Design of A 5.8 GHZ Rectenna by Using Me
Design of A 5.8 GHZ Rectenna by Using Me
Design of A 5.8 GHZ Rectenna by Using Me
Abstract- In this paper, we present a new inspired In this paper, a new and compact 5.8 GHz rectenna,
metamaterial rectenna which is designed in the using metamaterial inspired antenna is presented.
microstrip line structure at 5.8 GHz for the wireless Both circuits have been achieved designed in a
transmission of microwave power. The proposed simple and a low cost manner. Simulation results are
rectenna achieves RF-to-DC conversion efficiency of
presented and discussed.
52% and a DC voltage of 0.8 V when the received RF
power is 1 mW at 5.8 GHz. The feasibility of this
concept is presented through full-wave simulations. II. RECTENNA REFERENCE STRCUTRES
These simulations results will be updated at the
conference with measurement results. The geometry of the proposed rectenna is depicted
in Figure.1, which is printed on a 0.8-mm-thick
Keywords—Rectenna, Microwave Power Transfert Rogers Duroid 5880 substrate with the relative
(MPT), Microstrip Antennas, Metamterials. permittivity of 2.2, and the loss tangent of 0.0009.
The concept of microwave power transmission
(MPT) without using wires has been proposed for
the first time in 1960 to solve the global energy S
crisis [1]. Nowadays, with Modern communication x
electronic devices such as wireless sensors and Front view Back view
RFID [2-3]. The rectenna, which is used to convert
the microwave power to the direct current power, is Matching circuit
one of the key elements of the MPT system. It is TL2
composed of a receiving antenna and an RF to DC 50Ω
TL1 50Ω
-10 -5
-10 0.8
240 120 150 30
-15 0.6
-25 0.2
0 270
4.0 4.4 4.8 5.2 5.6 6.0 6.4 6.8 7.2 7.6 8.0 X-Z plane X-y plane
Figure.4. Simulated radiation pattern at the resonance
Figure.2. Simulated reflection coefficient of the frequency.
receiving antenna.
B. Rectifying Circuit Design
According to many simulations not shown here, we
found that the optimized value of S is 0.4 mm. The proposed rectifying circuit composed of a dc-
Figure.2 shows the simulated reflection coefficient pass filter, a Schottky diode and a resistive load. The
of the receiving antenna. As can be observed, the diode used in the rectifying circuit design is the
proposed antenna shows a bandwidth of 1.35 GHz SMS-7630 from Skyworks [7]. It has a series
centered at 5.8 GHz with reflection coefficient less resistance Ohms, zero bias junction
than -10 dB. Thus, the bandwidth can cover entirely capacitance pF, built-in turn-on voltage
the required frequency spectrum of the 5.8 GHz V, and breakdown voltage V.
ISM bands. To match the diode input impedance with the
standard 50 Ω, a matching which consists of two
microstrip lines and an open stub has been
Radiation efficiency (%)
Efficiency (%)
5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 0
-20 -10 0 10 20
Frequency (GHz)
Figure.5. S11 curve of rectifying circuit. Input power (dBm)
Figure.7. Simulated RF/DC conversion efficiency versus
input power.
Table.1. Relates matching circuit dimensions.
600 [8] Douyere, A., F. Alicalapa, and J.-D. Lan Sun Luk, “High
efficiency microwave rectenna circuit: Modeling and
400 design,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 44, 1409–1410, 2008.
-20 -10 0 10 20
Input power (dBm)
Figure.6. Simulated DC voltage versus input power.