The Nature of Reading

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Building a

of Readers
Understanding Literacy with
Literacy Instruction that Works
(The Nature of READING)
Session Objectives:

At the end of the session participants are expected to:

1. examine teaching practices that will help uncover belief in

reading process;
2. explain the nature of reading;
3. realize that the reader has a significant role in the reading
process and that his/her attitude and motivation affect his/her
reading performance;
4. apply research – based practices in teaching children learn to
read and read to learn
Anticipation Guide

Your belief and what you know affect how you teach your learners. Study each statement below
and respond to it by checking “Agree” or “Disagree”


________1. Before children learn to read they should know the sounds of most _________
________2. The more symbols (letter or words) there are in a text, the longer _________
it will take to read it.
________3. We gather meaning from what we read. _________
________4. When one reads one tries to find some cues in an effort to make _________
sense of the written text.
________5. Visual information provided by maps, charts, or pictures help _________
young readers store and retrieve information they have read.
________6. A reader who is familiar with the subject matter of a text already. _________
has a basis for making sense of it.
Why READING Matters ……

A child’s success or failure in school begins

with their earliest literacy experiences at home.
But is not solely up to the parents to provide
these rich experiences.
As it has been said, ”It takes a village to
raise a child.” All those with vested interest in a
child’s success must take responsibility for that
child’s success in school – families, teachers,
school heads.
Jacqueline Kenney
What is Reading?
. . . a dynamic process in which the
reader interacts with the text to
construct meaning. Inherent in
constructing meaning is the reader’s
ability to activate prior knowledge,
use reading strategies, and adapt
to the reading situation.
Why READING Matters ……

Reading isn’t just about literacy; it’s

far more than that. Reading changes
the way our brains work, how we
relate to and communicate with
other people, and how we
understand the world.
Alternative Views About READING

1. Reading as SKILL
2. Reading as PROCESS
4. Reading as DEVELOPMENT
5. Reading as STRATEGY
Alternative Views About READING

Reading as SKILL
While the reader’s knowledge of
language is recognized as an integral
part of reading print, reading is
viewed as a skill that is learned. In
fact, reading is a unitary skill that we
use to process texts.
Reading as a Skill
Reading as a Skill
Reading as a Skill
Alternative Views About READING

Reading as PROCESS

The reading process, also known

as the meaning – making process,
provides an explanation of “how
reading happens” (Cambourne, 1998).
To construct meaning, readers draw
on, or sample the language information
available to them.
Alternative Views About READING

Comprehension occurs in the
transaction between the reader and the
Reading Situation
* Purpose
* Setting (Kucer 2001; Rosenblatt, 1978)
Alternative Views About READING
Interactive Model of Reading Comprehension
Alternative Views About READING

Reading is an interplay of one’s experience, oral
language, and ability to interpret written symbols as
shown in the diagram.
Alternative Views About READING

Reading as STRATEGY
Strategies are conscious, flexible plans a reader
applies to a variety of texts.

The use of strategies implies awareness, reflection, and

interaction between the reader and the author.

Strategies do not operate individually or sequentially, but are

interrelated and recursive.

The goal is the active construction of meaning and the ability

to adapt strategies to varying reading demands.
Alternative Views About READING

Learner Strategies

Cognitive Metacognitive
Previewing Predicting/Inferring
Highlighting Self-Questioning
Outlining Monitoring/Clarifying
Taking notes Evaluating
Mapping information Summarizing
Rereading Visualizing
Finding key vocabulary
Alternative Views About READING

1. Reading as SKILL
2. Reading as PROCESS
4. Reading as DEVELOPMENT
5. Reading as STRATEGY
Discussion Questions:
1. What is reading? What does dynamic process mean?
2. What are the important and/or crucial elements that the
reader needs to be able to interact with the text.
3. What are the five alternative views about reading?
4. Using the chart provided fill in the column as indicated:
Nature of Key points/your Its implication to What do you think
Reading/Views take away you as reading are the challenge/s
about Reading supervisor met based on what
is/are the reality/ies
in the field?
Reflection Questions:

1. Learning all these, how should learners be taught to


2. Why Do you think we still have frustrated readers even

in the higher grades?

Professional Development Plan

Write a PDP following the given format. As a Reading Coordinators what will you
Intent to STOP, SUSTAIN, and START doing.


Children Learn to Read and Write
Good readers aren’t born.
They’re created.
Created as the evening clock stands still
And the minutes of a bedtime story reign supreme.

Good writers aren’t born.

They’re taught.
Taught to revere writing as an important tool, the nuts
and bolts linking them to the world beyond.
Guaranteed to strengthen the mind of an
Impressionable child.
Children Learn to Read and Write

Good readers and writers aren’t born.

They’re inspired.
Inspired by teachers who value reading and writing, as the
keys to knowledge and success.

Who READ and WRITE like they breathe….

Continuously, steadily, and automatically.

Adapted from:
“A daughter learns to read”
by: Mardi C. Dilks, The Reading Teacher
Vol. 56 No. 3 November 2002

Thank You ……

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