Digging Deeper: Presented by Veronica Williams
Digging Deeper: Presented by Veronica Williams
Digging Deeper: Presented by Veronica Williams
What does it
Stresses engaging with a text of
sufficient complexity directly and
mean to dig
examining meaning thoroughly and
methodically, encouraging students
to read and reread deliberately
It requires students to:
● Look at the meaning of a text
What is it all about?
● Give attention to detail
● To reflect on their own thinking
(metacognition), but reflect on
other’s thinking. (the author!)
Why is digging It expands their knowledge of the
text; the deeper students dig, the
deeper more they are able to
comprehend the text
significant for Teaches students how to look for
understanding and meaning when
reading it isn’t explicitly stated
❏ Think Aloud
● A method that is recommended for modeling how and what we want our
students to think about as they read
❏ Question Answer Relationship (QAR)
● Students will begin to recognize where their questions stem from and
better yet find the evidence in the text to support their thinking
❏ Reciprocal Teaching
● A student led process where students discuss a lot; includes predicting,
questions, clarifying, and summarizing.
❏ Close Reading and Determining Importance
● A process that helps our students categorize the information drawn from
the text in order of importance
Reading Lesson of the Day:
Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or
concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.
Student will be able to describe key details from the text in their own words, expand on them
(dig deep and draw new conclusions), and provide evidence from the text to support.
Text of the Day:
Happy chemicals are controlled by tiny brain structures that all mammals have in
common: the hippocampus, amygdala, pituitary, hypothalamus, and other parts
collectively known as the limbic system.
Your cortex looks for patterns in the present that match patterns you connected in
the past.
Your limbic system releases neurochemicals that tell your body “this is good for you,
go toward it”, and “this is bad for you, avoid it”.
Look at the chart and dig deep!
What chemical might be activated if you hit your hand on your desk and instead of
crying you continue working on your test?
What chemical might be activated if you are trying to win first place in the spelling
If you are working hard to get your peers to join you at the lunch table, you might
have activated which chemical?
Being honest and noble will likely activate which chemical in your body?
If we did not have chemicals in our body, how do you think we would function
and respond to different situations?
What other chemicals in the human body can you think of that we have not yet
What is the purpose of them and how do they relate/work with the happy