Mosquitoes: Practical Advice For Homowners: Mosquito Biology
Mosquitoes: Practical Advice For Homowners: Mosquito Biology
Mosquitoes: Practical Advice For Homowners: Mosquito Biology
Mosquitoes can make life miserable. Many recreational will hatch when inundated with rain water.
and work activities have been ruined by the constant
annoyance and irritation caused by their bites. Also, The larval stage begins at egg hatch. Mosquito larvae,
some species can transmit serious diseases. While more called are "wrigglers" because of their distinctive
than 50 mosquito species can be found in the swimming style. They can be seen when they come to
Commonwealth, only a few are a significant nuisance the surface of the water to breathe through a distinctive
and / or public health threat. This publication explains tube that extends from the end of their body. The larvae
how and where mosquitoes breed and what can be done feed on microorganisms in the water and grow rapidly
to reduce their numbers in and around the home and to in warm weather. Full grown larvae become pupae,
protect yourself from bites. often called "tumblers" because they tumble end-over-
end through the water. Pupae transform into adults after
Successful long term mosquito control requires a
knowledge of where and how they develop. All Female mosquitoes are blood feeders and may live for
mosquitoes pass through four life stages: egg, larva, more than a month. They generally require a blood
pupa, and adult. The number of days from egg to adult meal before laying eggs. Mosquitoes rely on various
varies with species and temperature. Under ideal cues to find potential hosts on which to feed. Heat,
conditions, some mosquitoes can complete their cycle movement, exhaled carbon dioxide, and body scent
of development from egg to adult in less than a week. allow hungry mosquitoes to home in on their prey from
long and short distances. Some mosquito species feed
The two major groups of mosquitoes in Kentucky, on humans; many feed on wild and domestic birds and
Culex sp. and Aedes (Ochlerotatus) sp., have somewhat mammals. A few even feed on reptiles and amphibians.
different egg-laying habits. Culex mosquitoes lay Adult male mosquitoes do not bite. They live 1 to 2
groups of eggs on the surface of water in rain barrels, weeks and feed on nectar and plant juices.
bird baths, tin cans, old tires, car bodies, cisterns, roof
Unfortunately, there is no easy solution for managing
mosquitoes. Countless products on the market claim to
be effective and easy to use but few have appreciable
value in lessening the annoyance and incidence of
bites. Unlike most insects found around homes,
mosquitoes are pervasive outdoor pests and there are
limits to what can be done to minimize their
abundance, Nonetheless, there are measures that can
afford some relief.
for these viruses which are transmitted to humans and bite are extremely small.
horses through the bite of an infected mosquito.
Symptoms of viral encephalitis in humans can include Canine Heartworm
fever, headache, vomiting, drowsiness, and Dogs are quite susceptible to canine heartworm, a
convulsions. nematode that can be transmitted by certain
mosquitoes. Infected animals may develop severe
West Nile virus has been found virtually throughout circulatory problems and display symptoms such as
Kentucky in recent years. Even areas where mosquitoes coughing, labored breathing, and loss of vitality.
do carry the virus, very few mosquitoes-much less than Preventive drug treatment is available through your
1%- are infected. If an infected mosquito bites you, you veterinarian.
have less than 1% chance of severe illness. The
chances of being severely ill from any one mosquito
Table 2. Registered insecticides for adult mosquito control on lawns and vegetation
West Nile Virus Web Site- Ky Cabinet for Health Services, Department for Public Health
This site provides the most up to date status of West Nile Virus in the Commonwealth
Division of Waste Management Tire Amnesty Program is a means of disposing of unwanted tires, a primary
breeding site for some mosquito species.