This document provides a course description and competencies for an enzyme histochemistry course. The course will teach advanced techniques in muscle enzyme histochemistry and molecular histology, including tissue preparation, staining, quality control, and troubleshooting. Students will demonstrate understanding of basic principles like enzyme functions and muscle fiber types. They will also learn specific histochemical staining techniques to identify various hydrolytic enzymes, and analyze results to evaluate muscle specimens. The goal is for students to not only understand the theories behind enzyme histochemistry, but also to develop hands-on skills in preparing samples and employing staining protocols.
This document provides a course description and competencies for an enzyme histochemistry course. The course will teach advanced techniques in muscle enzyme histochemistry and molecular histology, including tissue preparation, staining, quality control, and troubleshooting. Students will demonstrate understanding of basic principles like enzyme functions and muscle fiber types. They will also learn specific histochemical staining techniques to identify various hydrolytic enzymes, and analyze results to evaluate muscle specimens. The goal is for students to not only understand the theories behind enzyme histochemistry, but also to develop hands-on skills in preparing samples and employing staining protocols.
This document provides a course description and competencies for an enzyme histochemistry course. The course will teach advanced techniques in muscle enzyme histochemistry and molecular histology, including tissue preparation, staining, quality control, and troubleshooting. Students will demonstrate understanding of basic principles like enzyme functions and muscle fiber types. They will also learn specific histochemical staining techniques to identify various hydrolytic enzymes, and analyze results to evaluate muscle specimens. The goal is for students to not only understand the theories behind enzyme histochemistry, but also to develop hands-on skills in preparing samples and employing staining protocols.
This document provides a course description and competencies for an enzyme histochemistry course. The course will teach advanced techniques in muscle enzyme histochemistry and molecular histology, including tissue preparation, staining, quality control, and troubleshooting. Students will demonstrate understanding of basic principles like enzyme functions and muscle fiber types. They will also learn specific histochemical staining techniques to identify various hydrolytic enzymes, and analyze results to evaluate muscle specimens. The goal is for students to not only understand the theories behind enzyme histochemistry, but also to develop hands-on skills in preparing samples and employing staining protocols.
Introduction to advanced techniques and special procedures. Students will learn
Course procedures for, muscle enzyme Histochemistry and molecular histology. The course Description: will include tissue preparation, staining technology, quality control and troubleshooting (2-hour lecture) Course Competency Learning Outcomes
Competency 1: The student will demonstrate an • Communication
understanding knowledge and comprehension of the • Critical thinking basic principles of enzyme Histochemistry by: • Information Literacy • Ethical Issues • Computer / Technology Usage
1. Discussing safety issue in the enzyme Histochemistry
laboratory. 2. Defining the following terms: i. Enzymes ii. Oxidation iii. Reduction iv. Substrate v. Hydrolase vi. Simultaneous coupling vii. Esterase viii. Phosphatase ix. Phosphorylase x. Epimysium xi. Perimysium xii. Endomysium 3. Describing the histology of normal muscle 4. Differentiating between type I and type II muscle fibers 5. Listing four types of histochemical reactions for demonstration of hydrolytic enzymes. Competency 2: The student will demonstrate an understanding knowledge and comprehension of theories enzyme Histochemistry by:
Updated Spring 2021
1. Listing three properties of enzymes. 2. Listing 5 factors that influence enzyme demonstration. 3. Listing an artifact that may be seen in unfixed frozen sections. 4. Outlining the basic procedures for preparing muscle for enzyme Histochemistry. 5. Evaluating a storage solution for tissue to be used for enzyme studies Competency 3: The student will demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of enzyme Histochemistry techniques by:
1. Employing and describing the reactions for:
i. Alpha-naphthol acetate esterase ii. Naphthol AS-D chloracetate esterase iii. ATPase iv. Acid phosphatase v. Alkaline phosphatase vi. NADH diaphorase vii. SDH viii. Phosphorylase. 2. Evaluating how Naphthol AS-D chloracetate esterase stain differs from most enzyme stains. 3. Summarizing why the pH the NADH diaphorase reaction is critical. 4. Categorizing the diseases indicated by a negative phosphorylase reaction. Competency 4: The student will demonstrate knowledge, comprehension and application of enzyme Histochemistry techniques by:
testing. 2. Describing artifacts from true enzyme Histochemistry results. 3. Discussing the preferred method of freezing muscle tissue for enzyme Histochemistry studies. 4. Operate and monitor a cryostat and pH meter. 5. Identifying the results of the following stains: i. Alpha-naphthol acetate esterase ii. Naphthol AS-D chloracetate esterase
Updated Spring 2021
iii. ATPase iv. Acid phosphatase v. Alkaline phosphatase vi. NADH diaphorase vii. SDH viii. Phosphorylase. 6. Evaluating, interpreting, and reviewing enzyme Histochemistry results.
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