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The Adventures of Cycle Hunter

A journey into financial markets,

where there is always more going on
than meets the eye.


In writing this Book I have thoroughly enjoyed myself and

have finally understood why the Masters of this trade have
done the same. And in respect to them I have written this in
the same genre. I hope that you, the reader, are able to
gain from this writing as I have gained from the three wise
men. By using the methods alluded to in the pages to follow
one will gain vital information. This Knowledge will be
instrumental in financial freedom. This book should be read
once for the sole purpose of reading a story. Then this Book
should be read over and over many times in order for it to
cough up it secrets. There are many exercises for the reader
to undertake and they will prove to be invaluable in the
future. As I stated, I have enjoyed the writing of this. I hope
that it is as much enjoyment for you to read and re-read.
Cycle Hard!

FORWARD BY “THE SEARCHER” My personal quest for

W.D. Gann‟s methods spans over 10 years. In that time I had
to study through some very bad conditions, I never gave up.
Whether you benefit from my 10 years of research is
dependent on your commitment and the path you choose.
Whether you succeed or fail is entirely up to you. Time and
time again people come into this field wanting to make a
quick buck. There are people who say, “I don‟t want to
have to do anything, I just want to make a lot of money.”
These people always fail. Nothing in life works that way. You
must get involved in this field to succeed. Many people
want me to fully share my 10 years of experience. I ask them
how many hours this last year have they devoted to
charitable organizations, how much work have they done
for free? The good news I can assure you is this is the most
rewarding “field” to be in all around. First lets look at what I
have seen as major roadblocks and pitfalls that are stopping
many in their tracks. The following is the truth and is
presented from my unique position. Geometry-fortunes can
be made marketing this. It‟s easily sellable to a gullible
public thirsty for quick profits. Its marketable directly to the
masses, sot you don‟t have to deal with taboos or anything
requiring more that you have seen, no matter what you
have bought, no matter what you have heard, geometry,
by itself will never ever work. There are people who can
trade profitably using geometry only but you will not be able
to duplicate this. I could explain why this is however, I have
elected to simply state, “It is NOT, and REPEAT NOT the
geometry that is really working for them and that is why it
won‟t work for you.” The second major item that is holding
people back is actually software. The reliance on software.
Buying expensive software is definitely the wrong thing to do.
People who are truly succeeding with GANN are making
their discoveries with little, if any, software. This has been a
major issue for years. I have been in a position to observe the
patterns of people succeeding against those that are not.
People ate genuine successes with little or no software in all
cases and I mean all. The correct way to use software is to
first find method, and then automate it with the software.
There are “levels of success.” I am talking about the “upper
levels of success.” Half -measures and systems are good for
people who can use them but I am talking about that upper
level of success, software is to automate a process. The
exception here is charting software to “see” prices and
digital ephemeris to check planetary positions. 4 Not
knowing where the truth is. Gann put his system in the book
“Tunnel Through The Air” (T.T.T.A). One of the questions I ask
fellow Gann aficionados is “what is your favorite book by
W.D. Gann”. If they answer anything other than T.T.T.A. it
“sends up a flag” for me. The reason they should always say
Tunnel is because that is where Gann‟s system “REALLY” is.
We will get to Tunnel later. Information overload, too much
information, this can paralyze, frustrate, and demean your
efforts. Ever felt frustrated while studying this field? There is a
simple solution to this problem but the irony is that this
solution is only knowable after you have “solved” most of the
things you need to. The only other way is if you happen to
be told b somebody, or somebody writes it out for you. Here
is the key. Your real goal is to understand the cycles working
in your market. Jensen, Gann, and Bayer all wrote about
cycles. If you do not understand the cycles in your market
you don‟t have a chance. As is explained in Turbo 2, there
are different types of cycles. The cycles work differently and
some are tied together. So no matter what you are reading,
or what they are saying, your goal is cycles. It all works off of
cycles. You must understand cycles. Once you do, doors
begin to open up and lights come on. Gann specifically
talks cycles in Tunnel. The war in the back of the book is the
Dow, the "attacks by the enemy" as well as the "good news"
can directly be linked up with cycles. Cycles are what you
are after. Spend your time studying cycles. The squares that
Gann used require knowledge of the underlying cycles.
After traders acquire or view the squares they have a
fundamental problem, where to anchor them! The solution is
cycles! Certain highs and lows are caused by certain cycles.
If you cannot differentiate which high or low belongs to
which cycle you will be unable to use Gann‟s Squares in the
intended fashion they are meant to be used. This is the same
fundamental problem plaguing those that try to use straight
geometry (inability to know which highs and lows are
related); this is critical. The solution is cycles. I observe people
all the time try and solve Gann's methods while the cycles
elude them. I had to write this. Simple solutions have gone
too far. I have actually told people using spreadsheets like
excel to add column A and column B together and they
don't. Instead they use fancy things that complicate and
disturb the answers they should be getting. I do not know
what causes them to do this. Gann is simple, for all the
mystery, once it is finally "boiled down". The average man or
women, given the proper background, should have no
problems working with the simple but powerful methods. You
do not need to study physics or chemistry, in fact this is
usually a deterrent to success. Individuals who are successful
in their own fields usually come into this one expecting to be
just as successful. This field is different because there are no
teachers, you have to teach yourself, which of course is
tricky because you are unsure what to teach yourself. That is
why friends are so important as they allow you to pool
information with other. Saving you time and allowing you to
network. This field has changed every aspect of my life, far
beyond monetary considerations and I mean every aspect. I
feel that I owe this field for all I have obtained from it. I
worked closely with the authors of this book to bring you
something that is not just another book. -The Searcher
December 1 2007-


Source G - Grandfather - In the know

Source Q - Individual in the know. High-grade information

believed extremely accurate. Agent of the Grandfather

Source B - Individual in the know. High-grade information

believed to be accurate.

Source F - Appears to be my friend, anything I tell him be

distributes down stream, although he thinks I am unaware of
this. Questionable information, but does talk to Sources G
and Q

Source V - Crazy. You can bank on this information being

100% WRONG. I eventually blocked the e-mails.
The Bttlc Proposition After reading the work “12” I came
up with the Bttlc proposition. The basis is the law of size; bear
with me while I elaborate on this concept. Look at a chart of
the Dow. See the high that occurred on 9-9-03. Price went
up 7 days prior, the top comes in then we move down for
about 11 days. Now lets look at the high on 1-14-2000. We
had been moving up for about 3 months; our high on 1-14
comes in then we move down for about 2 months. Obviously
these turns differ greatly in magnitude and direction. This is
the key, the basic building block for Bttlc proposition. It‟s the
law of size. These 2 tops were created by entirely different
factors. The January 2000 top will involve slower moving
planets while the September 2003 top was caused by swifter
moving planets. Given that we can now view the Bttlc
proposition in its proper light. Take about 2 months of sharp,
clear turns. Lets look at IBM. We learn from the procedure in
“12” that IBM has an axis of 12 degrees 20 minutes and 27
degrees 20 minutes. The other axis is 11 degrees and 26
degrees. Now I want to use small sharp clear turns not
ground a weekend. I have learned that when I cannot find
it, it is generally because the true high or low occurred over
the weekend, and is there on the weekend. Now on IBM I
jumped in with some small turns beginning in October 2003.
Before I start I want to point out. Take a close look at the
price action on 10-22-03 and 10-22-03 in IBM. On the 23rd we
opened low then went up. This is an artificial low caused by
sell orders from the previous day (the true turn occurred
before the 23rd). Now we want get between 4 and 8 turns. I
picked the following: 10-22-03 10-31-03 11-13-03 12-16-03 1-
7-04 I skipped November 6 2003 because it was too close to
the weekend (true turn was on the weekend). The next step
in the Bttlc proposition is to write down the degree of only
Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars on these dates. 7 I write down
the minutes for Mars whereas the other I do not. 10-22-03 Sun
at 29 Lib, Mercury at 27 Lib, Venus at 16 Scorpio, Mars at 4
Pisces 15. 10-31-03 Sun at 8 Scorpio, Mercury at 12 Scorpio,
Venus at 27 Scorpio, Mars at 7 Pisces 19 11-13-03 Sun at 21
Scorpio, Mercury at 2 Sagittarius, Venus at 12 Sagittarius,
Mars at 12 Pisces 48 12-16-03 Sun at 24 Sagittarius, Mercury at
12 Capricorn, Venus at 24 Capricorn, Mars at 0 Aries 16 1-07-
04 Sun at 17 Capricorn, Mercury at 26 Sagittarius, Venus at
21 Aquarius, Mars at 13 Aries 27 From the dates: 10-22-03
Mercury 27 Libra 10-31-03 Mercury 12 Scorpio, Venus 27
Scorpio 11-13-03 Venus 12 Sagittarius 12-16-03 Mercury 12
Capricorn 1-07-04 Mercury 26 Sagittarius I then went and
pulled out 4 other dates to check, I did this at random. 8-23-
04 8-31-04 9-13-04 9-22-04 I could find nothing for 8-23-04
then I realized it was a Monday so the turn occurred over
the weekend. 8-31-04 Mercury 26 Leo 9-13-04 Could find
nothing but Jupiter is at 27 Virgo 27 (this happens
sometimes). 9-22-04 Mars 27 Scorpio 22 (same spot as
Jupiter) I then took the Australian XJO. I took random dates
in 1997. 2-25-97 3- 3-97 3-11-97 3-20-97 3-30-97 4-10-97 4-15-97
I then added the positions of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and
Mars. Now because this was Australian data I had to set the
ephemeris to Australian time. 2-25-97 Sun at 6 Pisces,
Mercury at 24 Aquarius, Venus at 27 Aquarius, Mars at 3 Libra
36 3- 3-97 Sun at 12 Pisces, Mercury at 6 Pisces, Venus at 5
Pisces, Mars at 1 Scorpio 47 3-11-97 Sun at 21 Pisces, Mercury
at 21 Pisces, Venus at 16 Pisces, Mars at 28 Virgo 48 3-20-97
Sun at 28 Pisces, Mercury at 6 Aries, Venus at 24 Pisces, Mars
at 26 Virgo 5 3-30-97 Sun at 9 Aries, Mercury at 26 Aries,
Venus at 8 Aries, Mars at 21 Virgo 58 4-10-97 Sun at 21 Aries,
Mercury at 8 Taurus, Venus at 23 Aries, Mars at 18 Virgo 33 4-
15-97 Sun at 24 Aries, Mercury at 9 Taurus, Venus at 258 Aries,
Mars at 17 Virgo 57 Now looking at the following: 2-25-97 Sun
at 6 Pisces, Mercury at 24 Aquarius 3- 3-97 Mercury NOW at 6
Pisces 3-11-97 Sun at 21 Pisces, Mercury at 21 Pisces; a
conjunction on its axis 3-20-97 Mercury 6 Aries, Venus at 24
Pisces 4-10-97 Sun at 21 Aries 4-15-97 Sun at 24 Aries, Mercury
at 9 Taurus 9 So you can see the numbers are 6, 9, 21, and
24. 6+15=24 9+15=24 I made a prolonged study of the use of
Gann angles. Going through Ganns charts two things
became noticeable. In general, he used trading days
(although on a couple: calendar days) it is my belief that he
used calendar days for something else! The other principal I
gained is he used primarily the 1x1, 2x2, and 2x1 unless it was
a fast rising market, then he would use the 4x1 and 8x1. I
began to experiment with them using the Bttlc proposition.
Here is my work on the 4x1 (Rise x Run), so I am using 4 points
Rise to 1 time unit. I am using trading days. I started looking
at XJO (Australian) anchoring at May 24, 2000 with Mercury
at 21 Gemini pure cones down to the July 31, 2000 pivot with
sun at 9 Leo; Mercury hits 21 the next day. Look at the price
action on August 31, 2000, how it cut our line. Now I was
about to proceed when source B called me on the phone
and told me the alliance code writer‟s formula. This
eventually proved to be a boon because he told me I had
to keep my numbers increasing at all costs. He told me the
formula was (faster planet + 360)-(slower planet) = X. I did
not, at this point, know what this was used for, I thanked him
and we hung up. Continuing on I anchored at April 02, 2001
in XJO with Mercury at 24 Pisces, price cuts through our line
on July 05, 2001, comes back up and rechallanges it on
July16 and July 17, 2001 with Mercury at 6 Cancer. I did
another; anchored at December 17, 2001 with Mars 6 Pisces
35, price challenges our line on February 07, 2002 with Venus
at 24 Aquarius. With this I sat back to think on things and an
e-mail came in. It was source Q, who had read post 1755
written on October 6, 2001. It stated that the “key” you must
find in the Bible is one word “7”, and that the sign was also in
the book Tunnel and the “code for the numbers” meant
dates. I forwarded this to source B, to get some input and
went back to my work on XJO. Note the price action on
February 20, 2002 where the line gets penetrated. Price goes
down and comes back up to rechallange it on March 07,
2002 with Mercury twenty-four Aquarius. Using the June 16,
1995 date to anchor with Mercury 9 Gemini price moves up
then comes back down, hits the line on July 04, 1995
Mercury 21 Gemini then continues up to the top then comes
down, rides the line until Mercury hits 9 Virgo on August 15,
1995. 10 Another e-mail comes in, it is source B. He states
that the system used in post 1755 was demonstrated in post
2926, December 15, 2001. He said that Gann did use that
system later but there was another system one that is easier
to get at then the one described on post 1755… That Gann
primarily had 2 base systems and that post 1755 used
numbers. I recalled that source F had spoken with source G
and it was stated that Gann used the system in post 1755
almost exclusively in his later days. Well this left me with the
question if this post 1755 was what Gann used later then
what did he use in his earlier days? I became determined to
get to the bottom of this. Continuing on, the low on October
16, 1998 Mercury 6 Scorpio price action stays above the 4 x1
line and bounces off of it April 6, 1999. Mercury at 21 Pisces
goes up to final peak then comes down, look at the price
action on May 7, 1999, price then comes back up to re-
challenge the line on May 14, 1999 with Venus at 6 Cancer a
day before Mercury was at 9 Taurus. It hit me that I should
read through the posts. After much research down this
avenue I came up with 2 posts that I believed were in line
with exploring what I was looking for. Post 4475 made on
May 29, 2002 and post 4501 made on May 30, 2002 these
indicate that there were 2 systems. I copied and posted
these emailed them off to source B for his opinion. The next
day when I checked my e-mail source B had replied. He
stated that “both of these were correct and that the traders
in this field need to set a goal to get either of these solved.”
So I made it my goal to get these solved and to not even
worry about “signs” and “pure numbers” at this point. The
next email was from Source V stating that the number in
Tunnel was right, it is 266 but that does not make sense to me
because the number 260 is used in the Mayan calendar and
the number of the Pope Gann was really referring to was not
266. I responded that I was not going to study that
technique at this time because my goal was to understand
the other technique the one that uses the planets. What
made sense to me is that I should focus and concentrate on
one thing at a time and the posts had made it clear that
Gann most likely started with the method that uses the
planets. Trying to tackle both methods at the same time
seems like an overload. Planets it is but where to from here? I
sat down to do more on my angles. I had a feeling that
some day these were going to pay off. Did more XJO. On
July 27, 2001 Venus at 24 Gemini and Mercury 24 Cancer,
price moves up then collapses through the line on August
16, 2001 (note price action on that date). Price makes a low
and re-challenges August 27, 2001 with Mercury at 24 Virgo.
That was all of those that I could find. 11 I then began to test
the 4 x1 going down. There was a high on May 9, 1995 with
Venus 21 Aries and Mercury 9 Gemini, price goes down, cuts
our line on the upside, moves down to low on June 16, 1995
where Mercury is again at 9 Gemini. I decided to write
source F to see what he had heard about all of this. I
wanted to get his input. He responded back that he had
heard Bayer, Gann and Jensen all wrote about the same
thing so I should start there paying particular attention to
when they used the planets. I read through Ganns books
before and it seems like the only place he really used the
planets could be in Tunnel but that is very hidden stuff. I had
read Bayer and found him long winded as I spent many a
nights with that 5-fold thing. That leaves Jensen and I was
going to have read and make a serious study of his book.
Let me tell you about my Uncle Sam Steely. This guy has
never been anything but a thug. He dropped out of college
his first year. Later he needed his Manuscripts that stated he
had graduated from there. He went to the college pulled
the guy across the counter demanded his graduation
certificate. The man gave him one. Now you might think that
this is fine but eventually individuals that act this way…well it
catches up to them. He has 4 children all girls the younger 2 I
don‟t know that well but the older 2 are named Satie and
Marcia. I asked them what time their father was born one
said 1:15 while the other stated 8:30. That‟s a heck of a
difference but what do you expect? Satie is a drunk. They try
to hide the fact that she prefers women, I guess to hold out
“family appearances”. You see I grew up in the shadows.
My Aunt married the thug and they had this family that they
portrayed as perfect. In reality it was all smoke and mirrors
but for whatever reason (ailing self- worth anxiety) they kept
it up. Initially Satie and I were close you could say we grew
up together. I recall once I had a BB gun, shot out the
window across the street and handed the gun to her.
Everyone came out and “saw her” with the gun. Anyway we
were close for a while and I always looked forward to her
visits. Marcia, I did not know all too well except she was the
most beautiful girl and eventually she did some modeling I
think. Her all controlling parents told her who she could date
and who she couldn‟t. For them it was all about “social
ladders”. I guess that is okay if that is your thing. Marcia and
Satie argued uncontrollably. I remember the “big one” early
in 1994. They did not quit arguing until the 9th of January.
Things began to quickly build again until their voices could
be heard around the neighborhood. They lived next door to
a nun who would try to counsel them, but that often took a
very long time. Finally on January 21st after much arguing
the nun finally called the police who quieted everything
down at least for the next 5 days. On January 26th things
began to heat up again. This was an explosive climax that
ended only 10 days into February with an officer Urn making
the arrests. It would indeed prove to be a very long time
before things ever reached this magnitude again. “Daddy”
worked in the corporate world for large corporations. He
called it “hustle” which I assume would work for anyone for a
long time and a season…but sooner or later it will have to
catch up to you, it‟s a matter of time. Well it has been 6
years since he had a job that employed him full time. Simply
he is past his peak and they know that in the “Corporate
World”. Lately he has been draining his retirement account
to keep the image up. You think about that. You hustle your
way through 29 and a half years in the corporate world and
you succumb to be a victim of your own circumstance. He
doesn‟t care much for me and I have never bought into
that whole corporate world thing. Satie went off to college
for a couple of years… ah yes, she learned one thing; how
to drink. She came back home in mid 2005 and it was not
long before the fighting started with good old Marcia. The
date was August 5, 2005 and things had been on an
upswing but had paused for a few days. Ah yes there was
peace. You see on that date August 5, 2005 Marcia‟s new
boyfriend showed up. His name was Enos. This made Satie
extremely jealous and afterwards, after Enos left, things
escalated quickly. The war finally ended on August 12, 2005
when the two sisters got into a terrible fight over cars. This
was a knock down drag out fight with fists and beer bottles
flying. They rested for the next 5 days and were back at it on
the 27th of August. This time I don‟t recall what exactly it was
about, something Mercurial I imagine, but I do recall it did
not actually stop until the 8th day of September 2005 when
the nun again called the police. That family has always
been a messed up family but for appearance sake they
appear to be the Bastion of happiness. Hard times indeed,
what do you do when no one will hire you because you are
close to retirement age and you have gone through most of
your retirement funds? I learned many lessons off of this.
Once a thug, always a thug. Uncle at one point called me a
con man because he never understood me, never realized
who I actually was or what I was capable of, I guess he was
just to busy. Last time I saw him he was full of insults. What he
failed to realize is what Gann and Gurdjieff both have stated
is everything is a circle. Sure you can kick me when I am
down but that is only going to come back on you. I decided
that while reading and thoroughly studying Jensen‟s book I
would continue with my XJO angle studies. I sat down and
from the high August 31, 2004 Mercury at 23 Virgo price stays
below the line and challenges it on October 4, 1994 with Sun
at 9 Libra. From the high December 28, 1994 Mercury at 21
Libra prices go down and is opened above the line on
January 31, 1995 with Venus at 24 Sagittarius. We topped on
May 9, 1995 with Mercury at 9 Gemini we then went down
small rally and price was opened above the line on May
24th then down to June 16, 1995 with Mercury exactly back
at 9 Gemini, Venus at 6 Gemini and Sun at 24 Gemini. I
decided to e-mail Source B to see if he can offer any clues
then I continued on. On March 4, 1996 with Mercury at 24
Aquarius we topped and the cycles pulled price down until
the 12th, we went back up and road the line down until April
10, 1996 with Venus 6 Gemini. Another top on April 29, 1996
with Sun at 98 and Venus 21 Gemini the bulk of the time we
road the line down (4x1) until July 17, 1996 Bottom with Sun
at 24 Cancer, Mars at 24 Gemini. 13 An e-mail comes in, it‟s
from Source B. He states that Jensen‟s book was really about
this method, cleverly disguised. He stated that where the
system is readily apparent is in the charts on pages 87-93,
that these were added later to show the pattern that he
wants you to find in his book. He went on to say that “after
finding the pattern, you then use page 82 of his book, if you
don‟t have this pattern it is difficult to trade consistently with
success”. I replied back to that e-mail that if this pattern was
in Jensen‟s book then it must be in Tunnel somewhere. What
struck me was that “I now knew what I was looking for, I had
a formidable goal.” Instead of just studying Gann or
financial markets my goal was to discern a pattern out of a
stock or commodity. This made complete sense to me once
I thought about it. In order to predict future movements I
would have to isolate something that is repetitive and
repeats with a certain amount of predictability. Of course
before I can fully understand the Gann squares, signs and
numbers, I must find something that repeats and is
predictable. This is probably what the Geometry in the back
of Jensen‟s book is for, not to be applied without something
that repeats. I had already made a serious study of
Geometry and found that when it is used alone it fails no
matter what you do. It hit me that that is where everyone
was failing; they were failing to find anything that repeats. I
decided to do more work on my angles in XJO. We topped
July 2, 1997 with Mars at 6 Libra, then went down and came
back up, riding the line down until September 2, 1997 with
Mercury at 6 Virgo. Top September 17, 1998 with Mercury at
21 Leo, Sun at 24 Cancer we then go down, come back up
to top out on September 24, 1998 with Venus at 21 Virgo,
Mars at 21 Leo. Source F wrote me saying that” there are
cycles in stocks and commodities and when you look at the
chart of prices you are looking at the cycles”. This intrigued
me because I had just been working on XJO and did not
realize that there were cycles running through it in this
manner. He went on stating “All highs and lows are created
by a cycle”. I reasoned that if this was the case eventually I
am going to have to isolate a cycle so I can begin to study
its personality. This all ran contrary to popular opinion. It
seems the systems on the market were if-then systems, like if
these two lines meet it means this or if it touches this point it
means this. There must be a way to say “this must happen”. I
have made a thorough study of Ganns works and
predictions, at several points he states” price must go there”.
That is completely different than saying” if this happens”.
Got an e-mail from source V stating she heard that “on
Ganns death there was only $100,000 in his bank account”.
This I could care less about if he used the toilet 3 times a day
who cares. I have seen audited statements with 100‟s of
trades and 90% + accuracy. I know that if I can get there, to
that degree of accuracy I can make serious money but the
question currently on my mind is where do I start with these
cycles? 14 If every turn is caused by a cycle well there are
tons of turns so I am back at the beginning; stuck in the mud.
There must be a way to find these things. I returned to my
testing of XJO with the 4x1 going down. Top November 06,
2002 with Mercury at 9 Scorpio (choppy, sideways market)
then down to March 13, 2003 with Sun at 21 Pisces. I could
find no other occurrences of this angle so I moved on the 2 x
1 angle going up. April 1, 1997 low in XJO with Mars at 21
Virgo price moves up then comes down and tests our line on
September 3, 1997 with Mercury at 6 Virgo. From the low
September 22, 2000 with Mercury at 21 Libra we eventually
move sideways until February 4, 2001 with Mercury at 24
Scorpio. It was at this point that it occurred to me to start
looking for cycles. I am going to have to start comparing the
highs and lows in XJO. This must be the way to find the
patterns. I sat back for a moment and realized that because
I did not know for sure Helio or Geo I was going to have to
use both. This was different than my angle tests on XJO
which I only use Geocentric positions due to these
coinciding with the geocentric natal. Yes definitely I am
going to have to test both geocentric and heliocentric
positions. I came up with a Geocentric Worksheet and a
Heliocentric worksheet: HELIOCENTRIC Positions Earth
Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto
Chiron 15 Earth/Mercury Jupiter/Uranus Earth/Venus
Jupiter/Neptune Earth/Mars Jupiter/Pluto Earth/Jupiter
Jupiter/Chiron Earth/Saturn Saturn/Uranus Earth/Uranus
Saturn/Neptune Earth/Neptune Saturn/Pluto Earth/Pluto
Saturn/Chiron Earth/Chiron Uranus/Neptune Mercury/Venus
Uranus/Pluto Mercury/Mars Uranus/Chiron Mercury/Jupiter
Neptune/Pluto Mercury/Saturn Neptune/Chiron
Mercury/Uranus Pluto/Chiron Mercury/Neptune
Mercury/Pluto Mercury/Chiron Venus/Mars Venus/Jupiter
Venus/Saturn Venus/Uranus Venus/Neptune Venus/Pluto
Venus/Chiron Mars/Jupiter Mars/Saturn 16 Mars/Uranus
Mars/Neptune Mars/Pluto Mars/Chiron Jupiter/Saturn
GEOCENTRIC Positions Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter
Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Chiron Sun /Mercury
Jupiter/Uranus Sun /Venus Jupiter/Neptune Sun /Mars
Jupiter/Pluto Sun /Jupiter Jupiter/Chiron Sun /Saturn
Saturn/Uranus Sun /Uranus Saturn/Neptune Sun /Neptune
Saturn/Pluto 17 Sun /Pluto Saturn/Chiron Sun /Chiron
Uranus/Neptune Mercury/Venus Uranus/Pluto Mercury/Mars
Uranus/Chiron Mercury/Jupiter Neptune/Pluto
Mercury/Saturn Neptune/Chiron Mercury/Uranus
Pluto/Chiron Mercury/Neptune Mercury/Pluto
Mercury/Chiron Venus/Mars Venus/Jupiter Venus/Saturn
Venus/Uranus Venus/Neptune Venus/Pluto Venus/Chiron
Mars/Jupiter Mars/Saturn Mars/Uranus Mars/Neptune
Mars/Pluto Mars/Chiron Jupiter/Saturn Next I am going to
take Highs and Lows and compare the DISTANCE TRAVELLED
of all of the planets. I found 10 moves randomly that I want
to analyze for the XJO: 18 1) 7-17-98 to 10-15-98 2) 7-20-00 to
10-19-99 3) 6-29-01 to 9-24-01 4) 3-13-03 to 4-30-03 5) 3-21-05
to 5-17-05 6) 10-21-05 to 11-22-05 7) 5-10-06 to 6-14-06 8) 9-25-
06 to 11-7-06 9) 3-6-07 to 4-18-07 10) 8-16-07 to 10-15-07
Chose well-defined tops. I wanted to begin with each single
planet because that seems like a good point to start the
analysis. I want to start with the Heliocentric First. Then I want
to move on to Geocentric. Also I was careful to select
Australian time, because this is an Australian stock.
Heliocentric move # 1 Jul 17 1998 12:00 pm Oct 15 1998 12:00 pm
DISTANCE TRAVELED Earth 294.3 Earth 21.49 Earth 87.19 Mercury
238.18 Mercury 243.86 Mercury 365.68 Venus 46.59 Venus 192.23
Venus 145.64 Mars 86.15 Mars 128.34 Mars 42.19 Jupiter 347.5 Jupiter
355.69 Jupiter 8.19 Saturn 26.67 Saturn 29.85 Saturn 3.18 Uranus
310.57 Uranus 311.56 Uranus 0.99 Neptune 300.73 Neptune 301.27
Neptune 0.54 Pluto 247.02 Pluto 247.62 Pluto 0.6 Chiron 228.58 Chiron
232.23 Chiron 3.65 19 Heliocentric move # 2 Jul 20 1999 12:00 pm
Oct 19 1999 12:00 pm DISTANCE TRAVELED Earth 296.93 Earth 25.22
Earth 88.29 Mercury 283.11 Mercury 292.1 Mercury 368.99 Venus
277.32 Venus 62.01 Venus 144.69 Mars 258.46 Mars 312.4 Mars 53.94
Jupiter 21.15 Jupiter 29.49 Jupiter 8.34 Saturn 39.75 Saturn 43.03
Saturn 3.28 Uranus 314.61 Uranus 315.6 Uranus 0.99 Neptune 302.93
Neptune 303.48 Neptune 0.55 Pluto 249.46 Pluto 250.05 Pluto 0.59
Chiron 242.92 Chiron 246.22 Chiron 3.3 Heliocentric move # 3 Jun
29 2001 12:00 pm Sep 24 2001 12:00 pm DISTANCE TRAVELED Earth
277.97 Earth 1.67 Earth 83.70 Mercury 304.08 Mercury 300.97 Mercury
356.89 Venus 335.08 Venus 114.53 Venus 139.45 Mars 271.80 Mars
324.81 Mars 53.00 Jupiter 84.83 Jupiter 92.29 Jupiter 7.46 Saturn 65.66
Saturn 68.88 Saturn 3.22 Uranus 322.34 Uranus 323.29 Uranus 0.94
Neptune 307.19 Neptune 307.71 Neptune 0.52 Pluto 254.08 Pluto
254.64 Pluto 0.56 Chiron 266.23 Chiron 268.72 Chiron 2.49 20

Heliocentric move # 4 Mar 13 2003 12:00 pm Apr 30 2003 12:00 pm

DISTANCE TRAVELED Earth 172.66 Earth 219.90 Earth 47.24 Mercury
325.73 Mercury 205.71 Mercury 239.98 Venus 252.64 Venus 328.61
Venus 75.98 Mars 236.43 Mars 262.17 Mars 25.73 Jupiter 136.22
Jupiter 140.01 Jupiter 3.79 Saturn 88.80 Saturn 90.60 Saturn 1.79
Uranus 329.07 Uranus 329.59 Uranus 0.52 Neptune 310.92 Neptune
311.21 Neptune 0.29 Pluto 258.04 Pluto 258.35 Pluto 0.30 Chiron
282.53 Chiron 283.65 Chiron 1.13 Heliocentric move # 5 Mar 21
2005 12:00 pm May 17 2005 12:00 pm DISTANCE TRAVELED Earth
181.14 Earth 236.84 Earth 55.70 Mercury 155.24 Mercury 342.80
Mercury 187.56 Venus 355.45 Venus 86.73 Venus 91.28 Mars 264.45
Mars 297.98 Mars 33.54 Jupiter 192.99 Jupiter 197.29 Jupiter 4.30
Saturn 116.35 Saturn 118.46 Saturn 2.11 Uranus 337.02 Uranus 337.63
Uranus 0.61 Neptune 315.36 Neptune 315.70 Neptune 0.34 Pluto
262.65 Pluto 263.00 Pluto 0.35 Chiron 298.19 Chiron 299.27 Chiron 1.08
21 Heliocentric move # 6 Oct 21 2005 12:00 pm Nov 22 2005 12:00
pm DISTANCE TRAVELED Earth 28.35 Earth 60.45 Earth 32.10
Mercury 278.60 Mercury 50.25 Mercury 131.65 Venus 338.48 Venus
29.40 Venus 50.93 Mars 35.43 Mars 53.60 Mars 18.17 Jupiter 209.16
Jupiter 211.59 Jupiter 2.43 Saturn 124.25 Saturn 125.43 Saturn 1.18
Uranus 339.32 Uranus 339.66 Uranus 0.34 Neptune 316.64 Neptune
316.84 Neptune 0.19 Pluto 263.97 Pluto 264.16 Pluto 0.20 Chiron
302.15 Chiron 302.73 Chiron 0.57 Heliocentric move # 7 May 10
2006 12:00 pm Jun 14 2006 12:00 pm DISTANCE TRAVELED Earth
229.86 Earth 263.46 Earth 33.60 Mercury 11.32 Mercury 196.87 Mercury
185.55 Venus 300.96 Venus 356.42 Venus 55.45 Mars 135.87 Mars
151.24 Mars 15.37 Jupiter 224.45 Jupiter 227.14 Jupiter 2.68 Saturn
131.62 Saturn 132.89 Saturn 1.28 Uranus 341.48 Uranus 341.85 Uranus
0.38 Neptune 317.85 Neptune 318.06 Neptune 0.21 Pluto 265.19 Pluto
265.41 Pluto 0.21 Chiron 305.68 Chiron 306.28 Chiron 0.60 22

Heliocentric move # 8 Sep 25 2006 12:00 pm Nov 7 2006 12:00 pm

DISTANCE TRAVELED Earth 2.45 Earth 45.10 Earth 42.65 Mercury
242.91 Mercury 39.08 Mercury 156.16 Venus 162.37 Venus 231.67
Venus 69.30 Mars 196.87 Mars 217.09 Mars 20.22 Jupiter 235.07
Jupiter 238.40 Jupiter 3.33 Saturn 136.64 Saturn 138.20 Saturn 1.56
Uranus 342.96 Uranus 343.42 Uranus 0.46 Neptune 318.68 Neptune
318.94 Neptune 0.26 Pluto 266.03 Pluto 266.29 Pluto 0.26 Chiron
308.01 Chiron 308.72 Chiron 0.71 Heliocentric move # 9 Mar 6
2007 12:00 pm Apr 18 2007 12:00 pm DISTANCE TRAVELED Earth
165.70 Earth 208.24 Earth 42.55 Mercury 200.68 Mercury 331.62
Mercury 130.94 Venus 60.82 Venus 130.36 Venus 69.54 Mars 280.62
Mars 306.68 Mars 26.06 Jupiter 247.69 Jupiter 251.08 Jupiter 3.39
Saturn 142.50 Saturn 144.05 Saturn 1.55 Uranus 344.70 Uranus 345.16
Uranus 0.46 Neptune 319.66 Neptune 319.92 Neptune 0.26 Pluto
267.01 Pluto 267.27 Pluto 0.26 Chiron 310.64 Chiron 311.33 Chiron 0.68
23 Heliocentric move # 10 Aug 16 2007 12:00 pm Oct 15 2007
12:00 pm DISTANCE TRAVELED Earth 323.42 Earth 21.92 Earth 58.50
Mercury 146.94 Mercury 348.48 Mercury 201.54 Venus 322.50 Venus
58.10 Venus 95.60 Mars 21.83 Mars 56.38 Mars 34.55 Jupiter 260.63
Jupiter 265.45 Jupiter 4.83 Saturn 148.34 Saturn 150.48 Saturn 2.14
Uranus 346.45 Uranus 347.09 Uranus 0.64 Neptune 320.65 Neptune
321.01 Neptune 0.36 Pluto 267.99 Pluto 268.34 Pluto 0.36 Chiron
313.20 Chiron 314.12 Chiron 0.92 I then moved on to the

Geocentric positions, note that Sun replaces Earth:

Geocentric move # 1 Jul 17 1998 12:00 pm Oct 15 1998 12:00 pm
DISTANCE TRAVELED Sun 114.3 Sun 201.49 Sun 87.19 Mercury
140.98 Mercury 214.6 Mercury 73.62 Venus 86.9 Venus 197.6 Venus
110.7 Mars 97.19 Mars 154.6 Mars 57.41 Jupiter 358.06 Jupiter 349.6
Jupiter 351.54 Saturn 32.87 Saturn 30.85 Saturn 357.98 Uranus 311.44
Uranus 308.82 Uranus 357.38 Neptune 300.96 Neptune 299.39 Neptune
358.43 Pluto 245.54 Pluto 246.25 Pluto 0.71 Chiron 222.44 Chiron 229.3
Chiron 6.86 24 Notice In the above there are slower planets

that like moved almost a full circle, this is due to retrograde

so I am going to have to factor that into equation, By using
a negative sign. Geocentric move # 2 Jul 20 1999 12:00 pm Oct
19 1999 12:00 pm DISTANCE TRAVELED Sun 116.93 Sun 205.22 Sun
88.29 Mercury 127.55 Mercury 228.67 Mercury 101.12 Venus 153.32
Venus 159.3 Venus 5.98 Mars 215.75 Mars 271.44 Mars 55.69 Jupiter
32.93 Jupiter 30.56 Jupiter -2.37 Saturn 45.75 Saturn 45.15 Saturn -0.6
Uranus 315.54 Uranus 312.87 Uranus -2.67 Neptune 303.15 Neptune
301.59 Neptune -1.56 Pluto 247.97 Pluto 248.72 Pluto 0.75 Chiron
237.66 Chiron 242.63 Chiron 4.97 Geocentric move # 3 Jun 29
2001 12:00 pm Sep 24 2001 12:00 pm DISTANCE TRAVELED Sun
97.39 Sun 181.08 Sun 83.69 Mercury 81.29 Mercury 206.76 Mercury
125.47 Venus 52.88 Venus 153.63 Venus 100.75 Mars 258.04 Mars
278.42 Mars 20.38 Jupiter 86.86 Jupiter 103.24 Jupiter 16.38 Saturn
68.72 Saturn 74.96 Saturn 6.24 Uranus 324.48 Uranus 321.45 Uranus -
3.03 Neptune 308.18 Neptune 306.15 Neptune -2.03 Pluto 253.28 Pluto
252.81 Pluto -0.047 Chiron 265.06 Chiron 263.46 Chiron -1.6 25

Geocentric move # 4 Mar 13 2003 12:00 pm Apr 30 2003 12:00 pm

DISTANCE TRAVELED Sun 352.06 Sun 39.31 Sun 47.25 Mercury
343.93 Mercury 49.99 Mercury 66.06 Venus 312.46 Venus 10.14 Venus
57.68 Mars 275.2 Mars 304.81 Mars 29.61 Jupiter 128.83 Jupiter 129.09
Jupiter 0.26 Saturn 82.46 Saturn 85.92 Saturn 3.46 Uranus 330.12
Uranus 332.23 Uranus 2.11 Neptune 312.13 Neptune 313.12 Neptune
0.99 Pluto 259.92 Pluto 259.58 Pluto -0.34 Chiron 286.86 Chiron 288.13
Chiron 1.27 Geocentric move # 5 Mar 21 2005 12:00 pm May 15
2005 12:00 pm DISTANCE TRAVELED Sun 0.54 Sun 54.33 Sun 53.79
Mercury 14.03 Mercury 34.4 Mercury 20.37 Venus 357.98 Venus 66.01
Venus 68.03 Mars 300.22 Mars 340.08 Mars 39.86 Jupiter 195.68
Jupiter 189.6 Jupiter -6.08 Saturn 110.4 Saturn 112.9 Saturn 2.5 Uranus
338.1 Uranus 340.38 Uranus 2.28 Neptune 316.66 Neptune 317.6
Neptune 0.94 Pluto 264.5 Pluto 263.93 Pluto -0.57 Chiron 301.85 Chiron
303.27 Chiron 1.42 26 Geocentric move # 6 Oct 21 2005 12:00 pm
Nov 22 2005 12:00 pm DISTANCE TRAVELED Sun 207.75 Sun 239.84
Sun 32.09 Mercury 228.02 Mercury 245.9 Mercury 17.88 Venus 254.21
Venus 285.39 Venus 31.18 Mars 50.71 Mars 40.47 Mars -10.24 Jupiter
208.9 Jupiter 215.78 Jupiter 6.88 Saturn 130.36 Saturn 131.31 Saturn
0.95 Uranus 337.12 Uranus 336.86 Uranus -0.26 Neptune 314.83
Neptune 315.01 Neptune 0.18 Pluto 262.45 Pluto 263.42 Pluto 0.97
Chiron 297.96 Chiron 299.16 Chiron 1.2 Geocentric move # 7 May
10 2006 12:00 pm Jun 14 2006 12:00 pm DISTANCE TRAVELED Sun
49.27 Sun 82.88 Sun 33.61 Mercury 39.16 Mercury 106.55 Mercury
67.39 Venus 7.53 Venus 48.22 Venus 40.69 Mars 105.23 Mars 126.22
Mars 20.99 Jupiter 223.3 Jupiter 219.72 Jupiter -3.58 Saturn 125.43
Saturn 128.32 Saturn 2.89 Uranus 344.09 Uranus 344.72 Uranus 0.63
Neptune 319.77 Neptune 319.68 Neptune -0.09 Pluto 266.32 Pluto
265.49 Pluto -0.83 Chiron 309.75 Chiron 309.27 Chiron -0.48 27

Geocentric move # 8 Sep 25 2006 12:00 pm Nov 7 2006 12:00 pm

DISTANCE TRAVELED Sun 181.85 Sun 224.5 Sun 42.65 Mercury
199.64 Mercury 228.74 Mercury 29.1 Venus 173.33 Venus 227.11
Venus 53.78 Mars 190.98 Mars 219.76 Mars 28.78 Jupiter 227.39
Jupiter 236.2 Jupiter 8.81 Saturn 140.75 Saturn 144.29 Saturn 3.54
Uranus 341.98 Uranus 340.88 Uranus -1.1 Neptune 317.34 Neptune
317.05 Neptune -0.29 Pluto 264.18 Pluto 265.09 Pluto 0.91 Chiron 304.6
Chiron 304.79 Chiron 0.19 Geocentric move # 9 Mar 6 2007 12:00
pm Apr 18 2007 12:00 pm DISTANCE TRAVELED Sun 345.09 Sun
27.65 Sun 42.56 Mercury 325.66 Mercury 12.17 Mercury 46.51 Venus
15.6 Venus 66.96 Venus 51.36 Mars 306.07 Mars 338.97 Mars 32.9
Jupiter 258.32 Jupiter 259.55 Jupiter 1.23 Saturn 139.84 Saturn 138.16
Saturn -1.68 Uranus 344.7 Uranus 347.01 Uranus 2.31 Neptune 320.44
Neptune 321.66 Neptune 1.22 Pluto 268.78 Pluto 268.89 Pluto 0.11
Chiron 312.73 Chiron 315.08 Chiron 2.35 28 Geocentric move # 10
Aug 16 2007 12:00 pm Oct 15 2007 12:00 pm DISTANCE TRAVELED
Sun 142.84 Sun 201.32 Sun 58.48 Mercury 143.08 Mercury 218.54
Mercury 75.46 Venus 146.14 Venus 155.61 Venus 9.47 Mars 65.65
Mars 96.51 Mars 30.86 Jupiter 250.05 Jupiter 256.47 Jupiter 6.42 Saturn
147.78 Saturn 154.94 Saturn 7.16 Uranus 347.66 Uranus 345.42 Uranus
-2.24 Neptune 320.57 Neptune 319.33 Neptune -1.24 Pluto 266.43 Pluto
266.67 Pluto 0.24 Chiron 312.49 Chiron 310.47 Chiron -2.02 29 I then

went and combined the planets. I made sure the numbers

were positive, this is Helio: Heliocentric move # 1 Jul 17 1998
12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 159.57 Earth/Mercury 56.12 Venus/Chiron 178.01
Earth/Venus 247.71 Mars/Jupiter 98.65 Earth/Mars 208.15 Mars/Saturn
59.48 Earth/Jupiter 306.8 Mars/Uranus 135.58 Earth/Saturn 267.63
Mars/Neptune 145.42 Earth/Uranus 343.73 Mars/Pluto 199.13
Earth/Neptune 353.57 Mars/Chiron 217.57 Earth/Pluto 47.28
Jupiter/Saturn 320.83 Earth/Chiron 65.72 Jupiter/Uranus 36.93
Mercury/Venus 191.59 Jupiter/Neptune 46.77 Mercury/Mars 152.03
Jupiter/Pluto 100.48 Mercury/Jupiter 250.68 Jupiter/Chiron 118.92
Mercury/Saturn 211.51 Saturn/Uranus 85.94 Mercury/Uranus 287.61
Saturn/Neptune 139.65 Mercury/Neptune 297.45 Saturn/Pluto 158.09
Mercury/Pluto 351.16 Saturn/Chiron 26.67 Mercury/Chiron 9.6
Uranus/Neptune 9.84 Venus/Mars 320.44 Uranus/Pluto 63.55
Venus/Jupiter 59.09 Uranus/Chiron 81.99 Venus/Saturn 19.92
Neptune/Pluto 53.71 Venus/Uranus 96.02 Neptune/Chiron 72.15
Venus/Neptune 105.86 Pluto/Chiron 18.44 30 Then .. Oct 15 1998
12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 304.61 Earth/Mercury 137.63 Venus/Chiron 320
Earth/Venus 189.26 Mars/Jupiter 132.65 Earth/Mars 253.15 Mars/Saturn
98.49 Earth/Jupiter 25.8 Mars/Uranus 176.78 Earth/Saturn 351.64
Mars/Neptune 187.07 Earth/Uranus 69.93 Mars/Pluto 240.72
Earth/Neptune 80.22 Mars/Chiron 256.11 Earth/Pluto 133.87
Jupiter/Saturn 325.84 Earth/Chiron 149.26 Jupiter/Uranus 44.13
Mercury/Venus 51.63 Jupiter/Neptune 54.42 Mercury/Mars 115.52
Jupiter/Pluto 108.07 Mercury/Jupiter 248.17 Jupiter/Chiron 123.46
Mercury/Saturn 214.01 Saturn/Uranus 88.58 Mercury/Uranus 292.3
Saturn/Neptune 142.23 Mercury/Neptune 302.59 Saturn/Pluto 157.62
Mercury/Pluto 356.24 Saturn/Chiron 29.85 Mercury/Chiron 11.63
Uranus/Neptune 10.29 Venus/Mars 63.89 Uranus/Pluto 63.94
Venus/Jupiter 196.54 Uranus/Chiron 79.33 Venus/Saturn 162.38
Neptune/Pluto 53.65 Venus/Uranus 240.67 Neptune/Chiron 69.04
Venus/Neptune 250.96 Pluto/Chiron 15.39 31 Heliocentric move # 2
Jul 20 1999 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 27.86 Earth/Mercury 13.82
Venus/Chiron 34.4 Earth/Venus 19.61 Mars/Jupiter 237.31 Earth/Mars
38.47 Mars/Saturn 218.71 Earth/Jupiter 275.78 Mars/Uranus 303.85
Earth/Saturn 257.18 Mars/Neptune 315.53 Earth/Uranus 342.32
Mars/Pluto 9 Earth/Neptune 354 Mars/Chiron 15.54 Earth/Pluto 47.47
Jupiter/Saturn 341.4 Earth/Chiron 54.01 Jupiter/Uranus 66.54
Mercury/Venus 5.79 Jupiter/Neptune 78.22 Mercury/Mars 24.65
Jupiter/Pluto 131.69 Mercury/Jupiter 261.96 Jupiter/Chiron 138.23
Mercury/Saturn 243.36 Saturn/Uranus 96.82 Mercury/Uranus 328.5
Saturn/Neptune 150.29 Mercury/Neptune 340.18 Saturn/Pluto 156.83
Mercury/Pluto 33.65 Saturn/Chiron 39.75 Mercury/Chiron 40.19
Uranus/Neptune 11.68 Venus/Mars 18.86 Uranus/Pluto 65.15
Venus/Jupiter 256.17 Uranus/Chiron 71.69 Venus/Saturn 237.57
Neptune/Pluto 53.47 Venus/Uranus 322.71 Neptune/Chiron 60.01
Venus/Neptune 334.39 Pluto/Chiron 6.54 32 Then: Oct 19 1999 12:00
pm Venus/Pluto 171.96 Earth/Mercury 93.12 Venus/Chiron 175.79
Earth/Venus 323.21 Mars/Jupiter 282.91 Earth/Mars 72.82 Mars/Saturn
269.37 Earth/Jupiter 355.73 Mars/Uranus 356.8 Earth/Saturn 342.19
Mars/Neptune 8.92 Earth/Uranus 69.62 Mars/Pluto 62.35 Earth/Neptune
81.74 Mars/Chiron 66.18 Earth/Pluto 135.17 Jupiter/Saturn 346.46
Earth/Chiron 139 Jupiter/Uranus 73.89 Mercury/Venus 230.09
Jupiter/Neptune 86.01 Mercury/Mars 339.7 Jupiter/Pluto 139.44
Mercury/Jupiter 262.61 Jupiter/Chiron 143.27 Mercury/Saturn 249.07
Saturn/Uranus 99.55 Mercury/Uranus 336.5 Saturn/Neptune 152.98
Mercury/Neptune 348.62 Saturn/Pluto 156.81 Mercury/Pluto 42.05
Saturn/Chiron 43.03 Mercury/Chiron 45.88 Uranus/Neptune 12.12
Venus/Mars 109.61 Uranus/Pluto 65.55 Venus/Jupiter 32.52
Uranus/Chiron 69.38 Venus/Saturn 18.98 Neptune/Pluto 53.43
Venus/Uranus 106.41 Neptune/Chiron 57.26 Venus/Neptune 118.53
Pluto/Chiron 3.83 33 Heliocentric move # 3 Jun 29 2001 12:00 pm
Venus/Pluto 81.01 Earth/Mercury 333.89 Venus/Chiron 68.85
Earth/Venus 302.88 Mars/Jupiter 186.97 Earth/Mars 6.17 Mars/Saturn
206.14 Earth/Jupiter 193.14 Mars/Uranus 309.46 Earth/Saturn 212.30
Mars/Neptune 324.61 Earth/Uranus 315.62 Mars/Pluto 17.72
Earth/Neptune 330.77 Mars/Chiron 5.57 Earth/Pluto 23.89 Jupiter/Saturn
19.16 Earth/Chiron 11.73 Jupiter/Uranus 122.48 Mercury/Venus 329.00
Jupiter/Neptune 137.64 Mercury/Mars 32.28 Jupiter/Pluto 190.75
Mercury/Jupiter 219.25 Jupiter/Chiron 178.60 Mercury/Saturn 238.42
Saturn/Uranus 118.47 Mercury/Uranus 341.74 Saturn/Neptune 171.59
Mercury/Neptune 356.89 Saturn/Pluto 159.43 Mercury/Pluto 50.00
Saturn/Chiron 65.66 Mercury/Chiron 37.85 Uranus/Neptune 15.15
Venus/Mars 63.28 Uranus/Pluto 68.27 Venus/Jupiter 250.26
Uranus/Chiron 56.11 Venus/Saturn 269.42 Neptune/Pluto 53.11
Venus/Uranus 12.74 Neptune/Chiron 40.96 Venus/Neptune 27.89
Pluto/Chiron 347.85 34 Then: Sep 24 2001 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto
219.90 Earth/Mercury 60.70 Venus/Chiron 205.81 Earth/Venus 247.14
Mars/Jupiter 232.52 Earth/Mars 36.86 Mars/Saturn 255.92 Earth/Jupiter
269.38 Mars/Uranus 1.52 Earth/Saturn 292.79 Mars/Neptune 17.09
Earth/Uranus 38.38 Mars/Pluto 70.17 Earth/Neptune 53.96 Mars/Chiron
56.09 Earth/Pluto 107.03 Jupiter/Saturn 23.40 Earth/Chiron 92.95
Jupiter/Uranus 129.00 Mercury/Venus 186.44 Jupiter/Neptune 144.57
Mercury/Mars 336.16 Jupiter/Pluto 197.65 Mercury/Jupiter 208.68
Jupiter/Chiron 183.57 Mercury/Saturn 232.09 Saturn/Uranus 121.17
Mercury/Uranus 337.68 Saturn/Neptune 174.25 Mercury/Neptune 353.26
Saturn/Pluto 160.16 Mercury/Pluto 46.33 Saturn/Chiron 68.88
Mercury/Chiron 32.25 Uranus/Neptune 15.57 Venus/Mars 149.73
Uranus/Pluto 68.65 Venus/Jupiter 22.25 Uranus/Chiron 54.57
Venus/Saturn 45.65 Neptune/Pluto 53.07 Venus/Uranus 151.25
Neptune/Chiron 38.99 Venus/Neptune 166.82 Pluto/Chiron 345.92 35

Heliocentric move # 4 Mar 13 2003 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 354.59

Earth/Mercury 206.93 Venus/Chiron 330.11 Earth/Venus 280.02
Mars/Jupiter 100.21 Earth/Mars 296.23 Mars/Saturn 147.63 Earth/Jupiter
36.44 Mars/Uranus 267.36 Earth/Saturn 83.86 Mars/Neptune 285.51
Earth/Uranus 203.59 Mars/Pluto 338.39 Earth/Neptune 221.74
Mars/Chiron 313.91 Earth/Pluto 274.62 Jupiter/Saturn 47.41
Earth/Chiron 250.13 Jupiter/Uranus 167.15 Mercury/Venus 73.09
Jupiter/Neptune 185.30 Mercury/Mars 89.30 Jupiter/Pluto 238.17
Mercury/Jupiter 189.51 Jupiter/Chiron 213.69 Mercury/Saturn 236.92
Saturn/Uranus 137.89 Mercury/Uranus 356.66 Saturn/Neptune 190.76
Mercury/Neptune 14.81 Saturn/Pluto 166.28 Mercury/Pluto 67.69
Saturn/Chiron 88.80 Mercury/Chiron 43.20 Uranus/Neptune 18.15
Venus/Mars 16.20 Uranus/Pluto 71.03 Venus/Jupiter 116.42
Uranus/Chiron 46.54 Venus/Saturn 163.83 Neptune/Pluto 52.88
Venus/Uranus 283.57 Neptune/Chiron 28.39 Venus/Neptune 301.72
Pluto/Chiron 335.52 36 Then: Apr 30 2003 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 70.27
Earth/Mercury 14.19 Venus/Chiron 44.96 Earth/Venus 251.29
Mars/Jupiter 122.15 Earth/Mars 317.73 Mars/Saturn 171.57 Earth/Jupiter
79.89 Mars/Uranus 292.58 Earth/Saturn 129.30 Mars/Neptune 310.96
Earth/Uranus 250.31 Mars/Pluto 3.82 Earth/Neptune 268.69 Mars/Chiron
338.51 Earth/Pluto 321.55 Jupiter/Saturn 49.41 Earth/Chiron 296.25
Jupiter/Uranus 170.42 Mercury/Venus 237.09 Jupiter/Neptune 188.80
Mercury/Mars 303.54 Jupiter/Pluto 241.67 Mercury/Jupiter 65.69
Jupiter/Chiron 216.36 Mercury/Saturn 115.11 Saturn/Uranus 139.39
Mercury/Uranus 236.12 Saturn/Neptune 192.25 Mercury/Neptune 254.50
Saturn/Pluto 166.94 Mercury/Pluto 307.36 Saturn/Chiron 90.60
Mercury/Chiron 282.05 Uranus/Neptune 18.38 Venus/Mars 66.45
Uranus/Pluto 71.24 Venus/Jupiter 188.60 Uranus/Chiron 45.93
Venus/Saturn 238.02 Neptune/Pluto 52.86 Venus/Uranus 359.03
Neptune/Chiron 27.55 Venus/Neptune 17.41 Pluto/Chiron 334.69 37

Heliocentric move # 5 Mar 21 2005 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 92.80

Earth/Mercury 25.90 Venus/Chiron 57.26 Earth/Venus 185.68
Mars/Jupiter 71.46 Earth/Mars 276.69 Mars/Saturn 148.10 Earth/Jupiter
348.15 Mars/Uranus 287.42 Earth/Saturn 64.79 Mars/Neptune 309.09
Earth/Uranus 204.11 Mars/Pluto 1.79 Earth/Neptune 225.78 Mars/Chiron
326.26 Earth/Pluto 278.48 Jupiter/Saturn 76.64 Earth/Chiron 242.95
Jupiter/Uranus 215.96 Mercury/Venus 159.79 Jupiter/Neptune 237.63
Mercury/Mars 250.79 Jupiter/Pluto 290.33 Mercury/Jupiter 322.25
Jupiter/Chiron 254.80 Mercury/Saturn 38.89 Saturn/Uranus 160.99
Mercury/Uranus 178.22 Saturn/Neptune 213.69 Mercury/Neptune 199.88
Saturn/Pluto 178.16 Mercury/Pluto 252.58 Saturn/Chiron 116.35
Mercury/Chiron 217.05 Uranus/Neptune 21.67 Venus/Mars 91.01
Uranus/Pluto 74.37 Venus/Jupiter 162.46 Uranus/Chiron 38.83
Venus/Saturn 239.10 Neptune/Pluto 52.70 Venus/Uranus 18.43
Neptune/Chiron 17.17 Venus/Neptune 40.10 Pluto/Chiron 324.46 38

Then: May 17 2005 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 183.73 Earth/Mercury 254.04

Venus/Chiron 147.47 Earth/Venus 150.11 Mars/Jupiter 100.69
Earth/Mars 298.86 Mars/Saturn 179.53 Earth/Jupiter 39.55 Mars/Uranus
320.35 Earth/Saturn 118.38 Mars/Neptune 342.29 Earth/Uranus 259.21
Mars/Pluto 34.98 Earth/Neptune 281.14 Mars/Chiron 358.72 Earth/Pluto
333.84 Jupiter/Saturn 78.83 Earth/Chiron 297.57 Jupiter/Uranus 219.66
Mercury/Venus 256.07 Jupiter/Neptune 241.59 Mercury/Mars 44.82
Jupiter/Pluto 294.29 Mercury/Jupiter 145.51 Jupiter/Chiron 258.02
Mercury/Saturn 224.34 Saturn/Uranus 162.76 Mercury/Uranus 5.17
Saturn/Neptune 215.45 Mercury/Neptune 27.10 Saturn/Pluto 179.19
Mercury/Pluto 79.80 Saturn/Chiron 118.46 Mercury/Chiron 43.53
Uranus/Neptune 21.94 Venus/Mars 148.75 Uranus/Pluto 74.63
Venus/Jupiter 249.44 Uranus/Chiron 38.37 Venus/Saturn 328.28
Neptune/Pluto 52.69 Venus/Uranus 109.10 Neptune/Chiron 16.43
Venus/Neptune 131.03 Pluto/Chiron 323.74 39 Heliocentric move #

6 Oct 21 2005 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 74.51 Earth/Mercury 109.75

Venus/Chiron 36.32 Earth/Venus 49.88 Mars/Jupiter 186.27 Earth/Mars
352.93 Mars/Saturn 271.18 Earth/Jupiter 179.19 Mars/Uranus 56.11
Earth/Saturn 264.11 Mars/Neptune 78.78 Earth/Uranus 49.03 Mars/Pluto
131.46 Earth/Neptune 71.71 Mars/Chiron 93.27 Earth/Pluto 124.39
Jupiter/Saturn 84.91 Earth/Chiron 86.20 Jupiter/Uranus 229.84
Mercury/Venus 300.12 Jupiter/Neptune 252.52 Mercury/Mars 243.17
Jupiter/Pluto 305.19 Mercury/Jupiter 69.44 Jupiter/Chiron 267.01
Mercury/Saturn 154.35 Saturn/Uranus 167.61 Mercury/Uranus 299.28
Saturn/Neptune 220.28 Mercury/Neptune 321.96 Saturn/Pluto 182.10
Mercury/Pluto 14.63 Saturn/Chiron 124.25 Mercury/Chiron 336.45
Uranus/Neptune 22.68 Venus/Mars 303.05 Uranus/Pluto 75.35
Venus/Jupiter 129.32 Uranus/Chiron 37.17 Venus/Saturn 214.23
Neptune/Pluto 52.67 Venus/Uranus 359.16 Neptune/Chiron 14.49
Venus/Neptune 21.83 Pluto/Chiron 321.82 40 Then: Nov 22 2005 12:00
pm Venus/Pluto 125.24 Earth/Mercury 10.21 Venus/Chiron 86.68
Earth/Venus 31.05 Mars/Jupiter 202.01 Earth/Mars 6.86 Mars/Saturn
288.17 Earth/Jupiter 208.87 Mars/Uranus 73.93 Earth/Saturn 295.03
Mars/Neptune 96.76 Earth/Uranus 80.79 Mars/Pluto 149.43
Earth/Neptune 103.62 Mars/Chiron 110.87 Earth/Pluto 156.29
Jupiter/Saturn 86.16 Earth/Chiron 117.73 Jupiter/Uranus 231.92
Mercury/Venus 20.85 Jupiter/Neptune 254.75 Mercury/Mars 356.65
Jupiter/Pluto 307.42 Mercury/Jupiter 198.66 Jupiter/Chiron 268.86
Mercury/Saturn 284.82 Saturn/Uranus 168.59 Mercury/Uranus 70.58
Saturn/Neptune 221.26 Mercury/Neptune 93.41 Saturn/Pluto 182.70
Mercury/Pluto 146.08 Saturn/Chiron 125.43 Mercury/Chiron 107.52
Uranus/Neptune 22.83 Venus/Mars 335.81 Uranus/Pluto 75.50
Venus/Jupiter 177.82 Uranus/Chiron 36.94 Venus/Saturn 263.98
Neptune/Pluto 52.67 Venus/Uranus 49.74 Neptune/Chiron 14.11
Venus/Neptune 72.57 Pluto/Chiron 321.44 41 Heliocentric move # 7
May 10 2006 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 35.77 Earth/Mercury 218.54
Venus/Chiron 355.28 Earth/Venus 288.89 Mars/Jupiter 271.42
Earth/Mars 93.98 Mars/Saturn 4.26 Earth/Jupiter 5.40 Mars/Uranus
154.40 Earth/Saturn 98.24 Mars/Neptune 178.02 Earth/Uranus 248.38
Mars/Pluto 230.68 Earth/Neptune 272.00 Mars/Chiron 190.19
Earth/Pluto 324.66 Jupiter/Saturn 92.84 Earth/Chiron 284.18
Jupiter/Uranus 242.98 Mercury/Venus 70.36 Jupiter/Neptune 266.60
Mercury/Mars 235.45 Jupiter/Pluto 319.26 Mercury/Jupiter 146.87
Jupiter/Chiron 278.77 Mercury/Saturn 239.70 Saturn/Uranus 173.76
Mercury/Uranus 29.84 Saturn/Neptune 226.42 Mercury/Neptune 53.47
Saturn/Pluto 185.94 Mercury/Pluto 106.13 Saturn/Chiron 131.62
Mercury/Chiron 65.64 Uranus/Neptune 23.63 Venus/Mars 165.09
Uranus/Pluto 76.28 Venus/Jupiter 76.51 Uranus/Chiron 35.80
Venus/Saturn 169.35 Neptune/Pluto 52.66 Venus/Uranus 319.49
Neptune/Chiron 12.17 Venus/Neptune 343.11 Pluto/Chiron 319.51 42

Then: Jun 14 2006 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 91.01 Earth/Mercury 66.59

Venus/Chiron 50.14 Earth/Venus 267.04 Mars/Jupiter 284.11 Earth/Mars
112.22 Mars/Saturn 18.35 Earth/Jupiter 36.32 Mars/Uranus 169.39
Earth/Saturn 130.56 Mars/Neptune 193.18 Earth/Uranus 281.61
Mars/Pluto 245.84 Earth/Neptune 305.40 Mars/Chiron 204.96
Earth/Pluto 358.05 Jupiter/Saturn 94.24 Earth/Chiron 317.18
Jupiter/Uranus 245.28 Mercury/Venus 200.46 Jupiter/Neptune 269.07
Mercury/Mars 45.63 Jupiter/Pluto 321.73 Mercury/Jupiter 329.74
Jupiter/Chiron 280.86 Mercury/Saturn 63.98 Saturn/Uranus 174.83
Mercury/Uranus 215.02 Saturn/Neptune 227.49 Mercury/Neptune 238.81
Saturn/Pluto 186.62 Mercury/Pluto 291.47 Saturn/Chiron 132.89
Mercury/Chiron 250.60 Uranus/Neptune 23.79 Venus/Mars 205.17
Uranus/Pluto 76.45 Venus/Jupiter 129.28 Uranus/Chiron 35.58
Venus/Saturn 223.52 Neptune/Pluto 52.66 Venus/Uranus 14.56
Neptune/Chiron 11.79 Venus/Neptune 38.35 Pluto/Chiron 319.13 43

Heliocentric move # 8 Sep 25 2006 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 256.34

Earth/Mercury 119.53 Venus/Chiron 214.36 Earth/Venus 200.08
Mars/Jupiter 321.81 Earth/Mars 165.57 Mars/Saturn 60.23 Earth/Jupiter
127.38 Mars/Uranus 213.92 Earth/Saturn 225.81 Mars/Neptune 238.19
Earth/Uranus 19.49 Mars/Pluto 290.84 Earth/Neptune 43.76 Mars/Chiron
248.87 Earth/Pluto 96.42 Jupiter/Saturn 98.43 Earth/Chiron 54.44
Jupiter/Uranus 252.11 Mercury/Venus 80.55 Jupiter/Neptune 276.38
Mercury/Mars 46.04 Jupiter/Pluto 329.04 Mercury/Jupiter 7.85
Jupiter/Chiron 287.06 Mercury/Saturn 106.27 Saturn/Uranus 177.96
Mercury/Uranus 259.95 Saturn/Neptune 230.61 Mercury/Neptune 284.23
Saturn/Pluto 188.64 Mercury/Pluto 336.88 Saturn/Chiron 136.64
Mercury/Chiron 294.91 Uranus/Neptune 24.27 Venus/Mars 325.49
Uranus/Pluto 76.93 Venus/Jupiter 287.30 Uranus/Chiron 34.95
Venus/Saturn 25.73 Neptune/Pluto 52.65 Venus/Uranus 179.41
Neptune/Chiron 10.68 Venus/Neptune 203.68 Pluto/Chiron 318.03 44

Then: Nov 7 2006 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 325.38 Earth/Mercury 6.03

Venus/Chiron 282.96 Earth/Venus 173.43 Mars/Jupiter 338.69
Earth/Mars 188.01 Mars/Saturn 78.89 Earth/Jupiter 166.70 Mars/Uranus
233.67 Earth/Saturn 266.90 Mars/Neptune 258.15 Earth/Uranus 61.68
Mars/Pluto 310.80 Earth/Neptune 86.16 Mars/Chiron 268.38 Earth/Pluto
138.81 Jupiter/Saturn 100.20 Earth/Chiron 96.39 Jupiter/Uranus 254.98
Mercury/Venus 167.41 Jupiter/Neptune 279.46 Mercury/Mars 181.98
Jupiter/Pluto 332.11 Mercury/Jupiter 160.68 Jupiter/Chiron 289.68
Mercury/Saturn 260.88 Saturn/Uranus 179.26 Mercury/Uranus 55.66
Saturn/Neptune 231.91 Mercury/Neptune 80.13 Saturn/Pluto 189.49
Mercury/Pluto 132.79 Saturn/Chiron 138.20 Mercury/Chiron 90.36
Uranus/Neptune 24.48 Venus/Mars 14.58 Uranus/Pluto 77.13
Venus/Jupiter 353.27 Uranus/Chiron 34.71 Venus/Saturn 93.47
Neptune/Pluto 52.65 Venus/Uranus 248.25 Neptune/Chiron 10.23
Venus/Neptune 272.73 Pluto/Chiron 317.58 45 Heliocentric move #

9 Mar 6 2007 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 153.82 Earth/Mercury 325.01

Venus/Chiron 110.18 Earth/Venus 104.87 Mars/Jupiter 32.93 Earth/Mars
245.07 Mars/Saturn 138.13 Earth/Jupiter 278.00 Mars/Uranus 295.93
Earth/Saturn 23.20 Mars/Neptune 320.96 Earth/Uranus 181.00
Mars/Pluto 13.62 Earth/Neptune 206.04 Mars/Chiron 329.98 Earth/Pluto
258.69 Jupiter/Saturn 105.20 Earth/Chiron 215.05 Jupiter/Uranus 263.00
Mercury/Venus 139.86 Jupiter/Neptune 288.03 Mercury/Mars 280.06
Jupiter/Pluto 340.69 Mercury/Jupiter 312.99 Jupiter/Chiron 297.05
Mercury/Saturn 58.18 Saturn/Uranus 182.84 Mercury/Uranus 215.99
Saturn/Neptune 235.49 Mercury/Neptune 241.02 Saturn/Pluto 191.86
Mercury/Pluto 293.67 Saturn/Chiron 142.50 Mercury/Chiron 250.04
Uranus/Neptune 25.04 Venus/Mars 140.20 Uranus/Pluto 77.69
Venus/Jupiter 173.13 Uranus/Chiron 34.06 Venus/Saturn 278.32
Neptune/Pluto 52.65 Venus/Uranus 76.13 Neptune/Chiron 9.02
Venus/Neptune 101.16 Pluto/Chiron 316.37 46 Then: Apr 18 2007
12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 223.09 Earth/Mercury 236.62 Venus/Chiron
179.04 Earth/Venus 77.88 Mars/Jupiter 55.60 Earth/Mars 261.56
Mars/Saturn 162.63 Earth/Jupiter 317.16 Mars/Uranus 321.52
Earth/Saturn 64.20 Mars/Neptune 346.76 Earth/Uranus 223.09
Mars/Pluto 39.41 Earth/Neptune 248.32 Mars/Chiron 355.35 Earth/Pluto
300.98 Jupiter/Saturn 107.04 Earth/Chiron 256.92 Jupiter/Uranus 265.92
Mercury/Venus 201.26 Jupiter/Neptune 291.16 Mercury/Mars 24.94
Jupiter/Pluto 343.81 Mercury/Jupiter 80.54 Jupiter/Chiron 299.76
Mercury/Saturn 187.58 Saturn/Uranus 184.13 Mercury/Uranus 346.46
Saturn/Neptune 236.78 Mercury/Neptune 11.70 Saturn/Pluto 192.72
Mercury/Pluto 64.36 Saturn/Chiron 144.05 Mercury/Chiron 20.30
Uranus/Neptune 25.24 Venus/Mars 183.68 Uranus/Pluto 77.89
Venus/Jupiter 239.28 Uranus/Chiron 33.83 Venus/Saturn 346.32
Neptune/Pluto 52.65 Venus/Uranus 145.20 Neptune/Chiron 8.60
Venus/Neptune 170.44 Pluto/Chiron 315.94 47 Heliocentric move #

10 Aug 16 2007 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 54.51 Earth/Mercury 176.48

Venus/Chiron 9.30 Earth/Venus 0.92 Mars/Jupiter 121.20 Earth/Mars
301.59 Mars/Saturn 233.48 Earth/Jupiter 62.79 Mars/Uranus 35.38
Earth/Saturn 175.07 Mars/Neptune 61.18 Earth/Uranus 336.97
Mars/Pluto 113.84 Earth/Neptune 2.77 Mars/Chiron 68.63 Earth/Pluto
55.43 Jupiter/Saturn 112.28 Earth/Chiron 10.22 Jupiter/Uranus 274.18
Mercury/Venus 184.44 Jupiter/Neptune 299.98 Mercury/Mars 125.11
Jupiter/Pluto 352.64 Mercury/Jupiter 246.31 Jupiter/Chiron 307.43
Mercury/Saturn 358.59 Saturn/Uranus 187.70 Mercury/Uranus 160.49
Saturn/Neptune 240.36 Mercury/Neptune 186.29 Saturn/Pluto 195.14
Mercury/Pluto 238.95 Saturn/Chiron 148.34 Mercury/Chiron 193.74
Uranus/Neptune 25.80 Venus/Mars 300.67 Uranus/Pluto 78.46
Venus/Jupiter 61.87 Uranus/Chiron 33.25 Venus/Saturn 174.15
Neptune/Pluto 52.66 Venus/Uranus 336.05 Neptune/Chiron 7.45
Venus/Neptune 1.85 Pluto/Chiron 314.79 48 Then: Oct 15 2007 12:00
pm Venus/Pluto 149.75 Earth/Mercury 33.44 Venus/Chiron 103.98
Earth/Venus 323.82 Mars/Jupiter 150.93 Earth/Mars 325.54 Mars/Saturn
265.90 Earth/Jupiter 116.47 Mars/Uranus 69.29 Earth/Saturn 231.43
Mars/Neptune 95.37 Earth/Uranus 34.83 Mars/Pluto 148.04
Earth/Neptune 60.91 Mars/Chiron 102.26 Earth/Pluto 113.57
Jupiter/Saturn 114.97 Earth/Chiron 67.80 Jupiter/Uranus 278.36
Mercury/Venus 290.38 Jupiter/Neptune 304.45 Mercury/Mars 292.10
Jupiter/Pluto 357.11 Mercury/Jupiter 83.03 Jupiter/Chiron 311.33
Mercury/Saturn 198.00 Saturn/Uranus 189.48 Mercury/Uranus 1.39
Saturn/Neptune 242.14 Mercury/Neptune 27.48 Saturn/Pluto 196.37
Mercury/Pluto 80.14 Saturn/Chiron 150.48 Mercury/Chiron 34.36
Uranus/Neptune 26.08 Venus/Mars 1.72 Uranus/Pluto 78.75
Venus/Jupiter 152.64 Uranus/Chiron 32.97 Venus/Saturn 267.61
Neptune/Pluto 52.66 Venus/Uranus 71.01 Neptune/Chiron 6.89
Venus/Neptune 97.09 Pluto/Chiron 314.23 49 I then proceeded to

do the Geocentric positions on our dates: Geocentric move

# 1 Jul 17 1998 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 201.36 Sun/Mercury 333.32
Venus/Chiron 224.46 Sun/Venus 27.4 Mars/Jupiter 99.13 Sun/Mars
17.11 Mars/Saturn 64.32 Sun/Jupiter 116.24 Mars/Uranus 145.75
Sun/Saturn 81.43 Mars/Neptune 156.23 Sun/Uranus 162.86 Mars/Pluto
211.65 Sun/Neptune 173.34 Mars/Chiron 234.75 Sun/Pluto 228.76
Jupiter/Saturn 325.19 Sun/Chiron 251.86 Jupiter/Uranus 46.62
Mercury/Venus 54.08 Jupiter/Neptune 57.1 Mercury/Mars 43.79
Jupiter/Pluto 112.52 Mercury/Jupiter 142.92 Jupiter/Chiron 135.62
Mercury/Saturn 108.11 Saturn/Uranus 91.91 Mercury/Uranus 189.54
Saturn/Neptune 147.33 Mercury/Neptune 200.02 Saturn/Pluto 170.43
Mercury/Pluto 255.44 Saturn/Chiron 32.87 Mercury/Chiron 278.54
Uranus/Neptune 10.48 Venus/Mars 349.71 Uranus/Pluto 65.9
Venus/Jupiter 88.84 Uranus/Chiron 89 Venus/Saturn 54.03
Neptune/Pluto 55.42 Venus/Uranus 135.46 Neptune/Chiron 78.52
Venus/Neptune 145.94 Pluto/Chiron 23.1 50 Then: Oct 15 1998 12:00
pm Venus/Pluto 311.35 Sun/Mercury 346.89 Venus/Chiron 328.3
Sun/Venus 3.89 Mars/Jupiter 165 Sun/Mars 46.89 Mars/Saturn 123.75
Sun/Jupiter 211.89 Mars/Uranus 205.78 Sun/Saturn 170.64
Mars/Neptune 215.21 Sun/Uranus 252.67 Mars/Pluto 268.35
Sun/Neptune 262.1 Mars/Chiron 285.3 Sun/Pluto 315.24 Jupiter/Saturn
318.75 Sun/Chiron 332.19 Jupiter/Uranus 40.78 Mercury/Venus 17
Jupiter/Neptune 50.21 Mercury/Mars 60 Jupiter/Pluto 103.35
Mercury/Jupiter 225 Jupiter/Chiron 120.3 Mercury/Saturn 183.75
Saturn/Uranus 91.46 Mercury/Uranus 265.78 Saturn/Neptune 144.6
Mercury/Neptune 275.21 Saturn/Pluto 161.55 Mercury/Pluto 328.35
Saturn/Chiron 30.85 Mercury/Chiron 345.3 Uranus/Neptune 9.43
Venus/Mars 43 Uranus/Pluto 62.57 Venus/Jupiter 208 Uranus/Chiron
79.52 Venus/Saturn 166.75 Neptune/Pluto 53.14 Venus/Uranus 248.78
Neptune/Chiron 70.09 Venus/Neptune 258.21 Pluto/Chiron 16.95 51

Geocentric move # 2 Jul 20 1999 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 265.35

Sun/Mercury 349.38 Venus/Chiron 275.66 Sun/Venus 323.61
Mars/Jupiter 182.82 Sun/Mars 261.18 Mars/Saturn 170 Sun/Jupiter 84
Mars/Uranus 260.21 Sun/Saturn 71.18 Mars/Neptune 272.6 Sun/Uranus
161.39 Mars/Pluto 327.78 Sun/Neptune 173.78 Mars/Chiron 338.09
Sun/Pluto 228.96 Jupiter/Saturn 347.18 Sun/Chiron 239.27
Jupiter/Uranus 77.39 Mercury/Venus 334.23 Jupiter/Neptune 89.78
Mercury/Mars 271.8 Jupiter/Pluto 144.96 Mercury/Jupiter 94.62
Jupiter/Chiron 155.27 Mercury/Saturn 81.8 Saturn/Uranus 102.6
Mercury/Uranus 172.01 Saturn/Neptune 157.78 Mercury/Neptune 184.4
Saturn/Pluto 168.09 Mercury/Pluto 239.58 Saturn/Chiron 45.75
Mercury/Chiron 249.89 Uranus/Neptune 12.39 Venus/Mars 297.57
Uranus/Pluto 67.57 Venus/Jupiter 120.39 Uranus/Chiron 77.88
Venus/Saturn 107.57 Neptune/Pluto 55.18 Venus/Uranus 197.78
Neptune/Chiron 65.49 Venus/Neptune 210.17 Pluto/Chiron 10.31 52

Then: Oct 19 1999 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 270.58 Sun/Mercury 336.55

Venus/Chiron 276.67 Sun/Venus 45.92 Mars/Jupiter 240.88 Sun/Mars
293.78 Mars/Saturn 226.29 Sun/Jupiter 174.66 Mars/Uranus 318.57
Sun/Saturn 160.07 Mars/Neptune 329.85 Sun/Uranus 252.35 Mars/Pluto
22.72 Sun/Neptune 263.63 Mars/Chiron 28.81 Sun/Pluto 316.5
Jupiter/Saturn 345.41 Sun/Chiron 322.59 Jupiter/Uranus 77.69
Mercury/Venus 69.37 Jupiter/Neptune 88.97 Mercury/Mars 317.23
Jupiter/Pluto 141.84 Mercury/Jupiter 198.11 Jupiter/Chiron 147.93
Mercury/Saturn 183.52 Saturn/Uranus 103.56 Mercury/Uranus 275.8
Saturn/Neptune 156.43 Mercury/Neptune 287.08 Saturn/Pluto 162.52
Mercury/Pluto 339.95 Saturn/Chiron 45.15 Mercury/Chiron 346.04
Uranus/Neptune 11.28 Venus/Mars 247.86 Uranus/Pluto 64.15
Venus/Jupiter 128.74 Uranus/Chiron 70.24 Venus/Saturn 114.15
Neptune/Pluto 52.87 Venus/Uranus 206.43 Neptune/Chiron 58.96
Venus/Neptune 217.71 Pluto/Chiron 6.09 53 Geocentric move # 3
Jun 29 2001 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 159.6 Sun/Mercury 16.1
Venus/Chiron 147.82 Sun/Venus 44.51 Mars/Jupiter 171.18 Sun/Mars
199.35 Mars/Saturn 189.32 Sun/Jupiter 10.53 Mars/Uranus 293.56
Sun/Saturn 28.67 Mars/Neptune 309.86 Sun/Uranus 132.91 Mars/Pluto
4.76 Sun/Neptune 149.21 Mars/Chiron 352.98 Sun/Pluto 204.11
Jupiter/Saturn 18.14 Sun/Chiron 192.33 Jupiter/Uranus 122.38
Mercury/Venus 28.41 Jupiter/Neptune 138.68 Mercury/Mars 183.25
Jupiter/Pluto 193.58 Mercury/Jupiter 354.43 Jupiter/Chiron 181.8
Mercury/Saturn 12.57 Saturn/Uranus 120.54 Mercury/Uranus 116.81
Saturn/Neptune 175.44 Mercury/Neptune 133.11 Saturn/Pluto 163.66
Mercury/Pluto 188.01 Saturn/Chiron 68.72 Mercury/Chiron 176.23
Uranus/Neptune 16.3 Venus/Mars 154.84 Uranus/Pluto 71.2
Venus/Jupiter 326.02 Uranus/Chiron 59.42 Venus/Saturn 344.16
Neptune/Pluto 54.9 Venus/Uranus 88.4 Neptune/Chiron 43.12
Venus/Neptune 104.7 Pluto/Chiron 348.22 54 Then: Sep 24 2001 12:00
pm Venus/Pluto 260.82 Sun/Mercury 334.32 Venus/Chiron 250.17
Sun/Venus 27.45 Mars/Jupiter 175.18 Sun/Mars 262.66 Mars/Saturn
203.46 Sun/Jupiter 77.84 Mars/Uranus 316.97 Sun/Saturn 106.12
Mars/Neptune 332.27 Sun/Uranus 219.63 Mars/Pluto 25.61
Sun/Neptune 234.93 Mars/Chiron 14.96 Sun/Pluto 288.27 Jupiter/Saturn
28.28 Sun/Chiron 277.62 Jupiter/Uranus 141.79 Mercury/Venus 53.13
Jupiter/Neptune 157.09 Mercury/Mars 288.34 Jupiter/Pluto 210.43
Mercury/Jupiter 103.52 Jupiter/Chiron 199.78 Mercury/Saturn 131.8
Saturn/Uranus 128.81 Mercury/Uranus 245.31 Saturn/Neptune 182.15
Mercury/Neptune 260.61 Saturn/Pluto 171.5 Mercury/Pluto 313.95
Saturn/Chiron 74.96 Mercury/Chiron 303.3 Uranus/Neptune 15.3
Venus/Mars 235.21 Uranus/Pluto 68.64 Venus/Jupiter 50.39
Uranus/Chiron 57.99 Venus/Saturn 78.67 Neptune/Pluto 53.34
Venus/Uranus 192.18 Neptune/Chiron 42.69 Venus/Neptune 207.48
Pluto/Chiron 349.35 55 Geocentric move # 4 Mar 13 2003 12:00
pm Venus/Pluto 52.54 Sun/Mercury 8.13 Venus/Chiron 25.6 Sun/Venus
39.6 Mars/Jupiter 146.37 Sun/Mars 76.86 Mars/Saturn 192.74
Sun/Jupiter 223.23 Mars/Uranus 305.08 Sun/Saturn 269.6 Mars/Neptune
323.07 Sun/Uranus 21.94 Mars/Pluto 15.28 Sun/Neptune 39.93
Mars/Chiron 348.34 Sun/Pluto 92.14 Jupiter/Saturn 46.37 Sun/Chiron
65.2 Jupiter/Uranus 158.71 Mercury/Venus 31.47 Jupiter/Neptune 176.7
Mercury/Mars 68.73 Jupiter/Pluto 228.91 Mercury/Jupiter 215.1
Jupiter/Chiron 201.97 Mercury/Saturn 261.47 Saturn/Uranus 130.33
Mercury/Uranus 13.81 Saturn/Neptune 182.54 Mercury/Neptune 31.8
Saturn/Pluto 155.6 Mercury/Pluto 84.01 Saturn/Chiron 82.46
Mercury/Chiron 57.07 Uranus/Neptune 17.99 Venus/Mars 37.26
Uranus/Pluto 70.2 Venus/Jupiter 183.63 Uranus/Chiron 43.26
Venus/Saturn 230 Neptune/Pluto 52.21 Venus/Uranus 342.34
Neptune/Chiron 25.27 Venus/Neptune 0.33 Pluto/Chiron 333.06 56

Then: Apr 30 2003 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 110.56 Sun/Mercury 349.32

Venus/Chiron 82.01 Sun/Venus 29.17 Mars/Jupiter 175.72 Sun/Mars
94.5 Mars/Saturn 218.89 Sun/Jupiter 270.22 Mars/Uranus 332.58
Sun/Saturn 313.39 Mars/Neptune 351.69 Sun/Uranus 67.08 Mars/Pluto
45.23 Sun/Neptune 86.19 Mars/Chiron 16.68 Sun/Pluto 139.73
Jupiter/Saturn 43.17 Sun/Chiron 111.18 Jupiter/Uranus 156.86
Mercury/Venus 39.85 Jupiter/Neptune 175.97 Mercury/Mars 105.18
Jupiter/Pluto 229.51 Mercury/Jupiter 280.9 Jupiter/Chiron 200.96
Mercury/Saturn 324.07 Saturn/Uranus 132.8 Mercury/Uranus 77.76
Saturn/Neptune 186.34 Mercury/Neptune 96.87 Saturn/Pluto 157.79
Mercury/Pluto 150.41 Saturn/Chiron 85.92 Mercury/Chiron 121.86
Uranus/Neptune 19.11 Venus/Mars 65.33 Uranus/Pluto 72.65
Venus/Jupiter 241.05 Uranus/Chiron 44.1 Venus/Saturn 284.22
Neptune/Pluto 53.54 Venus/Uranus 37.91 Neptune/Chiron 24.99
Venus/Neptune 57.02 Pluto/Chiron 331.45 57 Geocentric move #

5: Mar 21 2005 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 93.48 Sun/Mercury 346.51

Venus/Chiron 56.13 Sun/Venus 2.56 Mars/Jupiter 104.54 Sun/Mars
60.32 Mars/Saturn 189.82 Sun/Jupiter 164.86 Mars/Uranus 322.12
Sun/Saturn 250.14 Mars/Neptune 343.56 Sun/Uranus 22.44 Mars/Pluto
35.72 Sun/Neptune 43.88 Mars/Chiron 358.37 Sun/Pluto 96.04
Jupiter/Saturn 85.28 Sun/Chiron 58.69 Jupiter/Uranus 217.58
Mercury/Venus 16.05 Jupiter/Neptune 239.02 Mercury/Mars 73.81
Jupiter/Pluto 291.18 Mercury/Jupiter 178.35 Jupiter/Chiron 253.83
Mercury/Saturn 263.63 Saturn/Uranus 153.74 Mercury/Uranus 35.93
Saturn/Neptune 205.9 Mercury/Neptune 57.37 Saturn/Pluto 168.55
Mercury/Pluto 109.53 Saturn/Chiron 110.4 Mercury/Chiron 72.18
Uranus/Neptune 21.44 Venus/Mars 57.76 Uranus/Pluto 73.6
Venus/Jupiter 162.3 Uranus/Chiron 36.25 Venus/Saturn 247.58
Neptune/Pluto 52.16 Venus/Uranus 19.88 Neptune/Chiron 14.81
Venus/Neptune 41.32 Pluto/Chiron 322.65 58 Then: May 15 2005 12:00
pm Venus/Pluto 162.08 Sun/Mercury 19.93 Venus/Chiron 122.74
Sun/Venus 348.32 Mars/Jupiter 150.48 Sun/Mars 74.25 Mars/Saturn
227.18 Sun/Jupiter 224.73 Mars/Uranus 359.7 Sun/Saturn 301.43
Mars/Neptune 22.48 Sun/Uranus 73.95 Mars/Pluto 76.15 Sun/Neptune
96.73 Mars/Chiron 36.81 Sun/Pluto 150.4 Jupiter/Saturn 76.7
Sun/Chiron 111.06 Jupiter/Uranus 209.22 Mercury/Venus 328.39
Jupiter/Neptune 232 Mercury/Mars 54.32 Jupiter/Pluto 285.67
Mercury/Jupiter 204.8 Jupiter/Chiron 246.33 Mercury/Saturn 281.5
Saturn/Uranus 155.3 Mercury/Uranus 54.02 Saturn/Neptune 208.97
Mercury/Neptune 76.8 Saturn/Pluto 169.63 Mercury/Pluto 130.47
Saturn/Chiron 112.9 Mercury/Chiron 91.13 Uranus/Neptune 22.78
Venus/Mars 85.93 Uranus/Pluto 76.45 Venus/Jupiter 236.41
Uranus/Chiron 37.11 Venus/Saturn 313.11 Neptune/Pluto 53.67
Venus/Uranus 85.63 Neptune/Chiron 14.33 Venus/Neptune 108.41
Pluto/Chiron 320.66 59 Geocentric move # 6: Oct 21 2005 12:00
pm Venus/Pluto 351.76 Sun/Mercury 339.73 Venus/Chiron 316.25
Sun/Venus 313.54 Mars/Jupiter 201.81 Sun/Mars 157.04 Mars/Saturn
280.35 Sun/Jupiter 358.85 Mars/Uranus 73.59 Sun/Saturn 77.39
Mars/Neptune 95.88 Sun/Uranus 230.63 Mars/Pluto 148.26
Sun/Neptune 252.92 Mars/Chiron 112.75 Sun/Pluto 305.3 Jupiter/Saturn
78.54 Sun/Chiron 269.79 Jupiter/Uranus 231.78 Mercury/Venus 333.81
Jupiter/Neptune 254.07 Mercury/Mars 177.31 Jupiter/Pluto 306.45
Mercury/Jupiter 19.12 Jupiter/Chiron 270.94 Mercury/Saturn 97.66
Saturn/Uranus 175.53 Mercury/Uranus 250.9 Saturn/Neptune 227.91
Mercury/Neptune 273.19 Saturn/Pluto 192.4 Mercury/Pluto 325.57
Saturn/Chiron 130.36 Mercury/Chiron 290.06 Uranus/Neptune 22.29
Venus/Mars 203.5 Uranus/Pluto 74.67 Venus/Jupiter 45.31
Uranus/Chiron 39.16 Venus/Saturn 123.85 Neptune/Pluto 52.38
Venus/Uranus 277.09 Neptune/Chiron 16.87 Venus/Neptune 299.38
Pluto/Chiron 324.49 60 Then: Nov 22 2005 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 21.97
Sun/Mercury 353.94 Venus/Chiron 346.23 Sun/Venus 314.45
Mars/Jupiter 184.69 Sun/Mars 199.37 Mars/Saturn 269.16 Sun/Jupiter
24.06 Mars/Uranus 63.61 Sun/Saturn 108.53 Mars/Neptune 85.46
Sun/Uranus 262.98 Mars/Pluto 137.05 Sun/Neptune 284.83 Mars/Chiron
101.31 Sun/Pluto 336.42 Jupiter/Saturn 84.47 Sun/Chiron 300.68
Jupiter/Uranus 238.92 Mercury/Venus 320.51 Jupiter/Neptune 260.77
Mercury/Mars 205.43 Jupiter/Pluto 312.36 Mercury/Jupiter 30.12
Jupiter/Chiron 276.62 Mercury/Saturn 114.59 Saturn/Uranus 176.3
Mercury/Uranus 269.04 Saturn/Neptune 227.89 Mercury/Neptune 290.89
Saturn/Pluto 192.15 Mercury/Pluto 342.48 Saturn/Chiron 131.31
Mercury/Chiron 306.74 Uranus/Neptune 21.85 Venus/Mars 244.92
Uranus/Pluto 73.44 Venus/Jupiter 69.61 Uranus/Chiron 37.7
Venus/Saturn 154.08 Neptune/Pluto 51.59 Venus/Uranus 308.53
Neptune/Chiron 15.85 Venus/Neptune 330.38 Pluto/Chiron 324.26 61

Geocentric move # 7: May 10 2006 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 101.21

Sun/Mercury 10.11 Venus/Chiron 57.78 Sun/Venus 41.74 Mars/Jupiter
241.93 Sun/Mars 304.04 Mars/Saturn 339.8 Sun/Jupiter 185.97
Mars/Uranus 121.14 Sun/Saturn 283.84 Mars/Neptune 145.46
Sun/Uranus 65.18 Mars/Pluto 198.91 Sun/Neptune 89.5 Mars/Chiron
155.48 Sun/Pluto 142.95 Jupiter/Saturn 97.87 Sun/Chiron 99.52
Jupiter/Uranus 239.21 Mercury/Venus 31.63 Jupiter/Neptune 263.53
Mercury/Mars 293.93 Jupiter/Pluto 316.98 Mercury/Jupiter 175.86
Jupiter/Chiron 273.55 Mercury/Saturn 273.73 Saturn/Uranus 165.66
Mercury/Uranus 55.07 Saturn/Neptune 219.11 Mercury/Neptune 79.39
Saturn/Pluto 175.68 Mercury/Pluto 132.84 Saturn/Chiron 125.43
Mercury/Chiron 89.41 Uranus/Neptune 24.32 Venus/Mars 262.3
Uranus/Pluto 77.77 Venus/Jupiter 144.23 Uranus/Chiron 34.34
Venus/Saturn 242.1 Neptune/Pluto 53.45 Venus/Uranus 23.44
Neptune/Chiron 10.02 Venus/Neptune 47.76 Pluto/Chiron 316.57 62

Then: Jun 14 2006 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 142.73 Sun/Mercury 336.33

Venus/Chiron 98.95 Sun/Venus 34.66 Mars/Jupiter 266.5 Sun/Mars
316.66 Mars/Saturn 357.9 Sun/Jupiter 223.16 Mars/Uranus 141.5
Sun/Saturn 314.56 Mars/Neptune 166.54 Sun/Uranus 98.16 Mars/Pluto
220.73 Sun/Neptune 123.2 Mars/Chiron 176.95 Sun/Pluto 177.39
Jupiter/Saturn 91.4 Sun/Chiron 133.61 Jupiter/Uranus 235
Mercury/Venus 58.33 Jupiter/Neptune 260.04 Mercury/Mars 340.33
Jupiter/Pluto 314.23 Mercury/Jupiter 246.83 Jupiter/Chiron 270.45
Mercury/Saturn 338.23 Saturn/Uranus 168.64 Mercury/Uranus 121.83
Saturn/Neptune 222.83 Mercury/Neptune 146.87 Saturn/Pluto 179.05
Mercury/Pluto 201.06 Saturn/Chiron 128.32 Mercury/Chiron 157.28
Uranus/Neptune 25.04 Venus/Mars 282 Uranus/Pluto 79.23
Venus/Jupiter 188.5 Uranus/Chiron 35.45 Venus/Saturn 279.9
Neptune/Pluto 54.19 Venus/Uranus 63.5 Neptune/Chiron 10.41
Venus/Neptune 88.54 Pluto/Chiron 316.22 63 Geocentric move #
8: Sep 25 2006 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 269.15 Sun/Mercury 342.21
Venus/Chiron 228.73 Sun/Venus 8.52 Mars/Jupiter 323.59 Sun/Mars
350.87 Mars/Saturn 50.23 Sun/Jupiter 314.46 Mars/Uranus 209
Sun/Saturn 41.1 Mars/Neptune 233.64 Sun/Uranus 199.87 Mars/Pluto
286.8 Sun/Neptune 224.51 Mars/Chiron 246.38 Sun/Pluto 277.67
Jupiter/Saturn 86.64 Sun/Chiron 237.25 Jupiter/Uranus 245.41
Mercury/Venus 26.31 Jupiter/Neptune 270.05 Mercury/Mars 8.66
Jupiter/Pluto 323.21 Mercury/Jupiter 332.25 Jupiter/Chiron 282.79
Mercury/Saturn 58.89 Saturn/Uranus 183.41 Mercury/Uranus 217.66
Saturn/Neptune 236.57 Mercury/Neptune 242.3 Saturn/Pluto 196.15
Mercury/Pluto 295.46 Saturn/Chiron 140.75 Mercury/Chiron 255.04
Uranus/Neptune 24.64 Venus/Mars 342.35 Uranus/Pluto 77.8
Venus/Jupiter 305.94 Uranus/Chiron 37.38 Venus/Saturn 32.58
Neptune/Pluto 53.16 Venus/Uranus 191.35 Neptune/Chiron 12.74
Venus/Neptune 215.99 Pluto/Chiron 319.58 64 Then: Nov 7 2006 12:00
pm Venus/Pluto 322.02 Sun/Mercury 355.76 Venus/Chiron 282.32
Sun/Venus 357.39 Mars/Jupiter 343.56 Sun/Mars 4.74 Mars/Saturn
75.47 Sun/Jupiter 348.3 Mars/Uranus 238.88 Sun/Saturn 80.21
Mars/Neptune 262.71 Sun/Uranus 243.62 Mars/Pluto 314.67
Sun/Neptune 267.45 Mars/Chiron 274.97 Sun/Pluto 319.41
Jupiter/Saturn 91.91 Sun/Chiron 279.71 Jupiter/Uranus 255.32
Mercury/Venus 1.63 Jupiter/Neptune 279.15 Mercury/Mars 8.98
Jupiter/Pluto 331.11 Mercury/Jupiter 352.54 Jupiter/Chiron 291.41
Mercury/Saturn 84.45 Saturn/Uranus 187.24 Mercury/Uranus 247.86
Saturn/Neptune 239.2 Mercury/Neptune 271.69 Saturn/Pluto 199.5
Mercury/Pluto 323.65 Saturn/Chiron 144.29 Mercury/Chiron 283.95
Uranus/Neptune 23.83 Venus/Mars 7.35 Uranus/Pluto 75.79
Venus/Jupiter 350.91 Uranus/Chiron 36.09 Venus/Saturn 82.82
Neptune/Pluto 51.96 Venus/Uranus 246.23 Neptune/Chiron 12.26
Venus/Neptune 270.06 Pluto/Chiron 320.3 65 Geocentric move #

9: Mar 6 2007 12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 106.82 Sun/Mercury 19.43

Venus/Chiron 62.87 Sun/Venus 329.49 Mars/Jupiter 47.75 Sun/Mars
39.02 Mars/Saturn 166.23 Sun/Jupiter 86.77 Mars/Uranus 321.37
Sun/Saturn 205.25 Mars/Neptune 345.63 Sun/Uranus 0.39 Mars/Pluto
37.29 Sun/Neptune 24.65 Mars/Chiron 353.34 Sun/Pluto 76.31
Jupiter/Saturn 118.48 Sun/Chiron 32.36 Jupiter/Uranus 273.62
Mercury/Venus 310.06 Jupiter/Neptune 297.88 Mercury/Mars 19.59
Jupiter/Pluto 349.54 Mercury/Jupiter 67.34 Jupiter/Chiron 305.59
Mercury/Saturn 185.82 Saturn/Uranus 179.4 Mercury/Uranus 340.96
Saturn/Neptune 231.06 Mercury/Neptune 5.22 Saturn/Pluto 187.11
Mercury/Pluto 56.88 Saturn/Chiron 139.84 Mercury/Chiron 12.93
Uranus/Neptune 24.26 Venus/Mars 69.53 Uranus/Pluto 75.92
Venus/Jupiter 117.28 Uranus/Chiron 31.97 Venus/Saturn 235.76
Neptune/Pluto 51.66 Venus/Uranus 30.9 Neptune/Chiron 7.71
Venus/Neptune 55.16 Pluto/Chiron 316.05 66 Then: Apr 18 2007 12:00
pm Venus/Pluto 158.07 Sun/Mercury 15.48 Venus/Chiron 111.88
Sun/Venus 320.69 Mars/Jupiter 79.42 Sun/Mars 48.68 Mars/Saturn
200.81 Sun/Jupiter 128.1 Mars/Uranus 351.96 Sun/Saturn 249.49
Mars/Neptune 17.31 Sun/Uranus 40.64 Mars/Pluto 70.08 Sun/Neptune
65.99 Mars/Chiron 23.89 Sun/Pluto 118.76 Jupiter/Saturn 121.39
Sun/Chiron 72.57 Jupiter/Uranus 272.54 Mercury/Venus 305.21
Jupiter/Neptune 297.89 Mercury/Mars 33.2 Jupiter/Pluto 350.66
Mercury/Jupiter 112.62 Jupiter/Chiron 304.47 Mercury/Saturn 234.01
Saturn/Uranus 176.5 Mercury/Uranus 25.16 Saturn/Neptune 229.27
Mercury/Neptune 50.51 Saturn/Pluto 183.08 Mercury/Pluto 103.28
Saturn/Chiron 138.16 Mercury/Chiron 57.09 Uranus/Neptune 25.35
Venus/Mars 87.99 Uranus/Pluto 78.12 Venus/Jupiter 167.41
Uranus/Chiron 31.93 Venus/Saturn 288.8 Neptune/Pluto 52.77
Venus/Uranus 79.95 Neptune/Chiron 6.58 Venus/Neptune 105.3
Pluto/Chiron 313.81 67 Geocentric move # 10: Aug 16 2007 12:00
pm Venus/Pluto 239.71 Sun/Mercury 359.76 Venus/Chiron 193.65
Sun/Venus 356.7 Mars/Jupiter 175.6 Sun/Mars 77.19 Mars/Saturn
277.87 Sun/Jupiter 252.79 Mars/Uranus 77.99 Sun/Saturn 355.06
Mars/Neptune 105.08 Sun/Uranus 155.18 Mars/Pluto 159.22
Sun/Neptune 182.27 Mars/Chiron 113.16 Sun/Pluto 236.41
Jupiter/Saturn 102.27 Sun/Chiron 190.35 Jupiter/Uranus 262.39
Mercury/Venus 356.94 Jupiter/Neptune 289.48 Mercury/Mars 77.43
Jupiter/Pluto 343.62 Mercury/Jupiter 253.03 Jupiter/Chiron 297.56
Mercury/Saturn 355.3 Saturn/Uranus 187.21 Mercury/Uranus 155.42
Saturn/Neptune 241.35 Mercury/Neptune 182.51 Saturn/Pluto 195.29
Mercury/Pluto 236.65 Saturn/Chiron 147.78 Mercury/Chiron 190.59
Uranus/Neptune 27.09 Venus/Mars 80.49 Uranus/Pluto 81.23
Venus/Jupiter 256.09 Uranus/Chiron 35.17 Venus/Saturn 358.36
Neptune/Pluto 54.14 Venus/Uranus 158.48 Neptune/Chiron 8.08
Venus/Neptune 185.57 Pluto/Chiron 313.94 68 Then: Oct 15 2007
12:00 pm Venus/Pluto 248.94 Sun/Mercury 342.78 Venus/Chiron 205.14
Sun/Venus 45.71 Mars/Jupiter 200.04 Sun/Mars 104.81 Mars/Saturn
301.57 Sun/Jupiter 304.85 Mars/Uranus 111.09 Sun/Saturn 46.38
Mars/Neptune 137.18 Sun/Uranus 215.9 Mars/Pluto 189.84
Sun/Neptune 241.99 Mars/Chiron 146.04 Sun/Pluto 294.65
Jupiter/Saturn 101.53 Sun/Chiron 250.85 Jupiter/Uranus 271.05
Mercury/Venus 62.93 Jupiter/Neptune 297.14 Mercury/Mars 122.03
Jupiter/Pluto 349.8 Mercury/Jupiter 322.07 Jupiter/Chiron 306
Mercury/Saturn 63.6 Saturn/Uranus 195.61 Mercury/Uranus 233.12
Saturn/Neptune 248.27 Mercury/Neptune 259.21 Saturn/Pluto 204.47
Mercury/Pluto 311.87 Saturn/Chiron 154.94 Mercury/Chiron 268.07
Uranus/Neptune 26.09 Venus/Mars 59.1 Uranus/Pluto 78.75
Venus/Jupiter 259.14 Uranus/Chiron 34.95 Venus/Saturn 0.67
Neptune/Pluto 52.66 Venus/Uranus 170.19 Neptune/Chiron 8.86
Venus/Neptune 196.28 Pluto/Chiron 316.2 69 After compiling all of

this data I sat back to think more about how to go about

analyzing it all. Let me tell you the story of my ole high school
chum Paul Ordincanaries. We nick named him “the fool”
cause well he had very limited mental capacity but he had
a lot of friends that could buy us beer. Nothing means more
to a High Schooler than an ample supply of that “Nectar of
the Gods”. Now we weren‟t really into drugs except the fool
pulled out a joint once and smoked it when we were fishing.
He had “under the influence” this limp where his legs would
almost give out. Anyways he was sitting there fishing and we
were throwing big boulders into the water right by him. He
finally told us to quit cause he could not fish in ”fucked
water” When we stopped I can assure you there was not a
fish within a mile but he sat there and kept fishing in that
same spot, a/k/a the fool. There was the” smoke on the
water night”. We were at the fools‟ girlfriends‟ house and we
were parked outside while the fool was inside doing
whatever it is that a fool does. There were 4 of us outside, I
was 15 and the oldest was 25. His name was Jerry and
besides being old enough to buy us beer he was our
chaperone I.e. he was there to make certain anything and
everything happened. After about an hour of waiting on the
fool, Jerry gets out of the car to take a leak and starts
howling at the Moon. He gets back into the car and
everyone continues drinking, about 5 minutes later we were
surrounded by squad cars. The police had gotten a call from
that a girl was screaming for help. (Jerry howling at the
moon) Our beer was confiscated and poured out. I
remember looking at that puddle of beer, the smoke
coming off of it on that cold night. Well that‟s when things
began to heat up. The police said that they were going to
take us to jail… that was until Jerry started making direct
forward advances on that female officer, while the rest of us
starting singing loud songs. I knew that I was only 15 so they
really could not do much to me; call my parents etc. The
police huddled and realized that they really didn‟t want us
in their jail. They decided to give us a police escort out of
town if we promised to never come back. Actually that goes
back to the trench coats and g-strings. Let me tell you all
about that. Actually the police had been looking for a
reason to get rid of us for quite a bit. The fool was a tad
older than I was and he drove this rusted out clunker. We use
to go cruise the square but with all the other guys there we
felt that we needed an” attractant” for the ladies. We came
up with trench coats sunglasses and g-strings. We‟d get out
next to traffic and start dancing. Then when a chick looked,
Pow she/they would get flashed. It worked wonders but the
police hated it as the girls would always stop traffic for a
show. From the position we had we could see the police
coming so we‟d go and sit in the car. They never got
enough to throw us out of town that is until the smoke on the
water night. It was a wild bunch in thinking back on it.. I think
Jerry was the fools‟ intellectual mentor. It was his parent‟s
goal to get him a 2-year college degree. They viewed that a
major feat. I met him in high school. I was sitting behind him
and my pen exploded so I wiped it all over his shirt. 70 Had
to buy him a new shirt and realized in the process that he
had no brain. We were sophomores in high school and he
told me that women give birth out of their belly buttons. I
thought he was kiddin but he was very insistent on that. The
fools‟ girlfriends were of a wide variety; there was the mental
ward release patient I am serious on that, right out of the
mental ward! There was a psycho run away and numerous
others. He wound up with Yvette “a nice Christian girl” or so
his parents told everyone. Yvette was nothing like that I
assure you. I remember they were “engaged to be married”
and she gave him crabs. He said that “she got them off a
toilet seat and of course he believed that cause that was
the way a fool would think. I was at Yvette‟s house cause I
had to urinate after dinking a lot of beer and I did not want
to do so on the sidewalk. So I walked into this totally filthy
house, I mean it was bad. I found the bathroom and there
was black mold all over the walls. I mean bad. I will never
forget that. The year was 1988 but I recall it just as if it was
yesterday. It was those hot muggy summer nights in June
and July. Yvette was with the fool at his apartment (owned
by his parents of course) on the 19th . They were singing and
dancing joyfully to the Steve Mercury Band well into the
night. Then on the 28th she is at this guy names Smitty‟s
house and before the lights went out they were again
listening to The Steve Mercury Band. The exact same music!
How cheesy, how low, but it only confirmed our suspicions.
She was back at Smitty‟s house on July 3rd and they were
outside on the hood of his car watching the stars and the
planet Mars as it was very close and shown brightly that
night. As things progresses we left them alone. She was back
in the arms of the fool on the 11th at sundown. As crazy as it
all seems, looking back, we found the origin of the crabs but
we knew the fool would never believe us. No way. When my
other friend approached the fool with this info on Smitty we
did not see him again for years. This good “Christian gal”
told Paul that all we were trying to do was break them up.
We were simply trying to inform him. The fool married Yvette
within in a year and not long after that they reproduced. I
saw Yvette in a bar, about 4 years had gone by and she was
hanging all over this guy. She did not know I was there. It
was a sad sight and I could not help but feel bad for the
fool, as here was his wife hanging all over this guy. A couple
of years after that Yvette and Paul came to my house like
nothing ever happened. It was April 6 1994 exactly 88 days
from my birthday and they just show up out of the blue. 8
days later I‟m over at their house in broad daylight with the
Sun overhead and he keeps talking to me in the driveway, in
the heat, never offered to let me have a seat inside his
house or a beer or anything. Looking back at on it, if Yvette‟s
house keeping abilities were anything like her parents house,
it was probably a good thing I was never invited inside. I saw
them one more time and that was on April 22nd at the
Mercury Café . I was in there eating 71 and they came up to
say “Hi” and they talked about what a great time they had
at my house. I felt sorry for them, both living a lie, but such
was the case with the fool. I never saw them again but I ran
into my old friend who had talked to them. He said that
Yvette had heart valve problems and probably would not
live much longer. I was kind of shocked by this, hell I
remember when they met, one of them was 19 and the
other was 25. Hard to believe but if you ask me her heart
was never in the right place anyway. Oh well, those were
the days…back to financial markets. Yes indeed this work
will take some time to analyze and I am still compiling my
angles on XJO. It is probably best that I do one thing at a
time better get the angles finished up then go on to analyze
both the heliocentric and geocentric turns in the other. 2 x 1
going down through XJO. On September 1 1994 with Jupiter
at 9 Scorpio, Saturn at 9 Pisces we put in a good top,
Mercury was at 24 Virgo, Mars at 9 Cancer 49, Venus 24
Libra. We then spiral down, only to come back up and retest
our line on the top October 31st 1994 with Mercury at 21
Libra. Top September 21, 2003 Venus at 6 Libra price went
down then rocketing up to wind up coming back down on
our line on November 18, 2003 with Sun at 24 Scorpio.
Another top March 9, 2004 with Mercury at 24 Pisces price
goes sideways to the low on May 11, 2004 with Mercury at 21
Aries right on our line. Take a look at the roving top
somewhere between June 21 and June 24, 2004. On June
23, 2004 was at Mercury 6 Cancer price again goes
sideways until Venus hits exact position on August 15 2004. I
checked my email and there were several. I started with
Source B. He stated that he had been experimenting with
the “Factors of Location”, out of the work “12”. He had
found out that if there was a planet in the 5th house of a
natal and that planet squares the locality MC that individual
will have a difficult go at trading in that location. Likewise if
there is a planet in the 5th house and it is trine or sextile that
locality MC the individual will have a much better go at
trading. Furthermore look at the position of the ruler of the
5th house. Say you have Leo ruling your 5th. The Sun rules
Leo, so you would look at the position of the Sun in regards
to the locality MC in a square or opposition expect difficult,
trine or sextile expect a much easier go. This seems to be the
master indicator of long-term success in the field. The next
email was from Source F saying that he had spoken with
Source G and Gann was all about cycles. There is much
proof of that, from the cycles running through Ganns master
courses but take a look specifically at page 197 of the
Tunnel book; 72 ”working out his cycles for stocks grain and
cotton. “the page goes on then there was the day he made
a discovery of a time factor. So Gann clearly used cycles.
This whole time factor had me confused. Do I need time
factor to find cycles? I reasoned that I did not because
Robert was working out his cycles when he discovers a time
factor. Therefore he did not need the time factor to
understand his cycles. The next email that day was from
source Q. I had written him asking about cycles and Bayer
because he had made such a thorough study of Bayer. He
stated that Bayer “absolutely used cycles” and that cycles
run through his time factors book. He went on Adamantly
declaring that the cycles were key. He stated that post
39059 was made off of cycles and that it was a very
important post for the information it contained. I thought
about all of this for a moment and decided that this was
probably the correct path to success and I should determine
more on how I was going to go about analyzing my data. I
headed back to my angles on XJO. I had left off on the 2X1
going down. 01-17-05 Mercury conjunct Venus at 9
Capricorn and we draw our line down from there we get hit
when price comes down fro the top on 04-19-05 Mars 21
Aquarius 15 then again on 05-05-05 with Venus 24 Taurus.
Another top and line coming off the high on 06-06-06 Venus
9 Taurus gets hit on 09-12- 06 Venus 6 Scorpio then a re-
challenge on 09-23-06 with Mars 9 Libra 40 Venus 21 Scorpio
then up fast from there. I then tested the 1X1 but I assume
because of the High prices it had little affect. I then did the
8X1 going down. From the top on 03-22-00 Venus 9 Pisces I
looked for a larger planet to be involved because of the size
of the turn. Found Neptune at 6 Aquarius price went
rocketing down then jumped our line and came back down
to 05-12-00 sun 21 Taurus. Top 10-22-03 with Mercury 24 Libra
price comes down then cuts our line giving a secondary top,
price then walks down our line until 11-18-03 with Mercury 9
Sagittarius. Top 04-25-04 Mars at 22 Gemini 11 price
collapses, creates a double bottom using our line as support
on 05-18-04 with Mars 6 Cancer 46 then up. Massive top on
03-21-05 could not find a damn thing then realized Jupiter
was at 9 Libra 20, price collapsed , challenging our line in
several places until it was used as support on the triple
bottom date 05-17-05 with Venus 9 Gemini. It was at this time
that source F emailed me stating that the secret key to the
cycles in Jensen‟s book could be found on page 135 where
it starts “ The triggering aspects…” He also stated that due to
Jensen‟s mixing up of the components of his book his
explanation of orb does not apply to the type of cycles in
markets that he is pointing at in his book. I wrote back a nice
thank you for this extremely valuable tip. I 73 then went back
to my work on the Australian XJO. I tried the 16 X1 coming
down but nothing worked the way it was suppose to, so I
abandoned that angle for XJO. I then made an attempt at
the 16X1 going up, it, like its predecessor, produced no
result. It was at this point source F told me I should not focus
on an index but to try an individual stock or commodity. I
decided to give the American Stock U.S. Steel a try. He also
stated to keep track of my losing trades. Certain spots in a
chart can give indication before hand. He gave an
example lets say you had a series of losing trades and Saturn
was at 5 to 7 degrees Gemini. On another losing trade you
had Mercury at 7 Gemini and on yet another trade that lost
Mars was at 6 Gemini. This would give good indication to not
trade when that point 5-7 degrees Gemini gets hit! Along
time ago, from an old source, I learned that studying this
field can be hard if the Mercury (mind) in the natal is in bad
aspect to the locality MC presented in “12”. It gives a
disadvantage. Then there are the solar returns. Originally I
felt that these were not that significant but now I know that
to be wrong. There is a secret key; use the Return in
conjunction with the numerical year governor. This is
calculated thus: say you were born in 1967 in the year 2007
you will turn 40. Add this 40 to the year 2007 which gives
2047. 2+0+4+7=13 for interpretation of this 13 refer to
Sepharials book “Kabala of Numbers” to tarot card 13.
Another example is person born 1950 will turn 57 in 2007. Add
57 and 2007 together and you get 2064. 2+0+6+4=12. There
are good and bad tarot numbers. This is a very powerful
indicator when compared to the actual Solar Return for the
year. The number cannot be controlled(you get what you
get), to a great extent the Solar Return can be (by changing
location). Being at a different location at the exact moment
of the Solar Return influences that year. If you are married
the spouses chart will have an affect on you as well, one
way or another. That part works like this. Saturn shuts down
the house (area of life) it is in. Lets say that your spouse has
Saturn in the mental 3rd conjunction Solar Return Sun, this
would be an indicator of depression for the year. Your
spouse having depression episodes all year is going to weigh
on you. If your spouse is dependent on you for income keep
Saturn out of your spouses 8th house in the Solar Return.
Jensen wrote on Solar Returns in the magazine “ Astrological
Bulletina” from the 1930‟s through mid 1950‟s. The Solar
Return for the year begins 3 months before your birthday
when the transiting Sun squares your natal position. From
that point until your birthday is the period when the new
Solar Return comes in and the old one loses its grip. Those 3
months will see big shifts and changes. Look back and you
will see this is so. If you are a career individual keep Saturn
out of your 10th. If you are a trader keep Saturn out of your
5th. Saturn shuts down the area of life it is in, during your
Solar Return. Let me tell you about the experience I had with
this psycho roofer. His name is Stanley Poor. Looking back on
it I should have seen this one coming, I don‟t know how I
missed it, but I missed it! Actually he had two kids as well,
Julius and Marcie,. I think she is 74 10 but I am recalling that
only from my memory. What I felt unique was that you could
say one was born 45 minutes after 5 while the other was
born 45 minutes after 2. The girl was just to young for me to
tell much about but that boy Julius, I could write a book on
him. Two words; dope head. He was about 16 and all he
cared about was girls and dope. Not necessarily in that
order. As much as we hate to, I think we all copy our parents
in one form or another and Julius was no exception. The girls
like him for one reason or another, but they were the wrong
kind of girls which is why he liked them. Like attracts like. He
did the usual, skipping school, petty theft and that circuit. His
father, Stanley, was in his early 40‟s and had no assets to his
name. Initially back around 1997 when I first had the
experience of meeting this man he was involved in a
relationship while seeing all these other women. Which of
course he bragged about until his “serious relationship”
came around. I had never been around a guy like him and
to tell you the truth I hope I never am again. I think, in
general, all guys flirt, whether they are married or not but this
guy was something else. After digging a little deeper, which
is my nature, I found that Stanley‟s‟ mother had been an
alcoholic when he was growing up. This explains a lot and
then again leaves a lot unexplained. Can you imagine what
it must have been like growing up and your mother, the
person you depend on, is incoherent. If we take a plant, say
a baby oak tree about 2 ft high and we stomp on it, that
sapling will retain those scars for the rest of its days, they will
be visible 30 years later provided the tree is still alive.
Children are no different. Anyway back in 1997 we were
standing outside having a smoke break when he explained
that he had applied for this job and they wanted to drug
test him. He said he had the system beat because he was
taking some sort of vitamin. Not having a need to know
anymore, I quickly changed the subject and he began
talking about his women, which quite frankly is probably the
only thing he ever really talked about. He said outside of his
“main relationship” he was currently seeing two other
women on a regular basis. Their names were Bertha and
Vanessa. He said he alternated between the two accept on
March 3rd and April 14th, of that year (1997). Like I wanted
to hear this but I knew what was going to be said next, sure
enough he started in telling me he was with Bertha on Feb
25th until sunrise. He then saw Vanessa on the 3rd of March,
but an officer Curry knocked on the door looking for him.
Vanessa had replied that he was not there, shortly after he
left. The 25th of March he was back with Bertha. They lit a fire
in the backyard burning pile and were drinking beer until
long after sunset. Like I cared about these details my reply
was that I did not want to hear about it, at which time this
only increased his story telling. I heard about Vanessa on
April 3rd and all of their merry moment and finally Bertha on
the 24th. This to me was just too much, I cut it off then and
made a full get away. 75 Stanley fit the model of the
emotionally beaten construction worker. Now I know some
construction workers that are great guys. This one though left
a lot to be desired. The God Mercury himself could not take
the story he told me about Bertha on the 24th of April and I
will not be repeating it here or anywhere else. As time went
on he kept inviting me to his fishing spot. That guy fished and
fished and fished. It would be awhile before I understood
exactly why but I can assure you I never took him up on his
offer. Not ever, I never saw that fishing hole. I avoided this
character as much as possible over the years. Well as luck
would have it in the early part of 2003 I decided to have a
roof put on. I also understood that Stanley was hurting for
money and so in order to be a good guy I contacted him to
see if he would be interested in doing the job. He gave me
an OK bid so I accepted it and he started in at once. It took
a crew of three guys all day to tear off a patch of roof 20 X
20. I began suspecting a problem but my thinking was
obscured by a cycle that came in at that time. Soon large
amounts of time began to go by before he would return, I
jotted down the dates so I could keep track. He left with his
daughter Marcia on Feb 13th and I did not see him again
until Sun- up on the 21st. What kind of a worker is that? He
did work everyday until the 3rd of March when he got a call
around 1:00 by Vanessa who needed to borrow 302 dollars
for something. I am not sure what and I certainly did not ask,
because with a guy like this you learn to be fearful of the
answers. It was around the 13th of March and I finally got a
hold of him to see if he was going to make it out because I
had not seen him for a month of Sundays. He told me he
would be out week after next and he did. It was either the
22nd or 23rd and when I saw him I told him to get his shit and
go. In all that time he only had gotten 40% done. In talking
with an individual who would become my roofer friend,
months later, I had learned on how they scam you. He told
me that Stanley was purposely delaying the project in order
to get more money out of me. Instead he got fired and I
really have never seen him since. Looking back on it there
were telltale signs that I missed and I will get to that. First I
need to tell you that I had to go out and hire a completely
new roofing crew that did a great job finishing the roof. You
see he was fishing out there all the time because he was
hiding. Hiding from the victims of his scams and cons!
Construction workers, the ones that are honest have plenty
of work in the winter, the fact that Stanley Poor did not
should have been a warning sign. Everything this man
touches turns to a heap of dino-dung. Speaking of turns, let
me conclude what happened or what has become of this
character. Turns out he lost his “primary relationship”, she
cannot stand him. Don‟t know what happened to Bertha
and Vanessa, he wound up in a drunken rage, totaled his
truck and getting arrested for DUI. He lost everything accept
his dope head son and now you can see why Julius is the
way he is. 76 I started my work on U.S. Steel using the 1X8 1
unit of rise to 8 time unites. I started here because Steel has
never split and has only been trading since the early 90‟s. 1 X
8 going up. Low 10-09-95 Sun 16 Libra price went sideways
then rocketed up to our High or 11-25-05 with Sun at 1
Sagittarius. From the low 05-08-04 Mercury 23 Aries Mars 1
Cancer and we get sideways action, bounced off our line
on 08-06-04 with Mercury 8 Virgo. High 06-16-05 Venus at 16
Cancer, 180 degrees Venus at 16 Capricorn on 02-06-06, our
line again stopped price. Took a break and checked the
email. What jumped out at me was an email from Source Q
entitled “Price”. I went to that one first. It read “the reason
why certain cycles are so important is because they carry
with them their own price mechanics, i.e. a particular cycle
will vibrate its own price pattern. The geometry people who
use pure geometry fail because they do not understand this
concept. They will un-knowingly connect cycle A to cycle B.
You cannot successfully do this, you must connect cycle A
to cycle A and connect cycle B to cycle B. In this manner
you can acquire price. Without knowing where the cycles
are, the geometers are lost. The proof of this can be found in
Jensen‟s book on page 111. Points A, B, C, D and E. 4 of the
points have a connection 1 does not. Now let the geometer
pick out the one that is different, it is not point A. Only
certain points have a price relationship, it is up to the cyclist
to determine which points are related. Price works in circles,
this is one of the major points of post 39059. Jensen handles
this on pages 107 to 109 of his book. Furthermore future price
points originate from past price points, that is the secret. “
Wow” I replied back a big “thank you” as I could see from
this not only a glimpse into price but also the absolute
necessity of mastering these cycles. I then went back to my
angle work as U.S Steel. High 12-01-05 Venus 23 Capricorn ,
Mars 8 Cancer 2 our line stopped price on 06-29-06 with Sun
at 8 Cancer Mars 16 Leo. In finding no more working
examples I then moved on to the 1 X 8 going down. Nice
rocket high 01-17-95 with Mars at 1 Scorpio 12, price quickly
collapses, then cuts our line on the upside on 03-29-05 then
bounces off 04-05-95 with Sun 16 Aries and again on 05-08-95
Mercury 8 Gemini and Mars 23 Leo. High on 07-24-99 Sun 1
Leo price goes down levels off then charges through our line
on the upside, makes a high, then months later rests on it
until the cycles take it up on 10- 22-99 with Mercury 23 Virgo.
Another email comes in, Its from source B. It tells me that
there is a definite connection between an individual and
the stock/commodity they trade. It said to give him a call so
that is what I did. He told me that if you are trading
something and you are a consistent loser in it, stay away
from it, no matter how much you want to trade it. He stated
that there were people out there that are consistently
making money and have absolutely no idea what they are
doing. The secret he told me, was that they hold a good
connection with that particular instrument, the ONE they
can consistently make money in. 77 The minute they tried
another instrument they lost money, because their
connection was not adequate to that specific instrument,
although they have consecutive winners on the other that
they are successful in. I told source B that I found this
conversation very inspiring and his reply caught me off
guard. I recall, his words exactly “ when you feel worn down
or frustrated it is only a sign that you have lost faith in your
own abilities. Gann talks in Tunnel about the adepts of India
and the subconscience mind. “These principles can be
found in a book by Mark Fisher entitled „The Instant
Millionaire‟. You must adapt the sayings to fit your needs, try
(I do understand cycles). In doing this you will counter your
feelings of frustration and burnout, your thinking will change
and you will meet success quickly. Sometimes we have
everything we need to succeed right in front of us but we
can not see it, so success alludes us.” I quickly jotted down
the name of the book and the saying realizing that the best
way to become successful is to follow in the fast steps of
someone who is. I went back to my angles, 12-31-99 High
with Mercury at 1 Capricorn, Venus at 1 Sagittarius price falls
for months, picks up some energy that re- crosses on the
upside only to come back down and pivot 04-17-00 with
Mercury 8 Aries. High 11-30-04 Sun at 8 Sagittarius price
makes a beautiful High in March then comes down to pivot
off our line 05-13-05 Sun 23 Taurus. I found no other examples
and proceeded to the 1 X 4 going down. Beautiful top on
01-17-95 with Mercury at 16 Aquarius price rockets down,
comes up then back down to make a bottom on our line at
03-17-95 with Sun at 16 Pisces. Pause in the up trend 11-04-03
with Mars at 8 Pisces 47 then down to 11-17-03 with Mercury
at 8 Sagittarius.. I felt this had special significance. Source F
again e-mails me. This one is again helpful because he
states that he found out from source G that orb for the type
of cycles I am going to be analyzing is 20 % either side of the
day count. That is if the cycle was 8 days the 8 X .20= 1.6 so 2
days either side. Then what he wrote struck me: that there is
a definite solution to this so it can be overcome, but in the
beginning work without it. The solution involves very little
basic math and is very simple. I felt this give me more
determination and I knew I only had a few more angles to
check with U.S. Steel and I would be ready to begin
analyzing the other data. I had better get through this U.S.
Steel data. Top 11-29-04 with Venus at 8 Scorpio price comes
down, pivots, runs up through our line, tops and comes
down to a nice low 01-11-05 with Mercury conjunct Venus at
1 Capricorn…right on our axis. 9-16-05 Sun Conjunct Mercury
at 23 Virgo right on our axis again, price collapses, make a
nice low then up through our line, makes final pivot low Sun
16 Scorpio then big move up. 78 Next was the 1 X 4 going
up. Low 07-26-95 Mercury 1 Leo then up to 08-06-95 Mercury
at 23 Leo probably an important move. Low 08-24-95 Sun
conjunct Venus at 1 Virgo, Mercury 23 Virgo then up to final
top and 09-08-95 Mars 1 Virgo. Low 10-20-97 Mercury 1
Scorpio whipsaw then again price came up to our line on
11-10-97 with Mars 1 Capricorn. Low 11-01-95 Mars 8
Sagittarius we cut our line made a low then went up to top
of move right on our line 11-24-95 Sun 1 Sagittarius. 11-04-03
with Mars at 8 Pisces 47 then down to 11-17-03 with Mercury
at 8 Sagittarius 10- 21-99 Mercury 23 Scorpio beautiful low,
we cut our line after a move up sideways, then a rocket
move up to 12-05-99 with Mercury at 23 Scorpio…same
position. I got a response to my thank you to Source Q about
“Price” it read “….in addition a commodity contracts price is
difficult to the beginner because of the commodity roll
overs. This is where Cash can be important until the cyclist
can better understand the workings and how to handle the
rollover. There is a very specific method that enables success
but is hard on the beginner and not advised. A stock split is a
man made occurrence, it is advised the beginner factor
these out, like if it was a 2 for 1 you would multiply by 2. One
final caveat, disregard the charts in Jensen‟s book pages
125 and 127 until you have already mastered price. “ I
decided that to follow this information as I know that source
Q knows his stuff. I returned to my angles on Steel. 11-13-02
with Venus at 1 Scorpio price pivots and goes up to 11-19-02
Venus 1 Scorpio again. 05-09-04 with Mars at 1 Cancer nice
low, walk up to a high 07-19-04 Mercury 23 Leo Mars 16 Leo.
Low 01-12-05 Sun 23 Capricorn go up to a nice top then
down to a lower top 03-22-05 Sun 1 Aries on our line then
down. Nice low 10-19-05 Mercury 16 Scorpio price walks up
our line. Low 01-20-06 sun 1 Aquarius then up from our line
then pivot high on 03-06-06 Mars 8 Gemini 40 Sun 16 Pisces.
Low 08-11-06 Mercury 1 Leo price then sideways, then up
and against our line on 12-11- 06 with Venus 1 Capricorn. This
concludes my preliminary work on U.S. Steel. I walked out to
check the mail and there was a CD from Source Q that had
all these charts all over it. There must me over 100

charts………………………. “ The Analyst “

The Adventures of Cycle

Hunter The

Adventures of Cycle
Hunter “ The Analyst “ Legal

Information: This book may not be distributed even in the

case of no monetary exchange. This work is not intended to
give investment advice. Before trading any financial
instrument seek the advise of a qualified individual. Any
resemblance of the fictitious characters in this work to real
individuals is completely coincidence. Copyright © 2008

Craig Bttlc FORWARD In writing this Book I have

thoroughly enjoyed myself and have finally understood why
the Masters of this trade have done the same. And in
respect to them I have written this in the same genre. I hope
that you, the reader, are able to gain from this writing as I
have gained from the three wise men. By using the methods
alluded to in the pages to follow one will gain vital
information. This Knowledge will be instrumental in financial
freedom. This book should be read once for the sole purpose
of reading a story. Then this Book should be read over and
over many times in order for it to cough up it secrets. There
are many exercises for the reader to undertake and they will
prove to be invaluable in the future. As I stated, I have
enjoyed the writing of this. I hope that it is as much
enjoyment for you to read and re-read. Cycle Hard! 2 I e-
mailed source Q and thanked him for the 144 charts he had
sent me in the mail. He wrote back and stated, “ The secret
with those charts is that they are cycles but not all of the
cycle is there, only non-sequential parts. Your job is to find
the cycle pivots that I have left out. Once you find the
missing pivots a whole new world will open up to you. The
144 charts I sent you have the right cycles that I will
guarantee. Your job is like I said to find the missing pivots. An
example would be say I gave you a date of February 3 and
another date of March 3. Between these two dates there will
be other dates, which I skipped over. Get those dates and
you will see a pattern. This is similar to the pattern in Jensen‟s
book. It is important to understand the patterns so you can
trade, trade without guessing or relying on indicators.” Wow
that is awesome, I now have some charts to look for patterns
in. E-mailed him back a big Thank You! It was right after that
I heard a big thud. Its that teenager again. I yelled at him
until my vocal cords hurt. This is a bad habit I picked up from
my Dad, which needs to be broken. I just have not had the
time to do so; all of my extra time and then some goes into
studying financial markets. The teenager just does not
understand that all those electronic gadgets he wants cost
money. The wife has expensive tastes and the young one
constantly needs things. At one time I had a full time job and
two part time jobs just to make ends meet, but no time to
study markets although my interest in them goes back many
years. Now days I only have the full-time job but with all the
family obligations there is hardly have any time to study.
Then I found out over the years that so much has been
written recently on the markets that it is hard to tell what to
spend my time on. A couple years ago I found this site. It‟s a
great site and I have made friends and legitimate contacts
there, there is still little time though. Two nights from now,
when my wife is watching the Oprah marathon and the
children are in bed (or their ears are blown out from my
vocal cords) I will finally have some free time to begin
analyzing the data on XJO that I have gotten together. As
the two days passed my hopes and expectations of my
findings in XJO were high. I felt confident that indeed there
would be a pattern, like what everyone is talking about and
hinting at. (Editors note: See the Fezzan for the dates and
turns that are being brought in analysis on XJO.) I sat down
and took a look at the single planets first. What I noticed
were that a few of the moves were around 90 days and the
Sun/Earth moved about 90 degrees. I sat back and thought
to myself that it is logical that I have picked moves of around
90 days that you would get that, so obviously that was
coincidence. I then looked at the other numbers for like
Pluto, Neptune and those guys and it just seemed like those
numbers were meaningless. Like in Heliocentric move #1
Pluto moved only .6 and numbers like that looked too small
from the hints I have been given. 3 1 I then looked for other
common numbers through the single planet data. I noted
that several of the Mars were around the 53 area like in Helio
move 2 and 3. Helio Venus moved around 142 degrees in
moves 1, 2,and 3. Now wait a minute, if I have a move of 90
days and another move with a duration of 30 days I can‟t
expect Venus Heliocentric to move the same distance. That
would be mathematically impossible. So for my single planet
distance traveled I have to throw out my heliocentric points
on these 10 turns. The result is biased according to the
duration of the move. This leaves me with geocentric single
planet positions. What popped out at me is in moves 4, 7,
and 10 Mercury geocentric had traveled about 70 degrees.
This is possible of course due to retrograde motion. Say like
Heliocentric Venus can move 10 degrees in 10 days and at
the same time geocentric Venus moves only 2 degrees as
an example. I then looked for other geocentric numbers in
the same manner. I looked at Venus and I found that moves
4, 8 and 9 were around 50 degrees while move 3 was
around 100 degrees, which of course is 2 x 50. I looked at
Mars and it had moved about 30 degrees in moves 4, 8, 9
and 0. 60-degree movement by Mars in moves 1 and 2 (60
being 30 degrees x2). This seemed promising. Got up to go
lay on the couch, this is normal for when I need to think
deeply. Need to figure out if this Mars Geo 30 degrees is just
a coincidence or if it is actually a cycle. Must have been
tired because I fell right asleep. The next morning when I
woke up on the couch I was mad. I had all that time for
studying and fell right asleep. Needed to get ready for work
and could not get any further in my studies for a few days.
At the breakfast table the teenager asked me when I was
going to take him camping. I explained to him that my
father never took me camping so it may be awhile, like 40
years or so. I was making a serious study of financial markets,
working a full-time job and doing most of the cooking etc.
When do I have any free time? Barked this at him in a loud
voice that would have woken the dead, need to quit doing
that, just have not had time to sort that out. I left for work. All
that day, at the job, sure I was physically there but mentally I
was thinking of how to test my Mars 30 degrees when it hit
me. If this is the 30 degree cycle, if it is here in XJO then these
points should connect and this should be a high, low, high,
low, high and low like reaction going on. This made me feel
at ease. I had direction, which is very important to me. When
I got home that night and got all of the family things done I
checked my e-mail. Source B had e-mailed me that he had
been testing some personal astrology and found that when
you have a transiting planet that is making a good aspect to
a planet in your natal and at the same time that transiting
planet is badly aspected by another transiting planet the
good affects you would have received are mitigated. An
example would be your natal Venus at 6 Gemini and
transiting Jupiter at 5 Aquarius (Trine). If transiting Saturn is at
5 Leo the affects of the time are mitigated, because Saturn
is tainting the good affects of Jupiter via the square aspect. I
replied that this was very interesting and thanks, also asked
him how he became so successful in the field. The rest of the
e-mails were junk. 4 2 I went to bed that night anxious to find
the time to run tests on Mars as soon as time allowed.
Several days went by and I found a couple of hours late
Saturday night to get some study in. Since the July 17, 1998
to October 15, 1998 move Mars had gone 57.4 degrees and
the next move began July 20, 1999. I looked at this first. On
October 15, 1998 Geocentric Mars was at 154.6 or 4 degrees
or 5 degrees of Scorpio. If my cycle is 30 degrees there
should be a turn somewhere around the time that
Geocentric Mars hit 5 degrees Libra. This would make a turn
every time Mars hit 5 degrees of a sign. The next step was to
go to the ephemeris and find out when Geocentric Mars hit
5 degrees Libra. According to the ephemeris after the
October 15, 1998 hit Mars hit 5 Libra on December 6, 1998
then 5 Scorpio on February 8, 1999 Retrograded then hit 5
Mars again (while retrograde) on April 21, 1999, turned direct
then hit our July 20, 1999 turn. So I looked at the data on
these dates. There was a small top on 12-8-98 a small bottom
on 02-10-99. A high on 04-19-99. I marked these areas on the
chart. Once done I backed off and took a look. My best
guess is “maybe” the turns in December and February are
small, I mean how would I know if this right? Went and laid
down on the couch to think about it. After awhile it hit me to
bundle up the info in a file and send it to source Q to get his
opinion and that is exactly what I did. That‟s about all I could
get in, was exhausted. I woke up Sunday and checked my
e-mail. Both source B and Q have responded. B had replied
the following “ you asked how I became successful. That is a
long, long story but here are some things I have noticed over
my years. There are two or three types of people that come
into this field and make an attempt to study the Gann area.
The first type of person wants to make a quick buck. He/She
is looking for fast answers and willing to put fourth little effort.
Some of these people want proof up front. These individuals
generally, when asked, will say that they are willing to put
fourth all this effort, but when push comes to shove they
cave, victims of their own beliefs. Then there are individuals
who have a passion for the field, who hold a genuine
commitment to achieve success within the field by
increasing their knowledge. These individuals harbor this for
years as they grow. These people will eventually meet with
success, or their own form of it. It goes back to “you reap
what you sow.” Some individuals get into the field to make a
quick buck and find they have an inert passion for the field.
These people also eventually reach a point of success as
long as they can sustain this passion. What you need is the
book by mark Fisher entitled “ The Instant millionaire!” Gann
alluded to the power of the sub conscience mind on page
264 of his Tunnel book. This is why it works; deep down most
of us have some out-dated belief that inhibits or limits our
true success. This is generally a result of societies
programming. 5 3 The best way to overcome this is truly by
repetition of words. This works wonders but needs to be
adapted to this field. The most powerful combination in my
experience is that of Emily Coue (day by day in every way I
am getting better and better). If this is said 100 times a day
for 10 days you will observe positive changes and as time
goes on, after a couple of months, you will feel depressed if
you skip a few days of repeating it. There are people that will
laugh at the simplicity of this, however these people are
never successful i mean truly successful. You will also have to
adapt it like the following “ everyday I understand cycles
better”. You say that for 2 weeks, 100 times a day and you
will see a BIG difference in your cycle work. Sometimes we
have all the answers right in front of us but we fail to see
them because we do not truly BELIEVE that we can be
successful in the field. The downward spiral here usually
begins this way; we make an attempt to get something
working in the markets and fail. That voice “up-stairs” usually
comes in and remarks; this was a big waste of time, or this
will never work, or this is impossible, after a few more
repetitions of this self-destructive circle, success truly does
become impossible. This needs to be countered. The best,
most powerful tool to succeed against this is repetition of
words, the right words”. I wrote back telling him thanks and
asked if this was all that he did to succeed. I then clicked
over and ordered that book for about $10.00. The next e-
mail was from source Q. It was in response to my analysis of
the dates. He stated that it looked right but I needed way
more than 5 or 6 turns. I needed, as he put it “a good run of
data” to follow the cycles tracks. What he then said I felt
was a huge boon in my understanding of these things “
each stock or commodity has roughly 3 small cycles, 3
medium cycles and 3 large cycles. This is just rough; you may
find a really choppy stock that has 5 small cycles or a stock
that has only 1 small cycle. But 3 is the mean”. I responded
back asking “if I found a cycle in a stock will it be the same
cycle working in other stocks?” Went and lay down on the
couch. What source Q said was that I needed more than 5
or 6 turns. This made complete sense so I need to go back
and continue that Mars at 5 degree of a sign in XJO. The
thing I like about Sundays is it‟s the day that I can get some
good studying in. The kids are playing with the neighbors
and the wife is watching Oprah re-runs. I figured my next
step was to get more dates for when Mars hits 5 degrees of
a sign. This would be a 30-degree movement. Mars hits these
points on the following dates 09-10-99 5 Sagittarius, 10-23-99
5 Capricorn, 12-2-99 5 Aquarius, 01-10-00 5 Pisces, 02-18-00 5
Aries, 03-29-00 5 Taurus, and May 22, 2000 gives 5 Gemini. I
went and marked these off on the X50 data. From the July
20, 1998 high I have another high on 09-09-99 a low on 10-20-
99 low on 1-30-99, low on 01-07-00, low on 02- 22-00, low on
03-31-00 and a low on 05-11-00. Backed off of that and yes I
can see these turns but there is a lot of turns during that time.
I still do not understand how I am suppose to differentiate
what is MY cycle and what is not, I mean, there must be a
way and here there are turns all over the damn place. 6 4 I
got very frustrated and about that time the teenager came
inside and needed some correcting so I shouted so loud that
I could feel my tongue touch his eyeballs. I‟d say
somewhere around 120 decibels. It was a wonder that my
wife didn‟t hear me; she was right there but was into the TV
show. As the days went by my mind kept going back to my
analysis and feelings of frustration. There must be a way to
determine if turns are part of a cycle or belong to another
cycle. I need to overcome this in order to make progress.
Wednesday checked the e-mail and source Q had written
to me stating that each stock and commodity absolutely
has to be tested separately. “ One cycle found in a stock or
commodity may or may not be found in another stock or
commodity.” Oh great, just what I needed, more damn
variables…. he continued on stating, ” furthermore some
cycles are strong and some are weak. The way to determine
that, the only way, is to check many pivots of the cycle.
Each cycle, being constantly impacted by the other cycles
will have a turn “fizzle”. This is caused strictly by interference
with other cycles. In weaker cycles there will be many
“fizzles”. In stronger cycles there will be less of these “fizzles”
and the cycle will therefore have sharper, more visible,
turns…don‟t get me wrong, the turn IS STILL THERE its just
harder to detect. This is a critical element to know especially
for the beginner cycle hunter.” I stopped and thought about
this for a moment, wrote back that I can‟t figure out how to
tell which turn came from which cycle and thanks for the
information. The next e-mail was from source V, she stated
that “all Gann was doing was taking a High or low, squaring
that number, then counting out in days.” That is stupid. I
know Gann was all about cycles. I didn‟t write back
anything to that non-sense. There I was, frustrated, I felt
beaten and cornered and that e-mail from Source Q just
added more damn variables while that teenager wants me
to spend time with him? Time with him…ya, get real. All my
free time goes to this frustrating market stuff, where I feel like
I am digging myself a grave. The next e-mail was from
source B. He was replying to my asking if that book was what
caused him to succeed in the field. He replied the following
“ The book did not cause me to succeed, it was a
tremendous aid. I grew up lower class and was always an
outcast when it came to friends. The book helped me
discover I was actually intelligent and the only thing truly
holding me back was just that, ME. I did follow the
instructions in the book, to the letter. I NEVER missed a day of
my repetitive words. Those greatly aided me. Things
changed quickly for me saying those words. Another area I
got into was nutrient mind enhancement. That stuff is for
real. I won‟t go into it but you can get a book called;
Ancient Wisdom of Chinese Tonic Herbs by Ron Teeguarden,
that book is a secret among wealthy people. If you have
ever met a truly successful individual some of them have this
radiant glow; read the book and find out the secrets
yourself. So no, the book did not cause me to succeed but it
was an all-empowering tool. When you are frustrated in your
studies, it is a sign that something is wrong”. Wrote back
saying I was frustrated, I was really frustrated because my life
sucks and I am stuck in this crazy market crap, solving
ancient mysteries instead of getting on with my life. I sent
that e-mail off and took a hard look around. 7 5 There I was,
living in this dump of a house with these kids that are driving
me crazy, all these animals that belong outside and an
Oprah addict. B replied back quickly saying; “Frustration
simply means that you are out of balance, what you need is
to back off, re-access, then find direction and move
forward.” I fired back at this that “ I don‟t know how re-
accessing my life could get me out of frustration, after all,
you have not been to my job or house.” I realized I was tired
and went to bed. Several more days had gone by and still
no millionaire book that was ordered; was this another
problem coming, tracking down a book? I called on it and
they said to give it more time. Next I checked my e-mail and
there was actually a couple there by B. The first one stated
“What I have learned works like this; your house is re-
enforcing your misery. Change and improve the house and
you will change yourself. It appears in your –mail you have a
need to change also your job. Ask yourself this; if you had 4
million dollars in a bank account would you still be working
there, at that job? Go ahead ask yourself that. You probably
feel stuck if you answered; no I would not stay at my Job!
That is where the book by Mark Fisher will come in handy.
Remember, if you are miserable in your life you have only
one person to blame: YOU. “The next e-mail from B simply
stated. “You will have to make changes and adjustments in
your life. Most dislike change, follow the book by Fisher.” This
made me go and lay down on the couch to think about all
of this. Things are so bad at my dump; I am so ashamed that
we don‟t even let friends inside our house. I mean, the shit is
bad. I guess my wife just settles for this level of life, she is still
with me. If I started making improvements how would she
react? Would she notice? Hell no, with 5 million in the bank I
would be long gone. Living my dreams, yes, living my
dreams. In the week that followed I didn‟t think much about
that market stuff, in fact I felt like giving up on it all together.
Throw in the towel and cut my losses. I think I set a world
decibel record correcting the teenager around this time.
Spent all these years studying markets, spent all this damn
money and the only thing I have got to show for it is misery,
frustration and oodles and oodles of lost time. The next day
source Q emailed me a reply; finally, I thought, “screw it”
and deleted it. It was probably loaded with market variables
and dead ends. Just what was needed, more brain teasers,
impossible to solve. I debated whether to throw all my
research and market books in the trash. For all I know maybe
being a successful trader was something that just wasn‟t for
me. If the past few years were any indication, quitting now
appeared to be the wise decision. Best to be safe and
miserable instead of being nowhere. All these years, all this
money, totally wasted and for what? I mean what have I
gained. NOT A DAMN THING, FORGET IT. I was sick for the
next 3 days, two of which I called into work and one of
which was the weekend. The kids were gone and there was
a three-day Oprah marathon so did not see anyone. On
that 3rd day, it was a Saturday and there was a knock on
the door. The “usual show” was on TV so I answered the
door, the postman said that my package had been
delivered to the wrong address and that they apologized for
he delay. 8 6 It was my “millionaire book.”. I was shocked as
it was not a thick book, a little over a hundred pages so to
read it would be easy and there was nothing better to do
anyway. The book stated to improve yourself repeat “day
by day, in every way, I am getting better and better: at least
50 times a day. Decided to try that and see about how long
it would take me to repeat 50 times. It took a little over 3
minutes and you know what, I began feeling better, just a
little, hardly noticeable. Proceeded to read the remainder of
the book, which I found very positive and full of insight that
made me think. If what this guy says is true, then we can
acquire and do basically anything. I lay there in bed for
another day, sorting things out as my health improved. It was
about a week later that I was on the computer when I did a
few searches on home oxygen levels and a house full of
pets. I was shocked to find if in a commercial building
oxygen levels drop 1% OSHA can evacuate the building. The
normal home oxygen level is 20.9% a drop, sustained to a
level of just 16.5% will cause asphyxiation. It was wintertime
and we have been locked indoors with all these animals
breathing up the oxygen and thus lowering the levels. I did
more searching on the internet and found that with these
low oxygen levels caused by the animals one can expect
sickness, lack of energy and allergy problems, which would
be handicapping my family. In children this leads to an
overall disinterest in school, bad grades and an inability to
concentrate or so they have theorized. Now one pet won‟t
do this but when you got a house full you are headed or
trouble. All of us locked inside an insulated house breathing
up precious oxygen. Christ man, it hit me, these pets have
got to go. I took matters into my own hands and built a
kennel. Things became sanitary around the house very
quickly and I swore we all began to feel better. I kept saying,
repeatedly, my words and after a week or so with no
animals in the house I actually started feeling like picking my
market studies back up but I didn‟t. I decided I was due for
a break so I took some time off from it. A couple of days
later I was at the grocery store and a guy was buying
organic milk, I asked him “does that milk really taste better”.
He kind of looked at me and said “ Oh yeah, it tastes fresh.”
Yes but does it justify the extra expense? His response kind of
shocked me “ Say you and your wife came over to my
place for dinner. I serve you hamburgers fresh off the grill
with home made French fries. I open up a 50-gallon drum
and spoon some white powder all over your food. You,
curious, ask me what it is and I say, “ It‟s a chemical,” you
next ask if it is safe to consume, I reply, “ well they say it is, I
don‟t really know.” Would you eat the meal? Of course not!
Then why would you let someone with a profit motive load
your food with all these chemicals? Yet the thought of me
sprinkling just a little on your food repulsed you!” He smiled
and left. I looked at some of the foods in my cart and most
of the ingredients I could not pronounce but I got the food
anyway. The next day I told this story to my co-worker. He
stated that he tries to buy organic, wholesome foods, as
much as possible. 9 7 He asked me if I knew what MSG is. “
Yes that‟s monosodium glutamate.” “Right,” he responded.
“Did you know that many people will not eat Chinese food
because it has MSG in it, and in order to draw in more
customers some restaurants put out the sign „NO-MSG‟, but
while Americans avoid these restaurants the Standard
American Diet also called S.A.D is loaded with MSG.
Everyone knows of the teenager who can eat a whole bag
of chips. In America 95% of potato chips contain MSG. A
known excito toxin. Check the packages and see for
yourself, but be careful they have gotten sneaky. Your
package may only say yeast extract or Autolized yeast
extract that is pure MSG. There are entire books written on
the harmful affects of that substance. Yet Americas are
consuming more and more of it.” Wow man that is intense! I
went home and checked and that stuff was in a lot of the
food in my pantry, I even found it in Salad dressing. I then
did an internet search and it pulled up a lot of sites that
were talking of how bad that stuff is. I threw all of it in the
trash; I don‟t want that junk screwing with my mind and
body. Several sites said that it causes nerve damage. As the
days wore on I kept saying my words but had doubled up
on them. Was having lunch with my co-worker and we got
on the subject of MSG again. I told him I threw all of that out.
He asked me if I had noticed there was poison in my
toothpaste. I said “No way, not in mine”. “Fluoride is a toxic
poison”. He told me. What, I said, that stuff protects against
cavities. “Fluoride is a by product of the aluminum industry,
drinking 1 ounce of it will kill you within minutes. According to
US law all poisons must be marked, that is why your
toothpaste states to contact a poison control center.” This is
crazy I told him, you must be mistaken. “You don‟t know
anything, you are consuming vast amounts of it. Even right
now it‟s in your coffee.” What? you put it in my coffee? He
responded “no it is in tap water, they add it in, give awards
to cities that maintain high concentrations. They say it‟s
good for your teeth, how can ingesting a known toxic poison
be good for us?” Well I went home and checked my
toothpaste and he was right: contact a poison control
center, and this stuff is in our water? That night I had a
dream. I went into a grocery store and all they sold were 50-
gallon drums of different chemicals on down to small
droppers filled with liquid chemicals. The customers pushing
around their carts were pale and sickly looking. One was
stopped; talking to another about everyone in his family has
the ADHD disorder. As I left my cart in the middle of an isle
and walked out the clerk joked, “We make food better that
God can.” He was sick looking with open sores. Got the hell
out of there, when I hit the parking lot I woke up in a sweat. I
recall the co-worker saying “ If you put low octane fuel in a
high performance car it won‟t perform optionally, likewise
our bodies have to deal with all of these chemicals
somehow.” I made the decision to go organic. Read and re-
read the “millionaire book” many times by now and had not
missed a day of the repetitions. Today when I was reading it
something struck me that someone had said earlier; that I
must make the repetitions, apply to me. 10 8 In thinking
about this the seemingly perfect phrase hit me; “Everyday I
understand cycles better.” I started saying this about a
hundred times or so that day and promised myself I would
not miss a day of it. I filed out to my monotonous job, which
was very much disliked. Five million in the bank, yeah right,
my boss would have a permanent boot print in his ass. The
next day at breakfast the teenager spilled his cereal bowl all
over the table, I felt this huge force building in my throat, my
vocal cords tightened, something changed and I said in a
mild voice “ I will clean it up for you.” …got up and did just
that. On the way to work I kept replaying that in my mind.
Instead of feeling bad for having yelled as loud as physically
possible; a sign of weakness, I actually had smiled and
helped the little man. Felt great about it, an incredibly
liberating feeling because there was a growing need to stop
the family tradition of mindless yelling. Thought about
markets that day, it‟s like my curiosity was returning, however
slowly. About a week had gone by and I had not yelled at
anyone. The weather was warming and I decided to take
the teenager fishing, this is something my own father never
did. While fishing a thought crossed my mind; if some cycles
are strong and others are weak, how would I know what a
strong one looks like unless I attempt to find more than the
one cycle I found? I would have to continue looking for
more, but I already had been through all of the single planet
combinations and was going to have to take a stab at the
double planet combinations. Indeed. As I was sitting there
fishing I recalled being on my own at the age of seventeen
and was dating a model, named Jennifer, for about eight
months. Jennifer was a Gemini, which is the sign of duality.
She also had her Mercury and Venus in Gemini because I
could clearly make out a total of three people, not just two.
This I found both intellectually stimulating and at the same
time it was driving me nuts. I never knew which of her I was
going to get. You would not say multiple personalities, no
not that far, but different, well-defined, shades of the same
personality. She was what you would call a good ole Texan
gal. I could call this whole time period my NAB years,
National Australian Bank years. Now I of course did not work
in Australia at the age of seventeen just for an American
subsidiary of the NAB. I had a menial job at the time, and
looking back Jennifer must have seen potential because
there was no proof of anything else at the time. Jennifer
came from a middle class family who owned horses and we
loved to go horseback riding or go to beach. It was
probably the best eight months of my life. We attended the
same high school, which is where we met. My job at the
time required me to work after school and on weekends so
you can imagine that there was not much spare time. It was
around the eighth month when I began working with this girl
named Mary. She was my age and seemed carefree and
fun loving. I started dating Mary on 12-29- 00, went out with
Jennifer on 2-21-01, there were big gaps between my dating
but remember I was balancing work, high school and living
on my own. 11 9 I took Mary out on 3-2-01, Jennifer on 3-21-
01 and Mary out again on April 11-01. If I recall right Mary
knew about Jennifer but not the other way around. Well the
time was coming to make a decision, to make a choice. It
was about that time that Jennifer found a certain
videotape, in which I was acting in, if you want to call it that.
This made the choice simple, and also, critically wrong. I still
recall packing up Jennifer‟s knickknacks from around the
apartment. They were put outside in a box by the front door.
She came and knocked on the door but I did not answer.
She sat down by the door put her head in her hands and
cried. I saw her through the crack in the blinds. An image I
carry with me to this day of a huge error that I made. There
was a lot going on around me at the time so I could not
really focus too well on any one thing, and that is the excuse
I tell myself. I continued to date Mary around this time; she
was in many ways, wilder than Jennifer, as in terms of not
really being in control. One night she invited me over to her
parent‟s house where she lived. In pulling up to this big
mansion, I was very impressed. Apparently her parents
weren‟t. The mother met me at the door and the father soon
after. He was a tall, thin, stern looking man, who lived in a
mansion. True he was well off but he was not wealthy. He did
not have the happiness that always accompanies true
wealth. You see, true wealth goes far beyond monetary
considerations, here, looking back, it was not present, just
the money. Remember at the time I was 18 so I did not
understand true wealth, I just “sensed” something was very
wrong. It would be awhile before I had any inkling as to
what. So there we were, sitting at the dinner table with them
and they were talking career etc. You can imagine the drill.
Career was a foreign word to me as I was more concerned
at the time with the word “survival”… no clue on the whole
career thing and I am certain that he picked up on that. He
told me he was very high up in this big oil company, which
explained the estate but he acted differently than other
professionals that I had come across. I met his son who was
overweight and also had a menial job although he had
gone to college. It appeared to me that his whole family
was in a state of “forced happiness.” Pops had the money
so he controlled the dice so to speak. I did not know it at the
time but this is what I now call “stupid money”. Anyway I
made it out of dinner and Mary wanted to go sit in the
Jacuzzi which we did while her mother and father stared out
the little window in the door at us. I asked her if she would go
get some dish soap, which she returned with, dumping the
entire contents into the Jacuzzi. Within a few minutes we
had a 3-foot wall of bubbles. This was more than sufficient to
block anyone who was trying to peek in. Eventually her
mother came out and said Mary had been in there long
enough. We got out, dried off and I went home. Some time
went by before I saw Mary again. I picked her up at her
house to take her to a movie. Her father met me at the door
he was furious. He said I cost him 2000 because he had to
install a new motor in the Jacuzzi. I apologized, as I had no
idea it would hurt the motor along with reminding him that
his daughter was also involved. 12 10 These people were
very, very religious, almost to the point of fanaticism. At that
time I had little time for religion and it just so happened that I
was of the wrong religion. Yes, it was strike out all over the
place. About 8 months had passed since I started seeing
Mary. One night she called me up and said that her dad
had grounded her from ever seeing me again. She then
stated that the time for her to leave had come and asked if
she could move in with me. My reply was “yes” and I drove
over under cover of night and picked her up, can‟t recall
the time but it was very late. The next morning we were
awoke by a thunderous banging on the door. I knew who it
was and just laid in bed. The door had been bolted the night
before, suspecting just such an occurrence. He did not do
what we figured he would do and that is call the police. You
see Mary was just shy of 18, but then again so was I. That
seemed strange to me, as it would have been relatively
easy for him to involve them. Mary would have just left again
anyway but to a control freak he would not have thought
about that. Eventually the “excessive” knocking “subsided”.
Mary, after a few days, met up with her dad who told her to
come get the rest of her things, which she did. You would
think at this point that this would be the end of it. Actually it
was the start point! One of Mary‟s favorite things to do was
to get really drunk. She loved that and of course I did not
mind, as I liked beer and liquor myself. Everything was fine
for those first couple of months as far as the normal person
could tell. Then one day I got a call at work asking me what
time I am getting off work. I thought that was strange
because my schedule did not vary that much, but brushed it
off. What happened next was even stranger. My boss said
that we were ahead of schedule and I could go home
early, which is what occurred. As I pulled up I saw Mary‟s ex-
boyfriend‟s car parked at the apartments but it was like on
the main road, looking back the only way he would have
known to park where he did was if he had been there
before. In living on the second floor the steps went up to my
apartment and my friends‟ apartment. We both shared the
same front balcony. With my heart pounding I knocked on
my neighbor‟s apartment and he let me in. I watched out of
his blinds when the door to my apartment opened and two
guys ran out. One was her ex and the other I did not
recognize. They ran fast. I walked in after they left like I was
oblivious that they had been there. Mary‟s eyes were
bloodshot red and she seemed a little spacey but did not
smell of beer. Think you can see where I am going with that.
In acting as if everything was normal I went in and lay down
on the bed. I was trying to come up with a plan. Did not
want a girlfriend like this. As time went on it would be about
a month and I was trying to get a hold of Jennifer in order for
us to meet, which we finally did. Nothing came out of that
meeting which saw me miserable at rock bottom and I
never saw her again. Reluctantly, I continued on with Mary,
the happiness and trust on my end was forever gone,
shattered by that day. 13 11 I recall one time we had been
drinking heavily and we both fell asleep while a chicken was
on, in boiling water. When I woke up the whole place was
pitch black with smoke and the chicken on the stove was on
fire. Luckily the stove was positioned in a way there was
nothing directly above it. Once the fiery chicken was
extinguished we had to contend with something called
smoke damage. You see, when you burn wood it smells like
burnt wood but when you burn a chicken it smells worse. It
had a putrid smell that had gotten into everything, you
could say, even our relationship. One night her parents
invited us as a couple over to dinner. We showed up on time
and after a bit her father pulled me aside into his study and
closed the door for a little “guy talk.” He told me that if I
married his daughter he would provide for my college, I'd
get a comfortable job under him. And for our honeymoon
he would send us anywhere in the world we wanted to go.
In essence he was trying to buy me. He then told me that if I
did not “take this deal” he wanted me to leave the state
and not come back. He said I could take my time making
the right decision. It was at that point I related the story of
coming home and his daughter was entertaining two dope
heads. I then asked him if, given that, he would want a wife
like that. He fired back that I needed to think on my
decision. To me this was a simple decision, guided by only
one individual factor. His girl had something seriously wrong
with her and I should have never gotten involved. Years
later, when I got the natal I found Uranus square Venus
natally. This is “trouble in love matters” in a female chart.
Anyway that night when we got back to the apartment I
started probing her as to why she was the way that she was.
Finally she broke down and said to me that when she was a
little girl her father played doctor with her. I found this very,
very saddening. I treated this as if she was telling me the
truth but to this day I am unsure if it is due to something else
she told me. Logically it would make sense from different
perspectives, as it would explain a lot. My next move was
simple, I left the state via airplane and I put the whole crazy
8-month affair behind me as I moved on to brighter
prospects. I wish I could say that was the last I had heard
from Mary but that simply would not be the truth. I will never
forget getting off that airplane and only having one dollar in
my pocket in which to rebuild my life with. Several years
passed and Mary called me. She was in the middle of a
divorce and wanted me to come for a visit. I went down
there with a friend, primarily to see the ocean again, as I
missed my old home, or at least that is what I made myself
believe. The trip was planned to be about 8 days long that
was the original plan, anyway. We got there and found her
still living with the guy she was getting the divorce from! This
was strange but you have to expect strange from Mary. Not
wanting to be a guy who runs out of an apartment I asked
her husband if they were getting a divorce and he told me
they were but that he still loved her. She was moving back in
with her parents in 8 days. He said that he did not mind that
my friend and I were there, strange guy. 14 12 Anyway a few
days into it we were all drinking and watching some football
when he challenged me to a drinking contest. What was
stupid about it on his part was that I was the one that was
mixing the drinks called kamikaze. I simply double loaded his
drinks in no time at all he was passed out and I carried him
into his bed. I went back to talking with everyone and about
8 minutes later Mary comes out in this black negligee. She
pinned me up against the wall and told me a secret. I told
her no way and woke up my drunken friend, not her
husband but the guy I went there with, told him we were
leaving there, drunk at 2:00 a.m. we did. I never looked
back but I did get a post card while I was married, from
Mary. On the front of it was a bull with horns and opening it
up and it said, “ I am so horny”. The irony there is if I had
married her it would have been some other guy that got
that bull card! That card was the last I heard from Mary,
personally. Through the grapevine I heard she was married
and had two kids, at the time she sent the card. I don‟t miss
Mary, I do miss Jennifer. If I ever see Jennifer again I think I
would explain things to her and apologize, for now I carry
around that horrible mistake. Everywhere I looked around
that lake there was cycles. Like the cycle of winter, summer,
day, night, sapling, adult tree, baby fish, grown fish, etc. This
adventure, spending quality time with the teenager on the
lake, actually did wonders for clearing my head. Knew it was
again time to get back to my research, I felt recharged, like
the time off restored my balance, I felt, like a new man.
When I got home we cleaned the catch then it was off to
do some serious cycle searching. Saw that Saturn/Neptune
movement in move #1 Heliocentric was around 3 degrees.
This seemed like an awful small number due to the slow
speed of these two planets. I have already learned about
the law of size, these two planets would produce a monster
turn and my turns aren‟t really like that. Well, at least for the
most part. So I decided to work with “Saturn/Venus in”
meaning planets faster than this. Began by checking the
distance traveled in the 10 turns heliocentrically of the
planets Saturn/Uranus, Jupiter/Chiron, Jupiter/Uranus and
Jupiter/Saturn. Now if one looks at this Saturn/Uranus for the
10 turns you get the numbers 2.7, 2.7, 2.6, 1.5, 1.7, 1, 1.1, 1.3,
1.3, and 1.8. Looking at Jupiter/Chiron you get 4.6, 5, 5, 2.6,
3.2, 1.8, 2, 2.7, 2.6 and 3.9. Looking at Jupiter/Uranus you get
7.2, 7.4, 6.5, 3.3, 3.6, 2.1, 2.3, 2.9, 2.9, and 4.3. Looking at
Jupiter/Saturn you get 5, 5, 4.2, 2, 2.2, 1.2, 1.4, 1.8, 1.8 and
2.7. Printed this off and went over to the couch to take a
look at it. There are some repeats here and that is what I am
looking for is numbers that repeat. Like in the Saturn/Uranus
column there is the 2.7, 2.7 and 2.6. 15 13 In the
Jupiter/Chiron column there is the 4.6, 5 and 5 along with
the 2.6, 2.6 and 2.7 but the rest of these, a couple are close
but no groups of 3‟s or more, had to think on this for a bit. I
think it‟s my old Heliocentric problem. The planets “basically”
move in a uniform motion heliocentrically, so some of the
ones that are close are actually just that way because the
duration of the move was very similarly spaced. Like a
perfect example of this is move 1 and move 2, I can‟t rule
out the existence of Helio cycles because so many people
have talked about them but it looks like I have a testing
problem. If I use turns that are 50 days apart, consequently,
then most of my Heliocentric answers are going to be about
the same. This would be coincidence instead of cycles. Had
better move on to geocentric while I think of a way to
correctly set up helio tests. Moved on to Geocentric
positions for my 10 turns. For Saturn/Uranus I got .5, 1, 8.3, 2.5,
1.6, .8, 2.9, 3.8, 2.9 and 8.4. On the Jupiter/Chiron we have
15.3, 7.4, 18, 1, 7.5, 5.7, 3, 8.6, 1.1 and 8.4. On the
Jupiter/Uranus there was 5.8, .3, 19.4, 1.9, 8.4, 7.1, 4.2, 10, 1.1
and 8.6. On the Jupiter/Saturn there was 6.5, 1.6, 10.1, 2.1,
8.6, 6, 6.4, 5.3, 2.9 and .7. This assumes that planets can still
produce a turn if one or both are retrograding. Looked up at
the clock, 2:06 A.M. and I am exhausted. It will be a few
days before I can get back to this with all of my family
obligations, work and life. Felt positive and upbeat, actually
felt really good for 2 AM. The next day at work I kept thinking
about that retrograde problem. How does one handle it? It
is like a circle, can‟t determine if a retrograde works if I don‟t
know if I have a real cycle or not. Can‟t tell if I have a real
cycle or not without knowing how retrograde works. What a
perplexing problem, decided to write an e-mail to source Q
to see what he has to say about this; he‟s been like a mentor
for me anyway. When I got home I wrote an email to Q to
see what he had to say about retrograde, I also saw that
Source F had e-mailed me to check the progress of my
cycle work. I responded back that there was “ no definite
progress yet.” The next e-mail was from source V. Hell it was
two weeks old. She said that all Gann was using was
Fibonacci and that she had found the secret. Yeah right, I
didn‟t respond, in fact I went one step further and blocked
her e-mails. If all Gann was using was Fib. Then his Tunnel
book would have been a lot smaller and simpler. Good-bye
Source F. Strange, this feeling relief. Before going to bed that
night the e-mail was checked and source Q had written me,
it was good news, he said “for these types of cycles the
retrograde does not matter. An aspect occurs which triggers
the turn one or both of the planets retrogrades, the same
aspect comes back around producing yet another turn,
retrograde ends, the planets move forward again hitting
that same aspect producing the third and final turn. 16 14 This
is good news for someone who is looking for cycles because
it stands out and is a great way to double check to see if
you have a cycle. Heliocentric does not possess this quality
because it only has direct motion; a point gets hit once then
the planets move on to the next point. Something for you,
down the road someday, each number has its own time
factor, this will make doing advanced things much easier.”
Well this definitely answers my question; I don‟t have to worry
about the retrograde problem with the geocentric positions.
Could not get a handle around this circle at work, it makes
you really respect the people who originally discovered
these methods without a computer or calculator. Wrote
back a quick thanks for helping me out of the circle. Then
wrote source B that I had been making progress, although
very slow, it‟s still progress and felt that the “millionaire book”
really has helped. With that, went to bed, satisfied that I was
an inch closer to understanding these cycles. The next day,
after work, I could have gotten in some studying, I wanted
to, but the wife was watching Oprah and the kids were no
where around, instead I painted a little on the front porch,
enough to say that that project had begun. My goal is to be
able to have friends over one day. We are too embarrassed
at the condition of our house to let others come over now.
Got to get this fixed up, it‟s a real hole, something else to
distract me from my research. Heck I didn‟t even get a
chance to check my email, was exhausted and it was
getting late, still had to cook supper for the family, a late
supper at that. The following day I came home from work
and went to bed. Woke up about 4 AM and could not
sleep. There was lightning off in the distance and the wind
started to pick up. Got dressed and went down to the patio
to watch the storm come in. Oprah was on and the wife was
asleep in the chair. Walked outside and felt that spring storm
wind, the kind you can smell; the kind that invigorates and
excites. I just stood there watching the lightning. Reflected
back I could see where the millionaire book was having an
impact on my life. I felt “clear headed” and that could
possibly be attributed to the organic food I was eating.
Made a promise to myself to ask B about that book on
Chinese tonics again. In looking back there has been some
progress, both in how I feel and on cycles. I‟m not a Gann
Trader yet but I haven‟t given up, like so many others either.
The rain started and the temperature dropped. Went inside
and got on the computer. Speaking of source B there was
an email from him. He stated that the millionaire book had
helped many and was very glad that I was beginning to see
positive results from it. I wrote back that I could definitely see
a difference and that not a day was missed of the …”better
and better”. Had also adapted one to myself for the market
cycles. “ Everyday I understand cycles better” and that I
had noticed I was not as frustrated with my market studies,
felt generally much more positive about what could only be
called “slow progress” at least still progressing! I also asked
about that “Chinese Tonic book,” about why that book was
important. Sent the e-mail off and jumped into the shower
for work. 17 15 Thought about how I really hated my job. Sure
the money was good but it was as rewarding as watching
paint dry. Guess you could say there was camaraderie
between my co-workers but it was done as part of the job.
No one was really happy. Yeah they would tell a joke, laugh
and then forget for a second but there was no happiness
there. I had been there for more years than I care to recall. I
considered it wasted time as it paid the bills but the cost was
my happiness and fulfillment. If any, any of my co-workers
had 5 million in the bank not one of them would be there. I
had run into several ex workers over the years, ones that
went on or worked for themselves, they had acted so
friendly when I worked with them but now they can‟t spare
a second. It‟s all fake and every day I get more sick of it.
Financial Markets is my way out. It is not a get rich scheme
it‟s a way of life. All these co-workers all of them are looking
forward to retirement but I am not. I know too many people
who have retired, many died shortly after, and the others just
set around pinching pennies and loading up on prescription
medication. They are like zombies, no way am I looking
forward to that. The job is getting the best years of my life
while the successful people are lying on beaches. That night
when I got home did the family thing and checked the e-
mail. There was one from source B. He had responded to my
asking about the tonic book. Interesting he stated, “ In many
modern countries the focus of the health care system is on
treatment. Say you have pains around the stomach area.
You go to the doctor and he runs tests and finds you have a
stomach ulcer. He will then give you medication, to treat the
ulcer. Forget the fact that you have been eating candy bars
only, for two months straight. Real medicine lies in
prevention. When a patient is diagnosed with cancer that
patient will enter treatment. That body is run down. How do
we know it is run down? Because Cancer is prevalent.
Prevention would have greatly aided in this example. This is
a complex field with much false information but there is one
principle, which governs, and it is this. Lets say, as an
example, you have high blood pressure. You take a drug
that forces the blood pressure down. Now if you gave that
same medication to someone with low blood pressure it
would have disastrous affects because it would push that
blood pressure to dangerously low levels. Drugs have this
one-way effect, as do most herbs. However, there is a class
of herbs that have bidirectional action. They keep the body
running optimally. The author, Ron, is sought world over by
extremely wealthy people. He works with many overseas
labs and pharmacies. There are people higher up, that know
more, but they are ghosts and not easily accessible. Ron is
the real deal; the book is the real deal. From a modern
medical perspective I will quote directly from what was told
to me by an individual I am friends with in the medical field.
„There is no money in prevention”! Health, like the study of
financial markets, you determine your own success or failure.
You are responsible for you. In the field of Gann many
people exist on a strict diet of candy bars and wonder why
they do not succeed. If you ask these same people if they
are really willing to do the work they will always say yes. They
are responsible for their own success or failure, yet they do
not act as if this is the case. They continue to eat candy
bars. 18 16 When you succeed you will understand the
importance of what I have told you. “Thanks again was my
reply. Decided to order that book although I don‟t know
anything medical. Ahh, found it for about 25 bucks. A
couple of days past and one night when I got off work the
wife was watching DVD‟s of Oprah and the kids were
nowhere around. I went back to my data for analysis. In the
Saturn/Uranus geocentric column move #7 and #9 are 2.9
and there is a 2.5 with move #4. In the Jupiter/Chiron
column there is a 7.4 (move 2) and a 7.5 (move 5) but as I
was scanning that column there was a 15.3 (move 1) now I
found that interesting as it is roughly 2 X 7.5. This brings up an
interesting point. Can you have a decimal in a cycle or does
it have to be a whole number? Aagh, more questions. I then
moved on to the Jupiter/Uranus cycle, here the numbers
were all over the place but there was an 8.4 (move 5) and
an 8.6 (move 10) there was also a move of .3, which I found
interesting. In 90 days, roughly, that cycle only moved point
3? Decided I was going to have to check into that further.
Perhaps I have made a wrong calculation. Moved on to
Jupiter/Saturn. Here I noted a 6.5 (move 1) a 6.4 (move 7)
and a 6 (move 6). These 3 moves were all around 6 degrees,
then there was a .7 (move 10) again. That is again strange. I
am going to start with these small numbers. Jupiter/Uranus
only moved point 3 between 7-20-99 and 10-19-99. Between
these 2 dates Uranus is retrograde and Jupiter slows down
and goes retrograde. The 7-20-99 gives us 282.61 degrees
and the 10-19-99 gives us 282.4 degrees. I had 2 points here
and according to source Q I need a 3rd so I had to run the
angular separation out to find my 3rd point. This occurred
03-23-00 at 282. This was my 3rd point. I went to the dates
and there was a nice turn one day prior at 03-22-00. My
other point was geocentric move #10 where I had an
answer of .7. This occurred between the dates of 8-16-07
and 10-15-07. On the 08-16-07 date the angular separation
was 102 degrees. On 10-15-07 Jupiter//Saturn angular
separation was 101.5. These are 2 points there must be
another. I checked and on Christmas day 2006 the angular
relationship was 102 degrees between Jupiter and Saturn
geocentric. There is a tiny move there, which is not what we
are looking for. Checked my figures to see if there was an
error in my calculations. Looking back through my data
there were many moves around 1. If I am .5 off one-way and
.5 off the other (from a center) that could explain the one
degree difference. Made a note of this for the next time that
there is a minute or two to get in some study. A day or two
had gone by, then, when I had gotten home from work
there was a phone call. It was source F and he told me he
had talked with G and what I was looking for was a saw
tooth pattern, meaning an oscillation of high, low, high and
low, a saw tooth pattern. He said this principle was very very
important to understand according to source „G‟. „F‟ asked
me if I had found anything yet of importance, responded
“no but I was still analyzing the data”. Good results come
slow in this field. I thanked him and as the evening
progressed this saw tooth idea added a whole new
dimension to it. 19 17 The importance of it was that if a low
came in, the next cycle hit would be a high thus allowing
one to predict the direction with the cycle occurrence. That
night I could not get to sleep, just laid there thinking of how
to incorporate the saw tooth into my analysis. If my theory
held up, this would be a great boon for testing because one
would look for a specific sequence instead of just “a turn”.
That‟s pure genius, and it kept me awake most of the night.
The next morning when I woke up it was one of those “thank
God I finally got to sleep the night before” mornings. Went to
work but my mind was not on work, it was on testing for the
saw tooth. After work, checked my e-mail and there was
one there from source „B‟. He was saying that he did some
research into T-squares and oppositions and that he had
found in some writings of Jensen where Jensen stated that if
there was a geocentric opposition or T-square it normally
coincided with Mundane events. Like something large
happening around the world. That opposition or T-square
occurs in everyone‟s charts. Jensen‟s took it a step further
and stated that how the affect of that world event would
affect that individual is due to aspects in the natal. Aah, I
get what he is saying, like if transiting Jupiter and transiting
Saturn are making a geocentric opposition, if neither Jupiter
or Saturn make any aspect to your natal planets you will be
unaffected but say at the same time the opposition is
occurring transiting Saturn is conjunct your ascendant, you
can be negatively tied into that world event, (the event
produced by the transiting Saturn/Jupiter opposition).
Thanked him and also stated that I had ordered that
Chinese Tonic Book but was not a doctor. I then sent an e-
mail to source „Q‟ asking about the saw tooth and
apologized for not having written to him in a long time. Sat
back and smiled, that was great of Source „B‟ to share that
with me, even though it doesn‟t relate to markets, that‟s the
thing with theses guys, they are all brilliant researchers. A
thought flickered in my mind, had a few minutes before I
have to make dinner, no one is around and the wife is
watching “the usual shows”. I found my research on those 10
turns and the work I did on Jupiter/Uranus .3 on Geocentric
move 10. I had 2 dates 07-20-99 and 10-19-99 and I found
the other turn of 03-23-00 and all 3 of these dates were
around an angular separation of 282 degrees. The first date
was 07-20-99, which was a high, the second date was 10-15-
99 and looking at the data that was a low, the third date
was 03-22-00 and again looking at the data that was a
beautiful high. I could hardly catch my breath, there was my
high low high saw tooth, staring back at me from the data.
Man its beautiful. An e-mail came in, it was source „Q‟ I had
asked him about the saw tooth. He responded, “This is the
fundamental key people are missing with the cycles”. Ha-ha
beautiful, I have it staring back at me from the data. I
replied by sending him the dates and that I had found one.
Man, this is great, I feel like the King of the World! 20 18 The
phone rang and I picked it up, it was news that my
stepfather had passed on. This was an unexpected death, it
caught me off guard. I had known he was a little ill but never
expected him to go that quickly. Told the wife and kids, but I
don‟t think that they actually knew how to act. I just wanted
to be alone to sort out my feelings, should have been sad
but felt relieved like a huge weight had been lifted off my
chest. You see, he had money, not real money, he was not
wealthy or anywhere near it he was just comfortable.
Growing up he was a tyrant. Hate to admit it but he was a
vicious tyrant. Always yelling at the top of his lungs and
doing things to torment me. I was just a young boy. It was
extremely hard growing up through this and calling that my
home, I recall always seeking, but never receiving, his
approval. Never once, not once, did I see him truly happy.
Sure he had enough money to live comfortably but he was
never truly happy, not even for a single day. This made me
think, was it worth it, was it a life well lived? Money without
happiness? Not for me, I‟m not like that; I want the dream.
The reflecting on the terrible mixed up childhood made me
appreciate that I no longer scream and shout at my own
children. That I had beaten his bad influence in my life. It
occurred to me that this seeking recognition that was never
forth coming as a child had most likely impeded my success
as an adult and that I was going to have to break that cycle
now that the mental anchor, the tyrant step father, was
gone, existing now only in the mental scars of my life.
Decided right there and then to begin making the changes
in my life that would lead to true success, beyond just
dollars, to take it all the way. Well the next few days are not
going to see any studying, that‟s for sure. Going to have to
pull the kids out of school, call off work and go down for the
funeral. On the drive down all those bad childhood
memories flooded my mind. How could a man treat a little
boy the way he treated me? What causes a person to do
that? All I wanted was a roof over my head, not bad,
haunting memories. Strangely, when we arrived people
seemed in good spirits. This was unusual because all the
other funerals the people were sad, certainly not upbeat. I
did not know how to act, as there was no protocol for this.
Anyway, as we progressed through the wake no one was
sad or crying, everyone was talking and gabbing, looking
radiant. The time came for the funeral and the girl doing the
eulogy burst out laughing in the middle of it. I thought
everyone would be appalled but they kept a straight face. It
hit me that no one cared he had passed on. This was not a
traditional funeral, people were here because they were
expected to be here, no one really missed this guy, can‟t
say I did either. In all his life he never did any good for
anyone, don‟t want to live a life like that. Have people
laughing at my funeral. No one did, but you could sense
people were just going through the motions when what they
really wanted to do was throw a large party. Certain family
members were over zealous about the large windfall of
dollars they would inherit. He got the last laugh though; at
the reading of the will all the money was to be donated to
the city dog pound. The family was furious, there was all sorts
of out bursts. I think he knew people were waiting for him to
pass. 21 19 Got through the whole ordeal and on the drive
back realized I was a free man. After all these years his
influence on me had finally come to an end. I thought of
many things on the way back, how I could sense that I
would succeed someday in financial markets and be a
great trader. I was satisfied with myself that with every thing
going on I never missed a day of my words, had kept
repeating them for months. Plenty of time to think on the
way back. This reminds me of a co-worker I used to know. He
was a married man, retired from his career and working a
side job. His wife would have diabetic attacks in the middle
of the night and if he didn‟t get there quick enough, with the
orange juice, an ambulance would have to be called. For
the sake of brevity I will call him dude. I recall he would
always tell me stories of “putting up these buildings,” then
one day he told me that all he did was the insulation part.
He had worked at nuclear power plants etc. and kept
getting weird boils all over his body that kept getting
surgically removed. One was particularly bad, as I recall
because it grew in his anus and had almost gone Gann
green. How about that a Gann Green anus. He was an
ornery cuss. He used to tell me his work stories and his
maneuverings from way back. I recall one time he told me
that they would do drug and alcohol testing at his work, the
one he retired from, and he told me that you want to keep
the drug addicts and alcoholics cause they do the most
work; they need to supply their habit. So he said he would
pull all of the names of the dopers and alcoholics out of the
hat, they would then draw the names of the clean
individuals to get tested. He was the type of guy who made
a good salary for the 1970‟s and figured that was all that he
needed to do with his life. I was told he drank 6 days a week
except Sunday‟s. After I had been working with him for a
while he told me that he use to go and buy liquor by the
case for his wife. She drank every day of the week (which
explains the diabetes). I was not accustomed to being
around people like this as I was always more of a bookworm
then party animal. He had one hobby, which he took great
pride in these days; driving around in his convertible XJO he
had gotten from Australia. He would drive that car around
day and night. He preferred it to be daylight when the Sun
would shine at its brightest. He would keep doing a drive as I
recall that was about 5 miles from his home to Earth
City/Venice and back. I guess that was just his favorite route
cause he would just keep going like a man locked on a
mission. Back and fourth, back and fourth, I swear he was
trying to wear that road out. I can still see him, Sun beating
down on him as he was cruising around. Now if you want to
drink your life away and spend your last few years in a car
driving back and fourth relentlessly, I don‟t have a problem
with that. When you attempt to set me up in the workplace,
then things become more involved and I will get to that. He
came from a very poor, uneducated, background and was
told he would have to work hard to get the things he
wanted in life. No one ever told him to work smarter instead
of harder so society reinforced that and a worker he was.
You put in your eight hours a day and you drink the rest
away. 22 20 After his 40-year work history is when he joined
on where I was working. I never cared much for him but I
had to get along with him at the workplace. I am sure you
know what I mean. As time went on he became more
envious and jealous of me. I never fit in with him, I was a
thinker and he an ex drinker, which you could imagine,
intimidated him. Individuals where we worked at were
stealing to support a drug habit. It was a girl that had this no-
job boyfriend. As time went on all of her teeth fell out and
what was left the dentist had to pull out. Originally, when it
occurred, she told me that is was a genetic periodontal
disease. I later learned that the cause was really a
methamphetamine addiction. She had two children, both of
which were ruined before age seven because they never
bonded with the meth-addicted mom. I found out she was
addicted to meth when someone pointed out that they had
known her from earlier years. When her new boyfriend
moved in he did not have a job and so she had to steal to
get meth to support their habits. A few months before I left,
her car broke down, so our friend with the XJO had to give
her rides to and from work. He would take her back and
forth, back and forth with his XJO. He would just keep
repeating the trips. Eventually they became more than just
coworkers. At one point I heard that his wife blew into a
rage when the meth head called his house. After awhile the
stealing became more ramped. Management began to
catch on. It was at this point he became very close to
management due to his older age. As they got closer to
discovering her he became nervous that he was going to
lose his good thing. As they began to investigate he steered
them towards me to keep the heat off her. I began to sense
something was wrong. After a few more days at work I
decided to quit. I will never forget on that last shift walking
out with him. He told me “they know about you and you
can‟t run.” I just looked at him and laughed. The problem
was, after I left, the stealing continued and eventually they
got the meth head. The scheme didn‟t work, that is, the one
to pin it all on me. I had the dates she stole all written down
for the year 2002. August 6, August 15, August 23, August
31st, September 8th and September 17th. These are just the
ones I new of, the most obvious but I am sure there was a
trail there you could follow all the way back and forward
after I left. She was not very discrete and they should have
seen it, I mean, it was there the entire time, right in front of
their eyes. The thing is, she would do little thinks to throw
them off her trail. I still see him on sunny days driving back
and forth in his XJO, still taking the same route. Quite frankly I
am glad I don‟t work with him anymore. Figured taking an
extra day off work, after all, they won‟t know when I really
got home. The kids will be at school and there was an Oprah
marathon on. That would be serious study time, the kind I
wish there was a lot more of. Everyone was exhausted so we
turned in early. Will be able to get a good day in tomorrow,
the first day of the rest of my life. For the first time in my life
there was confidence, a feeling that was alien to me. 23 21 I
woke up late and felt groggy but could not wait to get
started. The kids were at school and the TV was on
entertaining the wife. First thing is first, checked the e-mail
and there was a few there. Some junk mail and one from
both „B‟ and „Q‟. Source „B‟ had responded to me about
the tonic book. “You don‟t need to be a doctor to
understand the book”. Aah the book it must have come
when I was away. Next e-mail was from source „Q‟. He
stated, “ Right, you are definitely on the right track, these
cycles run all through stocks and commodities. There are
cycles that are operating in the Wheat market today that I
have found operating exactly the same in data back in the
1800‟s. The cycles keep making there marks decade after
decade, this means once you have found a strong cycle
operating in a stock/commodity you can track it all the way
back. No cycle exists by itself; the cycles operating
simultaneously in your stock/commodity are constantly
impacting each other. You may find that one pivot of your
stock/commodity is a strong, well pronounced turn, the next
pivot may be say a high coming in but a larger cycle makes
a low three days prior. That high will be there but it will be
distorted, harder to find, less pronounced. In the beginning,
finding these cycles can be a bit of an art form but once
certain principles are discovered and adhered to the road
smoothes out and becomes extremely simple. It‟s getting to
that point, the struggle, the uncertainty, that stops so many,
the lack of focus on understanding cycles, and yet this is
key. Without any form of cycle you have chaos, it is difficult if
not impossible to trade chaos as most find out the hard way.
You have read the books by other Gann authors, which
have fancy numbers and geometry. They eventually
disappoint their followers because it is really all about cycles.
The readers eventually get burned out because they don‟t
have anything they can sink their teeth into. There is so much
pain, confusion and sadness out there, in this field and it
does not have to be that way. Keep focused on your cycles
and it will pay off for you down the road, all your time and
sacrifice spent studying will pay off. Some authors that do
know that truth, that really understand what is going on, do
not write about their findings for two reasons. Reason
number one is that there are too many people that enter
this field as a quick fix, to make a fast buck; these people
are extremely malicious. The second reason is copyright
infringement. There are people openly distributing work. They
think that what they are doing is good because it makes
them friends fast but what they are really doing is hurting the
field. Those people that have an illegally obtained book
cannot ask questions, will not get help. This is self-sabotage
because they cut themselves off, what they should be doing
instead of hiding in the dark is to get their names out there,
in a positive manner. Meanwhile the field is flooded with
nonsense and babble that keeps everyone in disarray.
Gann, Jensen and Bayer all wrote about cycles, cycles are
where you make your money. 24 22 Most will fail to
understand this principle as being the reason they have not
met success.” I responded back with a big Thank You. Its
great to have friends like this in the biz. Decided to go back
to the XJO data and see if I could visually spot any more of
the saw tooth. Went to the data and randomly picked good
turns that I could see. I found three good moves I wanted to
test for the saw tooth. The first set was high on 01-07-03, low
on 03-13-03 and a high on 06-17-03. The second set was a
high on 08-08-01, low on 09-24- 01 and another high on 02-
14-02. The third set began with a high on 03-22-05, low on 05-
05-05 and a high on 06-20-05. I then went to the ephemeris
and got the distances between Jupiter and Uranus on those
dates: 08-08-01 227.6 09-24-01 218.2 02-14-02 228.8 01-07-03
190.2 03-13-03 201.3 06-17-03 197.4 03-22-05 142.6 10-05-04 Hi
(near Oct 10 @ 150) 05-05-05 149.7 06-20-05 151.5 The first
thing I noticed was that on 08-08-01 and 02-14-02 both were
around 228. I then found my 3rd occurrence with which was
a smallish turn. I deduced that that was probably just a
coincidence because the law of size stated that it should
have been larger than what was staring back at me. They
looked like they were all highs, no saw tooth. I went down
the list again and noticed that 05-05-05 and 06-20-05 were
both around 150. I then went back to the ephemeris and
checked when the other, 3rd point, would have been. I
found it occurring on 10-10-04 with Jupiter/Uranus
geocentric at 150. Now 05-05-05 was a low and 06-20-05
was a high. This means that there should be a high around
10-10-04. I found a nice high on 10-05-04, it‟s not perfect like
one would want but there is definitely a high there, then XJO
goes sideways. I went over to the couch and lay down for a
think session. The goal is to follow up this research in a more
revealing method. I just sort of sensed, even though I was
finding sporadic results, that I could do better; really hit the
ball out of the park type of stuff. After pondering my
approach for a while it hit me that I was going about it all
wrong. By selecting good turns was, in essence, telling the
market where the cycle should be. 25 23 What I needed to
do was approach the market in a fashion that would make
the market cough up its secrets. Ahh, take all the significant
highs and lows over a 10- year period or more and look
where Jupiter/Uranus geocentric was at in each of the turns.
Jumped up, went back over to the data and did just that.
Was averaging about 8 turns per year with a total of about
84 turns. Then went to the ephemeris and checked the
geocentric positions of Jupiter/Uranus for each of the turns.
This should allow me many opportunities to find where this
cycle is. After completing the compiling of data I took a
break as it was way past lunch and I have been hammering
away since morning. Checked, and the Tonic book had
arrived that source B recommended. It was mixed in with all
the mail that came while we were at the funeral. Thumbed
through a few pages then put it down, had to fuel the
hunger pangs. After a hardy lunch and much
contemplating of what was to be found, the data became
the next priority. The kids will be out of school in less than an
hour so this was going to have to go fast. Heck, I was only
sitting there a few minutes and found it staring back at me.
Man it was beautiful and I could see it right there, for the first
time. I about fell out of my chair. Couldn‟t believe it. When
the kids got home I can‟t even recall, was too busy working
up that cycle. Oprah ended and the wife wanted to know
what I was going to do for dinner. Looked up, handed her
my wallet and said, “ get whatever you need.” I worked
there, ecstatic and elated for hours. Looking back at me
was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, just can‟t
describe it, there are no words. It got late and I wrote both
Source B and Q, thanking them for their help, of course they
were also told I found my first cycle. The next day, work flew
by, got home and decided to do more on my cycle that
had been found. Having completed this before 7 o‟clock,
decided to look for other cycles. After a few hours I had
found what seemed like 20 cycles in XJO. There were cycles
running everywhere and I began to think this was crazy
because everything is a cycle at least that was the way it
looked. Decided to take a break and check my email.
Source Q had responded with a “congratulations.” Decided
to reply with the fact that my “celebration” was short lived
because I was now seeing cycles everywhere and there
must be dozens of cycles in XJO. Sent the e-mail off and
realized that after the funeral my time had been spent on
research, still in that mode. Felt tired and exhausted, had
been here before and decided to take a break for a few
days to get my balance back, to recharge. Several days
went by, even though cycles ran through my head I would
not allow myself to give them serous thought, preferring
instead to rest and take it easy until my drive came back. 26
24 It was during my “rest” period - post funeral that the wife
began to get sick. She just lay in bed and I had to move the
VCR so she could watch re-runs of her show. I think that the
whole funeral and traveling with the kids really brought her
down. After her 2nd day she curiously asked me if there
were any good books to read. I told her about my Tonic
book, she gave me one of those faces and shook her head.
Ahh, it hit me, went and got her the millionaire book. After
awhile I knew she was reading it because the times I went to
check on her she was engrossed in it. That week came to an
end with the wife feeling better and me recharged. Tuesday
evening some time was found so the e-mail was checked.
Both Source „B‟ and „Q‟ had responded to me, checked „Q‟
first. He wrote, “ Buddy when I started out I saw cycles
everywhere myself. You have to make sure that they adhere
to specific rules, because if they don‟t, you don‟t have
cycles, you have coincidence. Send me an example.” Sent
him off my Pluto/Chiron 1.2 degrees cycle with dates and
whether it was a high or low. Then moved on to B‟s email
where he related to me his story and struggle in the field. “
There were times I had no money and there was hardly any
food. My friends all thought I was crazy because I was not in
school but I was studying, full time, working only menial part-
time jobs. My wife, who was my girlfriend at the time worked
full-time to support us. Friends had nice houses, families and
were going on nice vacations. There were times when I
seriously questioned my logic in the pursuit of this field.
Looking back I did as best as I could, I did have a work ethic,
was never lazy and above all, I realized that the end result
“successful trading” was what I would ENJOY doing. At no
point did I see the field as a get rich quick scheme. When I
became frustrated it was because generally I exhausted
myself. This frustration is what stops many. I found every
success, how ever small it now looks, to be a huge victory, of
course with each victory I had more questions, but I guess
the good news there is I also had more answers, more
correct answers and solutions. So, your hard fought victory
on discovering your first cycle is a major milestone, although
it will bring up more, seemingly important questions.” I would
have to say he nailed exactly what I was thinking, well,
except for the getting rich quick; I‟m in this for the long haul.
The next e-mail was from source „Q‟ his quick response;
“Your first cycle you found is a cycle, your Pluto/Chiron 1.2 is
not a cycle. You have high, high, high, high, low, high, high,
low, low, and low. This is way too many inversions, this is 60%
inversion rate, that is way too high, it needs to be lower than
1/3 of that. If a cycle does not adhere to that then you don‟t
have cycle, you have coincidence.” Read that and
responded in kind, went over to the couch to reflect on it.
Had never thought too specifically on the inversion property.
Jumped up, went over and tested my original cycle that
was found in XJO and the inversion rate came in fine, just
what he stated it should be. The computer beeped, still on
line, that another email had come in. It was source „Q‟
again. “ Read Jensen slowly and you will find another
mistake that you made on that Pluto/ Chiron 1.2 degree
cycle you showed me.” Read Jensen again? 27 25 Well that‟s
going to take another week, probably should have asked
for a hint on what chapter it would be in, however, source
„Q‟ had always been like a mentor to me and some of these
guys could construe my asking for a chapter as laziness,
which is not how I wanted to come across. Typed in “will
do…thanks” and headed off to bed. It took me a week to
get through the book and had no idea what he wanted me
to find or what he was pointing me to. Decided what was
needed was to read it again, which was probably my 50th
time overall. This time, on page 82 he has labeled A, B, C, D,
E and F. “Keep in mind the specific angular relationships of
Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are the KEY to stocks in the plus or
minus…” Here I was using Pluto/Chiron! Ah, that is what
source „Q‟ wanted me to see. So the better cycles are tied
in with those… Heck he even reiterates it on page 83 where
he states, “Primary attention should be directed to Uranus,
Saturn and Jupiter.” Of all the times that the book was read,
can‟t believe a way was not found to utilize that before. This
will greatly simplify my testing as there are only 3
combinations here; Jupiter/Saturn, Jupiter/Uranus and
Saturn/Uranus. During the last week I read over 200 pages,
read the book once, missed it and read to page 83. It took
me a week of effort but this will greatly improve my testing;
so the week was definitely worth it. I guess you can say that
all this time you put in studying now makes your life easier in
the future. Followed this line of thinking and it hit me that
that is what successful people have done. They have made
great sacrifices to be where they are at, while the rest of us
just go to work, unwilling to invest any outside time in the
future. Then when the future arrives, which it always will, the
workers are still miserable in their jobs, waiting for a chance
inheritance or to win the lottery. There was a friend, when I
started out in this field, he was a brilliant guy and probably
would have gone far. His wife was very controlling and
becoming jealous of the time he was spending on markets,
she began a campaign on him to where he lost interest or
should it be said he abandoned his dreams, haven‟t heard
from him in awhile, he would have loved these cycles, it
really would have opened his eyes to a larger world. Indeed
it is fortunate that my wife has always left me alone and let
me study when it comes to all of this. Decided to get a sitter
and take her out to dinner, kind of a secret appreciation.
Arranged everything with the sitter for Friday night then
waited till Friday afternoon to tell her. Over dinner she
suggested some small projects and repairs that were
needed around the house. I hated doing these types of
things but realized that it was time for me to get some of
that stuff done; balance. Over that weekend most of that list
was knocked out except for a couple small projects that
would take me about an hour a piece. Yeah, I was walking
around doing things but my mind, was bent on working out
the heliocentric problem. Heliocentric has no retrograde
motion therefore the planetary movement is more uniform.
Had observed in geocentric that the cycle would run like
this; days between turns; 20, 15, 12, 10, 12, 15, 20, 43, 13 etc.
because of retrograde, whereas a Heliocentric cycle could
cover the same ground like this; days between turns; 13, 13,
14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15 etc. 28 26 This “more uniform” rate, I felt,
could be used to find the cycle because it was a
characteristic of that cycle. Am going to have to devise a
method of testing that could utilize that. Spent some time
thinking on how to set up these types of tests. Was taking
comfort in the fact that not a day of my word repetitions
were missed and now I could see that definitely there had
truly been progress in the cycles. The word repetitions were
helping tremendously, as I felt compelled to understand the
cycles. This “compelled” feeling was barely noticeable at
first but now it is more of a compelling drive, a need to
understand cycles if you will, compared to a careless,
haphazard state of mind when it comes to them, that was
my original thinking. It was like my mind was a bow and
thoughts were arrows, which were to be aimed directly at
the target instead of up in the air somewhere. My wife
actually had brought this up when I took her out to dinner.
She stated that I “appeared to have more drive and more
ambition, did not get as frustrated as easily or yell at the
kids.” What she said next blew me away. Apparently when
she was sick and was given the millionaire book, on that
day, she started to say the “day by day”, and now she
could tell a difference, small, but a difference. Had thought
of giving her that book before but felt that she would “read
into” my intentions. Now let‟s go back to the cycles. If there
were say 7 cycles in a stock or commodity that control that
instrument then it makes great sense that once these are
properly known and their „tracks‟ understood, that
prediction can follow. Sat back and contemplated that, still
trying to finish my last weekend project. Recalled that I have
been told many times that stocks/commodities contain both
Heliocentric and Geocentric cycles, sometimes working side
by side. Source „Q‟ said he knew this because he has seen it
with his own eyes and I have never known him to lie. I had
found geocentric now next the heliocentric needs to cough
up its secrets. I knew it would be a couple of days before
getting back to it, so I waited to have a plan of attack. I
could “work it” in then when the time testing would be
expedited, a plan is indeed what was needed. After much
thought it occurred to me to look for turns about equidistant
apart. This was similar to what they teach you in karate class,
to use it against itself. To let its own characteristics reveal it. A
couple of days went by, sat down at the computer and
pulled up the XJO data. Took a good High (02-03-94) and a
good low (06-24-94). There is roughly 141 calendar days
between those 2 dates. Felt that this was strange because it
is close to the number 144 but can assure you that I picked
these 2 dates visually and randomly. If that was extended
forward and allowed a little for orb I should have a High.
There was a high on 08-31-94 extending that forward there
was a low on 01-09-95, extending that forward there was a
low on 06-14-95, which would have to be an inversion.
Extending that forward you get another inversion low on 11-
01-95. Extending forward gives a high on 04-26-96, the next
date would give a low on 09-23-96 then extending forward
gives a low on 04-01-97. Nice high on 09-23-97 would be our
next date, then another high, inversion on 03-25-98, and
then another high on 09-25-98 followed by a high on 04-26-
99. Low on 10-18-99, low on 05-11-2000, low 12-19- 00, high
on 08-09-01. Then came the April 2002 period where I was
suppose to find a pivot but had no clue. 29 27 Looked at that
data for a while and there really was no clear-cut indicator.
Put down the date April 2002 with a question mark, and
doubled it to about 282 days running that forward form the
08-09-01 dated and allowing some orb gives a nice high on
01-06-03 with another high on 09-09-03 and a low 05-17-04.
High on 02-07-05 and a low on 10-20-05, August 16, 2006
gives another low. Once this was completed, backed off the
data and went to couch to think. The question being this
“How do I know if this is a cycle or coincidence?” It hit me
like a bolt of lightning: the inversions. Went back and
checked the data, the inversion rate was damn close to
50%. That is insanely high. Had a coincidence and was out
of time. Double whammy, went to bed. The next morning
upon awaking I realized that although last night did not
produce a cycle there was now the ability to see what a
cycle is compared to coincidence! That is a huge step,
actually distinguishing between a cycle and coincidence.
Could not wait to be able to get to that price information
that was given to me early on in my cycle hunting days.
Knew eventually that information would become useful as
well, when it was needed, when my understanding had
progressed to that point. This trial and error stuff is difficult but
it makes finding the solution extremely rewarding. Speaking
of which, will take the teenager to a movie tonight. Spend
some quality father and son time together. That evening
upon arriving home I got on line to check the movie listings
and there was an email from source „F‟. The bulk of it was
personal stuff then at the bottom he was asking me
questions on my research. Replied back that I had realized a
way to determine whether a group of turns were
coincidence or was an actual cycle. Was careful though
not to give him the solution, just that there was a way to
distinguish. I wish „F‟ was more into doing his own research.
Here is a guy that you could tell him everything, step by step,
and he would be totally unable to apply it, the reason here,
for the inability is because he has refused to do the
necessary background. He has not gotten up to speed on
the basics. I really do not know why he blocks himself from
this, I‟ve told him over and over that he needs to study these
things, the basics, but he never does. Signed off, ate dinner
and we went to the movies. On the way home from the
movies I was dwelling on source F‟s inability to study the
basics. It just makes absolutely no sense to me why someone
who has contacts like he does, who really knows what this
field is about would fail to do what it takes to make a
success, how someone set up right, with all the contacts
could miss the most important part, the foundation. Will
probably never know the reason for that. People he knows
have probably told him great things, but it‟s all wasted
because he cannot apply it. While people like myself have
to go through great lengths in order to succeed. It‟s like
drive is in some people, but for whatever reason is not in
others. Found a few minutes between getting home and my
ever-changing bedtime to get a couple of e-mails off. I
wanted to write source „B‟ and ask him if he knows why
certain individuals will get into this field, make all these
contacts, know what‟s up but fail to put it all together. I
guess a part of me also wanted to know if I was sabotaging
myself at all, as well. I then wrote to source „Q‟ telling him
about what I have “not found” in my helio tests. 30 28 Told
him that it was my goal to figure out XJO. Out of time, was
getting ready to turn in when I noticed that the television
was turned off. That is unusual because normally the wife is
watching it. Found her cleaning out the storage closet. Now
that was strange, did not think much of it at the time, all I
told her was “I‟m turning in” and she said, “Okay.” Decided
to take it easy over the next few days helping the kids with
their homework, helping the wife with some small projects,
even mowed the neighbors grass as a surprise to her.
Coming in after the mowing, it was again time to hit the
computer; you know it was calling my name. There was an
email from source „B‟ he was talking about my questions on
self-sabotage and self-blocking, he stated “ The cause for
this is many and varied. On one level there is the effect of
the location on the individual. This is the golden key and the
majority of astrologers are completely oblivious to this. An
individual lives in St Louis (a city visited by a very wise man)
and has Jupiter in his 2nd house of money in the degree of
28 Virgo. There are no bad aspects to this Jupiter and it is
direct, no retro. If the individual went to a traditional
astrologer he/she would be told that it means “great fortune
in matters of money”. The individual then informs the
astrologer that he/she has always had money problems and
issues. The astrologer then checks the Jupiter and 2nd house
again and can find nothing that would indicate this as it runs
counter to the astrology that they believe in so much.
Money should come easily to this individual. Here is the rub.
The secret is in the locality. The locality of the MC at the St.
Louis Missouri location is about roughly 28 degrees
Sagittarius. The natal Jupiter squares this position. (See
Factors of Location in “12” and publicly distributed at the
site). This “good fortune Jupiter” is actually wreaking havoc
in this individual‟s life, but the astrologer can‟t see why
without this technique. I can‟t emphasize this technique
enough. W. D. Gann would take on students, for the lack of
a better word only after he ran their natal. Actually it was
probably not him who physically checked it. Now I can‟t
prove this but according to intensive investigations of mine,
it would make logical sense that this technique the “factors
of location” would have been high on his priority list to
check. The reason for this being that it provides uncanny
insight into the individual, providing lucid, crystal clear
answers. Gann‟s astrologers would have noticed that say a
Mercury (mind) squaring the locality MC makes the
structured study within the field difficult for the individual.
What such a person would need to do is to take a hiatus to
a different location where the Mercury did not have a bad
tie-in to the MC of the locality. Unfortunately jobs and family
prevent the majority of people from doing this. If they are in
this position they need a good study partner in a location
that their Mercury does not have a bad angle to the locality
MC. You have heard about this system before, I keep
harping on it, to you because of the extreme amount of
insight that it provides. This field is difficult on many because
they want to trade, that is all they want to do, and then they
find that in order to be successful at it they first must put on
their research hat. Research includes long hours of intensive
study and sacrifice for a goal there is little real proof that it
truly exists and we live in an age of convenience, people
want simple solutions. The Bible runs contra to this „we reap
what we sow.‟ 31 29 Those who do put in the time on
research and study who have not met with the success that
they believe they should have need to check “Factors of
location; also in addition to Mercury you need to check the
8th and 9th houses along with their rulers. Once that is clear
there is usually some belief that stops them and that is where
the “millionaire book‟ and what it reaches, comes in handy.
You must also keep in mind that some are not really in it to
trade, although they will tell you that they are. They are in it
for the knowledge or some for the thrill of the chase.” This
made complete sense to me, as source „F‟ must be stuck
somewhere in there. This made me step back and think for a
bit, reinforcing my need to succeed. Wrote him back asking,
“How do you know if you are on the right track?” The next e-
mail was from source „Q‟ asking me for the XJO data. Re-
compiled and sent him the XJO data. This was followed by
an email from someone called Sour Mash. I opened it and it
was source „V‟ asking me why I haven‟t accepted any of
her e-mails from her other account. Put a block on Sour
Mash. The next day I woke up feeling exceptionally well, so
well I decided to take the day off from the job and work on
what I really wanted to work on. After doing the call in,
looked around and found the wife painting a wall in the
hallway. This is strange because she never does things like
this, “honey I‟ll be on the computer if you need me for
anything, nice work!” She responded with an “Okay.”
Checked the e-mail first, as is customary, and there was one
from Source „Q‟. It started out “ I worked on this late last
night and believe there is only 1 error, take a look at the
attached charts and I will explain each to you. A. Cycle
pivoted High in Large down trend B. When cycles pivot it will
cause a change in acceleration. Her is a low pivot. Note the
next day going up. C. Nice clean turn, cycle may have
been reinforced by another cycle. Only way of knowing
would be to find another cycle and see if it pivoted there. D.
Cycle pivoted High and trend momentum changed. E. High
appears on 6th, pivot High occurs over weekend as invisible.
F. Low pivot again interrupted dove the weekend. G. Good
clean pivot, ideal turn. H. Arrow is actual pivot, analyst low is
marked, this is the point every one would think was the low
but in actuality it would be outside this cycles parameters. 32
30 I. Cycle pivots low; price action goes up for 2 days, before
larger trend forces pull it back down. The bigger picture is
that this is a lazy down move. Had it been a faster down
move these 2 up days would not be as pronounced. J.
Analysts High caused by a different cycle. Our cycle pivot
High marked with an arrow. K. Our cycle pivots High, a few
days later larger cycle pivots low. L. Our cycle pivots High
but is barely visible. The tell tale sign is always the trend.
Learn to watch the trend. M. Nice pivot, love to see this. N.
Pivot low then price goes up a couple of days making pivot
easy to spot. O. Nice pivot, then down for a couple of days,
momentum changes. P. Same song, cycle pivot up for a
day then trend continues. Q. Pivot Low, up a couple of days
then trend resumes. R. Up move, pivot high then sideways. S.
Pivot High in up-trend, down a couple then resume up-trend.
T. Our cycle pivoted at the arrow, the analyst turn was
another cycle, pivoting low. 33 31 A. Cycle pivoted High in
Large down trend. 34 32 B. When cycles pivot it will cause a
change in acceleration. Her is a low pivot. Note the next
day going up. 35 33 C. Nice clean turn, cycle may have
been reinforced by another cycle. Only way of knowing
would be to find another cycle and see if it pivoted there. 36
34 D. Cycle pivoted High and trend momentum changed. 37
35 E. High appears on 6th, pivot High occurs over weekend
as invisible. 38 36 F. Low pivot again interrupted dove the
weekend. 39 37 G. Good clean pivot, ideal turn. 40 38 H.
Arrow is actual pivot, analyst low is marked, this is the point
every one would think was the low but in actuality it would
be outside this cycles parameters. 41 39 H. Cycle pivots low;
price action goes up for 2 days, before larger trend forces
pull it back down. The bigger picture is that this is a lazy
down move. Had it been a faster down move these 2 up
days would not be as pronounced. 42 40 I. Analysts High
caused by a different cycle. Our cycle pivot High marked
with an arrow. 43 41 J. Our cycle pivots High; a few days later
larger cycle pivots low. 44 42 K. Our cycle pivots High but is
barely visible. The tell tale sign is always the trend. Learn to
watch the trend. 45 43 L. Nice pivot, love to see this. 46 44 M.
Pivot low then price goes up a couple of days making pivot
easy to spot. 47 45 N. Nice pivot, then down for a couple of
days, momentum changes. 48 46 O. Same song, cycle pivot
up for a day then trend continues. 49 47 P. Pivot Low, up a
couple of days then trend resumes. 50 48 Q. Up move, pivot
high then sideways. 51 49 R. Pivot High in up-trend, down a
couple then resume up-trend. 52 50 S. Our cycle pivoted at
the arrow, the analyst turn was another cycle, pivoting low.
53 51 Man that is perfect timing I have all day to make a
thorough study of these charts gave him the usual reply. The
next e-mail was from source „B‟, he was responding to the
question; “how do you know you are on the right track?
Answer; Cycles. He stated “as long as you are working on,
refining or discovering cycles you are on the right track in this
business all of life, everything, all of nature, moves in cycles.
As long as your focus remains on cycles, you are on the right
track. Many become confused and sidetracked by clever
marketing into trading schemes. The largest of the trading
schemes is geometry. Geometry is marketable to the
masses. There are no cycles in geometry. Geometry is a tool
not a cause or solution. If you find yourself working with
geometry without first knowing the underlying cycles, pay
attention to your intuition, that frustration, that type of „bad
feelings‟ is a sign you are off track. This field is all about
cycles, never become confused on that point and you will
be on the right track, regardless. Beyond that or under that
heading there are different types of cycles. Some types work
together or overlap in a unique manner. Some can be used
or combined with others to increase overall effectiveness.
Your eventual goal is to find these connections, find the
interactions, and understand how everything works together
in one large symphony. Trading through, trading can
commence before everything is fully understood on these
levels. For so many the first objective is to get to the point
where you can trade and this is rightly so, then, the next goal
is to improve, continue to improve and refine your system.” A
big „thank you‟ was sent as I went over to the couch to
reflect on these things, but the charts, sent by source „Q‟
quickly overtook my interest. The afternoon was spent
looking over the charts, studying each detail closely, over
and over. The time was nearing when the children would
get home from school and the more I had been
meticulously studying the charts, the more I felt something
else was going on, something deeper, but what? The
teenager was the first one through the door. Tonight was the
first night that a new movie was playing and he asked if I‟d
take him. Remembering balance and how important it is to
counter burnout and frustration it was a quick and easy
decision to take him, in fact I made a promise to myself,
since I got in practically a whole day of studying; to back off
of market studies for the next 5 days. I wrote down my
thoughts for the day and some questions so when I returned
it could be picked up, from that point. After dinner we
headed out to the movies then cruised around for some
father-son talk Several days went by uneventfully then one
night, walking through the door, dinner was on the table. As
we sat down to dinner, had to ask her what the special
occasion was, she just winked at me. After dinner in a
discussion, she told me that when she was sick in bed and
reading the “millionaire book” that she started to say the
„day by day‟ and because of that she feels compelled to
get more done around the house while watching less of the
boob tube. Great News! That is fantastic, really helps me out,
told her that meant the world to me. 54 52 Over the
weekend my thoughts turned again to XJO and in finding a
helio cycle. I briefly threw the data up and started looking
for turns with about the same number between them. I liked
that High on 09-15-00 low on 09-22-00 and another high on
10-3- 00 so I wrote these dates down for when I return to
markets next week. I then drifted off thinking about this crazy
landlord a number of years ago. I liked to call him the fool
but wound up calling him “Mister Coffee” cause he was
always drinking the black Gold. This guy lived at a street
address of 1565, which adds up to 17. We get the meaning
of this address as (17 = misfortune, disregard, oblivion) from
Kabala of numbers. Well I don‟t really even know where to
possibly start with this one. This guy lived in a home with no
heat and no air conditioning. He raised a family there. His
family was very strange, I met them first and they had
already all moved out of his house and married off or gone
their ways. The family had many emotional problems and
the Son I new of best was “ out there,” a real attachment
problem to begin with and a horrible time relating to others.
Never knew why, never got to the root of it, but
unfortunately that would soon change. We answered an ad
in the newspaper for this immaculate place that was
secluded in the woods. We drove out and immediately saw
the potential. Our expectations were diminished when we
found out the landlord lived about a block down this
dirt/rock path. He was a short little man with a chip on his
shoulder. Needless to say we fell in love with the place and
decided to rent from him. It was not until later that we
connected the dots and realized this was the “father” of this
crazy family we knew. At that point we had already took up
residence in the rental. The rental also had no air
conditioning but some friends of ours came out and hooked
it up for us, installed the unit and everything. I believe that
this is where the proverbial “snowball began rolling down the
hill,” because the little man soon became very jealous of us.
A pattern began to emerge. During Spring and Fall all of the
yelling and bickering would occur; loud, clearly audible
complaining, which would end with a car coming down the
lane. It would be ether a disgruntled Martha or Reath. When
the weather was nice they got sent home. When it was too
hot or too cold stud-muffin Mister Coffee himself would invite
himself to their places as his was to hot or to cold, thus there
was no arguing in the winter or summer, the girls were
needed. Barring these escapades, things were o.k. For a
while and by that it is meant that a walkman could easily
drown out any shouting from a block away. As we began to
show more “affluence” landlord began to change or should
I say, “show his true colors.” He had to always have the last
word and he was “always right”, you know the type. As this
progressed he needed “help with his house”. Of course this
was to be provide free. Sure, he did not come out and say
this directly, as I was kind of eased into it. 55 53 He also asked
me to “do little things around the property.” I was being
played as a fool by Mister Coffee. One day I walked into the
rented cabin and this strange feeling came over me, like
someone had been in there snooping through things. It was
an awkward feeling and originally it was just brushed off. I
think when your renters are living a better life-style than the
owner it weighs on him. When you play a man as a fool
make sure he is one; I was no fool. Mister Coffee started to
“request” more and more of my services. During one of
these “free help events” I asked him how he acquired so
much acreage, I guess this was asked out of sheer curiosity,
on how an idiot would acquire any land. He stated that a
farmer his wife use to have coffee with offered them a deal
on it and Mister Coffee got this money on a bank loan after
the farmer agreed to put up the down payment, strange
that the farmer was so “kind”. Mister Coffee drove a rusted
out van, which he hauled all of his tools around in. Eventually
he began to get stranger, darker. He told me to eat poison
ivy that way it will not irritate my skin when I brushed up
against it on the property. I just looked at him. I kept having
these feelings that someone had been going through things
when we were not there, these would hit me sporadically.
One day I decided to set up a camcorder to record while
we were away. It was one of those old VHS types that could
record up to 4 hours. On that first time I got nothing when I
checked the tape, except this bush moved funny like
something had hit it, I attributed that to be an animal. Next
he wanted me to plant this nice flowerbed on his property
and for me to purchase the flowers. I told my wife, “look, this
just keeps getting worse and worse, its time to move;” I
again set up my camcorder and got nothing. These
intrusions, if that is really what they were, would occur
infrequently and sporadically, this meant I was going to
have to be consistent with my tape recordings. It was in that
time frame when we ran into someone who knew of the
landlord and his family. His family had absolutely no
communication with him so when I state “his” family it should
be in past tense because now they were a band of
individuals that looked like they had been through a war
and they certainly were not “his.” What we discovered is
what we were seeing more and more of, Mister Coffee was
crazy. He did a lot of bizarre things with his family, like tie up
his wife to keep her in the house. Yes, indeed that sounds
outrageous but that source was deemed extremely liable so
these things occurred. Heck its time to get out of there, so
we went to the bank and applied for a mortgage. I could
tell this was going to be a situation that we were going to
have to be extracted from, not one we would have the
privilege to walk away from clean. I mean can you imagine
what this crazy bastard is going to do once he finds out we
are moving? It was one of those things where you put two
and two together and you know the outcome. The bank
needed a name and phone number of “the landlord”. 56 54

To get around that I gave them the number of an older

friend of mine that would cover for me, as I covered for him
when I had to play the role of his former employer to future
job prospects. Then there was another problem. I needed a
full time job with paycheck records going back at least two
years since I had only worked part-time and studied the
Gann field the rest of the time; these records would have to
be “acquired.” While all of that was going on, his “main”
girlfriend Martha was calling us on the telephone wanting us
to spy on him for her. We knew the truth, we knew he was
also seeing Reath, but we were not going to tell Martha. It
seemed as time went on, more and more you got the sense
things were coming to a head, that there would eventually
be a slip up somewhere (something is going to blow…I
mean, you could feel that everywhere.) Well there was but it
did not bite me at first, it was more of a sidewinder. One
night Martha called and I had already had a few cocktails
when she started in with the usual rhetoric. This time I
stopped her in mid sentence and said “look, your man,
according to so and so, used to tie up his wife, He‟s a nut job
and you must have a low self-worth to keep hanging on to
him”. I suggested counseling and plenty of it, not for the
couple but for her specifically. The theory here was “the
truth shall set you free.” Well it was one of those where you
wake up the next morning and you go “oh shit” and you see
your mistake, but you know you can‟t undo it. I knew for sure
my days were numbered and I think Martha knew she had
me by the gazoomba‟s. She asked me, in our next
conversation, to do more spying for her. To keep track of
dates. This was possible because Mister Coffee lived on the
premises. If I stepped outside and looked East I could barely
make out his rusted van, as well as any other vehicle on his
property, seen between a couple of trees. So I began
keeping a journal of whose car was there. Granted I was not
home everyday during the period but I still have that record.
On 06-20-2003 Reath was there. On 07-03-03 Martha was
there, 7-24- 03 reath, 08-04-03 Martha, 08-19-03 Reath. From
looking back at my record it seemed he simply alternated, a
fact I had not originally observed. The Sun was extremely
important here because when it was not out I could not tell
which car was at Mister Coffee‟s, you had to have full
daylight for that. Now it was about this time that I was
desperately searching for a house. We just knew the whole
thing would not hold together much longer and we were
running out of time quickly. Could see it coming…came
home one day and there was dear old landlord. He wanted
to know where I “heard the story of him tying up his wife”.
Instead of answering him directly I told him that I was giving
notice (tenants are required to give a 30-day notice). This
initially stunned him, however, he persisted on the point. I
simply told him that we ran into someone at a bar that knew
him, opposed to coughing up the identity of the informer.
This dead-ended him. Now I was on the line to move. I sent
him a written certified 30-day notice just in case. One
problem, usually it takes 30 days to close on a house and I
had just given a 30-day notice without a house to move into.
57 55 I was serious about buying, needed a plan and fast;
which called for a switch of tactics. We knew that things
would be escalating with the rental. A house was quickly
found and it happened to be vacant which meant we
could move in quickly as we were down to about the 2nd
week mark at this time. We knew that things would be really
bad with land-lord if we did not get out of there in time, I
had to be on the mark and was as things moved swiftly to
the point of closing on the house. It was so close that we
showed up to the closing in a moving van (acquired the
keys with everything already packed!) Of course landlord
was “nosing around”, as we were packing up although we
never caught him with the camcorder but things had
progressed to the point that I worried more about other
factors. We happily moved into our new home, feeling
confident that we had extracted ourselves. Several months
had gone by when we were served a notice for a lawsuit by
Mister Coffee, himself. It alleged “irreparable damage to the
property in excess of 16,000 dollars. There was one minor
problem with this; we did not cause any damage at all. Not
one cent. Aah, the true character finally emerges! So here
we were, being sued by a man for something we all know
we did not due. What is sad here is that no matter what
amount we get sued for we will eventually recover. For him,
his ways have doomed him, his family had abandoned him,
he did not have to worry about experiencing hell, he was
living it. A victim of his own circumstance, he was
responsible, fully, for the misfortunes of his life. The last dance
played out in the courtroom. We brought several witnesses;
the ones that helped us pack up the moving van. They all
stated that there was no property damage. When it was
Mister Coffee‟s turn he presented pictures. One of the
pictures was of a toilet; the judge asked what the problem
with the toilet was. He stated it was “not operational” he
then proceeded to tell the judge about the huge holes in
the walls. The judge asked to see pictures of the “huge holes
in the walls”. Mister Coffee said he “ran out of film”. The
judges‟ response to that was “Mr Coffee, you mean to tell
me you took pictures of an unoperational toilet but failed to
provide proof of huge holes in the walls for which you are
suing?” the response was “that is correct your honor.” The
judge then called one of our witnesses to the stand and the
first question he asked was “Can you tell me about the huge
holes in the walls?” The response from the witness, the last
person to see the place stated under oath “there were no
holes in the walls”. You know the judge saw through the
railroad attempt. Many people would have been happy this
bastard failed miserably but I could not help thinking it was
sad that this human being, could not correct his course in
life, he could not change because all the programming he
acquired over the years told him he was a failure and he
believed it, and lived it out. I never saw Mister Coffee after
that, I can tell you at the end or towards the end of the trial
the judge was having a fun time with Mister Coffee. In fact
he lost about 6 months worth of income because the rental
sat empty pending the outcome of the lawsuit, according to
Mister Coffee. I can‟t help thinking of that address number
of 17. 58 56 “Oblivion” because at the end of his life he truly
will have nothing: oblivion and each day he is working
towards it. Monday was a crazy day, we awoke to find one
of the dogs had passed on, the young one was sick
(something that had not happened since we moved the
animals outside), then there was the flat tire. Work was
hectic but that night saw a return to my market studies. I ran
those 3 dates forward that I had looked at over the
weekend and man it started to hit really good. After I had
more hits I kept checking back with the ephemeris, this went
on for quite sometime, ephemeris turn, ephemeris turn. The
same number kept popping up so I took the average and
ran that forward; high boom, low boom, right where my
ephemeris said that they would be. Holy Hell this is a cycle! I
continued to forecast it forward until my time was up. Had to
go to bed, long day and I was exhausted, a victorious day,
a very victorious day. After work the following day I hit the
cycle again, wanted to work with it more, become better
acquainted, high, low, high etc. I got to an area and
projected out, my target date was 05-15-02 but looking at
that point is the turn on the 17th as a high or is it on the 13th
as a low? What I had grown accustomed to doing was
going to the next pivot of the cycle and seeing what it was.
Like if you had a High, then high, you know the question
mark was a low. If you had low, then low then you know the
question mark was a high. If you have a low, then High it
could be either, haven‟t figured this out yet. So when I came
across it I just put a question mark there and pick the cycle
up a pivot or so later. This particular pivot held my interest.
Went to the couch to try and mentally work it out. After
about a half hour the thought popped in my head to e-mail
source „Q‟ to run this by him, he already had he data
anyway….”How can you know for sure which one of these
turns actually belongs to my heliocentric cycle? Oh, and by
the way, I found my first Heliocentric cycle!” Found the wife
organizing the bedroom closet, incredible, and turned in for
the night. The following morning I checked the e-mail before
heading of to work; nothing. The work day was uneventful,
all I could think about was my progress over the last few
months and what I was seeing in the charts or better yet,
understanding from the charts. Arriving home the wife again
had dinner on the table and every bite was enjoyed. After
dinner the e-mail was checked to no avail. Several days
went by and source „Q‟ finally responded. Had worked out
my own theories but was intensely awaiting his response.
What the email stated not only shocked me, it set the course
of my studies: “You have a valid point, how to determine
which one of these points is the actual turn in your cycle. The
truthful answer is that each cycle has it own price points,
given that, only one of those 2 points should tie in with that
cycle. What I am telling you is that once you have an
understanding of price you will know which point belongs in
your cycle, from your current point of understanding you will
have to pass on that pivot, come back later when you have
more understanding. 59 57 The main drawback to success for
those studying the markets is that most try to tell the market
what it should be doing, like say you have an allowable
acceptance of being 2 days off on a cycle and come
across a pivot that is 3 days out. If you respond that it can‟t
do that you are telling the market what it should be doing
instead of isolating why that happened. In order to put the
whole system together you will have to accept some things
up front, then come back to them and refine them on a
different level, an example of this being the 2 points that you
emailed me about. Another point is orb. In reality there is not
orb. For these types of cycles when you understand price
you will have then, at that point, the solution to orb. In
Jensen‟s book he talks about „depending on the
declination‟ that does not apply to what I am leading you to
with the cycle we have here, though it does apply to
something else. So here, in this particular cycle you need to
make a thorough study of it. Work with your pivots and refine
them look for additional connections. I will repeat, when you
understand price you will understand orb. Although orb is
not price or the actual price point there is something you
need to understand to get price, with that understanding
you will have orb. This may sound like a twisting of words but
you can also use price itself as a trade trigger down the
road, though when you get to this point you won‟t need to.
What is this something else? It is a special way that a cycle
works. Finding a cycle and understanding it‟s secrets are
different. Study it until you find the secrets within………….” To
Be Continued. “ The Trader “ The

Adventures of Cycle
Hunter The

Adventures of Cycle
Hunter “ The Trader “ Copyright © 2008

Craig Bttlc Disclaimer: The trades taken in this book are

simulated trades. They are as close to real trades and as
accurate as possible, however, no money was ever used to
trade on these dates. Before you trade you need to consult
a licensed financial advisor. The trades in this work are
meant for entertainment purposes only and are not a
recommendation to do or trade anything. No guarantees
are given or implied. Legal Information: Even in the case of
no monetary exchange this book may not be distributed.
This work is not intended to give investment advice. Before
trading any financial instrument seek the advise of a
qualified individual. Any resemblance of the fictitious
characters in this work to real individuals is completely
coincidental. 2 “…You have found the cycle that I was
actually showing you in those 20 charts that I sent you. Very
good. What I did there was every third pivot to that cycle
was shown and it was late so there is one noticeable error.
What is important to remember at this point for you is this
cycle is not alone, there are other cycles impacting it.
Fortunately you have a limited number of cycles operating
in your stock or commodity. Say you have a 100 year data
set or longer, lets say your data starts in 1895 or any other
year and you find a cycle operating in 1896, high, low etc,
that same cycle will be operative now, currently, provided
that the same exact instrument still trades. You can follow its
tracks back or forward. Moreover and equally important is
that although you will be dealing with other cycles you are
going to have to systemize in order to minimize, there is a
rhyme you will find, to make sense out of it, this is part of the
refinement that I have been talking about. Finding
something, finally, is not enough, you must THINK how to
utilize this; there are ways.” I love this field its great! I wrote
the usual thank you reply and went over to the couch to
think on things. What crossed my mind is my need to trade,
to make money so that I can improve my life and live the
way I want to live. This XJO is an Australian instrument so step
one will be to find something over here that has a good
cycle in it and trade it. It would be wise to get some input on
this and Source „B‟ would be just the guy to write to. Went
over to the computer and fired off an e-mail asking him for
his opinion, also informing him that I found my first
Heliocentric Cycle, had to turn in at this point because it was
getting late. The next morning began with me in the shower
thinking of how I would decide which stock or commodity or
to trade. Most people just want to trade the S and P but I
have heard that it will only work for me if I vibrate well to it. I
know there is a technique for finding that out but have no
idea what the technique is. At work, over lunch, it hit me
that I should use my previous trading as a gauge. There had
been successful trading in IBM and Apple, the others I
traded seemed to dole out only losers and Source „F‟ had
told me once that „G‟ told him to “stick with what is good for
you, what works for you in trading.” They had found that
traders will trade something successfully; one particular
instrument, then they will use those winnings to trade another
instrument, one that does not vibe to them, and lose all or
most of the money. The moral was to stick with what works
and makes the most money, for me that‟s IBM or Apple, next
step would be to put these two under a microscope to find
a cycle, a good cycle. School had started back in session
and the temperature had begun to get chilly at night, so
right after work the teenager, young one and myself, went
to the amusement park for the evening. They were working
hard on their grades as I was on the market. 3 1 With the
temperature starting to drop, that front porch needs
finished. It occurred to me that the front of the house was
what the outside world saw, it was how the world viewed me
and only half the porch was painted. Would also need to
add some new boards because it looked trashy. The wife
had been taking the lead around the house, after years of
living here, it occurred to me that the home was the outer
manifestation of the mind and that it shows other people
exactly who I am. Right then and there, vowed to get that
front porch done within the next ten days, no longer would I
hide from society. A feeling of well-being and optimism
came over me along with the realization that the repetitions
of words we had learned were having great impact on
changing us for the better. As we arrived home it hit me to
check the e-mail for a reply from Source „B‟. It was there. He
stated; “ Trading one cycle, by itself, is extremely dangerous.
In the beginning, where you are at is where most people
make large, costly mistakes; when they feel they are ready
for trading, cycles or others. Trading, in the area of that field
that we are in is similar to the following. Take a student,
studying to become a pilot. Say this student gets an „A‟ in
pilot class. They do not present him with a loaded jumbo jet,
pat him on the back and say „good luck‟ as he heads off
with it. That would be crazy. There is a simulation period
where he/she must find their groove. Likewise, this period is
mission critical to future traders. Those already trading can
improve on their systems slowly and cautiously. You, not yet
trading, should set up a series of staged trades like this; go
back a couple of years with your system, that way the data
is there. Say you go back to June 1, 2005. Then load in June
2, then June 3 and so on. That way it appears “real time”
cause you wont know the future dates until you load them in
and you don‟t have to wait each day. This allows for quick
testing, again, without having to wait for tomorrow‟s data.
When you overcome this, to you satisfaction, then try
simulating. This is “ paper trading”. Trading is a business; you
are in it to make money. If you are not successful in
simulation, most likely you will fail in real time. If a student
pilot failed his simulations and kept crashing would they turn
him loose on a loaded Jumbo? Failure in simulation is a sign
that you need to go back to the drawing board, that there
is a flaw or an oversight in that particular trading plan for
you. W.D. Gann when starting out had problems that he had
to overcome in his trading as well. Fortunately, once
discovered, the market can provide us with answers and
solutions as it did W.D. Gann. Another thing, what stops most
people is themselves. How often do you jump in your
automobile and not know your destination? If you did do so,
the speed at which you drove would be irrelevant because
you are driving around aimlessly. Thus is the way of life. You
will need a book called “The millionaire Course” by Shatki
Gawain. The book is less than $20.00 bucks. Remember, if
you don‟t know where you are going, you will get
someplace else!” This is definitely something for me to think
about over the next week as I get that front porch done, am
determined to quit living like white trash, sending the
message out to the community that there is something
wrong with me. I know that success is possible for me. 4 2

Next in line was the ordering of the mentioned book, which

was easy, a shower and then to bed. After work I changed
my clothes and headed out to begin working on the porch
where work had been left off months before. Several hours
into it my mind began to drift off on the path that had
brought me to where I am. Early on I had come across a guy
that was training people overseas in the Gann field. He had
developed a large following with the public and required a
lot of money for this training, what stopped me was a
conversation that I had with someone that knew him well
and warned me that things were not as they appeared.
One time I joined a site and everyone in there appeared
rich with profits. The head guy was mightily worshipped.
Began studying his market calls and he was consistently
wrong. Constantly making excuses as to why his market calls
didn‟t work out yet he was supposedly still making money.
Eventually he became a broker and am almost certain he is
not the only one like that. Another guy on another site would
make three market calls or more, Coffee up, beans down,
wheat up. Two of these would be completely wrong and
one would be right. He would then go back and delete the
two wrong ones that were months old and post on the one
that worked out. It appeared, as the man was never wrong.
This was all in the hey days of the late 90‟s so many fell for it.
He later went on to become a broker. My feelings on it were
this. Both of these men claimed to have Gann‟s method and
high accuracy rate. If you were trading with an accuracy
North of the 90% why would you complicate your life by
becoming an active broker? Time is money, why mess with
other people‟s orders. The answer is that you would not. A
couple of years passed and I finally bumped into an
individual who had met the first guy. He went to the guys
apartment and guess what, he looked around and there
was a really old couch and some milk crates! This was from a
guy claiming he was making millions in the market! I had
avoided most of these pitfalls over the years and that
brought a smile to my face. Yet, on the same token, looking
back you could say that I wasted a lot of time studying
things that did not pan out- dead ends or roads. The
realization occurred to me tonight that all that time that was
spent studying those crazy things that never worked, never
panned out, all of that was a necessary path, while I could
see ways that path could have been shortened, in reality,
that path was necessary just as the reframing of the front
porch is necessary. In the end, when the porch is finished it
will look good just as when I am completely done with my
studies and am trading successfully my life will be good, will
have the ability to really live and with that thought I packed
it up for the night. The wife held the dinner over for me
because there is less and less daylight each day and I
needed to get this project done. While I was eating she
informed me that the teenager had been getting A‟s and
B‟s in school. This was shocking news because last spring he
was getting D‟s and F‟s. 5 3 Unfortunately I was locked into
getting the porch area complete or I would have taken him
somewhere to reward him for the good grades; seems like,
in his life, he has found balance. That younger generation is
nothing like my generation but those grades are going to
have to stay up. Exhausted, I showered and turned in for the
night. The next day at work was boring; then again everyday
at work was boring. Having nothing in common with these
co-workers except that we all derive a paycheck from the
same place, weighed on me from day one. What little
conversation there was usually centered around retirement,
which everyone called the “good life”. In reality, over the
years, many had retired and I had kept up with most of
them. The pattern that was noticeable here is, with only one
exception, the retirement life style was a horrible hell. It was
a step down in pay while trying to maintain the same life
style. Then disease sets in and in less than five years most
were gone. That was the hard reality of that. Over lunch had
contemplated this and realized that the whole “good life”
that these coworkers dreamed of was only wishful thinking.
For the majority these dreams will never be realized. Had
talked with older people, people in there 80‟s, some had
succeeded on their own. What was blatantly obvious is that
we “reap what we sow”. The “good life” in retirement is a
pipe dream. Two other things had been gleaned from the 80
year olds. One is that they never regretted anything that
they had done only what they had NOT done, which at first
may sound counter intuitive until viewed from the view point
of someone whose best years were far behind them, which
brings us to the point two. The best years for 99.9% of people
were before retirement due to the vigor and ambition
generally diminishes with age. Most arrive at retirement to
realize that their best years are behind them the years they
truly could have made a difference in their lives. These were
the years I was truly in at this point. Everyone at the work
place was in a true state of misery with most hanging on by
a thread, none ever admitting it. We all acted like friends
but in reality it was mutual misery. Misery loves company and
there was certainly plenty of it around here. Personally, I
could never find a commonality with these people and can
tell you that since studying the “Instant Millionaire” by Mark
Fisher there was a greater distance between myself and
these co-workers, so much so that the negative attitudes of
these coworkers became more pronounced as I began to
see their own self limiting affects that these people were
experiencing. In my own life there was the proverbial light at
the end of the Tunnel, small, ever so faint at this point, but
growing. It occurred to me that internally the negative
attitudes, of the hopeless co-workers, was beginning to
become harder to stomach. By the time I had gotten off
work (they let me out of the cage as I saw it) it had begun to
rain, which would delay me working on the porch tonight.
Decided to spend some time with the children. After dinner
we played some chess and checkers with them while the
wife straightened up their room. The time came for the to
turn in for the evening, wrote an e-mail asking Source „B‟ if
he had experienced this distancing from co-workers when
he started out, sent it off then turned in for the evening. 6 4 It
rained all morning and afternoon of the following day as
well, which again delayed me finishing the porch. We all
went out to dinner and I learned that the teenager had
really brought up his grades; this was great news and a
cause for a celebration. Told him that I would take him and
his friends to any move they wanted to see, except rated R
movies. The evening was only topped by a reply that was
received form Source „B‟. He stated “ Personally I never
bought into the work thing. Early on I understood that my
career was to be something that I personally carved out in
the area of trading. Gann supplied the vehicle of
understanding that was needed in my life. I have talked to
many in corporations and those types of jobs; the stories are
similar to yours. After you continue to have successes in our
life you will have less and less common with your coworkers
who hold on to their retirement dream. In a way this is sad
but it is the equivalent of taking a room full of construction
workers and dropping a millionaire in the middle of them.
They will scatter from the millionaire. Like attracts like. You
must remember this as time goes on. It is an incredibly useful
formula and is exactly correct; never forget it. As time goes
on you must expect more and more distance. Eventually
work will interfere with your trading and you will be faced
with a decision. This field changes more than your bank
account; it will eventually change you. Let me give you a
current example of this. We recently made a discovery
based off the work of R.N. Nelson back in the 1960‟s. Nelson
found out that when Jupiter and Saturn were at 0, 90 or 180
degrees apart it would interfere with radio communications
around the world. Most importantly the “worst days” were
when a triggering planet would come into the aspect!
Applying this in our personal lives reveals a hidden secret.
Let‟s say your natal Moon is at 11 Taurus, as an example and
transiting Neptune is at 8 Taurus, 3 degrees away from a
conjunction geocentrically. Now this transit, because it is
applying and Neptune is getting closer, is building in
intensity, here is the key; when faster transiting planets
namely, Mercury, Sun, Mars and Moon conjunct transiting
Neptune there will be events and happenings, as it will
trigger that off. In this example transiting Neptune is at 8
Taurus. When a trigger gets to 6 Taurus (conjuncting
Neptune) you will see its affects, profoundly. You can use this
powerful technique to exactly time and thus correctly
understand important events. Neptune is used here because
it moves slowly, it could also be Saturn, Uranus, Chiron, and
Pluto etc., and likewise we used Neptune conjuncting Moon.
The same principal applies to Neptune square or opposed a
natal planet. Let‟s run over another example. Let‟s say your
natal Pluto is at 28 Virgo and transiting Pluto is at 26
Sagittarius (applying to a square). When transiting
geocentric Sun, Moon, Mercury or Mars hits 24 Sagittarius
you are going to feel it. After the trigger moves on, the
square aspect will continue to manifest as a “bad time
period” but the EVENTS are timed by the triggers. 7 5 This
technique is incredibly insightful as it removes the
uncertainty that always accompanies these longer transits.
Like in our example of Pluto square Pluto, this aspect can be
applying for 4 months in some cases. Obviously events will
not happen every day of that. Intensity of the events appear
to correspond with 2 factors, one of which is the distance of
the transiting slower planet to the exact natal position. When
Pluto is 6 degrees and applying to natal Pluto the event will
be weak when triggered because of the distance of 6
degrees applying. Say Pluto is 2 degrees from squaring natal
Pluto, the events, triggered by the faster planets will be
much more intense. The second factor is the speed of the
trigger at the time of triggering. The slower the more intense.
Mercury as trigger generally brings bad news or bad
communications. Sun brings the ego into it and Mars brings
events that can logically be concluded from that Planet.
Never underestimate this technique. So you can see the
implications of this field go far beyond acquisition of money,
it brings understanding. Speaking of which that is the true
essence of Gann‟s Tunnel book, it teaches you how to read
the Bible and what the Bible is really about. This type of
understanding is crucial in some regards as it provides a
thorough, life changing, perspective.” WOW. Replied with
the general thank you I usually do. That Tunnel book always
gave me a headache but some day the hope is to make a
thorough study of it because everyone I know that is
successful talks highly of it. Wrote Source „F‟ asking him what
he has heard on the Tunnel book. „F‟ knows these things as
ole boy gets around. Got up and went looking for the wife,
found her cleaning out the bedroom closet, decided not to
disturb her as damn, it really needed cleaned out, went to
sneak a cigarette out the back door then hit the shower. The
next day was sunshine so the front porch again held my
interest. While working on it my thoughts kept drifting back
on the markets and on cycles. Looking back over the years I
could tell that my thinking had totally changed from when
the field was first entered, in fact, to almost an incredible
point. As the days wore on and the porch approached
completion neighbors began stopping by and praising my
work. I had no idea the porch had been such a ridiculous
eye sore. Finally the day came and the project was
complete, allowing me to continue my market studies. Just
could not get over the dramatic affect this had on how
people viewed my family. My chance to get into some study
time had arrived. With the porch project a thing of the past
and the wife taking over more and more of the cooking
there should be a good run here. Sat down and checked
the e-mail, Source „B‟ and Source „F‟ had both written. 8 6 „F‟
stated that he knew Tunnel contained all of Gann‟s
methods, buried in the story and that others who had spent
years working on it had become very successful traders. He
went on saying “few People know it but the day Robert
became the Supreme Commander is a very important day
which anchors something of importance but I do not know
what. I know for sure according to Source „G‟ that you can‟t
operate the Square of 9 without fully understanding Robert
Gordon‟s 7 days, at least the true way Gann used it”. Moved
on to Source „B‟s email, he stated; “There is something that I
need to warn you about, not that you would make this
mistake but others have, unfortunately. Do not quit your job
until you have many years worth of income saved up and
moreover do not get into money jams. By this I mean do not
go out on a limb disregarding your obligations or
responsibilities. Sometimes in this field individuals feel they
need more study time or focus and to achieve it they go out
on a limb in their life. This is incorrect and dangerous. Always
play it safe. Money does change everything; you must wait
for the money, no matter how much you dislike your job.
Money follows knowledge, remember this, always.”
Interesting but I already understood this. Sure, quit the dump
I am working at eventually but with “balance” not by going
out on a limb. Finally got down to Apple‟s data, chose
Apple (aapl) because it had been SUCCESSFULLY traded on
a number of occasions, got lucky you could say. Aapl has
been good to me. Step one is to look for the cycles
operating in it. Started this one with geocentric but did not
find anything. Next of course was Helio. Tried in several spots
but could not find the consistency until I began working with
the January 2000 data. Ran what was found there forward
and got my Hi, Lo, Hi pattern. Tested for inversions and they
came in right on the mark. Next step was to run the cycle
forward to the current October1, 2006 which I took as a
High. Decided at this point to watch for the next low to
come in and go long via call options. Even though I knew
the general area of the next cycle pivot still needed a quick
trigger, something to trigger the trade. Decided to use an
old tool known as the Price Oscillator, could have used
anything really but liked this one. Set up the Oscillator so that
when the two lines crossed I would be in. Wanted my exit
point to be the next pivot and set my stop-loss to 3 points
below purchase. A few days went by and on October 12th,
2006 when I returned home from work and got the end-of-
day data, the two lines had crossed. Put in a purchase order
for the open for 3 calls. October 13th, 2006 the order was
filled on the open and by the time I returned home from
work the trade had already gone against me. Price
continued against me for a couple more days but not
enough to hit my stop-loss. On October 18th, 2006 an order
was put in to sell the 3 calls on the open. Lucky for me price
gapped up on the 19th and was able to ease out a small
profit. Over the next couple of days, physically I was present
at work but mentally, was troubleshooting my trade. The
way I see it, there was trouble with the entry, the signal
came in but when I got into it, because of my job, was way
too late. Then the cycle inverted on me and my exit point
was off. Fortunately the next day price snapped up, but
relying on that seems crazy, it simply won‟t work. My first
problem is the work delay. How can one trade these a day
late? When I go home, looked again and the price had
continued up after my exit, went over and lay on the couch.
It occurred to me that the only way to do it was to come
home for lunch to pull the trigger on the trade. This was
inconvenient to do but practical. The wife had dinner ready
and we were all called to the table. My youngest presented
me with a daddy of the year award she had made in
school. The award almost brought a tear to my eye. After
dinner I adjourned to the thinking couch, closed my eyes
and again focused on the trade. According to my
observation the cycle inverted which makes this impossible
for me. Had figured to just play the odds and take my
chances with inversions, can see now the stupidity in that
thinking, going to have to write Source „Q‟ to see what he
has to say on or about inversions. Another problem, as
problems go, was that I clearly did not know what I was
doing and had over 1000.00 dollars on the line. From here on
out my self-imposed limit is 300.00 dollars until the “groove” is
found. 300.00-dollar limit on a trade entry, this will allow me
to experiment and run through different scenarios. My
trading account has about 3000.00 in it so a 300.00 total loss
is manageable, sure it will set me back but it would be a
learning experience and the 3000.00 that is in the account
now is play money that has been saved up. No more going
out on a limb for me, risking 1000.00, what was I thinking? Not
going to get rich off 300.00 dollar trades but figure once
something is found that can be repeated over and over
that‟s when I will up the bet, when that is seen working. A
further problem with my trading attempt here, the way I see
it, is my entry and exit points, both were late. Half the move
was over before entry was made. Need a faster stronger
trigger, but what to do, don‟t have Gann‟s price system yet.
BAM, it hit me like a bolt of lightning, this is exactly what the
Bttlc Proposition can be used for, at least until something is
found that works better, jumped up off the couch smiling
and laughing. All that crazy work that was done on the Bttlc
Proposition and finally a use for it! Heck, was beginning to
think that that was nothing but wasted time. This ROCKS! The
wife saw me dancing around and asked if I won the lottery.
“No, not yet” was my reply “But working on it!” Gave her a
big hug then we adjourned for the evening. The following
morning it occurred to me, upon arising out of bed, that
there was still a need to ask Source „Q‟ for some advice on
those inversions. Those things are frustrating when you are
trying to trade. After a shower and breakfast, got on the
computer and explained to Source „Q‟ about my crazy
trade, about the inversion, asking for advice on how to
tackle that, explained in the email that the plan for future
trades involved the Bttlc Proposition. Sent it off, then wrote
Source „B‟ telling him how I had “entered the world of High
finance” with my one trade, barely eking out a profit. Sent
that one off and headed out to work. 10 8 Upon arriving at
what I now called “Hell” there was a note that the boss man
wanted to see me. This is only something that happens when
there is bad news and I am to be the recipient was told to
have a seat. He told me that my performance had been
way down and that some of my co-workers had
complained about my “aloofness” and general “lack of
interest”. He then asked me what I had to say for myself.
What I wanted to say was that the co-workers are mindless
idiots and the only real way to survive around here was to
be aloof or pretend it all really wasn‟t happening. Instead I
remained silent. I‟m in the Union so there was no need for a
response. He just sat there looking at me with his beady little
eyes, and then stated, “ You are hereby suspended for three
days without pay, affective immediately”. Kind of let out a
chuckle, could not believe my luck, it was like winning the
lottery; a three day break from hell. On my way home was
thinking about what to do during the three days to maximize
my time. The nights would be a little chilly but over the
weekend wanted to take the boy camping, during the rest
of the time wanted to improve on my trading system. Friday
night to Sunday camping, Then Monday to work on trading,
now that is balance, all made possible by a gift from the co-
workers, which was actually notable jealousy. The wife was
not at home on arrival, probably out running errands, started
to load the camping gear into the car for the weekend trip.
When that was completed, grabbed some lunch and went
to the computer. Source „Q‟ had responded to my asking
him about inversions. “Yes, the problem of inversions must be
dealt with before any serious trading can begin. There are
actually different types of cycles of which you have found
one type, non-the-less a very important cycle. The
procedure for isolating the cause is to first go through about
12 years or more, pull out the inversions that you find and
make a list. Then the goal is to find the common element,
present in the list. Initially this may take some time as you go
through the elements one by one but you will eventually, be
rewarded once you isolate the element that is responsible.
You know that your cycles initially can be a day or two off,
when you are testing elements for inversions use the day the
turn actually happened, known as the physical turn date. If
you are unsure whether a turn is actually an inversion or not
leave it alone. Here is the key, that list you make will contain
errors so look for a „majority‟ consensus.” I Spent the rest of
the day working my cycle back 12 years and marking the
inversions, just like the instructions from Source „Q‟ then
compiled a list. My guess was that it was going to be
declination so I listed the declination for the dates that were
on my list. When I went down the list looking for a pattern,
did not see one though. The wife had returned home to find
me on the computer instead of at work, told her what 11 9

happened while helping carry in the groceries. She

understood, as she had met some of my simple-minded co-
workers. We discussed it along with my trading plans and
dreams. She supported my goals and told me to always
remember she was in my corner. It rather touched me as I
had expected that she would be disappointed by a three-
day loss of income. She didn‟t even flinch. The children
came in from playing at the neighbor‟s, as it was time to eat.
In a few weeks report cards will be due out so quizzed Jr. on
what he thought he would be getting, he just smiled and
stated he didn‟t have a clue, but not to worry. After supper
my wife went up to clean the teenager‟s room, somebody
has to, which left me to adjourn back to the computer and
my inversion studies. Again I looked at the declination results
up and down, again no pattern, no clear answers, which
was not what I was expecting to find, thought for sure
something there had been overlooked, checked it again
and nothing. Worked late that night finally at some strangely
late hour after going through the possible elements,
meticulously I met with success. There it was! Spent the next
hour double-checking the results as this would lead to me
putting “money on the line” did not want to take any more
chances. It was there alright, just like Source „Q‟ had stated
and there were a few errors that did not seem to tie in with it
all, thinking on it, if you don‟t know that, you would have
thought that there was still another element out there. My
calculations were checked very carefully. Then went back
to see what had happened to my inversion‟s that did not fit
with the element. A couple of them were close to it so
checked those first and found that what had been done
was the previous or next turn to the one that had originally
been marked as an inversion was the correct one, which
would then fit nicely into the appropriate element. Then
there were a few that were just plain wrong, way off, so
chocked those up to human nature. That‟s the last thing I
remember before waking up on the couch late that next
morning with ideas and numbers still running through my
head. Made the final camping preparations, filled the
cooler, decided to spend the rest of the day finding
inversions in the other cycles that were originally worked
with. These things take several hours to set up cause you
have to go through years worth of data to collect the
inversions. Got everything put together when Jr. walked
through the door, sprung the camping trip on him, saw his
eyes light up and we were on our way less than 15 minutes
later. That first night was the coldest as the temperatures
dipped below 20 degrees; surprisingly the campground was
loud well into the night, the sound of the other camper‟s
conversations kept me awake for a while. Began thinking
about how nice it would be to have a good tract of land
somewhere, away from “other campers” like a place we
could go for a weekend get away whenever we wanted,
where no one would really be around. Some real camping
instead of this artificial camping the masses have gotten use
to. Made it a personal goal to acquire a good size tract of
12 10 undeveloped land, the only way that this is going to
happen is through trading. From what I understand about
success, it is best to have goals like this as it keeps you
focused. Woke up the next morning, rekindled the fire while
Jr. went down to the lake to fish. While cooking breakfast it
occurred to me to make a full goal list and to think on
exactly what my goals are, had brought nothing to write
with so the list was going to have to be mental until I can get
them on paper at home. Between camping events and
especially that night a lot of time was spent getting
direction, setting up goals. When you have goals it‟s
different because without them you are going to wind up
somewhere else, these were my thoughts. Imagine for most
people it‟s akin to getting into your car and driving off
without a destination. A goal acts as a destination, so I have
been taught. That was my camping trip, goal setting and
enjoying Jr.‟s company. Returned home Sunday evening,
unpacked and sat down for dinner, had had a great time,
as did Jr. it showed in the stories he was telling his mother
with enthusiasm. Was planning on retiring for the evening,
checked the email and opened one from Source „B‟, it was
congratulating me on my first trade but then he went on;
“No one cycle exists by itself. You have to be aware of this;
my trading system utilizes this fact to its advantage. What I
do is this, get 2 of the strongest cycles in your stock or
commodity, find the inversions (I then go on to acquire the
price points of the turns for each cycle but you don‟t have
to do that as you can simply use time instead). Build a
spreadsheet by using 3 columns the first column on the left
hand side put the dates running down that column including
weekends, the next column over put your first cycle. If its
going up (the cycle) use green cells, if its going down put
red cells, the next column over do the same thing for your
strong second cycle. Here is how it works, when both cells
are green I go long; when both cells are red I buy puts. Now
later when you know your price points for each cycle you
can put those in for each cycle, like where you go from red
to green or green to red, put your price points in. this
technique produces great results, the key is to make sure
both of your cycles are strong. As you are finding out
everyone thinks that the number that produces the cycles is
15 when in reality this number is whatever the stock or
commodity vibrates to. A saying, for repetition is (everyday I
am becoming a successful trader) this will greatly aid you as
it has me over the years. You are still going to make mistakes
and that is natural as long as you take a look at why the
trade failed. 13 11 I am including a chart that shows the
technique of finding the second cycle So, you see it is very
important to find at least two of the stronger cycles in your
stock or commodity. That is a mandatory first step. There are
different cycle types sometimes but when you find them you
will know”. Wow, I wasn‟t expecting this but was very glad to
receive it. Wrote back a very big Thank you and that I would
spend some time going over the email. Printed a copy off,
went to the couch and reflected on it. If there are a limited
number of cycles in a stock then it would make sense that
using two together would be more powerful. Kind of drifted
off from this point as it had been a long day, 14 12 recalled
that when being a young man I had all these dreams and
ambitions of who I wanted to be. Then life came along and I
wound up with all of these responsibilities, being someone
else, other than who I wanted to be. Felt now finally, after all
these years, that I was battling back, like for the first time in
my life I was alive, really alive because I was on the trail
again, of those childhood dreams. Wasn‟t successful trading
yet but could see the proverbial “light at the end of the
tunnel”. Woke up the next day sad that it was the end of my
vacation, the last day of my freedom before hell comes
back around. I set it a goal, on this day, to see when my next
trade set up would be. After the usual breakfast buffetings
headed off to the computer after about two hours had 2
spots for the Bttlc Proposition in Apple; 9 degrees 42 minutes
and 10 degrees 12 minutes, using the technique in the work
“12.” My next cycle pivot was due the 3rd of November 2006
so looked around that area. Also kept in mind that 24
degrees 42 minutes and 25 degrees 12 minutes would be hot
with Apple as 9 degrees 42 minutes + 15 degrees is 24
degrees 42 minutes. On November 1, 2006 Venus and Sun hit
that axis so that will be my entry point. From my calculations
a low is expected that day so I will buy a slightly out-of-the –
money call Wednesday afternoon. The next cycle pivot after
that is November 11, 2006, checking around that date.
Venus hits 25 Scorpio on November 13th, which is my exit
point. Beautiful, can hardly wait to pull the trigger on this
sucker. Went back and double checked all of my figures,
wrote both entry and exit points, along with reasons, on a
3x5 note card then checked the email. This site I belong to
was going to be putting a seminar on, March 15th, took no
more than two seconds to decide to go, made payment
and booked the hotel. I am there. Went and lay on the
thinking couch, began saying “ Everyday I am becoming a
better trader” just like Source „B‟ stated to do. Decided to
continue saying “Everyday I understand cycles better”
because it has had a tremendous impact on my study skills,
it has kept me focused even when I wasn‟t studying. My
goal is to begin trading operations while continuing to
further my cycle knowledge at this point, want to find more
cycles along with their inversions. OK, so with my next trade
scheduled out I decided to install the wall mount TV that Jr.
had been requesting in his room. We had already bought
everything it was just finding the time to do it. While installing
my mind drifted back to all those times when I was so
frustrated and wanted to give up in this field, all that work
that had been done with no success at the time, the long
hours that were seemingly wasted. Now I am at the point of
trading, now, looking back I can see that it may not have
been the quickest path but sure am glad to be here, at this
point, looking on to a beautiful future. Looking back, at
several points on the path, can now see where I was going
wrong and becoming frustrated was due to a balance
problem just like Source „B‟ originally diagnosed. Finished the
15 13 mount project, showed the wife, who remarked on
what a great job it was, then led me off to the other room.
The kids came home from school and I vegged out in front
of the television which is something normally not done by
me, was really not looking forward to going back to Hell
tomorrow. That is how the evening ended with me dreading
the next day. It truly is sad when you dread the days of your
life. Woke up and went to work, kept reminding myself that
tomorrow is a trade day. When I got to work one of the co-
workers came up to me and told me who got me into
trouble with the man. Typical as it is really just a case of
jealousy, after all it‟s not my fault that the individual does not
seek to better himself somehow. The rest of the workday was
uneventful, same old senseless grind. Arrived home to find
the wife had taken the kids to a meeting up town so
checked my email and there was one from Source „Q‟. He
stated that he had been doing some research and when I
caught up to his level the following would come in handy,
“Gann‟s Master Time Factor is actually a short cut, it‟s a point
around where the other time factor‟s tie into. Once you get
the Master Time Factor you will more quickly be able to
acquire the time factors of the other numbers, thus, in that, it
is a short cut.” Indeed he is many levels above me. His email
did make me think of what my next research step should be
and for that went over to lie on the thinking couch. After
about a half hour it occurred to me that the next step should
be to begin looking more closely at price points for my cycle
in Apple. The rest of the day was uneventful. Wednesday
finally came so over lunch I drove home to check Apple as it
had been going down previously. My cycle wasn‟t due until
November 3rd but both Venus and Earth would hit the axis
on November 1, 2006, which is today. Checking it on line,
the price was hovering around 79 so the stop would be 77 (2
points below). Bought 2 November call options at 160, strike
price of 80, returned to work. Felt sort of “funny” the rest of
the workday, kind of like I had played a mysterious joke on
the co-workers in secret, it was an odd, strange sort of
feeling. Returned home that evening and it appeared the
price had continued down, but was well above my stop at
77. 2. Days later, as I checked we were back down to 77.8.
This made me nervous so rechecked all of my calculations
just to make sure. Everything appeared to be in order, we
should be going up, not down, we are only .8 away from my
stop and it‟s now a Friday, looks like I am going to have to
“sweat the weekend”. Decided at this point to fix the whole
in the tiles of the bathroom to keep my mind off of the trade,
either way will be thinking about it but at least will come out
of the weekend on a positive note. This is really the first of my
cycle trades with the new system; am glad there is only
about 300 bucks on the line. Would hate to like have 1500 or
so in this, would be terrified, at least at this stage. One trader
I know closes his trades on a Friday if the cycle end is due
over the weekend, this trade, however, is still in its beginning
stage, it just needs to go up. Drove to the hardware store to
get the tiles and picked up some paint for the bathroom as
well. Kept reminding myself that there was only 300 on the
line, so no matter what, a total failure would mean that I was
out 300 bucks, spent half that on the bathroom supplies. The
wife had dinner ready upon my arrival home, after which it
was straight to the bathroom project. Sunday afternoon
about 3:00 the ceiling had been repaired and the paint was
drying. Had put the radio in there so it went a lot faster, only
thought of the trade a couple of times, showed the wife the
final results, which she loved, as did the kids. Monday
morning found me nervous, just could not get the trade out
of my mind. Checked into Hell and decided to run home for
lunch just to check. One of the coworkers was giving me
problems, which was making me even more determined to
make it out of there…soon. Lunch found me at home
checking Apple. Was extremely excited to see the results, as
it appeared to be heading up! Drove back to Hell with a
nice smile, greeted that same problematic co-worker with a
very happy attitude, which just seemed to piss him off more.
Could not wait to clock put for the day, was very anxious
hoping that the upward trend was holding, raced home to
find that indeed it had! You could definitely see a “bounce”
in the price action. I was on top of the World! Now the trend
just needs to continue in my favor. Every night after work, the
first thing, the first priority, was to check Apples price, then
my 2 call options, everything just went up, up and away.
November 13, 2006 found me home for lunch selling out my
2 call options at 490. The price of Apple was a smudge over
84 and the strike price of the options was 80 so they were 4
points in the money. The profit on the trade was 490 – 160 =
330 x 2 options = 660 bucks! I‟ll take it! Told the wife we were
going out to dinner to celebrate when I come home from
work tonight. On the way back to work, kept repeating,
“Everyday I am becoming a better trader”. Felt guilty at
work, like there was a big secret about what just happened
that no one should know about, like a bank heist. It was very
exhilarating, felt like Superman. It wasn‟t the 660.00 it was the
fact that the trade had worked out, that for me, the light at
the end of the tunnel was a real and tangible thing, no
longer a dream but inching its way to a reality. Sure, it‟s just
one trade but it‟s the method that I was after it‟s the method
that will be refined. That night at dinner they just could not
get the smile off my face, was almost laughing. Made a
promise to myself that when we returned home I would not
go to sleep until I knew exactly where my next trade would
be. It took me less than 20 minutes to find it. The next pivot
should be November 20th then November 28th. Geocentric
Mercury hits 9 degrees 42 minutes on November 20. Mars hits
on November 28th both are spot on for actual dates so looks
like I will be taking the November 20th low and riding it up to
November 28th for cycle top. That gives me about a week
before I pull the trigger on the trade, it will be hard waiting
that long but not much this trader can do about that. It had
been a long victorious day, sat back for a moment to take it
all in, then headed off to bed. A couple of days later,
decided to write both Source „B‟ and Source „Q‟ as the
trade had been a great victory for them as well. Told them
about the first 2 days when it appeared the trade was not in
my favor, then the ultimate win. Sent off the two emails and
turned my focus to price, spent the evening rereading
emails and old posts from the site that I belong to. On the
site there was some information about squaring price out
with certain planets. This squaring seemed to be very
precise, but the question is, how does one know which
planet you will be squaring out with? Reread the posts
carefully and laid down on the thinking couch. It soon
became clear to me that the only way to find out was to
take my cycles and do a massive study, probably 2 to 3
years of pivots. Take those and analyze them, its either that
or ask „B‟ or „Q‟ for some help but they are going to wonder
why I have not at least made one serious attempt at it. What
was decided as a plan of action was to write out the dates
of the physical highs and lows then go back and see which
planet a turn would square out with. Due to time constraints
this will take me a day or more to complete so the project
was begun then put down to be finished tomorrow. Junior
came in and begged to see this new movie so we made it a
family night out with the daughter as well. The next day at
work they asked me to work a double, which would put me
on second shift and burn up my study time. With Christmas
just around the corner it seemed to be the thing to do, to
think these idiots suspended me now they want me to do
them a favor? Sure I will but it‟s only a matter of time before
my “retirement”. Worked the rest of the day, went home
and went to bed exhausted. The next day was a Saturday,
which found me at the computer. First, a quick check of the
email and here is one from Source „B‟. It stated
“congratulations on your trade, keep in mind that the first
two days when your trade was going against you, it was
because either a second cycle bottomed on that second
day or you were a couple days off on your cycle. Keep in
mind that the true cause of orb is properly understood
through the use and understanding of time factors. You will
become a better trader as time continues, simply keep
saying your words and focusing on your cycles, again
congratulations!” Wrote back a thank you and buried myself
in the studies. Completed the list of turns and started
checking the dates to see what they squared out with. The
first one, according to the instructions in 18 16 the site,
squared out with Transpluto but the next 3 did not square
out with anything. Next one squared out with Mars but the
following 2 nothing. Continued on down the list. 68%
squared out with absolutely nothing, of the remaining 32% it
was a hodge podge, hit and miss. It occurred to me there
was a problem here, all this is way random. Went back and
double-checked both my answers and the data a certain
points, everything seemed to be in order, then why
coincidence? Went over to the couch to dwell on why
coincidence, why nothing matched. The answer finally
came to me. How does one handle stock splits for squaring?
A stock split is a man made phenomena so you would have
to factor the split out, at least this was my theory, so will have
to back through the data on Apple at some future date.
November 20th finally arrived and I came home from work
and bought 2 December call options with a strike of 90 for
175.00 a piece. This time the price action took off in my
direction and up much faster. After putting the trade on I
remembered, “balance” and we had the Thanksgiving
Holiday coming up so my attention turned toward that
family festival. On my way home from work that evening,
went and bought the largest turkey that I could find with all
the extra‟s, after all, there was a lot to be thankful for this
year. As the days wore on and the trade worked in my favor
we had the best Thanksgiving we have ever had. Everyone
was in an incredibly joyous mood, especially me. On
November 28 came home for lunch to close the trade, sold
my 2 December calls for 380.00 a piece. The strike price was
90 and at the time the options were sold the price of Apple
was a tad over 91.30 or 1.30 in the money. Total profit on the
trade was 410.00. Went back to work with an evil grin. That
evening I again sat down to see when my next trade would
be. Then next pivot date is December 7, 2006 but I could not
get indication from the Bttlc Proposition, there was nothing
around there so decided not to attempt. Going out one
more pivot gives the date of December 16th and on
December 14th Mercury was “ in play” so that would be my
entry point. The next pivot December 24th the day before
Christmas Mercury again hits on the 24th so that will be my
exit on the trade. With that done went into the kitchen to
find the wife cleaning out the drawers and rearranging
things. She said she had been meaning to for the longest
time. Asked her when she wanted to do the Christmas
shopping, she replied that over the weekend would be fine.
My goal was to make this a Christmas to remember, to do it
the best we could, was also thinking that my trading limit of
300 should probably go up to 400 now that my account is up
to over 4000. That‟s the good thing about options is you
don‟t need a lot of capital to begin making money.
Decided in the end to just keep it around 300.00 for now,
then headed off to bed. The weekend came and the wife
and I headed off to the mall. As she goes form store to store I
normally tire out, this time was no exception. Went and sat
down on the bench while she power shopped for the
daughter. Began thinking that a problem with Apple is the
time I spend waiting for a trade like my next one, the one on
December 14th is over two weeks from the close of my last
trade. This is “down time” just like what has me sitting it out
on the bench right now. For Apple there is nothing I can do
cause it‟s a system, my trading system, that is adhered to.
The solution struck me, as they often do; need another stock,
another cycle in a stock to trade so that there is more
trading opportunity without risking more capital. Already
know that the system that I use is universal, Source „B‟ and
„Q‟ always said to stick with stocks and commodities that like
me. The only other stock that has been good to me is IBM, so
that is the one that I will have to take a look at next, have to
do that after my price studies. The wife was out of the store
now, so that was the end of my “mall thinking time.” The
next day, Sunday, found me at the computer, finally a
response from Source „Q‟ on my first trade, almost a month
ago. He apologized for the delay but was island hopping in
the Bahamas for most of the month, Wow. He congratulated
me and said it was nice to know I had started down my path
and was experiencing some success. My reply was the usual
thank you along with a comment on what it must be like to
island hop for a month. Next email was form Source „N‟ who
said he had talked to Source „G‟ and that Gann had started
with and made money with these cycles but then had found
the biggest secret of all and used primarily what he called
the “law of vibration”. He went on to say that this law of
vibration is also cleverly disguised in the Tunnel Book. I
figured what this meant to me was; more things eventually
that will need to be studied. Thanked him and told him that
my first couple of trades have been successful so it is
definitely worth it even though I have no clue on advanced
stuff like the “ law of vibration”, told him to study cycles but
he won‟t do it, still don‟t know what really stops him. Next
thing on my ever-growing list was to acquire the Apple stock
splits. There were 3 splits that were 2 for 1. So 2x2x2 equals 8.
That means that I will have to multiply each high, low, close,
etc. by a factor of 8 to get what it is truly trading at. So like
let‟s say a daily hi/lo Bar of 82 low to 85.5 Hi would be a low
of 656 and a Hi of 684. So how this will have to be done is,
the data gets exported into a spreadsheet, and then each
cell is multiplied by 8. The date for the row is transferred over,
and then the RESULTS are copied and pasted into a new
spreadsheet. This new spreadsheet is then put into the
charting software and Wa-La. What I noticed off the bat is
Apples prices in 2002 that were around 7 are now above 50.
This is good news because I have heard that when a stock is
selling below 30 it won‟t act right, Gann himself advised
people to stay away from anything selling under 30. My next
step, according to the instructions on the site, is to find what
circle that Apple is operating in. After a “run” with the circle
of 12 what I saw looked like more coincidence so I tested
other numbers because Gann actually had charts that the
scaling would change half way up the chart to the next
Octave. After many hours I had, what appeared to me, to
be a squaring situation, continued to square out all of the
dates of the turns. Grabbed some lunch then came back for
the analysis. It appeared that one planet controlled the tops
while another one controlled the bottoms, this is awesome!
Will have to do more research to see how to blend this into
my system, but realized because I am restricted to buying
and selling over lunch all that it can be used for, with me
anyway, is to verify that a top or bottom has already come
in, but to someone with open access, could see that this
could be used as a powerful trade trigger. Mid December
finally arrived and the date of the 14th found me at home
for lunch. Apple was selling a tad over 89, that cycle was
pointing down so 2 January puts were bought for 165 a
piece, strike price was 85, headed back off to work again,
with the feeling of doing something sly. The trade began
moving in my favor as the days progressed. Each night the
options prices were checked until the date of the 23rd. The
next day, the 24th was my exit date but it was Christmas Eve.
By the time all the Christmas preparations were finished and I
made it to the computer it was to late. With the markets
closed on Christmas I placed an order to sell on the 26th at
the open. Christmas turned out to be golden landmark, one
that will be hard to top, didn‟t even think about the trade at
all, just focused on the festivities. The 26th came but was on
the way to work by the time the markets opened, decided
not to come home for lunch because there was really
nothing that could be done by then anyway. Checked the
computer upon arrival home that evening and found that I
had gotten a price of 505 on my 2 put options. That was a
profit of 340 x 2 = 680 dollars. Did some work on my next
pivot of January 3rd where both the Sun and Mercury gave
“indication” by hitting the axis. Decided that night to go
ahead and but in a buy order for 2 January call options at a
strike of 85. When I returned home the next evening and
checked the order confirmation was there. 2 January calls
at a cost of 135 a piece but the price had headed South
(not North) after the purchase, both options were now worth
only 60.00 and price had gone way below my mental stop
point. Put in a sell order for the next day to dump them on
open. A loss of a couple hundred bucks, can survive this
because the account is up over 1600 anyway. What was
bugging me is what happened? Did we get our inversion
that I had missed or what? Rechecking my calculations
there was no inversion scheduled for that pivot. A couple of
trading days later it was obvious to me that another cycle
had been the cause of this drastic downturn. Did my
calculations on the cycle pivots and found that the January
3rd 2007 point there was no entry for according to the
proposition. Next pivot was around January 12th, this was
scheduled to invert so the thing for me to do, at this stage, is
to take a wait and see attitude. After a few hours I decided
to look closer at that date. If it was suppose to be an
inversion it is going to invert, need to put my money where
my mouth is and trade it. Found on January 10th geocentric
Mars hit the axis. The next pivot then is January 20, 2007. In
looking around that date, got geocentric Mercury hits over
the weekend to give indication. Went over to the “thinking
couch” to ponder whether to take the trade or not, decided
to sleep on it. Awoke the following morning with the
realization that I am a trader, it‟s my job to trade when the
system tells me too. It‟s on, will take the trade on the 10th.
The following day was New Years Eve, decided to take the
wife out for a lobster dinner then to dance the night away at
our favorite dance club. Finding a sitter on such short notice
was difficult, had to bribe her an extra 50.00 bucks on top of
her pay but pulled it off, it was a great night. When the 10th
arrived I came home for lunch to pull the trigger on the
trade and found Apple selling at 96 and a half. Bought 2
puts with a strike price of 95 for February, selling at 182 a
piece. Over the next few trading days Apple tanked and
the options grew in value. On the Friday decided to hold
over the weekend and sell on Monday open. Put the order
in over the weekend and sold out on Monday for 755 a
piece. Apple was selling around 89. My profit was 1146.00
dollars, which brought my entire trading account up to
5500.00. Looking at that, decided to raise my maximum
trade amount from 300 to 500, which is still less than 10%. This
should afford me another option in these trades, have out
grown the 300 cap. Did the usual figuring on the pivots
coming up, there is a pivot right before the beginning of
February but there is no hit (trigger) by the proposition that is
clear. The next date after that is February 7. Scanning the
dates 2 days either side of that Venus geocentric hits on
February 5, 2007 so as long as an exit date is found, this will
be my entry point. The next cycle pivot is February 15th and
a quick check shows geocentric Mercury on February 14th is
“in play” so that will be the exit, wrote this all out on a 3x5
card for future use. Went and said an extra round of
“everyday I am becoming a better trader” then headed off.
A couple of days before the trade I found an email from
Source „B‟, he asked if I was coming to the Seminar in
March. He said that he would definitely be there and was
encouraging me to go. I told him he was “preaching to the
choir”, because my booking was on day one! This was great
news, I had met Source „B‟ only once before at another
seminar the site had put on, if it wasn‟t for that, probably
would never have emailed him cause these guys, some of
them anyway, are on a completely different level. February
5th arrived so did the routine, came home for lunch, Apple
was selling about 84 so I bought 3 February calls with a strike
price of 85, for 105 a piece, headed off to work. As the days
wore on with this trade, didn‟t like what the price action is
doing. Watched it closely as it barely edged up. On
February 14th came home for lunch, Apple was selling at
85.2, sold the options for 110.00 a piece which makes a total
profit on the trade of 15.00, when you subtracted
commissions showed a small loss. Headed out knowing that I
needed to find why this had gone up so slow. There must be
a cause for this slow rise compared to my trades that were
fast rises. One thing that could be done is to set up tests
where I go in and analyze the fast moves that are found.
Decide to do just that. When I arrived home after work, my
first priority was to find my next trade. My work showed that
the February 24th 2007 would be an inversion but could not
get a clean entry signal on it (no indication from the Bttlc
proposition.) The next pivot was March 4th so checked 2
days either side of that and found geocentric Venus hit on
March 5th; this will be an entry point. Next turn is March 12th
and checking those dates gives March13th where Venus is
again in play, wrote the 2 dates on 3x5 note card. When
February 24th came you could clearly see the inversion,
which had been predicted. Watched price over the next
few days and on March 5th on schedule bought 6 March
calls with a strike price of 90, paid 75 a piece. As the days
progressed, price again moved slowly, pain staking, my way.
The night of the 12th was packing for the seminar cause I
would have to leave the 13th after work. Came home for
lunch on the 13th, sold 6 March calls at 110 with Apples price
at 90, options strike of 90. Profit on the whole trade was 210,
small profit. At this rate will be a millionaire in 80 years,
headed back to work. Left for the seminar on Thursday, had
taken Friday and Monday off so as to maximize the time with
the group at the event. On the flight, kept drifting back at
the last few trades where basically there was a wait period
of several weeks then a trade yielding a couple hundred.
There is a need for me to speed this up; the solution is of
course to use my system on another stock like IBM. The plane
landed and an hour later found me checking into the hotel.
It was late Thursday night but I heard a small group of
people talking about financial markets in the bar off to the
side of the front desk. Went over and asked if they were here
for the seminar and they were. One jumped up to welcome
me, he was really excited, stated he was from the UK and
hates plane rides. His devotion to financial markets stood
out, his drive was very similar to mine; we must have talked
for a good hour, what a great guy. The others had been
talking about a “cycle master” so inquired as to what a
cycle master is; they responded that it meant you had found
20 or more cycles in various stocks and commodities. Never
heard the term before so asked why someone would want
to become a cycle master; who trades 20 stocks? Found out
the reason is by 20 cycles you understand, much better, not
only short cuts to cycle hunting but cycle mechanics that
lead to an understanding of why price goes up or down fast.
One of the group said he was close to becoming a cycle
master and was already seeing certain things and set ups
repeat, he told me that it should be my goal to become a
cycle master. I agreed. After midnight the group broke up,
on the way to my room it hit me that I have only been on
the ground a few hours and already had a treasure trove of
information. Was thinking about cycle masters, neither
Source „B‟ or „Q‟ ever talked about being a cycle master,
never even heard the term before. Was so into everything
that I realized the wife had not been called, it was so late
that I had to text her instead of calling so as to not disturb
the family, could not believe that I forgot that. The next
morning went down for breakfast and saw some of the
same crew and a few new ones. The discussion of course
was on financial markets, system and analysis. Eggs, bacon
and trading systems are what I had for breakfast, loved it. It‟s
my passion. The guy sitting across from me was from Alphen
aan den rign, Netherlands. Said that he had originally been
into geometry but after years of testing he never found
anything that worked with it, no tradable system, even
though his walls were covered with charts. Then one day he
met a cycle master who showed him a cycle. He stated that
now he was on his way to becoming a cycle master. We
must have talked for hours; he was one of the nicest people
I have ever met, what a great man. After breakfast was in
the lobby talking with a group and one of them said Source
„B‟ had checked in and went to his room. A few minutes
later he joined us in the lobby and I shook his hand for the
first time in a very long time. He was very glad to see
everyone. When some of the others dispersed I asked
Source „B‟ about being a cycle master, strangely he said
that we would talk about that later. More and more
attendees were piling in; old friends were reunited as new
friendships were being made. It was a little after lunch as
someone came up behind me putting his hand on my
shoulder. It was Source „B‟, who then said, “Lets sit down
over there and talk about being a cycle master.” He went
on “The only true way for cycles to cough up their secrets is
for you to learn their ways by experience. Most find a cycle
or two then try and find the price solution or something else.
What they really need to do, this step is critical for success, is
to become a cycle master by doing cycles in both stocks
and commodities, even an index. 24 22 The amount of
knowledge gained by doing this is phenomenal. You must
try and find more than one cycle in a stock or commodity.
You have been trading one cycle, this I do not
recommend.” Interrupted at that point and told him about
my last trades, his response was acute; “many let dollar signs
cloud their judgment even if they find a cycle they fail to
fully understand the cycles. A cycle master does not make
this grave error. He is someone that has done 20 or more
cycles. Few reach this title, you; you my friend must reach
this point. You must become a „Cycle Master‟. Told him that I
would, in fact, gave him my word. He went on “ in the
forward of Tunnel Gann states; „I will have my reward‟ the
reason he wrote this is because he understood the returning
flow of the universe which works like this; when you do a
good unselfish deed, when you do something good for
someone else‟s benefit, the universe must pay it back. This is
natural law, which Gann understood. The pay back is
generally, within 5 years, sometimes longer but for our sake 5
years. Do good, do good for others. Help others in an
unselfish way in a way that positively affects others. Giving to
a charity is a start but it is not enough, you must go beyond
and put your time and heart into the project just as Gann
did and others do everyday. In today‟s society it is all about
buying the nicer things, few realize „do unto others‟. Your life
should be about helping others, just as much as you spend
the time acquiring for yourself. Have you been repeating the
words?” Yes I have, most definitely, have tried not to miss a
day. To that he replied; “Good, then you are aware that
doing that will guide you toward your goals, use that
technique the rest of your life, whatever the goal is. You must
become a cycle master!” He then asked me if I had had
lunch yet, my reply was that I had but was game for more,
he kind of chuckled and we had a late lunch. While at lunch
people kept coming up to him as they were arriving. He
stressed, at several points the importance of reaching the
degree of cycle master, finding over 20 good cycles. We
talked about price, not about how it works but how I get to
it. He stated that “thinking of a house and the foundation of
a house being the cycles, the second floor being price, it is
critical that the foundation (cycles) is as strong as possible or
it will collapse, making the upper floors impossible;” again
the importance of being a cycle master. It was right after
that that a lot of people were clapping, someone by the
name T. Luv had arrived and people were rubbing his belly
for good financial luck. Thought this was weird but there was
quite a following there as he was quite popular. Source „B‟
then stated “Do large cycles as well as small, you work with
small cycles in your trading so you have no use for larger
cycles but the catch 22 is you are unaware of how the
larger cycles work. A cycle Master would not have made
this error. Jensen states to use Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus
here; this makes it much easier. Spend some time with these
as well. Now I will tell you how to do these cycles in your
charting software, most use arrows at cycle tops and
bottoms, use lines. Use lines because this will aid in your
understanding graphically, by lines I mean connect the 25 23
cycle Highs and Lows to each other by lines. As you know,
say you have a cycle that is running in 15 degree increments
but what most do not know is that it may not be on the 15‟s,
as an example, the numbers could run 25, 40, 55, 70 etc. This
is what stops so many from understanding cycles, along
those lines 15 is not the only number there are many others
as you are becoming aware of. You may have heard rumors
or read that you need to do phase shifts. Non-Sense, when
you get into difficult complicated things you are off track.
When I first started out I took 1896 wheat data, found a
cycle and ran it forward to 2002, it was the same cycle
going High, Low, High, Low. In that cycle and all the others I
use in my own trading all the cycles I have found period,
nothing has ever shifted anywhere, except in an index, one
in particular that they keep switching out the components
of. Save you more time, on your large cycles where you use
at least a weekly chart, use geocentric then test Helio. You
must take a look at those on your way to be a cycle
master!” My brain was hurting trying to absorb all this
information. Looked him straight in the eye and told him
“look, I have never thanked you for all of your help and
mentoring, you have been such an incredible inspiration in
my life, thank you for helping me change my life.” “My way
of giving back to a field that allows me to live the life I do”,
was his response. Unfortunately my second lunch came to
an end. There was a huddle of members that I walked up to;
we were talking about trading systems when T. Luv and this
Australian came walking up. Everyone in the group was very
excited to see them; apparently they had shared a bottle of
scotch that T. Luv brought with him, kindred souls. What
incredible individuals! More people were arriving by the
hour, filing in, was in a group when Source „B‟ came over
and introduced me to his friend Trevor. He told me to have a
look at Trevor‟s laptop, that I would “learn a lot”, sat down
by him as he fired up his charts. He said “Like you I am a
trader, from what Source „B‟ says I‟m ahead of you in my
understanding, 2 more cycles and I will be a cycle master,
lets start looking at some pivots.” He pointed to the day after
highs and lows, stating, “look at these, what is occurring is
very similar to the movie Armageddon with Bruce Willis, in
that movie they sling shot around the Moon. Price does
exactly that around a turning point, called a „point of force‟.
This means that the following day, after the price point is hit,
sees price being thrown in the opposite direction from which
it came. Once grasped, this is a powerful concept to
understand and implement, there are others. Let‟s look at
one. As you can see on this other chart I use lines to connect
the Highs and Lows. I run a cycle through, like this one here,
then focus in on the turns that are left this shows location of
another cycle which is pivoting.” He showed me more and
more of his work and explained different cycle set-ups that
happen over and over, that can be identified and traded,
set-ups that only cycle masters are aware of. I asked how he
found out all of this, his response “On the road to becoming
a cycle master, there is 26 24 more but I will leave it to you as
a surprise.” Stunned I was, thanked him, by this time others
were already gathering for dinner not that I was hungry after
two lunches but a cocktail did sound good, really good. The
seminar had not even started and here it was, had more
information than I could keep straight in my head, decided
to go to the room first and put some notes on paper while
these things were straight in my head, was afraid if I waited
that I might loose some of it. Up in the room, wrote out about
five pages, everything from who said what to mental notes
about those charts, went back down stairs, ordered a
cocktail, headed over to the Australian for a chat. Everyone
sat down for dinner at a long table, there was people on my
left and right, as well as across. At any given moment there
was a conversation in any direction, after dinner there were
little “huddles” you could just go from one to another, after
a few hours of that decided to turn in early so as to be
refreshed for the beginning of the seminar the next day.
Went up and went to bed, had a problem falling asleep
because of all this information, spinning through my head.
Woke up the next day pleased with my luck, had finally
fallen asleep the night before. Showered, dressed and went
down to breakfast. Place was packed with attendees,
hardly anyplace to sit for breakfast. Groups of people
standing around talking; it was like a family. Made my way
to the seminar room about 45 minutes early, again people
were around talking. The room was abuzz with energy and
you could feel it. They started about 9:15 with an
introduction and we took break about 11:00 o'clock. People
immediately went to groups; “circles” and you could go
from one group to another depending if you were interested
in that topic, problem for me was that I was interested in all
the topics! The seminar came back to order and they were
heading into the “good stuff”. Was taking notes like a mad
man and getting writers cramp by the time we broke for
lunch. Many immediately began congregating in the
seminar room, others headed off to lunch. On my way out a
group was talking about that in a cycle the High the
analyst‟s use might be caused by another cycle, other than
the one under observation, joined in to that group. They
were saying that the actual turn for the cycle you are
following could occur at a place where the price action
moves from a sideways market to a down or up-trend, had
noticed this myself at points in my cycles. He said you have
to follow the rules, if the exact top is “out of orb” it can not
be used, its caused by another cycle. Told the group that
that was where I had problems just starting out, always
wanted to use extreme Highs and Lows, then later down the
road, there was the 27 25 realization that the cycle pivots
weren‟t always large clear tops, you have to take what the
cycle gives you, not the other way around. One of the guys
was confused so the other explained it like this; “Say you
have a cycle that goes High, Low, High every 14 days on a
Wednesday, as an example, you are expecting it to make a
High next Wednesday (in 8 days) but there is a large top that
came in today, tomorrows price action goes down below
the high bar, then the next day goes sideways until next
Tuesday then drops down fast and hard. Now the actual top
there was the High a week before. This is too far from our
pivot, its not our 14 day cycle High, it is caused by a different
cycle. Our High came in one day early, on Tuesday and is
visible by a fast price collapse.” Agreed and headed off to
lunch, sat next to a guy that is here from Russia, he had
been trading puts in Apple and had made a heap of
money a couple of days prior, this was hard to believe
because I trade options in Apple as well. He said he had just
begun to use cycles and he loved it. Returned to the
seminar room, there were many groups of people standing
around talking with each other with different topics and
different questions popping up. Sat down in my seat and
began talking to the guy on my right, he was from Germany,
he used to be a runner. Could not believe that I was
meeting all of these really nice people, this guy not only had
a great sense of humor he also had the same drive and
passion about the field as I do. The seminar continued on for
about an hour and a half. At the next break I again joined a
group, this time talking about weekends, specifically how
pivots can happen behind the “closed doors” of a
weekend. Had noticed this in my own studies as well, market
going up on a Friday, cycle pivots over weekend, Monday
opens up and goes down. Like Jensen says “it does not halt
a cycle of time”, headed off to use the restroom. The
seminar started back the last part for the first day, it seemed
time just flew by and in an instant we adjourned for the day.
Looking down at my notes I had fifteen pages of them!
About an hour later everyone was gathering for drinks and
dinner, again huddled into groups. Was hungry so went
straight to dinner with another attendee, he was talking
about “ Banner Years” where things run a lot better and
people seem in a better over all stance, he used 1976 as an
example. “Hardly any bad aspects between the outer
planets. Then towards late summer you have Neptune trine
Saturn, both sextile by Pluto, a lot of good came out of that
year”. Was listening to him when Source „ B‟ came over to
get my take on everything, told him that I found the seminar
itself great and even the info outside of it was overwhelming.
Talked with him awhile then went upstairs to call wife, check
in at home and see how things are going. There was no
answer, must be out, laid back on the bed to just close my
eyes for a few seconds. 28 26 Woke up at 2 a.m.
disappointed that I had missed so much of what I knew
would be great conversations, set the alarm, went back to
bed. The next morning everyone was again gathered and
talking in the breakfast area, had gotten down there early
suspecting just such a thing. Sat at a table where the
woman there was very spiritual, she was from California,
seemed to really know her stuff, which made me think of the
bigger picture. The other guy at the table was talking about
a big company that failed, that the feds had to bail out, he
said “the name has been around for 85 years, that‟s a
Uranus cycle of 84 years so there it is again, anyone knowing
the age of that company and astrology could have known,
the company itself vigorously denied any problems up until
the week before. Half of the 84 year cycle, 42 years is
another bad time”. Made my way to the seminar hall
following breakfast, was a half-hour early, most of the
people were already there, many standing around in
groups. I put my notebook down, went and joined in a
group I was the day before. They were talking about double
tops and bottoms being created by 2 separate cycles both
peaking out around the same time, which had followed a
nice run up or down. The seminar started and it seemed like
no time at all we were on our first break, moved swiftly to the
restroom then returned to the room. The speaker was
surrounded by a group of people so that is where I headed.
The topic in that group was sideways markets. He stated that
“a sideways market is caused by the outer planetary cycles
that are, at that point, conflicting. One or more are headed
up while one or more are headed down, counter-balancing
each other. Knowing the location and the direction of the
cycles will give indication when the trend will change up or
down. Went back to my seat to write all of this in my
notebook, while it was still fresh. The seminar was called
back to order and continued on until lunch, at that point I
had amassed a total of twenty one pages of notes, my
head did not hurt as much today as it had yesterday. Lunch
was the usual conversations, trading systems and trading
stories. There was a wealth of information everywhere; one
could quickly become overloaded. Returned to the seminar
room where we had a new speaker. This guy blew me away,
he was taking Solar returns and timing markets to the day,
this was some of the most incredible information on direct
application of a Solar Return that I had ever seen, was
stunned. We again adjourned for what would be our last
break, overheard a guy talking about cycle strength so went
over to that group. He was a cycle master and told us his
method of determining a cycle‟s strength. He said there
were different methods but that one was to look at a point
where one cycle was going up, the other cycle down and
see which one price followed, up or down. He went on that
if there were three cycles it could still be done, just needed
to study different sections. Could see by these guys that
becoming a cycle master definitely had its perks, they
seemed so much more advanced than myself. Went back
and sat down, after a few moments of thinking things over,
decided that I must absolutely become a cycle master,
doing a total of 20 cycles, need that insight, want to be up
on the level that these guys are at. The seminar came back
to order for one last round and that feeling that things were
coming to an end began to hit me. This feeling caught me
off guard as I did was not wanting this to end. The final part
was short but we ended on time. Had the hotel room to
Monday but was going back tonight. With this seminar over
headed up to shake the speakers hand, he had been
brilliant, he was in a discussion with another about the orb
used on the outer planets when I walked up and caught the
last of the conversation; “ One is about 10 days either side,
one is 20 and the other 30.” Shook the speakers hand and
looked around for Source „B‟. He was in the back of the
room talking with that soon to be cycle master so that‟s
where I headed. We talked for a while shook his hand and
told him that someday I hope to pay him back for
everything he has done for me. He smiled and replied “Be a
good person, follow your dreams with a passion, realize who
you really are, in that is my payback, knowing I was able to
assist in a small way.” Walked away and out of the room
while grappling with a great sense of loss, at one point my
eyes welled up as I continued walking, just could not believe
I had been part of something so profound, with such great
people. Got my bags out of the room, headed off, could
not wait to get home and start back on the research, had
more ideas than I could possibly keep straight. Worked on a
game plan, which was more like a battle plan. Wanted to
find a cycle in IBM and get that going while continuing to
trade Apple. Get those two running and work on getting to
the point of cycle master, which is a must. I am hereby
setting this plan into action. Arrived home late, the wife
asked about the trip, told her that I had learned more in a
couple of days than I had all year. Exhausted, I headed to
bed. Monday morning reported into Hell as usual but what
was on my mind was becoming a cycle master, finding a
cycle in IBM would put me one step closer to that while
aiding in my ability to trade, two birds one stone, that‟s
where I start on this its my “embarkation point.” That day it
also occurred to me that I was out of balance, had spent all
weekend in the field, needed some R and R from it. Indeed,
the research will have to wait until later in the week, never
want to be burned out again. Went home threw the fishing
gear into the car, loaded Junior in and headed off. It was a
hard decision because all I really wanted to do was work on
IBM cycles. Glad we went, Junior caught his largest fish, a
catfish and watching him reel it in took my mind off the IBM,
it was, you could say, a necessary distraction. The next day
at work, again all I could think about was IBM, was putting a
show on, and making it appear as if I was the perfect
employee. But at every opportunity I drifted back to IBM and
my goals, was feeling like I had the pedal all the to the floor
but was in neutral. After dinner that night, sat down with the
family to watch TV. Jumped up, went to the computer and
pulled up the IBM data. While the data was loading it
occurred to me that I was beginning to feel better, the food
at the hotel had given me the runs, the organic food at
home here is what I was accustomed to. Virtually chemical
free, there was a huge difference. The data came up and in
less than an hour had the first cycle out of IBM, cycle master
was one step closer! Next step was to check the natal as per
the work “12” and find the axis. This took the rest of the
evening. Next day at work it was hard to get the smile off my
face. The goal was to get IBM up and trading along with
Apple. If I hadn‟t taken a day off last week for the seminar
would have called in tomorrow. Got home and the wife
asked me about our summer vacation, had three weeks
coming in June so called around for a condo in Destin,
Florida. We usually had stayed at budget hotels, which just
did not seem fitting this year. Those days are gone, buried.
Got the condo for the last three weeks of June allowing for
the family drive there and back. After dinner headed back
to IBM to check my cycle turn dates against my IBM axis of
around 11 degrees and 12 degrees. For the April 8th pivot
found good indication on the 9th, no indication for the April
29th pivot, May 19th has a Venus hit on the 18th but again,
not indication for the June 8th and 28th dates. July 19th the
Sun hits exact, sweet, but a couple up gave no indication.
Well, this cycle is longer than the others I use so you get a
few dates of no indications and you loose months, went
over to the thinking couch to work on this dilemma. The
solution is of course to find another cycle in IBM, a shorter
one with better indication; had noticed that the January
19th 2007 Low and March 1, 2007 Low were unaccounted
for as well as others. I used these dates to begin hunting but
found nothing that night that would account for those
dates. Worked on those dates all week more or less but
could not crack it. Thought about “throwing in the towel”
with IBM but knew that was indication that I was getting
burned out. Decided to get Apple up and running then take
a break while trading it. On April 7, 2007 Venus and Mercury
hit the axis on Apple, which was on a weekend, bought 3
May 90 puts for 1.55 a piece, on the open Monday. On April
14th with Sun giving indication, over the weekend put in the
sell order for the open on the 31. Price was around 90.5,
which I wound up getting a price of 220 for my 3 May 90
puts, profit on trade 195. April 19th 2007 pivot was unsure if it
was going to invert or not as it was “ on the line”, decided to
sit it out, could eventually see a low forming so decided to
take the indications on April 19th. Bought on the open 4 May
calls with a strike of 95, got them for 145 a piece. With
indication on May 2, Apple selling around 99.6 sold 4 at 560,
6 days earlier they had been selling at 835, but I must follow
my system, total profit was 1660.00 dollars. Got the Mercury
and Sun indication on May 16th but nothing for the May 21st
pivot so this has me sitting on the side, used the time to work
on the cycles of other stocks, still was having no success on
the 2nd IBM cycle. My next trade date of May 29th
approached and the family was becoming very excited
about our vacation. It was May 28th when I finally cracked
that IBM cycle, too late to get it up and trading before
vacation. On the May 29th set-up Mars gave indication over
the weekend, the Sun Mercury on the 31st, decided to wait
for the May 31st indication. It was clear at this point the
move was already on, bought 3 June 125 calls on the open
for 185. June 8th with Mercury giving indication sold on open
for 215 a piece, total profit on trade 90 dollars. Had I not
waited but had taken the first indication on the Low, would
have made bundles, need to back test this scenario to see if
I need to modify the system according to indication but this
work will have to wait, left for vacation. A much needed
vacation. We went to the same spot in Destin as some
friends of ours do every year in June. As a family I can say
that this has been one of the best vacations we have ever
taken. The wife and I talked about how much our lives have
changed in such a short period of time, also talked about
where things were going with my trading and how I was
going to improve my system while continuing to trade. Had
worked out my IBM cycle and got indication on the 2nd of
July, after returning home from vacation. On July 2nd,
bought on the open 3 August calls with a strike price of 110,
got these at 180 a piece. The work I had done showed that
the July 19, 2007 pivot would be an inversion High so here
the decision was made to hold on to the calls past the July
11th pivot High. This decision had been the result of much
back testing on this cycle in order to improve the system.
Statistically, for this cycle, it pays to hold an inversion, that‟s
not the case in all cycles though. On July 8th weekend got
indication from Mars for Apple, bought calls on July 10th
open, 4 August 135‟s at 140. Sold these out at Sun indication
on July 16th for 500 a piece with Apples price at 138 and a
half, total profit on trade 1580 dollars. 32 30 Came home for
lunch, bought 4 puts, August 130‟s for 135 a piece for Apple.
On July 19th sold August 110 calls for 695, IBM was around
115 on open. Total profit on trade 1545 dollars. July 20th, IBM,
bought on open 3 August 110 puts for 175 a piece, believed
price would go down to next indication on July 31st. July
20th dumped 4 puts (August 130‟s) in Apple for 55 a piece.
Loss on trade 320.00 dollars. Bought 4 Apple calls on open,
July 23rd, 2007 (August 150‟s) for 175 a piece. July 26th price
action took out my stop point in IBM, sold puts on open July
27th for 105 a piece, loss of 210 dollars. On July 31st Mars
gave indication, bought 3 September 115 IBM calls for 180 a
piece. Sold 4 Apple calls for 190 a piece, 60-dollar total profit
on Apple calls. August 8th got indication for IBM sold on
open 3 September 115 calls for 250, total profit on trade 250
dollars. Had figured my profit for July around 2800 dollars
minus commissions. Looked up to see the last 30 seconds,
before the credits start rolling of “dazed and confused”…

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