Mil P 5238C
Mil P 5238C
Mil P 5238C
12 September 1974
2 February 1961
This specification is approved for use by all Departments
and Agencies of the Department of Defense.
1.1 This specification covers the general requirements for aircraft tank
mounted centrifugal type, fuel booster pumps, used for engine feed or transfer.
2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for
bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent
specified herein.
QQ-P-416 Plating, Cadmium (Electrodeposited)
MIL-D-1OOO Drawings, Engineering and Associated Lists
MIL-W-5088 Wiring; Aircraft, Selection and Installation of
MIL-P-5315 Packing, Preformed, Hydrocarbon Fuel Resistant
MIL-H-5440 Hydraulic Systems, Aircraft Types I & II, Design,
Installation, and Data Requirements for
MIL-G-5572 Gasoline, Aviation, Grades 80/87, 100/130, 115/145
MIL-T-S624 Turbine Fuel, Aviation, Grades JP-4 and JP-5
MIL-C-6021 Casting, Classification and Inspection of
MIL-E-6051 Electromagnetic Compatibility Requirements, Systems
MIL-R-6855 Rubber, Synthetic, Sheets, Strips, Molded or Extruded Shapes
MIL-S-7742 Screw Threads, Standard, Optimum Selected Series, General
Specification for
MIL-V-7899 Valve, Check, Aircraft Fuel System
MIL-F-8615 Fuel System Components, General Specification for
MIL-T-8879 Screw Threads, Controlled Radius, Root with Increased Minor
Diameter, General Specification for
FSC 2915
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3.1 First article. The pump assemblies furnished under this specification
shall have been inspected and passed the First Article Inspection specified
3.2 Detail specification. A specification providing design and performance
requirements shall be submitted by the contractor to the procuring agency for
approval. The detail specification shall reiterate all basic requirements
of this specification, shall use the same paragraph headings and numbers, and
shall insert all applicable specific and special requirements according to
this format.
3.2.1 Drawing. At the site designated for First Article review, the contractor
shall have available all drawings for Government inspection. This shall include
but not be limited to: top drawing, assembly drawings and that data delineated
thereon, e.g., specifications, manufacturing instructions, etc. All drawings
shall be prepared in accordance with MIL-D-1OOO, as specified in the contract.
3.2.2 Calibration data. The detail specification shall include specific
performance charts and data on power input, fuel flow, output pressure, and
the maximum operational altitude.
3.2.3 Climb performance. The detail specification shall establish the minimum
pump output requirements during and following a maximum rate of climb with fresh
unweathered fuel at a temperature no less than 125°F.
3.2.4 Temperature. The detail specification shall state the applicable ambient
and fuel temperature class of MIL-F-8615.
3.2.5 Fuels. The detail specification shall state the principal fuel and
other fuels expected to be encountered in use. In normal operations, it shall
be assumed that the fuels contain various quantities of dissolved and free
water, salts, gases, solid contaminants and up to 30 percent aromatics.
3.3 Components. The pump shall consist of a pump and a driving motor, assembled
as an integral unit. The motor may be electric or hydraulic.
3.4 Standards and specifications. Standards nnd specifications for commodities
and services not specified herein, shall be selected in accordance with MIL-STD-143.
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3.6.1 Lubrication. The pump and motor assembly shall not require any lubri-
cation or any other maintenance throughout its service life between overhauls.
Any lubricated part shall be a replaceable.sealed assembly as approved by the
procuring activity.
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MIL-P-5238C Wiring. All wiring shall be fuel resistant, and, other than windings,
shall be in accordance with MIL-W-5088. Vent. A vent connected to the electrical motor chamber shall not
be connected to the seal drain chamber and shall incorporate a flame arrestor. Electrical insulation resistance. The electrical components shall
withstand, without damage, breakdown, or excessive leakage current, repeated
applications of AC dielectric test voltage in accordance with the test pro-
cedure of Section 4. The insulation resistance shall not be less than 100
megohms when exposed to 500 volts DC. The dielectric leakage current shall
not exceed 2 milliamperes. Electromagnetic compatibility. The equipment shall comply with the
requirements of the air vehicle and the applicable requirements of MIL-E-6051.
3.6.3 Inlet. The inlet to the pump shall be enclosed by a screen no coarser
than 8 mesh and no finer than 20 mesh. The flow area shall be sufficient to
permit maximum flow with 50 percent of the area blocked when operating at
maximum altitude. Suction feed. The rate of flow and pressure drop under suction feed
shall be in accordance with the detail specification.
3.6.4 Pump drain. A chamber, incorporating a drain port, shall be provided
between the shaft seals for the motor and the pump to isolate leakage. The
drain port configuration and the allowable leakage shall be in accordance
with the detail specification. Wherever the motor and pump are integral and
shaft seals are not used this requirement does not apply.
3.6.5 Threaded connections. Threaded connections shall comply with MIL-T-7742,
MIL-S-8879, MS16142 or MS33649 as applicable.
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MIL-P-5238C Pipe threads. Pipe threads shall not be used except for permanent
3.6.6 Locking of parts. All threaded parts shall be locked by safety wiring,
or cotter pins in conformance with MS33540 or the use of self-locking nuts in
conformance with MS33588 or other approved methods. Wherever loosening of the
self-locking nut could possibly result in the nut or other parts entering the
fuel system, approval of the installation shall be obtained from the procuring
activity. The use of cotter pins on studs, or the use of lockwashers or stak-
ing is prohibited.
3.6.7 Outlet. The outlet fitting shall utilize couplings in accordance with
MIL-C-22263. Check valve. A check valve shall be incorporated in the outlet of
each pumping unit in accordance with the detail specification in order to
prevent any reverse flow of fuel through the pump into the tank. The check
valve shall be capable of satisfying all applicable performance requirements
of MIL-V-7899. Reverse flow leakage shall not exceed lcc per minute initially
(or 5CC per minute at the conclusion of the test program) from 4 inches of
fuel head up to 60 psig. Proof pressure. The outlet and check valve(s) shall be capable of
withstanding an applied pressure of 120 psig (or higher in accordance with
the detail specification) without failure or permanent distortion.
3.6.8 Negative G and inverted operation. The pump shall be capable of being
operated under negative G conditions or during inverted flight. The pump
output under these conditions shall be in accordance with the detail specification.
3.6.9 Start-up. The rate of power input, acceleration, and output during
start-up shall be stated in the detail specification. At any point during
or following the climb of 3.2.3, when a non-operating pump is started, it shall
develop the required flow and pressure within 5 seconds after power is applied.
3.6.10 Variations in power input. The pump assembly shall demonstrate com-
patibility with all the variations in the aircraft power supply system(s),
without overspecd, overheating, stopping, or other failure. The minimum
requirements are MIL-STD-704, MIL-H-5440, or MIL-H-8891, as applicable. It
is not required that 3-phase electric motors must operate on 2 phase power.
3.6.11 Leakage. There shall be no external leakage from the pump assembly
except from drains provided for that purpose. For plug-in pump units, the
detail specification shall state the maximum allowable fuel loss during removal
and reinstallation in a full fuel tank.
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3.6.12 Pump down. The pump shall be capable of maintaining rated flow and
pressure at any altitude when the head of fuel is no greater than 2 inches
above the inlet and the fuel temperature is 65°F to 95”F. With higher tempera-
ture fuel, the flow rate, pressure, altitude and fuel head shall be in accordance
with the detail specification. For dual inlet pumps, this requirement applies
to each inlet. Uncovering of one inlet shall not deteriorate the performance
of the other inlet in either the normal or the inverted position. Performance
at less than the above heads shall be in accordance with the detail specification.
3.6.13 Reprime. The pump shall be capable of self repriming within 5 seconds
following a period when the inlet is uncovered and then resubmerged in fuel.
This capability shall exist up to the maximum operating altitude of the aircraft.
The pump output depth of submersion and fuel temperature shall be in accordance
with the detail specification, provided that the fuel temperature shall be no
less than 125°F, and depth of submersion of the inlet no greater than 10 inches
of fuel.
3.6.14 Dry operation. The pump shall be capable of accumulating 100 hours of
dry operation in cycles of 5 hours each. The dry run test shall not cause any
deterioration in performance or other failure, nor shall it cause a hot spot
to develop that could ignite the fuel vapors in the tank. The peak temperature
that any portion of the housing in contact with fuel is allowed to achieve is
390”F or as required in the detail specification, whichever is lower.
3.6. 14.1 Automatic dry cut-off. Where an integral automatic dry cut-off
feature is required by the detail specification, it shall be capable of 10,000
cycles of operation without failure or causing degradation of pump performance.
3.11 AGE Control. The assembly date marking shall be in accordance with
3.12 Workmanship Workmanship shall be in accordance with all applicable
specifications, drawings, and quality control plans.
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4.3.1 Test report. The test report, covering all details of the First Article
inspection shall be prepared in accordance with MIL-STD-831. The test report
shall include, in addition to the description of the test samples, the assembly
and cross-sectional drawings of the pump assembly, and of any details discussed
in the test report. The required description of the test apparatus may be
abbreviated by including sketches and photographs to provide a clear understand-
ing of each test set-up.
4.3.2 Test samples for the procuring activity. All items subjected to test
shall be available for submittal to the procuring activity for inspection and
test for a period of at least 2 years following submittal of the test report.
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4.5.3 Break-in-run. The pump shall be run dry for a period of 3 to 5 minutes.
During this time the pump shall be rotated such that the pump shaft is slowly
rotated in a vertical plane through 180°. Any sounds indicating rubbing,
binding, or excessive looseness shall be a cause for rejection. A wet run
in fluid shall be conducted in accordance with the detail specification
4.5.4 Leakage outlet. Apply fuel pressure to the pump outlet varying from 4 inches
of fuel head up to 120 psig at seven different pressure levels for 5 minutes
duration each. There shall be no permanent distortion, failure, or external
leakage. Internal leakage across the check valve(s) shall not exceed the
allowable. The individual test shall be conducted at the minimum and maximum
pressure levels only for 2 minutes duration each. External. There shall be no external leakage at any time except as
allowed through the drive shaft seal (3.6.4). For individual tests, fluid
pressure shall be applied to all internal fluid carrying cavities from 4 inches
of fuel head up to the maximum pump pressure at three pressure levels for a
duration of 5 minutes each. There shall be no external leakage except as allowed
by the detail specification from drain ports. Plug-in units. Plug-in pump assemblies shall be tested to demonstrate
that the fuel loss occurring during removal and installation is in accordance
with the detail specification allowances. This test may not be required for
individual inspections except in accordance with the acceptance test plan.
4.5.5 Calibration. For the First Article inspection, a standard calibration
shall consist of recording input power and output pressure for at least seven
output flows from zero up to the maximum flow capacity at ground level and at
three different altitude levels, in accordance with the detail specification.
For individual inspections, the calibration may be conducted at ground level
only and for four output flows. All ground level calibration runs shall be
conducted with the fuel temperature between 60°F and 90”F. Altitude calibra-
tions shall be conducted in two series, one with the fuel temperature at the
maximum of 3.2.4, and another with the fuel temperature no higher than O°F.
4.5.6 Blocked inlet screen. With 50 percent of the inlet screen(s) blocked,
altitude calibrations shall be accomplished with low and high temperature fuel.
4.5.7 Pump down. With the pump operating in the test stand, the fuel flow
controls shall be adjusted to cause the fuel head above the pump to drop at
a rate of 1 inch per minute while maintaining rated flow and pressure. The
fuel head and output flow and pressure shall 1 be recorded at intervals no
greater than l-inch change of head. Fuel returning to the tank shall not
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impose any additional velocity or turbulence at the pump inlet. This test
shall be conducted at ground level pressure with fuel at 60° to 90°F and also
at maximum altitude with fuel at the high temperature of 3.2.4. These tests
shall be repeated with output flow settings of 80 percent, SO percent, 25
percent, 10 percent, and 5 percent of rated flow. This data will be the
basis for a family of curves as shown on figure 1.
4.5.8 Reprime. The pump shall be mounted in a test tank so that it can be
rotated (or moved) to a position such that the inlet is out of the fuel. The
pump output, depth of submersion of the inlet, fuel temperature and altitude
shall be established (see 3.6.13). The pump shall then be moved to uncover
the inlet(s) for at least 15 seconds. When the pump is again submerged to
the original depth, the pump shall resume delivery of fuel at the required
flow and pressure within 5 seconds. The test shall be conducted at least
six times (twice at each of three different altitude levels). The altitude
levels shall be in accordance with the detail specification.
4.5.9 Negative G and inverted operation. The pump shall be mounted in a
test tank so that it can be rotated upside down to provide for inverted or
simulated negative G operation. The initial pump output, fuel temperature,
and altitude shall be established in accordance with 3.6.8. The pump shall
then be rotated to the inverted position. The pump output in this position
shall be in accordance with the detail specification. The pump shall be
allowed to run dry for at least 30 seconds in this position. After the pump
is rotated to the upright position in fuel, the pump shall resume delivery at
the previous flow and pressure within 5 seconds.
4.5.10 Suction feed. Fuel shall be drawn through the inoperative pump from
zero to the maximum required flow and the pressure drop data recorded.
4.5.11 Altitude climb performance. The pump shall be installed in an altitude
test tank in fresh, unweathered fuel at the high temperature of its classifica-
tion (3.2.4) with the fuel flow and head in accordance with the detail specifi-
cation. With the pump not operating, the rate of climb shall be established
in accordance with 3.2.3. The climb shall be terminated at 25,000 ft altitude
(+2,500, -1,000). Power shall be applied to the pump within 5 seconds or less
of climb termination. The pump shall achieve the required pressure and flow
within 5 seconds and shall maintain these for at least 5 minutes. This test
procedure shall be repeated at Increasing 5,000 ft intervals up to the maximum
operational altitude. The Reid vapor pressure of the fuel used in this test
shall be in accordance with the detail specification. In any case, the vapor
pressure of the fuel at the test temperature shall not be less than 2.5 psia.
During heating of the fuel there shall not be any hot spots on the surface
of the heat exchanger which exceed the maximum fuel temperature by more than
10°F. Additional start-up tests during the climb and with the alternate fuel
shall be accomplished in accordance with the detail specification.
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4.5.14 Environmental tests. The corrosion resistance and the fuel resistance
and extreme temperature tests shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-F-8615.
These tests shall not cause any leakage, malfunction, distortion or deterioration
in performance, nor shall there be any evidence of corrosion beyond superficial.
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4.5. 16.1 Fuel flow The fuel flow schedule for each successive 120-hour
period of this endurance test shall be, in order:
a. Maximum flow for 24 hours
4.5. 16.4 Dual rated pumps. For pumps with a dual rating of low for normal
operation and a high for emergency of infrequent use, the maximum fuel flow
periods shall consist of maximum emergency flow for at least 10 percent of
the total time.
4.5.17 Dry endurance. A dry endurance test shall be accomplished on all
pumps to demonstrate compliance with 3.6.14. The pump shall be operated at
rated flow and allowed to pump all fuel from the tank. After the fuel has
been pumped out of the tank, the discharge valve shall be closed to prevent
circulation of air through the pump section and any fuel remaining in the
discharge line between the pump outlet and the discharge valve shall be drained.
In addition, action shall be taken to prevent contact of the pump with arty other-
residual fuel. The pump shall continue to be operated in this dry condition.
The air vapor in the tank shall be maintained at the high temperature ambient
of 3.2.4. After 5 hours of dry operation, the pump shall be stopped and the
tank refilled with room temperature fuel. The above cycles shall be accomplished
five times at sea level pressure and 15 times at the maximum operational altitude.
The instrumentation shall locate and record the maximum case temperature.
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MIL-P-5238C Dry cut-off endurance. The pump and test rig shall be operated in
a manner similar to the above to cause the dry cut-off feature to actuate.
Seventy-five percent of the cycles shall be with the fuel and air temperatures
as above, and 25 percent shall be with the fuel and air temperature at minus
4.5. 19.1 Electrical power variations. The power input, temperature rise,
fuel flow and pressure output shall be determined by test for all power
variations in the electrical system of the aircraft in accordance with the
detail specification. Hydraulic power variations. The power input, pump speed, fueI flow,
and pressure output shall be determined by test for the possible power varia-
tions in the hydraullc system of the aircraft. The testing shall be in a
system with characteristics of MIL-H-5440 or MIL-H-8891, as applicable, and
the detail specification. Start-up. Electric powered pumps shall be tested to determine that
the current and voltage transients are within the approved limits. Hydraulic
powered pumps shall be tested to determine that the starting acceleration (wet
and dry) is within the approved limits and that no parts are overstressed.
4.5.20 Electrical insulation resistance. The insulation resistance and
dielectric strength tests shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-202,
Method 301, using table III and Method 302, Condition B. There shall be no
disruptive discharges, excessive leakage current or low resistance.
TABLE III. Dielectric Test Voltages
System Voltage Initial, Test 80,000 Ft Repeat Tests
1 Minute 10 Seconds 1 Minute 10 Seconds
28 VDC 1050 1250 500 500
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MIL-P-5238C High temperature dry run. With the pump installed in the above
test chamber, it shall be operated dry for a sufficient length of time for
temperatures to stabilize. If the pumps contain resetting type thermal cutout
switches that are actuated during this test, at least three cycles of operating
up to cutout shall be conducted. Power shall remain applied for a sufficient
length of time after temperatures stabilize or the thermal cutout switches
actuate to assure that a safe condition prevails. If no explosion occurs, the
atmosphere inside the pump shall be ignited, and then if still safe, the out-
side atmosphere ignited, in order to demonstrate that a true hazard condition
existed during the test. Locked rotor test. With the rotor locked, the pump shall be instal-
led in the above test chamber. Normal power shall be applied and maintained
until all current ceases to flow or temperatures have stabilized for 1/2 hour.
Whatever failure occurs inside the housing, shall not propagate to the outside
or ignite the explosive mixture on the outside of the housing. If no electric
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b. Slowly add 1cc of water per gallon of fuel while the fuel is being
circulated or agitated.
c. Agitate the fuel and water mixture for at least 2 hours. If the fuel
is being circulated to mix, the entire quantity should be circulated at
least three times.
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d. After the fuel has been saturated, it is necessary to keep the proper
humidity in the atmosphere above the fuel in order to prevent loss of water
from the fuel to the atmosphere. Little water will be lost from the fuel
if the difference between the vapor pressure of the water dissolved in the
fuel and the vapor pressure of the water vapor In the atmosphere (Pvf-Pva)
is 0.2 inch of mercury or less. The vapor pressure of the water in the fuel
may be calculated by dividing the actual water content of the fuel by the
saturated vapor pressure of the water at the fuel temperature. These tests
should be conducted with saturated fuel, therefore, the vapor pressure of the
water in the fuel should be the same as the saturated vapor pressure of the
water at the temperature of the fuel.
e. Maintain fuel at 80”F. Allow the excess water to settle out, (at least
1 hour per foot depth of fuel)
f. Drain all excess water
g. Analyze samples from three points in the bulk of the fuel by the Carl-
Fisher method. The average of the three samples shall be fully saturated
with water at 80°F up to an excess of 15 parts per million. The water satur-
ation point of fuels varies for different fuel blends. No fuel which is
saturated with less than 90 parts per million water should be used for these
h. After fuel is saturated and the excess water has been drained off, but
before cooling, atomize 1cc per gallon of water over the surface.
1. Immediately begin rapid agitation and cooling simultaneously, thus
keeping the free water suspended in the fuel.
j. Immediately upon reaching the test temperature, begin the test run.
k. Upon completion of each test, the fuel should contain not less than
.75cc per gallon of water over the quantity required to saturate the fuel.
4. 5.24.2 Room temperature test. The pump shall be operated at rated flow
and pressure in the fuel being conditioned above during step c. Every 15
minutes the pump shall be stopped for 1 minute and then restarted. Input
and output shall be recorded during these runs. There shall be no indication
of incorrect operation, disruptive electric discharges, or other failure. If
the detail specification does not require an icing test, the 60”F to 9O°F
(Sea Level) portion of the endurance test (4.5.16) may be conducted with water
as the test fluid, in lieu of the above. The water shall possess the mineral
hardness and the degree of sal inity in accordance with the detail specification.
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5.1 Preservation and packaging and packing shall be in accordance with the
detail specification.
6.1 Intended use. The pumps covered by this specification are intended for
use in aircraft fuel tanks to pump fuel to the engines and to transfer fuel
from tank to tank and may also have other specified USCS.
6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents should specify the following:
a. Title, number and date of this specification.
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Reviewer Activity:
Army - AV
Navy - AS
Air Force - 11, 82
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