Mat3004 Applied-linear-Algebra TH 1.1 47 Mat3004
Mat3004 Applied-linear-Algebra TH 1.1 47 Mat3004
Mat3004 Applied-linear-Algebra TH 1.1 47 Mat3004
3 2 0 0 4
Pre-requisite MAT2002 Applications of Differential and Syllabus Version
Difference Equations
Course Objectives
1. Understanding basic concepts of linear algebra to illustrate its power and utility through
applications to computer science and Engineering.
2. Apply the concepts of vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices and inner product
spaces in engineering.
3. Solve problems in cryptography, computer graphics and wavelet transforms
Course Outcomes
At the end of this course the students are expected to learn
1. the abstract concepts of matrices and system of linear equations using decomposition
2. the basic notion of vector spaces and subspaces
3. apply the concept of vector spaces using linear transforms which is used in computer
graphics and inner product spaces
4. applications of inner product spaces in cryptography
5. Use of wavelet in image processing.