158 Alternatively, you can add the header and footer from the View menu bar, then click on header
and footer tab.
Inserting word art or clipart
Steps: -
 Select the positions where you want to insert picture or word art
 Click on the Insert menu
 Click on the Picture then Clipart / Word art
 Select the appropriate option then click Insert.
How to get on-line help
Press F1 and read the information. Click on the solid underlined topics. Click close when finished.
How to print
 If you do not want to print all or everything in the workbook, select the range you want to print.
 Click on FILE in the menu bar then PRINT.
 Choose the appropriate button in the dialogue box, i.e. to print selected cells, selected sheet, or entire
 Make sure the printer is on.
 Excel will inform you that it is sending your printer a copy of the workbook, worksheet or selection.
How to improve your printouts
 Open the workbook and activate the sheet whose print setting you want to change: -
 Click on FILE and then Page Setup command
 At the top of the page setup dialogue box, click on the page tab if it is not already active.
 Change the orientation you want, by clicking LANDSCAPE or PORTRAIT.
 Switching to a landscape sideways orientation is often all it takes to fit a wide sheet onto one page.
You can also shrink by clicking on fit. For gridlines click on the sheet table. Clear the gridlines
check box to omit gridlines or mark this checkbox to include them.
Linking sheets
Excel worksheets are normally independent. Any change in data from one sheet does not affect the
other data in the other sheets. Linking sheets aims to give a user the benefit of applying the same
changes to different data, in different worksheets when needed.
For example, linking information from sheet1 to sheet 2. The formula has to be like this =sheet1!
A6*B7. The formula takes data from sheet 1 cell A6. While the other data comes from sheet 2.That

Wabonet computer campus 5

is why special reference has to be made as sheet1! Any changes in sheet1 cell A6 will change the
results of sheet 2 automatically without making the changes manually.
 Put the cursor to the cell you want to link to.
 Type the = sign followed by the sheet number you want copy from and put an exclamation mark.
E.g. (=sheet2)
 Type the sheet number you want the data to link to (d2), then press ‘Enter’ key. E.g. (=sheet2!

Hiding rows and columns

Basic steps include: -
 Mark a range that covers at least one cell in each of the rows and columns to be hidden.
 Select format then row / hide or format /column /hide.
 Select the column to be hidden
 Click the right mouse button
 From the menu displayed, choose hide.
NB. Hidden rows and columns will not appear on the print.

How to redisplay the hidden rows and columns.

 Click on the border between adjacent cells where the row or column will appear.
 Select format /row/unhide or format /column /unhide.
 Select unhide from the shortcut menu.
Protecting Data
This protects data to prevent unauthorized people from accessing it or making and saving changes
to it.

Protecting A Worksheet
Steps: -
 Click on tools
 Choose protection
 Choose protect sheet
 Put a password
 Confirm the password and then click ok.
To unprotect a worksheet
 Click On Tools
 Click Protection
 Click Unprotect Sheet.

Wabonet computer campus 6


Create the following sample of a payroll

Name Basic pay Marital House HRS Over NHIF NSSF Net Job
(Ksh) status allowance worked time pay pay group
Mary 20,000 S 3
Ken 30000 S 5
Anne 40000 M 2
Ken 50000 S 4
Paul 35000 M 1
Alice 45000 S 5
Nancy 60000 M 2
Titus 20000 S 3
Matthew 25000 M 3
Andrew 35000 S 5
Drew 65000 M 3
159 House allowance as 10% of basic Pay
160 Calculate overtime pay, overtime pay per hour is 500
161 Use the IF function to calculate the NSSF
162 NSSF should be calculate as 5% of basic pay for those with a basic salary of 40000 and above,
and 3% of basic salary for those earning a basic salary of less than 40000.
163 Net pay should be (Basic Pay + House allowance + overtime pay) –(NHIF+NSSF)
164 Give the employees the following grades
Job group A those earning Net Salary of 50000 and above
Job group B those earning Net Salary of 30000 and above
Job group D those earning below 30000
165 Insert header and footer with the following messages “Computacare Consultants college”
166 Protect your sheet with a password of your choice.
167 Hide the NSSF column

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General revision
Specific objective:
To give learners chance to practice the previous lessons and ask question on the course in general
Content: Revision Exercises
Exercise 1

January February March April May June

SALARY 40000 35000 40000 37500 40000 45000
TRANSPORT 500 600 456 590 1098 650
GROCERIES 1200 200 1110 1388 1580 800
RENT 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
WATER BILL 80 78 90 92 100 120
GAS BILL 90 100 110 120 120 120
MISCELLANEOUS 89 59 83 54 24

Make the following adjustments on the spreadsheets. Transport expenses for expenses for January
was Shs 570 and the water bill for may was She 120. create this worksheet on the next empty
sheet. Rename this sheet to Exercise 3.
During the next half year jacks salary is constant 50000/=. During this period he was given a
company car, hence nullifying His transport expenses. However, his rent was increased by 15%.
He acquired the services of the services of telephone which he was charged a monthly rent of Shs
Adjust the actual cash-flow statement to reflect the new period in the next empty sheet and
rename it to EXER3.

Exercise 2
Create the following work sheet, it shows amounts in Kshs. Gained from export of products over several

Product 1990 1991 1992 1993

Maize 20000 30000 40000 50000
Beans 10000 30000 50000 70000
Coffee 50000 80000 110000 1400000

Wabonet computer campus 8

Maize was exported to France, Beans to Germany and Coffee to the United States.
In the same sheet create.
1. Table B to show the values if the amounts were to be converted to the respective
currencies at the following exchange rates.
 1 Us Dollar = 60 Kshs
 1 German Mark = 40 kshs
 I French Franc = 20 Kshs
2. Make a copy of table B and call it table C on a separate sheet. Alter it such that the
exchange rates are not fixed and can be entered at a particular location.
NB: Both tables B and C be linked to a Table A .A change in table A affects both, save as Exerb.

Lesson 5.1
Practical and theoretical exams
Specific objective:
To evaluate whether the objective of the course has been achieved


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Starting access

 What is database?
 Database management system
 What is Ms access database?
 Database management systems
 Basic characteristics of DBMS
 Advantages and disadvantages of DBMS
 Defining a new database
 Database objects
 Defining fields and records
 Defining setting and changing a primary key
 Setting data types
 Setting field properties
 Changing views in tables
 Moving, copying, hiding, renaming and freezing fields and records
 Editing and deleting of records and data
 Adjusting of column width and rows height
 Sorting and searching of data
 Creating queries
 Adding field in queries
 Saving queries
 Using queries to perform calculations
 Sorting in queries
 Query types parameter, action, and select queries
 Form views
 Creating forms
 Creating forms using wizard
 Creating forms using design
 Form controls
 Calculation in forms
 Creating Reports
 Creating Report Using A Wizard
 Creating Reports Using Design
 Adding Page Breaks And Page Numbers
 Creating Calculated Controls
 Mailing Labels
 Definition of modules
General Objective of training Ms Access.

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The main objective of training Ms access is to equip the learner with database skills in Object-Oriented
environment for database construction and application development. To provide skills on the use of all
the tools one needs to manage data, organizing tables of information and running queries, creating an
integrated relational database system, or programming a fully developed data management application
for end users.

Lesson 1.

Specific Objectives
By the end of this lesson the learner should be able to define databases, know their applications, define
some of terms used in them, give the advantages and disadvantages of databases and create them.

Lesson Content:
Definition of DBMS, Terms used in database, Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS.

What is a DBMS?
These are computerized applications which deals with and organized collection of data in one place.

Databases can be found in most administrative duties like:

 Maintaining students records

 Patient’s records
 Billing systems
 Reservation systems
 Banking systems

Planning for a database

Careful planning of databases is very important to avoid redesigning it later and saves time. Therefore
think about the database you want to build, and how it will appear later.

Database Management Systems (DBMS)

These are computerized systems or group of programs which make it easier to manage databases and
even share information through networks a concept that is crucial for most systems like reservation,
billing systems, banking etc

Some of the database management systems found in the market include:
 Dbase.
 Ms Access,
 Paradox,
Corporate systems include
 oracle,
 Informix,
 progress.
 Ingress, progress SQL, server etc

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PC based software are usually designed for individual users or small business and hence do not have
stringent security features and elaborate backup recovery procedures, while corporate data entry audit
trails and back up and recovery are crucial

Terminologies Used In Databases.

Field this is a category of information that partially describes an object /record. E.g. customers number
in a simple customers table. Each attribute or characteristics about the item described in database
forms a field in a table a field occupies one column.
A record this is a category of information that fully describes an object /record contains data about
object in a database this could be an individual, a place or item in the customers table. All the
data about one customer in a database makes a record.

Linking of tables
To link tables they must have a common field such as customer number field
Linked tables assist you to access data from other table’s queries forms, reports, or other databases.
Access is a relational database because you can relate or link table to another table, database or other
A primary key is a field or combination of fields that uniquely identify each record in a table.

Purposes of a primary key:

168 It speeds up data retrieval and enables you to define default relationships between tables.
169 It also speeds up indexing of tables or data. Fields selected, as a primary key must contain a
unique data for each record.
It is therefore advisable to use a unique property in setting e.g. account no, Meter no, Student no, Patient
no, Student no, Etc

A Starting Access
When you first start access s the database windows is displayed this window is used to open a database
and do other functions.

Windows Components
Title bar – shows that you are in access
Access control box –located at the top left corner of the window. It contains the
Control menu box -for maximizing, minimizing, closing, and restoring your window
Main menu -contains several pull down menus for the database manipulation.
Status bar -at the bottom of the screen – shows system status
Toolbar -contains menu shortcuts for database manipulation.

What Is Access Database

Access is a DBMS and provides a means of storing and managing data or information. Access is a
relational database because it allows you to relate data from several different sets or tables.
It stores data in tables organized in rows and columns the basic condition of a database is at least you
have one table.

Column represents fields of information or attribute that can be stored for each entity in the table.

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Rows contains records. Record contains one set of data that defines objects in the database. A table
represents each major set of information in database.

Practical Activity

Creating a Database.

Database is organized collections of data in one place. There are two ways of creating databases.

1. Using the data base wizards. This is where you follow a series of steps in order to create a database.
Examples of database objects are: tables, queries, forms, reports, pages, macros, and modules.
When Microsoft Access first starts up, a dialog box is automatically displayed with options to create a
new database or open an existing one. If this dialog box is displayed, click Database Wizard, and then
click OK. If you have already opened a database or closed the dialog box that displays when Microsoft
Access starts up, click New Database on the toolbar.

1. On the Databases tab, double-click the icon for the kind of database you want to create. Specify a
name and location for the database. Click Create to start defining your new database.

Assignment Questions
170 Create a Database in you diskette and save it as student.

Lesson 2.

Specific Objectives.
By the end of these lesson the learner should be able to create and save a table using the datasheet view.

Lesson Content:
Creating tables


Database Objects

1. Tables

This is a database object that stores data as a database file.

Creating Tables
There are five major ways of creating tables:
Datasheet view- this creates a new table using datasheet view.

Practical Activity.

Create a table by entering data in a datasheet

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Click Tables under Objects, and then click New on the Database window toolbar. Double-click
Datasheet View. A blank datasheet is displayed. The default column names are Field1, Field2, and so
Rename each column you will use: double-click the column name, type a name for the column
following Microsoft Access object-naming rules and then press ENTER. You can insert
additional columns at any time: click in the column to the right of where you want to insert a
new column, and then on the Insert menu, click Column. Rename the column as described
Enter your data in the datasheet. Enter each kind of data in its own column (each column is called a
field in Microsoft Access).
For example, if you are entering names, enter the first name in its own column and the last name in a
separate column.
If you are entering dates, times, or numbers, enter them in a consistent format so that Microsoft Access
can create an appropriate data type and display format for the column.
Any columns you leave empty will be deleted when you save the datasheet.
When you've added data to all the columns you want to use, click Save on the toolbar to save your
Microsoft Access asks you if you want to create a primary key.
If you haven't entered data that can be used to uniquely identify each row in your table, such as part
numbers or ID numbers, it's recommended that you click yes.
If you have entered data that can uniquely identify each row, you can specify this field as your primary
Microsoft Access will assign data types to each field (column) based on the kind of data you entered.
If you want to customize a field's definition further — for example, to change its data type, or define a
validation rule, use Design view.

Tables tab >new>datasheet view>click ok.
To enter data double click on the field you want then type the field name e.g.
Name, address, town, tel. E.g.
Then enter the record in the specified field.
Save your data by clicking on save icon on the tool bar or file then save, when you are asked to
define a primary key say no otherwise, access will define the primary key for you by use of auto

Assignment Questions
Create a database called students. Inside the database create the following table using Datasheet view
and save it using the name my first table.


NSS/009 WAWERU ELECTRONICS BUDHA 12/2/78 12/02/01 12000
NSS/010 NJOROGE COMPUTER KAMAU 24/6/80 24/6/01 10000
NSS/011 MWASARU ELECTRICAL KWEKWE 25/7/81 20/5/01 9000
NSS/012 MWABILI BUSINESS JOHANNES 23/4/75 12/6/01 30000

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Lesson 3

Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson. The learner should be able to create and save a table using the wizards. The
student should also be able to import and link a table from other programs

Lesson Content:
 Creating tables using Wizards
 Importing and Linking Tables


 Using Table Wizard

Create a table by using the Table Wizard

Click Tables under Objects, and then click New on the Database window toolbar. Double-click Table
Wizard. Follow the directions in the Table Wizard dialog boxes. Note   If you want to modify or
extend the resulting table, you can do so in Design view when you have finished using the Table

Importing Data
Importing data creates a copy of its information in a new table in your Access database or Access
project. The source table or file is not altered in this process.

Linking Data
Linking data enables you to read and in most cases, update data in the external data source without
The external data source's format is not altered so that you can continue to use the file with the program
that originally created it, but you can add, delete, or edit its data by using Microsoft Access as well.
You can link a table only in an Access database, not an Access project.

Practical Activity
Ways to import and link data
There are two ways to import or link data:
171 Open or create an Access database then use the Import or Link Tables commands on the Get
External submenu of the File menu.
172 In an Access database, Open the external database directly, including dBASE, Paradox,
Exchange, and any ODBC data source, including Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Visual FoxPro.
173 Microsoft Access will automatically create a new Access database in the same folder as the
external database and add links to each table in the external database.

Assignment Question
Create a database called Students2 in your Disk. Import table (my first table) created in lesson 2 above
and rename it to “imported table”

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Lesson 4

Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson the learner should be able to create and save a table using the design view
define fields and relevant Data types and be able to set a primary key.

Lesson Content:
 Defining primary key
 Setting data types,
 Field properties,
 Setting input masks using character strings..


Data Types-

This is the kind of values that the user wants to store in a given field. In access we have several data types:

(i) Text-Can store any combination of characters which includes

Alphabets, numbers, alphanumeric characters such as names and addresses, phone Numbers
and postal codes, symbols and signs etc A text Field can contain up to 255 characters

(ii) Date/time-Contains Dates and Times in a variety of display formats available, e.g. short date, long
date long time etc. Note something like 1980, as the date of Birth is invalid, as it is not
contained in the available formats.

(iii) Currency- can store numbers, which are formatted using commas and Regional Currency settings.
Do not use the number data Type for currency values because numbers to the right of the
decimal may be rounded off during calculations. The Currency Data type maintains
fifteen digits to the right and four to the left of the decimal. Mostly used in fields like
Salary, fees, price etc
(iv) Memo- Contains lengthy text and numbers, such as comments or explanations. A memo field can
contain up to 64,000 characters. An example of field of this kind is Education
(v) Auto number-This is the number that is automatically entered in a given Field name. It
automatically increases itself as you continue entering the records.
(vi) Number- Numerical data on which you intend to perform mathematical Calculations, except
calculations involving money.
(vii) OLE object (object linking and embedding) object. This is used when the field is to be got outside
Access e.g. by use of a camera or a scanner. E.g. If you have to enter a Photograph then
you use a scanner such field is to be defined as an OLE object.
(viii) Yes/No this is used in fields where the entry is either true or false e.g. Employed Married or
booked. The entries for all these fields should either be true or false.
(ix) Lookup wizard. This displays a list of data to choose from e.g. if you have three different
departments in a company you can type them so as to be choosing them from a
Dropdown list box.
(x) Hyperlink. It links the data from other sources. E.g. Website.
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Practical activity:
create a table from scratch in Design view
1. Click Tables under Objects, and then click New on the Database window toolbar. Double-click
Design View. Define each of the fields in your table. Define a primary key field before saving
your table.
2. Define each of the fields and its corresponding data type in your table.
NB A field name should not contain some of the special characters. Always try to use short and clear
field names e.g. DOB for Date of Birth or DOE for Date of employment. D.O.A is not an acceptable
field name.
Setting And Changing A Primary Key
1.0 In the table ‘s design view select one field you want as a primary key click the row selector. to select
multiple fields, hold the CTRL key down and click on the row selector for each field.
2.0 Click the primary key button on the toolbar, or choose edit –set a primary. Access places primary
key icon in the row selector column.
3.0 Access can as well define a primary key for you. With the tables design view close the table without
defining a primary key access will ask you if you want it to define a primary key for you and save the
tables definition.

Note   You don't have to define a primary key, but it's usually a good idea as it will help in retrieval of
records. Remember a primary key should never be duplicated.

Assignment Questions.
Design a table with the following fields to store employees records Assign
relevant data types and choose a relevant Primary key.
Surname, First name, Employee no, DOE, Salary, Deductions, Marital status, ID no

Lesson 5

Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to know the uses of all the field properties and
assign them to various fields. The learner should also be conversant with symbols used in the input
masks and be able to set input masks for different fields.

Lesson Content:
Understanding Symbols used for Input masks
Setting of input masks and Field Properties

(B) Field Properties
They assist in data entry to set field properties, open the table in the table design view, and select the
fields whose properties you want to change or set in the bottom part of the window set the properties as
follows: -

Wabonet computer campus 17

Field size Maximum length of the text field or types of numbers
Format How data is displayed: use predefined format or customize your
Input Mask This is a data entry pattern that makes your data entry work easier
Decimal places Number of places to the right of the decimal or numeric fields.
Caption Default field layout in a form or report e.g. you DOE to appear as Date of
Employment in forms or reports.
Default values The value that is automatically entered in given field.
Validation rule An expression that limits the kind of values to be entered in a given field
Validation text An error message displayed if the validation rule is violated or text for invalid
Required Whether or not an entry can be made if set to true then the field must be input for
the record to be saved.
Allow zero Allows you to store zero length string
Length Indicate that data exist but It is unknown.
Indexed An index speeds up searches and sorting of the field but may slow updates. It
indicates what can be duplicated and what cannot.
Unicode code compression-allows unified compression in this field.
Field Size This property sets the maximum size of data to be stored in the field. If the data type
property is set to text, enter the number less than 255 characters chosen by
considering the length of the longest text data is to be entered into the field
the default setting is 50.
Input Mask The Input Mask property is used to make data entry easier and to control the values users
can enter in a record

Character Description
0 Digit (0 to 9, entry required, plus [+] and minus [–] signs not
9 Digit or space (entry not required, plus and minus signs not
# Digit or space (entry not required; spaces are displayed as blanks
while in Edit mode, but blanks are removed when data is saved;
plus and minus signs allowed).
L Letter (A to Z, entry required).
? Letter (A to Z, entry optional).
A Letter or digit (entry required).
A Letter or digit (entry optional).
& Any character or a space (entry required).
C Any character or a space (entry optional).
.,:;-/ Decimal placeholder and thousand, date, and time separators.
(The actual character used depends on the settings in the
Regional Settings Properties dialog box in Windows Control
< Causes all characters to be converted to lowercase.
> Causes all characters to be converted to uppercase.
Wabonet computer campus 18
! Causes the input mask to display from right to left, rather than
from left to right. Characters typed into the mask always fill it
from left to right. You can include the exclamation point
anywhere in the input mask.
\ Causes the character that follows to be displayed as the literal
character (for example, \A is displayed as just A).
Data Validation
The data entered to tables must be accurate if the database is to be valuable. Validation rule text box
allows you to detect mistakes if the data entered does not confirm to your rules, message box will be
displayed to inform the operator that the data is not correct
Practical Activity
Defining Field Properties
 Open the table you have created in design view
 Select any field name
 Make the changes you want to have in the field properties
 Repeat the same procedures for all the other fields
 Save the changes using File-Save and close the Table using file-close
Entering Data Into A Table
 To enter data, a table needs to be opened in the Datasheet view: -
 In the database window, click the table button
 Double click the table name or select the table and choose the open button
 The table will open in the Datasheet view.
Once a table is open it is possible to switch from the database to the design view and vice versa.
There are two buttons on the toolbar for switching between the view: -
a) Design view
b) Datasheet view
Assignment Questions
Using the table you designed in the previous lesson set the following field properties for the fields
i) Assign a default value of 1000 for deductions.
ii) Set a validation rule and text preventing a value less than 5000 and greater than 100000 being
entered in this field.
iii) Set a field size for surname so as not to exceed 12 characters.
iv) The ID no should not be duplicated.
Enter at least 5 records of your choice.
c) Lesson 6.
Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson the student should be able to:
- Select data.
- Move and copy fields
- Hide and unhide columns.
- Edit and delete records.
- Adjust row heights and column widths.
Lesson Contents:
Selecting & Moving data, Hiding and unhiding columns, Editing and deleting records


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You can select, move, copy, Hide & Unhide, Edit, Delete, Adjust rows and columns for your data in the

Practical Activity
Selecting Data.
 Various parts of the data can be selected; the selected area appears
 To select a single field-Move the pointer to the left hand side of a cell, so that it changes shape into a
 Right pointing arrow and click.
 To select a word in a field-Double click on the Word.
 To select a record – Click in the selector at the left edge of the record or choose Edit – Selected
 To select more than one record – Click and drag in the record selector edge for the required number
of records.
 To select a field column – Click on the column heading- the name at the top of the column.
Moving And Copying Fields
To move a field –Select edit –cut; click on the cell where the field is to be moved; select Edit-paste.
To copy a field- Select Edit-Copy; Click on the cell where the copy is required; required; Select Edit-
Hiding And Showing Columns: -
Field in a table is hidden in cases where a table has a lot of fields. By using the SHOW command
The columns may be displayed.
174 To hide a column: -
175 Click on the column selector at the top of the column
176 Choose format-Hide columns.
177 To redisplay the columns: -
178 Choose format-show column
In the dialog box that appears select “columns to be shown” and click on “show”
Click on close when finished
Adjusting Records
Moving And Copying Records: -
You can copy a complete table or some records of a table to the clipboard. Records are moved or copied
using Edit – cut / Copy and Edit-Paste
Deleting Records: -
To delete a record: -
179 Select the record or records you wish to delete
180 Press the delete key
181 Click Yes when the dialogue box appears
Editing Data: -
 Open the table you had created. Move to the end of the table
 Add another record, select the field and copy it.
 Move to a new record and use Edit – paste
Adjusting Column Widths: -
 To alter column width: -
 Move the pointer to the fieldname row at the top of the table.
 Move the pointer to the dividing line between the column you wish to change
and the column to the right. The pointer changes the shape.
 Click and drag the column to the desired width.

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Adjusting Row Heights: -
 To alter the height: -
 Move the pointer to the row selector at the edge of the table.
 Move the pointer to the dividing line between the row you wish to change and the row below. The
pointer changes shape.
 Click and drag the row to the designed height. Note that all the rows take on the new height.
Assignment Questions.
Open the table you created in lesson 2 and perform the following
a) Select all the records and change the colour of the text.
b) Delete records 1 and 3 respectively
c) Save the changes you made to your database.

Lesson 7
Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson the student should be able:
- Define a query.
- Give the importance of queries.
- Give and explain different types of queries
- Create a query using the query wizards, unmatched and duplicate query
- Be introduced to designing a query using design view.
Lesson Contents:
Defining, Designing And Working With Queries

Why Create Queries? -
Queries are created for on-in search and retrieval of specific records, and for creating forms and printing
reports. For example you may want a list of all the students who have paid fees, Employees who are
married, Books already borrowed or books due on a certain date.
Examples Of Queries.
a) Select Query. This kind of a query retrieves data from one or more tables and displays it in
a datasheet form.
b) Parameter Query
This query displays data from the data base file on specified criteria. It’s a query that when run displays
its own dialog box prompting you for information such as criteria for retrieving records or values you
want to insert in a field. For example it can prompt you to enter the date and gives records that falls
between the two dates.
c) Cross tab Query
A cross tab query displays summarized values (Sums, Counts, and averages) from one field in a
table and groups them by one set of facts listed down the left side of the datasheet and another set
of facts listed across the top of the datasheet.
d) Action Queries This query changes the data in tables as a group
Types of Action queries.
a) Delete Query: Deletes records from one or more tables.
b) Make table: Makes a table from the results (dynaset) of a select query.
c) Update Query:Updates/changes records in one or more tables

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Practical Activity.
Creating A Query Using Wizards
i) Click on query in the objects and click new
ii) Click on simple query wizard
iii) Choose the table you want to query and select the fields you want in your query
iv) Click next and add any grouping you may want
v) Click next and type the name for saving the query.
vi) Click on finish.
Creating A Cross tab Query.
i. Click on query in the objects and click new
ii. Choose cross tab query wizard in the new query dialogue box and click ok.
iii. Choose the table or the query you want to query.
iv. Choose up to three fields which you want to sort by click next.
v. Choose the field you want to be your column heading and click next
vi. Choose a number you want calculated for in every column. and click next
vii. Type the name to save your query and click on the finish.
Creating An Unmatched Query Wizard.
It creates a query that finds records (rows) in one table that have no related records in another table.
Steps. Follow the wizards’ instructions.
Creating A Query Using Duplicate Query Wizard
It creates a query that finds records with duplicate field values in a single table or query.
Steps Follow The Wizards Instructions
Displaying The Query Design Window: -
 Click on the query table in the database window and click on the new button to create a new query.
 Click on the new query button on the new query dialog box.
 The Add table dialog box appears in front o the query design windows. This dialog box allows you
to select the needed tables for the query. Select a table and click on ADD to put it on the query
 Click close when selection is completed.

To Add All The Fields In The Table To The Query: -

 Double click on the title bar of the field list box of the table in the upper section of the window. This
selects all the fields.
 Click on any of the selected fields and drag to the field cell in the lower section of the query
window. The pointer should look like a set of record cards.
 When you release the mouse button all the fields’ names will have been added to the query.
 Use horizontal scroll bar to move to the right as all columns will not fit on the screen

Adding Individual Fields To A Query:

Double click on the name of the field required in the field list box in the upper section
of the window. It will appear in the next available column in the grid.
Click in the field cell in the lower section of the window. A list box appears at the end
of the cell
Click on the list button and a drop down list of names will appear.
Select the name of the field required. If necessary scroll through the list, click on it
and it will appear in the field cell.
Click on the name of the field into required field cell in the lower part of the query window. While doing
this pointer should look like one record card.
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Drag and drop this field onto column containing a field, then a column will be inserted
to contain the new field.
Saving A Query
 Choose File – Save
 In the query name box of the save – as dialog box, enter a name, which can be up
to 255 characters.
 Click on O.K

Closing A Query In Design View: -

Double click on the query’s controls menu button or choose File - Close.

To Open A Query In Design View: -

182 In the database window, Click on the query button.
183 Select the query you want to open, then click on open button

Assignment Questions.
Create the following table using design view.

Stu name Stu Nok Fees Course DOA Employed DOB

Wahahare 2045 Kamau 4500 Computer 12/10/98 Yes 27/01/78
Kivindu 2456 Kihiu 4500 Management 12/10/98 Yes 28/07/79
Mwangi J 5467 Mungai 4000 Computer 12/4/97 No 25/4/76
Kimani p 8393 Otieno 3000 Business 28/1/2000 Yes 26/4/76
Ali K 2345 Khalif 2000 Computer 26/1/99 No 25/5/76
Peter J 4452 Maryanne 3000 Business 21/4/2001 No 24/4/80
John B 2342 Joaanne 2500 Management 22/5/99 No 22/4/78
1. Create the following queries.
i. Those students who are employed
ii. Those who have paid a fee of less than 3000
iii. Those students admitted in 1998.
iv. That taking either business or computer and their fees is less than 3000.
v. Create that add a new field discount which is 4% of the fees paid.

Lesson 8.
Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson the student should be able to:
- Understand and be able to work with the mathematical and logical operators.
- Perform a calculation using a query.

Lesson Content: Defining dynaset, More on Queries


From the design view of the query, click in the sort cell for the surname field.
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 Open the list box and choose ascending
 Display the dynaset, by clicking on the run button. Return to the design view.
 Change the sort order of the field to be sorted
 Choose ascending as the order of that particular field
 Display the dynaset. Return to the design view
 Choose ascending order for a particular column heading and descending order for the other fields,
 Close the query without saving it.
Mathematical Operators Used In Query Design: -

Placing a mathematical usually performs the data selection in a query or text operated condition on a
particular field, or group of fields, by which to perform the selection.
Some of the operators are:-
A Mathematical operators-
<: Less than > Greater than <> Not equal to <= Less than or equal to >= Greater than or equal to =
Equal to
+ Addition - Subtraction * Multiplication / Division
Using Queries To Perform Calculations.
To create a calculated field in your query in the next empty field, enter the cell an expression to
calculate the new field. The expression takes the form of calculated field expression. The expression is
formula for creating the values of this field.
An expression involves other fields and these are written enclosed in square brackets
E.g. Taxable Pay: [gross pay]-[Free Pay]
Or VAT: [Cost] * 0.175
Expression may be used with data types e.g.: -
 Year () – returns the year of date /time value enclosed in brackets as integer number
 Now () – returns the data and time to the Computer’s system clock
Some statistical available functions available include: -
 Count – will give the number of records
 Sum – will give the total of all values in that particular field
 Min -, Max – Will give the minimum or maximum value of that particular field respectively
 Group by – Group records according to this field producing summary statistics for each group
 Where – Allows criteria to be specified

Working More With Fields.

Counting And Average Fields: -
 Click on the Sigma button to display the total row
 In the total cell for first two fields, select count
 In the total cell put sum
 Run the query.
Grouping And Averaging Fields
(i) Design a query
(ii) In the total cell for an particular field select group by and choose ascending as the sort order to this
(iii) Run the query

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Assignment Questions
Create the following table using design view.

Stu name Stu Nok Fees Course DOA Employed DOB

Wahahare 2045 Kamau 4500 Computer 12/10/98 Yes 27/01/78
Kivindu 2456 Kihiu 4500 Management 12/10/98 Yes 28/07/79
Mwangi J 5467 Mungai 4000 Computer 12/4/97 No 25/4/76
Kimani p 8393 Otieno 3000 Business 28/1/2000 Yes 26/4/76
Ali K 2345 Khalif 2000 Computer 26/1/99 No 25/5/76
Peter J 4452 Maryanne 3000 Business 21/4/2001 No 24/4/80
John B 2342 Joanne 2500 Management 22/5/99 No 22/4/78
2. Create the following queries.
i. Those students taking computer course
ii. Those students who are employed
iii. Those students admitted in 1998.
iv. Those taking either business or computer and their fees are more than 4000.
v. Create that add a new field discount which is 4% of the fees paid.

Lesson 9.
Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson the student should be able:
- Explain and give the uses of forms.
- Create a form using Auto form Columnar, Tabular and datasheet.
- Create a form using form Wizards.
- An introduction of controls in forms.
Lesson Contents:
Use Of Forms, Form Controls and Creating Form Using Wizards


Are used to display the data stored in the tables or queries. Forms routinely are used for adding new data
to a table and for editing or displaying data, usually in a one –record at a time format.
Purposes Of Forms: -
You can use forms for a variety of purposes: -
184 Create a data entry form to enter into a table
185 Create a custom dialog box to accept user input, and then carry out action based on that input
186 Create a Switchboard form to open other forms or reports
Most of the information in a form comes from an underlying record source. Other information in the
form is stored in the form’s design: -
 Descriptive text is stored in the form’s design
 Graphic element such as lines and rectangles are stored in the form’s design
 Data comes from the fields in the underlying record source
 A calculation comes from an expression, which is stored in the form’s design.

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You create the link between a form and its record source by using graphical objects, called controls. The
most common type of control used to display data is a text box.
Views Of A Form: -
Forms have four views: -
 Design View
 Forms view
 Datasheet view
 Print preview

You can create or modify a form in design view. Viewing a form in design is like sitting at a workbench
by useful tools.
Creating Forms: -
You can create a form on your own or using form wizard. A form wizard speeds up creation of a form
because it does all the basic work for you.
N.B a control is a graphical object such as text box, an unbound object frame, a rectangle, or command
button that you can place on a form or report to display data perform an action or make the form or
report easier to read.
You can then switch to design view to customize your form.
If you just want to create a single – column form, you can use the new object button.
Practical Activity
Creating A Single Columnar Form
187 While in the database window, click on the form tab and then new
188 Select Auto Form: columnar in the “New Form” windows that appears
189 Select the table from which the form will be based on
190 Click ok the computer makes a form with fields from the table you selected
Creating A Form By Autoform Tabular
191 While in the database window, click on the form tab and then new
192 Select Auto Form: Tabular in the “New Form” windows that appears
193 Select the table from which the form will be based on
194 Click ok the computer makes a form with fields from the table you selected
Creating A Form By Autoform Datasheet
195 While in the database window, click on the form tab and then new
196 Select Auto Form: Datasheet in the “New Form” windows that appears
197 Select the table from which the form will be based on
198 Click ok the computer makes a form with fields from the table you selected
Creating A Form With A Wizard: -
 In the database window, click the forms table
 Click News
 In the form dialog box, click the wizard that you want to use. A description of the wizard appears
in the left side of the dialog box.
 Click the name of the table or query that includes that data you want to base your form on
 Click OK and follow the instructions

If the resulting form doesn’t look the way you want it, you can change it in design view.
If you click one of the Auto form options. Microsoft ACCESS uses the auto format you last specified,
either in the form wizard or using the auto format menu in design view.

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Creating A Form Without A Wizard
 In the database window, click design view
 Click New
 In the new Form dialog box click design view
 Click the name of the table or query that includes the data that you want to base your form on. If the
form doesn’t contain data (E.g. a form to use as a switchboard to open other form or reports or if you
want to create a custom dialog box), do not select anything from the list.
Note: If you want to create a form that use data from more than one table, base your form on query that
includes the tables you want to include.
Microsoft Access displays the window in design view, for information on adding controls in design view,
for information on adding controls in design view

What they are and how they work.
Controls are objects on a form, report, or data access page that display data, perform actions, or are used
for decoration. For example, you can use a text box on a form, report, or data access page to display
data, a command button on a form to open another form or report, or a line or rectangle to separate and
group controls to make them more readable.
Controls can be bound, unbound, or calculated. A bound control is tied to a field in an underlying table
or query. You use bound controls to display, enter, and update values from fields in your database. An
unbound control doesn't have a data source. You can use unbound controls to display information, lines,
rectangles, and pictures. The following illustration shows examples of bound, unbound, and calculated
controls. A calculated control uses an expression as its source of data. An expression can use data from
a field in an underlying table or query of a form or report, or from another control on the form or report.
Assignment Questions
By use of the table and Queries Created in lesson 8 above create forms to manipulate the records.
Lesson 10
Specific Objectives.
At the end of this lesson the student should be able to:
- Understand and use Microsoft Access controls.
- Use the controls to enhance the forms.
Lesson Content:
More on form controls

Microsoft Access controls
There are many controls that you can add to a form, report, or data access page to display and analyze
data, work with graphics, and link to Web pages, and so on.
Controls for entering, displaying, and filtering data
1. Command buttons 2. Labels 3. Text boxes 4. Check boxes
5. Combo boxes 6. Drop-down list boxes 7.
What is a command button?
A command button is a control which is created on a form or data access page to Perform an action or a
set of actions.
For example, you can create a command button that opens another form.

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What is a label?
A label is a control that is used on a form, report, or data access page to display descriptive text such as
titles, captions, or brief instructions. They are always unbound and they don't change as you move from
record to record.
A label can be attached to another control. When you create a text box, for example, it has an attached
label that displays a caption for that text box. This label appears as a column heading in the Datasheet
view of a form.
What is a text box?
A Text box is a control that is used to display data from a record source in a report or form and
also to input data in a form. This type of text box is called a bound text box because it's bound to
data in a field.
Text boxes can also be unbound. For example, you can create an unbound text box to display the
results of a calculation or to accept input from a user. Data in an unbound text box isn't stored
Combo Box
It’s a control used for displaying data in a list. A combo box is like a text box and a list box
Assignment Questions
In The Forms Created In Lesson 9 Above, Apply Commands To Navigate Through Your Records

Lesson 11.
Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson the student should be able to:
- Define a sub form and explain how they work.
Lesson Content: working with sub forms
A sub form is a form within another form. The primary form is called the main form, and the form
within the form is called the sub form. A form/sub form combination is often referred to as a
hierarchical form, a master/detail form, or a parent/child form.
Home work
 What is a sub form
 How do you create a sub form

Lesson 12.
Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson the student should be able to:
- Explain a report and give its use.
- Create a report using wizards.
- Design a report using design view.
- Summarize the report by grouping it
- Explain Sub-reports.
Lesson Content: Reports, Sub Reports And Working With Them


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What Is A Report: -
It is a database object that displays data in printed format.
They can contain graphics stored in windows ole fields or as decorative items stored in bit map files.
Creating A Report
You can create a report on your own or can have MICROSOFT ACCESS create a report for you using a
report wizard. A report wizards speeds up the process of creating a report because it does all work for
you. When you use a report wizard, it prompts you for information and creates a report based on your

Practical Activity

Creating A Report With A Wizard: -

 In the database window, click the Reports Tab.

 Click New
 In the New report dialog box, click the wizard that you want to use. A description of the wizard
appears in the left side of the dialog box.
 Click the table or query that contain the data you want to base your report on
 Note: Microsoft ACCESS uses this table or query as the default record source for the report.
However, you can change the record source in the wizard and select fields from other table and
 Click O.K
 If you clicked Report wizard, chart wizard, or label wizard in step 3, follow, follow the direction
in the wizard dialog boxes. If you clicked Auto report, Tabular or Auto Report: Columnar,
MICROSOFT ACCESS automatically creates your report. If the resulting report doesn’t look the
way you want, you can change it Design View.

Creating A Report Without A Wizard: -

 In the database window, click the report tab.
 Click New
 In the dialog box click Design View
 Click the name of the table or query that contains the data you want to base your report on. If
you want to create a report that uses data from more than one table, base your report on a query
 Click OK. MICROSOFT ACCESS displays the report window in design view.
Sub reports:
What they are and how they work
A sub report is a report that's inserted in another report. When you combine reports, one of them must
serve as the main report. A main report is either bound or unbound.
Assignment Questions.
For database created in lesson 8 above create reports to display the records in printed format.

Lesson 13.
Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson the student should be able to:
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- Create a form or report using filtered records.
- Explain mailing labels and create them
- Calculate totals for a given field
Lesson Content: reports, Mailing Labels in reports, and how to create them.


Create A Form Or Report From The Filtered Records: -

With the filtered records displayed, click the arrow new to the new object button on the toolbar.
To use the auto form or auto report wizard, click auto form or auto report. Specify the type of
form or report you want to create by clicking the form or report. The new object uses as its record
source, the table or query in which the filter was created and it inherits the filter.
Complete the design or make any other changes you want to the form or report and then save it. If a sort
order was specified in the underlying table or query the new form or report will use it. If you
subsequently change the filter in a table or query it has no effect on form or report that was based on
filter you created previously in that table query.

Practical Activity.
Create Mailing And Other Types Of Label.
How To Create Labels: -
 In the database window, click the Reports tab
 Click New
 In the New report dialog box, click label wizard.
 Click the table or query that contains the data for the labels and then click OK.
 Follow the way, you can delete the report and run the label wizard
Adding Page Breaks And Page Number: -
 Open the report in design view.
 Click the page break tool
 Click the report where you want to place the page break. Please the page break above or
below to avoid splitting data in that control.
To Add Page Numbers To A Form Or Report: -
 Open the form in design view.
 Click page numbers on insert menu
 In the page numbers dialog box, select the format, position and alignment for the page
 Top show a number on the first page, select the Show number on the first page check box

Create A Calculated Controls: -

199 Open a form / report in design view
200 Click the tool in the toolbox for the type of control you want to use as the calculated
control. A Textbox is the most common type of control to use to display a calculated value, but
you can use to display a calculated value, but you can use any control that has a control source
201 On the form / report, click where you want to place the control
202 If the control is a textbox, you can type directly the expression in control. E.g. =[Unit
203 If the control isn’t text box, make sure the control is selected

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204 Click Properties on the tool box to open the control’s property sheet and then type the
expression in the control source property box, click the build button to open the expression
205 In the calculated control precede each expression with the (=) operator.
Calculate A Total For One Record In A Report: -
206 Open the report in design view
207 Add a calculated textbox to the detail section
208 To display the property sheet, make sure that the text box is selected and then click properties on
the toolbar
209 In the control source property box, type an appropriate expression

Lesson 14.
Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson the student should have brushed and practiced on all the areas of Access
through the help of the instructor.
Lesson content: Revision Exercise from lesson 1 to 13.
Practical revision exercise
 Create the following table and answer the questions below


KNH/2201/01 Robert Kioko Casualty Positive Ksh300.00 ksh1,400.00
KNH/2202/01 Susan Wangari Pediatric Negative Ksh300.00 ksh1,650.00
KNH/2203/01 Albert Asinyo Casualty Negative Ksh300.00 ksh3,010.00
KNH/2204/01 Mary Njoroge I.C.U Negative ksh300.00 ksh3,700.00
KNH/2205/01 Cosmas musyoka Pediatric Positive ksh300.00 ksh4,800.00
KNH/2206/01 Isaka Niutoni Casualty Positive Ksh300.00 ksh9,600.00
KNH/2207/01 Nehemiah Ojonde Pediatric Negative Ksh300.00 ksh7,000.00
KNH/2208/01 Gregory Venesa I.C.U Negative Ksh300.00 ksh7,200.00
KNH/2209/01 Venesa Kamau Casualty Negative Ksh300.00 ksh4,300.00
KNH/2210/01 Veronica Okudo I.C.U Positive Ksh300.00 ksh2,000.00
KNH/2211/01 Winnie wairimu Maternity Negative Ksh300.00 ksh2,500.00
KNH/2212/01 Joseph Kinyanjui Dental Negative Ksh300.00 ksh2,500.00
KNH/2213/01 Ben Kimani Dental Negative ksh300.00 ksh2,500.00
KNH/2214/01 Florence Njambi Casualty Positive ksh300.00 ksh4, 000.00

210 Assign the appropriate input mask for reference no.

211 Use a look up wizard for the department.
212 Use a validation rule and validation text for status.
213 Use default value (300) for the consultation fee.
214 Create a cross tab query using the name, department, and drug fee.
215 Create a query showing the patients in casualty.
216 Create a form and using the controls calculate total paid by each patient.
217 Create a report by Design View. Using page Break control displays all records individually in a
Printed format.
218 Create a report using the report wizard. Ensure the department and status appears only once.
219 Insert Date at the header of your report.

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220 Print the above report

Lesson 15.
Content: Final Examination for both practical and theory.

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1 Introduction to PowerPoint
221 Starting PowerPoint.
222 Opening A Presentation.
223 Saving A Presentation.
224 Closing A Presentation.
225 Exiting PowerPoint.
2 The PowerPoint Screen
3 PowerPoint Views
4 Creating A New Presentation
6 Inserting A Slide
8 Giving A Presentation A Consistent Look.
9 Changing Slide Background.
10 Formatting Texts.
11 Slide Transition.
12 Slide Animations.
13Creating custom shows
14Creating action button.
15 Pre-designed Templates
16 Using Auto Layouts.
17 Creating Speakers Note And Handout.
18 Presentation Comment And Review
19 Linking Slides.
20 Inserting Organization Chart.
21 Grouping Items.

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to work with PowerPoint dialogue box and be
conversant with the 4P’s concept in PowerPoint.
Course content:
Definition of PowerPoint, Starting PowerPoint, Use f 4 ps, saving a presentation.
What is PowerPoint?
PowerPoint is Graphic Presentation software used to convey messages inform of pictures, text and
sounds more effectively to audience.
Examples of situation used:
Preparing marketing or internal company presentations.
Introducing new products to the market.
Delivering company’s result to a shareholder meeting.
Advertising in the media. Trade fares and exhibitions.
Induction of new employees in a company.
Other groups of packages, which fall under the same category, are:
- Harvard Graphics
- Lotus freelance
Wabonet computer campus 34
- Micro graphics
PowerPoint Dialogue Box
Auto content wizard:
Provides basic outline to guide you in organizing your content into a professional presentation.
This contains predefined colors and text styles for your presentation.
Blank presentation:
This is where you design a presentation from scratch.
Open a presentation:This is when you want to open an already existing presentation.

The 4P’s in PowerPoint.

Define your audience including knowledge experience needs and goals.
Define the purpose of your talk based on the outcome or result you seek with your audience, Inform,
Persuade, and Motivate to action, Sell, Teach and train

Establish a positive mindset-Prepare an attention getting opening.
E.g. value your message visualize your audience responding
E.g. use a question related audience need. Relate a relevant incident,-Evidences and visuals E.g.
Statistics, Analogies, exhibits, Develop transitions or bridges between key points. Prepare memorable

You should practice the presentation before presenting it. You should view the show before you present
it. Show it to somebody and let him comment about it.
After you are sure the show is perfect its now time that you should present it.
You can prepare a simple presentation either by using the Auto layout or blank slides to design your
slide, which will create the slide show.
Practical work:
Starting PowerPoint
Ms PowerPoint must run in windows environment ,Click on start Button
Point to Programs ,Click on Microsoft PowerPoint
saving a presentation
From the file menu ,Click on save as, Select the drive ,Type the name of the file
Click on save
Opening an Existing Presentation
From file menu ,Click on Open ,Select the drive or the folder ,Select the Presentation to open , Click on
Closing a PowerPoint presentation
From the file menu, Click on close ,You can also click on close button x
Exiting PowerPoint
From the file menu ,Click on Exit

Parts of PowerPoint screen.

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 PowerPoint views.
 PowerPoint screen.
The following is found at the screen of Ms – PowerPoint.
Menu Bar
It contains the names of all pull down menus
Title Bar
Displays the name of the application and the name of the active document
Tool bar
It contains the buttons, which provide shortcuts to many of the most common tasks
Toolbars are modifiable in the sense that you can remove the tools which you don’t use an add new ones
which you want to use
Formatting toolbar
Contains the many of the functions that you will use to change text appearances.
Drawing toolbars
PowerPoint provides three drawing toolbars with buttons that give you a quick access to the command
you often use when drawing.
Selection tool Bar
Tool used to select text or objects and drag them around the screen. It is also used to resize objects.
Text tool – Allow you to type text into an existing object into a title or body area or directly on a slide
Line tool – Its used to draw lines.
Rectangle Tool – Used to drag a rectangle or square
Ellipse tool – It drags ellipses
Arc tool – Its used to drag an arc
Freeform tool – It draws straight lines as you click and move the mouse. End the freeform by double
clicking. Double clicking on the begging of the freeform will close the area; this area can then be
shadowed and filled etc.
Free rotate tool – This tool is used to rotate any PowerPoint object. Most inserted pictures, graphs and
organization charts cannot be rotated and flipped until they are converted to PowerPoint objects

Power point Views

In PowerPoint as you create your presentation; you can switch between five different views.
1. Slide View
It allows working on one slide at a time. You can add text, clip art and do various mode of formatting to
the slide
2. Outline view
It shows all titles and main text in the presentation. It’s the quickest way to change the text format,
promote and demote paragraph levels and move the paragraph around. It allows you to create and
organize information both for individual slide and for a whole presentation.
3. Slide sorter view
It allows you to view the organization of a presentation. Mini slides are arranged on the screen and you
can re-arrange the order, copy, duplicate and delete slides.
4. Notes page view
In notes page view you may create the speaker’s notes. Each page corresponds to a slide in the
presentation and includes a small image of the slide.
5. Slide show view
Slide is shown as an electronic presentation on your computer. Each slide will fill the entire screen and
the effects of the transition

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Practical activity:
Open the power point presentation screen on the slide view, type small text on the slide displayed.
On the left bottom corner click on the different view icons displayed to show the various views available
in power point screen.

Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to create a presentation by auto content wizard.
Creating a presentation from auto content wizard, adding transitions and animations

Auto content wizard:
Provides basic outline to guide you in organizing your content into a professional presentation.
The AutoContent Wizard has been enhanced in PowerPoint 97/2000. It guides you to select from many
new pre-built content templates, and it provides ideas, starter text, formatting, and organization for your
Slide Transition
Slide transition is an effect that affects the whole slide
Slide Animation
Slide animation is an effect, which affects the contents of a slide
From the dialogue box, select create a new presentation using auto content wizard then click OK.
Click next on the dialogue box that appears.
Select the type of presentation tat you are going to give e.g. communicating bad news. Click next.
Choose the type of out put to use e.g. screen presentation. Then next
Type the title of your slide and footer then next and finish.

Adding the content to the slide:

Click on slide one on the outline views displayed.
On the slide view select the text displayed, delete the guiding notes and replace it with your content.
Follow the same procedure for all the slides.
Adding animations and slide transitions.
How to put a transition
From the slide show menu click on slide transition ,Select the type of a predefined transition
Click on apply, If you want your entire slide to have the same type of a transition click on apply to all
To put an animation to the contents of a slide ,Click custom animation from the slide show menu
Select the object you want to animate , Click on effect tab ,Select the animation of your choice
Alternatively: From the views menu choose slide sorter view.
Click on the slide to animate and give transitions to.Select transitions and animations of your choice
from transitions and animation effects dialogue box on the tool bar.
Timing your slides:
From the menus choose slide view, and then rehearse timing ,Click on the slide as animations are
displayed until the end of the presentation.Accept the timing displayed at the end of the show.
Setting up shows
From the slide show menu choose setup shows, select the show type e.g loop till escape, and the number
of slides to show.

Assignment Questions.
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The FBI has found out that the Nairobi bomb attack in 1998 was very significant for the world history. It
is now collecting views of the bomb episodes from any person who was on the site. Since you happened
to be a witness you have been asked to give a presentation communicating this bad news. Using auto
content wizard design this presentation. Give it good animations, transitions, timing and loops till

LESSON TWO Specific Objective

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to create anew presentation from a blank slide.
Slide auto layouts, creating blank slide.
Creating a new presentation from the scratch/blank
This involves creating a presentation from the scratch without any suggested content or format. The
structure of the slide depends on the slide auto layout chosen.

Slide Auto layout.

PowerPoint slides can be designed with the auto layout.
1. Title slide – Allows typing the title only
2. Bulleted list – Allows typing text in bullet form and a title
3. Two column text – Allows typing text in two column forms and a title
4. Table – Allows typing title and a table
5. Text an chart – allows typing title, text and a chart
6. Organization chart – allows typing a title and an organizational chart
7. Chart – Allows typing a chart and a title
8. Text and clip art – Allows typing text on the left and a clip art on the right
9. Clip art and text – Allows typing a title, clip art on the left and text on the right
10.Blank slide – allows entering any type of format i.e use of auto shapes
Practical activity:
Creating a Presentation Using Blank Slide
From the file menu click on new presentation select blank, from the slide auto layouts displayed choose
blank.An empty slide will be displayed.Use the drawing tool bar tools to add content to your slide.

Assignment Questions:
By using a blank slide auto layout, design a slide to present the map of Kenya.
Add other effects and shapes to make the slide attractive.

Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to work with different objects in PowerPoint
Using the Drawing tool bar objects.
The drawing tool bar provides a variety of tools for design work especially when adding content to a
blank slide.
Practical activity:
Working With Objects
Inserting Clip Arts
Go to insert menu,Select picture,From the pop-up menu that appears select clip art
Select the clipart of your choice and then insert
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Formatting ClipArt’s.
After inserting the clipart,Select the clipart,Go to format menu,Select format picture
On the dialogue that appear,Change the background and line color, size, position etc

Rotating and flipping objects.

You can rotate or flip any PowerPoint object, either one that is drawn in PowerPoint or one that you
have converted to a PowerPoint object. Groups or multiple selections of objects can be rotated or
flipped. You can rotate to the left or right (90 degrees) and flip horizontally or vertically (180 degrees)
or you can rotate an object to the exact position you want by using the free rotate tool.
Note most inserted pictures, graphs, organizational charts, and so on can’t be rotated and flipped because
they are not PowerPoint objects. If you can ungroup an inserted picture or chart, you can then regroup
its objects into PowerPoint object that can be rotated and flipped.
Converting clipart to Microsoft office drawing objects.
Select the picture
Select the draw menu in the drawing toolbar
Select UNGROUP to ungroup and then
Select GROUP to group them again
Select the picture
Select the rotation tool on the drawing toolbar
Select the picture placeholders and then drag to rotate.

Flipping a selection
Flipping a selection turns an object or group of objects either horizontally or vertically.
To flip an object or group
Select the object or group of objects.
From the draw menu, choose rotate/flip to display the rotate / flip cascading menu.
Choose flip horizontal or flip vertical. The objects or group flips.
Object arrays
An array is a series of duplicated objects. You can create an array by duplicating an object. You then
reposition the duplicate (to make a chart or boxes for example) and choose the duplicate again
command. PowerPoint keeps tracks of the relative position you want. Each subsequent duplicate
determines how the arrays look.

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Boxes appear on a slide before you type anything. These are called placeholders each
placeholder is surrounded by a dotted line. Some are specifically formatted to contain text. In
these placeholders you will find a message telling you to click and type your text. However you
can add text to any placeholder. Text that you type in the title and main text placeholder
appear in your outline.

Stacking objects
When you are working with objects you will find that you sometimes stack them to get the
effect you want. When you stack object on top of each other, they overlap. Sometimes you’ll
want change their order i.e. put the top object on the bottom for example.
Groups of objects can be stacked, too. You can move a group forward or backward in a stack.
You can use the tab key to select an object buried in a stack
Select the object you want to stack
Select draw menu in the drawing toolbar
Click order
Then select any of the commands given depending on your choice and need.
Some of the commands available are:
Bring to front
Sent to back
Bring forward
Sent backward
Assignment Questions:
Using the tools and techniques learned in this lesson, design a BP and MULTCHOICE logos as a

Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to insert a) a chart b.) Organizational charts on
Inserting charts and organization charts.
Charts make it easy to presents statistical data graphically especially when you want to compare
variables. They display relationships and they are easy to understand.

Practical Activity:
Inserting title, title and sub title or column Slide.
Click on insert, then new slide, from the auto layouts given choose a desired design e.g. title only, title
and sub title, or column slide.
Type the content for your slide.
Inserting table Slide.
Click on insert, then new slide, from the auto layouts given choose table slide and then ok.
Double click on the table icon displayed; enter the number of rows and columns to use, then click ok.
A table appears on the slide, enter your table content on the cells displayed.
Insert a Graphs/ chart slide.
To add a chart to slide do the following.
From the slide auto layout choose chart
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You can also choose text and chart or chart and text.
On the title text box type the relevant title
Double click on the chart box to add chart
This takes you to the datasheet where you should type the relevant data for your chart.
Likewise you can click at chart from the insert menu where you are supposed to type in the data for your
Inserting an organizational chart
An organizational chart displays the administrative hierarchy in an organization.
The members include, manager, subordinate, co-worker, assistant
1 In slide view; display the slide you want to add an organization chart to.
2 On the Insert menu, point to Picture, and then click Organization Chart.
3 Use the Organization Chart tools and menus to design your chart.
To return to PowerPoint, click Exit and Return to Presentation.

Assignment Questions
1.) By using the data given below create a chart slide to represent the data (in millions)
Sales 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000
Local 65 70 75 66 85 80
Foreign 74 85 96 64 85 92
2.) By using the Kenyan government ministry structure, create an organizational chart to display the
flow of command in at least three levels in the ministry.

Formatting Text
Formatting means changing appearance of text
Practical activity:
How to format a text.
Changing the font
Select the text you want to change the font
Click font from the format menu
Select the font you want
Click on ok
You can also use tool bar for changing the font from the formatting toolbar
Bolding and italizing
select the text you want to bold or italize
Click on font from the format menu
Select bold or italic
Click on O.K
You can also use the bold or italic icons from the formatting tool bar
Underlining text
Select the text you want to underline
Click on font from the format tool bar
Select the underline of you choice
Click on OK
You can also underline by use of underline icon from the formatting tool bar
Add text in a slide
Most often, the easiest way to add text to a slide is to type it directly into any placeholder on the slide.
When you want to add text outside a placeholder or shape, for example you can use the Text Box tool
on the Drawing toolbar.

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To add text that doesn't wrap such as a caption click the tool, click where you want to add the text, and
start typing.
To add text that does wrap, click the tool and drag to where you want to add text, and then start typing.
To add text to an AutoShape, just click the shape and type the text. The text attaches to the shape and
moves or rotates with the shape as the shape moves or rotates. You can add text to most AutoShapes,
except to lines, connectors, and free forms.
Add space before a paragraph
Click anywhere in the paragraph you want to add space before.
On the Format menu, click Line Spacing.
Before the paragraph, enter the amount of spacing you want, and then click Lines or Points.

Ways to give your presentation a consistent look

PowerPoint is designed to give your slide presentations a consistent appearance.
There are three ways to control the look of your slides.
1 .By use of masters
The slide master controls the format and placement of the titles and text you type on slides, while the
title master controls the format and placement of the title slide and any other slide you designate as a
title slide such as a section opener. Masters also hold background items; such as graphics you want to
appear on every slide or title slide. Any change you make to a slide master is reflected on each slide. If
you want an individual slide to look different from the master, you can make changes to that slide.
1 On the View menu, point to Master, and then click Slide Master.
2 Add the object to the slide master.
3 To return to your slide, click Close on the Master View toolbar.

Note If the objects don't appear on your slides click background on the Format menu and make sure the
Omit background graphics from master check box is cleared.
What happens to your slides when you change the master?
There are two masters for every presentation a slide master and a title master. The slide master controls
the formatting on all slides. When you change any formatting on the slide master, such as when you
increase the font size, the same change is made to the title master.
If you apply a new design template, modify the color or size of slide titles, or change the background
color on the slide master, all slides reflect When you change the background, you can apply the change
to only the current slide or to all the slides and the slide master.
2 Color schemes
Color schemes are sets of eight balanced colors designed for use as the main colors of a slide
presentation for text, background, fill, accents, and so on. Each color in the scheme is used
automatically for a different element on a slide. You can pick a color scheme for an individual slide or
an entire presentation.
3 Design templates.
When you apply a design template to a presentation, you can choose from a set of pre-designed color
schemes made to go with each design template. This makes it easy to change color schemes for a slide
or an entire presentation and know that the new color scheme will harmonize with the rest of the slides
in your presentation.
Design templates contain color schemes, slide and title masters with custom formatting, and styled fonts
designed for a particular "look." When you apply a design template to your presentation, the slide master
and color scheme of the new template replace the slide master and color scheme of the original
presentation. After you apply a design template, each slide you add, regardless of the Auto Layout, has
the same custom look.
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PowerPoint comes with a variety of professionally designed templates. In addition, you can add your
own. If you create a special look for one of your presentations, you can save it as a template.
A presentation you save as a template can include a customized notes master or handout master.
Assignment Questions.
Coca cola a soft drinks manufacturing company based in Nairobi’s industrial area has realized the stiff
competition from softa co. to change the situation the company plans to have a five minutes T.V show
on cola products every day before prime news as agreed with Citizen T.v station. The company has
approached you to design for then the above presentation of five slides, with a appropriate design
templates and color schemes. Use masters to insert the cola logo of your choice to appear in every slide
and any other advertisement text.

Specific Objective
Changing slide background color.
The learner should be able to change slide backgrounds at the end of the lesson.
You can change the slide background color by applying custom colors and automatic fills.
Practical activity:
Change a slide background color.
1 In slide view; click Background on the Format menu.
2 Under Background fill, click the down arrow.
3 To change to a color in the color scheme, click one of the eight colors below Automatic.

To change to a color that isn't in the color scheme, click More Colors.
Click the color you want on the Standard tab, or click the Custom tab to mix your own color, and then
click OK.
To change the background color back to its default, click Automatic.
To apply the change to the current slide, click Apply.
To apply the change to all slides and the slide master, click Apply to All.
Add or change a shaded slide background
1 In slide view; click Background on the Format menu.
2 Under Background fill, click the down arrow, click Fill Effects, and then click the Gradient tab.
3 Click the options you want, and then click OK.
4 To apply the change to the current slide, click Apply.
To apply the change to all slides and the slide master, click Apply to All.
Assignment Questions
Using the presentations created above change the background color and text fills to make it as
presentable as possible.
Next – moves you to the next slide.
Previous- return to the previous slide.
Home- takes you to the beginning of the presentation.
End-takes you to the end of your presentation.
Sound- links to the sound connected to the slide.
Help- gets you to online help
Return- returns to previous
Information- displays the information given
Movie- links to a movie
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Practical Activity:
Adding the action buttons to slide:
From the menus choose action buttons, then the appropriate button of your choice e.g home.
Select the area on the slide where to put the action button.
Drag the button to the desired size.
From the dialog box displayed, choose the actions to execute when clicked.
During slide show click on the button to display the action and excuse.
Assignment Questions.
1. Using the presentations created above, add action buttons to each slide. The action buttons should be
different for each slide.
2. Create a custom show to display the first and the last slide.
Assignment Questions.
226 Distinguish between custom shows and action buttons.
227 State and explain the situations when you can use an action button of your choice.

Specific Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to create speaker notes and handouts and also the
Black and White view.

Speakers notes, handouts, black and white views.
Creating Speaker Notes and Handouts
In addition to creating and editing notes in notes view, you can now add speaker notes in slide and
outline views. As a result, you can work on your notes and on the contents of your text and graphics at
the same time. The Speaker Notes window remains open until you close it even when you move from
slide to slide.

You can create note pages while you're creating your presentation and then use them as speaker notes
when you give a slide show. You can also create handouts of slides for the audience.
In addition, you can send your notes and slide images to Word and use Word features to enhance their
appearance or you can send them there to become the starting point for a more detailed handout, such as
a training manual type notes while working on a presentation
Steps of creating Notes
On the View menu, click Notes Page.
Click the notes box, and then enter your notes for the current slide.
Tip: You can also add notes by entering them in the Speaker Notes dialog box. Click Speaker Notes on
the View menu, and then type your notes. The notes are added to your notes page.
To enlarge the view of the notes box, click the Zoom box
Use the scroll bar to move to other slides you want to add notes to.
Slide miniature in outline view
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When you're working in outline view, PowerPoint 97 now provides a miniature version of the slide
you're working on, so you can easily see when you've filled the slide with text and need to insert a new
Assignment Questions.
Using the created presentations above add speakers notes for each slide

Annotating Slides During a Presentation

While running a slide show, you can add temporary freehand annotation to your slides. For example you
might want to underline a point for emphasis as you are speaking. The free hand annotation icon is a
toggle: click it once to turn it on clicks it again to turn it off.
To annotate a slides during a slide show
Start you slide show
An icon appears on the lower left of the screen. Click here and choose pen for freehand annotation.
When you click the pen the arrow cursor becomes a pencil.
Hold down the mouse button to or draw on the screen during the slide show. Press the ESC key to erase
annotation during a slide show. Otherwise the annotation will disappear when you move to the next
Click freehand annotation icon to turn the annotation feature off.
Linking Slides
You can link a presentation with another application. When a presentation is linked to another
application like Ms- word, any change done on the slide is updated on that application

Grouping Items
This consists a single element, which was created by taking bits from different items of clip art, then re-
assembling them into a single new drawing
The existing items may be disassembled once selected into a slide by using the draw, ungroup command

1. You have just opened a commercial college in Nairobi. Create a presentation of introducing the
college in your entry strategy.

Pack and Go Feature

This is normally a feature of Microsoft PowerPoint that enables the user to save his /her presentation and
then run it in any computer even if the computer does not have Microsoft PowerPoint program provided
that it has got windows operating system.
After designing your presentation
Go to file menu and select PACK AND GO.
Insert a blank diskette into your floppy disk drive and then click next so as to pack the presentation into
the diskette.
Pack and go wizard appears
Follow the instruction of the wizard until completion.
Remove the diskette and then go and run the presentation in another computer.

Assignment Questions.
1. Using the presentations created above link the above presentation to ms word as paste link with the
notes below the slide.
Link the presentation to email as attachment.

Printing a Presentation
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You can print your entire presentation on the slides, outline, speaker's notes, and audience handouts in
color or in black and white. No matter what you print, the process is basically the same. You open the
presentation you want to print from file menu click on print.
Choose whether you want to print slides, handouts, notes pages, or an outline.
Then you identify the slides to be printed and the number of copies you want.
You can make color or black-and-white overhead transparencies from your slides, or you can create
35mm slides by using a desktop film recorder or by creating a file for a service bureau. When you print
audience handouts, you can print one, two, three, or six slides on a page; or you can use the Microsoft
Word command (File menu, Send To command), and then use Word to print other layout variations.
If you used the Meeting Minder to take notes or to record action items during a presentation, you can
print the minutes and action items as a Word document. You can also automatically add your minutes to
the notes pages you've already created.
General revision before the exam.
Assuming you are the sales representative of Viorah a new product manufacturing firm for all types
household commodities in East Africa. You are required to introduce the new products in the market in
East Africa by designing a presentation of not less than 10 slides. In the presentation include the
following: -
Different slide auto contents wizard and design templates.
Very good animations and transitions.
All slides should be timed.
All slides should be have a clip art to represent the company log.
A header and footer of your own choice.
A custom show to display first 5th and 10th slide.
The show should loop continuously until escape.
Your presentation should be forwarded to Ms Word as a hyper link with some notes before the slide.
Save your presentation as final in your floppy disk.


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SPSS training guide:
1. Course objectives
2. Introduction and overviews.
3. Pre-requisite for SPSS.
4. Field guidelines on SPSS options
5. Steps of analyzing data in SPSS.
6. Loading SPSS
7. Entering record into SPSS
8. Data formatting. Graphing.
9. Statistical summary
10. Statistical reports.
11. Printing.
12. Practical demonstrations.

SPSS Training Objectives.

228 After training, the trainee will:

229 Understand the SPSS as an analytical package.

230 Define and bring field data into SPSS

231 Analyse the data and produce summaries.

232 Present results in tables and charts.

233 Design a frame for data entry.

Topic 1
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By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to;
1. Define SPSS as statistical package.
2. List the feature of SPSS as a statistical.
3. Discuss the prerequisites of SPSS training as package.
4. Explain the major features SPSS windows.

What is SPSS?
SPSS is a computer statistical application package specially designed to perform analysis on statistical
SPSS Basically stands for Statistical Package for Social Scientist.
The program has been developed over long period.
They are two forms of SPSS. Original DOS based available in mainframe computers which has become
absolute and windows PC based versions.

SPSS for Windows is the most widely used programs today. We have deferent versions like version 6.0,
7.5, 10.0, 10.1, and 10.5. 11. SPSS. Versions of windows are almost the same except there is a great
change organization and modification of menus, toolbars and additional features.

Un like the earlier version of SPSS. SPSS for windows is extremely a user-friendly package. It has
power full tools for facilitating data analysis and management in graphical user environment. This
program uses well-defined descriptive menus and simple diagonal boxes to execute different command
in order to accomplish different tasks for the user.

Like many other windows application programs the mouse is used to execute commands by clicking on
the specific item.

The current SPSS programs comes with some sample data that can be used as training aid this are
automatically loaded when you install SPSS.

IN this handbook our illustration and explanation will be based on SPSS version 10.0, Version10.0 is
Major features of SPSS applications ver 10
 First it has improved view data editor window with data view and variable view specially designed
to assist the user to define variable attributes, describe variables and value labels in variable view.
This is used for SPSS frame design. The data view is used for data entry Organization and
management of the user data.
 Secondly—You can have direct data access from spreadsheet or database without further defining of
individual data. E.g. ODBC drivers.
 Third- Multitasking- you can run more than one server by use of SPSS.
 Fourthly Distributed analysis -: by use of server, you can use distributed analysis mode to perform
complex analysis on large data files without relying only on your desktop computer.
 Fifthly, you can analyze large data files without requiring temporary disk storage space. File size
limitations is not problem.
 Sixth, Multiple test variable curves, has been enhanced to compare multiple test variable.
 Seventh, Improved quality for interactive graphics used in other applications and improved printing
 Eighth, Thematic-mapping enables graphical summaries of data by graphical regions using bar, Pie,
Range of Values Graduated symbols and dots sanity charts displayed on high quality maps.

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 Ninth, Others include, Optimal Scaling procedure and improved out put for logistic Regression and

 Other programs which fall under same category as SPSS Include, Minitab, Statigraphics, Glim,
Genstat, BMDB 77, EPI Info 2000, LIMDEP, SPLUS and SAS

 Despite the availability of the above versions in the market, most social scientist, social economist,
researchers and relief/ development workers prefer SPSS because SPSS is comprehensive and easy
to use.

Prerequisite for SPSS

In order to be able to derive maximum gain, by any body intending to study SPSS the following
eligibility factors are important.

To begin with have basic computer literacy, which means one should be able to use the windows
Operating system effectively.

Secondly, Be knowledgeable with good word processing techniques e.g. word which can be used for
formatting and questionnaire design.

Thirdly, have basic grounding and sustainable interest in statistics

Lastly, Be willing to learn more and keep a breast of application changes because SPSS regularly
undergoes changes for high efficiency.
The critical statistics exposure imperative for all SPSS lovers/ users includes the following parameters.
1. Descriptive and qualitative statistics, that is all measures of frequencies (central tendency mean
median and modes Dispassion, Range, standard deviation (SD), standard error mean (SEM),
Distributions, Skew ness and Kurtosis and Percent third and fourth quartiles. Moreover, measures of
descriptiveness e.g. explanation, cross tabulation.
2. Comparing means by use of the test for single and paired test, One way ANOVA etc.
3. General linear models (GLM) for univariete, bivariete, and multivariate analysis.
4. Correlations (Bivariet and Partial)
5. Regression analysis both linear and non-linear.
6. Scale Reliability analysis and Co-efficient.
7. Log linear both general and Logistic
8. Non Parameters Test, Smirnorv, Kendall’s tests, Poisonian Distribution, chi-square and Cochran
Tests. etc
Starting SPSS.
To start SPSS is very simple. The following steps can get you start SPSS version for windows.
Click on Start
-SPSS for windows
-Ver 10.0
SPSS Windows
Immediately you open SPSS the first window interface displayed allows you to choose what you
want to do with SPSS e.g.
-Run SPSS Tutorial
-Create anew data editor
-Open existing file etc.

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The first screen you load when starting SPSS is the data Editor. Other Windows will be displayed as you
analyze your data or run the applications.
Major SPSS windows Includes.
234 Data Editor, This window displays the contents of the data, file and it opens
automatically when SPSS is loaded. You can create new data files or modify existing ones with
the data editor. You can only have one data editor window open at a time.

235 Out Put Navigators—This is an SPSS window where all Results, Tables and charts are
displayed. You can edit the Output Navigator- window or save it for later use. This Window
opens automatically when you open or run a procedure in SPSS.

236 Chart Editor Window—This is a window used for modifying Charts and Plots. It can be
used to change colors, fonts or sizes Rotate charts and even change charts type. It is displayed by
double clicking the chart on the output Navigator.

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237 Text out Put navigator Window—This is a window used for modifying text in the pivot
tables. It is displayed by double clicking the text in the pivot table. You can edit text in the
characteristics (e.g. style, type, font size, colors,) etc.

238 Syntax Editor, it is a window which is used to edit commands syntax by utilizing special
features of SPSS available through dialogue boxes. It is displayed by clicking the file-> new
syntax window then you paste, your dialogue box contents in the window for editing the given

239 Script Editor—this is a window used to customizing and automating many task in SPSS
by use of scripting or OLE automation. It is also used to create and modify basic scripts.

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240 Pivot Table Editor—Displays pivot tables editor results/ out put. In the first table you
can edit text swaps dates in rows and columns, Add colors, Create multidimensional tables,
select and hide results. Pivot tables of frequency displays detailed variable analysis.

N/B. Each window has designated menus, Tool bars and dialog boxes suitable for the individual
window activities.
Using the SPSS ver10.0 tutorial, you are required to study the overview of SPSS application by
following the designed guide.
1. Define SPSS as statistical package.
2. List the feature of SPSS as a statistical.
3. Discuss the prerequisites of SPSS training as package.
4. Explain the major features SPSS windows.


By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to;
1. Define important terminologies used in SPSS as statistical package.
2. Discuss the basic steps in data analysis for SPSS.

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SPSS Data Analysis.
1. Parametric test—This are those kind of tests which make assumptions. Examples of the
assumptions they make include: Normal Curve, homogenity of the variance and uniform
distributions e.g. All measures of frequency, mean, median standard deviations kurtosis etc.
2. Non-Parameter tests are those test which do not make assumptions e.g. kolmogorov, Poisonian
etc. However not all non-Parametric lack assumptions. Infact some parametric test makes
assumptions, but the difference is that the assumptions are applicable to individual test.
3. Population-is an entire set of Objects or people.
4. Range—Set of scores obtained by the difference between the highest and the lowest scores.
5. Frequency distributions—this shows the number of times each score occurs in a set of scores
under examination. Frequency distribution can be symmetrical or skewed.
6. A normal curve distribution --- A perfect normal curve is symmetrical, with the middle being
equal to the mean. If The skew ness is zero then the Kurtosis statistics is also zero

i. Relative Frequency

Standard error and confidence limits

7. Inferential Statistics involves estimating the characteristics of a population from the data
obtained from a sample of that population
8. If one takes a large sample of the population the mean of that sample can be used to estimate the
mean of population.
9. Standard error is the standard deviation of distribution divided by the square root of (n) the
number in sample.
10.We use standard error to estimate the probability of the true mean of the population within
specified limits. at 95% C.L – One can conclude that the true mean of the population has 95%
probability of being within specified 50 + two standard errors =50+2.
11.So the 95% confidence level means there is 95% Probability that the true mean is between the
limits specified.
12.Significance level-If the difference between the groups is unlikely to have been brought about by
the chance of variation in scores is concluded that there is real, statistically significant difference
between the groups.
13.If there is 0.05 or 5% smaller probability that the difference between the two groups rose from
chance variation, we conclude that, it did not arise from chance and there is real difference. More
than 0.05 or 5% means the difference is not a real one.
14.Data – SPSS allows you to read many kinds of data files or enter data directly into your data
editor. The structure of your data files is represented in a rectangular, screen of rows and columns.
15.The data represented in rows is called cases and the horizontal arrangement in columns is called

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16.Missing variables – data may sometimes contain values omitted on survey or obtained from
contaminated experiment or results of impossible calculations. – This data is called missing
variables or systems.
17.Output – the results of your analysis appear in SPSS, viewer.
18.Transformation – this is a powerful set of functions arithmetical operators and other statements
that operate on data values, one case at a time.
19.Data screening: it is very unusual for real data to arrive without problems In large studies, the
exercise of data screening consumes considerably more time and effort than primary analysis
20.The first step is to identify recording or data entry errors and examine how appropriately the data
meets the assumptions of the intended analysis.
21.Identifying outliers and rogue values – the best ways of clearing data is by finding values
outside the reasonable range of variables and determine whether they are real outliers or errors.
This can be done by;
241 Use frequencies to cast the allowance of unique value. Unexpected values, codes, and
values that appear as valid values.
242 For quantifiable variables; use histograms in the frequencies or explore procedure and
box plots and stem and leaf diagram in the explore procedure notice the information on outliers
in the explore plots.
243 For large data sets, scan minimum and maximum values displayed in procedure like
descriptive and menus.
244 Use case summaries on list data.
Analyzing data with SPSS is easy. All you have to do is;
245 Get your data into SPSS. You can open previously saved SPSS data file, read a
spreadsheet, database or text data file or enter your data directly in the data editor.
246 Select a procedure from the menus to calculate statistics or to create a chart
247 Select the variable for the analysis – the variable in the data files are displayed in the
dialog box for the procedure
248 Run the procedure and examine the results. The results will be displayed in the viewer.
Data files
In SPSS you can handle a wide range of data files namely Spreadsheets, Database, As in text
files, SPSS data and start files.
To open data
From menus, choose;

 To open file in dialog box, select the file you want to open
 Click open
 Opening file options
 Read variable names – you can read first row of your data or defined range for spreadsheet.
Worksheet – you can read entire worksheet. Range – read selected range of spreadsheet data
files. Read database and select queries, files open new database/query… You can also open data
files in distributed analysis mode If you are connected to the remote server.
 Depending on the type of data file you want to open from the menus choose.
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Data ….
Open database
Read text data.

249 To save data files in distributed analysis mode

250 Make the data editor the active window.
251 From the menus, choose
252 File
253 Save (or save as ….)
1.Using the SPSS ver10.0 tutorial, you are required to study the overview of SPSS application by
following the designed guide.
2. Define the following terms as used in SPSS.
1. Parametric tests.
2. Non-parametric test.
3. Data screening.
4. Variables.
5. Cases
6. Rogue values.
7. Significance level
8. Confidence level.
9. Standard error of the mean

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By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to;
254 Discuss the major feature of the SPSS data editor window and use menus and tool
bars available for data entry and organization.


This is a spreadsheet like window for entering and editing data files. It is automatically open
when you start a session. In SPSS version 10.0 the data editor provides two views of your
1) Data view – displays the actual data value and defined value labels
2) Variable view – displays variable definition information including defined variables,
and value labels types (e.g. string, date and numeric) measurement scales (nominal,
ordinal or scale) and user defined missing variables. It’s used for SPSS frame design. In
both views you can add, change, and delete information contained in the data files.
Features of the SPSS data editor.

 Rows are cases and each row represents a case or observation

 Columns are variables. Each column represents a variable or a characteristic being
measured. E.g. each item on questionnaire is a variable.
 Cells contain values. Each cell contains a single value of variable for a case. A cell is the
intersection of the case and variable
 The date file is rectangular screen of cases and variables.
Variable view – it contains description of the attributes of each variable in a data file in the
variable view. Rows are variable Columns are variable attributes
You can add or delete variable and modify attributes including:
Variable name, Data type , Number of digits or character, Number of decimal places.
Descriptive variable and value label, User defined missing values, Column width,
Measurement scale
Variable type
Define variable type specifies the data type of each variable.
By default, all new variables are assumed numeric.
The available variable types are:
Numeric. A variable whose values are numbers. Values are displayed in standard numeric
format. The Data Editor accepts numeric values in standard format; or in scientific notation.

Comma. A numeric variable whose values are displayed with commas delimiting every three
places, and with the period as a decimal delimiter. The Data Editor accepts numeric values
for comma variables with or without commas; or in scientific notation.
Dot. A numeric variable whose values are displayed with periods delimiting every three
places, and with the comma as a decimal delimiter. The Data Editor accepts numeric values
for dot variables with or without dots; or in scientific notation.

Scientific notation. A numeric variable whose values are displayed with an imbedded E and
a signed power-of-ten exponent.
Date. A numeric variable whose value is displayed in one of several calendar-date or clock-
time formats.
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Custom currency. A numeric variable whose values are displayed in one of the custom
currency formats that you have defined in the Currency tab of the Options dialog box.
Defined custom currency characters cannot be used in data entry but are displayed in the Data
String. Values of a string variable are not numeric, and hence not used in calculations. They
can contain any characters up to the defined length.
Variable labels
Although variable names are only 8 character variable label can be up to 256 characters long
and this descriptive labels are displayed on the output.
Value labels

You can assign a descriptive value label for each value of a variable, especially for non-
numeric categories. (E.g. 1 for male, 2 for female value labels, are not available for long
sting variables more than 8 characters)
Missing values: - this defines specified data values as user missing.
Column width – you can specify a number of characters width. Column width can also be
changed in the data view by clicking and dragging column boarded.
Alignments – alignments controls the display of data value/or labels in the data view. The
default alignment is right and left and it affects data display.
Entering data.
You can enter data directly into the data editor in data view.
This can be by case or individual variables.
Steps – actual cell is highlighted
255 Variable name and new number of active are displayed in the top corner of
data editor.
256 When you select and enter data value, or value is displayed in the cell editor at
the top of the data editor.
257 Data values are not recorded until you press enter or select another cell
258 To enter anything other than simple numeric data, you must
259 Define the variable first

To enter numeric data

 Select a cell in data view
 Enter the data value. The value displayed in the cell editor at the top of data editor.
 Press enter and select another record.
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To enter non numeric data

 Double click on a variable name at the top of the column data. In the data view or click,
the variable views tab.
 Click the button in the type cell for the variable
 Select the data type in the define variable type dialog box.
 Click ok
 Double-click the row number or click the data view tab.
 Enter the data in the column for the newly defined variable
To use defined value labels for data entry
260 If value labels are not available in the data view, then from view menu choose
value labels.
261 Click in the cell you want to enter value.
262 Select value label from the drop down list.
263 The value is entered and label is displayed in a cell
264 But this works only if value labels are defined.
Data value restrictor
You can restrict value labels, variable types by defining the length or width of characters.
Such that when the value excludes the defined width the system beeps.
Editing data in data view
With the data editor, you can edit/modify data values in the data view in many ways. You
1. Change data values
2. Cut, copy and paste data values
3. Add and delete cases

Paste functions from the function list dialogue; fill the indicated parameters in question mark
 String constant must be enclosed in quotation marks or apostrophes
 Numeric constants must be typed in America format, with the period (.) as decimal
 For new string variable, you must also select type and label to specify the data type
Ranking Cases
266 Ranking cases create a new variable containing ranks, normal and average scores and
percentiles for numeric scores
267 To rank cases
268 From menu, choose
269 Transform
270 Rank cases…
271 Time series – this creates a new variable based on functions of existing numeric time
272 This transformation values are in many time series analysis procedure
273 Steps
274 From the menu choose
275 Transform, create time series
276 Select the variables from which you want to create new time series variables only
numeric time series variable can be used
Time series transformation function
277 Difference – Non seasonal difference between successful values in series
278 Seasonal difference- Difference between series value a constant span a part

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279 Centered moving average – average of span of series values surrounding and
including the current value
280 Prior moving average – average span of series values preceding the current value
281 Running median of span of series value finding and including current value. The span
is the number of series values used to compute the median
282 Cumulative sum – cumulative sum of series up to and including the current value
283 Lag – value of a previous case, based on specified lag order
284 Lead – Value of subsequent case based on specified lead order
285 Smoothing – new series values based on compound data smoother.
1. State and explain the major features of SPSS data editor.
286 You’re required the enter data into SPSS data editor window and try to organize it.
Topic 4
By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to;
1. Sort data
2. Aggregate
3. Transpose
4. Merge data files.
5. Add cases and format your data in the viewer.

File Handling and Transformation

 Data files are not always organized in the ideal form for your specific needs
 SPSS contains a wide range of file transformation capabilities.
 Sort Data – arrange cases based on one or more cases.
 Transpose date (case & variables) – changes rows to be columns and vice versa
 Merge files- you can merge two or more data files.
 Aggregate data – you can change the unit of analysis by aggregating cases based on the
value of one or more grouping variable
 Weight data – Weighs data of analysis based on value of a weight variable
From menu choose
Sort cases
Or transpose
Or merge files
Add cases
 Select the data files to merge with open data file.
 Remove any variable you don’t want
 Add any variable from the unpaired variable lists that represent the same information
recorded under different variable names in the files
 Or Aggregate data
 Or Split file

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The Output Navigator

When you run a procedure, the result are displayed in a window called viewer
If you prefer simple text output rather than interactive part tables you can use the draft
Changing format of graft viewer
From menu choose Edit options
On general tab click or draft viewer from the output type
Delete results on the output
287 Select the item content by clicking
288 Press delete or from menu edit delete
289 You can paste objects in to other applications
290 Step select object then edit paste special or edit copy from
291 The list select unformatted text in the target applications
292 Click on edit and paste
293 You can also export a file, from menu choose fill export
To print view document can enter do the following
 Print all variable output – display only items currently displayed in the contents pane
 Print all output – prints all output including hidden items
 Selection – prints only items currently selected
294 Make the viewer active
295 From menu choose file then print
296 Select the print setting you want click ok to print
297 Print preview.
298 Make sure the view is active window
299 From menu choose file, print preview
Explain the major methods of data handling in the viewer
Topic 5
By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to;
1.perform computation on statistical data.
Draft Viewer
This provides results in draft form including simple text output. Charts as metallic
pictures (instead of objects)

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From menu choose
File, new, draft output
To make draft output the default output type
 From menu choose edit, options…..
 Select general tab select draft viewer under output type
 You can change draft view formats if necessary
Pivot Tables
 Many of the results in the viewer are presented in tables that can be pivoted interactively,
that is you can rearrange the rows and columns and layers
 To transpose rows and columns as follows
 From the pivot table menu, choose pivot
 Transpose rows and columns
 You can format, move, copy, group, create and work with layers, show and hide
.footnotes (from menus choose view/hide/show/).
 You can also change table properties, align and modify the pivots.
Data transformations
To Recode the Values of a Variable
From the menus, choose:
Into Same Variables...
Select the variables you want to Recode. If you select multiple variables, they must be the
same type (numeric or string).
To Recode the Values of a Variable into a New Variable
From the menus, choose:
Into Different Variables...

Select the variables you want to recode. If you select multiple variables, they must be the
same types (numeric or string).
To Compute Variables
From the menus, choose:
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 Type the name of a single target variable. It can be an existing variable or a new variable
to be added to the working data file.
 To build an expression, either paste components into the Expression field or type directly
in the Expression field.
 Paste functions from the function list and fill in the parameters indicated by question
 String constants must be enclosed in quotation marks or apostrophes.
 Numeric constants must be typed in American format, with the period (.) as the decimal
1. Total=[job]+[trade]+[grant]+[loan]
2. Average [total]/4 where 4=n
3. Max=[job, trade, grant, loan]
4. Min = [job, trade, grant, loan]
5. Discount [total]* 0.45

Compute variable cases

300 If the result of condition close is true, the transformation is applied to the case
301 If the result of condition expressions is false or missing, the transformation is
not applied to case
302 Most conditional expressions use one or more of the six relational operators
that is >, <, <=>=, = and = on the calculator pad

303 Conditional expression can include, variable names, constants, arithmetic

operators, numeric and other functions, logical variables and relational operators
304 Many functions are supported including; Arithmetic’s, statistical string, data
distribution, random variables and missing value functions
Missing values in functions e.g. ( var1+var2+var3)/3, in the expression mean(var1,var2,var3)
To Select Subsets of Cases Based on a Conditional Expression
From the menus, choose:
Select Cases...
Select if condition is satisfied.
305 Click If.
306 Enter the conditional expression.e.g salary>10,000
307 To build an expression, either paste components into the Expression field or type
directly in the Expression field.
308 Paste functions from the function list and fill in the parameters indicated by question
 String constants must be enclosed in quotation marks or apostrophes.

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To Select a Random Sample of Cases

From the menus choose:
Select Cases...
Select Random sample of cases.
Click Sample.
Select the sampling method and enter the percentage or number of cases.
To Select a Range of Cases or a Range of Dates or Times
From the menus, choose:
Select Cases...
Select Based on time or case range.
Click Range.
Enter the starting and ending date or time or case numbers.
From the menus choose:
Select Cases...

Select Based on time or case range.

Click Range.
Enter the starting and ending date or time or case numbers.
To Select a Range of Cases or a Range of Dates or Times
From the menus choose:
Select Cases...
Select Based on time or case range.
Click Range.
Enter the starting and ending date or time or case numbers.
To Sort Cases
From the menus choose:
Sort Cases...
Select one or more sorting variables.
The data file is sorted based on the values of the sorting variables. If you select multiple
sorting variables, cases are sorted by values of each variable within categories of the
prior variable on the Sort list.
To Merge Files with the Same Variables and Different Cases
Open one of the data files. The cases from this file will appear first in the new, merged data
From the menus choose:

Merge Files
Add Cases...
Select the data file to merge with the open data file.
Remove any variables you don’t want from the Variables in New Working Data File list.
Add any variable pairs from the Unpaired Variables list that represent the same information
recorded under different variable names in the two files.

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For example, date of birth might have the variable name BIRTHRATE in one file and
DATEBRTH in the other file.
To Select a Pair of Unpaired Variables
Click one of the variables on the Unpaired Variables list.
Ctrl-click the other variable on the list. (Press the Ctrl key and click the left mouse button at
the same time.)
To Merge Files with the Same Cases but Different Variables
Open one of the data files.
From the menus choose:
Merge Files
Add Variables...

Select the data file to merge with the open data file.
To Select Key Variables
Select the variables from the external file variables (+) on the Excluded Variables list.
Select Match cases on key variables in sorted files.
Add the variables to the Key Variables list.
The key variables must exist in both the working data file and the external data file. Both data
files must be sorted by ascending order of the key variables, and the order of variables on the
Key Variables list must be the same as their sort sequence.
To Aggregate a Data File
From the menus, choose:

Select one or more break variables that define how cases are grouped to create aggregated
Select one or more aggregate variables to include in the new data file.
Select an aggregate function for each aggregate variable.
List the procedure of performing computation on statistical data.
By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to;
1.perform case summaries on statistical data.
Case summaries
The Summarize procedure calculates subgroup statistics for variables within categories of
one or more grouping variables. All levels of the grouping variable are cross tabulated. You
can choose the order in which the statistics are displayed. Summary statistics for each
variable across all categories are also displayed. Data values in each category can be listed or
suppressed. With large data sets, you can choose to list only the first n cases.
Example. What is the average product sale amount by region and customer industry? You
might discover that the average sales amount is slightly higher in the western region than in
other regions, with corporate customers in the western region yielding the highest average
sales amount.
Statistics. Sum, number of cases, mean, median, grouped median, standard error of the mean,
minimum, maximum, range, variable value of the first category of the grouping variable,
variable value of the last category of the grouping variable, standard deviation, variance,
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kurtosis, standard error of kurtosis, skewness, standard error of skewness, percentage of total
sum, percentage of total N, percentage of sum in, percentage of N in, geometric mean,
harmonic mean.


By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to;
1.perform analysis of Frequencies on statistical data.

The Frequencies procedure provides statistics and graphical displays that are useful for
describing many types of variables. For a first look at your data, the Frequencies procedure is
a good place to start.
For a frequency report and bar chart, you can arrange the distinct values in ascending or
descending order or order the categories by their frequencies. The frequency report can be
suppressed when a variable has many distinct values. You can label charts with frequencies
(the default) or percentages.
Example. What is the distribution of a company’s customers by industry type? From the
output, you might learn that 37.5% of your customers are in government agencies, 24.9% in
corporations, 28.1% in academic institutions, and 9.4% in the healthcare industry. For
continuous, quantitative data, such as sales revenue, you might learn that the average product
sale is $3,576 with a standard deviation of $1,078.
Statistics and plots. Frequency counts, percentages, cumulative percentages, mean, median,
mode, sum, standard deviation, variance, range, minimum and maximum values, standard
error of the mean, skewness and kurtosis (both with standard errors), quartiles, user-specified
percentiles, bar charts, pie charts, and histograms.
Describe all measures of frequency and there significance in data analysis.


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By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to;
1.perform descriptive analysis on statistical data.
The Descriptive procedure displays univariate summary statistics for several variables in a
single table and calculates standardized values (z scores). Variables can be ordered by the
size of their means (in ascending or descending order), alphabetically, or by the order in
which you select the variables (the default).
Example. If each case in your data contains the daily sales totals for each member of the
sales staff (for example, one entry for Bob, one for Kim, one for Brian, etc.) collected each
day for several months, the Descriptive procedure can compute the average daily sales for
each staff member and order the results from highest average sales to lowest.
Statistics. Sample size, mean, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, variance, range, sum,
standard error of the mean, and kurtosis and skewness with their standard errors.
The Explore procedure produces summary statistics and graphical displays, either for all of
your cases or separately for groups of cases. There are many reasons for using the Explore
procedure--data screening, outlier identification, description, assumption checking, and
characterizing differences among sub populations (groups of cases).
Data screening may show that you have unusual values, extreme values, gaps in the data, or
other peculiarities. Exploring the data can help to determine whether the statistical techniques
you are considering for data analysis are appropriate. The exploration may indicate that you
need to transform the data if the technique requires a normal distribution. Or, you may decide
that you need nonparametric tests.

Example. Look at the distribution of maze-learning times for rats under four different
reinforcement schedules. For each of the four groups, you can see if the distribution of times
is approximately normal and whether the four variances are equal. You can also identify the
cases with the five largest and five smallest times. The box plots and stem-and-leaf plots
graphically summarize the distribution of learning times for each of the groups.
Statistics and plots. Mean, median, 5% trimmed mean, standard error, variance, standard
deviation, minimum, maximum, range, interquartile range, skewness and kurtosis and their
standard errors, confidence interval for the mean (and specified confidence level), percentiles.
309 Explain all measures of descriptiveness.
310 What is exploration?
311 How is it used is SPSS


By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to;
1.perform crostabulation on statistical data given and interpret the result.
2. compare means on statistical data given and interpret the result.
The Cross tabs procedure forms two-way and multiway tables and provides a variety of tests
and measures of association for two-way tables. The structure of the table and whether
categories are ordered determine what test or measure to use.
Crosstabs’ statistics and measures of association are computed for two-way tables only. If
you specify a row, a column, and a layer factor (control variable), the Crosstabs procedure
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forms one panel of associated statistics and measures for each value of the layer factor (or a
combination of values for two or more control variables). For example, if GENDER is a
layer factor for a table of MARRIED (yes, no) against LIFE (is life exciting, routine, or dull),
the results for a two-way table for the females are computed separately from those for the
males and printed as panels following one another.
Example. Are customers from small companies more likely to be profitable in sales of
services (for example, training and consulting) than those from larger companies? From a
cross tabulation, you might learn that the majority of small companies (fewer than 500
employees) yield high service profits, while the majority of large companies (more than 2500
employees) yield low service profits.
Statistics and measures of association. Pearson chi-square, likelihood-ratio chi-square, linear-
by-linear association test, Fisher’
s exact test.

The Means procedure calculates subgroup means and related univariate statistics for
dependent variables within categories of one or more independent variables. Optionally, you
can obtain a one-way analysis of variance, eta, and tests for linearity.
Example. Measure the average amount of fat absorbed by three different types of cooking oil
and perform a one-way analysis of variance to see if the means differ.
Statistics. Sum, number of cases, mean, median, grouped median, standard error of the mean,
minimum, maximum, range, variable value of the first category of the grouping variable,
variable value of the last category of the grouping variable, standard deviation, variance,
kurtosis, standard error of kurtosis, skewness, standard error of skewness.
What is the significance of :
312 Cross tabulation
313 Means.
314 Skewnwss
315 Kurtosis.
316 Standard error mean

By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to;
1.perform one sample t test on statistical data given and interpret the result.
2.perform one independent t test on statistical data given and interpret the result.
3.perform one paired t test on statistical data given and interpret the result.


The One-Sample T Test procedure tests whether the mean of a single variable differs from a
specified constant.
Examples. A researcher might want to test whether the average IQ score for a group of
students differs from 100. Or, a cereal manufacturer can take a sample of boxes from the
production line and check whether the mean weight of the samples differs from 1.3 pounds at
the 95% confidence level.

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Statistics. For each test variable: mean, standard deviation, and standard error of the mean.
The average difference between each data value and the hypothesized test value, a t test that
tests that this difference is 0, and a confidence interval for this difference (you can specify the
confidence level).
The Independent-Samples T Test procedure compares means for two groups of cases.
Ideally, for this test, the subjects should be randomly assigned to two groups, so that
any difference in response is due to the treatment (or lack of treatment) and not to other
factors. This is not the case if you compare average income for males and females. A
person is not randomly assigned to be a male or female. In such situations, you should
ensure that differences in other factors are not masking or enhancing a significant
difference in means. Differences in average income may be influenced by factors such as
education and not by sex alone.

Example. Patients with high blood pressure are randomly assigned to a placebo group and a
treatment group. The placebo subjects receive an inactive pill and the treatment subjects
receive a new drug that is expected to lower blood pressure. After treating the subjects for
two months, the two-sample t test is used to compare the average blood pressures for the
placebo group and the treatment group. Each patient is measured once and belongs to one
Statistics. For each variable: sample size, mean, standard deviation, and standard error of the
mean. For the difference in means: mean, standard error, and confidence interval (you can
specify the confidence level). Tests: Levene’s test for equality of variances, and both pooled-
and separate-variances t tests for equality of means.
The Paired-Samples T Test procedure compares the means of two variables for a single
group. It computes the differences between values of the two variables for each case and tests
whether the average differs from 0.
Example. In a study on high blood pressure, all patients are measured at the beginning of the
study, given a treatment, and measured again. Thus, each subject has two measures, often
called before and after measures. An alternative design for which this test is used is a
matched-pairs or case-control study. Here, each record in the data file contains the response
for the patient and also for his or her matched control subject. In a blood pressure study,
patients and controls might be matched by age (a 75-year-old patient with a 75-year-old
control group member).

Statistics. For each variable: mean, sample size, standard deviation, and standard error of the
mean. For each pair of variables: correlation, average difference in means, t test, and
confidence interval for mean difference (you can specify the confidence level). Standard
deviation and standard error of the mean difference.
The one-way ANOVA procedure produces a one-way analysis of variance for a quantitative
dependent variable by a single factor (independent) variable. Analysis of variance is used to
test the hypothesis that several means are equal. This technique is an extension of the two-
sample t test.
Example. Doughnuts absorb fat in various amounts when they are cooked. An experiment is
set up involving three types of fat: peanut oil, corn oil, and lard. Peanut oil and corn oil are
unsaturated fats, and lard is a saturated fat. Along with determining whether the amount of fat
absorbed depends on the type of fat used, you could set up an a priori contrast to determine
whether the amount of fat absorption differs for saturated and unsaturated fats.
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Statistics. For each group: number of cases, mean, standard deviation, standard error of the
mean, minimum, maximum, and 95% confidence interval for the mean. Levene’s test for
homogeneity of variance, analysis-of-variance table for each dependent variable, user-
specified a priori contrasts, and post hoc range tests and multiple comparisons.
317 What is t –test.
318 State and explain major t test used in statistical analysis.


By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to;
1.perform general linear model on statistical data given and interpret the result.

The GLM Univariate procedure provides regression analysis and analysis of variance for one
dependent variable by one or more factors and/or variables. The factor variables divide the
population into groups. Using this General Linear Model procedure, you can test null
hypotheses about the effects of other variables on the means of various groupings of a single
dependent variable. You can investigate interactions between factors as well as the effects of
individual factors, some of which may be random.
The Bivariate Correlations procedure computes Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Spearman’s
rho, and Kendall’s tau-b with their significance levels. Correlations measure how variables or
rank orders are related. Before calculating a correlation coefficient, screen your data for
outliers (which can cause misleading results) and evidence of a linear relationship. Pearson’s
correlation coefficient is a measure of linear association. Two variables can be perfectly
related, but if the relationship is not linear, Pearson’
s correlation coefficient is not an appropriate statistic for measuring their association.

Example. Is the number of games won by a basketball team correlated with the average
number of points scored per game? A scatterplot indicates that there is a linear relationship.
Analyzing data from the 19941995 NBA season yields that Pearson’s correlation coefficient
(0.581) is significant at the 0.01 level. You might suspect that the more games won per
season, the fewer points the opponents scored. These variables are negatively correlated
(0.401), and the correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.

Statistics. For each variable: number of cases with nonmissing values, mean, and standard
deviation. For each pair of variables: Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Spearman’s, Kendall’s
The Partial Correlations procedure computes partial correlation coefficients that describe the
linear relationship between two variables while controlling for the effects of one or more
additional variables. Correlations are measures of linear association. Two variables can be
perfectly related, but if the relationship is not linear, a correlation coefficient is not an
appropriate statistic for measuring their association.
Example. Is there a correlation between birth rate and death rate? An ordinary correlation
reveals a significant correlation coefficient (0.367) at the 0.01 level. However, when you take
into effect (or control for) an economic measure, birth rate and death rate are no longer
significantly correlated. The correlation coefficient drops to 0.1003 (with a p value of 0.304).

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Statistics. For each variable: number of cases with non missing values, mean, and
standard deviation. Partial and zero-order correlation matrices, with degrees of
freedom and significance levels.
This procedure calculates any of a wide variety of statistics measuring either similarities or
dissimilarities (distances), either between pairs of variables or between pairs of cases. These
similarity or distance measures can then be used with other procedures, such as factor
analysis, cluster analysis, or multidimensional scaling, to help analyze complex data sets.
Example. Is it possible to measure similarities between pairs of automobiles based on certain
characteristics, such as engine size, MPG, and horsepower? By computing similarities
between autos, you can gain a sense of which autos are similar to each other and which are
different from
Describe the significance of GLM In statistical data analysis.
Topic 11.
By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to;
1.perform correlation and regression analysis on statistical data given and interpret the
Linear Regression estimates the coefficients of the linear equation, involving one or more
independent variables, that best predict the value of the dependent variable. For example, you
can try to predict a salesperson’s total yearly sales (the dependent variable) from independent
variables such as age, education, and years of experience.
Example. Is the number of games won by a basketball team in a season related to the average
number of points the team scores per game? A scatterplot indicates that these variables are
linearly related. The number of games won and the average number of points scored by the
opponent are also linearly related. These variables have a negative relationship. As the
number of games won increases, the average number of points scored by the opponent
decreases. With linear regression, you can model the relationship of these variables. A good
model can be used to predict how many games teams will win.

Statistics. For each variable: number of valid cases, mean, and standard deviation. Plots:
scatter plots, partial plots, histograms, and normal probability plots.
The Curve Estimation procedure produces curve estimation regression statistics and related
plots for 11 different curve estimation regression models.
A separate model is produced for each dependent variable. You can also save predicted
values, residuals, and prediction intervals as new variables.
Example. A fire insurance company conducts a study to relate the amount of damage in
serious residential fires to the distance between the closest fire station and the residence. A
scatter plot reveals that the relationship between fire damage and distance to the fire station is
linear. You might fit a linear model to the data and check the validity of assumptions and the
goodness of fit of the model.
Statistics. Models: linear, logarithmic, inverse, quadratic, cubic, power, compound, S-curve,
logistic, growth, and exponential.
1. What is regression analysis?
2. What is the relationship of the above with curve estimation?

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By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to;
1.perform reliability test on statistical data given and interpret the result.
Reliability analysis allows you to study the properties of measurement scales and the items
that make them up. The Reliability Analysis procedure calculates a number of commonly
used measures of scale reliability and also provides information about the relationships
between individual items in the scale. Intraclass correlation coefficients can be used to
compute reliability estimates.
Example. Does my questionnaire measure customer satisfaction in a useful way? Using
reliability analysis, you can determine the extent to which the items in your questionnaire are
related to each other, you can get an overall index of the repeatability or internal consistency
of the scale as a whole, and you can identify problem items that should be excluded from the

Statistics. Descriptive for each variable and for the scale, summary statistics across items,
inter-item correlations and covariance, reliability estimates, ANOVA table, intraclass
correlation coefficients, Hotel ling’s T-square, and Turkey’s test of additivity.
Multidimensional scaling attempts to find the structure in a set of distance measures between
objects or cases. This is accomplished by assigning observations to specific locations in a
conceptual space (usually two- or three-dimensional) such that the distances between points
in the space match the given dissimilarities as closely as possible. dissimilarity between
objects or concepts.
Example. How do people perceive relationships between different cars? If you have data
from respondents indicating similarity ratings between different makes and models of cars,
multidimensional scaling can be used to identify dimensions that describe consumers’
perceptions. Plots: stimulus coordinates (two- or three-dimensional), scatterplot of disparities
versus distances.
The Chi-Square Test procedure tabulates a variable into categories and computes a chi-square
statistic. This goodness-of-fit test compares the observed and expected frequencies in each
category to test either that all categories contain the same proportion of values or that each
category contains a user-specified proportion of values.
Examples. The chi-square test could be used to determine if a bag of jelly beans contains
equal proportions of blue, brown, green, orange, red, and yellow candies. You could also test
to see if a bag of jelly beans contains 5% blue, 30% brown, 10% green, 20% orange, 15%
red, and 15% yellow candies.

Statistics. Mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and quartiles. The number and the
percentage of non-missing and missing cases, the number of cases observed and expected for
each category, residuals, and the chi-square statistic.

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The Binomial Test procedure compares the observed frequencies of the two categories of a
dichotomous variable to the frequencies expected under a binomial distribution with a
specified probability parameter.
Example. When you toss a dime, the probability of a head equals 1/2. Based on this
hypothesis, a dime is tossed 40 times, and the outcomes are recorded (heads or tails). From
the binomial test, you might find that 3/4 of the tosses were heads and that the observed
significance level is small (0.0027). These results indicate that it is not likely that the
probability of a head equals 1/2; the coin is probably biased.

Statistics. Mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, number of nonmissing cases, and
The Runs Test procedure tests whether the order of occurrence of two values of a variable is
random. A run is a sequence of like observations. A sample with too many or too few runs
suggests that the sample is not random.
Define: reliability, runs, multidimensional scaling, chi-square.
How are they significant in SPSS?


By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to;
1.perform non-parametric test on statistical data given and interpret the result.


The One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test procedure compares the observed cumulative
distribution function for a variable with a specified theoretical distribution, which may be
normal, uniform, Poisson, or exponential. This goodness-of-fit test tests whether the
observations could reasonably have come from the specified distribution.
Example. Many parametric tests require normally distributed variables. The one-sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test can be used to test that a variable, say INCOME, is normally
The Two-Independent-Samples Tests procedure compares two groups of cases on one
Example. New dental braces have been developed that are intended to be more comfortable,
to look better, and to provide more rapid progress in realigning teeth. To find out if the new
braces have to be worn as long as the old braces, 10 children are randomly chosen to wear the
old braces, and another 10 are chosen to wear the new braces. From the Mann-Whitney U
test, you might find that, on average, those with the new braces did not have to wear the
braces as long as those with the old braces.

Statistics. Mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, number of non-missing cases, and
quartiles. Tests: Mann-Whitney U, Moses extreme reactions, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z
The Tests for Several Related Samples procedure compares the distributions of two or more

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Example. Does the public associate different amounts of prestige with a doctor, a lawyer, a
police officer, and a teacher? Ten people are asked to rank these four occupations in order of
prestige. Friedman’s test indicates that the public does in fact associate different amounts of
prestige with these four professions.
Statistics. Mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, number of nonmissing cases, and
quartiles. Tests: Friedman, Kendall’s W, and Cochran’s Q.
Click any icon to jump to detailed Help for that chart type. Click See Also above for
smaller galleries that group charts appropriate for different types of data. Click
Interactive for a gallery of interactive charts.
 To Create a Chart
 Choose the desired chart type from the Graphs menu.
 Click the icon for the desired chart type.
 Choose the data summary option that best fits your data.
 Click Define.
 Available options depend on the chart type. Click Help in the dialog box for more
specific information on the current chart type.
To Edit a Chart
Double-click on the chart in the Output Navigator.
The chart is activated in a chart window, where you can edit it using the menus and toolbar.
A few general hints:

Click once on an object (such as a bar or line) to select the object. You can then change
formats such as color or fill for the object.
Double-click on an object to open a dialog box that allows you to modify that object.

For example, double-click on a scale axis to change scale, tick marks, and other
characteristics for that axis.
To Collapse or Expand the Outline View
Click the box to the left of the outline item you want to collapse or expand.
To Print Output and Charts
Make the Viewer the active window.
From the menus choose:

What are parametric tests? State and explain 5 example of parametric test.


Revision lesson
The following questionnaire was drafted for one of the baseline surveys in southern Sudan
region in Africa for world bank project.
Create a frame for further data analysis.
Questionnaire No. ……. Code ……… Enumerator ………………

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319 Village number……………….

2. Sex of Respondent: 01 Female 02 Male
320 Ethnic group of the head of household: 01 Durum, 02 Digo,
03 Masai, 04 Kamba
321 Marital Status of respondent: 01 Single, 02 Married, 03 Widowed,
1. Separated, divorced.
322 Literacy/Education level of respondent’s spouse; 01 Completed
Literacy classes, 03. Attending literacy classes 04 Std 1-4,
05 Std 5-8, 06 Form 1-4, 07 Form 4
323 How many school-age children do you have? 01. None, 02 1-3,
03 4-6, 04 7 and above.
324 If school age children are out of school, why?: 01 No interest
02 School fees problem 03 working, 04 Sickness, 05 Under-aged 06 marriage, 07
325 Kitchen Garden in use: 01 Yes, in use, 02 Not in use, 03 None
326 *Type of produce in kitchen garden: 01 Vegetables: (kale),
(Tomatoes), (local vegetables) 02 Fruits, (bananas, (papaya), (coconut), 03 Starch:
(cassava), (Maize), (sweet potatoes, (millet),
1. (None (Mixture of crops, 05 None
327 Type of primary water source: 01 Dam, 02 River, 03 Pond, 04 Tap
05 Hand pump, 06 Roof catchments.
328 Distance to primary water source: 01 = 0-5 km, 02 = 6.10 km,
03 Above 10 km
329 Water storage method: 01 Open container, 02 closed, covered
330 What type of soil conservation methods can be used here?
01 (Trash line), 02(terracing), 03(Fencing), 04(Tree planting)
05 Gabion), 06(don’t know).
What type of water source do you use for your animals?:01 Dam
02 River, 03 Pond, 04 Tap , 05 Hand pump, 06 no animals
331 Distance to animal water source: 01 = 0.5 km, 02 = 5-10 km
03 = 11-15, 04 = 16-20 km, 05 =..21 km. 06 No animals.
15 Farming system used on the land: 01 hand hoes, 02 Jembes,
03 Jembes and hand hoes, 04 Oxplow, 05 Tractors.
16 What farm inputs do you use? 01 Chemical fertilizer, 02 Manure
03 None
17 How much land do you own? 01 Nil, 02 1-2 acres, 03 3-5 acres,
04 6-10 acres, 05 11-20 acres, 06 20 acres.
19How much land do you rent??? 0l Nil , 02 1-2 acres,
03 3-5 acres 04 6-10 acres 05 11-20 acres 06 20 acres.
Using the above information, design an SPSS frame for the above questionsaire.enter 10
cases randomly, perform all measures of frequency, means, crostabulations, and determine
the reliability of the test items.


TOYOTA 18 307 130 3504
NISSAN 15 350 165 3693
BENZ 18 318 150 3436

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HONDA 16 304 150 3433

MAZDA 17 302 140 3449
ROMEO 15 429 198 4341
VOLVO 14 454 220 4354
ISUZU 14 440 215 4312
SUBARU 14 455 225 4425
mitsuish 15 390 190 3850
The above data was obtained from general motors, complete the table using the figures for
engine, horse and weight.

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