L2 Optics

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An Introduction to


Series of Five Lectures JINA, University of Notre Dame Sept. 30 Dec. 9, 2005 Georg P. Berg

The Lecture Series

1st Lecture: 9/30/05, 2:00 pm: Definitions, Formalism, Examples

2nd Lecture: 10/7/05, 2:00 pm: Ion-optical elements, properties & design
3rd Lecture: 10/14/05, 2:00 pm: Real World Ion-optical Systems

4th Lecture: 12/2/05, 2:00 pm: Separator Systems

5th Lecture: 12/9/05, 2:00 pm: Demonstration of Codes (TRANSPORT, COSY, MagNet)

2nd Lecture
2nd Lecture: 10/7/05, 2:00 pm: Ion-optical elements, properties & design

Electro-magnetic elements in ion-optical systems

Dipoles, Quadrupoles, Multipoles, Wien Filters Combining elements, ion-optics properties Field measurements Review 1st Lecture (4) Overview magnetic elements (5) Creation of magnetic B (6 - 8) Dipole magnets (9 -11) Quadrupole magnets, doublet, triplet (12 16) Wien Filter (17) Field measurements (18-19) Outlook 3rrd Lecture: A beam line & spectrometer (20) Q &A

Review 1st Lecture

Lorentz Force:


TRANSPORT of Ray X0 using Matrix R

Xn = R X0 R = Rn Rn-1 R0

(3) (4)
s 1 = Rs0 RT

TRANSPORT of s Matrix (Phase space ellipsoid) Beam emittance:


s11s22 - (s12) 2 e = ```````````


Taylor expansion, higher orders, solving the equation of motion, diagnostics, examples

Schematic Overview of Magnetic Elements (Iron dominated)

Pole shape Field Pole,analyt. Bx wI

Iron dominated: B field is determined by properties & shape of iron pole pieces

Required wI = Ampere-turns for desired magnet strength B0, g, a3, a4 can be calculated formula in last column. Coils are not shown in drawing in 1st colunm

G. Schnell, Magnete, Verlag K. Thiemig, Muenchen 1973

Creation of magnetic fields using current

Current loop Helmholtz coil, Dipole Helmholtz coil, reversed current, Quadrupole

Biot-Savarts Law Magnetization in Ferromagnetic material:

B = magn. Induction H = magn. Field m = magn. permeability

B = mH

Creation of magnetic fields using permanent magnets

Magnet iron is soft: Remanence is very small when H is returned to 0 Permanent magnet material is hard: Large remaining magnetization B Permanent magnets can be used to design dipole, quadrupole and other ionoptical elements. They need no current, but strength has to be changed by

echanica adjustment.

Magnetization Curves
Vanadium Permandur

Pure Iron

Field lines of H-frame dipole

Example: Dipole H-Magnet

40o Bend Angle
Return Yoke

Iron dominated Dipole Magnet with constant field in dipole gap (Good-field region).

Coil Central Ray

6o& 12o Edge Angles Vertical Focusing

Soft magnet iron, B(H) Hollow copper conductor for high current density Iron magnetization saturates at about 1.7 T


Dipole Gap: +/- 30 mm Pole Units in mm 9

Field lines in an iron-dominated Dipole magnet

Field lines of H-frame dipole



For symmetry reasons only a quarter of the full dipole is calculated & shown Good-field region Defined by ion-optical requirement, e.g. dB/B < 10-4

The Field calculation was performed Using the finite element (FE) code MagNet (Infolytica).

Fringe field & Effective field length Leff

Iron Pole

Pole length
2Leff Leff = B ds / B0


1) The fringe field is important even in 1st order ion-optical calculations. 2) Rogowski profile to make Leff = Pole length. 3) The fringe field region can be modified with field clamp or shunt.


Current in & out of drawing plane

Standard Quadrupole

out out
Pole Piece Return Yoke






out out

Note: Magnet is Iron/Current configuration with field as needed in ion-optical design. 2d/3d finite elements codes solving POISSON equation are well established


Collins Quadrupole

Layered Shielding for Storage Ring

Ref. K.I. Blomqvist el al. NIM A403(1998)263 13

Forces on ions ( quadrupole)




Horizontally defocusing quadrupole for ions along z axis into the drawing plane. See Forces in direction v x B

A focusing quadrupole is obtained by a 90o rotation around the z axis



Ion optics of a quadrupole SINGLET & DOUBLET




Focusing with a quadrupole TRIPLET

<- x ( +15 mm)

Screen shot of TRANSPORT design calculation of Quadrupole Triplet upstream of St. George target. Shown are the horiz. (x) and vert. (y) envelops of the phase ellipse.
z (8 m) ^

Note beam at Slit has +/- 2 mrad and at target TGT +/- 45 mrad angle opening. This symmetical triplet 1/2F-D-1/2F corresponds to an optical lens.

^ Slit 1 mm

<- y +15 mm


with E ^ B

The Wien Filter

F=0 v = E/B

when qE = qv x B with E ^ B

Design study of Wien Filter for St. George

Electrostatic system of Danfysik Wien Filter

Units in mm

Gradient of E Field lines

B Field lines


0.3 T


Hall Probe

RH Hall Effect: UH = BI d


Lorentz force ev x B on electrons with velocity v that constitute the current I RH = Hall constant, material property Remarks: Precision down to ~ 2 10-4 Needs temperature calibration Probe area down to 1 mm by 1 mm Average signal in gradient field (good for quadrupole and fringe field measurement)


Nuclear spin precesses in external field B With Larmor frequency fL = 2m B h

NMR Probe


m = p, d magn. Moment h = Planck constant

Nucleus with spin

fL (proton)/B = 42.58 MHz/T fL (deuteron)/B = 6.538 MHz/T

Fig. 1 Principle of measurement: Small (e.g. water probe), low frequency wobble coil B + B~ , tuneable HF field B (Fig. 1) with frequency ft , observe Larmor
resonance on Oscilloscope (Fig. 2). When signal a & b coincide the tuneable frequence ft = fL

Precision ~ 10-5 Temperature independent Needs constant B in probe ( 5 x 5 mm) to see signal!

Fig. 2


Grand Raiden High Resolution Spectrometer

Max. Magn. Rigidity: 5.1 Tm Bending Radius: 3.0 m Solid Angle: 3 msr Beam Line/Spectrometer fully matched


End Lecture 2


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