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Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division
Course Handout (Part-II)
Date: 07/01/2019
In addition to Part-I (General Handout for all Courses appended to the time table) this portion
gives further specific details regarding the Course.

Course No. : MATH F112

Instructor-incharge : ASHISH TIWARI
Instructors : Amol Holkundkar, Balram Dubey, Bhupendra Kumar Sharma,
Biswanath Layek, Devendra Kumar, Gaurav Dwivedi, Jitender
Kumar, Krishnendra Shekhawat, Madhukar Mishra, Rajesh Kumar,
Rakesh Choubisa, Sandeep Dalal, Sangita Yadav, Shivi Agarwal,
Trilok Mathur.

1. Scope and Objective of the Course: The course is meant as an introduction to Theory of
Functions of Complex Variable and their applications and Linear Algebra.

2. Course Description: Function of complex variables and their analyticity, Elementary

functions, Integration, Taylor and Laurent series expansions, Calculus of residues and its
applications. System of linear equations, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Vector spaces, Basis
and dimension of vector spaces, Linear transformations, Range and kernel.

3. Text Books:

(i) Complex Variables and Applications by R.V. Churchill and J.W. Brown, 8th Edition, 2014,
(ii) Elementary Linear Algebra: Application Version by H. Anton and Chris Rorres, John
Wiley & Sons, 11th Ed., 2014.

4. Reference Books:

(i) A First Course in Complex Analysis with Applications by Dennis G. Zill & Patrick
Shanahan, 2nd Edition, 2009, Jones & Bartlett.
(ii) Complex Variables with Applications by A. D. Wunsch, 3rd Edition, 2004, Pearson
(iii) Elementary Linear Algebra by S. Andrilli and D. Hecker, 4th Edition, 2012, Elsevier.
(iv) Introductory Linear Algebra: An Applied First Course by Bernard Kolman and David R.
Hill, 9th Edition, 2014, Prentice Hall.
(v) Introduction to Linear Algebra with applications by J. Defranza and D. Gagliardi,
McGraw-Hill Education, 2012.

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Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division
5. Course Plan:

Module No. Lecture Sessions Referen Learning outcome

1 To revise the L1.1- L1.2: Review 1-11 Quick revision of complex
basic concepts of numbers and their properties.
complex numbers
2 To introduce L2.1 Functions of a complex 12,15-18 Students will be able to evaluate
continuity and variable. Limit and the limits and continuity of
analyticity of continuity functions in complex plane.
functions of a L2.2- L2.4 Derivative, CR- 19-26 Students will be able to check the
complex variable equations, analytic functions, analyticity of a complex valued
harmonic functions function.
3 To introduce L3.1-L3.4 Exponential, 29-36 The present module develops an
elementary trigonometric and hyperbolic understanding of basic elementary
functions in functions. Logarithmic functions, multiple valued
complex variables functions, complex function, branch cut and branch
exponents, inverse functions point
4 To introduce L4.1-L4.2 Contour integrals, 37-44 Integration along a curve in
complex anti-derivatives complex plane.
5 Contour L5.1-L5.2 Cauchy--Goursat 46,48-52 Students will be able to understand
Integration and Theorem, Cauchy Integral techniques to find integrals of
Applications Formula, Morera’s Theorem, different functions over particular
Cauchy’s Inequaliy contours.
L5.3 Liouville’s Theorem, 53 Application of complex variable
Fundamental Theorem of theory in Abstract Algebra.
6 To introduce L6.1 Laurent series 60,62
The present module develops an
series expansion, understanding of series expansion
residues and of a function analytic in an annular
applications domain and different types of
singular points.
L6.2-L6.3 Poles, Residues, 68-76 Calculating residues at isolated
Residue Theorem, zeros singular points.
7 Computing L7.1-L7.2 Improper real 78-81,85 Application of complex integration
improper real integrals. to evaluate improper real integral.

B. LINEAR ALGEBRA (Text Book (ii))

8 System of linear L8.1-L8.3 Introduction to 1.1, 1.2, Solving system of linear equations
equations and Systems of Linear Equations, 1.5 and finding inverse of a matrix

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AUGS/ AGSR Division
elementary row Gaussian Elimination, using row operations
operations on Elementary Matrices and
matrices finding inverse of a matrix
using elementary row
9 Concepts of real L9.1-L9.4 Real Vector 4.1-4.3 Introduction to abstract vector
vector spaces and Spaces, Subspaces, Linear spaces, finite dimensional vector
subspaces Independence spaces and related concepts.
10 Concepts of L10.1-L10.4 Basis, 4.4-4.5, Finding minimal subset of a vector
basis, dimension Dimension, Row Space, 4.7-4.8 space to generate the complete
and rank of a Column Space, and Null vector space.
matrix Space, Rank, Nullity of a
11 Geometrical L11.1-L11.2 Basic Matrix 4.9, 4.10
Introduction to linear
interpretation of Transformations in R2 and R3, transformations, examples of linear
linear Properties of Matrix transformations, understanding the
transformation Transformations link between linear transformations
and matrices.
12 Linear L12.1-L12.3 General Linear 8.1-8.3 Students will be able to understand
Transformation Transformations, Dimension basic properties of lnear
and properties theorem for linear transformations and to check
transformations, Isomorphism whether the transformation is
invertible or not.
13 coordinate L13.1-L13.2 Coordinates, 4.4, 4.6, Applying coordinate representation
representation and Change of Basis, Matrices 8.4 to compute matrix of a linear
applications for General Linear transformation
14 Eigenvalues L14.1-L14.2 Eigenvalues and 5.1 Computing eigenvalues and
and eigenvectors eigenvectors. eigenvectors.

6. Evaluation Scheme:

EC Evaluation Weightage Nature of

Duration Date
No. Component (%) Component
1. Mid Semester Exam 90 min. 35 14/3 11:00 - Closed Book
12:30 PM

2. Class Performance 15 min. 20 Unannounced Closed Book

Tests (Quizzes) each
3. Comprehensive Exam 180 min. 45 8/5 AN Closed Book/
Open Book

7. Notices: All notices about the course will be put on Department of Mathematics Notice
Board and on NALANDA.

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AUGS/ AGSR Division
8. Chamber Consultation Hour: To be announced in the class by the respective Instructors.

9. Make UP Policy:
(i) NO MAKE UP will be given in Class Performance Tests under any circumstances.

(ii) Make up of other evaluation components (Mid Sem. and Comprehensive Exam) will
be granted only in genuine cases. Permission must be taken in advance except in
extreme cases.

(iii) MAKE-MAKE-UP will not be entertained.

(iv) Students must write their class performance tests in their own tutorial sections
ONLY. If a student would write any of class performance tests in a section, different from
his own tutorial section, then it would not be evaluated.


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