10 Demerits of Caste System in India
10 Demerits of Caste System in India
10 Demerits of Caste System in India
Some of the demerits of Caste System in India are as follows:
1. A disintegrating factor:
The caste system has literally split up the Hindu society into hundreds
of hereditary castes and sub-castes and thus encouraged a spirit of
exclusiveness and class- pride, narrowed the outlook and created wide
gulfs between the various sections of the community.
6. Perpetuates untouchability:
The caste system has condemned large groups of people to a life of
degradation without any hope of redemption. It has created
untouchability, an evil that has been sapping the very vitals of the
Hindu society. B. R. Ambedkar rightly said, “Untouchability of Hindus
is a rare phenomenon, humanity in any other part of the earth has
never experienced it. There is no such thing in any other society.
Really, the tyranies perpetuated in the name of untouchability are the
black lessons in human culture.” According to Gandhiji,
untouchability is “the hate fullest expression of caste.” Large sections
of people are reduced to the state of virtual slavery.
7. Opposes democracy:
Democracy is based on the principle of equality, fraternity and liberty.
On the other hand, the caste system is based on inequality of status
and opportunities, which often creates conflict and tension in the
society. It acts as an obstacle in the normal and smooth functioning of
Despite this it cannot be gainsaid that the caste system offers a place
in the society into which any group-racial, social, religious or
occupational can fit in as a cooperating part of the social whole
without sacrificing its own individual identity and distinctive
character. What the caste system provides in India in terms of
integrating disparate forces may have its analogue in other social
contexts, but it remains uniquely effective in the Indian conditions,
without a parallel elsewhere.