Atmosphere: Atmospheric Wind Field Modelling With Openfoam For Near-Ground Gas Dispersion
Atmosphere: Atmospheric Wind Field Modelling With Openfoam For Near-Ground Gas Dispersion
Atmosphere: Atmospheric Wind Field Modelling With Openfoam For Near-Ground Gas Dispersion
Atmospheric Wind Field Modelling with OpenFOAM for
Near-Ground Gas Dispersion
Sebastian Schalau 1, *, Abdelkarim Habib 1 and Simon Michel 2
Abstract: CFD simulations of near-ground gas dispersion depend significantly on the accuracy of the
wind field. When simulating wind fields with conventional RANS turbulence models, the velocity
and turbulence profiles specified as inlet boundary conditions change rapidly in the approach flow
region. As a result, when hazardous materials are released, the extent of hazardous areas is calculated
based on an approach flow that differs significantly from the boundary conditions defined. To solve
this problem, a turbulence model with consistent boundary conditions was developed to ensure
a horizontally homogeneous approach flow. Instead of the logarithmic vertical velocity profile, a
power law is used to overcome the problem that with the logarithmic profile, negative velocities
would be calculated for heights within the roughness length. With this, the problem that the distance
of the wall-adjacent cell midpoint has to be higher than the roughness length is solved, so that a
high grid resolution can be ensured even in the near-ground region which is required to simulate
gas dispersion. The evaluation of the developed CFD model using the German guideline VDI
3783/9 and wind tunnel experiments with realistic obstacle configurations showed a good agreement
between the calculated and the measured values and the ability to achieve a horizontally homogenous
Citation: Schalau, S.; Habib, A.; approach flow.
Michel, S. Atmospheric Wind Field
Modelling with OpenFOAM for Keywords: atmospheric boundary layer; OpenFOAM; gas dispersion; CFD; turbulence model;
Near-Ground Gas Dispersion. hazard assessment; horizontal homogeneity; wind field
Atmosphere 2021, 12, 933. https://
and dispersion occurs, a CFD model should be chosen that is able to conserve the inlet
conditions in the approach flow region, resulting in a horizontally homogenous boundary
layer flow. Otherwise, the turbulence model of the CFD code will modify the approach
flow depending on the domain length and grid resolution, resulting in different extents of
hazardous areas for the same release scenario [2].
Several publications [3–6] state that reaching a horizontally homogenous boundary
layer flow with RANS CFD models is not evident. Richards and Hoxey [7] state that a
horizontally homogenous boundary layer flow can only be reached if there is a consistency
between the turbulence model and the boundary conditions, such as the atmospheric inlet
condition and wall functions. They propose inlet conditions on the basis of a logarithmic
wind profile, as well as necessary modifications to the k-ε turbulence model. Several other
authors [8–10] present comparable solutions for the problem of horizontal homogeneity.
Whilst all aforementioned publications try to achieve a solution by modifying the constants
of the k-ε model, [11] they achieved the horizontal homogeneity by introducing an addi-
tional source term to the dissipation equation [12] and by introducing it in the turbulent
kinetic energy equation.
To reduce the computational cost, wall functions are used for describing the near wall
area using a roughness factor, to avoid modelling even the smallest details (e.g., vegetation,
fences, cars). Different types of roughness parameters and their suitability for modelling
horizontally homogenous boundary layer flows were discussed [13–15]. However, for all it
was stated that the general formulations of wall functions for rough walls (based on the
equivalent sand grain roughness k s or the roughness length z0 ) introduce a dependency of
the wall-adjacent cell size from the defined roughness value. This results in wall-adjacent
cell sizes that are much too big for simulating near-ground or near-obstacle effects with
acceptable accuracy. If a near-wall cell size smaller than the requirements due to the defined
roughness is chosen, the simulation will not result in a horizontally homogenous boundary
layer flow [13].
For near-ground gas dispersion scenarios, a coarse wall-adjacent mesh will lead to an
unrealistic prediction of the gas cloud sizes, as the concentration gradients near ground
cannot be resolved with sufficient accuracy.
In this work, a CFD model based on the open source CFD code OpenFOAM is
presented, which was developed with the aim to compute a horizontally homogenous
boundary layer flow and to overcome the wall resolution restrictions due to wall roughness.
In this model the wind profile is described by a power law instead of a log wind profile. The
used flow solver is a transient, compressible flow solver, to also be able to simulate in the
future gas dispersion, gas cloud explosions, or gas cloud combustion. In this work we will
focus on the wind field modelling. The model will be evaluated systematically using the
German Guideline VDI 3783/9 [16,17]. This guideline provides test cases in which generic
obstacle configurations are investigated and objective evaluation criteria are provided. To
evaluate the model performance for a more realistic obstacle configuration comparable to
an industrial area, wind tunnel measurements are used. In opposite to free field trials, they
show a high reproducibility, and the average boundary conditions can be kept constant over
a long time period to produce a statistically sound database. The wind tunnel data used
were generated at the University of Hamburg in the context of an actual research project.
The quality of the presented model to simulate a horizontally homogenous boundary layer
approach flow and the flow around obstacles will be demonstrated and evaluated with the
VDI Guideline 3783/9 and the aforementioned wind tunnel experiments.
describing the turbulent kinetic energy k (1) and the dissipation ε (2) are coupled to the
Navier–Stokes equations through the turbulent viscosity νt (3):
→ →
∂(ρk ) νt 2
= ∇· ρ + ν ∇k − ∇ · ρkU + Pk − ρ ∇ · U k − ρe , (1)
∂t σk 3
→ → e2
∂(ρe) νt C1 e 2
= ∇· ρ + ν ∇e − ∇ · ρeU + Pk − C1 ρ ∇ · U e − C2 ρ + Se , (2)
∂t σe k 3 k
νt = Cµ . (3)
The values of the model constants C1 , C2 , Cµ , σk and σε in Equations (1)–(3) are based
on [22]. The variable ρ is the density of the fluid and U is the velocity vector, Pk describes
the production of the turbulent kinetic energy and Sε is an additional source term, which
will be derived in the following.
With the idealized assumption of a horizontally homogenous boundary layer flow
and with the additional assumptions that:
- the flow is stationary,
- the flow fields are free of horizontal gradients,
- the vertical velocity is zero,
Equations (1) and (2) can be simplified to:
∂ νt ∂k
0= ρ + Pk − ρe (4)
∂z σk ∂z
∂ νt ∂e C e
0= ρ + 1 Pk − C2 ρ + Se (5)
∂z σe ∂z k k
The dynamic viscosity is assumed to be negligible (νt ν).
Assuming a two-dimensional horizontally homogenous boundary layer flow, the
turbulence production is defined as
Pk = ρνt (6)
Based on Equations (4) to (6), models have been developed to achieve a horizontally
homogenous boundary layer solution (e.g., [7,10,12]). All these models are based on a
logarithmic wind velocity profile. This assumption leads to a dependency of the grid
resolution near ground from the roughness length [13]. To overcome this restriction, in this
work a power-law wind profile is used as inlet boundary condition
Ux = Ure f (7)
zre f
The value of the exponent m of the wind profile is set in accordance to the roughness
length z0 , which is now only indirectly linked to the governing model equations, allowing
us to choose the grid resolution independently of the ground roughness.
The vertical profile of the turbulent kinetic energy of the incident flow, as described
by, e.g., Richards and Hoxey [7], is dependent on the wall shear stress velocity which can
be defined as nearly constant with height for a neutrally layered atmosphere
k = p∗ (8)
Atmosphere 2021, 12, 933 4 of 14
Ure f κ
u∗ = z +z (9)
re f 0
ln z0
νt ∂2 e C1 e ∂Ux 2 e2
∂ρ νt ∂e ρ ∂νt ∂e
Se = − − −ρ 2
− ρνt + C2 ρ (12)
∂z σe ∂z σe ∂z ∂z σe ∂z k ∂z k
With this modification, horizontally homogenous boundary layer flows can be simu-
lated for near-ground grid resolutions that are not dependent on the roughness length. This
source term is evaluated solely based on the vertical inlet profiles at the beginning of the
simulation and is therefore time independent. As this source term is relevant and designed
to achieve a horizontally homogenous flow without obstacles, this term is only active in
the upstream region when simulating obstacles in the domain. In the vicinity of obstacles,
the turbulence model (Equations (1)–(3)) is used with Sε = 0. The term Sε compensates
the expected dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy with the standard k--model in an
obstacle-free flow domain.
Besides the described modifications to the turbulence model, the simulation of a
horizontally homogenous boundary layer flow also requires a formulation for wall func-
tions consistent to the modifications made. Wall functions available in OpenFOAM de-
scribe the turbulent energy dissipation and production for hydraulically smooth walls
(epsilonWallFunction), as well as the turbulent viscosity based on the roughness length
(nutkAtmRoughWallFunction). To avoid reintroducing here the dependency of the possible
grid resolution on the roughness length, and at the same time to satisfy Equation (11), the
turbulent dissipation at the wall-adjacent cell center is defined as
u2∗ · m · ure f zre f
ep = (13)
Coupling of the wall function with the flow field occurs in analogy to the OpenFOAM
epsilonWallFunction [18], by replacing the friction velocity by the wall adjacent turbulent
kinetic energy through Equation (8)
p zp
Cµ · k p · m · ure f zre f
ep = (14)
In accordance with Equation (6), the turbulence production in the wall adjacent cell is
∂u x ∂u x ∂u x
Pk,p = µt = µt (15)
∂z ∂z ∂z
law profile and the other by its spatial discretization. Thus, the turbulence production can
be rewritten as m
∂u x
2 m · u re f zre f ∆u x
Pk,p = µt ≈ µt (16)
∂z zp ∆z
The wall sheer stress τ0 , considered as constant within the Prandtl layer, is
∂u x
τo = ρu2∗ = µt (17)
and by integration with respect to the height and assuming a no slip wall, Equation (17)
ρu2∗ = µt (18)
resulting in the wall function for the turbulent viscosity, by substituting up with Equation (7):
u2∗ z p
νt = m (19)
ure f zre f
3. Results
Several investigations have been carried out to assess the accuracy of the presented
model. Beginning with a study of the horizontal homogeneity of the boundary layer
flow when using the original and the modified code over a benchmark with the VDI
3783/9 [16,17], to a comparison with wind tunnel experiments for complex terrain, the
quality of the new model is shown.
Figure 1. Development of the boundary layer for the standard model and the model presented.
To ensure the presented model being able to carry out simulations of a horizontally
homogenous boundary layer flow where the grid resolution can be chosen independently
of the surface roughness, which is not possible for standard turbulence models in CFD [13],
further simulations were carried out in the same domain. In these simulations, the wind
speed at 10 m in height over the ground was varied in a range of 1 m/s up to 5 m/s, and
for wind profiles corresponding to roughness lengths between 0.1 m and 1.2 m, covering
a typical range for hazard assessment scenarios. The wind profiles were investigated
after a distance of 300 m, a typical distance from the inlet according to the best practice
guidelines [1], where distances from the inlet of two to eight times the obstacle height are
recommended as the approach flow distance. The grid resolution ranged from 0.5 m down
to 0.125 m for the wall-adjacent cell, corresponding to cell midpoint heights z p of 0.25 m
down to 0.0625 m.
Figure 2 shows the relative deviation between the calculated vertical wind profile in
the main direction (Ux ) and the inlet boundary condition. As no significant changes were
observed over the range of wind speeds, the figure shows exemplarily the results for a
wind speed of 3 m/s at 10 m over the ground. The wind profiles after the investigated
distance of 300 m do not differ from the inlet profile by more than +/−5% close to the
ground. At a height of 1 m or more from the ground, the deviation between the inlet profile
and the computed values is negligible. Similar observations can be made for the eddy
viscosity profiles (Figure 3). The maximum deviation reached is around +/−10%, which
seems small enough to be qualified as acceptable.
As these observations for the wind velocity and eddy viscosity profiles are valid for
any of the investigated combinations of roughness length and grid resolution, it can be
concluded that the modified turbulence model and wall functions presented here are able
to simulate a horizontally homogenous boundary layer flow for near-wall grid resolutions
that can be chosen independently to the roughness length.
Figure 2. Wind profiles at 300 m distance from the inlet for varying surface roughness and grid resolution.
Figure 3. Eddy viscosity profiles at 300 m distance from the inlet for varying surface roughness and
grid resolution.
The evaluation method of the guideline VDI 3783/9 gives a quantitative estimate of
the model quality by determining a hit ratio q
n ∑ ni
q= = (21)
Atmosphere 2021, 12, 933 8 of 14
It indicates in percent the proportion of the total of correctly predicted values n in the
total number of comparison values N. For successful validation in comparison with wind
tunnel experiments, it is required that q > 66%. The number of correctly predicted values ni
results from the comparison of the normalized results Pi and the normalized comparison
values Oi [17]: ( )
1, i f Pi O ≤ D or | Pi − Oi | ≤ W
ni = (22)
0, otherwise
In Equation (22), W is the absolute permitted difference and D the permitted difference,
which are defined separately for each case in [16,17].
The focus is laid on the test cases c3, c4 and c6 of the 2005 version of the guideline [16],
as a simple generic case for a multiple building scenario (test case c6) is available. Figure 4
shows the geometrical representation of the test cases, and the corresponding parameters
are given in Table 1. Parameters of each test case. For the test cases c3 and c4 (single
obstacle), the guideline requires evaluating the wind field in the near field (grey dotted
region in Figure 4a,b), as well as in the whole computational domain. For test case c6, only
the whole domain has to be considered.
Figure 4. Geometrical representation of the test cases (a) test case c3 cube with 90◦ approach flow,
(b) test case c4 cube with 270◦ approach flow, (c) test case c6 7 × 3 array of buildings.
During a grid sensitivity study, the grid was refined from near-wall mesh sizes of
1.0 m down to 0.25 m, showing that the hit ratio is not very sensitive to the grid refinement,
as only negligible differences for all refinements can be observed. In the following, only
results for a mesh with a near-wall mesh size of 0.5 m will be discussed, although the
observations made are also valid for all investigated meshes.
Table 2 Hit ratio in % for all three test cases. shows the hit ratio q for all three test cases,
subdivided into hit ratios for qUx —corresponding to the main wind direction, qUy —the
crosswind direction, and qUz —the vertical to the main wind direction. For all test cases
and all three wind direction components, the required minimum hit ratio of 66% is reached
or exceeded when evaluating the whole computational domain.
While the near-field values for test case c3 meet the requirements of the guideline,
test case c4 does not reach the required minimum value for the hit ratio for some velocity
components. Due to the high velocity gradients occurring at obstacles where a flow
detachment or recirculation can be observed, the choice of the turbulence model has a
significant influence on the quality of the result, whilst, in general, a higher deviation
between computed values and experimental data is to be expected in these cases. Although
the minimum criterion for the hit ratio is reached for test case c3, in test case c4 with a
45◦ approach flow, this can only be achieved for the hit ratio of the main wind direction
component. Study [26] stated that the approach flow in the experiments for test case c4
was not exactly 45◦ but showed a slight deviation of 2◦ . It is still to be examined whether
correcting the simulation values for the 2◦ deviation might lead to better hit ratios.
Two different boundary layer approach flows are modelled at a scale of 1:100 to
investigate the influence of the flow on the measurements inside the model area. One
boundary layer flow represents the conditions of a “moderately rough” boundary layer.
This type of boundary layer flow develops over grasslands or farmlands. The second
wind boundary layer represents a flow that develops over suburban area and is described
by the definition of a “rough” boundary layer. The roughness classes are defined by
VDI 3783/12 [27]. The similarity between wind tunnel experiments and real scale has
been ensured by checking that the turbulence intensity, the wind profiles, the spectral
distribution of turbulent energy and the lateral homogeneity are similar to nature-given
profiles and distributions. In addition, the functional relationship between the roughness
length z0 and the wind profile exponent m has been checked, according to [28].
In the following, the simulated wind fields are compared to the profiles measured in
the wind tunnel for the “moderately rough” case. For the considered case, the roughness
length for the “moderately rough” case is z0 = 0.06 m, corresponding to an exponent of
the wind profile power law of m = 0.17. The same approach flow (Figure 6a) was used
for two different wind directions, case M1 and case M2 (with respect to the obstacles,
Figure 6b). The horizontal flow components (Ux , Uy ) were measured around the obstacles
at 327 positions for the direction M1 and at 383 positions for M2, at a height over the
ground varying from 2 m up to 20 m. Figure 6a shows a good agreement of the measured
and calculated normalized vertical wind velocity profile of the approach flow. For each
horizontal, homogeneity was verified.
Figure 6. (a) Comparison of the boundary layer flow measured in the wind tunnel and calculated
with the presented model; (b) schematic representation of the obstacle configuration and the approach
flows M1 and M2.
Atmosphere 2021, 12, 933 11 of 14
Figure 7. Illustration of the hit ratio for case M1 (a) at 2 m height over ground, (b) at 8 m height
over ground.
With increasing height over the ground, the number of points which show a hit ratio
higher than the threshold increases in both cases. This is due to the fact that the closer to
the ground, the more complex the turbulence-influenced effects are on the flow. To resolve
these effects in a satisfactory manner, at least a LES (Large-Eddy Simulation) would be
required. Table 3 Hit ratio for the whole domain of case M1 and M2. shows that the hit
ratio for the whole domain exceeds the threshold value of 66% for both cases. For the aim
of providing an adequate wind field for hazard assessment purposes, the reached accuracy
is therefore sufficient.
Atmosphere 2021, 12, 933 12 of 14
Figure 8. Illustration of the hit ratio for case M2 (a) at 2 m height over ground, (b) at 8 m height
over ground.
Table 3. Hit ratio for the whole domain of case M1 and M2.
qUx qUy
M1 71 89
M2 67 82
4. Discussion
The transient, compressible flow solver rhoReactingBuoyantFoam of OpenFOAM 5.0
in combination with the standard k-ε turbulence model is promising for simulating the
dispersion process of pollutants in the atmosphere. Due to inconsistencies between the
required boundary conditions for modelling atmospheric boundary layer flow and the
formulation of the turbulence model, simulating a horizontally homogenous boundary
layer flow is not possible.
As the horizontally homogenous approach flow is mandatory for reliable estimations
of the safety distances for hazard assessment purposes, when a pollutant is released near
ground in the atmosphere, a modification to the turbulence model has been made and
was presented in this work. Introducing an additional source term in the equation for the
turbulent dissipation and replacing the log law profile by a power law profile for the wind
field, in combination with a new formulation of the wall functions, showed the ability to
simulate a horizontally homogenous boundary layer flow. Additionally, the grid resolution
adjacent to the walls can now be chosen independently of the roughness length defined
on the ground. For gas dispersion purposes in a built-up domain, the grid resolution in
the vicinity of buildings is crucial to achieve a satisfactory resolution of the concentration
gradients, leading to a reliable and reproducible prediction of the safety distances. The
model’s performance for this application is currently under investigation.
The evaluation of the presented model occurred in three steps. In the first step, it was
checked against the original model formulation for its performance to produce horizontally
homogenous wind and turbulence profiles, and showed a clear advantage compared to
the original formulation by achieving the homogeneity. In the second step, the model was
evaluated considering the rules defined by the VDI Guideline 3783/9 [16] where generic
obstacle configurations are presented, and an objective statistical method for evaluation
using a so-called hit ratio is defined. The model was evaluated against three test cases of
the guideline with a single cube in a 90◦ approach flow and a 45◦ approach flow, as well
as for an array of 7 × 3 obstacles. Considering the whole domain, the model performed
well in all cases and reached hit ratios clearly fulfilling the defined threshold. For the two
single cube cases, an evaluation of the “near-field” had to be carried out. The hit ratio
showed lower values than for the whole domain, due to restrictions of the k-ε turbulence
model in the vicinity of obstacles. The third evaluation step consisted of comparing the
Atmosphere 2021, 12, 933 13 of 14
presented model to wind tunnel measurements and using the evaluation criteria of the
VDI Guideline 3783/9 [17] to obtain an objective measure of the performance, even though
the criteria might not fully match the considered case. Nevertheless, the presented model
showed again a good performance by reaching the required thresholds.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.S. and A.H.; model development and validation, S.S.;
wind tunnel measurements, S.M.; All authors were actively involved in writing and revising the
manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The IGF-Project No.: 20719 BG of the Research Association Society for Chemical Engi-
neering and Biotechnology (DECHEMA), Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25, 60486 Frankfurt am Main, was
funded by the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF) within the framework
of the Industrial Collective Research (IGF) support program by the Federal Ministry for Economic
Affairs and Energy due to a decision of the German Bundestag.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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