Introducing A Classmate 2021
Introducing A Classmate 2021
Introducing A Classmate 2021
While viewing the video, INTRODUCE A CLASSMATE, write under each column what is
POSITIVE, INTERESTING and NEGATIVE about the speaker and her topic. (10 points)
Speaker Presentation
(How is it presented?)
Positive: I found that the speaker’s Positive: I applaud the great use of
voice is pleasingly loud and has visual effects. It was simple and
confidence on her speech. There were straightforward. It was categorized
great use of facial expression and hand properly and enough pictures were
gestures. Her tone has variation that shown. She even emphasized it using
makes her delivery lively and hand gestures. Her overall way of
engaging. She looked so natural in introducing her friend is also
front of the camera and had a good commendable. It was complete with
flow of delivery, making her information and mentioned not only
grammatical mistakes barely the positive sides of her, which made
noticeable. She was speaking like it’s the introduction more realistic.
an impromptu speech rather than a
scripted one. She also wore a casual
yet proper attire which made her look
prepared for the video and enthusiastic
to introduce her friend. Her glasses
were a simple accessory yet it made
her look articulate.
Interesting: I really found her delivery Interesting: I found her script concise
so interesting. The way she did it so without lacking information. It was
effortlessly-seeming, with confidence, simple yet jam-packed with necessary
and with great flow is fantastic. information about her friend.
Negative: The speaker could have Negative: There were times that she
done more elaborate movements. was leaning on her right elbow which
There were also grammatical made her look stiff and uninterested.
mistakes. The graphics could have been made
clearer. She used colorful graphics on
top of a colorful background, making
it an eyesore and confusing to look at
for some.
A. Video Performance
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