For Hydraulic Linear Actuators The Complete Actuator: mL-A-5503E

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15 June 1977



This specification is approved for use by all

Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.


f.1 -. This specification establishes the general requirements for

hydraulic linear actuators when used in any aircraft hydraulic system except
flight controls. The complete actuator assembly may incorporateother
COIJWOnentSj. such as check valves, solenoid valves, bypasa valves, and pressure
switches, in addition to the actuator. The actuator may be controlled by
mechanical linkage, electrical means , or direct hydraulic power.
. .
1.2 ~. Actuators shall be of the following types as specified
(see 6.2):

Type I - -5UOC to 7fOC (-650F to 1600) fluid temperaturerange

Type II - -54°C to 135°C (-65°F to 275%) fluid temperaturerange “


2*1 ~
2.1.1 ~ds. ~. Unless otherwise specified,
the following specifications, standards, and handbooks of the issue listed in
that issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards
(DoDISS) specified in the solicitationform a part of this specificationto the
extent specified herein.



QQ-C-320 Chromium Plating (Electrodeposited)

PPP-11-601 Boxes, Mood, Cleated-Plywood
PPP-%636 Boxes, Shipping, Fiberboard
ppp-c-~43 CushioningMaterial, Cellulosic

Beneficial comments (recommendations,additions, deletions)and any

pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should
be addressed to: ASD/ENES,Wright-PattersonAFB, Oli45433-6503 by
usin$ the self’-addressedStandardizationDocument ImprovementProposal
(DD Form 1425) appearing at the end of this document or by letter.
FSC 1650

DISIWBUTION STATENENT A. Approved for public release; distributionis unlimited. ●

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MIL-A-5503E 0

MIL-P-116 Preservation, Methods of

MIL-B-121 Barrier Material, Greaseproofed,Waterproofed,Flexible
MIL-B-131 Barrier Materials, Water Vaporproof, Greaseproof,Flexible,
MIL-H-5440 Hydraulic Systems, Aircraft, Types I and II, Design and
MIL-C-5501 Caps and Plugs, Protective,Dust and Moisture Seal, General
MIL-G-5514 Gland Design; Packings, Hydraulic, General Requirements for
MIL-H-5606 Hydraulic Fluid, Petroleum Base; Aircraft, Missile, and Ordnance
MIL-H-6083 Hydraulic Fluid, Petroleum Base, for Preservationand Operation
MIL-I-6866 Inspection,Penetrant Method of
MIL-=1-6868 InspectionProcess, Magnetic Particle
MIL-H-8775 Hydraulic System Components,Aircraft and Missiles, General
MIL-C-11’7g6 Corrosion PreventiveCompound, Petrolatum,Hot Application
MIL-P-25732 Packing, Preformed,Petroleum HydraulicFluid Resistant, Limited
Service at 275°F(1350C), 1
MIL-H-46170 Hydraulic Fluid, Rust Inhibited, Fire Resistant Synthetic
MIL-H-83282 Hydraulic Fluid, Fire Resistant, Synthetic Hydrocarbon
‘Base,Aircraft, NATO Code Number H-537’



DOD-STD-1OO EngineeringDrawing Practices

MIL-STD-129 Marking for’Shipment and Storage
MIL-STD-143 Standards and Specifications,Order of Precedence for the
Selection of
MIL-STD-453 Inspection, Radiographic
MIL-sTD-889 DissimilarMetals
MS8516 Wrench - 1/2 Inch Square Drive Adjustable Spanner (3.5 to 6
Inches Dia.)
MS15002 Fittings, Lubrication (Hydraulic)Leakproof, 1/8 Pipe
Threads, Steel, Type II
MS15006 Fittings, Lubrication (Hydraulic)Leakproof, 1/8 PiDe
Threads, Steel, Type VI
LMS28776 Scraper, Piston Rod
MS28903 Ring, Wiper, Hydraulic and Pneumatic,Pistori”Rod, Dirt
MS28932 Felt Strip, Packing Gland
MS33649 Bosses, Fluid Connection-InternalStraight Thread
MS33675 Scraper, Installation,PackingGland Ring

2.1.2 Other Go vernment documents. draw~.

“ and DU blications. The followinq
other Government documents, drawings,and publicationsform a part of this
specificationto the extent specifiedherein.

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AN814 Plug and Bleeder-ScrewThread

AN6204 Valve, Hydraulic Bleeder
AN8514 Wrench-3/8 Inch Square Drive AdjustableSpanner (.75 to
2 Inches Dia.)
AN8515 W“ench-1/2Inch Square Drive AdjustableSpanner (1.75 to
4 Inches Dia.)
AND1OO67 Valve Installation-HydraulicBleeder (StandardDimensions

(Copies of specifications, standards,handbooks, drawingg, and publications
required by manufacturersin connectionwith gpecific acquisition functions
should be obtained from the contractingactivity or as directed by the

contractin~ officer.)

2.2 k nu~. The followingdocument(s) for a part of this

specificationto the extent specifiedherein. The issues of the documents
which are indicated as DOD adopted shall be the Issue in the current DODISS and
the supplement thereto, if applicable.


ANSI B46.1 Surface Texture: Surface Roughness,Waviness and Lay

(Applicationfor copies should be addressed to the American National Standards

‘~j Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.)

(Industryassociation specificationsand standards are generally available for

reference from libraries. They are also distributedamong technicalgroups and
using Federal agencies.)

2.3 ~. In the event of a conflict between the text of this

specificationand the referencescited herein, the text of this specification
shall take precedence.


3.1 -t aru. When specified,a sample shall be subject to first article

inspection (see 4.4 and 6.2).

3.2 ~. Materials and processes used for the manufacture

of utility actuators shall be of high quality, suitable for the purpose, and
shall conform to applicablegovernment specifications. Specificationsand
. stand&rds for all material and processesuhich are not specificallydesignated
herein and which are necessary for the execution of this specificationshall be
selected in accordance with MIL-STD-143.

3.2.1 ~. All metals used in the construction of utility actuators shall

be of a corrosion-resistant type or shall be suitably protected to resist
corrosion during the normal service life of the actuator. The use of
dissimilarmetals, in intimate metal-to-metalcontact, shall be avoided
8, wherever practicable. Dissimilarmetals are defined in MIL-sTD-889.
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MIL-A-5503E ~der-barreti The cylinder barrels of actuating cylinders shall

be manufactured from stee~ or aluminum alloy forgings produced by hollow
forging without flash formationor from steel seamless tubing or bar stock.
when aluminum alloy cylinders are used with steel piston, the bearing areas of
the piston head shall be chrome plated. Both the internal and external
surfaces of aluminum cylinders shall be shot peened or roller burnished to
produce a compressive residual stress pattern. Light honing, depth not to
exceed 10 percent of the depth of the compressive zone resulting from shot
peening, is permitted to obtain final dimensions and surface finish
requirements. Exceptions to the compressionrequirementsare materials which
have been demonstratedto be as free from susceptibilityto stress corrosion
cracking as 7075 (T73 heat treat) aluminum alloy. Pistons other than chromium
plated steel may be used with ahminu~alloy cylinder barrels if data to
substantiateadequate service life expectancy and protection from corrosion,
including corrosion during storage periods, is submitted to and approved by the
acquisitionactivity. Aluminum alloy shall not be used on the bearing surface
of the piston head. All chromium plating used on piston rods or sliding ‘

surfaces shall be in accordancewith class 2 of QQ-C-320. Other surface
coatings may be used provided prior approval of such coating is obtained from
the acquisitionactivity.

343 ~tru-

3.3.1 al des~ The design shall conform to MIL-H-8775, as applicable.

Loss of strength due lo degradationof materials after exposure to high

temperaturesshall be consideredin the design of the actuator. Rod ends,

bearings, and jam nuts may operate in a different environmentthan the
actuator; therefore, the actual condition should be considered in design and

3.3.2 ~. All adjoining parts shall be positively locked to prevent

loosening when the actuator is subjected to operational loads or vibration.
Welding, hy”drogenbrazing, or other approved methods maY be used to join parts
providing adequate strength in such joints is shown b~ subsequent tests. Sweat
soldered threade~ connectionsshall not be used to join any parts. Threaded
joints which transmit reverain~ loads shall be securely locked in the assembled
position to prevent loss of torque in the connection due to load reversal. Use
of lockwire alone is not consideredpositive locking means. The use of jam
nuts is not considered positive locking means unless lockwired or otherwise

343.3 piston h.azd. The piston head shall have adequate bearing area on the
barrel wall to carry any of the compression,bending, and vibration loads which
inaybe imposed and to provide for satisfactoryoperation and service life.

3.3.4 Sod be= inz o verlm. The actuator bearing overlap, which is considered
to be the distance between the extreme faces of the rod bearing and the piston
bearing when the piston is fully extended, should be sufficient to give

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satisfactoryoperation and service life. Considerationmust be given to the

structural compliance of the actuator under its own weight, high acceleration,
vibration, and compression loads or any combination of these loads.

3.3.5 ~. The piston rod bearing shall be of sufficient

-lengthto insure satisfactoryoperation and service life. This length shall be
at least equal to the diameter of the piston rod. When determining rod or
piston head bearing length, the seal grooves shall not be considered as a
bearing surface.

. 3.3.6 u. Type I and type II actuator seals shall be in accordancewith

MIL-P-25732. MS standard seals shall be used unless the designer or vendor
submits data showing that a standard seal is not adequate for the specific
* application,and the use of a special seal is approved by the acquisition
activity. Seal glands shall conform to MIL-G-551U.

393.7 . Landing gear strut actuators and utility actuators

whose piston rods are &osed to ice shall use scraper rings conforming to
MS28776 tnstalled in a groove in accordancewith MS33675. Other utility
actuators exposed to dirt or foreign matter shall use scraper rings conforming
to B4S28776or MS28903. Actuator rods extended fourlong periods of time or
subjected to high accelerated forces may be lubricated with felt wipers in
accordance with MS28932. The use of felt wipers for temperaturesexceeding
93°C(2000P)shall be approved by theacqufsition activity. Actuators exposed

to extreme sand and dust conditionsmay be provided with scrapers or wipers of
“nonstandard design stitable for the purpose, provided prior approval is
obtained from the acquisition activity.

3.3.8 ~. All bosses for fluid connection fittings shall conform to

MS33649 unless otherwise specifiedby the acquisitionactivity. Tube fittings
and tubing, if incorporatedin the actuator, shall conform to MIL-H-5440.

3.3.9 ~der -. When required to conform to MIL-H-5440 for bleeding of

entrapped air, suitable bleeder plugs shall be provided at the hi~hest
practicablepoint in the actuator. Suggested types are AN8?4 plugs or AN6204
valves installed in boss conformingto AND1OO67 or MS33649. Other types may be
used subject to approval of the acquisition activity.

3*3=1O ~. Other hydraulic componentsmay be integrated into

the actuator design provided such components can be replaced either as a unit
or by detail part, and that such componentscan be replaced either as a unit or
by detail part, and that such component is designed in accordancewith the
applicable military specifications.
3.3.11 Q@IQf&. When a dashpot is built into an actuator, an analysis shall
be made to insure sufficientstructuralstrength resulting from high hydraulic
preseures encounteredduring operation. The use of packings or seals shall be
avoided when possible. If packings or seals are used, the design shall be
approved by the acquisitionactivity.

3.3.12 . End caps, lock nuts, and

adjustmentsnuts may have wrench flats or hexes, be knurled, or contain milled

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slots for spanner wrenches, as applicable to the design. If spanner wrench
slots are used, they shall be dimensionedin accordance with figure 1. Drilled .
hole-type nuts requiring the use of pin-type spanner wrenches shall not be used
in actuator designs. LockWire or other suitable methods are to be used to
prevent rotation of the end caps$ lock nuts, and adjustment nuts.

3.3.13 ~. For designs using “screw-on” end caPs, the actuator

barrel shall have only wrench flats or hexes, preferably of the standard
open-end wrench size. Such wrench flats or hexes shall be placed as near to
the end cap as practicable.

3.3.14 ~. Replaceablebearings or bushings shall be used at all

junction points where relative motion exists. Unless these are
self-lubricatingor permanentlylubricated,lubricator fittings conforming to
MS15002 shall be provided. For actuators requiring a smaller threaded fitting,
lubrication fittings conformingto MS15006 may be used.

3.3.15 Self-alix 1o-. Self-aligningball bearings, plain spherical

bearings, or universal joints shall be used wherever necessary in end
connectionsto remove any bending loads unless all such loads are otherwise
accounted for in design of the actuator.

S.3.16 ~. Members such as piston rods, cylinder bores, and other ~land
diameters shall be held to the surface finish as specified in MIL-G-5514. The
surface finish incrementsand specificationshall be as specified in ANSI Piston rods and all other wear surfaces shall be sufficientlyhard and
corrosion resistant to insure adequate service life. a’

- 3.3.17 Y&x!&a. In order to avoid stress risers, all fluid port intersections
with internalsurfaces of cylinder barrels and end caps shall be peSDendiCUlar
within 25 degrees unless full size component fatigue tests show that the port
region is not fatigue critical.

3.3.18 ~. All internal fillets shall have radius of not less than 0.010
or 10 percent of the minimum wall thickness,whichever is greater, unless full
size component fatigue tests show that the fillet area is not fatigue critical.
O-ring groove requirementsshall comply with MIL-G-5514.

3.4.1 Oneration & lem * Leakage shall not exceed the rate of one drop
per packing per 25 cycles of operation at points where motion through external
packing exists. No other external leakage sufficient in volume to form a drop
shall be permitted.

3.4.2 ~. The actuator shall withstand a pressure

equal to 1.5 times the actual differentialpressure to be encountered (see and the applicableproof pressure specified in MIL-H-5440 (see without evidence of external leakage or evidence of internal leakage
from the open port, unless specificallypermitted by the design.
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Inches Inches Inches ‘ Inches

3/4 to 2 0.120 0.120 1/4

1-3/4 to 4 0.120 0.190 5/16
3-1/2 to 6 0.190 0.250 3/8

FIGURE 1. ons for Pnd use

4. AN8515. !4s8516 arm tvne .


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3.4.3 J3xtremetem-upe Derform~d The actuator shall withstand

temperatures ranging from -54% (-650F) to 71°C (1600F) or 135°C (275°F), as
applicable (see 1.2).

3.4.4 &@UanQ% The actuator shall withstand the cyclic operation specified
in 4.6.8.

3.4.5 Vibratiu. When required by the acquisition activity, the actuator

shall withstand the frequenciesand amplitudes of sinusoidal vibrations
consistent with the given installation.

3.4.6 ~. The actuator shall withstand the dust requirementsspecified in


3.4.7 &Ll&&2& The actuator shall withstand the salt fog requirements
specified in MIL-H-8775.

3.4.8 ~~ The actuator shall withstand the applicable burst

pressure specified in MIL-H-8775 and 4.6.12.

3.5 All parts having the same manufacturers part number

shall be functionallyand dimensionallyinterchangeable. The item

identificationand part number.requirementsof DOD-STD-1OO shall govern the
manufacturer’spart numbers and changes thereto.

of DrOdUCt In addition to marking in accordancewith

MIL-H-8775, it is desirable th~t”each actuator also be marked or tagged e
externally to indicate the standard replacement packing and gasket part numbers
and the quantities thereo$ used in the actuator. Decalcomaniasshall not be
considered permanent markings.


. . .
4.1 lesnonslbl~ectio~ . Unless otherwise specified in the contract
or purchase order, the contractoris responsible for the performanceof all
inspection requirementsas specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in
the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other
facilities suitable for the performanceof the inspectionrequirements
specified herein, unless disappro!redby the Government. The Government
reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the
specificationwhere such inspectionsare deemed necessary to assure supplies
and services conform to prescribedrequirements.

4.2 Classificationof insnectio~. The inspection and testing of actuators

shall be classified as:

a. First article inspections(4.4)

b. Quality conformance inspections(4.5)

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4.3.1 t U. Unless soecified by the acquisitionactivity, all first

article tests shall be performedwith hydraulic fluid conl’ormin~”to MIL-H-5606.
Quality conformance tests may be conducted with hydraulic fluid conforming to
MIL-H-6083 or fluid of the same type as specified for preproductiontests. For
Navy applications,test fluids conforming to MIL-H-83282 and preservativefluid
conforming to MIL-H-46170 shall be used.

4.3.2 ~. Except where otherwise specified, the tests of this

specificationshall be conductedat a room temperatureof 10oC (500F) to 430C
(110%). Hydraulic fluid temperaturemay range from 21°C (70°F) to 54°C
(130%). In the first article tests, the approximate temperatureshall be
recorded in the report except where specified temperaturesare required during
the tests.

4.4 ~

4.4.1 &st article test 9al@e.a First article tests shall be conducted on
test samples in accordancewith &L-H-8775 and table I.

4.4.2 ~. The first article tests of the actuators shall

consistof the examinationsand tests listed in table I.

4*4=3 ~. Failure of any actuating mechanism .

subjected to the first article tests shall be cause for rejection of the design
of the actuator represented. ..

First Article Sample No. 1 First Article Sample No. 2


Tests Paramaoh Tests Paraqraph

Examinationof product 4.6.1 Examinationof product 4.6.1

Extreme temperature Finish of sliding

performance 4.6.7 members 4.6.2

Dust 4.6.9 Proof pressure

and leakage‘

salt fog 4.6.10 Nondestructive

inspection 4.6.5

Vibration 4.6.11 Immersion 4.6.6

Endurance - 4.6.8

Burst pressure 4.6.12

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4.5 JJ@itv conformance wect~

4.5.1 SamDu. Each actuator submitted for acceptance under contract shall
be subjected to the quality conformancetests specified herein. In addition,
such actuators up to 1 percent of the contract, may be selected to determine
conformancewith the other requirementsof this specification.

4.5.2 Tests. Quality conformancetests of actuato& shall consist of the

following examination and tests:

a. Examination of product (4.6.1)

b. Operation and leakage (4.6~3)

c. Proof pressure and leakage (

4.5.3 . Failure of any actuator to conform to any of the quality

conformance tests shall be cause for rejection of that actuator assembly and
the lot represented.

4.6.1 ~ion of DrOdUCt . Examination of product shall be in accordance

with MIL-H-8775.
. .
4.6.2 ljJl@l of Unzmem hers. The smoothness o? finish on sliding
surfaces, such as actuator bores and piston rods, shall be determinedwith a a
profilometer,comparator,brush surface analyzer, or other comparison equipment
such as ‘surfaceroughness comparison sample, provided the accuracy of the
measuring equipment is within 10 percent of the required value.

4.6.3 Qgeration and leq 4 Each actuator shall be cycled with the piston
unrestrainedthrough at least two complete cycles to demonstrate satisfactory
operation, stroke adjustment,and leakage characteristics. Pressure shall
build up to system pressure at the end of each stroke. Leakage at Points where
motion through external packing exists shall not exceed the rate of one drop
per packing per 25 cycles of actuation. There shall be no other leakage
sufficient in value to form a drop. For first artti . The actuator shall be installed in a harness

fixture and shall be restrainedin a tension position and in one or more of its
critical positions as a column (piston not bottomed). In each of these
positions,a pressure of five pounds per square inch (psi) shall be applied for
5 minutes with the opposite port open to atmosphere. Then a pressure equal to
1.5 times the actual differential pressure to be encountered (that
corresponding to the maximum external piston load, including induced
loads which may be in excess of those resulting from applicationof actuating
pressure) shall be applied for 5 minutes with the opposite port open to
atmosphere. There shall be no external or internal leakage (from the open


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port) sufficient in volume to form a drop unless specifically permitted by the

tiesign. There shall be no evidence of loosening, permanentdeformation,or
rupture of parts of the assembly. ~. Each actuator shall be subjected to a

pressure of 5 psi and a proof pressure of 150 *5 percent of the operating
pressure (see !IIL-H-5440) for a period of 3 minutes for each pressure
application. These pressures shall be applied first to one port and then to
the other, with the opposite port open to atmosphere and the piston bottomed at
the opposite end. There shall be no open evidence of external leakage nor
. internal leakage sufficient in volume to form a drop unless permittedby the
contractor’sdrawing approved by the acquisition activity. There shall be no
evidence of loosening, permanentdeformation,or rupture of parts of the
. assembly.

4.6.5 ve . Hi~hly stressed parts such as end caps,

piston heads and rods, locks, and other parts as specified on the manufacturing
drawings manufactured from magnetic materials shall be subject to magnetic
inspection in accordancewith M.IL-I-6868.Harmful discontinuitiesrevealed by
the penetrant method of inspection (see shall be cause for rejection.
Cracks or other Injurious defects revealed by magnetic inspectionshall be
cause for rejection. Fusion weldments inspected by x-ray in accordancewith
MIL-STD-453 showing lack of penetrationor fusion, cracks in parent metal or
weld, underbead crater, burn-through,sharp weld edge, elongated metallic or
,:,, nonmetallicinclusions,shall be rejected. Linear porosity and undercut in
:,., ~gh-stress areas shall be cause for rejection. Diameters of scattered
porosity and round inclusionsin high-stressareas shall not exceed on+tifth
of the metal thickness to a maximum defect image of 0.060 inch, with a distance
between defects of at least eight defect diameters, or a minimum of 0.12 inch,
and not exceeding three defects per inch of weld. In low-stressareas, the
distance between Sag pores or inclusionsshall be at least six defect diameters
or a minimum of 0.090 inch and not exceeding five defects per inch of weld.
Film density shall be 2.5 iO.2. The maximum defect allowable in ultrasonic
“testingshall be a flat”bottom l/3Z inch in diameter, using 5 megacycles.

4.6.6 ~. Type I actuators’containingnonmetallicparts other than

standard seals and backup rings in glands conforming to MIL-G-5514 shall be
immersed in hydraulic fluid for a period of 7 days at a temperatureof 71°C
+l°C (160°F Z°F) prior to conductingany of the other first article”tests
~pecified herein. Type II actuators containing nonmetallicparts shall be
immersed in hydraulic fluid for a period of 72 hours at a temperatureof 135°C
~3~ (2750F fjoF) prior to conductj,~ any of’ the other preproductiontests
specified herein.

4.6=7.1 ~. The actuator shall be connected to a static head of

1 to 3 feet of fluid in a manner to fill the entire actuator and subjected to
-54°C (-65°F) maximum temperature for a period of 3 hours for type I and type
11 actuators followingstabilizationof the temperatureof the test actuator.
The actuator, still at a temperatureof -54°C (-65°F) maximum, shall be

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slowly cycled through five complete cycles with pressure buildup to operating
pressure at the end of each stroke. At least the first full cycle shall be
made with fluid at the specifiedtemperature. Leakage shall not exceed two
drops at each external packing gland during this cycling, and there shall be no
evidence of binding of mating parts. Binding may be checked by comparing the
pressure required to cycle under no load at room temperature,and at -54*C
(-650F)= These values shall be approximatelythe same if cycling is conducted
at velocities that permit viscous shear forces to remain approximatelyequal. ermed~te temQeratW . Immediately following the low temperature

test specified in, the actuator shall be rapidly warmed up from the
-540c (_650F) temperature to 710c (1600F) or 135°C (275°F), as applicable,
while being cycled through complete strokes at maximum increments of 20°C
(36°F) to.determine satisfactoryoperation throughout the temperaturerange.
These cycles shall be performedwithout waiting for the temperature to
stabilize. Jii@&I The actuator assembly, filled with fluid at a

static head of 1 to 3 fee~, shall be subjected to a temperatureof 71°C (160°F)
or 135°C (275°F), as applicable,for a period of 2 hours following
stabilizationof the temperatureof the test actuator. The actuator shall be
slowly cycled through five complete cycles with pressure buildup to operating
pressure at the end of each stroke. At least the first full cycle shall be.
made with fluid at the specified temperature. There shall be no evidence of
binding and leakage shall not exceed a trace. A trace of leakage is considered
as that indicated by a slightly wetted surface.
e me temnerm test waivec. At the option of the acquisition
activity, the extreme temperaturetest specified in 4.6.7 need not be
performed, provided the followingare furnished to and approved by the
acquisitionactivity prior to start of preproductiontesting.

a. Assembly drawing with a cutaway section showing all detail parts in their
normal assembled positions and all detail drawings of subassembliespertaining
to the assembled part, except for drawings of military standard parts (see .

b. Full details and dimensionsof packing glands, piston heads, Piston rod,
and actuator.

c. A mathematical analysis covering the effects of differentialthermal expans-

ion or contraction between room temperatureand the highest and lowest
temperaturethe actuator will be exposed to in its application. The analysis
shall include considerationof minimum clearances and maximum eccentricities
allowed by drawing dimensi-ons.

d. Tests or other data showing satisfactoryfunction throughoutthe entire

temperaturerange of operation (particularlyfor actuators with design features
critical to satisfactoryfunction,which may be adversely affected by

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4.6.8 ~. The actuator assembly shall be subjected to cyclic operation

at a temperatureof 71°C (160°F) or 135°C (275°F), as applicable, in a set-up
which simulates the loading and duplicates swiveling and bending loads, if any,
which would occur in operation of the unit in its installationin the aircraft.
Pressures within the actuator shall be typical of those expected under service
conditions . This may be accomplished by use of the same or an equivalent
control valve as used in the actual installation. Actuators shall be cycled
against full design external loading (load-stroke curve, including oressure
buildup at end of stroke to system design operating pressure) for the number of
cycles specified. At the completion of this test, leakage at each external
packing Sland shall not exceed the rate of one drop per 25 cycles of actuation.
Interport leakage in the proof pressure and leakaqe test specified in 4.6.4
shall not exceed one drop per minute unless specifically permitted by the
design, and there shall be no evidence of excessive wear or failure.

a. Emergency actuators: 2,000 full-strokecycles (operatingin emergency


b. Normal service actuators: 20,000 full-strokecycles. re ~. The actuating cylinder shall be subjected to

pressure impu19es conforming to figure 2. Each cylinder shall withstand 50,000
cycles of rated impulse pressure in both the extended and retracted positions.
The test shaU be conducted with the piston bottomed. It is mandatory that
pressure peaks rise to 150 percent of rated operating pressure at some point
prior to leveling off at operating pressure. There shall be no external leak-
age nor internal leakage (from the open port) unless specificallypermitted by
the design. There shall be no evidence of loosening,permanentdeformation,or
rupture of parts of the assembly. I’4aximumcycling rate shall be 300 cycles per
minute. The pressure rise shall be 200,000 to 300,.900psi per.second.The
cycles shall be evenly distributedthroughout the endurance cycling tests of
4.6.8. ~ . In cases where eyebolt and piston rod strength

and piston and piston rod bearing wear characteristicsare acceptablewithout
Life test on basis of similarityto a previous life-testedunit,”the endurance
strength of such other parts of the unit, such as piston diaphragms,p&Aon-to-
rod attachments,and actuator heads and barrels can be verified by a simplified
life test as follows: The actuator shall be installed in a harness fixture
which shall retain the piston in a nonbottomed position. Pressure shall be
applied to the actuator ports alternately,uwith the number of cycles and
applied pressures confoming to the cycles and loads specified for the various
types of actuators in 4.6.8. There shall be no evidence of failure at the
conclusion of the test. ~. At the option of the acquisitionactivity,

the simplified endurance test need not be performed,provided the following
complete drawings and data are fwnished to and approved by the acquisition
activity prior to the start of preproductiontesting:

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0 si

One Cycle

FIGURE 2. Sressure imnulse.

. .
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. .

0. a. Assembly drawing with a cutaway section showing all detail parta in their

normal assembled positionsand all detail drawin~s of subassembliespertaining

to the assembled part, except for drawings of military standard parts (see

b. Full details and dimensionsof packing glands, piston head, piston rod, and

c. Material used in constructionof bearing, piston head and piston rod

Finish of piston head, piston rod, inner surface of cylinder, and packing
&nds. The roughness of the surface shall be designated in accordancewith
ANSI B46.1.

e. Packing part number, dimensions,packing compound, and packing manufacturer

f. Method of locking end caps and piston rod to the piston head and rod end

3* Bearing overlap in extended position

h. Length of stroke and method for limiting travel

i. Amlysis of loads on cylinder as shown by load-gtroke curve for intended

use. .

4.6:9 u. The dust test shall be conducted in accordancewith MXL-U-8775.

4.6.10 ~. The salt fog test shall be conducted in accordancewith


4.6.11 ~ . The actuator shall be subjected to vibration tests in

. accordancewith MIL-H-8775. The applicable test procedure from the vibration
test selection chart shall be specified by the airframe contractor.

4.6.12 wst or~. The actuator shall be subjected to increasingpressure

until the applicable burst pressure,as specified in MIL-H-8775, is reached.
Rupture shall not occur at any pressure below the specified burst pressure.
The rate of applying pressure shall not exceed 25,000 psi per minute. This
pressure may be applied simultaneouslyto each end of the actuator, if desired
by the contractor.


5.1 Yreserva~. Each actuator shall be preserved and packaged in accordance

with Level A or Level B, as specified.

5.2 Level A. Unless otherwise specified,each actuator shall be protected

from corrosion and packaged in accordancewith NIL-P-116,Submethod 1A-8.

5.2.1 All cavities of the actuator shall be flushed with

corrosion-preventive oil conforining
to !’41L-H-6093
or lMIL-H-46170for systems

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using MIL-H-83282 fluid. The excess oil shall be drained, taking care that
enough oil remains in the cavities to completely cover all surfaces. All parts
shall be sealed with closures conforming to MIL-C-5501; except for Navy
applicationwhere only metal closures shall be used.

5.2.2 Wton rod bearQg The piston rod bearing shall be protected with a
preservativeconformingt: MIL-C-l17g6or packed with the operating grease and
wrapped in Grade A paper conformingto MIL-B-121.

5.2.3 Mton rod. The piston rod shall be retracted and securely fastened to
prevent extension. Any exposed surface of the piston rod shall be coated with
preservativeconforming to MIL-H-6803,and wrapped in Grade A paper conforming
to MIL-B-121.

5.2.4 ~. Each actuator shall be adequately cushioned with cellulose

wadding conforming to PPP-C-843, sealed in a bag constructedof material
conforming to MIL-B-131~ and packaged in a unit container conforming to
PPP-B-636, class weather resistant. J&vel 0. Level B actuators shall be perserved and packased as for

Level A, except that MIL-P-116,Submethod lC-1 may be used, and PPP-B-636 class ~
domestic may be used as a unit container.

5.3.1 hvel A. Overseas exterior shipping containers”shall conform to

Grade A.

5.3.2 ~vel ~. Domestic exterior shipping containers shall conform to

PPP-B-636, class weather resistant. When fiberboardexterior shipping
containers are used, such containersshall be fabricatedfrom fiberboardhaving
a Mullen test of 275 pounds or more.

5*4 of menti. Interior packages and exterior shipping containers

shall be marked in accordancewith MIL-STD-129.


6.1 ~. The actuators covered by this specificationare intended

for use in aeronauticalhydraulic systems covered by MIL-H-5440 to actuate such
individualunits as!landing gears and bomb bay doors. The actuators should not
be used with any hydraulic fluid other than that conforming to MIL-H-5606,
unless otherwise specified by the acquisitionactivity.

6.2 Qrder@z data. Acquisitiondocuments should specify:

a. Title, nuqber and date of this specification.

b. Type of actuator required (see 1.2).

c. Applicable level of packagingand packing required (see 5.2 and 5.3).

. .
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d. Where the preproductiontest samples should be sent and instructions

concerning the submittal of the test reports (see 4.4.1).

e. Whether the extreme temperaturetest (see or the endurance test

(see will be waived.

6.2.1 =blv dr~. The assembly drawings referencedin,, and M. are not required to be In accordancewith DOD-STD-1OO.
The intended purpose of the drawings is to show the changes, in the actuators
being procured, that have been incorporatedover previouslyprocured actuators.

6.3 from nrev~. Asterisks are not used in this revision to

identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of
the changes.

Custodians: Preparing activity:

Army - AV Air Force - 11
Navy - AS
Air Force - 11 Project 1650-0396

Review activities:
Air Force - 99

. .

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❑ UsEn
). AOO Rf”& (Sfm,t, Ctty. Stiti. ZJ? Co&)



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