Charpy Test Post Lab
Charpy Test Post Lab
Charpy Test Post Lab
Tejas Wandile
a) To study the impact resistance of metals using Impact testing machine of the Charpy type.
b) To determine the variation of impact strength of a material with change in temperature.
Equipment and tools: Impact testing machine, scale, standard charpy specimens, furnace and
thermocouple, liquid nitrogen.
Some materials like cast iron, glass and some plastics which offer considerable resistance to
static load, often shatter easily when a sudden load (impact) is applied. The impact strength is defined as
the resistance of the materials to shock dynamic load. The impact testing is to find out the energy
absorbed by a specimen when brought to fracture by hammer blow and gives a quality of the material,
particularly its brittleness. Highly brittle materials have low impact strength. Temperature also influences
impact strength of the materials. The area under the stress strain curve in a static tensile test is measure
of the energy absorbed per unit volume of the material, called the modules of toughness. This is also a
measure of the impact strength of the material. Impact test can also be used to determine the transition
temperature for ductile to brittle behavior.
The impact load can be applied in many ways. Allowing a standard mass to fall on the specimen from
progressively increasing heights until fracture occurs. For laboratory testing, Charpy and Izod impact
tests are used (Figure1). In the Charpy test, the specimen is supported as a simply supported beam and a
notch is cut across the middle of one face, and the mass hits the opposite face directly behind the notch.
While in Izod impact test, the specimen is a cantilever, clamped upright in an anvil, with a V-notch at the
level of the top of the clamp. These notched specimens are fractured with a standard blow from a
pendulum hammer and energy absorbed is measured. In addition to these beam type of specimens
there are also tension and shear or torsion specimen, which can be used with special type of testing
machines. In any case, the distribution of stress throughout the impact test specimen is not known and
the test results are therefore mainly comparative, even though they have some correlation with the
fracture toughness.
A typical ductile-to-brittle transition curve obtained after performing a number of tests at different
temperatures is shown in Figure 2. As the temperature is reduced through the transition range, the
fracture surface changes from one having a 'fibrous' or 'silky' appearance with much distortion at the
sides, to one of completely crystalline appearance with negligible distortion. There is a strong correlation
between the energy absorbed and the proportion of the cross-section which suffers deformation in
fracture, and the fracture surface is frequently described in terms of the percentage of its area which is
crystalline in appearance. Usually fracture surface appearances with crystallinity increases as the
temperature is reduced.
1. Note down the dimensions of the specimen and find the working area of the specimen at the
place of notch.
2. With no specimen on the anvil, raise the pendulum to an initial reading R1 in the dial and
release it.
3. Note the reading R2 of the dummy pointer on the dial. The difference is the energy loss due to
4. Now place the specimen accurately in position on the anvil.
5. Raise the pendulum to the same initial height and release. The pendulum swings to the other
side rupturing the specimen.
6. Note the reading R3 on the dummy pointer on the dial.
7. Tabulate the reading.
8. Repeat the procedure for change in temperature and examine the variation of impact
• Calibration = 0.274 J
• Total frictional loss = 15.62 J
Number of half cycles = 11
Loss per half cycle = 1.42 J
• Impact area = 8*10^-5 m^2
Temperature Energy of Rupture Impact strength
-1100C 8.82 J 0.11 MJ/m^2
-1000C 14.04 J 0.175 MJ/m^2
Room Temperature 159.91 J 1.998 MJ/m^2
337.250C 160.76 J 2.008 MJ/m^2
3500C 193.84 J 2.423 MJ/m^2
• It can be concluded from the observations that the impact energy to break the specimen
increases with increase in temperature. Therefore, at higher temperature the energy absorbed
by the specimen before failure is more.
• It also follows that at higher temperature metals are more ductile and at lower temperatures
they become brittle.
• Below some particular temperature materials show brittle failure and above a particular
temperature they show ductile failure. Between the two there exists a transition region where
properties of both are shown