Review Article: Aerogels in Aerospace: An Overview
Review Article: Aerogels in Aerospace: An Overview
Review Article: Aerogels in Aerospace: An Overview
Review Article
Aerogels in Aerospace: An Overview
Nadiir Bheekhun,1 Abd. Rahim Abu Talib,1 and Mohd Roshdi Hassan2
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Propulsion and Thermofluids Group, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Copyright © 2013 Nadiir Bheekhun et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Aerogels are highly porous structures prepared via a sol-gel process and supercritical drying technology. Among the classes of
aerogels, silica aerogel exhibits the most remarkable physical properties, possessing lower density, thermal conductivity, refractive
index, and dielectric constant than any solids. Its acoustical property is such that it can absorb the sound waves reducing speed to
100 m/s compared to 332 m/s for air. However, when it comes to commercialization, the result is not as expected. It seems that mass
production, particularly in the aerospace industry, has dawdled behind. This paper highlights the evolution of aerogels in general
and discusses the functions and significances of silica aerogel in previous astronautical applications. Future outer-space applications
have been proposed as per the current research trend. Finally, the implementation of conventional silica aerogel in aeronautics is
argued with an alternative known as Maerogel.
NASA has been using tiles of these aerogels for space chalcogenide nanoparticle building blocks coupled with
exploration since then. Later, it was found that, by heating supercritical drying. The resulting semiconductor had a high
up a RF aerogel to temperatures of several hundred degrees porosity and surface area, and the characteristic quantum-
Celsius in an inert atmosphere (such as nitrogen or argon), confined optical properties were identical to their nanopar-
the polymer which makes up the aerogel is dehydrated leav- ticle components [45]. The next year was the invention of
ing behind an aerogel made of carbon. Unlike silica aerogel, monolithic nanoporous metal foams which possess extremely
carbon aerogel is a conductor of electricity. It was called the low density and high surface area of 0.011 g/cm3 and 270 m2 /
aerocapacitor and characterized as an “electrochemical dou- g, respectively [46]. The metals selected were iron, cobalt,
blecapacitor with high-power density and high-energy den- copper, and silver while other potential ones are still under
sity” [30, 31]. research. Carbon nanotube aerogels were then invented in
Another key development was the subcritical drying 2007 through a new synthesis method comprised of aqueous-
method which was devised to produce low-density silica gel precursors, followed by supercritical drying and freeze
aerogels for thermal insulation [32]. The method involved a drying. The nanotubes can be made more robust by doping
series of aging and pore chemical modification stages to pre- polyvinyl alcohol which would allow them to resist a weight
vent drastic gel shrinkage during the fast drying at ambient of 800 times heavier than their original version. They are also
pressure. The density varies between 0.15 and 0.3 g/cm3 with excellent conductors of heat and electricity [47].
a thermal conductivity of 0.02 W/mK at atmospheric condi- Filed in 2004 and patented in 2007, Halimaton presented
tions. Prakash et al. extended the ambient pressure drying her method to produce pure silica aerogel via a sol-gel
(APD) method to further decrease the manufacturing cost method followed by supercritical carbon dioxide drying.
of silica. A simple dip-coating process consisting of surface However, she used an agricultural waste product, rice husk
modification to induce reversible drying shrinkage was used ash (RHA), as the source of the silica (see Figure 2). The com-
[33]. The precursor was waterglass because of its low cost and mercial term is Maerogel standing for “Malaysian-made Aer-
nonflammability. The resulting aerogel was observed to have ogel” [48]. The texture and physical properties of the latter
comparable density and porosity to that using the supercrit- have been proved to be comparable to traditional silica aero-
ical drying route. Since then, many articles were published gels (see Table 1).
ranging from synthesis to physical properties of silica aerogel Maerogel is produced by first dissolving rice husk ash in
using the APD method, indicating its advantages. How- aqueous sodium hydroxide at a Na2 : SiO2 ratio of 1 : 3.33, to
ever, the route alters and some approaches are more time- produce a sodium silicate solution containing from 1 to 16%
consuming than others because of the lengthy process of by weight of SiO2 . Concentrated sulphuric acid is then added
washing and exchanging solvents [34–39]. to the resulting water-glass solution to convert the sodium
Next was the rapid supercritical extraction (RSCE) which silicate to silica to obtain a silica hydrogel. Next is the aging
speeded up the supercritical heating. Experimented by John process which will allow the gel structure to develop. This can
Poco at LLNL in 1996, this investigation consists of placing be for a period of up to forty days. The water is then displaced
the sol-gel inside a pressurized mold in which the super- with a C1 to C4 alcohol, preferably methanol or ethanol to get
critical conditions were controlled in such a way to avoid an alcogel. The latter is subjected to supercritical drying after
unnecessary expansion and hence cracking [40, 41]. Consid- the alcohol is being replaced by carbon dioxide to obtain an
erable enhancement started taking place at the dawn of this aerogel. The supercritical extraction is preferably carried out
millennium. In 2001, an easy, cheap, and effective method was by placing the alcogel with additional alcohol in an autoclave
developed by Gash and Tillotson to prepare metal oxide aero- fitted with a thermocouple and a temperature controller and
gels by using epoxide-doped gelation agents provided that the slowly raising the temperature in the autoclave until the crit-
corresponding metal ions should have a valency of equal or ical temperature and pressure are reached. The temperature
greater than +3 in their formation oxidation state. The results may be increased, for example, at a rate of 50∘ C/h, for the
were promising and blocks of microporous materials with time necessary to reach the critical temperature. After a
high surface areas were produced [42]. One year later, Lev- certain time, the alcohol vapor is vented through a controlled
entis et al. developed the ultralight mechanically modified leak by gradually reducing the pressure and temperature to
aerogels, called X-aerogels by cross-linking diisocyanates into atmospheric conditions. The temperature may be reduced
the microstructure of silica aerogels. The strength of the latter over a period of, for example, twelve hours. The amount of
was multiplied by 300 whilst its specific compressive strength additional alcohol should be such that there is sufficient alco-
is approximately ten times that of steel [43]. His work was hol in the autoclave for the critical pressure to be reached. The
extended with the assistance of other researchers to inves- aerogels obtained are hydrophilic, having hydroxyl groups on
tigate the polymer cross-linking with other types of aerogel their surface but can be converted to a hydrophobic form by
such as transition metal oxides and organics which would replacing the hydroxyl groups with alkoxy groups. This may
further broaden the applications of aerogels [44]. X-aerogels be achieved, for example, by passing methanol vapor over a
have been accomplished through the addition of a polymer as heated sample of the aerogel. The methylation reaction is
a conformal coating on the silica skeleton. more advantageously to be carried out in a closed system in
On the other hand, semiconductors made of metal chal- which the sample can be placed in a tube enclosed in an
cogenide were reported in 2005 by Mohanan et al. They used external furnace and extending between a flask containing
a method which consisted of oxidation aggregation of metal boiling methanol and a condenser, which is connected back
4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Solvent SC-CO2
Washing Alcogel drying
Silica aerogel
to the flask. The temperature of the furnace may be of the resorcinol-formaldehyde and iron oxide xerogels (ambient-
order of 250∘ C. The samples are preferably outgassed at a dried aerogels). They were “ferromagnetic and superpara-
temperature of about 100∘ C under a reduced pressure of about magnetic” materials being rich in carbon and simultaneously
1.33 × 10−5 kPa for at least 15 hours both before and after the magnetic and metallic [52]. Recently, a superior polymerized
methylation process [48]. aerogel known as polyimide aerogel has been tailored at
Other approaches were defined using RHA at either NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Ohio [53]. Polyimide gels
supercritical or ambient conditions. Tang and Wang provided are produced by cross-linking anhydride-capped-polyamic
a preparation but the value of the surface area was lower than acid oligomers with aromatic triamine in solution and by
that using TEOS/supercritical-ethanol drying. The aerogel chemically imidizing. The subsequent gels are then supercrit-
was not transparent, rather it was white [49]. Following that, a ically dried to form polyimide aerogels. These modified aero-
route which used drying process at atmospheric pressure and gels have densities as low as 0.14 g/cm3 and surface areas as
a temperature of 40∘ C was developed by Li and Wang [50]. high as 512 m2 /g [54, 55]. The mechanical strength of this new
In this method, the hydrosol was modified by a small amount class of aerogel is 500 times higher than the traditional silica
of TEOS which would greatly affect the pore structure and and can provide bulk thermal and acoustical insulation.
hence other physical properties. The porosity, surface area, However, the thermal conductivity is increased by a certain
pore volume, and average pore size were found to be directly factor because of its monolithic nature [53].
proportional to the amount of TEOS added while the density
was inversely proportional. An optimal amount of TEOS was
however achieved [51].
3. Properties of Silica Aerogels
In 2009, the first metal aerogel was made by Leventis et al. The physical properties of an aerogel are highly dependent
It was an iron aerogel created by smelting interpenetrating of on its density and chemical composition. Hence, different
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 5
Table 2: Approaches to predict the thermal conductivity of silica aerogels (adapted from Jun-Jie et al. [66]).
Model Author Structure representation Method Comments
Volume average as a Cannot be applied for
Lu et al. [60]
Empirical Ignored function of density or aerogels with different
Wang et al. [67]
porosity microstructures
Wei et al. [10] Cannot represent the
Cubic array of Standard equivalent circuit
Lu et al. [65] randomness and
Analytical nanospherical structure method
Wei et al. [10] complexity of aerogels
Standard equivalent circuit Does not require any
3D random DLCA
Jun-Jie et al. [66] with improved analytical empirical parameters as
parallel-series model input
Von Koch snowflake fractal
Spagnol et al. [68] Finite volume method 3D calculations are time
Numerical structure and random
Zhao et al. [12] based on the mesh division consuming
DLCA structure
the spatial arrangements of the gel network. Rayleigh scat- From the early age, transparent silica aerogel has been
tering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the promoted as a hypervelocity particle capture for outer-space
wavelength, that is, the shorter the wavelength of the light, explorations because of its capacity of allowing easy detection
the more it scatters. Therefore, when an aerogel tile is placed of cosmic debris through its framework. Recently, Woignier
against a dark background, it appears slightly bluish and et al. [87] investigated the effect of TEOS concentration and
demonstrates a yellowish coloration when exposed to bright the addition of ammonia as a base catalysis on the optical
surroundings [74, 75]. The second source of light scattering in transmission within the visible spectrum. It was found that
the visible range is due to micrometer-size imperfections of aerogels with a higher concentration of TEOS have a wider
the external aerogel surface which accounts for the blurry transmission window than that with a lower TEOS concen-
appearance of objects viewed through a piece of aerogel [76]. tration which affirms poor transparency in the visible range.
On the other hand, the scattering efficiency is a function of When ammonia is added in the aerogel process, the transmis-
the size of the scattering center. Thus different wavelengths sion is extraordinarily enhanced in the visible range.
will scatter with varying magnitudes. Scattering is observed to Another imperative optical property of silica aerogels is
be intensified when the size of the scattering center becomes the index of refraction. It has been proven that the index of
similar to the wavelength of the incident light [76, 77]. As the refraction, 𝜂, increases with increasing density such that
wavelength increases and the spectrum shifts towards the
infrared range, scatterings become less significant. This phe- 𝜂 = 1 + 2.1 × 10−4 𝜌, (7)
nomenon permits heat radiation to pass through the aerogel
thereby increasing its thermal conductivity [78]. Many times, where 𝜌 (k gm−3 ) is the bulk density of aerogel [1].
the optical properties of aerogels are related with their ther- It can therefore be anticipated that the refractive index for
mal properties, especially when a transparent thermal insu- silica aerogel is very close to one, literally meaning that when
lation system is demanded. A number of studies have been light enters an aerogel, there is no reflective losses. A practical
undertaken to optimize the transparency of silica aerogel application which exploits this property is the Cherenkov
without sacrificing its thermal conductivity. Danilyuk et al. detector which necessitates a medium with a refractive index
[79] found that monolithic aerogel prepared using the two- close to one [88].
step sol-gel method is more transparent than the one synthe-
sized through the one-step approach. Venkateswara Rao and
Pajonk [80] added methyltrimethoxysilane(MTMS) as a 3.3. Mechanical Properties. Silica aerogels are known to be
coprecursor to produce monolithic durable hydrophobic characteristically fragile and brittle because of the interpar-
silica aerogels with high direct optical transmittance and low ticle connections within the pearl-necklace-like fractal net-
diffusion of light. Adachi et al. [81] synthesized new tiles of sil- work, making them inapt for load bearing applications.
ica aerogels by adding a new chemical solvent, dimethyl- Numerous investigations have been carried out to appreciate
formamide (DMF), to improve the optical transparency in and characterize their mechanical properties, as shown in
the refractive index range, 𝜂 = 1.03–1.07. The transmission Table 3. Standard methods to characterize the silica aero-
length exceeded 40 mm at 400 nm wavelength which was gel mechanically include ultrasonic techniques, three-point
twice the value obtained in a previous study [82]. Bhagat et al. bending, and uniaxial compression. The atomic force micro-
showed that when low density TEOS-based silica aerogels is scopy (AFM) is now commonly employed because of its capa-
prepared using methanol as a solvent in combination with bility of measuring the local elastic property of aerogels with
TEOS in a two-step sol-gel process, the optical transmission is only a small loading force. Concurrently, efforts are being
improved to some extent [83]. On the contrary, if opacity is concerted to improve the mechanical strength of aerogels by
preferred, aerogel can be rendered opaque by integrating car- the addition of a second phase. One approach is through
bon or mineral powders into its structure which will absorb incorporating silica fibres into the aerogels. Tests have indi-
the infrared and hence reducing the radiation heat transfer cated that when 10% by weight of these fibres are introduced,
[84–86]. the elastic modulus and strength are increased by 85% and
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 7
26%, respectively [89]. In addition, the compressive modulus Probably, the most notable application of silica aerogel
and tensile strength of aerogels can be improved by three in astronautics is to capture extraterrestrial materials. This
and five times correspondingly, if 5% by weight of carbon is primarily because it does not constitute elements of great
nanofibres are implemented into the lattice structure [90]. cosmochemical significance as well as inorganic contam-
Liquid-phase cross-linking, vapor-phase cross-linking, fibre inants and secondly owing to its grandiosity in trapping
reinforcing, and reduced bonding can enhance the mechan- particles with high velocities. Yet, researchers are continually
ical properties of aerogel as well [80, 91, 92]. X-aerogels have experimenting on this nanomaterial to improve its physical
been proven to improve considerably the fractal properties of properties to develop a flawless kinetic shock absorber. Most
native aerogels under both quasi-static [43, 93–97] and high- of the time, the modification is made during the synthesis
impact loading conditions [98, 99]. While their strength is process as the aerogel mechanical characteristics highly
superior to silica aerogels, their elasticity and flexibility pro- depend on its bulk density [101, 102].
perties are yet to be tailored for advanced aerospace applica- The mechanical and thermal properties of density-gra-
tions such as structural components and thermal protection dient aerogels for outer-space hypervelocity particle capture
for small satellites, spacecraft, planetary vehicles, and habi- were analyzed by Du et al. (see Figure 3) [103]. Aerogels with
tats. Several cross-linking schemes to mechanically reinforce densities ranging from 40 to 175 mg/cm3 were prepared using
aerogels have been discussed in details in [100]. It is notewor- a tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and ethanol-water solution
thy to state that polymer reinforcement decreases the surface as the precursor and hydrofluoric acid as the catalyst via a
area of the silica aerogel by about half without altering the supercritical drying sol-gel process. Layer-by-layer gelation,
thermal conductivity radically [100]. sol cogelation, and gradient-sol cogelation methods were
8 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
−100∘ C
25∘ C
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Compression modulus of aerogels with different densities at −100∘ C and 25∘ C [103]. Relationship between thermal diffusion
coefficient and specific heat capacity with density of aerogels [103].
used to prepare the density-gradient aerogels. The dynamic a hypervelocity particle capture compared to traditional
mechanical test showed that the Young’s moduli of the dense collector media, including those exposed on the long-
aerogels at −100∘ C and 25∘ C tend to decrease with decreasing duration exposure facility (LDEF). The defects in these con-
the density with values from 4.6 × 105 to 1.9 × 105 Pa and from ventional collectors were their persistent melting, if not com-
5.0 × 105 to 2.1 × 105 Pa, respectively. The thermal analysis plete vaporization, which prevented any projectiles to be
indicated that the thermal diffusion coefficients and the adhered. Hence, no analysis was possible. Researchers antic-
specific heat capacities decrease with decreasing the densities ipated that this kinetic energy absorption characteristic to
while the thermal conductivities do not change monotoni- aerogel would boost the discoveries of extraterrestrial objects
cally. in low-Earth orbit [105].
One weakness of aerogel as a hypervelocity capture par- Soon after, in September 1992, aerogels were sent on the
ticle could be its crack propagation which can eventually Space Transport System (STS-47) to analyse their ability as a
destroy the entire aerogel lattice when exposed for a long hypervelocity particle capture medium and endurance during
period of time. This is induced by the syneresis effect which is launch and reentry. Five thermal insulated end covers were
the continuation of the hydrolysis and condensation reactions installed on the top of the Shuttle Get Away Special (GAS)
after gelling which leads to the gel shrinkage [87, 101]. Hwang payload canisters to hold the Sample Return Experiment
et al. observed a 10% linear shrinkage caused by syneresis dur- (SRE) of capture cells equipped with panels of silica aerogel
ing the gelation and aging procedures [104]. Woignier et al. with dimensions of 10 cm × 10 cm × 1 cm and densities of the
[87] investigated the influence of the synthesis variables on order 20 mg/mL. Each GAS SRE provided a net total capture
the shrinkage of aerogel during preparation and delivered a surface area of 0.165 m2 . The aerogels successfully survived
good correlation on the mechanical properties with an aim the launch and reentry and returned without any apparent
to acquire an optimized aerogel for outer-space applications. damages. Generally, the capability of a hypervelocity particle
It was revealed that the linear shrinkage decreases with the capture is evaluated by how fast it can decelerate the high-
TEOS concentration and with increasing pH of hydrolysis velocity impacted particles without destroying the latter while
solution. In addition, both elastic modulus and rupture being trapped. At least four large hypervelocity particles were
strength of aerogels rise with a higher concentration of TEOS captured during this preliminary mission. Later on, more
and hence density. than two dozens of particles were caught from STS-60 and
many from others such GAS canisters [106]. One of them was
4. Astronautical Applications of the orbital debris collection experiment on Mir.
Deployed on STS-76 on March 25, 1996, and directed by
Silica Aerogels Langley Research Center, the Mir Environmental Effects
4.1. Hypervelocity Particle Capture. The preliminary studies Package (MEEP) was equipped with an Orbital Debris Col-
conducted at the laboratory where unmolten remnants of lector (ODC) made up of approximately 0.63 m2 of highly
silicate and aluminum projectiles were fired at high speed, porous low-density (0.02 g/cm3 ) silica aerogel arranged in
7 km/s, immediately indicated the superiority of aerogel as two identical trays, Tray 1 pointing into the ram direction
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 9
temperature fluctuation but also has endurance in harsh a high interstitial void fraction with heat flux perpendicular
environments. to the fibers. Nevertheless, aerogel is still regarded as a capable
In consequence, silica aerogels are being studied to be insulation material to insulate future space suits.
used in space suits which require materials with specific In spacecraft, the accumulation of dense air, ice, water,
specifications to ensure the safety of astronauts in the harsh and liquefied air within the insulation materials is of primary
dust and extreme pressure and temperature conditions [150]. concern. This phenomenon is known as cryopumping. It
The actual extravehicular mobility unit (EMU) is divided into affects the function of the insulator and therefore degrades
five classes of layers as shown in Figure 6. The first inner the performance of the vehicle by increasing the heat transfer
layer ensures that the pressure of the suit is maintained and through the insulation material which increases the lift-off
it is made of polyurethane-coated nylon which is in turn pro- weight and the potential risk for damaging debris. Aerogel
tected from any external pressures by the fabric-restraining has been considered as a potential candidate to act as a heat
dacron layer. The remaining layers form the thermal microm- shield in these cryogenic systems such as liquid-hydrogen
eteoroid garment (TMG) which primarily provide thermal (LH2 ) tanks and liquid-oxygen (LO2 ) feedlines because of
and micrometeoroid protection. The TMG liner is a neo- its fully breathable and hydrophobic characteristics [152].
prene-coated nylon ripstop above the MLI layer consisting of Furthermore, experiments in [153] have shown that liquid
five to seven laminates made of low conductivity aluminized nitrogen (LN2 ) can be prevented from accumulating within
mylar reinforced with nylon scrim spacers. The MLI has an the intertank of the space shuttle by using an insulation sys-
overall low thermal conductivity due to the low radiation tem consisting of a bulk-fill aerogel material. The key phases
absorptivity and high emissivity on its surface and low heat
to assess the performance of cryogenic insulation systems are
conductance between the laminates. The outer orthofabric
at lift-off and reentry into the atmosphere when there are
sustains tear and wear protections in addition. The present
sudden changes in temperature and pressure. For example,
TMG is operative only in hard vacuum milieu such as low
at re-entry, the temperature of the vehicle is over thousand
orbit and the moon where radiation heat transfer is the
predominant mechanism. In the existence of an atmosphere, degrees Celsius while the LH2 and LO2 are essential to be
likewise on Mars, the MLI is ineffective due to the presence of retained below −253∘ C and −183∘ C, respectively in order to
the interstitial gases which errand convection and conduction remain in the liquid form [154].
cooling. A wide variety and permutations of aerogel blankets man-
The performance of different potential fibrous materials ufactured by Aspen Aerogel Inc. and aerogel beads from
were reviewed for possible space suit applications to over- Cabot Corporation have been characterized using insulation
come this problem [151]. It has been found that, to provide test cryostats at the Cryogenics Test Laboratory of NASA
sufficient insulation, the MLI requires an effective thermal Kennedy Space Center. It was noticed that cyropumping
conductivity of 5 mW/mK. The 4DG fiber and aerogel inter- effects were stopped beyond thermal stabilization [155]. Using
stitial void medium combination gave the best insulation these superinsulation materials, lightweight and robust vehi-
performance amongst other systems with a nominal thermal cles can be designed which will ensure the safety of the
conductivity of 7.5 mW/mK. This configuration consists of operations.
12 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Strangely, a manned mission to Mars has been proposed 5.1. Thermal Barrier. The justification of considering silica
which is expected to last for nearly three years. For this, a aerogel as a thermal barrier is due to its favorable characteris-
human friendly architectural design has been planned and tics in operating temperatures, longevity, chemical (aviation
silica aerogel has been selected to provide the necessary fuels and lubricants) and erosion resistance, and mainte-
thermal insulation for the floors, walls, and windows. The nance. A simpler and lighter overall design of the thermal
conceptual design requires that a thin flexible aerogel with insulation system can be achieved which will consequently
low thermal conductivity be used which makes Spaceloft a reduce the assembly cost as fewer materials are needed. More
probable choice [156]. space will be available for other usages. There will be a rise in
the energy efficiency because of the minimization of heat loss
4.3. Cryogenic Fluid Containment. A third function of silica and hence fuel will be saved. That is, the direct operating cost
aerogel is to act as cryogenic fluid containment. This idea was will also decrease. Considering, an aeroengine, silica aerogel
proposed in 2004 when engineers were working on the Satel- can be applied in two modes, depending on the temperature
lite Test of the Equivalence Principle (STEP) mission. The and environment requirements. Firstly, it could be sprayed as
satellite was to be sent into the earth orbit to probe the under- a thin insulative coating to protect unattainable and uneven
lying foundation of Einstein’s theory, the (local) equivalence substrate from high temperatures. The smooth and uniform
of gravitational and inertial mass [157]. The test masses and layer of insulation will cause little resistance to the airflow.
detectors were required to sustain stability from disturbances The thermal responses will be improved which will in turn
such as air drag, magnetic field, and solar pressure in order to increase the performance of the engine while the aircraft is
obtain precise results [158]. This could be achieved by placing cruising at high altitude. Secondly, in compartments where
the measurement instruments in a Dewar containing liquid the vibration is high, flexible light-weight blankets of silica
helium maintained at cryogenic temperatures. Silica aerogel, aerogel with custom thickness can be used. They can be
being highly porous and an open-cell material, was recog- fastened mechanically to prevent any displacing hence inter-
nized to be an excellent container to store the liquid helium ferences problems. Contrary to coatings, blankets are more
while simultaneously preventing any bulk flow to occur. The resistant to contaminations and do not disintegrate easily.
liquid helium coming out of the aerogel would be directed Their maintenance cost is also lower than that of coatings.
to the spacecraft thrusters along the time of the mission. An
aerogel control tide was built in for the helium storage system 5.2. Fire Retardation. The fact of being an inorganic and
[159]. The aerogel was firstly shaped in annular cylinders inflammable material with a continuous operating tempera-
to be encircled around the cylinders inside which was the ture ranging from −273∘ C to 650∘ C and a high melting point
equipment. Later, it was suggested to shape the aerogel into of 1400∘ C makes silica aerogel an excellent firewall compared
parts, into trapezoids [56], rather than one annular cylinder to the existing combustible organic coatings that cause toxic
to facilitate its assembly into any desired structure. The fumes when burning. The components such as pipes, wires,
presence of aerogel in the Dewar gave rise to some doubts. and electronic accessories within the fire zones of an aero-
One of which was whether the aerogel filled with liquid engine can be protected using thin blankets of aerogel whilst
helium would survive a launch vibration environment. A test
simultaneously enabling weight saving compared to conven-
was carried out and it was found that there were no signs
tional metal sheets. Similarly, the adjacent airframe struc-
of damage and degradation. The STEP mission was not
tures will be prevented from being burnt. Aspen Aerogels
launched though; instead NASA selected the 2003 SMEX. The
has investigated on such applications where the insulation
technology was however applied with success on the Gravity
blanket made of silica aerogel with a thickness of 7 mm was
Probe B mission. Nonetheless, there is still an optimistic
exposed to a flame at temperature 1100∘ C for at least 15
vision of bringing aerogel on STEP someday.
minutes (see Figures 7(a) and 7(b)). The temperature on the
cold side did not exceed 150∘ C. Both the fire testing and the
5. Evaluation of Silica Aerogels in Aeronautics outcomes are in accordance with FAR Part § 25.1191 [160] and
AC 20–135 [161]. However, the product, Pyrogel 6350, has
According to the Federal Aviation Regulations, Section
not been commercialized for aeronautical applications until
25.856(a), thermal and acoustical insulation should be pro-
now [162]. In addition, the thermal loss when the blankets
vided by the same material while being simultaneously a
are under constant vibration and gravitational stress through
fire retardant. This applies primarily for the fuselage and the
repeated thermal cycles is still unknown.
current material is fiberglass batting. To hold the fiberglass in
place and to protect it against contamination, insulation cov-
ers are wrapped around [160]. The common plastic covers are 5.3. Acoustics. Sound waves are significantly absorbed
polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyvinyl fluoride (PVF), through silica aerogels thus reducing the speed of propa-
and silicone-coated fiberglass for high temperature environ- gation to 100 m/s. This is due to their extremely low Young
ment. Silica aerogel, being a superinsulation material and an modulus which is related to the synthesis of the aerogel,
acoustic shock-absorber, can be therefore considered as a more precisely, the interstitial gas type, pressure, and density
thermal/acoustical insulator for this task. But a more realistic [163, 164]. Silica aerogel is now acknowledged as a promising
way to employ aerogel would be by exploiting its remarkable material for acoustic matching layers of high-sensitivity
properties separately for thermal insulation, fire protection, airborne ultrasonic transducers for boosting of airborne
and acoustics purposes in different parts of the aircraft. acoustic waves [165]. Experiments were carried out using
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 13
Material Thermal conductivity (W/mK) Acoustic absorption (dB) Average cost (US$)
Fiberglass 0.0345–0.0040 ∼5 0.2–2.8/m2 [126]
Monolithic silica aerogel 0.0136–0.0038 ∼15 3800/m3 [126]
Monolithic Maerogel 0.0200–0.099 ∼15 ∼750–900/m3
(a) (b)
Figure 7: Aerogel firewall during testing. (Image courtesy Aspen Aerogel). Pyrogel 6350 installed in aircraft engine for fire protection (Image
courtesy Aspen Aerogel).
different sol-gel densities of aerogels to observe the effect of to 80% can be attained in the manufacturing cost of Maer-
the speed of sound through the aerogels. It was found that the ogel. A performance-cost comparison between fibreglass,
sensitivity of a matching layer type of ultrasonic transducer conventional silica aerogel, and Maerogel is shown below.
(ML-UT) could reach twenty times higher than that of a A performance-cost comparison between fiberglass, conven-
conventional one. The aerogel ultrasonic transducer can be tional silica aerogel, and Maerogel is displayed in Table 4.
therefore incorporated into future aeronautical sensing sys-
tems for range findings. Acoustical insulation in aircraft 6. Conclusions
using aerogel can also be considered based on its acoustic
absorption. Forest and Gibiat found that the minimum Based on the above literature, it can be said that the funda-
transmission loss in granular aerogel can be 10 dB higher mental synthesis-structure-property relationships of aerogels
than that of fibreglass with the same thickness [166]. are now comprehended in the research community after
eighty years of tremendous efforts. Different cost-effective
5.4. Cost Analysis. The main limitation of preventing silica manufacturing methods have been developed along the time
aerogel from commercially integrating into the aviation sec- to promote the commercialization of silica aerogels in various
tor is its high cost. Is it worth now to spend on such an high-tech areas. In the aerospace industry, the capture effec-
expensive material for space saving and lighter weight? Can tiveness of silica aerogel as a kinetic energy absorber is already
there be a linear relationship between space saving and cost considered to be superior whilst its potential as a thermal
saving? American Airlines claimed for having saved $422 insulator shows great promise for applications ranging from
million in operating costs through fuel savings in 2011 [167]. cryogenic temperatures in spacecraft to high temperatures in
One way to achieve this is by reducing the take-off weight, for aeroengines. The feasibility tests of insulating space suits with
example, by removing unnecessary items from the aircraft. In aerogel show that a lower thermal conductivity is required
consequence, about 1 million of jet fuel gallons can be saved and yet to be achieved. Silica aerogel as a fiber-reinforced
which would sum up to an amount of approximately $3.63 M blanket has efficaciously fulfilled the necessary criteria of the
annually [168]. Up to now, the actual leading companies for Federal Aviation Regulations for fire retardation in aeroen-
mass production of silica aerogel are the North American- gines while a profound study is still required for acoustical
based industrials Cabot Corporation and Aspen Aerogels. applications in aircraft. With the reinforcement using poly-
Both of which are apprehensive with thermal insulation. The mers, the mechanical properties of silica aerogels can be
former produces silica aerogels mainly in the form of granules tailored to meet the specifications of future astronautical
under the Trademark Nanogel, whilst the second one concen- applications. Often in such cases, the success of the mission is
trates on flexible blankets, registered as Cryogels, Pyrogels, more significant than the budget. However, for aeronautical
and Spaceloft. Recently, there has been Nano Hi-Tech in implementations, the introduction of silica aerogels is ques-
China which is considered to be the third player followed tionable based on the current market manufacturing cost and
by some other relatively small manufacturers like EM-Power the current performance of the existing materials. Maerogel,
(Korea), AIRGLASS AB, and the German ROCKWOOL. which is an ecological and green-technology material, has
Despite the existing market competition, it remains difficult been proposed as a promising substitute due its relatively low
to compensate the price of silica aerogel for other beneficial cost and comparable properties with the conventional silica
factors. On the other hand, it is reported that a reduction up aerogels.
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