Avionics Navigation Systems Second Edition
Avionics Navigation Systems Second Edition
Avionics Navigation Systems Second Edition
10 9
Preface xvii
Acknowledgments xxi
List of Contributors xxiii
1 Introduction 1
Myron Kayton
1.1 Definitions
1.2 Guidance versus Navigation
1.3 Categories of Navigation 2
1.4 The Vehicle 3
1.4.1 Civil Aircraft 3
1.4.2 Military Aircraft 5
1.5 Phases of Flight 7
1.5.1 Takeoff 7
1.5.2 Terminal Area 7
1.5.3 En route 7
1.5.4 Approach 8
1.5.5 Landing 8
1.5.6 Missed Approach 9
1.5.7 Surface 9
1.5.8 Weather 9
1.6 Design Trade-offs 9
1.7 Evolution of Air Navigation II
1.8 Integrated Avionics 15
1.8.1 All Aircraft 15
1.8.2 Military Avionics 16
1.8.3 Architecture 17
1.9 Human Navigator 19
l.l Introduction 21
2.2 Geometry of the Earth 23
3.1 Introduction 55
3.2 Inertial System Characteristics 57
3.3 An Integrated Stellar-Inertial System 61
3.4 Integrated Doppler-Inertial Systems 64
3.5 An Airspeed-Damped Inertial System 67
3.6 An Integrated Stellar-Inertial-Doppler System 68
3.7 Position Update of an Inertial System 69
3.8 Noninertial GPS Multisensor Navigation Systems 69
3.9 Filtering of Measurements 70
3.9.1 Single Sensor, Stationary Vehicle 70
3. 9.2 Multiple Sensors, Stationary Vehicle 71
3.9.3 Multiple Sensors, Moving Vehicle 72
3.10 Kalman Filter Basics 72
3.1 0.1 The Process and Measurement Models 73
3.10.2 The Error Covariance Matrix 75
3.10.3 The Recursive Filter 75
3.11 Open-Loop Kalman Filter Mechanization 77
3.12 Closed-Loop Kalman Filter Mechanization 79
3.13 GPS-INS Mechanization 81
7 .I Introduction 313
7.2 The System 314
7.3 Instruments 317
7 .3.1 Accelerometers 317
7.3.2 Gyroscopes 324
7.3.3 Optical Gyroscopes 326
7.3.4 Mechanical Gyroscopes 342
7.3 .5 Future Inertial Instruments 34 7
7.4 Platforms 348
7 .4.1 Analytic Platform (Strapdown) 348
7.4.2 Gimballed Platform 361
7 .4.3 Inertial Specifications 364
7.5 Mechanization Equations 365
7.5 .1 Coordinate Frames 365
7.5.2 Horizontal Mechanization 368
7.5.3 Vertical Mechanization 373
7.6 Error Analysis 376
7.6.1 Purpose 376
References 705
Index 741
The purpose of this book is to present a unified treatment of the principles and
practices of modern navigation sensors and systems. This second edition is a
total rewrite of the first edition.
During the 28 years since the first edition was published, there have been
tremendous changes in the science and practice of navigation: the introduction
of navigation satellites that provide, for the first time in history, global, con-
tinuous precise navigation; an enormous increase in the speed and memory of
digital computers, accompanied by a sharp decrease in their size and cost; the
invention of clever algorithms, based primarily on Kalman filters, that mix the
outputs of several sensors to produce a best estimate of position, velocity and,
sometimes, of time; and the proliferation of avionics on aircraft, interconnected
by digital data buses, so that navigation is only one of several avionic subsys-
This book was written for the navigation system engineer, whether user or
designer, who is concerned with the practical application of newly developed
technology, and for the technical specialist who wishes to learn about adja-
cent specialties. It is an engineer-oriented text that will serve a wide spectrum
of readers, from the systems analyst who writes mathematical models to oper-
ations personnel who want to learn about the avionics equipment in their air-
craft. This book applies to civil and military aircraft, helicopters, and unmanned
aerial vehicles. It covers the speed range from hovering helicopters to hyper-
sonic transports. For all those vehicles, it discusses the state-of-the-art and the
development of new systems that are likely to be introduced in the future.
Each chapter first presents basic functions and fundamental principles. It then
discusses design characteristics, equipment configurations, sources of error, and
typical performance levels. It closes with a projection of future trends. Topics
such as comparative performance levels, weights, and costs of equipment are
covered wherever possible. Most chapters assume a knowledge of undergradu-
ate physics and mathematics; some assume a knowledge of electronic circuits.
References are collected at the end of the book, chapter by chapter, for the
interested reader to use as background reading and to pursue the subject in
more depth. The index is comprehensive enough to allow readers to find topics
outside their area of specialty. It includes a glossary of acronyms. Chapters 2
through 15 conclude with illustrative problems that clarify points in the text
and lead the reader into new areas. These problems will be useful to university
instructors who use the text as part of a course in avionics, guidance and control,
Seymour Schoen, T. J. Thomas, Carl Wiley and Willis Wing. The Acknowledg-
ments explain which first-edition material was re-used.
Due to increasing specialization, the second edition was written by a much
larger, more diverse team, whose members are the foremost current experts in
their fields. We wish to thank them for their generous contributions of time
in preparing drafts, editing, and re-editing in order to give you, the reader, a
coherent, unified book.
While the art and science of navigation is hundreds of years old, the last
50 years have produced exciting new sensors and systems that permit an accu-
racy and level of safety never before seen on moving vehicles. We hope that
this second edition presents the fundamentals and enough details to stimulate
innovation and the development of ever-improving systems of navigation.
Santa Monica, California
Santa Ana, Calijbrnia
January 1997
WALTER R. FRIED, M.S. (Editor; lead author, Chapters 6 and 10), Consultant,
Hughes Aircraft Company, Santa Ana, CA
JAMES R. HUDDLE, Ph.D. (Lead author, Chapter 3), Chief Scientist and Head
of Advanced System Engineering, Litton Guidance and Control Division,
Woodland Hills, CA
JOHN G. MARK, Ph.D. (Co-author, Chapter 7), Chief Scientist, Litton Guid-
ance and Control Division, Woodland Hills, CA
RICHARD H. MCFARLAND, Ph.D., P.E. (Co-author, Chapter 13), Director,
Emeritus, Avionics Engineering Center. Ohio University, Athens, OH
CLYDE A. MILLER, Ph.D. (Lead author, Chapter 14), Program Director for
Research, Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, DC
PETER MORRIS (Co-author, Chapter 4 ), The Analytical Sciences Corporation,
Reading, MA
STEPHEN S. OSDER (Author, Chapter 8), Consultant, formerly McDonnell-
Douglas Fellow, Scottsdale, AZ
JACK 0. PEARSON, Ph.D. (Lead author, Chapter 11), Vice President, Radar
and Communication Systems, Hughes Aircraft Company, El Segundo, CA
JOHN A. SCARDINA, Ph.D. (Co-author, Chapter 14), Team Leader for Air Traf-
fic Management, Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, DC
CARY R. SPITZER (Author, Chapter 15), President, AvioniCon, formerly,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Williamsburg, VA
DANIEL A. T AZARTES (Lead author, Chapter 7), Senior Member of Technical
Staff, Litton Guidance and Control Division, Woodland Hills, CA
BAHAR UTTAM, Ph.D. (Lead author, Chapter 4), President, Synetics Corpo-
ration, Wakefield, MA
A. J. VAN DIERENDONCK, Ph.D. (Author, Chapter 5), AJ Systems, Los Altos,
D. B. VICKERS, M.S. (Lead author, Chapter 13), Technical Director, Avionics
Engineering Center. Ohio University, Athens, OH
WILLIAM M. WATERS, Ph.D. (Co-author, Chapter 13), Senior Consultant,
Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC
EDGAR A. WESTBROOK, (Co-author, Chapter 6), Technical Staff, retired, The
MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA
WILLIS G. WING, (Co-author, Chapter 9), Sperry Gyroscope Company,
retired, Glen Head, NY
1 Introduction
The term "guidance" has two meanings, both of which are different from "nav-
itary usage. The avionics bay is below the cockpit in the space between the
radome and nose wheel well (in many civil aircraft, the avionics bay is aft of
the nosewheel). Avionics and air-data sensors are located in the bay. Access is
beneath the aircraft.
Trans-Pacific hypersonic aircraft may be developed in the twenty-first cen-
tury that will navigate as does the Space Shuttle: inertial boost, GPS or celestial
midcourse, and GPS or other radio approach. They will compete with electronic
mail and teleconferences.
shock and vibration loads. By the year 2000, most military aircraft will carry
GPS receivers.
1.5.1 Takeoff
The takeoff phase begins upon taxiing onto the runway and ends when climb-
out is established on the projected runway centerline. The aircraft is guided
along the centerline by hand-flying or a coupled autopilot based on steering
signals (from an ILS localizer since 1945). Two important speed measurements
are made on the runway. The highest ground speed at which an aborted takeoff
is possible is precomputed and compared, during the takeoff run, to the actual
ground speed as displayed by the navigation system. The airspeed at which the
nose is lifted ("rotation") is precalculated and compared to the actual airspeed
as displayed by the air-data system. Barometric altitude rate or GPS-derived
altitude rate (inertially smoothed) is measured and monitored.
1.5.3 En Route
The en-route phase leads from the origin to the destination and alternate des-
tinations (an alternate destination is required of civil aircraft operating under
instrument flight rules). From the 1930s to the 1990s, airways were defined
by navigation aids over land and by latitude-longitude fixes over water. The
width of airways and their lateral separation depended on the quality of the
defining navaids and the distance between them. The introduction of inertial
navigation systems and DME in the 1970s caused aviation authorities to cre-
ate "area-navigation" airways (RNAV) that do not always interconnect VOR
navaids [7: AC-90-45A] (see Section 2.7.4).
Beginning in the 1990s, GPS has allowed precise navigation anywhere, not
just on airways. Given the extensive use of on-board collision-avoidance equip-
ment and the trend toward reducing government budgets, "free-flight" is being
introduced in controlled airspace. Each aircraft would agree on a route before
takeoff and then be free to change the route, after interaircraft communication
verified that the risk of collision is sufficiently low. En-route surveillance by
independent ground-based radars may disappear or be replaced by position fixes
and reports via com-nav satellites. Busy terminal areas and airport surfaces are
likely to remain under central, positive control.
In the United States in 1996, the en-route navigation error must be less
than 2.8 nmi over land and 12 nmi over oceans (2-sigma) [7: AC-20-130]. As
regional maps become available in digital form with aeronautical annotation
(e.g., minimum en-route altitude), aircraft in undeveloped areas will use GPS
for en-route navigation and nonprecision approaches.
1.5.4 Approach
The approach phase begins at acquisition of the landing aid and continues until
the airport is in sight or the aircraft is on the runway, depending on the capa-
bilities of the landing aid (Chapter 13 ).
During an approach, the decision height (DH) is the altitude above the run-
way at which the approach must be aborted if the runway is not in sight. The
better the landing aids, the lower the decision height. Decision heights are pub-
lished for each runway at each airport (Chapter 13). The decision height for a
Category III landing is I 00 ft or less. By law, an approach may not even be
attempted unless the horizontal visibility, measured by a runway visual range
(RVR) instrument, exceeds a threshold that ranges from zero (Category IIIC,
not approved anywhere in 1996) to 800 meters (Category I). A nonprecision
approach has electronic guidance only in the horizontal direction. An aircraft
executing a nonprecision approach must abort if the runway is not visible at
the minimum descent altitude, which is typically 700 ft above the runway.
In 1996, civil aircraft outside the ex-Soviet bloc used the Instrument Land-
ing System for low-ceiling, low-visibility approaches. A Microwave Landing
System had been approved by the International Civil Aviation Organization for
precision approaches and was being installed at major international airports,
especially in Europe. In the United States, Loran and GPS had been approved
for nonprecision approaches at many airports. (Landing aids are discussed in
Chapter 13.)
1.5.5 Landing
The landing phase begins at the decision height (when the runway is in sight)
and ends when the aircraft exits the runway. Navigation during flare and decrab
may be visual or the navigation set's electrical output may be coupled to an
autopilot. A radio altimeter measures the height of the main landing gear above
the runway for guiding the flare. The rollout is guided by the landing aid (e.g.,
the ILS localizer). Landing navigation is described in Chapter 13.
1.5.7 Surface
Aircraft movement from the runway to gates, hangars, or revetments is a major
limit on airport capacity in instrument meteorological conditions. Surface navi-
gation is visual on the part of the crew, whereas the ground controllers observe
aircraft visually or with a surface surveillance radar. No matter how good
the surface navigation, collision avoidance among aircraft and ground vehi-
cles requires central guidance, typically provided by a human controller with
computer assistance. Position reports (e.g., via GPS) from aircraft that are con-
cealed in radar shadows reduce the risk of collision and help keep unwanted
aircraft off active runways.
1.5.8 Weather
Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) are weather conditions in which
visibility is restricted, typically less than 3 miles as defined by law. Aircraft
operating in IMC are supposed to fly under instrument flight rules (IFR), defined
by law in each country (Chapters 13 and 14).
The navigation-system designer conducts trade-offs for each aircraft and mis-
sion to determine which navigation systems to use. Trade-offs consider the fol-
lowing attributes:
The earliest aircraft were navigated visually. Pilots had an anemometer for air-
speed, a barometer for altitude, and a magnetic compass for heading. Artificial
horizons and turn-and-bank indicators allowed pilots to hold attitude and head-
ing in clouds, hence motivating the installation of navigation aids. Lighted bea-
cons were installed across the United States in the 1920s to mark airmail routes.
Starting in I 929, four-course radio beacons were also added to the lighted air-
ways to guide aircraft. Four-course beacons were installed in France, South
America, and North Africa. In the 1930s, aircraft were equipped with medium-
frequency and high-frequency direction finders (MF/DF and HF jDF) that mea-
sured the bearing of broadcast stations relative to the axis of the aircraft. A fix
was obtained by plotting the direction toward two or more stations. Beacons
near an airport allowed aircraft to fly a "nonprecision approach" to the runway
(Chapter 13). Vertical beacons at 75 MHz, called z-beacons or marker beacons,
were installed along the four-course airways and along approaches to runways
to give a positive indication of position (Chapters 13 and 14).
Air-traffic control was procedural, following the precedent of railroad
"block" clearances. Overland airways connected radio beacons; overwater air-
ways were defined on a map, hundreds of miles apart. The airways were divided
into longitudinal blocks of 20- to 30-minutes flying time. The air-traffic con-
troller relied on the pilots' report of position, allowed only one aircraft at a time
to enter a block, and kept the block free of other traffic until the pilot reported
leaving. The size of the block was commensurate with the uncertainties in nav-
igation at the time.
During World War II, meteorologists learned to route aircraft to take advan-
tage of the cyclonic winds that eire le around high- and low-pressure regions at
mid- and high-latitudes. Bellamy [ 12] states that the transatlantic flying time
was reduced an average of I Oo/c compared to a great-circle track, with occa-
sional savings exceeding 25%, by taking advantage of cyclonic tail winds.
These pressure-pattern routes were plotted graphically in the 1940s-1960s but
are now computed routinely in airline and military dispatch offices.
Crosswinds cause an aircraft to "drift" perpendicularly to its longitudinal
axis. From the 1930s to the 1960s, drift angle was measured in flight with a
downward-looking telescope that observed the direction of movement of the
ground, when it was visible. From the 1940s to the 1960s, drift was estimated
over oceans by observing trends in the difference, D, between the readings
of the radio altimeter and pressure altimeter. Bellamy showed that in cyclonic
winds, drift is proportional to the horizontal gradient of D [12]. The introduc-
tion of Doppler and inertial navigators in the 1960s and 1970s allowed drift
to be observed directly. The Doppler navigator measures the direction of the
ground-speed vector relative to the aircraft's centerline. The inertial navigator
subtracts in-flight-measured airspeed from the measured ground velocity to cal-
culate wind, hence lateral drift.
After World War II, VOR stations (Chapter 4) and Instrument Landing Sys-
tems (ILS, Chapter 13) were installed. VOR/DME and ILS have been the basis
of navigation in western countries ever since. During the 1960s, air-traffic con-
trollers came to rely on surveillance radar in densely populated airspace (Chap-
ter 14). The controller identified the aircraft on his screen, hence eliminating
the need for a position report from the crew. Radar surveillance of air traffic
is called "positive control," which, in 1996, existed in the United States, most
of Canada, western Europe, and Japan. In the late 1990s, the automatic report-
ing of on-board-derived position began to supplement (perhaps eventually to
replace) radar surveillance.
The former Soviet republics have ICAO navigation aids and ILS at about 50
international airports and on corridors connecting them to the borders. Over-
flying western aircraft navigate inertially and with Omega, GPS, and nondirec-
tional beacons. Since the late 1960s, domestic civil and military aircraft have
used an L-band range-angle system known by its Russian acronym, RSBN, and
not standardized by ICAO. It has 176 channels between 873 and 1000 MHz.
Domestic airports guide landing aircraft with ground-based precision approach
radar (PAR) using verbal commands to the crew. At international airports, PARs
monitor aircraft on ILS approaches. In the 1990s, the former Soviet republics
were purchasing western avionics equipment.
The People's Republic of China depended on imported Russian nondirec-
tional beacons and PARs until the late 1970s, when it began to install western
radars, ILS, VOR, and DME. In the 1990s, China installed VHF air-to-ground
radio relays throughout most of the nation [ 13]. In 1996, western air-traffic con-
trol and navigation equipment was being installed throughout Southeast Asia
and Indonesia.
Outside the developed world, major cities and some airways had
VOR/DME-based procedural traffic control, so aircraft filing flight plans could
be separated from each other by human controllers. Polar areas, the South
Atlantic Ocean, and much of the Pacific and Indian Oceans had no navaids and
no control whatsoever. Most of the rest of the world was divided into Flight
Information Regions that advised crews of weather conditions and the status of
airports and navigation aids but did not separate traffic. Position reports over
oceans and in remote areas are mostly by HF radio but, beginning in the 1990s,
were being made via satellite (e.g., North Pacific and Atlantic Oceans). In 1996,
a few airlines were transmitting GPS-inertial position over digital data links via
geostationary communication satellites over the Pacific Ocean, a system called
Automatic Dependent Surveillance, the first step in the Future Air Navigation
System (FANS, Chapter 14). Outside the United States and Canada, most air-
craft pay directly for traffic control services.
Until the 1970s, precise absolute time could not economically be measured
on a vehicle. Hence, radio navigation aids were built that measured the dif-
ference in time of arrival of radio signals from ground stations. The earliest
(hyperbolic Loran and Decca, some military systems) date from the 1940s. As
airborne clocks became more stable in the 1970s, "passive" or "one-way" rang-
ing systems could solve for position and the absolute clock offset by processing
precisely timed signals from several stations. Direct-ranging Loran and Omega
(as distinguished from hyperbolic Loran and Omega, all discussed in Chapter
4), GPS and GLONASS (Chapter 5), and JTIDS (Chapter 6) are examples of
such one-way ranging systems. As airborne clocks become more accurate in
the twenty-first century, absolute time of arrival will be directly measurable
and clock offsets will become negligible.
GPS and GLONASS are based on one-way passive range measurements
to several stations, most of which are spacecraft (Figure 1.2). A few stations
are ground-based pseudolites whose transmissions mimic those of spacecraft.
Chapter 5 describes the GPS and GLONASS systems. The receiver in the air-
plane computes position, velocity, the offset in the airborne clock, and, in some
Figure 1.2 Global Positioning System Spacecraft, Block IIF (courtesy of Rockwell).
L-band antenna array, S-band control antenna, and solar array are v isible.
receivers, the ionospheric delay (Chapter 5). In 1996, the military modes of
GPS achieved 20-meter (2dnns) accuracy anywhere in the world , while the civil
mode could achieve 40-meter accuracy but was intentionally degraded to I00-
meters, a handicap to civil navigation that may be discontinued before the year
2000. The United States and Russia have announced that GPS and GLONASS
wi II be avai Iable worldwide , free of charge. for a least 15 years and there-
after with 6 years ' warning of the end of service. Nevertheless, worldwide civil
authorities are reluctant to rely on military -controlled navigation aids that might
be switched oil or degraded during hostilities. The advent of continuous GPS
allows the use of AHRS-quality inertialjattitude-ret'erence systems (Chapters
7 and 9) in all but the most demanding military applications. The undetected
loss of a navigation signal or the failure of a receiver could be catastrophic.
especially during a landing at low decision height.
A widespread method of improving GPS accuracy and monitoring the signals
is to install a ground station that receives GPS signals and transmits position
errors or ranging errors and satellite failure status on a radio link to nearby air-
craft. This diffi' rentiill CPS (DGPS) can achieve centimeter accuracy for fixed
observers and 1- to 5-meter accuracy on aircraft that can solve at tens of itera-
tions per second or whose velocity calculations are smoothed by an inertial nav-
igator. The United States was experimenting with a nationwide DGPS system
3. Engine control. This is the electronic control of engine thrust, often called
throttle management. Afterburner and thrust reversers may be controlled
manually, perhaps via a thrust-by-wire control system.
4. Flight management. This subsystem stores the coordinates of en-route
waypoints and calculates the steering signals to fly toward them. It cal-
culates climb and descent profiles that may be followed with or without
constraints on the time at which designated fixes and altitudes are crossed.
Crossing fixes at predetermined times and altitudes is sometimes called
four-dimensional navigation; it requires that the flight management sub-
system control engine thrust. In 1996 all flight management subsystems
stored waypoints in digital form. By the year 2000 many will store dig-
ital maps of the en-route airspace, standard approaches (called STARs in
the United States), standard departures (called S!Ds in the United States),
approach plates, and checkli~;ts (see Chapter 14 ).
5. Subsystem monitoring and control. Faults in all subsystems are displayed,
as are recommended actions to be taken. This subsystem includes wired
logic and software for the automatic reconfiguration of faults in time-criti-
cal subsystems (e.g., flight control, where a fault can destroy the aircraft
in less than three seconds). Quick-responses to safety-critical faults were
automated in flight-control systems by the 1980s. In the 1990s, the trend
was to automate the responses to slower-acting faults, thus reducing the
workload in one-pilot and two-pilot aircraft. The failure-monitoring sub-
system may include an on-board maintenance recorder, the radio trans-
mission of faults to reduce repair time, and an accident recorder whose
data survive a crash (required by law on many aircraft).
6. Collision avoidance. This subsystem predicts impending collisions with
other aircraft or the ground and recommends an avoidance maneuver
(Chapter 14 ).
7. Weather detection. This sub~.ystem observes weather ahead of the aircraft
so that the route of flight can be altered to avoid thunderstorms and areas
of high wind-shear. The sensors are usually radars (Chapter II) and lasers
(Chapter 8).
8. Emergency locator transmitter ( ELT). This subsystem is triggered auto-
matically on high-g impact or manually. In 1996, ELTs emit distinc-
tive tones on 121.5, 243, and 406 MHz [8]. These frequencies (and per-
haps soon 1.6 GHz) are monitored by search-and-rescue aircraft and by
SARSAT-COSPAS satellites.
I. Radar, infrared, and other target sensors. These may have their own dis-
plays and controls or may share multipurpose devices.
2. Weapon management
• Fire control. Calculates lead angle for aiming guns and unguided rockets
at other aircraft and at ground targets.
• Stores management, that initializes and launches guided weapons: mis-
siles and bombs.
3. Electronic countermeasures. This subsystem detects, locates, and iden-
tifies enemy emitters of electromagnetic radiation. It may also generate
jamming signals. In 1996, electronic countermeasures were often so com-
plex that they were installed in an externally carried pod on specially
equipped aircraft.
4. Mission planning. Pre-flight mission planning is usually done at the air-
base by a computer that prepares coordinated flight plans for an entire
squadron. On-board software replans routes through enemy defenses
based on en-route observations. En-route replanning requires on-board
digital maps of the terrain and the real-time detection of enemy radars.
5. Formation flight. This subsystem maintains formation flight in instrument
meteorological conditions. It once consisted of beacons, transponders, and
communication links but is being replaced by relative GPS.
1.8.3 Architecture
Before the 1960s, electrical and electronic systems on aircraft consisted of inde-
pendent subsystems, each with its own sensors, analog computers, displays, and
controls. The appearance of airborne digital computers in the 1960s created the
first integrated avionic systems. The interconnectivity of airborne electronics is
called architecture. It involves six aspects:
l. Displays. They present information from the avionics to the pilots (Chap-
ters 9 and 15). The information consists of vertical and horizontal navi-
gation data, flight-control data (e.g., speed and angle of attack), and com-
munication data (radio frequencies). The displays show the status of all
subsystems including their faults. Displays consist of dedicated gauges,
dedicated glass displays, multipurpose glass displays, and the support-
ing symbol generators. In 1996, flat-panel vertical- and horizontal-situa-
tion displays were displacing cathode-ray tubes as "glass displays." Mul-
tipurpose displays of text and block diagrams are flat-panel matrices sur-
rounded by buttons whose labels change as the displays change. On-board
digital terrain data, used for mission planning, can be displayed on the
horizontal situation display or on a head-up display.
2. Controls. The means of inputting information from the pilots to the
avionics. The flight controls traditionally consist of rudder pedals and a
wires and by using fiberoptic data buses. Aircraft constructed with a con-
tinuous metal skin have an added layer of Faraday shielding. Neverthe-
less, direct lightning strikes on antennas destroy input circuits and may
damage feed cables. A nearby strike may induce enough current to do the
same. Composite airframe structures can be transparent to radiation, thus
exposing the avionics and power systems to external fields.
7. Standards. The signals in space created by navaids are standardized by
the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Montreal, a United
Nations agency [3]. These standards are written by committees that con-
sist of representatives of the member governments. Interfaces among
airborne subsystems, within the aircraft, are standardized by ARINC
(Aeronautical Radio, Inc.), Annapolis, Maryland, a nonprofit organiza-
tion owned by member airlines [1]. Other requirements are imposed
on airborne equipment by two nonprofit organizations supported by
member entities (mostly airframe and avionics manufacturers and gov-
ernment agencies). In the United States, RTCA, Inc. (Formerly Radio
Technical Commission for Aeronautics), Washington D.C., defines the
environmental specifications and test procedures for airborne hardware
and software, and writes performance specifications for airborne equip-
ment [5]. In Europe, EUROCAE (European Organisation for Civil Avi-
ation Equipment), Paris, produces specifications for airborne equipment,
some of which are in conjunction with RTCA [II]. Government agen-
cies in all major nations define rules governing the usage of naviga-
tion equipment in flight, weather minimums, traffic separation, ground
equipment required, pilot training requirements, and so on [6-1 0] (see
Chapters I 3, I 4). Some of these rules are standardized internationally
by ICAO. U.S. military organizations once issued their own standards for
airborne circuit boards but have accepted civil standards since the early
Large aircraft often had (and a few still had in 1996) a third crew member, the
flight engineer, whose duties were to operate engines and aircraft subsystems
such as air conditioning and hydraulics. Aircraft operating over oceans once
carried a human navigator who used celestial fixes, whatever radio aids were
available, and dead reckoning to plot the aircraft's course on a paper chart (some
military aircraft still do). Those navigators were trained in celestial observato-
ries to recognize stars, take fixes, compute position, and plot the fixes.
The navigator's crew station disappeared in civil aircraft in the 1970s,
because inertial, Doppler, and radio equipment came into use that automati-
cally selected stations, calculated position, calculated waypoint steering, and
accommodated failures. Hence, instead of requiring a skilled navigator on each
The navigation equations describe how the sensor outputs are processed in the
on-board computer in order to calculate the position, velocity, and attitude of the
aircraft. The navigation equations contain instructions and data and are part of
the airborne software that also includes moding, display drivers, failure detec-
tion, and an operating system, for example. The instructions and invariant data
are usually stored in a read-only memory (ROM) at the time of manufactur-
ing. Mission-dependent data (e.g., waypoints) are either loaded from a cock-
pit keyboard or from a cartridge, sometimes called a data-entry device, into
random-access memory (RAM). Waypoints are often precomputed in a ground-
based dispatch or mission-planning computer and transferred to the flight com-
Figure 2.1 is the block diagram of an aircraft navigation system. The system
utilizes three types of sensor information (as explained in Chapter 1):
1. Absolute position data from radio aids, radar checkpoints, and satellites
(based on range or differential range measurements).
2. Dead-reckoning data, obtained from inertial, Doppler, or air-data sen-
sors, as a means of extrapolating present position. A heading reference is
required in order to resolve the measured velocities into the computational
3. Line-of-sight directions to stars, which measure a combination of position
and attitude errors (as explained in Chapters I and 12).
To cockpit displays
pointing sensors
I i I
Inertial }
-.:::.. reckoning
----------· I
air data I
computations I
Doppler I
Position I Waypoints
velocity I
attitude · ·
t ~ Time to go
Star line Celestial __... Position
probable Course
of sight
-= computations ~ Range, bearing to displays, FMS
computations ~ Steering signals to autopilot
Position in ..., To map display
sensors ~
..:::.. To weapon computers
Radio (VOR, Velocity
Loran, Orne Positioning
Satellite (G
~~ computations J Pc
Radar data
where !1 is the inertial angular velocity of the Earth (15.04107 degjhr) and
R is the radius vector from the mass center of the Earth to a point where the
field is to be computed. The direction of g is the "plumb bob," or "astronomic"
vertical [ 10].
In cooling from a molten mass, the Earth has assumed a shape whose surface
is a gravity equipotential and is nearly perpendicular to g everywhere (i.e., no
horizontal stresses exist at the surface). For navigational purposes, the Earth's
surface can be represented by an ellipsoid of rotation around the Earth's spin
axis. The size and shape of the best-fitting ellipsoid are chosen to match the
sea-level equipotential surface. Mathematically, the center of the ellipsoid is
at the mass center of the Earth, and the ellipsoid is chosen so as to minimize
the mean-square deviation between the direction of gravity and the normal to
the ellipsoid, when integrated over the entire surface. National ellipsoids have
been chosen to represent the Earth in localized areas, but they are not always
good worldwide approximations. The centers of these national ellipsoids are
not exactly coincident and do not exactly coincide with the mass center of the
Earth [9]. In 1996, the World Geodetic System (WGS-84, [20]) was the best
approximation to the geoid, based on gravimetric and satellite observations.
Reference [20] contains transformation equations that convert between WGS-84
and various national ellipsoids. The differences are typically hundreds of feet,
though some isolated island grids are displaced as much as a mile from WGS-
84. The navigator does not ask that the Earth be mapped onto the optimum
ellipsoid. Any ellipsoid is satisfactory for worldwide navigation if all points on
Earth are mapped onto it.
The geometry of the ellipsoid is defined by a meridian section whose semi-
major axis is the equatorial radius a and whose semiminor axis is the polar
radius b, as shown in Figure 2.2. The eccentricity of the elliptic section is
defined as e= Va 2 - b 2 /a and the ellipticity, or flattening, asf =(a- b)/a.
The radius vector R makes an angle F c with the equatorial plane, where F c
is the geocentric latitude; R and F c are not directly measurable, but they are
sometimes used in mechanizing dead-reckoning equations.
The geodetic latitude F T of a point is the angle between the normal to the ref-
erence ellipsoid and the equatorial plane. Geodetic latitude is our usual under-
standing of map latitude. The term "geographic latitude" is sometimes used syn-
onymously with "geodetic" but should refer to geodetic latitude on a worldwide
The radii of curvature of the ellipsoid are of fundamental importance to dead-
~ Polar axis of Earth
and axis of ellipsoid
Surface of Earth
tA = astronomic latitude of P
tT = geodetic latitude of P
Nav.1on;ar. 4>c = geocentric latitude of P
PC= h height above
reference ellipsoid
OE ==a= semimajor axis
OD = b semiminor axis
Center of ellipsoid
and mass
center of Earth tc
Figure 2.2 Meridian section of the Earth, showing the reference ellipsoid and gravity field.
The prime radius of curvature, Rp, is the radius of the best-fitting circle to a
vertical east-west section of the ellipsoid:
Rp = a "" a [ I + -d- sm
. 2 F T] (2.3)
(l-e2sin 2 FT) 112 2
The Gaussian radius r~f curvature is the radius of the best-fitting sphere to the
ellipsoid at any point:
The radii of curvature are important, because they relate the horizontal com-
ponents of velocity to angular coordinates, such as latitude and longitude; for
· Veast
lcos FT = - - - (2.5)
Rp +h
where h is the aircraft's altitude above the reference ellipsoid, measured along
the normal to the ellipsoid (nearly along the direction of gravity), and 1 is its
longitude, measured positively east.
For numerical work a= 6378.137 km = 3443.918 nmi,f = 1/298.2572, and
d- = f(2 -f) [18]. (One nautical mile = 1852 meters exactly, or 6076.11549
ft.) The angle between the gravity vector and the normal to the ellipsoid, the
deflection qf the vertical, is commonly less than 10 seconds of arc and is rarely
greater than 30 seconds of arc [18]. The magnitude of gravity at sea level is
within 0.02 emf sec 2 . It decreases 10- 6 g for each 10-ft increase in altitude above
sea level [ 161.
The position, velocity, and attitude of the aircraft must be expressed in a coordi-
nate frame. Paragraph l below describes the rectangular Earth-centered, Earth-
fixed (ECEF) coordinate frame, y; Paragraph 2 describes the Earth-centered
inertial (ECI) coordinate frame, Xi, which simplifies the computations for iner-
tial and stellar sensors. Other Earth-referenced orthogonal coordinates, called
Z;, can simplify navigation computations for some navaids and displays. Para-
graphs 3-5 describe coordinates commonly used in inertial navigation systems.
Paragraph 6 describes coordinates used in land navigators or in military air-
craft that support ground troops. Paragraphs 7-9 describe coordinates that were
important before powerful airborne digital computers existed.
North Pole
Geodetic wander-azimuth
the small relative motions of stars ("proper motion") and have defined
an "average" ECI reference frame [11]. To an accuracy of w-s degjhr,
an ECI frame can be chosen with its x 3 -axis along the mean polar axis
of the Earth and with its x 1- and x 2 -axes pointing to convenient stars (as
explained in Chapter 12). ECI coordinates have three navigational func-
tions. First, Newton's laws are valid in any ECI coordinate frame. Sec-
ond, the angular coordinates of stars are conventionally tabulated in ECI.
Third, they are used in mechanizing inertial navigators, Section 7.5.1.
3. Geodetic spherical coordinates. These are the spherical coordinates of
the normal to the reference ellipsoid (Figure 2.2). The symbol z 1 repre-
sents longitude 1; z2 is geodetic latitude F r, and z3 is altitude h above
the reference ellipsoid. Geodetic coordinates are used on maps and in the
mechanization of dead-reckoning and radio-navigation systems. Transfor-
mations from ECEF to geodetic spherical coordinates are given in [9] and
4. Geodetic wander azimuth. These coordinates are locally level to the ref-
erence ellipsoid. 23 is vertically up and z2 points at an angle, a, west of
true north (Figure 2.3). The wander-azimuth unit vectors, z 1 and z2, are
in the level plane but do not point east and north. Wander azimuth is the
most commonly used coordinate frame for worldwide inertial navigation
and is discussed below and in Section 7.5.1.
5. Direction cosines. The orientation of any z-coordinate frame (e.g., navi-
gation coordinates or body axes) can be described by its direction cosines
relative to ECEF y-axes. Any vector V can be resolved into either the y-
or z-coordinate frame. The y and z components of V are related by the
The navigation computer calculates in terms of the Cu, which are usable
sin F = C33,
tan a = - -
c13 (2.9)
wherever they converge. In polar regions, where a and l are not mean-
ingful, the navigation system operates correctly on the basis of the C;i.
Section 7.5.1 describes an inertial mechanization in direction cosines. If
the z-coordinate frame has a north-pointing axis, a = 0.
6. Map-grid coordinates. The navigation computer can calculate position in
map-grid coordinates such as Lambert conformal or transverse Mercator
xy-coordinates [13]. Grid coordinates are used in local areas (e.g., on mil-
itary battlefields or in cities) but are not convenient for long-range naviga-
tion. A particular grid, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), is widely
used by army vehicles of the western nations. The U.S. Military Grid
Reference System (MGRS) consists of UTM charts worldwide except,
in polar regions, polar stereographic charts [ 13]. The latter are projected
onto a plane tangent to the Earth at the pole, from a point at the opposite
7. Geocentric spherical coordinates. These are the spherical coordinates of
the radius vector R (Figure 2.2). The symbol z1 represents longitude
l; Z2 is geocentric latitude F c, and z3 is the radius. Geocentric coordi-
nates are sometimes mechanized in short-range dead-reckoning systems
using a spherical-Earth approximation. Initialization requires knowledge
of the direction toward the mass center of the Earth, a direction that is
not directly observable.
8. Transverse-pole spherical coordinates. These coordinates are analogous
to geocentric spherical coordinates except that their poles are deliberately
placed on the Earth's equator. The symbol z1 represents the transverse
longitude; Z2, the transverse latitude; and Z3, the radius. They permit non-
singular operation near the north or south poles, by placing the transverse
pole on the true equator. Transverse-polar coordinates involve only three
z; variables instead of nine direction cosines. However, they cannot be
used for precise navigation, since the transverse equator is elliptical, com-
Dead reckoning (often called DR) is the technique of calculating position from
measurements of velocity. It is the means of navigation in the absence of posi-
tion fixes and consists in calculating the position (the Zi-coordinates) of a vehi-
cle by extrapolating (integrating) estimated or measured ground speed. Prior to
GPS, dead-reckoning computations were the heart of every automatic naviga-
tor. They gave continuous navigation information between discrete fixes. In its
simplest form, neglecting wind, dead reckoning can calculate the position of a
vehicle on the surface of a flat Earth from measurements of ground speed V R
and true heading wy:
where x- x 0 and y- y0 are the east and north distances traveled during the mea-
surement interval, respectively. Notice that a simple integration of unresolved
ground speed would give curvilinear distance traveled but would be of little
use for determining position.
Aircraft heading (best-available true heading) is measured using the quanti-
ties defined in Figure 2.4. With a magnetic compass, for example, the best avail-
able true heading is the algebraic sum of magnetic heading and east variation.
With a gimballed inertial system, the best available true heading is platform
heading (relative to the Zi computational coordinates) plus the wander angle
a (Section 7.5.2). When navigating manually in polar regions, dead-reckoned
velocity is resolved through best available grid heading.
north Grid
1' north Magnet1c
j1. north
(D1rection of 1
:2b~:~:r-t --- - ~~
1, Tr = true track
'Pr =true headmg
f \ ,J Gri?tion .,./
Vanation I j ~ J'b
~_j_/ ~ ~'I$'? V w = wind speed
I o~
I / Tr ~,-4i
I. . / j I
angle, o
True f -- i 7-Y':r \ Sideslip
beanng, BT 1 1
True east
------ ---
( a)
V E = Earth speed
vg = ground speed = horizontal
(b) component of Vr;
YA =air-mass flight
path angle
YT = Earth-referenced
flight path angle
In the presence of a crosswind the ground-speed vector does not lie along
the aircraft's center line but makes an angle with it (Figure 2.4). The true-o
track angle T 1 , the angle from true north to the ground-speed vector, is pre-
ferred for dead-reckoning calculations whe n it is available. The drift angle 0 can
be measured with a Doppler radar or a drift sight (a downward-pointing tele-
scope whose reticle can be rotated by the navigator to align with the moving
In a moving air mass
where 8 is the pitch angle, VTAS is the true airspeed and (3 is the sideslip angle.
On a flat Earth, the north and east (or grid north and grid east) distances traveled
are found by integrating the two components of velocity with respect to time.
On a curved Earth, the position coordinates are not linear distances but angular
coordinates. Equations 2.5 show a method for transforming linear velocities
to angular coordinates. The accuracy of airspeed data is limited by errors in
predicted windspeed and by errors in measuring airspeed and drift angle.
The dead-reckoning computer can process Doppler velocity. If the Doppler
radar measures ground speed V., and drift angle o,
Vnorth = Vg cos (1/;T + o)
Veast = Vg sin (lj;T + o) (2.12)
For example, in a spherical coordinate frame whose z3 -axis lies along the posi-
tion vector R:
dRI =dR
- - R+(wyzXR)
dt y dt
where the first term is the rate of change of radius, along the radius vector,
and Wyz is the angular velocity of the Z;-coordinate frame relative to y;; R is
the unit vector in the direction of R. In direction-cosine mechanizations, the
C;J are related to the C;J by Equation 7.40, where w; - ll; of that equation is
identical to Wyz of this one.
Radio station i
Surface of earth
Figure 2.5 Light-of-sight distance.
v · (R,.;- Ro)
sin E = -----,------,-- (2.14)
IR.,;- Rol
If n is the unit north-pointing horizontal vector at the aircraft, the azimuth angle
of the line of sight is
These vector equations can be resolved into any coordinate frame. For exam-
ple, in ECEF,
In one-way ranging systems, where the clock offset and range are to be cal-
culated, the measured pseudorange vector from the ith station, R;m, is R 0 -
R,;, corrected for the unknown offset of the airborne clock and for propagation
delays in the atmosphere, expressed in distance units. The magnitude of the
pseudorange in any coordinate frame (e.g., ECEF) is
R;m = ryc(TOA)
Rim(k) = [(xk- x,.;) 2 + (yk- y,;) 2 + (Zk- z.,;) 2 ] 1/ 2 -ryctk (2.17)
is the measured pseudorange from the aircraft to the ith
Rim(k) is the calculated pseudorange in the kth iteration.
TOA; is the time of arrival of the signal from the ith station
relative to the expected time of arrival as measured by
the aircraft's clock
c is the speed of light in vacuum = 2.99792458x 108 m/sec
The stations may be moving (e.g., satellites) or stationary (e.g., GPS pseudolites).
Four pseudorange measurements are needed to solve for the four unknowns in
Equations 2.17: aircraft position and clock offset. When more than four measure-
ments are made, the equations are overdetermined so that a solution requires a
model of the ranging errors, for example, using a Kalman filter (Chapter 3). The
airborne computer usually solves for its position by assuming a position and clock
offset, calculating the pseudoranges to four stations from Equation 2.17, compar-
ing to the measured pseudoranges (with respect to its own clock), and iterating
until the calculated and measured pseudoranges are close enough. The next iter-
ation is chosen as follows: In the kth iteration, the assumed position is xk Yk Zk
whose range to the ith station differs from the measured range R;m by LlXk =
R;m(k)- R,;. The components of LlXk in the navigation coordinates are LlXk, LlYb
and LlZk. The sensitivity of R;111 to position is
where dR;m/dX1 are the direction cosines between the line of sight to the ith
station and the jth coordinate axis and Llt k is the error in estimating clock offset.
If the assumed position and clock offset were correct, LlXk. LlYk, LlZk, and Lltk
would be zero and LlR;k would also be zero. But if the assumed position were
misestimated by LlXk, the error along the line of sight would be the dot product
of the unit vector along the line of sight with LlXk. Thus after computing Rimk
from Equation 2.17, the next iteration is Rim(k + l) = Rim(k)+LlXk. Iterations cease
when the difference between the calculated and measured pseudorange is within
the desired accuracy. A recursive filter allows a new calculation of position
and clock offset after each measurement (Chapters 3 and 5). In Equation 2.17,
Earth-based line-of-sight navaids use an average index of refraction YJ (Chapter
4), whereas satellite-based navaids, whose signals propagate mostly in vacuum,
assume that YJ = I and correct for the atmosphere with a model resident in the
receiver's software (Section 5.4).
of arrival of the navigation signal from two or more stations and compute its
own position as follows:
Three or more stations are needed if the aircraft's clock is not synchronized
to the Loran or Omega transmitters. If a receiver incorporated a sufficiently sta-
ble clock, only two stations would be needed for a direct-ranging fix. Two-sta-
tion fixes with a synchronized clock or three-station fixes with an asynchronous
clock result in two position solutions, at the intersections of two circular, each
having a vortex at a transmitter. The correct position can be found by receiving
an additional station or from a priori knowledge.
the intervening Earth's surface and the presence of the sunlight terminator
between the aircraft and the station.
• Subtract the times to two stations to calculate the predicted difference in
propagation time.
• Measure the difference in time of arrival of the signals from the two sta-
• Subtract the measured and predicted time differences to the two stations.
• Calculate the time-difference gradients from which is calculated the most
probable position of the aircraft after the measurements (see Section 2.5.2
of the First Edition of this book and Chapter 4 of this book).
• Iterate until the residual is smaller than the allowed error.
These navigation systems obtain occasional updates when the aircraft overflies
a patch of a few square miles, chosen for its unique profile [5]. A digital map
of altitude above sea level, h,, is stored for several parallel tracks; see Figure
2.6. For example, if 0.1-nmi accuracy is desired, h,(t) must be stored in 200-ft
squares sampled every 0.2 sec at 600 knots.
The aircraft measures the height of the terrain above sea level as the differ-
ence between barometric altitude (Chapter 8) and radar altitude (Chapter 10);
see Figure 2.7. Each pair of height measurements and the dead-reckoning posi-
tion are recorded and time-tagged.
After passing over the patch, the aircraft uses its measured velocity to calcu-
late the profile as a function of distance along track, hm(x), and calculates the
cross-correlation function between the measured and stored profiles:
Stored track + 1
Nominal track - -~
Stored track -1 ~
-- --
-------~- ~------~
Sea level
Figure 2.7 Measurement of terrain altitude.
r:f>ms(7) =
hm(x)h,(x- 7) dx (2.19)
where the map patch has a length A. The integration is long enough (n > l) to
ensure that the patch is sampled, even with the expected along-track error. The
computer selects the track whose cross-correlation is largest as the most prob-
able track. The computer selects the x-shift of maximum correlation 7 as the
along-track correction to the dead-reckoned position. Heading drift is usually
so small that correlations are not required in azimuth. The algorithm accom-
modates offsets in barometric altitude caused by an unknown sea-level setting.
The width of the patch depends on the growth rate of azimuth errors in the
dead-reckoning system. Simpler algorithms have been used ("mean absolute
differences") and more complex Kalman filters have been used [5].
Terrain correlators are built under the names TERCOM, SITAN, and TER-
PROM. They are usually used on unmanned aircraft (cruise missiles) and can
achieve errors less than 100 ft [ 1, 8]. The feasibility of this navigation aid
depends on the existence of unique terrain patches along the flight path and
on the availability of digital maps of terrain heights above sea level. The U.S.
Defense Mapping Agency produces TERCOM maps for landfalls and mid-
course updates in three-arcsec grids.
radio beacons. The computation begins with the best-estimate of the present
position of the aircraft and ends by delivering computed range and bearing to
other vehicle subsystems (Figure 2.1 ). Waypoints may be loaded before depar-
ture or inserted en route. The navigation computer, mission computer, or flight-
management computer performs the steering calculations.
Range and bearing to a destination can be calculated by using either the
spherical or the plane triangle of Figure 2.8. If flat-Earth approximations are
satisfactory, the xy coordinates of the aircraft are computed using the dead-
reckoning Equation 2.1 0; x 1 and y 1 of the targets are loaded from a cassette or
from a keyboard. Then, range D and bearing BT to the target, measured from
true north, are
1 X- Xt
BT =tan (2.20)
Y- Yt
The crew will want a display of relative bearing (BR = BT - 1/JT) or relative
track (TR = BT- T T). BT is the true bearing of the target. Relative bearing BR
is the horizontal angle from the longitudinal axis of the aircraft to the target,
and relative track T R is the horizontal angle from the ground track of the aircraft
to the target (Figure 2.4 ).
If .::1}.. and Llcll are less than radian, the plane triangle solution exceeds the
North pole
cos ~ = sin cp sin cp 1 + cos cp cos cp 1 cos (/\ - 1\ 1)
Rc is the Gaussian radius of curvature, Equation 2.4. At long range, where the
absolute and percent errors are largest, they are usually least significant. Within
I 00 nmi of the aircraft, the Earth can be assumed flat within an error of 0.3
Steering and range-bearing computations can be performed directly from the
Z; navigation coordinates or from the direction cosines Ci to prevent singular-
ities near the north and south poles.
Knowing the measured or computed ground speed, an aircraft can be steered
in such a manner that the ground speed vector-not the longitudinal axis of
the aircraft-tracks toward the de~:ired waypoint (relative track is the steering
command that is nulled). The difference between heading toward the target
and tracking toward the target is significant only for helicopters; the vehicle
eventually arrives there in either case, by slightly different paths.
Two general kinds of steering to a destination are commonly used: (I) steer-
ing directly from the present position to the destination and (2) steering along
a preplanned airway or route. The former results in area navigation (Section
2.7.4) using the shortest (though not necessarily the fastest) route to the des-
tination, whereas the latter is representative of flying along assigned airways
(Chapter 14). Either steering method may be solved by the plane-triangle or
spherical-triangle calculation.
The rhumb line is used by ships and simple aircraft. It is defined by flying
at a constant true heading to the local meridians. The resulting flight path is a
straight line on a Mercator chart. A1,rcraft sometimes divide a complex route into
rhumb-line segments so that each segment can be flown at constant heading.
More often, the continually changing heading toward the next waypoint is
recomputed and fed to the autopilot. Since the great circle maps into a near-
straight line on a Lambert conformal chart, the crew can monitor the flight
path by manual plotting, if desired. In the twenty-first century, electronic map
displays will show the moving aircraft on charts.
(Figure 2.8). The lateral speed V 2 is the magnitude of the dot product of the air-
craft's velocity with this unit vector. The range to go from R 3 to R 2 is given by
Equation (2.20) or (2.22). Time to go is calculated from the proposed velocity
The fastest route is neither the great circle nor the airway because of winds,
especially because of the stratospheric jet stream whose speed often exceeds I 00
knots. Thus where high-altitude aircraft are not confined to airways, they follow
preplanned "pressure-pattern" routes that take advantage of cyclonic tail winds.
IR3 x Rzl
_... ---- --,
--- Pt
'' '
I ''
VI and v3. The position PI is found from the triangle PI VI V3. The aircraft's
position must be known well enough to exclude the false solution at P 2 . An
artificial airway is defined by the points A 1 and A 2 • D and L are usually found
iterati vel y:
5. The next estimate of p 1 is along the vector I::J.pk in Figure 2.9, whose
components along p 1 and P3 are I::J.p 1 and I::J.p3.
6. Repeat step 2 and iterate until I::J.p; are acceptably small.
After determining the aircraft's position P 1 , the distance-to-go and lateral dis-
placement are calculated as in Section 2.7. Lis sent to the autopilot, as explained
in Section 2.7.3, and D is used to calculate time-to-go.
In the 1990s, civil aircraft were being allowed the freedom to leave RNAV
airways (Section 1.5.3) using GPS, inertial, Omega, and Loran navigation, none
of which constrain aircraft to airways.
Deterministic errors are added algebraically and statistical errors are root
sum squared. The total is sometimes called total system error.
The two- or three-dimensional vector position error r can be defined as indi-
cated minus actual position. A series of measurements taken on one navigation
system or on any sample of navigation systems will yield a series of position
measurements that are all different but that cluster around the actual position.
If the properties of the navigation systems do not change appreciably with age,
if the factory is neither improving nor degrading its quality control, and if all
systems are used under the same conditions, then the statistics of the series
of measurements taken on any one system are the same as those taken for a
sample ("ensemble") of systems. Mathematically it is said that the statistics are
ergodic and stationary.
If the position errors are plotted in two dimensions, as shown in Figure 2.1 0,
Arbitrary y axis
Principal x axis
• •
Arbitrary x axis
Actual position _or
Figure 2.10 Two-dimensional navigation errors. In principal axes, the x andy statistics
are independent.
it will generally be found that the average position error r = Et:.r;/N) is not zero
(t:.ri are the individual position errors; N is the total number of measurements).
Two measures of performance are the mean error and the circular error probabil-
ity (CEP) (also known as the circular probable error, CPE). The CEP is usually
considered to be the radius of a circle, centered at the actual position (but more
properly centered at the mean position of a group of measurements) that encloses
50% of the measurements. The mean error and the CEP may be suitable as crude
acceptance tests or specifications, but they yield little engineering information.
More rigorously, the horizontal position error should be considered as a
bivariate (two-dimensional) distribution. The mean error r and the directions
of the principal axes x andy, for which errors in x and y are uncorrelated, must
be found. To find the principal axes, a convenient orthogonal coordinate system
(x',y') is established with its origin at r. Then the standard deviation (or rms)
a in each axis and the correlation coefficient p between axes are calculated:
~ ''
p=-- (2.28)
From these quantities are determined a new set of coordinates, xy, which are
rotated () from x' y':
tan 2() = 2
p (2.29)
ax'~ ay'
The origin of the new xy-coordinates coincides with the origin of x' y'. The com-
ponents of the position errors along x and y are uncorrelated and can be consid-
ered separately. In inertial systems, the principal axes are usually the instrument
axes. In Doppler systems, the principal axes are along the velocity vector and
normal to it or along the aircraft axis and normal to it if the antenna is body-
fixed (as was usually the case in 1996). In Loran systems, the principal axes
are found by diagonalizing the covariance matrix. The rms errors in the new
coordinates can be calculated anew or can be found from the errors in x'y' from
[7, p. 598].
The one-dimensional statistics along either of the principal axes will now be
discussed. First, the mean and standard deviation are found in each independent
axis. The errors along each axis are plotted separately as cumulative distribution
curves, which show the fraction of errors less than x versus x. This curve allows
all properties of the statistics to be determined. In many systems, experimental
cumulative distributions will fit a Gaussian curve.
If the one-dimensional errors are indeed Gaussian, their statistics have the
following properties:
Mean x
Standard deviation (rms) a
50% of the errors lie within x ± 0.675a (probable error)
68.3% of the errors lie within x±a
95.4% of the errors lie within x±2a
99.7% of the errors lie within x±3a
Navigation systems, civil and military, are often specified by the fraction of
navigation errors that fall within a circle of radius E p, centered on the mean.
Figure 2.11 shows this probability if ax and a y are Gaussian distributed and
uncorrelated. For example, if ax = 0.4 nmi and a y = 1.0 nmi, b = ax/ ay = 0.4.
If the radius of the circle is E p = 1.5 nmi, then a = E p /a y = 1.5, and from the
graph, P = 0.85. Thus, 85% of the errors fall within a circle of radius 1.5 nmi.
Weapons often inflict damage in a circular pattern. Hence, military tactical
navigation systems are sometimes specified by the CEP, the radius of the circle
that encompasses 50% of the navigation errors (which are inherently elliptically
. av
CEP = 0.59(ax + ay) ± 3% 1f - · < ax < 3a y (2.30)
When ax= ay =a, the CEP = 1.18a.1 and, from Figure 2.11, 95% of the
navigation errors lie within a circle of radius 2.45a.
·~ 0.5 1-----+-+->f----t+-1--4------t----+-----+----+-l
~ 04 f-----++--+-11----4-------'u. - - - x<Uy--H
b= u;
0: 0. 2 f--1--ft-J'f-----1-----+------1----+------t-----t-1
2 3
Figure 2.11 Probability of an error lying within a circle of radius tp. (ax and av are
the uncorrelated standard deviations in x andy.) From unpublished paper by Bacon and
(PDOP) 2 = (2.33)
(HDOP) 2 = (2.34)
where TDOP is the time dilution of precision, the contribution of clock error
to the error in pseudorange. Equations for GDOP, PDOP, and HDOP, when the
standard deviations in range to each station are different, are provided in [ 12].
Dilution of precision plays an important role in radio-ranging computations,
especially for Loran (Chapter 4) and GPS (Chapter 5). Detailed GDOP equa-
tions for Loran are in Section 4.5.1, for Omega in Section 4.5.2, and for GPS
in Section 5.5.2. Receivers usually flag a PDOP or HDOP greater than approx-
imately 6 as an indication of poor geometry of the radio stations, hence a poor
Traditional aeronautical charts are printed on paper. They are of three kinds:
Military targeting charts show the expected location of defenses, the initial
approach fix, the direction of approach, a visual picture of the target in season
(e.g., snow covered) and the preplanned escape route.
Since World War II, experiments have been made with analog charts driven
by automatic navigation equipment. Paper charts were unrolled or scanned onto
CRTs, while an aircraft "bug" was driven by the navigation computations. The
systems were limited by cost, reliability, and the need for wide swaths of chart
to allow for diversion. Their use was confined to some helicopters and experi-
mental military aircraft.
In 1996, digital maps were well··established in surveying data bases, the cen-
sus, automotive navigation, and other specialized uses. Manufacturers of nav-
igation sets created their own data base of navaids and airports or purchased
one. Small digital data bases were included in the navaid's ROM whereas large
data bases, especially those that included terrain, were usually delivered to cus-
tomers on CD-ROM. National cartographic services in the developed world
were all converting from paper maps to digital data bases. The U.S. Defense
Mapping Agency (DMA) issued a standard for topographic maps on CD-ROM
[19], and several other nations' cartographic agencies were doing the same. The
U.S. Defense Mapping Agency produces separate data bases for terrain eleva-
tion and cultural features. They can be stored separately and superimposed on
an airborne display. A U.S. National Imagery Transmission Format was created
to send and store digital data. The GRASS language was widely used in the
United States to manipulate DMA data [6]. Private companies were produc-
ing remarkably diverse Geograph:tc Information System (GIS) data bases. In
1996, at least one company (Jeppesen) was producing digital approach plates
on CD-ROM (4]. RTCA published a guide to aeronautical data bases [24a] as
did ARINC [26a].
The technical challenges have been (I) to standardize the medium (e.g., CD-
ROM), (2) to standardize the format of data stored on the medium so that any
disc could be loaded onto any aircraft, just as any chart can be carried on any
aircraft, and (3) to develop on-board software that displays sections of the chart
across which the aircraft seems to move (moving map or moving bug, or both)
and orient the chart properly (north up or velocity vector up). As the aircraft
nears the edge of the chart, the software must move to a new section while
avoiding hysteresis when flying near the edge of a chart. The expectation is
that CD-ROM en-route and approach charts will be readily available to military
users before the year 2000.
Digital chart displays have provisions for weather or terrain overlays (from
airborne radar or from uplinked data), and provisions for traffic overlays (from
on-board TCAS, ground uplink on Mode-S, or position broadcasts from other
aircraft, Chapter 14). Civil airlines, driven by cost considerations, may gradually
abandon their practice of purchasing charts and distributing them to the crews
in hard copy. Instead, they may at first print charts on demand in the dispatch
room from a central data base and, later, distribute portable digital charts on
CD-ROM or via radio uplink to be loaded into the aircraft avionics when the
crew boards.
loaded into the flight computer via the on-board data bus. Revisions of
flight software may be issued from time to time.
7. A copy of the flight software is usually delivered to a training facility,
where it is used to check out crews in a ground simulator. The simulator
may be a part-task computer-based trainer (CBT); a terminal that emu-
lates the navigation keyboards, on-board computer, and displays; or it may
be a high-fidelity emulation of the cockpit and avionics. A high-fidelity
simulator may incorporate a flight computer that contains the navigation
software or may rely on a scientific computer, programmed to emulate the
flight computer. In a CBT, sensor inputs are simulated; in a high-fidelity
simulator, they may come from real or simulated hardware. Simulator
training is cheaper and often more effective than flight training.
8. The final task in the preparation of the navigation software is the evalua-
tion of its performance during flight versus the specification. This is done
by the aircraft manufacturer or operator.
The increasing capability of airborne digital computers will permit more com-
plex algorithms to be solved. Companies that specialize in aircraft navigation
will continue to build libraries of proprietary algorithms that they incorporate
into their products. Crew interfaces will become more graphical to reduce work-
load and reduce errors in loading data. Direct loads from the ground via Mode-S
links and other data links (some via satellite) will be commonplace.
By the year 2000, on-board CD-ROM readers will display charts and flight-
manual data on military aircraft. The civil aviation industry may prefer to print
up-to-date paper charts for each flight in the dispatch rooms, downloaded from
a central data base, as an alternative to procuring and distributing them.
The software verification costs assigned to each aircraft will be substan-
tial, because they are amortized over a few hundred units, even with standard
libraries of routines.
2.1. The direction cosine matrix [C] transforms the Earth-centered inertial
coordinates y; into the locally-level navigation coordinates Zj· Let a = 0
when the aircraft is on the equator, and let the initial matrix be
[C] = [ ~ 0
0 !l
Let a= A..
(a) If the aircraft flies 90° due east, show the direction cosine matrix.
0I 00 0I]
[0 I 0
(b) If the aircraft flies 90° due north from its original position, show the
direction cosine matrix.
(c) If the aircraft flies 30° due east on the equator at 600 knots from its
original position, what are the C;i and the C;/ Use Equation 7.40.
. 5
[C)=-- --J3
I -J3
--f3]1 hr
57.3 [ I _-J3 O
2.2. An aircraft flies 3 hrs east then 2 hrs north at 300 knots at an altitude of
3 nmi, starting at 40° north latitude.
(a) Find its position using the flat-Earth dead-reckoning equations.
Ans. x = 900 nmi, y = 600 nmi.
(b) Find the final latitude-longitude using spherical-Earth equations with
the Gaussian radius of curvature.
Ans. <P = 49.98°, .1A = 19.54°.
(c) Find the final latitude-longitude using the ellipsoidal-Earth equations,
Ans. <P = 49.99°, .11-. = 19.50°.
(d) Find the distance from the start to the destination of case a using the
flat-Earth range equation, 2.20.
Ans. 1081.7 nmi.
(e) Find the distance to the destination of case b using the spherical-Earth
approximation with the Gaussian radius of curvature.
Ans. 1022.7 nmi.
(f) Find the distance to the destination of case b using the flat-Earth equa-
tions plus the correction of Equation 2.21.
Ans. 1027.0 nmi.
2.4. Derive Equation 2.21. Hint: solve the spherical triangle for the cosine of
the range angle and express the coordinates of the waypoint as the present
position plus a small increment. Expand the sines to third order and the
cosines to second order.
2.5. Verify the calculations on page 46 for the probability of falling inside a
rectangle of edge 1.2 nmi (x = 0.6 nmi) by 2.4 nmi (y = 1.2 nmi). Let ax
= 0.4 nmi and a y = 2.4 nmi.
3 Multisensor Navigation
• Linear and angular acceleration and rate in body coordinates for vehicle
control purposes.
• Vehicle state relative to the air mass including orientation-angle of attack,
sideslip, and airspeed, again for vehicle control purposes.
Two fundamental error sources affect the error behavior of an inertial system.
These are the errors in the measurements of force made by the accelerometers
and the errors in the measurement of angular change in orientation with respect
to inertial space made by the gyroscopes. The basic mechanization of an iner-
tial system, which is described in detail in Chapter 7, is depicted schematically
in Figure 3.1. In this figure it is seen that the force measurements made by the
accelerometers are first transformed to a selected navigation coordinate frame
that is typically the local geodetic coordinates of east, north, and local verti-
cal. These measurements are then compensated for the force of gravity with
a mathematical model, such that vehicle acceleration with respect to inertial
space is obtained. The resulting variable, after correction for Coriolis accelera-
tion, is then integrated once into velocity and a second time into position change
with respect to the Earth. Additionally, the gyroscopic measurements of angular
change with respect to inertial space are modified using the system computed
velocity and the Earth's rotation rate vector to reflect the rotation of the local
vertical due to earth rotation and the vehicle change in position as it travels over
the surface of the Earth. In this manner the orientation of the accelerometer
axes relative to the Earth at the present position of the vehicle is continuously
computed. The result is that there are three sources of change in orientation
error of the accelerometers with respect to an Earth-fixed reference coordinate
frame: (I) integrated gyro drift rate; (2) integrated error in system computed
velocity which results from error in the measurement of acceleration-due to
accelerometer measurement errors, imperfect knowledge of the local force of
gravity and the current error in the know ledge of orientation of the accelerome-
ter sensing axes which causes a misresolution of any accelerometer force mea-
surement including that of the gravity vector; and (3) error in the orientation
of the navigation coordinate axes which changes as they rotate with respect to
inertial space.
The result of this interaction of error effects is that the error characteristic of
an inertial system for the computation of velocity, position, and instrument axes
orientation is described by the sinusoidal Schuler oscillation that has a period of
approximately 84.4 minutes. Due to this oscillatory characteristic, the position
error response to a step of constant accelerometer measurement error is not a
quadratic in time but a bounded Schuler oscillation as shown in Figure 3.2.
Note that the error in position and the "tilt," which is the error in orientation of
the accelerometer sensing axes with respect to the local level plane, are equal
for any acceleration measurement error.
The velocity error response to a step of constant gyro drift rate error, as
shown in Figure 3.3, is a bounded Schuler oscillation that has a constant error
dictated by the magnitude of the gyro drift rate. The error in position is also
characterized by a Schuler oscillation but diverges in time in proportion to the
integrated velocity error. The tilt due to the gyro drift rate is a bounded Schuler
oscillation with zero mean. This occurs because any tilt results in a counter-
ACCELEROMETER ~-----------,
I "·' > I
I Velocity
I Error
" I
I ov I
R. I f-......1'-------. </> Platform
Acceleration M
Measurement Error Gyro Drift
I 00 Position
t: j t----+-'----~
~j 0 f------lr-----r------1
V - Step of Acceleration
Measurement Error
-0.5 0.5
0 2 4 8 2 4 6 8
§.] §.-~
Ul Figure 3.2 Inertial system error response to a step of acceleration measurement error.
Constant acceleration measurement error induces a zero-mean Schuler oscillation in velocity
error and an identical nonzero mean oscillation in tilt and position error.
0 r-----------------Dg ----------------,
I g Gravity Magnitude I
I R Radius of Curvature of Earth I
I w, ~ jf, (}Schuler Frequency )I
I Velocity 1
I I I I E~or I * ~ I I ! o¢Pl~~~rm
Measurement Error
I <ld
Gyro Drift
b - Step of Gyro Drift Rate
I I • o8 Position
[R b~''t \ /
t/>(1) = sin (w)) ~
t~3 °
5113feet per
-1-: .... ~
1 ~
-0.5 / ..~ -6
oO(I) = [£:]
@ 84.4 minutes
[sio (w,l) - (w))]
-1 0 2 4 6 8 2
' 4 6 8 -8
0 2 4 6 8
POSITION -------------
Figure 3.4 Angular position and orientation errors observed with a star-tracker with
inertial stabilization. A stellar sensor observes the error 1/;, the difference between the
position error (M) and the orientation error (1>) of the inertial system.
2. Error in system computed angular position on the surface of the Earth (j().
This causes an error in pointing to the star even if the reference coordinate
frame provided by the inertial system is perfectly aligned with respect to
the Earth or inertial space at its actual position. This situation is indicated
at the computed position in Figure 3.4.
3. Error in system time that results in an orientation error of an Earth-refer-
enced frame with respect to the stellar background due to Earth rotation.
This error is usually minimal and is not considered further here.
The implications of this situation is obtained by referring to the error block dia-
gram of Figure 3.5 where the error 1/; is shown. Since with an inertial system
any error in the accelerometer measurement results in an equal error in both
position (j() and orientation ¢, then for such an error source 1/; will be zero and
will not be detected with a star observation. On the other hand, a constant gyro
drift rate produces an oscillatory diverging error in the angular position (j() and
a bounded oscillatory error in orientation ¢, so the resulting error 1/; is a ramp
r--------1 -g
t---+--rp TILT
1j1 = [<j>--b9] = f bd dt
Figure 3.5 Illustration of the 1/.; vector observed with a star-tracker. An inertially sta-
bilized stellar sensor is used to measure the effects of gyro drift rate but cannot observe
the effect of acceleration measurement errors.
proportional to the gyro drift rate. Since this diverging error is detectable with
the inertially stabilized star-tracker, then clearly the error in position can be
corrected or "reset" when a star shot is taken.
Most stellar-inertial systems have been mechanized with inertial systems
using stabilized gimbal control loops (as described in Chapter 7). This mech-
anization permits a telescope and inertial instrument assembly to be manufac-
tured that has only two low-bandwidth pointing loops that maintain the tele-
scope line of sight to the star being observed, usually for the elevation and
bearing angles to the selected star. High-bandwidth pitch, roll, and heading sta-
bilization control loops employing gyro measurements of small angular dis-
turbances isolate the inertial instruments and tracker assembly from vehicle
angular motion. When such a gimballed mechanization is employed, the sys-
tem gyros are rotated slowly with respect to inertial space to maintain a desired
orientation of the instrument assembly with respect to the Earth, usually that
of the local-level mechanization. Because the gyro sensing axes change slowly
with respect to inertial space, the detected components of the 1/; vector, which
is the integral of gyro drifts projected onto inertially fixed axes, can be used to
calibrate the gyros. This is possible because the detected components of the 1/;
vector can be correlated with specific gyro-sensing axes.
Since the component of the 1/; error vector along the line of sight to an indi-
vidual star cannot be observed, two star shots are generally required to com-
pletely correct the system. Ideally these lines of sight are orthogonal to enhance
observability. It is possible to obtain a complete calibration of the system gyro
drift rate vector, when the following two conditions occur:
2. The gyro sensing axes have not changed orientation with respect to iner-
tial space by a great amount since the last point in time when a pair of
stars was observed.
As a rule of thumb, the uncompensated effect of the deflection of the vertical results in an inertial
system position error divergence of about 0.1 nmi in one hour, thereafter being in proportion to
the square root of time.
0V R e-----+j
Figure 3.6 Integration of a reference speed sensor with an inertial system. A reference speed
sensor is used to observe the Schuler oscillations induced by acceleration measurement error
and gyro drift rate and the velocity bias error induced by constant gyro drift rate.
Figure 3.7 Block diagram of a fixed-gain (KD, Kp) speed sensor damped-inertial sys-
tem mechanization.
When a Doppler radar (or air data sensor) is combined with a stellar-inertial
system, significant benefits are obtained. Stellar measurements are used to cali-
brate the inertial system gyro drift rates, thereby reducing any mean error in the
inertial system computed velocity components. Consequently, when the stellar-
inertial system velocity components are compared with commensurate velocity
components from a reference velocity sensor, the mean errors in the reference
velocity sensor components can be calibrated. Effects of the errors in the mea-
surement of acceleration (accelerometer measurement error and uncertainty in
the gravity vector) can now be more effectively removed using the calibrated
reference velocity sensor. Recall that the errors induced by an error in the vehi-
cle acceleration measurement cause divergent velocity, position and orientation
errors in a stellar-inertial system, not observable with the star tracker.
The most attractive attribute of a stellar-inertial system when combined with
a reference velocity sensor is that the resulting errors in all the navigation vari-
ables are bounded. The residual error levels in these variables are of course a
function of the accuracy of the individual sensors employed. Accuracies on the
order of a hundred feet in position, a fraction of a foot per second in velocity
and subarcsecond in orientation are achievable with such a system. An added
attraction of such a system is that it is fully autonomous.
Although most integrated navigation systems are inertially based, there are
exceptions. In particular, GPS receiver module cards have been developed that
can be embedded in the chassis of other sensors such as a Doppler radar [ 12] or
Loran [ll, 14, 15]. In the case of Loran, the integration was motivated by the
fact that the GPS satellites may not be sufficient in number at all times to pro-
vide positioning data with guaranteed integrity worldwide. A further attraction
of Loran is that it does not suffer from the line-of-sight limitation of GPS. It
employs a low-frequency signal that propagates along the surface of the Earth
(the ground wave), and it is time-synchronized using atomic clock controlled
transmitters. In the case of Doppler radar, the motivation for GPS integration is
to significantly reduce the effect of Doppler associated error sources on navi-
gation performance. These include speed measurement errors over water, scale
factor error and bias, and the errors in a low-accuracy inertial attitude and head-
ing reference system (AHRS). Of course, the Doppler-AHRS system provides
the ability to dead-reckon position during GPS outages.
Xa is the actual position of the stationary vehicle
Ed; is a deterministic error in the ith measurement
~; is a random error in the ith measurement
The best estimate of position in this case is the average of the measurements
is the standard deviation of the random error a~ divided by the square root of
where only the (N - I )th estimate and the Nth measurement are required.
The minimum error in this least squares estimate is the weighted sum of the
independent errors ox In and 8x2N:
(3 .11)
where it is evident that the variance of the error in the combined estimate oxN
is less than the errors obtained from either of the two independent position
The Kalman filter requires that all error states are modelable as zero mean noise
processes with known variances, power spectral densities, and time correlation
parameters. Thus, the various error quantities to be estimated and the associ-
ated measurement noises are all random processes whose correlation structure is
assumed to be known. The Kalman filter then obtains estimates of the states of
these stochastic processes, which are described by a linear or linearized mathe-
matical model. It accomplishes this goal by capitalizing on the known correla-
tion structure of the various processes involved and the measurements of linear
combinations of the error states. To do this, both the error propagation in time
and the measurement processes are expressed in vector form. This provides
a convenient way with linear matrix algebra to keep track of relatively com-
plex relationships among all the quantities of interest. This is one of the main
features that distinguishes a Kalman filter from most digital signal processing
applications. The navigation system integration problem is multiple-input and
multiple-output in nature, and matrix algebra is essential in keeping track of
the relationships among the variables.
In the multisensor navigation system application, the behavior of the sen-
sor error states are described by linear differential or equivalent finite dif-
ference equations. Comparison of measurements between navigation sensors
are described by linear combinations of these error states. The filter accom-
plishes the task of error state estimation by a more complex recursive procedure,
rather than forming a simple weighted sum of the individual measurements as
described above.
Under the assumption of Gaussian noise distributions, the Kalman filter min-
imizes the mean square error in its estimates of the modeled state variables
[5]. The Gaussian assumption is usually a reasonable assumption in navigation
applications because the noise effects that arise in the measurements are often
due to a summation of many smaller random contributions. Thus, by the cen-
tral limit theorem of statistics, there is then a tendency toward the Gaussian
distribution regardless of the distribution of the individual contributions. Many
multisensor navigation systems have successfully implemented Kalman filters
while implicitly making this assumption.
xk is the n x I process state vector at time tb being errors in position,
velocity, and attitude and sensor errors
(3 .13)
(3 .14)
Zk is the m x 1 vector measurement at time tk
Ilk is am X 1 measurement white noise vector at time tk
Hk is the m X n matrix giving the ideal relationship between Zk and xk
when no noise is present
Note that there are now four known matrices that describe the process and mea-
surement models: ¢b Qb Hb and Rk. Thus, the design of a Kalman filter
requires considerable a priori knowledge about the dynamics and statistics of
the various processes to be modeled. The state transition matrix r:f>k describes
how the state vector Xk would propagate from one step to the next in the absence
of a driving function. The Qk parameter tells us something about the noise in
the Xk process. If the elements of ~b are large, this means that a large amount of
randomness is inserted into the process with each step. The Hk matrix describes
the linear relationship between sensor measurements Zk and the error states to
be estimated xk. Note that relatively complicated relationships can be accom-
modated as long as they are known and linear. Finally, Rk describes the mean-
square measurement noise errors. Generally, large values in the Rk matrices
means poor measurements. Note that all four of the key matrices are permitted
to vary with time (i.e., with the index k).
Perhaps the most challenging aspect of applying Kalman filtering in multi-
sensor navigation applications is that of establishing the mathematical equations
that describe the physical situation at hand and casting the equations in the form
dictated by Equations 3.12 and 3 . 14. Fortunately, this can be done with a rea-
The diagonal elements of the error covariance matrix are the variances of the
error in the filter estimate of the navigation system error state vector. The off-
diagonal elements of the P matrix are co variances between different error states
in the vector, and they contain important information as to the degree of corre-
lation of one error state with another. The use of such correlation information
in the gain computation is what distinguishes the Kalman filter from simpler
mechanizations. In Kalman filtering, a measurement is used not only to update
estimates of navigation error variables directly involved in the observation (e.g.,
position) but also to update estimates of error variables not directly involved
(velocity, sensor errors, etc.).
Pk = [1-Kk Hk ]Pk
w General Form for an Arbitrary
Inertial Position,
Velocity &
Platform Orientation
Corrected Inertial System Outputs
Knertial System
.Error Estimate Prediction of
Propagation Aiding Sensor
[ Measurements
Filter Observable
[ Design Measurement
Aiding Sensor
Q iding Sensor
·ror Estimate
Corrected Aiding
Aiding Sensors Measurements Measurements
such as GPS,
Doppler or Loran
Kalman filter theory. The details as to exactly how this linearization is gener-
ally done are given in references [2, 6]. The basic idea is to choose a reference
trajectory in state space that is close to the true trajectory and then write equa-
tions for the perturbation variables that represent the difference between the true
and reference trajectory for use in the filter equations. The equations in terms
of the perturbation variables are linear when higher-order terms are neglected.
In the block diagram of Figure 3.9, the INS-corrected output is used for the
reference trajectory as a matter of convenience, since it provides all the basic
navigation quantities of vehicle position, velocity, acceleration, and orientation
in a continuous manner. None of the other navigation sensors, when consid-
ered individually, provide the same complement of information in a continuous
manner. Thus, the INS is the logical choice for the reference, even though its
accuracy may be less than some of the other sensors at discrete instants in times
when their measurements are available.
The final reason for choosing the INS-based integration methodology has
to do with maintaining high dynamic response in the position, velocity, and
attitude state variables available from the inertial system without filtering. The
usual price associated with filtering is time delay or sluggish response. This
In the mechanization of the last section, the INS is not corrected internally
throughout the time span of the mission. Clearly, if the internally computed
inertial system navigation variables diverge too far from their true values, the
linearization assumption becomes suspect, and the associated modeling inaccu-
racy can lead to difficulties. In the early days of Kalman filtering, system engi-
neers discovered that such divergence could be avoided by feeding the filter
error estimates back to correct internally the inertial system at each time point
where an aiding sensor measurement was available. This will then reduce the
difference between the corrected real-time computed navigation variables and
the true values, provided that the Kalman filter is producing good error esti-
mates. When the filter error estimates are fed back in this manner, the mecha-
nization is called the closed-loop Kalman filter mechanization [2]. This method
has been used extensively and successfully in a variety of actual navigation
applications. It is especially important to use the closed-loop Kalman mecha-
nization in applications where the mission length is relatively long and the error
model on which the filter equations are based are a simplification of the actual
linear error model of the system. Such simplifications are made to reduce the
computational burden on the real-time computer.
Figure 3.10 illustrates schematically the mechanization of the integrated INS
system for the closed-loop mechanization. This diagram and that of Figure 3.9
are both conceptual in that the INS correction that takes place is usually just a
matter of correcting certain numerical values in the inertial system computer. If
the error modeling assumptions are valid, the performance of the open-loop and
closed-loop Kalman filter mechanizations become essentially equivalent. Both
mechanizations of the Kalman filter have been used extensively, so the deci-
sion as to which should be used wi II depend on the particular situation at hand.
The closed-loop mechanization is generally used except when it is desirable to
preserve the pure INS output undisturbed by internal corrections. In this case,
Inertial Corrected Inertial System Outputs
I nertial
,, Prediction of
Aiding Sensor
Cor rections
Aiding Design
Se nsor
Cor rections , 1 Observable
Measurement j~
Carrected Aiding Sensor Measurements
Figure 3.10 Closed-loop Kalman filter architecture.
One of the most important multisensor navigation systems is that which inte-
grates an inertial navigation system (INS) with a Global Positioning System
(GPS) receiver. GPS (Section 5.5) is a very accurate, worldwide satellite nav-
igation system using ranging that will be operating into the twenty-first cen-
tury. The GPS-INS integration is nearly always done using a Kalman filter. A
simplified Kalman filter error model for accomplishing such an integration is
presented in Section 13.3.
y y
Aircraft Z
(x, y)•-LSX-1 Ay
(x,* y*)
From Figure 3.11 b, p is the measured range within some measurement error
and p * is the predicted range based on the aircraft's assumed reference position
which is slightly incorrect. Note that there is a linear relationship between Llp
and the perturbations Llx and Lly. Thus, using Llp as the observation (difference
of the commensurate measurements of range from the DME and estimated range
from the INS) processed by the Kalman filter and choosing the incremental
quantities Llx and Lly as error state variables rather than the total position states
x andy, the required linear measurement relationship for Kalman filter theory
is satisfied.
Referring again to Figures 3.9 and 3.1 0, when the corrected INS position
computation is used to estimate the range to the DME station, the differencing
operation produces Llp using the corrected range measurement from the aid-
ing sensor with the addition of some measurement noise. This example accom-
plishes exactly what small-perturbation theory says is necessary to linearize the
measurement process. Note the coefficients of Llx and Lly are just the direction
cosines between the line of sight t:o the DME station and the respective x- and
y-axis. The GPS measurement situation is similar in this regard and the direc-
tion cosines also appear in the modeling details discussed below.
ub White Noise
Ud ··--.t·lr--J----,1
White Noise ...__ ___,
d •6\-·--~·1 J
Figure 3.12 GPS clock error model.
is called clock bias. This bias in seconds can be scaled by the speed of light
to obtain a range bias in meters. Similarly, the rate of change of clock bias is
usually given in meters per second.
It is difficult to model crystal clock errors with a first-order state model; see
reference [8] or Chapter I 0 of reference [6]. The 2 state model shown in Figure
3.12 used in most Kalman filter implementations in GPS receivers allows for
the estimation of both clock bias and drift. Numerical values for the spectral
densities of the white noise forcing functions ud and ub depend on the quality
of the crystal clock. The references show how to convert from the usual clock
specifications to the Kalman filter parameters. This 2-state model is embedded
in the larger ll-state error model for the whole GPS/INS system. (For additional
discussion of clock characteristics, see Section 5.3.2.)
Gyro White
-~----- I I·
az +g --
ay,z are the Vehicle Accelerations Along the y and z Axes
Wx is the Platform Angular Rate About the x Axis
R is the Radius of the Earth
Figure 3.14 Block diagram of a simplified inertial system y-axis error model for the 11-statc
GPS-INS Kalman filter.
bAz t--+--•Az
Vertical Position
Vertical Velocity
A ••
'-lZ = o''A ,- + ( -2g ) A~ (3.21)
R '-1.(
rf>x = Ez (3.22)
The accelerometer measurement errors oA,, oAy, and oA, and the gyro drift
rates Ex, E_p and Ez are mutually independent white noise processes with known
spectral densities. Finally, the differential equations for the clock errors are from
the block diagram of Figure 3.12.
For GPS clock errors,
b = d + U!J
d= u" (3.23)
Once the state variables are defined, it is a routine matter to put the differential
equations into state-space form:
x = Fx + t (3.24)
where F is the system state vector dynamics matrix describing the dynamic
coupling between the (error) states. In expanded form Equation 3.24 is
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 -(g + Az) 0 0 0 0 0 Ay 0 0
X] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wx 0 0 X!
X2 X2
X3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X3
X4 0 0 0 0 0 (g + Az) 0 0 -Ax 0 0 X4
xs xs
X6 0 0 0 0 --- 0 0 0 -Wy 0 0 X6
X7 R X7
Xg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Xg
Xg Xg
0 0 0 0 0 0 2( !) 0 0 0 0 XJ()
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Ex (3.25)
The final step in determining the process model is to specify the ¢k and Qk
matrices. lf the update interval /11 is relatively small. ¢k can be approximated
with just the first two terms of the Taylor series expansion of eFt:.r:
This approximation must be used with care. For example, if the aircraft expe-
riences high dynamics, then !:lt will have to be quite small or else additional
terms must be included [6].
Computation of the Qk matrix in a high-dimensional system is usually an
onerous task, especially if there is nontrivial coupling among the various state
variables as in this example. However, once the F matrix, the spectral densities
of the forcing functions, and the Llt propagation interval are specified, then Qk
is numerical computable [6, 7 J.
Four pseudorange measurements (one per satellite) are sufficient for a stand-
alone GPS solution. Each pseudorange measurement is of the general form
z = Hx + v (3.27)
0 0 0 0 0 0
[ h, xs
h2I 0 0 h24 0 0 h27 0 0
z= 0 0 0 0 0 0
h3I h34 h37
h4I 0 0 h44 0 0 h47 0 0
H X9
where the hiJ are the respective direction cosines between lines of sight to the
various satellites and the navigation coordinate axes. The R matrix reflects the
additive white measurement noise components in which in this model would
be a 4 x 4 matrix:
R would usually be specified as diagonal with all terms along the diagonal being
equal. The numerical values of the terms are chosen to match the expected
variances of the white pseudorange measurement errors. As a practical matter,
these terms are usually specified to be larger than the expected error variances
to compensate for the inaccuracy in modeling the measurement errors as white
noise. The GPS measurement frequency (usually about I Hz) is very high rel-
ative to the characteristic Schuler time constant of the inertial system errors,
so implementing an R matrix with large values does not significantly degrade
performance due to the filtering provided by the INS.
Inertial Error States The inertial system error states that are generally the
next in importance are the "biases" associated with the accelerometers and
gyros. These are the random forcing functions that are calibrated at the start of a
mission but then slowly wander away from their initial values during the course
of the flight. It is especially important to keep calibrating these forcing func-
tions continuously if it is anticipated that the INS might have to dead-reckon in
the free-inertial mode for a significant time period without GPS measurements.
If the biases are estimated in flight, the system errors grow more slowly during
the free inertial period. Usually a Jirst-order Markov or a random-walk process
is used to represent an inertial instrument error source, so only one error state is
added to the model for each source. Such an elaboration of the inertial system
error model would add an additional three error states for three gyro drift rate
errors and an additional three error states for three accelerometer measurement
The primary trend is to employ low-cost, low-to-medium performance iner-
tial components to bridge the periods of GPS outage in a cost-effective manner.
These instruments will likely employ micro-machined silicon technology for
the accelerometers and fiber optics for the gyros. In 1996 these technologies
did not yet obtain the high-accuracy performance levels of the more expen-
sive technologies used in the past. These instruments require more elaborate
error modeling, including such additional states as scale factor error, mutual
mechanical misalignments of instrument sensing axes, and bias changes as a
function of measured environmental variations to obtain good calibration.
In addition to the instrument error states discussed above, the effects of
unknown variations in the gravity vector should be considered as error states in
some Kalman filter designs that include an inertial system. This consideration is
important because the gravity disturbance vector introduces errors in the force
measurements made by the accelerometers that can significantly affect some
GPS Error States Besides the receiver clock error model, filter designers have
also been concerned with the error in the pseudorange measurement and the
error in the Doppler or integrated Doppler (delta-range) measurement to each
satellite due to residual satellite clock and orbit errors and transmission path
effects. Inclusion of an error state for each of these measurements can obtain a
calibration of the measurement under certain conditions. For example, precise
knowledge of the vehicle location and velocity at the measurement time can
provide such a condition. Further, measurements from satellites currently being
tracked can be used to calibrate the measurements from a new satellite when
an initial track is established.
Other refinements of the basic !!-state filter are also possible. Refinements
in the error dyanmics of the model itself may be required in some applications.
The example used a north-oriented coordinate frame, but a different frame can
be used (e.g., the azimuth-wander frame discussed in Chapter 7). The !!-state
model includes all the basic quantities that need to be estimated since the filter
estimates position, velocity, instrument or platform coordinate frame orienta-
tion, and GPS receiver clock errors. All of these quantities are observable in
the !!-state filter once measurements to four or more satellites have been made
available. The observability implies that the usual problems of platform level-
ing, gyrocompassing, and damping the Schuler oscillation are all taken care of
automatically by the Kalman filter without any special ad hoc procedures. In
the past, the principal constraint on the elaboration of the error model has been
limited computer resources. However, in the 1990s, Kalman filter designs based
on models with several tens of error states were being implemented.
• Measurement synchronization
• Measurement editing
• Tuning parameter adjustment
• Filter equation implementation
only guarantees this condition when the gain is optimal. Note that even
though the equation implemented in the computer is for the optimal gain
\ Raw Sensor
Measure nent Inputs
Kalman Filter
Estimates of Vehicle
• ~
Position, Velocity &
The future will see significant activity focused on integration of the naviga-
tion sensors with other avionics sensors on the aircraft. In military systems, the
information collected by many sensors is being fused into a central data base to
ensure their optimal use. Civil aircraft systems are likely to see a slower pace
of multisensor integration, largely because of the procurement practices of the
airlines. They purchase equipment from different suppliers based on compet-
itive prices and a desire to interchange "black boxes." Furthermore, reliabil-
ity and safety considerations may lead to a preference for functinoal redun-
dancy and a partially federated approach. In 1995, the civil aviation industry
began to investigate centrally fused data in a program called Integrated Modu-
lar Avionics (IMA), which is somewhat equivalent to the functional integration
and resource-sharing programs represented by the military ICNIA and ICNIS
programs. These efforts are likely to continue and accelerate in the twenty-first
High-powered, low-cost digital processors will facilitate large-scale integra-
tion and enable redundant sensors w achieve a high level of fault tolerance. The
self-contained black-box subsystems that drove the federated avionics systems
architecture in the past will eventually disappear as the more information-rich
centralized system architecture evolves. Significant savings should be realized
in cost, size, weight, and power. The one major disadvantage of the federated
system is that the central-computer software engineers must be expert in each
sensor. Libraries of standard sensor modules may appear near the turn of the
twenty-first century.
Because of its significant cost/performance benefits, the combination of a
low-cost, low-to-moderate performance inertial measurement unit and a GPS
receiver will be a widely used multisensor system for many types of air vehicles
for years to come.
3.1. Refer to the simplified inertial system error model shown in Figure 3.14,
and make the following assumptions:
Compute the steady state values of (east) tilt ¢x and azimuth misalign-
ment ¢, that will result from observing (north) velocity error Ll.v during
the process of initial alignment of the inertial system
Hint: Also see Chapter 7. Ans.: ¢, = 200 arcsec ¢x = 5 an·sec
3.2. Assume an inertial system has been initially aligned as in Problem 2.1
(equilibrium conditions obtained), with a variance in (east) tilt of [5
arcsecf and a variance in azimuth misalignment of [200 arc-sec] 2 , and,
additionally, there exists an independent error in (north) position, with a
variance of [500 feet] 2 . What are the variances in tilt, azimuth misalign-
ment, and position error when a star tracker is integrated with the inertial
system and a star is observed directly overhead (along the local vertical),
if the tracker measurement error is zero and processed by a Kalman filter?
Ans.:a;, = [3.5 arc sec ]2 , ai,
= [353 .ft] 2 and a;,
= [200 arcsecf
What are these variances if a star is observed on the horizon along the
local north line?
Ans.: a;, = [5 arcsec] 2 , ai, = [500 .ftf and a;, = 0
3.3. Consider an inertial system initially aligned as in Problem 3.1 but inte-
grated with a reference speed sensor (e.g., a Doppler radar), where the
vehicle accelerates in the eastward direction at Ax = I 0 fps 2 for I 0 sec-
onds to a velocity of Vx = I 00 fps. What are the steady-state values of the
tilt and azimuth misalignment variances if Doppler speed measurements
with no error are processed by a Kalman filter?
Ans.: a;, = [5 arcsec] 2 and a;, = [200 arcsecf
What are the steady-state values of tilt and azimuth misalignment variances
if y (north) position change measurements (e.g., as obtained from a GPS
receiver) with no error are processed by Kalman filter?
Ans.: a;, = [5 arcsecf and a~, = 0
3.4. For an integrated reference speed sensor and inertial system, where the
speed sensor has a constant bias error with variance of II fpsf and the
inertial system has a constant gyro drift rate with variance of [0.0 I o /hr] 2 ,
compute the steady-state variance of the system velocity error, a~v·
Hint: Refer to Fip,ure 3.6. Ans.: azv = [.707 fpsf
What is the steady-state variance of this velocity error if, in addition, a
This chapter discusses the basic principles of terrestrial radio navigation sys-
tems, the radio propagation and noise characteristics and the major system per-
formance parameters. The systems described in detail include all the impor-
tant point source systems, such as direction finders, VOR, DME, and Tacan;
and the hyperbolic systems, such as Loran-C, Decca, and Omega. All of these
systems have been used worldwide and have provided accurate and reliable
positioning and navigation in one or two dimensions for many years. In 1996
hundreds of thousands of civil and military aircraft throughout the world were
equipped with these systems, and many of these will be used for years to come.
Satellite radio nevigation systems (e.g., GPS) are discussed in Chapter 5 and
military integrated radio communication-navigation systems are described in
Chapter 6.
Display or
Modulator Transmiuer - R=iver - Processor - Data Bus
Name Frequency Wavelength
Very low frequency VLF 3 to 30kHz 100 to 10 km
Low frequency LF 30 to 300kHz 10 to I km
Medium frequency MF 300 to 3000 kHz I km to 100m
High frequency HF 3 to 30 MHz 100 to 10m
Very high frequency VHF 30 to 300 MHz 10 to I em
Ultrahigh frequency UHF 300 to 3000 MHz I m to IO em
Superhigh frequency SHF 3 to 30 GHz IO to 1 em
Extremely high
frequency EHF 30 to 300 GHz 10 to I mm
At the higher frequencies, the following letter designations for certain fre-
quency bands have been widely accepted, although they do not have official
status (they are frequently related to standard wave-guide sizes) [35]:
With progress constantly being made at still higher frequencies, other sys-
tems of nomenclature will be required. However, radio navigation, as defined in
this chapter, is confined primarily to the bands lying between VLF and UHF,
where the above nomenclature is likely to remain in use. Regardless of fre-
quency, the following general rules apply in free space:
where R is the range between antennas in the same units as those for the
antenna area.
3. Multiple antennas may be used at both ends of the path to increase the
effective antenna area. Such increases in area produce an increase in
directivity or gain and result in more of the transmitted power reach-
ing the receiver. The gain G of an antenna (in the direction of maxi-
mum response) is equal to its directivity D times its efficiency. The maxi-
mum effective aperture or effective area of an antenna is equal to D'A/47r.
It is defined as the ratio of the power in the terminating impedance to
the power density of the incident wave, when the antenna is oriented
for maximum response and under conditions of maximum power trans-
fer [ 19j. It is also defined as the physical area times the antenna aper-
ture efficiency (or absorption ratio) [19, 36]. The directivity or gain of
an antenna is usually expressed as a ratio with respect to either a hypo-
thetical isotropic radiator or a half-wave dipole. A dipole has an effective
area of about 0.13 times the square of the wavelength [36]. A transmitter
Thus, for fixed effective antenna areas, the power transferred from trans-
mitter to receiver increases as the square of the frequency. However, this
is accompanied by a corresponding increase in directivity. Such direc-
tivity is of no concern in fixed point-to-point service and is of advan-
tage in reducing external noise pickup. In many moving-platform appli-
cations, such as aircraft, a high level of directivity is a distinct disad-
vantage. However, when the use of tuned dipole antennas is assumed,
the power transferred decreases as the square of the frequency. This is
seen from Equation 4.1 where the receiver antenna area for a dipole, (i.e.,
0.13 A2 ) is substituted in the numerator.
4. The minimum power that a receiver can detect is referred to as its sensitivity.
Where unlimited amplification is possible, sensitivity is limited by the noise
existing at the input of the receiver. Such noise is of two main types:
a. External. Due to other unwanted transmitters, electrical-machinery
interference, atmospheric noise, cosmic noise, and the like.
b. Internal. Depending on the state of the art and approaching, as a lower
limit, the thermal noise across the input impedance of the receiver,
which is given by
NP is the noise power (in watts)
k is the Boltzmann's constant (1.38 X w- 23 JoulesjKelvin)
T is the temperature (in Kelvin)
A.f is the bandwidth (in Hertz)
NF= - - - - (4.4)
where No is the noise power out of a practical receiver and N 1 is the noise
power out of an ideal receiver at standard temperature T 0 , of available
gain Ga, and of bandwidth D.f.
5. The minimum bandwidth occupied by the system is proportional to the
information rate. For most navigational purposes, the necessary informa-
tion rate is quite low. For instance, to navigate in a given direction to an
accuracy of 500 ft with an aircraft that cannot change its position more
than 500 ft in that direction in any one second, new information is needed
only once per second. However, most practical systems have employed
many times this minimum bandwidth. The reasons include (a) the need for
other services, such as communications on the same channel, (b) the use
of pulse techniques to aid in resolving multiple targets and to reduce the
effects of multipath transmission, and (c) the use of spectrum-spreading
techniques to improve signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), accuracy of range mea-
surements, reduction of effects due to interference of site errors. (Spread-
ing the spectrum beyond that needed by the information rate itself has the
same effect as increasing the power, provided that optimum techniques
are used at each end of the link [2, 27].)
PT is the transmitter power
PN is the noise power in receiver
(SjN)REQ is the required signal-to-noise ratio in receiver
NF is the receiver noise figure
FN is the noise improvement factor due to modulation method and
bandwidth spreading (e.g., frequency modulation)
is the transmitter antenna gain
10 37 63 37 62
100 58 99 57 92
500 87 195 71 125
1000 110 245 79 145
2000 132 86 165
than the inverse square, as would occur in free space. In addition, further losses,
increasing with frequency, are encountered. Table 4.1 gives some typical exam-
ples. At low frequencies, ranges up to 5000 miles or more are obtainable, if suf-
ficient power can be generated to overcome atmospheric noise, path attenuation
and to compensate for low antenna efficiencies [42].
Second, at low frequencies, it is physically difficult to construct a vertical
transmitting antenna large enough to be half a wavelength (or its electrical
equivalent, i.e., a quarter-wave antenna above a perfectly conducting plane).
Therefore, the antenna is generally much shorter than the ideal and is res-
onated to the operating frequency by external series inductance of the lowest
possible losses. The result, despite the best engineering practice, is the radiation
of considerably less power over a very narrow bandwidth than that generated
by the transmitter. Nevertheless, ground-wave service is sufficiently attractive
for many applications so that low efficiencies are tolerated in some lower-fre-
quency applications.
Third, in most parts of the world and at most times of the year, atmospheric
noise at low frequencies is so much greater than receiver noise that additional
transmitter power must be used. This noise is generated mostly by lightning
flashes. As shown in Table 4.2, at the latitude of the United States, atmospheric
Sky Waves In a region lying between 50 and 500 km above the Earth's sur-
face, radiation from the sun produces a set of ionized layers called the iono-
sphere [38, 42]. The location and density of these layers depends on the time of
day and, to a lesser extent, the season and the !!-year sunspot cycle. The iono-
sphere acts as a refractive medium; when the refractive index is high enough
in relation to the frequency of a radio wave, it bends the radio wave and will,
under favorable conditions, return the wave back to Earth.
Figure 4.2 shows a simplified picture of the geometry involved. At A, the
radio wave strikes the refractive layer at too steep an angle and, although it is
bent, is not sufficiently affected to return to Earth; it continues out into space
(unless it encounters a more heavily ionized layer further out). At B, the radio
wave strikes the refractive layer a1: a more oblique angle, is bent sufficiently to
travel somewhat parallel to Earth, and is finally bent sufficiently to return to
Earth. At C, the wave arrives at the refractive layer with glancing incidence and
immediately returns to Earth. At D, the refractive index is too low in relation
to frequency to seriously deflect the radio wave, which then travels on out to
space; generally, this happens at frequencies above 30 MHz.
From this geometry it is evident that return to Earth occurs only at some
minimum distance for a given frequency and degree of ionization. This is called
the maximum usable frequency for that distance. Signals at higher frequencies,
·: :...
·.·.·.' :: . ... ... .
. . . . .. .
. . .' .
: ·.·.· .·
if returned at all, will be returned only at greater distances. This critical distance
is known as skip distance; inside it there is no return to Earth at the particular
operating frequency. If more than one ionizing layer are present, there may be
various skip distances for the same frequency.
At those frequencies and distances where ionospheric reflection occurs, the
attenuation of the radio signal is only that due to the spreading out of the power
over the surface of the Earth and is, consequently, proportional to distance.
Conversely, as indicated in the previous paragraphs, ground-wave attenuation
is very much greater, except at the lowest frequencies. At frequencies of around
I MHz, the signal level produced at the receiver by the two types of transmis-
sions is likely to look like that shown in Figure 4.3.
As the frequency increases, the ground-wave curve will move to the left and
the sky-wave curve to the right, leaving a gap (due to skip distance) where nei-
ther wave produces a usable received signal. In the region where the ground
wave and sky wave are about equal, severe fading will occur due to the ran-
domly varying phase of the sky-wave signal with respect to the ground-wave
signal. Even when sky-wave signal strength is adequate, serious distortion of
its modulation may occur due to the different paths simultaneously traveled by
the signal between transmitter and receiver. These are called multipath effects.
The differential time delay between these paths may reach several milliseconds,
thus preventing faithful reproduction of modulation frequencies above a few
hundred Hertz.
Therefore, sky-wave transmission is quite variable, and its efficacy is highly
dependent on the distance to the receiver, the frequency used, and the time of
day. For these reasons, the general practice in the 3- to 30-MHz communica-
tion band has been to use receivers and transmitters that would readily tune
over the whole band and to change frequencies from hour to hour, depending
on the distances required and on the condition of the ionosphere. Much work
has gone into the creation of charts predicting maximum usable frequencies and
skip distances [42]. More recent developments include propagation-frequency
evaluators that quickly evaluate (by frequency-scanning techniques) the best
path to be used for communication between two points at a given time. By
use of such techniques, ionospheric reflection has been a major long-distance
communication aid. Until the advent of wideband submarine cables and com-
munication satellites, these frequencies were the mainstay of the transoceanic
telephone and radio networks. The highly variable characteristics of the iono-
sphere, which cause different frequencies to travel by different paths, led to the
development of many ingenious sreerable antenna systems for this service. The
use of ionospheric reflection for navigation systems has been confined almost
exclusively to ground-based direction finders.
Conversely, sky-wave transmission is considered a handicap, rather than an
aid, to those navigation systems that depend on groundwaves. In such systems,
the almost direct, reasonably predictable ground wave is contaminated by sky-
wave energy that has arrived by a devious path. The mixture of the two often
produces serious errors not only in distance but also in bearing measurements,
since the effective reflecting point is not necessarily on the vertical plane join-
ing the transmitting and receiving stations. Methods for reducing such sky-wave
contamination include (I) the use of tall antenna structures for improved ver-
tical directivity resulting in transmission fields being concentrated along the
ground and less toward the sky, and (2) the use of only the leading edge of
pulse transmission, since this edge arrives sooner by ground wave then by sky
wave and is, therefore, uncontaminated (this usually requires greater bandwidth
than that required by the information rate).
but from approximately 100 MHz to 3 GHz, the transmission path is highly pre-
dictable and is unaffected by time of day, season, precipitation, or atmospher-
ics. Above 3 GHz, absorption and scattering by precipitation and by the atmo-
sphere begin to be noticed, and they become limiting factors above I 0 GHz.
Furthermore, above that frequency, atmospheric absorption does not increase in
a smooth manner but rather is characterized by narrow peak-absorption bands
and by narrow "windows" of relatively reduced absorption. Tables 4.3 and
4.4 [ 14] show attenuation effects due to fog and rain (in addition to free-
space loss).
Because of absorption above I 0 GHz, transmission at such frequencies is
severely limited within the Earth's atmosphere. High-flying aircraft and space
vehicles of course are under no such restrictions.
In designing antenna systems for line-of-sight frequencies, it often happens
that due to the relatively short wavelengths, the antenna is spaced away from a
reflecting object such as the ground by a critical number of wavelengths, which
has a marked effect on the overall antenna pattern. For instance, at 1 GHz, the
wavelength is about I ft. If this practice were used at 1 GHz, a quarter-wave
structure might be built with its base on the ground. Since even nearby blades
of grass would seriously mar its performance (not to mention persons and vehi-
cles moving about nearby), this would obviously be impractical. Instead, such
an antenna would likely be mounted on a pole, say, 10 ft high, so as to clear the
10 3 15 37 100
10 4 7 12 20 43
10-5 3 6 9 20
10 6 3 4 8
10-7 4
I. Raising the antenna high enough above the ground, m relation to fre-
quency, to make the null structure so fine that the slightest irregularities
in the reflecting surface will break up the null pattern. At heights of I 00
wavelengths or more, the problem can usually be ignored.
2. Placing a horizontal counterpoise immediately below the antenna so as
to make its effective height quite small. The counterpoise shortens the
path of the reflected ray, thereby raising the angle at which cancellation
occurs. To be effective, such a counterpoise must be many wavelengths
in diameter.
3. Using high vertical antenna directivity (either by antenna arrays or by
parabolic reflectors) and then pointing the resulting narrow antenna beam
slightly above the horizon. The uptilt reduces the energy striking the
ground and, therefore, reduces the reflected wave.
4. Making the null on one frequency occur at the same time that a maximum
is occurring on another by using frequency diversity or wide-spectrum
modulation which allows several frequencies to be used simultaneously
5. Introducing vertical diversity up to an appreciable vertical angle via two
antenna systems, one at half the height of the other with the null of one
corresponding to the maximum of the other. However, the frequencies fed
to these two antenna systems cannot be coherent; otherwise a new null
pattern will appear at angles where the signals are otherwise equal. This
method is, in general, limited to receiving systems where two separate
receivers can be used.
6. Attempting other forms of diversity that make use of two or more paths
simultaneously. The term "diversity" in radio propagation refers to this
use of paths with different frequencies, polarizations, and so on in order
to make reflections occur at different points on each path.
R in nautical miles
h in feet
Figure 4.6 Line-of-sight range.
Direction of arrival
of signal
Receiver B
Figure 4.7 Direction-finder principle.
(a) (b)
BD- AD= k on any one line
Three pairs of stations provide a fix
Figure 4.8 Common geometric position fixing schemes: (a) Rho-theta (p-{}); (b) theta-
theta({}-{}); (c) rho-rho (p-p); (d) hyperbolic.
Rho-theta systems provide a unique fix from a single station, and the LOPs
always cross at right angles. Theta-theta systems provide a unique fix from
two stations. The geometric accuracy is highest when the lines cross at right
angles and is poor on a line connecting the stations. Rho-rho systems provide
an ambiguous fix from two stations and a unique fix from three stations. Geo-
metric accuracy is greatest within the triangle formed by the three stations and
gradually decreases as the vehicle moves outside and away from the triangle.
The hyperbolic system uses LOPs that each define a constant difference in
distance to two stations. Such systems operate under conditions where the deter-
mination of absolute distance to the station is impractical. Three pairs of stations
are needed for a unique fix; however, for many practical applications, two pairs
suffice. Geometric accuracy is very much a function of the relative station loca-
tions. Poor geometry leads to a property frequently called geometric dilution of
precision (GDOP).
Another method, called pseudoranging, has been developed and is used in
certain modern radio navigation systems, such as GPS (Chapter 5) and one
mode of JTIDS-RelNav (Chapter 6). In this method the user receiver and the
reference station(s) are assumed not to be synchronized in time. By measur-
ing several (in general, at least four) such pseudoranges (versus true ranges
when time synchronization does exist), the user's three-dimensional position
and its time offset (from the transmitter or system time) can be determined
(Section 2.5). Three such pseudoranges are sufficient to determine the user's
two-dimensional position (provided that the user's altitude is known). Finally,
the term direct ranging (rho-rho and rho-rho-rho) has been applied to a hyper-
bolic system used in a true ranging mode by achieving some form of time syn-
chronization (see Sections 4.5.1 and 4.5.2).
The measurement of distance and direction by radio gives accurate results
only if the radio path between the points being measured is direct and the propa-
gation speed is known. In practice, the path between a transmitter and a receiver
on the Earth's surface may be quite devious and may, in fact, be a combination
of many paths. The problems of reducing such multipath transmissions and of
recognizing the direct path are major reasons for the multiplicity of radio nav-
igation systems that have been proposed or are in use.
identifies two or more possible positions of the vehicle, with the same
set of measurements, with no indication of which is the most nearly cor-
rect position. (This is not a problem with Loran-C, since the ambiguous
fix is a great distance from the desired fix. Ambiguous lines of position
(LOP) occur in the Omega system, since there is no means to identify
particular points of contact phase (lanes) that recur throughout the cover-
age area. Because of this ambiguity, Omega receivers must be initialized
to a known position, and the lanes counted as they are crossed . )
6. Capacity. Capacity is the number of users that the radio-navigation system
can accommodate simultaneously. For example, there is no restriction on
the number of receivers that may use Loran-C, Omega, or a VOR station
simultaneously; on the other hand, DME and Tacan are currently limited
to about II 0 users for traffic handling.
4.4.1 Direction-Finding
Direction-finding represents the earliest use of radio for navigational purposes;
it continues to perform a useful function, particularly in those parts of the world
that have not yet adopted the more specialized navigation aids. Its chief attrac-
tion lies in the fact that, with the proper receiving equipment, the direction
of a transmitter can be found. Such transmitters do not necessarily have to be
specially designed for direction-finding; they can be broadcast stations, com-
munication stations, navigation stations, or any other kind of radiating system.
The chief drawback of direction-finding is that quite elaborate receiving
equipment must be used if the best accuracy is to be obtained. Most aircraft
are unable to accommodate such equipment. Direction-finders for aircraft nav-
igation may, therefore, be grouped into two broad classes:
1. Fixed loop. Intended for flying radial courses to and from the ground
station by orienting the aircraft for minimum signal
2. Rotatable loop. Hand-operated systems that were abandoned because of
the work load they imposed on the pilot
3. Rotating loop. Driven by a motor and forming part of a servo system
that automatically rotates the loop until a null is found and then stops,
sometimes referred to as a radio compass. Early loops were about nine
inches in diameter and were housed in teardrop-shaped plastic enclosures
about one foot away from the aircraft skin.
4. Fixed, crossed loops, with a motor-driven goniometer. Forming part of a
servo system that automatically displays bearing in the cockpit. The prime
advantage of this system over those using the physically rotating loop is
that all moving parts (except the indicator) are in the radio-receiver box.
Antenna projection from the aircraft with such a system in as low as one
inch, with horizontal dimensions of about one foot. Typical airline-type
equipment weigh less than 20 lb.
Direction of
Figure 4.9 Direction-finding loop.
Pattern of
/ .. ------ ......... ,/patterns
antenna alone \
Plane I
of loop :n
Pattern of /
------ _,..,"
loop alone
Figure 4.10 Loop and sense antenna patterns: A = left-hand loop pattern; B = right-
hand loop pattern, 180° out of phase with A; C = omnidirectional pattern, 180° out of
phase with A; D = C + B - A.
away from it. A sense antenna can be added when the signal ambiguity must
be resolved. The sense antenna adds an additional 90° phase shift. As the loop
changes direction, its phase will vary with respect to the constant sense antenna
voltage resulting in the cardioid pattern shown in Figure 4.1 0. The combined
pattern has only one null position. Since the omnidirectional antenna, and its
phase and amplitude relation to the loop, are less precisely definable than the
loop itself, it is customary to use the loop alone for precise directional measure-
ment. The sense of the bearing can then be determined by coupling the vertical
or sense antenna to the loop and rotating the loop 90° in a specified direction,
noting whether the signal increases or decreases as the loop antenna is rotated.
nal crossover direction is found by turning the aircraft toward the transmitting
station. Equipment designed for both direction finding and homing uses a rotat-
ing antenna that generates a similar pair of cardioid patterns, whose equisignal
crossover direction is found. Accuracy is about sc along the axis of the aircraft
but reaches 30° broadside. The direction-finding attachment is carried by many
U.S. military aircraft and is useful for air-to-air direction finding and homing
during rendezvous and refueling. It is also of value in locating downed flyers
who carry small UHF rescue beacons.
Cone of silence
Figure 4.11 Nondirectional beacon, vertical pattern.
popularity because (l) they are inexpensive, (2) they are omnidirectional, and
(3) they place responsibility for accuracy entirely on the airborne receiver.
Nondirectional beacons are probably the least expensive way by which a
government can claim that it has equipped its airways with "radio aids to nav-
igation." In 1996, many thousands were in service around the world, and the
United States maintains approximately 177,000 nondirectional beacons for civil
aviation use. This number is expected to increase by about 7000 a year for the
next ten years [48].
Airway To four-course
-----------~range, VOR,
or ILS
Fan-marker pattern,
viewed from above
Figure 4.12 Fan-marker pattern.
Antenna patterns
Along Across
airway airway
of airway
cned by capacitive loading, recessed into the aircraft, and covered by a dielec-
tric sheet. Streamlined antenna packages are 3 ~ by 6 in. weighing 18 oz. The
marker beacons are gradually being phased out as an en-route aid in view of the
implementation of area-coverage systems, such as VOR/DME RNAV, Loran-C,
and GPS. However, along instrument landing approaches, the 75 MHz marker
remains a standard piece of equipment (Chapter 13).
consistent and is limited by only two major factors: (1) propagation effects,
including vertical pattern effects, and site and terrain errors, and (2) instrument
errors in reading 30-Hz phase differences in the airborne equipment.
Antenna patterns
Feed point
8 " '" '
View from above
Figure 4.14
Alford loop.
Bndge Bridge
Continuous wave,
modulated by tone
wheel, voice, 1020 Hz
Identity tone
FM ±480Hz
at 30 Hz Modulation
Tone wheel
Continuous wave
northwest-southeast pair of Alford loops and then, 90" later, to the northeast-
southwest pair of Alford loops. When combined with the modulated energy
applied simultaneously to all loops, this variation generates a rotating cardioid.
Each pair of loops is fed via a balanced bridge network. Each bridge has three
arms that are each abou( one-quarter wavelength long, the fourth arm being half
a wavelength longer. Energy fed into one corner of the bridge does not appear at
the diagonally opposite corner. The bridge, therefore, allows the mixing of two
signals and application of the result of two loads without the loads affecting
each other and without the signal sources affecting each other. The phasing
between tone wheel and goniometer and the physical placement of the Alford
loops are such that the two 30-Hz signals are exactly in phase when viewed
from magnetic north.
This seemingly elaborate arrangement serves two main purposes:
The four Alford loops are arranged in a tight square and then placed half
a wavelength above a metal-mesh counterpoise about 39 ft in diameter. This
counterpoise also acts as the roof of the transmitter house. The loops are pro-
tected from the weather by a plastic randome, often hemispherical in shape. If
a Tacan antenna is collocated with the VOR, the randome is conical in shape,
somewhat resembling an Indian tepee.
Audio output
108-118 MHz
reference frequency. After filtering, this is compared with the variable phase.
Several grades of receivers are currently in use.
The airline type of equipment uses a remotely tuned crystal-controlled super-
heterodyne receiver and has at leasr two types of display. One display compares
one 30-Hz sine wave with the other 30-Hz sine waves, the two signals being
brought into phase by a motor-driven phase shifter forming part of a servo loop.
The shaft position of this motor, therefore, displays bearing directly and may
be remoted by selsyns to other parts of the aircraft and to auto-pilots. Another
display shows (on a vertical left-right needle) the phase difference between
one 30-Hz signal and a manually phase-shifted 30-Hz signal representing the
desired bearing. The sensitivity of the vertical needle is usually arranged for
a full-scale deflection of ±I oc around the manually selected bearing and thus
shows angular deviation from the desired track.
The simplest types of receivers use manual tuning and only the left-right
type of display around a manually selected bearing. Both types of receivers are
commonly arranged to also receive the 108- to 112-MHz instrument-landing-
system localizer signals. Typical receivers weigh 20 lb for the airline type and
5 lb for the simplest type, exclusive of antenna. Over 200,000 airborne sets
have been installed, about half of them for light aircraft.
It was previously mentioned that one of the problems of the VOR is the
difficulty of accurately measuring phase shifts at 30Hz. Much circuit refinement
has taken place for the better grades of receiver. This includes, for instance,
the use of identical circuits for both 30-Hz signal paths wherever possible so
that temperature effects will be common to both. The result is that instrument
accuracy of better than 1o is achieved in airline-type equipment.
480 wavelengths per second at VOR radio frequencies. The 9960-Hz frequency
difference is consequently varied by ±480 Hz at a 30-Hz rate, with a phase
dependent on the bearing of the receiver.
In the receiver, the output of the amplitude-modulation detector contains all
the signals present with the conventional VOR. Phase comparison between the
two 30-Hz sine waves is performed as before, the only difference being that the
30-Hz amplitude-modulated signal is the reference and the 30-Hz frequency-
modulated signal is the variable. Since the instrumentation is concerned only
with the difference between the two, normal operation results with a standard
VOR receiver.
However, since the aperture of the ground antenna is approximately five
wavelengths, as compared with less than half a wavelength with the four Alford
loops in a standard VOR ground station, a tenfold reduction in site error is the-
oretically possible. Actual measurements at formerly "impossible" sites verify
this. At a good site, maximum deviations measured during a 20-mi orbital flight
were reduced from 2.8° with a standard VOR to 0.4° with a Doppler VOR [3].
Residual errors can probably be reduced to 0.1 o.
The importance of the Doppler VOR lies in the improvement it provides
without any change being made to the airborne equipment. Every airborne set
can benefit from it.
Aircraft skin
or beacon
100 being a more typical number. The pulse-repetition rate of the interrogators
is deliberately made somewhat unstable, and the interrogator is designed to
recognize only those replies whose pulse-repetition rate and phase are exactly
the same as its own.
In any line-of-sight geographical area, there is the possibility of providing
136 beacons, each handling I 00 or more aircraft. Since each beacon's duty cycle
is only 2% under these conditions., room exists to expand the system to handle
heavier traffic. Modern techniques permit the airborne interrogation rate to be
decreased substantially.
To and from
150 .;ec~~~
~ t'"'-less than beacon recovery time
Own Own~:
interrogations (5) replies ( 4) 1
Many different forms of circuit have been devised for these functions. They
all depend on the sequence of wave forms shown in Figure 4.20. This figure
shows five consecutive snapshots of an imaginary oscilloscope whose sweep is
started by the airborne interrogation from a single aircraft and whose deflection
circuit is connected to the output of the receiver in that aircraft.
In this instance, if one assumes a maximum desired range of 200 nm, the
sweep is 2400 p.sec long. Since the ground beacon is transmitting an average of
3000 pulse-pairs per sec, each sweep will display, on the average, about seven
pulses. These will be quite randomly spaced, except those generated in response
to our own interrogation. At an interrogation rate of 30 per sec, even the fastest
aircraft does not move by as much as a pulse width from one interrogation to
the next. The desired replies therefore occupy an almost fixed position on the
oscilloscope display, whereas those intended for other aircraft move in a random
manner. The dotted line shows the fixed (or slowly changing) position of the
desired reply. On scan 3, the desired reply is missing; this is because the beacon
has just replied to another aircraft and has not yet "recovered." Recovery time is
typically on the order of I 00 p.sec. Desired replies may also be missing because
of other random effects. However, all airborne DME ranging circuits are based
on the principle that, within a given time slot, many more desired replies will
be received than undesired replies.
The basic objective of all DME ranging circuits is to locate the time slot
in which the desired replies are actually occurring. This is the search process,
and it is usually conducted at the highest permissible pulse-repetition rate ( 150
pulse-pairs per second) in order to save time, which, depending on the tech-
nique, may vary from I to 20 sec. Once this time slot has been found, the track
mode commences and can be conducted at a much lower pulse-repetition rate,
usually between 5 and 25 pulse-pairs per second.
Search is typically performed as follows: A gate is generated I 0 p.sec wide,
vides 3-kw peak output, together with an antenna gain of 9 dB. Otherwise, the
ground circuits follow the same principles as the airborne ones, with a 63-MHz
intermediate-frequency receiver amplifier being used. The number of aircraft
that a beacon can handle is usually based on the assumption that 95% of the
aircraft will be in the track mode at not over 25 interrogations per sec; 5% are
in the search mode, at not over !50 interrogations per sec. For I 00 aircraft, this
means about 3000 pulse-pairs per sec.
The duty cycle of the ground transmitter is therefore much greater than that
of the airborne equipment, and the average power consumption is also greater.
Most beacons are operated on the constant-duty-cycle principle, whereby
receiver gain is increased until 3000 pps appear at the output of the receiver. In
the absence of interrogation, these pulses will all be due to receiver noise; with
interrogation from less than I 00 aircraft, they are a mixture of noise and inter-
rogations; with interrogation from more than I 00 aircraft, they are the inter-
rogations from the 100 nearest aircraft. After the 3000-pulse limit is passed,
the gain is automatically reduced. This constant-duty cycle has the following
For the simplest, most reliable circuitry, the beacon is arranged not to
receive while transmitting (self-oscillation could otherwise result); furthermore,
to reduce interrogation by multiputh echoes of strong interrogation pulses, it is
desirable to reduce receiver gain for a short while after each genuine interroga-
tion. Some interrogations are consequently lost; the amount of this countdown
is typically on the order of 20%. Thus, an airborne equipment interrogating at
25 pps receives only 20 replies. Airborne tracking circuits are, however,
designed to operate at this reduced rate.
The delay between transmission and reception is nominally 50 fJ.Sec. For
greatest accuracy, this must be maintained constant; considerable circuit refine-
ment is used to retain this value, independent of interrogation strength and envi-
ronmental effects. Typical en-route-type beacons exhibit a total variation for
±0.5 fJ.Sec, corresponding to a distance error of ±0.04 mi [30]. Beacons asso-
ciated with instrument-landing systems may be designed to be more accurate,
due to the smaller spread of interrogation-signal levels. The ICAO requires an
overall system accuracy of 0.5 mi or 3%, whichever is greater.
Under the control of an external keyer, usually common to the associated
VOR, the beacon transmits an identify signal. Typically, this occurs for about
3 sec every 37 sec. During this time the random pulses are replaced by regu-
larly spaced pulses at 1350 pulse-pairs per sec. These activate a 1350-Hz tuned
circuit in the aircraft and are keyed with a three-letter Morse code, ~ sec per
dot and ~ sec per dash. During this time, the airborne ranging circuit is in the
memory condition.
Since the DME system, unlike the VOR system, is not a passive system, it
has an inherent capacity limitation. The value generally quoted is 110 aircraft
per beacon.
I. Because of its higher frequency (960 to 1215 MHz versus 108 to 118
MHz), the Tacan beacon antenna can be smaller, it is therefore more suit-
able for shipboard and mobile use.
2. The multilobe principle, to enhance bearing accuracy, is built into all
equipment, ground based and airborne.
3. Both distance and bearing are obtained via the same radio-frequency
channel, providing certain equipment economies.
The system is in general use by the U.S. Navy and Air Force, and by NATO
military forces. In 1996, over 800 facilities were maintained for the U.S. DoD
with a DoD user population of 13,000 [48].
Plastic cylinders
rotating at 15 rps ~----- ------ Central radiator, stationary
~- One parasitic element, rotating
Nine parasitic elements, rotating
the 960- to 1215-MHz range. Equipment has been built with from 1 to 11 ver-
tical elements, depending on the kind of site for which the set is intended.
All transmission and reception is by this central radiator. At a radius of about
3 in. and usually mounted on a plastic cylinder is the 15-Hz parasitic rotat-
ing element. At a radius of about 18 in. is another plastic cylinder on which
are mounted nine parasitic elements, 40° apart. These superimpose a 135-Hz
amplitude modulation on the tram:mitted signal. Depth of modulation is about
20% for each of these signals. On the same shaft that rotates the parasitic ele-
ments are three reference-pulse disks. These generate I, 9, and 90 low-level
pulses per revolution, respectively, by varying the magnetic inductance of a
solenoid. These pulses are fed down to the transponder. The motor that rotates
this whole assembly is usually of ac type, its speed controlled to better than
1% by a servo system in which the reference-pulse frequency is compared to
a frequency standard, such as a tuning fork.
When installed aboard a ship, the Tacan antenna is stabilized in two planes.
In the horizontal plane, compensation is provided to ensure that the reference
pulses do not shift with the heading of the ship but remain oriented to north.
In the vertical plane, compensation is provided for the roll of the ship. (Early
systems also provided for pitch compensation, but this was subsequently found
to be unnecessary.)
The transponder is a constant-duty-cycle DME beacon to which the bearing-
reference pulses have been added. Once per revolution, coincident with the
maximum of the antenna pattern pointing east, a so-called north reference pulse
code is emitted. This comprises 24 pulses, the spacing between pulses being
alternately 12 and 18 p.sec. When these pulses are decoded in the airborne
equipment, they become 12 pulses. spaced 30 p.sec apart. This pulse train is
initiated by the one-per-revolution reference from the antenna.
Eight times per revolution, the 135Hz reference pulse group is emitted. (The
ninth group coincides with the north pulse and is intentionally omitted.) This
comprises 12 pulses spaced 12 p.sec apart. The circuitry of the transponder is
arranged in such a way that the reference pulse groups take priority over the
normal constant-duty-cycle pulses. The overall transmitted pulse envelope is
shown in Figure 4.22.
The 1350-Hz identity tone. transmitted every 30 sec, is derived from the 90
pulses-per-revolution disk on the antenna shaft. thus producing phase coherence
between identity and reference pulses and allowing each to be received without
interference from the other. The identity code comprises 1350 groups per sec,
each composed of four pulses spaced 12. 100. and 12 p.sec, respectively. The
reason for the I 00 p.sec spacing between the 12 p.sec pairs is that this combi-
nation produces the least bearing error during identity transmissions. reducing
the necessity for bearing memory circuits in the airborne equipment.
The DME interrogations are amplitude modulated by the rotating antenna.
reducing the effective sensitivity of the Tacan beacon about 3 dB below that of
an ordinary DME beacon. Although the use of a separate, nonmodulated receiv-
ing antenna would avoid this loss. such an arrangement has not been found
necessary in actual practice.
the amplitude modulation of the pulses over the required range of expected
signal strengths. This is usually taken to vary from minimum usable signal up
to about I mw of signal at the receiving antenna.
Figure 4.23 is a generic block diagram of the airborne Tacan bearing circuit.
Following decoding, the amplitude-modulated signal is filtered into two sine
waves, one at 15 and one at 135 Hz. The "north" pulse activates a 33.3 kHz
ringing circuit, whereas the 135 Hz reference pulse group activates an 83.3
kHz ringing circuit. These reference pulses are continually compared with the
two sine waves and actuate two motor-driven servo systems, geared together
9: I. Whenever the 135-Hz signal is present and the 15-Hz signal is within
±20" of its correct position, the 135-Hz signal controls the servo. In effect, the
bearing accuracy is determined by the nine-lobe antenna pattern of the ground
beacon, with the one-lobe pattern used to resolve ambiguity, which otherwise
would occur every 40". As with DME, both static and velocity memories have
been applied to airborne bearing circuits to carry them through short-term signal
dropouts. Solid-state airborne equipment typically weights 20 lb and occupies
about 1ft3 . Modern receivers incorporate digital implementations of some of
the receiver functions depicted in Figure 4.23.
135-Hz Phase
filter shifter f-- Comparator f---
L________ _ _
From DME
~ I
9: 1 .gear
15-Hz Phase I
f-.-- Comparator 1--- I
filter shifter I
L-..;.. burst
Figure 4.23 Airborne Tacan bearing circuit.
4.4.8 VORTAC
Since Tacan beacons can be more readily installed on ships and at tactical sites
than VOR beacons, large numbers of military aircraft are equipped with Tacan.
To save these aircraft the cost of carrying additional equipment for navigating
the ICAO VOR/DME airways, several countries, including the United States,
use the VORT AC system. In this system each VOR station, instead of being
collocated with a DME, is collocated with a Tacan beacon (which also provides
DME service) to provide rho-theta navigation to both civil and military aircraft.
Civil aircraft read distance from the Tacan beacon and bearing from the VOR
beacon. Military aircraft read both distance and bearing from the Tacan beacon.
Thus each type of aircraft fits into the same air-traffic management system,
regardless of which type of airborne equipment it carries. In 1996, it is estimated
that there are more than 200,000 users in the United States alone.
At the ground station, the VOR central antenna is housed in a plastic cone
that supports the Tacan antenna. Leads to the Tacan antenna pass through the
middle of the VOR antenna, along its line of minimum radiation, and do not dis-
turb the VOR pattern. In the case of Doppler VOR (Section 4.4.5), the antennas
are arranged in a circle outside the cone.
4.5.1 Loran
Loran (long-range navigation) is a hyperbolic radio-navigation system that has
evolved over a period of years, beginning just before the outbreak of World
War II in Europe. The Loran-C ~·ystem [8, 11, 44] has benefited greatly from
analysis of the shortcomings of previous systems, It uses ground waves at low
frequencies, thereby securing an operating range of over I 000 mi, independent
of line of sight. Second, it uses pulse techniques to avoid sky-wave contami-
nation. Third, being a hyperbolic system, it is not subject to the site errors of
point-source systems. Fourth, it uses a form of cycle (phase) measurement to
improve precision. It inherently provides a fine-coarse readout of low inherent
ambiguity. All modern Loran systems are of the Loran-C variety. (Loran-A and
Loran-D configurations no longer exist.)
Loran-C users fall into the two general categories: navigation users and pre-
cise time and time interval (PTTI) users. By far the larger population of direct
users is in the navigation category. An even larger group of indirect users ben-
efits from a PTTI application of Loran-C, in which digital switching, signaling,
and timing of the nation's telephone system is accomplished using Loran-C.
Every telephone subscriber in the United States is an indirect beneficiary of the
Loran-C system.
signal format calls for simultaneous transmission in both chains. This function
is called blanking.
Wave Form and Signals in Space Each station transmits signals that have
standard pulse leading-edge characteristics. Each pulse consists of a 100-kHz
carrier that rapidly increases in amplitude in a prescribed manner and then
decays at a rate that depends upon the particular transmitter and transmitting
antenna characteristics. The leading edge of the standard Loran-e pulse antenna
current wave form, against which the actual antenna current wave form is com-
pared, is defined as i(t):
i(t) = A(t-T) 2 exp { sin (0.27rt+¢) for T < t < 65+7, (4.6)
Sampling point
50% amplitude
j,,. .
30 ~o~sec
because it affects the system phase accuracy. The standard sampling point for
a Loran-e receiver is the positive going zero crossing of the phase decoded
pulse on its third cycle (approximately 30 f.J-Sec) after the arrival of the ground
wave. This tracking is accomplished by a phase locked loop. In addition, it
affects the apparent signal-to-noise ratio as seen by the receiver and, therefore,
the available receiver accuracy at a given averaging time. Amplitude stability
is important, because it affects the EeD of a transmitted Loran-e pulse and
thereby affects the ability of a receiver to lock-on and track the correct cycle.
Transmitter~~ - Ground
A /, Signal Propagation Mechanisms
Space Wave
---- ................
', /
/ .........
...__ ........
Figure 4.25 Ground-wave and sky-wave modes of propagation.
Over the chain coverage area, the propagation anomalies exhibit both spatial
and temporal variations.
The temporal variations fall into two primary categories: diurnal and sea-
sonal. The diurnal variations are short-term propagation effects caused primar-
ily by local weather changes and day /night transitions along the signal path.
Variations in the refractive index of the atmosphere versus height from the
ground (vertical lapse rate) contribute to the short-term propagation errors. The
diurnal time-difference (TD) variations tend to be relatively small, on the order
of tens of nanoseconds.
The larger category of temporal variations are the seasonal effects, which
are most pronounced over land paths. These long-term errors tend to be peri-
where cP; is the half-angle subtended by station i and r is the correlation coeffi-
cient between two LOPs, which i~: taken to be 0.5. Note that ¢ 1 +ct>2 is equal to
the crossing angle of the LOPs (8). The relationship between 2drms and GDOP
2drms = 2a-.-
Ko { ~--
+ + -- 2rcos 8
--- (4.8)
sm e sin 2 cP! sin 2 ¢2 sin cP! sin ¢2
where a is the timing error and K 0 is the constant 500 ft/ f.J-Sec.
u 200
5l0 100
c:: 0
~ -200
-500 0 100 150 200 250 300 350
Figure 4.26 Seasonal variation of repeatable accuracy.
ity is very good. The 1994 Federal Radio Navigation Plan [48] cites a Loran-C
repeatability error range at 60-300 ft 2drms.
• TD out of tolerance
• ECD out of tolerance
• Improper phase code or GRI
• Master or secondary station output power or master station off-air
Direct Ranging There are some Loran-C users who do not employ Loran-C in
the hyperbolic mode but rather in the direct range rho-rho-rho mode or the rho-
rho mode. The rho-rho-rho process involves a minimum of three transmitters
and use of an iterative computation to obtain a fix. Direct range rho-rho mode
piing networks, and output networks. The TOPeO and display units contain
built-in monitoring and fault detection circuitry, and if a fault is detected the
TOPeO automatically switches coupling and output networks. The TOPeO and
display units serve as centralized alarm panels and status displays for the trans-
mitting station.
Front End
-- ir
I I Envelope II Limiter 1...
Sum J:
I I____.._
I r --Delay I,
• .
I ,.. ..,I Input/Output
+ I Timing And
Strobe ,..
I --~
search for master and limited range search for secondaries. When the correla-
tion reaches a certain threshold, after ensuring no false locks have occurred on
secondary signals, acquisition is complete.
PGTR identification is the process of ensuring that the receiver is operating
on the ground wave of the signals. Ensuring operation of the ground wave,
sometimes called guard sampling or ground-wave location, operates on the
principle that the ground-wave signal from a station always arrives at a receiver
before the sky wave because of the longer sky-wave path. It is necessary to find
the ground wave because its timing, and hence its position-locating qualities, is
stable, while the sky wave is not. Typically, the acquisition process locates the
sky wave because of its much larger amplitude. Ground-wave location proceeds
by using signal detection algorithms at the signal 30 to 60 f-1-Sec ahead of the
receiver's reference time. If signals are found, the receiver timing is advanced
and the process repeated. This continues until no signals are found at two or
more successive locations. Often, multiple independent tests are made after no
signal is detected to account for the possibility of the ground-wave and sky-
wave signals summing out of phase and creating a null that might otherwise be
presumed to be the start of the ground wave.
Tracking is the process of maintaining a constant timing relationship between
the receiver's time reference and the PGTR for each signal being tracked. In an
automatic tracking receiver, circuits within the equipment automatically adjust
the time reference and update the display to provide continuous readings. These
receivers also provide alarms or warnings advising the operator of undesirable
signal conditions or transmitter blinking.
Loran-e signal reception can be impaired by interference from other signals
broadcast on slightly different frequencies (generally low-frequency commu-
nications). To avoid the degradation in S/N associated with these interfering
sources, Loran-e sets are equipped with notch filters that can be used to atten-
uate the interfering signal. Some receivers are equipped with preset notch filters,
others with adjustable notch filters, and yet others that automatically search for
interfering signals near the Loran-e band and dynamically notch out any inter-
Area of Fix
4.5.2 Omega
Principles and System Configuration In 1996, the Omega VLF radio-naviga-
tion system comprised eight transmitting stations located throughout the world.
At each station, continuous-wave (CW) signals are transmitted on four com-
mon frequencies and one station-unique frequency. The signal frequencies are
time-shared among the stations so that a given frequency is transmitted by only
one station at any given time.
To support medium accuracy navigation, the signal transmissions from all
stations are phase-synchronized to about l p,sec. For purposes of time transfer
and to facilitate the systemwide synchronization procedure, the signal timing is
maintained to within an accuracy of about 0.5 p,sec with respect to coordinated
universal time (UTC).
Omega signals are subionospheric; that is, they are propagated between the
Earth's surface and the D-region of the ionosphere. Because VLF signal attenu-
ation is low, the signals are propagated to great ranges, typically 5000 to 15,000
nmi. Signals with amplitudes as low as l 0 p, V/meter can often be detected and
used for navigation. Of primary interest to navigation users is the signal phase
which provides a measure of transmitter-receiver distance. The fractional part
of a cycle (or lane, which is the equivalent distance measure) is generally the
only measurable component of· the signal phase. thus leading to lane ambiguity.
However, the lane ambiguity problem is reduced through the use of multipl e
frequencies and is resolved for navigation through a process of continuous lane
When used as a stand-alone system for navigation, an Omega receiver pro-
vides an accuracy of 2 to 4 nmi 95 % of the time 143, 48J. In the differential
mode of operation, where a receiver utilizes Omega signal phase corrections
transmilled from a nearby monitor station, a position accuracy of about 500
meters can the attained. Because Omega is a continuous VLF phase-measur-
ing system, it has been appropriately integrated with noncontinuous , high-accu-
racy sensors. The resulting system has an accuracy that is comparable to the
high-accuracy navigation aid and degrades relatively slowly in time when the
high-accuracy aid is unavailable. As commonly used in overocean civil air-
line configurations, an Omega receiver is combined with an inertial navigation
system, so that the Omega system error effectively "bounds'' the error of the
inertial system.
The signals from the eight Omega transmitting stations shown in Figure 4.34
provide continuous signal coverage over most of the globe. The suite of elec-
tronics equipment (mainly signal generation, control , and amplification units) is
virtually the same for all stations in the system , but the station antennas differ
substantially. Because they radiate long-wavelength VLF signals. the antennas
are the largest physical structures at the stations. Three types of antennas are
employed in the Omega system: (I) grounded tower, (2) insulated tower, and
(3) valley-span. Each has an associated signal monitoring facility about 20 to
50 km from the effective phase center of the antenna. These unmanned facilities
perform several functions, including monitoring the performance of the asso-
, :1'' ··.- , __;
·; ',·
' tJ']~pan
i .• .... .
Liberia i
·.:11 /]' ~
i ; • La Reunion 1·
() ·~· ;:_,:
' '
L __ _ __ _ ___;;____;_, ____ __ __ _ _
Norway A
ubena B
Hawaii c
Nonh Dakota D
La Reun1on E
Australia G
Japan H
Wave Form and Signal in Space The principles of Omega navigation usage
depend almost entirely on the assumed relationship between the signal phase
In free space, the wave number is given by 1 k 0 =f/c, wheref is the fre-
quency of the signal and c is the speed of light. The nominal wave number is
given by knom = 0.9974ko, which is chosen as an intermediate value between
observed night and day wave numbers on seawater paths. The exact value of
the nominal wave number is not critical; it is only important that the value be
near the average over all time and space conditions.
The Omega PPC may be thought of as the variation of the "true" Omega
signal phase (¢) from the nominal phase (¢nom):
where r:f>nom = knomr, and where r is the distance between a transmitter and a
receiver over the surface of the Earth. The assumption of a fixed wave number
that relates nominal phase and distance over the surface of the Earth is the basis
for the so-called nominal model of Omega signal phase/distance relationships.
The calculation of the PPC is based on a semiempirical model of phase vari-
ation as a function of the electromagnetic characteristics of a signal path from
transmitter to receiver [22-23, 24-25].
Thus, by Equation (4.9), the PPC and the nominal model together determine
the predicted phase for a given station, signal frequency, position, and time.
In this relation the nominal phase is the "dominant" term in the sense that it
accounts for approximately 99% of the cumulative phase from the signal source,
that is, the distance between the transmitting station and the receiver in units
of wavelength. Measured in cycles of nominal signal wavelength (somewhat
larger than a free-space wavelength) at I 0.2 kHz, the nominal phase is 100 to
500 for typical paths, whereas the PPC is usually between -3.00 and +3.00
cycles, with a resolution of 0.01 cycle (a unit referred to as a centicycle). The
predicted phase has a typical diurnal variation of 0.5 to 2 cycles, amounting to
about 0.2 to 2% of the nominal phase.
Figure 4.36 shows a typical diurnal observed phase profile (measured with
respect to a precise time or frequency standard) in which the path illumina-
tion conditions, nominal phase, and two sample PPC values are identified. The
figure illustrates the higher (retarded) phase during path night and the lower
(advanced) phase in path day, with a total diurnal shift of about 0.65 cycle.
Since the phase is a function of effective ionospheric height which varies with
the relative sun angle (solar zenith angle), the observed phase exhibits a "bowl-
shaped" profile during the clay with less variation at night. The phase profile
changes from day to night behavior during path transition when the sunset ter-
minator cuts the path. The figure illustrates the time-independence of the nom-
inal phase and the consequent time-dependence of the PPC values.
1An alternative definition of the free-space wave number used in many texts is ko = 27r.f /c.
u>- eo
Nominal Phase
'EIll 60
en 40
Transition -+--- Night ---+-- Transition _...,.,___ _ Day ---~
0 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Figure 4.36 Typical diurnal phase behavior.
I. The lower boundary (the Earth"s surface) has a relatively high conduc-
tivity (greater than 10- 3 mhojm over most areas of the Earth). so waves
do not readily penetrate the surface.
2. The Earth's atmosphere (at altitudes between 0 and 70 km) has an
extremely low concentration of charged particles and thus acts as a vac-
uum to VLF waves.
3. The D and E regions of the ionosphere (70 to II 0 km) have low average
conductivity (about I o-s mhojm) but have a steep conductivity gradient
between 70 and I 00 km which serves to reflect VLF waves.
The above conditions also lead to low attenuation of the propagated signal; for
example, over a range of about 1000 km the signal amplitude is reduced (on
average) by a factor of two.
Factors effecting Omega signal propagation include the action of the Earth's
magnetic field, the structure of the ionosphere, solar control and the effects of
the !!-year sunspot cycle, and the presence of two or more propagation modes.
The Earth's magnetic field introduces an anisotropy into the behavior of
VLF waves interacting with the ionosphere. That is to say, signal propagation
depends upon the direction of propagation. This anisotropy is strongest on paths
perpendicular to the geomagnetic field (east-west paths). The presence of two
or more signal propagation modes with comparable amplitude will cause the
phase to become a strongly oscillatory function of distance, thus rendering the
signals unusable for navigation/positioning.
The ionosphere is quite sensitive to the net incident solar illumination. Dur-
ing the day, solar photoionization maintains a small, but stable ionized compo-
nent which is not present in nighttime regions. Solar control of the ionosphere
introduces a strong diurnal dependence on Omega signal propagation.
Station A Station B
(before moving distance Llr) is zero. However, after moving distance Llr toward
the station B along the baseline, the Jane phase difference is given by
Since the wave number is given by k = ljf.., where f.. is the signal wave-
length, it follows from the above that Llr = l/(2k) = f../2. At points away from
the baseline, the Jane width increases with the diverging hyperbolic curves as
f../(2 sin (1/; As/2)), where 1/; AB is the angle subtended by the two stations at the
receiver location.
A hyperbolic Jane is actually the family of all hyperbolic curves with phase
differences between 0 and I cycle that lie within the Jane boundaries. A hyper-
bolic curve normally has two branches, corresponding to the positive and nega-
tive values of the range difference. In the case of Omega, the sign of the phase
difference is known from measurement, which limits the receiver location to
a single branch. In the vicinity of the receiver (near the baseline), the hyper-
bolic curve resembles a planar hyperbola with foci located at the two associated
transmitting stations. On scales of 1 to I 0 nmi, these hyperbolic curves are well-
approximated by straight lines. At points well away from the baseline. however,
the spherical shape of the Earth causes the hyperbolic curve to close on itself in
a quasi-elliptical shape, with one of the stations at one focus and the antipode
of the other station at the other focus.
If the appropriate Jane is shown for a second pair of stations (which may
include a station common to the first pair), then a phase-difference measurement
with respect to these two stations establishes a second hyperbolic curve, whose
intersection with the first curve determines the receiver position (see Figure
4.38). It is possible that these two curves could intersect in two locations, but the
correct intersection is easily resolved for one or more of the following reasons:
I. One of the two intersections is usually relatively far from the known
approximate location of the receiver.
2. An independent third pair of stations (if available) provides another hyper-
bolic curve that passes near one of the two intersections.
3. A moving receiver shows successive fixes consistent with vehicle speed
for one of the intersections and inconsistent for the other.
In cases where more than two independent hyperbolic curves are available
(i.e., more than four usable Omega station signals are accessible), the multiple
curves do not, in general, intersect at a single point due to the effects of noise
''' Station
A ', B
Rho-Rho Method The rho-rho technique requires only two range measure-
ments for a fix. As in the hyperbolic case, it is assumed that the correct lane is
initially known and successive measurements are processed over small enough
distance/time intervals so that lane changes are readily tracked. To obtain an
accurate estimate of the distance traveled based on successive phase measure-
ments, the processor must have access to a frequency /time reference (clock)
of sufficient stability so that the reference is effectively synchronized to the
Omega station during the period between precision updates.
The change in station-receiver distance, obtained from two successive phase
measurements of the station signal, places the receiver's new position on a cir-
cular curve (centered on the station location) within the appropriate lane. Since
the receiver's previous position is assumed known, some points on the new
circle are more likely candidates than others for the new position, based on
platform velocity and maneuvering limits. However, the new position is accu-
rately determined only when a distance change to a second station is obtained
from successive phase measurements. In this case, a second circle is established
that intersects the first at the new receiver location. Although two intersections
are possible, the correct intersection can be resolved using methods listed above
for the hyperbolic case. This method corresponds to a system of two equations
and two unknowns. In cases in which more than two usable station signals are
available, a least-squares technique can be used to resolve the multiple inter-
sections that arise as a result of measurement noise or phase prediction error.
nearly constant but often differs significantly from the average observed phase.
This difference is referred to as the PPC bias error which varies in magnitude
from 0 to 30 centicycles (cecs). Also occurring in this 15-30 day period at a
fixed hour are random (nonsysternatic) day-to-day variations in the observed
phase on the order of I to 5 cec;. Since these random variations (which are
due to ionospheric fluctuations) are not reflected in the PPCs, they make up the
random component of PPC error.
When converting phase measurements to position, the bias and random com-
ponents of phase error produce corresponding bias and random components
of position error. The transformation of the phase error components to posi-
tion error components depends upon the individual phase errors of all signals
received and the geometrical configuration of the receiver and stations corre-
sponding to the received signals. If the magnitude of the random phase errors
is assumed to be the same for all ~ ignals received and the bias error is assumed
to be zero, then the radial position error standard deviation (a r) can be obtained
by multiplying the phase error standard deviation (aq,) by a scalar factor known
as the geometric dilution of precision (GDOP). For a least-squares method of
position determination, used when multiple redundant signals are present, the
following form 2 of GDOP [24, App. B] is obtained:
q I 'I 1/2
L ~~ 2
sin (((3;- (3i )/2)
q-2 q-1 q
L L L sin 2
(((3k- ~~j )/2) sin 2 (((3;- (3k)j2) sin 2 (((3j- (3;)/2)
i= I j=i+ I k=j+ I
where q is the number of usable signals received and (3; is the bearing to the
ith station (corresponding to the ith usable signal). The GDOP becomes very
large whenever at least q - I stations have bearings which are nearly equal.
Another property of the GDOP is that the GDOP for q station signals is never
greater than the GDOP for any subset (> 3 stations) of q. This means that for
least-squares position processing, the use of additional (usable) signals does not
degrade, and typically improves, the resulting position accuracy.
For moving vehicles performing navigation, the bias error is effectively
removed at initialization, leaving only phase error due to noise (typically less
than 1 cec ). However, the paths from the station to the receiver eventually
change (both in space and time) enough so as to become decorrelated with
the original configuration of station signal paths to the receiver and the initial
correction no longer applies. From this decorrelation time until the next preci-
sion update, the Omega receiver is subject to PPC bias and random errors and
the effect of GDOP. Omega-only accuracies have been reported for aircraft of
2.7 to 3.3 nmi 95% of the time l32, 33].
that signal phase from different stations cannot be compared (in an absolute
sense) to determine position. Because the received VLF signal is generally sta-
ble in time, VLF navigation requires an initial calibration to permit subsequent
phase tracking of the signals from selected VLF stations. Accurate phase track-
ing requires an on-board precise frequency standard or a correction based on
an estimate of the frequency /time offset of the receiver's internal clock. This
estimate is usually obtained from Omega signal processing in the rho-rho-rho
In addition to internal differences in signal processing, signals from the two
systems are processed differently regarding external information. For example,
all known OmegajVLF receivers use externally supplied PPCs to correct the
measured Omega phase prior to navigation use, whereas few, if any, currently
operational receivers correct VLF signal phase measurements. This means that,
for most receivers, the received VLF signal phase is not accurately related to
distance over the Earth's surface, a problem that is not necessarily amelio-
rated by redundant measurements. External deselection data regarding modal
and long-path signals are available for Omega but not for VLF. Failure to de-
select VLF modal signals is potentially a more serious problem for navigation
than the lack of VLF PPCs, since modal phase excursions can be large and
sudden, often resulting in cycle slips or advances.
As a result of the signal-processing differences, due to the internal and exter-
nal information bases, receiver-processing algorithms treat Omega and VLF sig-
nals differently. Once acquired and initialized, Omega signal-processing alone is
robust and will fail only under unusual circumstances (e.g., cycle shifts or fewer
than three signals above the minimum SjN). VLF signal-processing schemes
generally rely on the presence of Omega signals and other aids in the receiver's
navigation filter. In most receivers VLF signals are closely monitored with
frequent cross-consistency checks. Normally, OmegajVLF receivers are pro-
grammed to exclude initialization with VLF signals alone, since this repre-
sents a "degraded" mode. Current FAA certification procedures require than an
OmegajVLF receiver system operate satisfactorily with Omega signals alone.
The principal functions of the timing and control subsystem are signal gener-
ation and phase control. The signal source is a precision cesium beam frequency
standard of 9.193 GHz with a stability of 5 parts in 10 12 . Three cesium stan-
dards are used for frequency drift comparison and control, and are maintained
as reserves in the event of failure of the on-line standard. Phase control is main-
tained by comparing the RF signal phase to the phase of the antenna current
reference signal fed back from the antenna tuning subsystem. The signal phase
is advanced or retarded to insure that its phasing at the antenna coincides with
the appropriate UTC epoch.
The transmitter subsystem consists of those devices that amplify the signal
generated in the timing and control subsystem. The RF signal from the timing
and control subsystem is first raised to a level of 160-V RMS by the input
amplifier. The driver amplifier further raises the signal level to a nominal 520-
v RMS and the final amplification is performed by the power amplifier that
boosts the signal voltage and current to a peak power of 150 kw. Following
this final amplification stage, the signal is fed to the antenna tuning subsystem.
The antenna-tuning subsystem is designed to tune the antenna at the RF sig-
nal frequency by impedance matching the antenna to the input circuit. This
ensures the maximum effective radiated power at the antenna for a given input
signal power. Based on the long keying pulses from the timing and control
subsystem and the current samples received from the current transformer, the
antenna-tuning control first implements fine inductive tuning through the var-
iometers. The antenna-tuning control signal activates a mechanical drive that
moves the variometer coil to the appropriate position for matching impedance.
The long keying pulses activate antenna relays that connect the appropriate var-
iometer into the main antenna circuit. The RF signal is then transferred to the
"helix," a large helical coil that acts as a coarse tuning device for the antenna.
The helix is equipped with separate taps for each signal frequency transmitted.
Finally, the RF signal is conducted to the antenna structure itself from which the
signal is radiated. The structural feature which principally differentiates Omega
stations is the antenna structure. Two basic designs are utilized: tower and val-
ley span. The tower antennas are further classified as either the grounded or
insulated type.
the input signal in units of clock cycles. 3 A digital phase tracking technique
used in many Omega receivers is the phase lock loop in which the reference
phase is shifted by an amount that depends on the previous phase measure-
ment and the time-averaged phase computed at the previous measurement time.
The time-averaging refers to a moving average that differs from the average at
the previous loop cycle by a weighted value of the previous measurement. A
second-order phase lock loop is designed to track the time rate of change of
phase in a manner similar to that of the first-order loop.
Like most signal-tracking circuitry. the basic function of the phase lock loop
is to reduce the effective bandwidth (inversely proportional to the effective time
constant) so as to best reproduce the desired signal. For aircraft receivers. time
constants typically range from I 00 to 200 sec. Shorter time constants do not
provide sufficient averaging or noise rejection. and longer time constants may
exceed the time required for aircraft maneuvers. such as sharp turns. Since the
duty cycle for each of the common frequency Omega signals is I 0%. the e,ffec-
tive phase measurement time comtant is I 0 to 20 sec. Using standard assump-
tions [24]. these time constants correspond to noise equivalent bandwidths of
0.025 to 0.013 Hz. When compared to the input bandwidth of I 00 Hz. these
narrow output bandwidths correspond to gains of better than 35 dB. Thus. sig-
nals with SjN as low as -20 to -30 dB in the 100Hz receiver input bandwidth
can be effectively utilized in aircraft Omega receivers.
After the signal phase measurements are made. PPCs are computed using an
appropriate modeljalgorithm and added to the measured phase to produce an
"idealized" phase value that can be readily used in the subsequent positioning
calculations. Although the PPCs require receiver position as an input. the PPCs
are not sensitive to precise position since they vary less than 0.05 cycle over
ranges of 50 to I 00 km. Thus, the PPCs can be accurately computed from only
approximate knowledge of position.
Before determining position, the (idealized) signal phases are usually
weighted based on the expected relative accuracy of the phase measurement.
This accuracy is most commonly determined by the estimated SjN. which. for
phase lock loop receivers. is clo~:e!y related to the rms loop error. If the esti-
mated Sj N is below a preset threshold. such as -30 dB in a I 00-Hz bandwidth.
the signal phase is usually excluded (given zero weight) in the position solu-
tion. In addition to these weighting and exclusion procedures based on internally
derived SjN data. the signal phases are edited by invoking external information
concerning the signals. External information usually refers to signal deselection
data that are generally extracted from known coverage information. including
modal "maps'' and data on the occurrence of long-path signals. The resulting
signals that arc not deselected or excluded are further screened for acceptable
geometry. In some receiver mechanizations. all common frequency signals from
a station must be acceptable to be used in the position fix; in others. only a sin-
0The reference clock/oscillator commonly has a frequency of I to 5 MHz but may be converted
to a lower frequency.
gle acceptable signal frequency from a station is necessary for inclusion in the
fix algorithm. Position change estimates are then formed from the weighted
and edited Omega signal phase data at the common Omega signal frequencies.
The estimates are computed by means of a least-squares or Kalman estimation
technique (see Chapter 3). The Omega-based calculation of position change
is frequently combined with the aircraft-supplied true airspeed and heading or
inertial system information to furnish the best position estimate.
An airborne Omega receiver block diagram is shown in Figure 4.39; a pho-
tograph of an Omega/VLF receiver for commercial aviation applications is
depicted in Figure 4.40.
4.5.3 Decca
Hyperbolic systems other than Loran and Omega exist and are used for nav-
igation. One such example is the Decca system [31] developed by the British
and used extensively during the later stages of World War II. In 1996, its major
area of implementation is in northwestern Europe where it is primarily used by
shipping companies.
Decca is based on the measurement of differential arrival times (at the vehic-
ular receiver) of transmissions from two or more synchronized stations (typi-
cally 70 mi apart). As an illustration. consider two stations (A and B) I 0 mi apart
and each radiating synchronized radio-frequency carriers of I 00 kHz. Assume
that there is some way by which each station can be identified. The wavelength
at this frequency is 3000 meters, or about 2 mi. On a line between the stations.
the movement of a vehicle D one mile toward one station and one mile away
from the other station will cause the vehicle to traverse one cycle of differen-
tial radio-frequency phase. There wilL therefore, be I 0 places along the line AB
where the signals from the two stations will be in phase. As the vehicle moves
laterally away from this line, isophase LOPs can be formed (each line being a
hyperbola) with the stations as foci and BD- AD as a constant for each LOP.
Site error virtually vanishes in such a system. and the accuracy depends
entirely on the constancy of propagation between the stations and the vehicle.
In an effort to avoid line-of-sight limitations, Decca uses a low frequency (70
to 130 kHz), which is subject to sky-wave contamination. and uses continuous
waves. which preclude the separation of ground waves from sky waves. Thus,
despite the low frequency (whose ground-wave range is on the order of I000
mi), practical Decca coverage is limited to areas where sky-wave strength does
not exceed about 50% of ground-wave strength. This is typically 200 mi.
A typical Decca chain consists of a master station and three slave stations.
A typical station has a 2-kw crystal-controlled transmitter feeding a 300-ft
antenna. The slave stations are referred to by the color of the phase meter asso-
ciated with each at the receiver. Each station transmits a stable continuous wave
frequency that bears a fixed relationship to the frequencies of the other three
stations. Phase comparison therefore produces a family of hyperbolic LOPs of
Internal Noise
(POSitiOn. limel
Signal Form Instruments
Cond1t10n1ng Phase
POSitiOn Autopilot
(Ga1n L1m1ting, Track
Loop Estimate
Filtenng) Miss1on Com-
L_____ w~~~-~-----J
Editing/ 1 I
constant phase. The spaces between these lines are called lanes. The intersect ion
of two LOPs provide a position fix.
4.5.4 Chayka
ehayka (meaning "sea gull") is a pulse-phase radio-navigation system similar
to the Loran-e system. It is used in Russia and surrounding territories and seas.
By using ground waves at low frequencies, the operating range is over 1000 mi;
by using pulse techniques, sky-wave contamination can be avoided. The system
is designed to provide both a means of determining an accurate use r positi on
and a source of hig h-accuracy time sig nals. The system can support a n unlim-
ited number of users since the computations are pe rformed at the user receiver
and position determination is possible at any time of day or year, regardl ess of
meteorological conditions.
Each of the stations in the Chayka networks transmit pulses with standard
characteristics. The pulse consists of a I 00-kHz carrier wave that increases from
zero to a maximum and then decays at a specific rate to form the envelope of
the signal. All slave stations transmit signals in packets of eight pulses; the
masters emit a ninth pulse for identification. The interval between pulse onsets
is 1.0 ± 0.05 J-tSec. In addition, in order to provide the possibility for automatic
detection and identification of signals and to reduce the influence of multiply
reflected signals, the signals are phase-coded with the slaves all having the same
phase (i.e., oo or 180°) and the master phase differing by exactly 180°.
The repetition periods of the radio signals are selected based on a trade-off:
maximizing the average power of the signals at the receivers while preventing
any signal overlap within the network operating region. Since all slave stations
transmit signals with identical phase codes, each slave station transmits with
its own specific code delay relative to the master signal. The magnitude of the
code delays are selected such that the order of reception of slave station signals
is identical everywhere within the network operating region.
Wave Form and Signals in Space Each station transmits signals with stan-
dard pulse modulation charactcris1:ics. Each pulse consists of a 100-kHz carrier
wave modulated by an envelope that depends on the specific transmitting sta-
tion equipment. Two types of radio transmitter (RT) stations are currently in
use: those with vacuum tubes and those using impact excitation of the linear
output circuit. The envelope of the vacuum tube RTs can be approximated by
where U 111 is the pulse amplitude and t 111 is the time interval from the onset to
the peak of the pulse.
The envelope of the impact excitation RTs can be approximated by
Coverage In 1996 the Chayka system consisted of only two networks, Euro-
pean and Eastern. Coverage from the European network is centered near
Moscow and includes most of the area between 5c and 50' East longitude and
40° and 65° North latitude (e.g .. Eastern Europe. western portion of the former
Soviet Union. the Black Sea, and part of the Caspian Sea). Coverage from the
Eastern network includes most of the area between 135° and 160° East lon-
gitude, and 35° and 65° North latitude (e.g .. eastern shoreline of the former
USSR. portions of Japan. and the surrounding areas of the Pacific Ocean).
Terrestrial radio-navigation systems will continue to play a major role for air-
craft navigation throughout the world for many years. Since the U.S. satellite-
based GPS had achieved full operational capability (FOC) in 1995. followed
in 1996 by the Russian GLONASS. there had been expectations that these
satellite systems would quickly replace the terrestrial systems such as VOR,
VOR/DME. Loran, and Omega. However, this was not the case and is not
likely to occur in the near future. The reasons for this include (I) the widespread
implementation of equipment by aircraft owners and the cost of replacement by
satellite receivers. (2) the lack of available air-traffic management operational
procedures compatible with satellite-based systems. (3) the absence of full sole-
means navigation system status of GPS. and (4) the fact that issues involving
system accuracy, integrity. availability. and continuity of service of the satel-
lite systems had not been fully resolved (Chapters 5. 13, and 14 ). Therefore.
the terrestrial radio-navigation systems will continue to be used for many years
on a global basis. In the more distant future, some of these systems will be
decommissioned when their utility will have been fully replaced by that of the
satellite systems.
By 1993, the U.S. Coast Guard had implemented full coverage of the conti-
nental United States by Loran-C chains and the FAA had authorized Loran-C
for supplemental navigation for en-route and nonprecision approaches. At least
ten U.S. airports had received approval for Loran-C approaches. As a result.
there was extensive use of airborne Loran-C receivers on U.S. General Aviation
aircraft and that usage is likely to continue for some time until GPS receivers
are widely implemented on General Aviation aircraft.
Since 1990. a number of major studies have been conducted and published
that show the advantages and discuss techniques of combining data from Loran
and GPS for aircraft navigation [45. 46, 47]. Among the major advantages are
the mitigation of the effects of GPS coverage outages caused by satellite shut-
downs or poor geometry and. conversely. that of Loran coverage outages due to
ground station shutdowns. high atmospheric noise levels. or precipitation static.
In addition Loran data could provide on-board fault detection and isolation of
GPS satellites, in connection with GPS Receiver Autonomous Integrity Mon-
itoring (RAIM. Section 5.7.2). The combining of GPS and Loran data (e.g.,
with a Kalman filter) can be at the pseudorange level and mutual time synchro-
nization can also be included [46]. Therefore. research and development on the
integration of Loran and GPS is likely to continue in the future.
4.7. What are the factors that impact the accuracy of a Loran-e fix?
Ans.: Signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver, crossing angle of the
Loran-C lines qf position, calibration r~f the Loran-C time difference
to latitude/longitude coordinate converter.
4.8. What are the two categories of Loran-e system accuracy? What do they
Ans.: Repeatable accuracy to which one can return to a point vis-
ited before; absolute or predictable accuracy of the fix against some
external reference grid such as latitude and longitude.
4.9. Suppose that an Omega receiver processes four I 0.2 kHz signals from
stations with geographic bearing angles (at the receiver) of 31 o, 121 o, 211 c,
and 30 I o using a least-squares algorithm to estimate position change.
(a) What is the GDOP?
Ans.: 3/2Vl.
(b) If the signal phase error associated with each of the four stations is
4 cecs, what is the corresponding position error in kilometers.
Ans.: a,.= 1.25 Km.
(c) If one of the station signals becomes unusable (e.g., due to modal inter-
ference as the path becomes dark), by what factor is the position accu-
racy degraded?
Ans.: a,. becomes larger by a factor of 4/3.
5 Satellite Radio Navigation
Since the 1960s, the use of satellites was established as an important means of
navigation on Earth. The earliest :;ystems were designed primarily for position
updates of ships, but were also found useful for the navigation of land vehicles.
Beginning in the early 1970s, satellite-navigation systems for aircraft (as well
as other platforms) were under intense development. Those efforts benefited
from the techniques used and the experience gained with the earlier systems.
In the 1980s, systems suitable for aircraft became mature and by 1996 their use
for aircraft navigation was increasing at a widespread and rapid pace.
The satellite-navigation systems described in this chapter are comprised of a
system of satellites that transmit radio signals. Appropriately equipped aircraft
receiving these transmitted signals can derive their three-dimensional position
and velocity and time. Two systems are described in detail, namely the U.S.
Department of Defense's NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) and the
Russian Federation's Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS).
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and RTCA, Inc. have
defined a more global system that includes these two systems, geostationary
overlay satellites, along with any future satellite navigation systems, in what
has been named the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) [1, 2]. A third
major system, the United States Navy's Transit System, also called the Navy
Navigation Satellite System (NNSS), is a low-altitude Doppler satellite radio
navigation system. In Russia, a similar system was developed, called Tsikada.
Since GPS was fully operational, after 32 years the U.S. Navy ceased operations
of Transit on December 31, 1996 [ 124]. It will not be discussed here further.
(Design details are given in references [3] and [4].)
The systems described in this chapter provide users with a passive means
of navigation; that is, there is no requirement for their equipment to transmit,
only to receive. Both GPS and GLONASS are ranging systems. They provide
both range and range rate (or change in range) measurements. Once initialized,
they provide an instantaneous and continuous navigation solution in a dynamic
environment. Details of these solutions are described later in this chapter.
The advantage of satellite navigation systems is that they provide an accurate
all-weather worldwide navigation capability. The major disadvantages are that
they can be vulnerable to intentional or unintentional interference and tempo-
rary unavailability due to signal masking or lack of visibility coverage. In some
I. Monitor stations that track the satellites' transmitted signals and collect
measurements similar to those that the users collect for their na vigation.
2. A master control station that uses these measurements to determine and
predict the satellites' ephemeris and time history and subsequently to
upload parameters that the satellites modulate on the transmitted signals.
,- - )f 1 .,.r WF~:~{:~:'"~: ,,;'r?~:,~:, '~:tLCo
~lj\;,{\ GROUND
1j! 1 ~ , , ANTENNA
STATION 1-4-___J
3. Ground antennas that perform the upload and general control of the satel-
Figure 5.2 Ranging s;atellite radio-navigation solution.
filter algorithm. The measurements are not range and range rate (or change
in range), but quantities described as pseudorange and pseudorange rate (or
change in pseudorange). This is because they consist of errors, dominated by
timing errors, that are part of the solution. For example, if only ranging type
measurements are made, the actual measurement is of the form
where X, 1, Y,;, and Z,; are the Earth-centered, Earth-fixed (ECEF) position com-
ponents of the satellite at the time of transmission and Xu. Yu. and Zu are the
ECEF user position components at that time. For the three satellites in Fig-
ure 5.2, Equation 5.2 represents the equations for spheres whose centers are
located at the satellites. The user position is the reasonable intersection of the
three spheres. (There is another solution, but not near the Earth.)
oR;= R,m- R,
where oR; is ~he range measurement residual, R;111 is the range measurement
to satellite i, R; is the estimated range to satellite i, lx;, I yi. and I zi are the
components (directional cosines) of the estimated line-of-site (LOS) unit vector
1; between the user and satellite i and oX11 , oY,, and oZ11 are the components of
the vectm;.oX11 of differences between the position solution Xu and the estimated
position X 11 • This vector represents an offset from the intersection of the three
spheres. Figure 5.3 illustrates this linearization in two dimensions, where the
inner circles represent the measured ranges and the outer circles represent the
"computed" ranges based on the estimated position. The shaded areas represent
the range measurement residuals.
Solving three equations representing range measurement residuals from three
satellites give a solution for the position correction vector, provided that the
geometry is sufficient (i.e., the solution exists). If the differences are large, as in
the exaggerated example of Figure 5.3, so that they exceed the range of the lin-
earization, an iterative solution is generally required. This can be accomplished
by using either the same set of measurements or subsequent measurements,
where the user position in the computation of new LOS vectors is propagated
from the previous solution.
V; =[X; Y; Z;f is the known satellite i velocity vector
Vu =[Xu Yu Zuf is the unknown user velocity vector
X;= [X; Y; Z;f is the known satellite i position vector
Xu= [Xu Yu Zu]T is the unknown user's position vector
Note that Equation 5.4 is also nonlinear because the LOS vector is also a func-
tion of the user's unknown position. However, linearizing about an estimate of
position and velocity yields
The second term of the equation can be neglect~d under normal circumstances
because the rate of change of the LOS vector I; is small, which is due to the
large distance to the satellite.
In some precision landing applications, the measurements may be Doppler
count measurements. Then, change in range can be computed by differencing
Equation 5.3 over a time interval [tj _ 1, tj ], resulting in the equation for a change
in range as
where the subscript j indicates measurements taken at time ti. Note that over
short time intervals, this change in range measurement can be used to estimate
range rate by dividing by ti - fj _ I.
-c(/::,.tuj - /::,.tu,J- I) = -c - - (tj - tj _ I) (5.8)
/Earth 's polar axis
i inclination
'Jerna\ eC\_ __
X~ ~--- / Yj
n ~~- -------------~
'..Ascending node Equatorial plane
Figure 5.4 T he orhital plan e.
2. Inclination of the orbital plane with the equatorial plane, i (Figure 5.4).
where b is the semiminor axis. Note that for a circular orbit, where the two
axis are equal, the eccentricity is zero. The sixth orbital element is the time
of perigee passage, tp, measured with respect to some arbitrary time scale. tp
establishes the phase of the satellite along the geometric path defined by the
other elements.
Useful Orbital Parameters and Equations The six orbital elements describe
the path of the satellite in its unperturbed orbit. To perform a navigation solu-
tion, however, it is usually better to describe the satellite's position and velocity
in ECEF coordinates. The relationship between the six coordinates and satellite
position is as follows [6]:
The mean motion is the average angular rate of the satellite radius vector r.
It is defined as
(5.1 0)
in radians, which is the basis for the solution of Kepler's equation [6]. Kepler's
equation defines the relationship for the eccentric anomaly, where
E- esin E = M (5.13)
a(l - e 2 )
r =a( I- ecos E ) = - - - - (5.14)
1 + e cos v
where v is the true anomaly in radians. Note from Figure 5.5 that to compute
the cartesian components of the satellite's position (Xp, Yp) in the orbit plane,
the cosine and sine of the true anomaly is required. They can be computed as
sin v =' (5.15)
I - e cos E
cos E- e
cos v = (5.16)
I - ecos E
This position in the orbit plane can then be transformed into ECEF coordinates
by performing a Euler transformation through the orientation parameters w, i,
and 0, in that order. Note, however, that 0 is not constant because the Earth
is rotating. It varies from some predefined epoch value 0 0 (right ascension) at
some time to as
in radians, where ~h is the earth's rotational rate, which has a WGS 84 value
of7.2921151467 x 10- 5 radjsec [7, 8].
UV, A,¢) = ~ [I + t, ( A: )" ~ (C,,, cos rnA + S,, ,, sin mA)P,,, (sin ¢) l
AE is the WGS-84 semimajor axis of the Earth's ellipsoid =
6378.137km [9]
n,m are degree and order
¢,"A are geocentric latitude and longitude
Pn.mCsin ¢) are Legendre polynomials
Cn,m,Sn,m are geopotential coefficients
Neglecting the effects of longitude (m = 0), which are relatively small compared
to the effects of latitude, the gravity potential due to the second zonal harmonic
is [6]
U2(r,¢)= J-tAioC2 ·
o ( -3s i n
2 I)
¢-- (5.19)
1 r 2 2
3 A 2 C2
Jl E 'O (3 COS 2¢- 1) (5.20)
4r 4
3A~C2.osin 2¢
Note that the radial force has two components-a constant that adds to the
nominal gravitational force and one that oscillates as function of the satellite's
latitude ¢, where
based on the argument of latitude, the argument of perigee, and the inclination
angle of the satellites orbit. Note that the period of the oscillating force is one-
half the orbit's period. The force in the direction of latitude also oscillates with
is the fractional frequency offset averaged over 7 seconds after the systematic
frequency offset and frequency drift have been removed. i:J.¢(tk) is the change
in clock phase, measured in radians over 7 seconds as illustrated in Figure 5.6.
f 0 is the nominal frequency of the oscillator in Hertz and M is the number of
samples used in the computation.
A typical square root of Allan variance for a good quality crystal oscillator is
shown in Figure 5.7. Three typical stability characteristics are shown, depend-
ing upon averaging time: white frequency noise, flicker frequency noise, and
random walk frequency noise. They are defined using the coefficients hex of
j2tn2 h_ 1
o.o1 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 10000.0
. h f 2 h h_J h_2
S, (j ) = 2. + 1f + ho + f +f 2
The first two terms define high-frequency phase noise, which can affect signal
tracking, but they are not considered stability terms. The square root of the
Allan variance is a measure of frequency stability. An estimate of clock phase
(or time) stability, in seconds, can be obtained by multiplying the ordinate axis
of Figure 5.7 times the abscissa. However, a more accurate representation in
terms of the coefficients hex is given as a function of time since last measured
or estimated as [12]
At frequencies below about 30 MHz the ionosphere acts almost like a mirror,
bending the path traveled by a radio wave back toward the Earth, thereby allow-
ing long-distance communication. At higher frequencies, such as those used in
satellite radio navigation, radio waves pass through the ionosphere. They are,
nevertheless, affected by it.
The Refractive Index and Phase and Group Velocity The velocity of prop-
agation of a radio wave at some point in the ionosphere is determined by the
density of electrons there. The velocity of a carrier, the pure sinusoidal radio
wave conveying the signal, is actually increased by the presence of the elec-
trons. The greater the density of electrons, the greater the velocity. The net
effect on a radio wave is obtained by integrating the electron density along the
whole path that the signal travels from the satellite to a receiver. The result is
that a particular phase of the carrier arrives at the receiver earlier than it would
have had the signal traveled in complete vacuum. The early arrival is termed a
phase advance.
The increased phase velocity of propagation is related to what is called the
refractive index n by the expression [ 14 J
where Ne is the electron density in electrons per cubic meter, e is the electron
charge, m is the mass of an electron, Eo is the permittivity in free space, andf is
the signal's carrier frequency. Note that the higher this carrier frequency is, the
closer n is to I, and thus the less the ionosphere affects signal propagation. Note
also that the higher the electron density is, the higher the plasma frequency is,
and thus the more the ionosphere affects signal propagation.
On the other hand, the signal that is modulating the carrier (e.g., pseudo-
random noise codes and navigation data) is delayed by the ionosphere. Since
the composite signal can be thought of as being formed by the superposition
d I
ng= -(nw)=- (5.30)
dw n
Thus, the relationship of the phase velocity and group velocity (the rate of
energy propagation) satisfies that for a signal passed through a wave guide,
which is
Electron Density and Total Electron Content The electron density is quan-
tified by counting the number of electrons in a vertical column with a cross
section of one square meter [13]. This number is called the total electron con-
tent (TEC). The TEC is a function of the amount of incident solar radiation.
On the night side of the Earth, the free electrons have a tendency to recombine
with the ions, thereby reducing the TEC. As a consequence, the TEC above a
particular spot on the Earth has a strong diurnal variation.
Changes in TEC can also occur on much shorter time scales. One of the phe-
nomena responsible for such changes is the traveling ionospheric disturbance
(TID). TIDs, which have characteristic periods on the order of I 0 minues, are
manifestations of waves in the upper atmosphere believed to be caused in part
by severe weather fronts and volcanic eruptions. There are also seasonal varia-
tions in TEC and variations that follow the sun's 27-day rotational period and
the roughly 11-year cycle of solar activity.
If the carrier frequency is chosen to be high enough so that the fourth-order term
is negligible, then the deviation of n from a free space value of one is inversely
proportional to f 2 . Thus, by making measurements on two widely spaced fre-
quencies and combining them. the electron density Ne can be determined, and
almost all of the ionospheric effect can be removed. This is true whether the
measurements are pseudorange, Doppler, or integrated Doppler measurements,
since they all have an error component that is a function of the refraction
index. However, the correction is applied with a different sign, depending upon
whether the measurement is obtained from the carrier or the modulated signal.
Applications of ionospheric corrections using models or dual frequency mea-
surements are peculiar to satellite radio navigation system, and thus will be
described later in this chapter.
N = I 0\n - I) = --:r-
77.6 (
.P + -4810e)
T- (5.33)
where Pis total pressure in millibars, Tis absolute temperature inK, and e is
partial pressure of water vapor in millibars, where one definition of e is given
as [ 15]
77.6 373256e
N(h) = ------:;- P.fd(h) + T2 .fw(h) (5.35)
I. The path does not follow a straight line. The consequence of this is small
and can be neglected except for very small elevation angles.
2. The wave velocity is slightly lower than it is in a vacuum, producing an
apparent increase in the length of the path given as
11L =c JR (n - I) ds (5.36)
where s is the curved abscissa on the path and R is the distance to the
satellite, which can be treated as infinite.
Since the real path does not deviate much from a straight line for all but very
small elevation angles, Equation 5.36 can be made a function of elevation angle
and integrated with respect to altitude. The result is a correction model for
ranging measurements.
In general, the dry and wet terms need to be integrated separately because
they include different functions of altitude and elevation angle. This is the case
when actual surface measurements are used and the ultimate accuracy is desired,
such as in the control segment of the radio-navigation system. However, in the
case of avionics applications, those measurements are not generally available,
and a standard day is used to define the correction model. Then, commensurate
with the accuracy of that standard day, Equation 5.36 becomes
11L = f= (n - I) dh (5.37)
ho sin ¢o
where ho is the altitude of the user and ¢o is the elevation angle of the signal
path to the satellite. An approximation of 11L can be obtained by assuming the
atmosphere is exponential. That is, let
so that
n0 - I
i1L = e~bho (5.39)
b sin ¢o
over the years, the number being tied to budget constraints. The intent, how-
ever, is to provide coverage at all locations on the Earth as nearly to 100% of
the time as possible. Each satellite transmits signals at two frequencies at L-Band
[ 1575.42 (L I) and 1227.6 (L2) MHz] to permit ionospheric refraction corrections
by properly equipped users [ 18]. These signals are modulated with synchronized,
satellite-unique, pseudorandom noise (PRN) codes that provide the instantaneous
ranging capability. Those codes are modulated with satellite position, clock, and
other information, in order to provide the user with that information. Details on
the constellation and signal structure appear in later sections of this chapter.
All equations of Section 5.2 apply to the GPS navigation solution in
that all three measurement capabilities-ranging, Doppler, and integrated
Doppler-exist, and, in general, the solution for the user's clock and clock drift
are required. It is not uncommon for a specific user equipment to use at least
two of the three measurement capabilities to simultaneously solve for position,
velocity, clock offset, and clock drift, in some cases using all satellites in view
[19, 20]. That number can be as high as 12.
System Accuracy GPS provides two positioning services, the Precise Posi-
tioning Service (PPS) and the Standard Positioning Service (SPS) [21 ]. The PPS
can be denied to unauthorized users, but the SPS is available free of change to
any user worldwide. Users that are crypto capable are authorized to use crypto
keys to always have access to the PPS. These users are normally military users,
including NATO and other friendly countries. These keys allow the authorized
user to acquire and track the encrypted precise (P) code on both frequencies
and to correct for intentional degradation of the signal.
Encryption of the precise code provides GPS with an anti-spoofing (A-S)
capability. A-S is not meant to deny the P code to unauthorized users but to pre-
vent the spoofing of the precise code by an unfriendly force. Unfortunately, A-S
denies the P code to unauthorized users. Thus. A-S prevents these users from
correcting for ionospheric refraction, since the L2 signal only carries the P code,
although there are "codeless cross-correlation" techniques that do allow this
measurement [22, 23]. A-S does not prevent the use of the coarse/acquisition
(Cj A) code, which is only carried on the L I signal.
The intentional degradation. on the other hand, is meant to deny accuracy
to an unfriendly force. It is called selective availabilit_v (SA). Unfortunately,
SA also denies accuracy to unauthorized users that are friendly, which is the
entire civil community. The peao~-time policy of the DoD is to provide an
unauthorized accuracy of I 00 meters, 2drms (horizontal accuracy) [24].
Either A-S or SA. or both, may be turned on. If neither is turned on, SPS
accuracy is the same as PPS. In 1996, the U.S. stated that it is its intention to
turn off SA within a decade [135]. More details on GPS system accuracy are
provided later in this chapter.
The GPS Segments GPS has the basic system configuration illustrated in Fig-
ure 5.1. The monitoring and satellite control sites are dispersed around the
(5 .40)
where the ith row (for satellite i) of the measurement matrix H (h;) is given as
in terms of Equation 5.3. (The first three elements of Equation 5.41 are the
directional cosines from the user position to the satellite position.) GDOP is
defined as
where trace[·J indicates the sum of the diagonal elements of [·]. If the vector
of pseudorange residuals defined in Equation 5.40 are statistically uncorrelated
with equal !-sigma errors of aPR· then the !-sigma position/time error is
I 1 1 2 , 2
ax. 1 c:c GDOP ·apR=ya~+a~+a:+c-a 11 ,
cos El 1 cos Az1
cos El 1 sin Az1
cos El2 sin Az2
sin El1
sin El2 -1]
cos EIN cos AzN cos EIN sin AzN sin EIN -1
where El; and Az; are the elevation and azimuth angles from the user to satellite
i and where
- sin Au sin ¢u COS ¢u
COS Au 0
sin Au cos tPu sin ¢u
0 0
where ¢u and Au are the estimated latitude and longitude of the user. This new
H matrix then replaces the one in Equation 5.42, and fix, fiy, and fiz are replaced
with fiN, fi£, and fih, respectively. Then, the sum of only the first two diagonal
elements in the trace of Equation 5.42 are included for computing HDOP, and
only the third diagonal element is included for computing VDOP. The linear
transformation of Equations 5.44 and 5.45 is only appropriate for the transfor-
mation of location residuals and is not appropriate for total state ECEF coor-
dinates to latitude, longitude, and altitude, which requires a nonlinear transfor-
mation (see References [9] and [23] of Chapter 2).
Adequate coverage is usually defined by the U.S. DoD when PDOP is less
than 6 for elevation angles greater than 5°. However, in some applications of
GPS, such as civil and commercial aviation, this is not adequate coverage. In
these applications, augmentation using pseudolites or geostationary satellites
is necessary. These augmentations are discussed later in this chapter. Because
of these advanced applications, the DOP concept has been replaced with the
concept of availability of accuracy, accounting for satellite failures. This avail-
ability is based upon analytical procedures using the mean-time-between-fail-
ures (MTBF) and mean-time-to-repair (MTTR) characteristics of satellites (and
appropriate augmentations), a concept originally developed by the French space
agency CNES [27, 28] and later extended [29, 30]. With these extensions, cov-
erage is more appropriately defined in terms of probabilities (or availability).
0.98 1( . . ···_
. _1
__ · · · J24 GPSI s. ATEL~ITES ·-
/I: I
I : : I
- ___L.__ _
<! 0.97 t 1E+01 , ,
> 0.965
: ~
1 E-01
1 E-o3
-- r ~
<! 1
I: ! ~ 1 E-05 I - I ···-·
~0.. ~ 'r--..._
I :' ! 1E-07
• ' I
0.955 I~ 1 ! ~ 1E-09 1'-..1
I: ! ~ 1E-11 I I ..........
0.95 :
I ;;: 1E-13 t-------1- j ~
: 1E-15 ,
0.945 I: ! o 1 2 3 4 5 s 1 a 9 10 11
0.94 .
0.5 1.5 2 2.5 .3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
:Figure 5.9 Availability of HOOP and VDOP over the continental United States (CONUS).
FREQ. --------------------------M'ou-·:
~~- -------------- -· -- -----------------, I
110 TX ~An~~~ 1+1 TY ~
I .... , &COMSEC
·- -------------- ------------------------ -·
------------· I
rt ..L.t..
TT&C : :
•___________ J
----------J ·-------------~
Figure 5.10 Block diagram of the Block IIR GPS satellite payload electronics (courtesy,
N ITT Aerospace/Communications Division, ITT Defense).
The receiver's channels are periodically calibrated using a dual frequency GPS
signal generator that is slaved to the same frequency reference. This signal gen-
erator is also used to provide signals for fault isolation.
One of the two frequency standards is on hot standby to provide a quick
change-over in case the operational standard exhibits faulty operation. A phase
comparator compares the phases of the two standards to help detect faulty oper-
ation, as well as to provide an initial frequency estimate of the backup standard
for a smooth transition. Both frequency standards are kept alive with a backup
power supply in case of prime power failure.
Meteorological sensors (barometric pressure, temperature, and relative
humidity) are polled by the central processor to permit accurate correction for
tropospheric delay at the MCS. These data, along with the receiver measure-
ments and status information, are forwarded to the MCS over a dedicated secure
communication channel in response to tracking orders received over the same
duplex channels. This channel utilizes a commercially developed SDLC proto-
col to provide error detection and data block re-transmission.
Master Control Station The MCS consists of the processing complex and
controller facility to completely manage and control the operational GPS space
assets and to provide navigation messages. The navigation mission requires an
upload availability of 98%, so redundancy is provided for all mission-critical
equipment. Dual processors with communication controllers and the customary
compliment of peripherals are configured to permit processing of the on-line
navigation processing and satellite control functions with either unit. Personnel
at the MCS control all navigation processing, constellation, and CS assets and
are responsible for the system integrity. This requires established procedures
and efficient access to critical mission data.
The navigation process is illustrated in Figure 5.12. It is based upon a lin-
ear expansion about a reference trajectory, which is obtained by integrating the
equations of motion forward in time from an initial position and velocity state.
The satellite force model used to accomplish this integration includes mathe-
matical expressions for the following effects: ( l) WGS-84 geopotential expan-
sion, (2) sun gravitational attraction, (3) moon gravitational attraction, (4) Earth
gravitational tides, (5) solar flux reaction (including eclipse), and (6) satellite
y-axis acceleration.
Partial derivatives with respect to the epoch states of inertial position and
velocity are generated to reduce the estimation and prediction process to linear
mathematical relationships. Given values for estimated state residuals, evalu-
ation of the first-order expansion provides the position trajectory used to pro-
cess measurements or to generate the navigation message. The inertial-to-ECEF
coordinate transformation matrix is generated to be consistent with externally
supplied Earth orientation data.
The measurement update process consists of data editing, smoothing, mea-
surement model transformation, and estimation steps. The raw MS data are
examined and correlated with receiver fault indicators to ensure track conti-
nuity. Both first- and second-difference histories are compared with threshold
values to detect any data inconsistencies. Smoothing is applied to refine the MS
measurements, combining the 1.:5-sec measurements into one low-noise data
point every 15 min. Corrections for the ionosphere and troposphere induced
delays and interchannel receiver delays are made. Then the measurement model
accounts for the Earth's rotation during the signal propagation time, the effects
due to crustal tides, relativistic time distortions and the a priori knowledge
of estimated states to form measurement residuals. Measurement partials with
respect to the estimated states are also evaluated to support the estimation pro-
A Kalman filter recursive estimator (Chapter 3) is implemented to estimate
the following states: (1) satellite position at epoch time, (2) satellite velocity
at epoch time, (3) satellite clock phase at epoch time, (4) satellite clock fre-
quency at epoch time, (5) satellite clock aging (rubidium frequency standards
only), (6) solar flux, (7) satellite y-axis acceleration bias, (8) MS clock phase
at epoch time, (9) MS clock frequency at epoch time, and (I 0) MS wet tropo-
sphere height. The estimation process is partitioned to conserve computational
resources. A common time scale ensemble of MS clock states is determined and
this common time scale holds the partitions together. The partitioned estima-
tion performance penalty is insignificant when an adequate number of satellites
exist in each partition to maintain a solid MS-time transfer network.
Every eight hours the state of each satellite is used to generate a predic-
tion of the time-scale correction and trajectory in ECEF coordinates. The same
linear expansion and coordinate transformations are used. Navigation message
parameters are obtained as a weighted least-squares fit to these data in accor-
dance with ICD-GPS-2008-PR and the GPS SPS signal specification [7, 8],
and the generated user information is put into a standard format and forwarded
to the GAs for upload. This process is time-phased across satellites to evenly
distribute the MCS work load.
Navigation service integrity is monitored using MS data for four-satellite
position solutions and by comparing the pseudorange and received message
data with MCS expectations. Measurement residuals are evaluated by the MCS
whenever tracking data exist, and performance statistics are maintained as infor-
mation available to system operator personnel and the user community. Each bit
of the received navigation messag,e is compared with the corresponding upload
data-base value to verify proper dissemination.
transmission features. Data from the MCS are buffered on disk prior to satellite
contact as a telemetry data from the satellite prior to transmission to the MCS.
Signal Modulation The PRN codes and data are modulated onto the carriers
using binary phase shift keying (BPSK). This modulation shifts the phase of
the carrier 180° each time there is a change in state of the digitally defined
code and data. First of all, the PRN code is a sequence of 1's and O's, as are
the message data. The message data sequence is modulo-2 added to the code
sequence, which is nothing more than an exclusive or of a code bit and a data
bit, although the data bits transition at a much slower rate than do the codes.
The resulting sequence of I 's and O's are converted to 180" and oc phase shifts
of the carrier, respectively. Since the 180° phase shifts simply change the sign
of the carrier, an equivalent representation is simply an amplitude modulation
of ±1 's. The result is a mathematical representation of the signals as follows:
where A is the Ll P signal amplitude, P(t) and C(t) are the ±I P and C/ A code
PRN sequences, D(t) is the ±I message data bit sequence,.f 1 andh are the Ll
and L2 carrier frequencies, and ¢ 01 and ¢ 02 are the ambiguous Ll and L2 carrier
phases. Note that the two signals are not phase coherent, even though they are
derived from the same frequency reference. There are also slight group (code)
delay differences between the P code and Cj A code modulations and between
the P code modulations at the two frequencies l7l
PRN Code Properties The PRN codes are generated as products (modulo-
2 sums, if expressed as I 's and O's) of two other codes clocked at the same
for satellite i, where T, is the C/A code chip width, or the inverse of the C/ A
code chipping rate of 1.023 MHz, Tp is the P code chip width, or the inverse of
the P code chipping rate of 10.23 \1Hz, and 11; is an integer assigned to satellite
i for the C/ A code. In case of the P code, 11; takes on a value between 1 and
37 for 32 satellites and 5 reserved for ground transmitters (GTs) [7, 8]. In the
case of the C/ A code, the 11; are selected values between 1 and I 023 for codes
exhibiting desirable properties [32].
These PRN codes provide the desirable code-division, multiple-access
(CDMA) property that, to an extent, the codes received from the various satel-
lites do not correlate with each other, nor do they correlate with a reference
code in the user's receiver unless the state of the received code matches that of
the reference code. Thus, all satellite signals can be received at the same fre-
quency (except for Doppler differences) and selectively acquired and tracked,
depending upon the selection of the code in the reference code generator. These
PRN codes also exhibit the property that, to an extent, they spread interfer-
ence signals over the signal's bandwidth, providing a degree of interference
rejection. These spread spectrum properties of the GPS PRN codes will be dis-
cussed later in this chapter. Here we will discuss the correlation properties of the
I. CjA codes. The C/ A codes are Gold codes [ 18], where the G 1 and G2
codes are generated in maximal-length, 10-stage linear feedback shift registers,
each of which generate repeating maximal-length codes of length 1023 chips.
Figure 5.13 represents an implementation of a C/ A coder [32]. In this imple-
mentation the initial state of the G2 register represents the delayed state of that
maximal-length code (the 11; in Equation 5.48) from its initial state of all 1's.
The resulting C/ A (Gold) code is not a maximal-length code. A maximal-
length code x(t) has the autocorrelation property that [33]
2M -I
where k is an integer number and M is the number of stages in the shift register.
This is partly true for the C/ A codes, but they do not have perfect correlation
properties. On the average, a C/ A code has the autocorrelation property that,
for k -J 0 [ 17],
..._.... .
~~~,-L-~~,_~~~.-~~ I
Figure 5.13 C/ A coder implemented with initial 02 state.
L C(j)C(j + k Tc)
j= I
although the probabilities vary somewhat, depending upon which code is eval-
uated [32]. Also, whereas the maximal-length codes are always balanced, 256
of the I 023 Cj A codes are not. That is [32],
(5 .52)
All of the 32 codes selected for the GPS satellites and the four codes selected
for the ground transmitters are balanced.
The autocorrelation property de:;cribed above carries over to the cross-corre-
lation between the different Cj A codes. This means that the Cj A codes are not
quite orthogonal, and care must be taken during acquisition of the satellite sig-
nals to prevent false acquisitions and false alarms. At zero Doppler difference
between satellite signals, Equation 5.51 above represents a separation of 23.9
dB between signals of equal power. There is also a degree of cross-correlation
between signals at other Doppler differences. This property will be described
later when we discuss the spectral characteristics of the PRN codes.
2. P codes. Whereas the C/ A codes are linear codes, the P codes are non-
linear. That is, the Cj A codes are made up of two maximal-length codes that
are clocked synchronously and are allowed to proceed through all of their I 023
states. This is not true for the P codes. The underlying linear codes of the P
code are short-cycled before creating the product of the codes. This has the
effect of creating an extremely long code. In fact the 37 individual P codes are
simply a one-week piece of a long code that is approximately 38 weeks long.
A typical P code implementation is presented in Figure 5.14 [7]. Note that
there are four shift registers, two each for the X I and X2 code generators. Each
of these 12-stage shift registers that have 2 12 - I = 4095 possible states are
short-cycled, either at 4092 or 4093 states, and reset. Both of the XI shift reg-
isters are reset on X I epochs (every 1.5 seconds), while the X2 shift registers
are reset every 1.5 seconds plus 37 chip clock cycles. All shift registers are reset
at the end of the week. Although the X I and X2 coders repeat every 1.5 and
1.5+ sec, the fact that they are running asynchronously at I 0.23 MHz, their
modulo-2 addition generates an extremely long code. Delaying the X2 code
with respect to the X I code an additional i- 1 chips for the ith satellite pro-
vides codes for each satellite. The count of the X I epochs provides a Z-count
that is used as basic timing for the system to which the data message and the
Cj A coder are synchronized. If th1~ coder were not set at the end of week, the
code would eventually run into the code of the other satellites and return to
the beginning almost 38 weeks later. Unlike the Cj A codes, the P codes have
excellent cross-correlation properties.
3. Spectral characteristics qf" the PRN codes. In the frequency domain the
spectral density of the signal is the spectral density of the PRN codes centered
at ±f;, i = I, 2. At baseband, the spectral density of the P code is
where Tc is the P code chip width, or the inverse of the P code chipping rate
of 10.23 MHz, and Pp; is the appropriate P code carrier power. Actually, this
spectral density is bandlimited in the GPS satellites in order to protect radio
astronomers, so its range is not infinite. This could prevent a user's receiver
-- ------------------------------'
'' + 3750
2.5 kHz EPOCH
L----..JX11.5 SEC EPOCHS
15,345,000 CHIPS
15,345,037 CHIPS CHIPS FOR
Figure 5.14 Typical P coder implementation.
from achieving full correlation. However, all P code receivers also are band
limited. The resulting effect is known as correlation loss due to filtering.
The C/ A code for satellite i is a short one millisecond repeating code whose
spectral density is a line spectrum with components cii• j = -oo to +oo, where j
represents spectral lines I kHz apart and
where P,; is the C/ A code carrier power. The envelope of this line spectrum
takes on the form
However, the spectral lines deviate from this envelope significantly. Figure 5.15
illustrates this for the first two lobes of the spectrum. As stated earlier, the C/ A
codes do have a level of cross-correlation at Doppler differences. It has been
shown that this cross-correlation level is approximately equal to the magnitude
of the spectral line component of another Cj A code in the family of l 023 [ 18].
Since the line spectrum shown in Figure 5.15 is typical of all the codes as
far as variation about the envelope is concerned, that spectrum shows typical
levels for this type of cross-correlation-on the order of 2I dB below the carrier
power. Thus, the cross-correlation at Doppler differences can be higher than at
zero Doppler offset. However, its occurrence is quite rare, and a receiver would
never track it because it would disappear as the relative codes move past each
other. These occurrences can cause false alarms during initial signal acquisition.
Frames, Subframes, and TLM and HOW Words The GPS navigation mes-
sage consists of a frame of five 300-bit subframes spanning 30 seconds of time
as illustrated in Figure 5.16 [7, 8]. Each six-second subframe consists of ten
30-bit words, the first two of which repeat in each subframe. These words, also
illustrated in Figure 5 .16, are the Telemetry Word (TLM Word) and the Hand-
Over Word (HOW Word). These two words are generated by the satellite, while
the other eight words are generated by the CS and uploaded to the satellite as
::I: -20 - - - PRN 2 LINE SPECTRUM
' -30
z -40
ct -50
w -60
0 -70
~ -80
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
Figure 5.15 PRN 2 CI A code spectra l dens ity.
Figure 5.16 GPS navigation message frame and TLM and HOW words.
described in Section 5.5.4. The TLM Word consists of an 8-bit preamble and a
satellite telemetry message. The preamble (1 000 I 011) allows the user's receiver
to synchronize with the subframes to establish time of reception and subsequent
resolution of the Cj A code ambigu:tty. This ambiguity exists because the signal
transit time from the satellite is on the order of 80 msec, while the length of the
repeating Cj A code is only 1 msec. For the most part, the telemetry message
is of no use to the user; it primarily provides real-time telemetry information
from the satellite to the CS.
The HOW Word contains a 17-bit truncated Z-count indicating the time of
the start of the next subframe in units of six seconds, or four X 1 epochs. It
also contains two flags, an A-S onjoff flag and an alert flag, and a subframe
identification (ID) (1 to 5 for subframes 1-5). The Z-count is used by the user's
receiver to establish GPS time. For P code users the Z-count also provides the
time information required to hand over to P code, and thus the reason for the
name of the word.
The A-S on/off flag alerts non-PPS users as to whether or not they are able
to acquire the P code, and it alerts PPS users as to whether or not they should
encrypt their reference P code [7]. The alert flag indicates to unauthorized users
that the satellite user range accuracy (URA) may be worse than indicated in
subframe I and that they should use the satellite at their own risk [7].
Parity Both the TLM and HOW words contain satellite-generated parity, six
bits per word. The other eight words of each subframe contain MCS-generated
parity. The HOW Word contains two noninformation bearing bits so that the
last two parity bits can be forced to O's, since the parity algorithm overlaps
word boundaries.
The parity algorithm is a (32, 26) Hamming error detection algorithm. It
will detect 1-, 2-, or 3-bit errors. As stated above, the parity overlaps the 30-
bit words, since it is based upon 32 bits, always including the last two bits
of the previous word. Thus, since the parity in the TLM and HOW words are
generated in the satellite, and the parity on the other words are generated in the
MCS, two bits in the HOW Word and Word I 0 of the MCS generated words
are wasted. This is so that both the satellite and the MCS know the state of the
last two bits of the previous word (set to 0) when generating the TLM Word
(satellite) and Word 3 (MCS). The Hamming error detection algorithm used is
specified in [7, 8].
Words 3 through I 0 of each subframe contain the message data. Subframes 1,
2, and 3 repeat every 30 seconds consisting of the same data for nominally one
hour but can change more often or less frequently. Subframes 4 and 5 subcom-
mutate 25 times each, so that a complete data message requires the transmission
of 25 full 1500-bit frames, or 12.5 minutes. Thus every 30 seconds one page of
subframes 4 and 5 are transmitted. These pages consist of less timely data that
change whenever the satellite is uploaded, while sub frames I, 2, and 3 consist
of more timely data that change periodically. This periodicity is either once per
hour, on the hour, once per 4, 6, 12, or 24 (or more) hours on 4-, 6-, 12-, or
24-hour (or more) boundaries. Any period greater than an hour represents a
case when a satellite could not be uploaded within a day of a previous upload,
which would be rare. In addition, the data could change at any time with a
quick upload. Again, this is a rare condition required to change substandard
or erroneous data. One-hour data sets are valid for three additional hours. All
other data sets are valid for two hours past their period of transmission.
Other contents include the GPS week number, URA, health of satellite, various
flags, and data reserved for authorized users. Content details are given in Table
t = t, - !::.t,,. (5.56)
where afO· an, and af2 are the polynomial coefficients transmitted in subframe
1, toe is the clock data reference time in seconds, and !::.t r is the relativistic term
in seconds computed as
2X,·V, r:.
!::.tr = - - ·-2 - · =FeY A Sll1 Ek (5.58)
where the orbit parameters e, A, and E are derived from the data contained in
subframes 2 and 3, and
F = = -4.442807633 x 10-IO sec/~ (5.59)
is the speed of light. These relativistic effects on the GPS satellite clocks are
described in [35]. It suffices to use the uncorrected value of ts in the evaluation
of the above equations, since, prior to correction, it is within 1 msec of the
corrected value.
Since the clock correction parameters estimated by the MCS are based upon
L I and L2 measurements combined for correction of the delay through the iono-
sphere, and since there is a potential L I /L2 differential bias in the satellite, the
L !-only user must revise his computations of the satellite's clock offset with
[7, 8, 36]
that of a curve fit over the time of validity (fit interval) and not necessarily
an entire orbit. A fit interval flag in subframe 2 indicates whether the interval
is four hours or greater than four hours. lODE has similar meaning for the
ephemeris parameters as IODC has for the subframe I parameters.
The user receiver applies the parameters to a variation on the equations given
in Section 5.3. However, not all the parameters are indicated in that section.
These additional parameters reflect orbit drift and other orbit perturbations such
as the sun and moon gravitational forces and solar radiation pressure. Typical
equations for the computation of the satellite's position in ECEF coordinates
are given in Table 5.5 [7, 8].
The accuracy of curve fit used in generating these parameters and subsequent
truncation is quite good. For the four-hour fit, the user range error (URE) based
on a projection of the curve fit error onto the user range is less than 0.4 meters,
1-sigma. For a six-hour fit, the URE degrades to 1.6 meters, 1-sigma. The equa-
tions provide the satellite's antenna phase center position in the WGS-84 ECEF
reference frame defined in [7, 8].
1. Satellite almanacs. The ephemeris and clock almanac data are a subset
!1k = !1o + (0- Or:)tk- OEtoc Corrected longitude of ascending node at time
tk accounting for earth's rotation rate !1 e
Xk = x~ cos !1k- y~ sin !1k cos ik ECEF coordinates at time tk
Yk = x~ sin !1 k + y~ cos !1 k cos ik
Z.k = Yk' ..
Sin lk
gitude. Details of the algorithm are given in [7, 8] and [36]. The algorithm
reduces the delay error for the single-frequency users on the order of 50%
to 60% [37].
3. UTC parameters. Page 18 of subframe 4 also provides the parameters
needed to relate GPS time to UTC and notices to the users regarding the
scheduled future or recent past changes due to leap seconds. The param-
eters include the number of integer seconds between UTC and GPS time,
plus first-order polynomial coefficients describing the drift between GPS
time and UTC. However, this drift is kept to a minimum by the MCS by
steering GPS time toward UTC modulo I second. Details of this relation-
ship are described in l7, 8].
dPR; . . . .
-- =
dt R; + cb.t,;
. ~ cb.tu + EPR I (5.64)
dPR; ~ ~ . .
0 -- = 1; · oXu ~ cf1tu + EPR
dt I
Since the L2 delay is greater than the Ll delay, the correction is negative,
decreasing the pseudorange.
3. Tropospheric refraction correction. This correction is made by subtracting
the effects of Equation 5.36. There are many variations to this correction,
depending upon the desired accuracy or complexity.
Uncorrected Error Sources After all the corrections stated above, residual
error sources remain. Among the most predominant are SA errors for the unau-
thorized user (SPS mode). The next most predominant error source is the resid-
ual ionospheric refraction error for the Ll-only users. Next is the standard sys-
tem errors in the satellite clock parameters, followed by multipath errors, the
tropospheric refraction, the satellite ephemeris, and finally receiver noise. New
receiver technology has reduced the effects of multipath and receiver noise,
with the exception of operating in a jamming environment.
is a 2Nx8 matrix mapping the position, velocity, and time state residuals into the
2N measurement residuals. The H matrix could be the HLTP matrix of Equation
5.44 if the solution is in the north, east, and up domain. Since the HT is general
not a square matrix, the solution is overly determined. In that case, the solution
for oPVu in a weighted least-squares sense is
) )~ j' PHASE,
Figure 5.17 Generic GPS avionics receiver functional block diagram.
low-noise amplifier (LNA). Its primary function is to set the receiver's noise
figure (see Section 4.2.1) and to reject out-of-band interference. The parameters
that dictate the preamplifier requirements are the unwanted RF environment as
received through the antenna and losses that precede and follow the preamplifier
and desired system noise figure (or noise temperature) as derived from overall
receiver performance requirements. The gain of the preamplifier is not a system
level requirement per se, but a derived requirement that satisfies the system level
The unwanted RF environment as received through the antenna affects the
preamplifier in two ways. It can cause damage to the preamplifier electronics,
or it can cause saturation of the preamplifier and circuitry that follows. Nor-
mally, except for damage prevention, one can do nothing to suppress the RF
environment, as passed by the antenna, at frequencies that are in the bandwidth
of the desired GPS signal. That environment is considered to be either jam-
ming or unintentional interference. There are, however, more advanced tem-
poral interference suppression techniques that can be used to suppress narrow-
band interference [121, (Chapter 20)]. Suppression of the RF environment out
of the desired GPS signal band can be accomplished by filtering before, during.
and/or after amplification. When It is accomplished it is based upon a trade-off
between system noise figure requirements, filter insertion loss. and bandwidth
efficiency. Suppression of in-band and out-of-band damaging interference is
usually accomplished with diode-; that provide a ground path for strong sig-
nals. In the case of lightning protection, more complex lightning arrestors may
be used.
The system noise figure is set using a low-noise amplifier (LNA) that pro-
vides enough gain to cause any losses inserted after the LNA to have a negli-
gible effect. An LNA cannot account for losses inserted before its operation or
for its own noise floor.
The reference oscillator provides the time and frequency reference for the
receiver. Since GPS receiver measurements are based on the time of arrival
of PRN code phase and received carrier phase and frequency information, the
reference oscillator is a key function of the receiver. Its output is used by the
frequency synthesizer, which converts the oscillator output to local oscillators
(LOs) and clocks used by the receiver. One or more of those LOs are used by
the downconverter to convert the radio frequency (RF) inputs to IF frequencies.
The signals are easier to process in the IF section of the receiver.
The requirements on reference oscillators for avionics receivers vary depend-
ing upon the avionics application. A high-quality oscillator can be the most sig-
nificant cost item of a modern receiver. Thus, there are compromises made on
oscillator performance. There are some commercial and military applications
where refrence oscillator performance is critical.
Typical requirements parameters applied to reference oscillators are as fol-
Figure 5.18 OEM GPS receiver card (courtesy, NovAte! Communications, Ltd.)
I 00 mw. The antenna is .1.5 in. in diameter and weighs 5 oz. It meets
the requirements specified in references [42] and [ 122].
'"l Reference oscil/atm: Like most commercial receivers, this receiver uses a
small TCXO as its reference oscillator (on the center of the hoard shown
in Figure 5.18). These small TCXOs have marginal stability and phase
noise characteristics for some GPS applications, hut they are satisfac-
tory when used in conjunction with a multiple-parallel-channel receiver
with tracking loop bandwidths commensurate with dynamic applications.
Note that the reference oscillator output (20.473 MHz) is used directly
as clocks for sampling and signal processing.
3. Synthesi::.erjdmvnconvertcr. A block diagram of the synthesizer and
downconverter is shown in Figure 5.21 ]4.1]. A commercial synthesizer
chip with a programmable divider (prescaler) is used to phase lock a
voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) to the reference oscillator. The VCO
output frequency is doubled to provide the downconverter LO.
4. Filtering. IF filtering is realized with a 8 MHz bandwidth surface acous-
tic wave (SAW) filter centered at the IF frequency of .15 MHz ]4.1].
Although this SAW filter has a significant group delay, the delay is sta-
ble, and the filter provides excellent rejection of out-of-band noise and
5. IF sampling and A/D conversion. The IF sampling and A/D conver-
sion process is illustrated in Figure 5.22. This processing includes a
precorrelation automatic gain control (AGC) ]4.1] that controls the level
lf:> DOWN~
Figure 5.19 Functional block diagram of commercial receiver (courtesy, NovAte! commu-
nications, Ltd.)
cNOi PA\N1
l,k, -Q,,k, -l,k, Q,k. l.,k. -Q,k, -l,k. Q,k, ... (5.74)
where Ck. [)" and ¢k are the code, data bit, and signal phase at sample
time tk.
6. Doppler removal (phase rotation). The Doppler removal process of Fig-
ure 5.19 is part of the signal-phase or frequency-tracking function, which
is a complex multiplication between the signal I and Q samples and ref-
erence I and Q samples generated by the carrier number-controlled oscil-
lator (NCO). This NCO is controlled by the microprocessor's portion of
the carrier-tracking loop. Since the Cj A PRN code Doppler [s related
to the carrier Doppler by a factor of 1540, the carrier NCO also outputs
the basic code clock Doppler correction, which is further corrected by
the microprocessor's code tracking loop function with code phase cor-
rections. In some receiver implementations a completely separate NCO
is used to derive the code Doppler and phase.
7. Coder. The implementation of a typical C/ A coder is shown in Figure
5.13. This implementation, in which the G2 state is initialized, allows the
generation of all I 023 codes in the C/ A code family. which is important
for future implementations !32].
8. Correlators. The correlation process for narrow conelator processing is
illustrated in Figure 5.23 [43, 44]. In this process early, punctual, and
late codes are derived in a shift register that shifts the (early) C/ A code
from the coder at a clocking rate defined by the desired early/late cor-
relator spacing (in a fraction of a C/ A code chip). The dual correlation
process is realized by performing a multi-bit exclusive or between the
single-bit PRN codes and the multi-bit I and Q samples. A discrimi-
nator selection process allows the selection of either early and late or
early-minus-late and punctual correlation. Early and late correlation is
used during the signal acquisition process using the maximum (approx-
imately) one chip spacing :N I0 in Figure 5.23) for rapid acquisition.
Early-minus-late and punciUal correlation is used during tracking using
a 0.1 chip spacing (N •·· I) for optimum parallel code (early-minus-late
times punctual) and carrier (punctual) tracking. This dynamic spacing
concept provides fast acquisition and C/ A code-tracking performance
where BL is the single-sided tracking loop bandwidth and Bu- is the two-
sided predetection bandwidth. The d for N = I is one-tenth that for the
conventional N = I 0, while the signal-to-noise density for Cj A code
tracking is twice that for P code tracking.
9. Postcorrelation filtering (accumulators). After correlation, the two sets
(5. 79)
Military GPS Aviation Receivers In 1996. the standard GPS receiver for mil-
itary avionics was the miniature airborne GPS receiver (MAGRJ produced
by Rockwell International, which also produces another variety intended for
embedded applications. where the entire receiver (the miniature GPS receiver.
MGR). less antenna, is housed inside another avionics assembly such as an
inertial navigation system [51[. The requirements for the MAGR are defined
in [52[. Guidelines for embedded military receivers are specified in [5~ I and
described in [54[. The MAGR receiver is illustrated in Figure 5.24.
Figure 5.27. Dual downconversions are accomplished, one for Ll and one for
L2. The LO for these downconversions are common, converting both RF fre-
quencies to identical IF frequencies. This LO is derived in the synthesizer,
which is driven with the output of an ovenized reference oscillator at a fre-
quency of approximately I 0.95 MHz. The synthesizer also generates in-phase
and quadraphase LOs for later con version to baseband and clocks for the signal-
processing function.
----------- --------------1
\61 r ~··· ~
I TO 17 F0
120 F0 ~
I I ---..1~.+.·.'.J...'
.tr~~-- .~~~~~~~~~~---~
17.25 F0 (0 DEGREES)
17 F0 :'
:__ ----T---------------------------------------------------------------------------- J'
• Because of the very high dynamic requirements (9g, lOg/sec [59]), the
MAGR performs carrier frequency tracking, instead of carrier phase
tracking, by minimizing tan- 1(Qk/h)- tan- 1(Qk-J/h- 1) (time differ-
ence of carrier phase error). Data are demodulated differentially by
observing the changes in the sign of h.
• Instead of verification of phase lock, measurement validity is deter-
mined comparing signal-plus-noise power L~= I u;
+ Q~) to a threshold
based upon an estimate of noise power.
• Code-tracking loop aiding processed from corrected external inputs
from an inertial navigation system to achieve a high AJ tracking capa-
bility [52, 60].
• L2 tracking for ionospheric delay corrections is normally performed
sequentially on the fifth channel. However, if it is determined that L I
is jammed, L2 tracking can be performed on some or all channels [52,
6. A-S and SA processing. The MAGR incorporates a precise position-
ing service-security module (PPS-SM) and auxilliary output chip (AOC)
devices to perform A-S and SA processing [52, 59]. The AOC devices are
provided for each channel to allow tracking of the encrypted code when
the receiver is properly authorized. The PPS-SM performs crypto-key pro-
cessing and management for the A-S and SA processing. It operates on
battery power so that keys may be loaded or zeroized without receiver
prime power. A dedicated data path from the PPS-SM to the AOC devices
prevents sensitive data from being handled by the other processors.
1. Selective availability errors. Although these errors are not biases, they
have correlation times that are long enough to be eliminated if the cor-
Figure 5.29 Dillerential GPS concept.
rcction update rate is high enough. Typical pseudorange errors are about
JO meters, 1-sigma. but they have the potential to be hi gher.
,.., lonos;Jheric dclurs . These propagation group delay errors can be as high
as 20 to 30 meters during the afternoon hours to I to 6 meters at ni ght.
if not removed usi ng two frequ ency correcti ons. The single freq uency
mode l will reduce this by approximately .'iO'/c . These errors are slowly
varying biases but spatiall y dccorrclatc over larger distances.
J. Tro;}().lplieric dclovs. These propagation delays can be as much as 30
meters to a low-elevation satellite but are quite consistent and can be
modeled. However. variation s in the index of refraction can cause dif-
ferences between the reference station and the use r of I to 3 meter.-; for
low-ele vati on satellites. T hey arc also slow ly varying biases. and they
spatially decorrelate over larger distances.
4. E'p/u' nle ri.l errors. Normally, the difference between the actual satellite
location and the locati on computed from the broadcast e phemeris is small ,
less than I to 3 meters, but this error can be increased signi fica ntly with
selective availability. Ephe meri s errors arc very slowly varying biases but
can spatially decorrelate over large distances .
.'i. So!e!lilc clock errors. The differences between the actual satell ite clock
time and that computed from the broadest corrections can become large
if a satellite's clock is misbehaving.
PR;c(t) = PR;(t) + PRC;(to) + (t - to) (5.80)
where PRC;(t 0 ) and dPRC;(t 0 )jdt are the broadcast corrections for satel-
lite i at their time of applicability to.
2. Delta-differential GPS corrections made up of corrections to the broad-
cast corrections applicable to the previous issue of satellite navigation
data (IOD) for a period of time after an IOD change. These delta cor-
(1) to ensure the higher update rates using existing data links, (2) to provide
additional information required for the precision approach and landing appli-
cation, and (3) to increase the integrity of the broadcast with a much stronger
parity algorithm. The flight test results described above suggest that DGPS,
using differential pseudorange corrections, can meet even Category III preci-
sion approach and landing requirements [68].
Wide Area DGPS RTCA Special Committee SC 159 is also preparing require-
ments for the use of Wide Area DGPS (WADGPS) as part of the FAA's future
Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) to achieve a Category I precision
approach and landing capability [69]. WAAS uses a braodcast through a geosta-
tionary satellite to provide corrections over a very wide area, such as the conti-
nental United States (CONUS). Th1~ accuracy of this approach suffers somewhat
because of spatial decorrelation and limited broadcast bandwidth but is expected
to provide the required Category I precision approach accuracy over a region
such as CONUS. To achieve this, the broadcast messages differ significantly
from the RTCM messages because information on ephemeris and ionospheric
errors must be provided to correct for spatial decorrelation of these errors. More
detail on the WAAS is provided in Section 5.7.3.
few techniques available to improve this initialization process. Two of the most
promising are the use of dual-frequency receivers [72] and the use of local near-
Ll transmitting pseudo lites (pseudosatellites) [73 J. The former approach uses
the differential carrier between Ll and L2 to first resolve ambiguities using a
larger beat frequency wavelength, and then transferring the solution to initialize
the Ll ambiguity resolution. The larger wavelength ambiguity takes much less
time to resolve. The second approach takes advantage of the rapidly changing
geometry between the pseudolite and the user, providing more leverage to the
resolution problem. The use of pseudolites for DGPS is discussed further in
Section 5.7.4.
The use of carrier phase techniques for precision approach and landing is still
in development. However, carrier-smoothed-code techniques are much more
robust. These techniques solve for the ambiguity not as an integer but as a
floating-point number. The ultimate accuracy of DGPS for precision approach
still remains unknown.
I. The horizontal CEP (circular error probable) budgeted for the MAGR is
given as [52]
Unauthorized Unauthorized
C/A Code C/A Code DGPS Special
Authorized Ll User Ll User Category I
Error Source Ll/L2 User with SA Without SA User
3. The 2drms budgeted for the commercial avionics user is given as [40]
For the special Category I DGPS user [41], the space/control segment error
budget is reduced to residual SA, residual clock, and spatial decorrelation errors
amounting to 0.5, 0.01, and 0.0 I meters, respectively. The reference station
budget is set at 1.1 meters, resulting in a total spacejcontrol segment/reference
station error budget of 1.21 meters, root-sum-squared. The users' error bud-
get presented in Table 5.7 is an example. The special Category I user has the
choice in allotting his budget between sensor (GPS receiver) error and flight
technical error (FTE), which defines the pilot's or auto-pilot's ability to fly the
prescribed flight path. The total vertical error budget is 9.76 meters, with a prob-
ability of 95%. Thus, the GPS receiver error budget depends upon the assigned
FTE for a given aircraft. Using a 95% probability VDOP (ratio of 95% vertical
navigation error to !-meter rms pseudorange error) of 3.1, the 95% probabil-
ity vertical error for the pseudorange error budget in Table 5.7 is 5.52 meters,
leaving a 95% probability budget for FTE of 8.05 meters. An aircraft with a
good autopilot could use a receiver with larger errors. The HDOP is not speci-
fied for special Category I DGPS users because the 95% probability horizontal
navigation error budget is so large-33.54 meters, which is easy to achieve
using DGPS techniques.
Time Accuracy The time error budget with respect to universal coordinated
time (UTC) for the MAGR is a GPS system level specification for time trans-
fer [52]. The control segment's budget for maintaining the difference between
GPS time and UTC is 90 nsec, 1-sigma. The 1-sigma GPS time error due to
pseudorange error is
UERE 6.98
a~::. 1 =TDOPx = 1.12x --
c c
= 26.1 ns (5.86)
assuming a TDOP of 1.12 with an elevation mask angle of 5°. The MAGR
is required to output time via a one pulse per second (1- PPS) accurate to the
specified I 00 nsec, !-sigma. The remaining error budget to achieve this is
33 33
1.12 X ~ )
+ (90 X lQ- 9 )2 = 153.6 ns (5.88)
10 -
:::> 0.1
0.01 1-- -
0.001 I I I I I
cies are indicative of what might be achieved if differential carrier phase tech-
niques are developed for precision landing applications. Otherwise, accuracies
indicated for differential GPS are more applicable.
than those of GPS that cause the GPS satellites to repeat their ground track
each day. Because of this, the GLONASS ground tracks precess around the
Earth and repeat every 17 orbits lasting 8 whole days plus 32.56 minutes. This
is equivalent to 16 GPS orbits.
That is, when all 24 satellites were to be in the constellation, each would have
a frequency assigned to it with 562.5 kHz separation between satellite signals.
Similarly the L2 P-Code signal is transmitted at a frequency assigned to the
satellite. Each satellite is assigned a unique frequency according to the follow-
ing equation [82]:
That is, when all 24 satellites are in the constellation, each will have a frequency
assigned to it with 437.5 kHz separation between satellite signals. Note that the
ratio of the Ll and L2 frequencies is 9/7, including the frequency separations.
Also note that they are an integer multiple of a common frequency of 62.5 kHz.
The shift down in frequency is to avoid interference from future Mobile Satellite
Services (MSS) terminals.
Signal Modulation The L I and L2 signals arc both bi-phasc modulated with
the PRN codes and navigation data. The PRN code and navigation data char-
acteristics arc as follows:
511 kHz
1.953 msec of GLONASS system time. The resultant signal spectrum is a line
spectrum centered at the assigned satellite frequency with an envelope equal
to that given in Equation 5.54 with a T, of I /511 ,000 sec, where the lines are
spaced 1 kHz apart, and a spectral null occurs at multiples of 511 kHz. Since
the assigned satellite frequencies are spaced only 562.5 kHz apart, there is an
overlap of signal spectra.
Even though the spectra of the C/ A codes of the different satellites over-
lap, it has very little effect on signal acquisition and tracking, because the user
receivers, when correlating with the code, will track the correct carrier. Spectral
interference will occur, but will be well below the thermal noise level. Adjacent
frequency numbered satellite signals will have a cross-correlation level not to
exceed 48 dB [79]. Because of the separation in frequency, even if full code
correlation between signals occurred for an instant, postcorrelation integration
reduces the effect to that level. The C/ A code only appears on the Ll signals
[77, 80].
2. P code. The CIS has never published the GLONASS P code. However,
it has been determined independently [80]. The GLONASS P code is com-
prised of a 25-stage shift register with tap feedback that would produce a
33,554,431-bit maximal-length sequence, except for the fact that it is short-
cycled to 5, II 0,000 bits and reset to all I 's. It is clocked at a rate of 5.11 MHz
so that it repeats once per second. A functional block diagram of the P code
generator is shown in Figure 5.32. Every satellite generates the same P code.
The !-sec code epochs are synchronized to the 1-msec C/ A code epochs to
ease the handover from one code to the other.
The resultant P code signal spectrum is a line spectrum centered at the
assigned satellite frequency with an envelope equal to that given in Equation
5.53 with aT, of I /5, II 0, 000 sec, where the lines are spaced I Hz apart, which
5.11 MHz
Signal Power The GLONASS ICD for the L I C/ A code signal indicates a
minimum received power of - 161 dEW, which is 1 dB less than specified for
the GPS L I C/ A code [79], although this level has been updated to -160 dBW
[82], which may be the total received C/ A code plus P code power. The L I
P code signal level is not published. The L2 P code received signal power is
-166 dEW [82].
Ephemeris Data The GLONASS ephemeris data are broadcast as ECEF carte-
sian coordinates in position and velocity with lunar/solar acceleration perturba-
tion parameters that are valid over about 0.5 hour [84]. The assumption is that
the user integrates via a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method the motion equations
that include the second zonal geopotential harmonic coefficient. Details of these
equations are given in the GLONASS ICD [79].
Almanacs Even though the ephemeris data differs completely from that of
GPS, the almanac parameters are quite similar as modified Keplerian parame-
Clock Corrections Clock correction parameters are also similar to that of GPS
in terms of clock offsets and clock drift.
l. Multisensor system implies that the GNSS and any augmentations can be
used for navigation, but only after it has been compared for integrity with
another approved navigation system in the aircraft.
2. Supplemental system implies that the GNSS and any augmentations can
be used alone without comparison to another approved navigation sys-
tem. However, another approved navigation system must be on board the
aircraft and usable when the GNSS is not available.
3. Required navigation performance (RNP) system is one that meets all the
requirements without need for any other navigation equipment on board
the aircraft. An RNP system may include one or more navigation sensors
in its definition (e.g., GPS with an inertial reference system, IRS).
GNSS does not add much to the aircraft's navigation system if it is only cer-
tified as a multisensor system service. It can add accuracy as long as the system
it is being compared with meets RNP requirements. This service is also useful
for test purposes. GNSS can, by itself, be certified as a supplemental system
through the use of receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) [40] and
possibly oceanic en route [69, 89J. In 1996, based on FAA requirements, as
an RNP system, GNSS requires augmentation, such as combining GPS either
with GLONASS, an independent WAAS-type system, and pseudolites or with
another type of sensor, such as an IRS [69, 891.
to verify their position fixes since antiquity. The thing that is different now is
that computer technology has made it possible to use relatively sophisticated
mathematical methods in performing the consistency checks. Before getting into
the details of one RAIM method, it should be noted that catastrophic failures
are easy to detect with primitive methods, so they are not discussed further
here. It is the more subtle or incipient failures that are treated here; those where
a somewhat out-of-tolerance signal in space causes the user position error to
wander outside some specified limit for the phase of flight in progress. If the
GNSS is a supplemental system, it is sufficient for RAIM to simply detect the
failure and sound an alarm accordingly. If the GNSS is an RNP system, it is
necessary for RAIM to both detect and isolate and exclude the failed source.
This added burden of isolation and exclusion complicates the RAIM (now called
fault detection and exclusion, FDE) problem considerably [90, 91, 135].
RAIM Basics For tutorial purposes it is useful to begin with a simple two-
dimensional example. Suppose that we have three range measurements, each
defining a line of position (LOP) in a plane. Three possible situations are shown
in Figure 5.33. In Figure 5.33a we have the usual situation with good geometry
and consistent measurements (at least within the expected measurement noise).
The result is three intersections (fixes) that are close together. The observer
would then conclude ''no failure" in this situation. In Figure 5.33h we see
another possible situation in which we have favorable geometry but the fixes
are relatively far apart. The observer must conclude that something is wrong
here, and the decision is "failure.'' Note, though, that the information is insuf-
ficient to tell us which measurement is at fault that is, we can do simple error
detection here, but we cannot do fault isolation with just one redundant mea-
surement. Finally, in Figure 5.33c we see an extreme case of poor geometry.
Two of the LOPs are parallel. We can conclude here that measurements I and
2 are consistent (their LOPs are close together), but there is no valid check on
measurement 3. An error in it would go unnoticed. Thus the decision as to a
possible failure in this case is inconclusive. The observer must simply say, "No
(a) Consistent Measurements (b) lnc,:msistent Measurements (c) Poor Geometry Situation
valid integrity check is possible because of poor geometry." All three situations
shown in Figure 5.33 have their counterparts in the more complex GNSS RAIM
setting. Of course the meanings of "close together" and "far apart" need to be
quantified. Also, statistical performance criteria relative to the reliability of the
observer's decision need to be developed. More will be said of these items later.
Work on autonomous means of GNSS failure detection began in earnest dur-
ing the latter part of the 1980s. It was also during this period that the acronym
RAIM (for receiver autonomous integrity monitoring) was coined. We will not
attempt to document all of the technical papers on RAIM that appeared during
this period. One has only to browse through the proceedings of the meetings of
the Institute of Navigation to assess the degree of activity that took place dur-
ing this period and on into the 1990s. A summary of three different methods
is given in [92].
One of many RAIM schemes will now be described; it is easily understood
and can be thought of as a baseline or reference method. While it is a good
scheme, there is no claim that it is the best.
SSE::;; TH (5.94)
SSE> TH (5.95)
decide "failure."
The intuitive rationale for this rule is simply that if the measurements are
consistent, we can expect the residuals to be small; on the other hand. if the
measurements are inconsistent. we can expect SSE to be large because of a poor
least-squares fit. Once the threshold value THis set, the decision rule is quanti-
fied. With this RAIM algorithm, it is easy to set the threshold to yield an alarm
rate that is independent of geometry in the absence of a satellite malfunction.
This is usually set at the maximum allowable rate. The RAIM algorithm then
accepts whatever detection probability that results from this threshold setting.
RAIM Specifications There are four key parameters that must be included in
the RAIM specifications:
1. Alarm limit (also called alert limit). Alarm limit refers to the maximum
allowable radial error before the alarm is sounded.
2. Time response of the alarm (i.e., delay to alarm time). Too much delay
can be disastrous in critical situations.
3. Maximum allowable alarm rate in the absence of a satellite malfunction.
There must be a limit to nuisance alarms.
4. Detection probability. This must be close to unity if the RAIM algorithm
is to be effective.
These specifications compete with each other to some extent. For example,
tightening the false alarm rate specification makes it more difficult to meet
the detection probability requirement. The "elastic" in the system that makes it
possible to meet all of the stated four requirements is availability. The RAIM
algorithm can (and indeed must) reject poor detection geometries. RAIM avail-
ability, of course, suffers from such rejections.
RAIM for an RNP System In the RNP application, RAIM will have to be aug-
mented with additional measurement information from outside GPS. Many such
possibilities exist, such as using the combination of GPS and GLONASS, and
the marketplace (and perhaps politics) will determine the mix of sensor infor-
mation to be used in any particular application. Also, it is likely that the ultimate
GPS integrity protection will be provided by a combined W AAS/RAIM sys-
tern. The two systems are complementary, and there is much to be gained by
having the two systems work together [95]. (For a discussion of the W AAS,
see Section 5.7.3.)
GPSjGLONASS RAIM The fact that the two systems operate on different
time scales can be solved by the avionics user by simply adding the time dif-
ference to his solution state vector. This does, however, require an additional
satellite signal source because it adds another unknown to the solution. Further-
more, at least two satellites are required from both systems in the solution. If
there is only one satellite, any error in its pseudorange will simply be assigned
to the solution for the time difference based upon the position solution deter-
mined from the other system. However, this requirement for an additional satel-
lite would not exist continuously, since the time scales of both systems are quite
stable and a reliable time difference solution would remain valid over a long
time. Continuous monitoring may be required for solution integrity, however,
as well as detecting interfrequency errors in the receiver.
The problem with operating with two coordinate systems can be solved over
a period of time and updated as necessary with data-base parameters. For most
phases of flight, the differences appear to be small enough, so they do not mat-
ter [85 J. For precision approach applications, the use of differential corrections
would cancel the differences, including the differences in the time scales.
The combined system can also be used in conjunction with the W AAS
described in Section 5. 7 .3, in which case the differences can be broadcast via
the W AAS. If there are a number of failures in either system, the availability
of RAIM and continuity of service could also suffer because, as stated at the
beginning of this section, the two systems' orbits are not synchronized. That is,
if the GLONASS system were to augment the GPS system on one day, it may
not on the next because the ground tracks of the satellites moved with respect
to each other. This could be a problem if the GLONASS system continues to be
unreliable and the number of satellites in orbit do not maintain an operational
able for wide area augmentation at the L I frequency were in 1996 [87]. Four
satellites are planned with an edge-of-Earth coverage shown in Figure 5.35 .
Note that many areas have double coverage, while some areas (e.g. , Europe)
have triple coverage. However, at least double coverage is required everywhere
in the service volume to provide the required RNP availability and reliability
[29, 30]. Thus, for CONUS, at least one or two additional GEOs are required
[30] . Unlike the Inmarsat-3 communications satellites, these additional GEOs
may be small single-mission navigation satellites [I 00].
In theW AAS concept, a network of monitoring stations (wide area reference
stations, WRSs) continuously track the GPS (and GEO) satellites and relay the
tracking information to a central processing facility [69, 98]. The central pro-
cessing facility (wide area master station, WMS), in turn, determines the health
and W ADGPS corrections for each signal in space and relays this information,
via the broadcast messages, to the ground Earth stations (GESs) for uplink to
Figure 5.35 lnmarsat-3 four ocean-region dep loyment showing 5° elevation contours.
the GEOs. The WMS also determines and relays the GEO ephemeris and clock
state messages to the GEOs. The signal is converted to the L I frequency on
the GEO satellite is then broadcast to the avionics user by the GEO satellite.
Message Format and Content [I 02, 1291 The integrity message contains the
status of each GPS satellite as use/ don '1 use information as well as WADGPS
error corrections and GEO ephemeris and clock data. The messages set into a
format with the capability to include both GPS and GLONASS data, although
GLONASS data are not planned in the FAA system. The magnitude of the
W ADGPS corrections can be also be used as error statistics for the users that
are not applying the corrections in the appropriate phases of flight.
The message data rate differs from that of the standard GPS signal [I 02,
I 03, 104, 129]. It has a symbol rate of 500 symbols per second. A rate 1/2
forward error-correcting (FEC) convolutional code of length seven is used to
reduce the effective data rate to 250 bps, but allowing a 5-dB gain in effective
energy-to-hit ratio over an uncoded 250 bps transmission [105]. Each message
block, shown in Figure 5.36, contains 250 bits, lasting one second. Each frame
contains 24 bits of parity to provide a strong burst error detection capability
as required for high integrity. The higher data rate provides two capabilities.
The first is a required capability to provide an integrity alarm to within 5.2
sec of a signal-in-space fault during Category I precision approach [98]. The
second is to broadcast W ADGPS corrections at a rate commensurate with SA
and ionospheric delay errors.
The various message types are listed in Table 5.9 [129]. There are two types
of correction data-fast and slow. The types 2 through 5 fast corrections are
intended to correct for rapidly changing errors such as GPS SA clock errors,
while the slow corrections are for slower changing errors due to the atmo-
spheric and long-term satellite clock and ephemeris errors. The fast GPS clock
errors are common to all users and will be broadcast as such. Corrections des-
ignated with the maximum positive number indicate not-monitored satellites,
while those designated with the maximum amplitude negative numbers indi-
cate don't-use satellites, which is the integrity indication. Procedures for using
these messages are given in the RTCA MOPS [104, 129].
For the slower corrections, the users are provided with ephemeris and clock
error estimates for each satellite in view (message types 24 and 25). Users are
separately provided with a wide area ionospheric delay model and sufficient
real-time data to evaluate the ionospheric delays for each satellite using that
model (message types 18 and 26). This model is comprised of vertical iono-
spheric delays at a set of grid of points that a user can interpolate to the iono-
spheric pierce points of his pseudorange observations.
Type Contents
0 Do not use this GEO for anything (for W AAS testing)
PRN Mask assignments, set up to 52 of 210 bits
2-5 Fast corrections
6 Integrity information
7 UDRE acceleration information
8 Estimated standard deviation message
9 GEO navigation message, (X, Y, Z, time, etc.)
10-11 Reserved for future messages
12 WAAS network/UTC offset parameters
13-16 Reserved for futu,:e messages
17 GEO satellite almanacs
18 Ionospheric grid point masks
19-23 Reserved for future messages
24 Mixed fast corrections/long-term satellite error corrections
25 Long-term satellite error corrections
26 Ionospheric delay corrections
27 WAAS service message
28-62 Reserved for future messages
63 Null message
0.985 -J-------- --+/: ·--·- ············ ·········· --·- -- · · · · ·-·-----· · · · -· · . ····-· 24 GPS + 4 GEO
• I
0.98 / •: .
...........•...... ······r············ ·······-- .. ....... ___ ···············- SATELLITES
~ 0.975 of·····-·-·················------
···-··-!········-········-·---·- ·+··········
m 0.97 ---,. ...i... ________ -. l-- ........ ---- ....... --------!- .........___ ..__________ . . J.---------
-----,1: -· ··---···-~----·--- ~
~ 0.965 --1~ .... -.. + . . . · · · 1-- ---1 ----t ~ 1E..01 ~
r-..1""---. I· 24GPS
<( :::i 1E..03 1.:'""
0.955 +···--····· . .
-lj- ··-
.... j
' Kt
::> 1E-11
. .J-!J
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0.945 .. ·············-····l··--···f···--··········-·····-~---·'··--·---1
11 lr I 1 I II
0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Figure 5.38 Pseudolite DGPS concept.
I. They provide a data link for local DGPS corrections and integrity infor-
mation that can be received with a slightly modified GPS avionics receiver
[107, 108].
2. They provide additional ranging signals, just as the W AAS, resulting in
a significant VDOP availability enhancement [109, 110, 111, 112, 113].
This VDOP enhancement is illustrated in Figure 5.39 for two PLs aug-
menting GPS at the FAA Technical Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
VDOP is reduced from 2.3 for GPS only to less than 1 in the area of
the runways for GPS augmented with two PLs [113]. Similar enhance-
ments are shown in [ll2] for runways at O'Hare International Airport in
3. They provide a rapid change in geometry that is extremely important for
g< -5.--_ __
1:1::: -10
-10 -5 0 5 10 15
Figure 5.39 Illustration of VDOP reduction with 2 PLs at the FAA Technical Center.
kinematic carrier phase ambiguity (both integer and floating point) resolu-
tion techniques [73] and multipath mitigation. This approach is described
in Section 5.5.9.
4. Their signals in space can be more accurate than satellite signals because
of the nonpresence of ephemeris and ionospheric delay errors and reduced
tropospheric delay errors [Ill I].
Along with these advantages there are two significant disadvantages that require
attention: I. The proximity of the PL to the avionics user causes potential inter-
ference to the reception of satellite signals-the well-known near/far problem
[107, 108, 110, 114]. The PL signals become quite strong when the avionics
receiver is near the PL if the PL power is set for reception at a distance. For
example, the received PL signal power increases inversely with the square of
distance from the PL. For a precision approach and landing applications, the
PL power would be set for reception at about 20 nmi. Thus, at 0.1 mile, the
received signal is 40,000 times stronger (46 dB). 2. A PL's location on the
ground could present a problem with the antenna location on the aircraft for
simultaneous reception of the pseudo lite and the satellites [ 113, 115].
prevent the capture of a receiver due to the excessive dynamic range required
for a close-in signal [108]. The pulsing with a relatively low duty cycle reduces
the interference to any signal in the reception band. The strong signal simply
punches holes in the lower powered signals, reducing their received power by
only the duty cycle percentage. For example, if the duty cycle is set at 0.1, the
signal loss of the satellite signal is only I 0 log 10 0.9 = 0.458 dB, although an
additional loss in CjN0 is realized because the pulse power also enters the corre-
lator. This pulse power is reduced significantly by precorrelation pulse clipping
or pulse suppression, techniques that are already implemented in GPS receivers.
Pulsing is also required to prevent multiple PLs interfering with each other. This
adds a requirement of pulse timing so that pulses from two different PLs are
not received simultaneously, in addition to the requirement that received pulses
must be asynchronous with the reception of GPS data bit edges. This type of
timing is possible [113, 115].
Even though pulsing can reduce interference significantly, the strong signal
within the clipped pulses can still cross-correlate with the received satellite sig-
nals, if indeed the PL signals carry GPS-like Cj A codes [ 108, II 0, 113, 114,
115, 116]. This causes another dynamic range problem because the cross-cor-
relation margin between C/ A codes is only on the order of 22 to 24 dB [ 18,
32]. The I 0 dB reduction in average power of the pseudolite signal due to a
10% duty cycle pulsing does little to prevent cross-correlation [ 114 ]. This is
where the frequency offset helps. It has been shown that the cross-correlation
can also occur at frequency offsets but is proportional to the 1 kHz spectral
line component levels of another CjA code in the same family [18, 32]. As it
happens, however, the spectral line components near the null of the spectrum
are down on the order of 70 to 80 dB, as can be observed in Figure 5.15. Thus,
if the PL were to transmit in the null of the GPS satellite C/ A code spectra,
which are all at the same frequency to within 5 kHz due to Doppler differences,
the cross-correlation would be insignificant [ 113, 115]. Cross-correlation peaks
within 4 dB of the 0 offset case can still occur [ 116]. However, if the carrier
frequency jcode frequency ratio of 1540 is maintained, these peaks disappear
very rapidly and simply create an interfering noise that the pulsing mitigates.
Test results back up these interference mitigation theories [ 113 ]. Figure 5.40
20 40 60 80
Average PL to GPS Power (dB)
Figure 5.40 Effects of signal structure on PL interference to GPS satellite signal
5.1. A GPS user receiver is tracking four GPS satellites-PRNs 1, 13, 19, and
22. Via the reception of navigation data, the receiver receives the following
ephemeris parameters:
(a) Parameters common to all four satellites:
vA = 5153.619629 meters
i0 = 0.3055555556 semicircles
wo = 0 semicircles
toe = 345, 600 seconds in the GPS week
X 1 = 13,672.46475 km
Y 1 = -6,720.41440 km
Z 1 = 21,755.97535 km
x, 3 = --2,370.46666 km
Y 13 = --23,498.04734 km
zl3 = -12,150.94171 km
X ,9 = - 18,962.99343 km
Y 19 = 6, 971.55345 km
Z 19 = 17,240.21601 km
X 22 = -10,899.89991 km
Y 22 = -14,301.92165 km
z22 = 19,546.60953 km
X= -1, 268.4451896 km
Y = -4,739.4160255 km
Z = 4, 078.0482708 km
R1 = 23,230.69260 km
R 13 = 24,829.03623 km
R19= 24,969.68770 krn
Rn = 20, 578.69009 km
HOOP = 1.241
VOOP = 1.631
POOP = 2.050
TOOP = 0.823
GOOP = 2.208
5.3. After traveling some distance the user then measures the following actual
ranges to the four satellites:
What is the user's new position in ECEF coordinates? What are the
azimuth and elevation angles to the satellites and the HOOP, VOOP, POOP,
TOOP, and GOOP at this new position, which has an approximate position
of N44° 58", W93° 15", at an altitude of 200 meters? Assume a spherical
earth with a radius of 6378.163 kilometers.
Ans.: The user's position solution (near Minneapolis) is as follows:
X = - 255.843602 km
Y = - 4,505.54881 km
Z = 4, 507.55905 km
HDOP = 1.304
VDOP = 1.603
PDOP = 2.066
TDOP = 0.8432
GDOP = 2.231
6 Terrestrial Integrated Radio
Since the 1970s, many radio communication and navigation systems have
used the same portion of the frequency spectrum and common technology,
such as time synchronous operation, digital modulation, spread spectrum wave
forms, coding and user-borne clock oscillators. Synchronous operation, in con-
junction with signal time-of-arrival measurement, has lead to a direct method
for measuring the range between transmitter and receiver locations in sys-
tems using this technology. For these reasons, integrated relative and absolute
communication-navigation systems, which provide both digital communication
and navigation functions by means of the same wave form, have been widely
developed. These systems typically use the content of digital data and the time
of anival of the messages measured by the receiver, to determine the receiver
platform's position, through some form of multilateration. In general, the posi-
tions are determined in a relative sense within an arbitrary grid, although the
unit positions can be referenced to an absolute, geodetic coordinate system,
such as latitude, longitude, and altitude, through the use of reference stations
whose positions are independently known in the absolute coordinate system. In
addition, the position data may be combined in a Kalman filter with dead-reck-
oning sensor data, such as from an inertial platform, for the purpose of position
extrapolation and calibration of the dead-reckoning sensor enors.
Several types of tenestrial integrated communication-navigation systems
have been developed. One is a decentralized system, in which the operation
is not dependent on any central site or node, and each user in a community of
members determines its own position. Such a system is also called nodeless. A
second type is a centralized system, wherein the operation is dependent on a
central site (node) and may be controlled by it and wherein the determination
of the positions of the users in the community is performed by that central site.
Frequently, it is desired to have the positions of a large number of users known
and tracked at the central site, such as in military or civil command and con-
trol systems. Typically, in such a system, users may obtain their positions by
automatic, periodic, or occasional requests from the central node; hence such
a system is considered nodal. Sys.tems are being developed that exhibit both
nodal and nodeless characteristics and thus become hybrid systems. However,
the fundamental design of these systems is typically based on either the decen-
tralized or centralized concepts.
Typical examples of these systems are represented by the Joint Tactical Infor-
mation Distribution System Relative Navigation (JTIDS RelNav) function and
the position location reporting system (PLRS) and its enhanced versions, whose
principles of operation are described in this chapter. The former is representa-
tive of a decentralized system and the latter is representative of a centralized
system. Applications of these types of systems cover a wide spectrum, includ-
ing the handover of targets between units operating within a common grid,
rendezvous of aircraft or other units, command and control from the viewpoint
of a military commander having knowledge of the position of his forces, and
such specialized purposes as search and rescue and medical evacuation.
The systems described in this chapter were mature and operational in 1996.
For example, by 1996, over 3600 PLRS and enhanced PLRS user units had been
produced and deployed on a variety of U.S. Army and Marine Corps vehicles,
including tanks and helicopters and as manpack units, and about 1500 more
were planned for the future. By 1996, about 500 airborne JTIDS terminals had
been installed on such aircraft as the U.S. E3A, E2C, B-1, F-14D, F-ISC, and
JSTARS, as well as on several aircraft of other NATO countries. About 400
more such terminals had been planned for later installation in various military
aircraft and ships. Also in 1996, a major development was under way by a
consortium of several countries for a JTIDS-like smaller and modular MIDS
terminal that includes the relative navigation function. This reduction in termi-
nal size will make it possible to install it in a large variety of other aircraft.
___~~,~,~,~.~~.~.~~,___ _,.~~,~,~,~I.LI.L__.~~.Willillill~~,~,~,~~--JIWUI.II.I.II.u.u.-
32 chips/pulse encoding five
information bits, continuous phase
shift modulated, pseudo-randomly
Figure 6.1 JTlDS signal structure.
clock, very precise synchronization of all the individual clocks, although not
necessary for the communications function of JTIDS, allows the receiver to
convert message TOA to an accurate one-way radio range to each of the trans-
mitters and thus support a precise multilateration navigation function.
Interrogator t (o)
err (i)
Source t (o)
messages received from users of superior quality and establishes its own rank in
the hierarchy on the basis of the qualities of its sources and the measurement
geometry as reflected in the RelNav Kalman filter covariance matrix. Some
units in the community must, of course, have independently known positions
and qualities to get things started.
In the time hierarchy, the net time reference (NTR) transmits the highest
time quality ( 15). Other units transmit time qualities derived from the time vari-
ance developed in their synchronization Kalman filters. Primary users employ
only the RTT technique, while secondary users employ primarily passive syn-
chronization, making recourse to RTT only under certain conditions of poor
geometry. Explicit designation of secondary users is seldom made. Radio-silent
users, unable to participate in RTT message exchanges, automatically assume
secondary user status.
Within the RelNav hierarchy, the equivalent of the NTR is the RelGrid
navigation controller (NC). RelGrid coordinates transmitted by the NC are by
definition perfect as indicated by transmission of the highest relative position
quality of 15. There is no equivalent of the NC in the geodetic frame; that
is, there is no equivalent arbitrarily perfect reference designator. Designation
as a position reference disables geodetic position update; however, this desig-
nation does not connote perfection. The accuracy of the geodetic position in
PPLT messages is characterized by the geodetic position quality which, for all
units, is determined initially by operator entry and subsequently by the RelNav
Kalman filter covariance. The maintenance of the covariance based hierarchy
in both time and position is the function of the source selection logic described
in Section 6.2.6.
6.2.6 Mechanization
The overall diagram of the RelNav function in Figure 6.3 shows its three major
subfunctions: source selection, Kalman filter and navigation processing. Each
received PPLI message is processed by the source selection function immedi-
ately following its reception. Host dead-reckoner data are processed in the nav-
igation function to provide an estimated own-unit position at the time of receipt
of each selected PPLI message. Source selection stores the selected PPLI obser-
vations and the associated navigation data to await processing by the RelNav
Kalman filter. The computed range and direction to the source and the mea-
sured range from the TOA of the received PPLI message provide a range error
vector which the filter uses to estimate position, velocity, and other dead-reck-
oner error states. These error estimates are applied to the internal dead-reck-
oner model in the navigation function and corrections are supplied to the host
Estimated Present Position
I Communications
Management Function
IMessage -----4_ Minimum Range Test I
messages with those of the receiving user. In general, both the time and position
qualities of the source must exceed the position quality of the receiving user.
This test is, in a sense, antithetical to the concept of the Kalman filter which
was designed to derive low-variancae estimates from higher-variance observa-
tions; however, it has been found to be essential to the operation of the network
of interactive filters in a RelNav community. It recognizes that the simple qual-
ities transmitted in the PPLI messages do not represent true variances (noises)
in the estimation sense; rather, they represent uncertainties of estimation errors
that are predominantly correlated bias errors. The limited PPLI message bits
available to the RelNav function precluded the more sophisticated approach
of transmitting the separate position terms of the RelNav filter covariance
Users enter the network with an operator-assigned initial position quality
indicating the uncertainty of the initial position estimate. In airborne users, posi-
tion quality will degrade with time in accordance with the error signature of the
user's dead reckoner as modeled in the Kalman filter's time propagation of the
covariance matrix. The Kalman filter processes PPLI observations to estimate
the dead-reckoner errors (and reduce their covariance terms) and this will be
reflected in a decreased rate of degradation of position quality. A dynamic bal-
ance supportable by the quality and geometry available from the PPLI message
sources is soon established.
The geometric rank tests of Figure 6.4 recognize that the value of a PPLI
observation is related not only to its position and time qualities but also to the
direction from which it was received. Several sources of equally high quality
all in approximately the same direction provide little more information than
one such source, but each will consume source selection buffer locations and
filter processing time and will crowd out observations of lesser quality but of
greater value by virtue of their directions. The rank test uses the orientation,
eccentricity, and semimjaor axis of the bivariate error ellipse defined by the
horizontal position terms of the RelNav Kalman filter covariance matrix and
the quality-based variance and direction of a received observation to compute a
numerical rank that is stored with each observation. The rank is the approximate
variance of a hypothetical observation lying directly on the extended major axis
that would provide the same benefit as the received observation at its angle off-
axis. In this context, benefit implies the reduction in the major axis of the error
ellipse to be expected of Kalman filter processing of the received observation.
Kalman Filter The JTIDS RelNav Kalman filter is an extended Kalman filter
that estimates linear error states of the navigation process. Table 6.1 presents
a typical state vector for use with an inertial dead reckoner. Two of the state-
vector elements (7, 16) are time and frequency states used only by passive
users. For active users, these two states are carried in a separate synchronization
filter that uses RTT or ETR data. Five states (1, 2, 6, 14, 15) are relative grid
states. Of the remaining nine states, the two horizontal geodetic position error
terms are carried as quaternions, while the third dimension is carried as altitude
error and an altimeter instrument scale factor term. The inertial filter models
velocity errors in the north and west directions in the geodetic frame and the
three platform misalignment or tilt states in the local-level frame. A filter for use
with air-data computer/attitude and heading reference system (ADC/ AHRS)
inputs is also included and differs in that it models the dead-reckoner errors
as two wind components, an airspeed instrument scale factor, and azimuth bias
and azimuth gyro drift rate errors.
Figure 6.5 is a flow diagram of the Kalman filter function. Only the mea-
surement geometry, measurement innovation, measurement validity, and filter
characterization features that are peculiar to JTIDS RelNav will be discussed
here. See Chapter 3 for a general discussion of Kalman filters used in multi-
sensor navigation systems.
The source position and the own-unit position stored with it are subtracted
vectorially to obtain a predicted range and three-dimensional direction cosines.
The range error (measurement innovation) is obtained by subtracting the pre-
dicted range from the measured range. The measurement variance derived from
the source qualities and the direction cosines are supplied to the Kalman gain
function, and the range error is supplied to the state and covariance update
The validity tests are intended to detect divergence of the filter and to pro-
vide protection against inconsistent observations. This is particularly impor-
tant to JTIDS RelNav, as compared to other radio-ranging systems because the
ranging sources are typically other, sometimes erroneous, navigating users. The
dilemma facing any validity test is whether the error lies with the local esti-
mate or with the input data. The source selection function makes this decision
more difficult by narrowing the group of sources to the few, typically three to
five, with the best announced qualities (whether true or false). An observation
is rejected if the measurement innovation (the computed range error) is large
compared to the receiving user's filter variances (3-sigma reasonableness test).
A series of observations exhibiting an average innovation exceeding 2-sigma
for this test, triggers a proportional increase of the position terms of the filter
covariance matrix. Eventually, if the recurrence rate of these covariance expan-
sions exceeds a threshold, the process is abandoned and the filter is restarted.
The filter characterization function serves only to convert filter covariance
data to forms more convenient to the source selection and PPLI generation
functions. Position quality in the PPLI message is defined by the JTJDS mes-
sage standard as representing the semimajor axis of the horizontal position error
ellipse and the rank computation requires the semimajor and semiminor axes
and the orientation angle of the error ellipse. Each Kalman cycle, the filter char-
acterization module computes these terms and stores them for use during the
next cycle.
w noise
gain Geometry ..._ PPLI
II Computation posiUon
Correction Careotion & Meaeurement
to t-- Validity T eating
Covariance Predicted
Navigation Extrapolation
model measurement
Error state Measurement Measurement (TOA) ......:: ~ Source
' transition
' of
transition State Transition Updated error state & Error State & Measurement
- Matrix
covariance Covariance
Innovation Innovation
~ Misalignment correction
Platform an_g_ular....::.
rates Misalignment Angle Velocity correction
Update Kalman Filter
14--- Alti~ & au.aternion
J Misalignment
data angular rates
Host 1-<-- Grid
PPLI Message
Geodetic Quatemion
1-- 1
Rei Grid
1 Quaternions & altitude . .. jUpdate
Geodetic pOSition
Direction Cosine and
Position Geodetic Update Geodetic & Qrid ..:::. Source
Veloaty .& Tilt pOSitiOn &. velOCity Selection
is selected to correspond with that of the host system. JTIDS initial position
is obtained from the host inertial system, but thereafter JTIDS uses only the
velocity and baro-inertial altitude inputs to compute delta-velocities for use in
the internal inertial mechanization. This model continuously applies the Rel-
Nav filter corrections to velocity and acceleration (via platform misalignment
calibration) to improve upon the solution provided by the host inertial system.
Corrections to position, velocity, and tilts are also returned to the host data
As mentioned earlier, an air-data model is available for use in aircraft having
only an ADC/ AHRS, but JTIDS RelNav has seldom been installed in such
aircraft. Its primary use is as a backup mode to continue RelNav operation and
PPLI transmissions should the host's inertial system fail and force a switch to
air data.
Integration with GPS JTIDS RelNav processes position fixes from an inter-
connected GPS receiver as two uncorrelated, one-dimensional Kalman updates
in the north and east directions. The variance data in the GPS input are used in
RelNav source selection and Kalman gain computations in the same manner as
the qualities in received PPLI messages. If GPS data are of high quality-that
is, if GPS GDOP and signal availability (Chapter 5) are within typical GPS sys-
tem performance criteria-the JTIDS terminal will tend to operate exclusively
on GPS data, and the transmitted PPLI messages will reflect GPS position accu-
racy. A few aircraft with interconnected JTIDS and GPS equipments can, via
JTIDS RelNav, extend the benefits of GPS-based position fixing to an entire
community of JTIDS users.
Dead-Reckoner Errors The inertial filter explicitly models velocity and plat-
form misalignment errors, but higher-order terms are modeled only as dynamic
process noise. The air-data filter models wind and azimuth errors as Markov
processes. To the extent that actual dead-reckoner errors depart from these
assumptions, JTIDS RelNav will experience errors. As one example, winds aloft
typically vary with altitude so a RelNav user coupled with an ADC/ AHRS can
be expected to exhibit temporarily increased errors following a substantial alti-
tude change.
Source Position Errors The best PPLI position quality (15) implies a site sur-
vey of better than 50 ft, !-sigma. More important than accurate survey, however,
are the position qualities assigned at the ground reference sites. These must
reflect a conservative estimate of the position uncertainty. Optimistic position
qualities can result in user validity failures and recurrent filter resets leading to
instability rather than just increased position error.
tor filterng. All positions are available to the cooperating users and to command
PLRS also provides short message data exchange for both manual and auto-
mated users. All control, measurement reporting, and data exchange are crypto-
graphically secured in a synchronous, anti-jam communications network. Mas-
ter stations (MSs) establish control circuits between radio sets (RSs) and the
MSs via a control network. This control network supports the position location,
navigation aid, and friendly unit identification. From a message flow standpoint,
the control network provides an "order-wire" capability that can be used for
data exchange between users. In addition to the order wire, the control network
also supports user access to a wide range of position location, navigation, and
identification information.
The system has a range of capabilities which support the conduct of coordi-
nated military operations. For the individual tactical user on foot, in a surface
vehicle, or in an aircraft, the system determines and displays to him his accurate
position in real time. It alerts him if he enters a restricted area. It also provides
the user with guidance to predesignated points, to other users, or along corri-
dors in accordance with requests, as well as providing a free text data exchange
For a tactical commander, the system provides the identification, location,
and movement of all cooperating users within an assigned area of responsibility.
In addition to allowing the commander to monitor the movement of forces,
the system also has the ability to input and modify control measures such as
coordination points, safe corridors, and restricted zones.
For all participants, the system (which operates beyond the line of sight
via integral relays) incorporates electronic counter-counter measures (ECCM)
and provides cryptographically secure digital data communications. Each user
has the capability of sending preassigned short messages to provide data to or
request information from the system and to exchange short free text messages.
A single synchronous community can support over 900 users with a varied
distribution of manpack, surface vehicle, and airborne platforms. System per-
formance is provided within the primary ground operating area, and airborne
users can be located and tracked within a 300-km square extended operating
area. It can interoperate with other communities in adjacent or overlapping geo-
graphical areas. It operates in the UHF band at frequencies from 420 to 450
Figure 6.7
a set of PORT links that connects RSs (nodes) to the MS either directly or
via one to three relay nodes. Network control and measurement reporting is
transferred over the PORT path. In addition to the bilateral PORT links, one-way
TOA links are utilized to provide the additional multilateration structure needed
for position location and tracking. Since the timing of RS clocks is established
using paired TOA data along the PORT paths (Section 6.3.5), one-way TOAs
can be converted to true range es.timates. In a typical PLRS deployment over
half of the range measurements are based on one-way TOAs.
To initialize the position locarion function and to maintain a relationship
between the internal coordinates and the external military grid reference system
(MGRS) coordinates, the MGRS positions of three or more cooperating RSs are
input to PLRS. These are normally input as three-dimensional fixed reference
positions, and the RSs then become grid reference nodes. The MS may be, but
is not necessarily, one of the grid reference nodes. In addition the system can
operate without any fixed reference RSs as long as the positions of three or
more RSs are regularly input to the position tracking function. In this latter
case the positions may be input and updated by RSs which are moving. This
is termed a dynamic baseline operation. External position sources such as the
global positioning system (GPS) (Chapter 5) can be used to provide the position
reference information to PLRS, but external data sources require the appropriate
coordinate conversion from the respective geoids and datums to MGRS.
and crypto key. Also, ranging may be accomplished with any of the bursts sent,
no matter what their purpose, as far as the message portion of the transmission
is concerned.
PLRS is a synchronous time division multiple access (TDMA) system, which
also employs frequency division multiple access and a srread spectrum wave
form (Figure 6.9). PLRS employs a network that is fully synchronous in three
respects: all RSs maintain timing such that cryptographic resynchronization is
seldom required; all RSs perform actions in a programmed cyclic manner such
that reprogramming RS assignments for relay. ranging, and reporting is seldom
required ; and each RS's time base is maintained with sufficient accuracy such
that one way time of arrival measurements can be translated to ranges by the
MS. Each of these aspects reduces the number of required control transmissions
and makes time available for other syslem functions or for increased system
PLRS employs time division multiplexing to permit a large number of users
to utilize the same frequency. Each of the RSs in a network takes turns trans-
mitting its burst while other RSs listen. These timeslots are assigned by the
MS. based on the particular requirements of each user. For example. for a given
Figure (l.9 PLRS time division multiple access tTDMA) organization.
Timeslot The fundamental time division is the timeslot. The timeslot length is
1.95 msec. The burst transmission accounts for 800 p.,sec, and 600 p.,sec is allo-
cated to RF propagation delay. The remaining time is required for processing
overhead such as message encoding, validation, and guard time.
The Code Resource In addition to the time and frequency separation, PLRS
uses a pseudonoise code resource. These codes provide a different spread spec-
trum pattern for each transmission in the network, thereby eliminating cross talk
and reducing interference.
6.3.5 Measurements
TOA Measurements One-way ranging is made possible by the fully syn-
chronous nature of the PLRS network. Each RS employs a set of time markers
-t------~TRANSMISSSION ~--------1--
I~ TOA2 .I RS#2 F"~/
~-RANGE 1 , 4 - - - - - - - - f
~ ®-RA~E2.4
L-~-T_A_T~_o_N~/~:: ~ ~ ~ : - - - dGE3,<
OJ 0 RANGE 1,4
..-'\. POSITION OF RS #4
RS#2, RANGE 3,4 L..y"
• .,..__ _ _ _ BAROMETRIC MEAN SEA
frequency to keep all RSs nominally synchronized with the MS, and thereby
with one another.
Finally, the purpose of the TRACE filter is to take each TOA measurement
and partially update the two cooperating RS's position and velocity estimates in
three-dimensional space. Without the supporting processing from the other three
filters, TRACE would not be able to operate successfully. Link value account-
ing is one of the unique byproducts of the TRACE processing. If a particular
TOA link assignment is not aiding the position location accuracy (due to geom-
etry or excess TOAs in a particular direction) of either RS then that TOA link
assignment is replaced by one that may be more beneficial to overall system
These filters provide the partially updated positions necessary to permit the
MS to report a fully updated posJition about half a second after MS receipt of
each user's measurement report.
Control Network Traffic Four types of messages are transmitted over the con-
trol network: user data input, user data output, network control, and measure-
ment report messages. All messages are sent to their appropriate destination,
through relays as necessary, without data content change. Error control is used
in order to insure a low(< 10- 5 ) message error rate. User data input messages
originate at any RS via an inputjoutput (I/0) device. An I/0 device may also
be used to originate queries requiring user data output messages to be sent back
to the RS. This establishes two-way communication between any RS and the
MS. Two way communications between any pair of RSs can also be established
using these message types.
Network control messages and measurement report messages are used by the
MSs to maintain communication with, and exercise control over, each RS. The
network control messages contain commands to the RS, (e.g., link assignments
and timing correction commands). Measurement report messages contain TOA
and altitude measurements and status information. The actual routing of mes-
sages to the proper destination is implicit in the network structure. The MS,
with its knowledge of the connectivity, assigns transmit and receive times to
provide proper relaying of messages to their destinations. RSs performing a
relay function make no distinction between different message types.
User-to-User Traffic The basic PLRS provides for user-to-user data exchange
using two distinct approaches. The first is by way of the MS, using the data
input and data output messages mentioned above. This approach can be used
by any RS operator to send short alerting or coordination messages to any other
user in the community. These messages are stored and forwarded by the MS(s).
The other approach provides local groups of up to eight users the ability to send
short messages to each other, without going through the MSs.
the PLRS control network for monitoring and controlling large communities
of user RSs. In addition to the positioning, position-reporting, navigation aid,
cryptographic key distribution, and status-reporting functions, the control net-
work is also utilized for distributing communications circuit assignments and
monitoring user-to-user communications performance. The EPLRS RSs support
communication network management by implementing the commands, moni-
toring and reporting circuit status, establishing new circuit paths, and controlling
the flow of data packets into and out of the network.
Both duplex (point to point) and group-addressed (broadcast) types of service
are available via the same user RS. Each RS can support up to 30 user circuits
(needlines) simultaneously with a composite (receive plus transmit) information
rate of 4 kbps. Each duplex circuit is capable of supporting acknowledged data
rates of up to 640 bps in each direction. Each group addressed circuit is capable
of supporting nonacknowledged data rates up to 1280 bps. The primary user
interface is via the Army Data Distribution System Interface (ADDSI), which
uses permanent virtual circuit protocols based on CCITT x.25. A !553B data
bus interface is also used for compatibility with existing aircraft and vehicular
The EPLRS concepts have been proven through live testing with 160 RSs.
In addition, extensive computer modeling and large-scale user community sim-
ulation have been used to confirm extension of performance to operations with
over 500 user RSs. EPLRS is interoperable with the basic PLRS allowing for
mutual support and coordinated operations between basic PLRS- and EPLRS-
equipped users.
6.2. The PLRS time of arrival signal processing splits a PN chip into 16 equal
parts. What is the precision of a one-way range measurement in meters:
Ans.: 3.7 meters.
6.3. If the clock offset error between two PLRS RSs involved in a range mea-
surement is 15 nsec, what error in one way range measurement does this
Ans.: 4.5
6.4. In Problem 6.2, what error would result if this were a two-way range mea-
Ans.: 19 meters.
6.5. In Problem 6.3, what error would result if this were a two-way range mea-
Ans.: None.
6.6. In the military grid reference system used for reporting positions to a user
readout in PLRS, a location is reported as 4 decimal digits of casting and
4 decimal digits of northing within a designated 100-km grid square. What
is the maximum error introduced due the precision of this report?
Ans.: 5J2 meters
7 Inertial Navigation
I. The position and velocity information degrades with time. This is true
whether the vehicle is moving or stationary.
2. The equipment is expensive ($50,000 to $120,000 for the airborne sys-
tems in 1996).
3. Initial alignment is necessary. Alignment is simple on a stationary vehicle
at moderate latitudes, but it degrades at latitudes greater than 75° and on
moving vehicles.
4. The accuracy of navigation information is somewhat dependent on vehicle
Platform wander a
angle, if not
north pointing
Vehicle azimuth - Vehicle azimuth
relative to platform + from north
---···· ---
Vehicle attitude angles
(roll and pitch)
I Azimuth Vehicle attitude
I 1 Pitch angle
Pitch gimbal readout
I Pitch
Redundant gimbal Inner roll angle J
drive -------------
(Sec 7.4.2)
ble element. The gimbal angles are measured by transducers, usually resolvers
(Section 7 .4.2), whose outputs indicate the aircraft's roll, pitch, and heading
to the displays, auto-pilot, and sometimes to the computer. In strapdown sys-
tems, attitude angles are mathematically extracted from the analytic platform
transformation matrix (Section 7 .4.1 ).
When the inertial system is turned on, it must be aligned so that the computer
knows the initial position and groundspeed of the vehicle and so that the plat-
form (gimballed or analytic) has the correct initial orientation relative to the
Earth. The platform is typically aligned in such a way that its accelerometer
input axes are horizontal, often with one of them pointed north. As the vehi-
cle accelerates, maneuvers, and cruises, the accelerometers measure changes in
velocity, and the computer faithfully records the position and velocity.
The inertial navigator also contains power supplies for the instruments, a
computer, often a battery to protect against power transients, and interfaces
to a display-and-control unit. The system may be packaged in one or more
modules. Typical gimballed systems in 1968 weighed 50 to 75 lb (excluding
cables), of which 20 lb were for the platform. Steady-state power consumption
was approximately 200 w. First-generation strapdown navigators (early 1980s)
weighed 40 to 50 lb and consumed l 00 to 150 w. In 1996, strapdown systems
weighed 20 to 30 lb and consumed approximately 30 w.
7.3.1 Accelerometers
Purpose An accelerometer is a device that measures the force required to
accelerate a proof mass; thus, it measures the acceleration of the vehicle con-
taining the accelerometer. Figure 7.3 shows a black-box accelerometer whose
input axis is indicated. The instrument will supply an electrical output propor-
tional to (or some other determinate function of) the component along its input
axis of the inertial acceleration minus gravitation. If the instrument is mounted
in a vehicle whose inertial acceleration is a and if the vehicle travels in a New-
tonian gravitational field G, (Section 2.2), then the force acting on the proof
mass mp is
F = mpa = F R + mPG + F o
-=a-G--=f (accelerometer output) (7.1)
mp mp
where F R is the force exerted on the proof mass by the restoring spring or
Electrical output _ _ 1 -
proportional to --,I 1
xa (a - G)IA I I I
Inertial acceleration
of accelerometer
R (Gravitation) along input axis
~til)(;. z
Pendulum and___..--
torquer coil
pick off
Flexure pivot
(flat metal spring)
TR is the residual torque applied to pendulum by friction in supports
and connecting wires and by electrical forces, Newton-meters
e= mb [
/y + TR/mb- I¢jmb
I + mbfzlk
l (7.3)
If the stiffness k is high enough, 11 is small, and the instrument measures only
f 1, independent of the presence of a cross-axis acceleration /2. Sensitivity to h
is called cross-coupling and is most serious in a vibration environment when
e andh oscillate in phase and rectify. This rectification is often referred to as
vibropendulous error. The term Trd k is the angle offset due to the presence
of an unwanted torque on the pendulum; it causes an accelerometer bias. I¢/k
is an angular offset of the pendulum due to angular acceleration of the case
around the pivot axis; ¢ is negligible when the accelerometer is mounted on a
mechanical platform, but it is an important source of error in strapdown systems
where ¢ and oscillations can rectify. If position calculations are referred to
the center of percussion of the pendulum, the sensitivity to angular acceleration
is reduced (see size effect, Section 7 .4.1 ). The distance from the center of mass
to the center of percussion is I/ mb.
Flexure-pivoted accelerometers are simpler to construct than the older
floated instruments since they do not require adjustment for buoyancy f23, pp.
288-289]. Because they are undamped, they exhibit high-frequency mechanical
resonances. Resonances must therefore be controlled relative to both vibration
inputs and rebalance-loop characteristics. Undamped accelerometers offer the
greatest bandwidth (important for strapdown systems) but must almost always
be supported on a shock-mounted sensor block (Section 7 .4.1) in order to sup-
press high-frequency vibration and to prevent shock damage. Accelerometers
that include fluid damping exhibit reduced bandwidth and additional thermal
sensitivity due to changes in the fluid characteristics.
In navigation-grade accelerometers, a restoring loop maintains the pendu-
lum near null. The restoring servo must be linear and repeatable from l 0 to 25
11-g to 40 g, a range of six to seven orders of magnitude. A digital output can
be obtained by either digitizing the analog output (the current in the torquer
coil) or by pulse-rebalancing with a digital restoring servo. When rebalancing
with pulses of uniform height, pulse width measures incremental velocity Ll V.
In either case, a properly initialized digital counter accumulates the pulses and
stores the velocity change. The rebalance pulse train must not excite accelerom-
eter resonances.
The pivot or flexure supporting the pendulum must provide minimal restraint
for the pendulum in the direction of the input axis while exhibiting high stiffness
in the other two directions. The spring constant of the pivot/flexure generates a
restoring force that reduces the gain of the electronic restoring loop. The spring
constant should be repeatable in order to ensure accuracy, but the high-stiffness
restoring loop dominates. The pivot must not exhibit hysteresis, which may
cause accelerometer biases. Generally, high-quality accelerometers can operate
over wide temperature ranges (-55°C to 90°C) provided that temperature is
measured and bias and scale factor are thermally compensated (Section 7 .4.1)
in the computer. Heating of the torquer coil due to rebalance current can lead
to rectification of vibration inputs and must often be compensated. A pulse-
rebalance torquer maintains constant heating.
A new generation of accelerometer employs silicon micro-machining [55]. A
typical silicon accelerometer structure is shown in Figure 7 .5. Single-crystal sili-
con forms the frame, hinges, and proof-mass. Anodic bonding joins this piece to
metallized wafers which enclose the accelerometer and also serve as electrodes
for sensing proof-mass motion and for rebalancing. Electrostatic centering of
the proof-mass obviates the need for magnetic materials and coils. Due to the
very small gaps achievable between the covers and the proof-mass, gas-film
damping suppresses mechanical resonances. This permits the accelerometer to
operate in high-frequency vibration environments.
Figure 7.5 Silicon accelerometer (courtesy of Litton Guidance and Control Systems).
. r;;- [ mga l
.. VJ- V2 = k1V To ~ +S (7.4)
!1 is a component of a - G along the input axis
h.h are cross-axis components of a - G
T is the deviation from calibration temperature
D is the dead zone, or threshold below which the instrument will
not sense acceleration. This is typically caused by mechanical
stiction and is much smaller than k 0 . This term is negligible in
most modern inertial quality accelerometers.
H is hysteresis (generally thermal)
ko is the accelerometer bias (ko is slightly different each time the
instrument is powered-up; the mean value is usually biased
out in the computer or the instrument itself; the
uncompensated residual causes navigation errors.)
is a linear scale factor, whose stability is essential in the
design of the instrument
is a nonlinear calibration coefficient (it is often desirable that
this be negligible, in order to simplify the navigation
are coefficients of cross-axis sensitivity
is the vibropendulous coefficient
is the pendulum deflection angle
is a linear temperature coefficient, for small deviations
around the operating temperature
Dynamic rectification effects can also exist as a result of vibration and of satu-
ration of the restoring amplifier. Typical accelerometer specifications control the
D negligible
H 25 f.,tg
ko 25 f.,tg (after thermal modeling)
kl Stable to 50 ppm (after thermal modeling)
k2 < 5 ~-tg/g2
kl2, kl3 Stable to within 25 p.rad
ke < 2 ~-tg/ ~-trad-g
k41 30-100 1-tg;oc (stable to better than 0.5 1-tg;oC)
7.3.2 Gyroscopes
Purpose The purpose of the gyroscopes ("gyros") in an inertial navigation
system is to space-stabilize the accelerometers. In gimballed platforms, the
gyros measure rotation of the platform, which is angularly isolated from the
vehicle's motions. The gyros rotate at inertial angular rates from 0.005 degjhr
to 50 degjhr, the maximum torquing rate on fast aircraft; a range of I 0,000.
The gyroscopes are used as error detectors to sense small rotations of the plat-
form relative to the navigation coordinates. A gimbal servo-loop restores the
error to near zero (see Figure 7.2 and Section 7.4.2).
In strapdown systems, the gyroscopes are fixed to the vehicle and follow its
angular motion. A gyroscope on a military aircraft must sense angular rates as
low as 0.005 degjhr and as high as 400 degjsec (I ,440,000 degjhr), a range
of 8.5 orders of magnitude. Strapdown gyroscopes on civil aircraft need only
sense an 8-order-of-magnitude range of angular rates.
Construction Many types of gyroscopes have been invented. Since the 1930s,
directional gyroscopes have been used in cockpits as heading references (Chap-
ter 9). They are spinning-wheel, large-angle, unfloated instruments with ball
bearings that have drift rates on the order of 50 degjhr, and hence are useless
for navigation.
From the 1940s to the 1960s, single-degree-of-freedom (SDF) floated gyros
were perfected. A spinning wheel was mounted inside a single gimbal that was
floated at neutral buoyancy. A magnetic pickoff sensed rotations (several min-
utes of arc) and a magnetic torquer precessed the rotor according to a rebalance
algorithm. These gyros achieved drift rates less than 0.01 degjhr but had to be
used on a stable element since they were very sensitive to cross-coupling. They
were used principally in space launch vehicles [6lb].
From the 1950s to the 1970s, floated two-degree-of-freedom (TDF) gyro-
scopes were perfected for aircraft. A spinning wheel was mounted in two gim-
bals and floated at neutral buoyancy. Two orthogonal pickoffs (usually mag-
netic) sensed rotation of the float and two orthogonal torquers (also magnetic)
precessed the float according to a rebalance algorithm. These gyros achieved
drift rates of 0.0 I degjhr and were almost always used on a gimballed plat-
form. The motors, fluids, and seals caused perennial maintenance problems.
These instruments were described in the first edition of this book [23].
During the same period, electrostatically suspended TDF gyroscopes were
developed for submarines [56]. Their spinning wheels are electrostatically cen-
tered, achieving 0.001 deg/hr accuracy but at costs orders of magnitude higher
than floated TDF gyros. Due to their high accuracy, electrostatic gyroscopes are
used for high-precision, deep-penetration, long-time-of-flight aircraft. Hydro-
statically suspended gyros, using pressurized bearings to support the gimbals,
were also developed but little used.
From the 1970s to the 1980s, "dry-tuned" or "tuned-rotor" or "dynamically
tuned" gyroscopes were perfected, as described in Section 7.3.4. Navigation
gyros of this type have insufficient range for strapdown use and were mostly
used in gimballed platforms. Strapdown tuned-rotor gyros were used in 1996 for
lower-cost, moderate accuracy attitude and heading reference systems (AHRS),
which also serve as coarse navigators (Chapter 9 and Section 7. 7.4 ).
In the 1980s, optical angular sensors were perfected after 30 years of devel-
opment. They are the mainstay of aircraft inertial navigators in the 1990s
and are described in Section 7.3.3. These instruments are called gyroscopes
The Sagnac Effect The Sagnac effect [43] is a general relativistic phe-
nomenon relating to the propagation of light in a rotating reference system.
When laser beams circulate in a closed path that is rotating in inertial space,
the optical length seen by the co-rotating beam appears longer than that seen by
the counter-rotating beam. The Sagnac effect permits observation of rotation in
one of two different ways.
Two-Mode Ring Laser Gyros The RLG has undergone extensive development
since the late 1970s. In 1996, the two-mode RLG [8, 59] was the most preva-
lent optical inertial sensor, although multioscillator gyros were penetrating the
support medium
N fringes = A. L i:l 0 (7.6)
A is the enclosed area of the laser path
L is the path length of rhe laser beam
A. is the wavelength of the laser
i:l.O is the rotation angle increment
Nrringe; is the number of fringes traversed, measured in units of half a
ccw cw
be as large as possible. A gyro with high gain and low loss is said to have a high
"finesse" (analogous to Q in a resonator). To increase finesse, it is important to
incorporate high-quality mirrors into the RLG. Low loss minimizes the impact
of spontaneous emission and reduces the "quantum limit," which is a measure
of the best noise performance (and hence angle random walk) achievable with
the gyro.
Lock-in The most severe problem encountered in the RLG is that of lock-in.
In the 1960s, it was observed that the RLG was insensitive to low angular rates,
as illustrated in Figure 7.8. The cause of the lock-in phenomenon is backscat-
ter within the cavity, usually resulting from imperfections in or particulates on
the mirror surfaces. At low rates, the two counterpropagating beams in the res-
onator are very close in frequency (less than a few hundred out of 5 x 10 14
Hz) because their optical path lengths are nearly equal. Coupling of one beam
into the other (which results from backscatter) causes the two modes to "lock,"
together thereby making the gyro insensitive to the actual rate. In Figure 7.7,
backscatter amounts to friction between the standing-wave pattern and the cav-
ity. When the gyro is rotated at low rates, the standing-wave pattern "sticks"
to the cavity instead of remaining fixed in inertial space. The detector there-
fore does not shift with respect to the interference fringes, and the gyro does
Output Qo-_
1 Input Qi
~Lock-in QL
not observe the rotation. At high rates, the "friction" is overcome because the
frequencies separate and the gyro is capable of measuring rate.
In a two-mode RLG, mechanical biasing is employed to overcome lock-
in. The usual means for accomplishing this is mechanical "dither," which is
a large-amplitude sinusoidal motion applied to the gyro body. Typically, peak
dither rates are 100 deg/sec. The output of the gyro must then be compensated
for the dither motion so that the true rotation of the vehicle can be determined.
There are many effective techniques for compensating. One of the drawbacks of
dither is increased random walk. As the sinusoidal motion crosses through zero
velocity, a small lock-in error occurs. Since the gyro reverses direction twice per
dither cycle, these errors accumulate as a random walk process. Dither-induced
random walk decreases with the square root of dither rate but is usually the
dominant source of random walk.
An alternative method (which avoids the random walk problem) of bias-
ing the RLG employs a turntable that applies a constant rotation to the gyro.
An angular encoder measures the relative angle between the instrument and
its base. This technique is referred to as rate biasing. Rate-biased systems with
small-path-length RLGs have been delivered for missile applications. High-per-
formance systems also use this method in order to avoid excess random walk,
to provide partial error cancellation as the instruments rotate in space, and to
improve calibration [35]. Because of the mechanical complexity involved in
rate-biased systems, they are rarely used in aircraft.
Cavity Length Control The RLG operates as a resonant cavity. The gas mix-
ture, which sustains the laser, exhibits gain at certain optical frequencies that
excite the stimulated emission, resulting in lasing action. Therefore, the length
of the cavity must be tuned to be an integral number of wavelengths. For a
helium-neon gas mixture, the wavelength is approximately 630 nmeters. Obvi-
ously, a cavity whose length is accurate and stable to 1% of a wavelength would
be impractical to design. Thus, cavity length is controlled actively by contin-
uously adjusting mirror positions in order to maximize total laser intensity.
Piezoelectric transducers mounted on the back of one or more mirrors induce
minute displacements of the mirror faces.
Since mirrors can only move a few wavelengths, the cavity must be made
Gas Mixture The RLG cavity should be designed to avoid gas flow within
the cavity. A net gas flow causes gyro bias and can be a dominant error source
in any RLG. To reduce flow, the temperature gradients across the glass block
should be limited to l-2°C.
Because of their small size, helium atoms diffuse easily into many materials.
In very small RLGs, the volume-to-surface ratio is low and, helium diffusion
limits gyro life. The glass that forms the laser cavity must have low thermal
expansion and low helium permeability.
RLG Scaling Laws The performance of a ring laser gyro depends on its size.
The parameters that describe gyro performance include the random walk coef-
ficient, bias stability, resolution (also known as quantization), and scale factor
stability. Because the ratio of area enclosed by the beam to path length deter-
mines the sensitivity of the gyro, most of the performance parameters improve
with path length. The following s:caling laws are provided as guidelines:
For quantization,
caused by dither.
tern no longer form a rigid body, and large navigation errors may result during
vibration. The flexure design must be compliant (with a very high Q) about the
input axis while being extremely rigid about the other two axes. An angular
pick-off senses the dither motion thereby correcting for dither. Still, vibration-
induced errors will result if the pickoff mechanism is sensitive to translational
For example, if the strain sensors that measure dither are slightly asymmet-
rical, they will erroneously indicate an angular motion of the gyro. If the false
angular signal is synchronous with a true angular motion about a perpendicular
axis, the strapdown equations will generate a coning-like error which is called
~ ~
Figure 7.9 (a) Mode splitting in a multioscillator RLG; (b) effect of rate on mul-
tioscillator RLG.
cavity (tilted down)
Figure 7.10 Multioscillator RLG (courtesy of Litton Guidance and Control Systems).
7.9) increases, while the rate sensed by the other "gyro" (RCP in Figure 7.9)
decreases. The subtraction of the two gyro outputs cancels the Faraday bias
while doubling the true angular rate measurement. The multioscillator readout
is much the same as that of the RLG except that two sets of fringes (one from
each polarization) are counted. The difference in the number of fringes is pro-
portional to the rotation angle. The resonant multioscillator cavity resembles
a conventional RLG cavity but must have at least four sides arranged so that
the beam does not circulate in a plane. A Faraday rotator lies within the beam
path and a magnet applies the field required to generate the Faraday rotation.
Figure 7.10 depicts such a multioscillator gyro. As with conventional RLGs,
cathodes and anodes support the electric discharge, which pumps the laser, and
combining optics detects the interference fringes.
While lock-in is avoided in multioscillators, other difficulties arise. Interac-
tion between scatter sources on the surfaces of the Faraday rotator and of the
mirrors causes mode coupling, which can lead to increased gyro bias. High-
quality mirror and rotator coating:; minimize this problem. To ensure cancella-
tion of common mode errors, it is important to balance the LCP and RCP inten-
sities. This may be accomplished by dynamically adjusting the cavity length
either to maximize total gyro intensity or to control the difference between the
LCP and RCP intensities.
The elimination of mechanical dither makes the multioscillator gyro excep-
tionally well suited for low noise, flight control, and pointing applications. The
elimination of dither leads to a low random walk coefficient. The scale fac-
tor stability is exceptionally good due to the absence of scatter-induced lock-in
effects present in dithered gyros. The doubling of the scale factor allows smaller
instruments to be used, and the lack of dither-induced mechanical noise permits
superior angle measurement and enhanced flight control potential. The mechani-
cal designs are simplified due to the absence of high-frequency, high-Q dither
where w is the instantaneous inertial angular velocity along the axis of the coil
and T is the time for the light beam to traverse the coil. Thus, the fiber-optic
gyro's output characteristic is that of a rate-integrating gyro with a short mem-
ory as opposed to a ring laser gyro, which is a rate-integrating gyro over a
longer period of time (i.e., as long as interference fringes are being counted).
_ L_ _ _L___L~~~_L___L___L~~--~--~--~~INTERFEROMETER
-5Jt -2Jt -3Jt -lt -lt 0 3Jt 2Jt 5Jt PHASE
2 2 2 2 2 2
Figure 7.12 Detected intensity versus interferometer phase.
10 (t) = ° (1 + COS(Ijl
2 8 + ljl(t) - ljl(t - T)))
(I.E., RATE)
were exactly 7r/2, the triple step would be -37f/2, which should have the same
effect. However, if the step was not exactly 7r/2, the difference between the
step and triple step would adjust the voltage on the phase modulator to achieve
7f/2 [52].
Size, Weight, and Performance In 1996, optical gyros suitable for inertial
navigation weighed from 500 to 2000 g per axis. Laser gyros employed path
lengths of between 15 and 35 em. while navigation-grade fiber-optic gyros uti-
lized approximately 1 km of fiber. In most cases, optical gyros are sold with
The sources of error are classified below. The 0; are the components of angular
rate about orthogonal system axes and T is the difference between the operating
and calibration temperature of the gyro.
Bias and Random Drifts Bias terms C 0 and C 1 are driven by gas flow effects
in RLGs, scatter effects in multioscillators, and polarization and electronics
effects in FOGs. They change with age but bias is extremely stable from turn-
on to turn-on. Long-term bias aging is usually compensated in a system using
Kalman filter observations of bias error (Section 7.7.3). Thermal hysteresis H
may be incurred due to the buildup of gradients or stresses in the gyros during
thermal cycling.
Deadband The deadband or threshold term D specifies the rate below which
the gyro is insensitive. It is due to lock-in in RLGs and electronics errors in
Testing Optical gyroscopes are tested using rate tables with thermal chambers
to measure scale factor and bias at various temperatures. Testing is simplified
due to the excellent scale factor stability of these gyros. Vibration testing is
sometimes performed to verify construction quality and durability and to mea-
sure vibration rectification errors. Ref. [6li] describes test procedures for single-
axis laser gyroscopes.
T; are components of the applied torque
A is the rotor transverse moment of inertia
C is the rotor polar moment of inertia
H is the angular momentum of the rotor
w; are the case angular velocities in inertial space
(); are the pickoff angles
Electrical output
torquing lly
command -............_
Ty -............_......._
// reference
/ .................. _
.......................... axis
~ Electrical
torquing output
command llx
Figure 7.15 Black-box model of mechanical gyroscope.
Tx = Hwy
Ty = -Hwx (7.10)
rotate about two axes relative to the shaft Preloaded bearings support the shaft
within the case and a motor drives the rotor at a precise spin speed of approx-
imately 200 revolutions/sec. Pickoffs (usually magnetic) measure the angular
displacements (Ox and Oy) of the rotor relative to the case. Mechanical stops
prevent damage to the gyro due to excessive motion of the rotor. The pick-
off outputs drive servo loops, which control torquers that restore the rotor to
its null position. The gyroscopic equations relate the torque applied (measured
by the current supplied to the torquer coils) to the angular rate sensed by the
gyro. Angular rate measurements about two perpendicular axes are obtained.
Additional descriptions of tuned-rotor gyro design are given in reference [31].
Suspension Tuning The suspension includes a gimbal and two sets of flexures.
Its function is to provide translational support for the rotor while decoupling
the case and the rotor for rotations about any axis perpendicular to the spin
direction. When the gimbal-flexure-rotor assembly spins, a dynamically induced
spring rate is generated [ 10]. The tuned condition is achieved when the dynamic
spring rate exactly cancels the mechanical spring rate attributed to the flexure.
The gimbal inertias are adjusted such that their tuned frequency exactly matches
the motor frequency. When ideally tuned, the rotor will appear to be completely
free to rotate about axes perpendicular to the spin axis.
Rebalance Servo To keep the gimbal angles within seconds of arc, a rebal-
ance servo drives the pickoff signals to zero. Magnetic torquers act on the rotor
to provide the restoring force. As in the case of accelerometers, the rebalance
loops can be analog or digital (pulse rebalance). Gyro resonances and rebalance
loops must be designed to achieve sufficient bandwidth while ensuring stabil-
ity. Torquer calibration includes orthogonalization relative to the gyro spin axis
and relative to the other torquers. In older designs, such calibration was gen-
erally performed electrically with a resistor matrix. Newer instruments rely on
mathematical compensation in the navigation computer.
Torquing of strapdown gyros is difficult for several reasons. To achieve high
rate capabilities and high bandwidth, either large torquers must be used or a
rotor with low inertia must be used; both degrade performance. In the first
instance, excessive power dissipation, thermal sensitivity, and thermal gradi-
ent sensitivity cause drift. In the second case, accuracy is sacrificed because of
the reduced gyroscopic effect. The angular momentum of inertial-quality gyros
is 200,000 to 2,000,000 gm-cm 2 jsec. For strapdown navigation, optical gyros
(Section 7.3.3) have nearly displaced mechanical gyros. Lower-accuracy strap-
down inertial measurement units still employ miniature two-degree-of-freedom-
tuned gyros.
Size, Weight, and Performance Inertial-quality TDF gyros range from micro-
machined 30-g instruments to 300-g tuned instruments excluding power sup-
plies and control electronics. They consume milliwatts to 5 w. The drift rate of
one axis of a mechanical gyro can be represented as
Drift rate= Co+ C,a, + C2a2 + C3a3 + C12a1a2 + Cna1a3 + C23a2a3 + C41 T
+Cs,B,+Cs2B2+Cs3B3 (7.11)
The sources of error are classified below. The a; are the components of case
acceleration along the spin axis and gimbal axes of the gyro, T is the difference
between the operating and calibration temperature, and the B; are the compo-
nents of the ambient magnetic field.
Bias and Random Drifts Bias drift C 0 is caused largely by suspension torques
and by the back reactions of pickoffs. The bias drifts differ slightly each time the
instrument is turned on (day-to-day and long-term repeatability) and will fluc-
tuate randomly with time because of pivot friction, pigtail hysteresis, brinelled
bearings, and power supply variations. A turn-on to turn-on bias shift can result
from the way in which the shaft bearings align themselves at each spin-up. Bias
and random drifts are specified in degjhr. Mechanical gyros in aircraft are usu-
ally rebiased on a regular schedule, based on the number of flights, flying hours,
or elapsed time. In most systems, biases are estimated in flight by the navigation
Kalman filter (Chapter 3).
Mass-Unbalance Drift The C1, C2, and C 3 are the mass-unbalance drift coeffi-
cients. Mass-unbalance drift is proportional to vehicle acceleration and is caused
by inadequate mass balance of the assembly or by a defective spin motor. If H
= 2 x 10 6 g-cm 2 /sec and the rotor weighs 250 g, a mass shift of 1 ~-tin. causes
a drift coefficient of 0.06 degjhr-g. The absolute values of C; and their stabil-
ity are usually specified. Compensation is sometimes performed in the system
computer using accelerometer measurements.
Anisoelastic Drift The C12, C13, and C 23 are the anisoelastic drift coefficients,
usually specified in deg/hr-g 2 . If the wheel suspension is not isoelastic, the
mass center of the rotor does not deflect along the direction of acceleration
and a torque results. A difference in stiffness of 1 lb/ ~-tin. will cause a drift
coefficient of 0.04 degjhr-g 2 if H = 2 x 106 g-cm 2 /sec and the rotor weighs
250 g. Furthermore, a vibration that has in-phase components along and normal
to the spin axis will cause rectified drift.
Higher-Order g-Sensitivity If the deflections along the principal axes are non-
linear functions of load, the anisoelastic drift coefficient will vary with g 3 and
higher-order terms. These terms are not ordinarily discernible in aircraft sys-
Magnetic Field Coefficient of Dr~Ft External magnetic fields can act on the
motor or suspension causing torques that depend on the field strength and on
the orientation of the gyro in the field. The source of the field can be the Earth,
nearby equipment (e.g., radars), platform torque motors, or sources within the
gyro. The magnetic field coefficient is quoted in degjhr-gauss.
In a typical navigation-grade mechanical gyro (circa 1996), the coefficients
in field usage are
Testing There are many methods for conducting static drift tests on gyros. In
the simplest, the gyro is mounted on a rigid table and connected as a single-axis
or two-axis rate gyro, with its pickoff(s) caged to its torquer(s). The indicated
gyro output expressed as a rate, minus the calculated Earth rate, gives the drift
rate. This method depends on knowledge of the torquer scale factor and requires
the subtraction of two large numbers to calculate the small drift rate. This test
is usually performed on mechanical aircraft gyros because they have calibrated
torquers and because the test maintains the gyros in a fixed orientation relative
to gravity. Measurements of the gyro drift rates in various orientations relative
to the gravity field can be used to solve a set of simultaneous equations of the
form of Equation 7.11 to yield the drift coefficients in that equation [61 g].
Vibration tests of a gyro are often desirable, particularly to determine the
anisoelastic coefficients, which are a function of the frequency of vibration.
Centrifuge tests also characterize gyros but are difficult to perform accurately.
Sled tests and Scorsby tests (Section 7.4.3) are used to test strapdown blocks
but not individual gyros.
Hemispherical Resonator Gyro This gyro has been in development since the
1960s [50]. It employs a quartz resonator in the shape of a wineglass to support
acoustic modes that are inertially stabilized. By measuring the motion of the
acoustic nodes relative to the glass, it is possible to infer rotations. Manufac-
ture of the hemispherical resonator gyro (HRG) is complicated by the require-
ment for very high mechanical Q's (in the millions), high-resonator uniformity,
high resolution, high-impedance readout electronics, and high-quality vacuum.
The HRG generally exhibits significant vibration sensitivity. These factors have
limited its use in the navigation market. HRGs have been used in space appli-
about z
Rotate goo y
where w<J}~ is the instantaneous angular rate vector of the body frame with
respect to the navigation frame as measured in body coordinates, w~N is the
same angular-rate vector, resolved into navigation coordinates, and the [w]
matrix is:
[w] = [ ~3 (7 .13)
This is a method of calculating the nine elements of the direction cosine matrix
Cat each read-time from the set of three gyro measurements. It is practical only
in the slowest-rotating applications such as some land vehicles and spacecraft
because of the following problems:
L cikcJk
= au
L ckickJ
= au (7 .15)
Quaternion Formulation The first two problems described above are avoided
through the use of quaternions. A quaternion is a four-element entity consisting
of a scalar part A and a vector part p with the following representation:
where 1¢ sin (¢/2) is the vector part p and cos ¢/2 is the scalar part A. Thus,
any rotation can be expressed as a single rotation about an inclined axis. In this
case, 1¢ is the unit vector along the inclined axis of rotation and ¢ is the angle
of rotation about that axis.
The quaternion inverse is given by
r 1
d; = 2 q[O,w] (7 .19)
where w is the instantaneous angular rate vector. The exact solution to equation
(7.19) is given by
This equation must be solved using the incremental angles measured by the
gyroscopes. To a first approximation, the vector change in angle is related to
the angular rate vector sensed in the form shown below:
(7 .21)
Coning Errors Coning refers to a motion in which the axis of rotation is itself
moving in space. In this type of motion, the axes of the body trace a cone in
space. Reference [ 16] demonstrates that a gyroscope whose input axis describes
a cone will sense an average angular rate equal to the solid angle swept per unit
time. However, there is, in fact, no net rotation taking place about that axis. In
the other two axes perpendicular to the coning axis, the actual motion may
be described as "oscillatory signals in phase-quadrature." Because the attitude
integration in a strapdown system takes place at a finite iteration frequency,
the oscillatory components will not be faithfully reproduced (particularly if the
coning frequency approaches or exceeds the iteration frequency), and a net error
will be generated. This error is attributed to the approximation .:1<!> "" .:19 in
Equation 7 .21. The net coning error E c depends on the coning frequency .fc and
the iteration interval ,1t and is proportional to the coning rate 0 c:
The apparent drift rate Ec increases with the frequency and amplitude of the
coning motion. Coning errors may be reduced by raising the quaternion itera-
tion frequency but this is costly in terms of computer throughput [37]. Instead,
an algorithm preprocesses the gyro data at a higher rate than the quaternion inte-
gration to improve the approximation in Equation 7.21 in order to follow the
actual motion of the rotation axis closely. The algorithm computes an average
rotation over the slower quaternion update interval. The preprocessing algo-
rithms are sometimes called coning algorithms [28, 37, 46]. An example of a
coning algorithm is given below.
C = C + o<j> >< .:iOn + - .:10 11 _ 1X .:iOn
~~.<!> = o<!> + c
i)<j> = 0
C=O (7.24)
n is the fast iteration counter
C is the vector coning correction
.:10 11 is the three axis integrated rate over the nth fast cycle
o<!> is the resettable integration of .:10
.:1<1> is the rotation vector used to propagate the quaternion over one
"slow" cycle
At the end of the "slow" cycle ,:l,cj> updates the quaternion as in Equation 7.20.
Typically, the preprocessing algorithm executes up to 2000 times per second,
while the quaternion algorithm eKecutes 50 to 250 times per second.
the resulting direction cosine matrix will always be orthogonal and orthonor-
2(PxPy- Apz)
X y Z
2(PxPz + Apy)
2(PyPz- Apx)
J (7.25)
2(PyPz + Apx) 'A 2 _ P2X _ P2y + P2Z
Euler angles may be extracted from this matrix as discussed in Section 7.5.1.
In a quaternion mechanization, the Euler parameters serve strictly as system
outputs for attitude (e.g., to show roll and pitch).
(Between transformations)
where wL is the torquing rate vector. The rotation rate of the navigation frame
is usually less than 50 degjhr. Thus, the iteration frequency of the navigation
updates can be substantially lower than that of the body updates. Further, due
to the very small angles involved (Earth rate over a I 0-Hz interval represents
only 7.5 ~J-rad of angle change), a first-order expansion of the trigonometric
cos--"' 1
sin D.¢L/2 "'
y Gv~'"'-----' I
Figure 7.18 Typical strapdown inertial navigator or RLG sensor asse mbl y (courtesy.
Honeywell Inc .) .
For fault tolerance, blocks may contain more than the rmmmum of three
single-axis gyroscopes and accelerometers. With four of each, fail-safe opera-
tion is obtained allowing the detection hut not necessarily the isolation of a sin-
gle failure . /solution is the process of determining which instrument failed and
changing the algorithm to use the remaining instruments for navigation. With
six gyroscopes and six accelerometers , detection and isolation of up to two fail-
ures of each type of sensor is possible. Some systems have been constructed
with six RLGs and accelerometers on a single isolated sensor assembly. They
have been applied to space-launch vehicles. However, the added complexity of
maintaining six redundant channels has made them costly and bulky, so they are
not widely used. Aircraft operators prefer redundant IMUs, each having three
single-axis gyroscopes and accelerometers.
• Gyro bias
• Gyro scale factor
• Gyro misalignment
• Accelerometer bias
• Accelerometer scale factor
• Accelerometer misalignment
Size, Weight, and Performance Instrument error models are given in Section
7.3 (for accelerometers in 7.3.1, for optical gyroscopes in 7.3.3, for mechanical
gyroscopes in 7.3.4). Strapdown systems have added errors due to trajectory,
angular acceleration, and computing cycle time.
Coning Errors In military aircraft, large coning rates are generated in maneu-
vers known as S turns. Large roll and azimuth rotations occur 90 deg out of
phase, leading to a large coning rate about the pitch axis. If ±45-deg turns occur
four times per minute, a coning rate of 25,000 deg/hr will be generated. The
observed system drift will depend on the effectiveness of the coning and quater-
nion algorithms [28, 37, 46] as well as on the scale factor and misalignment
accuracies. Errors as small as a few parts per million or a few microradians are
/ \ /Oscillatory
Accelerometer ~\ angular motion
axis at left \ Accelerometer
' sensitive
-~< \\v(
axis at right
extreme position
Acceleration \0)
to angular
projects positive
on accel axis
Smaller Large
positive positive
projection /projection
distance between accelerometer centers and the square of the angular rate. Size-
effect errors do not occur in gimballed systems, since the accelerometers are
isolated from angular motion.
Size-effect errors can be excited with low-frequency rocking motion. For
example, if a system is rotated ±45 deg with a period of 4 sec and an accelerom-
eter lever arm of 2 em, the size-effect is:
Size effect= _!_ ___2_c_m_c--_
2981(cm/sec )/g 4
(.!!__ rad - 2
"' 1.6 mg
Gyro errors are discussed in Section 7.3.4. Base-motion isolation and cross-
coupling are measured by nine ratios (wp;/wb1). Each of these ratios measures
the angular velocity of the stable element about the x;th-axis (wp;) in response
to the angular velocity of the vehicle about the y1 th-axis (wb1). These ratios
serve as a measure of platform performance, since they indicate how well the
platform isolates the instruments from vehicle motion. The nine ratios provide
measures of in-axis as well as cross-axis isolation as a function of frequency.
The degree of base-motion isolation is largely determined by the servo char-
acteristics. For a single-axis platform using TDF gyros for stabilization, the
platform response has the form
(7 .31)
where T; are functions of the gimbal drives, moments of inertia, and of the
damping. A more exact analysis would include the characteristic time of the
gyro and the intergimbal coupling.
Another parameter of importance is the platform's response to gyro-torquing
signals (e.g., those commanding the platform to remain locally level and north
oriented). The torque commands change slowly, even when the vehicle exe-
cutes a high-speed turn. As a result, there is seldom a problem of attenuation
of command signals in the servos. The design of gimbal servos is discussed in
detail in [40, 41] and Chapter 3 of [7].
electron ics
Stable element /
Inertial systems for civil use are packaged in accordance with ARINC spec-
ifications 1601. Mi litary syste ms mu st conform to the applicab le Department
of Defense standards and spec i tications such as 1621. T he equi pment used to
test platforms or strapclown syste ms include the rate table (two- or three-ax is)
which applies angular rates about different axes and the vibration table which
supplies oscillatory motion to the system. Rate tables are sometimes used in
Scorsby mode whereby a sine motion on one axis is simultaneously applied with
a cosine on the other. This test induces a coning rate in the instrument package.
Rate table and vibration tests are also performed over temperature using thermal
chambers. For some applications, centrifuges and rocket-propelled sleds may be
used to test system parameters and sensitivities. Tests of individual instruments
are discussed in Sections 7 .3.4 and 7 .4.1.
The mechanization equations calculate velocity and position from the outputs
of the horizontal accelerometers in a platform or from the transformed accel-
erations in a strapdown system. This section discusses those portions of the
mechanization equations that calculate velocity of the aircraft relative to the
ground. Section 2.4 discusses the navigation computation equations that con-
vert ground velocity into position.
North Pole
Site of alignment;
(a} In inertial space
(b) On Earth
<I> is the latitude
A. is the longitude
is the wander azimuth
111 =YAW
<1> =ROLL
Figure 7.21h Euler angles: Xo, Yo, Zo reference a xes at 1/; (J - 1> 0 . Xu. Y11 · Zti
vehi c le body axes.
C; are cos(i)
S; are sin(i)
1/J IS y<m
(I is pitch
¢ is roll
- = u- (w + 0) x V + g (7.34)
dt N
The solution of these equations lead to the computation of ground speed using
the mechanization illustrated in Figure 7.22 where the navigation components
of V are calculated from the accelerometer outputs u. The Coriolis correction
(generated by velocity in the presence of platform angular velocity) is given by
The navigation frame must rotate at w; in inertial space; hence, w; "torques" the
analytic platform as discussed in Section 7 .4.1 for strapdown systems or torques
the mechanical platform as discussed in Section 7.4.2 for gimballed systems.
The forms of w; and 0; depend on the choice of navigation coordinates, some
of which are noted below:
I. Locally level, north pointing, xCN) along xCGJ, yCNJ along yCGJ, zCNJ along
0y = 0 cos •I>,
Gyro or (1)
X Initial Vx
Accelerom eter
4 ~ vx
D ~+
v Latitude
y Integrator
Accelerom eter
~ Vy r .
D +
r v Longitude
Initial Vy
<I> is the latitude of vehicle
A is the rate of change of vehicle longitude
vt is east velocity
V,. is north velocity
RM is the radius of curvature of the Earth in the meridional plane,
Equation 2.2
Rp is the radius of curvature of the Earth in the vertical
east-west plane, Equation 2.3
2. Locally level, wander azimuth [27][42]; x<NJ and y<NJ are in a level plane,
with y<NJ at an angle a from y<Gl; z<NJ lies along z<GJ (Figure 7 .23).
Grid True
north north
Ground-speed vector
2 2
_ -Vy ( cos a + sin a) + Vxsin 2a ( 1
- 1 )
RM + h Rp + h 2 Rp + h RM + h X
2 2
Wv = Vx ( cos a
+- - - - Vy sin 2a (
sin a ) 1
- --1 )
- +0 y
· Rp + h RM + h 2 Rp + h RM + h
(7 .38)
where Vx and Vv are the level components of the velocity vector in the
navigation coordinates and a is the azimuth of the y<Nl_axis relative to
north (Figure 7.23).
3. Tangent plane; y<Nl north at point of tangency (Figure 2.3):
where <I> 0 is the latitude at the point of tangency, usually the takeoff point.
The first coordinate frame offers the advantages of simplicity at low latitudes,
Wander-azimuth systems do not read vehicle heading directly from the direc-
tion cosine matrix or the platform azimuth gimbal. The vehicle's heading rel-
ative to north is platform-indicated azimuth minus a. Heading becomes inde-
terminate at the poles. The majority of inertial navigation systems implement a
wander azimuth, since the benefits outweigh the additional computational com-
plexity involved. As an illustration of a typical mechanization, consider the
wander-azimuth system of Equations 7.37 and 7.38:
i = I, 2, 3
tan a=---
Cn or sin a
cos a = - - - (7.42)
c23 cos 4> cos 4>
1. The outputs of the level accelerometers are virtually zero, except for the
Coriolis acceleration, and accelerations due to air turbulence and equip-
ment vibration. Barring inadvertent rectification within the accelerome-
ters, vibration-like outputs do not indicate any net position change, no
matter where in the aircraft the instruments are located.
2. The dV;jdt in the computer are zero, since the computer-calculated grav-
ity vector g and Coriolis correction (w + fi) x V just cancel the gravity
and Coriolis accelerations measured by the accelerometers.
3. The velocity registers do not change.
4. The computed position changes slowly as the vehicle moves over the
5. The torquing signals are nearly constant, changing slowly as the latitude
and heading of the vehicle change.
Section 2.7 shows how inertially derived position is used for steering. Locally
level mechanizations are desirable in terrestrial navigation systems for the fol-
lowing reasons:
ha Actual altitude
he Computed altitude
Ao Constant uncompensated accelerometer error (bias)
u Accelerometer output == d 2 hu/dt 2 + g" +Ao
a Radius of the Earth
gc Computed gravity :::: g0 (1- 2hc/a); a linearization of the
inverse-square field at the Earth's surface
ga Actual gravity :::: go (I - 2ha/ a)
v2 2go/a
h, == Jf (u - gc) dt dt (7 .43)
·· 2go
!1h -- - !1h == Ao (7.44)
whose solution is
11ho Aoa
!1h(t) == !1h 0 cosh vt + - - sinh v t + - - (cosh vt- 1) (7 .45)
" 2g
(7 .46)
altitude, he
accelerometer Integrator Integrator
altitude, h 8
metric altitude with inertial altitude and feeding back through suitable filters, the
indicated altitude can have (I) the long-term stability of the barometric altime-
ter, (2) a frequency response that is much faster than that of a pure barometric
altimeter but that attenuates barometric noise, and (3) relative insensitivity to
low-frequency accelerometer errors.
The transfer function shown in Figure 7.24 (where G 1 and G 2 are constant
gains and the system is of second order) demonstrates that in a baro-inertial
altimeter, a constant accelerometer error A 0 causes an altitude error or approxi-
mately t:.h = A 0 jw~ where WN is the natural frequency of the altimeter loop. A
bias change of 1 mg causes only a few inches of altitude error for a one-minute
natural period. As a result, the Coriolis correction can usually be omitted and
vertical gravity can be computed as a constant, independently of altitude and lat-
itude. Nonetheless, most modern inertial navigation systems implement a more
complete gravity model. This permits more accurate vertical channel operation
particularly at high altitudes. Baro-inertial altitude and altitude-rate are used in
weapon delivery computers and in the calculation of flight path angle, /'
7.6.1 Purpose
After mechanizing an inertial navigation system, the designer must investigate
the propagation of errors in the proposed system, based on mathematical analy-
sis and on the results of past tests. The error analysis establishes the maximum
permissible component tolerances; to simplify the mechanization equations (and
thus the computer complexity) when advantageous; and to predict compliance
with the position, velocity, attitude, and azimuth specifications established by
the user.
The sources of error that should be considered in performing the analysis
depend on the system design, the components used, and the required accuracy
of the navigation system. Some typical sources of error are enumerated below
(instrument errors are discussed in more detail in Section 7 .3).
7.6.2 Simulation
Error analysis is performed by assuming a flight path and processing the result-
ing acceleration and angular-rate profile in a mathematical model of the inertial
system and computer. The indicated positions and velocities are compared to
the assumed flight path, and the error histories are recorded. Azimuth and tilt
errors can similarly be derived. Analyses are done either with fixed instrument
errors or with statistically distributed errors in a large number of runs (Monte
Carlo simulations).
(w is about orthogonal
Initial level axis)
error A Tilt angle <f>
drift rate, en
azimuth misalignment rotates the coordinate frame about the vertical and gives
an error proportional to distance traveled from the point of alignment. Instru-
ment nonorthogonality, accelerometer nonlinearity, and gyro mass unbalance
cause oscillatory impulse responses in position and velocity after each maneuver
of the vehicle. Single-axis error analyses are widely available [41, pp. 172-173;
12, pp. 335-346]. Because of the presence of Schuler oscillations, the rms
velocity error is 25% greater than the average increase in position error and
the peak velocity error is twice as large. As vehicle speed approaches orbital
speed, many of these simple relationships break down, and the analysis requires
a complete simulation. Reference [12] discusses this case for constant speed,
using undamped inertial altitude measurements in the loop. Complete analyses
are readily run on digital computers.
The analysis of the vertical channel of an inertial navigator shows that alti-
tude calculations, using the vertical accelerometer channel at slow speeds with-
out external damping, are unstable (Section 7.5.3). If barometric, radar, or
GPS damping is not used, the altitude error, shown in Equation 7.45, increases
rapidly with time. At orbital speeds, altitude errors are marginally stable [12].
It is clear that error propagation must also depend on the choice of navigation
axes. In a locally level platform mechanization, the horizontal channels can
Accelerometer bias A LlX = l (l ~COS Wst)
sinwst) aE . .
Gyro drift E LlX= QE t~ - - L1x = sm 0 t (latitude)
( Ws 0
= at cos <l>(Ez sin <I> +
Eycos <I>) (longitude)
Note: Symbols: x, y = east and north distances traveled; ~x, ~y = errors in x and y; <!> ~ latitude; t = time,
measured from the instant at which the system is switched into the "navigate" mode; w, = Schuler radian
frequency= Vf,fa = 2?r radj84.4 min= 0.00124 radjsec; g =magnitude of gravity on the surface of the Earth
= 32.1 ftjscc 2 = 9.81 metcrjsec 2 ; a= radius of Earth= 3440 nmi = 20.9 x 106 ft; Q ~Earth's inertial angular
velocity = 15 deg/hr.
remain stable, since they are decoupled from altitude. However, in a system
that implements a platform at an arbitrary orientation with respect to gravity,
all channels may be affected by the vertical instability so that altitude damping
(barometric or other) must be used to stabilize the system.
Strapdown accelerometers are also designed with low thermal sensitivity and
7.7.1 Leveling
The purpose of leveling is to orient the platform (analytic or mechanical) with
respect to gravity.
Coarse Leveling
Gimballed Platform In leveling a gimballed platform, the gimbal servos rotate
the stable element in order to null the outputs of the horizontal accelerome-
ters. To reduce alignment time, the gimbals are first slewed to null the pickoffs
(e.g., synchros) or the accelerometers. This "coarse leveling" can be performed
at slew rates of several hundred degrees per second, limited only by the con-
struction of the mechanical gyros. Synchro nulling is used when the attitude of
the platform within the vehicle at rest is nominally level. The accuracy of the
coarse-leveling process is limited by (1) errors in mounting the platform to the
vehicle, (2) shock-mount angular deflection and non returnability, (3) synchro
errors, and (4) rocking of the aircraft on its landing gear and tires, induced by
wind gusts or by personnel climbing on the aircraft.
-1 I
( ~y
, Az
1> = tan- 1
( A
~(B) + A;(B)
J (7.48)
where x is forward, y is transverse (positive out the right wing), and z is down.
Based on the pitch and roll so-derived, the system's body-to-navigation coor-
dinate transformation (quaternion or direction cosine matrix) is initialized. The
process of coarse-leveling a strapdown system requires only a few seconds, the
time it takes to obtain a good measure of acceleration. The accuracy of coarse
leveling is limited by accelerometer errors and noise as well as by motion of
the vehicle.
Accelerometer error
Level gyro
drift -~{"!X
o¢ is the tilt error
¢o is the initial tilt
A is an uncompensated accelerometer bias
V0 is the initial velocity error
E is an uncompensated gyro bias error
s is the Laplace transform operator
1. Coarse leveling
2. Fine leveling
3. Gyrocompassing during which fine leveling continues
a = tan- 1 ( ~)
(7 .51)
If latitude is known, then an estimate of the north gyro bias error may also be
Computed gyro bias error in the north direction is often resolved into instrument
axes and applied as compensation (known as mini-bias) upon entering the navi-
gation mode. In a single-position gyrocompass alignment, gyro bias error in the
east direction cannot be distinguished from azimuth bias. Any uncompensated
component of gyro bias in the east axis will result in a heading error.
An alternative mechanization may be used for gyrocompassing in which the
platform is rotated so as to null a (i.e., to make Bx = 0). This can be accom-
plished via a mechanical rotation in a gimballed platform or by quaternion rota-
tion in a strapdown system. It cannot be done accurately above about 70-deg.
The choice of fixed gains in the gyrocompass filter depends on the noise
characteristics of the instruments and on the operating environment. Refer-
ence [23] presents a detailed discussion of conventional gyrocompass loops and
their response characteristics. Since the 1970s, systems have employed variable-
gain Kalman filters for the fine leveling and alignment process. Kalman filters
can be mechanized to align at zero velocity (on stationary vehicles) or can be
mechanized to accept external velocity or position fixes. A simple zero-veloc-
ity ground-align filter implements the model shown in Figure 7.27 but includes
noise sources to calculate the optimum gains. Initial level errors and accelerom-
eter noise limit the first stages of alignment (i.e., the first 30 seconds). The tilt
gains peak in the first few seconds, then die out as the system levels. In the
steady state, heading estimation is limited by the gyro noise. The tilt-rate gains
start out low then grow within the first minute. Heading is captured during
this time. The tilt rate gains then tail off slowly to allow fine tuning of the tilt
rate estimates (and hence heading). A system with a gyro white noise of 0.12
degjhr-viHz (typical of a navigation grade optical gyroscope) and gyro-bias
accuracy of better than 0.01 degjhr can gyrocompass to a heading accuracy of
better than 1 mrad in less than 8 minutes at low and mid-latitudes.
The state equations for the diagram in Figure 7.27 are given by
x 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 X
y 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 y
Vx 0 0 () 0 0 g 0 0 y
~y 0 0 () 0 -g 0 0 0 Vy
~X 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 cf>x
cf>y 0 () () 0 0 0 0 c/>y
0 0 () 0 () 0 0 0 Bx
By 0 () () 0 0 0 0 0 Bv
This matrix equation is used in the Kalman filter equations [141 (see Chapter
3), along with estimates of the initial state uncertainties and noise terms. Noise
sources that must be considered include velocity noise (due to aircraft motion
and accelerometer quantization) which drives the position states, accelerometer
white noise and gyro quantization which drive the velocity states, and level-axis
gyro white noise which drives the tilt states.
In summary, a typical alignment consists of leveling (sometimes broken
down into coarse and fine leveling), and gyrocompassing. In the alignment pro-
cess, the gravity vector and the Earth-rate vector serve to define the coordinate
reference frame. Modern strapdown navigators of the 1-nmijhr variety align
in 3 to I 0 minutes on a stationary vehicle while achieving level accuracies
of approximately 5 arcsec and heading accuracies of I mrad at mid-latitudes.
Heading accuracy degrades in the polar regions due to the weak north compo-
nent of Earth rate.
Chapter 3 describes multisensor navigation systems that mix inertial mea-
surements with GPS or Doppler radars. These systems level and gyrocom-
pass the platform coordinates continuously. In the event of loss of power or
equipment failure, the multisensor system raises its gains for several minutes
to realign, after which navigation proceeds with optimal gains. In-flight align
times are typically on the order of one to two minutes but depend on the maneu-
vers executed and on the quality of the reference sensor.
Tilt rate
Bx Tilt Velocity Position
Figure 7.27 Two-axis, fourth-order gyrocompass loops.
R_CN) = yCN) = C~(w X R(B)) + c~R_(B) (7.54)
R(B) is the lever-arm vector in body coordinates
R(N) is the lever-arm vector in navigation coordinates
c~ is the transformation matrix between body and navigation
The term R_CBJ represents bending or flexing of the airframe. Difficulties in esti-
mating R_CBJ usually preclude its inclusion in the lever-arm compensation. It
represents an error in the transfer alignment.
In strapdown systems where the body-to-navigation direction-cosine matrix
is updated rapidly (e.g., 200 times per second), an alternative form of compen-
sation is preferred:
The accuracy of inertial systems cannot be improved indefinitely, even with the
best instruments. Reference [26] shows that the most severe limit on position
measurement is the uncertainty in the Earth's gravity field in the region of oper-
ation, since accelerometers cannot distinguish between kinetic acceleration and
gravity. Angular errors in the measurement of inertial space are primarily lim-
ited by the precession of the equinoxes and the migration of the Earth's pole.
These errors are 5 x 10 5 degjhr, equivalent to 100ft position error [26].
Measurements of azimuth and tilt of the vehicle are typically limited by the
angular returnability of the shock-mounts, the installation accuracy, and the flex-
ure of the vehicle. These errors typically range from I minute of arc to 0.5 deg.
Trends in inertial instruments are discussed in Section 7.3.5. Several trends are
emerging for inertial navigation systems:
• Low-cost civil navigators (using 2-10 nmi/hr inertial sensors) will rely
heavily on GPS, fiber-optic gyros, and micromachined accelerometers.
They will be used in many military vehicles as well.
• High-performance military navigators with precise inertial instruments
will be used in hostile conditions where reliable GPS signals may not
be available.
• Inertial systems are being incorporated into landing aids (see Chapter
3. Multi}unction inertial systems. In addition to providing data for inertial
navigation, the sensors are capable of supplying high-quality information
for flight control, weapon delivery, and compensation of synthetic aper-
ture radar. Excellent angle resolution is also possible for pointing and
tracking applications. Rigid mounting of the angular sensors is required.
4. Throwaway inertial systems with GPS aiding will be used for a wide vari-
ety of applications including munitions and intelligent weapons. These
low-cost systems will be based on fiber-optics and micro-machined
sensors. Multi-axis gyro/accelerometer combinations employing silicon
micro-machining may be acceptable.
When Com-Nav satellites, that supply intermittent radio fixes, supplant GPS,
precise inertial navigation will be needed between fixes on commercial aircraft.
These inertial navigators may take the form of micromachined panel-mounted
probe Pi tot
Figure 8.1 Air-data system. input probes e~nd vanes (probes courtesy. Rosemount,
Figure 8.2 Typical nosc-nmunted air-date~ lHHllll with pressure probes and flow-Lhrce-
tion vanes.
where p 1 is the total pressure and p is the static pressure. Impact pressure differs
from dynamic pressure q by compressibility factors. Dynamic pressure is often
used in aerodynamic calculations because of its simplicity:
where p is the air density and V is the true airspeed, often referred to as V 1•
There are many forms for the analytical representation of qc. It is usually shown
[4, 24, 30] for subsonic flight as Equation 8.3
q(' = p [ 1 + ( 1_ ~
1) ;P v ]"Y/b- l P
- (8.3)
where 'Y is the ratio of specific heat of air at constant pressure to specific heat
at constant volume; for air, 'Y = 1.4.
From Equations 8.2 through 8.4, we can obtain the definitions of the various
types of airspeed encountered in aviation practice and theory: Calibrated air-
speed V, is defined from Equations 8.3 and 8.4 as the airspeed V that would
result from the measured value of q, if the aircraft were at standard sea level
conditions (see Table 8.1 ). Indicated airspeed Vi is identical to V n except that
it represents the readings of an instrument that has not been correct for pitot-
static and other errors. Another term often used by aerodynamicists is equivalent
airspeed Ve. This is a theoretical parameter that can be computed if desired:
. .
1.2 ...... ·.....................................
' .·......... ··•·····································
. . .
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Mach number
Figure 8.3 Ratio of impact pressure to dynamic pressure versus Mach free stream.
a = arctan ( V z )
{3 = arctan ( v,)
Vx (8.7)
The pivoted vane, illustrated in Figure 8.1, measures local flow angle and is the
most commonly used method of measuring a or {3. Maximum angle-of-attack
boundaries define the aircraft's low-speed flight envelope. When a sensors are
installed on aircraft, they are usually part of an independent stall warning or
stall control system. Since such systems are .fliRht critical (also called safety
critical), redundant sensors are usually installed. Other methods of measuring
a and {3 are discussed in Section 8.5. Engine inlet controls also use a mea-
surements that tend to be safety-critical in supersonic flight.
Sideslip sensors are usually used only in developmental flight test instrumen-
b = k (P8 , Temp) P8
a. Pneumatic instrument indicators
altitude computation
a~~~b diaphragm
I Motor
6 ~
(_a) ={3 (Mach)~ Mach
30 MHz clock
Figure 8.4 Evolution of air-data instrumentation: (a) Pneumatic instruments; (b) force-bal-
ance electromechanical altitude computation; (c) electromechanical Mach computation;
(d) digital computation of altitude.
8.3.1 Altitude
To determine altitude from static pressure, international standards have been
established [5, 11, 32, 47, 48]. The standard atmosphere model gives the rela-
Figure 8.5 (a) Vibrating-diaphragm pressure sensor (courtesy, Honeywell, Inc.); (b)
silicon piezo-resistive pressure sensor (courtesy, Honeywell, Inc.).
dp = gpdZ (8 .8)
z= Po
-------''----- (8.9)
Pog log 10 (e)
log 10 p = 2.880814- .40nT
Pcorrccted =Po ( ;
) ( il ) (8.10)
The altitude corresponding to that density can be extracted from the look-up
table; it is density altitude. An alternative way of computing density altitude
is to enter the actual value of static air temperature for T in Equation 8.9 and
compute Z using the existing value of static pressure p.
Another type of altitude produced by an air-data system is bam-corrected
altitude, computed from pressure altitude by adding an offset. The offset is
the deviation from standard sea-level pressure as computed from the difference
between the barometric reading at a ground station and the standard barome-
ter at that altitude. Baro correction is entered either in millibars or inches of
mercury. Throughout the world, aircraft flying below 18,000 ft use a local baro-
metric correction, while those flying above 18,000 ft set their altimeters to 29.92
in. of mercury.
C, = ~ ~~
( ) ( ~J (8.12)
Substituting for V 1 into Equations (8.3) and (8.4); with~ = 1.4, gives the expres-
sions for subsonic and supersonic M that are computed by air-data systems. The
subsonic Mach equation is
(8 .13)
2/7 ]1/2
M =
~', + I) - I (8.14)
( -P,Pr) - ( -+1
[(7M 2 - 1)/6] 2·5
Subsonic Characteristic
:2 0 8
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Supersonic Characteristic
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Figure 8.6 qc/Ps versus Mach number.
tables of qc/P, versus Mach obtained from Equations 8.13 and 8.15, using inter-
polation routines to extract M from the ratio of corrected pitot and static mea-
surements. Figure 8.6 illustrates the Mach versus pressure-ratio relationships for
both the subsonic and supersonic regimes, noting that at M = 1.0, both equations
give the same result.
T,=----- (8.17)
1 +0.217M 2
airspeed, true airspeed, and Mach number are not used for navigation. Their
accuracy is driven by flight performance/stall envelopes in takeoff and landing
conditions. The components of true airspeed are often subtracted from those
of inertially measured ground velocity to calculate instantaneous wind veloc-
ity in cruise conditions, which is useful for the on-board computation of fuel-
optimal trajectories in flight-management computers. Mach number is used for
programming of stabilizer position for speed stability, defining high-speed per-
formance boundaries such as flutter onset, and for defining optimal cruise paths.
Many commercial air-data specifications require outputs for maximum opera-
tional velocity (VMO) and maximum operational Mach (MMO) [3]. Table 8.2
summarizes typical accuracy requirements imposed on civil air-data computers
since the mid-1970s that were unchanged into the 1990s. Accuracies specified
for military air-data systems have, in general, followed the civil specifications,
except for supersonic Mach number and airspeed. Those specifications are tai-
lored to the aircraft mission and to probe calibration technologies. Mach num-
ber accuracy drops off at very high altitudes. In the supersonic flight regimes of
fighters, Mach number accuracies of about 1.0% are typical. The level of perfor-
mance in Table 8.2 implies calibration of the pitot and static sources. For civil
transports, such calibration data are usually available. For military supersonic
aircraft, complete probe calibration data are often lacking, especially for high
acceleration maneuvers, and when aircraft stores (external pods, missiles and
tanks) alter flow characteristics. Extensive flight testing is required to obtain this
type of calibration data, and the high cost of such testing often compromises
Discretes ............ .
ps - - ;:-:;_:;:j
Pt- .. ] Heater
Angle Serial
of Attack Data
Temperature Signals
Sensor and
Mode C
• Read probe data from transducers (P 1, P8 , a, (3, T 1). Read internal transducer
temperatures Tint and aircraft discretes D.
• Preprocess transducers (e.g., variable-frequency vibrating diaphragm)
Circuitry measures count N in time t
Frequency is N jt = F; Fp = P, frequency, F q = q, frequency
P; is uncompensated static pressure,/ 1(Fp, Tint> R), where R is the stored
calibration curve for the specific transducer
P~is uncompensated impact pressure, fz (F q, Tint, R)
• Correct P~, q~, a 1 where a 1 = measured a
a= a1 +.::la(a 1,D)
P, = p = P: +!J(a,M,D)
q, = P~ + j4(a,M,D)
• Compute air-data parameters; initialize without Mach compensations, and
allow solution to converge after 1 or 2 iterations. If theM compensations
are large, and solution does not converge, compute a raw Mach solution
from uncompensated p and qc and use it in the pressure compensations.
M =fs(q,jp) from Equations 8.13-8.15
Ts =.f6(T1 ,M) from Equation 8.17
Cs =h(T5 ) from Equation 8.12
Vc =fs(qc) from Equations 8.3, 8.4, 8.16
V =j9(C,, M) from Equation 8.11
Pressure altitude is Z = h = f 10 (p) from Equation 8.9
Bam-corrected altitude is h 8 = h +f 11 (baro correction)
Density is p =fn(p, T 5 ) from Equation 8.10
Density altitude is f 13 (p, h) from Equation 8.9
Pilot Static
dq - v
av- P (8.20)
When V is zero, as in ideal hover with zero wind, the sensitivity is zero. For
example, if V = 1.0 knot, the change in force on a 1.0 x 1.0 em pressure trans-
ducer's surface area with a 1.0 knot speed change is
Since this transducer must also measure pressures in excess of I 00 lb/ft 2 dur-
ing cruise flight, its dynamic range must be 1.475 * 105 , which is beyond the
capability of conventional airspeed-sensing instruments. Hence, different tech-
nologies are used for low airspeed measurements as explained below.
Static-source errors in helicopters tend to be difficult to compensate because
of rotor downwash that differs significantly in and out of ground effect. Fixed-
wing aircraft do not compensate their static source errors in ground effect (dur-
ing landing and takeoff), and neither do helicopters.
In the mid-1970s, the U.S. Army flight tested many devices that were
designed to measure low airspeed omnidirectionally [1, 14, 15, 16, 17, 45].
Of them, the rotating anemometer, the vortex counter, and the downwash flow
detector are described below. Also, an analytical method that infers the airspeed
vector from the position of the helicopter controls and other on-board measure-
ments of aircraft states is discussed.
0 is the rotation rate of sensor in radjsec
R is the radius arm
'IJr is the rotation angle of sensor with respect to reference frame
= Ot
(3 = arctan ~· (8.23)
The rotation axis is assumed to be near vertical so, at large bank angles, the
Vx and Vy measurements are no longer accurate, and the solution is ignored. In
level flight, Vr and Vy are used to estimate the wind vector which is important
in fire control equations. Figure 8.10 illustrates an internal view of a rotating
anemometer sensor.
Vortex Sensing The sensor measures vortices shed by fluid flow over a
deliberately-inserted obstruction. The frequency of vortices is proportional to
the air speed. This method has been used to measure low airspeed in helicopters
and in ground-vehicle fire-control systems [1, 17, 46]. A version was used on
early models of the AH-64D aircraft.
The theory of the vortex sensor dates back to Von Karman in about 1912
720 rpm
circuitry Differential pressure
transducer board
Outside air
Rotating temperature
I sensor
Opto electronic
Interrupter ~_j:!~~~=j--..
disk .....
[41, 19]. The frequency F of vortex formation from each side of the obstruction
is given by
where S is the Strouhal number, V is the air velocity, and d is the width of
the obstruction. The Strouhal number has been experimentally determined for
a variety of obstruction widths and fluid properties [35]. Theory and experimen-
tal work have shown that the sensitivity threshold for this type of sensor is about
Swiveling Pilot Tube Below Rotor The swiveling pitot tube was developed in
the United Kingdom; it is currently in use on the AH-1 S, AH-640, and other
attack helicopters. It was tested extensively by the United States Army in the
1970s [ 15, 16, 45]. A gimballed pi tot tube contains a vane arrangement that
causes the tube to align with the airflow within the downwash field emanating
from the rotor blades. Changes in the airflow field vector are correlated with
changes in true airspeed. With appropriate angular pick-offs to measure vane
orientation, the true airspeed is estimated using a calibration associated with
each aircraft and its rotor system.
The theory of its operation can be seen in Figure 8.11 for low-speed, forward
flight. The induced flow velocity, V; is normal to the rotor tip path plane. V;
sin i is proportional to the thrust component that overcomes aircraft drag and
causes a forward velocity. The vector diagram is expressed by
A swiveling probe aligns with the resultant flow velocity V, sensing both its
magnitude and angle, ex and (3. The principle of the probe is that V; sin i is a
Vi= Induced
r V = Resultant airflow
VH = Horizontal
Figure 8.11 Flow field vectors for swiveling probe.
V cos ex =f(V H)
Vx = VH COS (3
Vy = V H sin (3 (8.26)
where (3 is the yaw angle also measured by the swiveling probe. Placing a pitot
tube in the downwash flow field avoids the need to measure the low pressures
existing near hover since the minimum downwash airflow V; will always be
greater than about 15 knots. Also, aligning the pitot tube with the airflow elim-
inates alignment errors in both the pitot and static pressures. Figure 8.12 is a
cutaway view of the swiveling probe.
Tail assembly
head assembly
Air temperature
Figure 8.12 Airspeed and direction sensor, swiveling probe (courtesy, GEC Avionics).
figurations that converge the beams, with optimum polarization and geometric
characteristics for maximizing backscatter response, are generally proprietary
with suppliers of such systems.
The reflected or "backscattered" signal is Doppler shifted from the trans-
mitted frequency by an amount proportional to the relative velocity between
the aircraft and the undisturbed atmosphere. Backscattered signals are mixed
with the transmitted signals using interferometers. Test results show accura-
cies of one knot or better at altitudes where particle (aerosol) density is ade-
quate. Aerosol densities and particle sizes vary with altitude, time, and volcanic
eruptions. Testing has shown that there is adequate aerosol density up to about
10,000 meters. Blending the inertial velocity vector with an optically derived
true airspeed vector allows operation at higher altitudes.
In 1996, laser velocimeters met the civil and military eye-safety standards,
Doppler shifted
I Transmitted
I signal
Standoff I
·. ·.··· signal
Atmospheric E
vd = Kf>..f
Velocity measured fu
along this axis Frequency
although there may be some question regarding the intensity at the focused
region. The trend is toward improved signal processing and lower-power laser
Yvy ~v~
Figure 8.15 Flush-mounted air-data system with distributed pressure ports.
at the side of the conic nose. Performance of the ball was adequate to monitor
hypersonic and supersonic flight. Nevertheless, the X-15 was augmented with
conventional pitot-static probes for subsonic flight and landing. Mach accuracy
was 5% to 10%, becoming worse at the low total pressures existing at its peak
The Space Shuttle Orbiter does not use an air-data system during launch or
reentry. It deploys conventional pitot tubes when it has slowed to about Mach
4.0. A variation of the ball nose sensor is used in the Shuttle Orbiter's shuttle
entry air-data system (SEADS), where an array of flush pressure orifices are
distributed around the nose section [20, 38, 43]. This array includes 14 orifices
on the nose cap and 6 aft of the nose cap. Figure 8.15 illustrates the concept of
locating multiple pressure ports around an aircraft forebody to extract total pres-
sure and flow direction. This type of configuration is also referred to as a flush
air-data system (FADS) and has been used at NASA Dryden in high angle-of-
attack research flights [7]. In general, the differences in pressure between upper
and lower orifices measure angle of attack and the differences between left and
right orifices measure sideslip angle. Algorithms that combine all sensors to
determine total pressure are refined during wind tunnel testing. In-flight deter-
mination of o: and (3 with SEADS has been accurate to about 0.25 degree; P1
has been accurate to 0.5%. However, static pressure remains the largest source
of error which results in a Mach number accuracy of about ±5% [20, 38].
Monitor of
and outputs
Stat1c Air-data
pressure computer
Simulated angle-
of-attack probe _______,..
Simulated temperature _______,..
probe (resistance) '--------'
8.1. (a) At an altitude of 20,000 meters (65,617 ft), the static pressure mea-
surement is 41.41 mm of Hg, What is the static temperature?
(b) If Mach number is 4.0 at this altitude, what is the impact pressure qc
in mm of Hg?
(c) Under the above conditions, what is the true airspeed in knots?
Ans.: (a) 235 K; (b) 831 mm Hg; (c) 2388 knots.
8.2. (a) If an aircraft is flying at Mach = 0.8, what is the impact pressure to
static pressure ratio qc/Ps?
(b) If the aircraft has an uncorrected static source error of ±5% and a pi tot
tube error of ±5%, what is the range of computed Mach numbers?
Ans.: (a) qjp, = 0.524; (b) M = 0.766 to 0.835.
Ans.: (a) 19 bits; (b) 301.24 * 10- 6 mm Hg = 5.822 * 10- 6 psi; (c) the
dynamic range is marginal for static pressure sensors and the ability
to sense 5.0-cm altitude changes at 20,000 meters is beyond the capa-
bility of the best devices. The altitude-control algorithm should use
blended inertial information to compensate for the limited pressure
8.4. At what airspeed will a conventional pitot tube become more sensitive
than a rotating anemometer type of airspeed sensor and at what speed will
the pressure at the pitot tube transducer exceed the pressure measured by
a rotating anemometer?
Ans.: When V > 20R, the pitot tube sensitivity will be greater, while
when V > 40R, the pitot tube pressure will be greater. (For 0 -
12 revjsec and R = 6 in., V = 150.8 ft/sec = 89.3 knots for equal
9 Attitude and Heading
Figure 9.1 Electronic displays (a) Vertical Situation Display (VSI), courtesy of Hon-
eywell; (b) Horizontal Situation Display (HSI), courtesy of Smiths Industries Aero-
9.2.1 Gyroscopes
All practical attitude references require gyroscopes. As discussed in Chap-
ter 7.3.4, the mechanical gyroscope is a spinning wheel (a source of angu-
lar momentum) that will retain its direction in inertial space in the absence of
applied torques. When a torque is applied perpendicular to the spin axis, delib-
erately or accidentally, the gyroscope will precess relative to inertial space. A
gyroscope therefore remembers the direction of a line in space if the disturbing
torques are kept negligibly small. At the same time the reference direction of
the line can be changed through the application of accurately controlled torque.
The product of precession rate in radians per second and angular momentum in
gram-centimeters squared per second is the applied torque in dyne-centimeters;
the precession is about an axis at right angles to that of the applied torque [9].
The gyroscopes used in heading- and attitude-reference systems are similar
Figure 9.1 (Colllinued)
to the mechanical gyros once used in inertial systems except that their cost is far
lower and their drirt rates are much larger. Two-degree-of-freedom gyroscopes
(somclimcs called ji·ee gvro.1) and ralc gyros arc widely used. as discussed in
Scclion 7.3.4.
ature control. Alternatively, the damping can be set based on good leveling-loop
response at minimum temperature, resulting in increased error due to damping
at maximum temperature.
The simplest gravity sensors in vertical references are electrolytic levels.
The electrolytic level contains a conductive liquid in which three electrodes
are immersed. When level, the bubble covers two of the electrodes equally to
result in equal electrical resistances to the third. A tilt moves the bubble so that
it covers one electrode more and the other less, thus unbalancing the resistances.
The use of conventional ac bridge circuits provides an electrical output that is
nearly proportional to tilt, for small angles.
The sensitivity of the electrolytic level varies with the curvature of the tube;
the linear range, with the length; and the damping, with the viscosity of the liq-
uid. Despite some problems related to consistent manufacture, the electrolytic
level has been a popular gravity sensor for simple heading- and attitude-ref-
erence systems. The electrolytes are chosen with regard to wetting, resisti v-
ity, corrosion, outgassing, freezing, and precipitation of solids. Electrolytic lev-
els are commonly linear within I% to I 0% of full scale over their operating
ranges and have null stability on the order of 1% of the maximum output.
They can have ranges from a few minutes of arc to about 15 degrees. The
higher-range devices are used in acceleration-corrected vertical references. In
many instances, the electrolytic level feeds power directly to a two-phase gyro-
scope torquer, although in others an amplifier is interposed. Their small size and
weight make them suitable for attachment directly to gyroscopes.
The late 1990s may see the introduction of self-contained micro-machined
vertical gyros for direct cockpit diplay. When combined low-cost gyros and
accelerometers become available in the twenty-first century, the cockpit display
may serve as the attitude reference for the entire aircraft.
The basic vertical reference in all forms of heading and attitude devices is the
Earth's gravitational field, Section 2.2. The direction of the Earth's gravity vec-
tor can be sensed with great accuracy on a stationary platform by a simple pen-
dulum (plumb line), spirit level, or accelerometer. However, when the platform
moves, all of these devices indicate the vector sum of vehicle acceleration and
local gravity. The angle o between the true and apparent vertical is
tan o= -aH
-- (9.1)
where aH and av are the horizontal and vertical accelerations of the aircraft and
g is the acceleration due to gravity (I g = 32.2 ftjsec 2 ), Figure 9.2.
In high-performance aircraft, sustained aH can be 5 g; therefore, the direc-
True vertical
Figure 9.2 Geometry of vertical determination.
tion of the apparent vertical can be arctan 5gj lg = 79 deg away from the true
vertical. Hence, the major problem to be solved in all vertical-reference devices
is the determination, to adequate accuracy, of the direction of the gravity vector
in the presence of horizontal acceleration.
There are three basic approaches, depending on the desired accuracy and
The first approach is usable where an accuracy of about one degree of arc
is satisfactory: the second, for applications where an accuracy of a few tenths
of a degree is satisfactory; and the third, where the greatest possible accuracy
is needed. The first two approaches are discussed in the following paragraphs;
the third is discussed in Section 7.7.4.
T1 is the time constant of the leveling loop(T 1 = Hjk, whereH = angular
momentum of the gyroscope, in gram-cm 2 /sec, and k = sensitivity of
the applied torque to tilt, in dyne-cm/rad).
E is the deviation angle between the gyroscope spin axis (indicated
vertical) and the apparent vertical.
e is the rate of rotation in inertial coordinates of the apparent vertical
wD is the drift rate of the gyroscope
Let a be the angle from the gyroscope spin axis to the true vertical. Then,
for small angles,
This equation shows that error in the indication of local vertical exhibits first-
order response [ 12] to the forcing functions of horiz~mtal acceleration aH, gyro
drift w n, and rotation of the local vertical in space, e. The errors caused by the
forcing functions can be improved by introducing either of two nonlinearities:
where Tt is again the time constant of the leveling loop (without gravity-sensor
damping) and T 2 is the response time constant of the damped gravity sensor.
There is no improvement in the standoff error [ass~ T 1(wD- iJ], but the filter-
a =-- tan if> rad (9.8)
If V = 1000 ft/sec (593 knots) and the latitude is 70 deg, the steady-state error
in the indicated vertical is 0.20 deg.
Much greater errors occur when substantial maneuvers are made, unless they
are always made with sufficient acceleration to cause the leveling to be cut off.
In the latter case, however, the reference system may be almost continuously
in the cutoff condition, and large drift errors may accumulate.
Both of these problems are greatly reduced in a system that provides correc-
tions for known accelerations (Figure 9.4) and that, if relatively long periods
of maneuvering flight are expected, uses wide-range gravity sensors to assure
that leveling will be accomplished during a substantial fraction of the time.
Such a system is a 1970s-era AHRS or, if all corrections are made, an inertial
Equation 7.34 shows that when a vehicle moves at a velocity V, relative to
the rotating Earth, the inertial acceleration can be divided into three parts:
Figure 9.4 Gyro vertical with speed and Earth-rate corrections. RE is the radius of
the Earth, T3 is the integration time-constant, V is the horizontal speed.
will be
.1a V.1 ~
a=-=------'---- (9.9)
g g
At 1000 ftjsec, the error would be 0.008 deg per degjhr error in heading rate.
Noninertial-quality rate gyroscopes seldom provide adequate rate of turn data
to lead to a satisfactory correction.
In the absence of accurate heading-rate measurements, the heading angle of
a directional gyroscope can be used to resolve vehicle velocity into compo-
nents in stable coordinates; differentiating them will yield acceleration compo-
nents. Resolution of velocity into components is particularly convenient in an
attitude-reference platform, where the computed acceleration components are
in the same coordinates as the gravity-sensor outputs.
The best airborne heading references are inertial navigators. Less expensive,
smaller and less accurate heading references are (1) those that depend on the
Earth's magnetic field ("magnetic compass"), (2) those that depend on the use
of a gyroscope to retain a preset azimuth ("directional gyroscope"), and those
that use subinertial gyroscopes to maintain a three-axis reference (AHRS).
By far the greatest number of stand-alone aircraft heading references depend
on the Earth's magnetic field. Many of these magnetic compasses are coupled to
directional gyroscopes or AHRS to improve performance. Aircraft directional
gyroscopes are sometimes erroneously called "gyrocompasses." True gyrocom-
passes are pendulous two-degree-of-freedom gyros with a horizontal axis, tuned
for 84- to 100-minute periods. They are used only for marine applications where
vehicle-speeds are small.
var cams were incorporated into the airborne analog computers of the 1950s and
1960s. When airborne digital computers were less powerful, navigation manu-
facturers processed the spherical harmonic equations of WMM or IGRF on the
ground to calculate the magnetic variation in one-degree or two-degree squares
that were stored in tables. In the late 1990s they solved polynomial expansions
in flight in terms of latitude, longitude, and altitude. An airborne model would
be fourth to ninth order (15 to 80 coefficients) and, for 0.5-deg accuracy, would
include rates of change of the larger coefficients. The discrepancy between the
twelfth-order model and the raw data has a standard deviation of less than one
degree. Large local anomalies that exist at an airport may be added from tables
to permit precise initial alignment. Navigators are interested in the dip angle
insofar as it sets a polar-latitude limit to the operation of magnetometers due to
a weak horizontal component (typically unusable for measuring magvar above
75 to 80 deg magnetic latitude).
Magvar has a diurnal change (on the order of ±0.1 deg), a long-term change
due to migration of the magnetic poles (on the order of 0.1 deg/year), and
random changes because of magnetic storms (on the order of ±0.1 deg). The
magnitude of the magnetic field changes about 0.5% per year. The DGRF model
shows the linear rates of change of the coefficients for the past few years, while
the WMM and IGRF models show them for the years of prediction.
where !/; is heading and D.!/; is heading error. In most cases, the compensation
can be restricted to level flight, so no pitch and roll corrections need be made.
The coefficients A and B are measured during "swinging" or by multisensor
navigation systems during flight.
2. Soft-iron portions of the aircraft's structure are made of high-permeability
magnetic material. Soft iron is magnetized by the Earth by induction. As the
aircraft rotates, the soft iron remains polarized so that its north-facing poles
always face the north pole. In a leveled compass, soft iron causes a heading
error (Chapter 2, Ref. 2, p. 87).
Computer programs have been written to model the distortion of the Earth's
field caused by the aircraft's own structure and machinery [3].
Accurate determination of the errors induced by the aircraft is difficult and
involves rotating the aircraft through a series of headings while error measure-
ments are made (this is known as swinging the aircraft; Section 9.4.5). An area
that is sufficiently free of magnetic disturbances is required for this purpose.
Aircraft swinging normally involves parking at a series of headings, measured
by a theodolite, at 45-deg intervals to obtain enough data points to identify the
errors with sufficient accuracy. As a substitute for actual swinging of the air-
craft, electrical swinging techniques have been developed for use with remote
magnetic sensors (Section 9.4.5). Aircraft are rarely swung in roll and pitch to
measure the induced soft-iron errors.
Soft-iron errors are usually negligible (<0.1 deg) in large aircraft using
remote sensors; however, they can be significant in small aircraft. The error
can be considered as characteristic of the design, and a standard correction can
be made for each aircraft model.
(because the liquid is usually alcohoL it was called a whiskey compass). The
float is pendulous to keep the magnet horizontal during unaccelerated flight.
The floating body carries heading marks that are visible through a window.
A nearly level needle has an azimuth error
In an area where the dip angle )', is 60 deg, the azimuth error is 1.7 times
the compass' tilt around the magndic north-south axis. which can easily be 15
deg. Tilt of the compass around the magnetic east-west axis does not effect the
azimuth indication. The needle is usually tuned to oscillate around magnetic
north with a period of 5 to 30 seconds in order to average out aircraft motions.
The major deficiencies of the needle compass for aircraft use are ( 1) the
damping action of the liquid causes a significant lag during turns, (2) the pen-
dulous magnet is not level during turns and hence tracks the dipped magnetic
field, (3) there is no means of obtaining an electrical output, and (4) the compass
must be located where it can be directly read by the crew.
For many years, the first two deficiencies were overcome by using a combi-
nation of two separate instruments: the magnetic compass and the directional
gyroscope (Section 9.4.6). With this combination, the compass was read for
straight flight; however, before entering a turn, the pilot would manually set
the directional gyroscope to match the magnetic compass ("caging" the gyro-
scope to place its spin axis in the aircraft floor plane). During the turn heading
was read from the directional gyroscope with neither a lag error nor an error due
to turn acceleration. These free directional gyroscopes are satisfactory heading
references for approximately 10 minutes of time after caging.
The most common heading reference is a directional gyroscope that is auto-
matically aligned to the direction of the horizontal magnetic field by a remote
magnetic sensor, Section 9.4.4.
9.4.4 Magnetometers
More complex magnetometers are remotely located where the vehicle's field is
negligible and drive a readout in the cockpit (e.g., a horizontal situation indica-
tor, Figure 9.lb). The earliest remote magnetometer was the flux gate [4], Figure
9.5. Figure 9.6 shows its principle of operation [4]. A wound toroid is excited
at approximately 1 kHz. Two orthogonal sensor coils are read out at the sec-
ond harmonic (2 kHz). They measure the components Bx and By of the Earth's
magnetic field in the plane of the toroid. Flux gates were the most common
airborne magnetometers. even in the 1990s. Two or more orthogonal flux-gates
comprise a 3-axis magnetometer. An array of three orthogonal sensors gives
redundant coverage of each axis and can function after any single failure.
Remote flux-gate compasses, whose output is analog, have three-phase coils,
the flux magnitude in each coil being proportional to the component of the
Earth's magnetic field along the coil axis [4]. The flux in each coil is modu-
Figure 9.5 Magnetic Flux Detector. Col!lfillss /:'11gi11e. courtesy of KVH Industries.
lated as a result or an applied ac field from an excitation coil; this applied field
causes saturation of the magnetic core of th e coils at twice the frequency of
the excitation. The three- phase winding is connected to the stator or a synchro
receiver. A typical combination of remote magnetic sensor and receiver synchro
will have errors of both one and two cycles per revolution. each of about 0.2
deg magnitude .
magnetic field
y-se nsing
1-kHz excitation
Figure 9.6 Principle of flux gate magn etometer.
The two-cycle error in the combined sensor and receiver-together with any
soft-iron error due to the aircraft structure-can be corrected by adding proper
impedances in series with the transmission wires. Such a correction is indepen-
dent of the strength of the Earth's field.
The single-cycle instrument error is usually corrected together with the air-
craft hard-iron error. However, this is not exact because the instrument error
(in angular terms) is independent of the Earth's horizontal field-whereas the
aircraft error is inversely proportional to the Earth's horizontal field (since the
permanent magnet part of the aircraft's field is constant). In the 1990s, the trend
was to do all corrections in the airborne computer.
Strapdown magnetometers came into use during the 1980s. The body-axis
components of the Earth's field are
[ Hrm..ro
l =H [~ cos¢
0 ][cod 0
sin ()
- s~n 0
sin 1/;
[ cos •
· - s~n 1/; cos 1/; (9.13)
0 1 sm y
where¢, (), 1/; are the roll, pitch, and azimuth angles of the aircraft, respectively.
These three body-axis components can be measured continuously. To solve for
heading, Equation 9.13 is inversed:
cos 1/;
-sin 1/;
sin 1/;
cos 1/;
l~ [si~ l
0 cos y
= _!__ [co~()
H . ()
- s~n () l-l [~
cos() 0
0 ]-
sin ¢
[ Hrorward
tan 1/; = - - (9.15)
where A and B are calculated from the measured body-axis components of the
Earth's field. Hard iron is compensated in body-axes by subtracting 3 constants
H forward
- - - = COS "( COS ·'·
'I' - eSin. "(
H starboard . ,/, .
--H-- = - cos "( Sin 'I' +¢Sin "(
. Hstarboard
tan (measured az1muth) = - ---'-- (9.17)
Problem 9.6 shows that the heading error due to the magnetometer being off
vertical is (north-south-axis tilt)* tan (magnetic dip).
In the 1980s, many small solid-state magnetometers became available with
remote readouts for vehicle use [1]. They were based on the Hall, magnetostric-
tive, and Faraday effects. Superconducting laboratory magnetometers have been
too costly and complex for routine aircraft use. The most common heading ref-
erence in the 1990s was a directional gyroscope (or AHRS) that is slaved to
magnetic north by a remote magnetometer.
1. Since the inner axis is not used for indication, only drift about the outer
axis is of importance. For this reason, the inner-axis-bearing design and
adjustment are made to favor inner-axis torque (outer-axis drift).
2. Because mass unbalance along the spin axis results in drift about the outer
axis, symmetry of the wheel and motor assembly is important. This is
particularly true of instruments that may have to operate for long times
without magnetic reference ~.laving.
3. Inner-axis gimbal bearings are sometimes designed so that the outer race
Magnetic heading
sensor rYY"'
..----------d Cutoff
Cutoff t>-----"~
component will cause drift about the vertical axis. For this reason, it is desirable
to cut off the spin-axis leveling loop during turns. The error is at twice the
frequency of angular vibration with peak magnitude of A. 2 /4, where A. is the
departure, in radians, of the outer-gimbal axis from the vertical. The peak error
is about I o for a tilt of 15 de g. The slaving of a directional gyroscope to a remote
magnetic sensor is accomplished by using acceleration smoothing similar to that
discussed in Section 9.3.1.
lute heading source for simple AHRS, perhaps backing up GPS' indication
of ground track angle. The search for lower-cost, more reliable 3-axis gyros,
accelerometers, and magnetometers will continue. The growth of data bases will
parallel the expansion of aviation into the Southern Hemisphere.
Higher-order magnetic models, supplemented by tables of local anomalies,
will come into use as more magnetic data are collected worldwide. When
intermittent-fix com-nav satellites come into use in the twenty-first century, they
will motivate the re-introduction of precise inertial navigators.
9.5 Under the flight condition of Problem 9.4, it is desired that the directional
gyro slaving error due to the acceleration not exceed 0.1 deg for the worst
heading and at a latitude giving a dip angle of 60 deg. What time constant
is required in a first-order slaving loop?
Ans.: 2.45 min.
9.6 For small roll and pitch, differentiate Equation 9.17 with respect to roll
and pitch to show that:
(1 0.1)
Points of departure
and destination
desired course
and distance
Present position
Velocity Beanng
Doppler l Ni!vigation Distance
radar r_j~ Track-amtle error
I Cross-course deviation
Heading l I
To displays
,-- ---,
and to
I Vertical Heading
I L+
I reference I reference
L _____
II is the Doppler shift
f is the frequency of the transmission
is the speed of light
is the relative velocity between transmitter and receiver
is the wavelength of transmission
From Equation I 0.1 it is seen that, if the value of A. is known and 11 is measured,
the relative velocity can be determined.
To measure the aircraft's velocity, a radar transmitter-receiver is mounted on
the aircraft and radiates electromagnetic energy toward the Earth's surface by
means of several beams, one of which is shown in Figure 10.2. Some of the
energy is backscattered by the Earth and is received by the radar receiver on
the aircraft. If the aircraft is moving with a total velocity V, the beam measures
where 'Y IS the angle between the direction of the velocity vector V and the
direction of the beam centroid, and b is the unit vector along the beam centroid.
V R is the component of relative aircraft velocity along the beam centroid. The
factor 2 appears in Equation 10.2, since both the transmitter and the receiver
are moving with respect to the Earth, from which the energy is backscattered.
When Equation 10.2 is substituted into Equation I 0.1, the following expression
2Vf 2V
v = -c- cos 'Y =T cos 'Y (1 0.3)
--._,~........~---.--~ Longitudinal
antenna axis
Beam 3
Beam 1 Beam 2
v2 = ""'2>: (VHcos
' '
"/H + VDcos '
"/D + Vvcos 'Yv)
From the above expressions the three orthogonal velocity components are
v~ = (I 0.4)
4 cos ao cos eo
(v2- v3)A
v~ = (I 0.5)
4 cos ao sin eo
(vi+ l'J)f..
V~=---- (1 0.6)
4 sin a 0
v~ is the along-heading velocity component, in aircraft
V'D is the cross-heading (drift) velocity component, in aircraft
v~ is the vertical velocity component, in aircraft coordinates
is the Doppler shift in beam n
is the depression angle of the beam centroids from the plane
of the antenna, assumed equal for the three beams,
1/;o = 90°- ao (Figure 10.3)
Bo is the azimuth angle of the antenna beams, that is, the acute
angle between the projections of the longitudinal axis of
the antenna and the antenna beam centroids on a ground
plane parallel to the plane of the antenna, assumed equal
for the three beams (Figure 10.3); the relationship among
"(o,¢o, and Bois cos 'Yo= sin ¢ocos Bo
are the angles between V~, v;, V~ and the beam centroids;
that is, cos 'Y H, cos 'Y D, cos 'Y, are the direction cosines
Although only three beams are required to provide the three components
of velocity, most modern Doppler radars employ four beams, because planar
array antennas naturally generate four such beams. The Doppler frequency of
the fourth beam (v4) can be combined with v 3 to obtain another estimate of V~
(replace v 2 and v 1 in (10.4) and v:; and v 4 , respectively). The two estimates of
V~ can then be averaged to obtain a more accurate value of this component. The
difference of the two estimates of V~ should be very small; a large difference
indicates that there is an error in the measurement of the Doppler frequency and
hence that the Doppler velocity data are suspect and should not be used until the
cause of this difference is corrected. This technique is used as part of the BITE
(built-in-test equipment) of many Doppler radars. Similarly v 4 can be combined
with v 1 to form another estimate of v; by replacing v 2 and v 3 in Equation I 0.5
with v 1 and v 4 , respectively. Finally, v 4 can be combined with v 2 in Equation
10.6 (replace v 1and v 3 with v 2 and v 4 ) to form a second estimate of V~. In
each case the two estimates are averaged to obtain more accurate values of the
respective velocity component. The fourth beam is thus redundent, since only
three beams are needed to form a complete solution, as shown by Equations
10.4 to 10.6.)
In a fixed-antenna system, after V~, v;, and V~ have been obtained, they
must then be combined with pitch and roll information in order to generate the
aircraft velocity components in Earth coordinates, V H, V D, and Vv (as described
later in this section). The total velocity vector magnitude V is the resultant of
the three orthogonal components (Figure I 0.3b). Hence, a Doppler radar with
either a three- or four-beam configuration is capable of measuring the three
velocity components and their sense of direciton.
A variety of beam configurations have been used for Doppler radars, includ-
ing Janus (two-way looking) and non-Janus (one-way looking) configurations.
The Janus configuration has a very important advantage over a non-Janus con-
figuration, namely a much lower sensitivity of velocity error to knowledge of
the vertical attitude of the aircraft. Specifically, the expressions for the velocity
error as a function of error in pitch angle for Janus and non-Janus systems, for
a condition of no pitch, no drift, and no vertical velocity are as follows:
Ev =
V =(tan 'Yo)oP (non-Janus) (10.7)
Ev = ~ =
ov 1- cos oP (Janus) (I 0.8)
Ev is the fractional horizontal velocity error
oV is the absolute horizontal velocity error
oP is the error in pitch angle
Based on the conditions cited above, Equations 10.7 and I 0.8 are equally
applicable to fixed and physically stabilized antenna systems. From Equations
10.7 and 10.8, for a non-Janus system having a 'Y-angle of 70°, which is a
reasonable value, the horizontal velocity error is 4.7% per degree of error in
pitch angle, whereas for a Janus system the horizontal velocity error is only
0.014% per degree of error in pitch angle. Because of these considerations, all
modern dedicated Doppler radar designs use some form of Janus configuration.
However, when Doppler velocity is extracted from forward-looking search and
mapping radars, a non-Janus configuration results (Chapter 11.5).
The choice of 'Yo (nominal angle between antenna longitudinal axis and
central beam direction) for a typical Doppler system represents a compromise
between (1) high sensitivity to velocity (Hertz per knot) and overwater accuracy,
which increases with smaller 'Yo-angles, and (2) high signal return over water,
which increases for larger 'Yo-angles. Most equipments use a 'Yo of somewhere
between 65" and 80°. The choice of ,6 0 -angle depends on the desired sensitivity
to drift (Hertz per degree), which tends to increase with increasing ,6 0 .
There are two different basic types of Doppler radar mechanizations that
can be used for drift angle measurement. These are the fixed-antenna system,
which is used in most modern systems, and the track-stabilized (drift-angle-sta-
bilized) antenna system (Figure 10.4). Zero pitch and roll angles are assumed
for the example in Figure I 0.4. Figure 10.4a depicts a condition of no-drift
Beam 1
- Heading
Figure 10.4 Comparison ol li xcd ( hcadi ng-s tabi Ii;.cd) and trac k-stahi Iiz c d Doppl e r
an g le(() 0 ) and no-climb angle so 1hat the velocity vector Vis located along
the inlcrscc lion ol" lhc locallwri ;.onlal plane and the local ve rtical plane through
1he longitudinal axi .s ol" the aircral"t. In other words, the aircral"t flight is horizon-
tal and the aircraf(s ground track (or track) is the same as the aircraft heading.
The hyperbolas in Fi gure I 0.4, marked V 0 , P 11 , P, , 11 "'etc. , arc lines of constant
Doppler shift, the positive subscripts representing positive Doppler shifts and
the negative subscripts representing negative Doppler shifts. These hyperbolas,
called isodops, are generated by the intersections of constant Doppler cones
with an assumed flat Earth. In Figure 10.4a, it is clear that subtraction of the
Doppler shifts from beams 1 and 2 will provide a measure of the along-heading
velocity VH as given by Equation I 0.4. Subtraction of the Doppler shifts from
beams 2 and 3, as in Equation 10.5, will indicate a zero cross-heading-velocity
component VD or a zero drift angle (since vh- vh = 0). Similarly, addition of
the Doppler shifts of beams 2 and 3 will indicate a vertical velocity of zero.
All of the ground intersections of the beams are located on the same equiva-
lent isodops. Under drift conditions, as indicated in Figure 10.4b and I 0.4c, the
aircraft track direction is no longer coincident with the aircraft heading direc-
tion. If the antenna is fixed to the aircraft, a case depicted in Figure 10.4b, the
beams will move with the aircraft, and the ground intersections of beams I,
2, and 3 will be located on different isodops. Thus, subtraction of the Doppler
shifts from beams 3 and 2 will indicate a nonzero cross-heading velocity as
given by Equation 10.5; and subtraction of the Doppler shifts of beams 1 and
2 will determine the along-heading-velocity component, as given by Equation
Operation of the track-stabilized antenna system concept, as used in earlier
designs, is depicted in Figure I0.4c. In such a system, the difference between
the Doppler shifts from beam pairs 1-3 and 2-4 is used to drive a servo,
which turns the antenna in azimuth until this difference is nulled. This occurs
when the ground intersections of these beam pairs lie on the same isodop,
thereby placing the antenna axis along the aircraft track. In these systems,
Doppler signals from beam pairs 1-3 and 2-4 are typically obtained on a
sequential basis and compared, thereby allowing the time sharing of receiving
equipment. The drift angle can be read out directly as the angle between the
antenna axis and the aircraft center line (e.g., from a synchro mounted on the
antenna), and the ground speed can be obtained directly by averaging the Janus
Doppler shifts from beam pairs 1-3 and 2-4. Since track angle is defined as
heading angle plus drift angle, this system is also called a drift-angle-stabilized
antenna system.
With regard to horizontal stabilization, two generic design approaches are
possible (Figure I 0.5). One uses an antenna fixed to the vehicle frame (Figure
10.5a) and the other uses a gimballed antenna that is physically stabilized to
the local horizontal (Figure 10.5b ). In 1996, the majority of dedicated Doppler
radars configurations used the fixed-antenna approach. In this configuration, if
the aircraft pitches or rolls, the antenna and hence the Doppler beam cluster
center line will move with the vehicle, as shown by the dashed line in Figure
I O.Sa. To convert the velocity components from airframe coordinates V~, V~,
and V~ to the Earth-referenced coordinates needed for navigation, the former
must be resolved about aircraft pitch angle P and roll angle R obtained from
a vertical reference sensor (vertical gyro, AHRS, or INS). The conversion is
given by
Beam cluster
(a) (b)
Figure 111.5 Doppler radar antenna geometry for fix ed and attitude stabilized antennas.
where the velocity components are those deti ned in Figure I(U.
The second type of Doppler radar is one whose antenna is continuously
slaved to the local horizontal by means of the information from a vertical sensor.
Although only a few Doppler radar designs employed this technique in 1996,
it was used widely in previous years. Having computed V 11 , V 0 • and Vv. from
Equations 10.9- 10.11 , the drift angle can be obtained from the arctan (V 0 / V 11 )
and the ground speed V~ from the magnitude of V~ :
( 10.12)
The Doppler Spectrum Since each Doppler-radar antenna bea m (Figures I0.2
and I 0.3) has a finite beam width in the ')!-direction. the return signal associated
with the beam comes from a spread of ')!-angles. Furthermore, the backscattering
medium (the Earth) is composed of a multitude of randomly situated scatter-
ing centers, and the return signals from each have. in general, different ampli-
tudes and different phases. In view of the frequency spread and randomness of
the amplitude and phase of the scattering centers, the Doppler signal associ-
ated with each beam is in the form of a noiselike frequency spectrum (Figure
10.6). The spectrum is equivalent to band limited noise, the primary Doppler
spectrum being superimposed on a substantially flat (uniform power spectral
density) background noise. The shape of this spectrum is related to the antenna
beam shape and is roughly Gaussian. The amplitude is a function of the radar
t.v = T t.'Y sin 'Y ( 10. 13)
where t.v is the half-power Doppler spectrum width and t.'Y is the half-power
two-way beam width of the antenna in the )'-direction. The approximations
involved in the above expression for the spectrum width invo lve ignoring
the differential effect of the inverse square law of the radar-range equation
between the ncar and far regions of the illuminated area and assuming a constant
backscatteri ng coefficient of the target area. The former is a valid approximation
for all practical Doppler radars , those using narrow two-way )'-beam widths,
typically near 4 degrees. The latter is a good approximation for operation over
typical land terrain. However, the scattering properties of water cause a change
in the shape and average frequency of the spectrum, giving rise to an overwater
calibration-shift error (see Section I 0. 1.4).
The relative (fractional) spectrum width is frequently of interest and is found
by dividing Equation 10.13 by Equation 10.3; namely,
-- = Ll"f tan 'Y (10.14)
For typical practical Doppler radars, .::lv / v ranges between I 5% and 25%.
Because of the appreciable spectrum width, the instantaneous central fre-
quency of the Doppler signal is subject to random fluctuations about its mean
value, giving rise to a noise (or fluctuation) error in tracking the centroid and,
hence, in velocity and distance measurement. A certain amount of smoothing
time is therefore required to determine the velocity to a desired accuracy; that
is, the accuracy of measurement mcreases with smoothing time. In general, it
is necessary to select a velocity smoothing time whose value represents a com-
promise between velocity accuracy and the data rate required on the basis of
system dynamics (e.g., the maximum acceleration of the vehicle). If too large a
velocity smoothing time constant is selected, the Doppler radar will follow the
vehicle accelerations with too great a lag. For the navigation problem the effec-
tive smoothing time for the average velocity or distance measurement is the total
time flown. Hence, for the typical Doppler navigation problem, the fluctuation
error due to this noiselike nature of the information is completely overshad-
owed by other errors after only a few miles of flight. (A quantitative discus-
sion of this error is given in Section I 0. I .4.) In multisensor navigation systems,
such as Doppler-inertial systems (Chapter 3), the Doppler-radar information
may be intentionally smoothed further, since the high-frequency information
is supplied by the inertial sensor. It is the function of the frequency tracker
to determine the mean or center of power of the Doppler spectrum, that is,
to determine the single-frequency v that is proportional to the desired velocity
The Doppler correlation timeT, is proportioanl to the reciprocal of the spec-
trum width .::lv(T v "" 2/ .::lv ). This is based on the fact that the power spec-
trum and the autocorrelation function are Fourier transforms of each other. The
Doppler correlation time is the period during which the frequency and phase
of the signal are invariant or predictable. At the end of this period the signal is
nearly uncorrelated. This means that an independent Doppler measurement is
made during each correlation time.
spectrum. It will be shown that the effect is quite small in conventional Doppler
radars, even at relatively low altitudes.
The time required for one set of scatterers that is illuminated by the entire
beam intersection to be replaced by a new set is the scanning-noise correlation
time of the signal r.,. Twice the reciprocal of this time is approximately its fre-
quency spectrum width Llvs. From the geometry of Figure 10.2, this correlation
time Ts is given by
L hLl'Y
Ts = V = V sin 2 'Y
where L is the diameter of the beam intersection and h is the altitude. Hence,
the scanning noise spectrum width Llv., is given by
The ratio of the scanning noise spectrum width and the basic spectrum width
R is found to be
(I 0.17)
Llv h(Ll'Y) 2
Substitution of practical values for the parameters shows that Llvs is insignif-
icant except at very low altitudes. Because in an actual antenna the beam dia-
meter in the near field (range is less than D 2/'A, where D is antenna diameter)
does not continue to decrease to a "point," the scanning noise spectrum width
does not continue to increase for altitudes below the extent of the near field. On
the basis of conventional near-field antenna considerations, the scanning noise
spectrum width will be just equal to twice the basic spectrum width at the alti-
tude at which the antenna near field begins. This means that, in typical Doppler
radars, R is never larger than 2 and that the total spectrum width is never larger
than VsLlv, even at extremely low altitudes.
Polarization The two types of polarization that have been used for Doppler
radars are linear and circular odd (opposite rotation received). The latter has
the advantage of efficient duplexing techniques. While circular even (same rota-
tion received) has well-known rain discrimination characteristics, it suffers from
an appreciable backscattering loss over water. In 1996, linear polarization was
1 Data l
1 1
Figure 10.7 Functional diagram of Doppler radar.
To frequency
Figure 10.8 Block diagram of transmitter-receiver of CW Doppler radar.
E = J~(M) (10.19)
M is the received modulation index (after heterodyning)
m is the transmitted modulation index
f 111 is the modulation frequency
h is altitude
1/; is the central beam looking angle with respect to vertical
m=-- (10.20)
from the ground echo (Figure I 0.6). Practically all modern Doppler radars use
some form of closed loop frequency discriminator as the frequency-tracking
device. The Doppler signal is fed to one or more mixers, which mix it with
a signal from a variable-frequency oscillator (tracking oscillator) and feed the
output to the device that performs the discriminator function. The output from
the latter is fed to an integrator and used to control the frequency of the tracking
oscillator, which, in turn, can then provide the frequency-tracker output signal
(Figure 10.1 0). During acquisition, frequency trackers usually use a sweeping
operation by changing the tracking oscillator frequency linearly over the entire
Doppler band of interest.
Two Doppler frequency-tracker configurations that have been used are shown
in Figure 10.11. The one shown in Figure 1O.lla is called the two-filter tracker.
Actually, a single filter is used, but the Doppler spectrum is mixed with a track-
ing oscillator signal, which is square-wave frequency modulated over the extent
of the spectrum width. The mixer output is fed to a low-pass filter, which there-
fore looks successively at the upper and lower halves of the spectrum. The filter
output is phase detected against the frequency-modulated oscillator signal. The
phase-detector output is then fed to the integrator and, having sense of direc-
tion, will drive the tracking oscillator until its output frequencies just straddle
the center of power of the Dopp:ler spectrum. The average frequency of the
tracking oscillator output is thus the frequency that corresponds to the center
frequency of the spectrum, which, in turn, is proportional to the desired veloc-
Doppler frequency
spectrum Frequency-
(from recetver) measurement
J Integrator _\
..------------1 FM
Figure 10.11 Typical Doppler frequency tracker configurations.
ity. This type of frequency tracker implementation normally does not provide
sense of velocity direction through zero velocity, but it is simpler to mecha-
nize and hence was used in Doppler radars for fixed-wing applications where
negative velocities do not occur.
The frequency tracker shown in Figure l 0.11 b is called the sine-cosine
tracker. Here the input spectrum is mixed simultaneously with the tracking-
oscillator signal and its quadrature signal. The mixer outputs, which are actu-
ally the folded Doppler spectra at zero frequency, are fed through low-pass
filters in two separate channels (sine and cosine) and then again phase shifted
by 90°. The latter 90° phase shift may be obtained by placing a low-pass and a
high-pass filter in the sine and cosine channels, respectively. The signals from
the two channels are then multiplied; the multiplier output is integrated and
drives the tracking oscillator, thus closing the loop. By virtue of the two quadra-
(SjN)c~ is the Doppler signal-to-noise ratio (the ratio of the total Doppler
signal power to the noise power, in the bandwidth of
interest Be~)
is the average transmitted power
is the one-way maximum antenna gain relative to an isotropic
'A is the wavelength of transmission
E is an efficiency factor (including the spectral modulation
efficiency in pulse and FM-CW systems, gating
improvements, gating losses, and noise foldover losses)
are losses in the radar transmitter and receiver paths, such as the
wave-guide plumbing, duplexer, radome and other radio-
frequency components
is the attenuation in the atmosphere
is an antenna pattern factor (normally between 0.5 and 0.67)
is a scattering coefficient or backscattering cross section per unit
area of the scattering surface
is the incidence angle of the center of the beam with respect to a
normal to the surface
R is the range to the scattering surface
NF is the noise figure of the receiver
K is the Boltzmann's constant, 1.38 x 10~ 23 joule per Kelvin
B" is the bandwidth of interest, usually the -3-dB bandwidth of
the Doppler spectrum and is proportional to velocity
along the beam
is the effective transmitter-receiver isolation coefficient
is the ratio of transmitter generated noise to the transmitter
T is the absolute temperature, normally taken as 290c Kelvin
Because the scattering surface fills the entire radar beam in a Doppler navi-
gation radar, the signal-versus-range dependence in the radar range equation is
the basic inverse-square law (ljR 2 ) as given by Equation 10.22. However, for
certain FM-CW and incoherent-pulse systems, the signal-versus-range depen-
dence can vary considerably from the inverse-square law.
In FM-CW systems, E is a function of 1~(M) [see Equations 10.18-10.20
for the definition of 1~(M)]. In low-rate frequency modulation systems (mod-
ulation wavelength of the same order as the altitude of operation, E '= 1~(M).
In these systems, since M varies with propagation delay (and hence range) and
with modulation frequency and since the Bessel functions of different orders
have greatly different shapes, the signal-versus-altitude dependence in specific
altitude regions can vary markedly from the basic inverse-square law of Equa-
tion 10.22. In contrast, in high-rate frequency modulation systems (modulation
wavelength much smaller than maximum altitude of operation), 1~(M) must be
averaged over one-half cycle of the argument of Equation 10.18 [20]. Typical
values of E for these systems range from -6.4 dB for 1 1 systems to -·11.1 dB
for 1 4 systems. The average signal··versus-altitude dependence of these systems
follows the inverse-square law of Equation 10.22.
r-...... ~
\ "
0 -5
~ \.
I~ ~ ~
\ N " """""
............. .......__ 1'-, ~
~ ...........
_ Land -
(rough or heav y
Sea (Beaufort 4)
\ ~ ............
~ I
~ ~
r---...... Land
~ -
"' "'~
and ice
r-....... r--
Q) -30 Sea (Beaufort 3
ro -35
co .........
" ~
Sea (Beaufort 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Incidence angle in degrees
Figure 10.12 Radar backscattering coefficient versus incidence angle for different ter-
rains at Ke-band.
region of interest, as is typical for Doppler radar antenna beams in the -y-direc-
tion, the two-way beamwidth is 0.707 of the one-way beamwidth.) Thus, the
Doppler signal-to-noise ratio is inversely proportional to the speed of the vehi-
cle. In view of this, the design of a Doppler radar as regards signal perfor-
mance must be based on the maximum expected vehicle velocity components
along each beam. The product Go)\ 2 in Equation 10.22 is directly proportional
to antenna area A from the basic expression for antenna gain. Specifically, for
an antenna of 55% efficiency, G0 'A. 2 = 7A. Thus, the Doppler signal-to-noise
ratio is proportional to antenna area. (This is strictly true only for a radar using
transmitting and receiving antennas having the same area.)
For the transmission wavelength normally used for Doppler radar (2.2 em)
and considering the relatively short ranges to the ground (when compared to
those of forward looking search radars), the attenuation La due to the atmo-
sphere and to typical rain rates are found to be very small.
From Equation I 0.22, the noise figure of the receiver NF is an important
parameter; it has therefore been an objective in Doppler-radar design to achieve
the lowest possible receiver-noise figure. Similarly, the radio frequency losses
Lr of the microwave circuitry must be kept as low as possible.
Ef= :v = CJ:,T
=--;; (
II ) 1/2
~-y"A tan
= ( 'Y ) (10.23)
4 VTcos 'Y (VT)l/2
Ef is the standard deviation of the fractional velocity fluctuation error
rJ v is the standard deviation of the absolute velocity fluctuation error
T is smoothing time
rJ "· T is the average fluctuation averaged over time T for n independent
measurements, rJ vf(n) 112
If the beam has a Gaussian shape, which is typical for Doppler radar beams in
the region of interest, the 2-sigma two-way beam width is equal to 1/1.18 times
the - 3-dB beamwidth). In Equation 10.23, Tv represents the Doppler correlation
time 2/ fl.v" (at the input to the frequency tracker; in contrast to the correlation
time tc at the output of the frequency tracker, discussed previously). K 1 is a
constant combining the various radar parameters and constants in the expres-
From the standpoint of navigation between two points (separated by many
antenna lengths and many frequency tracker time constants), T is the total time
flown. It is seen from this equation that V and T occur only as a product and
hence can be replaced by the distance flown D:
Equation 10.24 indicates that the basic Doppler velocity fluctuation error
is inversely proportional to the square root of the distance traveled. A physi-
cal explanation of this can be obtained by realizing that it is the total num-
ber of independent scatterers seen by the Doppler radar beam that determines
the amount of smoothing afforded and hence the final velocity fluctuation
Equations I 0.23 and I 0.24 express the Doppler velocity fluctuation error
under ideal or error-free frequency measurement conditions. The performance
of a practical system will differ from an ideal one by some factor N, which has
been called the performance factor:
NK 1
Ef =
NK 1
where N is a factor that relates measured values to theory. For practical equip-
ment, N has a value somewhere between I and 2. The all-digital frequency
tracking circuits used in I996 resulted in N being nearly equal to I. A typi-
cal Doppler radar operating at 13.3 GHz and with a beamwidth of 6° has a
1 ( fl"( H A tan 'YH ) K2
EV H = (10.26)
4Dcos 'YH (D)I/2
1 ( tan 'YD
fl"( DA ) K3
EVD = (10.27)
4D cos 'Y D (D)I/2
1 ( fl"(vA tan 'YV ) K4
EVv = (10.28)
4D cos 'Yv (D)I/2
1/2 1/2 K2
1 )
EJ = = ( ;; ) = ( P;7r or Po=-
where Po is the velocity error angular spectral density per knot of speed (the
statistical "power" value of the error source has the dimension of knots 2 and Po
is in units of knots 2 per (radianjsecond) per knot, which is in units of distance,
namely, knot-seconds. Typical values of Po for operational systems in 1996
were between 0.003 and 0.005 knots 2 per (radian/second) per knot for V~ and
V~ and approximately 2.5 times smaller for V~.
Errors in Beam Direction As seen from Equations 10.4 to 10.6, the nominal
beam angle 'Yo must be accurately known and maintained in order to permit
accurate measurement of velocity. The basic fractional velocity error Eh for an
error in beam direction O)' is
(I 0.30)
An error in beam direction of one minue of arc and a nominal )'a-angle of 70°
yields an error of 0.08% of ground .~peed. (When four beams are used for veloc-
ity determination, the total effect of the random error in direction in each of the
four beams is reduced by the square root of four.) Beam direction errors result-
ing from radome refraction effects, and temperature effects in certain antennas
(notably linear and planar waveguide arrays) will contribute to Eh. This scale-
factor error is primarily systematic and, in most cases, can be largely removed
by some form of ground or flight calibration procedure. Because of the smaller
effective )'-angle, the equivalent error in vertical velocity is an order of mag-
nitude smaller than that in ground speed.
The temperature error in slotted array antennas is proportional to the devi-
ation from the calibration temperature and the linear coefficient of expansion
of the antenna material. In typical systems, this error is less than 0.05% for
the horizontal velocity component and approximately one-tenth of this for the
vertical velocity component.
Land-Terrain Error Over land terrain a small error results from (1) range-
difference effects over the beam width, (2) the nonlinear function of converting
ray angles within the beam width to Doppler frequencies (see Equation I 0.3),
and (3) the small change in scattering coefficient with looking angle over the
beam width (Figure 10.12). The first two effects are very small and may be
eliminated by flight calibration. The third effect is exactly the same type as the
overwater calibration shift error described in the next paragraph. Because of the
very small change in scattering coefficient over the beam width for typical land
terrain (Figure I 0.12), this error is normally quite small, unless a very small
antenna with a large beamwidth is used. A 6 x 12 in. antenna would have an
error of about 0.1 %.
I I shift error
I Land
Frequency, v -
Figure 10.13 Doppler spectra (smoothed) over land and water.
Gaussian shape and for a linear function of the logarithm of a 0 (in decibels)
versus 1/; within the beamwidth, which is a good approximation, as seen from
Figure 10.12, the resultant overwater spectrum has a Gaussian shape like the
overland spectrum but with its centroid of power shifted by v 1 - Vw (Figure
10.13). Figure 10.13 shows that at any nominal 1/; 0 the slope of a 0 versus 1/;
changes for different sea states, and, since the overwater calibration shift error
is a function of this slope, the error has different values for different sea states.
An exact determination of the calibration shift error is obtained by integration
of the elemental powers returned by the antenna beams as a function of Doppler
frequency (along the isodops) and as a function of the scattering coefficient
and incidence angles for different terrains and sea states (Figure 10.12). For
typical Doppler systems (for level flight), an excellent approximation of the
uncompensated calibration shift enor in percent is given by
1/lo is the nominal (central) beam incidence angle (Figure 10.4)
!::..')1' is the 3-dB one-way ')1-beam width, in degrees
m is the slope of the 'Yo versus 1/; curve at the 1/Jo angle, in decibels
per degree
'Yo is the angle between the longitudinal axis of the aircraft and the
beam centroid (Figure 10.3)
Ew = O.l(Ll')l'im (I 0.32)
Equations I 0.31 and 10.32 are also valid over land terrain but are typically
negligible because m is generally small. Over water, however, if no compensa-
tion techniques were used, Ew could take on peak values anywhere between 1%
and 5% over an extreme spread of sea states, depending on the radar parameters
used. Note also the strong dependence upon Ll'Y' and thus on antenna size.
Several techniques have been developed to compensate for the overwater
calibration shift or sea bias error. Early Doppler radars often employed a man-
ual land-sea switch operated by the flight crew. When the switch is in the
sea position, an overwater calibration shift correction is added to the Doppler
radar velocity output corresponding to the most frequently occurring sea state
expected on the missions flown. The residual error is the difference between the
actual sea state and the one used for calibration. Based on a Gaussian distribu-
tion of the probability of sea-state occurrence and a properly chosen land-sea
switch setting, the residual overwater calibration-shift error for this land-sea
switch technique is near 0.3% to 0.6% (!-sigma).
A fully automatic technique for sea bias compensation used in early Doppler
radars was lobe switching [ 19]. In this technique, each antenna beam is oscil-
lated periodically by a small amount in the ')!-direction at a low rate (e.g.,
20 Hz). If the oscillations are square wave, the return signal consists of two
Doppler spectra existing alternately in time at the switching rate. The frequency
tracker (which bears some similarity to the two-filter tracker discussed in Sec-
tion 10.1.2) effectively places a narrow filter at the point where the two spectra
have equal power or crossover and reads out the corresponding frequency as
the aircraft's velocity. The crossover point at a particular aircraft speed is the
same for both land and water, since the returned energy for the two spectra were
derived from the same group of scatterers and at the same incidence angle. A
similar technique using simultaneous lohing by means of a "monopulse" type
antenna achieves essentially the same effect [34].
The lobe-switching and simultaneous lobing techniques achieve a large
reduction in the overwater (and overland) calibration-shift errors but can cause
a significant increase in cost and complexity. For these reasons they are being
replaced by newer techniques, such as beam shaping, wherein the calibration
shift is reduced by the use of a special beam geometry. In this approach the
beam geometry is shaped to cause the centroid of the beam to remain at the
same ')!-angle even when the slope m of <To has changed. In 1996, antenna design
and fabrication techniques provided considerable flexibility in shaping the beam
to the desired geometry. In one technique, the beam is generated as the product
of a function of ')!-angle, f( 'Y ), and a function of 1/;-angle,.f( 1/; ). The received
signal is the product of.f(')l),f(lj;), and rr 0 (1/;). For small variations in 1/;, rr 0 can
be replaced by (m x 1/; ). A change in m causes [f( 1/;) x m x 1/;] to change but not
/(')!).Thus, the resultant spectrum shape is that of{(')!), since [f(J/;) x m x 1/;]
multiplies all elements off('Y) equally. The overwater calibration shift in the
forward or H' direction is reduced to the extent that the beam shape approxi-
mates [f('y) xf(l/;)]. The calibration shifts in the D' and V' directions are not
compensated by this technique but are generally small, since v~ and v~ are
small compared to V~. In 1996, a residual overwater shift bias of 0.1% to 0.2%
was achieved with this technique. As an aircraft flies over areas of changing
sea state, the residual error will appear as a slowly varying random error of
0.05% to 0.1 %.
Sea-current and tidal effects result in errors, because the Doppler radar mea-
sures velocity relative to the moving sea surface, giving rise to a navigation
error relative to the Earth. Fortunately, the speed of sea currents is gener-
ally very low. According to available information, general random sea cur-
rents rarely exceed a speed of 0.4 knots. Also, since these random currents
have random directions, their effects tend to average out for flights of any
appreciable distance. Major currents such as the Gulf Stream have a maxi-
mum surface speed of less than 3 knots. Where necessary, manual compensation
for flight over major sea currents can be made in the navigation computer in
flight or before the start of a flight. The sea-current error is a bias, speed-offset
In some special applications, such as the dropping of sonobuoys in antisub-
marine warfare, the velocity of the aircraft with respect to the sea is actually
the desired quantity, and no sea-current correction need be made.
The surface-wind water-motion error is caused by wind-blown water parti-
cles at and above the surface of the sea. Since these surface water droplets are a
portion of the scattering surface se,cn by the Doppler radar beams, their motion
results in an error in the velocity measurement. Theoretical analysis and actual
measurement of this error have revealed that the error is [24]
where esw is the surface-wind, water-motion error in knots and W is the surface-
wind speed.
It has been found experimentally [23] that this effect is not observable at
wind speeds of less than 2 knots. Experiments have also shown that the angu-
lar difference between the mean spray direction and the wind direction is gen-
erally below 30° [23]. For automatic correction of this error by means of
surface-wind data, it is reasonable to assume that the direction of the error is
in the direction of the wind. The surface-wind water-motion error is a bias
speed-offset error. Since the direction of surface winds varies over any appre-
ciable area, the surface-wind, water-motion error will be reduced by aver-
aging. It is of interest to note that the water's wave motion as such does
not produce any Doppler radar error, since the water particles are not actu-
ally moved forward in the wave action but undergo a periodic up and down
oVH,oVD, and oVv are absolute errors in the along-heading, cross-
heading, and vertical-velocity components in Earth
V~, V~, and V~ are along heading, cross-heading, and vertical-velocity
components in aircraft coordinates
oP is the pitch-angle error
oR is the roll-angle error
Equations 10.34 through I 0.36 can be further simplified by expressing the errors
as a function of ground velocity components (VH, VD, Vv), namely,
A t _
L1U- ~uR
t ( ,
p+- V COS p COS 0 )
oPVv sino
(I 0.41)
Vg Vg
Installation Error When installed in the aircraft, the antenna must be accu-
rately aligned with either the longitudinal axis of the aircraft or the reference
axis of the heading reference. In fixed-antenna systems, an azimuthal error in
antenna installation will contribute to both of the horizontal-velocity compo-
nent scale-factor errors of the system. In track-stabilized systems, an azimuthal
antenna misalignment results directly in a bias error in drift angle. Antenna-
installation errors about the pitch-and-roll axis have the same effect as the
attitude errors discussed previously. Generally, pitch-and-roll installation errors
have a significant impact only on vertical velocity accuracy.
into binary digital form with very small errors. In such a digital system, the
error is a function of the time-base inaccuracy and of the number of binary
bits used. Since these digital quantization errors are uniformly distributed, the
standard deviation of the error is obtained by dividing the quantization error by
Doppler Radar Velocity Errors There are three types of errors:
Since the individual error sources are statistically independent, the total
velocity component errors are obtained by taking the square root of the sum of
the squares (rss) of the individual errors. This rss combination of errors should
then represent the average performance of many systems on many flights. The
Doppler radar velocity error is normally expressed in terms of the three orthog-
onal velocity components avH' av/)' and avv· Since each of these component
errors is assumed to have a normal probability distribution, the standard devi-
ation error a is the 68% probability error (Section 2.7).
In 1996, typical lightweight small-size Doppler radars, operating over land
and after I 0 nmi of travel, have standard deviation velocity errors of less than
0.25% plus 0.1 kn.
The above errors describe the Doppler velocity error for overland opera-
tion. For overwater operation, errors due to water motion and the calibration
shift error (due to the larger slope of the radar backscattering coefficient versus
incidence angle) must be included. In 1996, Doppler radars typically employ
Figure 10.14 AN/ ASN- 157 Doppler radar (courtesy. GEC-Ma rco ni Company) .
Frequency Band The frequency band of 4.2 to 4.4 GHz is assigned to radar
altimeters. This frequency band is high enough to result in reasonably small
sized antennas to produce a 40° to 50° beam but is sufficiently low so that rain
attenuation and backscatter from rain have no significant range limiting effects.
tiers in the 1970s and provided a high degree of reliability, low probability of
intercept (LPI), small size, and high accuracy. During the 1980s, the discrete
transmit/receive RF circuits were replaced with GaAs MMIC's (Microwave
Monolithic Integrated Circuits). In 1996, receive/transmit functions were being
accomplished with RF hybrid packages incorporating the GaAs MMIC func-
tions. Advances in digital integration technology allowed replacement of the
analog leading edge altitude tracker loops with digital altitude tracker loops.
Although the basic radar altimeter functions have not changed significantly,
incorporation of these technology advances resulted in vastly improved perfor-
mance and reliability at a fraction of the cost and size of earlier systems.
The functional diagram of Figure I 0.15 illustrates the basic operation of
pulsed altimeters. The PRF generator provides the modulation wave form for
the transmitter and a to time mark for the tracker loop. The transmit signal is
derived from a stabilized oscillator, modulated, and amplified to the desired
power level. The receiver low-noise amplifier (LNA) typically has a 2- to 3-dB
noise figure, resulting in a sensitivity level that allows relatively low transmit
power (I to 5 w). A separate stabilized local oscillator (LO) provides down con-
version to the IF for band limiting, amplification, and envelope detection. The
track loop positions the range gate at the leading edge of the signal return to
provide "gate overlap" energy corresponding to the leading edge threshold ref-
erence. The Class-2 servo loop, consisting of range rate-and-range integration,
is designed to provide the track rate required to follow terrain elevation change
rates at the velocity limits of the particular aircraft. This typically results in a
closed loop bandwidth of I 00 Hz to provide a 2000-ft/sec range rate capability.
The integrated gate position error is added to the altitude register that repositions
the gate through the altitude to time delay converter. The time delay converter
is typically a high-speed counter or analog ramp generator referenced to the
transmit to time mark. Additional functions not shown in Figure I 0.15 include
noise AGC to control IF gain, closed loop transmit power management control
(PMC) to maintain minimum transmit power for (LPI), sensitivity range control
on the receiver to provide necessary low-altitude desensitization for assurance
against false lock onto antenna leakage or aircraft appendages, and altitude out-
put conditioning, altitude rate derivation, and aircraft data bus interfaces. Figure
I 0.16 shows the APN-194 pulsed radar altimeter with antennas and indicator.
This system, a standard for all U.S. Navy fixed-wing aircraft, provides 5000-ft
altitude capability in a 6-lb package.
converting the radar return to an IF offw. The balanced detector converts the
return to base band. Altitude can then be determined with a frequency counter.
To reduce errors due to Doppler shift of the return, a triangular wave form
is commonly used to modulate the transmitter. Thus. a positive Doppler shift
will produce a negative frequency error on the rising modulation slope and a
positive error on the falling slope. By averaging the frequency count. the error
due to Doppler shift is minimized.
The IF and low-frequency amplitiers must maintain a bandwidth sufticiently
high to accommodate the frequency shift at maxi mu Ill altitude. The track loop is
commonly closed on the LO to provide a tixed return frequency shirt resulting
in narrow processing band width and high sensitivity. Altitude is then deter-
mined by counting the LO frequency required to hold the return within the
narrow band width. At low altitudes (i.e .. belmv a few hundred feet) the LO
frequency is tixed. and altitude is determined by counting the relatively low
return shirt directly. Accuracy is a direct function of transmit modulation lin-
earity. As linearity worsens. the return spectrum widens resulting in allitude
error. Closed control loops are normally incorporated as part of the modula-
tion scheme tn provide linearity. 'T'ransmit frequency is sampled and compared
against a linear slope reference to provide the feedback error signal necessary
to control the modulator. Typically 500 mw to I w transmit power and accu -
racies of 1.5 ft belmv I()() feet and 2r1r a hove I 00 feet are realized. Disadvan
tagcs of the I·M-CW altimeter include tilL' step error U~h c/4~F) where r
is the speed of light and ~F is the total frequency deviation. The step-error
c(leCtS can j)L' reduced by WObbling the lllOdUJation rreqUL'llCY llr the phase o('
the transmitiL-r output. Standard FM -CW altimeters also have the tendency to
lod; -<lll to airfr~1111e appendages and strong targets on the surface. Recent tech -
I .. I LOW
I .. I
Figure 10.18 ALA-52A FM -CW radar all imeter (courtesy. Allied Signal).
nology advances have resu lted in incorporati on of GaAs MMIC RF func ti ons.
FFT processors to provide frequency tracking and digital signal processing and
control. Figure I0. 18 shows the ALA-52A radio altimeter, which is designed
for civil aviation, primarily for autoland applications.
Another FM-CW altimeter technique. which has been implemented for spe-
cial ized applicat ions uses a sinusoida ll y modulated FM-CW wave form . A par-
ticu lar sideband (Bessel sideband) is selected. and the re lati ve phase difference
between the transmi tted and the returned signal modulation freque ncy is a mea-
sure of altitude [ 16 J. In 1996, this approach was used on unmanned airborne
vehi cles. Previously. it was impl emented in a combined Dopple r velocity and
altitude measuri ng radar.
the transmit pulse allows the use of a wide pulse while maintaining a small
ground spot size, high-range resolution, and the wide transmitted spectral
width of a narrow pulse altimeter. The widened pulse provides higher radiated
energy with a low peak power and high duty cycle. Additionally, coherency
allows incorporation of a narrow-band predetection filter providing a substan-
tial improvement in receiver sensitivity. While a noncoherent pulsed altime-
ter with a I% duty cycle require> about 5 w of peak transmit power at 5000
ft-altitude, a coherent pulsed altimeter with a 25% duty cycle requires only
I 00 mw of peak transmit power at 5000 ft. The functional block diagram of
a typical phase coded pulse radar altimeter is shown in Figure I 0.19. Modern
radar altimeters of this type typically incorporate GaAs MMIC technology in
the transmitter/receiver RF circuits and control loops. Radar return processing
is implemented digitally in software by a microprocessor, and high-speed code
generation is provided by gate array technology. This technology leads to a ten-
fold increase in altitude capability at one-fifth the peak transmit power, within
the same package size of pulsed altimeters developed in the 1970s. The micro-
processor operation provides additional functional capability and versatility not
possible with earlier systems. Control loop band widths, transmit pulse widths,
and transmit power can be adaptively controlled to optimize performance at all
altitudes. Built-in-test, jam detect, closed-loop power management control, fre-
quency hopping, PRF jitter, automatic self-calibration are additional functions
possible in radar altimeters of this type. An example of this type of altimeter
is the HG9550 shown in Figure 10.20. This phase coded pulsed radar altime-
ter is designed for 50,000 ft altitude capability with a 1-w transmitter, and it
incorporates "down look" altimetry at 4.3 GHz and "look-ahead" capability at
35 GHz.
Figure 10.20 HG9550 phase-coded pulsed radar altime te r (courtesy. Ho neywell . Inc. ).
errors. Such sensors will increase Dopple r-navi gati o n accuracy w hen GPS data
are not ava ilable . Also, low-cost ine rtial sensors will be used as heading refer-
e nces for Doppler/ GPS systems.
The use of the phase shift of the frequency modulation side bands of the
Doppler radar signal to measure altitude w ill continue and w ill probably be
combined with some fo rm o f carrier phase mod ulatio n to obtain greater accu-
racy. Combined Dopple r velocity a nd radar a ltitude sensors w ith embedded GPS
receivers are like ly to be deve loped in the fu ture.
In the area of radar altimetry, millimeter wave, narrow beam, forward-look-
ing, steered-antenna sensors, combined with down ward-poi nting w ide-beam
altimete r antennas, w ill make it poss ible for radar altimeters to provide a "look-
ahead" capability for dete rminatio n of altitude ahead of the a ircraft.
10.2. Calc ulate the Doppler signal-to-noise ratio per be am for a continuous-
10.3. What is the efficiency factor, to be used in the radar-range equation, for
an FM-CW Doppler radar using the h side band, operating at an altitude
of I 0,000 ft, with a beam incidence angle of !5°, a modulation frequency
of 20 kHz, and a transmitted modulation index of 1.5?
Ans.: 0.144.
10.5. What are the absolute errors in the along-heading, cross-heading, and
vertical-velocity components of a pitch-and-roll-compensated Doppler
radar, when the pitch-and-roll-angle errors are each 0.1 o, the pitch angle
is I oo, the ground speed is 500 knots, the drift angle is 5°, and the vertical
velocity is 500 ftjmin?
Ans.: 0.022 knot, 0.16 knot, 80 ftjmin.
10.6. (a) Derive the expression for the side bands of a continuous-wave
Doppler radar that is frequency modulated with a low-frequency
sine wave (I 0.18).
(b) Show that the resultant Bessel side bands of the first order each con-
tain a Doppler frequency shift proportional to speed.
(c) Show that the amplitude of the first or 1 1 side band is essentially
independent of distance to the backscattering surface for short dis-
10.7. Referring to the processing in the block diagram of Figure 10.9, show, by
deriving the appropriate equations, that the sense of direction of the veloc-
ity component's Doppler shifts are preserved in the transmitter/receiver's
output, as required for helicopter operation during hover and backward
11 Mapping and Multimode
through software in multimode radars are terrain avoidance (TA) and terrain
following (TF) for low-level flight by military aircraft operation in hostile ter-
ritory, determination of altitude (AGR), and determination of speed and drift
(PVU) for improved dead reckoning.
A less obvious economic factor that is at work in favor of multimode radars is
the steady increase in the size and expense of transport aircraft. The great cost of
these aircraft and the large number of people they carry makes it imperative that
very great safety of operation be obtained. This may make it attractive to add
navigation landing-aid modes to the pure weather radars used by commercial
Another factor at work is the rapid improvement in the reliability and main-
tainability of current radars. The techniques for producing high reliability by
proper design and manufacturing methods have become highly developed in
recent years. Radar mean-time-between-failure (MTBF) has risen from tens to
hundreds of hours over a very short time span. In addition, analog and digital
circuit miniaturization has allowed fault detection and isolation technology to
be incorporated down to the most critical complex component. Circuits cards
perform self-tests as a background task and report the results to the system's
built-in-test (BIT) function when requested. Thus, when the radar does fail, iso-
lation to and identification of the failed complex component is instantaneous.
The repair philosophy is to replace the failed module with a spare module.
A remote repair facility utilizes the stored BIT codes to select a failed com-
plex component for replacement. Thus, on-site repair work is reduced to a task
requiring little skill, and the necessity of keeping highly skilled radar techni-
cians at every airport along each route-an economic impossibility-is elimi-
view is generated using the synthetic array radar (SAR) mode and utilized for
final designation ancl position update. The initial acquisition scan has resolution
such that towns, cities, lakes, and rivers can be recognized at distances as great
as 160 nmi from the aircraft. Subsequent, liner resolution radar images have
resolution such that individual streets within a city or specific terrain features,
such as road intersections, can be recognized at ranges as large as 50 nmi. Radar
resolution required to identify terrain and cultural features is summarized in
Table 11.1.
In the usc of references points, radar has an advantage because in visual
pilotage the distance to an object and its angular position with respect to the
aircraft must be estimated. This can be done with adequate accuracy at low
Square Resolution
Feature or Cell Size
altitudes; however, at high altitudes, distances are very difficult to judge with
visual pilotage, even in clear weather. With radar pilotage, accurate range and
angle measurements can be made by superimposing range and azimuth markers
on the radar image feature selected for the update point and instructing the radar
to compute the aircraft position vector relative to the update point.
The radar display format used for initial acquisition is the plan-position-indi-
cator (PPI) format. A large azimuth angular region, typically 120 deg, about
the aircraft velocity vector is scanned, and the radar collects a few pulses of
noncoherent radar return over a large range interval, 20 to 160 nmi dependent
upon the range scale chosen, at each antenna beam position. RBGM images are
formed in the radar signal processor and stored digitally in its memory as an
amplitude, range bin, azimuth angle matrix. To display these data to the pilot in
a geometrically correct format, the range bin amplitudes for each antenna beam
position, or range trace, are read sequentially from the processor memory and
"painted" on the display along a radial sweep with azimuth angle corresponding
to the antenna's position relative to a display reference angle, typically North
up or aircraft velocity vector up, at the time of data collection. The range trace
starts at a range slightly larger than the range corresponding to the width of the
transmitted pulse, or "main bang," and proceeds to a range corresponding to
the maximum number of range bins that are processed.
Typically, radars collect 256 to 512 range samples of data from each radar
pulse and vary the range bin width to provide range scales from 20 to 160 nmi.
Once the first range trace of data is displayed, the radar retrieves the second
range trace of data and "paints" it on the display along a radial corresponding to
the azimuth angle of the antenna when that data were collected. This retrieval
and display "painting" process continues until all data collected during the scan
are displayed. Then, the next scan of data is retrieved and displayed. To the
pilot, this process has the appearance of a display "painting" the raw radar
returns on the display in synchroni:;m with the scan of the antenna as it sweeps
back and forth across the aircraft's velocity vector.
Radars form images in angle and range coordinates, rather than azimuth
and elevation angle coordinates, as in a visual image. Despite this, the radar
image bears a direct resemblance to the topographical features of the terrain it
represents-perhaps because it resembles a visual image of the terrain as seen
from a great height above the terrain. The correlation between the radar image
and the actual terrain varies with the characteristics of the radar, type of terrain,
aircraft altitude, and viewing direction. The interpretation of the presentation is
easy in most cases; in other cases, it requires experience and knowledge of
how radar reflections build an image. Just as in visual pilotage, operators must
be trained to read and interpret the radar presentation by study and practice,
including prebriefing the pilot about the appearance of the radar images along
his route.
The most striking and most easilly identified RBGM terrain feature is a land-
water boundary. The smooth surface of the water reflects most of the inci-
dent energy away from the radar, whereas the rougher land causes energy to
returns from the many scatterers within each resolution cell, make the tech-
nique of identifying SAR checkpoints somewhat different from that used in
visual identification. In visual identification, a single, well-defined terrain fea-
ture is typically utilized for an update point. When the point is not visible, there
is a good possibility that one is lost and is forcing terrain features to coincide
with the chart terrain features when, in fact, they do not. Conversely, only a
small number of terrain features need be checked against the chart in order to
ensure reliable identification. With radar, the failure to find quite a few terrain
features at any moment is almost certain, due to radar reflectivity variability.
Several features within the scene must be checked against the chart to ascer-
tain position. Fortunately, this is more easily done with radar than in the visual
case, because, due to the maplike nature of the image, the navigation chart can
be electrically superimposed directly on the radar image by any one of various
alignment correlation algorithms within the processor and the fit between digital
navigation data base and radar image at many points can be easily measured.
RADAR .. 0
illustrated in Figure 11.3. The initial vector from the aircraft to the map center
P cCto) is chosen as the difference between current aircraft position and com-
manded position (IP latitude and longitude) for the SAR map scan center. Then
the SAR map apex is constructed to be on the current aircraft flight path and
at a distance D from the current aircraft position equal to one-half the product
of estimated scan time and aircraft velocity. The vector from SAR map apex to
SAR map center Rc is generated, and an arc normal to Rc is constructed. SAR
patch centers separated by the desired fractional antenna beam width are laid
out along the arc to determine ground coordinates for each SAR coherent array.
For each coherent array a vector D(j) from map enter to the corresponding jth
patch center is computed and stored in processor memory.
During SAR image generation, the vector Pc(tj) from present aircraft posi-
tion to the fixed map center is computed, for each processor computation cycle
using inertial navigation system (INS) velocity data that have been compen-
sated for the relative motion between antenna and INS locations. (Ideally, the
INS would be located coincident with the antenna phase center.) Motion com-
pensation during a coherent array time is based on the antenna-to-patch center
vector, PAs, which equals the summation to Pc(t1) and D(j).
The radar processor stores all PAs, D(j), and velocity vectors used to gener-
ate the SAR image. Therefore, when a particular range/Doppler cell is desig-
nated to perform a navigation update, the radar processor can construct the exact
position vector from the aircraft's present position to the designated ground
point. Some radars also provide monopulse measurement data to ground points
each patch. In that case, the real antenna azimuth and elevation monopulse gra-
dient vectors are stored for each patch for later retrieval to compute the mono-
pulse angles to any designated SAR image cell. Thus, the radar can construct
very accurate position, Doppler, and angle measurements to designated ground
points. Even areas of low reflectivity, such as road intersections, can be utilized
as IP's for navigation Kalman filter update.
The operating RF wavelength that best balances the conflicting requirements
of resolution and weather-penetration ability is probability shorter than that used
in radars searching for airborne targets. For one thing, resolution is more impor-
tant in the ground-mapping case than in air-to-air detection. No matter how
great the radar resolution becomes, there are always more terrain features of
interest that could be seen if more resolution were available. It is rare that point
targets, such as aircraft or missiles, are so closely spaced that distinction of the
targets as separate objects becomes the overriding consideration in design.
Also, the radar-range equation is more favorable for mapping than for point
target acquisition and tracking. In the basic point target radar-range equation,
target return decreases inversely as the fourth power of the range to the tar-
get. In ground mapping, the resolvable element of terrain increases in width
directly with range, because the element width is R() HP, where R is the range
and eHP is the azimuthal beam width. This effect causes the terrain-return sig-
nal to decrease as l/R 3 , rather than l/R4 , as in the point-target case. This, cou-
pled with the fact that the terrain element usually has a greater radar cross
section than interesting point targets have, results in less emphasis on power in
the design of ground-mapping radar than in the design of search/track radars.
Details of the calculation of radar range in both the search and mapping cases,
as well as the effects of weather, are treated in many texts on radar [5, 6].
Since general descriptions of the operation of synthetic aperture radars are given
in various references [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], a detailed description of SAR theory
will not be given here. However, the fundamental principles of synthetic aper-
ture radars will be discussed in order to treat their unique properties as navi-
gational radars. Synthetic aperture radar image formation can be explained uti-
lizing either antenna theory or Doppler-filtering theory. Antenna theory will be
employed to disclose the basic principle of synthetic aperture radar image for-
In forming a SAR image, the real antenna on the aircraft serves only as a
single radiation element in a long linear synthetic array, as shown in Figure 11.4.
The synthetic array itself is generated by motion of the aircraft as it tlies by
the ground area being imaged. As the aircraft moves forward, the radar antenna
is pointed at the ground area, radar transmission pulses are scheduled for the
time interval required to achieve the desired azimuth resolution , and radar return
range samples for the total range swath are collected and stored, still correctly
resolved in range. Image formation is accomplished only after all the data are
At the end of each data collection time. called the SAR arrav ti111e, the radar
return samples from each resolvable element in range are retrieved from pro-
cessor memory and analyzed together. In order that these returns may contain
a record of the pulse-to-pulse change in phase of the echoes from that range
element, the radar must be coherent. A coherent radar " remembers'' the phase
and frequency or each transmission by means of an internal oscillator phased to
the carrier of the pulse. The radar return signals are heterodyned with this refer-
ence signal in a synchronous demodulator. The detector output, called coherent
video, has an amplitude proportional to the product of the echo amplitude and
the cosine of the echo-carrier phase angle with respect to the reference signal.
The coherent addition of the pulse returns from a given range, accumulated
during the SAR array time, forms the synthetic array beam for each range bin.
This process is completely analogous to the addition of radar returns collected
by the individual radiation elements of a real phased array occupying the space
defined by the aircraft Aight path.
Real Antenna
' )<~'
,l--'.1\.zimuth Range
Beam Width
Synthetic array azimuth resolution is twice that of a real array with the same
aperture length. A real array has both a one-way and a two-way radiation pat-
tern. The one-way pattern is formed upon transmission as a result of the pro-
gressive difference in the distances from successive array elements to any point
off the boresight line. This pattern has a sin xjx shape when amplitude weight-
ing is not utilized. The two-way pattern is formed upon reception, through the
same mechanism. Since the phase shifts are the same for both transmission and
reception, the two-way pattern is essentially a compounding of the one-way pat-
tern and therefore has a (sin xjx) 2 shape. A synthetic array, on the other hand,
has only a two-way pattern because the array is synthesized out of the returns
received by the real antenna, which sequentially assumes the role of succes-
sive array elements. Since each element receives only the returns from its own
transmissions, the element-to-element phase shifts in the returns received from a
given point off the boresight line correspond to the differences in the round-trip
distances from the individual elements to the point and back. This is equivalent
to saying that the two-way pattern of the synthetic array has the same shape
as the one-way pattern of the real array of twice the length, sin 2xj2x. Since
antenna beam width is inversely proportional to array length, the synthetic array
azimuth resolution is twice that of the real array.
In practice, SAR azimuth linear resolution dA, is very often limited by fluc-
tuations in aircraft velocity. These fluctuations cause errors in the placement
of the radiator at its successive positions where radar transmission occurs as
the array is generated synthetically. These errors constitute a deterioration of
the synthetic antenna pattern; that is, they introduce random phase errors in the
array gradient. This is exactly analogous to phase errors in real arrays due to
errors in location of the array elements or the phases of the signals fed to them.
Just as with a real array, the larger the synthetic aperture, the larger the phase-
gradient errors-and the more difficult they are to control. Another practical
limitation is the stability of the atmosphere between the array and the targets.
Turbulence in the atmosphere introduces optical path difference fluctuations
between the target and the aircraft antenna at its successive array positions; this
produces errors in the phase gradient of the array. Again, these errors increase
in a random-walk manner with increasing aperture length, and impose a limit
on the maximum useful aperture length.
Aside from these practical limits to synthetic aperture length, there are theo-
retical limits to the azimuth resolution that can be obtained. Doppler frequency-
filtering theory is useful in explaining unfocused SAR and focused SAR res-
olutions. First, observe that if the SAR radar is carried on an aircraft that has
constant velocity, radar return from each angular direction, on each side of the
velocity vector, will have a unique Doppler frequency shift. If a narrow band-
pass filter is used to process the ground return, only reflections from scatterers
within a narrow angular increment in azimuth will contribute to the output.
Thus, the SAR radar acts as if it had a very narrow beam-width antenna point-
ing in a direction corresponding to targets with Doppler shift equal to the fre-
quency of the band center of the bandpass filter. Second, by moving the filter
band center frequency from zero Doppler frequency shift to maximum positive
and negative Doppler shifts, the synthetic antenna beam can be scanned over a
180° arc on one side of the ground track. (See also Doppler theory in Chapter
10.) By repeating the process on the other side of the ground track, it is possible
to look in all azimuth directions. Third, by using a bank of narrow-bandpass
filters, one can get the equivalent of a simultaneous array of contiguous azimuth
antenna beams that create a complete high-resolution image of a ground range
bin without scanning. Forming simultaneous Doppler filter banks for several
contiguous range bins creates the complete SAR image.
Synthetic aperture radars are characterized as either focused or unfocused
systems. If the SAR Doppler filter banks are not tuned to the Doppler filter
frequency of the desired imaging ground area continuously throughout the SAR
array time, the system is said to be unfocused. When the SAR Doppler filter
banks are continuously tuned, the system is focused. The process of tuning is
called SAR motion compensation.
t:...TA = ---=- (11.1)
V sin 8
where V is the aircraft velocity and is the azimuth angle between the aircraft
velocity vector and the line-of-sight vector to the ground point Pr.
The corresponding Doppler-frequency change is
The SAR Doppler filter bank passbands must have !::.fd Hz width if the
ground point's return is to stay in their passband during coherent integration.
The SAR array time TA is the reciprocal of the Doppler filter passband !::..fJ.
Therefore, the array time is
To a first order, a good radar image will be formed as long as the ground
return stays in a single Doppler filter during the coherent integration time. Thus,
!::.TA must equal TA. Equating 11.1 and 11.3 and solving for !::.8 obtains
for the azimuth angular resolution. The linear azimuth resolution is obtained by
multiplying !::.8 by R. This yields
1.2 v'ifi:
TA= - - - -
and the resolution corresponding to this array length is approximately
( 11.6)
!J.Tr = ----,- (II. 7)
(DsAR)max = V !J.Tr = - - (11.8)
A A cote
(!J.() )min = . (11. 9)
2(DMR)max Sin() 2dr
RA esc()
(DsAR)max = R() HP esc () = ---- (11.1 0)
where Dis the physical (real) length of the aircraft antenna and() HP is its physi-
cal (real) beam width. Then the azimuth angular resolution of the focused radar
I !J.() Ifocused = 2d esc () = 2R (11.11)
!dA!focusect=2 (11.12)
This result asserts that the linear azimuthal resolution of a focused synthetic
aperture radar is not a function of operating wavelength, range to the identifi-
cation point, or the angle to the identification point with respect to the velocity
vector. Furthermore, in order to increase resolution, the aircraft antenna must be
made smaller. Of course, in practice, there are limitations imposed by the prob-
lems of keeping the synthetic antenna "straight" and by atmospheric "seeing"
Another limitation is the motion of the target element out of its original range
bin, just as in an unfocused system. This occurs when
R'A cot(}
d,-< - - - - (11.14)
'A cot(}
(Ll(J)min = ~~- (11.15)
500 d=0.76RA.ID
-=z 100
0 50
(f) d = 0.6./"FU
w 20
d= D/2
2 5 10 20 50 100
The polar format is based upon the assumption that radar returns are actu-
ally collected at equally spaced angle increments from a constant range. First,
stored radar returns must be resampled to convert from polar format to rectan-
gular format. Then two-dimensional fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) are formed
to generate the SAR image. Due to its added complexity, polar format is uti-
lized only for very fine resolution SAR image applications where geometric
distortion in rectangular format is severe. For the remainder of this chapter, the
rectangular format will be assumed.
Two methods of motion compensation have also been developed. Originally,
motion compensation was performed entirely based on on-board inertial sensors
that measured the antenna's spatial motion during the SAR coherent processing
interval. The radar data processor utilized INS acceleration and attitude vector
measurements to compute the line-of-sight phase history for SAR motion com-
pensation. Then, the stored raw radar return was retrieved and the phase history
subtracted from the radar return on a pulse-to-pulse basis. Finally, range bin and
Doppler filter FFT's were formed sequentially to generate the SAR image.
In the early 1980s, INS technology could not provide the velocity and angular
accuracies needed for motion compensation of very fine resolution SAR images.
Therefore, the idea of utilizing the actual radar return to compute motion com-
pensation phase histories was explored. This adaptive process has been termed
autofocus. Algorithms to focus fine resolution SAR images both with promi-
nent discrete radar returns and with only diffuse terrain have now been success-
fully developed. Autofocus is based on a three step logic: First, the radar forms
one or more coarse resolution SAR images utilizing motion compensation data
generated from the aircraft's master INS, which may be very remote from the
antenna phase center. During this step, the original unprocessed radar returns
are not destroyed but are stored in radar processor memory for the final pro-
cessing step. Extra processor memory is required to store the results of the first
step. Second, the coarse image(s) are analyzed to either select a prominent point
target, whose stored phase history will be utilized to compute a motion compen-
sation vernier, or to compute the Doppler frequency drift of a visible geometric
formation from image to image. Third, the raw radar return data are retrieved,
a refined motion compensation correction is applied, and the final SAR image
is formed. A generic autofocus functional diagram is given in Figure 11.6.
Since most multimode radars utilized rectangular format to create SAR
images, SAR signal-processing will be illustrated for this format. Synthesis
of a signal-processing architecture for generating minimum-time SAR images
during aircraft maneuvers involves a division of the radar ground return into
range/Doppler cells that can be focused by a single-point motion compensation
correction. For the range dimension, it is convenient to divide the range swath
into zones, whose widths are fixed at a value less than the smallest expected
range depth of focus. Signal-processing time will not be adversely affected by
a conservative choice for range zone width, say, 16 range bins. The cross-range
swath illuminated by the antenna is divided into zones whose widths are less
than the computed azimuth depth of focus. Since signal-processing time will
Figure 11.6 Autofocus mo1tion compensation utilizing radar return.
s .s
l Q
~~ ~~cRmAv ~TO
(FFf) n.rrcrn ATJAlro.T
Parameter Value Sensitivity Wavelengths
will be performed. Then multilook image integration and the formatting for the
display are accomplished.
The ability of this motion compensation scheme to form focused SAR images
is directly dependent on the quality and timeliness of INS data. Typically, the
motion compensation design criterion is less than 90 deg (0.25 wavelengths)
of quadratic phase error during a SAR array time. This criterion results in less
than 10% broadening of the Doppler filter width (azimuth resolution degrada-
tion). Table 11.2 is a motion compensation error budget example. Phase error
is computed for a 1.8 sec SAR anay time (TA).
fD=(~)V·L (11.16)
The vector V is the unknown aircraft velocity vector, the vector L is an arbi-
trarily chosen unit line of sight (LOS) intersecting the ground, and the scalar
f D is the ground clutter Doppler measurement. If three independent lines of
sight are chosen and the measurements are made so rapidly that the velocity
vector is effectively constant during that time, then it is possible to solve for
the three components of the velocity vector by inverting the matrix equation
Janus). The Janus and non-Janus effects on Doppler velocity accuracy are dis-
cussed in Section I 0.1.2.
In the PVU mode of a multimode radar, the quantity measured is the differ-
ence between the Doppler shift predicted by use of the velocity vector supplied
by the on-board INS and that associated with the true aircraft velocity. This
difference, together with the line-of-sight information, is then sent to a navi-
gation Kalman filter, usually residing in the INS, for estimation of the error in
the velocity vector supplied by the INS. Instead of processing a triplet of mea-
surements at a time, updates are performed, in turn, for each commanded line
of sight. This approach obviates the need for rapidity in making the sequence
of measurements along three lines of sight; V can change appreciably between
measurements. The technique is based on the usually well-founded assumption
that the velocity error vector is slowly varying. Figure 11.8 shows the func-
tional mechanization of a typical PVU mode of a multimode radar.
The mechanization commits to hardware the task of referencing the radar
returns to a frequency equal to the sum of the carrier frequency and a Doppler
shift that is consistent with the current aircraft velocity and a commanded
antenna LOS. The radar's variable frequency oscillator (VFO) is set to the fre-
quency value given by 2//\ times the projection of the INS velocity estimate on
the commanded antenna LOS. Radar processing is such that, if the INS velocity
is exact, and the commanded LOS is achieved exactly by the antenna boresight,
then the radar return from the groundpoint where the boresight intersects the
ground will have been shifted to zero Hz. Any departure from this value is
evidence of error in the INS velocity, the achieved antenna beam boresight, or
An essential feature of PVU radar data processing is that it determines the
range/Doppler cell corresponding to the antenna beam boresight direction that
was actually achieved (as opposed to the one commanded). Typically, this is
I ~~~!;mode I INS
- Kalman
Navigation ..,. corrections
I inertial
L - _j sensors Calibration
- - - - - - -- corrections
Figure 11.8 Block diagram of PVU mode.
done in a sequential manner. First, using main/guard sum channel data, a coarse
estimate of beam boresight range is obtained by a sliding-window technique that
finds the contiguous region containing the strongest returns; this estimate is then
refined by averaging the values of elevation null returned by monopulse dis-
criminants in a set of range-bins surrounding the coarse range estimate. Then,
in a narrow swath surrounding the range associated with the newly found ele-
vation boresight, the achieved azimuth is determined by averaging the values
of azimuth null delivered by azimuth monopulse discriminants; the PVU mea-
surement is taken to be the Doppler value associated with that cell. Discrimi-
nant techniques based on difference-to-sum ratios have the virtue that they are
relatively immune to reflectivity differences in the area illuminated by the beam.
Since the Doppler observations are inevitably noisy, a method of filtering is
needed. Typically, at each beam position, the Doppler measurement is taken to
be the average of N, approximately 6, independent measurements taken in quick
succession. In the absence of information regarding the slope and non uniformity
of the terrain, the clutter return is regarded as coming from the intersection
of the radar beam and a horizontal surface. The shape of the clutter spectrum
(intensity versus Doppler) is a function of the illumination pattern delivered by
the radar beam.
where ftrue is the actual Doppler frequency of the radar return along the antenna
beam boresight, andf VFO is the Doppler value set in the VFO. Those quantities
are related to velocity and line of sight through
The difference between the anticipated Doppler value (f vFO) and the Doppler
actually measured Cftrue) is related to the following system error vectors: (l)
the current error (llV) in the INS velocity vector and (2) the error (IlL) in the
achieved line of sight (i.e., the difference between the commanded LOS, whose
calculation was based on estimates of heading, pitch, and roll supplied by the
INS, and the LOS actually achieved by the antenna boresight):
!::.f = ( -A. ) (!::.V · Lcommanctect- VJNs · !::.L) +noise ( 11.22)
Equation 11.22 shows that the measured Doppler difference contains not only
the desired projection of the current velocity error on a chosen line of sight but
also contains a term given by the projection of the full INS velocity vector on
the boresight pointing error.
Failure to take explicit account of the last term (V rNs · !::.L) in equation
11.22 leads to a biased estimate of the actual velocity error; as an example, for
an aircraft traveling at 300 meters/sec, every milliradian of boresight point-
ing error contributes an unmodeled velocity error of 0.3 meter/sec. Military
aircraft often rely on velocity estimation accuracy of 0.2 meterjsec or better.
Boresight pointing errors arise from several sources, including (1) INS attitude,
(2) knowledge of the relative orientation of the INS case and the radar antenna
base, (3) antenna gimbal readout errors affecting the antenna control algorithm,
(4) electrical boresight, and (5) compensation for radome refraction. The domi-
nant errors can usually be modeled as biases in some coordinate frame, and are
thus well-suited to Kalman filter estimation. PVU-derived velocity estimation
accuracy better than 0.25 meterjsec (1-sigma) is typical for some tactical air-
craft equipped with medium-accuracy navigators whose unaided performance
is 0.8 meterjsec (1-sigma), approximately. Achieving this at speeds approach-
ing Mach 1 calls for antenna pointing error calibration accuracy considerably
better than 1 mrad.
Equation 11.22 can be rewritten to show explicitly the dependence of the
PVU measurement on the contributors to antenna beam-pointing errors listed
above. The error !::.L can be written in the form of a vector cross product:
where !::.8 is some triplet of small angle errors, and for brevity Lc is used to
denote Lcommandcd· Equation 11.22 can then be made to read
!::.f = ( -A. ) [!::.V · L,- VrNs · (!::.0 X Lc)] (11.26)
The vector quantity ~() can be written as a sum of angle errors resident in
different frames; for example,
where ~¢INs is the vector of small errors (referred to the navigation frame) in
the INS estimate of its own attitude; ~<!> 8 is the triplet of small-angle errors
(referred to the aircraft body frame) describing the uncompensated misalign-
ment of the antenna base with respect to the INS case; ~<!>A denotes the three
small errors in the antenna gimbal readouts (roll, elevation, azimuth, in some
CNB and CBA are 3 x 3 orthogonal matrices; CNB transforms vectors defined
in the aircraft body frame into their representations in the navigation (INS)
frame, while CBA transforms ~<I>A elements to the aircraft body frame. CNB
appears in the output message of the INS or can be constructed from the head-
ing, pitch and roll angles in that message. The matrix CBA is constructed from
the antenna roll, elevation, and azimuth angles that are commanded in order
to achieve the two conditions: (I) alignment of the antenna face normal with
the commanded line of sight and (2) having the elevation monopulse axis hor-
izontal (the azimuth axis then lies in the vertical plane containing the line of
~f = Hx +Noise ( 11.29)
( 11.30)
H = -[(Lc) , (VINs XL,) , (CNs(VINs X Lc)) , (CNsCsA(VINs X Lc)) , 0, ... ]
with zeros in the locations beyond 12. Each of the items separated by commas
in the preceding two equations is a three-element row vector.
The evolution of the estimation errors appearing in Equation 11.30 is defined
through the transition matrix definition. ~V and ~<I> INS are propagated via stan-
dard navigation error differential equations. ~<1> 8 is treated as a random bias,
namely, as an unknown vector that is constant in the body frame. In the formu-
lation described above, ~<!>A is also treated as a random bias, a constant vec-
tor in the antenna face frame. Thus, only constant errors (readout errors that
are independent of the actual value of the commanded angles) can be treated
with this approach. Other antenna-resident errors can be pursued (e.g., angle-
proportional or scale-factor errors) but only at the cost of introducing further
The noise term in Equation 11.29 can be regarded as being equivalent to a
random angle jitter. Thus,
Noise= V x L, · ~e R (11.32)
where ~eR is a random vector that includes the contributions of any and all
noise sources in the data collection and processing; it would include I/ Q cal-
ibration errors, numerical round-off errors, residual postcompensation radome
correction errors, and many others. It is worth noting that the magnitude of
the measurement noise varies with aircraft speed IV 1. In practice, it would be
modeled as a zero-mean process with standard deviation given by
where a jitter is a value (measured or assumed) for the standard deviation of the
effective jitter.
When the antenna is electronically scanned, the mounting error ~<1> 8 remains
in the measurement equation; the gimbal readout errors disappear, of course.
Electrical pointing errors specific to an ESA are so small that they can be
ignored. The PVU measurement model is simpler. However, beam broaden-
ing, especially for large angles off the antenna face normal, often leads to
reduced measurement accuracy, which can affect the rate of estimation conver-
gence. Otherwise, the operation of the mode is the same as for the mechanically
scanned antenna.
The term terrain following refers to an aircraft maintaining a fixed height rela-
tive to the terrain immediately beneath it. Terrain avoidance and terrain clear-
ance are related techniques, wherein terrain avoidance is performed for turn
rates exceeding those normally performed during terrain following.
Figure 11.9 illustrates the geometry of the terrain-following process. The
terrain-following system, comprised of airframe, flight control system, radar
forward-looking sensor, radar altimeter, and pilot fail-safe monitoring, main-
tains the aircraft at the desired terrain following height, h 0 . The forward-look-
ing sensor measures the rangeR and angle {3 to the terrain. Angle {3 is measured
Antenna boresight
relative to the radar antenna boresight, which in turn points at an angle a relative
to horizontal during a terrain measurement interval. The terrain range and angle
are then used to compute pitch (r. as defined in the figure) inputs to the flight
control system that modify the aircraft trajectory to clear terrain at the desired
clearance height ho.
The motivation for terrain following (TF) is based on terrain masking, reduc-
ing aircraft exposure to ground-based and airborne air defense systems. The
degree of exposure reduction is a function of achieved terrain following height
terrain roughness, and system lookdown capability. Early applications of terrain
following started in the 1960s with the U.S. Air Force F-Ill and Navy A-6.
Both the U.S. B-1 A and B-1 B aircraft support TF, with the latter being accom-
plished with a multimode radar interleaving other radar modes in between TF
profile measurem e nt intervals.
Figure 11.10 is a functional block diagram of a modern terrain following
system. Starting from the left, terrain is sensed by the forward-looking radar,
with enough range and angle coverage to clear the highest expected terrain at
the desired clearance height. The radar processor generates a terrain profile con-
sisting of elevation versus range, which forms the input to the pitch-command
processor. The flight control system (FCS) accepts pitch commands and mod-
ifies the control surface position.s. The system loop is closed when th e radar
collects a new terrain profile. which then generates a new set of pitch com-
mands, different from the previous commands, since the aircraft is at a different
position relative to the terrain. The altimeter acts as a check by comparing the
distance of the terrain beneath the aircraft with the corresponding radar mea-
surements. The forward looking infrared (FUR) sensor provides backup data
on the presence of wires, with the radar providing height information designed
to fty over the tops of towers, thus avoiding the wires. The pilot's interface
consists of the display, flight controls, and TF vertical acceleration switch for
choosing smooth , medium , or hard ride quality. Pilot work load is intensive,
with the requirement to perform a positive-pitch "pull-up" maneuver the instant
an unsafe flight condition occurs.
Flight Control
Profile Surface Airframe
Command Deflection Posi tion/Orientation
L '
Ove r Terrain
I __ _I
Terrain Profile, A/C State I I
*Forward-looking Infrared
Figure 11.10 Terrain-following functional block diagram.
Flight safety is the primary system design parameter being maximized, while
minimizing radar on-time and power level. The latter is important for a low-
observable aircraft. Flight safety requires embedding fail-safe features into sys-
tem hardware, software, and interfaces such that the probability of an unsafe
failure going undetected in an hour of TF flight is very small, I o-s being a
typical specification requirement.
Pencil Beam
3 dB Contour
(Into Page)
J Coverage
The aircraft flight time from the instant of sensing to the time the aircraft passes
over the highest terrain point is defined as the warning time, Tw. As described
later, during terrain-following operation, the aircraft flight control law is based
on maintaining a constant horizontal velocity, and either a positive or negative
vertical acceleration causing consecutive pull-up or push-over parabolic trajec-
tories. Safe flight requires that pull-up and push-over trajectories intersect at no
more than one point in space, where the slopes of the two parabolas are equal.
Combining the equality of slopes with the definition of warning time results in
a relationship between maximum terrain elevation ~Z, warning time Tw, and
the two vertical accelerations, as shown in Equation 11.35.
Ap is the positive vertical acceleration
AN is the negative vertical acceleration
Substituting this result for ~Z in Equation 11.34 leads to a requirement for the
upper elevation scan limit, 8 u.
A terrain-following radar performs terrain data collection over the scan vol-
ume appropriate for either level or turning flight. Scan implementation is a
function of antenna beam width. For the case of a pencil beam, scanning is
performed in vertical bars such that consecutive beam pointing angles within
a bar have overlapping 3-dB contours, as indicated in Figure 11.11. This over-
lapping provides smoothed estimates of terrain SNR and height as a function
of beam position. The beam selection logic then uses these data to select which
beam positions to use within a range cell for final height estimates. This beam
selection logic ensures safely measuring the tops of towers, and reduces upward
biasing of rain, as indicated in Figures 11.12 and 11.13.
Tower Top on~
Boresight \Jl)
Discrete Scatterer
Tower Top above
Figure 11.12 Beam selection logic for towers.
Rain Only
in 3 dB Beam
Terrain on
Bore sight
Terrain Enters o
the Beam
in Beam
Figure 11.13 Beam se lection logic for terrain to avoid bias due to rain.
I Range Cell
Elevation Extent
I ', '
point target, and mutual interference from multiple scattering sources within the
range cell, described by the term scintillation, would have negligible effect on
centroid measurement. This point target assumption is invalid for most terrain
conditions and practical range sampling intervals. Assuming an aircraft height
of 200 ft, and 150-ft range cells, results in flat-terrain extents of 7.0 mr at 2000-
ft slant range. In the worst case, scintillation could eliminate the effective radar
cross section of all but the near-range scatterers within the range cell, causing an
unsafe underestimation of terrain elevation by several milliradians. The effect
is more pronounced (and unsafe) for terrain features with great vertical height,
such as cliffs and towers. To obtain maximum radar illumination across the
full elevation extent, the radar transmits over a wide bandwidth, either with
sequential pulses at different frequencies or a single wideband pulse, whose
returns are filtered independently using a digital or analog filter bank. Centroid
and extent estimates are then made from these wideband radar returns.
Elevation centroid and extent processing has been successfully applied in
several terrain-following systems. The radar return from each range cell is pro-
cessed using in-phase (I) and quadrature-phase (Q) samples from both sum and
difference monopulse channels. Equation 11.36 shows the processing of sum
and difference video signals to form a centroid discriminant, Cmsc, and Equa-
tion 11.37 shows the corresponding processing to form the extent discriminant,
\S\ is the magnitude of complex-valued sum channel video
signal for ith frequency
\D\ is the magnitude of complex-valued difference channel video
signal for ith frequency
asD is the phase angle between complex-valued sum and difference
signals for ith frequency
N, is the sum channel noise power estimate
is the transmitted frequency channel number
Parabola With --._
Pull-up C.li~b & Dive ~ Terrain
Parabola With Ltnuts • Following
Climb & Dive /""" Height
Limits Terrain Data Point
Figure 11.16 TF aircraft height control based on terrain heights.
tangent to one of these push-over parabolas. Note that both pull-up and push-
over parabolas are augmented by airframe-dependent climb and dive limits.
must possess all the properties of both designs. Basically, the multimode radar
antenna is designed for the more stringent air-to-air application and has provi-
sions to spoil its elevation beam when required for air-to-ground applications.
Antenna elevation beam width has two values selectable by the radar processor.
Multimode radar transmitters and exciters must provide a large range of
RF frequencies, pulse widths, and PRFs. Transition from one set of operat-
ing parameters to another must be rapid. The radiated RF wave form must be
completely "programmable" by the radar processor. Power management of the
transmitted energy is also desirable.
The receiver function must be "programmable" as well. A narrow band-
width, large dynamic range receiver is required to support air-to-air modes,
while a wide bandwidth, low dynamic range receiver is needed to support air-
to-ground modes. The receiver must provide matched filtering for a variety of
signal pulsewidths and PRF's. The analog-to-digital covnerter's precision and
number of range samples taken each pulse repetition interval (PRI) must be
A multimode radar processor performs four functions, specifically, sig-
nal processing, data processing, radar units control, and system input/output
management. All functions are completely defined and managed by software.
A typical multimode radar software program comprises I 00,000 to 200,000
instructions. Higher-order languages, such as JOVIAL and Ada, are employed
for data processing, radar units control, and system input/output. Signal pro-
cessing is accomplished through a structured software language. The hard-
ware architecture comprises a cluster of signal-processing elements acting on
radar return data in parallel, a cluster of data-processing elements partitioned to
accomplish data processing, radar unit control, or system input/output, a large
radar return data memory, and a large program memory. The number of pro-
cessor modules depends on application.
Any enterprise involving travel or navigation has to take account of the poten-
tially catastrophic impact of adverse weather. Airborne radar is in some senses
unique in its ability not only to make measurements (of ownship position, veloc-
ity and heading, etc.) that aid the navigation function but also to detect the pres-
ence and the features of weather formations. The radar observations involved
in a weather mode are (1) magnitude detection of reflections from clouds and
precipitation and (2) Doppler measurements of the motion of particles within a
weather formation. Magnitude detection, accompanied by use of sophisticated
reflectivity models, allows determination of particle type (rain, snow, hail, etc.)
and precipitation rate. Doppler measurements, usually achieved by pulse-pair
processing, can be made to yield estimates of turbulence intensity and wind
speed. Reliable determination by airborne radar, of the presence and severity
of the phenomenon known as wind shear, has been an important area of study
in recent years.
Dedicated weather radars and multimode radars with a weather mode are
usually nose mounted, and they include a weather display. Avoidance of haz-
Constants Code
1 arget
Radar Constant Range, Measure-
Compensate Doppler
Compression r-----
Resolver f-+
I_ ~ ~ J J
Estimator J
Figure 11.17 Generic moving target detection signal processing.
ardous weather conditions is the intent; however, in tactical aircraft the output
of the weather mode is often used to adjust radiated power levels and processing
thresholds for the presence of precipitation in the region between the radar and
the target or area of interest. Typically, a real-beam map mode is employed,
using a single value for elevation angle and scanning in azimuth. Radar returns
are range gated and indexed by beam boresight angles. Processing is similar to
that in which ground maps are formed but no attenuation is applied to the radar
return, because of the relatively low reflectivity of clouds. The resulting display
often shows weather formations in range (out to 100 km, approximately) and
angle with respect to the aircraft nose, with indications of precipitation and
hazard levels.
IKI 2 d;6
(m 2 - l)
K=--::--- (11.38)
(m2 + 2)
where d; is the diameter of the droplet and m is the complex index of refraction.
For microwave radar wavelengths, IKI 2 has the value 0.93 for raindrops and
0.2 for ice crystals and snow [19]. Summation of the a; over a unit volume of
the cloud gives the RCS (per unit volume) for the precipitation:
Knowing the distribution of particle sizes for a given precipitation type and rate
allows calculation of reflectivity after determining the value Z of the summation
in Equation 11.39. Z has been determined experimentally for many conditions;
Figure 11.18 shows a log-log plot of RCS (m 2 per cubic meter) versus pre-
cipitation rate (mm per hour), for rain and snow, with carrier wavelength as
parameter. Most airborne weather radars operate in either C- or X-band. The
'A - 4 dependence of reflectivity on carrier wavelength favors X-band radars for
this task.
0.32 rain
-8 -r----r----=::::::::~~*==--,o.32 snow
3.2 rain
3.2 snow
-1 0 1 2 3
log, base 10, of precipitation rate
Figure 11.18 Log-log plot of reflectivity (me te r2 / mete r·1 ) versus precipitatio n rate
(mm/ hn.
Figure 11.19 Weather mode radar processing for each range bin.
cient to deal with the low reflectivity levels provided by dust at low levels and
sparsely distributed ice crystals at high altitude.
The lower path in Figure 11.19 shows the processing associated with mea-
surement of air motion within a given volume. The pulse repetition frequency
(PRF) is higher than that used in the upper path, in order to span the spec-
tral width needed to represent faithfully the Doppler shifts of the radar returns.
The spread of radial velocities within the air mass of interest is then calculated
from the measured spectral width. Comparison with pre-stored values allows
calculation of a safety index; for example, 5 meters/sec is often regarded as a
threshold beyond which a turbulent air mass is regarded as posing a hazard for
navigation. The mean velocity of mass within a given range-angle cell cannot
easily be calculated without a moving target indicator (MTI) mode and accurate
ownship velocity.
Tailwind Headwind
Figure 11.20 Microburst-induced wind shear which poses a hazard to aircraft at land-
ing and takeoff by creating adjacent regions of opposite wind directions.
The first fifty years of radar history have witnessed dramatic technology
advancements. Yet, greater advances are forecast for the future. The trend is
toward a truly digital radar. Figure 11.21 illustrates the radar's progression from
analog to digital technology. In the 1960s, radars employed analog technology
almost exclusively. Analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) took place at the out-
put of an analog crystal filter bank (after Doppler signal processing and target
detection). Only elementary mode control logic, target tracking, and display
formating were performed digitally. In the early 1980s, digital, programmable
signal processors were introduced. The ADC function took place after receiver
down conversion to an intermediate frequency, and all signal and data process-
ing was performed digitally. The focus of the 1990s and in later years will be
large-scale application of electronic scanned arrays, which will enable further
progress toward a digital radar.
1----1~ H~~~g~~~E 1---t~ PROCESSOR : PROCESSOR
Figure 11.21 (a) 1960s radar functional diagram; (h) 1990s radar functional diagram;
(c) 2000s digital radar functional diagram.
nel, elevation difference channel, and guard channel, each stabilized for aircraft
motion. RF and IF signal shaping and filtering will be accomplished digitally.
Finally, the very high speed digital computer will generate the transmission
wave form and antenna pointing commands, detect targets and determine their
locations, track targets, generate synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, format
them for display, perform navigation functions, and execute periodic built-in
test (BIT).
One advantage of the digital implementation is that segments of the active
array aperture can be controlled independently. Thus, a digital radar will be
able to search several separate volumes of space with different RF wave forms
simultaneously, though with less overall transmitted power and larger antenna
beam width, since the subaperture sizes are smaller. Air-to-ground and air-to-air
radar modes will run simultaneously.
11.10.5 Displays
Radar information will be displayed on color flat-panel displays in the future.
Liquid-crystal display (LCD) technology is expected to dominate this applica-
tion. Nevertheless, electroluminescent, plasma, and field-emitter display tech-
nologies are being pursued for possible future use.
11.1. Calculate the width of the Doppler spectrum of the coherent terrain return
detected by a radar with a beamwidth of 0.05 rad, a beam direction of
30 deg with respect to the velocity vector, having a carrier frequency of
I 0 GHz, and moving 90 meter/sec parallel to the terrain.
Ans.: 150 Hz.
11.3. How long will aX-band radar traveling at 100 meter/sec velocity parallel
to the Earth collect radar ground returns to form a 10-meter resolution
SAR image of the terrain at 100-km slant range and 45-deg azimuth angle
relative to the velocity vector?
Ans.: 7 sec.
11.4. Find the angular protusion of a hill through the clearance plane of a ter-
rain avoidance radar when the linear protrusion of the hill through the
clearance plane is 600 ft, the slant range to the hill is 3000 ft, and the
radar measures an angle of 30 deg between the antenna boresight axis
and the hill.
Ans.: 13 deg.
11.5. What is the aircraft clearance in Problem 11.4? Assume that the antenna
boresight axis is horizontal.
Ans.: 2100 ft.
11.6. How much error will result if the slant range to a navigation fix point of
10 nmi is used as the ground range when the aircraft altitude is 30,400
Ans.: -1.8 nmi.
12 Celestial Navigation
acceleration for computing vehicle position and velocity (Section 7.4). Since
the position error growth of these free inertial navigation systems was exces-
sive on long flights, it was natural to periodically update their position-out-
puts with position-updates derived from manual star fixes. It then became
possible to implement completely automatic star fixing by physically inte-
grating the sextant with the stabilized local-level platform which inherently
provided the necessary local-level reference. The telescope, with a star-light
detector, was mounted on the stabilized platform through a gimbal struc-
ture. Real-time, automatic star-pointing and star-tracking commands were gen-
erated by the on-board navigation system computer from which position
errors were deduced. These automatic star fixes were used to update (cor-
rect) the inertial navigation system position-outputs and to correct the stabi-
lized local-level platform in azimmh; in some cases instrument errors were also
The augmentation of inertial navigation with periodic stellar updates pro-
vided an ideal application for optimal filtering techniques (e.g., Kalman filter-
ing) which combines multiple sensor inputs into "best-estimate" navigation out-
puts (Chapter 3). The implementation of an optimal filter (estimator) requires
the use of accurate mathematical models for the propagation of the system error
dynamics and for the measurement process.
The star measurement (observation) is the angular difference between the
measured and computed lines of sight to a star. While this angular difference,
measured in a local-level frame of reference, was used to deduce position error
measurements, more precisely it is only a measure of the inertial attitude error
of the reference system involved (whether or not the latter is local level). This
error angle is known as the 1/; (psi) angle. Consequently, star observations can
no longer be treated as position error measurements when used in conjunction
with accurate stellar-inertial navigation systems; rather they must be treated
as 1/; measurements. The implications of this have a significant impact on the
design and performance of the stellar-inertial navigation system. This impact is
discussed in Section 12.3.
The geometry and mathematics of star observations and celestial fixes are
described in this section. The discussion applies to both the navigational
approach used by the ancient mariners and the mathematics required to auto-
matically point the telescope and to integrate the star measurement into a stellar-
inertial navigator. For the latter, vector-matrix techniques are used. (For a devel-
opment utilizing spherical trigonometry, see [ll)
Suppose that we know a star's coordinates in an inertial coordinate frame.
It may be assumed that the star's position is fixed in this inertial frame (see
Section 12.6 for a more detailed discussion of a star's position). Let the Z 1 -
axis of the inertial frame lie along the Earth's rotation vector, the X 1 , Y 1 axes
lie in the Earth's equatorial plane with the X 1-axis pointing in the direction
of the First Point of Aries, T (the intersection of the equatorial and ecliptic
planes where the sun crosses the equator from south to north). Star catalogs
and astronomical almanacs tabulate a star's position in this inertial coordinate
frame in terms of its right ascension a and its declination as shown in Figure
12.1. In terms of a and o, a unit vector in the inertial frame pointing to the star
is given by
cos a
sin a.
Sin 0
Figure 12.1 A star's right ascension and declination measured from an inertial coor-
dinate frame.
The Earth is rotating with respect to the inertial frame with a rate n £, about
the inertial Z 1-axis (QE is the Earth's sidereal rotation rate of 15.04°/hr). An
Earth-fixed coordinate frame is defined such that Z E = Z 1, and X E, Y E lie in
the equatorial plane with xE passing through the Greenwich meridian (i.e., lon-
gitude = 0). At any instant of time, t, theE frame is displaced from the I frame,
by a rotation about the Z 1-axis given by GHAT (the Greenwich Hour Angle
of Aries). The latter is available from astronomical almanacs as a function of
t or can be computed (see Section 12.6). The transformation from the I frame
to the E frame is
cos(GHA'T) sin(GHA'T)
Cj [
= - sin(~HA'T) cos (GHAT)
cos A
-sin A
C~ =[ - sin <P cos A -sin <P sin A <P]
cos <P cos A cos <P sin A sin <P
( 12.2)
It is seen from Figure 12.2 that not only has a rotation occurred in going from
the E frame to the L frame, but a translation of the origin of the frames has
also occurred. The local-level geometry is redrawn in Figure 12.3 in the plane
containing the center of the Earth, the observer, and the star. From Figure 12.3
it is observed that the light from the star to the center of the Earth is nearly
parallel to the light from the star to the observer on the surface of the Earth.
For the star Sirius, which at 8.7 light years is one of the closest stars to Earth,
the angular separation (parallax) due to the Earth's radius is less than 20 micro-
Because of this, any star measurement made relative to inertial space will
yield no information with regard to position of an observer on Earth. Hence,
the stars have the same orientation angles, a and (Figure 12.1 ), in inertial
space regardless of the observer's position on the Earth's surface.
Star measurements made with respect to an Earth-fixed frame provide no
information about the observer's position along the local vertical axis, zL.
Figure 12.3 Star geometry in the plane of the center of the Earth, the observer, and
the star.
UL =
cos (Az) cos(£/)
l ( 12.3)
Equations 12.2 and 12.3 provide the relationships for Az and El as a function
of a, o, GHAT, <P, and A. Given uL, elevation and azimuth are obtained from
( 12.4)
Therefore, given an observer's location, a star catalog (almanac), and the time,
the azimuth and elevation of a selected star can be computed from Equation
12.4, and a telescope can be pointed toward that star. Suppose that one only
knows the observer's location approximately but sufficiently close to unam-
biguously identify a selected star through computation of its expected azimuth
and elevation. The actual azimuth and elevation of the star can be measured.
From these Earth-fixed measurements, one can determine the correct observer
latitude and longitude.
From Equations 12.2 and 12.3 one obtains the following relationships:
These equations can be solved for <I> and A, and ambiguities in the solution can
be resolved by approximate knowledge of the observer's position.
While the previous equations allow for the computation of latitude and longi-
tude given measurements of azimuth, elevation, and time, they were difficult to
implement manually due to the lack of precise instruments to measure azimuth.
Celestial navigation was done with sextants and bubble-level devices that mea-
sure the angle between a star and the horizontal.
A single measurement of elevation of a star is not sufficient to locate an
observer's position; it places the observer on a cone with the star at the vertex.
The intersection of this cone with the Earth yields a circle (approximately) as
a line of position (LOP) for the observer. This LOP can be determined from
Equation 12.6. If only a single elevation measurement is available, then the
intersection of the LOP with the line connecting the observer's estimated posi-
tion and the projection of the star onto the Earth serves as an updated estimate
of position.
The measurement of the elevation of a second star yields a second circu-
lar LOP. If the observer is stationary, then the intersection of the two LOP's
yield two possible positions for the observer. The ambiguity in position can be
resolved either with a priori approximate knowledge of position or by a third
star elevation measurement.
If the observer is moving with respect to the Earth, the following is required
to determine position: (I) a sequence of star elevation measurements and (2)
the time and approximate location of the observer for each measurement. If
the integral of the observer velocity error over the star measurement interval is
small relative to the error in the approximate position, then the position error
over the measurement interval can be treated as a constant and the sequence of
star elevation measurements can be used to estimate the position error.
With multiple measurements (at least two), a nonlinear least squares solution
for the assumed constant position error can be obtained. The position accuracy
is a function of the separation of the star measurements and is highest when at
least two of the measurements are from stars whose separation is near 90°.
Since the 1970s, navigation systems have used Kalman filtering techniques
(Chapter 3) to integrate all sensed navigation data to obtain the best-estimate
navigation solution. This use of the Kalman filter to integrate stellar mea-
surements requires that the star observations and errors be correctly modeled
o6 ~ vector angle defined from the true coordinate frame to the computed
<1> ~ vector angle defined from the true coordinate frame to the platform
t!J ~vector angle defined from the computed coordinate frame to the platform
Since these angles are small, they are treated as vectors and can be resolved
into any coordinate frame. From Equation 12.7 it is clear that star sensor mea-
surements are not equivalent to position measurements. In fact, a large position
error SO could be canceled out by an equal platform tilt error c:J> caused by an
accelerometer bias (see Problem 12.1).
Most inertial navigation error equations are formulated using the c:!> and SO
error variables. This results in coupling between position, velocity, and attitude
errors. If instead the variables position, velocity, and lfJ are used, then only
position and velocity are coupled. An independent differential equation can be
written for the lfJ equation. This becomes important for stellar augmented sys-
tems. since it is the angle lfJ that the sensor measures. In the c:J>, SO mechaniza-
tion, by Equation 12.7, the star observation is a measure of the angle lfJ = c:!>- SO.
If approximations are made in the defining linearized differential equations for
c:J> and SO, which are valid individually but not completely consistent with each
other, the difference between the propagated c:!> and SO angle vectors may not
be precisely equal to the angle vector lfi, resulting in the stellar measurements
being used incorrectly to estimate error parameters.
To implement the Kalman filter, we define a dynamic error model that is
consistent with the position, velocity, and lfJ formulation [2].
oR. F(nEe) I 0 0 0 0 oR UR
F(a) 'c
ov G(R) F(nT) CA 0 0 ov Uv
F(n1e) 'e
tV 0 0 0 CG 0 tV + ut!J
oa 0 0 0 Ka 0 0 oa Ua
ow 0 0 0 0 KG 0 ow Uw
ob 0 0 0 0 0 Kn Db ub
( 12.9a)
In Equation 12.9, oa, ow, and Db represent the dynamics of the random
accelerometer errors, gyro errors, and stellar subsystem boresight errors, respec-
tively; the U and V vectors represent "white" process and stellar observation
· · · 'c 'c
nOise, respectiVely; nT ~ nEe+ 2n/E; the matnces C A, C G' and C'es are used
to denote best estimates of the transformations (including nonorthogonalities)
from the accelerometer triad, gyro triad and stellar sensor to the computational
frame, respectively. The sensor input axis misalignments (including nonorthog-
onalities) are included in the dynamic sensor models.
From Equation 12.9a it is clear that accelerometer errors oa integrate directly
into vehicle position and velocity errors, as expected. It is also clear that vehicle
position and velocity errors do not couple back into the tJ1 error. Consequently,
star sensor measurements cannot be used to estimate or correct for those posi-
tion errors that occur due to dynamic accelerometer errors or errors caused by
gravity uncertainties (not included in Equation 12.9 for simplicity). Further,
since the gyro induced drift errors ow are the only error variables that drive
the tjJ equation, it is these gyro errors that the stellar updates are effective
in estimating and compensating for, as well as the position and velocity errors
that occur due to the F(a)t!J acceleration error term caused by tJ1 (see Equa-
tions 12.8b and 12.9a). Note that the \fl error does not oscillate at the Schuler
frequency as do the position and velocity errors.
In general, the star measurements are effective in estimating parameters that
contribute to the initial \fl(O) error, the position and velocity errors that prop-
agate as a result of this initial \fl(O) error, and in-flight gyro induced position
and velocity errors. As time progresses, the navigation solution propagated by
a Kalman filter tends to become independent of the initial state. Consequently,
star measurements must be used early in the mission if they are to be effec-
tive in estimating initial position errors, accelerometer bias errors, and the posi-
tion and velocity errors generated by these accelerometer biases. It should be
pointed out that care must be taken in establishing initial error variances and
their respective cross-correlations, which are used to estimate \fl(O) effects, and
which are functions of the method and/or technique used in establishing the
initial alignment.
An example of position error propagation is shown in Figure 12.5, using an
error analysis program, for a 14-hour flight. After takeoff, the aircraft climbs to
a cruise altitude where it executes numerous turns. The first star measurement
is made at the end of the pre-flight alignment for one case and ten minutes
after the alignment for the second case. Three star observations per minute are
made thereafter each with an observation error of 1.5 arcsec standard deviation.
The circular error probable (CEP) time histories display the familiar 84-minute
Schuler oscillation in position error and the 24-hour Earth rate loop oscillations
(Chapter 7).
:~ : . • ·- '?~~~~"-I :!-_·······-••-:\
•oo- l ,\(-f\\rJA~~~
L, l
r· · · - ~ :.j.
- ~·
u ::: -----~L: :i11~1~~~~:t;~~:~L
'J i ~ ! l after alignment
: : . : : :
100 .............. j""'"""'""'j"'""""'"'"~""""""'"":""""""""'l""'"''""""l""'"""""''
: ~ ~ : ~
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (hr)
Figure 12.5 Stellar-inertial navigation performance.
Since the star observation measures the star inertial line of sight and is not a
direct measure of position, the position error is not bounded. This is seen by the
small position error growth on which the Schuler oscillation is superimposed.
The effect of the time of the first star observation can also be seen in Fig-
ure 12.5. The earlier start of star observations has reduced the position CEP
by over l 00 ft over the duration of the flight. The explanation for this is as
follows: At the end of alignment, the two horizontal components of the \jl error
are the result of accelerometer bias errors. The correlations that exist in the
filter covariance matrix between ~~ and the accelerometer errors make these
accelerometer errors observable. When a star observation is made, reductions
in the accelerometer errors are achieved producing slower position error growth
and correcting for accumulated position and velocity error growth due to these
accelerometer errors. When the star observation is delayed by ten minutes (as
may be the case where there is cloud cover and it takes the vehicle ten min-
utes to clear this cover), then the various process noise terms feed into the \jl
and accelerometer errors and the correlations between \jl and the accelerometer
errors are reduced. When the first star observation is obtained, it has less effect
on the estimated position, velocity, and accelerometer errors. As time passes,
correlations with accelerometer errors disappear, and the star observations are
no longer useful in estimating accelerometer bias errors, or the position errors
that stem from them.
If a filter is to be implemented using the <!>, 89 formulation rather than the
\jl-angle vector formulation described above, a number of special simulation
tests should be conducted to verify proper implementation and operation; for
example, the propagated <I> and ~)9 solutions must be such that the Schuler
magnitude and phase of these angle vectors exactly cancel when differenced,
since \jl = <I> - 89 does not have a Schuler oscillation. Simulation tests should
start with all zero initial filter covariance conditions and dynamic accelerome-
ter error process noise. The effect of the process noise is to generate "in-flight"
accelerometer errors which integrate into position and velocity errors. As pre-
viously discussed, star observations should have no effect on reducing these
in-flight induced position and velocity errors. Two runs, one with star obser-
vations and one without, should yield the same results. Such tests can verify
correct filter design and performance for the <!>, 89 formulation.
](N) = L A-T(i)HT(i)H(i)A- (i),
A is the system transition matrix
H is the system measurement matrix
N is the number of measurements to process
In Equation 12.1 0, if the matrix ](N) is positive definite then the system is
observable, and the filter will be able to estimate all errors in the state vector.
The information matrix, in discrete form, is given by [4, 9]
L(N) = L A-T(i)HT(i)W- (i)H(i)A- (i)
1 1
i= I
P(O) is the initial (a priori) estimation error covariance matrix
w is the measurment error covariance matrix
If a linear system has zero process noise, and if a Kalman filter is used to
optimally estimate the state of the system, then the state error covariance matrix
P is equal to the inverse of the information matrix L:
In comparing the information matrix L(N) with the observability matrix ](N),
it is clear that a measure of the new information brought into the system via
observations or measurements is directly proportional to the observability mea-
sure of the system and inversely proportional to the measurement uncertainty.
This also provides analytical closed form performance predictions for postulated
observation sequences processed by the Kalman filter.
For an application of this theory to the design of stellar-inertial navigators,
see Problem 12.2 which is a simplified version of the strapdown telescope
problem. From part e of this problem, it is clear that the \fl errors and the
stellar boresight errors e become unity correlated and inseparable without a
capability to rotate the e errors relative to the \fl errors; after a few measure-
ments, the variances no longer decrease. From parts c and e it is clear that
system observability is established by this rotation and that, using Equation
12.12, the estimation error variances become proportional to the measurement
noise variance and inversely proportional to the number of stellar measure-
ments taken, thereby approaching zero. While the same star and star sensor
were used to obtain the N measurements described in parts a and c of Problem
12.2, the sequence described in part a provided little information following the
first measurement, while the sequence described in part c drives the errors to
Hence, in the application of estimation theory, there is the problem of opti-
mally processing the measurements for a given measurement sequence (which
is the Kalman filter) and the selection of the optimum measurement sequence,
for which the general solution is not known but for which the notions of infor-
mation and observability provide good insights [9].
sine = - (12.13)
e is the a ng le from the center of the image to a dark or li g ht ring
defi ned by n
11 is a constant for each ring in the image
'A is the wavelength of the incoming li ght
h is the diamete r of the aperture
Field of view a .
-- --
1+--- - -- F ~
Focal length
Figure 12.6 (a) A simple optical syste m; (h) a Casscg rai n telescope.
The values of n for a circular aperture telescope are given in Table 12.1.
The second column in Table 12.1 is the percentage of the energy in each ring
relative to the total star energy [ 14]. For example, the second bright ring of a
star image for a telescope with a 3-in. aperture and 0.5-micron light (0.5 X I o- 4
em) has an angular diameter of 3 seconds-of-arc and contains 93.7% of the total
star energy.
The physical size of the star image depends on the angular size of the image
and the effective focal length of the telescope:
d=2F8 = -- (12.14)
a= djFrad (12.15)
Due to aberrations [12, 13], the symmetry and sharpness of the image
degrade when it is not in the center of the telescope field of view. The tele-
scope must be designed in such a way that the off-axis image has sufficient
quality for detection and star image location processing; this is particularly true
for area- or array-type detectors and for fully strapdown applications. The size
of the photosensor and the focal length of the telescope determine the field of
view over which a quality image must be maintained.
Ps=HA (12.16)
H is the usable irradiance from a star found from the spectral distribu-
tion of the star radiation H", the photosensor spectral response
(a()\), and the star magnitude (units are watts per
square centimeter [15])
A is the effective light-gathering area of the entrance aperture of the
telescope, including obstructions and allowances for optical trans-
mission losses (units are square centimeters)
Optical transmission losses also reduce the star-signal power at the focal
plane of the telescope. Mirrors and lenses do not transmit or reflect light per-
fectly. For antireflection-coated optics, the light loss may be I% or 2% at each
air-to-glass or glass-to-air optical surface within the telescope, including win-
dows and sensor covers or surfaces. For uncoated optics, the loss per surface
is about 4% or 5%.
Star-signal power depends on the spectral irradiance of the stellar light, the
spectral response of the light detector, and the brightness of the star. Figure
12.7 shows the spectral response of a B8-type blue star and two types of light
detectors; for example, the B8 type, or blue-colored, star (which emits most
of its energy at blue wavelengths) appears much brighter to a light detector
that is sensitive to blue light than to a light detector that is sensitive to red
light. This is shown in Figure 12.7 by the area common to both star and light-
detector spectral-response curves. For this reason, the irradiance term H must
be given in terms of the light-detector spectral response. A consistent method
of calculating star irradiance based on blackbody standards is given below [16,
17]. The irradiance equation is
m is the bolometric magnitude of the star
te is the effective star temperature, in degrees
Wavelength (I')
~ lrradiance of a 88-type star for a S4 detector
m lrradiance of a 88 -type star for a silicon detector
Equation 12.17 is used in conjunction with Table 12.2 to solve for star irradi-
ance. Table 12.2 gives the value of the integral term for 5 different types of light
detectors and 17 effective star temperatures. For example, the integral value of
a +1.22 bolometric-magnitude star of type B8 Ue = 11, 700 K) is 0.0663 when
a silicon light detector is used and 0.1170 when a photomultiplier with an S-4
photocathode [17] is used. Substituting into Equation 12.17, the irradiance is
found to be 1.31 X 10- 13 W j cm 2 for the silicon light detector and 2.30 X 10- 13
w j cm 2 for the S-4 detector. The irradiance from the star found by Equation
12.17 applies at the top of the atmosphere. For values at sea level, it is nec-
essary to correct for the transmission loss caused by the atmosphere which is
10% to 20%, depending on the wavelength of light [17].
The irradiance of ten typical target stars for various light detectors is given
in Table 12.3.
Pb = NAcx. 2 (12.18)
N is the effective background radiance, found from background bright-
ness and the spectral characteristics of the source and light
sensor, in wattsjcm 2 -deg 2 . Unlike H (for a point source), N
describes the power radiated by an extended source
A is the effective area of the entrance aperture of the telescope, in
square centimeters
cx. 2 is the angular area of the telescope field of view, in degrees squared.
Alpheratz ex And oh3.2m 28°32' B8 1.22 2.12 1.31 2.46 2.30 2.15
Polaris ex UMi lh22.6m 88°46' F8 2.06 2.10 1.295 1.14 1.02 0.932
Hamal ex Ari 2hl.5m 22°59' K2 1.64 2.04 1.96 1.04 0.719 0.806
Betelgeuse ex Ori 5h49.8m 7°23' M2 -0.70 +0.7 12.50 3.53 1.87 2.24
Can opus ex Car 6h4o.8m -52°38' FO -0.77 --0.77 15.42 17.65 15.05 15.05
Sirius ex CMa 7h34.1m -16°35' AI -1.94 ··1.43 29.20 49.80 45.70 43.50
Procyon ex CMi 10h3.om 5°29' F5 0.35 0.35 6.08 5.80 4.74 4.84
Regulus ex Leo 22h52.1 m !2°27' 88 0.41 1.31 2.76 5.21 4.86 4.56
Fomalhaut ex PsA 16h23.3m - 30°9' A3 0.87 1.19 2.55 3.92 3.54 3.41
Antares ex Sco -25°13' Ml 0.13 0.98 6.18 1.85 1.02 1.21
J;(N1../NA max)a(A.) dA. is the integral product of the normalized sky
spectrum and the normalized spectral
response of the detectora(A.)
Bs is the daylight sky brightness for a standard
observer (human eye), in lumens per steradian
per square foot (7r ft-lamberts = I candle
per square foot = I lumen per steradian per
square foot)
The value of the normalized integral for various light detectors and a daylight
sky of 1000 ft-lamberts is given in the last row of Table 12.2 under the heading
"sky light." Based on this table and Equation 12.19, a 1000 ft-lambert sky gives
a background radiance of 2.8 X 10- 7 w jcm 2 -deg 2 for a silicon detector. By
comparison, outside the Earth's atmosphere, a silicon detector sees about 2.2 x
10-lS w jcm 2 -deg 2 of sky background.
Another important property of the daylight sky is its radiance gradient, which
can be shown to range from 1.7x 10- 9 to 3.4x 10 9 wjcm 2 -deg 2 /deg [17, 18,
19, 20].
Example 12.4.1
To appreciate the significance of the daylight star sensor problem, calculate
(a) the sky background power and (b) the star-light power for the following
conditions: a 7-cm effective telescope aperture with a 1.5 arcmin field of view, a
1000 ft-lambert sea-level sky radiance, a I 00% efficient silicon detector located
at the focal plane, and the viewing star, Alpheratz.
Part a From Equations 12.18 and 12.19 and from Table 12.2,
8 1000 ) 2 2 ] ( 497!'
- cm 2 )
[ (0.511 x 10 )
( -7!'- (0.1737 wjcm -deg -
1.5 ) 9
( 60 deg = 6. 8 x 10 w
Note that the sky background noise power is approximately three orders of
magnitude larger than the star-light power. An essential feature in any daylight
star sensor is the method used to increase the star signal-to-sky background
noise ratio, see Problem 12.3.
Only a certain number of these photons arriving at the detector are converted
to signal-generating electrons. The quantum efficiency of the detector is defined
as the ratio of the photons converted to signal-generating electrons to the total
number of photons arriving.
Radiation detectors used in star sensors may be classified by the way in
which photons of light are converted to signal-generating electrons, for exam-
ple, photovoltaic, photoconductive, and photoemissive. Of particular interest
are the photovoltaic or photoconductive detectors that are packaged as charge-
coupled devices (CCD) [21]. These can produce an array of small cells or
pixels. In its simplest form, the CCD is a closely spaced monolithic array of
metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) capacitors. By the application of a proper
sequence of vertical and horizontal clock voltage pulses, the charge packets
accumulated in each capacitor (or pixel) can be sequentially shifted through
the array of capacitors. Large arrays of CCD detectors can be implemented
without the maze of wires and bonding required if individual elements were
used to construct the array.
The most important class of MIS capacitors is the metal-oxide semiconductor
(MOS) made from silicon and silicon dioxide. By 1995, CCD arrays were avail-
able for the visible to mid-infrared wavelength (0.4 to 20 ~-tm), with array sizes
ranging from 128 x 128 to I 024 x I 024, with clock voltage pulse frequencies
greater than 15 MHz, and with full well (pixel) capacities in the neighborhood
of I x 10 6 electrons. The use of CCD arrays allows a small instantaneous field
of view for sky background, for improved signal-to-noise ratio, while maintain-
ing a large telescope field of view.
Reference [22] provides an excellent treatise on radiation detectors, includ-
Example 12.4.2
Suppose that the star Alpheratz is being viewed in a 2000 ft-lambert sky back-
ground with the telescope of Example 12.4.1 and the focal plane array of Prob-
lem 12.3. What is the maximum frame averaging time given that 90% of full
well capacity is not to be exceeded? Assume a full well pixel capacity of 1x 106
electrons with a quantum efficiency of 50%, that 93.7% of the star energy is
contained within a one pixel diameter, and that there is a 20% loss of star power
due to the atmosphere.
From Example 12.4.1, the star power arriving at a single pixel is
and from Problem 12.3, for 2000 ft-lambert sky background, the mean noise
power per pixel is
From Equation 12.20 the total photons arriving at the detectors, assuming an
average wavelength of 0.8 J-tm, is given by
0.9 x 10 6 electrons
tF = = 24 msec
(0.5 electronsjphoton)(76 x 106 photons/sec)
To further improve the star SjN, a number of difference frames are aver-
aged. Given the average difference frame, star detection is evaluated using a
likelihood ratio (threshold) test [I 0]. The threshold level is a function of the star
brightness and noise variance and is performed on subsums of pixels of a size to
contain the star image. For example, if the star image, or spot size, is 2 pixels in
diameter, then all 2 x 2 pixel sums are tested against the threshold. Other func-
tional tests can be implemented in conjunction with the star detection threshold
test. Once the star is detected its position is known to within a small group of
pixels. The precise location of the star (subpixel accuracy) is determined using
a centroiding technique [24] which is analogous to a "center-of-gravity" com-
putation. This involves constructing weighted averages in both directions using
a group of pixels that includes the group, found by detection, to contain the
star. Other techniques include the "polynomial least-squares fit" described in
[24], a "matched-filter" approach described in [25], and a template-matching
approach based upon knowledge of the star signal point spread function.
Once the precise location of the star has been determined within the array,
it can be passed on to the Kalman filter as a measurement (observation) of the
star LOS. Alternatively, in a "star tracker" implementation, the results of the
centroiding can be used as inputs to the azimuth and elevation gimbal servo-
loops to center the image on the array [23]. The gimbal angle resolver readouts
then provide the line-of-sight observation to the Kalman filter.
Factors that affect centroiding accuracy include SjN, image spot size, and
fill factor (dead space between pixels). The optimum image spot size for pre-
cise centroiding has a diameter between one and two pixels [24, 26] and the
centroiding performance degrades rapidly for fill factors less than 60% [24l
Nonuniform responsivity of pixels and non symmetrical star imaging can be cal-
ibrated and compensated for, if required. The centroiding accuracy as a function
of SjN is described in Figure 12.8 for pixel fill factors near 100%, for image
spot diameters in the neighborhood of 2 pixels, and for on-axis imaging. The
band between the upper and lower curves in the figure accounts for the effects
of the random variation of image center to pixel center.
.~ 0.8
.c 0.7
.... 0.5
c 0.4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Signal-to-noise ratio (SIN)
Figure 12.8 Centroiding accuracy.
Star observations provide no information with respect to altitude, and since the
vertical channel of an inertial navigator is unstable, vertical damping must be
provided by some other information source. Typically, a barometric altimeter or
radar altimeter is used to provide altitude measurements. These altitude mea-
surements can be processed in the Kalman filter in a fashion similar to the
star measurements to provide altitude corrections to be fed back to the navi-
oY = \fl + ob + v
where \fl is the inertial angular error, Ob denotes the total vector of mechanical
and optical LOS error compensation residuals, and v is the independent random
observation error.
The errors \fl and ob are included in the state vector of the dynamic error
model used to propagate the navigation system errors (see Equation !2.9a).
They are described in more detail in what follows for the stabilized platforms
and strapdown IMU configurations. The optical line-of-sight deflection errors
are independent of the configuration and are described later.
ing error includes platform tilt and heading errors <j>, computed position errors
oO, telescope gimbal angle resolver errors, telescope/stellar sensor boresight
errors, detector image location errors, and optical LOS deflection errors. The
effects of the <1> and oO error uncertainties are modeled mathematically by
t1J = <1>- oo.
With a detached star sensor, the errors of the gimbal angle resolver of the sta-
ble platform and the mechanical and flexure alignment uncertainties between the
two housings must be modeled. Because of the mechanical and flexure align-
ment uncertainties the detached implementation is not used in high-accuracy
being focused at infinity, looks through them. An oil film, however, can act
as an interference coat of the wrong wavelength and cause light reflections
and/or severe transmission losses [29, 30]. Surface flatness over the view-
ing aperture of the telescope [29, 30] also affects image quality, with values
ranging from 0.1 to 2 wavelengths, depending on the desired quality of the
Studies have shown that the magnitude of atmospheric refraction requires
compensation [ 17, 31]. At sea level, refraction varies from 0 arcseconds at 0-deg
co-elevation angles to 70 arcseconds at 50-deg co-elevation angles. The deflec-
tion due to atmospheric refraction increases with increasing air mass between
the star and the observer and varies slightly with air temperature and water-
vapor content.
Depending upon its nature, turbulence has both good and bad effects on
star viewing. Slow-moving and stagnant air full of temperature discontinu-
ities degrades viewing. Local turbulence causes shimmer-a motion of the star
image within the telescope [32]. This motion may approach 30 arcseconds at
frequencies as high as 100 Hz for telescope apertures under 4 in. [ 17]. There
may be rapid or highly turbulent air along the outer window or skin of the air-
craft. Studies [30, 33] of boundary layers and turbulence in aircraft up to Mach
2.5 show shimmer disks of up to 12 to 15 sec of arc with frequencies of up
to 1000 Hz. The effect of this shimmer is to spread the star irradiance over
a greater area at the focal plane of the telescope. To compensate, the detector
must be large enough to encompass the image, or sensitive enough to detect
the portion of the light energy intercepted by the small detector.
Atmospheric turbulence far from the telescope does not cause shimmer;
instead, it produces scintillation-a varying change in the brightness of the star
image ("twinkle" to the human eye) [32, 34]. Scintillation, which is due to
atmospheric diffraction, is inversely proportional to telescope aperture and can
change the brightness of a star as much as 35% for a telescope aperture of less
than 5 in. Its amplitude is proportional to the secant of the co-altitude pointing
angle, that is, to the mass of air the light must penetrate.
During supersonic flight, the line of sight to a star is refracted through a
shock wave, which is a boundary layer of air separating less dense air from
the more dense air behind the wave. Although precise data are lacking, the
amplitude of shock-wave refraction is under 2 arcseconds for angles of up to
±45 deg to the wave created by a 2.85-Mach aircraft at 45,000 ft [30, 35]. The
line-of-sight deviation increases at more oblique angles to the shock wave.
'{t {! ....... ~
pattern '-
' ' . ~ Celestial
• '- "'<"" sphere
Vertical axis 1<.. '\
Telescope___.,. 1
..r I
I '
'\. {t
rotation I \.- _ -
Gyros and accelerometers
Stable inertial
Gimballed to
aircraft structure
Figure 12.9 Three-gimballed platform with two-gimballed star sensor.
Earth and the gyro torquing current is used to track the orientation of the sta-
ble platform relative to an inertially fixed frame in which the stars are located.
Along with time, this provides the information required to generate the azimuth
and elevation angles to point the telescope at a selected star. Therefore, the star
observations are effective in calibrating gyro bias drifts. The telescope gim-
bal angle resolver errors cause line-of-sight measurement errors, but the stable
platform gimbal angle resolver errors do not.
A typical platform and star tracker gimbal structure is shown in Figure
12.1 0, and a simplified block diagram of the stabilized stellar-inertial naviga-
tor is shown in Figure 12.11. The latter shows the functions and the flow of
To integrate a stellar observation into the navigation process, the vehicle
position (latitude and longitude) and attitude of the platform with respect to the
Earth are computed from the inertial navigation equations (Chapter 7). This
information, along with time and the on-board stored star catalog, is used to
select the star to be observed. The telescope pointing commands (AZ, EL) are
computed and the telescope slewed to the proper location. A preprogrammed
search pattern is conducted around this location until the star is detected. The
location of the detected star can be determined by centering the image and mea-
suring the azimuth and elevation angles of the telescope gimbal angle resolvers.
The difference between the computed azimuth and elevation angles and the
measured azimuth and elevation angles is the Kalman filter observable oY. The
components of oY, in telescope coordinates, are orthogonal to the telescope line
of sight and defined in telescope coordinates:
Figure 12.10 Ty pical pl a tfo rm/ tracke r gi mba I stru c ture (courtesy. Northrop Grumman
Elec tronic s S yste m and Integ ration Di visi o n).
1 Physical
Position Stellar computation s
attitude • Star selection
I reference • Pointing: AZ , EL
... • Detection
St ellar sensor • Observation (6Y)
• Star-tracking
Loops AZ , EL command s Chronometer
• Electronic
AZ, EL measurements
Figure 12.11 Simplifi ed block di ag ra m of s tabili zed ste llar- ine rtial nav igator.
star image is expected to fall on the focal plane array and where the computed
star image centroid actually falls on the focal plane array. This is the case for
both the gimballed and nongimballed strapdown IMU configurations; gimbal
angle measurements are not involved in either case. The angular orientation of
the telescope is determined by the IMU through a direction cosine or quaternion
computation using the inertial cluster gyro inputs.
Rotation~·., /
freedom . Rotation freedom
b:: ~
Torque Inertial \rt~
motor cluster aXIS
Variable Stars Variable stars are those whose magnitudes are not constant. A
large number of stars vary in their brilliance, some in a regular manner, others
less regularly, and some are completely unpredictable and irregular in their light
variation [37]. Some representative variable stars are given in Table I 2.4.
Magnitude variations cause a problem for determining the integration time
and detection threshold. If the magnitude used in the star catalog is brighter
than the actual star magnitude at the time of star acquisition, the integration
time will be too short, the detection threshold too high, and the star will likely
not be detected. If the magnitude used in the star catalog is dimmer than the
actual star magnitude at the time of star acquisition, then the star may not be
selected as the best available star; if the star is selected, the signal-to-noise ratio
will be higher than expected and the uncertainty assigned to the star location
measurement will not be as small as it should be.
For some variable stars it is possible to model the magnitude variation and
compute the star magnitude at the time of the star acquisition. For a star like
Betelgeuse, whose magnitude varies slowly (Table 12.4), the magnitude can be
updated at time intervals that are long relative to the flight time. Except for
bright, slowly varying stars it is probably best to exclude variable stars from
the on-board star catalog.
Double Stars Double stars are two stars that appear very close to one another.
Some representative double stars are given in Table 12.5 [38].
Double stars present two problems for a stellar-inertial navigation system.
A double star like Mizar with a separation of only 14.4 arcsec will likely be
beyond the resolving capability of the star sensor. Consequently, a centroid com-
puted on Mizar would yield a location that is a weighted composite of the two
stars. Unless a weighted composite location is stored in the star catalog, the
star location error will not be modeled properly.
A double star like a Capricornus presents a different problem. The two stars
are sufficiently far apart, so they do not present a star centroiding problem.
However, a Capricornus presents an initial acquisition problem because at the
end of alignment there exists a relatively large heading error. Depending upon
the time of the first star measurement (which might be delayed due to cloud
cover), the attitude uncertainty may grow larger. The attitude uncertainty may
cause difficulty in distinguishing between the two stars of a Capricornus. One
way to deal with double stars in the star catalog is to use a flag that excludes the
double star for acquisition if the system attitude uncertainty is above a threshold
comparable to the double star separation.
3. Nutation. Short-term, periodic motion of the celestial pole about the mean
position defined by the precessional motion.
4. Annual aberration. Apparent change in star position due to the Earth's
orbital velocity.
5. Diurnal aberration. Apparent change in star position due to the Earth's
rotational velocity.
6. Parallax. Change in position of the star due to displacement of the Earth
in its orbit and the finite distance to the star.
The first four items require corrections for high-accuracy stellar-inertial nav-
igation systems and are discussed below. The last two, diurnal aberration and
parallax, are sufficiently small so that they can be ignored.
Proper Motion Proper motion is the simplest of the star corrections to apply
in that the star catalog will contain each star's rate of change of right ascension
and declination. If Tis the time since the epoch of the star catalog (if the epoch
is 12000, then T will be negative for all times prior to 12000), then the star
position corrected for proper motion is
o= oo + oT
where tXrh o0 and their rates of change are the star catalog entries for the standard
Precession The direction of the rotational axis of the Earth and the plane of
the Earth's orbit are not fixed in space. Therefore, a star's coordinates change,
not because the star moves on the celestial sphere, but because the inertial coor-
dinate frame defined by the equator and the ecliptic moves on the celestial
sphere. These changes are called precession and nutation. Long-term changes
are called precession (providing the mean position), and the short-term periodic
displacement of the celestial pole about its mean position is called nutation [39].
Due to precession, the celestial pole slowly turns around the pole of the eclip-
tic, with a period of about 26,000 years; as a consequence, the vernal equinox
regresses by about 50 arcsec per year along the ecliptic. Moreover, the plane
of the ecliptic itself is not fixed in space. Due to the gravitational attraction of
the planets on the Earth, it slowly rotates, the speed of this rotation presently
being 47 arcsec per century.
Three precessional angles, t, z, and e, are computed as power series expan-
sions in the time interval T [28]:
- sin(z) sin(S)
sin(z) cos(()) cos(S)
+ cos(z) sin(S)
sin(()) cos(())
- sin(z) cos(S)
- sin(z) cos(()) sin(S)
+ cos(z) cos(S)
-sin(()) sin(S)
- sin(z) sin(())
If u is a star unit position vector corrected for proper motion and given by
cos ex cos
s!n ex cos
Sin 0
uP= Pu
The theory of nutation provides series expansions for !::.:/; and f:.E in terms
of (I) the time interval from the current time to the star catalog standard epoch,
(2) the mean elongation of the moon from the sun, (3) the mean anomaly of the
Earth, (4) the mean anomaly of the moon, (5) the moon's argument of latitude,
and (6) the longitude of the ascending node of the moon's mean orbit on the
ecliptic. Algorithms are given in [28].
In addition to the nutation terms, the obliquity of the ecliptic is required.
The obliquity of the ecliptic is the angle between the equatorial pole and the
ecliptic pole. An expression for the mean obliquity of the ecliptic Eo is given
in [28]. The true (instantaneous) obliquity of the ecliptic E is given by
E =Eo +f:.E
The position of the star on the celestial sphere does not change; rather, the
true equator changes from the mean equator moving the true equinox with it.
The celestial longitude has increased from A to A+!::.:/;, which means that the
equinox has moved through a rotation of -!::.:/; about the ecliptic pole. Fur-
thermore, the obliquity has increased by an amount f:.E, which means that the
equator has moved through a rotation of -f:.E about the equinox.
Given Eo, !::.:/;, and f:.E, a transformation matrix N can be computed that
rotates a star position vector from the mean equator and equinox of date to
the true equator and equinox of date. The expression for N is
A star unit position vector""" that has been corrected for nutation can be deter-
mined from a star unit position vector"" that has been corrected for precession
and proper motion by
Annual Aberration Annual aberration is the apparent change in the star posi-
tion clue to the velocity of the Earth in its orbit about the sun. The maximum
correction due to annual aberration occurs when the star direction is along the
ecliptic pole. The maximum correction is the ratio of the Earth's orbital speed
to the speed of light and is approximately 20.5 arcsec.
The velocity vector for light coming from a star is V 1ight = -cu11p where c =
the speed of light. Let Vearth be the velocity vector for the Earth in its orbit. The
Earth moves in an elliptical orbit with eccentricity e with the sun at one focus.
The velocity Vearth lies in the plane of the ecliptic and has two components,
a transverse component V 0 perpendicular to the radius vector from the sun to
the Earth and a component eV 0 along the semiminor axis of the orbit [39]. To
compute the two components of Vearth in inertial coordinates, it is necessary to
compute for the current time the following: (l) the eccentricity of the Earth's
orbit, (2) the longitude of perihelion of the Earth's orbit, and (3) the longitude
of the sun. Algorithms are found in [28].
The apparent direction of the star light on the moving Earth is Vapp = Vlight-
Vearth. The star position vector must be corrected to the apparent direction. The
orbital velocity of the Earth is changing slowly enough so that for flights of ten
hours or less, it can be precomputed during system initialization and treated as
a constant during the flight.
also be precisely controlled. The three gimbals can be moved in 0.5-deg incre-
ments and are accurate to 0.5 arcsec. The gimbal positions are under computer
control so that a predetermined gimbal trajectory can be executed while the unit
under test records the instrument outputs. The gimbal trajectory is designed to
provide system error observability as defined in Section 12.3.2.
The calibration values are downloaded for use by the real-time software to cor-
rect the instrument outputs during flight. Error states are included in the real-
time filter to estimate time variations in some or the factory calibrated values.
calibration fixture of the type shown in Figure 12.15 has the ability to accu-
rately place a star across the field of view, and it allows a grid of star locations
to be generated. The grid of star placements allows for the location dependent
errors to be calibrated relative to an offset or boresight error. This calibration
can be performed on the star tracker prior to the combined calibration of the
inertial sensors and the boresight errors.
Focal Plane Array Calibration Focal plane arrays contain individual defec-
tive pixels and entire lines of defective pixels. These defective pixels can be
determined by exposing the star sensor to a light source that is nearly uniform
across the focal plane array and examining the focal plane array response. A
defective pixel table can then be generated. It becomes another calibration table
for use by the real-time software, which disregards those exposures where por-
tions of the star signal are lost. The nondefective pixels possess input amplitude-
to-output amplitude transfer functions that vary from pixel to pixel. This pixel
variation looks like noise on both the sky background and the star signal and
can have considerable effect on lowering the signal-to-noise ratio.
If the sky background is removed by pixel averaging (Section 12.4.5), pixel-
to-pixel variations may be calibrated. The focal plane array is exposed to a
uniform light source for varying exposure times so that its output varies from
low level to near saturation. Enough data are gathered at each exposure time
to average out the random noise effects. A curve is fit to the measured transfer
function of each pixel. The coefficients from this curve form a set of amplitude
calibration coefficients to be applied by the real-time software. The pixel-to-
pixel variations can then be removed from the sky background and from the
star signal. By computing the mean sky background from a neighborhood of
the focal plane array not containing the star, the need for frame differencing
disappears. Disadvantages to this approach are ( 1) the need for a uniform light
source, (2) a lengthy calibration procedure, (3) the volume of data stored for
the calibration coefficients, (4) the throughput required to apply the corrections,
and (5) the need to recalibrate if the pixel-to-pixel variations change with time.
However, for a fully strapdown stellar-inertial navigation system, use of this
technique may be required.
heading and level alignment are provided along with estimates of instrument
calibration errors. For the fully strapdown cluster, and for small initial position
errors, the heading error and the level errors will rapidly become nearly unity
correlated with the component of gyro drift in the east direction, and the level
component of accelerometer bias error, respectively. The repeatabilities of the
long-term instrument errors determine the pre-flight alignment accuracy for the
nongimballed strapdown system.
Example 12.7.1 What is the initial 3-sigma search area for the nongimballed
strapdown stellar-inertial navigator given that the system is pre-flight aligned
at a 45-deg latitude location and that the selected star has zero-degree eleva-
tion. Assume that the factory calibration for the gyros and accelerometers are
repeatable to 0.0 I deg/hr (!-sigma) and 75 p.g (!-sigma), respectively.
The azimuth search dimension is given by
Therefore, for the zero-elevation star, the initial 3-sigma search area is 20 x 1.5
(arcmin) 2 •
For the case of the stabilized stellar-inertial navigator, a 180-deg rotation
about azimuth provides observability of the east gyro drift and t/; AZ alignment
error. The azimuth (or heading) alignment error following rotation is reduced
by a factor of 5 or I 0. The level tilt errors remain essentially the same.
For the two-gimbal strapdown stellar-inertial system, ± 180-deg rotations
about both the pitch and roll axes provides a relatively complete inertial cluster
calibration and a relatively precise alignment including both heading and level.
The alignments are in the neighborhood of arc seconds, for the conditions spec-
ified in Example 12.7.1.
In-flight C&A For many military applications, the use of a pre-flight C&A is
not considered feasible because of rapid takeoff requirements. This is especially
true for the stabilized local level configurations which may require warm-up in
excess of thirty minutes. Therefore, the procedure is to do system warm-up dur-
ing the taxi and climb out period. The in-flight C&A begins at altitude, again
with the stellar-inertial navigator in the navigate mode. The Kalman observa-
tions for velocity must be generated by other avionics equipment such as a
Doppler radar (Chapter I 0) or GPS (Chapter 5) and heading and attitude from
an AHRS (Section 7.7 .5). The alignment accuracy determines the size of the
initial search pattern for the selected star.
In the near term, the trend in celestial navigation is to eliminate all rotating
devices. For example, the solid state focal plane array has eliminated the need to
mechanically scan. Some form of spatial and temporal sharing of the focal plane
array, such as electronically scanned discrete optics, will probably be required
to replace mechanical gimbals for high-performance daylight applications; this
would be accompanied by a design technique that maintains an extremely stable
star sensor boresight over long time periods.
In the long term, celestial navigation will largely be replaced by satellite
navigation systems such as GPS. Specialized military aircraft will continue to
use stellar-inertial systems where jamming of satellite navigation receivers is
a credible threat and/or where second-of-arc pointing accuracy is required, for
example, for on-board laser systems. These stellar-inertial systems will tend
toward fully strapdown configurations.
12.1. Suppose that the computed vehicle position is in error by 1000 ft in lati-
tude, o<I>, and a zenith star measurement is made. What is the accelerom-
eter bias error in the North direction o(3N that yields a zero star sensor
observation? Assume a perfect star sensor and an Earth radius IRI of
4000 statue miles.
For \jJ = 0, from Equation 12.7, oO = $. From the geometry in Figure
o<I> 1ooo
o()E=-= =47.3 J-trad
IRI (4000)(5280)
where o() E is the east component of o() (small rotation about East axis),
and from inertial reference considerations,
12.2. A star sensor is used to estimate the physical reference errors in level,
1/; 1 and 1/; 2 , using a star located at the zenith of the observer's posi-
tion. Suppose that the star sensor has boresight errors E 1 and E2 with
(b) Is this system configuration observable? Hint: Show that J(N) is sin-
(c) Suppose that N /2 measurements are made. Then the star sensor is
rotated 180 deg about the azimuth, and another N /2 measurements
are made. Define the information matrix following the total N mea-
surements. Hint: For the first N /2 measurements, H 1 = [1 2 :12 ], and
for the second N/2 measurements, H2 = [! 2 : - 12 ].
(d) Is this system configuration observable?
(e) Show that the Kalman filter error variances following the processing
of N star observations for part (a) is given by
a.,.2 (N) = -~-----,-
"'1·2 Na~(O) +a~
a;l,2(N) = 2 2
Na,(O) + aw
All causes 440 145 (33)' 20 (5) Sf\ (20) 17f\ (40) l) (2)
Flightcrcw 276 68 (25) 5 (2) 68 (25) 133 (47) 2 (I)
Unknown 72 29 (40) 5(7) 10 (14) 26 (36) 2 (3)
Airplane 40 26 (64) 3 (8) 3 (8) 6 (15) 2 (5)
Vl 150 -------------------------
Manchester Heathrow Aberdeen Stansted
Glasgow Edinburgh Gatwick
Figure 13.1 Periods of low visibility at major airports in the United Kingdom, 1972
to !982.
Category I. Decision height not lower than 200 ft; visibility not less than
2600 ft, or Runway Visual Range (RVR) not less than 1800 ft with appro-
priate runway lighting. The pilot must have visual reference to the runway
at the 200-ft DH above the runway or abort the landing. Aircraft require
ILS and marker-beacon receivers beyond other requirements for flights
under IFR. Category I approaches are performed routinely by pilots with
instrument ratings.
Category II. DH not lower than I 00 ft and RVR not less than 1200 ft
(350 m). The pilot must see the runway above the DH or abort the landing.
Additional equipment that aircraft must carry include dual ILS receivers,
either a radar altimeter (Section I 0.2) or an inner-marker receiver (Sec-
tion 13.5.5) to measure the decision height, an autopilot coupler or dual
flight directors, two pilots, rain-removal equipment (wipers or chemicals),
and missed-approach attitude guidance. An auto-throttle system also may
be required.
Category III. This category is subdivided into [5b]
• IliA. DH lower than I 00 ft and RVR not less than 700 ft
(200 m)-sometimes called see to land; it requires a fail-passive autopi-
lot or a head-up display.
• 1/IB. DH lower than 50 ft and RVR not less than 150 ft (50 m)-
sometimes called see to taxi; it requires a fail-operational autopilot and
an automatic rollout to taxing speed.
• 1/IC. Zero visibility. No DH or RVR limits. Category IIIC had not been
approved anywhere in the world in 1996.
Aircraft are certified for decision heights, as are crews. When a crew lands an
aircraft at an airport, the highest of the three decision heights applies. An abort
at the decision height is based on visibility. Another abort criterion is equipment
failure; alert height is the altitude below which landing may continue in case
of equipment failure. To meet alert height restrictions, either the avionics must
be fault-tolerant or the crew must be able to take over manually. A typical alert
height is I 00 ft.
Additional aircraft equipment may include automatic systems for landing,
rollout, and braking. Automatic landing systems must demonstrate satisfactory
touchdown dispersion limits in stringent environmental conditions including
headwinds to 25 knots, tailwinds to I 0 knots, crosswinds to 15 knots, mod-
erate turbulence, and wind shears of 8 knots per 100 ft of height from 200 ft
to touchdown. Accidents have resulted when much higher shears (e.g., micro-
bursts) have been encountered.
Ceilometers and transmissometers are used at airports to measure terminal-
area visual conditions. One version of the latter instrument consists of a light
source and a paired photocell, placed 250 or 500 ft apart near the runway. Its
indication of visibility is the RVR. As landing minimums are reduced, the mea-
surement of ceiling is less important than slant-range visibility and RVR. Air-
ports at which Category III landings are permitted must be equipped with the
standard lighting pattern in Figure 13.2; three transmissometers; outer, middle,
and inner marker beacons; and a suitably calibrated instrument-landing system
with redundant transmitters. ICAO describes the conditions for permitting Cat-
egory I, II, and III landings worldwide [4c]. The aircraft and airport equipment
required, crew training and means of compliance are published also in FAA
advisory circulars [5] and by national aviation authorities in major countries.
Touchdown-zan~~~hite decision
. ->e c;,\O'Ve
lights 1""'"1 ~~ghts <?\-o."'e
j\pproximatel OM (Outer
~ 1000 ft marker)
4 to 7 mi
Transmissometers (3)
2o to 3° wheel path
/Glide path (no visual
Flare decision
~ ·-........ Flare begins
h "' 75 ft - ~~ .......... _ h = 30 ft
t = l 0 sec 1 "-' ~ t = ~ sec
Flare command-- ~ ~ ·-........ I
h =so tt 1 ""- L -. -........_ 1 Decrab
t 7 sec i '""- ~ h = 20ft
I I "-.. '1'....._
I I !" ~ Main-gear Nosewheel
touchdown touchdown
: I Actual """'\.
wheel~' t= 0 I
1 1
h=O I
I path "-' ,
h= -2ft/sec I
D= -500ft ""-
'I- - ----
Runway [)=600ft D::::: 2000 ft D:::::2600 ft
threshold antenna
D=O location
D = 1000
without visual contact with the runway. The choice of an MDA depends on
local obstructions, aircraft type, available navigational aids, and runway light-
ing [Sd].
CLcx is the derivative of the lift coefficient with respect to
angle of attack
is dynamic pressure (Chapter 8)
is the wing area
m is the aircraft's mass
Table 13.2 Acceptable range of variables at touchdown for jet transport aircraft
Variable Limits (95%) Reason for Limits
down. It must occur late enough for the yaw rates and adverse roll to be nulled,
but not so late as to result in appreciable lateral-drift speed or displacement.
The slip consists of (I) lowering the upwind wing to compensate for drift and
(2) holding enough opposite rudder to prevent the aircraft from turning and to
keep it flying at the same heading as the runway; slip is initiated 200 to 400
ft above the runway. Reference [8] reports simulations showing that pilots will
tolerate roll angles as large as 3 degrees below I 00-ft altitude if the visibility
is less than 700 ft, and up to 5 degrees if the visibility is greater than 1200 ft.
Many large transports cannot roll more than 10 deg without striking a wingtip
or engine on the runway. Reference [8a] discusses the aerodynamics of decrab
in detail. Sections 13.4.2 and 13.4.3 discuss autopilot-coupled flare and decrab
just prior to touchdown. The constraints to be satisfied for an acceptable landing
are shown in Table 13.2 [9].
It is mandatory that fire and rescue vehicles be able to locate disabled air-
craft on the field in low visibility. Aircraft must be moved to ramps, hangars,
maintenance areas, and fueling areas during periods of low-visibility landing.
Except in military operations, a visibility limit exists below which aircraft oper-
ations are no longer practical because of the inability to move passengers and
cargo from the airfield. The need for Category III (especially IIIC) landing by
civil air carriers is tied to these supporting capabilities.
Air carrier aircraft that are authorized for precision-approach below Category
II must have an automatic landing (auto-land) system. Extended-vision devices
such as head-up displays improve the pilot's ability to monitor the approach and
can substitute for autoland, at least to Category IliA. In the 1990s many air-car-
rier aircraft such as MD-80, MD-11, A-300 Series, Boeing 757,767,777 were
equipped with auto-land systems that were certified to Category IliA or IIIB
[5b]. Below the DH, neither a manual nor an automatic go-around is permitted
because of the risk of ground contact; the landing must continue.
In 1967, the first fully automatic landings were made in airline passenger
service [I 0]. The Blind Landing Experimental Unit (BLEU) of the Ministry of
Defence in the United Kingdom had been very active during and after World
War II. The economic incentives of expanding commercial air operations after
the war provided the motivation for auto-land system development. Even with
the certification of air carrier aircraft for automatic landings, DHs were not low-
ered below I 00 ft until the reliability and failure-detection capability (integrity)
of the aircraft (e.g., propulsion, flight control, auto-land) and ground guidance
had been proven and standards agreed.
In the early 1970s the British Trident and the U.S. L-1011 aircraft (including
their auto-land systems) were certified for Category Ilia operations in revenue
service using guidance information from the ILS and from other on-board sen-
sors [11]. Many airliners were certified thereafter. In 1996, Category III oper-
ations were "automatic-to-touchdown," based on the use of auto-land systems
that do not require pilot intervention [Sb ]. These Categories have been devel-
oped, defined, and agreed internationally in a generic manner to allow innova-
tion in meeting the requirements.
zero-DDM glide path which is not at a constant height across the width of
the localizer course/runway (Section 13.5). Therefore, accurate calculation of
aircraft height using the glide-path deviations and distance information from a
stop-end DME (Section 4.4.6) is not practical.
The flare command is initiated at a wheel height of about 75 ft, well before
the runway threshold. However, the radar altimeter may not be usable prior to
threshold due to uneven terrain or tidal variations. Typically, auto-land systems
cover the gap between flare initiation and the beginning of altimeter coverage
over the paved runway (50-ft height) with data from on-board inertial-naviga-
tion systems (Chapter 7).
The flare is an exponential path tangent to a horizontal plane several feet
below the runway, which ensures positive touchdown. The desired height-rate
at touchdown is included in the calculation of steering signals, so that the touch-
down point and vertical veloc~ty at touchdown are repeata~le. A typical verti-
cal rate command is (h/T + h + 2 ftjsec), where h and h are the measured
instantaneous altitude and altitude rate [8b].
• the localizer antenna is centered on the runway beyond the stop end to
provide lateral guidance
• the glide slope, located beside the runway near the threshold to provide
vertical guidance
• marker beacons located at discrete positions along the approach path; to
alert pilots of their progress along the glide-path
• radiation monitors that, in case of ILS failure alarm the control tower, may
shut-down a Category I or II ILS, or switch a Category III ILS to backup
transmitters (Figure 13.2).
are: localizer, 40 channels from l 08-112 MHz; glide slope, 40 channels from
329-335 MHz; and marker beacons, all on a single frequency of 75 MHz.
An audible Morse-code identification signal is transmitted on the localizer fre-
quency; a voice channel from the control tower also may be provided. The
localizer, glide slope, and DME frequencies are paired such that, for example,
an ILS with a localizer frequency of 109.5 MHz has a glide slope frequency
of 332.6 MHz and has channel 32x for the DME, if installed. This hard pair-
ing reduces the pilot's work load, since only the localizer frequency need be
entered to tune the ILS and associated DME.
The localizer establishes a radiation pattern in space that provides a devia-
tion signal in the aircraft when the aircraft is displaced laterally from the
vertical plane containing the runway center line [ 18d]. This deviation signal
drives the left-right needle of the pilot's cross-pointer display (or flight direc-
tor) and may be wired to the autopilot/flight-control system for "coupled"
To form the localizer course, an RF carrier is generated in the transmitter
and amplitude modulated with discrete 90-Hz and 150-Hz tones to create equal-
amplitude sidebands placed 90 Hz and 150 Hz above and below the carrier fre-
quency. This "carrier-with-sidebands" (CSB) signal is radiated from the local-
izer array in a broadside "sum" pattern that provides general coverage of the
approach course area. Simultaneously, some of the sideband energy is separated
from the carrier and shifted in phase to provide a "sidebands-only" (SBO) sig-
nal. The SBO signal is radiated from the same array in a "difference" pattern,
and the sharp null, characteristic of the difference pattern, is aligned with the
runway center line. The lobes of the difference pattern (and thus the 90-Hz and
150-Hz sidebands) are opposite in phase on either side of the center line null
(Figure 13 .4).
The net result is that, on centerline where the SBO signal is nulled, only the
equal-amplitude sidebands of the CSB signal are detected and the receiver pro-
vides an "on-course" output. Either side of center line, the SBO signal amplitude
increases rapidly and unbalances the CSB sidebands such that a 90-Hz sideband
will dominate to the left of course and a 150-Hz sideband to the right. The total
signal modulation M is defined as M = (A+ B)/ C, where A and B are the ampli-
tudes of the 150- and 90-Hz signals respectively, and Cis the amplitude of the
carrier [14]. The difference in depth of modulation (DDM) is (A- B)/C. The
ILS receiver measures the magnitude of this DDM and outputs a "deviation-
from-course" signal. Thus, the cross-pointer course-deviation (CDI) needle or
flight director shows "fly right" when the 90-Hz tone dominates and "fly left"
when the 150-Hz tone dominates.
The deviation signal is proportional to azimuth angle usually out to 5 deg
or more either side of the center line. The ICAO standards [4a] require that a
DDM of ±0.155 cause a full-scale needle deflection and that this DDM value
occur at 350 ft on either side of the center line at the approach threshold. Thus,
with different runway lengths, the angular course width from the localizer will
be 3 deg to 6 deg, as set by adjusting the radiated sideband power.
Approach direction
NOTE: The phase angles
t Sum pattern: fc ± 90 Hz (ref)
( L180°) are relative to ~ fc ±150Hz (ref)
80 the CSB signals
"0 70
Q_ 60
Difference pattern Difference pattern
(right): (left):
C1:l 50 fc ± 90 L180° Hz~ fc ± 90 L0° Hz
> fc ± 150 LOo Hz fc ± 150 L180° Hz
·~ 40
Qi 30 Clearance
0 .·b--
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20
Azimuth angle (degrees)
Middle GS 15 10 15 6 8 6
(3000 ft) Loc. 48 43 33 14 15 14
Inner GS 8 5 8 3 4 3
( 1000 ft) Loc. 42 37 29 12 13 12
GS NS' NS 4 2 2 2
(0) Loc. NS NS 26 II 12 II
Loc. NS NS NS NS 10 10
Note: The listed values include all significant tolerances for the signal-in-space and for the airborne
receiver, which apply on the center line course and on the 3-deg glide path. The localizer-to-
threshold distance is taken as 12,000 ft. All values are rounded to the nearest integer.
ln typical ILS operations, the bias is maintain,~d at a small value.
h Accuracies are specified at threshold for measurement convenience but have no operational mean-
'NS =' no standard.
d Assumes touchdown 2000 ft beyond threshold.
angle and height at runway threshold, the linear glide path extension inter-
cepts the runway surface approximately I 000 ft inside the threshold (Figure
13.2) [18e].
The sideband arrangement is for the 90-Hz signal to predominate above
the glide path and the 150-Hz signal to dominate below (Figure 13.5) [16].
The relative signal amplitudes are such that full-scale needle deflection and a
DDM = ±0.175 exist at ±8/4 (±0.75 deg for 8 = 3 deg glide path) [4a]. The
90Hz Signal
amplitude (total)
/~ fc ± 90 .LOa Hz
/ fc±150.L180°Hz
co 8 ~~-'----------------------------------------~~----
,, Glide/smooth
-~ '',, Upper antenna and image disconstinvities
&] ',,, difference pattern : path
' ' , , , / fc ± 90.L180° Hz
150 Hz Signal
amplitude (total)
0 -=--------------------------------------~---------
0 100
Relative field strength (percent)
Figure 13.5 Vertical beam patterns of the null-reference glide-slope array.
vertical deviation indicator (VDI) needle reads full-scale "fly up" for all down-
ward departures exceeding 8/4 and full-scale "fly down" for upward departures
exceeding 8/4 to as high as 38. The glide-slope accuracies required to support
the three ILS performance categories are shown in Table 13.3 [4a].
ness of that stable false glide path ( 15 deg for a 3 deg glide slope) makes it
easy to distinguish from the true glide path.
The most capable of the image glide slopes, the capture-eff'ect array (Figure
13.R), is designed to cancel the CSB signal below about 1.5 deg in order to
reduce the energy refkctcd from rising terrain under the approach course. To
provide a strong t1y-up signal, a 150-Hz clearance signal is radiated below the
glide path on a separate carrier, offset in frequency, and use is made of the
"capture principle" (Section 13.5.2) to reduce the interference due to reflections
of the clearance signal from the terrain.
As shown in Figure 13.9, the zero-DDM surface for image arrays is the
hyperboloid of revolution whose axis of symmetry is approximately the glide
slope mast II 7]. Note that, clue to the use of the antenna images, this zero-DDM
surface docs not extend to ground leveL although the origin of its asymptotic
cone is near the bottom of the mast. The half-angle of the asymptotic cone is 87
Glide path
1 to 3 ft across
150-ft runway
Figure 13.9 Glide-slope pattern near the runway [ 17]. DDM contours are symmetrical
around the vertical. but signal strength drops rapidly off course.
deg for a 3 deg glide path. A vertical plane containing the runway center line
intersects the zero-DDM hyperboloid in a hyperbola whose asymptote is the
ideal (linear) glide path. Because the glide-slope array is offset from center
line, the zero-DDM contour is I to 3 ft above the (straight-line) asymptotic
glide path at the inner marker, 2 to 6 ft above at the threshold of a 150-ft-wide
runway, and 15 to 23 ft above the runway opposite the glide-slope mast (for
an array mounted 400-ft from center line).
The performance of the image glide slopes depends on the characteristics of
the terrain in front of the array. A minimum ground plane extending 1000 ft in
front of the array and varying not more than 12 in. from level C!wavelength)
is required. To accommodate sites where this ground plane cannot be provided,
two non-image systems have been developed:
the vertical by the amount of the glide-path angle, the zero-DDM surface
may be planar rather than hyperbolic.
2. The end-fire glide slope (EFGS) became available for installation at diffi-
cult sites late in the 1970s. This system uses two horizontal coaxial cables,
each with 96 radiating slots, to form an array of 96 antennas. The cables
are laid almost perpendicular to the runway's center line and separated
such that the radiation from one slot in the front cable and the corre-
sponding slot in the rear cable are in phase and form a conical radiation
pattern which contains the glide path (Figure 13.10). The 450 ft spac-
ing of the front and rear cables creates a zero-DDM surface, which is
a cone with a 6-deg vertex angle in the far-field. The pattern created by
any single end-fire pair would not be satisfactory for glide-path guidance,
because the cone would intersect the ground at 3 deg on either side of the
localizer course. However, 96 of them merge to form a broad glide-path.
Two additional slotted cables and the two-frequency "capture principle"
provide strong fly-up commands on either side of the localizer course
The cable radiators of the end-fire array are installed on stands 40 in. high and
are sited alongside the runway near the desired touchdown point (Figure 13.11 ).
In 1996, 15 such systems were in operation worldwide with approximately 3
systems added each year.
The closest portion of the end-fire antennas is only 25 ft from the edge of
the runway. The sideband reference mast is usually about 185 ft from the edge,
and the null-reference and capture-effect antenna masts are 275 to 325 ft from
the edge. The tall wave-guide array is laterally offset from the runway by about
1,000 ft.
Approach direction -
I M2 ~~~t1~~S FRONT
;;- REAR
I 31'7' 30'7' , REAR •
Figure 13.11 Front slotted-cable radiator of an end-fire glide slope (courtesy, Watts
Antenna Company).
13.5.5 Receivers
The typical aircraft ITCeivcr is a double-conversion. superheterodyne design
with an AM detector. Filters after the detector separate the 90- and 150-Hz.
tones which. in the most basic circuit, arc rectified and fed to a de microam-
mcter. The meter needle deflects in a direction corresponding to the stronger
of the two tones . A DDM of 0.175 , with a larger 90-Hz modulation (left of
course). produces 150 p.. of current and deflects the course needle to the full-
scale limit on the right ("steer right"). On the right side of the course, the 150-Hz
modulation dominates with a corresponding needle deflection to the left. The
arrangement for the glide path vertical needle is similar. Glass displays emu-
late needles. When approaching in the opposite direction on the back course,
the course needle deflections are reversed (a right deflection means "steer left").
No glide-path signals are present in the back course.
The marker-beacon receiver is a dedicated crystal controlled receiver, fixed-
tuned to 75 MHz. Most have audio filters that control colored lights in a cockpit
indicator. Thus, in addition to the audible tones, the outer marker lights a purple
lamp on the instrument panel; the middle marker, an amber lamp; and the inner
marker, a white lamp.
Closely harmonized airborne equipment standards and specifications are pro-
duced by RTCA [18] and ARINC in the United States [32b] and by EUROCAE
[31] in Europe.
predominates /
\,oe 9
~\.'fl~ predominates
·~~' q;
path. Experience has shown that reflection errors can be eliminated only by pro-
hibiting traffic in sensitive regions of the airport during periods of low-visibility
operations. Activation of these "critical and sensitive areas" reduces the airport
capacity [Sg].
The localizer is subject to interference from strong FM stations. This is a
particular problem in congested Northern Europe. The ICAO has issued stan-
dards for ILS receivers with improved FM rejection characteristics, effective in
During the late 1960s, the requirements of civil aviation were forecast to exceed
the capabilities of the ILS. The U.S. military services, for more than a decade,
had been developing microwave approach guidance systems to support tactical
deployments and aircraft-carrier operations (Section 13.8). In 1974, the ICAO
solicited proposals from member states for a new guidance system to replace
the ILS as the international standard for civil aviation [4d].
Designs were sought that retained the desirable features of the ILS while
mitigating its weaknesses. The runway-resident architecture of ILS was carried
forward to MLS, because, as the landing aircraft approaches the runway, linear
offsets (due to errors in the angular guidance) continually decrease, while the
signal-to-noise ratio generally increases. Thus, in the most demanding phase of
flight close to the ground, the positional accuracy is constantly improving and
the noise content is generally decreasing.
The main weakness of the ILS, its sensitivity to the environment (Section
13.5.6), would be essentially eliminated by narrow beam-width antennas that
0 ....
w UJ en
zw 0
a:ffi O::UJ 0 w z
wz <~ c·
zz a:-' ._w
a: a
gQ Q
- -'
<- o!<: w ww oz
o!::: a:W
w:::E zo
:::>- :::0 Z-'
U.- ~~
u.!!? ~;::: u.\!: a. o>- cO
a:::> w ....z 5 O"' ·<
>-o zt"'
0 0 w 0 aJ
a: :::>- :::>- • AZIMUTH
0 w w oo 0
< a: Q 0 < :!!; a:
I '
I ' ''
I ' '' TIME ("FRO" PULSE)•
scanning beam illuminates a nearby object before it illuminates the landing air-
Early military MLS with mechanically scanned antennas used a varying
audio tone (or a pulse train) to encode the pointing angle on the scanning-beam
pattern. The particular audiofrequency (or pulse code) modulation on the RF
carrier, which represented the instantaneous pointing angle, was detected when
the scanning pattern illuminated the aircraft's MLS antenna (Section 13.8.3).
The FAA adopted time interval between successive passages of the unmod-
ulated beam as an efficient method of angle encoding. This reduced spectral
requirements and was compatible with high (electronic) scanning rates. In this
system, the angle coding is a linear function of time, as follows:
e= V(To- t)
Figure 13.14 Selection of maximum beamwidths for MLS antennas: (a) Multipath
geometry for azimuth antennas; (b) Multipath geometry for elevation antennas.
liseconds between TO and FRO passages of the beam centroid at the aircraft.
A complete angle-transmission format is shown in Figure 13.15 [4a].
The high scanning rate (20,000 degjsec) provides about 40 samples per sec-
ond of the angle data, a rate ten times higher than needed to control the aircraft.
Filtering this high rate at the receiver output can significantly reduce the angular
errors due to multipath interference and other "noise" sources.
An electronically scanned antenna is an array of radiating elements with a
feed network incorporating variable propagation delays (i.e., a "phased array").
These arrays cause the antenna pattern to rotate by "phase shifting" (delaying)
the RF signal provided to each radiating element according to a predetermined
~-----,----,----~------------------ --------------------T-1
1 '
"TO" scan 1 I
"FRO" scan : :
1 1\1
: Preamble : : t. t I I
I_____ _ ___ _I _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ 1meso
__________ _ __:__ ~_l_ time slot : :
oo oo
Mid scan
Sector signals point
~~-- t ---7-1
1 - - E - - - - - T0 - - - - - - 7 - 1
1~-----T~ -~1
*Used by MLS receivers for confidence check
Figure 13.15 Angle scan-timing parameters for MLS antenna.
sequence stored in a computer memory and readout at the proper time in the
signal format, Figure 13.16 [9].
' A
RF ...... ~
input '
'rJ ~
.,..H .._.
Power Phase Antenna Near Far
distribution shifters elements field field
Figure 13.16 Phased array antenna.
pattern beam width of 2 deg or less is needed, in the absence of rising terrain
under the approach path, to avoid interference from the ground reflection from
the major lobe at lower glidepath angles (e.g., 2.5 deg), Figure 13.14b. The
MLS elevation antennas that support Category II and III operations have vertical
beam widths from 1.5 deg to 1.0 deg, created at 5 GHz by phased arrays from
8 to 12 ft high. Because the vertical pattern's side lobes are reflected from the
ground in front of the elevation array, the antennas are designed to suppress side
lobes 30 dB or more below the major-lobe peak at critical reflection angles. The
lateral pattern of the elevation array is a fan that is shaped to reduce the effect
of reflections from aircraft awaiting takeoff or from buildings.
After transmission of the preamble, the elevation array is scanned from its
lowest to highest angle. This "TO-SCAN" begins slightly below the horizontal
and may end as high as 32 deg, although an upper limit of 15 deg is typical of
1996 equipment designs. The scan pauses briefly before beginning the "FRO-
SCAN", back to the lower elevation angle limit [4a].
word. Following the preamble, predefined items of data are transmitted from
the azimuth preamble antenna for the allowable time period, using the same
DPSK coding scheme as the preamble. The differential encoding provides good
resistance to multipath interference, since decoding either the direct or reflected
signal yields the same information. (i.e., change = 1, no change = 0).
Basic-Data Words The eight basic-data words contain information about the
MLS ground station that is needed for proper operation of the MLS receiver
[4a]. Each word contains 26 bits of information plus 2 parity bits. Included in
these words are the facility identifier, proportional-guidance limits, minimum
glide-path angle, runway length, and so on. All MLS installations must transmit
all eight basic-data words.
However, a persistent signal of greater amplitude than the signal being tracked
will decrement the confidence counter and cause the receiver to drop the cur-
rent track and acquire the larger signal after the confidence is zero. In general,
MLS receiver designs are centered on a microprocessor. For Category II and Ill
operations, dual or triplicated receiver installations are required (Section 13.2).
Figure 13.17 View up the glide path or a Mobile MLS at the Farnborough Air Show,
1994 (courtesy, Tex tron Defense Syste ms ).
racy when using MLS to calculate the three-dimensional position of the air-
craft with respect to the runway (RNAV mode) [4a]. (For a description of the
conventional DME, see Section 4.4.6.) The transponder and interrogator designs
for DME/P are fully interoperable with conventional DME (DME/N) such that
reception of the DME/P signal with a DME/N receiver improves accuracy but
does not realize full performance.
Obtaining this accuracy improvement requires a faster rise-time pulse to
increase accuracy which causes a wider bandwidth. It reduces the radiated
transponder power and the power introduced in adjacent L-band channels [4a].
These trade-offs resulted in specifying two modes of operation-an initial
approach (lA) mode using the Gaussian pulse shape of DME/N and a lower-
power final approach (FA) mode using a composite pulse with a shorter rise-
time, an earlier thresholding point, and the standard Gaussian decay time [20].
Thus, the DME/P operates in the lA mode from the MLS outer coverage bound-
ary to 8 nmi from the DME/P antenna, where the interrogator begins changing
the pulse-spacing code in order to complete the transition to FA mode by the
7-nmi point.
Typically, the DME/P transponder is located with the MLS approach azimuth
station but operates autonomously on the paired frequencies also used with the
ILS (Section 13.5.2). Civil DME receivers are standardized by ARINC [32a].
Even before the global positioning system (GPS) (Chapter 5) was declared oper-
ational by the United States in 1993, efforts had been underway to use it for
approach and landing. Later efforts involved the Russian GLONASS (Section
5.6) and may result in the combination of GPS Glonass, and other satellites
into a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS, Section 5.7).
An operational concept called Special Category I Precision Approach Oper-
ations Using DGPS, based on the differential GPS (DGPS) technique (Chap-
ter 5.5.9), was developed, tested, and certified for specific airports (Sections
5.5.9 and 5.5.10, and Table 5.7). The test results of the DGPS have been very
promising (Refs. [66-68] of Chapter 5). However, the unique requirements of
the approach and landing phase with regard to accuracy, integrity, and avail-
ability (Section 5.7 .I) have led to the development of additional GPS augmen-
tation methods, which are discussed in the next section.
ments of about ±8 meters for Category I, ±4 meters for Category II, and
±1.3 meters for Category III (Section 13.S.2, Table 13.3).
2. Integrity. The GPS design lacks a monitoring system which can provide
timely warnings of guidance-data faults within 10 sec for Category I, or
less than 2 sec for Category III.
3. Availability. The number of satellites in view in certain time periods may
not be adequate.
results in a position solution with much lower noise content than code-tracking
solutions. Also, good error-canceling properties contribute to the attractiveness
of this method. One disadvantage of carrier-phase tracking is that the receiver
must accurately determine the range to the satellite in terms of the specific cycle
of the carrier frequency. Resolving this integer-wavelength ambiguity for each
satellite and guarding against cycle slips requires special techniques (Section
5.5.9 and [23]). Some pseudolite architectures (Section 5.7.4) favor this type
of solution, since the high pseudorange rates generated by the aircraft on final
approach are a significant aid to cycle ambiguity resolution [24].
RF Interference The low level of power received from the spacecraft makes
the satellite-based landing system more susceptible to RF interference and
receiver noise than has been experienced with the ILS and MLS. In 1996, these
effects were under intensive investigation.
13.18). The mean touchdown point is 180 ft forward of the runway threshold at
the center of the arresting cable area, which is about 120 ft long by 75 ft wide.
Two or three cables are stretched across the deck forward of this point and two
or three aft; they are spaced about 40 ft apart. Jet aircraft approach the car-
rier deck at airspeeds up to 125 knots; their speed relative to the deck is lower
due to the "wind-over-deck," which is normally about 30 knots. The approach
path, often called the glide slope, is in the vertical plane containing the runway
centerline and is inclined 3.5 deg relative to the sea at the touchdown point (4
deg relative to the moving flight deck) [25]. Aircraft cross the threshold at a
mean hook-to-ramp clearance of II ft and touch down about I sec later without
flaring out, at descent rates of 10 to 13 ftjsec. One aircraft may be landed per
minute by an automatic landing system; as many as two per minute are landed
in VFR weather. The ship's deck "heaves" vertically with a standard deviation
of 4 to 5 ft, rolls with a standard deviation of 2.3 deg to 5 deg, pitches with
a standard deviation of 1 deg, and yaws with a standard deviation of 1.8 deg
during an aircraft approach [25]. The frequency spectra of ship motions are dis-
cussed and their relative phasing is shown in [25]. A 1-ft heave causes a 1-ft
change in threshold clearance and a 14-ft change in the touchdown point. A
I deg-pitch causes a 9-ft change in threshold clearance and an 80-ft change
in the touchdown point. Ship motions affect impact velocity at touchdown.
A night landing on a carrier deck is the most difficult and dangerous task in
The prevailing wind and forward motion cause a wind-over-deck between
20 and 40 knots; the ship is steered to place the relative wind along the canted
flight deck. Forward motion of the ship aids the pilot by reducing landing speed
relative to the deck, but it causes a turbulent-air wake which interferes with the
landing. The air wake may be divided into the following components [25]:
I. Steady-state wake caused by the relative wind over the ship's deck and
around the superstructure ("island"), which causes a "burble" at the
threshold and along the glide path. The vertical and horizontal compo-
nents of the steady-state wake for a Forrestal-class carrier are shown in
2. Wake perturbations, due to the ship's angular motions and heave, causing
fluctuations with standard deviations of 2 ftjsec (horizontal) and 4 ftjsec
(vertical) about the steady state wake. These become negligible 2000 ft
aft of the threshold.
SPN 41
Figure 13.18 Canted-deck aircraft carrier showing installation of SPN-46/42, SPN-41, and
FLOLS (courtesy of U.S. Naval Air Engineering Center).
Figure 13.19 Fresnel- lens optical landing aid (courtesy. U .S. Navel Ai r Engineering
cockpit display "needles" or may couple the autopilot to the Automatic Carrier
Landing Syste m (ACLS). Carrier pilots are also provided cues by a Fresnel-lens
optical system nicknamed the "meatball ," Fi gure 13.19.
An aircraft executing a missed approach from low altitude is ca lled a hotter.
Bolters fly to a Tacan-defined holding point that moves wi th the aircraft carrier.
The ACLS is capable of landing an aircraft ''hands off," giving the U.S .
Navy an operational capability in zero-zero visibility conditions. In 1996, ACLS
could fly an F-1 8 down the glide path more accurately than an average F-18
pi lot !28!. Howe ver. peacetime air operati ons were routinely di scontinued when
1 i
visibility fell below to nmi or ce ilings dropped below 200 ft. Carrier com-
manders were reluctant to depend on the ACLS in zero-zero visibility. except
in emerge ncies or cluri ng hosti Iities.
Because of deck rotation, the aid was gyrostabilized. In 1968, mirrors began to
be replaced by a vertical array of five Fresnel lenses (Figure 13.19) showing the
pilot a yellow spot ("meatball") that moves vertically relative to a lighted green
horizontal reference bar. The array is called the "Fresnel lens optical landing
system (FLOLS) [29]. The beamwidth of each lens is about 5 mrad. Because
the five lenses are spaced about 3 ft apart, adjacent beams overlap beyond 1000
ft, so pilots cannot easily estimate their displacement above or below the glide
path beyond 2000 to 4000 ft. The meatball gives only vertical cues.
The optical axis of the system is servoed to remove ship's pitch and roll
but not heave, although "compensated meatball" methods have been proposed
which correct for all three [25]. Lens pointing angles would be adjusted accord-
ing to a quadratic function of heave in much the same way as the angle data
from the radar-controlled ACLS is compensated (Section 13.8.3 ). This com-
pensation has not been implemented because the "meatball" is often shared by
two aircraft on final approach simultaneously.
Automatic Carrier Landing System Both SPN-42 and its successor, SPN-
46, are tracking-radar systems differing primarily in the antenna. Figure 13.20
shows one of the dual-frequency SPN-46 antennas. The SPN-42 was retrofitted
with a small X-band parabola when aircraft beacons were added to eliminate
errors caused by spatial "wandering" of the skin echo. Both radars radiate short
pulses at K,-band and receive replies from an X-band beacon (APN-202 or
APN-154) as well as Ka-band skin-echoes. Radar pulses, modulated by the
conically-scanning beam, are detected by the aircraft beacon receiver and data
are returned to the radar in the form of the arrival time and power of a pulse
from the X-band beacon's magnetron. Range and angle estimates are formed
aboard ship by conventional processing of the X-band signals. Angular accu-
racy is primarily a function of the conically scanned Ka-band beam pattern (the
X-band receiving beam is relatively broad). Errors in transferring uplink pulse
height to the X-band beacon tend to cancel in the radar tracking processor.
Data measured by the radar/beacon system are digitized and delivered to
a central ACLS computer which computes commands intended for the auto-
pilot of the aircraft in track suitable for flying the aircraft down the glide path.
These data are communicated to the aircraft via a UHF "Link 4" data channel
[26[ . The pilot has the option of coupling the autopilot to the ACLS, flying
the aircraft !'rom " needles" controlled by ACLS data, or being "talked down"
by a shipboard controller. A manual carrier landing with ACLS resembles a
land-based ground-controlled approach.
and video. The pair spacing identifies the azimuth or elevation beam, and the
spacing between pairs indicates its pointing angle. Airborne processing uses
amplitude information in estimating aircraft azimuth and elevation angles rela-
tive to the desired glide path, which then drives localizer and glide-slope needles
in the aircraft. Land-based SPN -4 I was used for landing Space Shuttles in the
I 980s and I 990s.
Figure 13.18 shows the locations of the SPN-41 azimuth and elevation anten-
nas aboard ship. The SPN-4 I is shared by all aircraft in the landing sequence.
Antennas are stabilized in roll and pitch but are not compensated for heave.
Since it conveys no range information and has no data link, the SPN-4 I cannot
be used as an ACLS. Common practice is to use SPN-41 signals at relatively
long range (20 to 30 nmi) for ACLS acquisition guidance. It also serves as a
monitor of SPN-42/46 angle information until the aircraft is within I 2 sec of
background terrain . The minimum range of a laser radar (200 ft in 1996) may
deny its use for taxi guidance.
Infrared cameras (FLIR) combined with head-up displays ( HUD. Chapter I 5)
are found in some navy aircraft. FURs have been tested on aircraft carriers for
monitoring operations in clear weather at night but IR energy suffers almost
the same absorption as visible light in fog and rain.
Figure 13.21 shows a 4 x 4 element 94 GHz focal-plane array of
antenna/detector elements that was fabricated photolithographically on a wafer
of GaAs (about l-in. square) 128]. 1f replication of such a tile were inexpen-
sive. 94 visual GHz cameras and focal plane array radars might enter service
as landing aids.
The HUD, which was developed by the military services to aid a single
pilot in transitioning to visual cues, is finding applications on air-carrier air-
craft (Chapter I 5.3 ). It projects sensor information (navigation, attitude. and
other sensors) and stored runway data onto the windscreen at infinite focus, so
that the pilot can see the data and images superimposed on the view through
the windshield. In 1996, European and American authorities had certi1ied many
aircraft for Category IliA operations and most glass-cockpit models of Boeing,
Douglas, and Airbus aircraft for Category IIIB operations. These authorities
have allowed a HUD and a fail-passive autopilot to substitute for a fail-opera-
tional autopilot.
Figure 13.21 A 4 x 4 element 94 GHz focal plane array (courtesy, U.S. Naval
Research Laboratory and Westinghouse Corporation).
13.1. A particular aircraft can deviate ±85ft laterally from the runway center
line without leaving the hard surface. Assuming the errors are normally
distributed, calculate the allowable lateral deviation (!-sigma) if the lat-
eral performance requirement for the auto-land system states that the
risk (probability) of touchdown off the runway is not to exceed 3 x
Standard deviation of lateral
displacement at touch down
and in landing roll ()feet
ILS (ground) ILS (airborne) I Auto-pilot
7.0 ft 5.0 ft 12.7 ft
Radio beam Gain and Beam Touch down Crosstrack
noise sensitivity centering position at touch down
5.8 ft 2ft error 3.3 ft 11.2 ft 6.0 ft
Gain and Receiver
sensitivity Centering error
2.0 ft 4.6 ft
Wind and Gain and
Turbulence sensitivity
3.5 ft
10 ft 3.5 ft
13.2. Discuss the factors associated with raising the operational category for
landing on a particular runway.
13.4. What factors can degrade the guidance quality of an ILS signal?
13.5. What would prevent a DME, associated with an ILS serving a specific
runway, from being used for an approach to a different runway?
13.6. Compare the value of approach lights versus runway lights to a pilot
who is conducting an approach to Category II weather minimums.
13.7. What justifies the expectation that ILS marker beacons will find less use
after 1997?
13.8. Discuss whether a building of a given size will be a more efficient reflec-
tor (scatterer) of glide-slope or localizer signals.
13.9. Suppose that an airport is adding a new runway that will be much closer
to existing hangers than the existing runway. Assume that all physical
obstruction criteria will be met. With respect to the radio guidance sig-
nals, identify the factors that must be considered when assessing the
suitability of the new runway.
13.10. Considering all GPS error sources, what is the key issue in s1t1ng
ground reference and monitor stations for a pseudorange-based, local
area, DGPS approach and landing system?
13.11. A GPS antenna is mounted on a pole 2 meters above the ground. Sig-
nals are received from a satellite at a low-elevation angle. The GPS
antenna will receive both the direct signal and one multi path signal from
the ground below the antenna. Assume perfectly flat ground below the
antenna. The frequency of the GPS signal is 1575.42 MHz. Figure 13.11
shows the (actual) satellite elevation angle during a 10-sec observation
(a) Calculate (in meters per second) the rate of change of the path dif-
ference between the direct signal and the multipath signal.
(b) Calculate the time period of the fading frequency.
Ans.: 3.78 x 10- 4 mjsec; 503 seconds.
tiD 7.47
~ 7.46
(IJ 7.45
.....(IJ 7.44
w 7.43
7.42 ........
The purpose of air traffic management (ATM) is safe, efficient, and expeditious
movement of aircraft in the airspace. It comprises two principal processes: air
traffic control and traffic flow management. Air traffic control (ATC) is the tac-
tical safety separation service whose function it is to prevent collisions between
aircraft and between aircraft, terrain and obstructions. Traffic flow management
(TFM) is the process that allocate:.; traffic flows to scarce capacity resources
(e.g., it meters arrival at capacity constrained airports).
The principal clements of the ATM process are airspace; air navigation facil-
ities, equipment, and services; airports and landing areas; aeronautical charts,
information, and services; rules, regulations, and procedures; technical infor-
mation; and work force, including flight crews, air traffic controllers, traffic
managers, and facilities technicians [37, 18]. This chapter describes these ele-
ments of the ATM process and explains how they interact to fulfill its purpose.
igation may be by visual reference to the ground and aircraft attitude control
may be based solely on the natural horizon visible through the windscreen of
the aircraft.
Flight crews following instrument flight rules (IFR) must be capable of nav-
igating and controlling the aircraft without reference to an outside visual scene.
In controlled airspace, the crew must operate in accordance with instructions
received from ATM authorities, and these authorities are responsible for sepa-
rating the aircraft from all other IFR aircraft. Aircraft operating IFR must be
equipped with appropriate attitude indicators, radios and other navigation equip-
ment not required on VFR aircraft. Further, the flight crew requires additional
training and experience to qualify for the necessary instrument rating. All air-
craft operators holding Air Carrier Operating Certificates are required to follow
instrument flight rules [6].
14.2.2 Altimetry
In order to understand airspace organization and navigation practices in the
ATM community, it is necessary to know how altitude measurements are made
in aircraft [7]. The barometric altimeter (Chapter 8) measures the static air pres-
sure outside the aircraft and converts this pressure to an altitude, in feet, based
on a standard model of the atmosphere adopted by ICAO [60]. According to
the model, atmospheric pressure and temperature at mean sea level are 29.92
in. of mercury (I 013.2 hectopascals) and 15.occ, respectively. The temperature
lapse rate in the model is 2.04"C per I 000 ft from sea level to 35,000 ft above
mean sea level, after which the temperature is constant at -56.5°C.
The aircraft barometric altimeter permits the flight crew to set the reference
pressure against which the outside atmospheric pressure is measured. If the
reference pressure were adjusted to the actual pressure at mean sea level, and the
temperature lapse rate matched the ICAO standard model, the altimeter would
indicate true altitude above mean sea level. Unfortunately, due to the varying
characteristics and movements of air masses, the pressure at mean sea level
varies around the world, and these pressures may not be representative of air
masses over land areas. Hence, altimeters are installed in ground stations (e.g.,
airports and flight service stations) and in the USA the setting is adjusted so
that the altimeter indicates the true altitude above mean sea level of the station.
A flight crew operating below 18,000 ft above mean sea level uses the setting
provided by a station located along the route of flight within 100 nmi of its
position. The resulting altimeter reading displayed to the crew is termed the
indicated altitude and is a good estimate of the aircraft altitude above mean
sea level. Hence, indicated altitude is expressed in feet above mean sea level,
which is abbreviated "ft MSL." Above 18,000 ft MSL, flight crews set their
altimeters to 29.92 in. of mercury. The resulting altimeter reading is referred to
as the pressure altitude. Pressure altitudes are expressed as flight levels (FLs) in
hundreds of feet using three digits. Hence, FL290 represents a pressure altitude
of 29,000 ft.
Class A-Positive Control Area Virtually all of the airspace above the 50 U.S.
states from 18,000 to 60,000 ft MSL is designated Class A. All aircraft within
Class A airspace must follow instrument flight rules, that is, must file IFR flight
plans and operate in accordance with clearances. A clearance is authorization
for an aircraft to proceed under conditions specified by the responsible ATM
authority. The purpose of Class A is to ensure separation for all aircraft oper-
ating in this regime wherein aircraft speeds are high and VFR see-and-avoid
techniques are ineffective.
Class B-Terminal Control Areas Class B airspace exists around the nation's
busiest airports. The general shape of Class B airspace resembles an upside-
down wedding cake centered on the primary airport. The radius increases with
altitude so that aircraft remain within the airspace as they descend into or climb
away from the airport. All aircraft, whether operating by IFR or VFR, must
receive a clearance to enter the airspace and the associated ATM authority is
responsible for separating all aircraft. Aircraft at the same altitude are kept at
least 3 nmi apart. Aircraft within 3 nmi of one another are separated vertically
by at least I 000 ft if both aircraft are IFR, or by at least 500 ft if one aircraft is
IFR and the other is VFR. VFR aircraft are required to operate in accordance
with visual flight rules including maintaining prescribed distances from clouds.
IFR operators have priority over VFR aircraft, and access by VFR operators can
be denied if the ATM authority believes VFR operations would compromise
in any visibility conditions. VFR operators below I 0,000 ft MSL must have a
minimum visibility of one statute mile.
of com. pou ro•• ha1
no "~nd•«M<•
Smoltet ..,•••are
0 'iJ v£Ac
0 i~
and display system, and flight technical error. Flight technical error is the lateral
displacement error of the aircraft from the intended track given the course devi-
ation error signal generated by the navigation system. For the manually piloted
aircraft, it represents the pilot's ability to stay on course based on the displayed
cross-track error. Typical 2-standard-deviation allowances for VOR/DME in
the en-route environment are 1.9 deg for the VOR ground equipment and 3.0
deg for the airborne receiver. DME ground station error allowance is 0.1 nmi
with the avionics allowed 0.5 nmi or 3% of range, whichever is greater. Under
the assumption that the aircraft is piloted manually, the cross-track component
of the flight technical error allowance is 2.0 nmi. The total error in positioning
the aircraft on the intended route is derived by root-sum-squaring these errors,
treated as independent [9].
As illustrated by the example in Figure !4.2a, VOR airways are divided into
primary and secondary obstacle clearance areas. The primary obstacle clear-
ance area is 4 nmi either side of the route centerline except that the area expands
along system accuracy lines drawn at a 4.5-deg angle either side of the center
line when the COP is more than 51 nmi from one of the facilities [10]. The sec-
ondary obstacle clearance area extends 2 nmi either side of the primary area
except where the COP is more than 51 nmi from the facility, in which case the
secondary area is bounded by a 6.7-deg angle drawn either side of the center
~ ~·~------------------------~--
Secondary _,-'' ',
----------------~~-~ ~~---~-~-~-----------------~-
,,, -~::::-----
Primary ------:----
... ... ...... ... ... ...
,'',,' 70 nmi "" ............... ...
............ 4.50 6.70 ............ .
Route Center line
a Clearance areas
Secondary Primary
b Clearance criteria
Figure 14.2. Primary and secondary obstacle clearance areas for an airway.
80 nmi
4 nmi
Route t Tangent Point
Center line
Laslo I'
4 nmi
32 nmi 32 nmi
Figure 14.3. Primary and secondary obstacle clearance areas for an RNAV route.
trollers based on position reports received from flight crews. In the future, these
position reports may be provided by the automatic dependent surveillance func-
tion (Section 14.5.3). Lateral and longitudinal separation standards (minimums)
are based on the accuracies of the navigation systems in the aircraft. The mini-
mums are lower along routes based on VOR/DME than over oceans, where less
accurate inertial reference units (IRUs) and Omega have been the only means
for navigation until the introduction of GPS (Section 5.5) on some aircraft. For
example, aircraft procedurally separated at the same altitude and speed along
the same airway or RNAV route using VOR/DME must be spaced at least 20
nmi apart [II (Chapter 6 )]. In oceanic airspace, aircraft at the same altitude on
the same route are commonly separated by 10-min intervals that correspond to
about 80 nmi for aircraft traveling at M 0.85 at FL350. Similar results apply to
separation minimums for aircraft with crossing flight trajectories and for lateral
separation of routes and flight trajectories.
Radar separation standards depend upon the accuracy of the radar position
report displayed to the controller and hence the distance of the aircraft from
the radar ground station. In the United States, the radar separation standard is
3 nmi in terminal areas when the traffic is within 40 nmi of the radar site and
5 nmi for traffic beyond 40 nmi. In the en-route environment, it is 5 nm below
FL600 and 10 nmi above [II, Chapter 5].
Vertical separation is applied by fixed rules for IFR aircraft operating in
uncontrolled airspace and for VFR aircraft [8, Chapter 3]. For example, VFR
aircraft cruising on magnetic courses between zero and 179 deg, more than 3000
ft above the surface but below 18,000 ft MSL, fly at odd thousands (MSL) plus
500ft (e.g., at 3500 ft, 5500 ft, and 7500 ft MSL). Opposite direction VFR traf-
fic cruises I 000 ft away (e.g., at 4500 ft, 6500 ft, and 8500 ft MSL). IFR traffic
in controlled airspace operates at altitudes or flight levels assigned by ATM.
These altitudes are integer thousands of feet (e.g., 4000 ft, 12,000 ft, FL31 0)
with a I 000-ft separation minimum up to and including FL290 and a 2000-
ft separation standard above FL290. In 1988, ICAO concluded that a 1000-ft
vertical separation standard can be established worldwide between FL290 and
FL41 0 without imposing unreasonable technical requirements on aircraft. Plan-
ning was initiated at that time to implement the I 000-ft standard in heavily
traveled airspace over the North Atlantic by 1996 [21 ].
Visual separation may be applied to IFR aircraft by a controller who is in
communication with at least one of the aircraft and who can see both aircraft
and maintain visual separation or at least is advised by one of the pilots that sjhe
can see the other aircraft and accepts responsibility for maintaining visual sepa-
ration. Because visual procedures effectively reduce separation standards, they
can expedite the flow of traffic and increase both the capacity of the airspace and
the flexibility of flight operations. They are commonly used in terminal airspace,
for example, in sequencing and spacing arrivals. They have less application in
the en-route environment where aircraft relative speeds are high.
Instrument procedures are designed specifically for the associated runway end,
and then charted and distributed to the user community [5, 12, 28, 36]. The
criteria for designing instrument procedures are provided by TERPS [I 0].
An instrument approach procedure describes the route the aircraft should
follow (the procedure course) and the altitudes to be flown. The route and alti-
tudes are referenced to the navigation aids supporting the procedure, which may
include VOR, VOR/DME, TACAN, VORTAC, NDB, Loran-C, IRUs, ILS, the
localizer-only portion of ILS, MLS, GNSS, precision approach radar, and air-
port surveillance radar. Radar serves as a navigation aid when a controller uses
the system to monitor the position of an aircraft relative to obstacles, terrain,
and the runway and issues heading. speed, and/or altitude instructions to guide
aircraft to the runway environment. Instrument approach procedures also state
landing minimums, which have two parts-the minimum altitude to which the
aircraft can descend without sighting elements of the runway environment and
the minimum visibility on the runway surface permitted when conducting the
procedure, e.g., visibility required to be at least I smi (Chapter 13).
The following description of a simple instrument approach procedure illus-
trates the essential considerations in their construction [5, 28]. As shown in
Figures 14.4 and 14.5, the procedure has four segments. The initial approach
Figure 14.4. Obstacle clearance surfaces for a precision instrument approach proce-
5000 ft Secondary
\t ',
16,000 ft OM
--E------- Secondary
13.5 nmi area
200ft ------'7- ~
0.6 nmi
6.3 nmi
~-- (typical)---'7-
50,000 ft
segment commences at the initial approach fix (IAF). In Figure 14.4, this seg-
ment derives positive course guidance from a VOR ground station. VOR system
inaccuracies, including flight technical error, require a primary obstacle clear-
ance area extending 4 nmi on each side of the course and a secondary obstacle
clearance area extending laterally 2 nmi on each side of the primary area. If
any portion of the segment is more than 51 nmi from the VOR, the obstacle
clearance areas must be expanded in accordance with the en-route VOR airway
criteria described earlier (Figure 14.2). Along the initial approach segment, the
obstacle clearance in the primary area must be at least 1000 ft. In the secondary
area, the clearance must be at least 500 ft at the inner edge tapering uniformily
to zero at the outer edge.
The intermediate segment begins at the intermediate fix (IF) and extends to
the final approach fix (FAF). For an ILS approach procedure, the IF is defined
by the intersection of the initial approach course and the localizer course.
Along the intermediate approach segment, aircraft make speed and configu-
ration changes in preparation for the final approach. The length of the segment
is between 5 and 15 nmi, and the obstacle clearance areas have the same widths
as the areas of the adjoining segments. The minimum obstacle clearance in the
primary area is 500 ft. In the secondary area, 500 ft of clearance must be pro-
vided at the inner edge tapering to zero at the outer edge.
The final approach segment shown in Figures 14.4 and 14.5 assumes a Cat-
egory I ILS installation consisting of localizer and glide-slope stations of Cate-
gory I quality and outer and inner marker beacons. (See Chapter 13 for detailed
descriptions of the ILS equipment.) The outer marker (OM) serves as the FAF
and is located at the point where an aircraft at the prescribed altitude at the end
of the intermediate approach segment intercepts the glide slope. The length of
the final approach course is dictated by the altitude prescribed at the F AF and
the glide-slope angle, which is usually 3 deg. The course generally is less than
50,000 ft long.
As shown in Figure 14.5, the width of the final approach area is I 000 ft at a
point 200 ft from the threshold and expands uniformly to a width of 16,000 ft
at a point 50,000 ft from the beginning of the area. The final approach obstacle
clearance surface is an inclined plane which originates at the runway thresh-
old elevation 975 ft down the runway from the glide-slope ground point of
intercept and overlies the final approach area. (The glide-slope ground point
of" intercept is the point on the runway center line at which the straight-line
extension of the glide slope intercepts the runway surface.) The slope of the
final approach obstacle clearance surface is a function of the glide-slope angle.
Transitional surfaces for ILS Category I are inclined planes with a slope of
7 : I extending outward and upward from the final approach obstacle clearance
surface. The final approach obstacle clearance criterion increases with distance
from the runway threshold. (Chapter 13 covers categories II and III).
Aircraft approaching the runway using an ILS procedure may descend to
the decision height without visually acquiring the runway environment. If the
runway is not acquired at the decision height, the pilot must conduct a missed
approach procedure. For Category I ILS approaches, the decision height may be
no lower than 200 ft above the touchdown zone. If obstacles protrude through
the final approach obstacle clearance surface, either the glide-slope ground point
of intercept must be moved farther down the runway until the protrusions dis-
appear, which reduces the usable length of the runway in IMC, or the deci-
sion height must be raised for adequate clearance. Raising the decision height
reduces the utility of the runway in IMC.
The final portion of the approach procedure is the missed approach segment.
It begins at the missed approach point (MAP), which is the point on the final
approach course where the height of the glide slope above the touchdown zone
equals the decision height. The inner marker (IM) generally is located near the
MAP. The missed approach segment extends to a point or fix where either initial
approach or en-route obstacle clearance is achieved. A straight missed approach
course is 15 nmi long, and the missed approach area is 8 nmi wide at the end.
Obstacle clearance criteria ensure that an aircraft in the missed approach area
climbing with a gradient of at least 150 ft/nmi from the MAP will not collide
with an obstacle. In addition, obstacles may not penetrate the secondary areas
that slope upward at 12: 1 from the missed approach area.
cations. The ground controller is responsible for the entire movement area of
the airport except for the runways actively in use for takeoffs and landings.
These active runways are the responsibility of the local controller, who also
has control over small arrival and departure areas off the ends of the active
runways under his/her jurisdiction. The remainder of the terminal airspace is
divided into departure and arrival sectors with a controller or controller team
assigned to each. Terminal areas are embedded in en-route ainpace, also sub-
divided into sectors. In the en-route environment, low-altitude sectors extend
from the floor of controlled airspace to 18,000 ft MSL, high-altitude sectors
extend from FL180 to FL350, and super-high-altitude sectors are established
from FL350 to FL600 [37]. In airspace surrounding major terminals, the en-
route airspace may include arrival and departure sectors that interface with ter-
minal arrival and departure sectors respectively. In the United States, en-route
airspace is managed by controllers in air route traffic control centers (Sections
14.4.4 and 14.6.2).
that time, the amended flight plan in the form of the predeparture clearance is
sent to the clearance delivery controller in the tower at the airport from which
the flight will originate. While flight plans for VFR flights are not required,
they are strongly recommended. Their principal purpose is to notify the FAA
of the flight so that search-and-rescue procedures can be initiated in the event
the aircraft is overdue at its destination.
14.4.2 Departure
Flight crews operating IFR call the clearance delivery controller on the radio
approximately 10 minutes prior to their planned taxi times. The controller issues
the predeparture clearance including the departure procedure or SID, the route
of flight and assigned altitude, the radio frequency for contacting the depar-
ture controller, and the assigned aircraft transponder code (Section 14.5 .2). The
flight crew next tunes a VHF receiver to the Automatic Terminal Information
Service (ATIS) broadcast frequency to obtain noncontrol information. including
ceiling and visibility, temperature. dew point. wind direction and velocity, the
altimeter setting, the runways in use, and any facility outages affecting airport
operations. The crew then contacts the ground controller for a taxi clearance.
The local controller clears the flight onto the departure runway, clears the air-
craft for takeoff, and, before the aircraft enters departure airspace, instructs the
crew to contact the departure controller.
FAA standard takeoff visibility minimums are I smi for aircraft having two
engines or less and 4 smi for aircraft having more than two engines. Site-
specific instrument departure procedures and ceiling/visibility minimums are
established at some airports to assist pilots in avoiding terrain and obstacles
during climb to the minimum en-route altitude (MEA). These minimums and
procedures are published in U.S. Terminal Procedures [36]. During an instru-
ment departure. aircraft are required to climb at a rate of at least 200 ft/nmi,
cross the departure end of the runway at least 35 ft above ground level, and
climb at least 400 ft above the airport elevation before turning. Based on this
performance, obstacles to be overflown must be below a clearance plane slop-
ing upward at 152 ft/nmi starting no higher than 35 ft above the departure end
of the runway. This assures obstacle clearance not less than 48 ft/nmi of flight.
Where obstacles meet the above criteria. specific IFR departure procedures are
not required. Otherwise, site-specific procedures are developed and may include
ceiling/visibility requirements to allow obstacles to be seen and avoided. climb
gradients greater than 200 ft/nmi, and/or specified turning and/or climbing
maneuvers. In extreme cases. takeoffs in IMC may not be authorized.
At airports with little traffic and no obstacles, it may be possible for the
flight crew to takeoff. climb to 400 ft on the runway heading, and then turn to
the cleared route of flight while climbing to the assigned en-route altitude. In
busy terminal areas. the parsing of airspace into sectors with separate controller
teams assigned to each and the need to segregate departure and arrival traffic
flows impose restrictions on the flight paths available to departing aircraft.
14.4.3 En Route
An aircraft is under the control of one and only one controller at any one
time. As the aircraft moves from one sector to another, control responsibil-
ity is handed off from the transferring controller to the receiving controller.
The hand-off process involves three principal functions, namely, identification
of the aircraft to be handed off, transfer of pilot communications and con-
trol responsibility to the receiving controller and verification of the aircraft's
automatic pressure altitude report. The aircraft's transponder provides altitude
reports in response to interrogations from the ground-based surveillance radar
system (Section 14.5.2), and this information is displayed to controllers (Sec-
tion 14.5.6). If the aircraft's altitude shown on the receiving controller's display
differs from the altitude reported by the pilot over the radio (based on the pilot's
altimeter reading) by more than 300 ft, the controller cannot use the data for
controlling vertical separations relative to that aircraft and will instruct the pilot
to switch off the altitude reporting capability of the transponder.
As the aircraft proceeds through en-route airspace, the responsible controller
monitors the flight to assure separation from other aircraft and from special
use airspace and to assure that the flight conforms to its flight plan as well as
applicable flow instructions. Flow instructions place limitations on the rate at
which traffic can enter saturated fixes, downstream sectors and airports. Traffic
managers issue these instructions to controllers who then adjust aircraft trajec-
tories by using vectors and speed instructions, by holding aircraft and, in some
cases, by diverting (rerouting) aircraft to ensure that the instructions are fol-
lowed. Holding is a procedure that keeps an aircraft within a specified airspace
(generally in a pattern shaped like a racetrack and referenced to a fix) while
awaiting further clearance from ATM.
Pilot-controller communications are restricted to matters related to manage-
ment and control of aircraft including controller instructions (e.g., vectors for
maintaining separations), pilot requests for local flight path modifications (e.g.,
around severe weather), and traffic advisories. Traffic advisories are issued to
flight crews to alert them to other aircraft in their immediate vicinity. The advi-
sory includes the direction in which the pilot should look to see the other air-
craft, the distance to the aircraft, the direction in which it is flying, and the
aircraft altitude and type. The flight crew is responsible to visually search for
the aircraft, to notify the controller when the traffic is in sight, and to maintain
visual separation.
Arrival metering programs have been established for some major airports.
The objective is to match the arriving traffic flow to the airport's acceptance
rate. If aircraft must be delayed, the goal is to delay them en route with speed
reductions, a strategy that is more fuel efficient than holding. Metering uses a
software program to predict the arrival flow rate and, when the rate is predicted
to exceed the acceptance rate, to assign metering fix crossing times to individual
aircraft to reduce the rate. Metering fixes are inbound fixes in en-route airspace
close to the boundary of terminal airspace. Metering fix crossing times are dis-
ports, specific noise abatement routes have been defined (e.g., along rivers) to
channel the noise where relatively few people will be affected. These routes can
be complex (require a number of turns within restricted geographical areas), and
it may not be feasible to site navigation aids to support them. Hence, some of
these routes are flown with visual reference to the ground and published as
charted visual procedures.
The approach controller generally hands off traffic to the local controller
when it has been established on the final approach course. The local controller
hands off to the ground controller as the aircraft taxis off the active runway.
The flight crew's principal responsibilities during approach and landing are
to navigate the cleared route of flight, respond to controller instructions, main-
tain visual separation from other aircraft, and manage the aircraft configuration
(flaps and gear) and dynamics (speed, altitude, and rate of descent) for landing.
Entry into the terminal area may be along the STAR requested in the filed flight
plan, and the aircraft may then be cleared for an instrument, visual, or charted
visual approach, with or without vectoring for the transition. Prior to entering
the terminal airspace, the crew listens to ATIS communications for essential
information on airport and navigation aid conditions.
14.4.5 Oceanic
The ATM processes described in the preceding sections are based on controllers
having reliable, accurate radar surveillance information and nearly instanta-
neous voice communications with flight crews. With some exceptions, neither
of these conditions prevailed in oceanic airspace in 1996. Flight crews gener-
ated position reports by determining their positions using inertial reference units
having drift rates of I to 2 nmi/hr and communicated these reports to controllers
when over mandatory reporting points spaced every 500 nmi along the route of
flight. Air-to-ground communication for periodic position reporting and control
instructions in 1996 was dependent upon relatively unreliable high-frequency
(HF) voice links with contacts sometimes requiring many minutes to establish.
The consequence of the relatively inaccurate navigation, cumbersome commu-
nication, and little real-time surveillance was large separation standards that
poorly utilized the available airspace. By 1995, successful experiments had been
accomplished using air-to-ground data communication via geostationary satel-
lites for the transmission of aircraft derived position and velocity data (either
from inertial navigation systems or GPS receivers) to achieve satellite-based
automatic dependent surveillance (ADS) (Section 14.5.3). A few transoceanic
airlines had implemented the required equipment (called FANS 1) to use this
technique on a regular basis on commercial flights in 1996.
To organize traffic so that controllers can effectively ensure separation, track
systems are established in heavily traveled oceanic areas (e.g., over the North
Atlantic). A track system is a set of nearly parallel routes, each joining oceanic
gateways (fixes) on the two sides of the ocean. Some of the track systems are
flexible in that they are adjusted twice daily to provide fuel-efficient routing
14.5.1 Navigation
In 1996, only VOR/DME and VORT AC were accepted as sole means systems
for en-route and terminal navigation under instrument flight rules. A sole means
air navigation system is a system approved for specific phases of air navigation
without the need for any other navigation system in the aircraft. A supplemental
air navigation system can be used to enhance navigation performance, but the
aircraft must also carry and use the sole means system approved for the partic-
ular phase of flight. In 1996, IRUs (Chapter 7) and Omega (Chapter 4) were
accepted internationally as sole means navigation systems over oceans and GPS
was accepted as a sole means navigation system in U.S. oceanic flight infor-
mation regions (Section 14.6.6).
In 1996, guidance for precision approaches and landings was primarily pro-
vided by ILS and MLS (Chapter 13). NDBs, localizers, VOR/DME, GPS,
VORTAC, Loran-C (Chapter 4), and IRUs (Chapter 7) are approved for non-
precision approaches to appropriate minimums. Precision and nonprecision
radar approach procedures had been established. During radar approaches,
flight path guidance instructions are transmitted to pilots by controllers moni-
toring the aircraft positions relative to prescribed approach paths. A precision
approach procedure provides the pilot both route and height (glidepath) guid-
ance to the decision height. A nonprecision approach procedure provides only
route guidance; the pilot controls the altitude of the aircraft based on the altime-
ter reading and the charted procedure. Decision heights are lower for precision
approaches because the height of the aircraft relative to terrain and obstructions
can be controlled more accurately.
The development of navigation systems to meet civil and military require-
ments is a subject of intensive planning among users and providers of nav-
igation services. In the United States, a principal product is the comprehen-
sive Federal Radionavigation Plan (FRP) published biannually [59]. In 1996,
two major development efforts were underway, one focused on establishing and
implementing the concept of required navigation performance (RNP) and the
second focused on the global navigation satellite system (GNSS). In contrast,
the method most commonly used at that time to prescribe the minimum naviga-
tion performance required of aircraft operating in a given airspace was to require
the installation of specific equipment. These requirements were often subject to
international agreement and hence cumbersome to change. This situation con-
strained the effective application of new navigation technology and imposed
heavy work loads on standards organizations, especially ICAO, trying to keep
pace with technology improvements. Initially, the GNSS was represented by the
U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS, Section 5.5). In the future, the Russian
Global Orbiting Satellite System (GLONASS, Section 5.6) is expected to be
part of the GNSS. The emergence of the GNSS has lead to the RNP approach.
RNP is a statement of the navigation accuracy required for operation within
a defined airspace [22]. The navigation accuracy prescribed is the total system
use accuracy (Section 2.7), including ground-station or space-station equipment
errors, aircraft receiver and display errors, and flight technical errors. The RNP
concept will be applied to all phases of flight, including approach and land-
ing. Providers of air traffic services, in collaboration with airspace users, will
determine the level of navigation performance required to ensure the safety
and efficiency of flight operations in a given airspace and will specify the cor-
responding RNP. To simplify this process for airspace planners, manufacturers,
and operators, ICAO is standardizing the RNP types. In 1996, four types were
proposed, RNP 1, RNP 4, RNP 12.6, and RNP 20. The figure in each RNP type
designation is the accuracy required on a 95% probability basis. For example,
aircraft in RNP 4 airspace are required to be within 4 nmi of their intended
positions in the horizontal plane 95% of the time. RNP 1 is expected to sup-
port operations along routes where the most accurate positioning of aircraft is
required, including transitions to and from airports and operations along par-
allel offsets. Parallel offsets are routes offset laterally from the planned route
center line by a specified distance. Operations along such offsets may be advan-
tageous for passing slower traffic, for increasing airspace capacity and/ or for
facilitating uninterrupted climbs and descents where there is conflicting traffic
on the planned route. RNP 4 corresponds to VOR navigation practices (Sec-
tion 14.3.1 ), and RNP 12.6 corresponds to the nominal capabilities of inertial
reference units on long oceanic flights. RNP 20 is the minimum capability con-
sidered acceptable to support en route traffic operations. It is the responsibility
of the aircraft operator and the associated national airworthiness authority (the
FAA in the United States) to ensure that an aircraft operating in a specified
RNP airspace is equipped to achieve the required navigation performance. It
is expected that the RNP concept will foster the effective application of new
navigation technologies as they become available.
In 1996, the civil aviation community is moving rapidly to establish
and exploit the two global navigation satellite systems, namely, GPS and
GLONASS. After GPS achieved initial operational capability in late 1993, air-
craft in the United States equipped with the approved avionics [ 15] were autho-
rized to use GPS on a supplemental basis for some phases of flight. The prin-
cipal issues in relying solely on GPS for route navigation are the availability
of the system (i.e., the percentage of the time GPS will provide a sufficiently
accurate navigation service) and the integrity of the system to provide timely
warnings of satellite or system failures. In 1996, the development of the FAA's
Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) (Section 5.7.3) was under way, with
the aim of providing the required availability, integrity and accuracy for cer-
tain flight operations, including nonprecision and Category I precision approach
(Section 13.8). In 1995, GPS augmented by local differential GPS (DGPS) cor-
rections satisfied the requirements for so-called DGPS Special (private use) Cat-
egory I approaches (Section 5.5.9). A number of issues pertain to the use of
differential GPS for Category II and III approaches, including the practicality
and cost effectiveness of augmentations to provide the necessary accuracy and
integrity (Section 13.8); however, experimental test results obtained in 1995
were extremely promising.
bility required. The international airline community has estimated that a fully
implemented GNSS will reduce their costs by $5 billion annually.
\ Target
Target report
Pulse transmission
The advantage of primary radar is that accurate target position reports can
be generated without any participation on the part of the target aircraft. The
disadvantages are that the ground-station equipment is expensive, performance
is limited by the target size and the range, and it degrades when the transmitted
signal is reflected back by terrain or weather (clutter), obscuring returns from
aircraft, and the aircraft cannot be uniquely identified (e.g., as "Central Airlines
Flight 34"). Nonetheless, primary radar is a mature technology widely used for
ATM [57].
In the secondary radar (or beacon radar) system, the signal transmitted
from the ground-station antenna (commonly mounted on top of a primary
radar antenna) initiates the transmission of a reply signal from the transponder
(receiver/transmitter) in the aircraft. The system essentially provides two-way
air-to-ground data communications and operates in several modes [23, 38, 45,
56]. As shown in Figure 14.7, Modes A and C use simple three-pulse, pulse-
position modulated (PPM) interrogations with PI and P3 having equal ampli-
tudes. When the P 1-P3 interval is 8 f-1-Sec (Mode A interrogation), the transpon-
der replies with the aircraft identification (ACID) code; if the interval is 21
f-1-Sec (Mode C), the reply will contain the encoded altitude of the aircraft. At
short ranges, the signal strength may be sufficient to interrogate transponders
via the antenna side lobes. To avoid this situation, aircraft in the antenna side
lobes are prevented from replying through a technique called transmit side lobe
suppression. The P2 pulse of the interrogation (Figure 14.7) is transmitted on
an omnidirectional antenna at a slightly higher power density than that pro-
duced by the antenna side lobes. Transponders are designed to reply only if the
received P 1 pulse is greater than the received P 2 pulse. This condition is not
satisfied in the side lobes of the antenna. It is essential to suppress transponders
in the side lobe regions because their replies would be erroneously displayed
at the azimuth corresponding to pointing direction of the mainbeam.
The replies are also PPM signals with 13 data pulses uniformly spaced
between 2 "framing pulses" separated by 20.3 f-1-Sec. The special identification
(SPI) pulse, when present, follows the last framing pulse in Mode A replies
only. In Mode A replies, 12 of the 13 data pulses are used to communicate the
ACID code as one of 4096 possible codes. This code is assigned to each IFR
aircraft in the route clearance and is set into the transponder by the flight crew.
(VFR aircraft transmit the code "1200" to identify the aircraft as not under
ATM control.) The controller writes the assigned ACID code into the flight
plan. Ground automation equipment correlates ACID codes with flight plans
as Mode A replies are received from the surveillance site and determines the
aircraft identification (e.g., Central Airlines Flight 34) corresponding to each.
Through this process, the aircraft identification can be displayed in the data tag
associated with the aircraft position on the controller's display (Figure 14.12
and Section 14.5.6). To contact the aircraft over VHF, the controller can read
the identification directly from the display.
The SPI pulse is inserted into a Mode A reply as a result of the pilot depress-
ing the !DENT button on the transponder control panel. Ground-based automa-
Altim~e~ Transponder
Identification code
p1p p3
0 -~ 0 0 :~, :-: :-: :-1 :-: • • • :-: 0 :-:
~~sec' 1
Mode A ~ 20.3 ~sec ---:-~1
Mode C
21 ~sec
0 :-: :-1 :-: ••• :-: 0
1~c::.~~ 20.3 ~sec ~1
Figure 14.7. Secondary radar Mode A and Mode C (interrogation at 1030 MHz; response at
1090 MHz).
tion display equipment will blink the data block of an aircraft from which the
SPI pulse is being received. Controllers will ask pilots to /DENT during hand-
offs and at other times when it is necessary to quickly and unambiguously locate
aircraft on their displays.
In Mode C replies, the 12 data pulses provide the pressure altitude of the
aircraft in 100-ft increments from -1000 ft to 126,700 ft. All Mode C altitude
reports are referenced to 29.92 in. of mercury.
Mode S has been added to reduce or eliminate some of the performance lim-
itations of Modes A and C. For example, with Mode A, at some major airports
two or more aircraft with the same ACID code may be operating in the area
at the same time and the ground automation will not be able to identify these
aircraft unambiguously. In addition, when two aircraft are in the antenna main
beam simultaneously and close in range (e.g., one above the other), their replies
will overlap and obscure one another. Mode S uses more sophisticated inter-
rogation and reply modulation wave forms (Figure 14.8 and Section 14.5.4),
permitting discrete addressing of aircraft. Data blocks have 56 bits in the short
format and 112 bits in the long format. Error detection coding ensures unde-
tected message error rates of less than I in I 07 . A unique 24-bit ModeS address
is assigned to each aircraft so that aircraft can be unambiguously identified
and addressed worldwide. There are more than 16 million available Mode S
addresses with specific blocks assigned to every country by ICAO. A ground
station with Mode S capability addresses each Mode S capable transponder by
its unique address thereby establishing a private-line communications service.
By managing interrogations properly in time, the ground station can ensure that
replies do not overlap. The private-line capability of Mode S supports general-
purpose data link communications capability for which a number of applications
were under development in 1996 (Section 14.5.4). All secondary radar ground
stations and aircraft transponders are capable of operating in Modes A and C.
Where Mode S is added, Modes A and C are retained in the equipment to ensure
that the equipment can operate compatibly with equipment having only Modes
A and C.
Given a series of surveillance reports from a target aircraft, ground automa-
tion equipment estimates the target velocity over the ground by tracking the
reports. In the most elementary form, the estimated velocity vector is in the
direction joining the two most recent reports with a magnitude equal to the
distance between the reports divided by the time interval between them. U.S.
Federal Aviation Regulations require the installation of transponders with spec-
ified capabilities in various airspace regimes in order to support the ATM ser-
vices provided and to ensure safety.
r---~~.~.~.~.~;~,T.~.~.~.~.~. n,~.~,r,~,T,~,~.~.~
I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
8.0 f.LS -I.._ DATA BLOCK
56 OR 112 f.LS
(BIT 1(BIT 2(BIT 3(BIT 4( I N-1 (BIT N(
:1:o:1:o:1:o:1:o::: :1:o:no:
l' I I I I I
Figure 14.8. Mode S waveforms.
enable controllers to check conformance with their flight plans for the aircraft.
The interval between ADS reports can be controlled by the controller respon-
sible for the flight. Figure 14.9 depicts the use of a geostationary communication
satellite as a relay data link medium, which is typical for overocean operations.
Alternatively, over land areas, a VHF or L-band direct data link from the aircraft
can be used. In 1996, the initial application of ADS was in oceanic airspace,
with reporting intervals ranging between 30 sec and 5 min. Over land areas,
the reporting intervals are expected to range from 10 sec (or more) in en-route
airspace to 4 sec in terminal areas.
development of this data link capability was well under way in 1996 and in
use for some applications; for example, for providing predeparture clearances
to aircraft. In the future, aeronautical information such as weather data, ATIS,
and NOTAMs will be provided on pilot displays and as printed copy in the
cockpit to reduce transmission errors and work load. As more automated ATM
processes are developed, data link will be required for exchanging flight plans
and route clearances as well as to transmit ATC instructions to the cockpit,
including altitude and VHF frequency assignments. In addition, data link will
be used to provide automatically to flight crews traffic advisories derived from
surveillance data resident in ground-based ATC centers, as well as to alert crews
when they are about to enter special use airspace or airspace such as Class B
(terminal control areas) where operations are closely regulated.
Efforts by ATM authorities to establish data link capability have been bol-
stered by complementary initiatives among the airlines focused on more effi-
cient fleet scheduling and flight and maintenance operations. Engine perfor-
mance is monitored automatically on board many aircraft with some parameters
automatically transmitted to the ground for fault detection and trend analysis.
Flight plans are sent to aircraft and stored automatically in the flight manage-
ment system (FMS) computer (Section 14.5.7), with position reports, fuel status,
estimated arrival times at waypoints, and wind and static air temperature data
sent to the ground automatically on request. Data link is a principal tool for
fostering improved safety and efficiency of flight operations.
Three data link media have been developed. VHF data link uses 25 kHz-
wide channels in the frequency band 118-136 MHz [41]. Minimum shift keying
(MSK) modulation is used to achieve data rates of 2400 bits/sec. In the future,
offset quaternary phase shift keying (OQPSK) modulation techniques may be
employed to increase the data rate to 21 kbitsjsec. A principal advantage of
VHF data link is the low cost of the ground stations and aircraft equipment.
While a large number of data channels could be accommodated within the 18
MHz assigned for air-to-ground VHF aeronautical communications, the num-
ber available in practice is limited by heavy competition from voice traffic. In
1996, the airlines employed VHF data link for company purposes worldwide,
and the FAA is using it to transmit predeparture clearances to appropriately
equipped aircraft in order to reduce the work load of tower controllers and
expedite departure operations.
By virtue of its discrete address feature, Mode S provides a wideband,
general-purpose data link capability [4 7]. Ground-station interrogations are
transmitted in a single 8 MHz-wide channel at 1030 MHz with transponder
replies provided in a 2.6 MHz-wide channel at I 090 MHz. Differential phase
shift keying (DPSK) modulation is used within interrogations to provide a
4-Mbitjsec data rate. Replies use pulse position modulation (PPM) with a
1-Mbitjsec data rate (Figure 14.8). A principal advantage of the ModeS data
link is that it is integral with the surveillance system, which permits ground
stations and transponders to efficiently support both functions. In addition, a
number of data link applications (e.g., automatic traffic advisories and airspace
0 = Node D = Entity
Figure 14.11. Communications network.
airspace users [29, 31]. Observations are made by ground-based sensors, air-
craft sensors, flight crews in flight and space-based systems. These observations
are assimilated into FAA, NWS, and airline data bases from which products are
derived by forecasting models and filters that screen out the relevant informa-
tion for users. The long-range objective is to ensure that all aviation weather
product users are provided forecasts that are both reliable and consistent. Con-
sistency is essential for ensuring that all concerned planners and operators are
working with the same assessment of the weather situation so that their deci-
sions and plans will be consistent as well.
System area:
Time, airport altimeter
/ 5 0 21 DEL 476 013 LA
w ~ /// / I
~ CA%;; I
w"' ///
CAL 73
502~ ~~ I
TUL41 ~
/ ///
EL476 ~/////////
IL-- 4724 w ~:sA~
LJ 60
Nav Aid
(VOR) Victor
BAL 764 3472 airways
TUL 215 3726
is at the symbol "W" at the end of the leader line from the data block. The
"W" designates the controller responsible for the aircraft, in this case, the west
controller. The blinking "CA" displayed below the data block is a conflict alert
to the controller based on the automation system's assessment that N24F and
CAL 73 may lose standard ATC separation if the controller does not intervene.
Aircraft DEL 476 in the 5 o'clock position is below the minimum safe altitude
at its location and the automation therefore has generated a low altitude alert
(a blinking "LA"). The aircraft to the southwest has only a limited data block
because the automation has no flight plan for the aircraft. The data block shows
that the aircraft's identification code (ACID) is 4724 and its altitude is 6000
ft. Its radio call sign is unknown. The data block for TUL41 at 4 o'clock is
blinking because the aircraft is in the process of being handed off from the east
controller to the west controller.
;-...Javaids ·DME
·Airways ·VOR
·Airports and runways ·GPS
-Routes, SIDs, STARs FMS ·ILS
.Procedures ·MLS
/ ~
"Flight plans
'Route winds
Air data
Fuel Avionics
management subnetwork
(air speed and
system (data link)
pressure altitude)
and new flight plans and information requests to be sent to the aircraft. The
FMS is the airborne automation system controlling the flight path of the aircraft.
Linking its operation to ground-based ATM and airline dispatch operations has
obvious advantages. An early application was FMS-guided terminal procedures
that allowed aircraft to fly complex procedures (e.g., charted visual approaches)
in IMC, thereby providing access to runways otherwise not available. An early
application of 40 navigation capability is expected to be assigning aircraft spe-
cific times for crossing oceanic gateways into track systems so that the tracks
with the most favorable winds can be fully utilized. Future applications will
involve dynamic reclearance of aircraft on long oceanic flights to adjust flight
paths to changing wind and weather patterns. The scenario may involve the
airline dispatch automation system computing a new plan and data linking it
to the FMS where it would be checked by the flight crew. The crew would
then send the plan to ATM via the FMS. When ATM is satisfied that the plan
meets separation requirements, it would be transmitted back to the FMS where
the crew would select it to actively guide the aircraft. Similar applications are
expected in terminal airspace for metering traffic to airports and negotiating
fuel-optimal descent and approach trajectories [ 19].
The air traffic management services provided in the United States include traf-
fic flow management, air traffic control, and flight services. The traffic flow
management services are provided by the air traffic control system command
center (ATCSCC) in conjunction with regional (en-route) and terminal facili-
ties. ATM services are provided by air route traffic control centers (ARTCCs) at
the regional level, and by approach control facilities and airport-traffic control
towers (ATCTs) at the terminal and local levels. Flight services are provided
principally by flight service stations (FSSs). Some flight services are also pro-
vided by ARTCCs and terminal facilities.
Flight Plan Processing The flight plan processing function accepts flight
plans filed by pilots through flight service stations, airline operations offices,
military base operations, or sector controllers, as well as flight plans filed in
bulk form by airlines. The flight plans are processed to produce flight progress
data for posting to all controllers (en route and terminal) within the ARTCC
airspace who will control the flight. The flight plan data are then passed to
the next ARTCC along the route of flight. In 1996, flight progress data were
presented to controllers on paper medium (i.e., as flight strips).
Metering The metering function assists traffic managers and sector controllers
in avoiding unacceptable levels of traffic congestion. Traffic managers in the
TMU run the metering program during periods of peak traffic demand or may
issue metering instructions based on their judgment and experience. The meter-
ing instructions provided to controllers may include meter fix crossing times for
specific aircraft arriving at a terminal area or in-trail spacing restrictions (e.g.,
all aircraft being handed off to a congested adjacent sector must be separated
longitudinally by 20 nmi).
and visual alerts are provided to the responsible controller when separation
problems are predicted.
Towers normally have four principal positions of operation (see also Section
14.4). These are the flight data, clearance delivery, ground control, and local
control positions. The flight data position is responsible for the maintenance
of flight data (flight strips) and for updating miscellaneous tower data, includ-
ing the automatic terminal information service (ATIS). The clearance delivery
position is responsible for issuing predeparture clearances to IFR aircraft. The
clearance delivery and flight data positions are commonly combined and oper-
ated as a single position.
The ground controller is responsible for the safe movement of vehicles and
aircraft within the airport movement area, with the exception of those operat-
ing on active runways. The local controller is responsible for movements on
active runways. In 1996, local control and ground control operations were con-
ducted principally through controller visual contact with the aircraft and ground
vehicles being controlled. High-resolution primary radar is used at some major
airports for detecting aircraft and ground vehicles on the airport surface and dis-
playing this information to tower controllers. Development and testing efforts
were under way in 1996 to improve surveillance and control of the surface
using automatic dependent surveillance techniques (Section 14.5.3), based on
the use of differential GPS (Section 5.5.9) and digital data links.
The level of automation support provided in ATCTs is dependent upon the
activity level of the tower and the complexity of the air traffic operation. The
smallest towers are provided with the capability to enter flight data, print flight
strips and display environmental data. The largest towers have plan-view radar
situation displays to support approach control operations and ground surveil-
lance radars. During the late 1990s, the more complex towers will be provided
with automation tools to assist in metering departures and to reduce the risk of
aircraft collisions on the ground.
The associated oceanic control centers are colocated with en-route facilities in
New York, Oakland, Houston, Anchorage, and Honolulu.
The demand on the ATM system continues to rise. For example, the number of
aircraft handled by U.S. air route traffic control centers (ARTCCs) is forecasted
to rise from 36.6 million operations in 1989 to 47.8 million operations by the
year 2000. This growth in air traffic will put increased pressure on all system
resources, especially the major airports.
The FAA's Aviation System Capacity Plan [16] defines the aviation capacity
problem in terms of flight delays determined by comparing actual with optimal
arrival times. In 1990, 23 U.S. major airports experienced more than 20,000
aircraft hours of flight delay. That number is expected to grow to 40 major
airports by the year 2000 if capacity improvements are not implemented.
During the course of a flight, a number of system resources are utilized,
including the departure airport taxiways and runways; terminal fixes and sec-
tors; en-route fixes, routes, and sectors; and the arrival airport. Although any
of these resources can become saturated and contribute to flight delay, histo-
rically, the departure and arrival airports are the principal contributors. Table
14.2 shows the sources of flight delays greater than 15 minutes as reported in
the 1991-92 Aviation System Capacity Plan.
The following sections discuss techniques for reducing flight delays by
reducing peak demand and increasing system capacity.
mmn···~1l~mmmm nnmnm/+m··
2500 It min. 2 nmi (min) 2 nmi (min)
m•mn~~nL.nmmm¥ mmmmm.
a. Dependent parallel approaches
responsible for the parallel approach course will vector away any aircraft that
is threatened by the "blundering" aircraft.
For parallel runways with center lines separated by 4300 ft or more, the stan-
dard airport surveillance radar, which has a 4.8-sec antenna scan period and uses
a conventional controller display, has been used for monitoring simultaneous
independent approaches. In 1995, a quick-scan radar called the precision run-
way monitor (PRM) was developed. Its 0.5-second scan period and its high res-
olution controller display system permit independent parallel approaches where
runway center lines are separated by 3400 ft or more.
Independent approaches provide an increase in arrival capacity of approxi-
mately 30% as compared to dependent parallel approach procedures. A decrease
in the runway center line spacing requirement through the use of new technol-
ogy and procedures provides capacity gains for airports with limited real estate
Final approach
course A
0 Mirrored positions
Final approach
course B
~--- d -----3'"1
oped [17, 20, 26, 33, 51, 52, 61]. TCAS interrogates the secondary surveillance
radar transponders installed in proximate aircraft and processes the replies to
alert flight crews to potential conflicts. The protection provided is independent
of ground-based equipment. Hence, a TCAS-equipped aircraft receives backup
separation assurance service wherever it flies.
Figure 14.16 illustrates the conflict geometry when the aircraft velocities V 1
and V 2 are constant. V R is the relative velocity, R is the distance between aircraft
2 and aircraft I, and m is the miss distance, that is, the distance between the
aircraft at the closest point of approach (CPA). Ve is the tangential velocity of
aircraft 2 relative to aircraft 1. The time that it will take aircraft 2 to reach CPA
is T. From Figure 14.16,
( 14.1)
m Ve
sin e x = - = - ( 14.3)
Combining Equations 14.2 and 14.3, and then using Equation 14.1, one obtains
( 14.4)
Equation 14.4 illustrates the fact that the bearing rate iJ is zero if and only if
the aircraft are on a true collision course, m = 0.
The most widely implemented version of the TCAS family, TCAS II, inter-
rogates the transponders on nearby aircraft, tracks the replies in range and alti-
tude, and generates crew alerts if both range and relative altitude are predicted
to be small at some time within the next 40sec or so. Two types of alerts are
displayed: traffic advisories (TAs) and resolution advisories (RAs). A TA is
displayed approximately 40sec prior to CPA and shows the range, bearing, and
relative altitude of the intruder on a cockpit plan view display. If the intruder
continues to close, an RA will be displayed approximately 25sec prior to CPA.
The RA shows a vertical escape maneuver (e.g., "climb") for avoiding a colli-
sion. Two TCAS II aircraft in conflict must exchange escape maneuver inten-
tions to ensure that they are complementary (i.e., one aircraft climbs, the other
descends). TCAS II uses ModeS air-to-air data link communications to perform
the coordination function.
While TCAS II uses intruder bearing 0 in displaying T As, the angle-of-
arrival-sensing antenna is not sufficiently accurate to provide bearing rate data
for miss-distance, m, estimation. The time to CPA is estimated as tau, 7, where
7 = -.- sec (14.6)
This estimate is accurate in the critical cases where m is small. A principal dis-
advantage of TCAS II is that a certain number of unnecessary alerts are gener-
ated because miss distance cannot be estimated. In 1995, all air carrier aircraft
with more than 30 passenger seats operating in U.S. airspace were required to
be equipped with TCAS II.
TCAS I does not display RAs. The equipment tracks proximate aircraft in
range and altitude and displays T As for intruders that satisfy tau-based collision
threat criteria. The T As aid flight crews in visually acquiring threat aircraft so
that visual separation can be maintained. By the end of 1995, TCAS I was
required to be installed in all air carrier aircraft with I 0 to 30 passenger seats
operating in U.S. airspace.
Since the air traffic management system consists of a large number of sub-
systems, including communication, navigation, surveillance, automation, and
weather service, there are a wide variety of future trends toward system
improvements. They are discussed below.
One of the most profound trends will be the wide-spread use of air-to-ground
digital data communication (versus voice) for interfacing automated, ground-
based information sources with aircraft systems and flight crews. Use of data
communication will result in more reliable and timely exchange of large quan-
tities of data. In some airspace, voice communication will be used principally
for emergency and nonroutine functions.
A second major, nearly revolutionary, trend will be the widespread use of
satellite-navigation systems, initially, GPS (Section 5.5), to provide highly accu-
rate, worldwide navigation information (position, velocity, and time) to meet
RNP requirements for all phases of flight. In 1996, GPS was authorized by
the U.S. FAA for use as a sole means system of oceanic navigation and for
Special nonprecision and (private use) Category I SCAT precision approaches.
In the future, in conjunction with the U.S. Wide Area Augmentation System
(WAAS, Section 5.7.3), it will be authorized for use as a sole means system
for terminal and en-route navigation, as well as public-use Category I precision
approach operations. With a local area augmentation system (LAAS) (Sections
5.5.9, 13.8, and 13.9), Category II and III precision approach and landing capa-
bility is likely to be provided in the more distant future. Extensive research and
flight experimentation, with very promising results, were in progress in 1996.
In some highly congested areas, such as in Europe, MLS is likely to be used for
some time in the future for providing precision approach and landing capability,
particularly for Category II and III operations.
The use of GPS will be combined with GLONASS (Section 5.6) and possi-
bly other satellite-navigation systems, to constitute a Global Navigation Satellite
System (GNSS), thereby achieving a worldwide navigation capability based on
at least 48 satellites. Geostationary satellites will also include a GNSS-like rang-
ing function. This will lead to very high availability, integrity, and continuity
of service characteristics and hence greater safety.
Aircraft equipped with a GNSS (initially GPS) receiver and a simple nav-
igation computer will have RNAV capability, permitting direct routes any-
where on the globe. In the more distant future, rigid airways, based on net-
works of ground-based navigation aids (e.g., VOR/DME) will become obsolete.
The flexibility of flight operations will be greatly enhanced, and ATM service
providers will discontinue operation of some ground-based navigation aids.
Another major future trend will be the combined exploitation of rapid, auto-
matic, air-to-ground digital communication and high-accuracy (e.g., GNSS)
positioning capability to provide automatic dependent surveillance (ADS, Sec-
tion 14.5.3) virtually everywhere, from oceanic airspace to the airport sur-
face. The initial implementation of ADS will be in oceanic airspace and over
remote land areas, and this will result in more cost-efficient separation stan-
dards, replacing the procedural separation methods still in use in 1996. The
use of ground-based primary and secondary radars is likely to continue for ter-
minal area surveillance for some time, but in the en-route environment it will
ultimately be replaced by ADS because of its greater accuracy and cost effec-
tiveness. Based on the successful experimentation and testing in the mid-1990s,
ADS techniques (using local differential GPS and data link) are likely to be used
for airport surface surveillance and control at major airports.
Ground-based automation to support national and local traffic flow manage-
ment, as well as the more tactical ATC process, will be implemented on a large
scale as the principal means for accommodating user-preferred flight trajectories
and ensuring that system capacity resources are fully utilized to accommodate
demand. ATM automation linked to FMS and flight dispatch automation by data
link will ensure comprehensive planning of each flight trajectory, taking the
needs of all other users into account. Four-dimensional (including time) clear-
ances will be used where necessary to ensure aircraft separations and on-time
arrivals at merge points. The FMS will guide the aircraft on fuel-optimal trajec-
tories, meeting users' schedule requirements from wheels-up to touchdown. The
traffic display capability of TCAS will be enhanced with additional informa-
tion, such as the locations and orientations of runways and the identifications
of proximate aircraft, to provide a comprehensive display of the ATM situa-
tion for the flight crew. The crew will then be able to participate more fully in
planning and decision making, including resolution of local traffic conflicts in
collaboration with the other aircraft involved.
An important future trend for air-to-air collision avoidance will be the wide-
spread mutual exchange between aircraft of their accurately known present posi-
tions, as obtained from their on-board navigation equipment, such as a GPS
receiver, to provide situation and threat information on all other aircraft in the
vicinity. This technique is another means, other than basic TCAS, of achieving a
ground-independent collision avoidance function for all participating aircraft. In
this approach, only one-way broadcasts are used, which results in much larger
communication capacities than with two-way transmissions. Also, heading and
other pertinent data can be exchanged to reduce the number of unnecessary res-
olution advisories. This approach will improve the situational awareness per-
formance of the collision avoidance system.
There is a strong trend toward development, evolution, and implementation
of the concept of free flight [53]. Free flight is a flight operations capability,
under instrument flight rules (IFR), in which the operators have the freedom
to select their flight path and speed in real time, after interaircraft communica-
tions ensure safe separation. Air traffic restrictions are only imposed to remove
a threat to safety, to preclude exceeding airport capacity and to prevent unautho-
rized flight through Special Use Airspace (SUA) [53]. The concept is intended
to greatly increase a user's operational flexibility and "self-optimization," while
achieving guaranteed safety. The major technologies that will make it possible
to accomplish these objectives are (1) efficient digital data links; (2) the global
navigation satellite systems (e.g., GPS); (3) the concept of automatic dependent
surveillance (Section 14.5.3) of continuously broadcasting (by all aircraft) the
position, velocity, and short-term intent, used in conjunction with airborne col-
lision avoidance computation equipment; (4) improved displays in the aircraft
and at ATC centers to provide good situational awareness; and (5) revised air
traffic procedures that capitalize on these newly available capabilities. Incre-
mental evolution and implementation of free flight is likely to progress in the
near term and continue for the foreseeable future.
The major overall theme for the future of ATM will be information fusion,
providing to each user and provider of services an accurate, comprehensive
awareness of the ATM situation, wherein automation systems perform the rou-
tine command, control, and guidance functions. Benefits will include increased
safety and efficiency of flight operations worldwide, full utilization of system
capacity resources, and reduced costs of ATM services. These new capabilities
and the associated benefits will emerge first in oceanic airspace where exist-
ing ATM services have been rudimentary, the aircraft fleet is generally well
equipped, and the operators are highly motivated to achieve fuel savings.
14.1. From the material in Section 14.8, show that miss distance can be
expressed in terms of intruder range, range rate, and bearing rate as
1n = ----,---~--
[R2 + (RfJ)l]I/2
T = ----o-- and
COS2 a
Hence T is always greater than or equal to the true time to CPA, T, and
T increases relative to T as mjV R increases. Plot T versus T for V R = 300
kn and m = 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 nmi. Show that for these parameters a
TCAS II that requires a T less than 20 sec as a condition for displaying
an RA:
(a) Will not display an RA for m = 1.0 or 1.5 nmi.
(b) Will display an RA for m = 0.5 nm approximately 18 sec prior to
(c) Would be able to inhibit the unnecessary alert for the intruder with
m = 0.5 nmi if it could reliably detect bearing rates of 1.0 degjsec
or so.
14.4. Queuing theory can be used to model airport capacities and arrival delays.
For example, the operation of a runway can be regarded as a server that
lands aircraft. The time interval between the aircraft crossing the thresh-
old and the aircraft exiting the runway (the service time) can be modeled
as an exponential probability density function (pdf) with a mean of I/ fl.
sec per landing operation. Aircraft arrivals can also be modeled as an
exponential pdf with a mean of I jx sec between arrivals. If the runway
(server) is busy when an aircraft arrives, the aircraft must wait for the
preceding aircraft to exit the runway before it can land. From queuing
theory, the average number of aircraft waiting to land would be
- p2
p =- <l
The mean time required to service a landing (1/tJ.) is typically 50 sec, and
the ultimate capacity of a runway might therefore be taken as 72 arrivals
per hour. Graph n and show that for p = 0.62, on average every aircraft
must wait to land (n = I) and a practical arrival capacity might be taken
as x = 0.62f.J. or 45 aircraft per hour.
14.5. For the conditions described in Problem 14.4, the average value and stan-
dard deviation of the delay time experienced by each aircraft is
-d - -I ( -P- )
fl. I- P
[p(2- p)]l/2
tJ.Cl - p)
respectively. Graph these equations. Does 45 arrivals per hour still appear
to be a practical arrival capacity for a single runway?
15 Avionics Interfaces
(or a designated subset of) messages on the bus. However, in most production
systems, the bus monitor is not used. Figure 15.1 shows a quadruple-redundant
MIL-STD-1553 data bus.
The smallest unit of exchange on a data bus is a word. In MIL-STD-1553 a
word is 20 bit times long. MIL-STD-1553 operates at one megabit per second
which means each bit is one microsecond long. The first three bit times are
used for synchronization and the last bit is used for parity check (odd parity).
MIL-STD-1553 uses Manchester coding which means that every bit has a mid-
bit transition. For a logical I, the signal starts at a positive or high state and
transitions at midbit to a negative or low state. For a logical 0, the signal starts
at a negative or low state and transitions at midbit to a positive or high state.
Figure 15.2 shows the three types of words found on a 1553 bus, namely,
command, status, and data. A command word, shown in Figure 15.2a, is always
the first word in any message and can be transmitted only by the bus controller.
Note that the synchronization code is a positive 14 bit time followed by a neg-
ative 14 bit time. Details on the significance of each bit can be found in MIL
Standard 1553 [5].
MIL-Standard 1553 describes ten ways that words can be assembled into
messages. There are six command/response formats and four broadcast for-
mats. The appropriate message format is determined by the bus controller.
Command/response formats require confirmation of receipt of a message
by the designated addressee remote terminal. Broadcast message formats do
not require confirmation of receipt and therefore cannot guarantee that the
address(es) received the message. Because of this lack of a guarantee broadcast
message formats have never been approved for use in U.S. AirForce applica-
I I I I I I : I I I
Bus Remote Subsystem
Controller Terminal with Embedded
Remote Terminal
Co~;~nd ~..-q---t---+-----+1---tl-----+------11----ll
Terminal Mode Count/
Address Mode Code
Status L-CJ--+---I----------1--------------------------Ij---ll
Word 1'-----L----.t____-----L......l
Sync Remote Status Field (See MIL-STD-1553) P
Sync MSB Data P
The single most important interface in any manned aircraft is that between the
aircraft and the crew. This interface takes the form of cockpit displays and
1As an example, FAA Advisory Circular 25-11 Transport Category Airplane Electronic Display
Systems, requires that there be no more than 0.1-sec latency in displaying aircraft attitude
information on cockpit electronic displays. Also it is important to note that typical subsonic
large aircraft velocities are over 600 ft/sec, which can generate substantial data latency issues
in precision navigation systems.
controls (and test and maintenance panels.) Since crew error has historically
played a major role in most aircraft accidents, the cockpit must be designed to
be user friendly and to ensure error-free operation, especially under high work
load and emergency conditions.
Electronic displays dominate the cockpit of modern aircraft, although there
are still many electromechanical displays in use, in some cases as backup to the
electronic displays. Electronic displays offer substantial increases in reliability
and virtually unconstrained flexibility relative to electromechanical displays. 2
The principal electronic display device is a cathode-ray tube (CRT). However,
flat panel liquid crystal display (LCD) devices are rapidly capturing more of
the market since, when compared to CRTs, they require less power and depth
behind the instrument panel, have improved sun light readability, and are intrin-
sically digitally compatible.
Table 15.1 compares the performance of CRT displays on the Douglas MD-
II to LCD displays on the Boeing B-777. Note the reductions in power and
weight for the LCD displays and the improved reliability, measured in mean
time between failures (MTBF).
Figure 15.3a is a picture of the Boeing B-777 cockpit. From left to right on
the instrument panel are the Captain's primary flight display (PFD) and naviga-
tion display (ND), the engine indicator, the crew alerting system (EICAS), and
the first officer's ND and PFD. Below the EICAS display is the multi-function
display (MFD). Because of the intrinsic flexibility of electronic displays, the
B-777 can be dispatched with one display inoperative since the MFD is not
required and the information normally displayed on the other five displays can
be redistributed automatically by the symbol generators to the five remaining
operating displays. Furthermore, all six display units are identical. Any display
unit will operate in any position on the instrument panel, since the information
displayed on it is determined by the display generators and the display unit
connector pin arrangement.
Figures l5.3b and c are close-up views of the PFD and ND, respectively.
0ne av10mcs manufacturer has developed a drop-in replaceable LCD horizontal situation
indicator (HSI) for the United States Air Force F-15 that is lighter and I 00 times more reliable
than the original electromechanical design.
The PFD contains fi ve basic display format s. In the center is the attitude display
that is dominated by the aircraft symbol. the pitch ladder. and the roll sca le. ILS
localizer and glide-slope guidance clots arc below and to the right of the attitude
display, respecti vely. On the left is the airspeed tape with a di gi tal readout of
the airspeed visibl e in the window. Across the top in the three windows arc
the navi gation modes currently engaged. T he abbrev iations in the three upper
windows stand for SPD --- speed: LN AY _c lateral navigation, and VNAV PTH
'- vertical navigation path following. On the right is the altitude tape with a
digital readout of the altitude visible in the window. To the right of the altitude
display is an instantaneous vertical speed indi cator. At the bottom is a segment
of a compass rose showing the curre nt magnetic headi ng. The ND is dom inated
by the compass arc across the top. Also near the top are arrival time and distance
to go to the next waypoint. (In the case shown the aircraft is over the LACR E
waypoint (() nm i) at 1434 Z.) Near the bottom of the ND is a tri ang le that
represents the aircraft ("ow nship.. ).
In addition to the conventi onal electron ic di splays described above that arc
mounted in the in strument panel. two other types of cockpit electron ic d isplays
arc the head-up di splay (HUD) and the helmet-mounted di splay (HMD), fre-
quentl y used on military aircraft. A HUD, which is essentiall y a transpare nt
display, is mounted in the cockpit above the instrument panel in the pil ot's (or
Figure 15.3b Closeup view of the Boeing B-777 primary flight display (courtesy of
the Boeing Company).
first officer 's) field of view when looking outside straight ahead. HUDs display
a limited subset of aircraft, system, and/or target information or a synthetic
or enhanced image of the outside scene. Obviously, the amount and format
of information displayed on a HUD must be very carefully selected to avoid
obscuring the outside scene and confusing the crew members. HUDs are rel-
atively difficult to install, since they consume a lot of valuable space in the
cockpit and must be precisely aligned to ensure the displayed information is true
relative to the outside scene. A typical modern HUD will have a 24° high x 30°
wide field of view and approximately 90% transmittance of the outside scene. A
helmet-mounted display (HMO) is a compact, lightweight display installed on a
helmet that projects into the wearer's field of view critical aircraft, system, and
target information regardless of the direction in which the wearer is looking.
Thus, it has a significant advantage over a HUD in military high-performance
aircraft where the pilot must often look other than straight ahead while still
maintaining control of the aircraft. It is essential that HMDs be very lightweight
and carefully mounted for wearer comfort and to avoid neck injury in the case
of high-acceleration maneuvers or ejection. To correlate the display with the
Figure 15.3c Closeup view of the Boeing B-777 navigation di sp lay (courtesy of th e
Boeing Company).
outside sce ne , the HMO host aircraft must have a helmet tracke r to determine
the direction the helmet is pointing at any time.
Modern civil transport aircraft are often equipped with a flight-management
computer (FMC). typically part of the flight-manage ment system (FMS), which
optimizes the performance and/ or flight path of the aircraft in terms of some
parameter such as fli g ht time or fu e l cost. (Chapter 14.5.7). The most common
interface betwee n the crew and the FMC is a control display unit (CDU) like
the one for a MD-II shown in Figure 15.4. In addition to the alphanumeric
keyboard . there are special-purpose keys that support the llight-planning and
management processes. There are typically three C DU s in the a isl e stand of the
cockpit, one each for the captain and first officer in the front of the aisle stand ,
and one at the rear of the aisle stand intended primarily for use by maintenance
personnel to operate the on-board maintenance system. This third CDU also is
a backup to the other two.
The B-777 aircraft uses a touchpad cursor control for interacting with some
of the displays. Immediate ly be low each llight crew CDU is a touchpad that can
be used to control a cursor on either the CDU display screen or the electronic
library system if in stall ed .
El 1R
El 2R
6L EJ El 6R
Figure 15.4 MD-II Control display unit (courtesy of the McDonnell-Douglas Corpo-
15.4 POWER
Maintenance is a major factor in avionics life cycle costs, since much of the
life-cycle cost is incurred as maintenance cost after the avionics has entered
service. Maintenance costs are driven in large part by the amount of attention
maintenance receives early in the design stage. The key drivers in maintenance
are well designed built-in test (BIT) of the line replaceable unit (LRU, com-
monly called a black box) or line replaceable modules (LRMs); clearly written
maintenance manuals; easy-to-use maintenance aids, and accessibility, both to
replace the LRU and internal to it.
BIT is always a major concern in avionics, since approximately one-half
of the avionics LRUs removed from an aircraft that are thought to be faulty
are in fact not faulty. A common way of stating this situation is that the mean
time between unscheduled removals (MTBUR) is approximately 50% of the
mean time between failure (MTBF). One avionics manufacturer has stated a
goal of increasing MTBUR to 90% of MTBF for some of the B-777 avionics.
3 In the X-29 aircraft a loss of power for more than 0.2 sec will result in an unrecoverable attitude
requiring immediate ejection by the pilot.
ac voltage (volts)
Normal 108.0-118.0 104.0-122.0 A, E, za
Over- and undervoltage 100.0-125.0 97.0-134.0
Emergency 108.0-118.0 (steady state) NA
ac frequency (Hertz)
Normal 393-407 380-420 A, E, Z
Abnormal 375-425 (Same as normal)
Emergency 360-440 (steady state) 350-440 A, E, Z
de voltage (volts)
Normal 22.0-29.0 (28.0 normal) 22.0-29.5 (27.5 nominal) A, Z
24.8-30.3 (27.5 nominal) B
Over- and undervoltage 20.0-31.5 20.5-32.2 A. Z
22.0-32.2 B
Emergency 18.0-29.0 (steady state) 18.0 A, Z; 20.0 B
Starting 12.0-29.0 (steady state) 10.0 for 15
"Refers to equipment categories described in D0-160 as follows: category A- mainly ac power with de from
transformer/rectifier units, mtegory B ~ solely de power with a large battery on the bus, category E = soley
ae power, category Z = mainly ac power with de from variable speed generators.
Maintenance costs are nearly the same for a LRU removal from service that
later checks out to be operational, as for a LRU removal from service that is
truly faulty. This is so because of the additional testing that a good LRU must
undergo to determine that it is, in fact, good. As a typical design goal, BIT
should be able to detect 98% of all possible faults in an LRU and identify 95%
of them. Also, the BIT function should be able to test itself.
Another major consideration is who will be performing the maintenance and
where it will be performed. The general lack of well-experienced maintenance
personnel, coupled with the frequent need to get the aircraft back into the air
as quickly as possible, dictate that maintenance procedures and equipment be
easy to use. The availability of notebook computers with large memory capacity
and reasonably large displays has led to advanced portable maintenance aids
that significantly reduce the troubleshooting time and the unscheduled removals
discussed earlier.
Packaging of the avionics is another type of "interface" with the host aircraft.
Most modern avionics is packaged in accordance with widely used packaging
standards. In commercial transport aircraft and some business jets, the avionics
LRUs are designed in compliance with the ARINC 600 Air Transport Avionics
1--!-- 1.97 in .• 2 places
Connector Area
1 ~
j Re~~
Holddowns Side
~---12.76 in.-----+!
(MCU 5
MCU 12)
Equipment Interface. ARINC 600 establishes standards for the LRU dimen-
sions, cooling air, and connector and tiedown placement. Figure 15.5 shows an
ARINC 600 LRU. For any ARINC 600 LRU, the height and depth are con-
stant, 7.64 and 12.75 in., respectively, but the width can vary from 25 to 256
mm in increments of 33.0 mm, depending on the number of printed circuit
boards inside.
Military avionics is packaged in a much larger variety of nonstandard LRU
designs. The principal approach to standardized packaging for military avionics
is the standard electronics module specified in MIL-M-28787 Modules, Standard
Electronic, General Specification for. There are several optional sizes described
in that specification; however, the one most often selected is size E. Hence, there
are frequent references to SEM-E modules in military avionics publications.
SEM-E modules have a standard height of 6.68 in. and span (depth when viewed
from the front) of 5.88 in. The width (thickness) can range from 0.38 to 0.58
in., in 0.1-in. increments.
Cooling the avionics is often a major issue, since conventional wisdom holds
that the lower the operating temperature of the avionics, the lower is the failure
rate, or, conversely, the longer is the MTBF. 4 For a cooling air inlet tempera-
ture of 30°, ARINC 600 requires a flow rate of 136 kg/hr/kw; for 40°C inlet
air, the flow rate climbs to 200 kg/hr/kw, where kw is the amount of power
being dissipated by the LRU. Another requirement in ARINC 600 is that the
equipment must operate for up to 90 minutes without cooling air. 5 As a pos-
sible indicator of future practice, the B-777 aircraft will use passive cooling,
in which the entire avionics bay is cooled and the ambient bay air cools the
modules using natural convection flow through air gaps between the modules.
Military avionics is often cooled by the metal rail that grips the printed circuit
board card when it is installed in the module. The rail is actively cooled by cir-
culating fluid through it. Also under consideration for advanced military avion-
ics high-power-dissipation cards is the immersion of the entire card directly
into a liquid coolant.
Another critical interface with the host aircraft is the mounting alignment of
certain types of avionics such as navigation sensors, radio-navigation antennas,
radar antennas, and other sensor apertures. Alignment is also critical for HUDs
and HMDs, which were discussed earlier in this chapter.
One concern in the realm of physical interfaces is electromagnetic interfer-
ence (EMI). Modern digital avionics is especially susceptible to EMI because of
the higher processor speeds, smaller element sizes on the electronic chips, and
the increasing loss of shielding as composite materials replace metals. Because
of the complex interaction of electromagnetic fields with the aircraft metallic
structure and wiring, EMI effects are difficult to model and predict, although
progress is being made using finite element methods in programs operating on
high-speed computers. Consequently, many adverse EMI effects are not discov-
ered until the avionics is installed on the host aircraft.
The present trend toward increased integrated avionics and automated cockpits
is expected to continue, driven by even higher-speed microprocessors and data
buses. Over the next decade, more aircraft functions will be allocated to the
avionics, including additional flight critical ones. The avionics will be packaged
in modules that fit into a cabinet that provides cooling air, a backplane data bus,
4 Some reliability experts doubt the validity of the assumption that higher temperatures, at least
within the operating temperature range of most avionics, lead to higher failure rates. They believe
instead that the failure rate is coupled to the number of onjoff cycles an electronic component or
device experiences.
This requirement is driven by the typical airline route structure, which dictates that an aircraft
should be capable of being dispatched with an inoperative cooling system for up to a 11-hr flight
from a remote "spoke" or feeder airport with limited or no-maintenance capability to an airport
where the cooling system can be repaired.
power, and EMI protection. Fault tolerance will become a major design feature
of avionics to ensure error-free operation for long periods. Enhanced vision
systems will be the cornerstone of enhanced situation awareness, leading to
safer operations in low-visibility and crepuscular (e.g., twilight) conditions.
In the longer term, distributed avionics architectures may develop in which
there will be multiple identical avionics cabinets distributed throughout the air-
craft, each of which will be capable of performing all functions, including cen-
tralized ones such as maintenance monitoring and recording.
15.1. Discuss the advantages of fiber-optic data buses over wire data buses.
15.2. Why is it necessary to determine the data latency for a given data bus
15.3. State the advantages of liquid crystal displays over cathode-ray tube dis-
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[38] ARINC Characteristic No. 540. Airborne Doppler radar, Annapolis, MD: Aero-
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[39] RTCA, Inc. Minimum operational performance standards for airborne Doppler
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[41] Tull, W. J., The early history of airborne Doppler systems, Navigation, 43: I
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[I] Kayton, M., and W. R. Fried. Avionics Navigation Systems. New York: Wiley,
[2) Pitman, G. R. Inertial Guidance. New York: Wiley, 1962.
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ica. Symposium on the Strength of Glass and Ways to Improve it, Perkin-Elmer
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!33] National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Light diffusion through high
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[34] Ellison, M. H. The effects of scintillation on telescopic images. Symposium Pro-
ceedings on Astronomical Optics. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1956.
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[37] Glasby, J. S. Variable Stars. London: Constable Ltd., 1968.
[38] Burnham, R., Jr. Burnham's Celestial Handbook, vols. 1~3. New York: Dover,
[39] Green, R. Spherical Astronomy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.
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[I] Kelly, R. J., and J. M. Davis. Required navigation performance (RNP) for pre-
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[2] Directorate of All Weather Operations. National Air Traffic Service (U.K.). Inter-
nal memos of various dates in 1982.
[3] Correspondence titled "RVR Statistiek" from A. J. G. J. Brakke, Aeronautical
Inspection Directorate, Hoofdorp, The Netherlands, November 1994.
[4] The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), headquartered in Mon-
treal, an entity of the United Nations, maintains various Annexes to the (Chicago)
Convention on International Civil Aviation that promulgate standards and rec-
ommended practices (SARPs) to ensure ground/air avionics interoperability. In
addition a large number of manuals and other documents provide guidance on
implementing and operating most aspects of the civil aviation infrastructure:
(a) Annex 10, Aeronautical Telecommunications, vol. 1, 4th ed., April 1985
(b) Annex 14, Aerodromes, 8th ed., March 1983
(c) Doc 9365, Manual of All Weather Operations, Second. Ed., 1991
(d) Operational requirements for a new non-visual precision approach and landing
guidance system for international civil aviation, Report of the 7th Air Navigation
Conference, 1974
(e) Report of the All Weather Operations Divisional Meeting (A WO 78), Doc
9242, 1978
(f) Report of the Fifteenth Meeting of the All Weather Operations Panel, October
(g) Proposed Operational Requirements for Advanced Surface Movement Guid-
ance & Control Systems (A-SMGCS), European Air Navigation Planning Group,
Draft 6, October 1994.
[5] Federal Aviation Administration: Washington, D.C.
(a) Advisory Circular 120-29, Criteria for Approving Category I and Category
II Landing Minima for FAR121 Operations, September 1970
(b) Advisory Circular 120-28c, Criteria for Approval of Category Ill Landing
Weather Minima, March 1984
(c) Advisory Circular 20-57 A, Automatic Landing Systems, January 1971
(d) Handbook 8260.3B, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Proce-
dures (TERPS), 3d ed., July 1976, reprinted August 1993.
(e) Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), current edition
(f) GPS Implementation Plan for Air Navigation and Landing, August 1994.
(g) Order 6750.54, Electronic Installation and Instructions for Instrument Land-
ing System (ILS) Facilities. Dec. 17, 1993. pp. 20. Washington, DC.
[6] Instrument Approach Procedure Charts. Published by the U.S. Coast and Geo-
detic Survey and by the USAF Aeronautical Chart and Information Center at
two-week intervals.
[7] Litchford, G. B. The I 00 ft barrier. Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA (July
1964): 58-65.
[8] AIAA/ION Guidance and Control Conference Proceedings, August 1965:
(a) G. L. Teper and R. L. Stapleford. An assessment of the lateral-directional
handling qualities of a large aircraft in the landing approach, pp. 351-359
(b) J. R. Utterstrom and R. E. Kestek. The Boeing-Bendix precision approach
and landing system, pp. 319-324
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York, 1965.
[9] Redlien, H. W., and R. J. Kelly. Microwave landing system: The new international
standard. Advances in Electron Physics 57 (1981 ).
[10] Cole, D. A Brief Early History of Automatic Landing in the UK. London: CAA
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[11] McGrath, J. L. Trident All Weather Operations. Islip, Middlesex: British Euro-
pean Airways, June 1973.
[12] Lloyd, E., and W. Tye. Systematic Safety. London: CAA House, July 1982.
[ 13] Metz, H. I. A survey of instrument landing systems in the United States.
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[14] Sandretto, P. C. Electronic Avigation Engineering, ITT Corp., New York,
[15] Brockway, A. L. JLS accuracy requirements per JCAO Annex 10. Bendix Cor-
poration, Baltimore, MD, January 1974.
[16] Instrument Landing System Concepts, 7th ed. Federal Aviation Administration
Academy, Catalog No. 40233, March 1986.
[ 17] Kayton, M. The near field of the instrument landing system glide slope. IEEE
Transactions on Aero~pace and Electrical Systems (July 1968): 237.
[18] RTCA, Inc. Washington, DC.
(a) A new guidance system for approach and landing. Document D0-148.
December 18, 1970
(b) Minimum operational performance standards for MLS area navigation equip-
ment. Document D0-198, 1995
(c) Minimum aviation system performance standards DGNSS instrument
approach system, D0-217 including Change I, 1994.
(d) Minimum operational performance standards for airborne ILS localizer
receiving equipment, D0-195, 1986.
(e) Minimum operational performance standards for airborne ILS glide slope
receiving equipment, D0-192, 1986.
(f) Minimum operational performance standards for MLS airborne receiving
equipment, D0-177, 1992.
[ 19] U.S. Air Force, Electronic Systems Center. Specification for the Mobile Micro-
wave Landing System. Revision A. Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, September
[20] Kelly, R. J., and D. R. Cusick, Distance measuring equipment and its evolving
role in aviation. Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics 68 (1986).
[21] van Graas, F., eta!. FAA/Ohio University/UPS Autoland flight test results. 1995
National Technical Meeting, Institute of Navigation, Washington, DC, January
[22] van Graas, F., D. Diggle, and R. Hueschen. Interferometric GPS Flight
Reference/Auto land System: Flight test results. Satellite Division Conference
GPS-93, Institute of Navigation, Washington, DC, September 1993.
[23] Diggle, D. An Investigation Into the Use of Satellite-Based Positioning Systems
for Flight Reference/Auto/and Operations, Ph.D. dissertation Ohio University,
March 1994.
[24] Institute of Navigation, Satellite Division Conference GPS-95, September 1995:
(a) W. Hundley, et al. FAA-Wilcox Electric Category IIIb Feasibility Demonstra-
tion Program-Flight test results
(b) F. van Graas, et a!. FAA/Ohio University/United Parcel Service DGPS
Autoland flight test demonstration
(c) B. Elrod, eta!. Stanford Telecommunications, Test results of local area aug-
mentation of GPS with an in-band pseudolite.
[25] Durand, T. S., and R. J. Wasicko, Factors influencing glide path control in carrier
landing. A/AA 1. Aircraft 4:2 pp. 146-158. 1967. Washington, DC: American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
[26] Schoppe, W. J. The Navy :1· Use of Digital Radio, IEEE Transactions on Commu-
nication, 1979, pp. 1938-1945.
[27] Dornheim, M. A. MM-Radar Shows Commercial Utility, Aviation Week, Novem-
ber 2, 1994, pp. 55-59.
[28] Henry, H. G., R. C. Frietag, R. R. Shaller, and M. Cohn. 1989 IEEE Electron
Devices Symposium (IEDM Convention Record), July 1989, pp. 7.7.1-7.7.4.
[29] Gold, T. Visual perception of pilots in carrier landing. AIAA 1. Aircrajf II: 12 pp.
723-729. 1974. Washington, DC: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astro-
[30] Sharp, R. (ed). JANES FIGHTING SHIPS 1995-96. Surrey, UK: Janes Informa-
tion Group.
[31] EUROCAE, Minimum operational performance specification for ILS/MLS air-
borne receiving equipment. ED-74. Paris, France.
[I] ARINC, Inc. Airborne Global Positioning System Receive!: ARINC Characteris-
tic 743. Aeronautical Radio, Inc., Annapolis, MD 21401. Current edition.
[2] ARINC, Inc. Automatic Dependent Surveillance. ARINC Characteristic 745.
Aeronautical Radio, Inc., Annapolis, MD 2140 I. Current edition.
[3] ARINC, Inc. Aviation Satelllite Communications System. ARINC Characteristic
741. Aeronautical Radio, Inc., Annapolis, MD 21404. Current edition.
[4] Congress of the United States of America, Federal Aviation Act of 1958. Public
Law 85-726, as amended. U.S. Congress, Washington, DC, August 23, 1958.
[5] Department of the Air Force, Instrument Flying. AFM 5137. Government Print-
ing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Current edition.
[6] Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 121. Gov-
ernment Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Current edition.
[7] Federal Aviation Administration, Pilot:~ Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge.
Advisory Circular 61-23. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
Current edition.
[8] Federal Aviation Administration, Airman Information Manual. Government
Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Current edition.
[9] Federal Aviation Administration, Approval of Area Navigation Systems for Use in
the U.S. National Airspace System. Advisory Circular 90-45. Government Print-
ing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Current edition.
[I 0] Federal Aviation Administration. United States Standard for Terminal Instru-
ment Procedures (TERPS). FAA Handbook 8260.3. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC 20402. Current edition.
[II] Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Control. FAA Order 7110.65. Gov-
ernment Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Current edition.
[121 Federal Aviation Administration, Instrument Flying Handbook. Advisory Circular
61-27. Government Printing Office, Washington. DC 20402. Current edition.
[ 13 J Federal Aviation Administration. National Airspace System Operational Con-
cept. NAS-SR-130, DOT/FAA/SE-93/ I. National Technical Information Ser-
vice, Springfield, VA 22161. June 1993.
[ 14] Federal Aviation Administration. U.S. National Aviation Standard for the Global
Positioning System Standard Positioning Service. FAA Order 6880.1. Federal
Aviation Administration, Washington, DC 20591. Current edition.
[ 15] Federal Aviation Administration. Airborne Supplemental Navigation Equipment
Using the Global Positioning System (GPS). Technical Standard Order Cl29.
Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, DC 20591. Current edition.
[ 161 Federal Aviation Administration. Aviation System Capacity Plan. Federal Avia-
tion Administration, Washington, DC 20591. Current edition.
[34] Miller, C. A., et a!. Report of the Future System Design Working Group. Federal
Aviation Administration, Washington, DC 20591. November 1990.
[35] Miller, C. A., and J. J. Fee. Future management of oceanic air traffic. Avionics.
August 1991.
[36] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. U.S. Terminal Procedures.
National Ocean Service, NOAA, N/CG33, Rieverdale, MD 20737.
[37] Nolan, M. S. Fundamentals rif Air Traffic Control. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth,
f38] Orlando, V. A. The Mode S beacon radar system. Lincoln Laboratory Journal
vol. 2, no. 3 (special issue on ATC). Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Lexington, MA 02173-91108. Fall 1989.
[39] Pozesky, M. T., and M. K. Mann. The US air traffic control system architecture.
Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 77, no. 11 (special issue on ATC). November 1989.
f40] Pozesky, M. T. Concepts and Description of the Future Air Traffic Management
System for the United States. Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, DC
20591. April 1991.
f41] Roy, A., and A. D. Martelli. Aeronautical VHF datalink: Present and future. Pro-
ceedings of Third Annual International Aeronautical Telecommunications Sympo-
sium on Data Link Integration. Federal Aviation Administration and Aeronautical
Radio, Inc., Annapolis, MD, May 1991.
[42 J RTCA, Inc. Report rif Special Committee 159 on Minimum Aviation System Per-
formance Standards (MASPs) for Global Positioning System (CPS). D0-202.
RTCA, Inc., Washington, DC 20036. Current edition.
[43] RTCA, Inc. Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Airborne Supple-
mental Navigation Equipment Using Global Positioning System (CPS). D0-208.
RTCA, Inc., Washington, DC 20036. Current edition.
[44] RTCA, Inc. Task Force Report on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Transition and Implementation Strategy. RTCA, Inc., Washington, DC 20036.
September 1992.
[45] RTCA, Inc. Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Air Traffic Control
Radar Beacon System/ Mode Select (ATCRBS/ Mode S) Airborne Equipment. DO-
ISlA. RTCA, Inc., Washington, DC 20036. Current edition.
[46] RTCA, Inc. Minimum Operational Performance Standard for Airborne Automatic
Dependent Surveillance (ADS). D0-212. RTCA, Inc., Washington, DC 20036.
Current edition.
(47] RTCA, Inc. Minimum Operational Performance Standard for Mode S Airborne
Data Link Processor. D0-203. RTCA, Inc., Washington, DC 20036. Current edi-
[48] RTCA, Inc. Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Aeronautical
Mobile Satellite Services (AMSS). D0-210. RTCA, Inc., Washington, DC 20036.
Current edition.
[49] RTCA, Inc. Guidance mz Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service (AMSS) End-to-
End System Performance. RTCA, Inc., Washington, DC 20036. To be published.
f50] RTCA, Inc. Design Guidelines and Recommended Standards to Support Open
Systems Interconnection for Aeronautical Mobile Digital Communications. D0-
205. RTCA, Inc., Washington, DC 20036. Current edition.
[51] RTCA, Inc. Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Traffic Alert and
Collision Avoidance System (TCAS II) Airborne Equipment. D0-185, Vol I and
II. RTCA, Inc., Washington, DC 20036. Current edition.
[52] RTCA, Inc. Minimum Operational Performance Standards for an Active Traffic
Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (Active TCAS I) for Revenue Passenger
Operations. D0-197 A. RTCA, Inc., Washington, DC 20036. Current edition.
[53] RTCA, Inc., Final report of RTCA Task Force 3 Free .flight implementation, Octo-
ber 26, 1995.
[54] Sorensen, J., et al. Opportunities for integrating the aircraft FMS with the future
air traffic management system. 37th Annual Air Traffic Control Association Con-
ference Proceedings. Air Traffic Control Association, Inc., Arlington, VA 22201.
November 1992.
[55] Stallings, W. Data and Computer Communications. New York: Macmillian, 1988.
[56] Stevens, M. C. Secondary Surveillance Radar. Boston: Artech House, 1988.
[57] Stone, M. L., and J. R. Anderson. Advances in Primary Radar. Lincoln Labo-
ratory Journal vol. 2, no. 3 (special issue on ATC). Lincoln Laboratory, Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, MA 02173-91108. Fall 1989.
[58] Unisys Corporation. Automated Radar Terminal System (ARTS IIA) System
Description. Unisys Corporation, Paoli, PA 19301. May 1987.
[59] U.S. Department of Transportation and U.S. Department of Defense. Federal
Radionavigation Plan. National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA
22161. Published in even-numbered years.
[60] Van Sickle, N. D. Modern Airmanship. Tab Books, Inc., Blue Ridge Summit,
PA. Current edition.
[61] Williamson, T., and N. Spencer. Development and operation of the Traffic Alert
and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). Proceedings r!f the IEEE, vo!. 77, no.
II (special issue on ATC). November 1989.
[ 1] U.S. Department of the Navy. Advanced avionics architecture and technology
review. Final report. U.S. Navy Naval Air Systems Command, August 1993.
[2] Aeronautical Radio, Inc. ARINC 429 Digital Information Tramfer System.
Annapolis, MD. 1993.
[3] Spitzer, C. R. Digital Avionics Systems, 2d ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993.
[4] RTCA, Inc. D0-160 Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne
Equipment. Washington, DC, 1989.
[5] MIL-STD-1553 Digital Time Division Command/Response Multiplex Bus,
September 1986.
[6] MIL-STD-704 Aircraft Electrical Power Characteristics, May 1991.
Use this index in conjunction with the Table of Contents. Acronyms are defined in ital-
ics. Listings are under the noun except where an expression is commonly used, in which
case the listing is under the adjective (e.g., Kalman filter or multisensor navigation).
When navigation is the noun, the listing is under the adjective or the navaid. Some
expressions are listed only under the acronym (e.g., FIR, FANS, AGC). Page numbers
lead the reader to the vicinity of the topic in the book but not necessarily to all pages
on which the expression occurs.
AHRS, attitude and heading reference system Air traffic management, 642 ff
(cont'd) advisory, 658, 6 70, 686
with magnetic compass, 443 alert, 686
with navcom, 14 blocks, 12
simple inertial, 389 China, 13
AIM, Airman:, Inj{mnation Manual, 645 display, 673-675
Air, properties, see Atmosphere; Ionosphere; oceanic, 12, 13, 660-661
Troposphere; Weather positive control, 12, 645
Airbus HUD, 637 procedural, 13
Air carrier, 3, 96, 656, 676 radar, 12, 664-667
Air Carrier Operating Certificate, 644 railroad precedent, 13
Aircraft, types, 3-7, 659 Russia, 12-13
Aircraft carrier: undeveloped areas, I 3
alignment. INS, 377 vs. on-board, 675-676
deck dimensions, 630-631 See also Airport; Airspace; Capacity; Landing;
deck motion, 631 Mode-C; Separation
operations, 631-632 Airway:
optical landing aid, 633-634 area navigation, 42-43
landing systems, 630 ff dimensions, 646-649
Tacan, 633, 636 jet route, 646
Air data: low altitude, 646
boom, 395 steering, 41-42
computer, 409-411 US structure, 646-649
distributed ports, 421 Victor, 646
helicopter, 413 ff AJ, anti-jam, 230. See also Jamming
history, 400 ALA-52, 497
hypersonic, 421 Alarm:
optical, 418 ff limit, 266
smart probes, 424 navaid integrity, II
system, 393 tf radar. false, 540
Air Force, see United States star selection, 583
Airport: Alaska, 152
capacity, 681 Aliasing, 24 7
control tower, 655 Alert:
cornerpost tix, 659 conflict, 678
ILS installation, 608, 618 flag, GPS, 221
lighting, 600--{)0 I, 651 height, 599
reliever, 681 limit, GNSS, 263, 266
sensitive area, 620 TCAS, 684
surface detection radar, 604 Alford loop, 123-124
surface navigation, 9, 605, 638 Alignment, 317 ff
surface reflection, 619 avionics, 703
surveillance radar, 664-667, 683 azimuth, 86
traffic control, 642 ff directional gyro, 446
See also Approach; Departure; Ground control; coarse, 382
Runway fine, 383
Airspace: gyrocompassing, 384 ff
capacity, 681 maneuver-match, 388
Class A and B, 645 memory, 381
controlled, 644-645 numerical example, 392
oceanic control area, 680-681 optical, 381
organization of, 645-646 preflight. 592
positive control, 645 runway, 381
special use, 646 stellar-inertial. 560, 592-593
terminal controL 645, 655 transfer, 380-388, 446
uncontrolled. 645-646 vertical gyro, 446
US airway system, 646-649 Sec also Calibration
See also Air traffic management Allan variance, 190-192, 208
Airspeed: Allied Signal, 497
calibrated, 397, 406-407 Almanac:
damping of INS. 6 7-68 GLONASS, 251
during carrier landing, 631 GPS, 220, 224-22."i
equivalent, 397 star, 5."i6
"hold," 15 Alpheratz, 571, 573
indicated, 397 Altimeter:
Mach calculation, 405 haro-inertial. 297, 3 75
true, 407, 418 barometric, II. 644
Aviation: riding. 2
air carrier, 3, 96, 656 See also Doppler radar; Radar: Airborne
general, 3, 682 Beam width:
Aviation System Capacity Plan, 681 Doppler, 460 ff, 476
Avionics: ILS, 609-610,612,617
architecture, 18 :\IlLS, 623, 625
bay, 3-5 radar, 504
described. 15-16, 115, 691 ll radar altimeter, 492
interfaces, 691 ff Bearing:
military, 16 to autopilot, 21
partitioning, 18 computation, 38-40
subsystems, 16 illustration, 30
See also Packaging measurement of, 32
AWACS airborne warning and conrml system 290 relative, 39
Azimuth: Bearing, gyro, 344
calculation of, 34, 281-282 Beaufort scale, 475
from direction cosines, 385 Bellamy, J .C.. 12
free, 371 Bends. ILS, see Multipath
MLS scan, 621-625 Bessel sidebands, 466-467
radar, 506, 508, 558 Betelgeuse, 585
SAR, 513 ff Bias:
star calculation. 556 accelerometer, 323, 559, 561
wander, 29. 366, 370-373 clock, 83
See also Heading Doppler radar, 65, 462, 489, 559, 561
gyro, 65, 87, 341, 345, 579
B-1, 284, 450, 530 mini, 385
B-2, 551 radar velocity. 528
B-52. 450 star sensor, 59!-592
B-58, 551 Bins, range, 515, 519 ff
Back azimuth, MLS, 621 BIT, built-in resr:
Back-course, ILS, 613 air data, 411, 423
Background light, see Atmmphcre LRU, 700-701
Backscattering: radar, 456. 504, 549
coefficient. 474-475 See also Failure detection; Fault tolerance;
Doppler radar. 452 ff Monitor
mapping radar, 507 BITE. built-in tesr equipmenr, sec BIT
Ball-bank indicator, II, 400 Black Sea, 17 5
Bandwidth: Blanking, Loran, 140
air data, 402 BLEU, Blind Landing Experimemal Unir. UK, 605
antenna, 475 Blinking. Loran, 139, 145
data bus, 693 Block:
Doppler. 475 air traffic control, 12
GPS-IF. 236 strapdown instrument, 356-35X
GPS P-code. 216 Blunder:
Omega, 169 navigation error, 48
radar altimeter, 493 parallel approaches, 683
Band, see Frequency bands Boeing aircraft:
Barn-inertial, 374-375 air data, 402, 412
Bm·omcter, see Altimeter cooling, 703
Barometric correction, 405 data bus, 694
Baseband, 216 displays, 695-697
Baseline, Loran, !53 display photos, 696
Batteries, 18 HUD, 637
Beacon: landing systems, 605
ATC radar. 665-667 MLS. 626
carrier landing, 634 MTBF. 700
DME, 131-133 Bogue, R.K .. 421
fan, 121-122 Bolter, 633. See also Missed approach
four-course. II Boltzmann's constant, 4 73
lighted. II Bomber. 5
non-directional, 13, 120-121, 662 Bombing, radar, 503
radar mode, 503 Boresight:
Tacan, 133 telescope. 563, 590
See also Interrogator: Marker beacon; See also Antenna
Tramponder Boundary layer, 578
Beam: BPSK, binary phase-shiji keying, 213, 278,671
pencil, 533, 538 Brazil, 152
instrument, 49 Codes:
Lambert, 28 CjA, 214
Mercator, 16 Gold, 214
radar strip map, 5 16 forward error correcting, 271
SAR, 509-5 I 0 GPS spectrum, 216
terrain matching, 37-38 GPS tracking, 241
UTM, 28 P-, 216
visual, 49 PRN, 213-218
Chayka, 173-176 transponder, 657
Checkpoint, see Waypoint See also Spread-spectrum
China: Coherent:
enroute navigation, 13 Doppler radar, 464
Loran coverage, 152, 176 processing interval 540
Chip: video, 512
GPS processing, 240 Collision-avoidance:
See also EPROM; GaAs; MMIC; RAM; ROM; subsystem. 16
PROM; Spread-spectrum taxiway, 9
Chipping rate, 214, 2 I 6, 302 TCAS, 684-686, 688
Chronometer, 57 5 See also Separation
Cicada, 178 Colorado Springs, USA, 208
Circular error, see CEP Comanche helicopter, 414
CIS, Confederation of Independent States: Combat, see Military
air traffic control, 12-13 Communication, air-ground:
Chayka, 152, 173-176 ATM, 645, 658
en-route navigation, 13 aircraft carrier, 634-635
GLONASS, 178, 257-262 civil, 119
helicopters, 414 differential GPS, 250
magnetic field, 437 differential Omega, 167
Tsikada, 178 digital, 670, 687
Clearance: HF, 660
air traffic, 645 integrated with navigation, 283 ff
delivery, 655, 657-680 JTIDS. 284 ff
obstacle, 648, 653 military, 119
Clearance signal, ILS, 609-610 Mode-S, 667
CLOC, central oscillator control, 307 oceanic. 660
Clock: PLRS, 311
air-data computer, 409 satellite, I 5, 670
atomic, 204 subsystem, I 5
drift, 190 traffic control, 669-6 72
error model, 82-83, 184 Communication, interfacility:
GPS, 190-192, 204, 208 ATM, 661
JTIDS synchronized, 284, 286 ff, 298 ionospheric, 108
Loran. 146 Communication-navigation system:
ofbet. 13, 35, 168, 184 en-route, 8
Omega, 164-165, 168 nodal, 284
one-way ranging error, 36 nodelcss, 283
stability, 32, 168. 190-192 post GPS, 279, 390
synchronization, 36 satellite, 8, 9, 15
time-difference error, 36 terrestrial, 283 ff
See also each navaid: Oscillator; Time definition; See also Inmar.sat: JTIDS; PLRS;
Time measurement WAAS
Clock correction: Community, navigation:
DGPS, 250 JTIDS, 288
GLONASS, 262 PLRS, 300
GPS, 222-224 Commutativity, 349
JTIDS drift, 286 Compass:
passive synchronization. 287 astro, 446
relativistic, 227 gyro, 436
Clouds, see Weather radiomagnctic, 426
CLR. !LS clearance signal, 609-610 See also Magnetic compass
CMC-2012, 490 Compensation:
CNES, Centre National des Etudes Spatia/e.\·, 202 air data, 402 ff
Coarse/acquisition code, 198 antenna stabilization, 134
Coast Guard. see USCG GPS frequency, 194
Cockpit workload, 530. See also Controb; magnetic, 438
Displays meatball, 634
Coder, GPS, 240, 247 vertical gyroscope, 434
See also BIT; Category III; Failure detection; radar manual, 503
Monitor; RA!M; Safety-critical radar reference, 505
FCS, flight contml system radar update, 506
FOE, fault detection and exclusion, 264 radio, 32, 112
FDMA, frequency division multiple access, 257 rho-rho, 113-114
FEC, forward errror correction, 271 rho- theta, 113
Federtrl Aviation Administration (US), see FAA semiautomatic radar, 509 ff
Federal Radionavigation Plan (US), 136, 145, 200, Tercom. 37-38
662 theta-theta, 113
Federated, 93-96 FL, flight level, 644
See also Architecture Flare maneuver:
FFT fast Fourier transf(mn: carrier landing, 63 I
radar, 497. 540 described. 603-607
SAR, 519 dispersions, 607
target detection, 540 equations, 603
Fibcroptics: guidance, 606
gyro, 336 Flight control system:
interconnects. 548, 693 accelerometer, 426
Field of view: bank angle. 41-42
optical. 566 ff carrier landing, 634
radar, 508 fail-operational, 599, 637
Field stop, 565 fail-passive, 599, 637
Filter: landing, 597. 603-607, 609
anti-aliasing, 247 subsystem, I, IS
bank, 546, 548 terrain f(Jllowing, 530, 536-538
bam-inertial. 375 Flight-critical, see Safety-critical
Doppler inertial, 67 Flight director, ILS, 599
Doppler radar. 469-470 Flight level, 644
GPS-IF. 236 Flight management system, 16, 409, 670, 675, 688,
gyrocompass, 385 698
leakage elimination, 465 Flight path angle, 30, 375
least squares, 70-72 Flight plan. ATC:
leveling, 383 contract, 645
Loran notch. 15 I !FR. 656
marker beacon, 618 processing, 678
matched. 285, 574 VFR, 657
multisensor. 55 ff Flight rules. see IFR; VFR
notch. 151 Flight service station, 32, 656, 680
PLRS tracking. 307-308 Flight strips, 678, 680
radar beam sharpening. 513-514 Flight technical error, 44, 116,254, 647,653
radar matched, 539 Flight test, see each navaid; Test
recursive, 70-72, 75 FUR. For>Vard-looking infrared detector. 530, 636
SAR, 515 ff FLOLS, Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System,
satellite triplexer, 206 632-634
SAW, 236 Flow, ATC, 658
sensor errors, 70 Flux gate, 440-441
transfer alignment, 387 Fly by wire, 18
vertical gyroscope, 433 FMC, flight management computer, see Flight
weighting functions. 71 management system
See also Kalman filter; Multisensor navigation FM-CW, frequency modulated continuous wave:
Final approach segment. 654. See also Approach altimeter, 493-497
l-'IR, flight information region, 680 Doppler radar, 466-469
Fire control. 16, 413 FMS, see Flight management system
Fix: 1/nurnber. telescope, 566
absolute, 114. 283 FOC, full operational capabilitY. 175
arrival, 659 Focal length, 565
automatic radar, 509-511 Focal plane, optical:
celestial, 2, 551 defined, 565
differential, 114 sensor array, 573-574, 637
final. 600, 653 Focus. radar, see SAR
holding. 658 FOG, fiber-optic gyro, 336 ff
hyperbolic. 164 Forrestal, 631
inertial, 69, 313-314 Foucault pendulum. 61
initial, 600, 653 Formation flight. 18
intermediate, 653 Fortran, 51
metering. 658 Four-dimensional navigation. 16
Omega, 162-165 Frame, GPS, 220