Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.

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Reg. No. :

Question Paper Code : X 64459

B.e./B.Tech. Degree Examinations, November/December 2020

Fourth Semester
Metallurgical Engineering
MA 039 – Probability and statistics
(Common to Industrial Biotechnology)
(Regulations 2001)

Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Statistical tables are permitted

Answer all questions

Part – A (10×2=20 Marks)

1. Among the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 at first one is chosen and then a second selection is
made among the remaining four digits. Assuming that all 20 possible outcome
have equal probabilities, find the probability that an odd digit will be selected
in the first time and in the second time.

2. Define poisson distribution and find its mean.

3. Let the joint probability density function of X and Y be given by

cx(1 − x ) 0 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ 1
f ( x, y ) = 
 0 othewise

Determine the value of c.

4. Let X and Y be jointly distributed with the correlation coefficient

γ ( x, y ) = , σ x = 2, σ y = 3 . Find Var (2X – 4Y + 3).
5. Define wide sense stationarity of a given random process {X(t)}.

6. Define Markov chain of order ‘S’.

7. Compute MTTF of the components having the hazards rate ae–bt, a > 0, b > 0.
X 64459 -2- *X64459*

8. A system has 4 identical components connected in parallel and shows a system

reliability of 0.9. How many more components should be added in parallel to get
a system reliability of 0.99 ?

9. What is the aim of design of experiments ?

10. Mention the control limits for np chart.

Part – B (5×16=80 Marks)

11. a) i) A random variable x has the following probability function. (8)

x: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
p(x) : 0 k 2k 2k 3k k2 2k2 7k2+k
(1) Find k (2) Evaluate p(x < 6) (3) p(x ≥ 6) (4) p(0 < x < 5).
ii) The time required to repair a machine is exponentially distributed with
parameter λ = (time in hours)
1) What is the probability that the repair time exceeds 2 hours ?
2) What is the conditional probability that a repair takes at least 10 hours
given that its duration exceeds 9 hours ? (8)
b) i) The diameter, say x, of an electric cable, is assumed to be a continuous
random variable with p.d.f. f(x) = 6x (1 – x), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.
1) Check the above is a p.d.f.
2) Obtain expression for the c.d.f.
3) Compute p(x ≤ 1/2/1/3 ≤ x ≤ 2/3). (8)
ii) Let the random variable x have the p.d.f.
 1 −2x
 e ,x>0
f (x ) =  2
0, otherwise

Find the mean, variance and moment generating function of x. (8)

12. a) i) X is a normal random variable with mean 1 and variance 4. Find the density
function of Y = 2X2 + 1. (8)
ii) Two independent random variates X1 and X2 have means 5 and 10 and
variances 4 and 9 respectively. Find the correlation coefficient between
Y1 = 3X1 + 4X2 and Y2 = 3X1 – X2. (8)
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b) i) Two random variables X and Y have joint density function

 2 xy
x + , 0 ≤ x ≤1 0 ≤ y ≤ 2
f xy ( x, y ) =  3
 0, otherwise

 x
Verify whether X and Y are independent and also find f x / y   . (8)
 y
ii) Two independent resistors X and Y are connected in parallel in a network
and are uniformly distributed in the interval 90 and 100 ohms. Find the
probability density function of the net resistance of the network. (8)

13. a) i) If the WSS process {X(t)} is given by X(t) = 10 cos (100t + θ), where θ is
uniformly distributed over (– π, π), prove that {x(t)} is correlation ergodic. (8)
ii) If {N 1(t)} and {N 2(t)} are poisson process with parameter λ1 and λ2
respectively. Show that P{N1(t) = k/N1(t) + N2(t) = n} = nCkpkqn – k, where
p= and q = λ 2 . (8)
λ1 + λ 2 λ +λ1 2

b) i) The transition probability matrix of a Markov chain {Xn}, n = 1, 2, 3, . . .
having 3 states 1, 2 and 3 is
 0 .1 0 .5 0 .4 
P =  0.6 0.2 0.2
 
 0.3 0.4 0.3

and the initial distribution is p(0) = (0.7, 0.2, 0.1). Find (1) P(X2 = 3) and
(2) P(X3 = 2, X2 = 3, X1 = 3, X0 = 2). (8)
ii) If the customers arrive in accordance with the Poisson process, with mean
rate of 2 per minute, find the probability that the interval between 2
consecutive arrivals is (1) more than 1 minute (2) between 1 and 2 minute
(3) less than 4 minutes. (8)

14. a) Obtain the function for a single component availability system with repair.
Discuss its steady state behaviour. (16)
b) i) For a single component system with the hazard rate h(t) obtain the
reliability of the system. (8)
ii) A system consisting of several identical components connected in parallel is
to have a failure rate of atmost 4 × 10–4 per hour. What is the least number of
components that must be used if each has a constant failure rate of 9 × 10–4 ? (8)
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15. a) Analyse the variance in the following Latin square of yields (in kgs) of paddy
where A, B, C, D, denote the different methods of cultivation.
D 122 A 121 C 123 B 122
B 124 C 123 A 122 D 125
A 120 B 119 D 120 C 121
C 122 D 123 B 121 A 122
Examine whether the different methods of cultivation have given significantly
different yields. (16)
b) The number of customer enquiries received daily by a firm is given below :
Day : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Enquiries : 2 3 0 1 9 2 0 0 4 2 0 7 0 2 4
Does it mean that the number of complaints is under statistical control ?
Establish a control scheme for the future. (16)


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