An Integrated Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna

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A.Ittipiboon1, R.K.Mongiaz*, Y.M.M.Antar3, P.Bhartia2 and M.Cuhacil

1 Communications Research Centre
Ottawa, ON, Canada, K2H 8S2
2 Department of Elecmcal Engineering
University of Ottawa,
161 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Canada, K1 N 6NS
3 Department of Elecmcal and Computer Engineering
Royal Military College, Kingston, ON, Canada, K7K SLO

In the last few years, use of open dielecmc resonators as antenna elements has been
studied by many workers (e.g [ 11). Dielectric resonator antennas are free of
conductor loss, small sized and can be efficiently coupled with nearly all types of
commonly used transmission lines. By choosing a suitably low value of dielectric
constant for the resonator material, the frequency bandwidth over which the antenna
radiates efficiently can be made sufficiently large. Furthermore, different modes of
the resonator can be utilized to obtain different radiation characteristics.
A dielectric resonator antenna configuration in which a half-split cylindrical
resonator is fed by a microstrip line-slot combination has been reported recently [2].
The reported configuration is very attractive for realizing small integrated antennas.
In this configuration, the antenna radiates like a horizontal magnetic dipole. An
impedance bandwidth of 10% was obtained for this structurc.
Although the use of a half split cylindrical dielectric resonator leads to satisfactory
antenna performance, the half split resonator geometry is inconvenient from
fabrication point of view. In this paper, we report the use of a rectangular dielectric
resonator as an antenna element. The resonator is excited in its lowest order
"magnetic dipole" mode using a microstrip line-slot combination as discussed in
[2]. Measured results on the proposed antenna configuration show that the antenna
has a bandwidth of about 10%and its far field pattem is similar to that of a
magnetic dipole.
The proposed antenna configuration is shown in Fig. 1. The rectangular dielectric
resonator is placed on the ground plane side of a dielectric substrate. A microstrip
line runs on the other side of the substrate. A rectangular slot is opened in the
ground plane so that microsmp fields couple through the slot and feed the antenna.
This arrangement allows the resonator to be excited in its TEzl 16 mode.

0-7803-1246-5/93/$3.00 Q 1993 IEEE. Go4

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In its TEZl16 mode, the rectangular resonator as shown in Fig.1 is equivalent to
the TEzl 16 mode of an isolated resonator of double the size as shown in Fig. 2.
The structure shown in Fig. 1 can thus be analysed by analysing the structure
shown in Fig. 2. For the TEZl16 mode of the smcture shown in Fig.2, the fields
inside the resonator can be computed using the H, component. The Hz component
can be assumed to be of the following form inside the resonator:

H,= Acos(kxx)cos(kyy)cos(kzz) (1)

where A is a constant. The wavenumbers kx, ky and kz saksfy the separation


where k, is the free space wavenumber corresponding to the resonant frequency.

The wavenumbers kx, ky and k, can be determined by making the following

I . The dielechic resonator surfaces defined by y = k b and x = f.a, act as perfect

magnetic walls.
2. The resonator surfaces defined by z= &d/2 act as imperfect magnetic walls.
The above approximations lead to the following relations:

kx=x/2a ; ky=xJ2b (3)

For given resonator parameters a,b, and resonant frequency fo, the wavenumber
k, can be determined using Eqns. (2) and (3). By substituting the value of k, in
Eqn. (4). the resonator length ' d can be determined. Alternatively, for given
resonator parameters a, b, d and q;the resonant frequency can be determined using
iterative procedure.
Radiation oattem
The resonator shown in Fig. 2 in its TEZl16 mode radiates like a horizontal
magnetic dipole directed along the z-direction and placed at the origin of the
resonator. The structure shown in Fig.1 radiates only in the upper hemisphere.


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A rectangular resonator with parameters c;=10.8, 2a=15 mm, b=7.5 mm and
d=3 mm was placed in the configuration shown in Fig. 1. The measured results for
the retum loss are shown in Fig. 3. It is seen that the retum loss of the antenna is
less than -10 dB over a frequency bandwidth of about 10%. The centre frequency
is about 6.9 GHz . For the same resonator parameters, the theoretical resonant
frequency was calculated as 7.1 GHz.
In Fig. 4, the measured radiation pattem in both the vertical and the horizontal
planes are shown. It is seen that the radiation pattem is similar to that of a
horizontal magnetic dipole placed on a conducting plane.

In this paper, we report a rectangular dielectric resonator antenna configuration.
The overall antenna configuarion is small in size, has a relatively large bandwidth
and can be easily integrated with MIC's. The proposed configuration should be
useful in many application such as in active antenna arrays where the active
circuitry can be fabricated on the same substrate.

[l] S.A.Long, M.Mc Allister and L.C.Shen," The resonant Cylindrical dielectric
cavity antenna," EEE Trans. on Antenna and Propag., vol. AP-3 1, pp.
406-412, 1983.
[2] R.K.Mongia, A.Ittipiboon, Y.M.M.Antar, P.Bhartia and M.Cuhaci, "A
half-split cylindrical dielecmc resonator antenna using slot-coupling," to appear
in EEE Microwave and Guide Wave Letters, Feb. 1993 issue.


Fig. 1 A rectangular dielectric resonator excited by a microstrip line -slot



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f' perfect

Fig. 2 An isolated rectangular


wi3l I s
'"J/ y

Fig. 3 Measured return loss of

antenna shown in Fig. 1. =10.8,
2a= 15mm, b=7.5mm, d= 3mm,
L=6mm, S=2.2 mm,
Width of slot = 1.2 mm
qsubstrate) = 10.2
(1.0 6.5 7.0 1.5 0.0 Thickness of substrate = 0.64 mm
Frequency GHz

Fig. 4 Measured rabation pattern of

antenna shown in Fig. 1.
q =10.8,2a= 15mm, b=7.5mm,
d= 3".
- - - xy plane
__xz plane


Authorized licensed use limited to: VIT University- Chennai Campus. Downloaded on April 09,2021 at 10:43:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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