BCS - 011 Computer Basics and PC Software
BCS - 011 Computer Basics and PC Software
BCS - 011 Computer Basics and PC Software
Computer their Origin and Applications 5
Functioning of a Computer 27
Memory System 43
Input Output Devices 75
My Personal Computer 104
Prof. Manohar Lal, Director Prof. Anju Sehgal Gupta Dr. P.K. Mishra, Associate Prof
SOCIS, IGNOU, New Delhi SOCIS, IGNOU, New Delhi Dept. of CS, BHU, Varanasi
Prof. H.M Gupta Prof. Sujatha Verma Sh. P.V. Suresh, Asst. Prof.
Dept. of Elect. Engg., IIT, Delhi SOS, IGNOU, New Delhi SOCIS, IGNOU, New Delhi
Prof. M.N Doja, Dept. of CE Prof. V. Sundarapandian Sh. V.V. Subrahmanyam, Asst. Prof.
Jamia Millia, New Delhi IITMK, Trivendrum SOCIS, IGNOU, New Delhi
Prof. C. Pandurangan Prof. Dharamendra Kumar Sh. M.P. Mishra, Asst. Prof.
Dept. of CSE, IIT, Chennai Dept. of CS, GJU, Hissar SOCIS, IGNOU, New Delhi
Prof. I. Ramesh Babu Prof. Vikram Singh Dr. Naveen Kumar, Asst. Prof.
Dept. of CSE Dept. of CS, CDLU, Sirsa SOCIS, IGNOU, New Delhi
Acharya Nagarjuna University,
Dr. Subodh Kesharwani, Asst. Prof.
Nagarjuna Nagar (AP) Sh. Shashi Bhushan, Associate. Prof.
SOMS, IGNOU, New Delhi
Prof. N.S. Gill
Dept. of CS, MDU, Rohtak Sh. Akshay Kumar, Associate Prof.
Prof. Arvind Kalia, Dept. of CS
HP University, Shimla
Sh. Shashi Bhushan, Associate Pro Dr. Devendra Tayal, Associate Prof.
SOCIS, IGNOU, New Delhi IGIT,GGSIP University, New Delhi
Sh. S.K. Dubey, Asst. Prof., Sh. R.C Tripathi, Asst. Prof., Sh. Milind Mahajani (Editor)
(Unit-1 Writer), (Unit-4 Writer), Sr. Consultant, New Delhi
Amity University, NOIDA IMS, NOIDA
Dr. Parmod Kumar, Asst. Prof.,
Dr. Vivek Singh, Asst. Prof., Sh. M.P. Mishra, Asst. Prof. (Language Editor),
(Unit-2 Writer), and SOH, IGNOU, New Delhi
Dept. of CS, BHU, Varanasi Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, Consultant
(Unit-5 Writers)
Sh. A.K Jaiswal, Asst. Prof., SOCIS, IGNOU, New Delhi
(Unit-3 Writer),
Amity School of CS, NOIDA
COURSE CO-ORD.: Sh. Akshay Kumar, Associate Prof., BLOCK DEV. CO-ORD.: Sh. M.P. Mishra, Asst. Prof.,
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Computer is a device that has major uses in our lives. You can use computer for most of your
needs. The applications of computer range from reading current news, reading books, watching
games, booking tickets, ordering books and other household products, publishing your views,
performing huge number of calculations, filing income tax returns, displaying student results,
conducting online entrance examination, electronic learning, electronic commerce, and many
more. Any computer consists of several physical components which are called the computer
hardware. However, the basic hardware of computer has no use if it does not have software. A
computer having hardware and software has some usage, however, what made computer really
useful is computer networking. This course introduces you to the basic concepts of computer
hardware, computer software and Computer networks. The course is divided into three blocks.
Block 1 covers the Basics of Computer Hardware details. This block traces the history of
computer, highlighting some of the milestones on the way. It highlights the importance of role
of computers in current applications. Computer consists of many important components. Each
component has a specific function to perform. The most important components of the computer
system are – the CPU, Memory and the Input Output devices. This Block provides a
comprehensive discussion of these three components. Some of the topics covered in the block
include – concept of instruction, Components of CPU and their roles, memory characteristics
and memory hierarchy, and characteristics of devices. This block also provides basic details
relating to the configuration of a personal computer.
Block 2 focuses on Basics of Computer Software. This block first traces the evolution of
computer software. It also describes the purpose and use of various types of software – System
software, application software and other types of software. This block also introduces you the
features and types of open source software. The block describes the features of Operating
system. It also details various types of Operating systems - Batch, Multi-programming, real
time, Network and distributed OS and many more. Knowledge of a programming language is
essential for a student of computer science. This Block introduces you to basic programming
language constructs. It also introduces you to various tools that are used for programming –
compiler, editor, assembler and interpreter. As far as application software is concerned this
block introduces you to Office Management Software - Word processor, spreadsheet, database
management system and Project Management software.
The third Block of this course is devoted to Networking and Internet Technologies. This
block introduces you to some of the basic networking terminologies that you should be familiar
with while dealing with Internet – data transmission, topology, protocol, networking media and
devices, LAN, WAN, TCP/IP, and so on. It also introduces you to some of the key concepts
related to Internet like IP addresses, DNS, URL, browser etc. Internet applications have grown
at a very rapid rate in the past decade. The prime reason for this is the advent of interactive
internet experiences. This block discusses some of the traditional Internet applications -
browsing, searching, emailing, and chatting. This block also briefly highlights some of the
newer Internet application such as e-learning, educational resources on web, collaboration,
blogging and social networking.
As the technology is advancing every day, you are advised to read some computer magazines
and keep visiting some good web sites on the Internet that may help you keep pace with latest
developments in Computer hardware, software and networking.
In last more than two decades, manual data processing has shifted to computerized data
processing. Also, computers are used for effective and efficient communication. Now,
computer applications are being used in many areas such as Education, Banking, Agriculture,
Railways, Judiciary, and Health etc, which are directly affecting the common people. Today,
basic knowledge of computers and its application has become the necessity of one and all, with
help of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) effective and management of data
of big organizations such as Banks, Railways etc., is now possible. The proper use of
information technology requires a paramount knowledge of working of ICT, which need
appropriate education in the field of Computer Science & Information Technology (IT) area
and relevant field experience. Without which proper utilization of IT is not possible.
The first block of first course on computer science in BCA Programme, this block is aiming to
introduce to you about historical perspective of computer developments, basics of Personal
Computer (PC) and its different components, requirements of memory and different I/O devices
in PC. This block also introduce to you about different types of PC. This block is of total five
Unit 1: Computer their Origin and Applications : In this unit Computer is defined and
its different generations are explained. Also different areas of Computer Applications are
briefly introduced.
Unit 2: Functioning of a Computer : This unit will be introducing to you about the
components of a digital computer and their roles. Also the binary number system, decimal
numbers, ASCII and Unicode code systems are introduced briefly.
Unit 3: Memory System : This unit basically outlines the storage organization, storage
devices of different types of memory systems and the importance of the memory hierarchy. In
this unit, the memory system is categorized according to access time, storage capacity and cost-
per-bit of storage.
In this unit, you will be introduced to the various types of storage devices used by the computer
system. A cost effective technique for the design of large computer systems is the use of a
hierarchy of memory technologies.
Unit 4: I/O Devices and their Functions : This unit is about Input/output devices, the
devices that connect you to your computer. Input devices let you input data and other
information into your computer and they also let you give your computer special instructions so
that it will know what to do. For example, you can type in data by using a keyboard, or you can
input data in picture form by using a scanner. On the other hand, output devices display the
results of your computer’s computations. Examples of these would be your computer’s monitor,
which displays all of the programs you’re running, as well as the printer, which will print out a
hard copy of the information.
Unit 5: My Personal Computer : This unit explains about the personal computer (PC), a
general-purpose computer, used for day to day activities in different areas including education,
business, administration and health. This unit have discussed about various types of personal
computer such as Desktop Computer, Laptop, Work Station, Netbook, Tablet PC etc, along
with the configuration of these computers. Also, in this unit, some Application software and
Utility software are explained.